Student Code of Conduct
and Handbook
1104 Balboa Ave., Panama City, FL 32401
Palm Bay Schools • 2024-2025 Student and Parent Handbook - updated 7/8/2024 • 1
Palm Bay Schools Vision Statement 3
Palm Bay Schools Mission Statement 3
Palm Bay Schools Mascot & Colors 3
Daily Conduct Pledge 3
Academic Programs and Policies
Pupil Progression Plan 4
*Electives 5
*Dual Enrollment 5
*Graduation Requirements 5
*State University Admissions 6
*Bright Futures Scholarships 6
Grading and Reporting K-12 7
Grading Scale 7
Report Cards 7
Honor Roll 8
Assessments 8
Homework 8
Introduction 8
Arrival/Dismissal 8
Absences 9
Tardies 10
Family Leave 10
Medical/Dental Appointments 11
Makeup Work 11
Driver’s License Requirements 11
Discipline Policy and Procedures
Discipline Policy 11
In School Suspension 12
Out of School Suspension 12
Suspension Notice to Parents 12
Right of Student Dismissal 13
Discipline of Students with Disabilities 13
Expulsion 14
Uniform/Dress Code Policy
On-campus Dress Code 14/15
General School Policies
Anonymous Reporting Tools 15
Bullying, Harassment and Cyberbullying 16
Cafeteria Behavior 17
Cheating/Plagiarism 17
Child Abuse 17
Communication and Parent Conferences 17
Confiscated Items 18
Contact Information 18
Dances, Sporting Events and Social Events 18
Electronic Devices 18
Eligibility Requirements/ExtraCurricular Activities 19
Emergencies 21
Family Rights and Privacy Act 22
Field Trips 22
Food and Drink 22
Grievance Procedure 23
Lost and Found 23
Medication 23
Safety Procedures 23
School Hours 23
Severe Weather 24
Sexual Harassment 24
Student Driving & Parking 24
Student Gifts 24
Students’ Rights/Public Education Records 25
Student Social Media Guidelines 25
Subject to Search 26
Technology Use Policy 26
Telephone 26
Visitors 26
Volunteers 26
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To improve the lives of our students
Provide authentic learning experiences, a collaborative, nurturing environment that will equip our
students for academic and personal success throughout their educational careers and beyond.
The mascot of Palm Bay Schools is the Black Panther.
Teal and white are the official colors of Palm Bay Schools. Black and gray are accent colors.
Kindness, Responsibility, Respect, and Integrity are found in our school’s core values and expectations.
Individual worth and high expectations for all students are also part of this value system.
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Palm Bay Progression Plan (Middle School)
Students must take Language Arts, Math Science, and Social Studies, plus Physical Education*
each year of middle school. In order to be promoted to high school, students must
successfully complete the following:
3 Language Arts
3 Math
3 Science
3 Social Studies (including Civics)
Career Planning
Civics End of Course Exam
*Students may be exempt from PE if taking a remedial course or with a parental waiver.
Palm Bay Prep Progression Plan (HIGH SCHOOL)
grade Credit
English I (Honors option) 1
Physical Science (Honors option) 1
World History (Honors option) 1
Mathematics 1
-Algebra I (Honors option)
-Geometry (Honors option)
-Algebra IA
Spanish I or PE 1
Elective (see below options) 1
Note: Students must earn 5 credits to be promoted to 10
English II (Honors and Dual-enrolled options) 1
Biology (Honors and Dual-enrolled options) 1
Mathematics 1
-Geometry (Honors option)
-Algebra II (Honors option)
-Dual-enrolled Options
Spanish or other Elective 1
Elective (see below for options) 2
Note: Students must earn 11 credits to be promoted to 11
English III (Honors and Dual-enrolled options) 1
Chemistry (Honors and Dual-enrolled options) 1
U.S. History (Honors and Dual-enrolled options) 1
-Algebra II (Honors option)
-Dual-enrolled Options
Physical Education or other Elective 1
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Elective (see below for options) 1
Note: Students must earn 17 credits to be promoted to 12
English IV (Honors and Dual-enrolled options) or English 4: FL College Prep 1
American Government (Honors and Dual-enrolled options) .5
Economics (Honors option) .5
Mathematics 1
-Algebra II
-Financial Literacy
-Dual-enrolled Options
Elective (see below for options) 3
Elective offerings may vary year to year and are subject to change based on teacher certification and
*Students who are required to take Intensive Reading/Math courses will have to substitute Intensive
Reading/Math for other electives.
Students who qualify may earn college credit (and high school credit) by taking online
Dual-enrolled courses from local colleges while simultaneously enrolled at Palm Bay Prep. To
participate in Dual-enrollment, students must meet the requirements set forth by the selected
college and receive permission from Palm Bay administration. (See school counselor for
articulation paperwork)
A student may earn only ten credits per year without a waiver.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS (for class of 2015 and thereafter) (HIGH SCHOOL)
Four-year Standard Graduation Requirements (minimum 24 credits)
4 credits English
4 credits math (including Algebra I & Geometry)
3 credits social studies (World History, U.S. History, American Government, Economics)
3 credits in science (two must have lab component)
1 credit physical education to include the integration of health
1 credit in fine arts
½ credit financial literacy
8 credits electives
* a minimum GPA of 2.0
* a passing score (Level 3+) on FAST ELA (Grade 10) AND Algebra 1 OR Geometry
Scholar Diploma Designation
In addition to meeting the 24-credit standard high school diploma requirements, a student must
Earn 1 credit in Algebra II;
Earn 1 credit in Statistics or an equally rigorous mathematics course;
Pass the Biology I EOC;
Earn 1 credit in Chemistry or Physics;
Earn 1 credit in a course equally rigorous to Chemistry or Physics;
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Pass the U.S. History EOC;
Earn 2 credits in the same World Language; and
Earn at least 1 credit in AP, IB, AICE or a dual enrollment course
# Three-year standard ACCEL program (18 credits)
4 credits in English
4 credits in math at the Algebra I level or higher
3 credits in social studies (World History, American History, American Government,
3 credits in natural science (two must have a lab component)
1 credit performing arts
3 credits in electives
* a 2.0 GPA
* a passing score (Level 3+) on FAST ELA (Grade 10) AND Algebra 1 OR Geometry EOC
# Students choosing to participate in an 18 credit graduation option must declare their
intent by the end of the 10
grade year. See the school counselor for more information.
