A blueprint for a coordinated minimum effective taxation standard for
ultra-high-net-worth individuals
Gabriel Zucman June 25
, 2024
Summary: This report presents a proposal for an internationally coordinated standard ensuring
an effective taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals. In the baseline proposal, individuals
with more than $1 billion in wealth would be required to pay a minimum amount of tax
annually, equal to 2% of their wealth. This standard could be flexibly implemented by
participating countries through a variety of domestic instruments, including a presumptive
income tax, an income tax on a broad notion of income, or a wealth tax. The report presents
evidence that contemporary tax systems fail to tax ultra-high-net-worth individuals effectively,
clarifies the case for international coordination to address this issue, analyzes implementation
challenges, and provides revenue estimations. The main conclusions are that (i) building on
recent progress in international tax cooperation, such a common standard has become
technically feasible; (ii) it could be enforced successfully even if all countries did not adopt it
by strengthening current exit taxes and implementing “tax collector of last resort mechanisms
as in the coordinated minimum tax on multinational companies; (iii) a minimum tax on
billionaires equal to 2% of their wealth would raise $200-$250 billion per year globally from
about 3,000 taxpayers; extending the tax to centimillionaires would add $100-$140 billion; (iv)
this international standard would effectively address regressive features of contemporary tax
systems at the top of the wealth distribution; (v) it would not substitute for, but support domestic
progressive tax policies, by improving transparency about top-end wealth, reducing incentives
to engage in tax avoidance, and preventing a race to the bottom; (vi) its economic impact must
be assessed in light of the observed pre-tax rate of return to wealth for ultra-high-net-worth
individuals which has been 7.5% on average per year (net of inflation) over the last four
decades, and of the current effective tax rate of billionaires, equivalent to 0.3% of their wealth.
About the author: Gabriel Zucman is a professor of economics at the Paris School of Economics, Ecole
normale supérieure PSL, and the University of California Berkeley. He is the founding director of the EU
Tax Observatory. His research focuses on the accumulation, distribution, and taxation of global income and
wealth. In 2023 he received the John Bates Clark medal of the American Economic Association, awarded to
that economist under the age of forty who is judged to have made the most significant contribution to
economic thought and knowledge.
Acknowledgements: This blueprint builds on the Global Tax Evasion Report 2024 published by the EU Tax
Observatory in October 2023, which contains a sketch of the proposal discussed here, but without the
economic and technical analysis presented in this blueprint. I am indebted to my colleagues at the EU Tax
Observatory for numerous conversations. I thank the participants of the G20 international taxation
symposium held in Brasília on May 2123, 2024 for helpful discussions and comments, as well as Arun
Advani, Laurent Bach, Kane Borders, Antoine Bozio, Lucas Chancel, Esther Duflo, Joachim Englisch,
Arthur Guillouzouic, Camille Landais, Wouter Leenders, Clément Malgouyres, Claire Montialoux, Panos
Nicolaides, Mathieu Parenti, Quentin Parrinello, Thomas Piketty, Marius Ring, Emmanuel Saez, Pascal
Saint-Amans, David Seim, Joseph Stiglitz, Andy Summers, and Danny Yagan. I remain solely responsible
for the views expressed here. Comments and suggestions are most welcome ([email protected]).
FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................ 5
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 6
1.1. The decline in effective tax rates at the top of the income distribution ......................... 9
1.2. Why does the income tax fail at the top end?............................................................... 12
1.3. Effective taxation and the dynamics of global billionaire wealth ................................ 15
2.1. Baseline proposal: a 2% minimum tax on global billionaires ...................................... 20
2.2. Coordination while respecting national sovereignty .................................................... 21
2.3. Tax revenue estimation ................................................................................................ 24
2.4. A tool to safeguard tax progressivity ........................................................................... 28
3.1. Avoiding a race-to-the-bottom ..................................................................................... 31
3.2. The complementary between national and international action ................................... 32
4. IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES ....................................................................... 33
4.1. Wealth valuation........................................................................................................... 33
4.2. Overcoming financial opacity ...................................................................................... 34
4.3. Dealing with imperfect coordination ............................................................................ 37
5.1. Tackling avoidance and regulating harmful tax practices ............................................ 40
5.2. A more progressive income tax .................................................................................... 41
5.3. A more progressive inheritance tax .............................................................................. 42
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 44
APPENDIX A: METHODOLOGY FOR EFFECTIVE TAX RATES ............................. 47
In February 2024 the Group of 20, under the presidency of Brazil, convened a meeting of
finance ministers during which the taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals and its lack of
effectiveness were discussed. The G20 Brazilian presidency invited me to discuss the reasons
behind this issue and how enhanced international cooperation could contribute to fixing it.
Following this meeting, the Brazilian presidency commissioned this report to explore options
to make the taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals more effective.
There are, of course, many policies that countries can implement to improve the taxation of the
wealthiest individuals. But international coordination on this issue, in the form of a common
minimum standard ensuring an effective taxation of ultra-net-worth individuals, would have a
clear value added. It would support domestic policies to bolster tax progressivity by reducing
incentives for the wealthiest individuals to engage in tax avoidance and by curtailing the forces
of tax competition. It could contribute to ushering in a new era of multilateralism that would
put at its core the fight against inequality and coordination across nations to foster equitable
The G20 has been a driver of international tax reforms over the past decade. Thanks to the
leadership of the G20, more than 130 countries and territories have agreed to a common
minimum corporate tax for large multinational companies in 2021. What we have collectively
done with multinational corporations, we could in principle now do with billionaires. Building
on past successes, this report shows that it has become technically possible to implement a
coordinated minimum tax on ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
The goal of this blueprint is to offer a basis for political discussionsto start a conversation,
not to end it. It is for citizens to decide, through democratic deliberation and the vote, how
taxation should be carried out. I hope this report will contribute to this democratic discussion.
I would like to thank the Brazilian G20 presidency for the opportunity to work on such an
important issue. I am also grateful to the G20 delegations and guest countries for the valuable
comments made during the February and May 2024 sessions and subsequent meetings that fed
into this work.
Executive summary
Progressive taxation is a key pillar of democratic societies. A progressive tax system
strengthens social cohesion and trust in governments to work for the common good. It is critical
to fund the public goods and servicessuch as education, health care, and public
infrastructurethat are engines of economic growth. Changes in the progressivity of taxation
have historically been a major driver of the evolution of income and wealth concentration.
Thanks to research conducted in recent years, there is now clear evidence that contemporary
tax systems, instead of being progressive, do not effectively tax the wealthiest individuals.
These studies, summarized in Section 1 of this report, show that all taxes included, ultra-high-
net-worth individuals tend to pay less in tax relative to their income than other social groups,
regardless of the specific tax design choices and enforcement practices of countries. This
regressivity stems from the failure of income taxeswhich in principle constitute the main
instrument of tax progressivityto effectively tax ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
This failure deprives governments of substantial amounts of tax revenues. It contributes to
concentrating the gains of globalization into relatively few hands, undermining the social
sustainability of global economic integration.
Meanwhile, under the impetus of the G20, there have been improvements in international tax
cooperation since the mid-2010s. In 2017, more than 100 countries and territories started
exchanging bank data automatically following a Common Reporting Standard. In 2021, more
than 130 jurisdictions agreed to a common minimum tax of 15% on large multinational
companies. While these policies have limitations, they also show that new forms of
international cooperation, long deemed utopian, can emerge in a relatively short period of time.
Building on these advances, it has become possible to make the taxation of ultra-high-net-worth
individuals more effective through international cooperation.
Section 2 details a proposal for a coordinated minimum standard ensuring that dollar
billionaires pay at least 2% of their wealth in individual (income plus wealth) taxes each year.
This standard would not require a multilateral treaty and could be flexibly implemented by
participating countries through a variety of domestic instruments, including a presumptive
income tax, an income tax on a broad notion of income, or a wealth tax.
A minimum tax equal to 2% of wealth on global billionaires would raise $200-$250 billion per
year in tax revenue from about 3,000 taxpayers globally; extending the tax to centi-millionaires
would generate an additional $100-$140 billion. By construction, these revenues would be
collected from economic actors who are both very wealthy and undertaxed today. Someone
who pays more than 2% of their wealth in income tax would have no extra tax liability; only
ultra-high-net-worth individuals with particularly low tax payments would be affected. This
standard would effectively address regressive features of contemporary tax systems at the top
of the wealth distribution. In the baseline proposal, the tax rate of billionaires would become
no lower than that of middle-class workers. Beyond the revenue gains for governments, there
would be benefits in terms of increased social trust and cohesion. Variations over the baseline
scenario are also explored.
This international standard would not substitute for domestic tax policies to increase tax
progressivity. Instead, as analyzed in Section 3, it would complement and facilitate such
policies, because it would improve transparency about top-end wealth, reduce incentives for
ultra-high-net-worth individuals to engage in tax avoidance, and constrain international tax
competition, preventing a race to the bottom.
There are several potential challenges associated with the proposal formulated in this blueprint.
How to value wealth? How to ensure an effective taxation if some jurisdictions decline to
implement this standard? How to maximize compliance by taxpayers? Section 4 analyzes these
challenges and discusses potential solutions. The world is in a better situation to successfully
implement the proposal made in this blueprint today than fifteen years ago. Challenges remain,
however. Two issues require particular attention.
First, there are still gaps in international information exchange and the identification of the
beneficial owners of assets. These issues could be tackled by adding beneficial ownership
information to the country-by-country reports of multinational companies introduced in 2016
and by creating new forms of cross-border information exchange on ultra-high-net-worth
individuals. Since the bulk of billionaires’ wealth derives from owning shares in multinational
companies, the mere inclusion of beneficial ownership information in country-by-country
reports (e.g., listing individuals owning more than 1% of the stock) would allow tax authorities
to capture most of their wealth, facilitating enforcement.
Second, a variety of political and geopolitical factors could make it difficult to obtain truly
global participation in the proposed common standard. The report discusses possible
approaches to limit incentives for ultra-high-net-worth individuals to relocate to non-
participating countries, as well as rules to incentivize broad participation. One option involves
adapting some of the “tax collector of last resort” mechanisms included in the coordinated
minimum tax on multinational companiesrules that allow participating countries to tax non-
participating countries undertaxed multinationals—to ultra-high-net-worth individuals. The
report makes proposals along this line, noting that this issue would require an inclusive
international discussion.
If a minimum taxation standard on billionaires was successfully enforced, there would also be
potential economic costs, such as reduced incentives to work or to accumulate wealth for the
affected taxpayers. These costs must be assessed in the context of (i) the observed pre-tax rate
of return to wealth for ultra-high-net-worth individuals, which has been around 7.5% on average
per year (net of inflation) over the last four decades globally, and (ii) the current effective tax
rate of billionaires, equivalent to 0.3% of their wealth.
Everything else equal, a well-enforced minimum tax of 2% would reduce their net-of-tax return
from 7.2% (7.5% before tax minus 0.3% in tax today) to 5.5%. Adverse incentive effects are
unlikely to be significant at this level of net-of-tax return. Because the population affected
would be small, the overall impact of a 2% minimum tax on global economic growth is unlikely
to be large. Because the standard is structured as a minimum tax, there are no concerns about
double taxation.
Ultimately, it is for each person, as a citizen and voter, to weigh the potential benefits and costs
of this policy. Are the gains in tax revenues (resources that could be used to support sustained
economic development through investments in education, health care, public infrastructure, the
energy transition, and climate change mitigation) worth the potential costs? Are there better
To inform this assessment, it is useful to consider alternative approaches to improving tax
progressivity. Section 5 discusses and quantifies the impact of these other approaches:
increasing the progressivity of existing individual income taxes, improving the taxation of
estates and inheritance, and regulating harmful tax practices, such as special tax regimes that
provide reduced tax rates for wealthy individuals.
While these reforms would be valuable, the main conclusion is that they would not be as
powerful as the minimum taxation standard proposed in this blueprint. The key virtue of a
minimum tax is that it addresses all forms of tax avoidance at once. The key virtue of expressing
the tax as a fraction of wealth is that, for ultra-high-net-worth individuals, wealth is harder to
manipulate than income. The key virtue of an annual taxas opposed to a one-off tax at the
time of deathis that it more effectively safeguards progressivity at the top of the wealth
distribution, because it ensures that the individuals with the highest ability to pay taxes cannot
postpone taxation for years or decades.
