Brought to you by:
The Edgmont Township
Board of Supervisors:
Ronald Gravina, Chair
Lindsey J. Conan, Supervisor
James R. Hallam, Vice Chair
1000 Gradyville Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Phone: 610-459-1662
Edgmont Township Staff:
Neil D. Vaughn, Township Manager
Lacey Faber
Assistant Township Manager
Susan Sharp
Bldg. Dept. Administrator
Anne Rapposelli
Administrative Assistant
Lori McGillian, Treasurer
Your Edg mo n t To w n ship New slette r Wint er/ S p r ing 2 023
The Edgmont Update
Inside this issue:
DELCO Green Ways &
DCNR Grant Awards!
Runnymeade Farms PECO Reliability
& Resiliency Project—2023
2023 Township Taxes
Who Maintains State, Township,
& Private Roads?
Edgmont Community Events
2023 HHW Events
PECO Tree Trimming
Why is Stormwater Runoff a Problem?
Edgmont Twp. Fire Company No. 1:
Working With and Protecting ALL
Members of our Community
Important Tax Bill Information
Welcome New Edgmont
Township Businesses!
Community Updates
Stay up to Date with the
Township Website!
From the Desk of the Township Manager
At the time of preparing this article it is 62 de-
grees in February, so lets look forward to spring
and all the events the Township is pleased to host
again this year for its residents. Edgmont is happy to
hold its 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Edgmont
Township Community Park on April 1st, starting at
10:30 AM. The first event was a huge success, and
we know that this years will be even better. Additional information can be
found within this newsletter. Be sure to keep up to date with all things Edgmont
Township via our website, Facebook page and e-newsletter updates. In addition
to the Easter Egg Hunt, do not forget about the Annual Streams Cleanup event
on March 25
and the Streams Learning Day on May 20
As much as we are all looking forward to spring, winter still may show up.
Please be mindful and ensure all vehicles are moved from the street during a
winter weather event. This ensures the Township road crew can safely and ef-
fectively plow and salt. Despite whatever the weather may have in store, please
utilize these useful tips to keep everyone safe in your home and/or business:
Have working smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms and test them monthly.
Mark your address clearly to ensure your home and/or business is easily iden-
tified in the event of an emergency.
Make sure your house, business and vehicle(s) are secured at night.
Have an emergency plan in place in case of a severe weather event or fire, and
practice that plan.
Township staff are always willing to help answer questions and assist. Do
not hesitate to contact the office at 610-459-1662, or stop in during normal busi-
ness hours. We are excited for a great 2023 and we hope you are too! Be safe!
STAY IN TOUCH! The Township website, The Edgmont Mini
Update, and the Edgmont Township, Delaware
County, PA Facebook page are the preferred way
for the Township to disseminate important up-
dates to residents. Be sure to follow us on the offi-
cial Edgmont Township Facebook page, Edgmont
Township, Delaware County, PA and Sign up for
the Edgmont Mini Update by scanning the QR Codes!
Primary Election Day—May 16th
If you need to register to vote, you can register at If you have questions about voter
registration, visit: or call 610-891-4659. In-
formation on Edgmont voting can be found on the website under
the Residentsdrop down menu, Voting Information”.
May 1st: Last day to register to vote before the May election.
May 9th: Last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot.
May 16th: General Election Day / Last day for County Boards of Elections to
receive voted mail-in and civilian absentee ballots (must be recvd. by 8 PM)
Precinct No. 1: Township Building, 1000 Gradyville Road, Newtown Square.
Precinct No. 2: 1223 Middletown Road, Glen Mills.
DELCO Green Ways & DCNR
Grant Awards!
Edgmont was awarded
$33,667.00 from the Delaware Coun-
ty DELCO Greenways Grant pro-
gram and $65,000 from the DCNR
Small Community Grant Program for
upgrades to the Edgmont Township
Community Park. These grants will
provide funds to increase ADA ac-
cessibility, install a swing shade can-
opy, new benches with shade cano-
pies, and provide native landscaping
to install buffering around the
swings, which are adjacent to the bi-
oretention basin/raingarden. It is an-
ticipated that these grants will fund
the entirety of the project, which is
likely to go out to public bid in the
spring of 2023. Thank you Delaware
County and DCNR!