To qualify to enter one of Florida’s public universities, a student must:
Meet all traditional requirements for high school graduation with a standard diploma
Maintain an appropriate grade point average in high school academic core courses
Achieve minimum admissions test scores (ACT or SAT)
The 18 high school credits required for State University Systems admission are:
4 English (3 with substantial writing)
4 mathematics (Algebra I and above)
3 natural science (2 with substantial lab)
3 social science
2 foreign language (in the same language)
2 approved electives (in certain combinations)
Students must meet with their counselor to ensure that courses satisfy SUS admission
Florida Academic Scholars/Florida Medallion Scholars must have:
16 credits in college preparatory courses in the following areas:
4 English (3 with substantial writing)
4 mathematics (Algebra I and above)
3 natural science (2 with substantial lab)
3 social science
2 foreign language (in the same language)
Up to three additional credits from courses in the academic areas listed above and/or AP
fine arts courses to raise the GPA
A 3.5 weighted GPA in the above courses; 100 hours of community service OR 100 Paid
hours; and a minimum score of 1340 on the SAT or 29 on the ACT to be a Florida
Academic Scholar (FAS)
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A 3.0 weighted GPA in the above courses; 75 hours of community service OR 100 Paid
work hours, and a minimum score of 1210 on the SAT or 25 on the ACT to be a Florida
Medallion Scholar (FMS)
Note: Florida Academic Scholars qualify for 100% tuition at a state university. Florida Medallion Scholars
qualify for 75% tuition at a state university or 100% tuition at a state community college.
Assessment and reporting of students’ classroom performance is assigned to the classroom
teacher. Grades will be based on factors including, but not limited to:
Participation in classroom discussions, and oral performance;
Quality of written work handed in, such as essays, answers to questions and reports;
Quality of projects completed, such as scientific exhibits, and creative work;
Physical performance and skills exhibited, such as laboratory and P.E.;
Performance on tests and examinations
*Attendance directly affects a student’s grades—instructional time in class is critical
to a successful academic career!
Indicates superior proficiency
and achievement a grade recommended for
4 grade
Indicates above average proficiency and
achievement a grade recommended for
3 grade
Indicates fair proficiency and
achievement NOT a grade recommended for
2 grade
Indicates minimum proficiency and
achievement credit given.
1 grade
59 or
Unacceptable work no credit given.
NO grade
Incomplete. Must be cleared within 2 weeks; is
considered an "F" until the teacher has cleared
the incomplete grade.
NO grade
Note: Students who take honors, Advanced Placement and Dual-enrolled courses can earn
weighted grade points for these courses.
Students will receive report cards 4 times per year at the end of each 9 week grading period.
Please check the academic calendar for dates that report cards will be available in Parent Portal.
Parents can check the progress of their student at any time using the Parent Portal.
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Students or parents who have a question regarding a report card grade should first attempt to
resolve the problem with the teacher concerned. The request for a grade review must be made
in writing within two weeks of the report card being issued. If the dispute is not resolved, the
teacher and/or student/parent may appeal to the Principal who will make the final decision.
Students who earn all As on their semester report card will be recognized as an A Honor Roll
student. If a student receives all As and B’s, she/he will be named on the A/B Honor Roll.
In addition to routine classroom quizzes and tests, high school students are required to take a
comprehensive semester exam in each course. No student may take an early or delayed
semester exam except for reasons of proven illness or family emergency.
Students must meet minimum passing score requirements (Level 3+) on the 10
grade Florida
Assessment in ELA and pass the Algebra 1 OR Geometry EOC test to earn a diploma.
Tenth grade students have the opportunity to take the PSAT, a “practice” test for the SAT and
the College Placement Test, which is required to participate in dual-enrolled classes.
Our belief is that good study habits and consistent completion of homework are necessary for
success in college. Homework is up to the individual teachers to assign as needed. Home work
may include reading for pleasure/information, practice work, and work that does not require a
lot of parental assistance for completion.
Parents are asked to partner with Palm Bay Schools by making sure that students are in
attendance at school as much as possible. There is a very clear and direct correlation between
student achievement and student attendance. While students may have the opportunity to
make up missed work, students cannot account for missed learning experiences. Students that
miss 10% or more of the school days for which they are enrolled (e.g., 18 days absent if
enrolled 180 days) regardless of whether the absences are considered excused, unexcused
and/or for disciplinary reasons are considered chronically absent by Palm Bay Schools. Being
chronically absent can have a significant impact on a student’s ability to read at grade level,
perform academically, and graduate on time.
Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. Students are expected to be in their class no later than 8:00 a.m.
It is important that students report to school on time. Students arriving before 8:00
a.m. are expected to report directly to their designated area. Students may not be on
campus unattended earlier than 7:30 a.m. as there is no supervision unless written
has been approved by Palm Bay administration.
The school day ends at 3:15 p.m. Students must be picked up no later than 3:15 p.m. through
the car lines. Students must leave school grounds immediately after dismissal, unless enrolled
in LEAP, Sports programs, or Tutoring/Enrichment Programs. LEAP students will not be
dismissed during regular dismissal and must be picked up after 3:45 p.m.The parking lot on
Balboa Avenue will be closed to traffic except for aftercare buses from 2:45 - 3:45 p.m. Pick-up
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plans should be finalized before the student comes to school. If a student needs to leave school
before the end of the school day, the parent or guardian must come to the school office and
sign him/her out. A school employee will send for the student. Students will not be dismissed
from the classroom, only the front office. *Students may not be checked out after 2:45
p.m.—instructional time is critical for our students to be successful!
Students will not be dismissed from any location except the car pick up line unless
approved by administration. If you live within a 1 mile radius of campus and would
like for your child to walk home, please bring proof of address documentation to the
front office. When you have turned in this documentation a liability release will be
provided to you to sign in order to allow your student to walk home.
All car riders K-12 are expected to have a car tag displayed from their vehicle. Before releasing
a student from school during school hours, the Principal or his/her designee shall establish the
identity and authority of any individual who seeks the release of a student from school. A
student shall be released only to the parents, legal guardians or other person authorized by the
parents or legal guardians on the student’s Emergency Information Form. Should a person
other than one authorized by the parents or legal guardians request the release of a student,
the Principal or his/her designee shall first obtain verbal consent of the parents or legal
guardians before releasing the student. In the event that a dispute arises between parents
regarding who is authorized to pick up a student from school, the student shall be released only
to the parents or legal guardians registering the student for school. Parents or legal guardians
shall fill out and return to the school a new Emergency Information Form at the beginning of
each school year. At the discretion of the Principal, the guardians may be asked to physically
sign the student out. Parents/legal guardians or other persons authorized by the parents/legal
guardians to pick up a child must have a picture ID to prove they have authority to remove the
student from campus. For additional security when the parent or guardian checks out a
student, the RAPTOR System will be used to streamline the process.