This report takes a primarily economic perspective. Its goal is to clarify how a coordinated
minimum tax on ultra-high-net-worth individuals would work, to provide a quantitative
analysis of different scenarios, to consider design issues that take seriously the incentives of the
different actors affected, and to make explicit the trade-offs involved in the different possible
choices (including the choice of the status quo). This blueprint also touches on some legal
considerations. Additional legal analysis on specific points would be valuable in future work as
the political discussion on these issues progresses.
1. The progressivity of contemporary tax systems
1.1. The decline in effective tax rates at the top of the income distribution
A gap in official economic statistics globally is the lack of information about the effective tax
rates of ultra-high-net-worth individuals. Government statistical offices typically do not provide
information about the wealth owned by these individuals, the income they earn, or the taxes
they pay. Some private organizations attempt to fill this gap by piecing together publicly
available data to estimate the wealth of the richest people, both globally (e.g., Forbes
billionaires list, Bloomberg billionaire index, Wealth-X report) and nationally (e.g., Forbes 400
in the United States, Hurun report in China). These non-official sources, however, only cover
the wealth of the super-richfor which there is valuable information in the public domain due
to legal reporting requirements to securities and exchange commissions and chambers of
commerce. They do not cover their income or their taxesfor which there are usually no public
reporting requirements.
To be sure, information about the taxes paid by the ultra-wealthy exists, but this information is
generally confidential. Individual income tax payments are recorded by tax administrations, but
this information is not available to the public (except, under certain conditions, in a few
countries such as Norway). Tax authorities publish tabulations of income tax returns, but these
tabulations do not isolate ultra-high-net-worth individuals from other groups of the population.
The top groups considered in these statistics usually include many more taxpayers than dollar
billionaires or centi-millionaires. Last, there have been journalistic investigations of the taxes
paid by the ultra-wealthy, for instance in the United States by the media ProPublica (Eisinger
et al., 2021), but these revelations are by nature not systematic. As a result, there is considerable
opacity today about the effective tax rates of the wealthiest individuals, a topic of democratic
interest globally.
A recent wave of economic research attempts to address this issue. In the United States, Saez
and Zucman (2019a, 2019b) provided the first estimates of the effective tax rates of the 400
richest Americans (who each owned more than $1 billion in 2010, and more than $2.9 billion
in 2023) by triangulating public data sources. Building on this work, several studies have used
confidential administrative data in different countries to provide precise estimates of effective
tax rates at the top of the distribution, applying harmonized and internationally comparable
methods. This includes the important work of Bruil et al. (2024) in the Netherlands, Bach et al.
(2024) in France, and ongoing work by Ring et al. (2024) in Norway and Sweden.
What distinguishes this body of work from earlier studies of tax progressivity is the attempt to
capture the very top of the wealth distribution, all the way up to dollar billionaires. Billionaires
This work adds to a large literature that attempts to estimate tax progressivity (i.e., how effective tax rates vary
across socio-economic groups), see, e.g., Landais, Piketty and Saez (2011) in France, Advani et al. (2023) in the
United Kingdom, Atria and Otero (2021) and De Rosa et al. (2022) in Latin America, Blanchet et al. (2022) in
Europe, Guzzardi et al. (2023) in Italy.
are very few: in most countries, they account for 0.0001% or less of the population. But they
matter for at least two reasons. First, they have significant economic and political power through
their ownership stakes in large corporations and, in some cases, their ownership of media
companies and influence on policymaking. Second, data from named lists of wealthy
individuals suggest that their wealth has increased particularly fast since the 1980s. Between
1987 and 2024, as detailed in Section 1.3, the average wealth of the top 0.0001% richest
households globally has increased by about 7% a year on an average net of inflation, much
faster than average wealth (3% a year). Billionaires and the businesses they own have been
major beneficiaries of globalization. This raises the question of whether contemporary tax
systems manage to distribute these gains appropriately, or instead contribute to concentrating
them into a few hands.
At the outset, it is worth stressing that the academic study of the effective tax rates of ultra-
high-net-worth individuals is still in its infancy. Comprehensive and comparable statistics are
at this stage only available for a handful of countries: the United States, France, the Netherlands,
and to some extent Italy.
These four countries combined host about 35% of global billionaires
and account for about 40% of global billionaire wealth, so the patterns that emerge from these
countries provide insights that are relevant for global discussions. Moreover, comparable
studies are currently conducted in a growing number of countries (such as Brazil, Norway, and
Sweden) and preliminary findings confirm the patterns found previously. That said, there is a
need for more studies covering ultimately all the world’s countries. Cooperation between tax
administrations and researchers is particularly valuable in this area.
In the meantime, the results from existing studies are illustrated in Figure 1. The same
methodology, detailed in Appendix A, is followed in each country, maximizing the
comparability of the results. In all cases, all taxes collected by governments (at both national
and subnational levels) are allocated to individuals, including the corporate tax, which is
allocated to the owners of the corresponding corporations. All pre-tax national income (as
recorded in national account statistics) is also allocated to individuals, including all corporate
profits, which are allocated to the owners of the corresponding corporations. Effective tax rates
for each group of the population are computed by dividing taxes paid by pre-tax income. Since
all taxes and all incomes are included in the analysis, the average tax rate in all groups combined
is equal to the macroeconomic tax rate (i.e., the ratio of taxes to national income), which is
around 50% in France and Italy, 45% in the Netherlands, and 28% in the United States. Three
main results emerge.
First, billionaires have relatively low effective tax rates. Instead of being progressive,
contemporary tax systems fail to effectively tax ultra-high-net-worth individuals. Most social
In Italy, estimates for billionaires are based on one observationthat of Silvio Berlusconi, who as leader of a
political party in Parliament, had to make public his income declared to tax authorities and the amount of taxes
paid. As discussed below there is evidence that his case is likely to be representative of other Italian (and more
broadly European) billionaires, since the structures used to minimize taxable income and taxes paid were available
not only to him but to all European billionaires, and indeed appear to be systematically used by European
groups have effective tax rates that are not too different from the average macroeconomic rate
of taxation. For instance, in France, the working class (which can be defined as individuals in
the bottom 50% of the income distribution), the middle-class (the next 40%), the upper-middle
class (the next 9%) and even most of the top 1% have effective tax rates close to the
macroeconomic tax rate of 52%. Billionaires, by contrast, only pay 27% of their income in taxes
all taxes included. This is only about half of the tax rates paid by all other social groups.
Figure 1: Average tax rates by income groups and for billionaires
(% of pre-tax income)
Notes: This figure reports estimates of effective tax rates by pre-tax income groups and for U.S. dollar billionaires in France,
the Netherlands, Italy, and the United States. These estimates include all taxes paid at all levels of government and are expressed
as a percent of pre-tax income. P0-10 denotes the 10% of adults at the bottom of the pre-tax income distribution, P10-20 the
next decile, etc. Pre-tax income includes all national income (measured following standard national account definitions) before
taxes and transfers and after the operation of the pension system. Sources and methodology: see Appendix A.
Second, this regressivity is visible across countries with different levels and structures of
taxation. The United States is a relatively low-tax country among high-income countries, while
France and Italy are relatively high-tax countries. In the years covered by the studies, France
had a wealth tax while Italy did not. All these countries make different choices regarding
statutory income tax rates, payroll taxes, and consumption taxes; the United States, for instance,
does not have a VAT while the other three countries do. Yet in each case, ultra-high-net-worth
individuals pay proportionately less in taxes than socio-economic groups below them.
Last, the regressivity of the tax system, does not start at the same level in the income distribution
everywhere. In France and the United States, the decline in effective tax rates starts around the
percentile, while in Italy and the Netherlands, it starts around the 95
percentile. This
implies that there is no “one-size-fits-all” policy solution to this regressivity. Even with a
common minimum tax on individuals above the 99.99
percentile, there would be a need for
additional measures in countries such as the Netherlands and Italy to offset the regressivity of
the tax system between the 95
and the 99.99
percentile. Moreover, there are legitimate
reasons for wanting a progressive tax systemin which higher earners have higher effective
tax rates. As detailed in Section 3, a common floor to the effective tax rate of the ultra-wealthy
adds value because it limits possibilities for tax competition and would facilitate the
implementation of other progressive tax reforms. Such a common floor would supportbut not
substitute fordomestic policies.
1.2. Why does the income tax fail at the top end?
Why do ultra-high-net-worth individuals benefit from really low effective tax rates? In a
nutshell, because the individual income tax fails to tax them properly. In principle, the
individual income tax should be progressive. One of its goals is to offset the regressivity of
indirect taxes, such as the VAT, which absorb a higher fraction of income at the bottom of the
income distribution than at the top. In practice, the income tax fails to offset this regressivity at
the very top.
To understand the issue, one needs first to note that ultra-high-net-worth individuals derive their
income not from the wages they earn but from the wealth they ownmore precisely, in most
cases, from the businesses they own. These businesses make profits, which are typically subject
to the corporate income tax. The core limitation of the individual income tax is that wealthy
individuals can structure their wealth to report little to no taxable individual income, and thus
avoid the individual income tax. This tax avoidance is done in two main ways: (i) by avoiding
dividend distribution and capital gains realizations; (ii) by using holding companies and similar
legal structures.
Avoidance of dividends and capital gains realization
First, people with controlling stakes in corporations can instruct these companies to avoid
distributing dividends.
When no dividend is paid out, profit is reinvested in the corporation.
This reinvestment contributes to increasing the value of the company, boosting its share price.
When shareholders sell their shares, they realize capital gains, which in many countries are
subject to individual income taxation. However, by holding onto one’s shares, this tax on capital
gains can also be avoided. Thus, by avoiding dividend distributions and capital gains
realizations, people with controlling stakes in corporations (such as majority owners of private
corporations, or people with significant voting rights in publicly listed firms) can avoid
reporting any taxable income.
Some of the largest publicly listed companies on the planet (partly owned by some of the wealthiest people in
the world) do not pay out dividends, such as Amazon and Tesla; many others have very low payout rates, such as
Alphabet and Meta. Dividend distribution policies of privately held companies are typically not publicly disclosed.
Two remarks are in order. First, even when wealthy individuals report no taxable income, they
do earn economic incometheir share of the profits made by the companies they own. Even if
this economic income is not distributed as dividends, it is neither “virtual” nor “trapped in any
meaningful sense. Income can either be saved or consumed. When a firm’s profit is not
distributed, this income is saved and reinvested in that firm, adding to the wealth of its owners.
Ultra-high-net-worth individuals can also consume that income, e.g., by borrowing money (for
instance by pledging shares in their firms as collateral) and using thetax freeproceeds of
such loans to buy goods and services.
The proceeds of these loans can also be used to invest
in other assets, such as shares in other companies. In sum, even when billionaires avoid
reporting any taxable income, they can use their economic income to save, diversify their
wealth, or consume.
Second, ultra-high-net-worth individuals are not the only ones to benefit from this form of tax
avoidance: in principle, less wealthy individuals can also invest in non-dividend-paying
companies and avoid realizing capital gains. In many countries, there are also other forms of
tax-exempt income, for instance, investment income earned in retirement accounts. What makes
the situation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals distinctive is that these individuals can shield
virtually all their income from the income tax, because for them virtually all income derives
from their ownership of businesses. As one moves down the income distribution, a growing
fraction of income derives from wages, pension income, and other income sources which cannot
avoid the individual income tax.
Use of holding companies
The second method used by ultra-high-net-worth individuals to avoid income tax involves the
use of personal wealth-holding companies and similar legal structures. These holdings serve as
nominal owners of shares in a corporation. Dividends paid by that corporation are formally
received by another company (the holding) and, as such, free of the individual income tax.
Dividends received by holdings are also free of the corporate tax in most countries. For the
same reasons as those mentioned above, these dividends, even if formally paid to a holding, are
neither “virtual” nor “trapped” in any meaningful sense. They constitute economic income that
can be used by the persons who control the holdings to save, diversify their wealth, or consume.
The main difference is that when dividends are paid to a holding, the individual income tax is
Some countries have anti-abuse provisions that limitand in some cases preventthe use of
holdings for income tax avoidance purposes. This has most notably been the case in the United
States since two laws passed in the first half of the twentieth century, as described, e.g., in Saez
and Zucman (2016). The first of these provisions, the accumulated earnings taxin force since
1921is levied on the undistributed corporate profits deemed to be retained for tax avoidance
There can also be consumption within the firm. For instance, the profit of a private company may be used by its
owner for personal expenses. Using corporate income for personal consumption without first a dividend
distribution is typically illegal, but this form of tax evasion can be hard to detect (e.g., because consumption can
be hard to observe). It can also be in a grey zone between avoidance and evasion (e.g., because the frontier between
personal consumption expenditures and legitimate firm expenses can be fuzzy), complicating enforcement.
purposes. The second, the personal holding company tax in place since 1937, is a 20% surtax
that applies to the undistributed income of a personal holding company. These provisions
prevent wealthy individuals from avoiding the income tax by retaining income in holdings.
