Policies and Procedures Manual
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures Manual
Section 1 – The College
100 Purpose of the Policies and Procedures Manual
101 History of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
102 Mission, Vision, and Core Values of Mississippi Gulf Coast Communit
Institutional Commitments of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
Accreditation 8
Substantive Change 11
105 Compliance Policy
106 Statement of Ethics for Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Section 2 Organization and Administration
200 Board of Trustees Bylaws 16
200.1 Appointment to the Board of Trustees
200.2 Board of Trustees Meeting Presentations
200.3 Preparation of Board Meeting Agenda
201 Planning Manual
202 Organizational Charts 22
203 Titles and Terms 23
204 Line/Staff Concept for MGCCC
205 Advisory Committees
206 Staff Involvement in Decision Making
207 Administration in Policy Absence
208 Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation
209 Accreditation Liaison Officers
211 Public RecordsThe Public’s Right to Know
212 Personnel System
212.1 College Personnel System
212.2 Recruitment of Full and Part-Time Employees
212.2.1 Background Checks
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
212.3 Personnel Processing of New Hires, Contract Renewal Procedures, and
212.4 Separation from Employment 56
212.4.1 Progressive Discipline
212.5 Credit Tuition Waiver Benefit for Employees
212.7 Qualifications and Duties/Job Descriptions
212.8 Personnel Records Privacy
212.9 Testing
212.10 Political Activities of Employees
212.11 Non-Institutional Employment
212.12 Employee Information Form
212.13 Employee Leave
212.13.1 Employee Time and Attendance
212.14 Employee Development
212.15 Drug Free Workplace
212.15.1 Drug Free Schools and Community
212.16 Attendance Records
212.17 Nursing Practices Act
212.18 Retirement
212.19 Equal Employment Opportunity Officers
212.20 Extra Duty
212.21 Faculty Exchange Program
212.22 Sabbatical Leave
212.23 COBRA
212.24 Harassment
212.25 Summer Contracts for Faculty
212.26 Employment of Persons who Receive Mississippi Public Employees
Worker’s Compensation Pay and Benefits 115
Employment of Employee’s Relatives 118
212.30 Active Military Duty
212.31 Graduate Programs
212.32 Administrative and Staff Evaluation Procedures
212.33 Health & Wellness
212.34 Financial Security, Salary Schedules, Retirement, Social Security
212.35 Employee Acceptance of Gifts
212.36 Dress Code
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
Workload and Work Weeks
213.1 Fair Labor Standards Act Compliance
213.2 Time Records for Classified Personnel
Professional Organizations
Alumni Association Activities
College Foundation
Acceptance of Donations
218.1 Fundraising Activities
Articulation Agreements
Public Relations
Public Information
Retention of Advertising, Sales, and Enrollment Materials
Retention and Disposal of Permanent Records
224.1 Retention and Disposal of Student Records
224.2 Retention and Disposal of President’s Office Records
224.3 Retention and Disposal of Central Business Office Records
224.4 Retention and Disposal of Personnel Records
224.5 Retention and Disposal of Career and Technical Records
224.6 Retention and Disposal of Veterans Affairs Records
224.7 Retention and Disposal of Non-Credit Student Records
224.8 Retention and Disposal of Purchasing and Inventory Records
Council Meetings 168
226 Communication Distribution of Selected Minutes
227 Procedure for Procurement of External Funding and Monitoring Systems for
Administration of Externally Funded Projects
228 College Police Officers 173
228.1 Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics 176
228.2 Emergency Management
Prohibition of Firearms and Deadly Weapons
Electronic Surveillance Devices
Accident Procedures
232.1 Procedure for Reporting Hazardous Materials Problems
232.2 Procedures for Disposal of Hazardous Materials
Use of College Telephone System
Use of Central Office Printing/Duplicating Center
235.1 Use of Duplication and Copyrighted Materials
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
236 Institutional Research
237 Invitation of Guest Speakers
238 Solicitation
242 Due Process Procedures for Employees
242.1 Employee Complaints, Concerns, or Recommendations on Matters of Central
242.2 Policy on Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 206
Sexual Harassment 207
242.4 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Procedures
243 Gambling, Lotteries, and Raffles
244 Stray Animal Statement
Section 3 – Education Program
301 Student Advisement
302 Curriculum
302.1 Guidelines for Granting College Credit for Extra Institutional Experience
302.2 Course Substitutions
302.3 Guidelines for Accepting College Credit from Transfer Institutions and
Non-Traditional Methods
302.4 Credit Hours
303.1 Statement of College Faculty Load
303.2 Overload
303.3 Class Size
303.4 Local Career and Technical Education Plan
303.5 High School Cooperative Program
303.6 Live Work Policy
303.8 Computer Resources and Services for User Groups
304 Book Service
304.1 Sale of Salvaged Textbooks to Used Book Companies
305 Registration Fees
305.1 Procedures for Determining Administrative Charges for External Educational
Training and Services
306 MGCCC Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy
306.1 Anti- Virus Statement
306.2 Computer Use and Email
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
306.3 Deactivation of Network User ID
306.4 Employee Email Management
306.5 Employee Password
306.6 New Network User ID Request
306.7 Personal Computer Support Statement
306.8 Screen Saver
306.9 Site Backup
306.10 Student Email and Computer Usage
306.12 System Image and Third-Party Software Support
306.13 Virtual Private Network Statement
306.15 Information Technology (IT) Maintenance Window
306.16 Refresh Plan System Deployments
306.17 IT Disaster Recovery Plan
306.19 Social Media Statement
306.20 Administrator Rights on College Computers
306.21 Multi-Factor Access
306.22 Privacy Policy
308 Child Development Centers
Section 4 Financial and Administrative Resources
400.1 Purchasing Procedures
400.3 Bonding of Personnel with Financial Responsibilities
400.4 Imprest Cash Control and Purchases
400.5 Processing Returned Checks 297
400.6 Professional Services 298
400.10 College Investments
400.12 Purchasing of Advertising
401 Sources of Income
402 Organization for Proper Administration of Finances
403 Financial Control
403.1 Financial Control Student Club Funds
404 Budget Preparation
405 Accounting, Reporting, and Auditing
406 Refund Policy for Student Fees
407 Transportation
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