Runnymeade Farms PECO
Reliability & Resiliency
PECO, as a part of their Relia-
bility & Resiliency Plan to invest
$1.36 billion through 2025 on target-
ed reliability-focused infrastructure
investments, will be upgrading and
installing new equipment to modern-
ize and enhance the local electric
grid. These accelerated investments
will help strengthen the local electric
infrastructure to better withstand
more frequent and damaging storms,
deliver enhanced reliability for their
customers, and enable the adoption
of clean energy resources.
This plan is part of the compa-
nys overall system investment of
approximately $6 billion during the
next five years across their electric
and natural gas systems to inspect
equipment, complete targeted system
enhancements and corrective mainte-
nance, invest in new equipment, and
perform vegetation manage-
ment. PECO has prioritized the Run-
nymeade Farms neighborhood to im-
prove the reliability, by installing
new underground electrical cable.
About the Runnymeade
Farms Reliability & Resiliency
The first phase of construction
started by replacing the temporary
cables that were impacting custom-
ers on Beechview Dr., Charter Oak
Dr., Flyway Dr., Hickory Run,
Knights Way, Mallard Dr., and
Runnymeade Dr. This work was
completed in January.
The second phase of construction
started in January 2023, along the
streets and rights-of-way of Canter
Dr., Horsheshoe Ln., Bridle Way,
Village Cr., Saddle Run, Charter
Oak Dr., Beechview Dr., Knights
Way, Mallard Dr., Hickory Run,
Langton Ln., Rockhill Rd., Runny-
meade Dr., Beechview Dr., Flyway
Dr., Muirfield Ct., and Sawgrass
The estimated completion time for
the second phase of the project will
be the Fall/Winter of 2023.
This work will help to improve
reliability, reducing the frequency
of outages and minimizing the du-
ration of outages that do occur.
A machine referred to as a direc-
tional bore will be used to install
this new equipment throughout the
neighborhood, including rights-of-
way and easements.
Work will be performed by PECO
crews and qualified PECO contrac-
tors. (Infrasource and Henkels &
Access for services such as trash
removal, student transportation and
emergency vehicles will be main-
tained during construction.
Crews may need to temporar-
ily interrupt service to safely com-
plete some of this work. PECO will
work with local residents to ensure
they are informed in advance of their
activities and any planned interrup-
tions. To ensure you receive all out-
age updates, please confirm that your
phone number is accurate in the
PECO system through MyAccount at, or by calling
PECO at 1-800-494-4000. If you
have any questions regarding the de-
tails of this project or how it may im-
pact you, contact Mike Herman,
Customer Liaison, at:
2023 Township Taxes
On December 13, 2022, the
Board of Supervisors adopted the
2023 budget calling for an increase
of .03 mils in Township taxes. This
means that the total millage for 2023
has gone from .56 to .59. This in-
cludes real estate, fire & ambulance,
and fire hydrant tax (for those within
780ft of a fire hydrant). Edgmonts
municipal tax rate still remains one
of the lowest tax rates in the County.
Edgmont residents saw their
assessed property values increase in
2020. The increase in assessed values
enabled the Board of Supervisors to
cut the millage from 1.0023 to 0.56.
Berkheimer Tax Innovations
will be collecting real estate taxes
again for the 2023 year. In addition
to the cost savings for the Township,
utilizing Berkheimers services al-
lows residents to make tax payments
online, by mail, or over the phone.
Berkheimer mailed out 2023 real es-
tate tax bills at the beginning of Feb-
ruary. If you do not receive your bill,
please contact them at www.hab- OR (610) 588-5765.
Taxes are due by December
31st of each year. The 2% discount
period ends on 4/2/23, and after
6/2/23, there is a 10% penalty.
PAGE 2 The Edgmont Upd a te VOL. 25 ISS UE 1
CRC 25th Annual Streams Cleanup!
On Saturday, March 25, 2023, at
the Edgmont Square Shopping
Center, from 9-11:30 a.m., Edg-
mont will be hosting the annual
CRC Streams Cleanup event. There is never a short-
age of trash to collect, but more volunteers are always
needed, appreciated, and welcomed! To sign up, visit:
The Edgmont Upd a te
Who Maintains State,
Township, & Private Roads?
Edgmont Township owns
and maintains approximately 17.5
miles of Township roadways. The
Township contracts its Public
Works department, which is cur-
rently under contract with Neff Construction. Edgmont and
Neff Construction work together to ensure the maintenance
of Township rights-of ways, which includes the roadway it-
self, stormwater system (inlets, underground storm pipe,
etc.), street signs, removal of debris and obstructions, and
winter maintenance.
