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Demonic Actions on Christian Leaders and Followers: The Reality Demonic Actions on Christian Leaders and Followers: The Reality
of Demons' Existence and Their Wicked Spirit World of Abode and of Demons' Existence and Their Wicked Spirit World of Abode and
Kingdoms Kingdoms
Matthew Folorunso Olaniyi
Bethel University
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Olaniyi, M. F. (2016).
Demonic Actions on Christian Leaders and Followers: The Reality of Demons'
Existence and Their Wicked Spirit World of Abode and Kingdoms
[Doctoral thesis, Bethel University].
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MAY 2016
GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................5
ABSTRACT .........................................................................................................................7
The Importance of the Project ................................................................................12
The Research Methodology ...................................................................................16
An Old Testament Perspective on the Reality of Demonic Activity .....................19
The War between God and Satan, Leviathan, and Rahab ......................................23
The Pre-Adamite Chaos, Emptiness and Darkness ................................................31
Through the Eyes of Yoruba Culture ....................................................................37
Satanic Strategy and Manipulation Immediately after the Fall .............................45
The Activities of Demons between David and Goliath ........................................48
The Demonic Manipulations between Saul and the Witch of Endor ...................57
Idolatry, a Powerful Weapon for Demons in the Old Testament ..........................61
Demons’ Weapons in Golden Calf and Moses Leadership’s Lesson ....................63
A New Testament Perspective on the Reality of Demonic Activity .....................64
CHAPTER THREE: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................74
Voices Advocating the Non-Existence of Demons ...............................................74
The Reality of Demonic Existence and Their Spirit Worlds .................................86
Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance .......................................................................119
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................124
COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ..................................................................................126
Research Methodology: Phenomenology Via Descriptive ..................................126
Descriptive Method ..............................................................................................129
Participants ...........................................................................................................131
Method .................................................................................................................132
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................134
CHRISTIAN LEADERS AND THEIR FOLLOWERS ..................................................135
The Reality of Demons’ Existence and Their Wicked Spirit World .............135
The Reality of Demons’ Existence and the Family Backgrounds of the
Participants .....................................................................................................136
The Reality of the Wicked Spirit World and Demons’ Diverse
Transformation and Embodiments .................................................................144
Seeing Demons Face-to-Face in Their Transformations and
Embodiments .................................................................................................150
The Wicked Activities of Demons on Christian Leaders and Followers
From the Wicked Spirit World ......................................................................155
The Reality of Demons’ Existence in Their Spirit World and Kingdoms ...........169
Polytheistic Family Background and Pagan Worship .........................................169
Demons Diverse Transformation and Embodiments ...........................................179
Conclusion and Challenges to Christian Leaders and Followers.........................185
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................196
ACTIVITIES ON CHRISTIAN LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS .................................199
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project.............................................................199
Personal Reflections.............................................................................................205
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................210
Demons: spirit beings and former angels in heavens who sinned and were cast out
from heaven, along with Satan who was their master. They reside in the spirit world in
this planet earth and other planets.
Demonic Activities: All the spiritual and physical manipulations, wickedness and
atrocities those demons and their agents have carried out or attempt to carry out, either
successfully or not, against Christian leaders and followers.
Demonic Agents: These are demons that incarnate from the spirit world to the
planet earth. They come into the earth in human bodies and other non-human bodily
forms for the purpose of carrying out demonic operations for wickedness and
destructions. They can also inhabit the physical bodies when they change form because
they are spirit beings from the wicked spirit world..
Demonic Influence: A demonic operation that has been successfully or partly
carried out on any Christian leader or follower. The demonic power has gained access
through spiritual loopholes created by various degrees of partial disobedience,
uncontrollable lusts, and a sinful life.
Demonic operations: An intentional act of exercising demonic powers and
authority by Satan, demons and their agents in order to carry out wickedness and
destruction on earth.
Human Agents: Biological human beings that allowed sinful loopholes in their
lives that make them to be influenced and empowered by Satan or any of his host of
demons to carry out some specific demonic operations such as manipulation,
wickedness, the destruction of lives and properties. They are also referred to as “agents of
darkness” because they use the power of darkness or demons to carry out their wicked
missions and atrocities. These terms will be used interchangeably because demons do not
have good human agents in their operations from the wicked spirit world
Idol: A physical object that is used by pagans or non-Christians for the purpose of
worshiping and appeasing demons. Idols are a physical representation or symbol of
demons who abide in the spirit world. The word idol and demon mean the same thing in
this project and will be interchangeably used.
Oppression: when demons and their agents gain access to a person’s body for the
purpose of wickedness and manipulations.
Demonization: when peoples’ minds are controlled by demons to become a vessel
of wickedness for demonic manifestation and manipulation.
Power of Darkness: All the powers of Satan and his host of demons in the wicked
spirit world and in the physical world that are not of God in Jesus Christ.
Spirit World: The invisible residence of Satan and his host of demons where they
have their organized kingdoms and many numerous zones in this planet and on other
planets for their operations and wickedness.
Strongholds: Places in the wicked spirit world that are fortified by demonic power
and their agents. They are used as demonic refuges for the spiritual battles that take place
in the battlefield of this planet and other planets.
The problem this project addressed is in the reality of the existence of demons’ in
their wicked spirit world of abode and kingdoms coupled with the challenges that wicked
activities of demons pose to the lives and ministries of Christian leaders and followers.
In response to this problem, researcher surveyed the wicked activities of demons
in the lives and ministries of some biblical leaders and followers in the Old and New
Testaments. The researcher further reviewed the relevant literature and showed that
many voices, especially in the Western academia, argue for the non-existence of demons.
But, in spite of this skepticism, the researcher has established the reality of demons’
existence and their invisible world and kingdoms that include demons of the air, demons
of fire, and demons of water, and demons on the earth’s crust and under the earth’s crust.
These demons incarnate change forms and appear face-to-face to humans in
multiple manifestations, and human agents and non-human agents of darkness have
various means and methods of seeing demons face-to-face. These means and methods
include initiation, invocation, incantation, demonic prayr and fasting, and the use of
various meeting places of mystery and coincidence. Researcher emphatically conclude
that no researcher should use these demonic methods and means for in-depth research
because they are prohibition of the Lord (Leviticus 19:26, 31; 20:6, 27; Isaiah 3:2-4). For
such in-depth research, researchers can personally approach and interview the former
agents of darkness.
From the collection and analysis of data, the researcher concluded that demons
and their invisible world and kingdoms exist. Moreover, demons’ transformations and
embodiments make their agents and non-agents see demons face-to-face. And demons
and their agents carry out diverse wicked operations and attacks but woefully fail on
Christian leaders and followers that are truly born again, filler of the Holy Ghost, live
biblical holy lives warfare and dynamic in spiritual warfare.
The Problem and Its Context
The problem this project addressed was the challenges that demons pose to the
lives and ministries of Christian leaders and their followers. In response to this problem,
the researcher (a) studied the topic of demons in the Old and New Testaments (b)
reviewed literature relating to the problems that demonic activities pose for leaders, (c)
identified particular life and ministry challenges that demons carry out in their operations
from the spirit world and kingdoms in the Southwestern Nigeria in West Africa, and (d)
developed a response that Christian leaders and followers may pursue to help sustain
health and victory in life and ministry.
Delimitation of the Problems
The research was limited to activities of demons against Christian leaders and
followers in Southwestern Nigeria in West Africa. The biblical research will be limited to
a brief theological understanding and survey of the activities of demons in the Old
Testament and New Testament. It was limited to using Nigerian hermeneutical
methodology as the lens. The literature research was limited to information regarding the
influence and reality of demons’ existence in the spirit world and their activities against
Christian leaders and followers. The field research was limited to Christian leaders and
their followers who either had a pagan family background or a Christian family
The first assumption was that demons have some power to carry out their wicked
activities against Christian leaders and their followers on the planet earth. The second
was that Christian leaders and followers can counteract demonic activity through thirsting
for God, prayer, fasting and being anointed with the power of the Holy Ghost. The
researcher further assumed that it is the biblical responsibility of every Christian leader
and follower of every generation to engage in spiritual warfare, because “we wrestle not
against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this
world, against and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12, KJV), until Jesus
comes. Finally, the researcher assumed that every Christian leader’s ministry is fulfilled
when the church members and even non-Christians are rescued from the claws of demons
that lead to eternal hell or punishment.
Setting of the Project
The setting of the project is Southwestern Nigeria, among the land and people
known as “Yoruba.” Yoruba land is comprised of the Nigerian states of Oyo, Osun,
Ondo, Ekiti, Kogi, Kwara and Lagos. The population of Yoruba is about fifty million.
The land of Yoruba is about the size of the biblical land of Israel. Though the people and
land are known as “Yoruba” and Yoruba culture and language dominate, it also
comprises people of diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, ages and cultures from different
parts of Nigeria and the world. People of various cultures and languages love to reside in
Yoruba land because Yoruba people are kind, loving, peaceful, social, accommodating
and love strangers. This is the core reason why the non-Yoruba people love to invest in
this part of the country of Nigeria.
Before the coming of the missionaries, Yoruba people were predominantly pagans
who worshiped gods and demons of the land. In other words, they were polytheistic and
worshipped diverse gods or demons. For instance, the writer’s family worshipped several
gods—including “Sango, god of thunder; Oya, a river or water god; Egungun, a
masquerade god; Ifa, god of the palm-kernel,—along with” Onipopo, god of the way and
a few others. According to the oral tradition of the Yoruba forefathers, the arch-divinity
god/demon known as “Obatala” was responsible to the creation of the Earth. Obatala kept
or deposited soil in a shell which was later spread by beasts or two-winged birds. These
winged birds spread the soil until it became parcels of land, such as valleys, hills,
mountains, plateaus and the whole world.
The coming of the white missionaries and the gospel positively transformed the
people of the land, as well as their culture, religion, language, their moral lives and the
overall way of life of the people. For instance, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary
was built by American Southern Baptist missionaries in the writer’s home city,
Ogbomoso. The school is a precious legacy that produces trained pastors that graduate
from the seminary every year to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Non-Baptist
missionaries have also contributed immensely to the spread of the gospel. The gospel
influence of the Baptist missionaries and non-Baptist missionaries has transformed and
influenced the land. At present, Southwestern Nigeria is positively saturated with the
gospel when compared with what it was before the coming of American missionaries.
The Importance of the Project
The Importance of the Project to the Researcher
This project is important to the researcher because of his personal experience and
pagan family background. His parents were polytheistic pagans who believed in and
worshipped diverse gods and demons. When the researcher was born, he was born in the
midst of those family gods and demons that his parents worshipped. The researcher had
no choice but to be born into this family. This unique situation gave the researcher an
insightful vantage point to see demonic powers in action through the demonic agents. He
witnessed demonic powers in action in the same manner that Christians see God’s power
in action through the great ministers of God in worship services and crusades.
This project is important to the researcher because, when he started in the
ministry, some Christian leaders and their followers, even in the denomination to which
he belonged, frowned at power gifts. They did not really believe in deliverance, speaking
in tongues, exorcism, miracles, divine healings, and casting out of demons. These
activities were even an abomination to some within the denomination. Some even
believed and taught that the era of miracles was over. They denied power gifts.
Despite this denial, people had various demonic problems. These problems
include demonic dreams, demonic curses and covenants, ill-luck, barrenness, setbacks in
business, demonic sicknesses, and demonic death, obstacles to get to one’s destiny,
poverty and few others. These cause problems in the church. For instance, they can cause
infighting among Christians, which paralyzes the growth of the church. Many faithful
Christians suffer and die in silence with these problems. Nominal Christians respond by
going to herbalists for a demonic solution when they felt they had no other option.
These problems do not always convince leaders in Christian denominations that
demons need to be addressed with the gifts of the Holy Ghost. For instance, the
researcher started Holy Ghost night vigil services to cast out demons, to heal and to
minister salvation. But some top, experienced ministers in his association came to his
church and told him that he was not being “baptistic.” They informed him that his
methods were foreign to the association. He was told that he was therefore wrong. The
researcher continued with the services for salvation, healing and deliverance, with great
effectiveness and benefit for peoples’ lives.
More recently, a dynamic spiritual change has taken place in this association and
in the denomination as a whole, in which leaders have looked more favorably on his
ministry. Still, few Christian leaders remain unconvinced of the need for this ministry.
The project is also important to the researcher because he hopes it will spiritually,
academically and morally equip present and the forthcoming leaders. He hopes that first
of all, it will equip Christian leaders and followers in their understanding about the reality
of the existence of demons. Second, he hopes it will equip and teach them on how to
handle and give solutions to demonic problems such as curses, covenants, incantations,
sicknesses, bad dreams and others.
Third, the researcher hopes the project will equip Christian minister with the
ministry of deliverance that is, casting out demons or exorcism. Fourth, he hopes to instill
in people the idea that this is the era of miracles – a time in which there is an outpouring
of the Spirit. He wants to train people to know that the age of signs and wonders has not
disappeared. Fifth, the researcher wants to convince Christian ministers that the word
gifts and love gifts are not enough; Christian ministers need also to thirst for power gifts
and spiritual warfare is a necessary element of Christian ministry. Sixth, he hopes this
project will give solutions to the problems of the few leaders and their followers. So,
instead of visiting herbalist and a witch doctor for a fake demonic solution, the researcher
hopes people will seek God for solutions.
The Importance of This Project to the Immediate Ministry Context
This project will be spiritually and physically beneficial to the researcher’s
ministry context because it will result in an expansion of the gospel of the Lord Jesus
Christ in Southwestern Nigeria. It will also equip pastors and their ministries with an
understanding of the reality of demons, demonic manipulations and demonic activities.
This in turn will help ministers give people real solutions to their demonic problems so
that they may refuse to go to the herbalist, witch doctor and other agents of darkness any
longer. Instead of using demonic power, the project will help people use power of God
for the solutions to their problems.
This new viewpoint will prove to be of great benefit to church pastors, since some
of them were born in pagan homes and some were born and raised in pagan
environments. Those who were raised in this way physically saw the power of demons
practically demonstrated, and need convincing that the power of God is greater.
Based on the researcher’s pagan family background and his ministerial
experiences for more than two decades in the full time gospel ministry of deliverance, the
researcher feels that God has entrusted to him a ministry that exposes some demonic
secrets. The point of the researcher’s ministry is that pastors and other gospel leaders may
thirst for the needed power gifts which were not taught and preached by many leaders in
the past in some denominations and churches. He hopes they would stop using only word
and love gifts. He believes that these gifts have been over used at the expense of the
power gifts in some denominations.
The researcher is committed to this kind of equipping of ministers. This project
will expose demonic problems, challenge pastor to thirst for power gifts and equip them
to give solutions to the demonically inspired problems of the people so that they will use
the power of God and not demons. That will prepare them for their eternal home in God’s
The Importance of the Project to the Church At Large
This project will benefit the church at large because the wicked activities of
demons are not restricted to Southwestern Nigeria. They are carried out on all continents
and in nations of the world. This includes the Third World, the Second World and the
First World.
But many around the world do not believe in demons or their activity. When the
researcher was writing his integral research at Bethel Seminary, San Diego, he
interviewed some people about their experience with demons. He wanted to know what
they believed about this topic and to watch their various responses. He was shocked to
discover for the first time people who did not believe in the reality of demons. They
outright denied the existence of demonic activity. For instance, when one person saw the
researcher’s shocked countenance at her denial, she stated, “You have a strong faith!” as
if the researcher’s belief in demons was unusual. A second person responded to the
researcher’s explanation of demonic activities by stating, “you scare me Matthew!” The
researcher had never had such an incredible experience.
Not all Westerners deny the existence of demons. A third person, who the
researcher interviewed, someone with a sickness that the researcher strongly suspected to
be demonic, told him, “I now know what demons do.” Another person who had been
exorcised of demons simply gave God the glory and stated, “You can see demons have
been cast out of me.” Whichever the response may have been, believing or unbelieving;
the researcher is convinced that the project will be of great benefit to Christian leaders
and their followers in all nations of the world.
This project will be especially helpful in locations where demons have secretly
done such significant damage that churches have been put for sale in the Western World
due to extraordinarily poor attendance. The researcher believes that it is now the end of
time and that demons are in earnest to operate their wicked activities throughout the
whole world. Therefore, this project will benefit many Christian leaders and their
followers in all nations of the world.
The Research Methodology
The methodology used for this project was qualitative research, and case study
was primary mode of data collection. The tools used included personal interviews, field
notes and observations. The primary data included on-site personal interviews with
pastors who were born and bred in polytheistic family backgrounds in Southwestern
Nigeria that made them to have practical experiences with reality of demons, their spirit
world and their wicked activities on Christian leaders and their followers. This primary
data also included personal observations recorded in the field notes and the responses
from these experienced pastors who grew up from where demons and their wicked
activities were rampant. The secondary data included scholarly, biblical, and theological
literature regarding reality of the experience of demons and their wicked activities, and
religious and secular literature regarding experience with demons, their spirit world of
abode and wicked activities.
The first step was to look at reality of the existence of demons and their wicked
activities through the biblical text. In this approach, researcher defined the nature and
theology as it relates to experiences, using the theological approach of biblical
theologians as taught by biblical commentators in their commentaries.
This is looking into how creation story in the bible and life experiences affect
early theological belief of the Jews on demons and their wicked activities and as affected
Christian belief and development. Finally, it is important that the biblical theologians and
commentators’ exegesis be explored as related to the life of Adam and Eve, the Jewish
biblical leaders, and the biblical Israelites as the biblical Characters of the Old and New
Testament that should be digested as regards to demons’ kingdoms and their wicked
activities. . The objective was to bring greater awareness from the scripture on the reality
of the existence of demons and their wicked activities that Adam and Eve, Moses and
other biblical leaders and the children of Israel faced as regards the reality of demons and
their wicked activities.
The second step was to explore the literature surrounding some obstacles
Christian leaders and followers encounter particularly Christians in the Southwestern
Nigeria as regards the reality of the existence of demons and their wicked activities. The
researcher looked at the reality of demons existence, the demons’ transformations and
embodiments, face-to-face encounter with demons, and the wicked activities of demons
on Christian leaders and followers. The objective is to gain an understanding from the
literature of some wicked activities that demons and their agents carried out in their
attacks and operations on Christian leaders and followers from the wicked spirit world of
The third step in the research process was to engage in field work through
qualitative interview. This included personal interview with Nigerian pastors in the
Southwestern Nigeria in West Africa. It also involved the collection of information that
helped analyze and interpret the data from responses of the pastors, and the field note
observations. The objective here was to gain insight into the actual wicked activities of
demons that Christian leaders and followers encounter, in their daily ministries and lives
from the wicked spirit world in Southwestern Nigeria.
The fourth and final step in the process was to collect all the data for review,
synthesize the data into themes and clusters for interpretation, and develop an outcome,
and responses to the internal and external demonic wicked challenges that Christian
leaders and followers face in ministries, churches, homes and daily lives. The objectives
was to understand the actual demonic activities and challenges that prevent them from
sustaining and living healthy victorious Christian lives in churches, ministries, homes and
denominations for the expansion of God’s kingdom. And this is to also depopulate the
kingdoms of darkness.
In this chapter, the researcher has surveyed the wicked activities of demons in the
lives of some biblical leaders and followers in the Old and New Testaments.
An Old Testament Perspective on the Reality of Demonic Activity
Before the Creation of Humankind
The researcher’s survey of the Old Testament begins with an exploration of
demonic activity prior to the creation of humankind. This includes a discussion of the
origin of evil, the war between God, Satan and Rahab, and the emptiness, darkness and
chaos prior to Adam.
The Origin of Evil
Some scholars and preachers think that every wicked activity of Satan and his
host of demons started in the Garden of Eden. But the researcher asserts, despite the
views of strict dualists such as Albigensianism and other forms of Catharism,
that the
origin of evil started with Satan and his host of fallen angels, before humankind was
Satan and his host of demons were perfect and righteous before the conflict in
heaven (Isa.14:12-17, Ezek. 28:12-17, Rev.12:3-4). Billy Graham confirms this view,
“Prior to his rebellion, Lucifer, an angel of light, is described in scintillating terms in
(Ezek. 28:12-17 NASB): ‘You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in
beauty. … You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, until
Paul M. Quay, “Angels and Demons: The Teaching of IV Lateran,” Theological Studies 42, no. 1 (1981): 42.
unrighteousness was found in you.’”
Graham summarizes Lucifer’s sin of pride as rooted
in self-centeredness. He states, “Lucifer said, (Isa. 14) ‘I will ascend into heaven. I will
exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the
congregation. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most
Graham goes on to point out how Lucifer uses the word “I” over and over again
to demonstrate his self-centeredness in verses 12-15. Barry Bryant simply states,
“Whence came evil?” For Wesley, evil was caused only by the will.”
Robert Culver also
agrees that evil originated from the boastful wills of Lucifer rooted in his own selfish
pride as written in Isaiah 14. Culver says this idea of selfish will and pride as evil’s origin
is supported in Paul’s writing:
There is a verse which suggests that Paul may have referred to some commonly
assumed “Satan interpretation” of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12ff. The test is 1 Timothy
3:6, wherein the list of qualifications for the bishops he writes “Not a novice, lest
being puffed up (‘av: “Lifted up with pride”) he falls into the condemnation of the
devil.” This does suggest the boastful pride of Lucifer—“And thou sayest in thy
heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. … I
will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isa.
Some scholars further see Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:12-19 to be similar to
each other and both related to the idea of the fallen star, Lucifer. They further highlight
that it was this tyrant’s fatal ambition that led to his fall rather than his oppression. A
commentator in the book of Isaiah states, “The fallen day star (Lucifer, AV) is the second
theme: i.e. the tyrant’s fatal ambition rather than his oppression. This song is often
Billy Graham, Angels: God’s Secret Agents (Dallas: Word Publishing, 1996), 63.
Graham, 65.
Barry E Bryant, “John Wesley on the Origins of Evil,’ Wesleyan Theological Journal 30, no. 1 (Spring, 1995):
Robert D. Culver, “The Nature and Origin of Evil,” Bibliotheca Sacra 129, no. 514 (April-June, 1972): 113.
thought to tell the revolt of Satan” (Ezek. 28).
Boyd supports this argument and states,
“Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 can also be understood as referring not only the fall of human
kings but, also to the fall of Satan.”
Merrill Unger further supports the argument that Lucifer became Satan, the
opponent of God, because of his five “I wills.” Unger outlines his sin of pride that led to
self-deification rooted in his heart. Unger states:
How Lucifer (the daystar or the shining one) became Satan (the opposer of God)
and how he fell and was cut down to the ground are revealed in verses 13 and 14.
Five “I wills” outline the primal sin of proud self-will and self-deification born in
the heart and mind of the first, highest, and most sublime creature of God, and the
same pride filled the heart of Babylonian kings.
Lucifer was not the only angel involved in heaven who planned the rebellion and
coup d’état to dethrone God; one-third of the angels or stars joined him and also rebelled.
Unger argues, “His first creatures—including the greatest of them, who later became
Satan—were also called, “morning stars” (Job 38:7), because they were resplendent
unfallen creatures of light.”
Lucifer’s tail was able to draw one-third of the stars or angels to him because his
tail was a symbol of lies and destructive influence. Walter Scott defends this notion: “We
have had the deliberative power and wisdom of the dragon, ‘seven heads.’ Here we have
in his tail the emblem of his soul-destroying influence and lies. He led the fallen angels
into battle (Rev. 12:1-9).
Lucifer was able to lead the rebel fallen angels into the battle
D. Guthrie and J. A. Motyer, The New Bible Commentary (Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1997), 164.
Gregory A. Boyd, God at War. The Bible and Spiritual Conflict (Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1997),
Merill F. Unger, Unger’s Commentary of the Old Testament Vol. I I Isaiah- Malachi {Chicago; Moody
Press,1981} 1182.
Walter Scott, Exposition of the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Westwood, N. J.: Fleming H. Revell Company), 225.
because of their autonomous and self-initiated sin of pride. Scott explains the reality and
certainty of the battle in heaven, “The scene described in these verses is not spoken of a
sign. The presence of Satan in heaven is a reality. A war there between the hosts of good
and evil under their respective leaders, Michael and the Dragon, is most sure.”
Patout Burns states Augustine’s view that further confirms this idea:
The original failures of both demons and humans were neither proved nor
persuaded by any outside bodily or spiritual force; each was an autonomous and
self-initiated sin of pride. This fundamental evil underlies and gives rise to every
other sin among humans and angels.
Immanuel Lewy further clarifies that the church, the Body of Christ, accepts and
believes that Lucifer was the chief leader and master of the rebellious, fallen demons.
Lewy defends this view:
The Church accepted the idea of Satan as the author of evil and master of wicked
demons; it assumed that the world was created good as the Bible says, but that
before the flood, angels rebelled under Satan, their chief.
In other words, before Lucifer led his host of rebellious fallen demons, he was
sinless and known as the Star of the Morning. Daryl Charles summarizes this perspective:
The tail of the dragon draws ‘a third of the stars’ and casts them down to the earth
(Rev. 12:14); war breaks out in the heavens, with the dragon and his angels
fighting Michael and his angels (12:7); and the ‘King of Heaven’ vanquishes the
dragon, who is cast out (12:8-9).
Graham states, “Prior to his fall, Satan was called ‘the star of the morning,’ and to
this description John adds a qualifying detail, ‘His tail swept a third of the stars out of the
Patout J. Burns, “Augustine on the Origin and Progress of Evil,” Journal of Religious Ethics 16 no. 1 (Spring,
1988): 21.
Immanuel Lewy, “Fallen Angels,” The Reconstructionist 18, no. 16 (December 12, 1952): 29.
Daryl J. Charles, “The Angels Under Reserve in 2 Peter and Jude,” Bulletin for Biblical Research, 15 no 1
(2005): 43.
sky and flung them to the earth (Rev. 2:4, NIV)”
J. P. Timmons also believes this,
saying, “Lucifer was able to enlist the aid of one-third of the trillions of angels which
God had created.”
Charles Spurgeon has also portrayed how Lucifer and his host of
fallen angels became demons on earth, “The great battle in the Heavenlies has been
fought. Our glorious Michael has forever overthrown the dragon and cast him down.”
Scott confirms this idea: “the scene described in these verses is not spoken of as a
sign. The presence of Satan in heaven is a reality. A war there between the hosts of good
and evil under their respective leaders, Michael and the Dragon, is most sure,”
Therefore, scholars and preachers, such as Charles, Augustine, Lewy, Scott, Boyd,
Spurgeon and Timmons all defend the idea that the angel Michael fought against Satan
and his host of demons in battle, and cast them down to planet earth.
The War between God and Satan, Leviathan, and Rahab
One of the current bones of academic contention among scholars is the war
between God and Satan, Leviathan and Rahab. Boyd writes “this is the common way of
the Israelites of expressing the creator’s warfare against anti-creational forces by
depicting them as cosmic monsters.”
Boyd says that this ancient view has become the
current view of scholars:
Ancient Israelites often depicted these waters as a chaotic or hostile force. This
was one of the ways ancient authors expressed the conviction that there was
Graham, 64.
J. P Timmons, Mysterious Secrets of Dark Kingdom, (Bigfork, Mantana: C C I Publishing, 2008), 85.
Charles H. Spurgeon, Satan, A Defeated Foe (New Kinsington: Whittaker House, 1993), 43.
Scott, 255.
Boyd, Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy (Downers Grove, Illinois:
Intervarsity Press, 2001), 31.
something that opposes God and his creation in the cosmic environment of the
earth. The Creator had to fight to preserve the order of creation”
In other words, God, the Creator, had to fight in order to maintain the order of his
creation from chaotic or hostile marine forces. Boyd further states, “The war that
currently ravages the creation involves all angels and humans, but it is first and foremost
a struggle between Satan and God.”
As Boyd clearly states above, most scholars today
believe that imagery such as hostile waters or cosmic monsters were culturally shared by
Israelites along with many other ancient Near Eastern writers and the degree Israelites
believed these things to be literal entities living in the sea were uncertain. It should
further be clarified that most scholars today see these cosmic monsters as cultural
symbolic for evil forces and not natural marine life. But, in Southwestern Nigeria, some
believe these cosmic monsters are literal marine lives when perceived and understood
from the experiences and testimonies of these groups of people that include: idolatrous
background, deliverance ministers and ministries, Holy Ghost’s ministration to the
demon-incarnate [researcher also had had this experience], former agents of darkness and
former occult grand master.
Therefore, Leviathan and Rahab were known for their ferociousness and
wickedness. Despite this ferociousness, “Biblical authors were confident that Leviathan
was no match for Yahweh.”
Because of the Israelite’s ancient belief in monsters, and
when coupled with the belief of some people in the Southwestern Nigeria as clearly
stated above, one can understand why these scholars ascribed the chaos of Genesis 1:2 to
Ibid, 30.
Ibid, 17.
Ibid, 31.
war between God and Satan or war between God and chaotic or hostile forces of waters,
such as Leviathan and Rahab. But the point is that, as Boyd writes, biblical authors were
confident that Leviathan was no match for Yahweh at the time of creation, as well as in
subsequent battles against Israel’s enemies. Therefore, Satan, Leviathan, Rahab, and
other hostile forces cannot withstand Yahweh, God of Israel, in a face-to-face battle
because they are creatures. Since this is the case, this researcher believes that the face-to-
face battle with Yahweh and his creatures has never occurred or has ever been fought. In
other words, the battle did not exist between the creator and creatures but rather between
creatures that fought in the name and power of Yahweh against Satan, gods, demons, and
other hostile forces (Deut. 10:4-17, Rev. 12:7-12, Luke 10:1-20; Ps. 74:13-14).
This battle was not a face-to-face confrontation with Yahweh and His creatures
but rather between creatures that fought in the name and power of Yahweh. The
following points support this viewpoint.
First, the researcher established that the war did not exist as a face-to-face battle
with Yahweh and other hostile forces. Some versions of creation are pagan myths that
could be true or false. Myths in this context refer to a genre or a kind of traditional story
of the ancient times that narrates how humans and God (or gods) relate. Therefore, every
myth has a background and source; and the origin may be reliable or unreliable, true or
false. Wright and Fuller remark that some versions of these created stories are pagan
myths. They clearly state:
The creation story of Genesis remains unique among the myths, legends, and
scientific explanations provided by the ancient and modern worlds. … In Babylon
and in Canaan, for example, creation was conceived of as a result of strife among
the gods. … In the Canaanite version of the story, creation and therefore order
came when the power of the chaotic sea monster, Leviathan, was overcome by the
King of all gods, Baal.
The myths mentioned here are not generally considered authentic for Christians
because they are not biblically rooted in truth. For instance, in the version of pagan myths
and creation stories quoted above, there were face-to-face battles among gods when
creation was conceived as a result of strife among gods; and when the power of the
chaotic sea monster, Leviathan, was overcome by the king of all gods, Baal. But, in
biblical accounts of creation, there was no face-to-face battle between Yahweh, God of
Israel, and anything else. Creation was not an accident, an afterthought or result of
trouble. Yahweh simply spoke, and heaven and earth came into existence as written in
Genesis One and Two. Therefore, as Wright and Fuller remark in the quotation above,
“The creation story remains unique among the myths, legends, and scientific explanations
provided by the ancient and modern worlds.”
It is genuinely unique.
Second, God, the Creator, did not have to fight Satan in order to preserve the
order of creation. Rather, it was Satan who had to fight. In other words, Satan was the
one who had to fight in order to preserve and establish his wicked, invisible spirit world.
Kenneth L. Barker interprets Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (6:12) as making
“allusions to powerful beings in the unseen world.”
This was the invisible, demonic
wicked, spirit world in Paul theology, a hierarch icy of demons. Robert Guelich agrees,
Ernest G. Wright and Reginald H. Fuller, The Books of the Acts of God: Contemporary Scholarship Interprets the
Bible (Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1960), 49.
Kenneth L. Barker, Commentary in Zondervan NIV Study Bible (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Published by
Zondervan, 2008), 1983.
Since much of the “Spiritual warfare” imagery and language comes from the
Pauline corpus, it would appear that Paul has developed a very different picture of
the place and role of Satan and his forces in the scheme of things. … It is a “war”
that marks all of life—political, economic, religious, social, ethical, and even
aesthetic. It involves both believers and unbelievers and the nature of this warfare
is “spiritual” rather than physical as seen both in the primary arena of the
engagement as well as in the forces themselves.
In other words, there is hierarchy of power in this spirit world that impacts
everything. Satan is known as the greatest and most powerful demon. There are ranks of
powerful demons below him that carry out his bidding.
Scholars such as Lewy and Guelich agree that a demonic hierarchy exists from
the least powerful demon to Satan who ranks as the greatest among all demons. Unger
confirms this view, “His first creature--including the greatest of them who later became
Therefore, If Satan is the greatest demon; there is a hierarchy of demons.
There are ranks of power within the demonic horde, with generals, captains and
subordinates among them. Maxwell Whyte describes this view: “Without a doubt, these
wicked spirits are governed by well-disciplined angelic orders of generals and captains.
We read in Smith’s standard Bible dictionary that a legion consists of about 6000 men
and expresses any large number with the accessory ideas of order and subordination
(Matt. 26:53, Mark 5:9).”
Colin MacLaurin remarks on these ideas of ranks, order and subordination in
Matthew 10:25, noting that Beelzebub is called the master of the house. He states, “It is
significant that in Matthew 10:25 Beelzebub is called (the master of the house) (in the
Robert A. Guelich, “Spiritual Warfare: Jesus, Paul and Petretti,” The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal
Studies, Vol. 13, no 1 (Spring 1991): 42.
Merrill F. Unger, Unger’s Commentary on the Old Testament Vol. II Isaiah-Malachi (Chicago: Moody Press,
1981), 1182.
Maxwell H.A. Whyte, Demons and Deliverance (New Kensington: Whitwater House, 1989), 20.
sense of demonic being) and so it would follow as a matter of course that those who
dwell in the house would be demonic.”
He further perceives that Jesus envisaged
Beelzebub as master demon ruling over a demonic community. “Consequently, it seems
safe to assume that Jesus envisaged Beelzebub as ruling over a demonic community.”
Beelzebub is in control of legions of demons in his demonic community.
Demons fight against each other. Therefore, whenever there was war between
Satan, the most powerful demon by rank, and the slightly less powerful ranking demons,
Satan can lose the battle and the order of his established kingdom. This is because Satan
and other ranking demon’s powers are almost equal. Principalities or demons of the air
have almost equal power because a principality is organized and it is also an extra group
of demons. A principality is, George Buttrick argues, “A term used in the plural form,
referring to the organized cosmological powers of angels in Romans 8:38. As the
connection with the specific name ‘angels’ shows, a ‘principality’ is thought of as an
extra group of spirits.”
Their extraordinary group of spiritual powers makes them war
against Satan because they have almost equal powers. Therefore, Satan always almost
loses the battle when he clashes with these “principalities,” or this extra group of spirits
in their hierarchy and powers and not God.
Third, Satan-Lucifer is completely restless because he knows that his time is very
short and Christ is coming soon. He is powerless and his so-called powerful demons are
eternally dead when compared with the power of the God of the Bible who is from
Colin E. MacLaurin, “Beelzeboul in Matt. 10:25; 12:24 ff; Luke 11:15, 18” Nuvum Testamentum 20, no. 2 (Apr
1978): 156.
George Arthur Buttrick, The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: Illustrated Encyclopedia in Four Volumes K-Q
(Nashville, NY: Abingdon Press, 1962), 891.
eternity to eternity, living and omnipotent. Boyd agrees, saying, “It is Yahweh’s ‘rebuke
(i.e. not the rebuke of pagan gods) that causes the hostile water to ‘flee.’ It is at the sound
of (his) ‘thunder’ that ‘they take flight’ (Ps. 104:7). Indeed, these hostile waters take
flight at the very sight of God. (Ps. 77:16).”
Satan and his host of demons are real
formidable foes and they cannot withstand the power of Jesus Christ in any form.
Boyd further explains, “Biblical authors exalt God’s sovereignty precisely
because they are certain that these raging forces are real, formidable foes.”
Satan and
his host of demons cannot withstand the power of Jesus at present or when He comes
back. Satan is more aware and certain of the coming of our Lord Jesus than many
Christians. He knows he is a powerless foe. The Bible further unfolds the eternal
impotency of his power. An angel, not even two, will chain the ancient serpent in the
Abyss (Rev. 20:1-3). One can now understand why biblical authors were confident that
Satan, Rahab, and Leviathan were no match for Yahweh.
Fourth, the battles in Scripture do not depict God directly fighting His enemies.
Rather, they depict God’s people fighting their enemies. In other words, there was not a
time that Yahweh actually went to the battle and fought. The contrary view holds that
when the children of Israel went to battle, Yahweh went to the battle. Or when the Ark of
the Covenant was rightly taken to the battle, Israel won because Yahweh won the battle.
Or when David and Goliath fought and David won in the name of Yahweh, it was
Yahweh who won the battle. But this is not supported by the scholarship.
Yael Shemesh cites David and Goliath’s battle:
Ibid, 30.
Ibid, 31.
Ibid, 31.
In the Elah Valley, David saved Israel from the Philistines in what seemed to be a
hopeless situation: he found a way to defeat the terrifying Goliath, killed him, and
cut off his head. The Philistines, seeing their hero dead, fled for their lives (Isa.