407.1 Driver Authorization and Training
408 Payroll System
409 Reimbursement of Taxable Meals
410 Administration of Federal Student Aid Funds
411 Suspected Counterfeit Currency Procedures
412 Official Meal Charges
413 College Inventory System
414 Official College Travel
415 Student Deferred Fees
416 Facilities and Grounds Use Procedures
417 Perkinston Housing
418 Banner Security
419 Red Flags Identity Theft Prevention Program
420 Fraud
Section 5 – Faculty
500 Faculty Manual
501 Full-Time and Part-Time (Adjunct) Teachi
ng Faculty Job Description 351
503 Academic Preparation and Compensatio
n of Faculty 353
504 Intellectual Property
505 Faculty Evaluation Procedures
507 Academic Freedom
Section 6 – Learning Resources Centers
600 Learning Resources Centers (LRC)
601 Learning Resources Committees and Council
602 Learning Resources Center Evaluation
603 Learning Resources Center Records
604 Learning Resources Center Budget
605 Learning Resources Center Personnel
605.1 Learning Lab Personnel
606 Learning Resources Center Building and Equipment
607 Learning Resources Center Hours of Operation
608 Learning Resources Center Print, Non-Print and Software
Collection 379
Section 7 – Student Personnel Services
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
700 Student Handbooks
701 Student Personnel Records
702 Orientation
704 Career Development Centers
705 Intercollegiate Athletics
706 Selection of Catalog for Graduation
707 Scholastic Standards
709.1 Institutional Scholarships
709.2 Application of Payments to Students’ Accounts
709.3 Cash Prizes and Awards to Students
710 Scholastic Forgiveness
711 “Ability to Benefit” Guidelines
712 Student Accounting Reports
713 Recruitment of Students
714 Student Records Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974 (FERPA)
Attendance and Progress Reports for Veterans 410
715.1 Procedures for Students Called for Active Military Duty
716 Financial AidStudent Consumer Information
717 Process in Student Discipline
718 Student Grievance Procedures
719 Procedures for Students Requesting a Medical Withdrawal
719.1 Withdrawal from Credit Courses
720 Student Off-Campus Activities and Field Trips
721 Freedom of Expression
724 ADA Compliance/Accommodation Procedure
724.1 Service Animals
724.2 Emotional Support Animals
725 Substance Testing for Nursing and Allied Health Programs
726 Out- Of- State Veteran Tuition
727 Usage of Hoverboards & Scooters
728 Sexual Harassment
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 of the Higher Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other applicable Federal and State Acts, the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College hereby adopts a policy assuring that no one shall, on the grounds of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age or qualified disability be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the College. The Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College is an Equal Opportunity Employer that welcomes students and employees regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex,
age, or qualified disability. Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II of the Age Discrimination
Act, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 are coordinated by the Compliance Officer, Perkinston Campus, P. O. Box 609, Perkinston, Mississippi
39573, telephone number 601-528-8735, email address compliance@mgccc.edu
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
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The College
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Policies and Procedures
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Statement No. 100
May 5, 2008
April 20, 2022
I. STATEMENT. The Policies and Procedures Manual is designed to provide
information that will aid all college employees in their efforts to achieve
excellence at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC). The Manual
contains information concerning institutional policies and procedures to help
each employee in the performance of his or her job, as well as conceptual and
narrative descriptions of the governance and organization of MGCCC. It is
important that each employee familiarize himself or herself with college
operating policies and procedures as described in the Policies and Procedures
a. Each entry within the Policies and Procedures Manual shall as appropriate
consist of the following components:
i. statement number,
ii. identified office of person responsible (OPR),
iii. title,
iv. statement, and
v. procedures and responsibilities.
b. For record keeping purposes, the Policies and Procedures Manual shall
contain an appendix composed of the following entries for each policy:
i. statement number,
ii. title,
iii. Board action dates,
iv. review date,
v. entity reviewed by, and
vi. action taken.
c. Review of each policy within the Policies and Procedures manual shall be
conducted as needed but not less than every three years.
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Statement No. 101
May 5, 2008
December 16, 2020
I. STATEMENT. On September 5, 1911, the Harrison County School Board
established the Harrison County Agricultural High School, an action that marked the
beginning of the present Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. As an
inducement to locate the school in the little town of Perkinston, a number of
prominent citizens donated 566 acres of land and $626. Their efforts were
successful and, with one building, Huff Hall, the institution began operation on
September 17, 1912.
On June 5, 1916, Stone County was formed from the northern part of Harrison
County and the school continued under the dual support of both counties.
Realizing that a new educational concept, the junior college, was ideally suited to
the needs of Mississippi, the legislature in 1924 enabled the counties to cooperate
with the state in offering education beyond the high school level to all who could
profit from it and in their home community. One of the first junior colleges to be
organized was founded in conjunction with the Harrison-Stone County Agricultural
High School. Jackson County added its support to the coming institution in the
summer of 1925 and the new institution opened on September 14, 1925, and the
Harrison-Stone-Jackson Agricultural High School and Junior College offering the
first year of Junior College work. Sophomore classes were added in the 1926-27
session and the first class of one student finished on May 20, 1927. On July 15,
1942, George County added its support to the institution, which then took the official
name of Perkinston Junior College.
