Dnt Abbey
Based on the popular television show
, “Downton Abbey” is an
enthralling lm capturing both the elegance and the struggles
of an earlier me. Focusing on the Crawley family and the
sta that serves them and their estate, “Downton Abbey”
showcases an excellent ensemble cast and storylines that
cover the spectrum of emoons. Preparing for a visit from the
King and Queen of England, we share a glimpse of the hopes,
dreams, and challenges the Crawley family and their loyal
staff face both professionally as well as personally and
personally. Viewers are left with images of the grandiose as
well as the simple and knowingsimple, knowing that both are
beautiful in their own way.
Programming Suggestions
This discussion guide is designed to assist educaonal programming aer
viewing the lm “Downton Abbey.” Its purpose is to generate discussion based
on social issues found within the movie and for program parcipants to reect
on themes that might be pernent to them. Therefore, there are no “right” or
“wrong” answers to quesons in this guide.
The discussion facilitator may choose to ulize one of the following acvies as
a means of developing discussion:
Invite a historian to come and discuss the class system of England in the
early 20th century as well as how socio-economic status impacts our
countries history as well.
Create a bulletin board focusing on class systems around the world.
Include images, charts, and infographics to highlight this form of social
Visit a local museum to view artifacts and learn of the history of this time
Discuss with students and/or sta the issues members of the LGBTQ
community face in their larger communities.
Social Class
Self Identy
© Focus Features LLC.
1. Did you watch “Downton Abbey” when it was showing on PBS? What is your opinion of the show and how it depicts
the social system of the early 20thth century?
2. What does the idea of family mean to you?
1. Discuss the relaonship between the Crawley’s and their sta.
2. At one-point Anna is talking with Lady Mary and Mary says that Anna has always been a friend to her. Anna replies, “I
hope you are my friend as well.” What does she mean by this?
3. Have you ever been involved in a one-sided friendship or relaonship? Discuss.
4. Mary voices concerns to Anna that maybe they should close Downton Abbey down and simplify their lives. What is
Anna’s response?
5. Do large organizaons, schools, companies have a responsibility to the communies they reside in? Why or why not?
6. Discuss Tom Branson’s unique relaonship with the Crawley family and what they represent to him.
7. Can you love someone but not agree with them?
8. Tom is recruited to help assassinate the King of England. What does he do?
9. Do you agree with his acons? Why or why not?
10. How does Tom view himself and the separate lives he has led, both as servant and then family member?
11. Do you nd yourself at mes challenged between dierent ideas of who you are? Discuss.
12. As the estate prepares for the King and Queen of England to arrive Mary decides to ask Mr. Carson to resume his role
as head butler. Do you think she was right in doing so?
13. How does Thomas Barrow, head butler, react to the decision?
14. How would you react if you were replaced from your job temporarily?
15. Buckingham Palace sta come and aempt to take over the running of the estate. How does the Downton Abbey sta
16. Do you think Mary and/or Buckingham Palace’s sta were in the right or wrong to do what they did? Why or why not?
Do you think Downton’s sta was in the right or wrong for what they did?
17. How would you have approached the situaon?
18. Discuss Thomas Barrow and the struggles he faced both personally and professionally.
19. Are there sll challenges members of the LGBTQ community face today in regards to their professional and personal
life? Discuss.
20. Discuss Anna and how she is a leader within the sta.
21. How would you describe her leadership style?
22. Who would you say are the leaders in the Crawley family?
23. How do the Crawley’s support each other?
24. How is the Downton sta like a family?
Pre-Screening Questions
Discussion Questions
25. Discuss the relaonships in the lm: Tom and Cora, Edith and Bere, Mary and Henry, Anna and John Bates, and Mr.
Carson and Mrs. Hughes. What do these couples have in common? How do they support each other?
26. Why do you think the princess decided to stay with her husband? Would you have stayed? Do you think most marital
problems can be worked through?
27. What makes a strong and posive relaonship?
28. Why do you think Lucy’s mother, Maud, kept her identy hidden from others?
29. Was it the right thing to do? Why or why not? How has society changed in the view of children out of wedlock?
30. Discuss Tom and Lucy and how their relaonship evolves.
31. Do you think the similaries in their lives make them understand each other beer?
32. Do shared experiences make for stronger relaonships? Why or why not?
33. Violet Crawley is the matriarch of the family. What role does she play in the family?
34. How would you describe her relaonship with her friend Isobel? How do they support each other? How do they
challenge each other?
35. Do you have a friend that challenges you to be a beer person? Discuss.
36. “Downton Abbey,” the TV show and movie, is very popular in the United States. Why do you think this story resonates
with so many people?
37. What are your takeaways from this lm, this story?
Discussion Questions - cont.
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