State roads make up approximately 14.5 miles of road-
way within the Township and are maintained by the Pennsyl-
vania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). The Town-
ship is not responsible for the maintenance of these roadways
and does not receive funding to maintain these roads. To re-
port a concern on a state roadway, which includes dead deer,
you can call 1-800-FIX-ROAD or submit a concern online, at
Private roads are owned and maintained by residents.
Typically, homeowners or civic associations collect fees to
ensure these roads are maintained properly. If you live on a
private road, the Township does not maintain these roads and
you will need to talk to your HOA or neighbors about
maintenance. This includes winter maintenance.
All Township roads are located on land that is referred
to as a right-of-way (R-O-W). The road R-O-W provides the
space needed for the roads surface, roadside shoulder, drain-
age systems, aerial and underground public utilities, side-
walks, paths, and traffic signs. Because the Township has the
responsibility to maintain roads in a safe condition for travel,
property owners are not allowed to install, construct, place
any item, or work within the R-O-W without permission
from the Township. The exception to this rule is that a mail-
box may be installed per the U.S. Postal Service guidelines.
Owners are responsible to ensure that the mailbox does not
extend over the edge of the road surface, making it suscepti-
ble to snow plow damage.
If you have any questions about this information, please
feel free to contact the Township at 610-459-1662. Or you
can visit our website at Listed below are
state and private roads. Roads not listed are Township roads.
State Roads: Delchester Road, Gradyville Road, Mid-
dletown Road, Providence Road, Sweetwater Road, Sycamore
Mills Road (North of Middletown Road), Valley Road (South of
Middletown Road), and West Chester Pike.
Private Roads: Beechview Road, Briarcrest Drive, Bridle
Way, Castle Rock Road, Chestnut Road, Clover Lane, Crum Creek
Road, Eagleview Drive, Edgmont Avenue, Portions of Farmers
Lane, Hatches Lane, Horseshoe Lane, Landmark Drive, Locust
Road, Mill Hollow Lane, Miller Road, Muirfield Court, North
Crum Creek Road, Oak Circle, Papa Blvd, Post Run, Riders Run,
Ridgeview Road, Rock Ridge Road, Saddle Run, Sawgrass Road,
Spruce Road, Village Circle, Walnut Road, and all roads in the
Ventry at Edgmont Preserve until construction is complete and the
developer submits roads for dedication.
Edgmont Community Events:
Streams Learning Day!
Edgmont has partnered with Willistown
Conservation Trust (WCT), the Coloni-
al PA Plantation, and CRC Watersheds
Assoc. to present a Streams Learning
Day again this year! The event will take
place on May 20, 2023 (5/21 rain
date), from 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the Colonial PA Plan-
tation. WCT will teach participants about stream habi-
tat, water quality, and why streams are so important to
our environment. After, the Colonial PA Plantation,
invites you to explore the plantation with free admis-
sion. See you there!
Edgmont Community Day!
Join us for the 2nd Annual Edgmont
Township Community Day Sept. 9, 2023,
from 11AM—5PM, at Arasapha Farms,
1835 Middletown Road, Glen Mills
(Venue donated by the Bates family!). The
mission of the Edgmont Community Day is to bring
together the community, businesses, township staff,
and government officials; and to foster a deeper sense
of community, pride, optimism, positivity, and inclu-
siveness within Edgmont Township. For more infor-
mation, to become a vendor, or to volunteer, visit the
Township website under the Resident drop down
menu, then Community Day”. See you there!
Edgmont Township 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
On April 1, 2023, Edgmont is hosting an Easter Egg
Hunt for Township residents 12 and under! The event
will take place at the Edgmont Community Park, 800
Gradyville Road, Newtown Square, from 10:30 AM—
12 PM. The hunt will start at 10:45 AM. When all the
eggs are gone, the Edgmont Twp. Fire Co. will bring
the Easter Bunny to visit on the fire truck! Sign-up on
the Twp, Website under Community News”.
To register for events that require a sign-up, go to the
Township website under the Community Newspor-
tion of the front page OR under the Residentsdrop
down menu, and then Community News”. Questions?
Call the office: 610-459-1662
2023 HHW Events
In partnership with the County of Delaware, Covanta
Delaware Valley, and PA-DEP, the 2023 collection
event schedule has been released for residents of Dela-
ware County to dispose of their household hazardous
waste (HHW) safely and properly. ALL EVENTS are
by appointment only, and registration is required.