The institution served the needs of its community endeavoring to fulfill its purpose:
“To develop the cultural, intellectual, and character resources of the people of this
area, point the way to an economic livelihood based on natural resources, and
promote responsible citizenship.”
In May 1962, 50 years after its organization, the Agricultural High School division
was discontinued, and local high schools provided for the youth of the community.
On May 10, 1962, the Governor of the State of Mississippi signed into law House
Bill 597 which created the Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College District. This bill
wiped out county lines as far as the college was concerned. The District became a
single unit in which each taxpayer shared equally in to support junior college
education for the area. The District was founded In order to bring higher education
to the people so that they could train and/or retrain to meet the needs of business
and industry; to enable young people to live at home, hold jobs, and go to school,
to bring cultural as well as academic enrichment to people of all ages.
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In September 1965, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College became a tri-
campus institution when two new campuses were opened on the Gulf Coast -
Jefferson Davis Campus (renamed Harrison County Campus in 2020) in Handsboro
and Jackson County Campus in Gautier. In 1965, the Seabee Base Manpower
Training Center (founded the previous year) became a branch of the new Jefferson
Davis Campus. After its removal to the Industrial Seaway in 1968 this branch took
the name Harrison County Occupational Training Center. In 1972, George County
Occupational Training Center (renamed George County Center in 2001) opened in
Lucedale as a branch of Perkinston Campus. In 1973, Keesler Center opened at
Keesler Air Force Base as a branch of Jefferson Davis Campus. In 1985, West
Harrison County Occupational Training Center (renamed West Harrison County
Center in 2001) opened in Long Beach as a branch of the Jefferson Davis Campus.
To clearly reflect the comprehensive nature of the college, the name was changed
on October 1, 1987, to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
In spring 1991, the college relocated the Harrison County Occupational Training
Center to Intraplex 10 with the opening of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Applied
Technology and Development Center. In spring 2007, the center's name was
changed to the Mississippi Gulf Coast Advanced Manufacturing and Technology
Center. Established as a partnership among Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College, Mississippi Power Company and the Harrison County Development
Commission, the center was founded to serve as a training facility in support of
economic development activities on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. In 1996, a campus
"without walls" concept was introduced, resulting in a fourth campus called
Community Campus.
In August 2000, the Naval Construction Battalion Center at the Seabee Base in
Gulfport was established as part of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
Classes began in January 2001, providing even more services to meet the diverse
needs of Gulf Coast residents, both military and civilian. The Gulf Coast office at the
base is in the Moreell Building, which is just inside the Broad Avenue entrance in
Two other centers have been added to the college since that time. The Haley
Reeves Barbour Maritime Training Academy in Pascagoula opened in 2013, and
the Bryant Center, home of the Nursing and Simulation Center in Biloxi, opened in
2018. Those two centers bring the college total to 10 campuses and centers
throughout its four-county district.
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Locations of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College include:
Gulfport, Mississippi
Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
Perkinston, Mississippi
Lucedale, Mississippi
Gautier, Mississippi
Gulfport, Mississippi
Pascagoula, Mississippi
Gulfport, Mississippi
Perkinston, Mississippi
Long Beach, Mississippi
Biloxi, Mississippi
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Policies and Procedures
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Statement No. 102
May 5, 2008
April 23, 2014
February 20, 2019
The mission of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is to meet the educational and
community needs in George, Harrison, Jackson, and Stone counties by providing superior
instruction through traditional and technological formats to offer workforce pathways,
certificates, diplomas, and associate transfer and applied degrees. The college embraces
lifelong learning, productive citizenship, service learning, and leadership development in
a dynamic and innovative learning environment.
Making a positive difference…
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will be a globally competitive learning
community with an entrepreneurial spirit that cultivates student success.
Accountability: An acceptance of responsibility for appropriate actions, obligations
and duties.
Collaboration: A process that facilitates transfer of knowledge, skills and attainment of
common goals.
Excellence: A motivation where the highest standards are viewed as benchmarks to
Integrity: A commitment to honesty and ethical behavior in all situations.
Leadership: A process of directing groups of people toward a common goal.
Respect: A feeling of esteem or regard for the unique qualities of all individuals.
Service: An action performed for others without the desire for personal gain.
Social Responsibility: An ethical, inclusive approach to serve and engage our
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I. Teaching and Learning
Statement No. 103
May 5, 2008
April 23, 2014
May 20, 2020
The processes of engagement and communication between teacher and
learner around a robust curriculum and strong support system that result in the
acquisition of skills and an increase in knowledge.
II. Student Experience
Cultivating an environment that prepares students to achieve their goals and
become productive members of society.
III. Engagement and Partnerships
An intentional focus on understanding and responding to the current and
emerging needs of internal constituents, external partners, and the Gulf Coast
IV. Institutional Excellence
Focus on institutional operations and efficiencies, infrastructure, resources,
and facilitate the advancement of the College’s commitments, constituents,
and community.
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Statement No. 104
May 5, 2008
July 9, 2008
December 11, 2008
October 21, 2009
November 9, 2018
December 16, 2020
June 22, 2022
June 19, 2024
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is accredited by the
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
(SACSCOC) to award associate degrees. Degree-granting institutions also may
offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels.
Questions about the accreditation of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by
calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website
(www.sacscoc.org). Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is accredited by
the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation.