To avoid having the school become involved in personal family conflicts, parents or guardians
should submit to school administration copies of any legal documents that indicate who has
legal access to the child and his/her records during school hours. In the absence of legal
documentation, school officials will provide access only to those individuals whose names
appear on the student data card. Friends and strangers will be denied access to a student in
the absence of verified parental consent. Even if we know you are a parent, but you do not
have court specified rights to pick a child up at a time different from that specified, we will need
to secure permission prior to release.
The expectation at Palm Bay Schools is that all students will be in attendance each day of the
school year. Parents/guardians are responsible for the attendance of their children ages 6
through 16 years of age by law.
If a student is going to be absent, please call the school office before 8:00 a.m.
UNEXCUSED. Identified reasons will be evaluated based on the policy below regarding
excused or unexcused absences. The final decision for approval will rest with the school
principal. Failure by the school to successfully notify the parents will NOT negate the
attendance policy.
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Two (2) parent notes per 9 week period will be excused. All other undocumented
absences will be counted as unexcused.
Once a student has 5 or more absences (excused or unexcused), it will result in an
evaluation by the principal, or designee, of a potential pattern of non attendance and
may result in a Child Study Team conference with the parent/guardian.
More than 10 excused/unexcused absences in a semester is considered to be excessive.
A student at this time may be put on an attendance contract and may potentially be
dismissed from Palm Bay Schools if the problem is not remedied.
Acceptable excuses for students’ absences are illness (physician’s note required after 3 days), a
death in the family, a dental or doctors appointment (statement from doctor’s office required),
court appearance, a school-sponsored event or activity that has been previously approved or
religious holiday. Students may be released from school to participate in a religious observance
upon written request of his/her parent or legal guardian.
Unexcused absences are those absences that are not justified according to the rules of this
policy by the parent or legal guardian. In addition, truancy, out of school suspension, expulsion
and/or skipping are considered unexcused absences.
Skipping class is defined by one or more of the following criteria:
1. Failure to check out when leaving school before the end of the official school day.
2. Absent from class without parents or legal guardians knowledge and/or permission.
3. Absent from class without teacher knowledge and/or permission.
Students are expected to be in their classrooms at 8:00. After 8:00, the student will be
considered tardy. If the student arrives late to school, the parent MUST bring the student INTO
the office and sign them in. The student will then be given a tardy slip and he/she can go to
class. Five tardies will equal one unexcused absence. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be required to
attend a Child Study Team conference if a student is chronically tardy and may be potentially
dismissed from Palm Bay Schools if the problem is not remedied.
If the student drives him/herself to school, they will need to check themselves in and parents
will be notified of this tardy when this becomes a concern.
Middle and high school students are expected to be aware of the time and maintain
responsibility for making sure they get to class on time.
If students plan to miss school due to a family vacation, the parent or guardian must provide a
request two weeks in advance, in writing, to the Principal requesting Family Leave.
Non-emergency Family Leave will not be granted during exam weeks. Parents must
demonstrate that the leave cannot be taken during school breaks. Students must make up their
work either before they leave or within 5 days of their return to receive credit. If your child is
performing poorly in a class, the administration strongly suggests you NOT take leave. The
Principal has the authority NOT to approve leave requests. Denial of family leave will be
considered an unexcused absence. No family leave may last more than five days, and the total
family leave days each year may not exceed five days.
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Appointments should be made outside of school time whenever possible. Tardiness and
absence impede scholastic progress. When such appointments are impossible to obtain outside
of school time, an excused absence is granted for medical and dental appointments only when
official verification is received from the doctor or dentist and submitted by a parent in writing.
Students are expected to make up all work, including tests and exams missed during absences.
The student must contact the teacher on the first day back in school to make arrangements to
make up the work within two (2) school days. The teacher and/or the Principal may grant
additional time for making up work if warranted by the individual situation.
Students who are habitually absent may lose their driver’s license privileges. The Florida
Legislature requires schools to report to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
the names, dates of birth, sex, and social security number of minors who accumulate fifteen
(15) unexcused absences in a period of ninety (90) calendar days, thus making the student
ineligible for driving privileges. The legislation further provides that those minors who fail to
satisfy attendance requirements shall be ineligible for driving privileges. If the minor does not
have a license, he or she shall not be issued one upon application. Students aged fourteen until
their eighteenth birthday cannot get or keep their driver's privilege or license unless they are in
school, have successfully completed school, earned their GED certificate, or have a hardship
waiver. A student who has had their license suspended due to unexcused absences can apply
for reinstatement once they have attended school for 30 consecutive days without an
unexcused absence and have completed the necessary paperwork available in the office.
Reinstatement is delayed a day for each unexcused absence during that 30 day period.
All Palm Bay Schools are closed campuses (for lunch as well). After arriving at school,
students must not leave campus at any time without checking out in the Main Office with their
parent or guardian’s permission. Students who leave campus without explicit permission are
skipping and will be subject to disciplinary action.
While it is our desire to provide a fun and exciting environment for our students to grow and
learn, it is imperative that students behave in an appropriate manner. Therefore, any violation
of the policies and procedures established by Palm Bay Schools will result in disciplinary action.
Our desire is that any required disciplinary action will result in improved behavior and learning
on the part of the student. Parents will always be informed of any concerns related to a
student’s behavior.
Each teacher will establish appropriate procedures for discipline in his/her classroom.
1. Students are expected to respect the authority of teachers and all staff. All
teachers have authority over all students, not just those assigned to their class.
Additionally, students are expected to work during class time and follow teacher direction.
2. Malicious destruction of school property results in the replacement, repair or payment for
damages by either the student or his/her parents. The placement of stickers or writing on
school property is forbidden. Computer equipment is considered school property.
3. Items such as water pistols, matches, skateboards, toys, weapons of any sort, etc. are not
permitted at school.
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4. No notebooks, magazines, lunchboxes, etc. will be permitted that carry pictures or slogans
referring to the drug culture or alcohol. No profane, abusive or inappropriate language is to
be used.
5. The school promotes a zero tolerance policy for crime, substance abuse, and victimization.
6. Disciplinary policies include statements regarding anti-harassment, anti-bullying, and
anti-violence policies and due process rights in accordance with state and federal laws.
7. Disciplinary policies include procedures regarding student interviews by law enforcement
and the Department of Children and Families.
Students who have excessive tardies or who have committed minor infractions will be assigned
to In School Suspension (ISS). ISS is held during the school day. Failure to attend an assigned
ISS day will result in additional days of ISS being assigned or may result in Out of School
Suspension (OSS).