Consequently, the use of personal wealth-holding companies is limited in the United States.
In European countries, where anti-abuse rules are weaker, studies suggest that the use of holding
companies is widespread among ultra-high-net-worth individuals. These holdings allow owners
of large stakes in dividend-paying companies to avoid dividend taxation. As a result, in these
countries, effective income tax rates converge to nearly zero at the top of the wealth distribution.
This is illustrated by Figure 2, which shows how individual income tax rates vary across the
income distribution in the United States, France, and the Netherlands. As in Figure 1, effective
tax rates for each group of the population are computed by dividing taxes paid by pre-tax
income, using the same definition of taxes and pre-tax income in each country. The only
difference with Figure 1 is that here only the individual income tax is considered; other taxes
(such as consumption tax and corporate tax) are excluded.
Figure 2: Effective income tax rates by income groups and for billionaires
(% of pre-tax income)
Notes: This figure reports estimates of effective income tax rates by pre-tax income groups and for billionaires in France, the
Netherlands, and the United States. These estimates include all individual income taxes (and equivalent levies) paid at all levels
of government and are expressed as a percent of pre-tax income. P0-10 denotes the 10% of adults at the bottom of the pre-tax
income distribution, P10-20 the next decile, etc. Pre-tax income includes all national income (measured following standard
national account definitions) before taxes and transfers and after the operation of the pension system. Sources and methodology:
see Appendix A.
As shown by Figure 2, the individual income tax is progressive for most of the population,
before becoming sharply regressive at the very top end of the distribution. Effective income tax
rates rise from about 0%-5% at the bottom of the income distribution to a high of 15%-20%,
depending on the countries. They then start to fall. The regressivity starts around the 95
percentile of the pre-tax income distribution in the Netherlands, the 99.9
percentile in France,
and the 99.99
percentile in the United States. Effective income tax rates collapse to nearly 0%
in the Netherlands, 1.7% in France, and about 8% in the United States for billionaires.
Income tax rates are close to zero at the top in France and the Netherlands because of the quasi-
systematic use of holding companies. They are higher in the United States due to the anti-
avoidance rules that prevent the use of such holdings. Despite these anti-avoidance rules, the
income tax remains regressive at the very top of the distribution in the United States, because
ultra-high-net-worth individuals can still avoid taxes by instructing the companies they control
to avoid paying dividends and by avoiding the realization of capital gains. In all cases, the
individual income tax fails at effectively taxing the individuals with the highest ability to pay
In the Netherlands and France (and plausibly in many countries other than the United States),
since the individual income vanishes for billionaires, the main tax in effect paid by these
individuals is the corporate income tax they indirectly pay through the corporations they own.
In France, the 27% effective rate of billionaires when including all taxes (Figure 1) comes from
1.7% of individual income taxes (Figure 2) plus about 25% of corporate taxes; see Bach et al.
(2024). Other taxes (such as consumption taxes) are negligible at that level of income.
Similarly, in the Netherlands, the “all-in” effective tax rate of 17% for billionaires is almost
entirely due to the corporate tax (Bruil et al., 2024).
1.3. Effective taxation and the dynamics of global billionaire wealth
Why does it matter if billionaires have relatively low tax rates? First, there is a loss of tax
revenue for governments. As we shall see in Section 2.5 below, a minimum tax ensuring that
the effective tax rate of dollar billionaires (all taxes included) does not fall below that of other
social groups would generate about $200-$250 billion globally. This is the mechanical loss of
tax revenue caused by the under-taxation of billionaires today, relative to a benchmark of non-
Tax avoidance at the top of the wealth distribution also has a dynamic effect on wealth
concentration. To see this, denote by
the wealth of an individual at the end of year t. The
dynamic equation of wealth accumulation between t and t + 1 can be written as:
The effective corporate tax rate of billionaires appears higher in France (about 25%) than in the Netherlands (less
than 17%). Part of the explanation is likely that in 2016 (the reference year for both studies), the statutory corporate
tax rate was higher in France (34.4%) than in the Netherlands (25%).
  
   
 
is the stochastic rate of return to wealth (net of any capital tax paid at the corporate
level), denotes individual capital income and wealth tax paid (expressed as a fraction of
wealth), and
any (possibly stochastic) labor income net of consumption and other taxes and
transfers. It is well known (see, e.g., Benhabib and Bisin, 2018, for a review of this literature)
that under a number of regularity conditions (i) such stochastic processes converge to a
stationary distribution, (ii) the stationary distribution has a Pareto upper tail, and (iii) the Pareto
coefficient, which governs the concentration of wealth, depends on the average net-of-tax rate
of return
 . A lower average individual capital tax rate (for instance due to low taxation
of ultra-high-net-worth individuals) increases the net-of-tax return, leading to a higher
stationary concentration of wealth.
If the net-of-tax return to wealth rises with wealth, then the wealth accumulation process is
explosive: the distribution of wealth admits no stationary equilibrium. This will happen if
wealthier individuals on average have higher pre-tax returns (e.g., due to globalization) and the
tax system fails to offset this returns differential through a progressive enough tax system. It
will also happen if individuals have the same pre-tax rate of return, but the capital tax system
is regressive with wealth (i.e., if
falls with ). Then as long as the net-of-tax rate of
return    is positive for the wealthiest individuals, the distribution of wealth is non-
stationary: wealth concentration will keep rising over time.
The regressivity of contemporary capital tax systems
This analysis highlights that the individual capital tax rate,
, plays a critical role for
the dynamic of wealth inequality. For billionaires, whose income almost entirely derives from
capital, this tax rate is equal to the amount of individual income tax plus individual capital tax
(taxes on the stock of wealth), expressed as a fraction of wealth. For other individuals, whose
income derives at least in part from labor, this tax rate includes only the fraction of individual
income taxes that correspond to taxes on capital income (i.e., taxes on dividends, capital gains,
rents, interest, etc.) plus individual capital taxes. In both cases, these tax rates exclude business-
level capital taxes (whether flows or stocks), most importantly the corporate income tax.
Figure 3 reports the individual capital tax rate for billionaires in the four countries studied so
far, as well as in Norway and Sweden based on the ongoing work by Ring et al. (2024). For
comparison the Figure also reports a flat line at 2%, indicating the minimum amount of tax that
billionaires would have to pay under the baseline proposal formulated in this report.
One could also define so that it is gross of any capital tax paid at the business level (corporate income tax and
business property taxes) and includes both individual-level and business-level capital taxes; this would increase
and by the same amount, more so at the top of the wealth distributionwhere business wealth accounts for a
greater fraction of total wealththan further down. By construction this would not change net-of-tax returns for
any group (and the fact that billionaires have had higher net-of-tax returns than the rest of the population), but it
would alter some interpretations, as discussed below. The advantage of considering returns that are net of business-
level capital taxes is that these returns are more comparable to market rates of returns (such as observed returns to
equity), which are also net of business-level capital taxes.
Figure 3: Individual taxes paid by billionaires
(% of wealth)
Notes: This figure reports estimates of individual capital tax rates for billionaires in France, the Netherlands, the United States,
Sweden, and Norway. These tax rates are obtained by dividing the amount of individual income taxes paid and wealth taxes
paid (at all levels of government) by wealth. All individual income taxes paid are assumed to correspond to taxes on capital
income; residential property taxes (which are very small for billionaires) and other capital taxes other than wealth taxes are
neglected. Sources and methodology: see Appendix A.
The figure shows that billionaires have extremely low individual capital tax rates
: they
pay the equivalent of only 0% to 0.6% of their wealth in individual taxes. The individual capital
tax rate is close to 0% for ultra-high-net-worth individuals in countries such as the Netherlands
where, as we have seen, the individual tax fails to tax billionaires. It is a bit higher (about 0.6%
of wealth) in the United States, due to the stronger anti-avoidance rules preventing the use of
holding companies. In all cases, the effective capital tax rate of billionaires is very low relative
to their pre-tax rate of return to wealth, which is of the order of 7.5% (as detailed below).
The capital tax rate for billionaires is low even in countries with wealth taxes, France and
Norway. This result illustrates the severe limitations of the historical experience with wealth
taxation. Past and existing wealth taxes have so far failed to significantly tax ultra-high-net-
worth individuals, due to a combination of exemptions (most importantly for owner-managers
of large companies), design issues (mechanisms capping the amount of wealth tax owed to a
fraction of taxable income; preferential valuation for closely-held businesses), and poor
Just like individual capital taxes of billionaires are very low when expressed as a fraction of wealth ( = 0.3% of
wealth on average), they are also very low when expressed as a fraction of income: = 4% of income on
enforcement; see, e.g., Saez and Zucman (2022) and Bergolo et al. (2023) for a discussion.
Bach et al. (2024) show that due to these issues, billionaires paid no significant amount of
wealth tax in France in 2016, the year covered by their study (the French wealth tax was
abolished in 2018). In Norway, even though design issues are less severe than in France, the
effective wealth tax rate of billionaires does not exceed 0.3%, significantly below the top
statutory tax rate of 0.85%.
The consequence of the failure of the individual income tax (and wealth taxes when they exist)
is that billionaires have lower effective capital tax rates than the average person. On average,
people in the countries considered in Figure 3 pay the equivalent of around 1.1% of their wealth
in individual capital taxes.
The rate for billionaires is only about a quarter of that. One notable
contributor to this imbalance is residential property taxes, which are significant in many
countries (typically of the order of 1% of housing wealth). Residential property taxes are a tax
on wealth, but on a specific form of wealthreal estate. This form of wealth accounts for the
bulk of wealth for the middle-class, but for a vanishingly small fraction of wealth for ultra-high-
net-worth individuals. In effect, the middle-class is subject to wealth taxation, while billionaires
are largely free from wealth taxation.
The dynamics of global billionaire wealth
A simple computation illustrates the role played by the relatively low tax rates of billionaires
in the fast rise of their wealth since the 1980s. According to data compiled by Forbes, the wealth
of global billionaires has grown on average by 7.1% (net of inflation) per year between 1987
and 2024. With a capital tax rate of 0.3% and consumption equivalent to 0.1% of wealth, this
growth rate implies a gross return to wealth of 7.5% per year. This is higher than the comparable
average global pre-tax return to wealth, which can be estimated to be in the range of around
6%-7% over this period.
This returns differential is larger after tax: around 7% for billionaires
vs. 5%-6% for the average person globally. Instead of being offset by the tax system, the
difference in pre-tax returns has been magnified by it. In this accounting, about half of the
excess net return of billionaires owes to their relatively low individual capital tax rates.
This rate is computed as the total amount of individual capital income, property, and wealth tax revenue collected
by governments, divided by the total amount of household wealth.
With a global capital share of income of 25%-30% and a wealth/income ratio of 400%-600%, one gets on
average a real return to wealth (before any tax)  5% 6%; see Piketty and Zucman (2014) for a
discussion and estimates for the 8 largest high-income economies, see also the World Inequality Database
WID.world for updated and extended series on global capital shares and wealth/income ratios. For comparability
with the rate of return computed for billionaires, two adjustments need to be made. First, pure capital gains (i.e.,
the increase in asset prices above and beyond consumption prices and above and beyond what can be mechanically
explained by retained earnings) need to be added. The rate of pure capital gains can be estimated to be of the order
of 2% over this period globally, see, Bauluz, Novokmet and Schularik (2022, Table 4). Second, one needs to
deduct business-level capital taxes (corporate taxes and business property taxes), which amount to close to 1% of
wealth globally. Hence a global average pre-tax return to wealth of 6%-7%.