The following programs hold specialized professional accreditation:
ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSINGMississippi Board of Trustees of State
Institutions of Higher Learning, 3825 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS 39211 (601-
432-6486) and nationally accredited by the Accreditation Commission for
Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA
30326, Telephone number 404-975-5000.
COSMETOLOGY License #560305/Registration #01-36306 (George County
Center) and Cosmetology License #560781/Registration #08-11943 and
Manicuring License #547950/Registration #08-16174 (West Harrison County
Center), State of Mississippi Board of Cosmetology*, 239 North Lamar Street,
Suite 301, Jackson, MS 39201, Telephone number-601-359-1820.
American Culinary Federation Education Foundation Accrediting Commission
(ACFEFAC), 180 Center Place Way, St. Augustine, FL 32095, Telephone number
904-824-4468. Website www.acfchefs.org.
Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), 9355 113
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
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N., #7709, Seminole, FL 33775, Telephone number 727-210-2350,
mail@caahep.org, under the recommendation of Committee on Accreditation
for the EMS Professions (CoAEMSP), 8301 Lakeview Pkwy, Suite 111-312
Rowlett, Texas 75088, Telephone number 214-703-8445, Website
MASSAGE THERAPY Non-Conditional License #1711, Mississippi State
Board of Massage Therapy*, 353 South Fourth Street, Morton, MS 39117.
Telephone number 601- 732-6038. www.msbmt.ms.gov.
MEDICAL ASSISTINGCommission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education
Programs (CAAHEP), 9355 113
Street N., #7709, Seminole, FL 33775,
Telephone number 727-210-2350, mail@caahep.org, under the recommendation
of Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB), 2020 N. California Ave.,
#213 Suite 7, Chicago, IL 60647, Telephone number 800-228-2262. Website
MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY National Accrediting Agency for
Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), 5600 N River Road, Suite 720,
Rosemont, IL 60018-5119, Telephone number 773-714-8880, info@naacls.org.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT Accreditation Council for Occupational
Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association
(AOTA), 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E, Bethesda, MD 20814, telephone
number (301) 652-6611. Website www.acoteonline.org.
PRACTICAL NURSING Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB), 3825
Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS 39211, Telephone number (601-432-6518),
Mississippi State Board of Nursing (MSBON), 713 Pear Orchard Rd, Plaza II Suite
300, Ridgeland, MS 39157, Telephone number 601-957-6300, and nationally
accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN),
3390 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326, Telephone number
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Technology Alliance* (NAPTA), 1501 N. Amburn Road, Suite 3, Texas City, TX
77591, Telephone number 903-237-9382, website www.naptaonline.org.
RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY The Joint Review Committee on Education in
Radiological Technology (JRCERT), 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago,
IL 60606-3182, Telephone number 312-704-5300, mail@jrcert.org.
RESPIRATORY CARE TECHNOLOGY Commission on Accreditation for
Respiratory Care (CoARC), 264 Precision Blvd, Telford, TN 37690, Telephone
Number 817-283-2835. Website www.coarc.com.
SIMULATION CENTER Society of Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), 2021 L.
Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone number 866-730-
6127. Website www.ssih.org.
SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health
Education Programs (CAAHEP), 9355 113
Street N., #7709, Seminole, FL
33775, Telephone number 727-210-2350, mail@caahep.org, under the
recommendation of Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical
Technology and Surgical Assisting (ARC/STSA), 19751 East Main Street, Suite
#339, Parker, CO 80138, Telephone number 303-694-9262, info@arcstsa.org.
In accordance with U.S. Department of Education licensure disclosure
requirements, MGCCC has procedures in place to determine the location of the
students at the time of admittance to the college, when registering for a program
leading to licensure, or when changing a program of study for the purpose of
notifying the student of required licensure disclosures. In addition, the college
website provides a map of the United States that displays which States accept
licensures for the programs listed in this policy.
*These accrediting agencies are not federally recognized.
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Statement No. 104.1
November 14, 2012
February 20, 2019
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College notifies the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges, of changes in
accordance with the Commission’s substantive change policy, and when
required, seeks approval prior to the initiation of changes.
A substantive change is a significant modification or expansion in the nature
and scope of the mission of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
Substantive changes include high-impact, high-risk changes and changes that
can impact the quality of educational programs and services. Some new
programs, locations, and other institutional changes are subject to notification
and/or approval as defined in Substantive Change Policy and Procedure.
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College recognizes its responsibilities for
the reporting of substantive changes to the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools, Commission on Colleges in accordance with the definitions and
procedures outlined in the Substantive Change Policy and Procedures.
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Statement No. 105
August 22, 1977
November 2, 1977
December 6, 1988
February 25, 1999
May 5, 2008
March 13, 2024
August 21, 2024
I. STATEMENT. In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX
of the Education Amendments of 1972 of the Higher Education Act, Section 504
of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and
other applicable Federal and State Acts, the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) hereby adopts a policy assuring that no
one shall, on the grounds of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy,
age or qualified disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits
of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the
College, including in admission and employment. Acts of lawful discrimination,
harassment, and retaliation will not be tolerated at Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College.
MGCCC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes students and
employees without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy,
age, or qualified disability.
Compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with
Disabilities Act, Title II of the Age Discrimination Act, and Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972 are coordinated by the Compliance Officer, Perkinston
Campus, P. O. Box 609, Perkinston, Mississippi 39573, telephone number 601-
528-8735, email address compliance@mgccc.edu.
Short form to be printed on official college publications- - - - - -
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and
welcomes students and employees without regard to race, color, religion, national
origin, sex, pregnancy, age, or qualified disability in its programs and activities.