Students in ISS are expected to complete all teacher assigned classwork and follow schoolwide
Students may be suspended from school for offenses that include but are not limited to the
1. Fighting or other dangerous and/or disruptive behavior.
2. Smoking on school grounds or possession of tobacco products e-cigarettes/vapes.
3. Being under the influence or possession of alcoholic beverages or intoxicants of any kind
on school grounds.
4. Defacing or vandalism of school property.
5. Igniting any flammable substance or possession of products such as lighters.
6. Theft.
7. Harassment/Bullying of students, faculty, staff, parents, substitutes or visitors.
8. Repetitive disruptive behavior.
9. Rude or vulgar language, gestures, pictures or actions.
10. Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of
supervisors, teachers, administrators, other school officials or other school personnel
engaged in the performance of their duties.
11. Actions deemed to be unsafe or containing the potential to disrupt the educational
12. Inappropriate or misuse of Palm Bay name or logo on social media platforms.
The Bay District School Board passed a Code of Student Conduct Matrix that lists violations and
disciplinary actions that must be taken to deal with misconduct. Palm Bay Schools will comply
with the school district’s Code of Conduct, but retains the right to elevate standards and
expectations for behavior. (Please see “Right of Student Dismissal”)
At the time of suspension, the Principal or designee shall make a reasonable effort to contact
the parent/guardian by telephone or in person. Whenever a student is suspended, the
parent/guardian shall be notified in writing of the suspension and the date of return following
suspension. This notice shall state the specific offense committed by the student. In addition,
the notice may also state the date and time when the student may return to school.
Hearings related to implementation of the discipline policy at Palm Bay Education Group schools
shall be conducted by the governing board or their designee. The rules and procedures by
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which students will be disciplined shall be consistent with the requirements of due process and
in accordance with all federal and state regulations regarding students with disabilities.
FS 228.056 10(a) 7 identifies the charter school’s authority to develop and implement admission
procedures and dismissal procedures. The charter contract between Bay District Schools and
Palm Bay Schools affords the charter school the right of dismissal. Families and students who
fail to meet the Palm Bay Schools established policies for continued enrollment include the
Attendance requirements as per FS 1001.41 requiring a minimum of 160 days of
attendance and/or excessive tardies.
Behavior as per Palm Bay Schools policy.
Violations in the areas of attendance, behavior and/or uniform dress code will be
documented and a conference will be held with parents and students. Parents will
be notified in writing of the final declaration of dismissal.
For the purpose of this rule a student with disabilities is defined as any student appropriately classified as 504 or
Exceptional Student Education and presently placed in an exceptional student education program, excluding gifted.
Parental notification of policies, procedures, and student rights regarding discipline of students with disabilities shall
be provided, in writing, at the eligibility staffing meeting or when parental consent for 504/ESE placement is
Parental safeguards and rights of due process shall, in addition, be observed and followed at all steps in the process.
Additional information is available in the “Florida Department of Education District Implementation Guide for Section
504 (504 Guide)” or the "Special Programs and Procedures for Exceptional Students (SP&P)," adopted by the Board
pursuant to Section 1.103 and hereby incorporated by reference as a part of the Rules of the Bay County School
Suspension of Students with Disabilities.
The principal may suspend a student with disabilities for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) school days (or an
accumulation of ten (10) school days within a school year) without the provision of a free and appropriate public
education. Appropriate due process shall be observed, except in emergency situations in which a student's presence
poses a continuing danger to persons or property or represents an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic
Following procedures outlined in the 504 Guide or the SP&P Manual, the school must conduct a functional
behavioral assessment and develop a behavioral intervention plan. This must occur no later than ten (10) business
days after removing the student for more than ten (10) school days in a school year, If the student has a behavioral
intervention plan, the 504/IEP Team shall meet to review the plan and consider modifying the plan to address the
Suspension After Accumulation of Ten Suspension Days. At such time that accumulated suspensions exceed ten
(10) days within a school year and a pattern of removal has been determined, the principal shall convene the
504/IEP Team and include the principal or his/her designee. This Team shall review the student's program and
conduct a manifestation determination meeting to determine whether or not the student's disability is a precipitating
factor in the disciplinary infraction.
If the 504/IEP Team determines that the student's behavior is related to the student’s disability, then using procedures outlined
in the 504 Guide/SP&P, the Team will amend the student’s Plan to address the behaviors.
If the 504/IEP Team determines that the student's behavior is not related to the student’s disability, the Team shall
document the rationale for this decision in a manifestation determination meeting. In this case, procedures for
disciplinary action will follow its regular course of action, as designated in School Board Policy 7.203. Parents must
be informed of this decision. In no case will services cease for a student with a disability.
Expulsion of Students with Disabilities. If the student to be expelled is a student with disabilities, the following
procedures from the 504 Guide/SP&P must be followed. Instances in which students with disabilities engage in
behavior that could warrant expulsion action are described in School Board Policy 7.203.
1. Expulsion of an identified student with disabilities constitutes a change in educational placement and may not
be an exclusion from educational services.
2. When a principal plans to recommend expulsion for a student with disabilities, the Superintendent or his/her
designee shall be notified that a 504/ IEP Team meeting will be held. The Team shall meet to determine whether
the student's misconduct is a manifestation of his/her disability.
3. The 504/IEP Team shall determine the relationship of the student's behavior to the student’s disability and
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amend the Plan to provide the alternative placement and/or programming. In no case may the District cease
provision of educational services.
4. Policies and procedures for conducting 504/IEP meetings and providing procedural safeguards to parents or
legal guardians of students with disabilities consistent with Fla. Admin. Code R. 6A-0331(3) apply to this meeting.
5. A copy of these policies and procedures shall be given to parents or legal guardians of students with
disabilities at eligibility and 504/IEP manifestation determination meetings.
Disciplinary Decision Appeal Procedures
A disciplinary decision of a teacher may be appealed to the principal. The principal's decision may be appealed to the
Superintendent or his/her designee. An electronic copy of the decision and notification of the right to appeal shall be
furnished to the student, parents, or legal guardians via Parent Portal. The student, parents, or legal guardians shall
have five (5) working days from receipt of notification of the disciplinary decision to appeal.
The Principal may recommend to the County School Board to expel a student for any of the
following, including those items listed in Bay District Schools Policy 7.201.
These include, but are not limited to:
1. Possession, use or transmission of a weapon including, but not limited to a gun, knife,
razor, explosive, ice pick or club.
2. Possession, use of, or transmission of illegal substances including, but not limited to
e-cigarettes/vapes, and non-prescribed medications.
