March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
ERA Forum March 2021 Webinar Questions & Answers
This document contains the questions and answers about Modernization Updates and Proposal Preparation Demo Site: Available
Functionalities for Proposers, Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS), and Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
discussed during the ERA Forum Webinar on March 31, 2021.
For further questions and ongoing feedback about proposal preparation and submission, click the Feedback button at the bottom
of the homepage, email [email protected] or call 1-800-381-1532. For questions regarding NSF proposal and award policies and
procedures, please see the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1) or email [email protected].
Biographical Sketch
Can “et al” be used with the NSF approved fillable PDF as it is in the
author section of publications? If so, is it being accepted for current
Yes. "Senior personnel who wish to include publications in the
products section of the biographical sketch that include multiple
authors may, at their discretion, choose to list one or more of the
authors and then "et al." in lieu of including the complete listing of
authors' names.
Does the Biographical Sketch bibliographic references need to be in
APA format?
No. That is not an NSF format requirement.
From the list of available degrees, may we add “Certification” or
something similar? [in SciENcv]
NSF will consider this request, and, if appropriate, we will work with
SciENcv to add a certification option. In the interim, the user may
select "Other".
Once an extra field is added for an author, the tool does not allow the
user to remove it, which results in having to start over from the
beginning of the entry. Will NSF offer the ability to delete an extra
author field? [in SciENcv]
NIH SciENcv would need to make this change. We will pass this on to
them for feasibility review and prioritization.
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support
After upload of the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending
Support, if an error or non-compliance is detected with the updated
templates, will that cause the application not to complete the
upload? In, what capability will be provided if there are
any errors/warnings with the Biographical Sketch and/or Current and
Pending Support sections?
The NSF-Approved Formats for the Biographical Sketch page
( and NSF-
Approved Formats for Current and Pending Support page
( include links to FAQs
and other important information about completing and upload these
Biographical Sketch and COA
My team has noticed technical issues when submitting proposals on These issues primarily include error and warning
messages regarding Biographical Sketches and COAs, which are
sometimes inaccurate. In addition, COAs were often uploaded blank
and/or missing certain cells. Is this a widely known issue and has it
been addressed?
Refer to the Biographical Sketch FAQs to ensure the Biographical
Sketch is being populated, downloaded, and saved correctly to avoid
error messages. A technical fix was implemented to resolve the
warnings that were displayed for Biographical Sketches uploaded in
If the formatting of the COA template is altered, that can cause issues
such as the template appearing blank when uploaded and warnings
being generated. We recommend to not alter the formatting of the
COA template to prevent the template from appearing blank and
warnings from being generated.
Biographical Sketch NSF Fillable Format
When will the Biographical Sketch forms be fixed?
-- There needs to be more space under Other Significant Products or
Synergistic Activities.
-- There needs to be room for full citations; citations get cut off.
A second page will be added to the Biographical Sketch this fall.
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
In cases where a proposal is submitted through FastLane and funded,
do budget changes have to be submitted through If so,
please provide additional information on this requirement.
For a proposal originally submitted in FastLane, a budget revision
would be created and submitted in FastLane.
On the budget tab, if there are 3 senior personnel (PI and 2 co-PIs)
and one of the co-PIs has zero month in year one and three months in
year 2, should zero be entered in the budget total for that individual?
Previously in Fastlane, users were not able to have a Senior Personnel
with no funding.
A co-PI must have months and dollars in at least one budget year. A
budget can include years without months and dollars for a co-PI. All
senior personnel on the project without funding in at least one year
are to be included in Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources.
Please advise on how to handle a PI that is not being paid. Do you
want his Current & Pending? To give it to you we have to pay him $1.
If we put him in Facilities... then we can only give you the CV at the
appendices? Please give us a clear direction on this case. It is
common for a PI with significant input to not be paid on one
On a proposal budget, click the [manage] link next to
Senior Personnel. In the "Manage Senior Personnel Shown in Budget"
modal, move the PI to the "Removed from Budget" list. The Senior
Personnel Documents for the PI will still be required.
Will there ever be a reminder that NSF requires 2.0 months in the
personnel budget, or what the PAPPG states to do if you request
more, just as a reminder? includes validation checks on the Months field for the
values entered in the budget.
Current and Pending Support
Could you please clarify how projects should be listed in the Current
& Pending Support? Does the project being applied for appear first,
followed by current then pending? Or does it begin with current, then
the project being applied for followed by other pending projects?
Thank you.
While the PAPPG does not state a required order, status of support is
identified in the NSF approved formats as:
*Submission Planned
*Transfer of Support
If you are using the NSF Fillable Form, this order is not enforced. If
you are using NIH SciENcv, regardless of the order you enter the
status of support, the downloaded PDF will include the support in the
order identified above.