For further information, contact the Compliance Officer P.O. Box 609, Perkinston,
Mississippi, 39573, telephone number 601-528-8735, email address
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Statement No. 106
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
January 11, 1996
May 5, 2008
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College employees must
conform to an ethical code. The code must be idealistic and at the same time
practical so that it can apply reasonably to all College employees. The College
employee must acknowledge that the College belongs to the public served for
the purpose of providing educational opportunities to all. The College employee
assumes the responsibility for providing professional leadership in the College
and in the community. This responsibility requires the employee to maintain
standards of exemplary professional conduct. It must be recognized that the
employee's actions will be viewed and appraised by the community, professional
associates, staff, and the students. To these ends the College employee must
subscribe to the following statement of ethics.
The College employee must:
A. Place the well-being of students as the fundamental value for all decisions
made and actions taken.
B. Fulfill professional responsibilities with honesty and integrity.
C. Support the principle of due process and protect the civil and human rights
of all mankind.
D. Obey local, state, and national laws and not knowingly join or support
organizations that advocate, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the
E. Implement College operating policies of the Board of Trustees, Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College, develop procedures, duties and
responsibilities to carry out these College operating policies; and carry
these out to the best of the individual employee's abilities.
F. Pursue appropriate measures to correct those laws, policies and regulations
that are not consistent with sound educational goals.
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G. Avoid using positions for personal gain through political, social, religious,
economic, or other influence.
H. Accept academic degrees or professional certificates only from duly
accredited institutions.
I. Maintain the standards and seek to improve the effectiveness of the
profession through research and continuing professional development.
J. Honor all contracts until fulfillment or release.
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Organization and
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Statement No. 200
May 5, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The operation and control of the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College (MGCCC) district and the college operated therein is vested
in a twenty-three (23) member Board of Trustees representing each of the four
(4) counties lying within the district: George, Harrison, Jackson, and Stone. The
members of the Board of Trustees have those duties and powers prescribed by
law in Sections 37-29-401 through 437, Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated.
In addition to these laws and consistent therewith, the college maintains Bylaws
of the MGCCC Board of Trustees which define the rules and regulations
pertaining to actual conduct of Board operation. All recommended changes to
these Bylaws must be submitted to the Board for consideration and approval.
Copies of the Board of Trustees Bylaws can be obtained from the Office of the
Vice President for Administration. It is the responsibility of the Vice President for
Administration to annually review the Board of Trustees Bylaws.
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Statement No. 200.1
July 1, 1972
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
May 5, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The operation and control of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior
College District and the college operated therein shall be vested in a board of
trustees representing each of the four (4) counties lying within the district. The
board of trustees shall consist of twenty-three (23) members. Of the said number,
Harrison County shall be entitled to eight (8) members, Stone County shall be
entitled to three (3) members, George County shall be entitled to three (3)
members and Jackson County shall be entitled to eight (8) members. In no event
in the future shall any of the counties have more than the number hereinabove
established. The members of the board of trustees from each county shall be
elected by the board of supervisors of the county. Except as hereinafter specified
the term of office of each trustee shall be five (5) years. The members of the board
of trustees serving on July 1, 1989, shall continue to serve until their terms expire.
All shall be appointed for a term of five (5) years each. There shall be one
(1) additional member of the board who shall be selected by the members of the
board of trustees who shall reside alternatively in Jackson and Harrison Counties,
with the initial appointment to be made from Jackson County for a term of five (5)
years. A current list of the Board of Trustees may be obtained by contacting the
President’s Office.
Board members are appointed with terms to expire in December and June.
A. In May and November each year, the President will review the list of board
members in preparation for reappointment of members whose terms will
expire the following year. For those members so identified, the President will:
1. Prepare letters to inform the County Chancery Clerk of the term expiration.
The letter will ask that this information be brought to the attention of the
Board of Supervisors.
2. If no reply is received within 30 days of the term expiration date, the
President will send a follow-up request to the Chancery Clerk asking for
official notification of the reappointment action.
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Statement No. 200.2
July 1, 1976
January 16, 1989
May 5, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees, on June 18, 1975, approved a plan
proposed by the President to provide a presentation on some area of the
College Operation each month (see Minutes Book, Page 2119). On June
29, 1976, the President added the content of Paragraph Three (3) under
section II.A. below.
A. The President will select subjects concerning the college operations,
instructional program, or student activities of interest to the Board and
assign appropriate individuals to present an informative report at a
designated Board of Trustees meeting.
Board presentations should be limited in length, brief and to the point of
providing Board members with a clear perspective of the selected
subject area.
Presenters may use presentation software and/or printed handouts as
long as these materials have been approved by the President prior to
B. The Vice President for Instruction and Student Services is responsible
for submitting board presentation recommendations to the President for
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Statement No. 200.3
August 28, 1979
December 6, 1988
August 17, 2022
April 27, 2023
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees meetings hall has the following
agenda format. For each action and/or item on the agenda that requires a
vote, there is a notation to the left of the item as to whether the item
requires a motion. For those items requiring action, the actual wording of
the motion to enact the action is provided. Accordingly, to aid in the
preparation of the monthly agenda, the following procedures and
responsibilities shall be adhered to. Exceptions will be made to these only
with the approval of the President.
The office of the President is responsible to prepare and distribute the
board letter, to which a tentative agenda is attached; and to prepare the
final agenda for each board meeting. The monthly board letter shall be
provided to board members on Friday prior to the board meeting, which is
held on the Wednesday following the third Monday of each month.