Shemesh cites the story of Abigail, in which Abigail says that David was fighting
the battle of the Lord. He states, “Abigail has good cause for describing him as a man
who fights the battle of the Lord (1 Sam. 25:28) when she urges him to continue in this
path so that no evil is ever found in him.”
Shemesh cites King Saul, who says that David was fighting the battle of the Lord
and the battle of men. He quotes Saul’s statement, “‘Be my warrior and fight the battles
of the Lord’ (1 Sam.18:17) and take ‘Vengeance on the king’s enemies.’”
Boyd summarizes his view this way, “Since God is on David’s side, when David
marches into battle against his enemies, the Lord and his army are on a parallel plane,
marching into battle against his enemies (2 Sam. 5:24). No bifurcation between ‘spiritual’
and ‘physical’ realities is envisaged.”
As shall soon be seen in the battle between David
and Goliath, and as Boyd has said, the battle was fought from the physical world but
operated from the two different spirit worlds.
Fifth, there is view of Scripture called the “Restoration View,” which presents
God’s plan and purpose to restore the planet earth through God’s own incarnation in the
person of Jesus Christ (Gal. 4:4, John 1:14). This view supports the idea that God has not
directly confronted the devil. Boyd writes: “From start to finish, this inspired literary
Yael Shemesh, “David in the Service of King Achish of Gath: Renegade to His People or a Fifth Column in the
Philistine Army?” Vetus Testament, 57 no 1 (2007): 85.
Shemesh, 80.
Ibid., 84.
Boyd, God at War, 97.
collection is about God restoring his creation through humanity (and by himself
becoming a human) and destroying his cosmic opponents in the process.”
He has
overcome His enemies through the cross and He will create a new earth and a new
heaven. Boyd concludes, “As in the Genesis 1 account, the Lord shall vanquish his foe
and re-create a new heaven and a new earth (Rev. 21:1).”
Finally, the contrary view that God and Satan actually fought each other is untrue
because the war was fought between the creatures, and not between the Creator and the
creature(s). Scott confirms this when he writes: “The war in heaven results in the victory
of Michael and his associate angels. … Satan was cast down from heaven to earth with
his associate angels (Rev. 12:9)”
In other words, the battle was between angels and
angels; angels and demons; and demons and men.
The Pre-Adamite Chaos, Emptiness and Darkness
The essence of this section is to establish that the pre-Adamite chaos, emptiness,
and darkness of Genesis 1:2 is not the result of a war between God and Satan but rather
the intrusion of the wicked activities of the fallen angels when they rebelled in heaven
and were cast down to the planet earth. Their wicked activities and intrusion on the
perfect world that God created made the whole world to be greatly evil and these
attracted God’s judgment that resulted in chaos, emptiness, and darkness on planet earth.
Boyd states, “If the all-powerful creator is perfectly good but creation is largely evil,
something must have interfered with the creation. Therefore, this point requires that we
Ibid, 113.
Ibid, 112.
Scott, 256.
understand evil as an intrusion into the cosmos—which is precisely how the Old
Testament construes it.”
As Boyd has established, the demonic intrusion and influence of the whole
cosmos were possible because “demons are principalities and powers with superhuman
endowments, and their sway extends over the whole world (Eph. 6:12).”
Gruenthaner agrees that demons influence the whole world because they are numerously
many and countless. For instance, legions of demons could possess a single soul.
Douglas confirms this when he writes: “Legions is also the name of the Garasene
demoniac (Mark 5:9, 15; Luke 7:30), so called because of the large but indefinite number
of demons which possessed him; Cf verse 13, ‘12,000 swine.’”
An indefinite number of
demons can possess a person in this world of evil. It is not surprising that legions of
demons can possess a person because demons love to be in groups. Douglas adds, “Also
demons prefer to be in groups and troops (Luke 8:2; Matt. 12:45).”
There are trillions of demons according to agents of darkness and scholars of the
subject. These numerous demons negatively influence the world. A former occult grand
master has testified in his book that one human agent can control not a limited number of
demons but all occult kingdoms’ demons.
To researcher, this means trillions of demons.
He disclosed that the one who has what is called “the fourth cosmic seal” becomes a
living grand master of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierarchy. Such a person can
Boyd, God at War, 102.
Michael J. Gruenthaner, “The Demonology of the Old Testament,” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 6, no. 1 (Jan
1944): 6.
Douglas, The New Bible Dictionary, 728.
Ibid, 728.
Lyke Nathan Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ: Occult Secrets of the Higher Manipulations of Spirit
of Land, Fire, Air, and Sea (Benin City, Nigeria: Self Published, 1994), 64.
control no less than 100,000,000 spirits. Such a one will also become a “Master” and
“Commander” of the 33,000,000 demi-gods of the terrestrial kingdom. He further
discloses, “Whoever has received the fifth cosmic seal is mystically empowered to
proclaim himself as ‘god’ on the earth, and he controls not a limited number of spirits but
all spirits of the occult kingdoms; he is subject to none but Chitanam, the so-called ‘Most
High God.’”
This is in agreement with what Gruethaner and Douglas confirm above that could
be applied to the Bible. Demons are numerously many, countless and legions are also the
name of the Garasene demonic because of the large but indefinite number of demons that
possessed the man. This could be found in the Bible but, researcher sees this from
negative and positive perspectives. In other words, the former occult grand master has
received Holy Ghost transformation that makes him to be truly born again and fully
committed to unfold all demonic wicked activities of Satan and his host of demons to the
best of his knowledge. But, the nature of Satan who is the source and power of these so
called demonic blessings and empowerment are deeply rooted in wickedness,
manipulation, deceit and lie which the Bible confirms that he, Satan, comes to steal, kill
and destroy John 10:10. A practical example is what the former occult grand master
unfolds about the lake of fire in the kingdom of fire that Satan teaches that lake of fire is
a reformatory center where one works out his past characters’ problems till he becomes
perfect before he is qualified to enter the kingdom of Heaven. The former occult grand
master further adds that Satan has deceived even the advanced mystics with this demonic
false doctrine. He, the former occult grand master, then concludes that I told you that
Satan will first of all deceive a person so that he can deceive others. He unfolds many
Ibid, 65.
Satan’s deceits and lies in his book. In another word, Satan is a deceiver, manipulator and
a liar. For instance, can Satan truly allow an occult grand master, a human agent, to be in
control of all the demons in his kingdom? Therefore, every Christian leader and follower
is warned to be watchful! Satan is a deceiver, manipulator and a liar.
Therefore, the point of this testimony is that the numerously uncountable demons
interfere with and intrude upon creation as Boyd has said above. Scholars and
commentators further agree that there are many demons on the planet earth because
legions of demons possessed a person (Mark 5:9, Luke 8:30). Barker clarifies this, “A
Roman legion was made of 6,000 men. Here the term suggests that the man was
possessed by numerous demons.”
Scholars such as Gruenthaner, Douglas, and Barker further clarify that God
created an indefinitely large number of angels that later became an uncountable number
of demons. Barker comments, “Thousands upon thousands. A rhetorical phrase for an
indefinitely large number (Dan. 7:10 cf. Heb. 12:22, Rev. 5:11-12).”
Satan is the chief
demon of the fallen angels. Charles confirms, “The New Testament implies at most the
notions that Satan, a fallen angel chief among many, was cast down (cf Luke 10:18, John
12:31, Rev. 12:4, 7, 9, 10).”
Therefore, these numerous, uncountable and indefinitely large number of
unlimited demons continue to negatively influence the world perfectly created by God.
This created immoral darkness and chaos resulted in dilapidation and deterioration. The
world was negatively influenced by the creation as the result of an intrusion into the
Barker, Zondervan NIV Study Bible, 1529.
Ibid, 1971
Daryl J. Charles, “The Angels Under Reserve in 2 Peter and Jude,” Bulletin for Biblical Research, 15 no 1
(2005): 41.
cosmos. In other words, the chaos in the world is the result of the sinful influences and
acts of the sinful fallen angels (Jer. 4:23, 27).
One’s understanding can now be illuminated that the chaos, emptiness and
darkness in Genesis 1:2 is not the evidence of war between God and Satan but evidence
of dilapidation and deterioration because the whole cosmos had almost been destroyed by
demons. Boyd writes: “According to this view, sometimes called ‘the restitution theory’
or ‘the gap theory’ but which I prefer to call the ‘restoration theory,’ the cosmos that had
been created in verse one had become embattled, corrupted, judged, and brought to the
nearly destroyed state we find it in verse 2.”
In other words, the account of Genesis chapter one is not the account or record of
the original or the first creation. Timmons argues that God destroyed the first heaven and
earth He had created. He states, “The heavens, and the earth were destroyed. Only the
planet, heaven, and the foundation of the earth remained intact (see Jer. 4:23, 27, and 2
Pet. 3:6-7).”
This was because of the corruption and judgment on the planet earth. Boyd
further clarifies, “It is, then easy to read the second verse of the Genesis account as
referring to a judged and largely destroyed earth—a chaos that, … Resembled the
morning after a battle.”
According to this “Go theory” or “Gap theory,” God allowed chaos, emptiness,
and darkness as evidence of His judgment for a few reasons: First of all, this is Pre-
Adamite age and human beings had not yet been created. God did not permit or prepare
for the restoration of the earth for the fallen angels as He did when He created Adam and
Boyd, God at War, 104.
Timmons, 86.
Boyd, God at War, 108
Eve (Gen. 1:2-33). John Walton confirms this idea: “The first account deals with creation
of order on the cosmic level, and it is to that level that the seven-day model is relevant. …
The implications of this are far-reaching. First, and most importantly, it means that the
first account does not necessarily refer to Adam and Eve (although Adam and Eve have
the image of God and the roles lay out there).”
Second, God’s intention and vision for the planet earth was to create humans in
His own image in order to rule and subdue the earth (Gen.1:26-31). David Asselin
confirms, “Man is God’s image not because of what he is, but because of what he is
given: a share in the divine sovereignty over creation. He is Lord of the world, yet
Yahweh’s vassal.”
Boyd supports this view: “We were made in the ‘image of God.’
We are created for the purpose of reigning with God over the earth. . . God rules, but his
desire is to rule through His earthly coregents.”
Third, the restoration view presents God’s plan and purpose of restoration of the
planet earth through God’s own incarnation in the person of Jesus Christ (Gal. 4:4; John
1:14). Boyd agrees and adds, “From start to finish, this inspired literary collection is
about God restoring his creation through humanity (and by himself becoming a human)
and destroying his cosmic opponents in the process.”
God has overcome His enemies
through the cross and He will create a new earth and a new heaven.
Fourth, when Genesis 1:2 is compared and interpreted with other passages in the
Bible such as Jeremiah 4:23; 34:11, the chaos in Genesis 1:2 is not an evidence of the war
John H. Walton, “Human Origins and the Bible,” Zygon 47, no. 4 (December, 2012): 877.
David T. Asselin, “Notion of Dominion in Genesis 1-3,” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 16 no. 3 (July, 1959):
Ibid, 110.
Boyd, God at War, 113.
between God and Satan but an evidence of judgment from Yahweh, God of Israel. Boyd
The terms, ‘formless and empty’ are usually pejorative in scripture, denoting
something gone wrong, laid waste or judged. In the only other cases in scripture
where the terms are combined as in Genesis 1:2 they refer explicitly to a desperate
state of being that results from God’s judgment (Jer. 4:23; 34:11).
Therefore, the evidence is the result of God’s judgment and not the effect of war
or an evidence of war between God and Satan. It is the judgment on the creation that is
largely evil and the influence of sinful fallen angels—Satan and his host of demons.
Fifth, the serpent was able to negatively influence the whole world during the pre-
Adamite chaos and caused chaos and confusion because he is a chaos creature and author
of confusion. Walton concludes, “The serpent as a chaos creature is from the unordered
realm and … brought increased disorder.” In other words, the nature and origin of
serpent are chaos and disorder and therefore, he cannot do anything other but to carry out
his wicked and unholy nature. It resulted in chaos, emptiness and darkness in Genesis
Through the Eyes of Yoruba Culture
When the whole issue of the war between God and Satan, Leviathan and Rehab is
perceived and well understood from the tradition and culture of “Yoruba” people of
Southwestern Nigeria, the argument looks illogical, irrelevant and even very insulting
because, in the Yoruba tradition and culture, a king does not go to the battle. The one
who goes to the battle in Yoruba tradition and culture is known as, “general, commander
of an army, or field-marshal.” The cultural question is why should the king go to the
Boyd, God at War, 108.
Walton,”Haman Origin and the Bible” 884.
battle if there is a general, commander, or field marshal? In the spirit realm, the angel
Michael could be considered commander of the army or field marshal—in the Yoruba
culture known as “Are-onakakanfo.”
It is culturally illogical and insulting to the king
to be expected to go into battle. One who suggests this would be seen in the community
as one who has lost his senses or probably considered to be in insane. When this cultural
concept is applied to heaven, the question will be why would the King of Kings and the
Lord of Lords go to battle against Satan, Leviathan and Rahab when, like in the Yoruba
tradition and culture, the angel Michael and others like him would be the ones to go into
battle. It is culturally illogical and insulting to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords to
go into battle, when perceived and understood from the Yoruba culture and tradition of
Southwestern Nigeria.
Moreover, when the whole issue is culturally perceived and understood from the
Yoruba culture, the question becomes why do some people argue that the war was
between God and Satan, Leviathan, and Rahab when the angel Michael is able, capable
and competent to fight all wars within God’s heavenly kingdom? This is rooted in
biblical record and facts that biblical scholars have discovered and unfolded. The name of
Angel Michael, the “Yoruba” translation of his name is “Are-Onakakanfo” of heaven,
which is his Yoruba cultural and traditional post or title, appears five times in the Bible.
Scott agrees and confirms, “But, who is Michael (who is like unto God)? This
distinguished angel is named five times in scriptures (Dan. 10:13; 21, 12:1; Jude 1:9;
Rev. 12:7).”
A Dictionary of the Yoruba Language (Ibadan, Nigeria: The Caxton Press Limited, 1972), 40.
Scott, 225.
First, the name of the angel Michael is mentioned twice in the account where
Michael defeats the Prince of the Persian kingdom who resisted the angel sent to Daniel
for twenty-one days (Dan. 10:13, 21). The third place that his name is mentioned in the
Bible is where the angel Michael protects and defends the redeemed ones from the
distress and tribulation of the anti-Christ (Dan. 12:1). In the fourth place in the Bible, the
angel Michael contended with Satan over the dead body of Moses and woefully defeated
Satan and won the battle in Jude 1:9. Lastly, angel Michael and his angels fought the
dragon and his angels and Satan and his demons were defeated, driven out of heaven and
cast down to the planet earth (Rev. 12:7-12). Charles explains:
War erupts in heaven, not infrequently depicted in astral terms. … The tail of the
dragon draws “a third of the stars” and casts them down to the earth (Rev. 12:4);
war breaks out in heaven, with the dragon and his angels fighting Michael and his
angels (12:7); and the “king of heaven” vanquishes the dragon, who is cast out
When the whole warfare-activities and ability of the Archangel Michael are
traditionally perceived and culturally understood from the perspective of the Yoruba
people as related to the biblical records quoted above, two things have to be highlighted:
First, the biblical records of warfare activities and the ability of the Archangel
Michael present his progressive victories over Satan and his host of demons. This is
enough evidence that Archangel Michael is eternally able and competent to defeat all the
foes of God within His kingdom. When this is applied to the culture and tradition of the
Yoruba, one who argues that war existed between Yahweh and Satan, Leviathan, and
Rahab would be considered illogical, irrelevant, senseless, and foolish. As “Are-
onakakanfo” of heaven, the “Yoruba” translation of the traditional name and post of
Charles, 43.
Archangel Michael of heaven is able and competent to fight all the battles. Why should
Yahweh go to the battle?
Second, according to a Yoruba viewpoint, whoever argues and suggests that the
king should go to the battle becomes the enemy of the community or society because he
is arguing and suggesting what is a cultural taboo and an abomination to the community.
This may even lead to his death because the whole community may attack him physically
for suggesting it. He is already “digging his own grave” in the eyes of the Yoruba
viewpoint because such cultural taboo and war had never existed!
When this is applied to the issue of war between Yahweh and Satan, Leviathan
and Rahab, it is not theologically sound, or ethically good, or spiritually acceptable to the
community and city of heaven and his host of heavenly angels that the Creator and
creature fight each other in a war. In other words, when understood from the culture of
the Yoruba people of Southwestern Nigeria, it is ridiculous, illogical and senseless to the
culture and people (angels) of heaven as it is non-existent in the culture and tradition of
the Yoruba people of Southwestern Nigeria. The whole argument is illogical and
senseless to the people of heaven (angelic people) or host of heaven as Scott argues, “The
dragon personally suffered an ignominious defeat, while the whole company of sinful
angelic intelligences is forever banished from ‘the heaven.’”
Lastly, when this is perceived and understood from the culture of the Yoruba
people of Nigeria, the argument that there was war between Yahweh and Satan,
Leviathan, and Rahab is culturally offensive to the king, and culturally offensive to Are-
onakakanfo, the field-marshal or commander of the army. It is culturally offensive to the
Scott, 257.
king because a king does not and should not go to war. It is culturally offensive to the
field-marshal or commander of the army because it would be an insult or a slap in his
face that he is not competent and capable to hold the post and fight for the kingdom. Scott
argues for the competency of the Archangel Michael in battle, “The issue of the war
between the contending spiritual hosts is in no wise a doubtful one. Satan and his angels
are overthrown.”
One can understand why it is culturally offensive to the king and
field-marshal because such precedence, taboo and record are not found or written in the
history of the cultural and traditional kingdom of the Yoruba people. Therefore, such a
person with this argument may be asked and forced to leave the community in that
particular village or town.
In other words, it is not found in the cultural and traditional records of the earthly
Yoruba king or in the record of war of the heavenly King. Scott further confirms the only
record known in heaven and states, “The war in heaven results in the victory of Michael
and his associate angels. … Satan is cast down from heaven to earth with his associate
angels. Revelation 12:9.”
Scholars such as Scott and Charles and preachers such as Timmons and Spurgeon
have helped to draw the cultural and theological conclusions that are meaningful to the
culture and tradition of the Yoruba people of Southwestern Nigeria. Timmons argues,
“God did not interfere in the rebellious plot.”
Spurgeon defends his view in his book,
stating, “The great battle in the Heaven lies has been fought. Our glorious Michael has
Scott, 257.
Timmons, 85.
forever overthrown the dragon and cast him down.”
Scott further concludes, “The war
in Heaven results in the victory of Michael and his associate angels. The dragon and his
angels are cast down, never to regain a heavenly position.”
Therefore, God did not interfere or fight the war but the heavenly commander of
the army, or the field-marshal, the Are-Onakakanfo of heaven, the Yoruba translation of
Archangel Michael, fought the battle and forever won the battle. He forever overthrew
Satan and his host of fallen angels, and forever cast them down never to regain a
heavenly position. They are banished forever. Since the Archangel Michael and the host
of heavenly angels fought Satan, the war between God and Satan, Leviathan and
Rahab neither existed nor was fought. Since the war neither existed nor was fought, the
chaos, emptiness and darkness in Genesis 1:2 cannot be evidence of war.
The Wicked Activities of Demons and the Fall of Humankind
The first and the worst demonic wicked activities recorded in heaven during the
Pre-Adamite age was the rebellious coup planned by Satan and his host of fallen angels
that caused them to be cast out of heaven. The first and the worst demonic activity ever
recorded in the history of humanity was the temptation and the fall of man that was
carried out in the Garden of Eden by Satan during the Antediluvian Age. Antediluvian
age “is from six days of recreation of the earth until the flood of Noah. It is found in
Genesis 1:3 through 2:25.”
The Antediluvian age refers “to the period before the flood
described in the Bible.”
Spurgeon, 43.
Scott, 258.
Timmons, 94.
“Hacker” Merriam-Webster 2011, accessed October 4, 2014,
The Holy Spirit was in the first original creation because he kept watch over the
earth. Boyd clarifies the difference between the first, original creation of Genesis 1:1 and
the second, new creation of Genesis 1:2. He says, “The passage does not use the word
‘create’ (bara) but, make’ (asah) which means to fashion out of pre-exist
ing material –
again suggesting that we are dealing not with an original creation but, with a
Because of the vacant position in heaven, God created humans to fill that vacuum
caused by the fall of Lucifer. Humans were created to take the place of Lucifer in the
kingdom of God and part of their duty is to bring praises and worship into the presence of
the Godhead.
One of the former agents of darkness was asked why God did not promote
any of the angels to take the position of Lucifer. He responded, “I do not know. Perhaps it
is because they already had their functions.”
But Timmons guessed, “More likely,
however, I think it is because God wanted to demonstrate His kingdom through the
weakness of human beings.”
God did not promote any angels probably because of their
function and also to demonstrate His kingdom through the weakness of human beings.
God had to recreate the earth to restore it before He could create humanity because He
had destroyed the first heaven and earth He created. “This is the reason, why in recreation
God said, “And let the dry land appear (Gen. 1:9).”
Therefore, God had to re-create the
Boyd, God at War, 108.
Timmons, 94.
Ibid, 93.
Timmons, 103.
God created, on the first day, light; on the second day, firmament; on the third day
seas, land and vegetation; on the fourth day luminaries; on the fifth day birds and on the
last, sixth day, fishes, animals, and humankind.
God created humans in His own image
and made him to rule or take dominion on everything He had created (Gen. 1:26-27).
God created man in His own image and likeness. Therefore, “No distinction should be
made between ‘image’ and ‘likeness’ which are synonyms in both the OT (5:1; 9:6) and
the NT (I Cor. 11:7; Col. 3:10; Jas. 3:9). ‘Image’ includes such characteristics as
righteousness and holiness (Eph. 4:24 and ‘knowledge’ in Col. 3:10).”
Satan, the serpent, came into the garden to tempt humans and carry out his
wicked, demonic activities. Humanity fell and failed woefully. “But, it is important to
observe the mode in which the serpent sought to shake Eve’s confidence in God’s truth,
and thus bring her under the power of infidel ‘reason’.”
Adam and Eve reasoned
without God and the power of infidelity overtook them and they sinned. Boyd declares
that they were not coerced or forced by any external influential factor. He says, “When
factors outside the agent are influential in every decision an agent makes, such factors are
never coercive when the decision is in fact free.”
Another demonic strategy and manipulation was when Satan convinced Eve that
the fruit was good for food, pleasing to the eye and desirable for gaining wisdom. These
are the three aspects of temptation (Luke 4:3 5, 9; 1 John 2:16).
Satan also tempted
J. D. Douglas, The New Bible Dictionary (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1979), 271.
Barker, 8.
C. H. MacKintosh, Genesis to Deuteronomy: Notes on the Pentateuch (Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers,
1974), 29.
Boyd, Satan and the Problem of Evil, 31.
Barker, 10.
Jesus, the last Adam, with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life
but Jesus’ responses are: “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone’”; “It is
written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only’”"; and “It says: ‘Do not put the
Lord your God to the test’” (Luke 4:4, 4:8; 4:12). Jesus overcame because He used the
sword—the word of God. Adam and Eve failed because they used their reasoning and
their senses. They fell and failed woefully because they did not realize, “The lust of the
flesh points to the gratification of our fleshly desires. The lust of the eyes will refer to
strong desire for what is seen, for the outward form of things. It is the lust after the
superficial. The pride of life is the empty haughtiness of the worldly-minded.”
Therefore, for people not to sin and fall as the first Adam sinned and fell, they
must watch out for every demonic activity carried out by their manipulated temptations.
Demons will try to make people reason without God, to fulfilling the desire of the flesh,
the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Boyd emphasizes why people must be watchful
against demonic manipulations and influences of free agents or people, in all
circumstances. “In light of all influences and circumstances, agents ultimately determine
themselves. In this sense, free agents are the ‘ultimate creators and sustainers of their own
ends and purposes.’”
Whatever peoples’ responses are to these manipulated
temptations, at the end of their journeys on earth, they will have eternal consequences?
Satanic Strategy and Manipulation Immediately after the Fall
Satan and his host of fallen angels lost the battle in heaven but do not give up war
on this planet earth. Immediately after the fall of humankind, Satan, with his demonic
D. Guthrie and J. A. Motyer, The New Bible Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing
Co., 1973), 1264.
Boyd, Satan and the Problem of Evil, 56.
strategies and activities, planned to counteract and render void God’s eternal prophecy of
love and redemption for humankind. Genesis 3:15 says, “And I will put enmity between
you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and
you will strike his heel.” Barker writes, “The antagonism between people and snakes is
used to symbolize the outcome of the titanic struggle between God and the evil one, a
struggle played out in the hearts and history of mankind.”
Christ fulfilled this promise and gave victory that every Christian shares (Rom.
16:20). Boyd further illuminates this idea, “As traditionally interpreted, this verse
proclaims that the Messiah will ultimately end the age-long struggle between God and the
serpent by crushing his head.”
As Boyd clearly declares, it is this traditional, prophetic
interpretation that the Messiah would crush the head of the serpent. It motivated the
serpent to plan his strategy and manipulation immediately after the fall.
The traditional and prophetic interpretation that the Messiah would crush the head
of the serpent made Satan plan his sinful strategy and immoral manipulation in order to
counteract and render void God’s prophecy of love and redemption for humanity as
written Genesis 3:15.
Demons’ Immoral Strategy and Manipulation Genesis 6;2
An example of the strategy and manipulation that Satan used immediately after
the fall of humankind is written in Genesis 6:2, which says “The sons of God saw that the
daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them they chose.” C. H.
MacKintosh believes that the mingling was an unholy affair and states, “The mingling of
Barker, 11.
Boyd, God at War, 242.
that which is of God with that which is of man, is a special form of evil, and a very
effectual engine, in Satan’s hand, for marrying the testimony of Christ on the earth.”
Shubert Spero believes that the “Beni Elohim” or sons of Gods were celestial
beings such as fallen angels or demigods. Spero explains, “Beni Elohim refers to
individuals who claim to be Nephilim, demigods, and ‘fallen from heaven’ the abode of
the gods, who ruled over others by virtue of either their physical strength or beauty or
aggressive nature. These are the ‘tyrants’ or ‘heroes’ of mythology.”
Guthrie and Motyer also agree that the mingling is evil and state, “Here the
pinnacle of abominations is reached, provoking divine vengeance. The sons of God could
be translated the sons of gods. Ancient texts attest to an ideology of divine kingship;
human kings were called sons of various gods.”
This is true of several cultures, but in
Yoruba cultures, the pagan king was not known as the son of god but as a deputy or
assistant to god or second in command to god. These marriages were to pollute mankind
morally, against the Messiah’s coming. The former agent of darkness, who had worked in
the government of Satan and had seen Satan and his host of demons face-to-face, unfolds
the secret and testifies:
Satan began to look for a man who could bring this prophecy to pass. He tried to
pollute the human race through fallen angels which he commissioned to assume
the form of human and marry women. This was to destroy the seed of mankind
(see Gen. 6). This “marriage” brought into the human race the sins of fornication,
idolatry and murder. … This plan of the Dark Kingdom came about to genetically
pollute the Messiah prophesied in Genesis 3:15 from being born.
MacKintosh, 46.
Shubert Spero, “Sons of God, Daughters of Men?” Jewish Bible Quarterly 40, no. 1 (January-March 2012): 15-
Guthrie and Motyer, 87.
Timmons, 97.
In addition to the biblical sources and the testimonies of those former agents of
darkness, the non-biblical sources also agree and confirm, in apocryphal writings. For
instance, “1 Enoch 6 tells how two hundred angels, elsewhere called ‘watchers’ bound
themselves to one another and to their leader Semjza by an oath to take wives from
among the children of men and to beget children.”
Satan, his host of demons, demonic
agents, and human agents, all took an oath and bound themselves to counteract God’s
prophecy of eternal love and redemption for mankind. But they failed.
Boyd agrees that Satan and demons failed and adds, “Jesus refers to his
consummation (teleioo) of his ministry. Satan and his legions would rise up against him
(I Cor. 2:8). But through the very act of being crucified, Jesus would ultimately
overthrow them.”
Therefore, Christ’s eternal victory is sure!
The Activities of Demons between David and Goliath
The battle between David and Goliath was fought in the physical world but the
sources of inspiration and powers behind the war, for each of them, operated from the
two different spirit worlds. That of David operated from the heavenly, loving spirit world
of God and that of Goliath operated from the demonic, wicked spirit world of Satan.
When David was on the battlefield in the name of Yahweh, there was no division
between the “spiritual” and “physical” or between the “physical world” and the “spiritual
world” Boyd clarifies, “God is on David’s side, when David marches into the battle
against his enemies. No bifurcation between ‘spiritual’ and ‘physical’ realities is
Therefore, when Goliath also marches to battle in the full power of his gods
D.S. Russell, The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press, 1976), 249.
Boyd, God at War, 212.
Boyd, God at War, 97.
and demons, there is no bifurcation between the “spiritual” and “physical” or between the
“physical world” and the “wicked spirit world.”
The truth of this is clear from what each of them said on the open battle field.
David challenges Goliath and says, “You come against me with the sword and spear and
javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies
of Israel, who you have defied” (1 Sam. 17:45). When David trusted Yahweh, the God of
Israel, a greater supernatural law was activated from the heavenly, loving spirit world of
God, which caused David to win the battle. Through what Goliath also says in the Bible,
the giant’s source of inspiration and power was from the demonic wicked spirit world.
Goliath says, “Am I a dog that you come at me with sticks?” and “the Philistine cursed
David by his gods” (1 Sam. 17:43). The phrase, “The Philistine cursed David by his
gods/demons” supports the researcher’s point, that Goliath was inspired by evil spirit
beings in his efforts.
A former occult grand master, Lyke Nathan Uzorma who had practically used
these powers of demons defines “curse” and states,
An occult process of commanding elemental spirits operating in astral motion to
manipulate and fulfill a certain incantation against a person or group of persons.
In other words, a curse is an occult phrase, sentence or spoken words calling for
the injury, punishment or destruction of a person or group of persons.
Goliath was using a powerful incantation for the “injury, punishment and
destruction” of David. It is worth saying that the researcher, before he was truly born
again, had used this power of incantation along with a group of people, and it worked.
But, the only living power that the researcher knows and believes at present is the living
Lyke Nathan Uzorma, Exposing the Rulers of Darkness in Recognition of the Highest Power, Vol. 1 (Benin:
UWT Book Printers, 1994), 151.
power of Jesus Christ. Goliath was using the powers of demons from the demonic spirit
world when he cursed David by his gods.
Edward Hindson has given more tools to interpret and understand Goliath’s
power. Hindson states, “The Philistines appear to have been deeply imbued with
superstition, for they carried their idols with them on their battle campaigns (2 Sam.
5:21). These small, portable images were carried as good luck amulets. … In 2 Macc.
12:40 we are told that later Philistines also carried charms that had been presented before
Israel’s Ark of the Covenant and the Philistines’ idols are two artifacts taken to
the battlefield, but power-sources are not the same. Israel’s Ark power-source is from
Yahweh and the Philistines’ idol power-sources are from demons. This mean they ask
demons to go into action through incantation and other demonic means or methods for
punishment and destruction of lives and property.
This is the true pagan concept and practice of warfare. No real pagan who is
sincere and committed to the worship of his gods and demons, and has practical demonic
fellowship in worship, would go to the battle field without any of these small, portable
images of gods and demons, charms, amulets, demonic rings, demonic sticks, demonic
clothes, demonic powder, incantations and the like. It has been further established that the
Philistines were really committed to the worship of their gods. The idols were held in
such high esteem even non-Philistines consulted the Philistine gods and oracles.
Buttrick sought to understand why the non-Philistines consult with Dagon’s
oracles. He states “The relative seniority of Dagon is implied in Philo’s statement that he
was with El, who is the senior god in the Ras Shamra texts. The son of heaven and earth.
Edward E. Hindson, The Philistines and the Old Testament: Baker Studies in Biblical Archaeology (Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1971), 32.
… The most active deity.”
One can understand why Dagon was taken to battle as a
portable idol because it was the most active diabolic deity. “Also attached to the
Philistine seats of worship were priests and diviners (1 Sam. 6:2). Philistine magicians
were highly esteemed (Isa. 2:6). Even Hebrew King Amaziah consulted the oracle of
Baal-Zebub (2 Kings 1:2).”
Thus, Goliath was using powerful demonic incantations
when he was cursing David. He may have seen demons face-to-face.
Dagon, the principal or the leading god of the Philistines, is one of the bones of
contentions among scholars. Some hold the view that he was a marine god while the
contrary view holds that he was a non-marine god. Some archeologists argue that Dagon
is a grain deity or fertility god and not a marine god.
This is important to determine the
type of god Dagon; did he follow his followers to the battlefield or was he a lazy god that
stayed behind at home. For instance, scholars have established that Marduk or Merodach
was the god of war. Herbert Lockyer confirms, “The Babylonian god Bel (Isa. 46:1, Jer.
50:2, 51:44) is the name of Marduk, the chief Babylonian god. The Babylonian god
Merodach (Jer. 50:2), an alternate spelling of Marduk was a god of war and the patron
deity of the city of Babylon.”
Therefore, Marduk went to battle as the god of war.
Opinions differ because ‘Dagon’ was a Semitic name derived either from dag
‘fish’ or Dagon ‘grain.’”
“Recent archeological discoveries have made it virtually
Buttrick, The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: An Illustrated Encyclopedia in Four Volumes A-D (Nashville,
NY: Abingdon, Press, 1962), 756.
Hinderson, 32.
Ibid, 31.
Herbert Lockyer, Nelson Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986), 432.
Ibid, 30.
certain that Dagon is to be associated with a ‘grain deity’ or ‘fertility god.’”
commentator further strengthened the argument and states,
The common idea that he was a fish-deity appears to have no foundation in fact;
being adumbrated in Jerome (BDB, P. 1121) and first clearly expressed by Kimhi
in the 13
century A.D. (Schmokel), influenced solely by the outward similarity
between ‘Dagon’ and Heb. ‘dag’ ‘fish’.”
Scholars have established that at times the same idol or demon is worshipped in
different parts of the world with different names. Following this line of reasoning that
says Dagon was a marine-god, he is also worshiped in Southwestern Nigeria under a
different name. Another example would be, “Diana (Acts 19:24, 27-28, 34-35) of Roman
mythology, the goddess of the moon, hunting wild animals, and virginity. Diana is the
same as the Greek goddess Artemis (RSV, NIV, and NASB), virgin goddess of the hunt
and the moon.”
If Diana and Artemis can be known cross cultures, it is possible that
Dagon, a marine-god, is known in Nigeria, for the following reasons.
First, it is possible that the archaeologists who argue that Dagon was a grain god
do not know how to interpret the archaeological evidence because of their lack of
practical experience with demons. Adam Lette, in the Philosophical Quarterly Journal,
explains that the interpretations and meanings that people familiar with the demonic spirit
world can be quite different from the interpretations and meaning of people familiar only
with the physical world. Both groups might see the same archaeological evidence but
may differ from each other in their interpretations because of their various experiences
from the two different worlds. Therefore, every archaeological discovery mentioned
Ibid, 31.
Douglas, 287.
Lockyer, 436.
above, “is a claim about the nature of the relevant reasons. But in some cases the
evidence is our reason for believing as we do.”
If an archeologist cannot give the right interpretations and meanings to discovered
evidences from the wicked spirit world because of their non-practical experience from the
demonic wicked spirit world, their facts, points and conclusions may be wrong. For
example, are archeologists familiar with the use of demonic vessels, ships, charms,
demonic amulets, sticks, garments, underwear, powder, cars, airplanes, rings,
and other
demonic activities sponsored and operated from the demonic spirit world? Probably not,
therefore, their conclusions may be irrelevant and meaningless when perceived and
understood like those involved with the demonic wicked spirit world in Southwestern
Nigeria, and many other nations of the world.
Second, the common idea that Dagon is a fish-deity appears to have more facts
and a better foundation, and even negates the argument above that Dagon is a grain god.
In appearance, idols are representations of demons the followers worship. Lockyer
confirms, “The people worshipped these gods in the form of representative idols. This
practice is called idolatry. … But sometimes these idols represented celestial powers like
the sun, moon, and the stars; forces of nature, like the sea and rain; or life forces, like
death and truth.”
Dagon’s idol looks like fish. A scholar further confirms, “The
association of Dagon with a fish goes back at least as early as Jerome (c. A.D. 400), and
Adam, Lette, “But That’s Not Evidence; It’s Not Even True!” The Philosophical Quarterly 63, no. 20, 250.
(January, 2013): 91.
Timmons, 110.
Lockyer, 430.
the conception of the god as half fish goes back to David Kimchi (c. A.D. 200).”
has been established for centuries.
Third, most of the time, it is practically true in many cultures that the environment
where pagan people live determine the type of demons/gods they worship. Nature is a
strong influence. Lockyer confirms, “The word Baal was often used in forming names,
such as Baal of Peor (Deut. 4:3; Baal-Peor, KJV). Peor was the name of a mountain in
Moab. Baal of Peor was an idol of Moab (probably to be identified with Chemosh, which
Israelites were enticed to worship with immoral practices).”