The individual capital tax rate is lower by about 0.8 percentage points for billionaires (0.3%) relative to the
average person (1.1%). Given a net-of-tax return for billionaires of 7.2% and for the average person of 5% to 6%,
the lower capital tax rate of billionaire explains 36% to 66% of the difference in net-of-tax returns. When counting
business-level capital taxes as part of taxes paid (as opposed to part of the gross return), then a smaller fraction of
the net return differential can be attributed to the tax system. In that case the interpretation is slightly different:
Figure 4: Wealth of the global top 0.0001% (as a % of world GDP)
Notes: This figure reports the evolution of the wealth owned by the top 0.0001% wealthiest households globally, expressed as
a fraction of world GDP. In 2024, the top 0.0001% (1 household out of 1 million) includes about 3,000 households, which
corresponds broadly to the number of dollar billionaires according to Forbes; hence in 2024 the wealth of the top 0.0001% is
nearly equal to the wealth of global billionaires ($14.4 trillion according to Forbes, or 13% of world GDP). In earlier years, the
top 0.0001% includes households with less than $1 billion; their wealth (not reported by Forbes, which focuses on dollar
billionaires) is estimated using Pareto-interpolation techniques. Growth of global income per adult is taken from the World
Bank; growth of global wealth per adult is estimated by assuming a rise in the global wealth/income ratio from 300% in 1987
to 600% in 2024, in line with available evidence (e.g., Chancel et al., 2022).
These low rates make it possible for ultra-high-net-worth individuals to add to their wealth at a
faster pace than the rest of the population, leading to an explosive wealth accumulation process.
Figure 4 illustrates this dynamic by plotting the evolution of the wealth of global billionaires
(adjusted for the size of the global population), scaled by world GDP, from 1987 to 2024. In
2024, there are about 2,800 billionaire households (defined as single individuals or married
couples, with children dependents if any) according to Forbes. This corresponds to roughly
0.0001% of all households globally: about 1 out of 1 million households has more than $1
billion in wealth today. Before 2024, there were fewer than 0.0001% of all households with
more than $1 billion in wealth. The wealth of these quasi-billionaire households is estimated
using standard Pareto-interpolation techniques.
This correction is necessary to avoid showing
differentials in gross returns are large, and contemporary tax systems are not progressive enough to offset a
meaningful fraction of this large differential.
The share of wealth owned by billionaires within the top 0.0001% is 
, where is the Pareto
coefficient (equal to about 1.3 1.4) and is the fraction of global households who are dollar billionaires.
a spurious rise in “billionaire wealth” which would be caused by the increase in the number of
billionaires over time.
As shown by Figure 4, the wealth of the top 0.0001%, expressed as a fraction of world GDP,
has been multiplied by a factor of more than four since the mid-1980s. In 1987, the top 0.0001%
owned the equivalent of 3% of world GDP in wealth. This wealth gradually rose to 8% of world
GDP on the eve of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. It briefly fell during the crisis, and
then rose fast to exceed 13% of world GDP in 2024. The average growth rate of wealth for this
group of the population is 7.1% per year net of inflation. For comparison, average income per
adult has grown 1.3% a year over the same period. The wealth of global billionaires has grown
faster than not only average income, but also average wealth (+3.2% per year). Most of the rise
of billionaires’ wealth relative to world GDP owes to a rise in the concentration of wealth itself.
As long as ultra-high-net-worth individuals keep having higher net-of-tax returns than the rest
of the population, their share of global wealth will keep risingan unsustainable path. This is
a plausible scenario if the world keeps getting increasingly economically integrated. Most of
the wealth of billionaires derives from their ownership stakes in multinational companies,
which benefit from low trade costs, free capital movements, and strong cross-border property
rights to access larger markets, boosting their profit and valuation.
To obtain a stationary wealth distribution, one needs either a reduction in pre-tax return at the
very top or more effective capital taxes at the top of the distribution. While there are certain
policies that may reduce pre-tax returns differentialssuch as certain protectionist policies that
would reduce the profits of multinational corporationsthey may entail high-efficiency costs
and could reduce welfare for large segments of the population. It is thus worth considering tax
policies that could increase the effectiveness of taxation at the very top of the wealth
2. A proposal for a coordinated minimum taxation standard
2.1. Baseline proposal: a 2% minimum tax on global billionaires
The baseline proposal made in this blueprint involves ensuring that dollar billionaires (about
3,000 taxpayers today) pay at least 2% of their wealth in individual taxes each year. The
individual taxes taken into account to compute this minimum would be individual income taxes,
wealth taxes, and economically equivalent levies. Payroll taxes, property taxes, corporate taxes,
consumption taxes, or other business-level and indirect levies would not be considered.
A minimum tax is the most powerful tool to improve the effectiveness of the taxation of ultra-
high-net-worth individuals because it ensures that no matter the avoidance strategies these
taxpayers may use, the amount of tax effectively paid cannot fall below a certain amount.
A key question is the base against which the minimum tax should be computed. Should it be
expressed as a fraction of taxable income, or as a fraction of some other notion of income, of
wealth, of consumption? For ultra-high-net-worth individuals, the most robust point of
reference is wealth itself, because income flows are not well defined at the very top of the
distribution, while wealth is. Wealth is the market value of one’s non-financial and financial
assets, net of debts. At the top of the wealth distribution, the bulk of wealth consists of shares
in companies. Data from named lists of wealthy individuals indicate that about half of the
wealth of global billionaires is held in shares of publicly listed companies, for which market
values are observable.
Fundamentally, this minimum tax should be seen not as a wealth tax, but as a tool to strengthen
the income tax. A billionaire who already pays the equivalent of 2% of their wealth in income
tax (e.g., because that person realizes a significant amount of capital gains or earns a significant
amount of dividend income directly) would have no extra tax to pay. Only billionaires who
currently pay less than 2% of their wealth in tax would have to pay more. Their individual
income tax payments would be topped up to reach 2% of wealth. This mechanism differs from
a wealth tax of 2% for billionaires. A wealth tax would come in addition to any individual
income tax paid, while the minimum tax proposed here would merely offset the failure of the
income tax, when it fails.
Technically, the minimum tax proposed here is what is known as a presumptive income tax.
The idea is that a billionaire who reports little taxable incomeand as a result pays little income
taxmust be presumed to earn economic income that is not being captured by the tax code. As
discussed in Section 1.2, recent research highlights the large gap between economic income
and taxable income at the top of the wealth distribution. Billionaires earn large amounts of
economic incometheir share of the profits made by the businesses they ownbut can report
no taxable income by avoiding dividend distributions and capital gains realization.
A concern with taxes computed in reference to wealth is the issue of liquidity. Liquidity
problems can be genuine for people with little economic income (e.g., owners of assets with a
low rate of return). Billionaires, as we have seen, have significant economic incomes, with rates
of return to wealth of 7.5% (net of inflation) on average per year since the 1980s. Because the
proposed rate (2% in the baseline proposal) is significantly below this rate of return, and the tax
is structured as a minimum tax (thus avoiding double-taxation issues), liquidity issues should
be limited. Ultra-high-net-worth individuals also have access to liquidity through various
means, such as bank loans.
2.2. Coordination while respecting national sovereignty
The minimum tax proposed in this blueprint would set a common standard while respecting
national sovereignty. Participating countries would need to agree on a common norm (say, that
billionaires must pay at least 2% in tax each year), a norm which they would then enforce
through domestic measures. A variety of domestic tools can be used to ensure that ultra-high-
net-worth individuals pay the agreed minimum, including a presumptive income tax, an income
tax on a broad notion of income, or a wealth tax. Any of these taxes would qualify as a valid
implementation of the standard, as long as the tax payments of ultra-high-net-worth individuals
meet the internationally agreed minimum (say, 2% of wealth) as a result. This approach
accommodates the variety of national legal and fiscal traditions, as well as potential
constitutional constraints on the use of certain instruments. It combines coordination with
flexibility, maximizing the number of countries that could join the common standard.
Presumptive income taxation
With a presumptive income tax, ultra-high-net-worth individuals would be presumed to earn a
certain fraction of their wealth in income. For instance, billionaires could be presumed to earn
6% of their wealth in economic income. This would correspond to a gross rate of return to
wealth of 6%close to, if anything slightly lower, than the average pre-tax rate-of-return to
wealth globally, which, as shown in Section 1.3, has been around 6%-7% on average per year
since the 1980s. To arrive at a minimum tax rate of 2% when expressed as a fraction of wealth,
this imputed income would have to be taxed at a rate of 33%. In practice, billionaires would
also compute the amount of tax normally owed according to the regular income tax code; they
would then pay the greater of the two numbers. A person reporting a large amount of taxable
income would typically not be affected by the presumptive income tax. Vice versa, someone
reporting little taxable income would be affected by it.
There is a long experience with presumptive taxation in some countries. A presumptive income
tax was created in Colombia in 1974. Presumed income was supposed to equal 8% of wealth.
This rate was gradually reduced since the 2000s and the presumptive income tax was abolished
in 2021. The main goal of the presumptive income tax was to ensure a minimum income tax
payment by wealthy individuals, to combat tax avoidance and evasion, and to stabilize revenue
collection in the face of variations in the economic cycle.
A lesson from this experience is that
a presumptive income tax is maximally useful when wealth is comprehensively and accurately
measured. Measuring wealth can be difficult when most of it is in the form of small private
business assets or other assets with no immediately observable market value. A major difference
with the minimum tax proposed in this blueprint is that, by contrast, and as detailed in Section
4.1 below, most of the wealth of ultra-high-net-worth individuals is in assets for which market
values are readily available.
Wealth taxation
Another simple implementation of the proposed minimum tax would be with a wealth tax. If
the wealth tax rate is at least 2% on billionaires, then by definition this tax would fulfill the
international standard. As with presumptive income taxation, to maximize effectiveness it is
key to include all forms of wealth in the base, to rely on observable market values to measure
In Colombia, when presumed income exceeded taxable income, this “presumptive excess income” could (subject
to some limitations) be deducted from future taxable income. The presumptive income tax remained binding for
taxpayers who repeatedly reported less taxable income than 8% of their wealth.
wealth, and to approximate market values when these values are missing, as detailed in Section
Income tax on a broad notion of income
Yet another way to implement the tax would be with a tax on a broad notion of income including
unrealized capital gains, such as the “billionaire minimum income tax” proposed in the United
States by the administration of Joe Biden. This billionaire tax would affect Americans with
more than $100 million in wealth and subject their income, defined broadly to include
unrealized capital gains, to a minimum individual income tax rate of 25%.
This tax would in
effect subject the full pre-tax return to wealth of ultra-high-net-worth Americans to a minimum
individual tax rate of 25%, no matter whether this return takes the form of dividends, realized
capital gains, or unrealized gains.
With a gross return to wealth of more than 8%, a 25% minimum tax on broad income including
unrealized gains is equivalent to a minimum tax of more than 2% of wealth. To assess whether
the “billionaire minimum income tax” would effectively implement the standard proposed in
this blueprint, consider the return to wealth for ultra-high-net-worth Americans. According to
data collected by Forbes, the wealth of the 400 richest Americans (adjusted for population size,
i.e., the top 0.00025% wealthiest households) has grown by 10.6% per year on average in
nominal terms between 1982 and 2023, implying a gross annual average pre-tax return of about
Enforcing the “billionaire minimum income tax” would thus on average implement
the proposed international standard. In fact, given observed rates of return for ultra-high-net-
worth Americans, the “billionaire minimum income tax” is more ambitious than the proposed
2% international standard: a 25% minimum tax applied to a gross return of 11.3% is equivalent
to a minimum tax of 2.8% of wealth.
Naturally, the 11.3% gross return is an average. Because there is heterogeneity in returns (both
across individuals and for a given individual over time), one may fear that a tax on broad income
may not always be enough to implement the international standard proposed in this blueprint.
However, two provisions of the “billionaire minimum income tax” alleviate this concern.
First, the tax proposed in the United States includes a one-off 25% tax on the current stock of
unrealized capital gains, payable over 9 years. Saez, Yagan and Zucman (2021, Table 1)
estimate that in 2020, unrealized capital gains accounted for 54% of the wealth of Americans
with more than $100 million in wealth. Given the post-Covid rise in the U.S. stock market, we
can estimate that this share reached about 60% in 2024. The 25% one-off tax on the stock of
unrealized gains would thus be equivalent to a 15% one-off wealth tax (25% times 60%), or a
1.67% annual wealth tax over 9 years. Given that U.S. billionaires appear to pay around 0.5%
See U.S. Department of the Treasury, General Explanations of the Administration's Fiscal Year 2025, pp. 83-
85, available online at https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/131/General-Explanations-FY2025.pdf. See also
Saez, Yagan and Zucman (2021).