Persons desiring to enter items on the board agenda for the board letter
shall notify the office of the President, in writing, via email, at least five days
prior to emailing of the board letter, agenda and reports, hereinafter
referred to as the “board packet.” ALL AGENDA ITEMS SHOULD BE
A. When submitting requests to have items included on the agenda,
document the item as it is requested to appear; indicate whether
action is required or not; and if action is required, include the
wording of the motion to adopt the action. For example:
Title: Reappointment of XXX to the College Foundation Board of
Recommended Motion: “to approve the reappointment of XXX to the
College Foundation Board of Directors.”
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Title: Advertise for Bids XXX, XXX Campus Dr. XXX
Recommended Motion: “to approve the advertising of bids for XXX.”
B. When an emergency arises that needs to be placed on the agenda
after the initial board packet is provided to the board, and
preparation of the final agenda, the above provisions will apply
except that the due date to have the recommendations in the office
of the President is Monday noon, preceding the board meeting.
C. All persons having an input into the agenda must abide by the above
formats, procedures and dates or requested items will not be
included in the board agenda. Exceptions to this will be made by
the President at his discretion.
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Statement No. 201
May 5, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College accepts and
recognizes the College Planning Manual to describe and outline all duties and
activities related to the College planning process. The MGCCC Planning Manual
shall be maintained in the Office of Institutional Research and Planning. The
Manual contains the following information: 1) Membership of operating College
governance councils; 2) Duties and responsibilities of governance councils; 3)
Complete description of the college planning process and all planning activities.
4) Relationships between budgeting and planning process; and 5) Complete list
of all education, administrative and service planning units.
The Planning Manual is reviewed and updated annually through the Planning
Council, Executive Council, and College President. All changes to the College
Strategic Plan are subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Planning
Manual is published for all stakeholders of the Institution through the college
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Statement No. 202
May 5, 2008
February 20, 2019
I. STATEMENT: Organizational charts of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College are posted on the college web site. The charts are updated as needed
by the Vice President, Administration and Finance.
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Statement No. 203
May 5, 2008
February 20, 2019
District Office Positions
Vice Presidents. (Professional, Administrative and Management): Vice
Presidents are employed by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the
President. They report directly to the President and are members of the College
Executive Council. They possess line authority in their primary areas of
Associate Vice Presidents, College Deans, & Comptroller (Professional,
Administration and Management): These positions are employed by the Board of
Trustees on recommendation of the President. They report directly to an Vice
President or the President. They have college-wide planning and coordinating
responsibility in their respective, functionally assigned areas. They may or may
not have line authority. They may or may not have full-time counterparts on the
District Office Directors & Assistants (Professional, Non-Instructional):
Directors may be employed on the District Office staff for certain highly
specialized areas requiring skills that are not normally found in the general labor
market. They report to the Vice President who has primary responsibility for the
functional area of employment. They do not have line authority over college
counterparts. Normally, their function will not be found on the campuses in a full-
time capacity. Specific examples of Directors are in the area(s) of Information
Technology and Purchasing.
Coordinators (Professional, Non-Instructional): Coordinators have multiple-
campus responsibilities. They may report to an Vice President, Associate Vice
President, College Dean, Comptroller, or Director. Employment may be reported
to the Board of Trustees. Coordinators work with Campus Vice Presidents and
Deans to provide college-wide coordination of new programs (establishment of
the need, preparation of all documentation to start or revise programs,
identification and procurement of equipment, recruitment and hiring of
instructional and staff personnel, etc.), revision and termination of programs.
They do not have line or directive authority.
Supervisors (Staff): Supervisors have multiple-campus responsibilities, report to
a Vice President or Associate Vice President or College Dean; may, in turn, be
responsible for several employees; may recommend specialized equipment or
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
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procedures for college-wide application; and have line authority over only those
personnel for whom he/she is responsible.
Campus Positions
Campus Vice Presidents (Professional, Administrative and Management): Vice
Presidents are employed by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the
President. They report directly to the President and are members of the College
Executive Council and their respective campus Administrative Committee; are
chief administrative officers on their campuses and have autonomy except for
certain functions that are centrally-controlled. They have line authority over their
campuses and campus-assigned activities.
Campus Deans, Center Administrative Deans, and Assistants (Professional,
Administration and Management): These positions are employed by the Board of
Trustees on recommendation of the President. They report directly to the Vice
President on all matters, except those functional areas where other formal line
authority has been established by the President.
Assistant Deans (Professional and Management): Employed by the Board of
Trustees on recommendation of the President.
Assistant Deans of Learning Resources Center (Professional, Non-
Instructional: Instructional): Employed by the Board of Trustees on
recommendation of the President. Supervise and carry out library functions and
report to the Dean of Teaching and Learning.
Enrollment Specialist (Academic, Technical and Recruitment/Placement):
Employed by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the President. May be
full- or part-time. Reports to the Director of Enrollment Services.
Instructors (Professional, Instructional): Employed by the Board of Trustees on
recommendation of the President. Teaches in area of specialization on annual
contract status. Reports to the Department Chairperson.
Department Chairpersons (Professional): Part-time assignment made by the
President on recommendation of the Campus Vice President. Reports to the
appropriate Dean of Teaching and Learning.
Supervisors of Programs and Assistants (Professional, Non-Instructional):
Employed by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the President,
supervises major programs and recommends new programs, changes, or
deletions to programs, selection and acquisition of equipment and recruitment and
hiring of personnel. Has line authority over the program for which he or she has
responsibility. Reports to a Dean (i.e., Housing and Campus Police).
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Functional Supervisors & Assistants (Staff): Employed by the President on
recommendation of the Campus Vice President. Supervises functional area of
assignment and recommends procedures, work control and flow, personnel and
equipment to perform work required. Reports to a Dean (example, Supervisor of
Buildings and Grounds).