3. Using any article as a weapon or in a manner calculated to threaten any person.
4. Committing a serious breach of conduct including, but not limited to, an assault on
school personnel or on another pupil, lewd or lascivious act, arson, vandalism or any
other such act, which disrupts or tends to disrupt the orderly conduct of the school
5. Engaging in less serious but continuing misconduct including, but not limited to, the use
of profane, obscene or abusive language or other acts that are detrimental to the
educational function of the school including the failure to complete assigned work on a
continuous basis.
Prior to expulsion, the student has the right to a fair hearing as outlined by the Code of
*If a student is dismissed from Palm Bay Schools for the reasons listed above, they
will not be eligible for re-enrollment.
*Students must wear a Palm Bay T-shirt or Polo every day.
*ALL outerwear (sweater, jacket, sweatshirt : no hoodies) must be solid white, solid gray, or solid black
or school-purchased with Palm Bay logo (solid means no logos, graphics, or embellishments)
All bottoms must be Khaki, Blue, Black, Gray or solid color Blue or Black Jeans
(NO rips or tears in any part of the jeans).
Pants, skirt, shorts, skorts and capris may be worn and must extend to the knee
K-2 grade girls may wear solid black, solid gray or solid navy blue leggings
3-12 grade students may not wear leggings, sweat pants, joggers, or athletic pants
They must be worn at the natural waistline
In accordance with Florida State Law SB228: ▪ Undergarments shall not be visible
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No Slippers, Slides, No Crocs or No Rubber shoes (with or without socks).
No Heels Higher than 1 inch
No Backless Shoes and No FlipFlops
Closed toes shoes MUST be worn
Hair: Unnatural hair colors are not permitted on campus (i.e. fluorescent, pink, bright green,
etc.). This includes unnatural colors weaved into hair. No hats, bandanas or gang related
headwear may be worn. Essentially, no headwear is allowed except for hair barrettes, hair
bands, etc. If there is a question, please ask.
No visible piercing other than modest earrings or studs in ears only.
No visible undergarments.
No colored ear gages—clear only.
NO facial piercing; NO HOOPS or SEPTUM PIERCINGS; small nose studs permitted
No wallet chains or heavy chains.
Discipline consequences will be enforced. Parents/guardians will be contacted to bring in
proper attire if your child arrives at school out of dress code. Please check your child before
leaving home to avoid any problems.
1st violation: Parent Contact
2nd violation: Student Documentation
3rd violation: Discipline Referral with logical consequence (loss of privilege, morning
detention, etc.)
Speakout Hotline The “SpeakOut” program provides a monitored 24-hour hotline that allows
students, parents, or community members to call anonymously and report concerns regarding
drugs, weapons, violence, abuse, suicide, bullying/harassment, or other problems. It has
contributed to the district’s ability to be proactive in responding to various situations before
they escalate to the crisis level. Speak-Out Hotline 1-800-423-8477. You may also download the
P3 Campus app on android or iPhone devices to report. FortifyFL FortifyFL is a suspicious
activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law
agencies and school officials. Students who report any of the above listed activities/information
to the appropriate authorities may have their names held in confidence and the School District
agrees not to release the students name to any other student, except in the event of a
substantive or serious substantive threat as determined by the school Behavior Threat
Assessment Team.
Palm Bay Schools are committed to provide a safe, positive, productive, and nurturing
educational environment for all of its students and employees. Bullying or harassment toward a
student or employee, whether by other students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited and
will not be tolerated.
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Bullying means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress
on one or more students or school employees. It is unwanted and repeated written, verbal, or
physical behavior, including any threatening, insulting, dehumanizing gesture, by an adult or
student, that is severe or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
educational environment; cause discomfort or humiliation; is carried out repeatedly and is
often characterized by an imbalance of power, or unreasonably interfere with the
individual’s school performance or participation; and may involve but not limited to:
Unwanted teasing or taunting Physical violence
Social exclusion Theft
Threat Sexual,religious, or racial/ethnic harassment
Intimidation Public humiliation
Stalking Destruction of property
Violations of this policy should be immediately reported to the principal or designee as soon as
possible after the alleged incident. The principal or designee will promptly investigate reports of
bullying or harassment. If the investigation finds an instance of bullying or harassment has
occurred, it will result in prompt and appropriate remedial and/or disciplinary action.
Harassment means any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, use of data or
computer software, or written, verbal, or physical conduct (including slurs, nicknames implying
stereotypes, epithets and negative references related to that characteristic) directed at a
student or employee based upon legally protected characteristics against a student or an
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and
tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, text messages, and apps, or online in social
media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content.
Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content
about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else
causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or
criminal behavior.
The most common places where cyberbullying occurs are:
Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Tik Tok
Text messaging and messaging apps on mobile or tablet devices
Instant messaging, direct messaging, and online chatting over the internet
Online forums, chat rooms, and message boards, such as Reddit
Online gaming communities
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Each student is required to show good manners, courtesy and consideration of other students
and adults in the cafeteria. Students will enter and exit the cafeteria in an orderly fashion.
Students will stand in a single file line while waiting for food, keep communication noise levels
low, and stay seated unless they have been given permission to leave their seat. Students are
required to dispose of trash on and around their table before the lunch period is over (or
immediately upon the request of the monitors) in the trash receptacles. A student is not allowed
to leave the school grounds during the lunch period. NO FOOD OR BEVERAGE IS TO BE
posted and all students are expected to follow them at all times. Food or other objects are not
allowed to be thrown at any time while in the cafeteria as this poses a safety concern; such acts
may result in disciplinary action.
Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses which will result in suspension and a zero for the
assignment or test or possible reassessment/submission of assignment. Cheating is defined as
giving or taking of information or materials with the purpose of wrongfully aiding oneself or
another person in academic work that is to be considered in determining a grade. Plagiarism,
considered literary theft, involves copying/passing off answers, ideas, or words of another one’s
own. Also, the work a student produces should be their own authentic piece of work and not
generated from an artificial intelligence website or generator.
State law and Palm Bay Schools policy require all persons responsible for the welfare of children
staff member who notices physical neglect or bodily harm or who has reasonable suspicion of
emotional or sexual abuse will be required to make an official report to the appropriate legal
agency, as required by law.
Palm Bay teachers will communicate regularly with parents regarding their child’s academic
performance and/or behavior. However, should the need arise, teachers will schedule
parent-teacher conferences. Parents are also encouraged to schedule a parent-teacher-student
conference whenever they wish to discuss academic concerns with their child’s teachers. If
conferences are desired, parents should call the school to schedule a conference with the
teacher or guidance counselor.
Teachers have a number of ways to communicate with parents. Platforms used are Class
DOJO, Remind, email, and phone calls. Teachers have limited availability to respond to
communication during the school day. They are expected to reply to communication within 24
hours of receipt. Teachers are also not required to respond to communication after 3:45 p.m.
or before 7:30 a.m. If you have a pressing matter, please call the school office.