Assuming an individual tax rate equivalent to 0.6% of wealth, a consumption rate of 0.1% of wealth, and
negligible labor income. This return is slightly higher than the pre-tax return to wealth of the global top 0.0001%,
which has been 7.5% a year net of inflation on average over the period 1987 to 2024 (as detailed in Section 2.3),
corresponding to a yearly average gross return (i.e., before subtracting inflation) of 9.2%.
or more of their wealth in individual income taxes annually (Figure 3 above), this additional
1.67% tax alone would be enough to implement the proposed 2% global standard in the next 9
years even if no additional capital gains were made in those years.
Second, the “billionaire minimum income tax” includes mechanisms allowing taxpayers to
spread out payments and thus smooth out variation in returns. Taxpayers would be allowed to
pay the minimum tax in five equal, annual installments. Given the structurally high returns
observed at the top of the U.S. wealth distribution, it is likely that in years when they make low
returns, billionaires would typically still be liable for installments owed from prior high-return
years. This could ensure that even in low-return years, their total tax payments add up to 2% of
their wealth or more. In sum, a “billionaire minimum income tax” in the United States would
implement a 2%-of-wealth minimum tax standard in the next 9 years, and plausibly so after
The value of flexibility
The different possible implementations of the coordinated minimum tax proposed in this
blueprint all have potential strengths and weaknesses. A presumptive income tax and a wealth
tax implement the standard with certainty. A presumptive income tax stays firmly in the realm
of income taxation (thus overcoming potential issues about the constitutionality of wealth taxes
that might arise in certain countries), as does a tax on a broad notion of income including
unrealized capitals. A tax on unrealized capital gains provides less certainty (given returns
heterogeneity), but that uncertainty and the implied volatility in tax revenues can be addressed
through proper smoothing mechanisms.
In the end, allowing flexibility in the choice of the domestic instrument used to implement the
standard means that each country can choose the instrument that best fits its circumstances, its
legal context, its fiscal tradition, and its existing information reporting system. This approach
is likely to maximize the number of countries that could join the common standard.
2.3. Tax revenue estimation
Baseline proposal: 2% tax on billionaires
According to the available data, the baseline scenario considered in this reporta 2% minimum
tax on global billionaireswould generate around $200-$250 billion in tax revenue annually.
To obtain this estimate, I use the following data and make the following assumptions.
I start from Forbes global billionaire data, according to which in 2024 there were about 2,800
billionaires (in US dollars) who collectively owned $14.2 trillion in wealth. I then combine
existing studies estimating the current effective individual tax rates of billionaires, summarized
in Figure 2. Specifically, I estimate the global average individual tax rate of billionaires by
taking the arithmetic average of the rate of US, French, and Dutch billionaires. This average is
equal to 0.3% when expressed as a fraction of wealth. In effect, this computation assumes that
France and the Netherlands are representative of countries other than the United States.
As discussed in Section 1 this assumption is plausible given the widespread availability of the
income tax avoidance mechanisms that lead to the low effective rates observed for French and
Dutch billionaires. Figure 3, reporting the results of ongoing work in Sweden and Norway, also
lends support to this assumption. Additional studies in more countries (especially non-European
countries) would be valuable to refine it, however. Under this assumption, a 2% minimum tax
on global billionaires, if perfectly enforced, would increase their individual tax payments by
the equivalent of 1.7% of their wealth.
Last, I make assumptions about tax avoidance and evasion. In a high-end scenario, I assume
the tax would be well enforced. A 2% minimum tax on global billionaires would then raise
$242 billion in 2024. In a low-end scenario, I assume that 20% of the revenues would be lost
due to tax avoidance and evasion. This corresponds to a higher rate of avoidance/evasion than
the 15% typically used in the literature to score wealth tax proposals (e.g., Saez and Zucman,
2019a). In this low-end scenario, a 2% minimum tax on global billionaires would raise $193
billion in 2024. In both cases, the revenues involved are significant, given the small population
of taxpayers affected. They are similarif anything slightly largerthan the expected revenues
from the global minimum tax of 15% on multinational companies (Alstadsæter et al., 2023;
OECD, 2024).
Extending the tax to centimillionaires
There is no reason to subject only billionairesan arbitrary thresholdto a minimum tax. One
virtue of considering billionaires is that this group of individuals is small and visible, facilitating
enforcement. Moreover, existing evidence (Figures 1 and 2) shows that billionaires have
particularly low personal income tax rates, since taxable income tends to become vanishingly
small relative to wealth for this group. This indicates that the revenue potential of a minimum
tax expressed as a fraction of wealth is particularly large for this group.
Even if the goal is to tax billionaires, it would be necessary to collect information on wealth for
a broader population, for at least two reasons: (i) to be able to identify billionaires, and (ii) to
structure the tax to avoid a discrete jump in tax liability at the $1 billion threshold. For these
reasons, it is useful to consider a minimum tax starting at a lower wealth threshold. Following
the “billionaire minimum income tax” proposed in the United States, I consider a minimum tax
starting at $100 million in wealth.
Using standard Pareto-interpolation techniques, it is possible to provide a rough estimate for
the revenues of a 2% minimum tax on centimillionaires. Because there are many more
centimillionaires than billionaires and their wealth is less well documented, estimates need to
be taken with care. According to the World Inequality Report 2022 (Chancel et al., 2022), in
2021 there were about 65,000 adults with wealth above $100 million, corresponding to about
This computation is simplified and conservative because it disregards heterogeneity in effective tax rates among
billionaires. Some billionaires can have an effective tax rate that exceeds 2% of their wealth today (e.g., when
realizing large amounts of capital gains). Because the minimum tax would be computed taxpayer by taxpayer (and
not for billionaires as a group), revenues would be higher than implied by a computation that only considers
average rates for billionaires as a group.
0.001% of all adult individuals globally.
They owned about $28.1 trillion in wealth. After
adjusting these numbers to 2024 based on the evolution of billionaire wealth observed between
2021 and 2024, this estimate implies that centimillionaires other than billionaires owned about
$16.9 trillion in wealth in 2024. Existing studies suggest that the effective tax rate of centi-
millionaires is higher than for billionaires. Based on this evidence, I assume an effective tax
rate of 1.2% for people with wealth between $100 million and $1 billion.
Under these assumptions, extending the 2% minimum tax to centimillionaires would generate
an additional amount of tax revenue of $108 billion in the low-end scenario (20% evasion) and
$135 billion in the high-end scenario (no evasion) in 2024. These numbers are more uncertain
than the estimates for billionaires (due to the more limited data on wealth for centimillionaires)
and must be seen as tentative and subject to revisions.
Revenue potential with different minimum tax rates
So far, we have considered a minimum tax rate of 2%. This rate, as detailed in Section 2.4,
would implement a standard of “non-regressivity” at the top of the wealth distribution, ensuring
that billionaires do not have lower effective tax rates (all taxes included) than socio-economic
groups further down. This is a well-defined norm that could receive widespread support. In the
public debate, few people if any indeed seem to advocate explicitly for the wealthiest
individuals to have lower tax rates than others. It is worth, however, considering different
minimum rates and their effects on revenues.
Table 1 summarizes the revenue potential of a coordinated minimum tax with rates of 1%, 2%,
or 3%. I consider a tax on billionaires as well as the effect of extending the tax to
centimillionaires. In all cases, a range of revenues based on the assumptions about tax
avoidance/evasion made above are provided: the low-end scenario corresponds to 20%
evasion/avoidance and the high-end scenario corresponds to perfect enforcement.
The main conclusion is that the tax rate has a large and non-linear effect. With a 1% minimum
rate, centi-millionaires other than billionaires would pay no additional tax (since their current
tax rate is above 1% and heterogeneity in effective tax rate is disregarded), while billionaires
would pay $80-$100 billion. With a 3% rate, revenues are large: if applied to all centi-
millionaires the tax would raise $550 billion to $690 billion, with 45% of the revenues coming
from centimillionaires and 55% coming from billionaires.
See the simulator available at https://wid.world/world-wealth-tax-simulator/, which could be used to simulate
other scenarios.
This rate of 1.2% is obtained as follows. I first estimate the effective income tax rate of centi-millionaires as a
fraction of their pre-tax income by taking the average effective income tax rate of the P99.99-P99.999 and P99.999-
P99.9999 groups in Europe and in the United States (where Europe is the arithmetic average of France and the
Netherlands) using the data reported in Figure 2. I then express this rate as a fraction of wealth by assuming that
for centimillionaires, pre-tax income equals 11% of wealth (a higher ratio than for billionaires, since for centi-
millionaires pre-tax income includes some income).
Table 1: Revenue projections under different scenarios (in billion US$, 2024)
1% rate
2% rate
3% rate
>$1 billion
80 100
193 242
307 384
$100m $1 billion
108 135
244 305
>$100 million
80 100
302 377
551 688
Notes: This table reports revenue estimates from a coordinated minimum tax on ultra-high-net-worth individuals,
for different minimum tax rates. In 2024, a minimum tax on global billionaires equal to 2% of their wealth would
have generated $242 billion in tax revenue assuming perfect enforcement, and $193 billion assuming 20% tax
avoidance and evasion. See the text for the description of the methodology.
The revenue estimates presented in Table 1 are for the first year of the tax. In the short term,
behavioral responses other than avoidance/evasion can be neglected, because wealth is a stock
variable, and wealthy individuals cannot consume their wealth instantaneously.
long-run revenues requires a model of capital accumulation at the top of the wealth distribution.
Saez and Zucman (2019a) present a model of long-run billionaire taxation with a wealth tax at
a rate of on the total wealth of billionaires. They show that under simple assumptions, the
of the billionaire tax base with respect to the net-of-tax rate after T years of taxation
is the average number of years billionaire fortunes have been exposed to the tax (weighting
each billionaire by wealth) during these T years. The elasticity depends on the wealth mobility
process at the top of the wealth distribution. If wealth ranks are frozen then the elasticity is
relatively large. If, by contrast, new fortunes emerge and others shrink, the elasticity is relatively
Long-run revenue projections would also require making assumptions about the pre-tax return
of billionaires. Over the last four decades their returns have been 7.5% per year on average (net
of inflation) and their effective tax rate equivalent to 0.3% of wealth. If pre-tax returns remain
the same, a well-enforced minimum tax of 2% would reduce the net-of-tax return of billionaires
from 7.2% to 5.5%. As we have seen in Section 1, the average net-of-tax real return globally
has been 5%-6% since the 1980s. A 2% effective tax on billionaires would make billionaires’
returns more comparable to the average return, potentially leading to a stationary wealth
process. In any case, for all scenarios considered in this blueprint, the net-of-tax return of
billionaires would remain high: in a range from 4.5% (with a well-enforced 3% minimum tax)
to 6.7% (with a poorly enforced 1% minimum tax).
A potential short-term behavioral response would be charitable giving, i.e., billionaires immediately giving away
a fraction of their wealth to avoid the minimum tax. Due to the lack of empirically grounded estimates, I do not
attempt to model this potential margin of response.
2.4. A tool to safeguard tax progressivity
Beyond its effect on government revenue, the main effect of a minimum tax on ultra-high-net-
worth individuals would be to safeguard tax progressivity at the very top of the distribution.
Figure 5: Average tax rates by income group, with billionaire minimum tax
(% of pre-tax income)
Notes: This figure reports estimates of current effective tax rates by pre-tax income groups and for U.S. dollar billionaires in
high-income countries, and in the scenario of a 2% minimum tax on billionaires. These estimates include all taxes paid at all
levels of government and are expressed as a percent of pre-tax income. P0-50 denotes the 50% of adults at the bottom of the
pre-tax income distribution, P50-90 the next four deciles, etc. Pre-tax income includes all national income (measured following
standard national account definitions) before taxes and transfers and after the operation of the pension system. Sources and
methodology: see Appendix B.
Figure 5 illustrates this effect by showing how effective tax rates would change if a coordinated
minimum tax ensuring payments equal to at least 2% of wealth was enforced. Due to data
limitations, I focus on high-income countries; Appendix B provides complete methodological
details. As the Figure shows, a 2% minimum tax on billionaires would erase the decline in
effective tax rates currently observed at that level of the distribution. It would increase their
effective tax rate, all taxes included, from about 22% of pre-tax income to about 39%. The
effective rate of billionaires would become similar to the rate observed in the bottom 99%. In
other words, if the standard implemented in this report was implemented, the effective tax rate
of billionaires would be no lower than that of ordinary taxpayersbut it would also be no
higher. This can be seen as a de minimis requirement and justifies the focus on the 2% rate
the rate that makes tax systems non-regressive for billionaires. Centimillionaires other than
billionaires would still enjoy relatively low tax rates of less than 30% of income, however.
