Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree
in the
Department of City and Regional Planning
of the
Carolina Reid ____________________
Carol Galante ____________________
Date: ___________________________
Masters of City Planning - UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design
Disruptive Development: Modular
Manufacturing in Multifamily Housing
Alexandra Stein
Since the 1830s balloon frame construction has dominated the development industry in the
United States without competition. Recently, off-site manufacturing has changed the way
developers; architects and contractors think about building housing. Modular construction
is primed to disrupt the way we produce housing on a large scale in a cost effective and
time sensitive manner. This report quantifies the benefits of off-site construction, discusses
the challenges, and presents next steps for the widespread adoption of this disruptive
technology for the development of multifamily housing in the Bay Area.
The author would like to acknowledge and thank the following organizations and
individuals for their help in providing information and insights for this report. Without
their willingness to participate and share information, the author would not have been
able to produce this report. Specifically, thanks are extended to the following
organizations and individuals (alphabetical order):
Bay Area Council
BRIDGE Housing
Cannon Constructors, Inc.
Cahill Contractors, Inc.
Carol Galante
David Baker Architecture
Guerdon Modular Buildings
Holliday Development
Lennar Urban
Lowney Architecture
Nautilus Group
Nemo Building Systems
Panoramic Interests
Prefab Logistics
ZETA Design + Build
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5
The Housing Shortage in the Bay Area ................................................................................................................ 6
Challenges to Meeting Demand ............................................................................................................................ 7
Development Cost ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Development Time ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Definitions and History of Modular Construction ......................................................................................... 10
Case Studies: Modular in the Bay Area ............................................................................................................ 15
Modular Manufacturing .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Modular Multifamily Housing ................................................................................................................................ 18
Why Use Modular Construction? ................................................................................ 19
Benefits ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Cost Savings ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Time Savings ................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Labor ................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Quality Control ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Site Impact ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Environmental Sustainability ................................................................................................................................. 27
Material Use and Economies of Scale ................................................................................................................ 28
Other Benefits ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
Barriers to Use of Modular Construction ..................................................................... 29
Industry Wide Drawbacks and Challenges ...................................................................................................... 29
Capitalization ................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Early Commitment to Design ................................................................................................................................. 34
Permitting and Inspection ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Additional Material .................................................................................................................................................... 35
Transportation ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Site Equipment and Constraints ............................................................................................................................ 37
Waterproofing on Site ............................................................................................................................................... 39
Challenges For Modular Manufacturers .......................................................................................................... 39
Module Manufacturing ............................................................................................................................................ 39
Manufacturing Facility .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Production Time and Manufacturing Capacity ............................................................................................... 40
Modular Production Cost ......................................................................................................................................... 41
Waterproofing .............................................................................................................................................................. 43
Pipeline and Capacity ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Next Steps Towards a Scalable Model ......................................................................... 45
Immediate Solutions ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Collaboration ................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Design Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 47
Future Changes and Solutions ............................................................................................................................. 47
Design .............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Permitting and Plan Check ...................................................................................................................................... 48
Financing ........................................................................................................................................................................ 49
Future Research and Questions .......................................................................................................................... 50
Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 51
Appendix .................................................................................................................... 52
Modular Manufacturers - Multifamily .............................................................................................................. 52
ZETA Design + Build .................................................................................................................................................... 52
Guerdon .......................................................................................................................................................................... 52
NEMO ............................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Modular Manufacturers - Other Product Types ............................................................................................ 52
Nashua ............................................................................................................................................................................. 52
SilverCreek ...................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Palomar Modular Builders ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Polcom ............................................................................................................................................................................. 53
CIMC Modular Building Systems ........................................................................................................................... 53
Sources ....................................................................................................................... 53
Primary Sources ..................................................................................................................................................... 53
Secondary Sources ................................................................................................................................................ 54
Modular construction, a process by which units are built and inspected off site in a
manufacturing facility, while foundation, podium and infrastructure is built on site, is a
method that has the potential to increase housing production by accelerating
construction time and reducing construction costs. Anecdotal claims suggest that
modular construction can save between 10-20% on hard costs and reduce construction
time by 30-50%. While modular construction is not a new method, it has yet to be
adopted on a broad scale in the multifamily market. This report will shed light on the
benefits and challenges of using modular construction in multifamily housing.
Long entitlement and approval timelines, coupled with rising construction and labor
costs, have created a uniquely difficult development environment in the San Francisco
Bay Area. The particular challenges facing developers in the region have forced a wide
variety of industry members to consider alternative means and methods for housing
construction. As such, this paper will focus on the Bay Area and use completed and
planned modular development projects as well as three modular manufacturers who
have successfully completed multifamily projects in the region as case studies. The
report will consider the benefits and challenges of modular manufacturing from each
stakeholder’s point of view and will discuss the implications of modular construction for
site selection, design, construction, financing, and policy. Using these case studies, this
report will conclude with next steps for broader use of modular construction focusing
on challenges that can be addressed immediately and those that require longer-term
investigation and policy changes. Although this report focuses on the Bay Area, the
questions, solutions, and analysis have applications to other regions where rising
demand for housing is generating a need for creative development solutions.
The Housing Shortage in the Bay Area
The current housing crisis in the San Francisco Bay Area can in part be explained by
insufficient housing supply. The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) produces
a Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), which is a state-mandated process that
identifies the total housing need for the San Francisco Bay Area for an eight-year period
(from 2007-2014 in the previous cycle, and 2014-2022 in the next cycle).
population growth and household formation rates, the RHNA for 2007-2014 projected a
regional need of 214,500 new housing units. However, between 2007 and 20014 the
region as a whole, including Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San
Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma Counties, permitted only 57% the units needed
to meet projected population growth.
Permits Issued
Percent RHNA Met
Contra Costa
Final Regional Housing Need Allocation Adopted. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Table 1: Bay Area Progress in Meeting 2007-2014 Regional Housing Need Allocation
In its Regional Housing Needs Plan the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)
states that the Bay Area must plan for 187,990 new housing units between 2014-2022
to meet the regions based on population projections carried out by the California
Department of Finance.
However, developers in the Bay Area cities face unique
circumstances that challenge their ability to build enough housing to meet regional
Restrictive zoning, community opposition, impact fees, and potential
litigation, are only a few of the factors that have made the Bay Area an increasingly
difficult environment for real estate development.
Challenges to Meeting Demand
The combination of rising development cost and long development schedule stand out
as key challenges to housing development in the Bay Area.
Although one can argue with the methodology of the RHNA, for the purposes of this report the
RHNA is considered an accurate method for determining population growth and housing
Development Cost
Construction costs have increased nearly 25% in the last two years, including the cost of
land, materials, fees, and code compliance.
Today, the cost of building a single unit in
San Francisco is upwards of $700,000 including land costs.
While material prices remain
relatively fixed because they are linked to a global commodities index, California’s
building codes and energy efficiency standards often require more expensive materials
and labor. For example, the state's Title 24 legislation requires builders to use expensive
high quality windows, insulation, and heating and cooling systems to reach specified
energy efficiency goals.