If people naturally find
themselves by the mountain, they worship demons and gods of the mountain. If they find
themselves in the forest or by the water, they do the same thing. This was what Philistines
probably did.
For instance: “When the Israelites left Egypt the Philistines were extensively
settled along the coastal strip between Egypt and Gaza, and they were obliged to
detour inland to avoid “the way of the land of the Philistines” (Ex. Xiii.17). The
adjacent section of Mediterranean was in fact referred to as the sea of the
Philistines (Ex.xxiii.31).”
Since the Philistines were extensively settled along the coastal strip and the
adjacent section of Mediterranean was referred to as the sea of the Philistines, Dagon, the
principal god of the Philistines, was probably a marine-god.
Fourth, through Timmons personal interview with a former agent of darkness, his
ministration and deliverance, it has been discovered that Dagon, the principal god of the
Philistines is a marine-god working directly with the Queen of the Coast in Nigeria.
Emmanuel Eni, a former marine agent of darkness, who wrote a book entitled, “Delivered
Butrick, 756.
Lockyer, 434.
Douglas, 988.
from the Powers of Darkness” served directly under the Queen of the Coast and unfolds
some top demonic secrets from the demonic marine spirit world, carried out through this
female demon.
Therefore, Timmons in his personal ministry and experience coupled
with spiritual warfare, personal interview, Holy Ghost ministration and deliverance
ministry has this view in addition to the reasons mentioned above from the Southwestern
Nigeria, that Dagon is a marine god known in Nigeria.
Timmons confirms Eni’s report:
The Queen of the Coast is a demonic being which we run across quite often in our
ministry there. Although she can change forms, she normally appears as a
beautiful black woman because she is living among the black people. She is often
the principle spirit mentioned when the person receiving ministry is possessed
with many water spirits. She often works with Dagon (Judg. 16:23; 1 Sam. 5:25; 1
Chron. 10:10) who is the guiding demon over Nigeria. Dagon is the husband of
the marine, mermaid-looking head of all water spirits.
Based on the facts written above, Dagon is a marine spirit. And since he is the
husband of the mermaid-looking head of all water spirit, a spirit being that is partly
woman and partly fish, the argument that Dagon was a fish-deity because of the outward
similarity is more convincing and acceptable as Jerome and Kimhi had earlier argued
centuries ago. This buttresses what is stated above by a scholar that the association of
Dagon with fish goes back at least as early as Jerome [c. A.D. 400] and the conception of
the god as half fish goes back to David Kiwchi [c. A. D. 200]. Therefore, Dagon could
be compared with “Oya,” a river or water god-spirit in Nigeria, which went to the battle
with “Sango,” god of thunder. Oya and Sango were the family gods of the researcher
Emmanuel Eni, Delivered from the Power of Darkness (Ibadan, Nigeria: Scripture Union Press and Books Ltd.,
1988), 16-18.
Timmons, 211-212.
before he and his family came in contact with the American missionaries of the Southern
Baptist Church and gave their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is worth saying that if David had not won the battle, his dead body might have
been ground for magical powers and potions as is often done by the Queen of the Coast
and her agents in the demonic kingdom of water. S. T. Ola Akande discloses the secret of
the items or ingredients used or ground for demonic concoctions or magical powers.
Akande unfolds the following:
The magical powers are derived from a combination of tree roots, the bark of
trees and plants, carcasses of rats, birds, snakes, fish, and often human body parts.
Once the magical items have been roasted in a big pan, they are then empowered
by the use of incantations. The product is therefore ready to be sent to carry out a
specific mission, either to harm or kill.
If the Philistine practice was similar to the practices of the Queen of the Coast, a
demonic being, then Akande’s statement could have applied to David’s fate: “The bodies
of those killed are ground up and used for magical potions in the Dark Kingdom.”
David trusted Yahweh, the God of Israel, and prevailed. He killed Goliath, drew
Goliath’s own sword from its sheath, cut Goliath head with his sword and gave Goliath
his own due.
In conclusion, the conflict between David and Goliath reveal demonic activities as
they manifest in the physical world
S. T. Ola Akande, Miracles, Mysteries, Death, and Dying (North Charleston, S. C: CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, 2013), 335.
Timmons, 212.
Nearl Bierling, Giving Goliath His Due: New Archeological Light on the Philistines (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker
Book House, 1992), 148.
Demonic Manipulations between Saul and the Witch of Endor
Saul’s involvement in the art of necromancy with the witch of Endor
resulted in his tragic death. The incident baffles theological scholars because he
knew the heart of God for Israel. He had already voiced his personal conviction
against necromancy, and he did well by renouncing and fighting against
necromancy in the land of Israel (1 Sam. 28:3 9-10). T. J. Wray has highlighted
the confusion over necromancy during the lifetime of King Saul.
First, the very act of consulting mediums is forbidden in Israel (Lev. 19:31, 20:6,
27); and second, it is Saul himself who drives out the necromancers and
magicians from the land (1 Sam. 28:3), going so far as to issue the death penalty
for anyone found guilty of engaging in sorcery (1 Sam. 28:9-10).
King Saul originally acted in accordance with these words of the Lord as written
in the Bible: the Israelites were not to turn to mediums or seek out spiritualists because it
would defile them (Lev. 19:31). The Lord said that He would set His face against the
person who turns to mediums and spiritualists (Lev. 20:6). A man or woman who is a
medium or spiritualist was to be stoned to death (Lev. 20:27). They had been
commanded: “Do not allow a sorceress to live” (Exod. 22:18). Guthrie and Motyer write:
“The means by which Israel’s neighbors sought to ascertain and if possible control the
future are next condemned (Lev. 19:31) and the penalty of excision is pronounced (cf.
27). This orders the death of the medium, see Exodus 22:18.”
With all of his godly knowledge of necromancy and his former action to eradicate
it, Saul’s consultation with the witch is perplexing. But the writer of 1 Chronicles does
give the reason for his tragic death. Wray writes:
T. J. Wray, Good Girls, Bad Girls: The Enduring Lessons of Twelve Women of the Old Testament (New York,
Toronto: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2008), 83.
Guthrie and Motyer, 160.
Indeed, in the stark summation of the author(s) of 1 Chronicles, Saul’s interaction
with the necromancer is one of the crimes that led to his death: Saul died because
he was unfaithful to the Lord; he did not keep the word of the Lord and even
consulted a medium for guidance, and did not inquire of the Lord. So the Lord
put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse (1 Chron.
Saul, who initially knew and lived the truth, allowed himself to be manipulated
and deceived by the demonic spirit world through human agents represented by the witch
of Endor and demonic agents represented by infernal deities who came to the earth to
discuss with Saul as Reis confirms below. This led to his spiritual derailment and
unfaithfulness. Saul finally ended his life with tragic defeat and death.
Saul disobeyed what God told him and allowed himself to be manipulated by the
interaction of human and demonic agents, and these agents were represented by the witch
of Endor and the infernal deities who personally came to the earth from the spirit world
or from under the earth’s crust and personally fellowshipped and talked with Saul
through the witch’s conjuring. Though they appeared friendly, they were deceitful and
Saul ended up his life with a tragic death.
Pamela T. Reis, in the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, has
exegetically analyzed, from the perspective of the Old Testament, necromancy and
idolatry as coming from the demonic spirit world. Reis summarizes the irony of Saul’s
engagement with the witch:
In my exegesis, Saul risks battle only because he believes he has enlisted the
protection of the infernal deities. He is not courageous but is encouraged by the
witch’s conjuring to trust that the friendly ghost, the spirits with whom he shared
blood, will save him and his heirs. … It is as though God had said, ‘you feared
death; now you will fear to live. You wanted to escape your fate; now you will
run toward it.’
Wray, 84.
Pamela Tamarkin Reis, “Eating the Blood: Saul and the Witch of Endor,” Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament no. 73 (March, 1997): 320.
Reis goes on to explain how ironic, and the researcher would add, how demonic,
that so many commentators throughout history have failed to see the demonic influence
through the witch.
The witch of Endor has cast a spell over biblical commentators. Despite God’s
virulent denunciation of soothsayers, Josephus says, “It would be well … to
imitate the example of this woman.”; Origen writes of her as a ‘type of Christ’;
Jerome calls her industrious and practical. Equally enchanted, the moderns extol
her ‘pity’ (Beuken), her ‘motherly care’ (Fokkelman), her ‘generosity’ (Ades), her
‘insight of an angel’ (Simon).
Reis says that the witch of Endor has cast spell over biblical commentators. This
researcher calls it not only a spell but a demonic slap on the biblical commentators to
anyone who believes it is wrong to disobey God. T. J. Wray even portrays and presents
the witch of Endor as better than the living God.
To theologians and ministers in
Southwestern Nigeria, this sounds demonic.
Reis does not see the so called hospitality of the witch of Endor as hospitality but
as motivated by self-preservation. She offers a ritual meal and sacrifice to the ghost of the
dead, in the wicked spirit world. Reis interprets this as the ghost feeding upon blood, as
forbidden in Leviticus 19:26 that says, “You shall not eat on the blood; you shall not
practice divination nor witchcraft” (Lev. 19:26). Reis draws on Maimonides as he
discusses eating the blood. She states:
They thought it was the food of the spirits (the dead); by eating it, man has
something in common with the spirits, which join him and tell him future events.
… They imagined that. … Love, brotherhood, and friendship with the spirits were
established, because they dined with the latter at one place and at the same time;
that the spirits would appear to them in dreams, inform them of coming events,
and be favorable to them. … The law (the Pentateuch), which is perfect in the
Pamela Tamarkin Reis, “Eating the Blood: Saul and the Witch of Endor,” Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament no. 73 (March, 1997): 3.
Wray, 86-87.
eyes of those who know it, and seeks to cure mankind of these lasting diseases,
forbade the eating of blood, and emphasized the prohibition in exactly the same
terms as it emphasizes idolatry.
Saul also accuses his army of the same sin or treachery when he discovers his
army is sinning against the Lord by eating meat with the blood still in it (Lev. 19:26; 1
Sam. 14:33, 34). Therefore, according to Reis, Wray is biblically and theologically wrong
to give credit to the witch of Endor.
Patricia Cox has observed in her review of “Origen and the Witch of Endor,” that
some see the whole activity of the witch of Endor as deceit and manipulation because
“sorcery is just demonic deceit, and what appeared was not really Samuel, but a demon
in his guise. … Hence the fact that the figure is called simply ‘Samuel’ is biblical
shorthand for ‘a demon that looked like Samuel.’”
In reality, demons are very deceitful and manipulative. Demons do this a lot. This
sometimes happens and it has happened several times in Africa during necromancy.
Demons and their agents transform and use craft and deception. This deceit and
manipulation is not new to theologians in Southwestern Nigeria. Nigerian ministers
know demonic manipulation during necromancy as it unfolded in the story.
Based on his own background in idolatry, the researcher agrees with Reis. The
researcher has known a few who thought sacrifice to demons and the power of demons
would save them. But they failed and then tragically ended their lives. Based on the
researcher’s cultural background, Reis is theologically, biblically, culturally, and
experientially correct. The story of Saul and the witch of Endor demonstrate the
Reis, 7-8.
Patricia Cox, “Origen and the Witch of Endor: Toward an Iconoclastic Typology,” Anglican Theological Review
66, no. 2 (April, 1994): 139.
deceptive way in which demons exert their influence on the disobedient through human
Idolatry, a Powerful Weapon for Demons in the Old Testament
Idolatry is a powerful weapon in the Old Testament used to influence the thoughts
and lives of the children of Israel in order to derail them from the worship of Yahweh,
God of Israel. It causes them to worship the pagan nations’ gods and demons of the
Gentiles. This is because those gods are demons and the idols are demonic altars set up
for worshipping demons. Paul confirms, “No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to
demons, not to God and I do not want you to be participants with demons” (1 Cor.
10:20). Therefore, idolatry is a powerful weapon of demonic activities because idols are
representatives of gods, and these gods are demons of the air, the land, the waters, and
under the earth’s crust. Because of this, God specifically forbids the worship of idols and
demons because He is a jealous God.
Moses relates God’s commands:
You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol
in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters
below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your
God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the
third and fourth generations of those who hate me but showing love to a thousand
of generations of those who love me and keep my commandments (Exod. 20:3-6).
The Bible prohibitively forbids the making of idols in the form of anything in
heaven above or on the earth and in the waters below because those idols are demons in
the air above, demons on the earth, and demons in the waters below. They are idols of
creatures that are demons.
In other words, idols are creatures made to represent gods
but those idols or gods (creatures) are demons.
Guthrie and Motyer, 132.
The Bible further confirms that those idols and gods are demons. The Bible says,
“They made him jealous with their foreign gods and angered him with their detestable
idols. They sacrificed to demons, which are not God—gods they had not known, gods
that recently appeared, gods your fathers did not fear” (Deut. 32:16-17). Barker defends
this idea that idols and gods are demons and states, “The Hebrew for this word ‘demon’
occurs elsewhere in the Old Testament only in Deuteronomy 32:17, where it refers to
false gods. It is related to a Babylonian word referring to (pagan) protective spirits.”
Guthrie and Motyer further defend the idea that demons, to the Israelites, are
imported gods or deities. They write that for the Israelites, “Demons are new gods.
Upstart deities imported from pagan nations.”
In other words, to the Israelites demons
are foreign gods or idols imported from pagan or Gentile nations.
Uzorma, the former agent of darkness, who served in the government of Satan,
and saw Satan face-to-face and his host of demons, also agrees with the Bible that when
one worships an idol and directly or indirectly opposes Jesus Christ and Christians, he is
of the demons. The former agent states:
If you worship the sun, the moon, or the stars, you are of the devil. If you worship
the so-called holy animals—beast, serpents, or birds, you are of the devil. If you
worship a deity (idol), or if you belong to any secret society, you are of the devil.
Furthermore, if you belong to any religion which is directly or indirectly opposed
to Jesus Christ and the Christians, you are of the devil.
Therefore, the worship of an idol is the worship of demons and any religion that
directly or indirectly opposes Jesus Christ is also the worship of demons.
Barker, 909.
Guthrie and Motyer, 227.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 55.
It is now crystal clear why idolatry is a powerful weapon of demonic activities in
the Old Testament. It was used to deceive, manipulate, and derail Israelites from the true
worship of Yahweh. Idols are demons. “Because Satan had been with God for so long in
heaven, he knew how much God hated sin, that it would not be tolerated.”
always did all he could to make the Israelites break the covenant relationship with the
jealous God. “God will not put up with rivalry or unfaithfulness. Usually his ‘jealousy’
concerns Israel and assumes the covenant relationship (analogous to marriage) and the
Lord’s exclusive right to possess Israel and to claim her love and allegiance.”
Demons’ Weapons in Golden Calf and Moses Leadership’s Lesson
A practical example of the manipulation and deceit is the golden calf (Exod. 32:1-
35). The Bible says, “Then they said, these are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up
out of Egypt. … Afterward they sat down to eat and drink and then got up to indulge in
revelry” (Exod. 32:4b, 6b). God’s response is, “‘I have seen these people,’ the Lord said
to Moses, ‘and they are a stiff-necked people. Now leave me alone so that my anger may
burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation’”
(Exod. 32:9-10). Moses’ response to God is, “‘But now, please forgive their sin. But if
not, then blot me out of the book you have written’” (Exod. 32:32). God does not destroy
them. Biblical scholars and Christian leaders need to learn from Moses’ leadership and
his intercessory prayer. Moses was an exemplary leader. Leslie Church comments on the
unique intercessory prayer of Moses and states:
Moses says, “If they must be cut off, let me be cut off with them, and cut short of
Canaan: if all Israel must perish, I am content to perish with them; let not the land
of promise be mine by survivorship.” Thus he expresses his tender affection for
Timmons, 87.
Barker, 117.
the people, and is a symbol of a good shepherd, that lays down his life for the
sheep (John 10:11) who was to be cut off from the land of the living: for the
transgression of my people, (Isa. 53:8; Dan. 9:26).
Moses’ master temperament is melancholy. Because of the nature of his master
temperament, he does not find it easy to forgive and forget because of his reflective
thought. Tim Lahaye confirms: “Although he appears on the surface to be calm or quiet,
many times there is turbulent hatred and animosity burning within. He may never put it
into action as would a choleric, but he may harbor this animosity and desire revenge for
many years.”
But, instead of Moses asking God to destroy the children of Israel in order to
avenge what Israelites did to him, he asks God to forgive them. He asks further that if
God would not forgive them that his name should be blotted out from the book He has
written. What a unique exemplary life! What a lesson to be learned by all Christian
A New Testament Perspective on the Reality of Demonic Activity
In the world and period of the New Testament, the belief in the existence of
demons as the origin of evil and diseases prevailed. People did not doubt the reality of the
existence of demons and their wicked activities during the ministry of Jesus as some do
The researcher explore this belief in the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus
Christ and then in the apostles.
The Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Wicked Activities of Demons
Leslie F. Church, NIV Matthew Henry Commentary in One Volume (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1992), 113.
Tim Lahaye, Spirit-Controlled Temperament (Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1966), 39.
Quay, “Angels and Demons” 20.
The ministry of John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ, is
uniquely significant to the ministry of the Lord because John’s message of baptism of
repentance briefly explains the purpose and intention of Christ’s ministry on earth. John
preached a baptism of repentance and said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at
hand” (Matt. 3:2, Luke 3:3). Norval Geldenhuys writes “So the baptism is the outward
sign and seal that God has forgiven their sins. John himself could not impart forgiveness;
God alone can give it and only to the true penitents.”
Barker adds, “Repentance is a
radical change in one’s life that involves forsaking sin and turning or returning to
John did not baptize the Pharisees and Sadducees because they failed to bear
fruits or show any evidence of repentance. Therefore, John was preparing the hearts and
lives of the people to show internal and external evidences of genuine repentance through
the Lord.
The internal evidence of genuine repentance is the total transformation of the
inner-being, in which one forsakes his or her sin and decamps from the kingdom of Satan
to the kingdom of God. Internal evidence is not understood as only knowledge or the
arrival at a mere mental state. Leite explains.
In the ministry context of our Lord, evidences of our beliefs are not abstract
reasons of our mental states for believing as we do. Much of contemporary
epistemology assumes at the reasons upon which we base our beliefs are always
mental states. In the first instance, this is a claim about the nature of the relevant
reasons. But in some cases the evidence is our reason for believing as we do. So,
on this view, in any such case our evidence is some mental state or states.
Norval Geldenhuys, The New Internal Commentary of the New Testament: Commentary on the Gospel of Luke
(Grand Rapids, Michigan: WMB Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1975), 136.
Barker, 1466.
Leite, 91.
Therefore, internal evidences of beliefs are genuine repentance and transformation of the
inner-self or inner-being. The convert becomes deeply rooted in Christ Himself, His life,
ministry, word and His power used over the kingdom of darkness or Satan.
There are several New Testament examples of internal evidences coupled with
belief. First, the Apostle Paul demonstrated an inward change when he began to preach
the faith he had earlier tried to destroy (Acts 9:1-7, Gal. 1:23-24). Second, Peter the
Apostle denied Jesus but repented and wept bitterly (Matt. 26:75, Luke 22:62). Third,
Zacchaeus the tax collector was ready to pay back four times whomever he had cheated
(Luke 19:1-9). Fourth, the Samaritans believed Jesus to be the Savior of the world and
brought many to Him (John 4:39- 42). Fifth, the penitent thief on the cross was with
Christ in paradise that very day (Luke 23:42-43).
Whenever there is genuine repentance of heart and people turn to Jesus Christ,
there is always an automatic growth and expansion in God’s kingdom. But Satan’s
kingdom begins to operate in diminution and loss. This is because the kingdom of God is
the sovereign reign of God in the heart of believers. Ezekiel Ajibade, in the Journal of
Theology, defends this idea. He writes, “The kingdom is not a physical, political,
territorial, or social establishment but the sovereign of God in the heart of a believer.
Wherever God’s rule is experienced and acknowledged, there is a kingdom of God.”
Secondly, John’s baptism of repentance is also external evidence to Jesus’
ministry and the kingdom He brings. Jesus breaks the yokes and powers of Satan in the
Ezekiel A. Ajibade, “The Kingdom of God and Spiritual Warfare,” Oghomoso Journal of Theology vol. xii
(December, 2007): 108.
lives of people who believe in Him. He sets them free from the demonic kingdom’s claws
of Satan so that they can live in the kingdom of the Lord.
In other words, after the internal evidence of genuine repentance, new Christians
need the external evidence of genuine “freedom” from the claws and kingdom of Satan.
Neil T. Anderson, in his book titled, “The Bondage Breaker,” confirms this idea. “The
second concept of the successful Christian life is freedom, which is the central theme of
The Bondage Breaker.”
The Bible says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free
indeed” (John 8:36). For people to receive and obtain their freedom, Jesus heals many
and casts out demons from their lives.
There are many practical examples in the New Testament of people who were
demonically possessed or oppressed, or whose diseases were of demonic origin. For
instance, a person who could not speak (Matt. 9:32, Luke 11:14), who were deaf or had
epilepsy (Mark 1:26, 9:25), dumb and blind (Matt.12:12), and had curvature of the spine
(Luke 13:11).
Therefore, scholars believe that Jesus Christ authoritatively cast out
demons from the possessed and healed diseases that were of demonic in origin. For
instance, a woman was in the synagogue who had been crippled for eighteen years. The
Savior, who always noticed among the multitudes those who were in exceptional need,
observed her and called her to Him and healed her. The text says that the woman’s illness
came from an evil spirit.
He gave people freedom and absolute wholeness.
Boyd, God at War, 199.
Neil T. Anderson, The Bondage Breaker: Study Guide (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1993), 12.
John Sutherland Bonnell, “Jesus and Demon Possession: Jesus Christ’s Teachings,” Theology Today 13, no. 2
(July, 1956): 213.
Geldenhuys, 374.
Geldenhuys agrees with this idea, “Once again the Savior revealed His divine
power by casting out a devil from a possessed person. It was a kind of evil that made
victims dumb as long as he prevailed over him. But after Jesus had exorcised the evil
spirit by his authoritative utterance, the man could immediately talk again.”
In other
words, as Boyd puts it, “Hence when Jesus shows up, the legion of demons must
Some are nervous about attributing these New Testament miracles of healing and
exorcism to the Lord Jesus Christ, as James D.G. Dunn and Graham H. Twelftree have
communicated. Dunn and Twelftree state, “Since the epochal of D.F. Straus on the
mythical of the miracle stories in the gospels, Christian scholarship has been distinctly
nervous about making too much of miracles attributed to Jesus.”
Rudolf Bultman’s
comments are often quoted in this regard: “It is impossible to use electric light and the
wireless and to avail ourselves of modern medical and surgical discoveries, and at the
same time to believe in the New Testament world of demons and spirits.”
But even
with all of these modern medical and surgical discoveries, some scholars still believe that
some diseases that Jesus heals are demon-possession and of demonic origin. Barker
states, “To Pagans, ‘demons’ meant a supernatural being, whether good or bad, but Luke
makes it clear that this was an evil spirit. Such a demon could cause mental disorder
Geldenhuys, 326.
Boyd, God at War, 195.
James D.G. Dunn and Graham H. Twelftree, “Exorcism in The New Testament,” accessed October, 2015, PEIF 210.
Dunn and Twelftree, 210.
(John 10:20), violent action (Luke 8:26-29), bodily disease (Luke 13:11-16) and rebellion
against God (Rev. 16:14).”
Boyd also agrees with the reality of these demonic activities and states, “They
possess people, incite others to violence and deceit, and generally afflict the world with
famine and disease.”
Therefore, it will be biblically and historically wrong to dispute
and deny Jesus Christ ministry as a successful exorcist. Dunn and Twelftree further
defend this view of Jesus:
To sum it up, it would be flying in the face of the evidence and a grave abuse of
the historical critical method to dispute the essential historicity of the gospel
narratives which depict Jesus as a successful exorcist. Jesus was remembered as
one who cast out demons with authority during his ministry—a memory
preserved both within and without Christian tradition. Indeed, his reputation was
such that his name was frequently evoked by would-be exorcists both after and
even during his ministry.
Therefore, the practical and visible, external evidences were genuinely convincing
and undeniable.
Jesus Christ’s life and ministry of teaching, preaching, and exorcism have some
major significances in this world and the world to come. First, Jesus saw His exorcism as
the defeat of Satan and his host of demons. “He was casting out Satan himself (Mark
3:33). [He saw His exorcism as evidence] that He was the one stronger than the “strong
man” (Satan), the one who had overcome Satan and was now plundering his goods.
(Mark 3:27).”
According to Boyd, this is, “the overcoming of the diabolical power, the
Barker, 1574.
Boyd, God at War, 177.
Dunn and Twelftree, 215.
Ibid, 219.
mortal enmity of God.”
Second, “Jesus also saw exorcism as effective by the power of
the spirit. ‘It is by the spirit (or finger) of God that I cast out demons’ was his own quite
specific claim (Matt. 12:28, Luke 11:20).”
Finally, Boyd states, “Jesus is the bringer of the kingdom of God, for he is the
vanquisher of the kingdom of Satan.”
Therefore, one can perceive and convincingly
say, “Jesus saw exorcisms thus effected as the manifestation of the final reign of God.
Since it is by the spirit of God that I cast out demons, then has come upon you the
kingdom of God (Matt. 12:28).”
Therefore, the life and ministry of exorcism of the
Lord Jesus Christ has eternal significance and consequences in this present world and in
the world to come!
The Twelve Apostles and the Wicked Activities of Demons
Jesus not only demonstrated practical healing and exorcism in His life and
ministry, He gave His disciples power and authority to heal the sick and cast out demons.
(Matt. 10:1-5; Luke 9:1-6, Mark 6:7-13). Therefore, the vision and ministry of the Lord
Jesus Christ fully incorporated the ministry of His disciples. He knew the nature of
demons and their wicked activities as the origin of evil, disease, and other evil activities
that can affect the body and spirit of humanity.
Having taught this knowledge and awareness of demons, the Bible says, “When
Jesus had called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all
demons and cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal
Boyd, God at War, 249.
Dunn and Twelftree, 219.
Boyd, God at War, 188.
Dunn and Twelftree, 220.
the sick” (Luke 9:1-2). “A new phase of Jesus’ ministry began when he sent out the
apostles to do the type of preaching, teaching, and healing they had observed him doing
(Matt. 9:35).”
They were sent out to the battlefield to do spiritual warfare for the
Kingdom of God and carry out the major kingdom works as stipulated in the Holy
Scriptures. Ajibade defines this kind of spiritual warfare, “Spiritual warfare is the conflict
between the kingdom of light or the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness which
is Satan’s kingdom. It is warfare in the realm of the spirit involving the heavenly army
and the church (as its earthly force) and satanic army and evil men (as their earthly agents
and force).”
Matthew records Jesus’ instructions this way, “as you go, preach this message:
‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse those who
have leprosy, drive out demons” (Matt. 10:7-8). The three kingdom tasks include: First,
preach and teach the kingdom of God; second, heal the sick, and third, cast out demons.
Jesus Christ gave His disciples divine power, to carry out divine goodness and also for
the uniqueness of His kingdom. Dunn and Twelftree write: “The kingdom, the final rule
of God, manifested itself in healings and cures which liberated individuals at every level
of their being, including not least the physical and mental.”
The first task is to preach the kingdom and that takes priority. According to
Ajibade, “The kingdom is not a physically, territorial, political or social establishment but
the sovereign reign of God in the heart of the believer. Wherever God’s rule is
Barker, 1583.
Ajibade, 108.
Dunn and Twelftree, 20.
experienced and acknowledged there is the kingdom of God.”
Therefore, the preaching
of the kingdom is to make people surrender their hearts and lives to God’s sovereign
power that they may be able to experience and acknowledge God’s rule in their hearts
and lives. They are to renounce and forsake demons, their former masters. The Apostle
Paul shows that the Corinthians renounced and forsook demons, their former masters. He
states, “I do not want you to be ignorant. You know that when you were pagans,
somehow or other you were influenced or led astray to mute idols” (1 Cor. 12:1b-2).
Barker confirms this idea, stating, “At one time, the Corinthians had been led by various
influences to worship mute idols (see 8: 4-6 and notes) but now they are to be led by the
Holy Spirit.”
Furthermore, the apostles were to heal the sick and cast out demons. Jesus knew,
and Christians today are to know that some sicknesses and problems are of demonic
origin and demonically rooted. Paul Tillich explains that the first difficulty people will
face when Jesus has sent them out with power and authority to heal: many people will say
they are whole and they do not need healing.
“And if you come to them with the claim
that you will cast out the demons which rule their lives they will laugh at you that you
have a demon; just as they said to Jesus.”
They also laughed at Jesus and accused Him
of being possessed by Beelzebub. Dunn and Twelftree write:
This is probably an echo of the charge laid against Jesus by the Pharisees
preserved in Mark 3:22. He is possessed by Beelzebub and by the prince of
demons he casts out demons! These two very different sources provide mutual
Ajibade, 107.
Barker, 1783.
Paul Tillich, “Heal the sick, Cast Out Demons,” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 11, no. 1 (November, 1955):
Tillich, 3.
confirmation that the Pharisees and their heirs were not able to dispute the success
of Jesus’ power where demons or evil spirits were concerned. All they could do
was to cause doubt on the source of that power.
When Jesus healed the demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, the
Pharisees, the enemies of Jesus said, “It is only by Beelzebub the prince of demons that
this fellow drives out demons” (Matt. 12:24, Mark 3:22, Luke 4:15). The enemies of the
Lord Jesus Christ publicly declared that He was casting out demons by Beelzebub, the
prince of demons. This was intentional, open mockery and accusation against the Lord
Jesus Christ. Barker says about Beelzebub, that he is “The Prince of the demons (12:14);
the Greek form of the Hebrew name Baa-Zebub (‘lord of the flies’) which is a parody on
and mockery of the actual epithet, Baal-Zebul (‘Exalted Baal’ or ‘Baal the prince,’) …
The name came to be used of Satan.”
But Jesus Christ also rendered their intentional,
open mockery and accusation to be illogical, irrelevant and meaningless. Dunn and
Twelftree explain.
Finally, we can say that Jesus saw his exorcism thus affected as the manifestation
of the final reign of God. “Since it is by the spirit of God that I cast out demons,
then has come upon you the kingdom of God.’ (Matt. 12:28) … the end of the age
is upon you; the characteristics of the final reign of God are already being enacted
in my ministry; you are witnessing the power of the age to come already in
The enemies of Jesus were living witnesses to the infallible evidence of the
kingdom that Jesus brought, which is from eternity to eternity.
Dunn and Twelftree, 213.
Barker, 1480.
Dunn and Twelftree, 220.
The researcher surveyed literature to establish that there are demons in the air, on
the land, in the water, in the fire, and under the earth that can be seen face-to-face. The
researcher emphasizes above all that this project is deeply rooted in the culture, social life
and traditional religion of the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria. The theology
is also perceived and understood from the point of view of Southwestern Nigerian
Christians in West Africa. In order to frame this literature review, the researcher first
explored the idea of the non-existence of demons and angels.
Voices Advocating the Non-Existence of Demons
This section reviewed the idea that angels and demons do not exist as some
contemporary scholars and people believe. These voices advocating for the non-existence
of demons are a compulsory bus stop through which this researcher needs to pass in order
to establish in subsequent section the reality of demonic existence.
The voices that contend demons and angels are non-existent cry out from different
quarters and nations of the world, and these loud utterances of the denial of demons’
existence are well communicated. They have “provoked a wide range of responses in the
Western world,”
according to James Beilby and Eddy, who state, “Commonly, Western
academics dismiss contemporary belief in angels and demons as an unfortunate
James K. Beilby and Paul Rhodes Eddy, Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker
Academic, 2012), 16.
idiosyncrasy associated with such questionable belief systems as the new age movement
or religious‘fundamentalism.’”
However the voices of this denial are less heard and
communicated in Africa, Asia, and other continents and nations of the world than in the
Western world. Walter Sundberg agrees that the Western world prefers to believe in the
non-existence of demons: “Our culture recognizes, of course, that there are bad things in
the world. The news is filled with reports of one calamity after another. But, our society
is scientifically rational and politically practical in its approach to manifestations of
There are several reasons for this denial. First, contemporary scholars understand
and see this denial of angels and demons from the perspective and concept of deism or
from a naturalistic world view. This means that the idea of angels and demons is
associated with the myths, superstitions and primitive beliefs of ancient people. Beilby
and Eddy clearly state:
In the eyes of many modern scholars—and reflective of a deistic or naturalistic
worldview—the very idea of such creatures is commonly linked to such things as
“mythology” and “superstition” and a “primitive” mindset. From this perspective,
it is believed that modern science has put to rest a notion of taking such things
Beilby and Eddy also write that a school of thought known as Theological
Modernism additionally emphasizes that the concept of angels and demons is mythical
and antiquated. It is seen as paganistic. Ossai-Ogbah further states, “The theological
Modernists stress that concepts of angels and devils are mythical. The foundation for the
Beilby and Eddy, 17.
Walter Sundberg, “The Demonic in Christian Thought,” Luther Quaterly I, no. 4 (Winter, 1987): 414.
Beilby and Eddy, 16.
belief in angels and devils are claimed to be paganistic.”
They further stress that those
who hold this view, such as Emil Brunner, believe that the early church interpreters of the
Bible found its meaning to be different from what its writers meant. Although demons
and angels can be found in the Bible, theological modernists maintain that the belief is
antiquated and insignificant. Ossai-Ugbah further states
Emil Brunner and others of like mind stress that, interpreters of the demonic in
the early church replaced personal spirits with impersonal demonic forces and
when they speak of the “demonic” and “satanic” they mean something wholly
different from what the writers of scripture meant when they wrote about angels,
demons, and spirits.
Rudolf Bultmann, well known as one of the pioneers in the field of New
Testament form-criticism in Marburg, Germany, has a similar view with Emil Brunner.
Jung Young Lee describes it this way:
As a result of his [Bultmann’s] unsuccessful attempt, he has concluded that the
accounts of Jesus in the New Testament which we preach today are nothing more
than the faith of the later church. The later church is often regarded as the source
of Christian theology because Bultmann thought that this faith was developed and
formulated by the church without having the clear picture of what Jesus actually
said and did.
Therefore, Emil Brunner and others believe that the early church interpreters
replaced the personal spirit with impersonal demonic forces. Bultmann defends the
idea that the later church did not have a clear understanding of what Jesus actually said
and did.
Another example of the diverse schools of thought that deny the existence of
angels is the Read Back Theory. The Read Back Theory maintains and defends that Jesus
Chikaogu D. Ossai-Ugbah, Life Without Chains: Basics in Demonology (Jos: Stream Christian Publishers, 2001)1.
Ibid, 2.
Jung Young Lee, “Bultmann’s Existentialist Interpretation and the Problem of Evil,” Journal of Religious Thought
26, no. 3 (Autum-Winter, 1969): 65.
neither contended in battle with demonic dominions nor intended to overthrow their
kingdoms in any form, during His life and ministry on this planet earth. Therefore, issues
of exorcism in the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus were wrongly interpreted and given
a retracted record. Ossai-Ugbah explains:
Jesus never contested or battled for the overthrow of the devil’s dominion in any
place. Cases of exorcism or scenes of demonic character were only erroneously
interpreted into the action of Jesus. The ethical orientation, cultural praxis, and
religious outlook of the first century Palestine were only read (back) into the
ministry of Jesus. … In other words, the New Testament writers and early church
interpreters gave the actions of Jesus “a retracted account” in time with their
ethical orientation, and psycho-spiritual Weltanshauung. So, Jesus never really
cast out demons or used any language that presupposed a demonic activity.
In other words, writers of the Gospels wrote after Jesus’ day and influenced the
scriptures to erroneously report that Jesus cast out demons.
A related stream of thought is the accommodation argument. It is described this
way by John Bonnell:
Jesus did not believe in demons, or at least did not believe in the demonic origin
of disease, but that He accommodated Himself to the views of the people of His
day and of His own disciples. Those who hold this viewpoint contend that the
sayings of Jesus on this theme have been colored by the prevailing beliefs of His
In other words, Jesus only appeared to cast out demons because He was trying to
accommodate the people of his time who did believe in the existence of demons.
This school of thought and its concept are not in doctrinal and biblical harmony
with the scriptures. Alfred Plummer therefore concludes, “If the demons were there and
Ossai-Ugbah, 3.
John Sutherland Bonnell, “Jesus and Demon Possession: Jesus Christ—Teachings,” Theology Today 13, no. 2
(July, 1956): 215.
Christ expelled them and set their victims free, there is nothing to explain: the narrative is
in harmony with facts.”
A second reason for the denial is that the present modern world, as well as liberal
Christianity and theology, do not acknowledge angels and demons to be a real and active
part of Christian faith. Rather, they see the concepts as outdated and non-modern. They
consider this to be a belief held before science could explain events. Quay argues, “Until
the rise of liberal Protestantism, Christians of all kinds acknowledged the existence of
both angels and demons as part of their faith.”
Beilby and Eddy state, “Following in the
train of this skeptical thought, much of modern, liberal Christianity has tended to see
angels and demons as outdated ideas that are best left behind (except, perhaps, as poetic
metaphors for expressing the idea of evil).”