Figure 6: Average tax rates by income group, with centimillionaire minimum tax
(% of pre-tax income)
Notes: This figure reports estimates of current effective tax rates by pre-tax income groups and for U.S. dollar billionaires in
high-income countries, and in the scenario of a 2% minimum tax on centimillionaires. These estimates include all taxes paid
at all levels of government and are expressed as a percent of pre-tax income. P0-50 denotes the 50% of adults at the bottom
of the pre-tax income distribution, P50-90 the next four deciles, etc. Pre-tax income includes all national income (measured
following standard national account definitions) before taxes and transfers and after the operation of the pension system.
Sources and methodology: see Appendix B.
Figure 6 shows that this issue could largely be addressed if the minimum tax was extended to
centimillionaires. For people with wealth between $100 million and $1 billion, a 2% minimum
tax would increase effective tax rates (all taxes included) from less than 28% to 34%, erasing a
large fraction of the fall in progressivity observed today. Three limits must be noted, however.
First, these results are illustrative of high-income countries on average. There is substantial
heterogeneity across countries. The baseline proposal formulated in this report does not
guarantee that tax progressivity will be safeguarded in each country. Second, even focusing on
average patterns, some regressivity would remain at the top, with taxpayers between the 99
percentile and the $100 million threshold having a lower tax rate (around 35%) than the middle
class (around 40%). Additional measures would be required to address this issue. Third, the
proposal would not make the tax system progressive. Achieving that goal requires considering
higher minimum tax rates.
Figure 7: Average tax rates by income group, with different minimum tax rates
(% of pre-tax income)
Notes: This figure reports estimates of current effective tax rates by pre-tax income groups and for U.S. dollar billionaires in
high-income countries, and different scenarios on minimum taxation. These estimates include all taxes paid at all levels of
government and are expressed as a percent of pre-tax income. P0-50 denotes the 50% of adults at the bottom of the pre-tax
income distribution, P50-90 the next four deciles, etc. Pre-tax income includes all national income (measured following
standard national account definitions) before taxes and transfers and after the operation of the pension system. Sources and
methodology: see Appendix B.
Figure 7 shows how varying the minimum tax rate would affect the profile of tax progressivity.
A 1% minimum tax would be insufficient to significantly affect centimillionaires other than
billionaires. It would increase a bit the effective tax rate of billionaires, but significant
regressivity would remain. With a 3% minimum rate, by contrast, the tax system would become
progressive above the 99.99
3. The value added of international cooperation
Although there is a lot that can be done unilaterally by countries to improve the taxation of
ultra-high-net-worth individuals, international coordination on this issue adds value for two
main reasons: it would help prevent a race to the bottom, and it would support the effectiveness
of domestic policies.
3.1. Avoiding a race-to-the-bottom
A common challenge with increasing the taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals is the
international mobility of the taxpayers involved. Most countries tax resident individuals on their
worldwide income (and worldwide wealth when there is a wealth tax). To avoid taxes, taxpayers
can change their country of residency and move to a low-tax country, or to countries that are
high-tax overall but offer favorable regimes for high-net-worth foreigners (see Alstadsæter et
al., 2023, chapter 3, for a discussion of this form of international tax competition). The risk of
such tax-driven migration has been a major argument in favor of reforms reducing the taxation
of high-net-worth individuals in recent decades.
To be sure, the risk of tax-driven migration can be exaggerated in the public debate. Recent
research shows that migration responses to taxes by high-net-worth individuals are not zero,
but not large either. Studying various wealth tax reforms in Sweden and Norway, Jakobsen et
al. (2024) summarize their findings as follows in their abstract: “We find significant effects on
out-migration flows from increases in the effective wealth tax. But, we also document that the
overall level of these migration flows is remarkably small, with annual net-migration rates
below 0.01%. As a result, we find that the aggregate economic effects of tax-induced migration
are modest in Scandinavia.” Studying a reform increasing taxes on globally connected super-
rich individuals in the United Kingdom (the “non-doms”), Advani et al. (2023) similarly
conclude that “emigration responses were modest.In high-income countries like Scandinavian
countries and the United Kingdom, other features of the economy can keep making these
countries attractive to wealthy individuals, even with higher tax rates.
These studies do not speak directly to the migration responses of billionaires, however. To
better apprehend them, one can use data from Forbes, which records both the nationality and
the country of residency of identified global billionaires. Using these data, Figure 8 shows the
fraction of global billionaires who live in a country different from their country of citizenship.
This fraction has increased from about 5%-6% in the mid-2000s to about 9% in 2024. More
than 90% of world billionaires live in their country of citizenship. A rising trend in the fraction
living abroad, however, is visibleand a significant share of the billionaires living in a country
different than their citizenship country live in relatively low-tax countries, such as Switzerland,
Monaco, and the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, as we have seen, billionaires on average
have low tax rates today. The question of how they would respond to an increase in their taxes
(e.g., from the current level of about 0.3% of wealth to a rate of say 2%) is legitimate.
A common standard would limit the risk of tax-driven mobility. If all countries implemented a
minimum tax on ultra-high-net-worth individuals, effective tax rate differentials would be
small. Importantly, as detailed in Section 4.4., there is no need for the participation of all
countries for the standard to be effective: effective implementation of the standard by a critical
mass of countries would be enough to curb a race to the bottom.
Figure 8: Share of global billionaires living in a country different from their country of
Notes: This figure shows the fraction of global billionaires (as identified by Forbes magazines) who live in a
country different than their country of citizenship. Sources: Forbes.
3.2. The complementarity between national and international action
Countries have a variety of tools at their disposal to effectively tax ultra-high-net-worth
individuals while limiting tax-driven mobility. These tools include exit taxes, certain forms of
taxation for non-resident individuals, or tying taxation not to residency but to citizenship (as
done in the United States).
International cooperation adds value because it provides additional protection against tax
competition. This additional protection is particularly valuable for relatively small countries
and for lower-income countries. These countries are relatively more exposed to international
mobility, and likely more constrained in their ability to tackle it through unilateral action, e.g.,
because they may have more limited tax enforcement possibilities on non-residents. Even in
large economies with the strongest anti-avoidance measures, enforcing taxes on non-residents
can face limitations. Taxpayers may renounce citizenship; they may try to elect residency in
low-tax countries even before becoming wealthy but in anticipation of future gains; in some
context, there may also be legal limits to the taxation of non-residents or to the use of exit taxes.
International coordination is also valuable because it would support the implementation of
domestic tax policy measures. A common minimum standard for the taxation of ultra-high-net-
worth individuals would reduce incentives for the taxpayers affected to engage in tax avoidance,
making domestic reforms (such as increased taxation of capital gains) more effective. It would
also create transparency about top-end wealth (as detailed in Section 4.2), facilitating the
enforcement of domestic taxes on capital income and wealth taxes when they exist.
There is a parallel with the coordinated minimum tax on multinational companies (“Pillar Two
of the OECD Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the
Digitalisation of the Economy). Just like tax avoidance by ultra-high-net-worth individuals,
profit shifting by multinational firms can be tackled through a variety of domestic measures,
especially in large economies. For example, a country may choose to tax resident corporations
on their worldwide profits (including their profits booked abroad) and combine this worldwide
taxation with strong anti-inversion rules to prevent firms from changing their headquarter
There are many other anti-profit-shifting measures that can be implemented
domestically, which have merit independent of any international action. Yet international
coordination adds value because it provides additional protection against the weaknesses that
even the most sophisticated domestic systems can have.
An effective action plan against tax avoidance (whether it is by multinational companies or
ultra-high-net-worth individuals) combines domestic and internationally coordinated measures,
which complement and reinforce each other. Like with Pillar Two, international cooperation on
a standard of effective taxation for ultra-high-net-worth individuals would reinforce the ability
of the government to implement its own domestic legislation.
4. Implementation challenges
4.1. Wealth valuation
The standard proposed in this blueprint uses wealth as a reference to compute the minimum
amount of tax owed by ultra-high-net-worth individuals. Using wealth is desirable because
narrow notions of income do not capture the actual economic income of ultra-high-net-worth
individuals and their ability to pay taxes. The different possible implementations of the
standarda presumptive income tax, a tax on a broad notion of income including unrealized
capital gains, or a wealth taxeach require measuring wealth, both because the standard is
expressed as a fraction of wealth, and because these various instruments all require measuring
wealth or wealth changes. Building on existing methods, it should be possible to obtain reliable
estimates of the wealth of ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
This largely characterizes the way the U.S. corporate tax used to work before 2018 (with the exception that
foreign profits were taxable in the United States only upon repatriation).
Even in a worldwide corporate tax system with strong anti-inversion rules, for instance, there are still incentives
for new companies to incorporate in offshore financial centers, i.e., to “be born” in a tax haven.
Most countries already have methods in place to value top-end wealth, because they have
inheritance (or estate) taxes. These methods constitute a natural starting point for national
implementations of the proposed standard. They could be strengthened and harmonized, just as
the international agreement on the minimum tax for multinationals created a common,
harmonized definition of profits.
In practice, the main challenge in estimating the wealth of ultra-high-net-worth individuals
involves the valuation of private businesses (i.e., businesses that are not listed on a stock
exchange). According to existing data, about half of the wealth of global billionaires is in shares
of publicly listed companies, which are straightforward to value. The other half consists mostly
of shares in private companies.
The private businesses owned by billionaires are typically large, making it possible to ascertain
their value by comparing these businesses to similar publicly listed companies. To value private
businesses, tax authorities could apply the valuation multiples observed for similar listed
businesses in the same industry: multiple of market value to profits, market value to assets, and
market value to sales. Tax authorities could also rely on transactions in private business shares,
which de facto value private companies and could be made reportable to tax authorities.
Other forms of wealth (such as art) account for a small fraction of the wealth of billionaires.
Valuation methods also exist for these other forms of wealth. For instance, valuable artwork is
typically insured. Insurance values could be made reportable to tax authorities.
One potential concern with a tax on billionaires using wealth as a reference is that it might
create incentives for the targeted taxpayers to shift their wealth into harder-to-value asset
classes. For instance, firm owners might be less willing to list their companies on the stock
market. A potential solution to that concern would be to value listed companies like private
firms, i.e., by using multiples of market value to profits, market value to assets, and market
value to sales of similar listed firms in the same industry. This would harmonize the treatment
of listed and non-listed companies, in effect smoothing out firm-specific variation in the stock
price of listed companies.
4.2. Overcoming financial opacity
A successful enforcement of the proposed standard faces two main practical challenges: (i) how
to minimize wealth concealment; (ii) how to identify beneficial ownership of assets and ensure
that information is available to the relevant tax authorities.
Addressing the risk of wealth concealment
An obstacle to taxing ultra-high-net-worth individuals historically has been financial opacity in
offshore financial centers. Until 2017 most offshore financial institutions did not communicate
information to foreign tax authorities, except on an ad-hoc basis when information was
requested for taxpayers who had aroused suspicion. This bank secrecy made it relatively easy
for wealthy individuals to evade taxes on offshore income and wealth.
Over the last 15 years, bank secrecy has been curtailed through increased information exchange
between countries. The United States started the process by enacting the Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act (FATCA) in 2010, which was implemented in 2014. A similar systemthe
Common Reporting Standard, or CRSwas then implemented among more than 100 countries
and territories starting in 2017. FATCA requires that all banks worldwide report on the account
holdings of US citizens under the threat of penalties. Under the CRS, financial institutions must
report to their respective tax administrations on all accounts held by foreigners; this information
is then shared with tax administrations in the account holders’ home countries.
Evidence is emerging that both FATCA and the CRS have contributed to reducing offshore tax
evasion. Summarizing this preliminary evidence, the Global Tax Evasion Report 2024
tentatively estimates that offshore tax evasion has declined by a factor of about three in less
than 10 years. Before 2013, households owned the equivalent of 10% of world GDP in financial
wealth in tax havens globally, the bulk of which was undeclared to tax authorities and belonged
to high-net-worth individuals. Today there is still the equivalent of 10% of world GDP in
offshore household financial wealth, but according to the Global Tax Evasion Report 2024 only
about 25% of it evades taxation. This evolution shows that international cooperation and the
creation of common standards can be powerful tools to support domestic taxation.
Despite this progress, limits in information sharing remain. First, it remains possible to own
financial assets that escape being reported on, whether it is due to non-compliance by offshore
financial institutions or to limitations in the design of the automatic exchange of bank
information (see, e.g., Boas et al., 2024). Second, not all assets are covered by this system, most
importantly real estate, other non-financial assets (such as art), and shares in private companies.