More importantly, the cost of labor has skyrocketed in the region. Construction labor is
roughly 20% more expensive in California than the rest of the country.
This is due to a
shortage of construction labor, government mandated project labor agreements (PLA),
and an up-market creating more demand than there are construction workers. This
gives general contracts pricing leverage power and a chance to recoup drained profit
margins during the downturn. The construction industry was hit particularly hard by the
financial crisis with some industry reports estimating that 1.5 million jobs were lost.
Though it has been nearly a decade since the Great Recession, the construction industry
ULI Berkeley Multifamily Housing Panel
Is Prefab Pretty Fab? (2016). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
has not recovered the loss of workers and construction employment in California has
decreased by 28% since its 2007 peak.
The general decrease in number of construction
workers in the Bay Area, coupled with project labor agreements requiring construction
be performed by expensive union labor, has caused the price of development to
skyrocket to unsustainable and untenable levels.
Development Time
The average construction schedule of a conventionally built project is 16.86 months
not including the time it takes for planning approval and entitlements. In San Francisco,
it takes an average of six months from the time of submitting a preliminary
development application just to have a city planner assigned to your project. Projects
entitlements can take as much as a decade to secure and even after a project has been
approved, it is vulnerable to CEQA litigation and challenges by initiatives or referenda.
Rising costs of construction, land, and labor, combined with the acute need for housing
to meet the demands of population growth, have forced policymakers and developers
alike to explore alternative construction methods. The need for more housing has
reached such a critical point that there is motivation to figure out a solution. Modular
Smith, R. E., & Rice, T. (2015, April). Off-Site Studies - Permanent Modular Construction -
Process Practice Performance [Editorial]. Modular Building Institute. Retrieved May 11, 2016,
from http://www.modular.org/HtmlPage.aspx?name=foundation_offsite_PMC_report, 28.
construction may be the answer to several of the key barriers inhibiting housing
development today.
Definitions and History of Modular Construction
The term modular construction is often used interchangeably to describe a wide variety
of products and construction processes. To clarify what is meant by “modular
construction” in this report, it is important to provide definitions and make distinctions:
Stick/Site Built refers to conventional wood frame construction methods. Homes are
constructed from pieces of wood, concrete or steel that are delivered to a site, cut or
measured on site, and then assembled.
Panelized homes are constructed out of wall panels that are manufactured in a factory.
Panelized systems may include plumbing, electrical wiring, and insulation - closed-panel
systems - while open panel systems only include framing and exterior sheathing. Panels
are shipped from the factory to the site and assembled by use of a crane that sets the
individual panels onto a foundation.
Manufactured/Mobile homes, like modular homes, are composed of boxes built in a
factory. Though manufactured and modular homes share many attributes, the primary
difference is their portability and regulatory compliance. Manufactured homes comply
with certain HUD regulations ensuring easy and safe transportation.
Modular Construction is a process by which individual components or modules are built
off-site in a factory and then transported and assembled on site by use of a frame that
sets the modules on a foundation and stacks them on top of one another. Modular units
are permanent and subject to stricter state and local building codes.
Modular construction is not a new concept. The first documented prefabricated home
was the Manning Portable Cottage built in the 1830’s by a carpenter in London.
Manning wanted to construct a home for his son who was immigrating to Australia but
didn’t know what materials and supplies his son would find there so he built the house
in pieces so that it could be stored and shipped and then assembled upon arrival. In the
United States, prefabricated construction began with the balloon-frame method created
by Chicago builder Augustine Taylor. This particular method allowed walls to be built off
site and then transported on-site so that a building could be erected more quickly. Sears
Roebuck and Co. home introduced perhaps the most well-known and successful prefab
in 1908. The order-by-mail house was delivered in pieces and then assembled on-site. At
the time, these houses cost less than two-thirds of a conventionally built home.
Between 1908 and 1940 Sears Roebuck and Co. sold over 500,000 catalogue homes.
The United States experienced a severe shortage of housing supply following the end of
the World War II when soldiers returning to the United States wanted to buy a home.
The demand for homes was greater than the conventional construction industry could
handle and soon builders were looking for solutions to increase efficiency and lower the
cost of home construction. The single-family modular manufacturing industry
experienced a boon in this market and at one point there were over 70 active modular
manufacturers, ultimately leading to the construction of roughly 200,000 prefabricated
In Postwar Europe, prefabricated housing was used to address the loss of over 25% of
housing stock in companies such as Germany due to bombings. The Nissen Hut as it was
known in the UK or the Quonset Hut in the US a prefabricated steel structure made
from corrugated steel - was used extensively across the world for domestic, military and
institutional uses. Although it had many flaws, such as its cylindrical design which made
it difficult to place rectangular furniture in, they were economical in their use of
Prefab: From Utilitarian Home To Design Icon. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
A Brief History of Prefab. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
materials and were portable and quickly erected.
In Britain over 155,623
prefabricated homes were produced after the Second World War.
Architects have long seen prefabricated construction as a way to deliver “smart design
to the masses”. Inspired by the Industrial Revolution, which proved the efficiency of
assembly line manufacturing, architects like Walter Gropius, Buckminster Fuller and
Frank Lloyd Wright envisioned the technology of mass production being applied to
manufacturing homes. Fuller, for example, designed the Dymaxion House in 1927,
which, although never built, was to be shipped in pieces and then assembled on site.
Countries around the world have utilized prefabricated methods in construction for
decades particularly in Finland and Japan where it makes up 20% of the housing
Companies like Muji in Japan, BoKlock in Scandanavia, and also companies in
Poland and England, have been providing prefabricated housing in large quantities for
years. In Sweden, a country with only 9 million inhabitants, 14,000 units of
prefabricated housing are sold a year and 84% of detached homes use prefabricated
A Brief History of Prefab. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
A Brief History of Prefab. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
Prefab: From Utilitarian Home To Design Icon. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
timber elements (as compared to 5% in the US, Australia and the UK).
In Germany 9%
of new residential building permits are for prefabricated buildings and in the
Netherlands 20% of all new housing uses wood or concrete prefab materials.
several building sectors in the United States are utilizing some form of prefabrication or
modular building processes today; 49% of healthcare facilities, 42% of college buildings
and dorms, and 42% of manufacturing buildings are using this technology.
multifamily residential housing is notably absent from these categories.
Though modular construction is widely used in the single-family home and hospitality
industries across the world, only a handful of projects have used this technology in
multifamily housing in the United States. Several of the country’s multifamily modular
projects exist in the San Francisco Bay Area and those, described below, serve as the
primary case studies to discuss the benefits and challenges of utilizing modular
Why Sweden beats the world hands down on prefab housing. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016,
from http://www.globalconstructionreview.com/trends/why-sweden-beats-world-h8an0ds-
Why Sweden beats the world hands down on prefab housing. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016,
from http://www.globalconstructionreview.com/trends/why-sweden-beats-world-h8an0ds-
Industry-SMR-2011R.pdf, p. 10
Case Studies: Modular in the Bay Area
Due to the unique characteristics of the development environment in the San Francisco
Bay Area, this paper uses projects, manufacturers, and stakeholders located in or
serving the Bay Area market as case studies. Modular manufacturers vary in their
production capabilities, technologies, and target product markets. For the purposes of
this report, only modular manufacturers with demonstrated capability in the multifamily
market are discussed in depth. The appendix at the end of the paper contains additional
information and resources, including information regarding multifamily modular
manufacturers and projects outside of the Bay Area region.