Managers (Staff): Employed by the President on recommendation of the Campus
Vice President. Manages bookstore, cafeteria, or student center, etc. May be a
full- or part-time position. Note: Managers of food services functioning on the
three campuses are full-time employees of the food service company.
Coaches and Assistants (Professional, Instructional): Employed by Board of
Trustees on recommendation of the President. Primarily responsible for his or her
sports program; teaches courses as prescribed by a Dean.
Receptionist (Staff, Perkinston Campus only): Employed by the President on
recommendation of the Campus Vice President. Reports to the Supervisor of
Superintendents (Staff): Employed by the President on recommendation of the
Campus Vice President. Reports to a Dean.
Records Clerks (Staff): Employed by the President on recommendation of the
Campus Vice President. Reports to the Dean of Student Services.
Campus Organization
The following job titles apply equally were indicated to all three comprehensive
campuses of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
Campus Vice President
Dean of Teaching and Learning
Dean of Business Services
Dean of Student Services and Enrollment Management
Assistant Dean of the Learning Resources Center/Library Director
Assistant Dean of Teaching and Learning
Department Chairpersons
Director of Enrollment Services
Director of Financial Aid
Director of Admissions and Records
Business Officer Manager
Enrollment Specialist
Events and Multimedia Specialist/Technician
Director of the Learning Lab
Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
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Managers of Student Center and Bookstore
Career/Technical Student Support Services Coordinator
Specialist, Community Services
Assistant Librarian
Campus Police/Public Safety
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Statement No. 204
September 15, 1973
December 6, 1988
I. POLICY. The Line/Staff Concept as it pertains to the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College is as follows: On Campus, staff and other personnel will
report to the appropriate Dean, who will report to the Campus Vice President.
Vice Presidents will report directly to the President.
District Office Vice Presidents have line authority only in their respective
functional areas of responsibility as delegated by the President. As such, they
have line authority and may direct actions in the name of the President to
Campus Vice Presidents and campus counterparts. Reports and other actions
in the several functional areas where the District Office Vice Presidents have
prime college responsibility will normally be routed through the District Office
Vice President prior to submission to the President.
When differences of opinion, policy, procedures, or concepts arise between the
Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, or their counterparts, they will be resolved at
the lowest possible echelon. For example, if the administrator requests
information or action that is counter to that called for by the Vice Presidents, it
is the responsibility of the campus counterpart to so inform the administrator of
the difference. If necessary, the counterpart will make the difference known to
the Vice President, who may talk to the administrator to resolve the difference;
if resolution cannot be reached at that level, the difference will be brought to the
President for resolution.
It is policy that every effort will be made by affected personnel to work together
and minimize higher level resolution of differences.
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Statement No. 205
July 1, 1972
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. Each college campus offering career-technical education will have
a general advisory committee for the purpose of assisting the Dean of Career,
Technical, Workforce, & Community Education in the administering of the total
career and technical programs.
Each program or cluster program will have a program advisory committee. The
Campus Vice Presidents are responsible for coordinating the appointment of
advisory committees. Specific procedures are outlined in the Advisory Committee
Handbook regarding function, meetings, duties, appointments, etc.
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Statement No. 206
August 22, 1977
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
May 5, 2008
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on April 27, 1977:
"Employees of the college shall be provided with the opportunity to
participate in decision-making in an advisory capacity. Employees shall
have input in the establishment of procedures and the making of decisions
which affect them as a whole."
Opportunities to participate in college decision-making are afforded to the various
groups shown below. Each group can make recommendations to the
administration at various levels.
A. Advisory Committees and Councils. Meet with Executive Officer and/or with
the President. Matters of concern to the employee are discussed and
recommendations are made. Individual employees have a voice through their
respective employee group.
B. Executive Council. Meets as called for in Statement No. 225.
C. In the budget process, all employees are involved in making
recommendations for establishing the budget and for spending money once
D. In addition to the above, the following committees are established at the
campus level: Administrative Leadership, Admissions, Learning Resources,
Judicial, Campus Vice President’s Advisory, Graduation, Scholarships,
Student Activities, Student Publications, Instructional Affairs, and Student
Government Associations. Campuses and centers may also create other
committees as needed.
E. The following councils exist at the college level: Executive, Athletic,
President’s Advisory, Instructional Affairs, Student Services, Learning
Resources, Technology, Planning, Finance, and Tri-Campus Student
Government Association.
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F. All of the above committees and councils provide employees and students
with the opportunity to make recommendations that may result in
administrative action.
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Statement No. 207
August 22, 1977
December 6, 1988
April 27, 2023
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on April 27, 1977:
"When any problem arises concerning the college, for which no appropriate policy
exists, it shall be the responsibility of the President of the College to examine the
problem in terms of:
1. Possible legal implications
2. Prior Board actions on other situations which may be similar enough to suggest
A determination will then be made as to whether Board action or an administrative
decision is indicated, and appropriate steps will be taken."
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Statement No. 208
March 6, 1986
March 9, 1989
January 9, 2009
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on April 21, 1982.
"Faculty members and administrators shall formulate goals and objectives to be
evaluated by the individual and the Administration."
MGCCC planning is an annual process which correlates unit purpose and
effectiveness with budget needs and improvements. Because of strong ties to budget
resources, all educational, administrative, and service units participate in the planning
process. The Planning Council, College President and Board of Trustees guide the
College’s planning process through an annual Strategic Plan.
The Planning Process is outlined below:
A. Development of the Strategic Plan: The Strategic Plan is intensively reviewed on
a five-year cycle. During this development phase, the Planning Council solicits
input from faculty, staff, students, alumni, business and industry, civic
organizations, and the community at large. This input serves as a basis for
developing the College’s Mission Statement and other strategic planning
components. Through recommendations of the Planning Council, the college
President presents the strategic plan to the Board of Trustees.