Research highlights how some individuals who used to conceal financial assets in offshore
banks may have exploited these loopholes by shifting holdings to real estate (Bomare and Le
Guern Herry, 2024; Alstadsæter et al., 2022).
Improving the effective taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals requires improving
international information exchange. The Common Reporting Standard should be extended to
include real estate and other non-financial assets. This would work best if combined with
improved reporting on the ownership of shell companies, which are often used as nominal
owners for luxury real estate. There is growing support at the G20 level and beyond for
including real estate in the automatic exchange of bank information; see OECD (2023). Other
assets such as cryptocurrency also need to be incorporated into the CRS. The increase in market
valuation for cryptocurrencies has raised questions over risks of tax evasion, prompting the
OECD to develop a reporting standard called CARF (Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework).
Identifying beneficial owners
Another challenge with successfully enforcing a minimum tax on billionaires involves
identifying beneficial ownership of assets. There has been progress in this area in recent years
thanks to the creation of beneficial ownership registries, but gaps remain. Building on existing
policies, two potential improvements can be considered.
A first step would involve adding beneficial ownership requirements to the country-by-country
reports of multinational companies. Since 2016-2017, large multinational companies have been
required to compile country-by-country reports detailing their profit, revenue, assets, etc., in
the different countries where they operate. These reports are filed confidentially with the tax
authority of the multinational’s parent company and then exchanged internationally between
tax authorities. In addition to the variables currently reported, multinational firms could be
required to list their main beneficial owners, such as shareholders who beneficially own more
than 1% of their stock, either directly or indirectly through holdings and other intermediate
structures. Because the bulk of the wealth of billionaires derives from their ownership stakes in
multinational companies, such a reporting would allow tax authorities to capture a large fraction
of the wealth of global billionaires.
Identifying the main beneficial owners of multinational companies should be possible even
when the shares are held through intermediaries (such as family holding companies, investment
funds, trusts, etc.) because financial intermediaries themselves are required to identify
beneficial owners by virtue of existing anti-money-laundering regulations. Lowering the
revenue threshold for mandatory compilation of country-by-country reports (currently set at
€750 million) would allow to capture an even greater share of the wealth of ultra-high-net-
worth individuals. Because country-by-country reports are already exchanged internationally,
this modest enhancement of existing information reporting systems could play a critical role in
allowing tax authorities to enforce the common standard not only on domestic, but also if
needed on non-resident ultra-high-net-worth individuals, as described in Section 4.3 below.
A second step would involve creating new self-reporting requirements for ultra-high-net-worth
individuals, modelled on the country-by-country reports of multinational firms. Resident
billionaires would be asked to file confidentially a report on their wealth, detailing the assets
they own in the different countries of the world. These reports could be filed with the tax
authority of the billionaires’ residence country. They could then be exchanged internationally
among the countries implementing the common standard. To enhance compliance, advisors
who manage a substantial amount of family assets could be asked to provide timely and
comprehensive information to their clients as to which participations they hold, directly or
indirectly, with penalties for non-compliance.
The quality of the self-reported information provided in these reports would be cross-checked
against data information available within tax authorities, coming from (i) domestic sources:
business registries, securities and exchange commissions, domestic financial institutions, land
and real estate registries, tax returns, etc.; (ii) information on cross-border bank accounts shared
through the Common Reporting Standard; (iii) the beneficial ownership information added to
the country-by-country reports of multinational companies; (iv) other sources, such as
journalistic estimates, court records, and beneficial ownership registries of foreign countries.
4.3. Dealing with imperfect coordination
Ideally, all countries would implement the proposed standard. Political and geopolitical factors,
however, could make it difficult to obtain truly global participation. How to ensure an effective
taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals if some jurisdictions decline to implement this
standard? Two main policies could be implemented: first, measures to strengthen mechanisms
to limit tax-driven international mobility; second, mechanisms to incentivize broad
participation in the agreement, modeled on the incentives included in the Pillar Two minimum
tax on multinational firms.
Strengthening mechanisms to limit tax-driven mobility
Many countries have rules in place to limit tax-driven changes in the residency of high-net-
worth individuals, including exit taxes. Countries implementing the minimum tax standard
could build on these rules and strengthen them.
First, some countries (most prominently the United States) tax citizens no matter where they
live, no matter how rich they are, and no matter how long they have been residing in that
country. This contrasts with the general approach followed by most other countries, in which
taxation is determined by residency. Taxpayers stop being liable for taxes when they move
abroad, no matter how long they have lived in their origin country, and no matter how wealthy
they have become in that country.
Countries implementing the common standard could consider the following middle-ground
approach. They could keep taxing ultra-high-net-worth individuals after a change of residency
for a number of years (which itself could depend on how long these individuals have been a
resident in their origin country). This tax obligation would only apply to wealthy individuals
who have been long-term residents; nationality, in this system, would be irrelevant. Moreover,
any tax paid in the new country would be credited against the amount of tax owed in the origin
country, thus preventing any double taxation. This system can be justified by the fact that
wealthy individuals who have lived for a long time in a country and have become rich in that
country owe at least part of their success to the education they received in that country, the
infrastructure and public goods that allowed their businesses to thrive, the health care system,
the legal and judicial system, etc.
To illustrate how this system would operate, consider an ultra-high-net-worth individual who
has spent 40 years of their adult life in country A (implementing the common standard) and
decides to move to country B (not implementing the common standard). Country A would keep
taxing that person as if they were still a resident of A, with tax credits to offset any taxes paid
in B. This obligation could gradually decline over time. For example, the person would remain
liable for a fraction 40/41 of her normal tax liability in A (i.e., the amount they would have paid
in A if they were still a resident of A) in the first year after the change of residency, for a fraction
40/42 in the second year, etc. A would also ensure that each year, the individual involved does
not fall below the common minimum tax standard.
Formally, consider an ultra-high-net-worth individual who moves abroad after having lived
years in country A. Denote by
the tax owed years after the move from country A if there
had been no change of residency. Then the maximum of   
and the common
minimum tax (2% of wealth owned in ) would be collected by country A in  .
This mechanism would reduce incentives for wealthy people to move abroad for tax reasons.
By construction, it would not affect people who move to relatively high-tax countries. An
advantage of this system is that it addresses all forms of international tax competition, whether
it is standard tax competition on tax rates, or preferential tax regimes. Moreover, this system is
also immune to the risk of citizenship renunciation that weakens the US system of taxation
based on citizenship, since it is not based on nationality.
As one variation over that system, origin countries could enforce the common minimum tax
standard only, as opposed to the full origin country income (and wealth) tax. Someone who has
spent 40 years in country A would, each year, remain liable for the common minimum tax after
relocating to a non-participating country. In that system, participating countries would in effect
play the role of tax collector of last resort: they would simply collect the minimum tax that non-
participating countries would decline to collect.
To enforce this system, the starting point would be the existing international automatic
exchange of bank information, the Common Reporting Standard. This Common Reporting
Standard would need to be extended to include information on the wealth and income of former
residents liable for taxes in their origin country. In contrast to the US system of citizenship-
based taxation, the proposed mechanism would affect only a tiny fraction of taxpayers (ultra-
high-net-worth individuals who have been long-term residents in a country and move to a non-
participating country), and for that reason would have limited implementation costs.
This system would complement and extend current exit taxes. The goal of current exit taxes is
to ensure that wealthy people pay taxes on their past income (including unrealized gains) when
changing their residency. The system described here would ensure that in addition, they would
pay a minimum amount of tax on income newly earned after changing their residency, if their
new country declines to tax them.
Providing incentives to join the agreement
A key feature of the Pillar Twominimum tax on multinational companies is that it contains
incentives for countries to join the agreement. Specifically, according to the “undertaxed
payment rules” (UTPR), countries implementing the agreement are allowed to tax the
undertaxed profits of multinationals of non-participating countries. This backstop provides
incentives for all countries to join, since not joining means relinquishing tax revenues to other
countries. To encourage the largest number of countries to join the common standard proposed
in this blueprint, this approach could be applied to the taxation of ultra-high-net-worth
At the outset, it is worth stressing that the way the UTPR could be translated to billionaires
would require a thorough and inclusive international discussion. The goal of the paragraphs that
follow is not to provide a detailed analysis of these different options, but rather to illustrate the
realm of possibilities, building on current frameworks and practices. Each scenario would
deserve a comprehensive legal analysis that falls outside the scope of this report.
First, participating countries could tax the undertaxed billionaires of non-participating countries
based on the assets owned by these individuals in participating countries. The assets considered
would include real estate, shares in companies, bank accounts, and all the other financial and
non-financial assets used for the computation of the common minimum tax standard. In addition
to assets, time spent in participating countries could also be considered. In double-tax treaties,
there are already rules in place to define where taxpayers have a center of economic interest
(typically based on time spent and sometimes assets such as main homes) and are as such liable
for taxation. These rules could represent a starting point for an extended definition of center of
economic interest.
Most countries already tax some of the wealth of non-resident individuals through their property
taxes, since property taxes are levied on both resident and non-resident individuals alike. This
practice could be extended to other forms of wealth beyond tangible properties. For a given
country A, it is logical to ask foreign ultra-high-net-worth individuals to pay some tax in A to
the extent that (i) they own some property in A (or spend some time in A) and (ii) their effective
tax rate falls below the minimum that applies to domestic ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
Since the ultra-high-net-worth individuals affected would own assets in the countries
implementing the common minimum tax standard, this tax would be enforceable. The larger
the number of countries participating in the standard, the higher would be the fraction of their
wealth (or time spent) in these countries.
Second, ultra-high-net-worth individuals of non-participating countries could be taxed based
not only on the assets they personally own in participating countries, but also based on the assets
they indirectly own through corporations. As we have seen, most of the wealth of global
billionaires derives from their ownership stakes in multinational firms. Consider an ultra-high-
net-worth individual who owns a large stake in a multinational, which in turn owns assets in
participating countries. Each of these countries could collect a share of the minimum tax owed
by the individual (if that tax is not collected by the billionaire’s residence country), based on
the share of the company’s global assets located on their territory. To enforce these rules,
participating countries would rely on the country-by-country reports of multinational firms
enhanced with information on beneficial owners described above. If the individual taxpayer
affected refused to pay the tax owed, an extra corporate tax could be levied on the company.
Third, and generalizing this approach, participating countries could rely on the nexus criteria
and formulas used in Pillar Two. If a firm has nexus (as per Pillar Two rules) in a country, then
so too would the billionaire owners of this firm. The allocation of taxing rights on undertaxed
billionaires among the jurisdictions with nexus could then follow the UTPR formula of
Pillar Two. Concretely in this scenario, instead of using only assets as in the second scenario,
the country-by-country assets, employment (and possibly other metrics such as revenue) of
billionaire-owned multinationals would be used by participating countries to determine what
fraction of the unpaid minimum tax they would collect. The presence of local establishments
of these multinationals could be leveraged by participating countries for enforcement purposes,
e.g., by creating a liability for these establishments if the tax cannot be collected from the ultra-
high-net-worth individual.
To be sure, the translation of the under-tax-payment rules to the minimum taxation of
billionaires raises complex issues that would deserve detailed legal analysis. This translation
may require renegotiating double tax treaties. It would necessitate international coordination
and extensive, inclusive discussions.
5. Other options for a more effective taxation at the top
Ultimately, it is for each person, as a citizen and voter, to weigh the potential benefits and costs
of the common standard proposed in this blueprint. Are the gains in tax revenues worth the
potential costs? Are there better options?
To inform this assessment, it is useful to consider alternative approaches to improving tax
progressivity: tackling the forms of tax avoidance that allow ultra-high-net-worth individuals
to have low tax rates; regulating harmful tax practices (such as special tax regimes that provide
reduced tax rates for wealthy individuals); increasing the progressivity of existing individual
income taxes; improving the taxation of estates and inheritance. Methodological details for each
scenario are detailed in Appendix B.
5.1. Tackling avoidance and regulating harmful tax practices
As we have seen in Section 1, a method used by ultra-high-net-worth individuals to avoid the
individual income tax is the use of holding companies. Some countries, notably the United
States, have successfully implemented anti-abuse provisions to prevent this tax avoidance.
These anti-abuse rules could be implemented by other countries. The main idea would be to
penalize the use of personal wealth-holding companies, e.g., by imposing an additional tax on
the retained earnings of such holdings, or by treating them as transparent for tax purposes (i.e.,
by adding their income automatically to the income of their owners).