Modular Manufacturing
ZETA Design + Build: The first modular manufacturer to produce a multifamily project in
the Bay Area entered the market in 2010 as a vertically integrated developer seeking to
produce housing using more sustainable building methods. In 2010, ZETA Design + Build
developed its first project in the Bay Area - two net-zero-energy townhomes in
ZETA’s founder determined that “modular net-zero energy factory
construction is the most sustainable way to build green, energy efficient housing…”
The two homes were built to demonstrate economical and innovative housing energy
solutions and their modular construction was only a by-product of the company’s desire
to manufacture energy efficient housing. Through the exercise, however, ZETA found
that modular manufacturing dramatically reduced the construction time of a project and
thus, could reduce the overall cost of a project through savings in project financing.
The success of ZETA’s first project prompted other developers to take an interest in
modular housing and led ZETA to partner with Patrick Kennedy of Panoramic Interests in
2013 to complete the first multifamily modular project in San Francisco at 38 Harriet
Street. Following the success of 38 Harriet Street, ZETA expanded its product line to
include multifamily modular housing. ZETA went on to partner with four other
developers in the Bay Area and produced over 350 housing units before going out of
business in the spring of 2016. Despite lack of capital and leadership issues, which
ultimately led to the company’s demise, ZETA’s experiences in multifamily modular
construction provide important insights into the benefits and challenges of utilizing a
modular approach.
Nemo Building Systems: In 2014, Nemo Building Systems launched a modular
manufacturing facility in Lathrop with the goal of applying lean manufacturing concepts
to home construction. As a vertically integrated manufacturer of modules for its sister
company Nautilus Group, Nemo does not currently produce modules for third party
developers. Nautilus has five sites across the Bay Area that will use modular
manufacturing to construct student housing, multifamily, and mixed-use projects.
Nautilus’s first project, a 236-bed student housing project in Berkeley, will be completed
in summer of 2016.
Guerdon Enterprises: A modular manufacturer based in Boise, Idaho, Lad Dawson
founded Guerdon in 2001 with a vision of bringing modular manufacturing to residential
and commercial construction. Guerdon began by manufacturing modular single-family
homes and has since grown to produce large-scale modular projects including
commercial buildings, hospitality facilities, remote work camps, and single and
multifamily housing throughout the western United States. Guerdon has produced three
multifamily housing projects in the Bay Area, two of which are the largest modular
multifamily projects in the region containing over 300 units each.
Modular Multifamily Housing
Completed Modular Development Projects
Project 38 Harriet St The Domain Parkside Studios 5830 Third St Marea Alta
Date 2013 2013 2015 2016 2016
Location San Francisco San Jose Sunnyvale San Francisco San Leandro
Equity Residential Charities Housing
Contractor Pankow Douglas Ross Cahill Cannon Cannon
Humphrey’s &
Studio E
Ankrom Moisan
Financing N/a
Mutual Life
Silicon Valley Bank Union Bank Wells Fargo
Units 23 444 59 136 115
No. Modules n/a 540 312 308
Module Cost n/a $46.5 million* $3.8 million* $10 million* $14 million*
Project Cost n/a $155 million $12.7 million $33 million $47 million
Construction Time 3 months 9.5 months 12.5 months
8 months
For the purpose of this project, this section only covers projects that have been completed in
the San Francisco Bay Area as of spring 2016. Where modular cost was not available, estimates
were made using a 30% of total project cost value as affirmed by interviews. Where information
was not available a designation of n/a was filled in.
Parkside Studios experienced issues with water damage after a storm, which extended their
construction time by 3 months. Still, despite the water damage, the project was ultimately
completed in the same amount of time conventional construction would have taken.
Upcoming Modular Development Projects
Project Date Location Developer
Contractor Architect Units
2016 Berkeley Nautilus NEMO NEMO Nautilus 236 Beds 295
TBD Berkeley Nautilus NEMO NEMO Nautilus 204 520
TBD Oakland Nautilus NEMO NEMO Nautilus 42 95
TBD Oakland Nautilus NEMO NEMO Nautilus 48 120
2016 Sacramento Urban Core Guerdon
2017 Union City Fei Tsen Guerdon Cannon David Baker 243 388
The Union
2017 Oakland Holliday Guerdon Cannon David Baker 110 60
2017 Berkeley
n/a n/a 22
Why Use Modular Construction?
Today, the housing crisis in the Bay Area requires us to think innovatively about how to
increase supply of housing at a reasonable cost. The question is how to do so at a speed,
price, and scale that can correct the decades long supply-demand imbalance of housing
production the Bay Area.
For the purposes of this project, this section only discusses projects that are planned, under
construction, or being contemplated in the San Francisco Bay Area as of spring 2016.
Interviews with developers, architects, and contractors using or contemplating the use
of modular manufacturing all cite the same overarching reason for considering modular:
cost containment. Modular construction can reduce development costs in three ways:
fixed price contracts, shortened development time and lower labor costs.
Construction costs in the Bay Area have increased between 5-7% annually since 2013.
One of the main reasons developers chose modular construction is because a
guaranteed maximum price is negotiated and agreed upon between the developer and
the modular manufacturer up to six months before modular production actually begins.
While the cost of a project using modular may not beat conventional construction in
terms of ultimate construction cost, developers and contractors alike agreed that this
price guarantee alone warranted utilizing modular construction. Although construction
cost may not be reduced, with units built in a manufacturing facility while site work
continues at the project, modular construction creates efficiencies in the production of
housing that translate into a significantly shortened construction timeline.
The value of
reducing construction time can be realized through shorten construction loan terms and
the unquantifiable benefit of brining a product to market faster than when utilizing
conventional stick built construction.
Building costs go through the roof: The Bay Area's new affordability crisis. (2014). Retrieved
May 11, 2016, from http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/print-
Although these cost savings may not trickle down to the end user, lower construction costs
mean more housing developments.
Using modular construction in multifamily housing in the Bay Area has many
advantages. To date, most of these benefits are only recorded anecdotally. This section
will outline and quantify, where possible, the purported advantages of modular
construction and compare those benefits to conventional construction when possible.
Cost Savings
Anecdotal evidence suggests that modular construction can save upwards of 20% on the
cost of construction of a multi-family housing project. The most significant cost savings
come from reduced reliance on expensive on-site labor. Additional cost savings are
realized as a result of less overtime pay for on-site workers and reduction of on-site
resources (for example, with labor off-site the cost of support facilities like portable
toilets is reduced).