The Edgmont Upd a te
VOL. 25 ISS UE 1
Why is Stormwater Runoff a
In 2016, DEP labeled approxi-
mately 19,000 miles of rivers and
streams in Pennsylvania impaired for
water supply, aquatic life, recreation,
and/or fish consumption. Stormwater
runoff pollution is one of the biggest
reasons for this impairment.
Over the past 100 years, streets,
parking lots, sidewalks, and con-
struction have been a steadily in-
creasing part of our communities,
which have developed more and
more of our natural landscapes. As a
result, rain that would otherwise
have soaked into the ground instead
rushes over these impervious surfac-
es and into storm drains, which send
it directly into rivers and streams.
Stormwater carries an enor-
mous amount of pollution, including
sediment, car oil, lawn fertilizers,
pesticides, pet feces (which contains
viruses and bacteria), and cigarette
butts. As you might expect, this has
many negative impacts on streams
and rivers.
Rivers, creeks and streams are all
sources of our water supply; when
they arent healthy, public health
risks increase.
Sediment harms aquatic life when
it smothers macroinvertebrates and
clogs spaces between rocks, de-
stroying essential habitat for many
Fertilizers stimulate excessive al-
gae growth, causing algal blooms
that remove oxygen from the wa-
ter. Fish and other aquatic organ-
isms cant exist in water with low
dissolved oxygen levels.
Bacteria and other pathogens can
wash into swimming areas and cre-
ate health hazards, making beach
closures necessary.
Debris, such as plastic bags, six-
pack rings, and cigarette butts,
washed into water supplies can
choke, suffocate, or disable ducks,
fish, turtles, and birds.
Household hazardous wastes like
insecticides, pesticides, paint, sol-
vents, and motor oil can poison
aquatic life.
Land animals and people can be-
come sick or die from eating dis-
eased fish and shellfish or ingest-
ing polluted water.
Groundwater levels may not fully
get replenished, and springs and
wells can go dry.
It is for these reasons that
stormwater management is vital, and
more importantly, a group effort!
(This information was taken from the
Department of Environmental Protections
website. For more information, visit:
PECO Tree Trimming
As part of PECO's routine maintenance, tree trimming is per-
formed every 4 years. Over the next few months, Asplundh
will be conducting this work throughout Edgmont Township.
Below is the map of areas throughout Edgmont in which will
be serviced. Affected customers, if they haven't already, will
be receiving notifications about the upcoming work. If you
have any questions about the project and how you may be
affected, PECO can be reached at 1-800-311-6345.
The Edgmont Upd a te
Edgmont Township
Fire Co. No. 1
Working with and Pro-
tecting ALL Members
of our Community
Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) is a neurological and develop-
mental disorder that affects how peo-
ple interact with others, communi-
cate, learn, and behave. ASD is a life
long disorder, which we as a society
should do our best to understand and
recognize in order better to serve and
care for our community members. It
is vital that first responders get to
know the members of our community
with ASD.
In fact, we would like to get to
know you and your family members
during a Special Meet & Greet on
April 22nd, from 2 PM 5 PM at
the Edgmont Fire Co. No. 1. This is
a great time for your family to recog-
nize who we are, receive instruction
on what to do in case of an emergen-
cy, and let your loved one see, touch,
and familiarize themselves with our
During the event we will have a
giveaway pack that will include items
to place at your home, which will
identify that someone with additional
needs lives there. These identifiers
provide awareness for first respond-
ers to appropriately handle an emer-
gency situation involving someone
with special needs.
Meeting the fire personnel and
understanding our equipment may be
beneficial, as many individuals with
ASD are hypersensitive to touch,
sounds and light. Therefore, exposure
to the fire equipment and gear prior
to an emergency situation can be ex-
tremely helpful. Specifically, the fire
engine lights and sirens. Fire person-
nel like to be cognizant of the effects
our sirens may have on an individual.
When responding to an emergency
situation, knowing the members of
our community allows us to turn off
sirens (when safe) prior to approach-
ing a home when necessary.
Teach your loved one with ASD basic
fire safety tips (stop, drop and roll;
touching a door before opening it, etc).
This includes picking a gathering spot
outside the home. Be sure to repeat
these lessons.