Palm Bay Schools sends out monthly/bimonthly newsletters and updates to parents via Remind,
our facebook and the Palm Bay website. These announcements contain important information
related to school activities and events.
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When an item is confiscated from a student, reasonable attempts will be made to contact the
parent to inform the parent of the confiscation. Parents or guardians will be required to come
to school to retrieve the item from a school official and sign off on the Return of Property
document. Palm Bay Schools are not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of confiscated
It is critical that parent contact information is kept up-to-date in the school records. Please
ensure that your mailing address, phone numbers, and email address is current with the school.
Palm Bay Schools communicate primarily with parents through email, so it is of utmost
importance that we have your correct email address. Also, be sure that the student’s
Emergency Contact form is accurate and up-to-date as it is our means of contacting parents in
the event of an emergency.
Palm Bay schools sponsor dances, sporting events, and/or other social events throughout the
school year. All school rules and policies apply to all school-sponsored events whether the
event is held on-campus or off-campus. The following rules apply to student participation in
1. Students must arrive no later than 30 minutes after the scheduled start of a dance.
Students will not be admitted after that time.
2. All guests that do not attend Palm Bay Prep Academy must have prior approval from
Administration. Approval forms must be submitted to administration by the deadline for
3. Students may not go “in and out of the dance. Once they have entered, they may not
exit the facility.
4. Student attire at dances must not be provocative or inappropriate. No clothing deemed
inappropriate by school administrators will be authorized.
Any student who violates these parameters or is deemed to be dressed inappropriately will be
sent home immediately.
Cell phones are valuable and important communicative devices in today’s world. However, use
of cell phones during the instructional day seriously impedes and distracts from the learning
process. In compliance with State of Florida House Bill379 Section 4 (2) f which prevents
students from using personal cell phones and other wireless devices during “instructional time.
The use of a cell phone by a student while school is in session is not allowed. All cell phones
and electronic devices must remain “off and must remain in the students book bag during
school hours. Students who use cell phones at school will have the cell phone confiscated and
the phone will only be returned to the parent/guardian. If a cell phone is brought to school and is
lost or stolen, the school is not responsible for the loss. Unauthorized electronic devices, such
as handheld games, and earbuds should not be brought to school. Students who bring
unauthorized electronic devices to school will have them confiscated. If these items are brought
to school and are lost or stolen, the school is not responsible for the loss.
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Repeated violations will result in disciplinary measures:
First Offense: The electronic device will be returned to the parent/guardian of the student.
Second Offense: The electronic device will be returned to the parent/guardian of the student
and the student will receive detention.
Third Offense: Parent must sign paperwork acknowledging the electronic device will be returned
at the end of the academic year. Failure to surrender items will result in a disciplinary
Parents: you can help enforce this policy by not calling or texting your children during the day.
In case of a family emergency, please call the school office.
For eligibility purposes, a grading period is defined as one semester. A semester is defined as
one half of a school year (approximately 18 school weeks or 90 school days). This definition is
applicable to all schools regardless of the type of scheduling format (e.g. block, traditional, etc.)
A student must have a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0
unweighted scale, or its equivalent, in all courses taken that are required by Florida Statute, at
the conclusion of each semester to be eligible during the following semester for extracurricular
Likewise, a student who is academically ineligible at the beginning of a semester will continue
to be academically ineligible for that entire semester, except as provided in FHSAA Bylaw The student’s academic eligibility for each successive semester will depend upon
his/her cumulative GPA at the conclusion of the previous semester. FHSAA Bylaw states
a student cannot be academically eligible if he/she has not attended school and received grades
for all courses taken during the previous two consecutive semesters. (See FHSAA Bylaws)
FHSAA Handbook: and FHSAA
1. A student shall be eligible during the first semester of his/her ninth-grade year provided that
it is the student’s first entry into the ninth grade and
he/she was regularly promoted from the eighth grade the immediate preceding year.
2. A student who is ineligible during the second semester of his/her ninth-grade year or during
the first semester of his/her 10th grade year because
the student’s cumulative high school grade point average was below a 2.0 at the conclusion of
the previous semester and continues to be below a 2.0 at the conclusion of the semester of
ineligibility may regain his/her eligibility for the following semester provided:
a. the student signs an academic performance contract with his/her school at the beginning of
the semester in which he/she is ineligible that
states, at a minimum, that the student will attend summer school, or its graded equivalent, –
b. earns a grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 unweighted scale, or its equivalent, in
all courses taken during the semester of
3. Once a student enters the 11th grade, and thereafter, he/she must have a cumulative high
school grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0
unweighted scale, or its equivalent, in all courses taken that are required by Florida Statute, at
the conclusion of each semester to be eligible
Palm Bay Schools • 2024-2025 Student and Parent Handbook - updated 7/8/2024 • 19
during the following semester.
4. All courses taken for high school credit by a student, including those taken prior to his/her
ninth-grade year, shall be included in the computation
of the student’s cumulative high school grade point average.
All high schools shall be members of the Florida High School Activities Association and shall be
governed by the bylaws of that organization. These
schools shall also follow the requirements for all extracurricular activities as prescribed by
Florida law. For further details, refer to the FHSAA
Handbook and the Florida Statute. [Sections 1003.43(2) and 1006.15, Florida Statutes]
1. A student will become academically eligible upon his or her promotion to the 6th grade.
2. Thereafter the student must maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) for each semester or
cumulative GPA on a 4.0 unweighted scale.
3. A student who is ineligible because the students’ cumulative middle school grade point
average is below a 2.0 may have his or her eligibility reinstated by earning a 2.0 grade point
average or higher in all courses taken the previous semester. The student shall remain eligible
so long as he/she maintains a 2.0 grade point average for each subsequent semester or has a
cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher at the conclusion of the semester.
4. A 7th or 8th grade student is eligible if the cumulative unweighted GPA or previous
semester’s unweighted GPA is a 2.0 or higher.
5. Students may only participate one time in each grade level.
6. A student only has 3 years of athletic eligibility in middle school starting from the year they
enter into 6th grade.
1. A student not currently suspended from interscholastic or interscholastic extracurricular
activities, or not suspended or not on an alternative
disciplinary placement from school, pursuant to a district school board’s suspension, alternative
disciplinary placement, or expulsion
powers provided by law, including Sections 1006.07, 1006.08, and 1006.09, Florida Statutes, is
eligible to participate in interscholastic and
interscholastic extracurricular activities.
2. A student may not participate in a sport if the student participated in that same sport at
another school during that school year, unless the
student meets the criteria in Section 1006.15 (3)(h), Florida Statutes.