Additionally, cost savings come from the value of having a fixed project budget as
opposed to traditional construction projects, which are known for innumerable change
orders and subsequent budget increases. A study published by the Office of Legislative
Oversight in Montgomery County, MD found that in the 17 county government buildings
that reached substantial completion in 2009-2013… there was an 8% overall increase in
contract costs due to change orders.
Comparatively, modular construction projects
have substantially fewer change orders as all aspects of the project, from structural and
mechanical systems to appliances and finishes, are digitally designed and optimized
before assembly even begins, therefore controlling the cost of the project at the
Interviews with developers and contractors agreed that because the design is
finalized before module construction begins, the possibility for large costly changes to
design or construction is reduced.
Conventional Construction
Modular Construction
Labor Per Hr. $60-$80 $15-$30
Total Module Cost Per SF $250-$275 $80-$100
Table 2: Average labor and material cost comparison
Source: General Contractor Interview (February 22, 2016), Modular Manufacturer Interview (April 6, 2016)
Time Savings
The most significant benefit of modular construction is in time saved during
construction. Developers, contractors, and modular manufacturers alike claim that
modular construction reduces multifamily construction time by as much as 50%, which
translates to an average of a 7-month construction period as compared to a 14-month
construction period. This is because unit construction can occur off-site while on-site
preparation and foundation building occurs.
Perm Smith, R. E., & Rice, T. (2015, April). Off-Site Studies - Permanent Modular Construction -
Process Practice Performance [Editorial]. Modular Building Institute. Retrieved May 11, 2016,
from http://www.modular.org/HtmlPage.aspx?name=foundation_offsite_PMC_report
, 18.
Is Prefab Pretty Fab? (2016). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
The hourly wage for a factory worker varies significantly based on geographic location of the
factory. A factory in the Bay Area quoted hourly wages of between $20-$30/hr. while a factory
outside of California quoted $15-$17/hr.
Modular Manufacturing
Design &
Permits & Approvals
Site Work &
Site Installation
& Finishing
Time Savings
Off-Site Module
Design &
Permits & Approvals
Site Work &
Building & Unit Construction
Site Restoration
& Finishing
Conventional Construction
Figure 2: Comparison of construction duration
The Modular Building Institute conducted a study to validate anecdotal evidence of the
shortened development timeline when using modular construction. Their research
found that a modular project took an average of 9.29 months to build, while a
conventional project of a similar size and scale would take 16.86 months for
conventional construction.
Interviews with developers and contractors, and case
studies of modular projects that have been built in the Bay Area confirmed this schedule
reduction, with completed projects in the region reporting an estimated 50% reduction
in construction schedule.
Smith, R. E., & Rice, T. (2015, April). Off-Site Studies - Permanent Modular Construction -
Process Practice Performance [Editorial]. Modular Building Institute. Retrieved May 11, 2016,
from http://www.modular.org/HtmlPage.aspx?name=foundation_offsite_PMC_report , p. 20
This time savings translates to a cost savings. By reducing the construction time by +/-
seven months, the developer is saving seven months of carrying and operating costs. A
general contractor estimated that for a project of 100 units their general conditions (i.e.
overhead costs such as site management, material handling, and project management
throughout the duration of the project) cost around $100,000 per month. Reducing
construction schedule by seven months and eliminating this cost alone saves the project
$700,000. Developers also save in interest paid on construction loans and other
financing. Construction loans typically account for 80% of the total project cost and
account for a 20-24 month construction duration (including a six month cushion on
either side). Using modular construction, the development timeline is cut in half,
reducing the interest carry on the construction loan significantly. In addition to the
dollar for dollar interest savings a developer accrues, there is the added unquantifiable
benefit of bringing the project to market faster, which may allow a developer to lease
up or sell their property more quickly than if they had used conventional construction.
Table 2 details the actual time of construction of several modular projects in the Bay
Area as compared to the estimated construction time using conventional stick frame
Stick Frame Construction
Modular Construction
5830 Third Street
20 months
13 months
Marea Alta
19 months
16 months
Table 2: Modular construction duration vs. estimated stick construction duration
Source: Developer interview (February 17, 2016), General contractor interview (February
18, 2016)
This includes a 3 month delay due to ZETA’s late delivery of modules
Modular manufacturers are able to offer competitive pricing in large part because they
move their labor costs to less expensive areas. The high cost of housing in the San
Francisco Bay Area coupled with lower labor supply means that wages in the Bay Area
are generally higher than in other parts of the state or cities outside of California.
Modular manufacturing allows for more than 80% of the building’s construction to take
place in lower cost labor markets where factories are located. The wage rates of factory
workers in less expensive labor markets like Lathrop and Boise is roughly 35-40% of the
hourly wages of Bay Area union construction workers. For example, one Bay Area
manufacturer employed factory workers whose hourly wage rate was $20-$30 per hour
as compared to site wage rates of $60-$80 per hour.
A modular factory outside of the
Bay Area only pays its factory workers $15-$17 per hour including health care and other
Additionally, labor in a factory can be more efficient and more productive in a day than
on site labor. As one contractor put it, in the factory, the work comes to the worker, but
in the field, the worker has to go to the work. In a manufacturing facility, the labor force
remains stationary while their work is delivered to them by the assembly line.
In a site-built situation, the (more expensive) worker has to spend time moving
themselves, their tools, and their equipment from unit to unit. All of these small steps
Modular Manufacturer Interview, March 8, 2016
Modular Manufacturer Interview, May 5, 2016
and movements are eliminated in a factory environment, resulting in a higher degree of
efficiency and productivity.
Quality Control
Modular construction is made possible by building information modeling (BIM)
technology. The 3-D digital design tool allows architects, engineers, contractors and
subcontractors to coordinate information and digitally model the components of the
building before it is constructed. This technology allows for optimization of production
and also allows for the creation of a “digital twin” of the building therefore streamlining
the quality control process. Additionally, most modular developers contract with a third
party inspector such as NTA or RADCO who not only conduct state inspections but also
conduct quality control checks in the factory before the modules are transported to the
construction site. One modular manufacturer explained their quality control program as
involving a four-step process: i) training the factory workers and associates, ii)
employing one supervisor for every two manufacturing stations in the factory, iii)
employing separate quality control inspectors, and iv) employing third party inspectors
to conduct quality control checks who are at the factory every day.
Site Impact
One of the most important advantages of modular construction is the reduced impact to
the neighborhood and construction site. When visiting her first modular site, one
Modular Manufacturer Interview, May 5, 2016
industry professional could not believe how quiet the site was and how few
construction workers were there compared to a conventional construction site.
Contractors, developers, neighbors, and visitors agree that modular construction sites
are quieter, less chaotic, and there is less impact to the surrounding community.
Because more than 80% of the unit construction is conducted off site in a factory, there
are fewer workers on site, which reduces the impact to traffic in the surrounding area.
This also reduces the amount of heavy machinery on site and translates to improved air
quality on the construction site and in the surrounding neighborhood. Additionally, the
substantially shortened construction timeline means neighboring residents reduce the
amount of time they are exposed to the nuisance of a construction site.
Environmental Sustainability
Conventional construction sites are notorious for excess material and waste. According
to some sources, the construction of a 2,000 square foot home generates in excess of
8,000 pounds of waste.