It is imperative that one family mem-
ber be specifically assigned the respon-
sibility to get your loved one with ASD
out of the home. It is critically im-
portant that this person also stay with
your loved one to ensure that they do
not re-enter the home to retrieve a fa-
vorite object or hide in a favorite spot.
Remember that the individual may be-
come overwhelmed with the excessive
stimuli and attempt to flee the situa-
Be proactive by providing your local
fire department with as much infor-
mation as possible about your loved
one with ASD.
Visit the firehouse often, so that your
loved one can see a firefighter with all
of their gear on, including the oxygen
mask, so that they can grow accus-
tomed to them.
If your loved one with ASD is non-
verbal, prepare a laminated card con-
taining their basic information
(including any allergies to medication)
in case of a medical emergency.
Questions? Call (610) 325-5868 OR
Statewide 85% of
all firefighters are
volunteers! That
saves communities
billions of dollars
per year. Sadly,
volunteer numbers are declining,
BUT you can helpSign up today
Drop by any Thursday from
7 PM to 9 PM
1010 Gradyville Rd.
Gradyville, PA 19039
OR call Chip Miller at
(610) 459-5688
Welcome New Edgmont Township Businesses!
Kedron Cheerleading
is officially open!
Located at
3932 Miller Rd,
Newtown Square
Ritas Water Ice
of Edgmont (open March
1st)! Located at
4899 West Chester Pk,
Newtown Square
Philadelphia Baseball
Training is officially
open! Located at
3954 Miller Rd, Unit B,
Newtown Square
360 Smoke N Vape
is officially open!
Located at
3857 Providence Rd,
Newtown Square
D & C Autobody
Supplies is officially
open! Located at
5072 West Chester Pk,
Newtown Square
Important Tax Bill Information
Berkheimer recently mailed out the 2023 real estate tax
bills, which residents should be receiving if you haven't
already. Inadvertently, the Townships fire hydrant tax
was included on every tax bill, which should have only
been applied to properties within the Townships fire hydrant dis-
trict. Berkheimer will be sending out communication to explain the error with
a corrected tax bill. If you have already paid this in error, you will be receiving
a refund. Both Berkheimer and the Township apologize for any inconvenience
this may have caused. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to con-
tact Berkheimer at / 610-599-3143 or the Township office
at 610-459-1662.
Shadow Creek Farm
of Edgmont is officially
open! Located in
Ridley Creek State Park,
Newtown Square
U.S. Postage
Media, PA 19063
Permit #57
Hours: Saturdays and Sundays
11AM–4PM (last admission, 3PM)
The farm is closed until March
2023. The Plantation is open to the
public on weekends from late March
through early December.
Admission Pricing:
Adults (ages 1364): $10.00
Children (ages 412) & Seniors (ages
65+): $6.00. Children under 4 are free.
Special pricing may be in effect for
select events.
Our Mission: The Colonial PA
Plantation is an authentic living history
site with the purpose of enhancing
understanding of 1760-90 farm life in
Southeastern Pennsylvania by
providing high quality, research based
experiences to the public.
Newtown Public Library
201 Bishop Hollow Road
For questions about events,
please call 610-353-1022 or visit
Middletown Free Library
The libraries have programs
for youth and adults. Go online
to see what programs are
happening and to sign-up!
Stay up to Date with the
Township Website!
The Township website has all the
resources you need to stay up to date
with ongoing projects, community
events, and much more!
In the Residentdrop down menu,
you can find information on animal
enforcement, community day,
community news & events, ongoing
developments & projects, public
notices, recycling, waste & e-waste,
and many more resident resources.
On the front page you can find links
to sign up for public meetings,
meeting agendas, the township
calendar, use & occupancy
requirements, in addition to others.
There are also links to access the
township code, permits, contact staff,
and access all the information you
need to know about Edgmont
Township! If you have any questions,
please feel free to call the office
at 610-459-1662.
Public Meeting Times
2nd Tues. of the month
6:30 p.m. Work Session
7:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
4th Mon. of the month
6:30 p.m. Work Session
7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting
4th Tues. of the month
at 7:00 p.m., as needed
Upcoming Public Meetings
Board of
Zoning Hearing
meetings are
advertised in
the Delaware
County Times
and on the
The Edgmont Update
Edgmont Township
1000 Gradyville Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Edgmont participates in the County-wide
Emergency Alert System called, Delco Alert”.
For more information or to sign-up, visit the
Delco Alert website at:
or scan the QR Code!