3. A student’s eligibility to participate in any interscholastic or intrascholastic extracurricular
activity may not be affected by any alleged
recruiting violation until final disposition of the allegation pursuant to Section 1006.20(2)(b),
Florida Statutes.
4. All student athletes are to complete and submit the required athletic packet prior to
participating in any capacity in school interscholastic or intrascholastic extracurricular activity.
5. Falsification of any required documents shall result in loss of athletic eligibility for 365 days
upon confirmation that documents submitted were falsified.
6. Student discipline violations with policies herein:
For In-School Suspension: Students may participate in athletic activities during in-school
suspension except for when the discipline
includes loss of extracurricular activities (principal’s discretion).
For Out-of-School Suspension: Students assigned to Out-of-School Suspension shall be excluded
from participating in all extracurricular activities from the date of the offense until completion of
the disciplinary action. In accordance with Palm Bay Schools Code of
Palm Bay Schools • 2024-2025 Student and Parent Handbook - updated 7/8/2024 • 20
Conduct, the length of loss of privileges will be thirty (30) school days when the second
suspension begins and sixty (60) school days when the third suspension begins. Any
subsequent suspension that does not result in alternative disciplinary placement or expulsion
will include an additional loss of privileges for ninety (90) school days. However, the principal
may go beyond the minimum number of days listed above at his/her discretion. (See Section
IX) Students referred to the Hearing Officer are not eligible to participate in athletic events until
the completion of the hearing and any consequences issued by the Hearing Officer from the
date of the offense until the disciplinary action is finalized. Some factors that may be
considered when determining whether a student is eligible to participate in extracurricular
interscholastic or intrascholastic activities include, but are not limited to the following:
School attendance rules that may prevent a student from participating (See Attendance Rules in
Section I.)
Alcohol/drug related behavior
Social Media issues
Dress Code Policy
Limit of Eligibility – 4 years for high school, 3 years for middle school
Age Limit
o High School– a student who reaches the age of 19 prior to July 1 shall become permanently
o Middle School – A middle school student may participate in interscholastic athletic competition
until reaching the age of 15 years,
9 months. Upon reaching the age of 15 years, 9 months, the student shall be ineligible for
further participation in interscholastic
athletic competition.
Failure to complete and turn in the physical evaluation form (EL2 – FHSAA – Physical Evaluation
Form) and Consent, Release from
Liability Certificate (EL3 – Consent and Release Form) and required athletic packet
Any other district policy which would remove or prevent a student from participating in athletic
Illness: Students should not be sent to school when they are ill. If a student becomes
ill during the school day and it appears they would be best cared for at home, the parent will
be contacted. There are very limited facilities in the school, making it impossible to keep sick
students for long periods of time. School personnel must be notified of any student’s chronic
illness (i.e. asthma, diabetes, heart conditions or seizures). This heightens awareness in case of
an emergency.
Injury: The procedures listed below will be followed for an injured student:
1. Teachers will send the student to the office if the injury is minor.
2. Teachers will notify the office if the student is unable to be moved.
3. Trained personnel will administer first aid.
4. The parent(s) will be called and the injury described. For a minor injury the parent will
make the decision about removing the student from the school. Emergency contact
persons will be called if the parent cannot be reached.
5. The Emergency Medical Squad (EMS) will be called for critical injuries that require the
type of care that school personnel cannot provide and the parent or emergency contact
will be notified.
6. An accident report will be completed and filed for accidents.
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The revised Family Rights and Privacy Act became a Federal law in November 1974. The intent
of this law is to protect the accuracy and privacy of student educational records. Without your
prior consent, only you and authorized individuals having legitimate educational interests will
have access to your child’s educational records. In special instances, you may waive this right of
access to allow other agencies working with your child to have access to those records. An
employee of PALM BAY SCHOOLS will be present during the viewing of all records. Copy costs
will be assessed after the first 10 copies at a rate of $.10 per copy.
Religious Expression State Statute 1002.206(2) A school district may not discriminate against a
student, parent, or school personnel on the basis of a religious viewpoint or religious expression. A
school district shall treat a student’s voluntary expression of a religious viewpoint on an otherwise
permissible subject in the same manner that the school district treats a student’s voluntary expression
of a secular viewpoint. (3)(a)A student may express his or her religious beliefs in coursework,
artwork, and other written and oral assignments free from discrimination. A student’s homework and
classroom assignments shall be evaluated, regardless of their religious content, based on expected
academic standards relating to the course curriculum and requirements. A student may not be
penalized or rewarded based on the religious content of his or her work if the coursework, artwork, or
other written or oral assignments require a student’s viewpoint to be expressed.
As a learning experience, teachers may plan field trips. Field trips provide students with
educational hands-on learning experiences. Please take notice that field trip forms must be
correctly completed and returned with money by the deadline. Field trip deadlines are strictly
adhered to. Please return forms early to eliminate last minute problems that may prevent a
student from attending a field trip. No refunds will be given, due to bookkeeping procedures
and the necessity for advance arrangements for ticket purchases and transportation contracts.
All students are required to travel to and from school field trips with the school group.
Chaperones must be 21 years of age or older. No siblings or other children may accompany a
chaperone on a school field trip. All chaperones will be required to have their driver’s license
scanned via the RAPTOR System. Participating in field trips is a privilege. Students serve as
representatives of the school; therefore, they may be excluded from participation in any trip for
reasons relating to behavior, conduct or grades. Participation will be determined by the grades
from the most recently published report card or progress report. Any School Suspension can
negate attending a field trip. Parent permission must be given for students to participate in field
trips. The teacher will send permission slips and information about each field trip 2-4 weeks
prior to each field trip. The students must wear a uniform shirt on all field trips unless
advised otherwise by the teacher. THE SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY DOES NOT
Only the teacher in charge may send or receive telephone calls during field trips. Students
may be checked out of any off-campus field trip with required documentation.
All students are offered free breakfast and lunch through the National School Lunch and
Breakfast program for the school year 2024- 2025. Palm Bay Schools provide all breakfast and
lunches. A standard menu will be used, and the monthly menu can be picked up or viewed
online. Breakfast and lunch will be served in the cafeteria/multi-purpose room. As part of the
National School Lunch and Breakfast program, outside food from restaurants and fast food
establishments cannot be dropped off or eaten in the cafeteria unless the parent sits with the
child in the designated seating located on the stage of the cafeteria.
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We are striving to promote healthy eating habits, we discourage sugary foods, candy, cookies,
gum, and foods heavy in red dye. Please DO NOT allow your students to bring large bags of
Snacks/Candy to school; they will be asked to throw them away if not eaten in the cafeteria.