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Does NSF require non-paid effort to be shown on the fillable Current
and Pending Support form?
Yes. Non-paid effort is a type of support. And their name and the
estimated amount of time to be devoted to the project should be
identified in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of
the proposal.
In a case where a PI has an active grant with no effort, and the
information is entered as such in the Current and Pending Support,
the system does not allow the user to advance to the next entry
because it requires the person months information. The same issue
occurs for proposals that have cost sharing. How should the user
handle these cases?
Individuals should only include projects to which they are committing
time/person months.
In some instances, an institution’s fiscal year runs from July to June,
so it spans two calendar years. Based on the FAQs, the latter of the
two calendar years should be used in the “Year” field on the Current
and Pending Support document. However, the system will not allow
this if the fiscal year used falls after the last project year. How should
this situation be addressed?
For example: The last three months of the project 07/2024-09/2024
fall within our fiscal year 2025, but the system errors when the year
2025 is included.
NSF will discuss this issue further, and, if appropriate, we will speak
with NIH about the validation for this instance. In the meantime, the
user should use calendar year.
In the past, some solicitations requested "additional" information on
the Current and Pending Support. How will this affect the format
going forward?
Solicitations are being reviewed with this in mind going forward;
except where approved as part of NSF's internal clearance process,
additional requirements in the Current and Pending Support section
will not be permitted.
Is there any way to edit the C & P that will not require uploading
blank pages?
The NSF fillable format is a static document and blank pages should
not be deleted. Any edits to this document will result in a non-
compliant document that will prevent proposal submission in
FastLane, or
Must the total award amount be equal to the amount listed on the
Notice of Award, or the amount available to a specific PI/co-PI?
Yes. The total award amount requested or received by the sub-
awardee organization must be provided. The award budget attached
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
For example: If an institution is a subaward, should the total award to
the prime institution be listed, or should the amount allocated to the
institution be listed?
to the Notice of Award would identify the amounts intended for sub-
On Current and Pending Support, The Proposal / Award Number field
will not accept slashes, spaces, or semicolons. Some award numbers
include these, or there may be two award numbersone from the
sponsor, and one from the lead institution issuing a subaward to our
institution. Would it be possible to change this field to allow slashes,
spaces, etc.?
The 'Proposal/Award Number' field in the Current and Pending
Support in NIH SciENcv only allows for letters or numbers in the field.
NIH SciENcv would need to make an update to allow for other types
of characters.
When a user is entering information in the Current and Pending
Support Summary in SciENcv, the Project / Proposal Title and the
Proposal / Award Number can sometimes be too long to fit in the
space provided. Is it possible to increase the number of characters
allowable in those fields?
The 'Project/Proposal Title' allows for 196 characters.
The 'Proposal/Award Number' allows for 20 characters.
NIH SciENcv would need to update the character limit of these fields.
When the PDF of the Current and Pending Support Summary
document is downloaded, the downloaded name is “cv-xxxxxx.pdf”
(where the “x” stands for numbers) for example. This is easily
confused with the Biographical Sketch because it also downloads with
“cv-xxxxxx.pdf” as the name. Would it be possible to change the
Current and Pending Support Summary to show “cp-xxxxxx.pdf” when
it downloads?
The format of 'cv-xxxxxx.pdf' applies to both Biographical Sketch and
Current and Pending Support PDF files that are generated from NIH
SciENcv. NIH SciENcv would need to make an enhancement to change
the filename when the Current and Pending Support is downloaded
and saved.
When using the NSF fillable Current and Pending Support document,
if only the first (2) pages of the document are needed, does the user
have to keep all 15 pages?
For example: A recently submitted a Collaborative Proposal for 23
participating institutions yielded over 500 pages for Current and
Pending Support. If the ability to delete blank pages was available, it
would have been so much more manageable. The proposal ended up
being a total of 1,010 pages for the entire combined PDF.
The NSF fillable format is a static document and blank pages should
not be deleted. Any edits to this document will result in a non-
compliant document that will prevent proposal submission in
FastLane, or
Can someone please explain the "In Kind Contribution" section of this
An item or service given with the expectation of an associated time
commitment is not a gift and is instead an in-kind contribution and
must be reported to NSF. If the in-kind contribution is not intended
for use on the project/proposal being proposed to NSF but has an
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
associated time commitment, the information must be included as
part of the current and pending support section of the proposal. If the
in-kind contribution is intended for use on the project/proposal being
proposed to NSF, the information must be included as part of the
Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal
and need not be replicated in the individual’s current and pending
support submission.
Directorate of Biological Sciences Proposal Classification Form
Can you please clarify whether, as we were told around 18 months
ago, the Directorate for Biological Sciences has indeed scrapped the
Proposal Classification Form (or that it plans to do so soon) and, if so,
when we might expect to see that decision reflected in guidance
documents and on the NSF website? This question has come up
recently on the RESADM-L listserv, and I know there is one that has
several of our investigators worried about whether they should use
either system-to-system or for submitting their
proposals (both of which we are actively encouraging wherever
possible) or continue to use FastLane.