While this would be a highly valuable step (and one that does not require much if any
international coordination), such a reform would not be sufficient to make the taxation of ultra-
high-net-worth individuals truly effective, because it would remain possible to retain earning
in downstream businesses. As we have seen, even in the United States which has strong anti-
abuse rules, billionaires have low effective tax rates.
More broadly, there is a variety of legal structures and techniques used by ultra-high-net-worth
individuals to reduce their taxable income, making it difficult to provide a comprehensive
solution by targeting specific tax regimes. The risk associated with closing one aggressive tax
regime is that ultra-high-net-worth individuals may be able to adopt other regimes offering
broadly similar benefits. This is why the most effective approach involves a minimum standard
expressed as a fraction of a base hard to manipulate. At the top of the wealth distribution, this
base is wealth itself.
5.2. A more progressive income tax
Another option to improve the effectiveness of the taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals
involves increasing the progressivity of the individual income tax. Figure 9 considers how such
a reform would affect tax progressivity in high-income countries. Specifically, I consider the
effect of a 50% increase in the effective income tax rate of centi-millionaires. This increase
could be implemented either through an increase in statutory top marginal income tax rates, or
through improved enforcement.
As the figure shows, such a reform would make a significant difference for centi-millionaires
rather than billionaires. For that group, it would be broadly equivalent to implementing the 2%
minimum standard presented in this blueprint. However, this reform would make little
difference for billionaires. This is because billionaires have little taxable income, and as a result
pay little income tax, so increasing their income tax by 50% would make little difference to
their tax liability.
Figure 9: Average tax rates by income group, with 50% increase in income tax at the top
(% of pre-tax income)
Notes: This figure reports estimates of current effective tax rates by pre-tax income groups and for U.S. dollar billionaires in
high-income countries, and for different scenarios on minimum taxation. These estimates include all taxes paid at all levels of
government and are expressed as a percent of pre-tax income. P0-50 denotes the 50% of adults at the bottom of the pre-tax
income distribution, P50-90 the next four deciles, etc. Pre-tax income includes all national income (measured following
standard national account definitions) before taxes and transfers and after the operation of the pension system. Sources and
methodology: see Appendix B.
5.3. A more progressive inheritance tax
Last, Figure 10 considers the effect of more effective taxation of intergenerational wealth
transmissions. Specifically, I consider the effect of implementing a well-enforced 40% estate
tax on the wealth of centi-millionaires (i.e., a 40% wealth tax on wealth at death for people with
more than $100 million in net wealth). Existing estate and inheritance taxes have multiple
loopholes which in effect shield a significant fraction of the largest estates from taxation. In the
scenario considered in Figure 10, by contrast, the estate tax would be well enforced, with all
assets valued at their market value and no deductions or exemptions.
Figure 10: Average tax rates by income group, with 40% estate tax on centimillionaires
(% of pre-tax income)
Notes: This figure reports estimates of current effective tax rates by pre-tax income groups and for U.S. dollar billionaires in
high-income countries, and for different scenarios on minimum taxation. These estimates include all taxes paid at all levels of
government and are expressed as a percent of pre-tax income. P0-50 denotes the 50% of adults at the bottom of the pre-tax
income distribution, P50-90 the next four deciles, etc. Pre-tax income includes all national income (measured following
standard national account definitions) before taxes and transfers and after the operation of the pension system. Sources and
methodology: see Appendix B.
As the Figure shows, however, even a well enforced estate tax of 40% would make little
difference to the effective tax rates of ultra-high-net-worth individuals. This is because the
estate tax is levied only onceat the time of deathand thus generates significantly less
revenue than annual taxes, given observed mortality rates for ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
Conclusion: Towards a more sustainable globalization
Like with any change in taxation, the proposal made here would have costs and benefits. On
the benefits side, a minimum tax on ultra-high-net-worth individuals would raise significant
amounts of government revenue. These resources could be invested to support sustained
economic development through investments in education, health, public infrastructure, the
energy transition, and climate change mitigationincreasing long-run economic prosperity.
Beyond the revenue gains for governments, the common standard detailed here would fix a key
failure of contemporary tax systems, which allow the wealthiest individuals to have relatively
low effective tax rates. There would be benefits in terms of increased social trust and cohesion.
There is a lot that countries can do unilaterally to improve the effectiveness of their system of
taxation at the top of the wealth distribution. Coordinated action adds value, however, because
it would reduce the risk of a race to the bottom and support domestic progressive tax measures.
As for Pillar Two, global cooperation would help address the unequal effects of globalization,
from which billionaires have benefited disproportionately as their businesses reaped the
rewards of ever more integrated global markets. Like Pillar Two, the common standard
proposed in this blueprint could be implemented through domestic measures rather than a
multilateral treaty: it could be construed as a voluntary regime with built-in incentives to join
(Kysar, 2024).
This blueprint did not discuss how the revenues from such a global standard should be spent.
Government spending, like taxation, must be decided through democratic deliberation and the
vote. There is a variety of legitimate uses of the revenues, including cutting taxes on highly
taxed economic actors, funding domestic public goods and services, or contribute to global
public goods. These issues will deserve a thorough and inclusive global discussion.
Thanks to recent progress in international tax cooperation, a common taxation standard for
billionaires has become technically possible. Implementing it is a question of political will.
Some actions can be taken immediately by individual countries, such as strengthening rules to
limit tax-driven mobility. Countries can also start to examine what would be the most
appropriate way to translate the standard described here in their own domestic legislation. Other
actions require international coordination. At the international level, work should start to
improve cross-border information exchangemost importantly by enhancing the country-by-
country reports of multinational firms with information on beneficial owners. Multilateral work
should also start to draft rules, which could be modeled on the undertaxed payments rules
included in Pillar Two, ensuring the standard proposed here would be effective even with less
than full participation. The involvement of the G20 and other international forums and
organizations will be essential.
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Appendix A: Methodology for effective tax rates
Figures 1 reports effective tax rates by income groups (with a zoom at the very top of the
distribution) in four countries. Data is taken from the following studies and covers the following
France: Bach et al. (2024). The year is 2016.
Italy: Guzzardi et al. (2023). The year is 2015 (except the estimate for billionaires,
which is for 2020).
Netherlands: Bruil et al. (2024). The year is 2016.
United States: Saez and Zucman (2019b). The year is 2018.
These studies all use the same methodology, which involves four main steps. First, all taxes
collected by governmentindividual income taxes, corporate income taxes, payroll taxes,
property taxes, consumption and other indirect taxes, estate and inheritance taxesare
considered. The same internationally agreed definition of what constitutes a tax is used,
following standard, harmonized national accounts definitions as codified in the System of
National Accounts. This approach maximizes comparability across countries and over time.
Taxes collected at all levels of government (national and subnational) are included. The total
amount of tax considered in the analysis adds up to the total amount of tax revenues published
by the OECD in its government revenue statistics.
Second, taxes are all allocated to individuals following the current-tax analysis described in
Saez and Zucman (2023). In particular, all corporate taxes are allocated to the owners of the
corresponding corporations and all payroll taxes to the corresponding workers (no matter
whether the tax is formally paid by the employer or by the employee).
Third, individuals are grouped by their pre-tax income. The same definition of pre-tax income
is used in all studies. Following the distributional national accounts literature (see, e.g., Piketty,
Saez and Zucman, 2018, and Blanchet et al., 2024), pre-tax income is defined as all income
from labor and capital, after the operation of the pension system (i.e., net of contribution to
pensions, both public and private, and including pension benefits). Pre-tax income adds up to
national income as officially defined and recorded in the national accounts. National income
includes all income that accrues to resident individuals, no matter the legal structures used to
earn this income. Income is split equally between married spouses.
Fourth, for each group of the pre-tax income distribution, effective tax rates are computed by
dividing total taxes by total pre-tax income. Because both taxes and pre-tax income follow
As mentioned in Section 1, the estimate for billionaires in Italy is based on one observationthat of Silvio
Berlusconi, who as leader of a political party in Parliament, had to make public his income declared to tax
authorities and the amount of taxes paid in 2020. Effective tax rate between “P99.9–P99.99” and “billionaires” are
linearly interpolated and shown as a dashed line in Figure 1.
See https://www.oecd.org/tax/tax-policy/global-revenue-statistics-database.htm
common and comprehensive definition, this approach maximizes the comparability of effective
tax rates across income groups and across countries. A few remarks are in order.
Allocation of the corporate tax. In contrast to the methodology used here, some other
researchers and government agencies allocate part of the corporate tax to people other than firm
owners; see Saez and Zucman (2023) for a discussion. Following this practice would make the
tax system look more regressive than reported in Figure 1, since the ownership of corporations
is concentrated at the top of the distribution. For example, in France, Bach et al. (2024) estimate
that billionaires have an all-in” effective tax rate of 27% in 2016 when allocating all corporate
taxes to the corresponding firm owners, of which about 25% comes from the corporate tax.
Allocating ¼ of the corporate tax to workers would reduce the effective tax rate of billionaires
from 27% to 21% (and would increase tax rates further down the income distribution).
Government transfers. The analysis focuses on taxes as conventionally defined. Taxes do not
subtract government transfers and cannot be negative. The individual income tax is not reduced
by social transfers and benefits (even when these benefits are administered by the tax
administration), the corporate income tax is not reduced by the amount of subsidies granted by
governments to corporations, etc. As detailed in Saez and Zucman (2020), taxes and transfers
are distinct objects that need to be analyzed as such. This blueprint does not speak to the overall
redistributive effect of government intervention (taxes plus government transfers and
spending), an interesting question that falls outside of the scope of this report.
Individual income tax. For the computation of effective individual income tax rates shown in
Figure 2, all taxes that are economically equivalent to individual income taxes are included in
the analysis, such as the Cotisation Sociale Généralisée (CSG) in France. In the Netherlands,
the tax on imputed capital income is also classified as an income tax.
Appendix B: Methodology for simulations of reforms
Figures 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 report simulations of the effect of different reforms on tax progressivity.
Due to data limitations, the analysis is restricted to high-income countries only.
The current profile of effective income tax rates in high-income countries is obtained by
averaging the US profile with a weight of 50% and the European profile (obtained as the straight
average of France, Italy, the Netherlands) with a weight of 50%, except for billionaires for
whom a straight average of the United States, the Netherlands, and France is used (in effect
As detailed in Bruil et al. (2024), the Dutch income tax treats labour and capital income differently. Labour
income is taxed according to a progressive schedule with a 52% top rate. The taxation of (income from) capital
differs for large shareholdings (at least 5% of a company) and all other forms of wealth (excluding owner-occupied
housing and pension wealth). In the former case, capital income (dividends and realised capital gains) is taxed at
a 25% rate. In the latter case, a 1.2% tax is levied on the stock of net wealth with no further taxation of the income
derived from this wealth.” The 1.2% levy is included as an income tax in the analysis.
assuming that France and the Netherlands are representative of the effective tax rate of non-US
billionaires). Effective tax rates for individuals with wealth between $100 million and $1billion
are assumed to be equal to the average effective income tax rate of the P99.99-P99.999 and
P99.999-P99.9999 groups of the income distribution. Given that the estimates are obtained by
combining studies which are for the years 20162018, the results should be seen as
representative of these years.
To simulate the effect of a minimum tax expressed as a fraction of wealth on tax progressivity
(Figure 5, 6 and 7), starting from the current effective tax rate of billionaires (and
centimillionaires), their effective individual rate is increased to 2% of wealth (or 1% and 3% in
Figure 7), assuming 10% tax avoidance/evasion. Effective rates are expressed as a fraction of
pre-tax income assuming a ratio of pre-tax income to wealth of 9% for billionaires and 11% for
centimillionaires other than billionaires, in line with available evidence.
To simulate the effect of a 50% increase in the effective income tax rate at the top (Figure 9),
current individual income tax rates of ultra-high-net-worth individuals (obtained by averaging
the rates reported in Figure 2) are increased by 50%.
To simulate the effect of a well-enforced 40% estate tax (i.e., a 40% wealth tax on wealth at
death) in Figure 10, an annual mortality rate of 1% for ultra-high-net-worth individuals is
assumed, and thus 40% x 1% = 0.4% of the wealth of ultra-high-net-worth individuals is
assumed to be taxed annually. This amount is reduced by 10% to account for tax
avoidance/evasion, and by the current amount of estate/inheritance tax revenues collected,
estimated to be of the order of 1% of pre-tax income for centimillionaires and billionaires (the
number observed in the United States, see Saez and Zucman, 2019).