Due to the advancement of technology, some hold the view that the belief in the
New Testament world of demons and miracles is absolutely irrelevant. Beilby and Eddy
unfold this idea: “This sentiment was famously captured by Rudolf Bultmann; ‘It is
impossible to use electric light and the wireless and to avail ourselves of modern medical
and surgical discoveries, and at the same time to believe in the New Testament world of
spirits and miracles.’”
As Bultmann has said, science has made some people deny the
existence of demons and angels.
Sundberg describes this view this way, “Theologians relegate the concept to the
irrational, archaic thought—world of the devil, fallen angels, and pagan deities, fitting
Ossai-Ughab, 3.
Quay, 20.
Beilby and Eddy, 16.
Ibid, 17.
perhaps, for the patient church historian but not for the practitioner of the queen of the
This influence has even made some Christians publicly preach and teach that
the era of miracles has gone.
A third reason for the denial is that the existence of demons or evil, to some
people, has been reduced to physical or ontic evil and to natural forces “such things as
tornados, viruses, insects, pests, and floods, thought good in themselves as part of the
natural world-order, can yet be regarded also as evil, since they can bring pain, emotional
torment, and death to man.”
Beilby and Eddy write that some see the idea of demons as
mere natural evil or forces: “Some, while retaining a place for the linguistic categories of
‘Satan’ and/or the ‘demonic’ do so only in a thoroughly reinterpreted form, reducing
them without remainder to metaphors for purely naturalistic forces.”
Sundberg explains
this view, “Hence that which is ‘bad’ is generally interpreted to be the result of natural,
accidental causation (e.g. disease) of inadequate social institutional arrangement
requiring reform (e.g. crime).”
Others have reinterpreted demons to be mere metaphors of moral evil. For
example, these commentators have said that when the bible mentioned demons, it is
really talking about sin and the attitudes necessarily resulting from sin or sin and its
Sundberg, 414.
Quay, 26.
Beilby and Eddy, 17.
Sundberg, 414.
Ibid, 27.
Quay points out a major problem with this view point, “All such explanations
ultimately make ontic evil an essential element in God’s creation, with moral evil its
consequences. But, how would a good creature tempt or ‘suggest’ sin to sinless and not-
yet-concupiscent man?
In other words, who was responsible for the temptation and fall
of humankind if evil is only ontic? Many scholars believe that Satan and his host of fallen
angels are the origin of sin and that they are responsible for the temptation and fall of
humankind. Therefore, the concepts of demonic evil as merely ontic evil or moral evil are
not doctrinally and biblically sound.
A fourth cause of the denial is that some see demons as principles of evil likened
to disease germs that attack at random. From this point of view, demons are inevitability.
Clarence Lakin writes: “They claim that what we call Satan is only a principle of ‘evil.’
That this ‘evil’ is a sort of ‘malaria,’ an intangible thing like disease germs that float
about in the atmosphere and attacks the heart of people under certain conditions.”
To the African mind, this concept of associating demons with malaria-like fever is
not congruent with the current African experience with demons. Malaria killed many
white missionaries in Africa and made Africa to be known in the nineteenth century as
the white man’s grave. But that was before the discovery of preventions to malaria.
Malaria and other contagious diseases can be prevented. However, the typical West
African experience with demons is that they are an ongoing reality, rather than
preventable disease.
Whatever the reason for the denial of demons, some Westerners still study
demonology simply out of historical interest and ethical politeness. Beilby and Eddy
Quay, 27.
Clarence Lakin, The Spirit World (New York: Cosimo, 2005), 8.
explain, “For others, study of the development of the concepts of Satan and/or the
demonic over time is a matter of purely historic interest, or can actually serve for an
ethical purpose today by exposing the dangers of framing the other as diabolical.”
this study is not an attempt to gain a better understanding of the demonic. Rather, it is
mere intellectual curiosity in how other cultures view demonology. For many of the
Western mind, angels and demons simply do not exist.
Western Unbelief Fails to Help
One of consequences of this Western unbelief is that Christians in Southwestern
Nigeria and in other places throughout the world are left without any aid from academia
for combating the forces of spiritual darkness.
In the process of this research, this researcher was shocked about two things in the
academic understanding of demonology. First, some books written on the spirit world of
God and Satan or demons really have nothing or almost nothing to say on the demonic
spirit world and their activities. In other words, there are no practical face-to-face
experiences with demons, the demonic spirit world, and their activities, in most academic
books and journals. Timmons also observed this:
I discovered that there was precious little available information concerning the
spirit world or the devil in the whole body of Christian literature. The few books
that could be found left me dissatisfied. They dealt with some of the scriptures in
the bible about the devil, but generally speaking these books addressed the dark
kingdom and its activities mostly through supposition, theory and guesswork.
The second shocking thing this researcher discovered in his studying, reading and
interactions with people in the United States was that some of the main demonic
strategies are very difficult concepts for the Western world and mind to understand. In
Beilby and Eddy, 17.
Timmons, 21.
particular, the ability for demons and their agents to change form has been nearly
impossible for Westerners to grasp. This ability of demons, demonic agents, and human
agents to change or transform themselves into other shapes or creatures has been a
stumbling block to many Western Christians, especially those in the academic world.
Again, Timmons, with his practical experience in the United States of the
transformations of demons, demonic agents and human agents, writes:
Quite frankly, this is the most difficult concept for us to understand in the western
world. How can these beings change forms? How can they change into the
likeness of snake, a bird, or a lion? How does a witch change into an owl and fly
through the night? And the only reason these concepts are hard for us to
understand is because we are so ignorant about the spirit world. Even close
ministerial friends here in the United States have said to me, “I know you are a
man of truth and I believe you, but it is difficult to believe.”
Boyd and Akande explain why it is difficult to understand how demons and their
agents change their form. Boyd argues, “Radical evil can be known only when incarnated
and experienced concretely.”
Akande explains that these incarnations, changed forms
and concrete experiences are accomplished through “some satanic equipment and
powerful charms that serve as the sources of their satanic powers.”
Both of these issues, the lack of practical insight into demons and unbelief of the
demonic strategy of transformation, fail to help Christians in Southwestern Nigeria to
combat the forces of darkness.
Boyd, Akande and others have shed light on why there is little understanding of
demonic strategies and why there is little available information of demonology in
Christian literature, even in nations where there are also the best researchers of the world.
Timmons, 29.
Boyd, God At War, 34.
Akande, 3.
First, demons and their spirit world cannot be effectively studied in the
abstraction of the scientific method. Boyd writes, “Indeed, ‘Abstractions. … Distract us
from that immediate reality [of evil] and reduce evil to a statistic,’ as Jeffery Burton
Russell suggests.”
The modern, advanced technology cannot explain or clearly
articulate demons and their wicked spirit world. Akande writes, “In contemporary
Nigerian society, there are unusual events that happen almost every day that cannot be
explained by clinical, scientific, or empirical searchlights, but they happen
Bonnell reports the testimony of a medical missionary in Africa that, sometimes,
there is not physical or medical cause for sickness.
A distinguished medical missionary declared that witchcraft is one of the great
evils among primitive people in Africa and that some witch doctors would put a
curse or spell on individuals. He had personally known of death to occur within
twenty-four hours of the time the spell was placed on a member of the tribe.
Sometimes they would pine away for months and then die without any physical
cause of death being found.
Deliverance in the mighty name and power of Jesus is the solution to these
unexplainable incidents. This researcher has conducted deliverance for a person made ill
by a cause that could not be medically known or found. This victim was healed that very
hour, immediately after deliverance.
Demons and their spirit world cannot be effectively studied through science and
advanced technology of modern times. This is one reason that many academic Christian
Boyd, God At War, 34.
Akande, XXIII.
Bonnell, 214-215.
books are void of practical face-to-face experience with demons, the spirit world, and
their wicked activities. But they are real.
A second reason that the Western world has so little knowledge of demonology
and demonic strategies is that Christian researchers should not get too closely involved
with demonic powers and practices. Demonic powers and practices are forbidden by the
Lord (Lev. 19:26, 31; 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:10-11; Isa. 3:2-4). So, to research and to know
more of the spirit world of demons, researchers should not join secret cults or engage in
the use of the demonic powers to achieve insight. Christians can interview the former
agents of darkness who served Satan and his host of demons face-to-face. These are
people who have repented and renounced demons through the preaching of the gospel
and through power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ernest Wendland and Salimo Hacibanba have given practical examples of former
agents of darkness who once served Satan but renounced and decamped him and his host
of demons to follow Jesus, through the power of the gospel. In reference to the Book of
Acts they state, “Many converts were streaming to the churches—converts who were
formerly affiliated with the Artemis Cult, practiced magic, consulted astrologers, and
participated in various mysteries.”
They report of modern-day former agents who had
served Satan and seen demons face-to-face. These agents had encountered demons
because of the nature of their demonic titles, posts and the demonic powers they were
controlling. Therefore, scholars and writers can interview those who formerly had served
Satan face-to-face. But never should one attempt to use the powers of demons or join the
Ernest R. Wendland and Salimo Hachibamba, “A Central African Perspective on Contextualizing the Ephesians
Potentates, Principalities, and Powers,” Missiology 28, no. 3 (July, 2000): 346.
kingdom of demons to gain insight.
Researcher would like to humbly emphasize that he
will cite the examples of those former agents mentioned above who had seen demons
face-to-face in Southwestern Nigeria but researcher does not intend to prove the existence
of demons.
A third reason for the lack of Western insight into demonology and demonic
strategy is the cultural background of the study of the unusual events to which Akande
refers. The culture, social life and traditional religion of the Yoruba people of the
Southwestern Nigeria influence how unusual events are interpreted. Theology is also
perceived and understood from the point of view of the Nigerian Christians of the
Southwestern Nigeria. This cultural background and religion surrounding the unusual
events is very important to this project and researcher. But the Western world chooses not
to see these unusual events as demonic.
Many Africans have learned a lot from the Western world through missionaries
about the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ which they brought to Africa. Africans are
eternally grateful for this gift. However, it is high time that the Western world learn from
Africans concerning demons and demonology. This is because the invisible enemies,
Satan, demons, and their agents, are the brains behind empty pews in some churches, the
resulting sale of churches, and the gradual lessening of Christianity in various societies.
This world is a battlefield. When one dismisses the demonic, denies their existence, or is
careless about spiritual warfare, the enemies will triumph on the battlefield. How does
Wendland and Hachibanba, 341-363.
Marcus Harmes, “Martians, Demons, Vampires, and Vicars: The Church of England in Post-War Science
Fiction,” Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 25, no. 2 (Summer 2013): 224-225.
one effectively fights the enemies that he believes do not exist? One example of this is
the sale of churches in the United States or the Western World
One can understand better why Wallace Gray saw Bultmanns as a threat to
Christianity not and a hope. The truth is, to deny the existence of demons on the battle
field will allow the invisible enemies to triumph. Gray states:
In November of 1951 Rudolf Bulmann delivered the Cole lectures at Vanderbil
University where I was a graduate student. Frankly, I regarded Bultmann as more
of a threat than a hope for Christianity. … Bultmanns seemed, to many, to be
questioning the very foundations of Christian faith.
This questioning and challenging of the very foundation of Christian faith
regarding the reality of the existence of demons will give Satan and his host of demons an
advantage. How can one fight an enemy that is not known to exist? This is one of the
reasons why in this project the researcher explores a face-to-face experience with demons
from the background of the culture of the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria in
West Africa. Therefore, the insight to this project is both academic and spiritual.
The Reality of Demonic Existence and Their Spirit Worlds
This section explores face-to-face experience with demons in their spirit world as
perceived and understood from the culture, society and traditional religion of the Yoruba
people of the Southwestern Nigeria where this researcher was also born, raised and had
his face-to-face experiences with demons and their powers. Therefore, as researcher
explores face-to-face experiences with demons, he does not intend to prove the existence
of demons but rather to establish and buttress his view and fact that demons really exist.
Waliace Gray, “Bible and Scholarship: Nels Ferre and Rudolf Bultmann,” Communio Viatorum, 18, no. 3 (Aug
1975): 139.
Demons of the Air
Scholars and commentators believe that God created innumerable hosts of angels
who later became demons or gods. Scott states, “Angels accompany the Lord in
innumerable host in His triumphant entry into the world (Matt. 25:31); while the outer
circle is formed of angels whose numbers are beyond human computation (See Dan.
Barker further defends this idea that God created indefinitely large numbers
of angels.
When limitless numbers of demons were cast out of heaven,
many established
their abode in the waters, fire, land, under the earth’s crust, and in the air. Jefferey
Russell writes, “A related question is where the spirit lives. … According to ancient
Christian tradition, demons might reside in fire, air, water, earth, underground or
These are the spirit abodes of Satan and his host of demons.
Because of this great number of demons, they are able to have seven occult
kingdoms. Four of them are in the air.
According to the former occult grand master:
The first occult kingdom within the air axis of principalities and powers of
darkness is called the Astral Kingdom. This kingdom is a mighty occult realm
which is bigger than both the earth and the water occult kingdoms put together,
and it has 900,000,000 zones and planes. Each of these zones and planes is ruled
by a Dave-male-“guidance spirit.” The Astral Kingdom is ruled by an arch spirit
called “Lord Sagna”, who lives in the capital city of the Astral Kingdom known
as Sahasra. The City of Sahasra is a mysterious city that is sustained by seven
great mountains of light. Sagna is known as Njaba to the Mystical “Adepts” of the
Scott, 142.
Barker, 19072.
Yusufu Ameh Obaje, “Demon Possession and Our Response As Disciples of Christ,” Ogbomoso Journal of
Theology, 3 (December 1988): 23.
Jefferey Burton Russell, “In the Company of Demons: Unnatural Beings, Love, and Identity in the Italian
Renaissance,” Christianity and Literature 56, no. 4 (Summer 2007): 673.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 57.
order of Vairagi. He is the mystical “Lord Brahma” worshipped in the Hindu
These are the demonic secrets that scholars, preachers, and commentators
must recognize in order to establish the reality of demons’ existence in the air. This
testimony by the former occult grand master confirms the possibility of seeing
these principalities and powers face-to-face, in their kingdom of abode in the spirit
This evidence the former occult grand master has provided of numerous zones of
countless demons refutes Bultmann, the celebrated German theologian, who denied the
existence of demons and once declared, “The idea of Satan and demons is finished.”
the Ogbomoso Journal of Theology, Yusufu Ameh Obaje, this researcher’s former
professor, disagreed with Bultmann. According to Obaje:
The Bible provides ample evidence for the belief in demons. In it we find the
story of Lucifer who sinned and was driven out from the throne of grace to
become Satan, the opposer of God or the “adversary” (Isa. 14:12, 13; Ezek.
28:11-19; Rev. 12:7-10). He is assisted by countless rebellious angels called evil
spirits or demons.
In other words, these demons are countless and beyond human computation in
their spirit world and kingdoms. The largest occult kingdom is in the air.
Wayne McClintock further confirms that there are numerous demons in the air.
He classifies demons called “Bhut” in India and states, “Crook (1977: 237) suggests that
this amorphous category of spirits consists of two main groups: Vague spiritual beings
Ibid, 81.
Yusufu Ameh Obaje, “Demon Possession and Our Response as Disciples of Christ,” Ogbomoso Journal of
Theology, 3 (December 1988): 22.
Obaje, 23.
which inhabit the air, sometimes visit the earth, and are inimical to the human race.”
Therefore, based on what Obaje, McClintock, and the former occult grand master have
established, demon numbers are beyond what one could count. They are numerous
in the air.
Uzorma reported attaining the highest post and power in the kingdom of Satan.
He had his third cosmic initiation into these occult mysteries in the astral kingdom in
April 1979. This initiation gave him control of no less than 2,500,000 spirits or demons
and the initiation was attended by more than 300,000 spirits and human agents. The
former occult grand master testifies:
I was chosen finally to operate in the highest consciousness of mystical power
(Tuzassotana). It was during an astral conference that I underwent the initiation.
The conference was held in the great spiritual city of Retz in the Venus planet and
was attended by more than 300,000 spirits and human agents from different
This experience of the large crowd of demons is important in this paper because it
enhances what scholars such as Beilby, Eddy, Boyd, Akande, Russell, and others have
established: the possibility of seeing these demons face-to-face. More than 300,000
wicked spirits and wicked human agents were in attendance, which were to be mobilized
for wickedness and destruction after the meeting. The ordination of a Christian
archbishop does not even command and pull such a crowd. Therefore, demons are even
in other planets (Uzoma mentioned Venus) as confirmed above.
Beilby and Eddy confirm Uzoma’s testimony: “Noteworthy examples in recent
years include psychologist Scott Peck’s personal involvement with two exorcisms and
Wayne McClintock, “Demons and Ghost in Indian Folklore,” Missiology, 18 no 1 (January 1990): 39.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ,112.
anthropologist Edith Turner’s experience of visibly witnessing a spirit entity in Africa.”
Boyd also cites an example of Zosia’s personal encounter with demons.
Russell states,
“According to Della Barba, ghosts are sometimes visible ‘as a result of their attachments
to the body and its passion.’”
To this researcher, these personal encounters with demons
are satisfactory evidences. Therefore, demons exist as some scholars have established
above and one can see them face-to-face.
Demons of Fire
There are numerous demons of fire according to many the scholars cited.
Bible confirms this idea,
And the devil, which deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur,
where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented
day and night forever and ever. … If anyone’s name was not found written on the
book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:10,15).
However, demons purposefully disguise this reality with a false belief that they
have inserted into many religions, called the “Lake of Fire.” This disguise of their occult
kingdom deceptively teaches that the Lake of Fire is actually a place of reforming souls.
It is taught to be a reformatory center where souls go after death to work out the character
problems of their previous lives.
Quay writes about this deceptive teaching “Whatever
is imperfect at death must be reincarnated repeatedly until made perfect; after that he
rises from the dead as pure spirit, an angel once again.”
The essence of the teaching is
Beilby and Eddy, 20.
Boyd, God At War, 34.
Russell, 693.
Obaje, 23.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 78.
Quay, 42.
that the Lake of Fire is a place for human souls to work out all their character problems,
like a reformatory center.
But Uzorma exposes this deception:
However, it is still the demons that disguise themselves and appear in the occult
kingdoms as those who came out of the lake of fire. Even when the so called
advanced mystics and witches have gone forever into the lake of fire, demons still
disguise themselves in the spiritual realms and appear like such people, so as to
sustain the esoteric thought that mystics, witches, occultists, etc. does not enter
the lake of fire. All these are specific manipulations designed by the devil to
deceive even the so-called advanced mystics. I have said before that the devil will
first of all deceive a person before he will use him to deceive others.
Satan and his host of demons have deceived many people with this manipulated
heresy through different religions of the world. Satan and his host of demons are leading
many to eternal hell through these false religions and manipulated doctrines and heresy.
Boyd also warns that Satan is a deceptive serpent, exposing the purpose and
intention of Satan, “The underlying purpose of this serpent is to deceive and to destroy
Satan is heartlessly carrying out this deception through false religions,
manipulated heresies and doctrines. Satan cares not which false belief captures people.
Truly, the devil has been “a murderer from the beginning, for he is a liar and the father of
lies” (John 8:44). Uzorma explains it this way:
The horrible kingdom of fire is a mysterious and powerful subterranean occult
kingdom. In the Hindu vedic treatise this kingdom is called Yamalok. The ruler of
the fire occult kingdom is an Arch Spirit addressed as “Lord Naga,” but the Hindu
mystics call him Yamaraja. He is proclaimed to be the “Lord of death and
punishment.” and he is directly in control of millions of mighty dark angels of
death known as Yamadutas in Hindu occultism.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 79.
Boyd, God At War, 156.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 77.
One is not surprised that Hindu occultism holds this concept and belief of a
reformatory center in the Lake of Fire. McClintock has established that in India there is a
kind of ghost or demon classified as “Bhut,” “the ghost of the dead, some whom are
kindly [while] others are malignant.”
It is also believed in Southwestern Nigeria that
some ghosts or demons were known and believed to be kind. From that idea, it is not
difficult for some to believe that the demon called “Yamaraja,” (“Lord of death and
punishment”) would be kind enough to work out some character problems of people in
the reformatory center of the Lake of Fire. One can understand how this doctrine, rooted
in Hindu occultism and other religions, solves the character problem by the deceptive
belief in the Lake of Fire. The view that whatever is imperfect at death must be
repeatedly incarnated so that the imperfection could be made perfect
is understandable.
Demons of Water
According to Uzorma, there are demons of water. The mystical city of Gupha,
(not to be confused with Gupha, Nepal) is the headquarters of the water occult kingdom
called “Banwar Kingdom.” It is ruled by a mysterious arch spirit-demon known as “Lord
Kaliya” who is neither male nor female, but always manifests as a beast, mainly as a
mighty snake with sixteen heads with a precious crown of light on each head.
was the site of the tragic death of many innocent people because it is a deadly zone of
death. Uzorma testifies:
The city of Gupha is directly located in the area generally called “Bermuda-
Triangle,” which scientists in America and Europe have declared to be “zone of
death.” This is because whatever has travelled physically to the Bermuda-Triangle
McClintock, 39.
Quay, 42.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 75.
has never returned and has never been found, such as airplane and sea-going
Scientists in advanced countries of the world are unable to discover Gupha, the
headquarters of water kingdom, as the power source or reason behind the destruction of
lives in the Bermuda Triangle. Demonic power density is responsible for the tragedies of
this “zone of death.” Technological and scientific advancements are not the right method
of approach to study demons and their spirit world. Beilby and Eddy show that
advancements in science and technology even make some people deny New Testament
healings and miracles or even the existence of angels and demons. They cite Rudolf
Bultmann as an example.
Akande explains the Nigerian context for interpreting these
mysteries: “Because these events cannot be explained by empirical or scientific principle,
many Nigerians have come to believe that such occurrences belong in the realm of
mystery and miracles.”
Bruce P. Rittenhouse writes, “Theologically, the organizing theme in angels and
demons is the conflict between religion and science.”
In the Bermuda Triangle, many
souls have been lost but current scientific or technological approaches will never discover
the real reason. The real reason is that there is a greater concentration of demonic powers,
a greater “demonic gravity” in this danger zone called a “zone of death” because it is the
headquarters of water occult kingdom.
Although the victims of the Bermuda Triangle cannot be recovered for personal
interviews, the experiences of the victims are explained in The Journal of
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 75.
Beilby and Eddy, 17.
Akande, 2.
Bruce P. Rittenhouse, “Angels and Mission,” Currents in Theology and Mission 31, no. 5 (October 2004): 390.
Parapsychology. Ken Drinkwaters, Nell Dagnall, and Lauren Bate call what is beyond
the understanding of conventional science “General Subjective Paranormal Experiences”
They explain GSPEs this way:
The current paper focused on percipients’ account of general subjective
paranormal experiences (GSPE). Such narratives are of interest to wider society
and academics because GSPEs are common. …GSPE refers specifically to an
experience that a person believes is paranormal, that is an exceptional experience
beyond the comprehension of conventional science (Neppe, 1990). Further,
disambiguation is provided by Orwom (1999), who refers to paranormal
experiences as “apparent anomalies of behavior and experience that exist apart
from currently known explanatory mechanisms that account for organism –
organism information and influence flow” (Irwin 1999 P. 1)
Therefore, GSPEs are experiences that are beyond the understanding of
conventional science. They are experiences that exist apart from current explanatory
mechanism that describe an organism’s behavior.
It is high time that the Western world begins to give the reality of demons and
their wicked powers a fresh reflective thought. Timmons states:
We pride ourselves in the western world on our scientific knowledge. Yet, this
knowledge is largely confined to the physical world. We have developed and
proven very elaborate scientific theories through empirical methods. Yet, we have
no such methodology or instrumentation to understand the spirit world. We know
so very little about spiritual things—our spiritual acumen is quite low.
Timmons is not alone in beliefs. Edmund Husserl, known as father of
phenomenology, also emphasized the spirit world of demons and puts the study of culture
or spirit in the right scientific perspective as one studies phenomenological methodology
Ken Drinkwater, Nell Dagnall, and Lauren Bate, “Into the Unknown: Using Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis to explore Personal Accounts of Paranormal Experiences,” The Journal of Parapsychology 77, no. 2 (Fall 2013):
Drinkwater, Dagnall, and Bate, 281-294.
Timmons, 21.
in depth.
Husserl believed in the spirit world. He confirms, “There is not one single life
world, but a set of overlapping worlds beginning from the world which is the ‘home
world’ and extending to the other world father away, the worlds of other cultures.”
These overlapping worlds farther away, the worlds of other cultures, on this planet earth,
are the demonic spirit kingdoms.
Not all water demons live in the headquarters of the occult water kingdom. For
instance, a group of demons known as “Jaljogan” in India live in waterfalls. McClintock
states, “These spirits cast spells over women and children which cause illness and death.
They dwell in forests, waterfalls, and hilltops.”
Another group of demons in Nigeria
that dwell in the sea are called “Mami Water Cult, under the sea.”
These examples
further establish that there are numerous demons that dwell in the sea or in the occult
water kingdom of Satan and his host of demons in the wicked spirit world. The Bermuda
Triangle is a well-known practical example that is beyond the understanding of
conventional science that scholars, scientists, ministers, politicians, pastors and few
others in the Western World need to give a fresh reflective thought as regards to the
reality of the existence of demons; this is because of the physical and spiritual great loss
that Gupha, the demons’ headquarter of water kingdom, has caused to the whole world.
Ronnie Lessem and Alex Schieffer, Integral Research and Innovation: Transforming Enterprise and Society
(Surrey, UK: Gower Publishing, 2010), 104.
Lessem and Schiffer, 104.
McClintock, 45.
Lawrence Nchekwube Nwankwo, “Facing Evil: A Challenge to the Church in Africa,” AFER 45, no. 3 (S 2003):
Demons on the Earth’s Crust
There are also many demons whose abode is on the earth’s crust. Some are in the
mountains, valleys, deserts, grasslands, forests, trees, animals, and even human beings.
These are humans who have been possessed.
An example of demons living in trees involves the most popular tree in the
Southwestern Nigeria, the “iroko” tree or mahogany. Hanna Adetunji, from a small town
outside of Oshogbo in the Southwest region of the country, had a real experience with
such a demon. At two o’clock in the morning on August 5, 1971, she was deceived by the
bright moonlight, thinking it was dawn.
This happens to be a dangerous time for
demonic activities. It was even more dangerous for Adetunji because she had to trek on a
bushy footpath for three miles, from one village to another, where strange bushes and
uncommon iroko trees grew. Akande describes this event:
As she turned a corner, she saw from a distance of about one hundred yards a
bright light at the foot of a very tall iroko tree. As she approached the tree, she
saw a man with very wide eyeballs, a big nose, and a small head seated behind a
clay lamp in the hollow of the base of the tree. Hannah added that when she saw
this figure, she knew that he was not a human being, but a spirit that lived inside
the mahogany tree.
Scholars, preachers, and former agents of darkness have discovered many
different places where demons reside on the land in this planet earth. This is because land
is more accessible to humans than other residential spirit worlds of demons. For instance,
in the experience of Adetunji, there is a demon that lived in a particular iroko tree that
manifests himself to look like a human being at the hollow of the base of the tree.
Akande, 130.
In a similar experience in India, a demon called “Daitya” looked like a human
being, as recorded by McClintock. He says that Daitya is “a tree dwelling demon whose
appearance from the front resembles that of a man.”
Demons can dwell in forests and
Also, McClintock recorded evidence of several other demons, such “Deo:
another demon who is believed to live in trees and practices cannibalism. … Dund, who
dwells in the jungles, valleys, and mountains,
and “Banasat: A female spirit who
dwells in forests and on slopes of mountains.”
These discoveries are the result of
personal face-to-face encounters with demons and ghosts on the earth’s crust.
There are many accounts of experiences similar to Adetunji’s. Her experience is
what the researcher calls a “jungle forest and demonic encounter.” There is much to be
learned from such encounters. Some forests are mysteriously dangerous. When Adetunji
met the bright light, she exercised her power and authority in Christ Jesus. She shouted
and commanded the demon to dim his light and the demon obeyed. It is worth saying that
if Adetunji had not exercised her power and authority in the name of Jesus she would
have fallen sick on the spot.
This researcher knew a man in Southwestern Nigeria who was also deceived by
the bright moonshine and came in contact with a demon on a bushy footpath. He
challenged the demon and commanded it to leave the footpath in his own strength, and
became sick immediately. Humans are not powerful, but the name Jesus is a mighty
McClintock, “Demons and Ghost in Indian Folklore,” 42.
Ibid, 45.
Ibid, 42.
Ibid, 44.
In conclusion, this section establishes the reality of demons existence and their
residential dwelling places on land, which include trees, forests, hilltops, jungles, valleys,
mountains, mountain slopes, and other dwelling places. It further established that one can
see these demons face-to-face and the only effective weapon to their wickedness is the
mighty name and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Adetunji is the typical example of how
Christians can be victorious, as Beilby and Eddy wholeheartedly emphasized regarding
spiritual warfare.
Demons under the Earth’s Crust
There are also demons under the earth crust. Emmanuel Eni, a former marine
agent of darkness, was initiated and also made a covenant with the power of the kingdom
of darkness in Nigeria and India. He worked directly with the Queen of the Coast, serving
in her government. Emmanuel Eni had a face-to-face encounter with demons under the
earth’s crust. He states:
One day I went to a hidden place in the bush, made some incantations as stated in
the books and commanded the ground to open. The ground opened and demons
created steps immediately. I stepped in and went right inside the ground. … I saw
a lot of things that are hard to explain. I saw people chained, people used for
making money—their duties are to work day and night to supply money to their
captors. I saw some elite secret society members who came in to do some
sacrifices and would go back to the world with some gifts given to them by the
spirit controlling the place. I saw some church leaders who came for powers,
power to say a thing and accepted without question in the church. I stayed for two
weeks and came back after receiving more powers.
Scholars and preachers also believe and agree with Eni that there are demons who
reside under the earth’s crust. These demons under the earth’s crust sometimes appear on
the earth’s surface and manifest in different names and forms for various demonic
Emmanuel Eni, Delivered from the Powers of Darkness (Ibadan, Nigeria: Scripture Union: Press and Books
Ltd.,1988), 15.
purpose. They have been known through the practice of necromancy, the veneration of
past heroes, spirits of the graveyard, gods, and the ghosts of the dead. Russell writes
about demons under the earth’s crust when he says, “According to ancient tradition,
demons might reside in fire, air, water, earth, underground, or darkness.”
Akande explains how demons and ghosts or spirits of the dead have appeared in
what people called “post-death visitors” during commercial activities that took place only
in the night market. He wrote about the “Night Market for Post-Death returnee sellers and
buyers.” He goes on, “The townspeople could not identify these strange visitors—men
and women—who thronged in night markets and nobody knew where they came from or
where they departed to when the buying and selling ended in the early hours of the
Three facts should be highlighted from this quotation. First, nobody could
identify those post-death visitors. Second, nobody knew where they came from. Third,
nobody knew where they departed to when buying and selling had ended. The simple
solution to this mystery is that these were demons or ghosts that reside under the earth’s
crust. They come to visit the earth only for their demonic purpose and operation.
One can understand why Akande declares above that nobody could identify these
visitors and nobody knew where they came from or departed to. They are from the spirit
world of demons and they come only to visit the earth. This researcher emphasizes that
the background to Akande’s study is deeply rooted in the culture, society and the social
life of the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria in West Africa. This includes the
traditional religion and worship of idols or demons of the people.
Russell, 693.
Akande, 183.
McClintock confirms a similar manifestation of demons in India that appear in the
name and forms of the spirit of the dead. This category of spirit is called “Bhut” or
“Malignant Spirits.”
He states, “Crook suggests that this amorphous category of spirits
consists of. … The ghosts of the dead, some of whom are kindly, others malignant.
McClintock adds, “This vague spiritual being. … Sometimes visits the earth.”
researcher has been a living witness to the action of some of these unidentified beings
and demons and their powers in Southwestern Nigeria.
There are other scholars who agree and confirm that there are demons under the
earth’s crust. Pamela Tamarkin Reis in the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
describe how demons, the spirits of necromancy, ascend to the earth’s surface from the
earths’ crust. Reis writes, “With no scriptural foundation, Lev. Rab 26:7 advances the
fanciful solution the dead normally arise from the netherworld upside down but if they
arise at the king’s behest, they emerge right side up.”
Patricia Cox, in the Anglican
Theological Review, states, “According to Theodore, demons appear lying on their backs
during necromancy.”
Akande records another true story of a post-death experience. Busari Oladipupo
died in October 3, 1960, and was buried. But he came back alive to his family to begin
his post-death experience. The family refused to have him resides there and rejected him
because he had once died. They were certain that he was not really their loved one but a
McClintock, “Demons and Ghost in Indian Folklore,” 38.
Ibid., 39.
Ibid., 39.
Reis, 9.
Cox, 139.
spirit from the dead, as described in Scripture: “Just as man is destined to die once, and
after that to face judgment” (Heb. 9:27). Therefore the post-death returnee, Busari
Oladipupo, was a demon or ghost in disguise. Akande explains:
When the wives and the children saw him they were so frightened and they threw
their loads away and fled. … He then told them that his desire was to return home
and live with the family. They told him that the family would not welcome him
back into their midst one who had died and been buried. They asked that he leave
immediately and seek another place to continue his post death existence.
Akande adds an important fact about the family of Busari Oladipupo. His family
members were great hunters fully equipped with demonic powers, “Their father and
another elderly uncle, both of whom were hunters and fully equipped in African magical
arts, approached him.”
These people certainly practiced what the Yoruba call “Ere
Ode.” This literally means “hunters’ game.” But the literal meaning of the words give
only a partial meaning of the phrase. The correct interpretation and meaning to “Ere Ode”
is “The hunters’ display of demonic powers to the people.” Or, “It is the practical and
visible demonstration of demons’ powers by the hunters to the people.” As the meaning
indicates, on any given day chosen or dedicated to a demonic power display by the
hunters, those demonic powers would be practically and visibly demonstrated and
manifested to the people. Busari Oladipupo’s father and his uncle, the demonic
empowered hunters, were the ones who approached him with the family’s message of
refusal and rejection. He then disappeared from their presence.
These demons and their powers are real. Some hunters were custodians of these
demonic powers in Southwestern Nigeria. Akande clarified that some hunters in
Akande, 211
Southwestern Nigeria were fully equipped with demonic powers and these powers or
demons sometimes manifest in the name and form of the spirit of the dead.
The demonically equipped hunter members of Busari Oladipupo’s family could
be compared and contrasted with other demonically equipped hunters in India, since
demons are identical in their powers, missions, natures, and activities in different parts of
the world. The spirit or ghost classified “Airi” in India is a practical example. McClintock
defines Airi as “the famous hill ‘bhut’ ghost of a man killed while hunting. He is
accompanied by hounds whose bark signals calamity for the hearers.”
Therefore, if
demons can manifest in the form and name of the spirit of the dead or as a deceased
hunter in India, then hunters in India are equipped and empowered by demons just as the
hunters in Southwestern Nigeria.
These practical experiences support the reality of Emmanuel Eni’s face-to-face
encounter from the wicked spirit world. The practical examples that Akande gives from
Southwestern Nigeria confirm what this researcher has emphasized in this project; that
the background to this study is deeply rooted in the culture, social life, and traditional
religion and worship of the Yoruba people.
The essence of this section was to establish that there are demons under the
earth’s crust. Sometimes, these demons who reside underground come to the earth’s
surface to appear to humans and manifest in different names and forms. These various
names and forms include necromancy, veneration of past heroes, gods, spirits of the
graveyard, spirits of the post-death returnee, and ghosts of the past hunters. Therefore,
demons reside under the earth’s crust in their kingdom.
McClintock, 42-43.
Face-to-Face Encounters with Demons
One possible question that scholars and future readers may like to ask is, since
demons are spirit disembodied beings, can one see them? This researcher likes to use the
method of Jesus by using a question to answer a question: since God is spirit, can one see
God? Great men of God will convincingly answer yes. They will cite examples of when
God manifested Himself in the form of an angel, a human being, as one seated on the
throne, as glorious cloud of light and fire, and finally, they will say that He incarnated
and manifested in the person of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Satan and his host of demons can also manifest in different forms, just as scholars,
former agents of darkness and others have testified in writing. Bonnell writes: “They
[demons] are of the purest liquid air, invisible to man except as they choose to reveal
They can change forms and can manifest to men. “Satan can manifest in
999 different forms and also in his original beauty, making 1,000 forms in all,”
according to Timmons. For example, Satan can manifest in the form of a vulture that can
talk like a human because he can speak all the languages of the world. Also, Satan and
his host of demons can manifest in the form of a black man, a white man, a ram, a lion,
and a man whose face looks diabolical in an ashen gray color.
A demon can also
manifest as a headless horse man.
It has been documented that Satan and his host of demons manifested in the form
of a red-eyed demon, possessing webbed wings with cloven hoofs and a tail. Demons
Bonnell, 208.
Timmons, 105.
McClintock, 42.
further manifest in the form of a lion to imitate Jesus, a python, cobra, or other snake, a
wolf, a large ram with fully curved horns, a fox, various human or angel-like beings with
a white robe, usually surrounded by a cloud of glory and a large dragon breathing smoke
and fire, but always very fierce in appearance.
Demons also manifest “as a beast
(mighty snake) with sixteen heads and with a precious crown of light on each.”
can manifest as a man of about 35 years; as a mighty violent flame called “Sacred Fire,”
and as a ubiquitous red light.
Satan deceitfully appears omnipresent. A demon can appear in the form of a night
When some demons appear, they could be classified as “amorphous category of
spirit,” without any regular shape.
Demons also appear as black mountains with a
mighty human head that is white.
Finally, demons appear on earth as pretty girls and
serve as prostitutes in different nations of the world but, they are demons in disguise,
conducting their demonic operations.
Some Christian’s leaders and followers have
probably been influenced and trapped through these demon-prostitutes in disguise. For
example, Emmanuel Eni, the former marine agent of darkness, ignorantly married an
agent of darkness who demonically influenced him to be a human agent of demons.
Timmons, 106.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 75.
Ibid., 87.
McClintock, 43.
Ibid, 39.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 117.
Ibid, 32.
Demonic Meetings and Initiations
An initiation into a secret cult that grants one the rite of membership to regularly
attend the meeting of the cult may not make it possible for one to see demons face-to-
face. But, any initiation or meeting in the spirit world to make a person a human agent of
darkness and to serve in the government and kingdom of Satan will certainly make that
agent able to see demons face-to-face.
This researcher would like to point out that the Holy Scriptures, genuine
Christians, and even some non-Christians, have been against such demonic arts and
activities even from time immemorial. Bonnell quotes the Code of Hammurabi,
“Extensive references to demonology may be found in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian
writings. The Code of Hammurabi provides penalties for those engaging in such arts.”
However, despite biblical and non-biblical penalties, people were still involved in
demonic activities. A practical example was Emmanuel Eni. In his face-to-face meeting
with Lucifer, Eni testifies:
I destroyed lives to the extent that Lucifer became very pleased and made me
Chairman of the Wizards. A month after my chairmanship, a meeting was called.
We attended that meeting as birds, cats, and snakes. These creatures are used for
the following reasons: (a) turning to birds make wizards more dangerous, (b)
turning to cats make wizards able to reach both spirits and humans, (c) turning to
rats enable wizards to enter into a house easily, then in the night turn to shadow
and then to a human being and suck the victim’s blood. In this meeting, we had
only one thing on the agenda: “The Christians.”
Two things are important to note in this testimony. First, Eni saw Lucifer face-to-
face. Second, Eni and other human beings transformed to birds, cats, and rats. It was for
the purpose of wickedness that they changed forms.
Bonnell, 209.
Eni, 24.
Lawrence N. Nwankwo gives a practical example of Emmanuel Omoobajesu, a
former witch doctor and agent of darkness who served in the government of Satan and
saw Satan face-to-face. But Nwankwo warns readers to strike the balance between the
two extremes that he calls, “From witch-craze to witch-denial”
because those demons
and their power are real. Nwankwo writes on Omoobajesu:
He claims to have been a witchdoctor who was “captured” by Jesus. … He
therefore, attended meetings, allegedly chaired by Satan himself. According to
Omoobajesu’s claims, one of those meetings in 1952 changed his life. One
cabinet “minister” (name withheld), mentioned the name Jesus, and Satan is
reported to have roared angrily and said painfully to the man, “Why did you
arrow me! If you venture to call that name again, I will deal ruthlessly with you”
Satan warned.
Some may not believe the authenticity of the power and name of Jesus in this
story that made Satan to roar face-to-face at the agent but, this researcher would like to
give five reasons to support its authenticity that the name of Jesus is a powerful, mighty
First, this researcher personally knows a former agent of darkness who went to
one of these meetings. At this meeting, the name of a dynamic pastor, who is on fire for
the Lord, was mentioned and their meeting scattered into an uncontrollable confusion. A
few years ago, this personally known agent publically testified in the open air crusade
held within the premises of the church in Southwestern Nigeria where this researcher was
the senior pastor before he came to study at Bethel University. This former agent of
darkness publically declared his conversion, confession, and renounced Satan and his
kingdom in that crusade. If their wicked meeting was thrown into an uncontrollable
confusion because the name of a dynamic man of God was mentioned, then what could
Lawrence N. Nwanko, “Facing Evil: A Challenge to the Church in Africa,” 225.
Ibid, 219.
have happened if the name “Jesus” were to be mentioned? Many Christians do not
understand the mighty power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Second, Emmanuel Eni, a former marine agent, also describes how Satan fell
from his seat, in one of their meetings, at this meeting:
Satan then asked “Who is that?” One member answered “Jesus” and to our
greatest surprise, Lucifer fell from his seat. He shouted at the man and warned
him never to mention that name in any of our meetings if he loves his life. It is
true that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow (Phil. 2:10) including Satan.
The name Jesus is a mighty weapon as Eni concludes.
Third, Uzorma reinforces the fact that true Christian believers have always been
mighty stumbling blocks to demonic operations. Uzorma confirms, “In all of our
operations against the believers in Christ, there were many ministers of the gospel that
stood as mighty stumbling blocks against the demons in Nigeria.”
He then listed
ministers who are known to be highly anointed in the power of Holy Ghost in Nigeria,
West Africa. Yet, some Christians do not value being on fire for Jesus or the powerful
gifts available to them here.
Fourth, Timmons, who interviewed other former agents of darkness, including
Omoobajesu, confirms his face-to-face experience in the wicked spirit world and states,
“Emmanuel Omoobajesu once stayed in the spirit world for three years and his spiritual
master, a magician, stayed there seven years at one time.”
In other words, he had
practical face-to-face experience with demons.
Eni, 22.
Uzorma, Occult Grand Master Now in Christ, 157.
Timmons, 216.
Fifth, the mighty power of the gospel, preached in the mighty name of Jesus,
makes many former agents of darkness in Africa to decamp from the kingdom of Satan to
the kingdom of the Lord as Omoobajesu has done. Wendland and Hachibamba confirm,
“Many converts were streaming to the churches—converts who were formerly affiliated
with the Artemis cult, practiced magic, consulted astrologers and participated in various
Therefore, the power of the gospel made these former agents of darkness
listed above, along with Omoobajesu, to decamp from the kingdom of Satan to the
kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. The power in the mighty name of Jesus is a mighty
miracle of manifestation and transformation even in demonic, wicked meetings.
In agreement with what former agents of darkness have stated, Eni has testified
how he and other agents of darkness changed forms to birds, rats and cats when they had
their face-to-face meeting with Lucifer. Akande also confirms this when he describes
“Alitha and Alomata, who magically transformed themselves into live cats and went on a
contract mission to kill.”
Akande writes that a ruler magically transformed himself into
a child, a live cat, and a live dog. These transformations were to escape being killed. He
further reports, “Someone in the crowd brought out the sharp cutlass that he was carrying
and he was able to cut off the head of the live dog, which immediately returned to the
original shape of the king”
Returning to the original shape of the ruler when the head
of the dog was cut off was evidence that the ruler actually transformed to a live dog.
Human beings changing to the forms of live dogs, birds, cats, and rats are to make them
Wendland Hachibanba, 346.
Akande, 46.
Ibid, 50.
dangerous and to effectively carry out their demonic wicked activities for the purpose of
destruction of lives and property.
Martin Luther, that great Christian Protestant reformer, also had problems with
demonic rats. Bonnell writes:
Martin Luther attributed many of his maladies and his dreams to demons—the
flies which lighted upon his books and the rats which kept him awake at night
were supposed to be working under demonic instruction. He believed that insanity
was caused by Satan.
Martin Luther’s experience of demonic activities could be compared with the
activities of demons in southwestern Nigeria and other parts of the world.
The essence of this section unfolds these five points: first, Emmanuel Eni and
Emmanuel Omoobajesu saw demons face-to-face. Second, human beings, as the agents
of darkness, changed forms and transformed to live dogs, birds, cats, rats and children for
the purpose of effectively carrying out demonic activities. Third, the name Jesus is a
powerful weapon that throws demonic meetings into uncontrollable confusion. Fourth,
the name Jesus and the preaching of the gospel have converted many former agents of
darkness and made them decamp from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of the Lord
Jesus Christ. Fifth, as Martin Luther attributed many of his maladies to demons and their
operations through rats and others agents, the suffering and ailments of some Christian
leaders and followers could be attributed to demonic activities and operations. These
face-to-face experiences with demons are deeply rooted in the culture, society, tradition
and pagan worship of the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria.
Other face-to-face Demonic Encounters
Bonnell, 211.
The story of Pastor Ade Adegoke who lived in Igbo-Ora in Southwestern Nigeria
and went for forest hunting was a practical example. He went to hunt in the forest at night
and had an encounter with a non-normal human being, believed to be a demon, and some
demons in animal shapes. This is a typical story that shows one can have face-to-face
encounters with demons through mysterious things and coincidence.
Some forests are
mysterious where coincidental things have often happened such as invisible walking,
pounding of yams or cooking, strange lights, strange presences, and strange meetings.
But from the researcher’s personal experiences, some of these forests are less
demonically dense than others, and some are completely free with spiritual warfare than
others, all because of the gospel and power of the Lord Jesus Christ in the area.
But, demonically influenced forests still exist. For instance, in June 2012, a
community was delivered from what they believed to be enchanted trees that had been
unleashing fear on the people for about twenty-five years. These trees were felled
The community believed that the “Iroko” or mahogany trees served as the
abode of extra-terrestrial spirits and the nocturnal meeting place for adult and child
Akande stated that different items were found inside the trees, including a black
clay pot, plates, bones, a mug, and a bottle, among other things. The residents of the area
used this evidence to corroborate their claim that the trees were enchanted.
researcher agrees with the residents that those items are evidence that beings or demons
Akande, 129.
Ibid, 139.
Ibid, 140.
Ibid, 141.
resided in those trees. It is interesting to know that such trees or forests where demonic
creatures reside have also been discovered in northern Pakistan.
McClintock confirms:
Irwine conducted field research in Northern Pakistan and describes several
encounters his informants had with Jinn and Chardhail. He concludes that “One
thing remains certain in the minds of the people: there are strange creatures in the
woods. Shaped like people, who cause great misfortune to anyone who holds
Whether in northern Pakistan or Southwestern Nigeria, strange creatures in the
woods shaped like people are believed to be demons in woods, trees, or forests by the
indigenes of the land especially in Southwestern Nigeria. They can appear to humans
face-to-face and they are wicked. They are dangerous, whether in Southwestern Nigeria
or Northern Pakistan or in other parts of the world. Therefore, demons are identical in
nature, character, mission, and wickedness in different parts of the world. One can then
understand better why there are strange and odd activities such as invisible walking in
some forests, because demons reside in such forests and change forms.
Most of the time, the walking, meetings, and other activities are invisible. But
sometimes their noise may be heard and their presence may be felt. Akande continues the
story of Adegoke who went to hunt in the night and states, “When the strange man got
close, he saluted the hunter and warned him to be careful when shooting at animals in the
bush, as some of them were his children and were not to be killed.”
Akande concludes
that because of the reality of this face-to-face experience with demons, Adegoke made an
McClintock, 46.
Akande, 129.
irrevocable decision: “He told me that since that experience, he has not engaged in
further hunting.”
This story expresses a top demonic trap set for people. If Adegoke had shot any of
the beings in animal’s bodies, the hunter was to die. But if a hunter had been diabolically
empowered or possessed, there will be reactions and counter reactions of demonic
powers between the hunter and the beings in the animal’s bodies because those animals
were also spirit beings that changed forms. The hunter may die and the animal may die.
When the animal dies there is sometimes a direct physical confrontation and a direct
physical fight, coupled with diabolic confrontation and fight between the agents of
darkness and the hunter, on the skin of the deceased animal. This confrontation and fight
may take place either in the forest or openly in the village. This researcher will not
expand further because this is not the essence of this paper. The point is, those animal
beings were traps set to kill the hunter if he were to shoot any of the animal beings. This
researcher suggests that, since this hunter was a pastor, he would have prayed, fasted, and
asked God what to do. True Christians can fire spiritual bullets at those animals in the
name of Jesus.
In addition to learning of this story through the publication by Akande, the
researcher’s former General Secretary/President, this story was narrated by Shedu Z.
Alao, a personal friend. Alao belonged to the family, mentioned in a previous section, of
hunters who used the powers of demons for forest hunting. He narrated this story to the
researcher to establish the reality of demons and their powers, their changed forms,
manifestations and activities in Ilorin, Kwara state in Southwestern Nigeria when the
researcher was studying demonology in early 1970s. Alao asked the researcher if he
wanted to visit the underground world. He offered to take the researcher to the hunters
who were fully equipped and empowered by demons who would diabolically prepare him
for the journey to under the earth’s crust. The researcher refused because he was not an
unbeliever or an agent of darkness. He had renounced Satan, demons, and decamped
from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
As those dangerous animal beings had set traps of wickedness and death for the
hunters in Southwestern Nigeria, the ghosts classified as “Sayyid” in India also set traps
of wickedness and death for the people. McClintock explains “This term means ‘Martyr.’
Sayyids are extremely malevolent ghosts who cause illness and death among both
humans and cattle. …. Shrines were erected to appease these creatures (Rose
One can clearly understand why demons and ghost are worshipped and
why people make sacrifices to appease them in different parts of the world. People hope
to avoid their notorious wickedness.
Without the power of Jesus, some forests in the past were demonically dangerous
as indicates above in Southwestern Nigeria and Northern Pakistan. Boyd also gives a
practical example of demonic wickedness in action from another part of the world by
citing an example of Zosia and states, “Instead of eyes, two bloody wounds are staring.
The mother driven mad is held by the women. … It was of course, necessary to annihilate
the blind child.”
The demonic implication and application are the same in different
parts of the world because the intention and purpose of Satan and his host of demons is to
“steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10).
McClintock, 44.
Boyd, God At War, 34.
The essences of the story of the animal being traps prove five points. First,
demons and their powers are real and they fully exist. Second, demons and their agents
change forms for the purpose of wickedness and appear face-to-face to humans. Whether
they appear innocent and friendly, it is a deceit because the traps of death and destruction
are already set and planned. Third, the density and concentration of the powers of demon
are not equal in different parts and zones of the world. The effective spiritual war fares
and the mighty name of Jesus make the difference. Fourth, demons and their agents
demonstrate and visibly manifest their powers that one can see face-to-face, as those
hunters and other demonic agents sometimes do. Lastly, some trees and forests are
demonically dangerous and some manifest strange demonic presences, demonic
mysteries and invisible demonic activities especially those uniquely dedicated to
idols/demons. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ makes the difference!
Face-to-Face with Demons through Demons Fasting and Invocation
Some former agents of darkness stayed in the spirit world for a few consecutive
years for wickedness and destruction. For example, “Emmanuel Omoobajesu once stayed
in the spirit world for three years and his spiritual master, a magician stayed there seven
years at one time.”
The intention of a human being living with demons in the spirit
world and seeing them every day for consecutive years is for wickedness. Richard H.
Hiers reasons that wickedness is their goal because “Demons, of course, were thought of
not only as causes of illness but also as deadly enemies.”
Demonic wickedness is
Timmons, 216.
Richard H. Hiers, “‘Binding’ and ‘Loosening’: The Matheans Authorization,” Journal of Biblical Literature 104,
no. 2 (1985): 248.
Omoobajesu and his spiritual master, a former magician, had carried out lots of
wickedness and atrocities in the kingdom of Satan when one listens to their testimonies in
revivals or open air crusades. One of the demonic methods they used to wreak havoc was
to invoke demonic power. Invocation, with demonic prayer and fasting, are means that
agents of darkness use to see demons face-to-face. Omoobajesu says “Invocation is the
process by which unseen spirits are made to be seen.”
But he warns that this is a very
dangerous thing to do, “But my experience with them is that if you utter foolish words or
foolish questions which you are not really sure or do not really understand, they may
harm you.”
As Omoobajesu has said from his experience, demons can harm because
their purpose and mission of communication to humans cannot be compared with the
angels in heaven. They are miles apart. Russell clarifies, “Of course the difference
between angels and demons is that angels communicate with us with compassion, while
demons do so to trick, delude, seduce, and exploit.”
Therefore, demons can harm,
exploit, and destroy.
This is confirmed by the fact that in the process of using the power of darkness,
some have become insane. This researcher has personally seen some victims. Demons are
wicked and want to harm the people who tamper with them. Therefore, Omoobajesu
concludes that through invocation the agents of darkness can see demons face-to-face.
He shares his experience:
My master started the invocation at about 1:00AM. When the spirit was about to
appear, he made us to tremble but, did not move. … After waiting for a while, the
Emmanuel O. Omoobajesu, My Experience in the Darkness of this World Before Jesus Saved Me (Lagos:
Orimson Comm. Ent.,1968)19.
Emmanuel O. Omoobajesu, My Experience in the Darkness of this World Before Jesus Saved Me (Logos:
Orimson Communication Enterprises, 1968), 19.
Russell, 693.
spirit came face-to-face and greeted us. … When they saw that I was unable to
understand and speak, they gave me a small bottle of water which I was expected
to drink small but I took all. The spirit bit his finger and shook his head.
Immediately I finished the water, I started to hear the language of the spirit but
[was] unable to speak the language. Then they gave a bottle of oil contents, of
which I did not know what it was, for me to drink. This I did and immediately I
felt heavier than ever and could hear and speak their language.
In the field of scholars, Beilby and Eddy have convincingly given evidence that
one can see demons face-to-face. They cite the example of “Anthropologist Edith
Turner’s experience of visibly witnessing a spirit entity in Africa.”
This citation by
Beilby and Eddy supports the testimony of Omoobajesu that he saw demons face-to-face.
Omoobajesu has further disclosed that fasting in obedience to demonic instruction
is another unerring method to see demons face-to-face, and to accumulate greater
demonic power for diabolic wicked operations. He further discloses:
When we were about to leave the area, the spirit told me to start another nine
months of fasting immediately [after] I finished the six months’ fast. The same
conditions were applicable. I started the nine months’ fast the following day
according to the instructions given to me by the spirits. Brethren, what I saw
during the nine months fasting period cannot be expressed in words. … I became
a professor after that one year of fasting which made it two years and three
months altogether. My experience during this period of one year and nine months
are beyond expression but glory be to God in the highest who redeemed me from
He fasted two years and three months to demons. Then he finally concludes, “If
anybody wants to see Satan face-to-face, such a person must fast for eleven months
consecutively and eleven days.”
Omoobajesu, 8-9.
Beilby and Eddy, 20.
Omoobajesu, 9.
Ibid, 16.
Nwankwo summarizes the authenticity of demonic prayer and fasting for eleven
months and eleven days and adds a right quotation that corrects the wrong interpretation
and impression that some give to Omoobajesu’s testimony. Some had previously quoted
Omoobajesu wrongly and said that during such a fast, one must not sleep or doze for
eleven months and eleven days. But Nwankwo confirms the authenticity of the fast and
rightly quotes Omoobajesu, and that corrects the wrong interpretation and impression
given on demonic fasting. Nwankwo states:
Omoobajesu claims that anyone can have such conversations with Satan. But,
that the only requirement is that the person intending to do so, “Must fast for
eleven months and eleven days consecutively. During this period of fasting,
he/she must neither sleep nor doze in the afternoon.”
A few things have to be highlighted for correction and clarification.
First, Omoobajesu did not say he or she must not sleep or doze for eleven months
and eleven days but as is clearly stated above, he or she must neither sleep nor doze in the
afternoon. This is for the purpose of demonic meditation and prayers. Therefore, one can
use the whole night to sleep. Second, there are some who do not even sleep in the
afternoon; therefore, the decision not to sleep or doze in the afternoon is no longer news
or a difficult thing for some people to do. Third, for one to carry out such fasting, there
must be strong determination to do it, and since determination is power and courage
within, greater things could be achieved. Lastly, Satan and his host of demons give
demonic supernatural power as indicated above. For instance, a demon gave Omoobajesu
demonic water so that he could understand the language of the demons and later gave
him oil contents so that he could communicate in the language of the demons.
Nwankwo, 219.
One of the major things that this researcher wishes to communicate in this paper
is that Satan and his hosts of demons are real and their powers are real. Satan and his host
of demons equip their agents with demonic supernatural power to carry out many
demonic activities. They had started to equip Omoobajesu for wicked demonic activities
through fasting. Demonic powers and covenants are involved in such a fast.
Eleven months of serious, consecutive prayer and fasting to Satan demonstrates
that the agents of darkness are more committed and dedicated to Satan and his kingdom
than some Christian leaders and followers are dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ and His
kingdom. One can now begin to understand better why demons and their agents are
looting churches, paralyzing churches, emptying pews, and churches are being put up for
sale. Christians cannot fight the battle with no spiritual commitment and dedication to the
Lord Jesus Christ. Some leaders and followers do not really fast and pray. But Beilby and
Eddy have not only established face-to-face experience with demons; they have also
emphasized the importance of dynamic spiritual warfare. They write: “the topic of
spiritual warfare never seems to grow old.
Therefore, spiritual warfare is a must in the
body of Christ. Power gifts must be used in churches and denominations for effectiveness
and to achieve results for God’s kingdom. Therefore, Christians are not to be involved in
demonic fasting, prayer, invocation, incantation and other demonic means of seeing
demons face-to-face. It is a prohibition from the Lord.
The essence of this section is to establish that Satan and his host of demons and
their powers are real. Through invocation and demonic fasting, one can see demons face-
to-face. Satan and his host of demons equip their agents with demonic supernatural
Beilby and Eddy, 1.
powers to carry out numerous demonic wicked activities. And the Body of Christ must
embark on dynamic spiritual warfare against these demonic wicked activities. As clearly
indicated and articulated in above experiences by scholars, pastors and the former agents
of darkness. Their experiences are rooted in the culture, society and social life of the
Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria.
Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance
When spiritual warfare is used to carry out effective exorcism or deliverance,
demons sometimes appear face-to-face in disagreement or annoyance against the person
carrying out such an effective exorcism or deliverance. Spiritual warfare unseats and
dislodges demons. This forces them to relocate and desperately seek for a body in which
to rest. This dislodgement that unseats demons is made possible because “spiritual
warfare is the conflict between the kingdom of light or the kingdom of God and the
kingdom of darkness which is Satan’s kingdom.”
The dynamic power of God’s
kingdom puts demons into confusion and trouble in the formidable kingdom of Satan. In
the process, they physically appear because they are not happily losing the battle.
Bill Subritzky, in his practical experience, states:
In the spirit I have seen demons on many occasions, and on one occasion I saw a
demon with my natural eyes. This happened when I was praying in a church with
the vicar and he fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. When I looked up, I saw
someone standing behind him. The person was eight feet high, with a round white
face and clothed in a black garment which stretched out in a triangular fashion to
within a few inches of the ground. I commanded this being to leave the building
in the name of Jesus the Messiah. The demon began to walk down the aisle and I
followed it until it came to the doors of the building. The doors were closed, but it
simply disappeared through the doors.
Ajibade, 108.
Bill Subritzky, Demons Defeated (Aukland: Dove Ministry Ltd., 1987), 60.
This is spiritual warfare in action. Subritzky actually saw demons face-to-face as
did anthropologist Edith Turner. On spiritual warfare, Boyd further adds that when
Christians show up on the invisible battlefield, then Jesus shows up. And as Jesus shows
up, “the legion of demons must leave.”
When Christians dislodge and force demons to
relocate, it is offensive and irritating to them.
Therefore, when the vicar fell under the power of the Holy Spirit that does not
mean he was possessed. It means the demon was losing the battle. The demon appeared
probably because the vicar was either partly or fully controlled by demonic influence or
carnal life. This could be any of the following, or a combination of any of these: lust,
pride, fear, doubt, unconfessed sin, and sin in thought, unfaithfulness, and others. The
demon appeared because he was losing the battle on one or more of these areas and he
did not like it. The Bible tells the secret of why: “The Old Testament presents Satan and
his messengers as opposing both to God and man (Job 38:1-7; Ezek; 28:11-19).”
demonic influences and a carnal life make Christian leaders spiritually weak, and
sometimes they make leaders controlled by demonic influence.
To curb and overcome demonic influence, manipulation and deceit, strategic level
spiritual warfare is important. According to Beilby and Eddy, strategic level spiritual
warfare is against territorial spirits that includes principalities and powers in assigned
geographical territories.
In other words, strategic level spiritual warfare unseats
demons. It dislodges and throws demons into confusion in their assigned geographical
territories. This is very offensive to demons and they desperately seek for a place of rest.
Boyd, God At War, 195.
Obaje, 23.
Beilby and Eddy, 179.
It can even provoke them to appear face-to-face in an offensive mood. Demons appear in
their offensive moods because, “The dominion of Satan was being confronted and
defeated by the effective power of God,”
and the victim who was in the claws of Satan
and his host of demons was delivered and set free. The researcher has personally
experienced this in his deliverance ministry in Southwestern Nigeria.
Eni also gave details in his practical experience in the spirit world of how spiritual
warfare throws demons and their agents into an uncontrollable confusion and defeat,
when Christians maintain their true identity in Christ, as Beilby and Eddy have
established. Beilby and Eddy prophetically declare Christian victory in spiritual warfare
and state, “The more we as individuals live a lifestyle reflecting Jesus, the more we
defeat the devil.”
Eni discloses that he was so wicked and that he destroyed so many lives that
Lucifer made him to be the chairman of wizards; and a month after his chairmanship, a
meeting was called and Eni clarified the agenda of the meeting and the subsequent
meeting for their demonic wicked operation:
In this meeting we had only one item on the agenda: “The Christians.” We then
scheduled to hold an African wizard conference in Benin City (Nigeria) in 1983.
We published it in all the dailies and all the public media. All the forces of
darkness were mobilized and we were very confident nothing was going to
interrupt this meeting. In fact, everything was well planned and there were no
loopholes. Suddenly, the Christians in Nigeria went into prayer and praise unto
their God. And all our plans were shattered. Not only our plans were shattered but
also there was real confusion in the kingdom of darkness. As a result, the witches
and wizards conference could not be held in Nigeria. Christians should note that
the moment they go into real praises to God Almighty there would be trouble and
confusion both in the sea, in the air, and the agents of Satan would have no resting
place. Prayer is like throwing a time bomb in our midst and everyone would
escape for his/her life. If Christians would realize and use the power and authority
Dunn and Twelftree, 220.
Beilby and Eddy, 170.
God has given them they would control the affairs of our nation; and only
Christians can save our nation.
This testimony confirms what Beilby and Eddy consistently and prophetically
warn about spiritual warfare. When the Christian lifestyle conforms to the likeness and
image of Christ, Satan and his host of demons become defeated foes and victims in
spiritual warfare, and Christians continue to enjoy their mighty eternal victory in Christ
as they dislodge, unseat, and throw demons into uncontrollable confusion.
In conclusion, the Bible says, “When an evil spirit comes out of a person, he
desperately seeks for a place to rest, and when he finds none, he goes back to his former
house. If it is unoccupied, he brings seven other spirits more wicked than him to live
there and the final condition of that man will be worse than the first” (Matt. 12:43-45). In
the process of desperately seeking for a body and rest, demons transform into human
form and appear to men.
Therefore, for the purpose of demonic wicked activities, “Ghosts are sometimes
visible ‘as a result of their attachment to the body and its passions.’”
Robert Tilton had
such an experience and in his experience, Tilton shares:
Demons have personalities; and while they do not have physical bodies, they do
have the power to appear to man. Once in the middle of the night a demon
knocked on my front door. He looked like any human except he was transparent.
He told me that he had been walking through dry places, seeking to possess the
body of certain man who he was trying to find. I told him I was not the man, and
he could not come into my house. Then I shut the door. Through the window, I
watched him go on his way, looking for that person.
Eni, 24.
Russell, 693.
Robert Tilton, Exposing Satan’s Kingdom (Port Harcourt: Christ for All Nations Ministries Inc., 1995), 30.
When Christians unseat demons, dislodge them and cast them out through
spiritual warfare and exorcism, they disparately and desperately seek for a place to rest in
order to carry out their demonic wicked activities. Boyd warns there is only one
protection against the kingdom of darkness. He states, “The only protection against the
kingdom of darkness is to belong to the kingdom of God. When an individual or an entire
generation resists the kingdom, they open themselves up to significant demonic
Boyd not only unfolds how Christians open themselves to demonic activities.
He also shows the secret of why some careless Christians have demons, Christians who
do not follow what the Bible says, “Watch and pray” (Matt. 26:42).
The essence of this section was to establish the reality of demons’ existence and
their powers used for the purpose of wicked activities. This researcher further established
that through spiritual warfare demons can be dislodged, unseated, and thrown into an
uncontrollable confusion. This sometimes makes them to appear in an offensive mood to
humans because their kingdom has been bombarded, and the victims in their demonic
claws have been delivered and set free. They are not happy for the defeat. Therefore,
these offensive bombardments, dislodgements, and defeats force demons to relocate, and
in the process of this relocation, they sometimes appear to humans as they seek for a
body or a place of abode or rest. The background to the study of this project is deeply
rooted in the culture, society, and idolatrous religion of the people of the Southwestern
Boyd, God At War, 196.
The researcher has showed that many voices, especially in Western academia,
argue for the non-existence of demons. But he has also shown that these voices do not
help Christians in West Africa for whom demonic powers are a regular challenge. He has
further humbly advised that these voices do not help to curb the demonic operations that
are negatively affecting the churches in the Western World that result to lessening and the
sales of churches through demonic wicked operations. In spite of this skepticism, the
researcher has established the reality of the existence of demons, their powers and their
invisible spirit worlds. These spirit worlds include demons of the air, demons of fire, and
demons of water, demons on the earth’s crust and under the earth’s crust. This researcher
further established that these demons and their agents incarnate, change forms and appear
to humans in multiple manifestations.
The researcher also showed that people, agents and non-agents of darkness, have
various means and methods of seeing demons face-to-face. These include initiation,
invocation, demonic prayer and fasting, and the use of various meeting places of mystery
and coincidence. He further added that demons empower and equip those agents of
darkness before they can serve in the government of Satan. These agents of darkness also
hold meetings with demons and see them face-to-face in the spirit world.
The researcher emphatically concludes that no Christian researcher should allow
demons or agents of darkness to empower or equip him or her for the purpose of in-depth
research. This is because anyone who seeks see demons face-to-face is violating a
prohibition of the Lord (Lev. 19:26, 31; 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:10-11; Isa. 3:2-4). For such in-
depth research, researchers can personally approach and interview former agents of
darkness such as Uzorma, a former occult grand master, or former magicians, former
marine agents, and the host of other former agents of darkness who have decamped from
the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of the Lord. Most importantly, spiritual warfare
must be used to unseat, dislodge, and dethrone all demonic thrones and all territorial
demons in their assigned geographical locations and territories. Spiritual warfare can be
used to combat demons that are desperately looking for a body in which to rest, since
Christians can always claim the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over the powers of
The problem this project addresses is the understanding that some Nigerians have
regarding the reality of the existence of demons, their wicked spirit world of abode and
kingdoms, and their demonic wicked activities carried out from their wicked spirit world
on Christian leaders and their followers. Researcher does not intend to prove the
existence of demons in this project but rather to only cite some demonic activities, face-
to-face encounters and experiences with demons as believed or known and understood in
the tradition, language and culture of the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria.
These activities are carried out by Satan and his host of demons, demonic agents, human
agents, and wicked men. The researcher will also give practical solutions to the
understanding Christians have to these established demonic wicked activities.
Research Methodology: Phenomenology Via Descriptive
Since the intent of this research is to address the understanding that some
Christians have regarding the existence of demons and their wicked activities on
Christian leaders and their followers as briefly expressed above, the methodology
selected as the philosophical basis for this research process is phenomenology via
descriptive methodology because it is the best approach. For instance, phenomenology
would help the researcher to perceive with the right perception the wicked spirit world of
demons that are invisible to the natural eyes and understand with the right perspective the
demonic wicked spirit worlds of demons in the air, in the fire, in the waters, on the land,
and under the earth’s crust that are invisible to the natural eyes as he perceives through
his personal spiritual insight coupled with the insights, understanding and experiences of
others and those who have seen demons face-to-face in their spirit world and kingdoms.
And, descriptive would help the researcher to inquire who and what in the physical
world, and where the experiences of the wicked activities of demons are being observed
and studied either in the wicked spirit world or physical visible world, and draw a
meaningful and logical academic conclusion in writing. They are inter-dependent or
inter-related in this research and both of them are working together towards the same goal
and success. The researcher briefly explores further what scholars explained or defined.
Paul Leedy states, “Phenomenology attempts to ‘understand people’s perceptions,
perspectives, and understanding of a particular situation’.”
This is a dynamic tool in the
hand of the researcher, in order to be able to perceive and understand the wicked spirit
world and the demonic wicked activities of demons and their agents. To make this
effective, phenomenology has its tenets and characteristics. A major core tenet of
phenomenology is that understanding the context of one’s experience is crucial to really
understanding his situation. Patricia Munhall agrees on this and states, “Existence as
being-in-the-world is a phenomenological phrase that acknowledges that people are tied
to their worlds and are comprehensible only in their contexts. Human behavior occurs in
the context of relations to things, people, events, and situations.”
Paul Leedy and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Practical Research: Planning and Design (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Merril Prentice Hallelujah!, Seven Edition) P.T.O.
Patricia Munhall, Nursing Research (Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2001), 97.
As the researcher rightly reflects and acts in accordance to these contexts and
relations, the key characteristics of phenomenology known as “bracketing”
must be fully
kept in mind. “Bracketing” is a term that describes the researcher’s ability to suspend
previous knowledge, judgments, and preconceived ideas of the phenomenon that is
already being studied. This is important to the researcher and this must be effectively
carried out. For instance, researcher was born and bred in Southwestern Nigeria where
demonic activities are rampant but in order to learn from the understandings of other
Nigerians, scholars, former agents of darkness and others, researcher must suspend
previous knowledge and judgement in order to learn new things afresh from other people.
Therefore, bracketing is very essential so that the data can represent the real
voices of the percipients and the meaning ascribed to their experiences. The researcher
must put this into consideration and suspend prior knowledge, judgments, and
preconceived notions so that he can collect the true data from the wicked spirit worlds of
demons, through the participants, and give a sound logical and theological conclusion,
that will not mislead his immediate environment, community, state, nation, and even the
whole world. As the participant describes and explains his experience, the interviewer is
not to attempt to prove or disprove the prior hypothesis or explanation, as the cause or
reason for the experience because, “In phenomenological conversation, the interview is
presupposition less.”
For the purpose of clarity and fairness, the researcher must pay
close attention and be intelligent enough to frame and ask logically related questions in
the process of the interview. To this effect, P. Leedy and J. E. Ormrod state, “The
Samuel Vansiea, “Developing a Ministry Model That Addresses the Needs of Liberian Refugees Suffering From
Post Traumatic Disorder”, (D. Min. Thesis, St. Paul Minnesota, 2013), 62.
Janice Morse and Peggy Anne Field, Qualitative Research Methods for Health Professionals (Thousand Oaks,
California: Sage, 1995), 152.
phenomenological interview is often a very unstructured one in which the researcher and
the participant work together to arrive at the heart of the matter. The researcher listens
closely as the participants describe their everyday experiences related to the
They are to work together in unity and wholeheartedly cooperate
together because the process requires the interviewer to describe the distinctive
characteristics of the phenomenon as it is presented. In brief summation of the five main
characteristics of the phenomenological method, for comprehensive understanding,
Elizabeth A. Petersons states,
“Merilyn Ray summarizes the five main characteristics of the phenomenological
method as (a) focusing on the nature of the lived experience, (b) holding in
abeyance one’s scientific presuppositions about a phenomenon, (c) conducting
intense dialogues with people about the meaning of their experience, (d)
developing themes from recorded dialogues, and (e) reflecting deeply on the
meaning of the whole experience.”
This is a wonderful comprehensive summary of the main characteristics of
phenomenology and this leads us to descriptive.
Descriptive Method
In this project, descriptive method is used as a type of qualitative research. This
helps researcher to collect information about the present existing conditions and
situations of the phenomenon during the period of study. In respect of this, Margarete
Sandelowski understands that the search of information seeks to address the “who, what,
and where events, or experiences, or their basic nature and shape”
of the people and the
Paul Leedy and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Practical Research: Planning and Design (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Merrill Prentice Hall, Seventh edition), 153.
Elizabeth A. Peterson, “The Suffering of Patients and Its Effect on the Spiritual Formation of Nursing Students”,
(D. Min. Thesis, Bethel Theological Seminary, 2009), 76.
Samuel Vensiea, “Developing a Ministry Model That Addresses the Needs of Liberian Refugees Suffering From
Post Traumatic Disorder” (D. Min. Thesis, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2013), 61.
phenomenon that are already being studied. The who, what, and events in this context of
the demonic wicked spirit world mean Satan, demons, demonic agents, human agents and
their demonic vessels such as demonic cars, demonic aircrafts, demonic garments, rings,
charms, amulets, portable gods, and others used to carry out their wicked demonic
activities either in the physical world or in the demonic wicked spirit world. Therefore,
Samuel Vansiea further stresses:
It is a process – oriented method that is used to understand, describe, and develop
a theory about the life experience and circumstances of a particular phenomenon.
The descriptive method requires researchers to listen to the participants’ stories,
observe their environment, observe their keepsakes, and other memorabilia they
may have.
The tools used to gather data include interviews, case studies, and field notes.
These are needed tools for researcher’s effectiveness in the process of applying
this descriptive method in this research. This research is carried out in order to establish
Nigerians’ understandings of the reality of the existence of demons and their wicked
spirit world as their demonic wicked activities are perpetrated on Christian leaders and
their followers in Southwestern Nigeria, with practical applications to diverse parts and
nations of the world, since demonic wicked activities and atrocities in different nations
and continents of the world are very similar. The essence of this is to create, in the
universal Body of Christ, the spiritual awareness of the spiritual paralysis and lootings
that render the pulpit (ministers) powerless and the pews empty (non-members) in some
churches, in nations of the world. Furthermore, it is to create spiritual awareness in the
Body of Christ, to biblical exorcism, deliverance, and the importance of dynamic spiritual
Samuel Vansiea, “Developing a Ministry Model That Addresses the Needs of Liberian Refugees Suffering From
Post Traumatic Disorder”, 61.
warfare as Beilby and Eddy have rightly emphasized;
in order to curb these wicked
activities and atrocities in Southwestern Nigeria and in the world.
In order to address the problem, the researcher identified contemporary literature,
scholarly books, research reports, journals, book reviews, Bible commentaries, Bible
dictionaries, and books with face-to-face experience in the wicked spirit world, written by
former agents of darkness who served Satan and his host of demons and carried out
demonic wicked activities for Satan and his host of demons in their terrible wicked
kingdoms. These would be carefully explored.
The researcher selected six Nigerian ministers who were born and raised in
Southwestern Nigeria to be interviewed. The researcher knows most of these ministers
personally. Two of these ministers were once invited for one week revival services in the
church that the researcher was pastoring when he was a full-time minister in Nigeria.
One of them was invited as a deliverance minister and the other was invited as a former
agent of darkness who had used the power of darkness to carry out a few demonic wicked
activities. Two of the ministers were not personally known to the researcher. However,
the remaining two had either preached or been involved in the ministration of deliverance
in the church where the researcher was the senior pastor and full-time minister in Nigeria.
These are the determinant qualities that qualified for the interview. Additionally, the
participants also had to possess other necessary characteristics.
First, the participants had to be born and raised in Southwestern Nigeria. Second,
the participants’ parents’ or grand-parents’ background had to be polytheism which made
Beilby and Eddy, Understanding Spiritual Warfare, 3.
the participant to either be born in the midst of idols/demons’ worship or be a living
witness to a few idolatrous practices as he grew up. Third, he had to have been a living
witness to any of these: idolatrous worship, idolatrous sacrifices, and/or idolatrous
festivals. The essence of these idolatrous practices is important to the researcher. In these
idolatrous practices, demonic powers are sometimes manifested or demonstrated for the
glory of Satan and his kingdom. Fourth, he had to be a deliverance minister but not a
deliverance minister by name. He must either have been personally involved in exorcism
or jointly involved in exorcism, as part of a deliverance team. Fifth, he had to have used
the power of demons to carry out wicked activities either for the glory of self or for the
glory of Satan. Lastly, the participant must be truly born again so that he can draw a line
of demarcation between the old life and the new life in Christ, between the presence of
God and the presence of demons and between the power of God and the power of Satan.
The last quality and the first are a must, a necessity to each participant. Any other three
qualities could be added to make him qualified as a participant.
Since the primary focus and setting of this research is Southwestern Nigeria, the
researcher had to travel overseas in order to personally meet these participants and
interview them. These participants live in different states of Southwestern Nigeria. For
instance, two of the participants live in Lagos State, three live in Oyo State, and one lives
in Kogi State respectively. Due to distances from one state to another and also for the
sake of convenience, the participants preferred an individual personal interview or a one-
on-one personal interview which was conducted or carried out in their offices, personal
residences, and pastorium, or in the mission houses where they served as pastors of their
various churches. The types of questions asked were based on their faith and personal
life experiences, on demons as related to their family backgrounds, life experiences, and
ministerial experiences.
Therefore, the interview was strictly related to these issues: the reality of
demons’ existence and their family backgrounds, the reality of the wicked spirit world of
demons and their kingdoms of abode, face-to-face experience with demons, and demons’
manipulated wicked activities on Christian leaders and followers. The researcher used
semi-structured interviews because of his family background and ministerial experiences.
According to Morse and Field, a semi-structured interview means:
The semi-structured interview is used when the researcher knows most of the
questions to ask but cannot predict the answers. It is useful because this
technique ensures that the researcher will obtain all information required, while at
the same time it gives the participant freedom to respond and illustrate the
The researcher used the semi-structured interview for several reasons. First, he
was born and raised in Southwestern Nigerian, West Africa. Second, his family
background’s belief is polytheistic concept of worship; therefore, he was born in the
midst of that polytheistic worship and practices. Third, he is a deliverance minister and he
has carried out ministration of exorcisms. Fourth, he himself has also seen demons face-
to-face as believed and understood in the context of the tradition, language and culture of
the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria.
There were about ten questions that formed the basis of these interviews and
sample interview questions are in Appendix A. It is crucial to note that the names of the
participants were kept strictly confidential for the protection of the participants in
Morse and Field, Qualitative Research Methods for Health Professionals, 94.
Southwestern Nigeria. In order to secure participants’ identity, the researcher used a
coding system derived from William Myers alpha-numerical coding system.
And since
all of them are pastors, every interviewee was assigned a number according to the order
in which he was interviewed. For instance, the “First Pastor Interviewed” is labeled FPI-
1, and the “Second Pastor Interviewed” was labeled SPI-2, and the “Third Pastor
Interviewed” was labeled TPI-3 until the sixth pastor. The narrative report of Chapter
Five substitutes the names of the participants with this alpha-numerical coding, and to
secure the participants’ identities, none of the participants were informed of the order of
the interview.
The methodology, data collection, and analysis were crucial to confirm proper
findings in the field research. The data collection and analysis consisted of an overview
of the interview, the field procedures, a set of research questions and a guide to the
interview. The findings of the analysis resulted in an interpretation that led to the
challenges of the wicked activities of demons on Christian leaders and followers in
Southwestern Nigeria as is described in Chapter Five.
William R. Myers, Research in Ministry: A Primer for the Doctor of Ministry Program, Third Edition (Chicago,
Illinois: Exploration Press, 2002), 69.
The questions were designed and planned from the research findings in Chapter
Two and Chapter Three. Several themes and sub themes emerged from these chapters
that resulted in the following four clusters: the reality of demons’ existence and their
wicked spirit world, demons transformations and embodiments, face-to-face experience
with demons, and the demonic, wicked activities carried out from the wicked spirit world
on Christian leaders and their followers. Their responses were collected, analyzed,
interpreted, and transcribed in order to have a better understanding of the demonic
wicked activities of Satan and his host of demons. In order to protect the identity of the
participants, a coding system was developed for anonymity of the participants in
Southwestern Nigeria. Researcher would like to humbly add that he does not intend to
prove the existence of demons in this project but rather to only cite some face-to-face
encounters and experiences as narrated, believed or known and understood in the
tradition, language and culture of the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria.
The Reality of Demons’ Existence and Their Wicked Spirit World
The first cluster of questions and responses are insights to the perception of the
reality of demons’ existence and their wicked spirit world. And under this theme, from
the first cluster of questions, there are two sub-themes. These sub-themes include: the
reality of
demons’ existence and the family backgrounds of the participants, and the reality of the
wicked spirit world and demons’ diverse transformations and embodiments.
The Reality of Demon’s Existence and the Family Backgrounds of the Participants
The researcher has discovered in his field research that the seed of the denial of
the existence of demons does not germinate in Southwestern Nigeria, and the voice of the
non-existence of demons is not heard in their communications. This unique fact is deeply
rooted in their family backgrounds and lineages. The only root of denial of demons and
the voice of the non-existence of demons were imported from overseas and not even from
any of the countries in Africa. They were imported beliefs and concepts. The reason is
simply because those who were born and raised in Southwestern Nigeria have been living
witnesses to many of these: the worship of idols, sacrifices to idols, idolatry festivals,
testing and displaying of the powers of demons, the use of demons’ powers for
protection, and other so-called demonic blessings, and the seeing of demons face-to-face.
In many of these, sometimes, the powers of demons are visibly and demonstratively
displayed. Therefore, because of their family backgrounds and lineages, it is difficult for
them to deny the existence of demons. In the light of what is briefly stated above,
researcher humbly states that he does not intend to prove the existence of demons in this
project but rather to report face-to-face encounters and experiences of the participants as
narrated, believed and understood in the culture, language and tradition of the Yoruba
people of the Southwestern Nigeria, in West Africa. In other words, as briefly stated
above, it is their unique encounters and experiences with demons that made the seed of
the denial of the existence of demons not to germinate and the voice of the non-existence
of demons not to be communicated among the indigenes of the Yoruba people of the
Southwestern Nigeria. Thus, researcher’s first priority was the family backgrounds and
beliefs on demons.
For instance, when the First Pastor Interviewed (FPI-1) was asked about his
family background, he stated, “Although my grandparents worshipped idols, my
immediate biological parents who brought me to this planet Earth are Christians.
Therefore, my family background is a Christian background.”
When asked if he
believed in the existence of demons, he responded, “Yes, demons exist.” But, when
researcher asked him how he knew this, FPI-1 then stated, “I know that demons exist
because the Bible says so.” He further stated, “I know that demons exist because of my
personal encounters with demons and the personal encounters of my church members
with demons.” Based on what was disclosed to the researcher, it is worth stating: FPI-1
is a deliverance minister. There were very few members who were agents of darkness in
the church working diabolically for the deterrence of the church’s growth, and he further
disclosed how he personally encountered demons under the sub-theme, entitled “Face-to-
Face Experience with Demons,” and discloses mysterious events by agents of darkness.
When asked if he knew anybody in Southwestern Nigeria who does not believe in the
existence of demons, he stated that the only person he knew was a lecturer in our
seminary who came from the Western World to be a lecturer. A student submitted a
paper to him that included the activities of demons but he did not believe. In order to
avoid the oral battle between the lecturer and the student, both of them, the lecturer and
the student, had to go to Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) in Lagos,
Nigeria. This church is known for her dynamic deliverance ministry. Dr. Daniel
Interview with the first pastor October 15, 2013.
Kolawole Olukoya is the General Overseer of the church. As this lecturer who was born
and raised in the Western World was watching dynamic deliverance, victims’
consistently vomiting, diverse manifestations’ happenings and demons cast out of
victims, he was convinced beyond any reasonable doubt and believed. According to FPI-
1, the lecturer graded the paper and gave the student an “A”. Therefore, the only person
known by him is already a converted soul from the Western World. It is important to add
that FPI-1 is an ordained minister and has his Doctor of Ministry DM degree. He is the
youngest pastor among all the participants.
The Second Pastor Interviewed (SPI-2) is also an ordained minister and has his
Ph.D. degree. When asked what he considered his family background to be, he
responded “My parents were born into ‘Ifa’ worship. Therefore, I have a family
background that worshipped idols.”
According to a Yoruba dictionary, “Ifa” means,
“god of divination,” but some interpret “Ifa” to mean “god of palm kernel” because palm
kernel is its major component, or ingredient, for divination.
He disclosed his
polytheistic family worship because he has a pagan family background that worshipped
The prefix that unfolds the etymology of SPI-2’s name has its root from “IFa”
Idol – the god of palm kernel. For the sake of anonymity, interviewer would like to use
his family idols to illustrate this in order to protect his identity. The Researcher’s family
idols are “Oya,” “Sungo,” and “Egungun.” The prefix and etymology of “Oya,” a “river
god” could be “Oyaseyi,” which means the river god has done this. “Sungo,” a “god of
thunder” could be “Sangoseyi,” which means the god of thunder has done this.
Interview with the second pastor October 24, 2013.
A Dictionary of the Yoruba Language, 107.
According to SPI-2, the grand papa who was an herbalist, had a conflict with agents of
darkness who diabolically blocked and stopped a pregnant woman from delivery and did
not want the pregnant woman deliver a child, but the grand papa refused. The battle was
tough and rough! The child was born during this ongoing battle and was given the prefix
and etymology rooted in the family god that the grand papa worshipped. Therefore, to
the family, the background of the name is miraculously and historically unique, as related
to its etymological meaning in the worship of the family idol. As explained above, the
name could be “Ifaseyi,” meaning “god of divination or palm kernel has done this.
When asked whether demons exist or not, he confirmed, “Yes.” He gave three
reasons in defense of his response. First, during deliverance demons in the victims
sometimes speak out. Second, “In dreams, demons change to snakes, lions, and other
creatures and pursue people.” Third, one day, in his personal experience, somebody
walked out of the street-path and walked into the bush, from the bush-path, “covered his
head with a cloth and transformed himself as the spirit of the dead or necromancy and
disappeared in his presence.” The demon in disguise or demon in human embodiment
did not know that SPI-2 was looking at him. And when asked if he knew anybody in
Southwestern Nigeria who does not believe in demons, he simply responded, “Some
missionaries who teach in the seminary.” In other words, some missionaries from the
Western World in Southwestern Nigeria do not believe that demons exist.
The Third Pastor Interviewed (TPI-3) is also an ordained gospel minister in his
denomination. He was a former member of an occult. He joined an overseas occult which
gave him an opportunity to compare and contrast the wicked activities of demons in
Southwestern Nigeria and overseas. When the issue of family background was asked, he
stated, “They are pagan and Christian families. They go to the church and yet join an
occult. They are nominal Christians.”
When asked if demons exist, he confirmed, “Yes,
really they exist.”
In defense of how he knew that demons existed, he stated, “The Bible
says they exist.”
He joined a white cult in India and the invocation of spirit, either in
overseas cults or cults in Southwestern Nigeria, made him to know and believe that
demons exist.
When further asked if he knew anybody in Southwestern Nigeria who
denied the existence of demons, he instantly responded, “Tai Solarin, who denied God, is
the only one who I can think that could deny the existence of demons. Nobody has
boldly denied the existence of demons.”
In other words, he could only think of Tai
Solarin who went overseas to study and came back to Southwestern Nigeria and
publically declared in the newspaper that God does not exist. The researcher was vividly
reminded by the TPI-3 that it was in the early 1970s when the researcher was a student in
a theological college in Ilorin. An American missionary, who was researcher’s principal
in the theological college, asked each student to write his or her response on what Tai
Solarin publically declared, and each student rightly wrote that Tai Solarin was wrong!
God Exists!
The Fourth Pastor Interviewed (FPI-4) is also an ordained minister in his
denomination. He was a former cult member and a former magician before he had a
personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. Before his encounter with our Lord Jesus
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013.
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013..
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013,.
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013,.
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013..
Christ, he was notoriously known for wickedness because he was using the power of
demons to carry out wickedness in Southwestern Nigeria. It is worth saying that before
researcher came to study at Bethel University, researcher had once invited FPI-4 for a
week revival service in his church in Southwestern Nigeria and it was very glorious. His
life has been a challenge of transformations to many nominal Christians who were neither
genuine Christian nor genuine pagan. Many give God the glory for their present
transformed lives.
When asked about his family background, he stated, “My family background is
neither Christianity nor idolatry, but I will rather call it a traditional religion.”
He further
explained the reason why he did not see his family background from Christian
perspectives. According to him, when he was born, his parents gave him a Christian
name on the eighth day and dedicated him to Jesus. These parents were nominal
Christians. It is also interesting, but also funny to know, that on the ninth day, his
grandfather, who was the priest of the family idol, also gave him a traditional name (the
prefix and etymology were completely rooted in the family idol) and dedicated him to the
family idol/demon.
This was the beginning of FPI-4’s empowerment into the kingdom
and service of demons, and their wicked activities. When asked if he believed in the
existence of demons, he convincingly affirmed, “Yes!”
When the researcher further
asked how he knew that demons existed, he stated, “The Bible confirms that demons
He further defended how he knew that demons existed by stating, “’Ifa’ oracle
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013.
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013.
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013, .
in Yoruba traditional religion that says demons exist.”
“Ifa” oracle in Yoruba
traditional religion could be compared or likened to the Holy Scriptures in Christian
religion. In other words, “Ifa” oracle is the Yoruba traditional, ancient scripture of the
gods, where the origin, history, and activities of the gods are written and kept. For
instance, the FPI-4 quoted “Odu” or “chapter” in Ifa oracles and stated, “Odu Osa
Eleye/Osa Meji” tell us how “Ajogun,” “Irunmole” or spirits/gods came to this world.”
The chapters quoted in his response also explain some activities of witches.
When one understands FPI-4, his past life and relationships with demons, as well
as with demons’ powers and kingdoms, one would really appreciate why he quoted, “Ifa”
oracle as a source of his conviction to affirm that he knew that demons exist. FPI-4’s
past life could be briefly summarized thus: a cult member, a masquerade practicing man,
a magician, a man who used the powers of darkness for wicked activities and used
incantations, as a former magician, to see demons face-to-face as believed and
understood in the context of the culture, language and tradition of the Yoruba people of
Southwestern Nigeria. Therefore, he gave “Ifa” oracles and chapters as one of the
sources that caused him to believe that demons existed because the gods, demons, and
powers in “Ifa” oracle are real to him. As a former magician, he claimed to have seen
demons face-to-face as perceived and understood from the culture, language and tradition
of the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria. When asked if he knew anybody in
Southwestern Nigeria who did not believe in the existence of demons, he casually
responded, “Free thinkers.”
In his mind, he was thinking of Tai Solarin, the only
Interview with the fourth pastor November 28, 2013, .
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013.
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013.
Nigerian-known student who went overseas to study and came back to deny the existence
of God because of his secular-free reasoning without God.
The Fifth Pastor Interviewed (FPI-5) is also an ordained minister in his
denomination. He is the only one who has a Muslim background, as compared with the
rest whose family backgrounds are of polytheistic worships and practices. Although his
family background is Muslim, he is also a dynamic deliverance minister as are the rest of
the participants. When asked about his family background, FPI-5 simply stated
As to the existence of demons, he stated, “Yes”
In his defense on how he
knows that demons exist, he stated, “The Bible says that demons exist.”
He further
explained, as a deliverance minister, demons sometimes speak out from a victim during
deliverance. He shared one of his experiences with the researcher and said that a demon
spoke to him when he was casting the demon out of a victim. The demon said that he
would not be cast out, he would not leave the victim and that the victim’s body would be
his home of abode. According to FPI-5, when the deliverance became tough and hot with
Holy Ghost fire, the demon in the victim became violent, squeezing the victim and
causing the victim to fall down, but ultimately, left the victim under the anointing of the
Holy Ghost.
Therefore, he knows that demons exist because demons have directly
spoken to him during deliverance.
The Sixth Pastor Interviewed (SPI-6) is also an ordained minister in his
denomination and at present, he is a student studying for his Ph.D. He agrees that his
Interview with the fifth pastor December 8, 2013..
Interview with the Fifth Pastor December 8, 2013.
Interview with the Fifth Pastor December 8, 2013..
Interview with the Fifth Pastor December 8, 2013.
lineage is pagan, as he has a family background that worshipped idols and also believed
in the existence of demons.
He is a deliverance minister and because of his effective
deliverance ministry, researcher had once invited SPI-6 for a week revival service in
researcher’s church in Southwestern Nigeria, before researcher came to Bethel University
to study. When SPI-6 was asked how he knows that demons exist, he simply stated four
reasons: first, his practical experience in deliverance ministry through effective
exorcism; second, testimonies of the victims after deliverance; third, he was a living
witness to fatal demonic attacks; and finally, “The Bible says that demons exist.”
It is
interesting to note that he gave his points as a typical Yoruba man, or from the
perspective of the Yoruba culture. The best point comes last. When asked if he knew
anybody who did not believe in the existence of demons in Southwestern Nigeria, he
said, “Only in the Western World.”
As explained earlier, SPI-6 is presently studying for
his Ph.D. in one of the universities in the United Kingdom, and he is also writing his
The Reality of the Wicked Spirit World and Demons’
Diverse Transformation and Embodiments
Since all the participants were born and raised in Southwestern Nigeria, and most
of their lineages and family backgrounds are polytheistic concepts of worship and
practices, researcher discovered that their responses to questions in this sub-theme were
very similar most of the time, sometimes identical. These questions for example: reality
of the demonic, wicked spirit world, demons and their agents’ diverse transformations
Interview with the Sixth Pastor January 4, 2014..
Interview with the Sixth Pastor January 4, 2014.
Interview with the Sixth Pastor January 4, 2014..
and embodiments, and the purpose of these demons and their agents, for coming to this
planet earth. The only question in this sub-theme where their responses were not the
same was when they were asked if they knew anybody who had come from the wicked
spirit world to planet earth.
All the pastors interviewed agree with FPI-4 that the wicked spirit world of
demons and their spirit world of abode are in the air, land, water, and under the earth’s
crust. They can also live in animals, birds, trees, forests, bushes, mountains, burial
grounds, houses, and even human beings. According to FPI-4, there is no where they
cannot live on earth because they are disembodied spirit beings.
To him as former
magician, this is one of the reasons why everybody needs Jesus Christ, in order to wage
dynamic spiritual warfare to triumph over demonic activities. In regards to their
transformations and embodiments, he affirms that demons can transform to dwarfs,
human beings, male or female, black or white; they can even transform to animals, birds,
deer, hornets, bees, objects, as well as many diverse forms.
“Satan is able to transform
himself into 999 different forms… He can also appear in his original form of beauty
(making 1,000 forms in all), but he can only do this for a limited period of time.”
the issue of demons’ purpose for coming to planet earth, all of the interviewees believe
and agree, with varied examples, that the demons come to earth in order to carry out their
wicked activities, however, SPI-6 quoted a professor from University of Ilorin, in
Southwestern Nigeria, who defended that Satan can do good and bad.
As has already
Interview with the Fourth Pastor November 8, 2013..
Interview with the Fourth Pastor November 8, 2013.
Timmons, Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom, 105.
Interview with the Sixth Pastor January 4, 2014..
been stated, SPI-6 is a PH.D student at one of the universities in the United Kingdom at
present, writing his dissertation. Theologically, he does not agree with everything the
professor defended but quoted it as a potential scholar.
FPI-1 agrees that demons and their agents come to this earth from the wicked
spirit world in order to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), and also to collect blood to be
donated to the blood bank in the wicked spirit world.
The rest of the pastors
interviewed also agree that demons and their agents come from the wicked spirit world to
oppress, possess, inflict sickness and various wicked activities on earth
, but SPI-6
quoted a professor from the University of Ilorin, in Southwestern Nigeria, who defends
that Satan can do good and bad. According to this report, the professor does so by
quoting some Yoruba names with prefixes and etymologies that begin and have their
roots from “esu,” which means “Satan,” but the names hardly exist. The typical
examples of the names quoted include “Esubunmi,” which means “Satan has given me
this or a gift from Satan.” Another one is “Esugbayi,” which means “Satan has taken this
The defense is academically sound but morally and spiritually unsound because
nobody is interested in bearing such names in this era of our present century. According
to SPI- 6, Satan is believed and known for his wickedness; for instance, nobody or
worshipper builds a house for the shrine of “esu,” (also known as Satan) inside or under
the roof of his house, in Southwestern Nigeria. His altar for “esu” is always outside the
house. The simple reason that is “esu” is wicked. It is worth saying that “esu” was one
Interview with the Sixth Pastor October 24, 2014..
Interview with the First Pastor October 15, 2013.
Interview with the Second Pastor October 24, 2013.
Interview with the Sixth Pastor January 4, 2014.
of the family idols of the researcher. Therefore, “Esubunmi” which means “Satan has
given me this or a gift from Satan,” or “Esugbayi” which means “Satan has taken this
away from me” may be academically sound and defendable, but not practically, morally,
and spiritually sound. For some people the prefix or etymology of their names begin with
or are named after family idols such as “Sango” that the prefix becomes “Sangoseyi’ that
means “god of thunder has done this or given this” and not even “Esu” or “Satan” himself
that is believed to be wicked among demons in Southwestern Nigeria, have changed their
names, believing it has a link with “Sango” or god of thunder or demons, and such
demonic wicked links should be broken. In other words, to truly born again Christians,
any name that has connection or link with demon is a bad name. Therefore, the link is
demonic and wicked, having demonic wicked consequences. Christians are changing
such names. It would be good enough to conclude that all the pastors interviewed agreed
with the FPI-4, the former magician, those demons and their agents have nothing good to
offer in the earth but wickedness or wickedness in deceit or disguise
The last part of this sub-theme has to do with knowing any people who have come
from the wicked spirit world of demons to planet earth. When asked if FPI-1 knew
anybody who had come from the wicked spirit world to earth, he responded, “Erelu”
According to FPI-1, “Erelu” is a high chieftaincy title for women in the kingdom of
darkness. “Erelu” went to her demonic meeting in order to supply blood for Satan’s
blood bank for that year. “Erelu” and the rest of the agents do this every year but they
had a spiritual collision with Benson Idahosa, a highly anointed man of God in Nigeria,
and the meeting did not hold. This spiritual collision led to confession that exposed many
Interview with the Fourth Pastor November 29, 2013..
Interview with the First Pastor October 15, 2013..
secrets of the blood bank of demons and some agents of darkness from the wicked spirit
world in Nigeria.
The researcher also was in his country during that confession, and he
had not yet started studying at Bethel University when it happened. There are many
unknown agents of darkness in different parts of the world. For things like this to
happen, researcher would like to humbly suggest that our Christian leaders must be
highly anointed, and the church must go into dynamic spiritual warfare as Beilby and
Eddy have rightly suggested.
The herald of miracles has not gone!
When asked if SPI-2 knew anyone who had come from the wicked spirit world of
demons, he simply mentioned the former prominent agents of darkness that are well
known and respected in Nigeria, and named them, “Omo Aworawo, Ade Omooba Jesu,
and Evan Akinbobola.”
Apart from the Bible, the church in Nigeria gives priority to
these sources rather than writers who do a lot of guess work and assumptions in their
books with portions born of confusion. And when asked if TPI-3 knew anyone who had
come from the wicked spirit world, he stated, “I have been there.”
This answer is
deeply rooted in the culture, context, language and understanding of the Yoruba people of
Southwestern Nigeria. As earlier stated, he joined cults in Nigeria, West Africa, and
overseas. As it could be implied and understood, he himself was a living witness to the
wicked spirit world as understood in the culture of the land. It was during the interview
that researcher met SPI-2 and TPI-3 for the first time. They were recommended to him
during his field research because of their past experiences and backgrounds.
Interview with the First Pastor October 15, 2013..
Beilby and Eddy, Understanding Spiritual Warfare, 1.
Interview with the Second Pastor October 24, 2013..
Interview with the Third Pastor November 20, 2013.
When asked if FPI-4, a former magician, knew of anyone who had come from the
wicked spirit world to planet earth, he simply gave a practical example of the experiences
that magicians have with demons through incantations and the power of demons.
According to him, he was going on a long journey with his mother one day, and they
were walking on a rugged footpath. The ruggedness of the footpath and the lack of food
to eat made his mother tired, helpless, and even weepy. The tears on his mother’s face
broke his heart. He excused himself, went into the bush, made some incantations as a
magician, and demons appeared and brought food. FPI-4 told researcher, “Demons
appeared and brought Yoruba traditional Agidi made out of maize and a prepared, cooked
chicken, warm and ready to be eaten. I received it and brought it to my mother to eat. My
mother was refreshed and empowered for the journey.”
The Fifth Pastor Interviewed (FPI-5), who is also a deliverance minister, knew a
person who came from the wicked spirit world to this physical world through a dynamic
ministration of deliverance. According to FPI-5, a demon from the wicked spirit world
entered into the womb of a pregnant woman and was born onto planet earth. When the
demon entered the womb, the pregnant woman experienced serious bleeding and thought
she had miscarried. The child (a baby girl) was stillborn. The demon from the wicked
spirit world stood in a corner and stated, “I will enter into the womb again.”
All these
secrets and others were disclosed when the Holy Ghost’s powerful ministration of
dynamic deliverance was going on. He saw a demon incarnate, face-to-face as understood
and interpreted by him in the context, language and understanding of the Yoruba culture.
Interview with the Fourth Pastor November 29, 2013.
Interview with the Fifth Pastor December 8, 2013..
The SPI-6 is also a deliverance minister and when asked if he knew anyone who
had come from the wicked spirit world, he simply responded, “The possessed.”
other words, demons that possess the possessed ones are all from the wicked spirit world.
Therefore, to him they come from the wicked spirit world of the kingdoms of demons,
and these include demons, demonic agents, and human agents. They come to carry out
their wicked operations and activities on the planet earth.
Seeing Demons Face-to-Face in Their Transformations and Embodiments
All the pastors interviewed believe that demons are disembodied spirit beings and
one cannot see the spirit. They also believe that these demons can change form—
transform. Although one cannot see the spirit, they also believe that one can see these
demons when they change into diverse transformations and embodiments for the purpose
of carrying out their wicked activities on the earth. This is the core essence of this
section; and this has to do with seeing demons face-to-face in their transformations and
embodiments’ states so that they can carry out their wicked activities. The experiences of
the participants will now be explored. As researcher explores the face-to-face encounters
and experiences of the participants, researcher does not intend to prove the existence of
demons but to report as narrated from the perspective and understanding of the context,
language and culture of Yoruba people of the Southwester Nigeria, in West Africa.
The First Pastor Interviewed (FPI-1) is a moderator of an association and on the
day he was interviewed, another pastor who is a friend came to the pastorium so that they
could go to the association together. This pastor was a living witness to the interview,
and when asked if FPI-1 had ever seen demons face-to-face, FPI-1’s friend, who is also a
Interview with the Sixth Pastor January 4, 2014.
pastor and a deliverance minister, politely interrupted, and this researcher respected his
courteous intrusion and gave him the opportunity to speak. The friend of FPI-1 claimed
and spoke with conviction and enthusiasm in the context, language and culture of the
Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria that he had seen demons face-to-face when
he was ministering deliverance for his sister-in-law. We all gave him our full attention.
He told us that while he was conducting a powerful deliverance for his sister-in-law, “A
strange bird with an unusual voice was crying and I knew that this was a demonic bird or
demon. Suddenly, a creature appeared resembling a human being with horns on his head
that looked diabolical in appearance. I didn’t have to be told that the creature was a
His experience was in agreement or similar with some experiences or
examples cited in Chapter Three. That was the result of an effective deliverance. All that
these demons could do was be annoyed and manifest face-to-face their annoyance when
dislodged and unseated. They were powerless in the mighty name of Jesus from an
anointed man of God and the committed and faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.
FPI-1also had a face-to-face encounter with demons. He personally disclosed that
there were agents of darkness serving as a great deterrence to the growth of the church.
His presence in the church, his Holy Ghost ministry, and dynamic prayer life were
weapons of spiritual warfare and threats against demons and their agents. Therefore,
demons attacked him in the night. According to him, demons transformed and came in
different forms to attack him. He said, “They transformed into snakes and cats. They
Interview with the First Pastor October 15, 2013.
came to me in the night in forms of fire to rain havoc of destruction and even came to me
in the form of cats.”
FPI-1 concluded, “God rescued me.”
The response of the Second Pastor Interviewed (SPI-2) was that, he had never
seen demons face-to-face. But he did have a unique observation during deliverance that
none of the other participants observed in their deliverance ministries. According to SPI-
2, during deliverance, there is sometimes, the terrible “perception of odor.”
In other
words, demons sometimes give off terrible odors during deliverance. It seems as though
demons sometimes discharge the wind of terrible odors from their anuses as an indication
of annoyance when cast out and dislodged. Demons often pollute the air during
deliverance with terrible odors.
The Fourth Pastor Interviewed (FPI-4), the former magician, confessed that a
demonic committed magician sees demons face-to-face as rooted in understanding,
culture and language of people of Southwestern Nigeria. He further revealed why the
magicians, and others who use the in depth power of demons, love to see demons face-to-
face. According to him, they love to see demons face-to-face in order to accumulate
more demonic powers for demonic activities, and his practical example of such a demon
is “egbere” or “a spirit”. Quoting a “Yoruba” adage that gave a deeper meaning to the
name – “egbere” or spirit,
he said, “He weeps as ‘egbere’ or spirit.” For better
understanding, it could be translated thus, “She weeps as a demon known or called
Interview with the First Pastor October 15, 2013.
Interview with the First Pastor October 15,2013..
Interview with the Second Pastor October 24, 2013.
Interview with the Fourth Pastor November 29, 2013.
‘egbere’- a spirit.”
In the light of this adage as related to “egbere” or spirit” and in this
context, researcher would like to call “egbere” “a weeping demon/spirit.” The former
magician also revealed a few characteristics of a weeping demon that explained why
magicians, hunters, and a few others love and desire to see “egbere” face-to-face; why
researcher gave that demon the nickname “a weeping demon.”
First, the weeping demon weeps and sheds a lot of tears; second, he looks like a
mad person; third, he is shorter than normal human beings or rather, he is a dwarfish
demon; fourth, he carries or holds a mat at his chest; fifth, the mat is used for demonic
concoctions and to accumulate more demonic powers; sixth, the magician, hunters and a
few others diabolically wrestle with the weeping demon in order to take the mat from
him; seventh, the magician may win the wrestling and overcome the weeping demon and
get the mat; eighth, the weeping demon may also win and overcome the magician; ninth,
if the weeping demon wins the wrestle and overcomes the magician, that is instant
The magician has to take a risk, make a choice. He either wrestles, wins, and
gets the mat from the weeping demon and accumulates more demonic power, or he
wrestles with the weeping demon and loses the battle and dies instantly. To FPI-4 after
his conversion, none of the choices is worth risking, because both lead to eternal
punishment and damnation in Hell. But, according to the magician, some risk the battle
such as the magicians, herbalist, hunters, and a few others.
The Third Pastor Interviewed (TPI-3) does not only affirm that he has seen
demons face-to-face but further disclosed the secret and content of the concoction used
Interview with the Fourth Pastor November 29, 2013.
Interview with the Fourth Pastor November 29, 2013..
Interview with the Fourth Pastor November 29, 2013..
by cult members for the purpose of seeing demons face-to-face. The essence of this
paper is not to reveal the detailed secret of the concoction, so the researcher will only
disclose one of the major contents of the concoction. According to TPI-3, “The water
used to bath the dead body of the deceased will be mixed with other contents and
becomes a demonic concoction. We would use it to wash our faces and be demonically
empowered to see demons face-to-face.
There were different types of demonic
concoctions revealed that the researcher cannot disclose because of the limited pages in
this paper.
The Fifth Pastor Interviewed (FPI-5) stated, “I have not seen demons face-to-face,
but I have seen great manifestations during deliverances.”
Unlike the FPI-5, who has
not seen demons face-to-face, the Sixth Pastor Interviewed claimed to have seen demons.
When asked if he knew anyone who had seen demons face-to-face, he responded by
giving some examples that would help one to easily know his family background and
who his grandparents were. As TPI-3 had previously done, SPI-6 also shared one of the
major demonic concoctions or ingredients combined with the rest of the mixture,
enabling the candidate to see demons face-to-face. According to him, “The matter
oozing from the eyes of a dog is one of the major ingredients that is diabolically mixed
and prepared with other ingredients, which demonically empowers the individual to see
demons face-to-face.”
The traditional and spiritual concept behind this is as follows:
dogs see beyond the physical, therefore, the diabolic concoction will demonically
Interview with the Third Pastor November 20, 2013..
Interview with the Fifth Pastor December 8, 2013..
Interview with the Sixth Pastor January 4, 2014.
empower individuals to see beyond the physical and see demons face-to-face. Some of
these concoctions have been effectively used by some agents but forbidden by the Lord.
The SPI-6 further disclosed that demons sometimes look like beautiful ladies.
According to him, one day a man was walking and met a beautiful lady and this
encounter with this beautiful lady caused him to become feverish. Suddenly, as he was
looking at her, this beautiful lady mysteriously disappeared from his presence. He then
went home, but the fever was very severe and he died.
He saw demon face-to-face but
it was also face-to-face attack with demon and he died!
The Wicked Activities of Demons on Christian Leaders and Followers
From the Wicked Spirit World
All the pastors interviewed believed and agreed that the wicked activities of
demons are carried out through demonic dreams, covenants, curses, incantations, and few
others by inflicting sicknesses, frustration, accidents, suicide, ill-luck, torture, madness,
pain, depression, confusion, fights, and some others on Christian leaders and followers.
Therefore, this section is to explore those wicked activities of demons either from the
experiences of the participants or the experiences of others. As researcher explores the
wicked activities of demons as experienced by either the participants or others, researcher
will like to humbly emphasize that he does not intend to prove the existence of demons
but rather to report the unusual and excited experiences of the participants as already
indicated above in their ministries, lives and backgrounds. The researcher will begin the
exploration of these experiences, one after the other from the participants.
The First Pastor Interviewed (FPI-1) is a deliverance minister, and he has some
experiences to share from the victims who came for deliverance and his own personal
Interview with the Sixth Pastor January 4, 2014..
experiences. These are some of the experiences he shared: First, a pregnant woman had
a problem in a dream that was demonically inspired and led to miscarriage. Whenever
this pregnant woman saw a ripe red kernel in her dream, it would instantly lead to
miscarriage. This happened twice before the yoke of the attack and covenant was broken
in her dream and she was delivered in the name of Jesus.
Second, according to FPI-1, a
young man was looking for a job, but whenever he dreamed and saw an old school
uniform, the interview would not be successful. That was to cause delay and setback for
the victim. The dream was demonically inspired. The yoke of the attack and covenant
was broken during deliverance and he got a job.
Third, a mechanic was cursed in the
city of Ilorin Kwara State, Nigeria, and he became mad. The mechanic was told to march
into the bush as a mad man and he obeyed. The FPI-1 held an open-air crusade at
“Malete” and the mad mechanic was there. The mad mechanic was prayed for,
deliverance ministered, the spirit of insanity departed, and he was healed.
And lastly, a
lady’s destiny was distorted by a destiny destroyer. It was the making of a demonic
concoction with the water used to bathe her when she was born. Two of them were to
marry on the same day in the family, but the Pastor denied her own wedding. According
to FPI-1, the problem continues to affect her even now. Bad luck continues to work
against her destiny.
Or, at least, at the time the interview was conducted.
The Second Pastor Interviewed (SPI-2) gave only one example of wicked
activities of demons in a dream that was real to the individual and difficult to forget.
Interview with the first pastor . October 15, 2013.
Interview with the first pastor October 15, 2013.
Interview with the first pastor October 15, 2013.
Interview with the first pastor October 15, 2013.
According to him, as a man was sleeping one day, he heard somebody calling him in the
dream and he woke up. Immediately upon waking, he wanted to run out of the house as a
mad man, but fortunately, his wife understood and held him down. He went back to
sleep and never woke up again. Instead, he died.
According to FPI-4 or the former
magician, this is using the power of incantation for demonic wickedness in dreams.
Unlike the SPI-2, the TPI-3 has more examples to share because of his past
involvement and former experiences in using the power of darkness. Here are a few of
the examples he gave. First, eating in a dream, when diabolically inspired, can result in
demonic sickness or sickness that has its origin from demons. And when somebody in a
dream is pursued by someone wearing rags, when it is diabolically empowered, it will
result in bad luck, and the person will experience setbacks in his job. The person cannot
That yoke and power of demons in dreams has to be broken. Second, TPI-3
went to the graveyard with his clients to invoke the demons in the graveyard for the
purpose of financial prosperity, and empowerment for abundance, and demonic riches.
He further disclosed that they diabolically ride humans to their demonic wicked meetings
in the night and that is the reason such people have pains and are so weak when they
wake up in the morning.
Third, as the SPI-2 explained above in his only example,
TPI-3 further confirmed that they use power of demons to diabolically kill people. A
practical example is what “Yoruba” calls “magun.”
“Magun,” as Dr. Akande, a New
Interview with the second pastor October 24, 2013..
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013..
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013..
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013..
Testament scholar, defined it, is “don’t climb,” a charm. “Magun’ in Yoruba traditional
religion or mythology is an anti-promiscuity or anti-infidelity charm.
Dr. Akande went
on to explain the reality of “Magun,” or “don’t climb,” charm with an illustration that
states, “Just back from overseas study, he died of ‘don’t climb’ charm.”
The person
who died as a result of “don’t climb” charm was a pastor who died because of sex with a
woman who was not his wife. TPI-3 further disclosed that the agents kill people with
“afose.” In Yoruba dictionary, “afose” means “Soothsaying, divination,”
but in practice,
as disclosed by him, “afose” is antelope horns with three needles and other ingredients
mixed together. The content of this demonic concoction is kept inside the antelope’s horn
for demonic operations.
Therefore, incantations or “afose” that Yoruba dictionary
interprets as “Soothsaying, divination” but the TPI-3 calls it “afose”, or “antelope’s
horn,” means the same thing with just a little difference or clarification. For clarification,
“afose” means antelope’s horn when one thinks of it as an object or vessel used for
demonic operations. “Afose,” or “antelope’s horn “ with all its demonic concoctions
inside it, is the object or vessel used for demonic operation for wickedness but
incantation is the voices or words spoken inside the antelope’s horn for demonic
operation and wickedness. One will appreciate this better when one understands the
meaning the Yoruba dictionary gives to the word incantation. Incantation means, “Orin
afose, isefaya, edi, ofo, igede, efun”
in Yoruba dictionary. Generally, they almost mean
Blog. Secure Marriage Helps,, December 31, 2013.
Rev. Dr. Akande, Miracles, Mysteries, Death and Dying, 119.
A Dictionary of the Yoruba Language, 9.
Interview with the third pastor was on November 20, 2013..
A Dictionary of the Yoruba Language, 95.
the same thing but researcher likes to single out two words or meanings out of the
meanings given. The first word is “ofo or igede” which means incantation, and it has to
do with the words spoken or communicated with demonic power. The second word is the
first meaning given by Yoruba dictionary, which is “orin afose,” and this literally means
“song of ‘afose’” or “song of the antelope’s horn.” Therefore, the two words, or
meanings of incantation from Yoruba dictionary, have to do with the words spoken or
communicated in the power of demons for demonic operations or the song sung or
spoken into the antelope’s horn for demonic operations and wickedness.
One will further appreciate and understand better that the word incantation and
“afose,” or antelope’s horn, means the same thing with just a little difference or
clarification when one understands another word or meaning that the Fourth Pastor
Interviewed gives “afose” or antelope’s horn. Another word or name he gives for “afose
or antelope’s horn is “Olugbohun.”
The researcher checked for the word “Olugbohun”
in Yoruba dictionary, but it could not be found because the word is not used in the daily
business or social life of the Yoruba people. The word is personified and mostly used by
the people or members of the secret world and agents of darkness, and not for public use.
The word, “Olugbohun,” (the prefix and etymology are from God), means the listener or
hearer who listens or hears the voices or spoken words when communicated. But, in this
context, the voices or spoken words are to demons.
When the word “Olugbohun” is used by the people of the secret world or agents
of darkness, it is used to communicate incantations or demonic spoken words either to the
air (not directly to any object) or to the antelope’s horn (directly to an object) so that
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013..
demons may go into operation for the purpose of the destruction of lives and property.
Therefore, in the physical world, “Olugbohun,” “afose,” or antelope’s horn, are physical
objects, but in the spirit realm, they represent demons. In the physical world, most of the
time, incantation is secretly or openly spoken into the antelope’s horn and its
concoctions, but in the spirit realm, incantations are directly spoken to demons and not
into the antelope’s horn. In the physical world, “Olugbohun,” “afose,” or antelope’s
horn, and incantation mean the same thing yet there are little differences, but in the spirit
realm, they all mean the same thing. They all mean the same thing because they all have
a single goal, and this goal is to mobilize demons into operation for the purpose of the
destruction of lives and property.
The Third Pastor Interviewed further disclosed that a business man used this
power of “afose,” incantation or antelope’s horn against an officer (name withheld) who
was using his post to give the business man and his business problems and caused the
officer to become mad.
He concluded and further disclosed that demons and their agents diabolically use
demonic board, broken beads, a grooved broken pot and spider webs to cause
Each of these listed items has its diabolic wickedness and function. The
researcher will only use example of spider webs because they are so numerous. He
looked at me and asked, when spider webs break, can they be re-tied? He (the Third
Pastor Interviewed) would take a spider web, break it and make a diabolic incantation
with all the concoctions involved and state, “When a spider web breaks, no one can re-tie
it. As long as it is impossible for anybody on earth to re-tie a broken spider web, so shall
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013.
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013..
it be impossible for Mrs. So and So to become pregnant.”
According to him, unless
deliverance is conducted and the yoke of barrenness is broken in the name of Jesus, she
will remain barren for life because the outcome has already been empowered
The Fourth Pastor Interviewed, a former magician, had had a wealth of
experiences regarding the wicked activities of demons when he was living in the world
for demons. They are too numerous but a few will be shared. First, from his past
experiences as a magician, he believed and agreed that a lot of atrocities are carried out in
dreams. Bad-luck, setbacks, and sicknesses can be inflicted upon people and they can
even be diabolically killed in dreams through incantations.
The word incantation was
very important and real to him because he had used it several times, noting that a
magician cannot effectively function without incantations. Second, he really
demonstrated and displayed the powers and wicked activities of demons when he was in
the world. For instance, he used the powers of darkness to steal money and property
from people. Even when doors were tightly locked, he would go in! According to him,
he would back against the wall of the locked room, make some incantations that were
mysteriously empowered by demons, and then he would be inside the locked room. Once
in there, he would steal money and property. Furthermore, he stated, “I would ask people
to lay eggs, and they would lay eggs.”
This may be difficult for the Western mind to
believe, but that was his demonic experience that made people to give God the glory for
the Holy Ghost, in gospel-power, in Southwestern Nigeria. He would ask ladies he hated
Interview with the third pastor November 20, 2013..
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
(unbelievers) to literally lay eggs as chickens, and this was effectively carried out before
researcher came to Bethel University to study. People can understand why he is highly
respected after his conversion and why researcher had once invited him for a week-long
revival in his church. Third, when FPI-4 was in the world as a magician, he made people
mad. Two species of lizards were singled out for this operation and wickedness. The first
species of lizard was the house-lizard, which is the smallest of the lizards that lives inside
the house with humans. The second one was a snake-lizard which looks like a snake and
lives in the bush. When these were diabolically prepared and demonically empowered,
the victim would be tearing the garments that he was wearing or garments that he put on
with his own hands. That marked the beginning of madness.
Moreover, he further
disclosed that he made peoples’ brains to be too dull and unintelligent so that they would
not be able to count money because they would not know the value of money.
According to him, some deliverance ministers had conducted deliverances for some of
these victims in Southwestern Nigeria with some successes and victories.
Before he revealed how demons and their wicked agents distorted and destroyed
the destiny of people, he warned against heretical doctrine and beliefs about black and
white witches. He claimed that all witches, whether white or black witches, are all bad
because they are all manipulating and operating from the wicked spirit world.
He then
revealed how demons and their agents distorted and destroyed the destinies of people by
revealing the secret of the concoctions they use to make them miserable. According to
him, the agents of demons take the heart of a new born baby, put it in a clay pot, put the
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
clay pot on the fire and turn it to powder for the demonic concoction to be used.
Although the child will grow strong and healthy as normal, he will grow to be miserable
if the yoke is not broken in the power and name of our mighty Jesus.
As the Third Pastor Interviewed disclosed the items used to diabolically cause
barrenness, he also disclosed the same thing with just a little difference. “The broken
clay pot, house-lizards that live inside the house with people, spider webs, and the species
of flies known as hunter’s flies;”
these and others were diabolically prepared and
demonically empowered and the woman would remain barren until the yoke was broken
in the name of Jesus.
Two things are worth saying as researcher concludes on the FPI-4, the former
magician, and they are as follow: first, he also used these wicked demonic powers, like
spiritual demonic bullets, on faithful and committed Christians on the crusade ground, but
failed and even the reverse was the case. In other words, the spiritual demonic bullets
that the former magician released affected the followers following his masquerade and
not the faithful and committed Christians who were on the crusade ground.
All the
atrocities that he carried out as a former magician were successfully carried out on the
unbelievers and nominal Christians who were not genuinely and truly born again. Indeed,
as a former magician, he had practical experiences and more face-to-face demonic
testimonies than the rest participants as could be understood from the context, language
and culture of the indigenous people of the Southwestern Nigeria. It is also wise enough
to add that one can understand why his conversion was genuine. He had tasted the power
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013.
Interview with the fourth pastor November 29, 2013..
of God and the power of Satan and discovered the enormous and mighty difference. The
eternal gap and difference is clear. Second, during the time of the interview, the former
magician cited incantations from “Ifa” oracles as he was speaking. However, in its
entirety, it was too long to cite. It is further worth saying that because of the background
of the researcher, researcher knows a few of these “Ifa” oracles. He has them in his
memory, and he can also fluently recite them in his native language. The former
magician’s conversion and decamping from demons are of great blessings to the whole
Christendom. What powerful and transforming testimonies!
Although the Fifth Pastor Interviewed has a Muslim family background, he is also
a deliverance minister and he also has some experiences to share. First, he said how
agents of darkness rode people as horses or donkeys to their demonic meetings when the
victims slept at night. During this time, the body of a victim, if one enters his room,
would look like the dead one until the spirit returned. These are demonic supernatural
mysteries. A couple who were victims came to FPI-5 for deliverance, and they were
Second, a woman ate in her dream, and it resulted in her having an ulcer.
She sold almost all she had and still was not cured until she was delivered during the
inauguration of the Baptist Conference. Third, somebody slept in the night and had an
attack in a dream. This person shouted aloud from the dream, and when attacked person
woke up, he had become dumb. According the FPI-5 “He, the victim, is still dumb and
cannot speak till today.”
Or this was still the man’s condition at the time the interview
was conducted.
Interview with the fifth pastor December 8, 2013..
Interview with the fifth pastor December 8, 2013..
Fourth, he, the Fifth Pastor, was praying for a nurse one day because her problem
was gradually turning to madness. The spirit of insanity was taking over her life little by
little. The spirit was very stubborn and spoke out from within her to the Fifth Pastor that
he, the spirit, was sent to torment her. Those stubborn demons reacted in annoyance.
The demon was cast out in the power and the name of Jesus.
It should be noted that the
spirit was sent to torment her. What wickedness! And furthermore, a married couple who
could not get pregnant because the wife had fibroid tumors and was operated on twice
also came for deliverance. After the second operation, the doctor said that the situation
was hopeless but when prayed for, God miraculously opened the hopeless womb, and she
became pregnant and gave birth to a baby.
Deliverance prayers in the mighty name of
Jesus made possible what the medical doctors had pronounced impossible in the
deliverance ministry of the fifth pastor interviewed.
The Sixth Pastor Interviewed also agreed that some dreams are demonic dreams,
demonically inspired for demonic wicked activities. Agents of darkness also use the
power of demons to kill people and even one another. In other words, the stronger
demonic agents sometimes kill the weaker demonic agents. Here are some of his
experiences. First, his brother was attacked and hurt in a dream. He seriously started
feeling the pain when he woke up. In another dream, somebody ate in his dream; he had a
stomach ache when he awoke.
Second, a mother died and her relatives believed that the
death was through a demonic attack. Her relatives wept and buried her. After the burial,
the son of the deceased woman slept on his deceased mother’s bed and had a demonic
Interview with the fifth pastor December 8, 2013..
Interview with the fifth pastor December 8, 2013..
Interview with the sixth pastor January 4, 2014..
attack, resulting in cuts on his body. Because of the cuts, he started to cry from the
dream, and when he woke up, the bed sheet was full of blood. The victim and bed sheet
were taken to the pastorium of the Sixth Pastor Interviewed as evidence so that SPI-6
might pray the prayer of deliverance.
In other words, demonic cuts in the dream
resulted in physical cuts to the body and the visible shedding of the victim’s blood.
During the time of the interview, the pastor told the researcher that the case had just
happened. Lastly, two members of a secret society were fighting over a parcel of land,
and they orally and diabolically fought. One of them took a pigeon and tied “Ikode,” a
charm bound all over with thread, around the pigeon’s neck and diabolically sent it to his
enemy. When the enemy saw the pigeon and the charm, he understood. He then caught
the pigeon, untied the charm of his enemy and tied a demonic knife around the neck of
the pigeon as his own charm, and diabolically sent the pigeon back to the enemy with the
knife on the pigeon’s neck. On the following day, the enemy killed himself with a knife.
The pastor, SPI-6, affirmed that he personally witnessed everything because he was
living in the same house with the man who killed himself. The victim was the chairman
of a secret society. The other secret society member and agent had a stronger demonic
power than the victim. They, the agents, sometimes kill one another.
Therefore, to us in Africa, and to be more specific in Southwestern Nigeria, one
would clearly understand why the seed of the denial of the existence of demons cannot
germinate and why the voice of the denial of the existence of demons could not be
communicated and heard in Southwestern Nigeria. This understanding rooted in the
context, language and culture of the Yoruba people of the Southwestern Nigeria makes
Interview with the sixth pastor January 4, 2014..
Interview with the sixth pastor January 4, 2014..
denial of demons impossible, and this belief in the existence of demons is biblical
because the Bible confirms the reality of the existence of demons in the ministries of the
Apostles and our Lord Jesus Christ. Since the Bible confirms the existence of demons,
one can understand why some Christian leaders and followers suffered the wicked
activities of demons because spiritual warfare, deliverance, exorcism and ministration of
the Holy Ghost were not taught, preached and ministered by the early leaders, the
missionaries from the Western World, and the indigenous leaders in the Southwestern
Nigeria. Therefore, it is high and the right times that Christian leaders and followers in
Nigeria, in the Western World, and all over the world thirst for the anointing of Holy
Ghost’s power in their lives and ministries, preach and teach spiritual warfare, Holy
Ghost ministration, power gifts [not to be denied], deliverance and exorcism so that this
spiritual error may be effectively corrected for the expansion of God’s Kingdom and for
the worst demotion of the kingdom of Satan in the whole world. The Christian God, in
Jesus Christ, is from eternity to eternity and He is omniscience, omnipresent and
omnipotent. He is not dead! Therefore, the era of miracles has not gone!
The field study findings by the researcher demonstrate that the seed of non-
existence of demons does not germinate in the lives and thoughts of the Christian leaders
and followers in Southwestern Nigeria, in West Africa. This is practically true of
Christian leaders and followers whose family backgrounds are deeply rooted in idolatrous
worship. Their parents or grandparents worshipped idols/demons that gave them a unique
access to the spirit world of demons. This unique access to the wicked spirit world could
be direct or indirect. But, it helps to establish the reality of demons’ existence in their
spirit world and kingdoms. This unique access and experience could even make some to
see demons face-to-face in their diverse transformations and embodiments. This certainly
exposes them to the numerous wicked activities carried out from the wicked spirit world
of demons and their agents on Christian leaders and followers.
The results described in this chapter are experiences of the pastors represented in
this project. It is quite safe to say, however, that the experiences of these pastors are also
possible experiences of other pastors and followers because of the similar conditions,
backgrounds and experiences. It is crucially important that awareness is made for the new
leaders who are called into the Pastoral ministry and their followers. Therefore, this
chapter is a response to the collective findings of this project and its focus to better
understand the reality of demons’ existence and their wicked activities on Christian
leaders and followers in these areas: the reality of demons’ existence in their spirit world
and kingdoms, demons’ diverse transformations and embodiments, seeing demons face to
face and the wicked activities of demons on Christian leaders and followers.
The Reality of Demons’ Existence in Their Spirit World and Kingdoms
Demons are real in their spirit world of abode and kingdoms. Denial of demons
does not eliminate their existence from the wicked spirit world of abode or eradicate their
demonic operations from their kingdoms. Though the voices of non-existence of demons
may prevail in the Western World as indicated in chapter three, it is difficult for such
voices to be communicated and heard because of the religious backgrounds of the leaders
that were deeply rooted in polytheistic family worship and background in Southwestern
Nigeria. In other words, idolatrous worship and background of either their parents or
grandparents makes demons’ existence in their spirit world and kingdom of abode to be
real and practical to these leaders and followers. Demons’ existence cannot be denied.
Polytheistic Family Background and Pagan Worship
When the responses and experiences of the pastors interviewed in Southwestern
Nigeria are given a logical, sound reflection and meaning, denial of demons is difficult
and practically impossible because the family background and worship was rooted in
polytheism. In other words, none of the native people of the land was discovered and
known to deny the reality of the existence of demons. As carefully expressed in Chapter
Five, the few voices of non-existence of demons were imported from the Western World.
Therefore, one of the uniquenesses responsible for this non-denial of demons in
Southwestern Nigeria is the polytheistic family background and worship and this includes
the following:
(A.) Polytheistic family worship is a connective link to the spirit world and
(B.) Polytheism and the family sacrifices to idols/demons.
(C.) Polytheism and family festival.
(D.) Polytheistic family worship versus Christianity.
(A.) Polytheistic Family Worship a Connective Link to the Spirit World and
As clearly communicated by the Pastors interviewed, the worship of idols/demons
serves as a connective link to the wicked spirit world of demons and kingdoms. The
former cult member who was initiated in Nigeria and Overseas, and the former magician
who carried out different atrocities clearly articulated that there are demons in the air,
fire, sea, on the land and under the earth crust as also explained in Chapter Three. But, as
fully clarified and also experienced by these former agents, one can have a connective
link from the physical world to the spirit world of demons and kingdoms. This connective
links to demons and their kingdoms from the physical world to the spirit world are to
demons in the air, fire, sea, land and under the earth. The polytheistic family worship
serves this demonic purpose. Therefore, the researcher will briefly explore how family
gods/demons and its polytheistic worship serve as connective links to the spirit world of
demons and kingdoms. The researcher begins with demons and their spirit world and
kingdom in the air.
Demons in the Air: “Sango,” or god of thunder, is one of the family gods/demons
that serves as a connective link to demons in the spirit world and kingdom in the air. The
communication in worship is unto the demons in the air, and the demonic presence felt
during worship is from the air. Therefore, the connective link that “Sango” provides the
polytheistic family worshippers is to link them to spirit world and kingdom from the air.
This demonic link and activities of “Sango” from the spirit world to the physical world
were very real and convincing. One can understand why none of the native people of the
land in Southwestern Nigeria could deny the existence of demons. Demons’ existences
were real and certain to them in the worship of the polytheistic family idols/demons.
Demons in the kingdom of Fire: Lake of fire is a deceptive teaching of demons. It
is a place of reforming souls. It is a reformatory center where souls go after death to work
out their character problems of the past years or previous lives as explained in Chapter
Three. This is deceptively untrue from demons in the Kingdom of fire. One of the
demons responsible for this teaching is known as “Ifa,” or god of divination. But, some
call “Ifa” or interpret it as god of palm kernel because palm kernels are its major
components for divination. Therefore, as the name of “Ifa” implies and means, it finds
and says what will happen in the future. This is deceptive, but those who worship this
demon believe him. They believe this demonic prophecy. In some traditional religions
and cultures, this is the reason why the method of burial, the activities involved during
burial, the way of burial and the type of ceremony involved are of paramount importance.
“Ifa” serves as connective link to the kingdom of fire. Some Christians and
denominations also teach this deceptive teaching because few denominational leaders and
Christians were once agents of darkness who led and served in denominations or
churches. They , few denominational leaders and Christians who were human agents or
cult members in different parts of the world, served as connective link to the deceptive,
demonic teachings in churches or denominations. The former occult grand Master,
former Marine agents of darkness and the participants unfolded this in Chapter Three,
Chapter Five, and also in their books. This is one of the reasons why this researcher will
briefly conclude this section that these demonic predictions and connective links of these
family idols/demons have some positive and negative effects on Christianity in
Southwestern Nigeria, in West Africa.
Demons in the sea or Water Kingdom: One of the demons that serves and
operates as connective link to the water kingdom in the spirit world is “Oya.” “Oya” is a
river god/demon. This does not need much explanation before one can logically
understand that “Oya” is a river god who serves and operates as a connective link to the
spirit world of the water kingdom. The activities and operations of “Oya” are so real to
the extent that none of the native people of the land could deny the existence of demons.
Demons and their activities are real. This is a blessing because it helps the native people
of the land to believe in the existence of demons that the bible affirms though it has its
negative effects. In other word, it is a blessing and a curse for the native people of the
Demons on the Planet Earth and Kingdom: Land is more accessible than the air,
fire, sea and under the earth crust. Because of this accessibility to men and women, there
are more known and unknown demons that numerously serve as connective links to the
spirit world of demons and kingdom on land. These numerous demons include demons of
the mountain, demons of the rock, valley, forest, junction, and demons in trees, animals,
humans and the few others. This researcher will single out two demons that are popularly
known in some families in their polytheistic family worship. They are “Ifa” and
“Onipopo.” “Ifa” is god of divination or palm kernel as briefly explained above but
“Onipopo” means god of the way. One can now understand why it was practically
impossible for the voices of the non-existence of demons to be heard in Southwestern
Nigeria because the activities of these family gods were real and convincing to the
worshippers. For instance, the song of praise used in worship to praise “Onipopo” every
morning unfolds how “Onipopo”, god of the way, made a way where there was no way
and helped his people to cross the river that was impossible for humans to cross. The
crossing of the river could be likened to the crossing of the Red Sea where Moses led the
Israelites. Therefore, since this crossing of that dangerous river was written or confirmed
by “Ifa” oracles that serve as the pagan traditional scriptures, the worshippers believed
that the victory was wrought by “Onipopo” who made a way. Therefore, these
polytheistic family idols/ demons did not only serve as connective links to the spirit
world of demons, but they also serve as great influence that made the reality of the
existence of demons to be undeniable to the native people of the land. But, this is a
blessing and a curse, as we will soon briefly discover that the family idols/demons
idolized in polytheistic worship also serve as connective links from the physical world to
the spirit world under the earth’s crust. For instance, as disclosed by the former Marine
agent, the former cult agent who was initiated in Nigeria and overseas, and the former
magician, incantation is one of the diabolical means and methods that directly connect the
physical to the spirit world and the human agents to demons in the spirit world. The
former Marine agent and former magician were practical examples of this. The researcher
now vividly understood in early 1970 when they were studying demonology in the city of
Ilorin, Nigeria, that his friend narrated the stories of how hunters used the power of
demons to hunt. To further convince the researcher, his friend asked if researcher wanted
to visit under the earth crust? Of course, the researcher refused! It is now crystal clear to
the researcher that one of the means and methods that those hunters would have
diabolically used to prepare the researcher for the journey to the spirit world under the
earth crust would have been incantation. The question is, what does the researcher want
to communicate?
First, the family idols/demons in polytheistic worship on the land serve as
connective links from the physical to the spirit world. Second, these connective links are
so real and convincing to the native people of the land that none could deny the existence
of demons. Third, one of the means and methods that demons and their agents used to
diabolically prepare their agents and others was incantation. Fourth, the researcher has
clearly discovered that incantation would have probably been the diabolical means and
method that those hunters would have used to prepare him for the journey under the
earth’s crust. Fifth, the reality of demons in polytheistic family worship was so real that
none of the native people of the land could deny the existence of demons. Sixth, the
reality of demons and their powers are so convincing to the few Christian leaders and
followers that they use their (demons’) powers in their ministries and daily lives. One of
the reasons responsible was spiritual warfare, deliverance and exorcism were not taught
and preached by the early Christian founders and leaders. Seventh, one can now clearly
understand why we have few carnal Christian leaders and followers in the Southwestern
(B.) Polytheism and Sacrifices to Family Idols/Demons
Sacrifices to family idols are one of the reasons why it was impossible for any
native person of the land to deny the existence of demons that is deeply rooted in
polytheism and the wicked spirit world. These sacrifices serve as demonic links to the
spirit world of demons. The researcher has observed in Chapter Three and Chapter Five
that demonic sacrifices established that existence of demons is undeniable in
Southwestern Nigeria due to these few reasons:
First, the sacrifices are regular and constant. For instance, the polytheistic belief
and worship of some families makes them worship three to four idols/demons. Sacrifices
are regularly made to each of these family idols/demons. Second, sacrifices to these
demons/idols are practically and openly carried out. Third, the ingredients for sacrifices
could be food, fruits, birds, animals or other items that include blood. Fourth, the priest
and worshippers strictly obey the rules of the sacrifice made to “Ogun,” or god of iron,
and “Esu,” which also means “Satan.” One of the major sacrifices is dog(s). During the
sacrifice, the head of the dog must be cut once on the altar. For this purpose, the priest
would sharpen the cutlass for days in order to obey this rule. The priest wanted the head
of the dog to be cut once. Fifth, this strict obedience to the rules of the sacrifices and the
presence of demons felt during the sacrifices convinced pagans and few Christians that
the existence of demons is undeniable. Demons’ presence was undeniably convincing.
These convictions are rooted in the family background of every family in Southwestern
Nigeria that the origin was found in polytheistic family worship. One can then logically
perceive why these demonic sacrifices are blessings and curses to Christianity in
Southwestern Nigeria.
(C.) Polytheism and Idolatrous Family Festivals
In Southwestern Nigeria, idolatrous family festivals that are deeply rooted in
polytheism are weapons of conviction for both pagans and Christians. This is because
their family backgrounds, both Christians and pagans, originated from polytheistic family
worship that made idolatrous family festivals of necessity. This family background
influenced Christian leaders and followers to believe the reality of the existence of
demons for four specific reasons. First, during these family festivals, ceremonies were
involved and these included food and drinks. To Pagans and few carnal Christians, that
was the time to enjoy life. Second, these idolatrous festivals involved music and dancing;
and since Africans love music and dancing, that caught the attention of many and created
interest for the festivals. Third, in some families, the powers of demons are practically
demonstrated to the people and people would see the power of demons face-to-face. The
researcher had been a living witness to some of these demonic manifestations of powers.
Fourth, this face-to-face demonstration of demonic powers was convincing enough that
those demons and their kingdoms exist. One could then perceive and understand better
why it was practically impossible for the researcher to discover any of the native people
of the land to deny the existence of demons and the spirit world.
(D.) Polytheistic Family Worship versus Christianity
The researcher wants to conclude this section of the polytheistic family
background by briefly establishing that this family background has some positive and
negative effects on Christian leaders and followers. It has its blessings and curses on
Christianity in Southwestern Nigeria, and even in the whole world.
1.) The Positive Effects on Christians: The researcher would like to briefly
mention only four consequences that include: first, this pagan family background and
experience helped them to believe that demons exist. This is in agreement with what the
Bible teaches. Second, this was a blessing because this made many Christian leaders to
have started deliverance ministries that were neglected for long. Practical and effective
exorcism has been carried out which was an abomination in the past. Third, this has made
many Christian leaders in Southwestern Nigeria to lead the church into dynamic spiritual
warfare that has many positive consequences for the growth of the church, and the
transformation of the land. Fourth, this dynamic spiritual warfare has resulted in the
conversion of few agents of darkness who have unfolded some top secrets from wicked
spirit world of demons. These confessions strengthen the faith of the researcher and other
Christian leaders and followers. Therefore, these conversions and confessions of the
human agents or former agents of darkness in Southwestern Nigerian are highly respected
and honored than writers or books that are full of guess work and uncertainty about the
spirit world of demons and their kingdoms.
2.) The Negative Effects on Christians: Researchers would also give only
four negative effects on Christians. First, because of their practical face-to-face
experiences with the powers of demons, few leaders refused to draw the line of
demarcation between demons and their new lives in Christ. Therefore, they are not
completely cut off from demonic sources and powers. They even use the power of
demons as Christian leaders in their ministries. Second, some Christians visit herbalists
in order to know what “Ifa” oracle or god of divination would predict for the future.
Third, for the purpose of security, some Christians join secrete cults. What a deceit!
Fourth, some Christians are not in fire for the Lord. They are spiritually empty of Holy
Ghost’s power because some Christians are carnal Christians. These are the effects of the
failure to introduce spiritual warfare, power gifts, deliverance and exorcism by the early
Christian founders and leaders. In the past, Christians saw the powers of demons face-to-
face but at present, Christians and even non-Christians are seeing power of God face-to-
face through spiritual warfare, deliverance, Holy Ghost ministration, power gifts and
exorcism. Therefore, the difference between the past and the present is clear but some are
still carnal Christians because the spiritual changes and growth are in gradual process.
Therefore, to buttress carnal Christian lives stated above, the former magician
gave a practical example in his response to his family background. According to him, his
parents were neither Christians nor pagan. But, to him, their religion was a rather
traditional religion. He illustrated this with practical example from his family
background. When he was born, two naming ceremonies were conducted. The first
ceremony was held on the eighth day and the second one was on the ninth day. On the
eighth day, his Christian parents conducted a naming ceremony, gave him a Christian
name, and dedicated him to Christian God. This provoked the grandfather who was the
priest of the family idols/demons, hence the need for a second naming ceremony. The
magician was given a pagan name on the ninth day. But, because the Christian parents
were not on fire for the Lord, the former magician grew up to become an agent of
darkness because the priest of the family idols/demon was on fire for demons, and the
powers of demon resided in him. Indeed, some Christian leaders have caused great havoc
and setback to Christianity through their lives and ministries. Some even preach and
teach that the era of miracle has gone. What a heresy! They need to know that enough is
enough. Our living God of the Bible is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient from
eternity to eternity.
Demons Diverse Transformation and Embodiments
One major thing that has been newly discovered and fully digested about demons
diverse transformations and embodiments is that demons do not change their demonic,
wicked nature and their wicked standard of operations. This is also true when demons
and their agents transform to inanimate objects, to pretty girls, or to any other
transformation in disguise that they are good in character, relationship, operation and
original nature. One can now understand why every Christian leader and follower should
have a sound biblical knowledge coupled with a sound biblical theology and not a sound
knowledge in pagan traditional theology or religion. But, as every Christian desires sound
biblical knowledge and theology, every Christian needs to know demons’ manipulations
and activities from the spirit world of demons because the Holy Ghost unfolds through
the power of the gospel that transforms the unbelievers and wicked agents of darkness.
God has a unique purpose for these conversions and transformations that reveal the
wicked activities and manipulations of demons and their agents from the demonic wicked
spirit world. Therefore, this issue of demons’ diverse transformations and embodiments
will be briefly considered and include inanimate objects, flying creatures, creatures in
animal shapes, and human embodiments.
The diverse transformations of demons and their agents include inanimate objects.
Practical examples are wind, fire, light and the few others. The researcher would like to
single out wind as a practical example to illustrate that when demons and their agents
transform, the standard of their nature and operations do not change in quality and
atrocity. The reason why researcher wants to use wind as a practical example is because
of his experience after he had written Chapter Five. As researcher began planning in
order to write Chapter Six, he had two different experiences. First, the Lord revealed and
spoke clearly that those demons and their agents were offended because of the topic of
the researcher’s thesis that exposes their wicked secretes. This is offensive to demons and
their agents, as well as their spirit world and kingdoms of abode. Second, the researcher
had an attack from the spirit world when he was writing this project. That was the first
time he had such attack since he was born. The attack could be called a demonic wind
attack. The type of demon that such an attack could be likened to is called “sanpona” in
Yoruba language. “sanpona” is a “demonic wind spirit” that instantly releases or spreads
diseases such as smallpox, epilepsy, impotence and the few others. Whenever this demon
in wind form or “sanpona” attacks, people, sometimes, fall under demonic anointing.
Since researcher does not have enough words to describe and communicate his
experience, he would like to illustrate his experience in deliverance and Holy Ghost’s
ministration. From researcher’s experience, when deliverance and Holy Ghost’s
ministration is going on, sometimes, people fall down under the anointing of Holy Ghost
power and look like the dead. But, when they get up, some receive instant healing,
deliverance, breaking of demonic yokes and other divine miracles. In order words, there
are positive consequences. A similar thing happens when “sanpona” or wind-demon
operates but with negative consequence. The consequence is directly opposite. For
instance, when this wind-demon operates, people, sometimes, fall down like the dead but
when they stand up, they always have instant sicknesses such as smallpox, epilepsy,
impotence and a few others. This was what would have happened when researcher had
that experience but that demonic operation and attack failed because researcher was a
child of God, and the Holy Ghost resides in him. The demonic operation and attack took
place in the broad daylight but failed.
In conclusion, there are three things to be learned afresh from this transforming
into inanimate objects: first, the nature, operation, and wickedness of demons do not
change even when they transform into inanimate objects. They maintain their demonic
wicked standard and quality. Second, for a victorious Christian life over every demonic
attack, holy life is of necessity. Holy life is a must and cannot be compromised. Third, a
sinful Christian life creates spiritual loopholes for demons’ successful attacks. Christian
leaders and followers are warned!
In the wicked spirit world, flying creatures are another demonic means for
demons’ diverse transformations and embodiments for the purpose of their wicked
operations. These transformations into diverse flying creatures include birds, hornets,
bees, insects, bats and a few others. The researcher would like to single out birds in order
to buttress the fact that demons’ transformation into flying creatures do not change or
decrease the standard of their demonic nature, operations and wickedness. The researcher
would like to give two examples in order to remind Christian leaders and followers that
holy life is a must and cannot be compromised if victories are to be won.
First, as clearly articulated in Chapter Three and Chapter Five, demons change to
birds in the spirit of witches in order to carry out demonic operation(s) and those
transformations are to make them more dangerous. The voices of such birds sometimes
threaten people in Southwestern Nigeria because people know that they can kill. Second,
based on the experience of the friend of the first pastor interviewed during deliverance
that he was conducting, when demonic birds in the spirit of witches cry, sometimes, what
happens after that is a face-to-face encounter with demons. And that face-to-face
encounter is for the purpose of dangerous operations and wickedness. That was his
experience when a demonic bird cried during the deliverance he was conducting. To be
frank, not many Christian leaders and deliverance ministers have ever experienced this in
their ministries. Therefore, this is an additional knowledge to be learned afresh that
challenges every Christian leader and follower that holy life is a must. This challenge of
life of holiness is the secret of victorious Christian life that prepares every Christian
leader and follower to be able to fight and win any demonic attacks anywhere and at any
time. Christians must not compromise their victory in Christ Jesus!
Demons also use, as a means for their diverse transformations and embodiments,
creatures in animal shapes. These creatures in animal shapes include serpents, rats, lions,
bears, cats, dogs, and the few others. But, researcher would like to single out the cat in
order to communicate that demons transform into creatures in animal shapes, and in their
transformations, they maintain their natures and their standard of operations and
wickedness. The essence of this is to challenge Christian leaders and followers that since
their transformations into creatures in animal shapes do not decrease their nature, and
standard of operations and wickedness, a holy and Christian life by every Christian leader
and follower is a must! The researcher gives two examples of demonic cats in operations.
First, when a demonic cat transforms into the spirit of wizards and operates, the
purpose of that is to be able to reach spirit and humans. Therefore, it serves as a demonic
link between the physical and demonic spirit world for the purpose of demonic wicked
operations and atrocities. When those demonic cats operate in any house, they are
dangerous and wicked. Second, researcher had a unique experience in Nigeria, his home
country when he was writing this chapter there. He, the researcher, was invited for a
revival service at one of the Baptist churches in the city of Ibadan in Oyo State, Nigeria.
After the revival, the researcher boarded a commercial vehicle from Oyo State to Kogi
State, and sat on the front seat with the driver. The driver had been an herbalist for a long
time, but he had changed his mind when he began going to church. During the trip to
Kogi State, the driver who was an herbalist for long described diverse demonic
operations and wickedness that included manipulation and transformation of demonic
cats in carrying out these demons’ atrocities. According to the driver, when a demonic cat
or demon diabolically inspired and transformed for an operation, and this demonic cat
goes back and forth at the front of a business shop or a business center, the purpose is to
paralyze the business. The owner cannot succeed and the business will go bankrupt.
There were a few more things disclosed. Indeed, this is an additional knowledge to the
researcher and it is a great challenge for every Christian leader and follower to live a holy
life and be dynamic in spiritual warfare so that all these operations and manipulations can
be woefully defeated. This strengthens and refreshes Christian hearts anew that will
encourage us for dynamic faith against future operations and attacks, as we break all
yokes in Jesus’ name!
Finally, some may find it difficult to believe that demons’ diverse transformations
on this planet earth include human embodiment. They transform themselves to human
beings from their wicked spirit world. When demons do this from their wicked spirit
world and kingdoms of abode, the purpose and intention is to carry out diverse atrocities.
The intention is for wickedness. The researcher will provide two practical examples,
which include, first, women’s pregnancies and demons’ embodiments, and, second,
demons’ embodiment from the spirit world.
With regard to women’s pregnancies and demons’ embodiments, what researcher
intends to communicate in essence is to establish that some demons enter into the
pregnant wombs of some women in order to be born either as a male or female. These
facts are rooted in the experiences of the pastors interviewed and researcher’s experience.
Most of them were deliverance ministers, one was formal occult member, and one was a
formal magician. And since researcher is also a deliverance minister, he has also
experienced this in his deliverance ministry. In other words, in Holy Ghost ministration
and deliverance ministry, a demon in human embodiment publicly confessed, in crusade
and in the church, how she penetrated into the womb of the mother. She further added
that she made the family wretched and poor. She also confessed why Christian leaders
and followers must be genuine and godly Christian. According to her, if a woman is a
genuine and godly Christian, the womb will be too hot for demons to penetrate and stay
because the Holy Ghost abides in her. Therefore, researcher would like to re-emphasize
that a genuine Christian life and holiness in the power of Holy Ghost is a must for every
Christian leader and follower. Therefore, dynamic spiritual warfare is also a must!
Demons also transform themselves directly from the spirit world and come to this
physical world in transformed human embodiments. This transformation into human
embodiment from the spirit world could take place from any of their kingdoms, but the
purpose is for wickedness. Demons’ activities and operations are directly opposite to
what heaven does. For instance, when Jesus incarnated, he brought to us, in this physical
world, blessings, mercy, grace, love, power and authority over demons, victory and
eternal life. But when demons come, they bring defeat, hatred, destruction, atrocities,
disunity and eternal condemnation. Three examples of these three human embodied
demons are Queen of the coast, “Omo Aworawo” and “Erelu.” “Erelu” is the highest
chieftaincy for women. “Erule” would come to this world to collect human blood for
demons in their spirit world for their “Blood Blank”. But, “Erelu” had a spiritual
collision with Benson Idahosa, a highly anointed man of God in Nigeria that led to the
confession that unfolded the secrets behind the operations. Indeed, this is a great
challenge to all Christian leaders and followers. Therefore, researcher would like to
conclude this section on demons’ diverse transformations and embodiments with one or
two challenges for the purpose of Christian victory on demons.
Conclusion and Challenges to Christian Leaders and Followers
This section on demons’ diverse transformations and embodiment has posed some
challenges that every Christian leader and follower needs to carefully consider and
spiritually yield in absolute obedience. This is because in some examples and illustrations
cited, some Christians were defeated and some were victorious because, as stated in John
10:10, demons’ only major purpose on planet earth is to steal, kill and destroy. Therefore,
three challenges should be effectively obeyed.
First, every Christian leader and follower should be truly born again. There must
be a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ that will result in a Holy Ghost transformation
of heart. Second, every Christian leader and follower should live a biblical holy life.
Sinful life or partial obedience creates loopholes for demons. Holy Christian life is a
must! Third, every Christian leader and follower needs to be filled with the Holy Ghost
and be dynamic in spiritual warfare. Based on the confession of an agent of darkness,
when a pregnant Christian woman fulfills these requirements and the Holy Ghost lives in
her, demons cannot penetrate and stay in the womb. The womb will be too hot for
demons. The womb will be a danger zone! Another example stated above is “Erelu” who
was on demonic mission to collect blood to the blood bank of demons in the spirit world
but the mission failed when she had spiritual collision with Benson Idahosa, an anointed
man of God in Nigeria. The researcher believes and agrees that these challenges and
lessons learned must be strictly obeyed in the power of Holy Ghost.
Seeing Demons Face-to-Face
Some believe that one can see demons face-to-face and some have even seen
demons face-to-face in Southwestern Nigeria as already claimed and rooted in the
cultural context and language of the land. Scholars and preachers such as Boyd, Beilby,
Eddy, Akande and Timmons believe that one can see demons face-to-face and formal
agents of darkness such as former Marine Agent, Magician and former occult grand
master have testified from their practical experiences that they had seen demons face-to-
face. But, researcher has re-discovered anew that some of these methods and means are
godly and some are ungodly. Some methods are biblical and some are unbiblical, and
some means are talking to God but some are really talking to demons. Therefore,
researcher will like to briefly discuss few methods and means which are ungodly and
methods and means that are godly. These will be briefly discussed under these sub-topics:
mysterious meeting and initiation, incantation, demonic concoction, mysterious
coincidence, and ministration of deliverance and exorcism. Each of these will be briefly
considered after the other.
Mysterious Meeting and Initiation
This is one of the methods that the former agents of darkness used in order to hold
meetings and also be initiated by demons into the spirit world of abode and kingdoms.
There are few practical examples that could be cited. First, Uzorma, the former occult
Grand Master held a meeting with demons in Venus planet with three hundred thousand
demons and agents and was initiated on that day. Second, Emmanuel Eni, the former
marine agent was initiated or empowered in the sea by the Queen of the Coast. Third,
“Omo Obajesu” the former magician whose master stayed in the spirit world for seven
consecutive years and he himself stayed in the spirit world for three consecutive years
saw demons face-to-face and both of them were also initiated by demons. We thank God
for their convincing testimonies in Southwestern Nigeria after their encounters with Jesus
Christ and their conversion. But, researcher would like to emphasize that this method of
seeing demons is very unbiblical, and ungodly. Therefore, this method and means is
through the powers of demons, it is completely wrong and demonic. Christian leaders and
followers must not use this method to see demons. It is prohibitively forbidden by the
Lord in the Bible.
Incantations are one of the methods and means to see demons face-to-face. This
method is very ungodly, unbiblical and demonic. When one uses this method to see
demons face-to-face, one is directly communicating words to demons in the spirit world
so that demon may go into action in accordance to the spoken words, and appear to that
particular agent face-to-face. Demons appear because of the inspired demonic words
spoken to demons in the wicked spirit world of demons. The herbalists, hunters and
magicians use this method to see demons face-to-face in Southwestern Nigeria and other
parts of the world. Two examples would be enough but it is demonic.
First, the only former magician mentioned in chapter five, said people used this
method to see demon called “Egbere” or “weeping Demon” in order to fight and took
away the mat that “egbere” carried for the purpose of additional demonic power. The
herbalists, hunters and magicians love to see “egbere”, the weeping demon, so that they
may fight, collect the mat and accumulate more demonic powers. Second, this former
magician was travelling on foot with his mother on the foot path. He, the former
magician, excused himself, went to the bush, and made some incantations to demons.
Demon appeared to him face-to-face and gave him food that they would eat. The
magician and his mother ate the food in order to be refreshed or strengthened and
continued the journey. This method is also demonic and ungodly. The bible prohibitively
forbids incantation or using any means to talk and fellowship with demons. The magician
personally warned people to desist from any form of fellowship and incantation to
demons because of the physical and spiritual consequences. He himself, as former
magician, has renounced all incantations and powers of demons in his life. The spiritual
consequence is eternal punishment with demons in hell prepared for them in heaven!
Christian leaders and followers are strictly warned in love.
Demonic Concoction
When concoction is carefully considered and logically reflected upon, some
concoctions are demonic but some are not demonic in the Southwestern Nigeria and other
parts of the world. Some concoctions in Africa and in the Western World are medically
prepared for healing and sound health. The ones medically prepared in the Western
World could be found in any pharmacy in the world. We give God the glory for
knowledge given to prepare these medical concoctions. But, at the same time, some
concoctions are demonic. They are demonically prepared. For such diabolic concoction,
demon gives the ingredients of the concoction, instruct and guide how it would be
prepared and used. When all the rules involved are strictly obeyed, demon will then
release his power for diabolic actions and wickedness.
A practical example is the concoction prepared and used to see demons face-to-
face. One of the compulsory ingredients mixed together as the mandatory content is the
matter oozing from the eyes of a dog. When these ingredients are well prepared, demons
will then empower it for diabolic action and wickedness. One will then be able to see
demons face-to-face. To their agents, they believe that since dog can see beyond the
physical, they could be able to see beyond the physical world and see demons face-to-
face in the spirit world. This belief is well rooted in pagan traditional theology and
religion. This is prohibitively forbidden by the Lord in the Bible. It is ungodly and
unbiblical. It is a rebellion against the Lord. This is demonic! Carnal Christians are
warned. Christian leaders and followers are warned!
Mysterious Coincidence
When people see demons face-to-face through mysterious coincidence, this
method and means could be demonic or non-demonic, and it could be godly or ungodly.
The source could be from God or demons. For instance, an unbeliever who practices the
use of charms and incantations has such experience that is demonic. But, when a truly
born again Christian leader and follower who are filled of Holy Ghost power have such
an experience, it is from God. Christians’ source is from God but unbelievers’ source and
carnal Christians, who visit herbalists, “Ifa” oracles and use the power of demons for
their daily living, have their sources from demons. In conclusion, unbelievers and
nominal or carnal Christians are challenged and advised to repent and come to God so
that God may open their spiritual eyes to the deeper and mysterious things of the spirit.
But, Christian leaders and followers who are truly born again and filled of Holy Ghost are
encouraged to be faithful and loyal to our Lord Jesus Christ till he comes.
Ministration of Deliverance and Exorcism
Ministration of deliverance and exorcism is one of the methods and means that
God opens the eyes of deliverance ministers in order to see demons face-to-face and
understand deeper things of the spirit. These lessons of the deeper things of the spirit
communicated from God in heaven are to be wholeheartedly learned and embraced. And
this divine message includes the following: first, this world is a battle field because
demons are real in their spirit world of abode and kingdoms as the Bible teaches. Second,
ministration of deliverance and exorcism are spiritual warfare, therefore, they are
offensive to demons. Third, demons are ready to do the worst if spiritual loopholes are
created for them. Fourth, for Christian leaders and followers, holy Christian life is a
must! Fifth, Christian leader and follower are to be consistently filled of the Holy Ghost
and control by the Holy Ghost. Sixth, Christian leaders and followers are to be
consistently faithful, loyal and obedient till Jesus comes. Therefore, every deliverance
minister must believe wholeheartedly, obey and embrace these deeper divine insights and
revelation from God in heaven.
4. The Wicked Activities of Demons on Christian Leaders and Followers
Demons and their agents have numerous methods and means to carry out their
wicked operations and activities on Christian leaders and their followers. These wicked
activities are demonically carried out through demonic dreams, demonic covenants,
curses, concoctions, “Afose” known as antelope’s horn, distorting of destiny, charms,
juju, and the few others. These methods and means mentioned above are used to inflict
wickedness and problems such as sickness, ill-luck, suicide, frustration, accident,
torturing, madness, pain, depression, miscarriage, confusion, fight, poverty, death, and
others. The essence of this last part is to briefly cite few examples and then emphasize the
solution that has been doctrinally neglected in some domination by some leaders that
makes some Christians to suffer in their demonic problems even unto death. The lessons
learned from the participants really renew and refresh our minds and thought. These few
examples to be briefly cited and discussed include: demonic dreams, demonic covenants,
demonic curses and “Afose” that means antelope’s horn or spoken words into the
antelope’s horn with the expected results.
Demonic Dreams
As briefly discussed in chapter five, many Christian leaders and followers
suffered in the Southwestern Nigeria through demonic dreams. Some of those problems
included sicknesses, ill-luck, miscarriage, pain, madness, poverty and the few others.
Some even suffered unto death either in their homes or hospitals. The researcher would
briefly cite three paraphrased examples. First, a woman always had miscarriages
whenever she saw a ripped red palm kernel in the dream. The red palm kernel was a
demonic wicked symbol of miscarriage. Second, a man slept in his house and had
somebody called him in the dream and woke up. After he had woken up, he wanted to
run out as a mad man in the middle of the night but his wife held him because she could
understand that it was a demonic attack. His wife made him to sleep again but never
woke up again. He died! This is what “Yoruba” called “Apepa” which means “Calling
unto death,” In other words, a demon or an agent called somebody in dream and resulted
to death! Third, somebody ate in dream and resulted to ulcer. This person went to see
medical doctors but was not cured until prayer of deliverance was conducted for him and
the yoke of ulcer was broken. He was healed!
The researcher would like to give two reasons that summarize why Christian
leaders and followers suffered demonic attack though they were born again and live
godly lives. First, Christians were not taught and brought up with prayers of spiritual
warfare at the foundation of Christianity in the Southwestern Nigeria. Second,
deliverance and exorcism were not taught, preached and introduced to the people when
they became Christians. This was because some missionaries from the Western World
did not believe in the existence of demons. Therefore, spiritual warfare, deliverance and
exorcism were battles against demons and their kingdoms but not taught and preached.
How would they introduce a battle and organize a fight against the enemies they
believed that did not exist? This is one of the reasons why Christian leaders and followers
really suffered demonic attacks in the past. They were spiritually careless in their spiritual
warfare and fought their spiritual battles and enemies with spiritual negligence as when
demons, their spiritual enemies, do not exist as Bible teaches.
Demonic Covenants
Some Christians suffered demonic covenants because their pagan parents and
grandparents worshipped idols/demons for their empowerments and some specific
achievements. Some pagan parents or grandparents made covenants with demons in order
to have fame, prosperity, additional demonic powers, victory in battle, kindship issues
and other demonic positions and honors. When demons gave them, they were not free
gifts. These covenants have negative consequences on the children when they were not
broken in the mighty power and name of Jesus Christ. The demonic covenants lingered
on until they were broken. And since spiritual warfare, deliverance, and exorcism were
not taught, preached, and effectively used in the past by the early missionaries and
indigenous leaders, the yokes of the covenants lingered on and remained unbroken in the
lives of the children. This made Christian leaders and followers to suffer under the
covenants of the unbroken demonic yokes. Many suffered for long because the yokes
lingered for long and were not broken. Every yoke of demonic covenants must be
Demonic Curses
One of the diabolic methods used by demons and their agents to carry out their
demonic operations and wickedness on Christian leaders and followers is through
demonic curses. This diabolic hex spoken by demons and their agents is for the purpose
of harm and destruction. Few had suffered a lot when the spells of demonic curses were
cast upon them by demons and their agents. Two examples would be briefly mentioned.
First, a mechanic was cursed in the city of Ilorin in South Western Nigeria, he instantly
went to the bush and became mad. But, he was delivered and became completely normal
during a crusade. The powers and yokes of demonic curses were broken and destroyed.
Second, a Missionary from the Western World, a medical doctor, also testified how an
agent of darkness cursed somebody with an immediate effect and the cause and source of
the suffering could not be diagnosed. In such a sickness, medical doctors were helpless.
The only effective and practical, divine solution was Holy Ghost’s prayers of spiritual
warfare, deliverance, and exorcism in the mighty name of Jesus. But, in the past, prayers
of spiritual warfare, deliverance and exorcism were not introduced and taught in some
denominations and churches because some missionaries, who were influential leaders,
denied the existence of demons. They were the leaders who brought the gospel to
Southwestern Nigeria.
“Afose” or Antelope’s Horn
The diabolic weapon that demons and their agents effectively used to carry out
their wicked operations on Christians in Southwestern Nigeria is “Afose” that “Yoruba”
knows as antelope’s horn. Literally, “Afose” simply means to speak and be so with the
expected results. In other words, one speaks and it is effectively so as expected. These
words are spoken into demonically prepared antelope’s horn. It is a negative result
because it is communicated to demons. “Afose” was used in the past and people still use
it today. Demons do not die. One needs to know why “Afose” was and still uniquely
respected and known for demonic operations and wickedness by the agents. Two simple
reasons are responsible. “Afose” is the combination of concoction and incantation.
First, it is a concoction because all the demonically instructed ingredients are
mixed and kept inside the antelope’s horn with three needles for the purpose of demonic
operations and wickedness. Once the concoction is demonically prepared, it only needs
demonic inspiration and power for its wicked operation and atrocity through the
antelope’s horn. One can understand why another name for “Afose” is “Antelope’s horn”
in the Yoruba language and culture. Second, “Afose” is also an incantation. In other
words, though the concoction is demonically kept in antelope’s horn, incantation is still
used. And spoken demonic words of incantation are communicated into antelope’s horn
for the purpose of demonic operations and wickedness. One can understand better why
another name for “Afose” or “Antelope’s horn”, is “Olugbohun”. “Olugbohun” that the
prefix is God means one who hears the voices or words spoken to him. In other words,
“Olugbohun” or “demons” who hear the voices or words of the incantations spoken or
communicated into the antelope’s horn and few have effectively used it as cited in
chapters three and five. These included these three paraphrased examples: first,
Emmanuel Eni used incantation to visit under the earth crust and demons created steps
for him. Second, a business man use incantation and made an officer mad because he was
creating and manipulating problems in his business. Third, it had been use to distort
destinies and some died without fulfilling their destinies.
In conclusion, “Afose” or Antelope’s horn is a dynamic weapon of demons as
learned in the previous chapter because of these few points that researcher would like to
bring to a sharper focus: first, it is a combination of demonic concoction and incantation.
Second, some agents and non-agents of darkness use it because of its instant results and
consequences when used. Third, some Christian leaders use it in ministry especially those
that belongs to secret cult members. Some followers even use it also. They are all carnal
Christians! Indeed, spiritual warfare, deliverance and exorcism were not introduced by
the earlier leaders; this is one of the negative effects.
The polytheistic family background and worship that makes the indigenous
people of the Southwestern Nigeria to be living witnesses to some idolatrous practices
such as sacrifices, worships, festivals and few others make them to see demons or their
powers face-to-face. This makes them to believe that demons exist as bible teaches. That
was one of the reasons why researcher could not single out any of the native of the land
that denied the reality of the existence of demons. But, because of their face-to-face
experiences with demons and their powers, few Christian leaders and followers are not
completely cut off from demons and their powers. In other words, few Christian leaders
use the powers of demons in ministries and few followers use powers of demons in their
daily lives. Some use the powers of demons because spiritual warfare, deliverance and
exorcism were not taught as divine solution to their problems. Therefore, these biblical
and doctrinal errors should be corrected. The theology is completely wrong!
In the other side, the few missionaries from the Western World did not have
polytheistic family and worship backgrounds that made them to see demons and their
powers face- to- face. These unique experiences made some of them to deny the reality of
the existence of demons. This denial of the existence of demons did not make the earlier
missionaries to teach, preach and introduce the daily, needed, spiritual battles against
demons. This is one of the reasons why some Christian leaders and followers used the
powers of demons in their ministries and daily lives because the power of God was not
really introduced, preached and taught for their spiritual battles and victories over
demonic wicked activities in the past in Southwestern Nigeria. And these spiritual battles
include spiritual warfare, deliverance and exorcism. How does one fight the enemies that
do not exist? Some leaders even teach and preach that the era of miracles has gone. These
teachings and preaching coupled with denial of demons have two negative consequences.
First, some Christian leaders and followers in the Southwestern Nigeria suffered the
wicked activities of demons. Second, this is one of the demonic wicked operations
responsible for the lessening and sales of churches in the Western World. Spiritual
warfare against demons is a must! It is a dynamic secret for church growth in any nation
of the world.
The Bible confirms the importance and necessity of Christian’s daily warfare and
states, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms”. Eph.6:12. One can further understands why the Bible further warns us
to be fully ready and to always prepare. The Bible says, “Therefore put on the full armor
of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and
after you have done everything, to stand.”Eph.6:13. Indeed, these Christian daily battles
that will lead to daily dynamic spiritual war fares, deliverances and exorcism are one of
the best solutions and victories for Christian leaders and followers in Southwestern
Nigeria and Western World. These daily battles are also the secret of dynamic church
growth in Western World and South Western Nigeria or any part of the world.
Therefore, the era of miracles has not gone! Power gifts must not be denied! The daily
spiritual warfare is a must! We give God the glory for the great and dynamic changes
taking place in the Southwestern Nigeria through the current cooperation of Missionaries
from the Western World and indigenous Christian leaders and their followers. Both of
them are vessels of cooperation and dynamic changes in the Southwestern Nigeria at
present. Demons and their kingdoms are in enormous threat and trouble! The battle is of
the Lord! Christian leaders and followers will certainly win and overcome!
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Project
Some of the strengths of this project include the following: first, this study
establishes the reality of demons and their spirit world of abode. It further gives the
insights that physical objects, whether animate or inanimate, are immaterial substances
for the existence of demons and their spirit world. The study further gives insights and
clarifies that demons and their spirit world exist in the air, trees, mountain, sea, under the
earth crust and a host of others. Therefore, demons can reside inside rock and even
possess humans. Demons and their spirit world exist.
Second, this project confirms the biblical truth that demons are spirit beings but
further gives the insights and awareness that one can see these demons face-to-face. This
is rooted in the fact established in this study that demons transform to animate and
inanimate things. They even change to pretty girls from their spirit world of abode. A
practical example was the Queen of the Coast who people thought was the girlfriend of
the former Marine agent of darkness. This creates and prepares Christian leaders and
followers for spiritual awareness and watchfulness.
Third, this project gives awareness that demons and their agents are well
organized in their spirit world of abode and kingdoms, and Christians are to be vigilant in
their spiritual warfare. The insights are given that demons have seven organized
kingdoms, and each of these kingdoms has numerous Zones. The largest of these
kingdoms is in the air and it extends to the planet, Venus. This spiritual insight is to make
Christians be spiritually vigilant in their spiritual war fares.
Fourth, this project gives awareness that demons and their agents secretly carry
out their attacks and operations for the purpose of effectiveness, and to be able to achieve
the expectedresults. The practical examples are demonic dreams, demonic attacks, family
covenants and other demonic hereditary problems. Few were victims unto death.
Therefore, this study gives insight and also emphasizes the importance of power gifts and
that power gifts should not be denied by teaching or preaching that the era of miracles has
gone. No other erroneous and unbiblical doctrine should be allowed because power gifts
are needed to fight those demonic secret attacks and operations.
Fifth, this project gives awareness that demons and their agents openly carried out
face-to-face attacks and operations through direct confrontations and demonic spoken
words. Sometimes, this has an instant negative effect. This study illuminates that the
essence of this is to harm or instill fear on Christian leaders and followers. The practical
examples are incantations, curses, antelope’s horn, or “Afose,” and the few others. This
project gives the only biblical solution for our victories over demons, and this is rooted in
the power and authority of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sixth, this project gives the insight that deliverance and exorcism are dynamic and
effective biblical solutions to demonic problems, such as demonic sickness, demonic
covenant, madness, demonic curses, pain, bad dream, set back, failure and a few others.
Based on the experiences of the researcher, sometimes, instant miracles happen.
Sometimes, demons diabolically appear face-to-face during the ongoing process of
deliverance. But, Christians’ victory is sure!
Lastly, this project gives insights to the importance of power gifts that some
churches and denominations have neglected for centuries because love and word gifts
cannot confront demons and effectively fight demons that exist on the land, fire, ocean,
under the earth crust and air. A practical example is “Erelu,” who came from the spirit
world to the earth to collect blood for the blood blank. “Erelu” had a spiritual collision
with Benson Idahosa, who was highly anointed with power gifts, and “Erelu” publicly
confessed because the operation for the blood blank woefully failed. This study gives
awareness that the bible confirms this and cites, “. . . for our struggle is not against flesh
and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”. Ephesians 6:12.
Some of the weaknesses of this project include: first, this project did not address
the possible access that can make all Christians see demons face-to-face in their spirit
world. It did not even address how few Christians can see demons together at once in
their spirit world as former agents of darkness did.
Second, the former agents of darkness who had practical experiences and living
testimonies of how they saw demons face-to-face and held meetings with demons in their
seven kingdoms did not represent all the Christians. Moreover, the means and methods
are prohibitively forbidden by the Lord.
Third, this project did not address the problem of inequality of anointing of Holy
Ghost power that Christians used to face the secret and open demonic attacks and
operations in their spiritual war fares when they have diverse demonic problems. In other
words, since the fingers of anointing of the Holy Ghost’s power are not equal in the lives
of all Christians, this project did not address the inequality of Holy Ghost’s power that
made some Christians have demonic bruises and some were even victims unto death
because of demonic attacks and operations.
Fourth, the importance and effectiveness of deliverance and exorcism is not
addressed as uniquely related to Southwestern Nigeria where demonic operations and
activities run rampant. In addition, it did not address as also related to churches in the
Western World where demons are secretly and deceitfully carrying out their wicked
operations and attacks against the growth of denominations and churches that led to the
sales of churches.
Lastly, the importance and effectiveness of power gifts were not fully and
extensively addressed in this project, as well as its dynamic high level of spiritual warfare
that makes it difficult for churches to be easily penetrated. Furthermore, this project did
not address how power gifts can detect diverse demonic operations and attacks and even
single out these demons when they transform and change to humans or pretty girls for the
purpose of demonic wicked operations in Christian homes, Christian activities and church
Suggestion for Further Research
This project certainly raises the need for further research. First, a quantitative
study of demons and their spirit world is needed because the material world is immaterial
for the existence of demons and their spirit world of abode. This is one of the core
reasons why many deny the existence of demons. For instance, demons reside in their
spirit world of abode in the air, on the land, in the sea, in other planets, in the trees, rock,
under the earth crust and even in humans. Millions of people neither know nor are aware
that demons exist, and material world is immaterial for their existence.
Second, research is further needed on the seven demonic kingdoms and the
numerous zones that exist in each of the seven kingdoms in the spirit world, in order to
know the daily and yearly programs that include: daily and yearly activities, events,
ceremonies, festivals, social problems, worships, sacrifices and the host of others. This
knowledge of these daily, monthly and yearly activities will help Christians to go into
spiritual warfare, praises and prayers unto God with awareness, understanding and
knowledge that will help Christians to bind, pull down and render powerless those
demonic activities as Christians mention those activities by names in their prayers. A
practical example was the meeting of witches and wizards that was briefly mentioned in
this project that the agents of darkness put in the newspaper in Nigeria, in West Africa.
Because of this awareness, understanding, and the knowledge of the meeting through the
newspaper, Christians in Nigeria started prayer of praises unto God and there was
confusion in the air that demons and their agents had to flee for their lives in Nigeria. The
meeting could not hold in Nigeria but was held in South Africa because Christian in
South Africa did not know that such meeting was going on in the spirit world of demons.
Therefore, the awareness, understanding and knowledge of those demonic activities will
help Christians to do such in their prayers and praises unto God by pulling down demonic
strong, creating confusion, rendering their plans and strategies powerless and the few
others. Genuine Christians have spiritual bullets in their mouths! Indeed, the daily,
weekly, monthly and yearly activities that go on in those kingdoms and zones need in-
depth research.
Third, research is needed on demons’ transformations and embodiments into
humans, birds, animals, insects, cats, rats, lions, pretty girls and a host of others. And
further research is needed on the wicked activities of demons that demons and their
agents carried out when they change form through their demonic operations and attacks
on churches, denominations, Christian homes, governments, businesses, destinies and the
host of others. They have carried out many demonic wicked operations and atrocities.
Fourth, a further research is needed on deliverance and exorcism that could be
applied to diverse demonic problems but some Christian leaders and followers
wholeheartedly embrace it in their denominations and churches while some are skeptical
of it because of their past traditional and doctrinal backgrounds. Why should Christians
be skeptical to what can give them freedom in the midst of where demonic activities are
Fifth, research is needed on deceptive teaching of the demonic kingdom of fire
and its manipulative teaching and influence on denominations and churches as related to
the doctrine of purgatory and praying for the dead because some Christian leaders in
some denominations and churches were former agents of darkness in various parts and
nations of the world as unfolded by the former occult grand master and others. Their
leaderships certainly influenced denominations and churches.
Lastly, research is needed on power gifts that are dynamically and effectively
used in spiritual warfare to curb demonic operations and strategies against Christians, but
some Christians still visit herbalists and use the powers of demons to fight demons. This
quantitative research on power gifts is really needed where demonic operations and
manipulations are rampant for the purpose of victorious Christian lives.
Personal Reflections
This project was deeply satisfying, comforting, immensely challenging but also
unfolding as related to demons and their spirit world of abode. The project is the
confirmation of the experiences that researcher had on demons, their human agents,
demonic agents, their wicked activities and other demonic manifestations from the spirit
world of demons. The entire project stemmed from the researcher’s personal journey of
life that started from his polytheistic family background and other demonic experiences,
which all led to his true conversion. He was truly born again! Researcher’s genuine
conversion, his call into the gospel ministry, and his personal experiences in deliverance
ministry and exorcism drew an indelible line of demarcation and difference that this
project stemmed from in the Southwestern Nigeria. This is the basic personal background
and experiences of the researcher for this project.
The Reality of Demons and Polytheistic Family Background
Polytheism was the belief and background of every home in the Southwestern
Nigeria before the coming of Christianity that believes in monotheism and other religious
beliefs that followed. The family of the researcher was not exempted. In fact, the
researcher’s family’s polytheistic background caused his family to worship some
gods/demons that included the following: “ Onipopo” means god of the way, “Oya”
means a river god, “Sango” means god of thunder, “Ogun” means god of iron, “ Ifa”
means god of palm kernel or divination, “Egungun” means masquerade, and one or two
others. Indeed, researcher was born in the midst of these idols/demons. This caused him
to be a living witness to various idolatrous worships, sacrifices, festivals, ceremonies, and
social events, such as “Ere ode,” where demonic powers were demonstrated to the people
and people would see the powers of demons face-to-face in action. In other worlds, he
had face-to-face experiences with the powers and presence of demons. He was also a
living witness to diverse wicked activities of demons. Some of his close, biological
family members even died of wicked activities of demons. Some even died helplessly in
the hospital. One can now understand better why this project stemmed from the bitter
experiences of the wicked activities of demons from Southwestern Nigeria. One can
understand why the denial of demons does not exist among the indigenous people. Those
bitter demonic experiences were real and confirmed.
Demons’ Diverse Transformations and Embodiments
The researcher had been a living witness to demons’ diverse transformations and
embodiments from the spirit world. The purpose of their coming to the earth from the
spirit world could be summarized with a single word, “wickedness.” The researcher
would like to briefly discuss his practical experiences under three subtopics: demons
coming to the night market as humans, mysterious forest dedicated to idols/demons, and
demons coming through pregnancy.
Demons coming to the Night Market as Humans: Akande clearly stated that
demons came to the night market, and when they visited, nobody could identify them.
The marketers did not know them. Second, the people did not know where those demons
came from. The marketers did not know their houses or villages. Third, nobody knew
where they departed to after the marketing was over. The marketers sometimes knew
them and their pretty girls to be from the spirit world. People had methods and means of
knowing them. For instance, their pretty girls do not have scars on their legs when they
come to the physical world, from the spirit world, for their demonic operations.
Mysterious Forest Dedicated to Idols/Demons: The “Yoruba” name for a
mysterious forest is known as “Igbo Oro,” and it means “Idols/Demons’ forest” or
“Forest of Idols/Demons.” In other words, the forest is dedicated. In such a forest, there
are strange creatures that sometime manifest as humans or non-humans. Sometimes, there
were invisible walking, audible voices, light that could not be identified, a strong
demonic presence and other mysterious demonic activities. These demonic
manifestations were mysterious.
Demons Incarnated Through Pregnancy: In researcher’s experience, he has seen
demons enter into the womb and be born. A demon actually incarnated through the womb
of a woman and was born in Southwestern Nigeria. The parents were not filled of the
Holy Ghost because they were carnal Christians who were not interested in the things of
the spirit. She, the demon, was even given a Christian name. But, she carried out many
atrocities and wickedness in the family. And based on demonic methods of operations
briefly analyzed above, their wicked operations included initiation, demonic possessions,
and they also inflicted poverty, ill-luck, accidents, cancer, madness, leprosy, fight,
confusion, bareness, divorce, war, sickness and other demonic problems that could make
the victims die. Some resulted in shameful deaths. Since researcher was a living witness
to most of the above-mentioned demonic attacks and operations, one can now fully
understand why researcher resolved to the biblical solution rooted in the mighty name
and power of our Lord Jesus Christ through deliverance and exorcism. Therefore, the
clue and solution that researcher perfectly discovered in the mighty name and power of
Jesus is one of the basic sources where this project rightly stemmed from and rooted.
Deliverance and Exorcism in the Midst of Wicked Activities of Demons: The
researcher has been a living witness to many demonic operations, attacks and
manipulations that even led to death of some victims. These included his closest
biological relatives. This convinced the researcher beyond any reasonable doubt that
biblical solution is the only best clue. And the only biblical clue and solution is the
mighty name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ that pulls down all demonic strongholds
and sets people free from all demonic yokes and problems through biblical deliverance
and exorcism. Herbalist deliverance and exorcism is biblically and doctrinally wrong.
That was the reason why researcher introduced in the church that he was the senior
pastor, before he came to Bethel University, the biblical salvation, spiritual warfare,
healing, deliverance and exorcism. He was convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that
this biblical clue is the only best solution.
Because of this conviction, researcher introduced new programs and services in
the church where he was the senior pastor and that included the following: beginning the
New Year with forty days prayer and fasting, special programs for prayer of spiritual
warfare, night vigils, Holy Ghost service, revival service, open air crusades, and
ministrations of salvation, healings, deliverances, exorcism, and the few others. Through
these programs and services, people received healings and deliverances that made them
victorious over various demonic yokes that included bareness, spirit of insanity or
madness, ulcer, cancer, pain, pregnancy of eleven months, diverse deliverance problems,
various demonic sicknesses and the few others. The Lord delivered many and healed
many from demonic yokes and problems. To God be the glory!
But, researcher was greatly surprised when the top ordained ministers of the
association led by the conference came to his church to condemn all the ministrations of
salvation, healing, deliverance and exorcism he was doing. Members and non-members
of his church received these blessings and miracles of salvation, healing and deliverance,
but researcher was told that he was denominationally and doctrinally wrong. This was
because the church doctrinal background denied power gifts and even preached and
taught that the era of miracles has gone. One can fully understand that these doctrinal and
heretical problems that ought to be clarified and corrected in some denominations and
churches led to the writing of this project. These doctrinal and heretical problems that
should be clarified and corrected among Christian leaders and followers include: first, the
denial of the reality of the existence of demons and the spirit world. This is because it
takes the spirit or influence of demons to deny the existence of demons as it takes the
spirit of God to confess the true and living God. This is true in the Western World.
Second, the herbalist method of deliverance, healing and exorcism is demonic and it is
biblically wrong. This is true in the Southwestern Nigeria. Third, the biblical salvation,
healing, deliverance and exorcism should be embraced in denominations and churches to
break all demonic yokes and problems in the mighty name and power of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Fourth, denominations and churches that deny power gifts and heretically preach
and teach that the era of miracles has gone should embrace power gifts in order to
effectively carry out spiritual warfare, salvation, healing, deliverance, and exorcism in the
mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. These are one of the core backgrounds and
reasons for the writing of this project.
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