The Biological Sciences Directorate has considered this issue further
and has determined that the BIO Classification Form needs to be
retained. We are considering how that information impacts PSM in
the near-term.
Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS)
If a report is added to FAPIIS as past due, once submitted, will it be
removed or marked as submitted?
Once reported to FAPIIS, the record remains in FAPIIS for five years.
There is no mechanism to remove a submission. Organizations are
able to add comments to a record once the record is created by the
Federal entity.
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Font Compliance
When submitting the narrative, a font type error appears. The user
has verified several times that the font type is Times New Roman 11
for the text and Times New Roman 10 for figures labels, and for
equations Cambria Math. According to the guidelines these two font
types are allowed. The user has verified that all figures are inserted as
objects, so the file is in agreement with font guidelines, but the error
warning is persistent. If a user submits with this warning is there the
possibility that the narrative will not be revised due to the error in the
The automated compliance check for font type was turned off in the November 2020 Release. NSF is exploring alternative
approaches to compliance checking. Proposals must continue to
comply with NSF requirements.
Through which system does NSF draw down their
submissions? Is this still through FastLane, or is this now via
It is currently through FastLane, but we plan to integrate with in the near future.
If a proposal is submitted via using system-to-system, how
would we submit a Proposal File Update (in Fastlane or
Currently submitters that used will need to go to FastLane
to perform PFUs. This will change in the future, but that date is not
Can NSF allow a more robust LaTeX PDF format since most of the
users in science use LaTeX, or can NSF provide a LaTeX version
template with detailed requirements for figures and tables?
At this time NSF does not have any plans to provide a LaTeX version
template; however, we will take this request into consideration for
future development.
30. is rejecting LaTeX generated PDFs for margin issues.
Users have double-checked the margins on the PDFs, and the margins
have been one inch all the way around, 8.5x11 documents, with no
pagination. would not accept the document for upload.
This has happened multiple times with different LaTeX users.
Ultimately, user have had to make the margins greater than one inch,
The removal of the font type and font size warnings does not apply to
the margin warnings. We encourage you to access the Research
Proposal Prep Document Formatting FAQs available on the About page sections. There are tips to help you identify
some possible causes of margin issues.
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
or switch to Fastlane. Will this be corrected as part of the removal of
the font warnings/restrictions, or will users continue to see this error
since it is related to the margins?
There are always margin errors even when the margins are 1 inch.
When will the Proposal Preparation and Submission
system be able to handle PDF files creating using LaTeX?
We are working to enhance the algorithm to include LaTeX PDF
format. We encourage you to access the Research Proposal Prep
Document Formatting FAQs available on the About
page sections. There are tips to help you identify some possible
causes of margin issues.
Overtime Pay
Does NSF allow for overtime pay on sponsored projects. If so, can the
total overtime pay be charged to one grant or does it have to be
proportionally paid across all funding sources?
Compensation policies must comply with organizational policies and
procedures and in accordance with the Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal
Awards, 2 CFR § 200.430.
PI Transfer
If a PI is transferring a grant out of an institution, will that institution
receive a termination notice?
If the project is to be continued at the PI/PD’s new organization, and
if NSF and both organizations agree, formal notification of the
impending transfer can be electronically initiated by either the PI/PD
or the PI/PD's organization.
The NSF has plans to notify the original awardee upon the approval of
the transfer. No deadline for this enhancement has been set.
When will PI Transfers be available in
PI Transfers will be available in before FastLane is
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Post-Submission (after due date change)
If a program officer gives permission to edit an application after the
opportunity closes, should we use the Withdrawal function to edit
and resubmit the revised application? If not, how should the
application be revised? Can the SPO office revise it or only the PI?
No, you do not need to Withdraw a proposal if the due date has
passed for an opportunity. If you have additional revisions, you can
perform a Proposal File Update (PFU) or a Budget Revision (BR). As
long as reviewers are not assigned to the proposal submitted, you
should be able to do a PFU/BR. If there are reviewers assigned, you
can only do a BR. Once you perform the PFU action, you can share
proposal access with the SPO/AOR.
Project Reports
Everything entered in Project Outcomes was suddenly lost even
though I had saved it a couple of times. This also happened earlier in
entering information into a Project Report. Very frustrating! Can you
just save everything that is typed in?
There is no auto-save feature in project reporting. However, if you
are experiencing save issues, please call the NSF Help desk.