When building in a controlled environment such as a factory,
there is less potential waste and more opportunity to recycle and reuse discarded
material on another module or aspect of the building. Scrap that is unable to be reused
can be ground up and recycled. Additionally, because the modules are designed using a
Modular Construction, A Better Way for Green Building | EarthTechling. (n.d.). Retrieved May
11, 2016, from http://earthtechling.com/2014/05/modular-construction-a-better-way-for-
BIM model and each component of the mod is precision cut, the likelihood of waste
resulting from inaccurate measurement is reduced.
Material Use and Economies of Scale
Larger-scale modular manufacturers can negotiate better pricing because of the volume
and consistency of their orders. Many modular companies perform their own design, so
they can specify their standard materials in the units before they begin fabrication. This
means they have control over a portion of the specifications, for example they can
always use the same bolts, so because they always purchase a certain type of bolt they
can negotiate better pricing and drive down the cost of the module. By contrast, a site
built contractor is at the mercy of the structural engineer who specifies what type of
bolts are used, and therefore is less able to negotiate pricing discounts for volume.
Additional price negotiation is possible through the streamlined material acquisition
process. A site built contractor may be buying $5 million of material via five or ten
different subcontractors whereas the modular manufacturer is buying everything
themselves. Generally, an individual buying $5 million worth of material will receive
more favorable pricing than ten individual subcontractors purchasing $500,000 in
material each.
Other Benefits
o Increased labor safety through reduced exposures to inclement weather,
temperature extremes, and ongoing or hazardous operations;
o Better working conditions (i.e. components traditionally constructed on-site at
heights or in confined spaces can be manufactured off-site and then hoisted into
place using cranes)
o Reduced construction schedule disruptions due to construction in a weather
protected work environment
o Fewer weather delays
Barriers to Use of Modular Construction
There are several challenges that must be addressed in order to realize the use of
modular construction at scale in the Bay Area. This section will discuss the barriers to
implementation of a modular approach to multifamily housing in the Bay Area and
identify which of these challenges will be addressed as the modular industry matures
and which require further investigation and potential change in policy.
Industry Wide Drawbacks and Challenges
One of the primary reasons ZETA Design + Build went out of business in the spring of
2016 was due to lack of capital. Those who worked with the company over its 8-year
tenure cited regular issues with ZETA’s procurement and ability to deliver on time and
on schedule - issues that were likely due to a lack of capital. Factory manufactured
housing requires a large upfront capital investment in order to procure materials in
advance of manufacturing and to deliver modules on time and on schedule. This is a
challenge for both the manufacturer and the developer and his/her financial partners.
The question of who should provide the upfront capital and how much is complicated as
each stakeholder has different and at times conflicting motivations and constraints.
Modular manufacturers ask for as much as 50% of the total project budget upfront to
finance procurement and production, a proportion that developers generally feel is too
high. Due to the conventional construction-financing model, most construction lenders
won’t release any construction draws until the modules arrive on-site. Thus, any up-
front capital investment would have to come from the developer or his/her equity
partners. Developers and general contractors agreed that while a small deposit of 10-
25% of the project contract would be appropriate, the responsibility of financing
procurement and production lies with the manufacturer.
Modular manufacturers on the other hand, tended to criticize the financial industry and
developers for their unwillingness to release funds in the predevelopment phase of the
project for material procurement and module production. One modular manufacturer
explained the predicament current industry standard impose on the modular
manufacturing industry as follows: module production begins as much as six months
before the first module is delivered on site depending on the size of the project and
material procurement should be conducted 6-7 weeks before module production
begins. This means that the modular manufacturer has to purchase and pay for
materials several weeks before the modules start production and then has to pay for
labor throughout the months it takes to produce the modules for the project. Only once
modules are received on site does the bank release construction financing to pay for
those modules. Depending on the site of the project, the modular manufacturer may
need as much as $16-$20 million in advance of receiving any compensation from the
construction lender.
For example, a 100-unit project would require about 60 modules, which costs about $8
million. At a rate of 3 modules per day it would take would take a manufacturer 4-5
weeks on average to produce the modules. Due to shipping constraints, the modular
manufacturer can only ship three mods per day and it takes two days for the modules to
arrive on site from the factory. Additional staging constraints on site may also limit the
amount of modules that can be shipped and held on site at a time. Thus, using
conservative estimates, a factory can ship 10 modules per week, meaning it will take 6-7
weeks for all of the modules to be delivered on site and construction financing to be
incrementally released to the general contracts who then releases it to the
Modular Manufacturer Interview, May 5, 2016
manufacturer. So over the course of 10-14 weeks the manufacturer must front $8
million for the cost of production. This represents a tremendous financial burden to
modular manufacturers who, depending on the capacity of their factory, can only
produce modules for four or five projects a year.
The challenge of capitalization is perhaps the largest barrier for the widespread
adoption of modular manufacturing. Several changes will need to occur on an industry
wide basis to address this problem:
Developers should be prepared to put down a deposit of 10-25% of the manufacturing
contract as early as 6 months in advance of the production of modules. This deposit may
be required before a project is substantially designed or approved and this of course,
presents a new risk to the developer.
Financial institutions should consider reconfiguring the model of construction financing
to allow for release of substantial funding (sometimes 50% of the overall modular
production budget) during the predevelopment material procurement and production
phase. There are two concerns banks raise in releasing capital: first, banks are
concerned with the ability to identify collateral in a manufacturing facility where the
same materials could be used for multiple projects. One possible solution would be for
the modular manufacturers to establish itemized and traceable inventory logs to
establish which material was procured for which project. Another solution would be for
banks to actually purchase the materials for module production, giving them an asset to
collateralize. Second, banks raise concerns about completing construction in the event
the modular manufacturer going out of business. Contractors who have experience with
modular projects noted that it is possible to build conventionally around a partially
completed modular project.
When releasing construction funding, conventional industry standards require a bank
inspector to visit the project site and certify percent completion to release the next
round of construction funding. One possible adjustment to the construction-financing
model would be to send a bank inspector to the modular factory to assess percent
completion and allow release of funds based on the number of completed modules
rather than waiting for the modules to arrive on site to certify percent completion.
Modular manufacturers should adjust the amount of upfront capital they require, as
50% of the total project budget is too high for most developers to agree to.
Manufacturers could take out a business line of credit, much like other small businesses,
to allow for material procurement in advance of a deposit from a developer or draw
from a construction lender. One modular manufacturer deposits the developers down
payment into an escrow account that the manufacturer draws on for procurement and
General Contractor Interview, February 16, 2016
initial production. While the escrow model may work in development projects where
there are only a few financial partners, this model proves challenging in affordable
housing projects where there are multiple financing partners releasing funding at
different times.