Students are also highly discouraged from sharing food with other students.
Food, candy, and gum are PROHIBITED in classrooms due to potential damage to school
property. Only clear bottles are permitted with water while on campus.
If parents would like to eat with their student, Palm Bay Schools provide a designated area in
the cafeteria to sit with them.
If a student or his/her parents feel they have a grievance or complaint, they should do the
1. Seek to resolve the problem with the teacher, if applicable. Always start with the
2. If there is still no solution, schedule an appointment with administration.
3. Appeals to the administrative decisions may be made in writing to the Palm Bay Board
of Directors.
Visits to teachers should be made by making an appointment with the teacher at convenient
times for both parties.
Students should put their names on their personal belongings. Lost items will be
turned into the front office and may be claimed in the front office. Items not claimed within a
reasonable amount of time will be given to charity. Students should not leave personal items
unattended. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
The administering or dispensing of any medicines (including non-prescription medication) to
students by employees of Palm Bay Schools without specific written authorization by the
parents and physician of the student is forbidden. If it is absolutely necessary that the child
take any medication while he/she is in school, the parent must sign an authorization form and
have the form completed by their physician. Please obtain this form in the school office. The
medication will be kept in the office and will be administered by office personnel. A parent may
also choose to come to school and administer medication.
If you visit the school, you MUST enter through the designated school entrance and sign in with
the front desk/office staff. You MUST have your driver’s license with you so that the front office
staff can verify. A visitor’s badge will be printed for you and you MUST wear the badge at all
times while on campus. The visitor’s badge will be printed via the RAPTOR System. All gates
will be locked to ensure a safe and secure campus.
7:30 a.m. – Earliest time when students may enter the side gate- Office opens.
7:30 -7:55 a.m. - Breakfast available in the Cafeteria
8:00 a.m. – School day officially begins
3:15 p.m. – School day officially ends
3:45 p.m. – Main Office closes
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Palm Bay Schools will follow the same emergency closing procedures as the local public school
district in case of severe weather emergencies. Parents should watch the local news and/or
social media for information about school closings.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or
other inappropriate verbal, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature that takes place under
any of the following circumstances:
When submission to such conduct is made, explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of
employment, instruction or participation in other school activities;
When submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used by the
offender as the basis for making personnel or academic decisions affecting the individual
subjected to sexual advances; and/or
When such conduct has the effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's work
and/or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or
learning environment.
It is against Palm Bay Schools policy and unlawful for Palm Bay Schools employees to commit
acts of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment committed by students against students or staff
is inappropriate behavior and violates Palm Bay Schools policies.
If you believe that you are the subject of sexual harassment or the focus of inappropriate
behavior, you should report such incidents to your parents and school authorities. You can
report the information verbally or in writing to the Principal, a counselor, a teacher or another
staff person.
When reporting an incident, it is helpful to provide as much information as possible. Such
information includes: (1) a description of the event or events, (2) the number of occurrences
with dates and places, (3) the names of any witnesses, and (4) if appropriate, documents,
papers and/or other exhibits.
Students may receive guidance, advice, support, and/or advocacy from school staff, including
administrators, counselors, teachers or other staff.
Palm Bay Prep is not responsible for students who choose to drive or ride in personal vehicles
to school or from school. Palm Bay Prep expects that students will obey all vehicular laws and
practice safety at all times. Palm Bay Prep is not responsible for damage or theft of vehicles
while on school property. Palm Bay Prep is not responsible for students who choose to ride with
other student drivers. Reckless or irresponsible driving will be reported to the police. Students
may not have access to their vehicles during school hours. Students who drive to campus
are required to fill out a Student Parking form and pay a $25 annual fee. Each
student will be required to park in a designated parking spot and display a parking
Palm Bay Schools discourage sending or bringing gifts such as balloons, flowers, etc., to
students. Office space is very limited, and we do not have the staff to deliver these. If you send
these, they will be held in the front office for pick up at the end of the day.
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Students have the right to feel safe from threats and bodily harm. Disruptive behaviors are
never acceptable, and when they occur, they will result in disciplinary action, including but not
limited to: exclusion from participation in class activities, suspension or recommended for
Parents who have a conflict with a student other than their own child are requested
to speak to Administration. At no time may parents approach the student directly.
All students and employees will be treated with respect. Slurs, innuendos, hostile treatment,
violence or other verbal or physical conduct against a student or employee will NOT be
Palm Bay Schools expects students to set and maintain high ethical standards in their use of
social networking. Personal use of social media can have an effect at school. While at times it
is easy to tell whether social media use is school-related or personal, it can also be difficult to
distinguish fully between different uses. At times, personal social media use, including outside
of school hours, could result in disruption at school and the school may need to get involved.
This could include disciplinary actions such as parent conference, suspension, and/or expulsion.
This could also initiate the Behavior Threat Assessment process. To be safe, be in control of
what you do online, even if it is during personal time. If you wish to promote a specific activity
or event, you may do so only by means of a link to school official social media accounts.
Palm Bay Schools • 2024-2025 Student and Parent Handbook - updated 7/8/2024 • 25
All persons, including students, coming onto the Palm Bay Schools campus are subject to
search of their person and property when there is a reasonable suspicion that there is a
violation of school rules or the law.
To use a school computer, computer network and/or Internet services, each student is required
to sign and return an "Acceptable Use" contract. This contract requires the student’s signature
as well as the signature of a parent/guardian. Use of school computers, networks, and access
to the Internet are privileges that may be restricted or revoked at any time. Obscene or
offensive use of computer tools will result in disciplinary action.
The school has a business telephone to help transact the business of the school and the lines
must be kept open. We CANNOT deliver a personal message to an individual student or
teacher without interrupting the instructional program. Emergency messages will be delivered
when needed.
(Ex. Holiday celebrations, field day, award ceremonies, mentors, guest speakers, lunch, etc.)
Check-in: All visitors must sign-in at the front office and be screened using the RAPTOR system
(Level 1) prior to campus access. A state-issued ID, valid passport, or other ID from the country
of origin is required.
On Campus:
Visitors must remain under the supervision of school staff during the duration of the
Visitors must remain in designated campus location.
Visitors are not permitted to go to classrooms unannounced during school hours because this
disrupts normal routine and instruction.
To volunteer at Palm Bay Schools and work with students in a supervised setting, you must
Complete a school volunteer form
Be screened using the RAPTOR system
Forms are available in the school office.
All persons, including staff, students and visitors are subject to search of their persons and
property when there is reasonable suspicion that there is a violation of school policy or State
and Local laws.
*In the event a specific policy is not covered by this Student Handbook, the provisions of the
Bay District School Policies shall govern.*
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