For an RPPR, should international conference travel be included
What percentage of the award’s budget was spent in foreign
country(ies)? Describe what percentage of the award’s budget was
spent in foreign country(ies) for this reporting period. If more than
one foreign country was involved, identify the distribution of funding
between the foreign countries. U.S.-based recipients should provide
the percentage of the budget spent in the foreign country(ies)
and/or, if applicable, the percentage of the budget obligated to
foreign entities as first-tier subawards. Recipients that are not U.S.-
based should provide the percentage of the direct award received,
excluding all first tier subawards to U.S. entities. If applicable, provide
separately the percentage of the budget obligated to non-U.S.
entities as first-tier subawards.
NSF is discussing this issue internally and will consider development
of an FAQ to respond more broadly.
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
There is currently a proposal that is in the process of being submitted
for the NSF 20-591 funding opportunity, using the FastLane platform.
Will changes need to be made, or will the proposal need to be re-
entered in
Proposals initiated in FastLane will not be available in
for submission. If you want to submit a proposal in,
then you will have to initiate a new proposal.
Many PIs are experiencing difficulty in getting PDF documents
accepted in Specifically, the error message indicates
margins are not in compliance, while it is set to 1” margin all around
in MS Word correctly.
Are there any recommended ways or application for preparing PDF
documents for upload, to prevent such “glitches” from happening?
The "About" section, "About Proposal Preparation and
Submission" includes an FAQ on uploading documents with
information on the causes of margin errors.
Why users are unable to change the funding opportunity in a proposal like in FastLane? relies heavily on the rules of the funding opportunity.
If a solicitation allows for a 20-page project description (as opposed
to the traditional 15-page limit), can the proposal be submitted in or will the compliance checks not permit the file to be
uploaded? If they are not currently supported in, will
they be in the future? will not allow upload of a project description that is
more than 15 pages. This may be a future update.
When preparing a proposal via a user is not able to edit
the directorate or division once a proposal is started. Often times
there are multiple directorates that need to be selected; and while
this option exists during proposal input, this is not editable in case
this step was forgotten or missed. The solicitation and proposal type
may predict the workflow and required documents within the system,
but can this specific field be made editable? It would be incredibly
helpful if the directorate selection feature could be modified after
proposal creation.
No. For the units of consideration, a selection has to be made before
you go to the next step in the proposal setup wizard,
and a user cannot change the Units of Consideration (UoC) after the
proposal has been created. We do not have any plans to change this
I frequently receive notices that my session will expire and that I will
be signed out of This happens when I am still actively in and making changes or going between multiple items
No. In, there is a two-hour session limit regardless of
whether the user is active. The user will need to re-authenticate after
two hours.
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
and proposal actions. Is there a way for to not
automatically sign me out when I am actively using the system?
How will supplemental funding requests be handled in
For existing awards that were approved in Fastlane, will the
supplemental funding request feature remain in Fastlane for the
duration of the award (i.e., next 5 years) or will those transition to as well?
Supplemental funding request functionality is not enabled in It will be available in the near future.
System to System (S2S)
Will support system to system submissions?
Yes. S2S submissions will work the same as it does now.
A bio has been created for faculty PI in SciENcv. The PI is currently the
Director of a federally funded, University-supported institute and has
been since 2017. This is the appointment the PI prefers to be
recognized as his/her current position title and employment, so it has
been marked as such. The PI is also currently a member of an
industry advisory committee, more recently (2020). As a result, the
appointments section is not in reverse chronological order as SciENcv
is maintaining the position marked as “Use this entry as the position
title and current employment” as the foremost entry in this section.
How should this be corrected?
Professional preparation and appointments must be provided, in
reverse chronological order by start date of all the individual's
academic, professional, or institutional appointments, beginning with
the current appointment. See PAPPG Chapter II.C.2.f(i)(b) for
complete information. Users with overlapping or concurrent
appointments may need to manually reorder their professional
preparation entries by hovering over the appointment and clicking
"up" or "down" for that entry. The generated PDF will reflect the
order displayed on the screen.
In many instances the post-award staff are in charge of maintaining
the faculty OS and Biographical Sketch reports. Is there a way for
post-award staff to access the faculty’s OS and Biographical Sketch
without using their (the faculty's) login information? [in SciENcv]
You can delegate access. Any My NCBI account holder can set up one
or more delegates for their My NCBI account. Once a delegate has
accepted their invitation, the delegate(s) has the ability to view, edit,
and create profiles in the original account holder’s SciENcv, as well as
edit the account holder’s My Bibliography information.
March 2021 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Is it possible to update degree information that populates, in the
SciENcv system, or does the PI need to update first in ORCID? If the
latter, will the PI need to re-populate SciENcv before finalizing the
Information imported from various sources can be edited in SciENcv.
Is there a way to do an advanced search of proposals and awards
submitted by my organization? I am interested in a report of all
Career awards submitted by Dartmouth and which have been funded.
Would I do this in, Fastlane?
You can search on awards by organization and keyword at: