Township of Concord
COUNCIL: Dominic A. Pileggi, John J. Gillespie, John L. Crossan,
Dana M. Rankin, Colleen P. Morrone, Vinita Deshmukh, Larry Mutschler II
Tuesday, June 4
, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
Residents the Township Building is open for this meeting. For those residents unable
to attend, please join us via our live stream of the meeting and please feel free to
participate by submitting your public comment in advance of the meeting:
*Live Stream – (Click Concord Live Icon)
*Public Comment - Email your questions to
for public comment in advance (by June 4
at 12pm)
1. County Preservation Award Winner – Robert & Robin Little (Historic Resource
#112 - 764 Concord Rd – Ellis T. Yarnall House)
2. Race for the Watershed – Newlin Grist Mill & Concord Township Event
3. Upcoming Meetings & Events:
a. June 6
Concord Walks (5:30pm)
b. June 6
Park & Rec Board Meeting (6:30pm)
c. June 7
Drive-In Movie: E.T. (7:00pm Bush Hill Farm)
d. June 8
Beginner Barre in the Park (10am – online registration)
e. June 10
Planning Commission Meeting
f. June 12
Historical Commission Meeting
g. June 13
Concord Walks (5:30pm)
h. June 15
Race for the Watershed & Ducky Regatta (NGM 8:30am)
i. June 15
Family Yoga in the Park (10am – online registration)
j. June 17
Planning Commission Meeting
k. June 19
Zoning Hearing Board Meeting
l. June 20
Concord Walks
m. June 20
Concert in the Park – Bailey Run & Chico’s Vibe (7:00PM)
n. June 22
Bird Watch/Nature Walk (7:00am – online registration)
o. June 22
Beginner Zumba in the Park (10am – online registration)
p. July 2
Continued CU Hearing Taco Bell (6:00pm)
q. July 2
Township Council Meeting
1. Public Safety
2. Open Space, Trails & Recreation
3. Sewer & Public Works
4. Building & Code Enforcement
5. Planning Commission
6. Solicitor
7. Township Engineer
8. Township Manager
Township Council Meeting Agenda
Page 2 of 2
June 4, 2024
1. Consent Agenda:
a. Council Public Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2024
b. Total Expenditures of: - $1,120,115.46
May Payroll of - $ 274,858.11
Current Bills Totaling - $ 655,201.18
Sewer Bills Totaling - $ 190,056.17
c. Certificate of Payment(s):
No. 11 (final) McKenney Construction - $87,474.81
ci. Financial Release(s):
No. 1 (final) George W. Hill Prison (Housing #10) - $47,916
cii. Authorize to Advertise Bid(s):
Sewer Plant Fire Suppression System
ciii. Award Bid:
Nicklin Lane Stormwater Project (ARPA Project)
civ. Appointment(s):
Deputy Tax Collector - Katey McVerry
2. ARPA Updates
3. Octoraro Trail Update
4. Spring Valley Road Speed Hump Request (between Concord & 322)
5. Resolution No. 26 - 2024: Concord Connector Feasibility Study
6. Resolution No. 27 - 2024: Preliminary LD Plan Orchard Knoll
7. Resolution No. 28 - 2024: Prelim/Final LD Plan GVSD
May 2024
We reviewed open burning regulations with the homeowner on 116 Station Road; the fire, while on a
burn day, was 20 feet high & 20 feet across. The fire was creating a dangerous situation.
Investigated Vehicle Fire, several Electrical Fires, and a motor vehicle accident into a building ( Delco
202 Cigar shop)
Muve staff had asked the Fire Marshal’s Office to develop and present a training seminar for safely
handling hazardous items and fire safety procedures. The training was completed in May.
Home Depot is performing hourly fire watch due to sprinkler system failure in the main
controller panel. The daily sheets are being emailed to the Fire Marshals Office.
Meeting with the Ivy Creek manager to facilitate an understanding of the fire alarm and sprinkler system.
This resulted from a fire department incident in which the staff showed a general lack of understanding
of fire safety procedures.
Final fire inspection of the sprinkler systems for four units at Pulte. Completed the rough
inspection for four additional units conducting the sprinkler hydro inspection.
Handled Several high-grass neighbor complaints. All locations have had the grass cut.
Noise complaints for barking dogs at the Heights & Ice Cream trucks after 9 PM.
Notified PSP of resident complaints of panhandlers approaching customers in the WAWA parking lot.
Notified Warren Montgomery to repair broken windows in the schoolhouse property at 322 & Baltimore
Pike; the repair is presently tied up with an insurance company review.
Reviewed property maintenance program with new owners of the Clinger Baltimore Pike
property to get broken windows repaired.
TOTAL 2024 GF Budget: $ $88,785.00 2024 YTD Total: $ 23,490.91
Total Property Safety Budget $204,500,000. 2024 YTD Total: $ 83,018.74
Number of Violations Issued (YTD): Number of Violations Resolved (YTD):
Number of Property Safety & Fire Code Inspections Completed (YTD): 166
The following proposed Property Safety & Fire Code items are on the Council’s agenda for consideration,
and I respectfully recommend the following action:
None Currently
Incident Classification
This Month May
This Month
Last Year
This Year to
Basic Life Support - BLS
TBD 71 321 392
Advanced Life Support - ALS
TBD 164 630 794
Total EMS - Concord Township
0 235 951 1186
1 1 1 1
1 3 1
1 1
Brush / Woods 3 3 8 7
Fire - All Other
2 7 6
Total Fire Incidents
5 6 20 16
Rescue/ MVA/Other
12 9 36 29
CO Alarm -actual
1 1
CO Alarm False
3 6 9
Auto Alarm - Accidental
12 11 76 60
Auto Alarm - Faulty
3 6 9 10
False Alarm
8 6
Haz Mat
3 1 9 6
2 3 15 11
Assist, Police
2 1
Assist, EMS
4 6 26 24
Dispatched & Canceled Enroute
2 2 11 10
2 8 6
40 41 207 173
45 47 227 189
Structures Dollar loss
$0.00 $0.00 $120,000.00 $18,200.00
$1,000.00 $21,000.00 $1,000.00 $15,500.00
$800.00 $1,000.00 $15,800.00
$1,800.00 $22,000.00 $136,800.00 $33,700.00
Fire Investigations
6 6 33
Fire Code Inspections
85 188
Fire Code Permits Issues
Township of Concord Fire Marshal's Report
Statistics represent Fire Department activity for only Concord Township
MAY 2024
5/19: Township Park clean up with Garnet Valley Football Seniors
5/23: Concord Connector Open House Zoom
5/30: Parks & Rec Director spoke at Delco Sustainability Conference regarding Bird Town PA designation
6/7: Drive in Movie at Bush Hill Farm: E.T. the Extra Terrestrial
6/15: Race for the Watershed: 5K Trail Run and Rubber Duck Regatta
6/22: Concert in the Park: Chico’s Vibe with opening act Bailey Run
6/29: Adult Pickleball Social
Concord Walks- Walking group that meets Thursday evenings at 5:30pm in various locations in the Township.
See our website or Facebook page for more details and to register.
Wellness in the Park- Every Saturday morning at 10am at Township Park. See our website or Facebook page for
more details and to register.
TOTAL 2024 GF Budget: $291,800 2024 YTD Total: $141,045 (48%) (As of May 31)
Permits: 44 Permit Revenue YTD (Pavilion, Fields, Courts, etc.): $4,820
Sponsorship Revenue YTD: $13,850
Number of Events for the Year: 15 Event Attendance YTD: 1,300
MAY 2024
Responded to 130 Pa One Calls
Checked and maintained all pump stations 3x a week.
Operated and maintained both sewer plants, managed alarms and maintenance/repairs, performed all
monthly testing.
On 5/21, Steve Leach, a world-renowned microbiologist, came in and gave a wastewater microbiology
class to the operations staff. The training was well received, and all the operators were present and
agreed that it was very insightful. We will be working with Steve in the future on our Phosphorus
reduction plan, and we are looking forward to learning more about our biology.
During a 1 call check we found a manhole that needed to be raised, in the Fox Hill Farms development, it
was handled by MOR contracting on the 28
Operations staff finished a pump station check sheet, this will be used to create a handbook for the
operators that will help identifying the systems that run the stations. This will allow us to take better care
of our equipment moving forward as well as being more knowledgeable of what equipment we are using.
Performed 4 low pressure installation inspection as well as 10 gravity laterals for resale.
We have begun working with a company to help us with our SCADA directions. A representative has
been on site, and we will be working with them to evaluate our systems and how we can move our
operations and controls onto the next level, this will be going on for some time, and when we have
information, we will include it in future discussions.
TOTAL 2024 Budget: $ 5,205,230 2024 YTD Total: 737,454.02
Personnel Overtime YTD: $ 17,632.06 2023 OT YTD: $ 12,679.09
Capital Projects Update: Currently we have authorized the contractor for our Robin’s Way p.s. upgrade
work, and we are waiting on a timeline.
Plant Performance: Both sewer plants are running within permit and without any major issues. We have
had no major weather or equipment issues. Our current flows are normal, and all systems are operating
normally. There was a small electrical fire on the main treatment plant, a pipe heating element was on the
inside of a conduit that was hit the by landscapers’ machine, it cracked and was sparking with flames.
The fire department was called, the issue was resolved, and the broken line was removed and terminated.
The following proposed Sewer items are on Council’s agenda for consideration, and I respectfully,
recommend the following action:
Pay $56,731.543 to McKinney Contracting for payment #11 on the Concord Road north sewer
connection project.
May 2024
Road Safety: In May public works restored a large section of road shoulder (20X4) that lost integrity due
to high volume of travel over time. Staff excavated the problem area, blacktopped, and tamped for
smooth driving.
Public Works Construction: At 43 Thornton Road (township parking lot), PW construction team
excavated an overgrown basin to restore proper storm water drainage. The process included excavating
overgrown vegetation, hauling materials, and reestablishing the area with over 12 tons of stone.
Vegetation Control: Public Works pushed back vegetation in the right of way area in the road shoulder of
Spring Valley Road between Temple and James Hayward Roads. The process involves flagging vehicles
for safe worksite and clearing was done by the excavator and brush head cut vegetation.
A small highlight but to be noted, staff weekly completes park maintenance involving stick clean-up,
trash collection, roadside maintenance, playground equipment inspection and full oversight of facilities.
Road Safety: Potholes were filled throughout town for driver and pedestrian safety this month. In
addition, roadways storm drains were cleared weekly of leaves and storm debris weekly to create open
pathways for water to drain properly.
TOTAL 2024 GF Budget: $704,350.00 2024 YTD Total: $288,953.39
Personnel Overtime YTD: $17,781.71 2023 OT YTD: $3,273.77
The following proposed PW items are on the Council’s agenda for consideration, and I respectfully
MAY 2024
Pulte (Spring Lake) 7 Final Co’s to date
ZHB –June ZHB-Mark VanTrieste - 40 Watkin Ave. seeking variance for detached structure location.
MAY FINDINGS: 43 Dougherty Blvd. - Applicant seeks extension or reinstatement of expired relief - Granted 05-15-2024
Glen Mills Investors, LLC – 871 Baltimore Pike (vacant portion) Drive Through and parking relief needed. – Closed the
record and the decision will be given at the June 19
Extra Space Storage –Special Exception/Variance for extension to obtain a Building permit was – Granted 05-15-2024
George Fisher- 124 Cross Keys Dr. Variance for accessory structure in front yard – Closed the record. Decision-June 19
Joseph Anthony – BVG –an extension was granted on the previously given relief.
Clear Choice Dental - 225 Wilm. W. Chester Pk. #100
Smoke and Vape Shop - 123 Wilm. W. Chester Pk.
Rosenthal Companies Management Co. - 124 Watkin Ave. Ste. 30., #3
Game Day Men’s Health Glen Mills - 30 LaCrue Ave. Ste. 204
Cross Country Mortgage - 30 Regency Plaza
☐ Amy Schullery, Psy.D. LLC – 26 Regency Plaza
Warby Parker LL Glasses - 933 Balt. Pk. #102 Shoppes @Brinton Lake, LL construction started
Testarossa (formerly Ruby’s) 919 Balt. Pk. Shoppes @Brinton Lake, construction continues
L'tor Nails - Summit Crossing - 391 Wilm. W. Chester Pk. Ste 9 construction continues
MLH Health Outpatient Clinic - 1020 Balt. Pk. - Prel. Plan Review
TOTAL 2024 GF Budget: $714,000. 2024 YTD Total Fees: $256,775.
Number of all Permits Received: 105 Number of all Permits Processed: 105 Denied: 0
Number of Certificate of Occupancies: 17 Number of Resales: Residential 14, Commercial 0
Number of Permits Processed (YTD) 558 Number of Permits Processed (2023) 1079
Number of Zoning Citations Issued 0 Number of Citations Resolved 0
Avg. Turn Around Time: Non-Reviewable (roofs, HVAC)-2 - 3 days; Reviewable Residential-15 business days
(sealed 5 business days); Commercial-30 business days
Township of Concord
COUNCIL: Dominic A. Pileggi, John J. Gillespie, John L. Crossan,
Dana M. Rankin, Colleen P. Morrone, Vinita Deshmukh, Larry Mutschler
O: Concord Township Council
FROM: Manos Kavadias, Manos Kavadias, Zoning Officer
BJECT: Zoning Officer's Report for May 2024
ATE: 05-31-2024
The following permits were approved during the month of May 2024.
Building Permits
Applicant Location Use
ulte Homes 354 Milton Stamp Dr Lot # 89 SFD
Pulte Homes 352 Milton Stamp Dr Lot # 90 SFD
Pulte Homes 350 Milton Stamp Dr Lot # 91 SFD
Pulte Homes 348 Milton Stamp Dr Lot # 92 SFD
Tim Markwardt / Custom Design 1801 Century Lane Deck Replacement
John Castello 65 Fox Valley Rd Roof Over Existing Deck
Marybeth Dostillio 122 Station Rd Front Porch Replacement
Conserva Construction 111 Willits Way 3 Season room over deck
Coale Roofing 68 Summit Ave Roof
Impriano Roofing 54 Edward Jennings Rd Roof
Impriano Roofing 9 Darlington Rd Roof
ESH Home Improvement 57 Summit Ave Roof
Tom Tyler LLC 1403 Century Lane Deck
Scenic Outdoors LLC 20 Cross Keys Dr Pool Demo
Piazza Outdoor Living 380 Ivy Mills Rd Pool
Atlantic Reliable Roofing Co. Chevers Dr. Lantern Apts 3 Roofs
Darius Repici 33 Bittersweet Dr. Garage Conversion
Legacy Kitchen 29 John Hannum Circle Addition
Rose Tree Construction 12 James Getty Lane Bump Out / Remodel
Reaction Exteriors 3 John Meyers Cir Stucco
Greenawalt Roofing Co 43 & 45 Thornton Rd 2 Roofs
G. Fedale Roofing 36 Woodchuck Way Roof
Dynamic Remodeli
ng 7
Remarkable Ct Stucco Remediation
Porter Family Construction 784 Shavertown Rd Roof
3911 Pyle LLC 3911 Pyle Rd Porch / Demo
David Semerjian Builders 919 Baltimore Pike Outdoor Dining
Concord Township Council
May 31, 2024
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/kag {
Zoning report - May 2024}
cc: A. Serock, Township Manager J
Melfi, Sewer Administration/Recycling Coordinator
T. Grant, Asst. Manager L. Waldron, Communication Coordinator
M. Kelly, Code Assistant C. Ranieri, Code Secretary
Building Permits Contd.
Applicant Location Use
B&E Roofing 7 John Myers Circle Re-Roof
Patrick Loftus 8 Samuel Hill Front Porch
Tenant Fit-out
Applicant Location
Zoning Permits Location Use
Scott Westburg 1 Nellie Lane Shed
Johnathan Miller 1 Feldspar Dr. Patio
Antoinette Schubert 145 Conchester Hwy Pole Barn
Sign Permits Location Number of Signs
Sushi Xtreme 2 LLC 1102 Baltimore Pike Suite 117 1
Home Occupation Permits (New)
Applicant Location Use
Home Occupation Permits (Renewals)
Applicant Location Use
Massage Therapy Permits (New)
Applicant Location Permit No.
Massage Therapy Permits Renewal)
Applicant Location Permit No.
Solicitation Permits
Applicant Company Name Use
Denied Permits Address Use
Sarita Trivedi, Benjamin Littell, Chris Markland, Jeff Santoleri
TO: Concord Township Council
FROM: Mark Elser, CTPC Chairman
Ben Littell, Vice Chairman
DATE: May 31, 2024
The Planning Commission Agenda meeting was held on May 13, 2024, and the public
meeting was held on May 20, 2024.
following projects were recommended for approval to council.
Orchard Knoll Preliminary Plan
GVSDRedevelopment - HS/MS Prelim/Final LD
LU81, LLC - 120 Ivy Mills 13000046700 - Minor Subdivision
The agenda meeting will be held on June 10, 2024, and the public meeting will be held
on June 17, 2024.
/kag [Activities for May 2024]
cc: Planning Commission Amanda Serock, Township Manager
Terri Grant, Asst. Manager Pennoni Associates (N. Cline)
Concord Township Sewer Dept. Thomas Comitta Associates (T. Comitta)
Hugh A. Donaghue, Esquire
Township of Concord
COUNCIL: Dominic A. Pileggi, John J. Gillespie, John L. Crossan,
Dana M. Rankin, Colleen P. Morrone, Vinita Deshmukh, Larry Mutschler II
The minutes below are in draft form, subject to approval
by Concord Township Council at their next public meeting.
May 7, 2024
The regular Public Meeting of the Concord Township Council was called to order by Council
President Dominic Pileggi on May 7, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. starting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting took place in the Public Meeting Room of the Township Municipal Building located
at 43 S. Thornton Road, Concord Township. The meeting was also livestreamed, and residents
were given the opportunity to email their public comment(s) in advance of the meeting. Council
members in attendance were Dominic Pileggi, John Gillespie, John Crossan, Dana Rankin,
Colleen Morrone, Vinita Deshmukh, and Larry Mutschler. Also in attendance were Amanda
Serock (Township Manager), William Kaelin (Township Finance Director), Nate Cline (Township
Engineer), and Hugh Donaghue (Township Solicitor).
Recognition: Garnet Valley High School Science Olympiad Team
V. Deshmukh read a certificate and motioned to recognize the Garnet Valley High School Science
Olympiad Team for their 2023-2024 achievements. D. Rankin seconded the motion. As there
were no further comments or discussion, Council unanimously approved the motion (7-0). Photos
were taken.
2024 Concord Township Scholarship Award Winners
D. Rankin and J. Gillespie announced the 2024 Concord Township Scholarship Award winners
as Tejas Madhav, Saoni Pan, McKenzie Wise, and Rebekah Burnshaw. Photos were taken.
Executive Session
D. Pileggi announced that prior to the meeting, Council met in Executive Session regarding
Recognition of John Gillespie as Recipient of PSATs Presidential Leadership Award
D. Pileggi recognized J. Gillespie as the recipient of the 2024 PSATs Presidential Leadership
Award. The prestigious recognition honors one Township Supervisor or Council Member that has
displayed the highest levels of leadership, dedication, and creativity towards improving their
community. It recognizes those officials whose efforts keep their municipalities running and their
true commitment and example of public service. Photos were taken.
Council Public Meeting
May 7, 2024
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/lw [Council Public Meeting Minutes 05-07-2024]
Upcoming Meetings & Events
May 8
Historical Commission Meeting (7:00 PM)
May 11
Beginner Barre in the Park (10:00 AM – signup required)
May 13
Planning Commission Agenda Meeting (7:00 PM)
May 15
Zoning Hearing Board Meeting (7:00 PM)
May 18
Family Yoga in the Park (10:00 AM – signup required)
May 18
Community Diversity Day (3:00 PM – Smithbridge Park)
May 20
Planning Commission Public Meeting (7:00 PM)
May 22
Lawn Debris Pickup Day (registration required)
May 25
Beginner Zumba in the Park (10:00 AM – signup required)
May 27
Memorial Day Holiday – Offices Closed
May 28th Council Agenda Meeting (if needed)
Public Safety – State of the Prison Report (Warden Laura Williams)
V. Deshmukh introduced Warden Laura Williams from the George W. Hill Correctional Facility.
Warden Williams provided a state of the prison report. Additionally, Warden Williams introduced
newly appointed Delaware County Executive Director Barbara O’Malley who is responsible for
administration and management of departments of Delaware County government not directly
managed by County Council, and Chief Deputy Warden Adam Smith. Some highlights from
Warden Williams report included: the prison has a daily population of 1,266 individuals, it has had
two inspections from the Department of Corrections that rendered full compliance with no
deficiencies for the facilities; they have received a full accreditation from the National Commission
of Correctional Healthcare; staffing has improved significantly; programs have increased; there
have been successful audits and inspections from the Delaware County Office of the Controller,
Delaware County Health Department, PA Prison Society, Delaware County Coalition for Prison
Reform, and the Concord Township Fire Marshal. Out of the 67 PA counties, George W. Hill is
one of the two facilities that are currently in compliance with the federal recommendations from
the Department of Justice. Warden Williams shared that the prison is looking forward to several
County capital improvement projects to help with deferred maintenance to the prison. D. Pileggi
asked about the prison alert system and the absence of test communications. Warden Williams
informed that the prison will now be using the Delaware County Everbridge system a.k.a. Delco
Alert to send messages. She also informed of additional ways alert information would be sent out
(e.g. sirens and County EMS/911 calls). C. Morrone asked if it would be possible to get a test
alert. Warden Williams appreciated the recommendation and said she would have it arranged.
She advised that residents need to sign up for Delco Alert via the County website
( in order to receive the County Everbridge
messages. J. Crossan asked about a past prison program where inmates would make picnic
tables and wooden trash cans for parks, and wondered if there were any current programs. The
warden answered no and informed that lack of equipment and COVID have contributed to the
demise of these programs. She shared that the prison was hoping to establish a work
study/beautification effort in a partnership with the PA Horticultural Society in hopes to restore
some of the agricultural areas in the county.
Open Space, Trails & Recreation
J. Crossan provided the monthly Open Space, Trails & Recreation report. He shared that with the
help from the Chester Ridley Crum (CRC) Watersheds Association over 120 trees were recently
planted at several Township open space areas. Additionally, in a partnership with Darlington Arts
Center, a park beautification project of painting wooden trash cans took place at the Township
Park, and with help from the Garnet Valley Football Team, invasive plants were cut back. Mr.
Crossan also shared information on upcoming events including on June 1
National Trails Day,
there will be a hike through the First State National Park.
Council Public Meeting
May 7, 2024
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/lw [Council Public Meeting Minutes 05-07-2024]
Sewer & Public Works
J. Gillespie provided the monthly Sewer and Public Works reports. The reports have been made
a part of the minutes. He shared highlights from the Sewer Operations report including mention
of a new pump station at Ridge Road and a pre-bid meeting for replacement work at the Robins
Way pump station. He also shared highlights from the Public Works report including mention of
the recent Recycling Day & Tree Giveaway event and recent filling of potholes within the township.
Additionally, Mr. Gillespie shared that although not a Township project, the much-needed paving
of Concord Road has been completed and the bridge on Smithbridge Road has been reopened.
Building & Code Enforcement
C. Morrone provided the monthly Building & Code Enforcement Report, highlighting new
businesses that have opened in the Township. The report has been made a part of the minutes.
Planning Commission
L. Mutschler provided the monthly Planning Commission Report. The report has been made a
part of the minutes.
H. Donaghue advised that the next Concord Ventures status conference will take place the week
of June 22
before Judge Whelan. Additionally, work continues on right-of-way acquisitions and
easements for the Smithbridge Road Roundabout Project.
Township Engineer
N. Cline gave his Township Engineer Report. He shared the scope of the 2024 Road Program
which includes paving of Pennrose Tally, John Larkin Drive, Temple Road, Summit Avenue,
Peters Lane, Thatchers Circle, and curb improvements on Governor Markham Drive. He also
shared that in regard to the Beaver Valley pocket park, the submission to PennDOT for a path
and access to Ruby Road and the apartments has been completed and they are awaiting
PennDOT comments. He advised that the Schoolhouse Lane Right-Turn Deceleration Lane
Project would be starting any day now, and that there will be a brief detour using Cheyney Road
& Baltimore Pike that will be necessary for installation.
Township Manager
A. Serock commented that the Township is still involved in communications with SEPTA for the
Octoraro trail; Solicitor Donaghue is handing the legal side and Marc Morfei has been working
with SEPTA engineers regarding design. Additionally, she informed of a future postcard
communication that will go to residents informing them of communications opportunities, including
general information and emergency notifications. C. Morrone shared her delight of the new
Constant Contact e-newsletter and thanked staff member Lisa Waldron for assistance in getting
the new weekly e-newsletter going.
C. Kocher (836 Concord Road) commented regarding the hearing for 871 Baltimore Pike, saying
that “if you want to manage it, buy it.” She shared her puzzlement with an advertisement looking
for an electrician who would teach various skills to inmates at Delaware County Prison, including
locksmithing. She shared her concerns regarding the Elections Return Board proceedings, a new
recount process, the selection of personnel for the process, and the oath of office to be taken
specifically for the task. She commented that she objected to the way it was currently being
handled but approval had been given for personnel to proceed. She provided information
regarding state law regarding counting. She also mentioned that there is no Returns Board
oversight of mail-in ballots. She asked Council members to put their effort towards getting these
things amended. D. Pileggi thanked Ms. Kocker for her efforts to help keep the election process
Council Public Meeting
May 7, 2024
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/lw [Council Public Meeting Minutes 05-07-2024]
S. Shaik (7 Broom Court), a 2
grader at Concord Elementary school, commented that the
township could use more bike lanes and sidewalks. She asked what Council is doing to make the
township more “bike friendly.” D. Pileggi shared that when new plans come before Concord
Township, sidewalks and curbs are required. However, existing properties would only be required
to have sidewalks and curbs if they are developing. He also complemented Miss Shaik’s public
speaking. J. Crossan commented that sometimes sidewalks and bike lanes are difficult because
roads are very narrow. Additionally, some roads are state roads, for which Concord Township
doesn’t have control. He commented on the Trail Connector Feasibility Study, to be presented
later in the meeting, that will show possible ways to connect neighborhoods. V. Deshmukh also
thanked Miss Shaik for speaking up for children and grandparents.
C. Cuerden (212 Bethel Road) shared her concerns regarding the Garnet Valley School District
Pennington School Project and the relocation of the school district bus depot to Bethel Road. She
communicated that the school district had rescheduled the meetings to present and discuss the
project, moving the meetings to the daytime when many could not attend. She asked that the
School District presentation to the community at the Planning Commission meeting be postponed
and asked Council to request that the School District provide a real presentation for the public. N.
Cline commented that the school district presentation is currently on the agenda for the Planning
Commission’s May 20
meeting, which is also the same night as Garnet Valley School Board
meeting. He said they would reach out to both groups to let them know of the conflict.
No public comments were submitted via email.
Consent Agenda
D. Pileggi, D. Rankin, and J. Gillespie read the following items as part of the Consent Agenda:
Council Public Meeting Minutes of April 2, 2024
Total Expenditures for April of $851,739.12 which consists of:
o April Payroll $191,964.00
o Current Bills Totaling $407,696.30
o Sewer Bills Totaling $252,078.82
Financial Release(s):
o Landscaping Maintenance Bond Release (Final) to Hawthorne Development
LLC/Ivy Creek in the amount of $15,129.60
o Payment No. 6 to Astoria Chadds Ford (Township Release) in the amount of
o Payment No. 2 to Astoria Chadds Ford (Sewer Release) in the amount of
o Payment No. 1 to Premier A-2 Chadds Ford Storage in the amount of
o Payment No. 1 (Final) to PAG Pennsylvania LLC/CarShop (Sewer Release) in
the amount of $372,152.40
Certificate of Payment(s):
o Payment No. 10 to McKenney Construction in the amount of $56,942.71 for
Concord Road North Sewer and Water Project
Authorization to Advertise Bid(s):
o ARPA Project – Spring Valley Culvert
o ARPA Project – Nicklin Lane Stormwater Management (Phase 2)
o Main Sewer Plant UV System Upgrade
Award Bid(s):
o Robins Way Pump Station Replacement Project (General Contract) to McKenney
Construction with a bid amount of $106,402.00
Council Public Meeting
May 7, 2024
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o Robins Way Pump Station Replacement Project (Electrical Contract) to AJM
Electric, Inc. with a bid amount of $84,733.00
o 2024 Road Program to A.F. Damon, Inc. with the base bid plus alternatives
amount of $325,666.75. Roads included in the 2024 Program are Temple Road
(Smithbridge to Meadow Run), John Larkin Drive, Pennrose Talley, Governor
Markham Drive (widening), and Summit Avenue. Bid alternates are Peters Lane
and Thatchers Circle.
Accept as Complete for Filing the Following Application(s):
o LU81, LLC, 120 Ivy Mills Road, application for Minor Subdivision
C. Morrone motioned to approve the above items from the Consent Agenda. L. Mutschler
seconded the motion. As there were no further comments or discussion, Council unanimously
approved the motion (7-0).
ARPA Projects Update & Consideration of New Projects for Remaining Funding
A. Serock discussed the Phase Two portion for ARPA Projects that Council was considering this
evening. Finance Director Bill Kaelin gave a summary of the past approved ARPA Projects and
total financials for those projects. He shared the three projects being considered for the remaining
approximate $738,000: (1) Andrien Road stream bank/end-wall restoration, (2) pedestrian safety
improvements along Evergreen Drive, and (3) Spring Valley Road traffic calming and circle
improvements. Following some discussion, J. Gillespie motioned to obligate the remaining ARPA
funds for the three mentioned projects. D. Rankin seconded the motion. J. Crossan asked about
originally identified projects not being done. A. Serock acknowledged that several of the small
projects not considered were things that could be done by the Public Works team. As there were
no further comments or discussion, Council approved the motion (7-0).
Octoraro Trail Update
A. Serock previously provided an Octoraro Trail Update as part of her Township Manager report.
Presentation: First State National Park Trail Connector Feasibility Study
M. Morfei of Penonni gave a presentation regarding the First State National Park Trail Connector
Feasibility Study. Funded by a grant from the PA Department of Conservation and Natural
Resources (DCNR) and explored by a steering committee which included Township residents,
the study was done to find ways to connect the First State National Park to different areas of the
Township via walking or biking. Following the presentation, J. Crossan questioned implementation
of identified phases of the study. N. Cline clarified the processes. Additionally, resident Bo Shen
(15 Martins Court) expressed his thoughts regarding safety concerns. He shared that his
neighborhood already has street parking issues and issues with acts of vandalism from those that
frequent the BYC fields. N. Cline explained that this is just a study with a request for public
feedback – no decisions were being made at this time. He also said they would reach out to BYC
regarding Mr. Shen’s comments regarding street parking. Mr. Shen also requested other
connector possibilities be explored on the main roads like a sidewalk along Shavertown Road.
After some continued discussion, Mr. Morfei shared that additional outreach to neighborhoods
and their HOAs will take place regarding the study. The study is available for viewing on the
Township website and residents can provide any comments they may have by the end of May.
Ordinance No. 406: Emergency Service Cost Reimbursement
A public hearing was held on April 11, 2024, for Ordinance No. 406: Emergency Service Cost
Reimbursement. D. Pileggi gave background regarding the ordinance. L. Mutschler motioned to
approve the ordinance. V. Deshmukh seconded the motion. As there were no further comments
or discussion, Council unanimously passed the ordinance (7-0).
Ordinance No. 407: Establishment of New 4-Way Stop Intersection (Evergreen Drive,
Concordville Town Center North Driveway, and New Terrain Southern Driveway)
A public hearing was held on April 11, 2024, for Ordinance No. 407: Establishment of a New 4-
Way Stop Intersection (at Evergreen Drive, Concordville Town Center North Driveway, and New
Council Public Meeting
May 7, 2024
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/lw [Council Public Meeting Minutes 05-07-2024]
Terrain Southern Driveway). D. Pileggi gave background regarding the ordinance. C. Morrone
motioned to approve the ordinance. J. Gillespie seconded the motion. As there were no further
comments or discussion, Council unanimously passed the ordinance (7-0).
Resolution No. 18-2024: Encompass Health Prelim/Final Land Development
Bill Moldavin, project manager, and Matt Guch, Encompass’ regional operations leader, were in
attendance representing Encompass Health. A short presentation, including project history and
development was given. The site plan was presented with no changes. N. Cline asked for
clarification regarding traffic patterns to/from Baltimore Pike. J. Crossan questioned no bus stop
at the location. Mr. Moldavin and N. Cline confirmed that SEPTA did not want the addition of a
new bus stop or the relocation of the current bus stop. N. Cline made comments regarding waivers
regarding third-party permitting. J. Gillespie asked about the need for PennDOT’s issuance of a
Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP). D. Pileggi read Resolution No. 18-2024 and all conditions. N.
Cline clarified that Zoning Hearing Board did not grant variances but suggested those items
should be considered as waivers and acted upon by Council. J. Gillespie motioned to approve
Resolution No. 18-2024. C. Morrone seconded the motion. As there were no further comments
or discussion, Council approved the resolution (7-0).
Resolution No. 19-2024: License Agreement for Hay Farming on Township Open Space by
Jamie Hicks (Hay Farmer for Ivy Mills Property)
D. Pileggi summarized Resolution No. 19-2024 licensing Jamie Hicks to cut and hay Township
open space on Ivy Mills Road. J. Crossan motioned to approve Resolution No. 19-2024. L.
Mutschler seconded the motion. As there were no further comments or discussion, Council
approved the resolution (7-0).
Resolution No. 20-2024: Delegation of Signature Authority for FEMA/PEMA Grant System
(Authorizes Finance Director)
A. Serock summarized the need to update the signatures for the FEMA/PEMA Grant System from
the old finance director to the new finance director, Bill Kaelin. L. Mutschler motioned to approve
Resolution No. 20-2024. D. Rankin seconded the motion. As there were no further comments or
discussion, Council approved the resolution (7-0).
Resolution No. 21-2024: Delegation of Signature Authority for Execution of PennDOT
Contracts in State ECMS
A. Serock summarized the need to update the signatures for the State ECMS System from the
old finance director to the new finance director, Bill Kaelin. L. Mutschler motioned to approve
Resolution No. 21-2024. D. Rankin seconded the motion. As there were no further comments or
discussion, Council approved the resolution (7-0).
Resolution No. 22-2024: Deed of Dedication – Astoria/MUVE Permanent Easement & ROW
for Sewer Infrastructure
D. Pileggi summarized Resolution No. 22-2024 accepting the deed of dedication for the sanitary
sewer facilities and easements at Astoria Chadds Ford. C. Morrone motioned to approve
Resolution No. 22-2024. J. Gillespie seconded the motion. As there were no further comments or
discussion, Council approved the resolution (7-0).
Resolution No. 23-2024: Deed of Dedication – Brandywine Turf Club (CarShop) Permanent
Easement & ROW for Sewer Infrastructure
D. Pileggi summarized Resolution No. 23-2024 accepting the deed of dedication for the sanitary
sewer facilities and easements at Brandywine Turf Club. D. Rankin motioned to approve
Resolution No. 23-2024. J. Gillespie seconded the motion. As there were no further comments or
discussion, Council approved the resolution (7-0).
Council Public Meeting
May 7, 2024
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/lw [Council Public Meeting Minutes 05-07-2024]
Resolution No. 24-2024: Deed of Dedication Onix Hospitality Concord LLC (Hampton
Inn/Chick Fil A) Permanent Easement & ROW for Sewer Infrastructure
D. Pileggi summarized Resolution No. 24-2024 accepting the deed of dedication for the sanitary
sewer facilities and easements at Onix Hospitality/Hampton Inn/Chick Fil A. D. Rankin motioned
to approve Resolution No. 24-2024. J. Gillespie seconded the motion. As there were no further
comments or discussion, Council approved the resolution (7-0).
Resolution No. 25-2024: Deed of Dedication – SOUTHCO Permanent Easement & ROW for
Sewer Infrastructure
D. Pileggi summarized Resolution No. 25-2024 accepting the deed of dedication for the sanitary
sewer facilities and easements at SOUTHCO. D. Rankin motioned to approve Resolution No. 25-
2024. J. Gillespie seconded the motion. As there were no further comments or discussion, Council
approved the resolution (7-0).
With no additional business to conduct, V. Deshmukh made the motion for the May 7, 2024, public
meeting to be adjourned at 8:40 p.m. L. Mutschler seconded the motion. As there were no further
comments or discussion, the motion was unanimously approved (7-0).
158 West Gay Street, Suite 300 T: 610-429-8907
West Chester, PA 19380 Page 1 of 1
May 31, 2024
CONCT 00885
Attn: Amanda Serock, Township Manager
Concord Township
43 Thronton Road
Glen Mills, PA 19342
RE: Concord Woods Stormwater Management
Bid Tabulation and Recommendation
Dear Amanda:
Attached herewith is a tabulation of the bids received on May 30, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. for the referenced contract. The
bid results are as follows:
Contractor Base Bid
Jospeh J Danielle LLC $ 82,032.30
Buck Frank Excavation, Inc. $ 95,250.00
BrightFields, Inc. $ 111,217.75
Jurich, Inc. $ 124,538.00
MOR Construction $ 166,480.00
Eagle Contracting and Landscaping, Inc. $ 206,612.50
We have enclosed a copy of the bid tabulation for your records. The lowest qualified bidder was Jospeh J Danielle LLC
of Trainer, PA with a bid of $82,032.30.
Jospeh J Danielle LLC have provided references, a history of completed work, and an inventory of equipment and we
have reviewed this information. Based upon this information, we recommend that this project be awarded to Jospeh J
Danielle LLC with a bid of $82,032.30, contingent upon their execution of the Contract and supply of the required Bonds
and Insurance.
Should you have any further questions or comments, please contact the undersigned.
Nathan M. Cline, PE
Township Engineer
Concord Township
Tabulation of Bids Received Until 10:00 A.M.
Prevailing time on May 30, 2024
Concord Woods Stormwater Management
Erosion and Sediment Controls
Earthwork and Site Grading
R-6 Rip Rap
R-4 Rip Rap
Erosion Control Matting (NAG SC150)
Erosion Control Matting (NAG SC250)
Seeding and Stabilization
Temporary Bypass Pumping
(Items 1 through 8)
$82,032.30 $95,250.00 $111,217.75 $124,538.00 $166,480.00 $206,612.50
Bid Security
We Declare this to be a true Tabulation of Bids received on
May 30, 2024 by the Township of Concord for Concord Woods Stormwater Management
Nathan M. Cline, PE PENNA. REG. NO. 073807
80 Clayton Park Drive
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Contact: Darrin MacMillan
(302) 656-9600
801 Industrial Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
BrightFields, Inc.
10% Bid Bond
10% Bid Bond
Contact: Charles Frank
(610) 476-5651
Folcroft, PA 19032
1851 Maple Avenue
Contact: Michael McNabb
(610) 496-8254
(610) 209-8869
10% Bid Bond
Contact: Josh Sobelman
10% Bid Bond
MOR Construction
139 Schoolhouse Lane
Buck Frank Excavation, Inc.
Downingtown, PA
Eagle Contracting & Landscaping, Inc.
1150 Boot Road
Jurich, Inc.
10% Bid Bond
10% Bid Bond
Joseph J Danielle LLC
710 Trainer Street
Trainer, PA 19013
Contact: Joseph Perry
(610) 364-1700
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Contact: Virginia Moore
(610) 459-2444
NO. PE073807
Engineering 31,803$
Construction -
Total 31,803$
Engineering 35,450$
Construction 104,000
Total 139,450$
Engineering 53,572$
Construction -
Total 53,572$
Cost of Construction:
Construction is scheduled to begin shortly and anticipated completion is June '24. Construction
was delayed from the anticipated May start due to underground utilities previoulsy not mapped by
provider. Utilities are currently being moved so that construction can commence.
Estimated Cost:
Abel Recon has completed the re-lining of the storm pipe behind resident homes along Nicklin
Lane. Phase 2 contract (Stormwater Basin and remaining Infrast. Work) is on Council's June 4th
agenda for award. Anticipated completion for Phase 2 is Sept '24, Township Engineers continually
meeting with residents updating them on the status and schedule of the project.
Schoolhouse Ln. & Balt. Pike Deceleration Lane
Construction of right-turn deceleration lane and installation of permanent facilities restricting left
turns from School House Ln.
Estimated Cost:
Stormwater Basin & Infrastructure Improvements - Nicklin Lane
Repair of stormwater pipe and outlet behind 2-8 Nicklin Lane. Replacement or lining of
approximately 275 linear ft. of concrete storm sewer pipe, concrete end wall replacement; rip-rap
restoration and replacement, and minor stream bank restoration at the pipe discharge. Re-
establish the stormwater basin at the corner of Nicklin Ln and Huntingdon Farm Dr.
Bid award is planned for summer 2024 and construction to begin and be completed fall 2024.
Project scope has been finalized and bid documents are being prepared by Township Engineers.
Project Status Updates
Newlin Way Stream Restoration & Stormwater Basin Retrofit
Basin retrofit to increase capacity and replace damaged outlet structure and restoration of approx.
500 ft. of stream.
Project Status Updates
Engineering 8,014$
Construction -
Total 8,014$
Engineering 3,074$
Construction -
Total 3,074$
Engineering 1,071$
Construction -
Total 1,071$
Township Engineer's have finalized project specifications and contract will be put out to bid later
this month with an intended award at Council's July meeting.
Spring Valley Rd Culvert
Repair and re-lining of 60 inch culvert on Spring Valley Road (west of AME Church).
Estimated Cost
Evergreen Dr. Traffic Improvements
Intersection Improvements along Evergreen Drive. Improvements include raised pedestrian safety
crossings at Maris Grove Way, pedestrian crossings at Elton Farm Circle, and striping at Styers
Estimated Cost
Project approved for ARPA utilization (May '24). Final design and bid specs being prepared by
Township Engineers for bid advertisement. Bid award anticipated for Council's Aug' 24 agenda,
work to be completed Fall '24.
Project approved for ARPA utilization (May '24). Final design and bid specs being prepared by
Township Engineers for bid advertisement. Bid award anticipated for Council's Aug' 24 agenda,
work to be completed Fall '24.
Sharpless Farms Traffic Calming
Improvements to current round-a-bout on Spring Valley Rd and James Hayward Rd. Improvements
include modifications to islands to increase safety and reduce vehicle speeds entering round-a-
bout. Additional improvements relate to curbing modifications and increased signage.
Estimated Cost
Total Project Cost paid to date: 113,423.06$
Date Name Amount
04/07/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 3,562.17$
08/11/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 2,374.78
Date Name Amount
06/02/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 12,862.42$
09/01/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 8,574.94
06/02/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 1,178.92 Deposit - Audio upgrades and install on new inline headphone system
09/01/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 785.95
Date Name Amount
04/07/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 11,750.87$
10/03/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 8,963.91
Date Name Amount
04/07/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 5,638.65$
12/05/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 3,945.85
Installation of digital door locks (similar to current Township locking system). Door locks will be installed on the exterior doors and the front
and rear entrances of the Communty Center.
Upgrades to A/V equipment to meet needs for holding virtual meetings and having audio output available during presentations and virtual
meetings. Upgrades include installation of wall mounted monitors for easier viewing of meeting materials and presentations during live
meetings. Placement of current video camera with also be moved and mounted from the ceiling to address resident issues during viewing
Council meetings on the web.
Balance - New Access Control Platform for exterior Community Center doors
Project status: Project completed and paid in full.
Deposit - Audio/Visual Add-ons for Council Meeting Room
Balance - Audio/Visual Add-ons for Council Meeting Room
Balance - Audio upgrades and install on new inline headphone system
Deposit - New Access Control Platform for exterior Community Center doors
New Survelliance Platform (Interior & Exterior) - Community Center
Project Summary:
Installation of new interior and exterior cameras at the Community Center. Drawings attached to show placement. Cameras will increase
security and visability of the Municipal Complex. Cameras will allow for full view of Township parking lot, BYC parking lot, and Pickleball
Courts. Cameras will also be positioned facing the entrance and exit roads connecting to Thornton.
Description of Work
Deposit - New Video Surveillance Platform for Comm. Ctr; exterior & interior
Balance - New Video Surveillance Platform for Comm. Ctr; exterior & interior
Project status: Project completed and paid in full.
Access Control Platfrom (Interior & Exterior) - Community Center
Project Summary:
Description of Work
Description of Work
Upgrades to A/V equipment in Township conference rooms. Includes installation of new presentation equipment for both small conference
rooms. New equipment will allow of presentation materials to be presented on monitors as well as allow for virtual meetings to be conducted
as needed. Virtual meeting upgrades to be included on Township's revised Emergency Management Plan.
Concord Township
Communication & Security Upgrades
ARPA Project List #11
Audio Visual Upgrades - Township Small Conference Room(s)
Project Summary:
Project status: Project completed and paid in full.
Description of Work
Deposit - New AV Setup; Back & Planning Conference Room
Balance - New AV Setup; Back & Planning Conference Room
Project status: Project completed and paid in full.
Communication & Audio Visual Upgrades - Council Meeting Room
Project Summary:
Total Project Cost paid to date: 113,423.06$
Concord Township
Communication & Security Upgrades
ARPA Project List #11
Date Name Amount
05/05/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 5,252.89$
10/03/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 3,986.92
Date Name Amount
05/05/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 6,635.90$
10/03/23 Go2 (The Technology Source) 5,248.93
Date Name Amount
Date Name Amount
09/05/23 Total Security Solutions 6,755.00$
01/02/24 Berkau Contractors 5,990.00
02/06/24 Trimm Glass Co., Inc 15,555.00 Installation of Bullet resistant Acrylic - admin front office area
Description of Work
Bullet resistant Fiberglass panels (6) 4' x 10' sheets
Construction of walls above counter in admin front office area
Go2 (The Technology Source) 4,359.96$
Installation of new Multi Sensor Camera on exterior of Township Building. PTZ
removed and will be repurposed.
Project status: Project completed and paid in full. Go2 has old PTZ camera and are working with Township to repurpose in Township Park.
Township Building - Security Upgrades - Front Desk
Project Summary:
Balance - New Video Surveillance Platform for AME Church; exterior & interior
Project status: Project completed and paid in full.
Description of Work
Deposit - New Video Surveillance Platform for AME Church; exterior & interior
Installation of new bullet proof panels in front desk as well as installation of new protective glass. Installation to be done by Township
Facilities and vendor.
Replacement camera for the PTZ camera that is position at the front entrance of Township Building. New camera will provide a static 180°
view of the entrance area to the Township building. The current camera is being repurposed and installed at the Township Smithbridge Park.
Description of Work
Description of Work
Deposit - New Video Surveillance Platform for Smithbridge Park
Project status: Project completed and paid in full.
Upgraded Survelliance Platform - Township Building
Upgraded Survelliance Platform - Smithbridge Park
Project Summary:
Replacement of old cameras currently at Smithbridge as well as the installation of two new cameras. Township is receiving a credit for the
old cameras that are being removed. New cameras installed will provide better coverage of parking lot, pavilion, and playground.
Balance - New Video Surveillance Platform for Smithbridge Park
Project Summary:
New Survelliance Platform - AME Church
Project Summary:
Installation of new exterior at AME Church. Cameras to provide a 360° view of the AME Church property.
Project status: Project complete and paid in full.
Township of Concord
COUNCIL: Dominic A. Pileggi, John J. Gillespie, John L. Crossan,
Dana M. Rankin, Colleen P. Morrone, Vinita Deshmukh, Larry Mutschler II
WHEREAS, the Concord Township, Delaware County has
(Name of Grantee)
prepared a Feasibility Study for the
(Type of Plan)
Potential of Community Connections from the Municipal Park to the First State National Historical Park; and
(Name of Community/Park/Facility)
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Plan is to _investigate the opportunities and constraints for improving
pedestrian and bicycle connections through the study area in the southern portion of the Township; and,
WHEREAS, the Plan was financed in part by a Community Conservation Partnerships Program grant
under the administration of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of
Recreation and Conservation, under contract number BRC- TAG-24-144.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the _Council _________________________________
(Name of Grantee Governing Body)
of the Township of Concord that:
(Name of Grantee)
a. The project study concluded that new pedestrian and bicycle connections through residential portions
of the study area are not feasible; however, enhancements to existing roadways such as sidewalks,
crosswalks, and other pedestrian/bicycle safety measures for segments 1-3 are achievable.
b. The project was completed in accordance with the DCNR Grant Agreement.
c. All project expenditures have been made in accordance with the DCNR Grant Agreement.
d. The Plan and related materials are acceptable to the .
(Name of Grantee)
e. The Plan and related materials will be used to guide future recreation and conservation decisions.
APPROVED THIS ________DAY OF ____________________, ____________.
Dominic A. Pileggi, President
Attest: __________________________________________
Amanda Serock, Township Manager
Township of Concord
COUNCIL: Dominic A. Pileggi, John J. Gillespie, John L. Crossan,
Dana M. Rankin, Colleen P. Morrone, Vinita Deshmukh, Larry Mutschler II
WHEREAS, a preliminary subdivision and land development plan, dated June 19, 2023, last
revised February 27, 2024, prepared by Wilkinson Apex Engineering Group, LLC, has been submitted
by Orchard Knoll Development, LLC (“Applicant”), owner of a 43.957 acre property (Tax Map Parcels
13-00-00200-01, 13-00-00566-00, 13-00-00569-00) located on the east side of Brinton Lake Road
approximately 2,500 feet north of the intersection of Brinton Lake Road and Baltimore Pike (SR 1),
within the R-2 Residential Zoning District (R-2); and
WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes to consolidate and subdivide three (3) parcels (±44 acres),
Tax Folio Nos. 13-00-00200-01, 13-00-00566-00 and 13-00-00569-00, into a 22-lot residential
development via the cluster development regulations. The plan also proposes parking, landscaping,
stormwater management and lighting necessary to support the development; and
WHEREAS, the preliminary subdivision and land development application has been reviewed
by the Delaware County Planning Commission, the Delaware County Conservation District, the
Township Planning Commission, the Township Engineer, the Township Sewer Engineer, the Township
Planning/Landscaping/Lighting Consultant, the Township Historical Commission and the Township
Fire Marshal; and
WHEREAS, the Council of Concord Township finds that the preliminary subdivision and land
development plan is generally in conformity with the Township Subdivision/Land Development
Ordinance and the Zoning Code provided the Applicant complies with each of the following
1. All comments contained within the following reviews:
a. Pennoni letter dated April 16, 2024 (attached hereto as Exhibit “A”);
b. HRG letter dated March 29, 2024 (attached hereto as Exhibit “B”);
c. Thomas Comitta Associates’ memorandum dated November 20, 2023, last
revised on March 12, 2024 (attached hereto as Exhibit “C”);
d. Fire Marshal’s email dated March 29, 2024 (attached hereto as Exhibit “D”);
2. Developer agrees to endeavor to address, to the satisfaction of the Concord Township
engineer, the comments contained in Thornbury Township letter dated February 12, 2024
(attached hereto as Exhibit “E”) and the comments contained in the Delaware County
Planning Commission letter dated August 18, 2023 (attached hereto as Exhibit “F”);
3. Submission to the Township of all required permits and external approvals, including but
not limited to PENNDOT Highway Occupancy Permit(s), PADEP sewage facilities
planning module exemption and PA DEP NPDES; and
4. Lighting locations shall be further reviewed by the Township at the final plan stage for
consideration on reducing the number of lights;
5. Lighting and landscaping must be maintained per the recorded plan, and replaced in-kind
as needed; any substitutions are subject to approval by the Township;
6. The waiver request from §160-50.E(1)(a) regarding replacement trees is not granted;
applicant shall include all deficient plantings, in coordination with the Township
Landscaping Consultant;
7. The final plan shall document appropriate procedures, subject to review by the Township
Engineer and Township Landscaping Consultant to demarcate and protect all existing
trees to remain;
8. Applicant shall endeavor to adjust the proposed grading and provide for appropriate
measures to preserve additional existing trees to the maximum extent feasible;
9. The site cross section shall be revised to an appropriate horizontal scale as determined by
the Township Engineer;
10. All improvements are to be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association;
11. Prior to construction, engineered designs for the proposed retaining walls shall be
submitted for peer review by the Township Engineer. Ownership/maintenance
responsibilities of the retaining walls shall be clarified prior to final approval;
12. A recorded easement or other agreement regarding emergency access over Evergreen
Drive to Baltimore Pike shall be submitted with the final plan submission;
13. The emergency access shall be restricted by locking gates (or similar) of a style
determined by the Fire Marshall and Township Engineer;
14. An executed Operation and Maintenance Agreement as well as a contribution to the
Municipal Stormwater Control and BMP Operation and Maintenance Fund is required in
the amount of $30,157;
15. All deeds, legal descriptions, easements, stormwater maintenance agreements, HOA
documents and/or similar, including those regarding Lot 22/Cedar Grove Drive, shall be
provided in a draft format with the final plan submission for review and approval by the
Township Engineer and the Township Solicitor;
16. Developer agrees to enter into Development and Improvement Security Agreements prior
to release of the signed plans;
17. Regarding Lot 22 (Cedar Grove Drive), applicant is required, per Resolution Nos. 53-
2010 and 19-2011 to install public water and sewer service;
18. Regarding Lot 22 (Cedar Grove Drive), applicant shall provide clarification with the final
plan submission regarding existing/proposed maintenance/ownership of the road,
stormwater basin and similar with the final plan submission;
19. Pedestrian access shall be extended to Brinton Lake Road;
20. Accommodations for school children at the Briton Lake Road intersection shall be
addressed with the final plan submission;
21. The portion of property extending to Mill Road shall be deed restricted from any
improvements and maintained by the HOA in good condition. Area shall be an easement
for future Township access/utilities, including but not limited to trails and sanitary sewer;
The preliminary subdivision and land development plan dated June 19, 2023, last revised
February 27, 2024, is hereby approved this 4th day of June 2024, subject to compliance with each of
the foregoing conditions.
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of Concord Township hereby approves the amended
preliminary land development plan, subject to the aforementioned conditions.
APPROVED AND RESOLVED this 4th day of June, 2024.
Dominic A. Pileggi, Council President
Attest: ___________________________________
Amanda Serock, Township Manager
I have reviewed the conditions of approval listed above and hereby agree to and
accept the same.
By: ______________________________
Print name and Title: _______________________
Township of Concord
COUNCIL: Dominic A. Pileggi, John J. Gillespie, John L. Crossan,
Dana M. Rankin, Colleen P. Morrone, Vinita Deshmukh, Larry Mutschler II
WHEREAS, a preliminary/final subdivision and land development plan, dated November 17,
2023, last revised April 4, 2024, prepared by T & M Associates, has been submitted by Garnet Valley
School District (“Applicant”), owner of a ±170.85 acre property (Tax Map Parcels 13-00-00119-00, 13-
00-00121-05 & 13-00-00784-01) located on the north and south sides of Smithbridge Road (SR 3046)
at the intersection of Smithbridge and Bethel Roads (SR 3025), within the Municipal/Industrial (MI)
district; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes to demolish or partially demolish existing buildings and
other existing features and construct three (3) athletic fields, four (4) parking areas (including bus
parking), buildings and other related improvements. The plan also proposes parking, landscaping,
stormwater management and lighting necessary to support the development; and
WHEREAS, the preliminary/final subdivision and land development application has been
reviewed by the Delaware County Planning Commission, the Delaware County Conservation District,
PENNDOT, the Township Planning Commission, the Township Engineer, the Township Sewer
Engineer, the Township Planning/Landscaping/Lighting Consultant, the Township Historical
Commission, the Township Zoning Hearing Board and the Township Fire Marshal; and
WHEREAS, the Council of Concord Township finds that the preliminary/final subdivision and
land development plan is generally in conformity with the Township Subdivision/Land Development
Ordinance and the Zoning Code provided the Applicant complies with each of the following
1. All comments contained within the following reviews:
a. Pennoni letter dated May 13, 2024 (attached hereto as Exhibit “A”);
b. HRG letter dated May 3, 2024 (attached hereto as Exhibit “B”);
c. Thomas Comitta Associates’ memorandum dated December 20, 2023, last
revised on May 2, 2024 (attached hereto as Exhibit “C”);
d. Fire Marshal’s email dated April 29, 2024 (attached hereto as Exhibit “D”);
e. Delaware County Planning Commission letter dated January 19, 2024
(attached hereto as Exhibit “F”);
2. All conditions outlined in the December 21, 2023 Notice of Decision from the Zoning
Hearing Boad regarding various variance approvals (attached hereto as Exhibit “H”),
including prohibition of lights on proposed athletic fields, prohibition of amplified sound
on proposed athletic fields, and prohibition of field use outside of daylight hours as
outlined in the Zoning Hearing Board decision which is incorporated and attached hereto;
3. All fencing at the bus parking area shall be black “estate” style fencing, or similar.
Additionally, berming no less than five feet in height and landscaping to be installed along
the Bethel Road frontage in the area as shown on the attached exhibit (Berm Exhibit),
subject to the approval of the Township and prior to the releasing of the signed plans;
4. All light poles and fixtures shall be black in color and full cutoff (or similar) to minimize
light spillage;
5. A post installation, night observation of all lights shall be required and reasonable
adjustments and/or modifications requested by the Township shall be addressed prior to
the final release of financial security;
6. Lighting and landscaping must be maintained per the recorded plan, and replaced in-kind
as needed; any substitutions are subject to approval by the Township;
7. Additional fencing shall be installed at the southwest corner of the site to provide an
additional buffer with the adjoining residential properties; fence shall be six (6) feet in
height and in locations and a style and color approved by the Township prior to release of
the signed plans;
8. Submission of color architectural elevations and color board materials for review and
approval by Council prior to the release of the signed plans. Approval of the elevations
and materials for the building shall be obtained prior to the issuance of any building
permits. All building improvements are to be constructed as per the approved
architectural elevations, including screening of any rooftop mechanical equipment. Note
the architectural renderings for the proposed storage facility adjacent to the middle school
are explicitly not approved as currently submitted;
9. Applicant shall complete and provide both a hydrogeological study and a surface
water/water way study for tributaries 00553 and 00554 (Green Creek), as approved by the
Township Engineer to document existing base line ground water and surface water
conditions on district property. Thereafter applicants shall conduct hydrological and
surface water/waterway studies on years 1, 3 and 5 after completion date to assess what
contaminants if any are associated with the turf fields and or bus lot. Should it be
determined that the water on the District Property has been contaminated to a
scientifically established unsafe level as a directed result of the materials used for the turf
fields and/or from the bus lot the District shall bear the cost of connecting to public water
the properties 1 through 19 as designated on property and waterway exhibit attached
10. Applicant further agrees that should the United States Department of the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Consumer Product
Safety Commission, and/or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or its agencies determines
and/or makes such regulation that modify, restrict, or mandate removal of artificial turf
fields, applicant will comply with the same including removal of turf fields within twelve
(12) months or as reasonably practicable;
11. School speed limit zones and appurtenant equipment and striping shall be re-evaluated
and extended in consultation with PENNDOT and the Township Engineer. The School
District shall enter into a maintenance agreement to maintain all such facilities in the area
prior to release of the signed plans;
12. All buses shall be parked in a manner such that back-up alarms are minimized in the
morning hours (e.g., buses will be ‘backed in’ after school so they can pull out in a
forward manner in the morning);
13. Developer agrees to enter into Development and Improvement Security Agreements prior
to release of the signed plans;
14. Submission to the Township of all required permits and external approvals, including but
not limited to PENNDOT Highway Occupancy Permit(s), PA DEP sewage facilities
planning module exemption and PADEP NPDES; and
15. Plans are to be submitted in an electronic format acceptable to the Township Engineer;
16. All temporary, unpermitted signage shall be removed from all School District properties
within thirty (30) days of this Resolution. Any proposed signage is subject to applicable
Code requirements and Township permits;
17. An executed Operation and Maintenance Agreement as well as a contribution to the
Municipal Stormwater Control and BMP Operation and Maintenance Fund is required in
the amount of $24,070;
18. All deeds, legal descriptions, easements, agreements are to be submitted for review and
approval by the Township Engineer and the Township Solicitor prior to the release of the
signed plan; and
19. Signed, sealed Surveyors Certification of placement of monuments and pins shall be filed
with the Township prior to recording the signed plan;
The preliminary/final subdivision and land development plan dated November 17, 2023, last
revised April 4, 2024, is hereby approved this 4
day of June 2024, subject to compliance with each of
the foregoing conditions and pursuant to the following four (4) waivers:
1. From §160-22 - requiring a separate preliminary plan submission; and
2. From §160-39.A(18) and §160-39.C(2) - requiring an 80 foot right-of-way width for Bethel
Road (SR 3025); and
3. From §160-42.A(9) - requiring single parking spaces to be set back a minimum of five feet
to prevent overhang of the sidewalk; and
4. From §160-42.A(11) - requiring a grass strip of at least two feet between the curb and
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of Concord Township hereby approves the preliminary/final
subdivision and land development plan, subject to the aforementioned conditions.
APPROVED AND RESOLVED this 4th day of June, 2024.
Dominic A. Pileggi, Council President
Attest: ___________________________________
Amanda Serock, Township Manager
I have reviewed the conditions of approval listed above and hereby agree to and
accept the same.
By: ______________________________
Print name and Title: _______________________