Early Commitment to Design
In conventional construction developers and architects are able to make changes to the
design and construction of the project down to the last possible minute. This allows for
maximum flexibility in design and allows the developer to adjust budget and cut costs
throughout the construction of the project. Modular manufacturing requires all parties
to commit to a design before the modules are produced in the factory. If changes are
made to the design once production has begin, modules may have to run back through
the line to be tweaked which results in additional time on the line and a loss of
efficiency. Additionally, changing the design of the project during production will
increase costs especially if the change requires procurement of different materials or
the line to be reconfigured.
Permitting and Inspection
In California, the state-permitting agency that certifies code compliance of modular
manufactured housing is the Department of Housing and Community Development.
Manufactured homes have been built to federally prescriptive construction standards
since June 15, 1976. The Department of Housing and Community Development was the
exclusive HUD approved inspection agency for new manufactured home construction,
however since July 1, 1986, HUD shares that responsibility with approved private
inspection agencies such as NTA.
In addition to state inspections, each modular development project undergoes local
jurisdictional inspections and code compliance review on site. This dual process
increases cost and adds to the logistical challenge of modular manufacturing. There is
potential to streamline this code compliance process by certifying the modular
manufacturers rather than the individual modules. This is much the same model as
implemented in other manufacturing industries such as car manufacturing.
Additional Material
Modular construction requires more raw material than stick built. Transportation on a
flatbed truck requires each module to be structurally sound, so each module is a
structurally contained and complete unit. Each module has individual wall, ceiling and
floor assemblies which give the unit structural integrity for transportation. Executives
from one modular manufacturer estimated that the double walls, double thick
floor/ceilings and extra material at each joint line/stud/joist in modular projects adds 8-
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). (n.d.). Retrieved May
11, 2016, from http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/factory-built-housing/
10% more lumber than traditional stick built projects.
In a conventional project, units
typically share wall assembly with each their neighbors and the floor-ceiling assembly is
one piece (meaning it’s also shared with the neighbor above/below). Although this
translates into is more material in a modular project, as mentioned earlier
manufacturers may still achieve economies of scale and negotiate favorable pricing for
repetitive procurement.
While this challenge may be unavoidable for wood frame
modular construction, it is important that developers and contractors understand that
modular manufacturing does not in fact save in material quantity or cost.
Most modular deliveries are made via truck over the highway and thus governed by a
complicated web of national and state agencies. Regulations and permitting dictate time
of day of transportation and delivery, limit the amount of trips across bridges in a single
day, and limit size of modules based on the truck’s capacity. Generally, maximum width
allowed is 16’, maximum height is 13’6”, and maximum length is 60-65 feet long.
Exceptions to these regulations often require additional permitting and fees.
The cost of transportation of modules from manufacturing facility to the construction
site is relatively small when compared to the overall development cost of a large
Modular Manufacturer Interview, March 31, 2016
General Contractor Interview, February 22, 2016
Cameron, P. J., Jr., & Di Carlo, N. G. (2007). Piecing Together Modular: Understanding the
Benefits and Limitations of Modular Construction Methods for Multifamily Development
(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved May 11,
2016, from https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/42038/228657327-
multifamily project. Interviews confirmed that shipping using a flatbed truck accounts
for roughly 8% of the total cost of the project.
A project in the San Francisco Bay Area
paid $2,500 per module to transport from a manufacturing facility in Sacramento. For a
100-unit project, which would require about 300 modules, this amounts to $750,000 in
transportation costs. Additional transportation fees are accrued for permits depending
on the size of the modules. In California, permits for modules under 12’ wide are
inexpensive while modules in excess of 16’ wide require police escorts and cost an extra
$3,000 per trip.
The added cost of permitting for an extra wide load varies depending
on the amount of extra wide modules in the project design.
For example, a project containing 300 total modules estimated that 20 of those were
extra wide modules, so there was an extra $60,000 in permitting fees for the project.
These estimates all pertain to transportation and permitting costs in California.
Additional research would need to be conducted to estimate the costs for other states
and for transporting from another state.
Site Equipment and Constraints
Once modules arrive on site, a mobile tower crane is used to hoist units onto the
podium and stack them on top of one another. The cranes used in multifamily modular
projects in the Bay Area are some of the largest mobile cranes in the United States
General Contractor Interview, February 18, 2016
General Contractor Interview, February 18, 2016
usually between 80 and 160 tons depending on the size of the modules and the distance
from the base of the crane that the module must travel. The LR1400 crane used on the
Domain in San Jose had the ability to handle 70,000 lbs and move units 320 feet in each
Due to their size, these cranes are one of the highest costs associated with
modular construction at $10,000 per day.
While modular housing is in many ways ideal for infill development, the ability to store
modules on site while they wait to be placed is an important consideration. Based on
completed projects and those under construction, a general contractor can place 10-12
modules per day at most. The contractor would prefer to store one week’s worth of
modules on site to allow for consistent daily placement and provide a cushion in case of
factory manufacturing or shipment delays. Therefore, in an ideal situation, the project
site would have storage capacity for 50 modules within crane’s distance of the project.
At an average size of 16’ x 72’ per double unit module this translates to 1.32 acres of
storage space needed to house 50 modules. This estimate does not factor in space
needed for the contractor to load, unload, and coordinate module placement.
Cameron, P. J., Jr., & Di Carlo, N. G. (2007). Piecing Together Modular: Understanding the
Benefits and Limitations of Modular Construction Methods for Multifamily Development
(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved May 11,
2016, from https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/42038/228657327-
Modular Manufacturer Interview, May 5, 2016
Waterproofing on Site
The most commonly faced challenge of modular projects both completed and under
construction in the Bay Area relates to protecting the modules from water and weather
once they are placed on site. Although the modules are shipped with weather proof
roofs and wrapped in plastic waterproof material, once they are placed and stacked on
top of one another on site they are unprotected from the elements. Several projects
have experienced significant issues with water exposure, which causes damage to the
finished interiors and can travel between the connection points of the modules down to
lower levels. General contractors and modular manufacturers are working together to
address this concern by creating water barriers during module placement and stacking.
Challenges For Modular Manufacturers
Module Manufacturing
Currently, there are two different methods of producing modules in a manufacturing
facility. The single-unit modular manufacturing line can accommodate one module that
is 16’ (w) x 32’ (d) x 12’ (h). The “saw-box” manufacturing model generates modules that
contain two 16’ x 32’ units plus a 6’ hallway; the saw boxes are 16’ x 72’ in total. These
double-unit modules are delivered and either placed in their entirety on the project site
or sawed in half to create two separate modules. Producing two boxes at a time,
regardless of whether you separate them on site, creates extra efficiencies in the factory
because two boxes travel down the manufacturing line at once. Saw-boxes are also
shipped two units at a time, which reduces the amount of trips and trucks needed to
transport modules between the manufacturing facility and the site.
Manufacturing Facility
Modular manufacturing lines are generally comprised of 20-24 different manufacturing
stations. Often size constraints of the production factory dictate whether the factory
produces single-unit or double-unit modules. For example, ZETA’s factory was 85,000
square feet (200’ x 400’ with 39’ clear height) and could only accommodate single-unit
modules on its manufacturing line. Not only does a factory need the capacity to house
20-24 stations, it also needs staging area for quality control checks to be conducted. The
factory also needs space to store completed modules before they are shipped to the
project site. One manufacturer stores as many as 130 completed modules at a time in
their outdoor storage yard.
Production Time and Manufacturing Capacity
A double-unit module takes 7 days and 600-700 man-hours to complete. The module
spends roughly 1.5 hours at each of 22 different stations and then undergoes extensive
quality controls checks. Modular manufacturers are targeting a reduction in overall
module production time from 600hrs 400 hrs. One modular manufacturer is targeting
a production time of 250hr per module.
Modular Production Cost
Modules typically make up about 1/3 of the total construction cost of a multifamily
development project. In a typical factory, the sales price of a module is comprised of 55-
60% for materials, 15-20% for labor. These two inputs alone account for almost 80% of
the sale price of a single module. Overhead (including rent, insurance and utilities) for a
factory can cost as much as $1 million per month with electricity accounting for as much
as $30,000-$40,000 per month. Thus, profit margins for modular manufacturers
fluctuate between the single digits and low teens. One modular manufacturer targets a
10% margin and finds this hard to achieve.
Using these proportions, the estimated cost of production of one module is:
Materials 60% = $32,000
Labor – 20%: 700 hrs. /module at $15/hr. = $10,500 per module
Overhead & Margin 20% = $10,500
Total Module Cost: $87,700 for 1,152 SF = $76 PSF
Comparatively, modular manufacturers provided cost estimates of $100 PSF. The
discrepancy in estimates most likely accounts for the manufacturer’s mark-up and profit
for manufacturing the modules. Below are suggestions for how efficiencies can be
achieved in each of these inputs, which will reduce the overall cost of a module.
Material: As mentioned in previous sections, the amount of material in a module is
generally more than the material used per unit in site built construction. While
Modular Manufacturer Interview, May 5, 2016
commodity costs remain relatively fixed, there is opportunity for cost cutting in material
procurement. Both conventional and modular projects use a bill of materials (BOM) to
track the amount of materials that will be required b a contractor to complete a
contractor or by a supplier or vendor to complete an order. The BOM contains a list of
all of the raw materials, parts, and subassemblies with their quantities and descriptions
that will be required by the overall project. In a manufacturing facility it is crucial that
the inputs of a project are quantified to facilitate bulk ordering. Additionally, tracking
how much material is used on a daily basis allows the manufacturer to schedule
material procurement for in time production. The automation of the BOM and
procurement process is one key area where modular manufacturers can achieve
efficiencies and reduce overall production costs. In addition to bulk procurement
discounts, one manufacturer notes that material suppliers will give prompt pay
discounts of 1-2% if payment is received within 10 days of delivery.
Labor: One modular factory that produces 3 modules per day across 22 different
stations employs roughly 225 factory workers. The same manufacturer employs an
additional team of roughly 100 people spanning supervisor, foreman, inspector,
engineering, design, and sales roles.
Industry experts agree that an ideally lean factory
should employ roughly 70 fewer people. In particular, one modular expert notes that
factories should reduce the amount of expensive drafters and engineers by contracting
Modular Manufacturer Interview, May 5, 2016
Modular Manufacturer Interview, May 5, 2016
these functions out to a third party. These roles are the most expensive staff and they
are only needed during the initial stages of a project. As a comparison, a smaller
manufacturer that employs only 80 factory workers and 4 designers and engineers
produces 6-8 modules per day.
Overhead: One area of significant potential cost reduction is in overhead to operate a
manufacturing facility. By contracting out expensive staff such as designers, engineers
and architect, a modular manufacturer can shrink their overhead costs significantly and
reduce the overall sales cost of a module.
Weatherproofing is a concern for both conventional and modular construction, however
water damage due to rainstorms has been a challenge to modular projects in the Bay
Area for multiple projects. Modules are bolted together along the floor and ceiling joists
and marriage walls are connected with a series of steel fasteners and strapping.
Generally, modules are then quickly weatherproofed for transportation by sealing them
with building wrap that blocks moisture yet lets the structure breath and condensation
to escape. This temporary weatherproofing does a fairly good job of protecting the
modules on site while they await setting. However, care needs to be taken around
protecting modules once they are set and stacked. While tarps may be used to protect
the unwrapped modules from rain if necessary, this is an imperfect solution. Two large
multifamily projects in the Bay Area experienced serious delays due to water damage
after rainstorms. Additional, water protection would also reduce the insurance costs of
modular manufacturers. One modular manufacturer utilizes an EPDM roof in addition to
wrapping the boxes. However, this waterproof membrane adds an additional cost of
$500-$600 per module.
Pipeline and Capacity
As discussed, there are significant overhead costs associated with maintaining,
operating, and staffing a modular factory. Depending on these costs, there are different
estimates as to how many modules need to be produced annually to breakeven and
cover the costs. The same modular manufacturer that employs only 80 factory workers
needs to produce an average of 1-2 modules per day to breakeven.
Another large
manufacturer projects that they need to produce 400 modules annually to breakeven.
Based on these estimates, factories need to have between four and five 100-unit
projects in their pipeline annually just to keep the lights on in their factories. However,
manufacturers must strike a balance between the amounts of different projects they
produce modules for annually versus the amount of modules that need to be produced.
Coordinating procurement, manufacturing, production and delivery schedules on four
different projects annually is difficult and ZETA, for example, struggled to balance
several projects at once.
Modular Manufacturer Interview, April 7, 2016
Modular manufacturers struggle to maintain the pipeline necessary to keep the factory
running at maximum efficiency. There is a fundamental difficulty in relying on
multifamily housing, a cyclical market, to fill a factory’s pipeline and maximize capacity.
Modular manufacturers should consider strategic partnerships with other market
segments to fill pipeline in down cycles. For example, one manufacturer is considering a
partnership with a hotel developer and another is considering affordable housing. Other
possible partnerships include manufacturing homeless housing, accessory dwelling
units, tax credit units and workforce housing. Sustained pipeline is key for factory
efficiency. Each time a factory shuts down and then ramps back up, it loses skilled
laborers and momentum, both factors that increase overall production costs.
Next Steps Towards a Scalable Model
Adopting modular as a standard means of construction in multifamily development
projects will require several small and large changes. In the following section, I outline
the immediate and longer-term solutions to improve the modular manufacturing
industry. I then suggest best practices for modular manufacturers based on the research
and interviews conducted for this report. I conclude by outlining areas and questions
where further research is required.
Immediate Solutions
As modular construction in multifamily development is relatively new to the Bay Area, it
is critical that all trades be engaged early in the process to increase understanding and
knowledge sharing. This is especially true of coordinating factory work and site work.
Both contractors and modular manufacturers spoke of the benefits to engaging the
contractor early in the process to coordinate the installation of modules.
Developers, contractors and manufacturers cited lack of familiarity as one of the
challenges with modular construction. Specifically, they noted that subcontractors in the
MEP trades have a hard time understanding the scope of their work and navigating
between on and offsite work. Ongoing collaboration will address the issue of familiarity
with modular.
The MBI’s report explains, “there is a critical point in the project schedule where all
major trades need to be well versed in the projects needs and possible mishaps. This
point is far before construction begins as the modules must be completely designed
before construction starts.”
Smith, R. E., & Rice, T. (2015, April). Off-Site Studies - Permanent Modular Construction -
Process Practice Performance [Editorial]. Modular Building Institute. Retrieved May 11, 2016,
from http://www.modular.org/HtmlPage.aspx?name=foundation_offsite_PMC_report , p. 27
Design Process
To realize the benefits of modular, developers and designers must plan to use modular
construction from the outset and commit to a building design earlier than in
conventional construction. Unlike when using stick built construction, developers
cannot change small details of the project throughout the construction phase. For
maximum efficiency, every detail of the units must be finalized well before the modules
are manufactured. Manufacturers have to procure materials for the project 4-6 weeks in
advance of manufacturing and the efficiency of the line is compromised if changes are
made during the production process.
Future Changes and Solutions
The modular multifamily industry is in its infancy. In the Bay Area we have barely utilized
this disruptive technology. There are a variety of changes that can be made to facilitate
the widespread adoption and utilization of modular construction ranging from small
tweaks to time-consuming policy changes. Taken together, these best practices will pave
the way for modular multifamily construction on a broad scale in the Bay Area.
Most modular manufacturers partner with the developer to produce customized
modules for each unique development project. Manufacturers will try to accommodate
the developer by promising that modular can achieve all of the same design features as
conventional construction. However, you wouldn’t have a custom car coming off a
factory line every time because it is inefficient for the factory line. In order to truly
realize the efficiencies of modular manufacturing, both modular manufacturers and
architects should move toward a standardized design and production model.
Repeatability is key to realizing efficiencies in this market, however with standardized
design comes sacrifices in customization and control. In the future, the modular
multifamily industry should adopt a catalogue approach to module manufacturing
where each factory produces standard floor plans for different unit types (studio, one,
two and three bedroom units for example) and allow for different levels of finishes to
upgrade the units. This standardization would also allow for permitting to be
streamlined in that HCD or another agency could certify the code compliance of the
standard units produced by the factory. While standard units may not be appealing to
every segment of the multifamily housing market, the affordable housing industry for
example is one market sector where a lean, standard product, would help drive down
costs and expedite development.
Permitting and Plan Check
Currently, modular projects undergo two separate permitting and plan check processes.
In the jurisdiction where the development is located, the project’s site built components
undergo local plan check and permitting. Then the modules in the factory undergo a
statewide permitting process administered by HCD. This dual permitting process is
redundant and could benefit from streamlining. One architect suggested that rather
than permit the product, we should move toward a model of permitting the process. In
the future, the modular industry should look toward certifying individual modular
manufacturing facilities as capable of producing code compliant product. This is much
like the model used for (lumber? cars?) where the initial prototype is certified and then
it is assumed that every product thereafter, which has followed the same process of
production, will meet the same quality and safety standard.
Attitudes and conventional best practices of the financial industry present some of the
largest barriers to scaling modular manufacturing. The risk-averse nature of the industry
is fundamentally at odds with an industry or method that is in its infancy and relatively
untested. Additionally, the current structure of construction financing is incompatible
with the needs of a manufacturing facility. There are longer-term attitudinal and policy
changes that need to be made regarding both of these changes.
Risk Aversion
As one architect noted, banks want to finance what their competitors are financing.
Banks want to mitigate their risk and the best way to do that is to continue to finance
tried and true construction methods in tried and true markets. Currently, there is no
incentive for a bank to finance a risky project. There is no value for banks in the
developer bringing a project to market faster since banks value having debt on their
balance sheet and want to accrue interest. Can banks be incentivized to finance modular
Construction Financing
Another challenged raised by the financial industry is in the timing of construction draws
and release of funds. Given that modular manufacturers require an upfront deposit to
begin design and procurement, it would be prudent for the financial industry to adapt to
this by releasing funds to the developer to distribute to the modular manufacturer as
part of pre-construction.
Future Research and Questions
While this paper provides an introduction to the benefits and challenges of modular
manufacturing for multifamily housing in the San Francisco Bay Area, there is still work
to be done. The biggest challenge facing the industry today is the inherent conflict
between conventional construction financing and the upfront capital needs of a
manufacturing facility. Finding a solution to this challenge will require collaboration
between financial partners, developers, modular manufacturers, and general
contractors. Standardizing design is another area to be further researched. Market
research should be done to understand industry demand and tolerance for this kind of
production model. Additionally, the standardization of design may help with the
standardization of permitting which is another question that can be explored further.
Modular manufacturing can change the way we approach housing production in the San
Francisco Bay Area. There is an acute need to address the lack of housing supply and
dearth of affordable in the Bay Area through innovative thinking and creative solutions.
Modular manufacturing, though an industry in its infancy, has the potential to increase
the speed and decrease the cost of housing production. The modular manufacturing
industry is on the cusp of disrupting the model of housing construction in the Bay Area
and will change the way developers, contractors, architects and policy makes approach
real estate development in the future.
Modular Manufacturers - Multifamily
ZETA Design + Build
o Location: Sacramento, CA
o Projects:
38 Harriet Street
Parkside Studios
5830 Third Street
Marea Alta
o Location: Boise, ID
o Projects:
The Domain (San Jose)
EVIVA (Sacramento)
o Location: Lathrop, CA
o Projects:
2201 Dwight
4801 Shattuck
4700 Telegraph
5110 Telegraph
Modular Manufacturers - Other Product Types
o Location: Boise, Idaho
o Product: Workforce housing, work camps
o Location: Perris, CA (Southern California)
o Product: Commercial, education, office, residential
During the research of this report, ZETA Design + Build went out of business and was acquired
by Oakbrook Partners
Palomar Modular Builders
o Location: Dallas
o Product: Commercial
o Location: HQ Poland, Office in New York, NY
o Product: Hotel
CIMC Modular Building Systems
o Location: HQ Guandong, China
o Product: Hotel, student accommodations, workforce accommodations, residential
Primary Sources
The primary source of research for this report was interviews with developers,
architects, contractors, consultants and manufacturers related to, working with, or
considering utilizing modular construction. The information given in these interviews
was provided on a confidential basis, so information from them is provided on an
aggregate basis.
1. General Contractor Interview, February 18, 2016
2. General Contractor Interview, February 22, 2016
3. General Contractor Interview, March 15, 2016
4. Modular Manufacturer Interview, March 8, 2016
5. Modular Manufacturer Interview, March 31, 2016
6. Modular Manufacturer Interview, April 7, 2016
7. Modular Manufacturer Interview, May 5, 2016
8. Developer Interview, February 1, 2016
9. Developer Interview, February 17, 2016
10. Developer Interview, March 17, 2016
11. Developer Interview, March 3, 2016
12. Developer Interview, April 18, 2016
13. Architect Interview, March 31, 2016
14. Architect Interview, April 11, 2016
15. Modular Manufacturing Round Table, February 5, 2016
Secondary Sources
A Brief History of Prefab. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2016, from
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