B. Implementation of Plan: Following the approval of the Board of Trustees, each
administrative, educational, and service unit identifies effectiveness indicators
and expected outcomes which align with college mission and strategic goals. The
duties, responsibilities and timelines for all planning activities are located in the
Planning Process Manual, available on the college website.
C. Connection of Plan and Budget: Each unit begins the fiscal year with an operating
budget which is based on the most current information for the unit’s annual fiscal
needs. During the college’s first and second budget revisions,
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planning units submit budget request documents to the Vice President of
Administration and Finance. For all special or recurring budget needs, budget
requests are only considered if the unit provides the planning goal(s) directly
associated with each budget request.
D. Assessment of the Strategic Plan. The Planning Council is charged with reviewing
the Strategic Plan in January of each year. The assessment is primarily focused
on review of the Strategic Initiatives, which serve as goals for the institution, but
the Planning Council also reviews the college’s Mission Statement, Vision
Statement, and Core Values. To assist the Planning Council in the annual
assessment of the strategic plan, the Office of Institutional Research and Planning
provides an Institutional Planning Summary of expected outcome performance
for all college strategic initiatives. The report provides guidance for the Planning
Council to determine strengths and weaknesses in the planning process and to
shape priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.
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Statement No. 209
September 28, 1989
April 10, 2008
I. POLICY. In compliance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
(SACS) Commission on Colleges, each member institution may elect to name an
Accreditation Liaison Officer in addition to the Chief Executive Officer to
coordinate accrediting activities. All official communications from the Commission
on Colleges will go to the Chief Executive Officer.
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) will fulfill its responsibilities
to the Commission on Colleges regarding the statement on the Accreditation
Liaison Officer.
A. The President will annually appoint the Accreditation Liaison Officer.
B. The District Office of MGCCC will be designated as the official location for
information to be disseminated and questions answered about institutional
and specialized accreditation.
C. All accreditation materials, including self-study reports; accreditation
committee reports; accreditation manuals, standards, and policies;
schedules of all visits; and correspondence from accrediting offices,
including Commission action letters, will be maintained in the District Office.
D. Faculty, staff, and students will be familiarized with the Commission's
accrediting policies and procedures.
E. Accreditation requirements, including compliance with accrediting
Principles, are considered not only during compliance certification, but
incorporated, among other institutional goals and objectives, into the
planning and evaluation process of the Institution.
F. The Commission will be notified in advance of substantive changes and
program developments in accord with the substantive change policies of
the Commission.
The Accreditation Liaison Officer will provide assistance in completing the annual
profile submitted to the Commission, serve as a contact person for the
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Commission staff, help prepare and coordinate reaffirmation and other accrediting
visits, and serve on accreditation committees when invited.
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Statement No. 211
August 25, 1983
December 6, 1988
May 5, 2008
June 18, 2012
November 12, 2018
I. STATEMENT. It is the intent of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College to
comply with the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 as contained in Sections
25-61-1 through 25-61-15 of the Mississippi Code 1972 Annotated. Section 25-61-
3 defines public records as all books, records, papers, accounts, letters, maps,
photographs, films, cards, tapes, recordings or reproductions thereof, and any other
documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been
used, being in use, or prepared, possessed or retained for use in the conduct,
transaction or performance of any business, transaction, work, duty or function of
any public body, or required to be maintained by any public body.
Exemptions allowed by state and federal laws include, but are not limited to:
A. Records furnished to public bodies by third parties which contain trade secrets,
or confidential commercial or financial information.
B. Records which are developed among juries concerning judicial decisions.
C. Personnel records and application for employment: employee personnel
records including personnel reports shall not be available for access for the
purpose of reviewing or copying.
D. Test questions and answers which are to be used in employment examinations.
E. Letters of recommendation respecting any application for employment.
F. Records which represent and constitute the work product of any attorney, district
attorney or county prosecuting attorney representing a public body.
G. Records which would disclose information about a person's individual tax
payment status.
H. Appraisal information which concerns the sale or purchase of real or personal
property for public purposes prior to public announcement of the purchase or
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I. Student records: the Family Right and Privacy Act (20 USC 1232) forbids
disclosure or inspection of a student's educational and disciplinary records.
Additionally, the records exempted may not be limited to the above in compliance
with Section 25-61-11 which states that the provisions of this legislation shall not
be construed to conflict with, amend, repeal or supersede any constitutional or
statutory law or decision of a court of this state or of the United States which, at the
time of the passage of Section 25-61-11, is effective or thereafter specifically
declares a public record to be withheld from public disclosure under provisions of
the legislation.
A. All requests to inspect, copy, mechanically reproduce or obtain a reproduction
of any public record, as heretofore defined in this statement, shall be made in
writing to the President of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College District
utilizing the standard Request for Access to Records form. The specific record
requested, the name and address of the individual and/or organization
requesting the record, and the nature of the request (i.e., to review on-site,
receive photocopies, or have copies mailed) shall be clearly indicated. The
request must describe the records in sufficient detail to enable the college to
identify and locate the records. The form must be signed by or on behalf of the
requesting party.
In the event a request is received which fails to clearly state any of the
e required information, then, a denial response will be made stating the same.
B. Denial of a request by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College shall be
in writing utilizing the standard Denial for Request for Access to Records form
and shall include a statement of the specific reasons for the denial. The College
shall maintain a file of all denials which shall be made available to any person
for inspection and/or copying during regular business hours. Denials shall be
preserved for three years from the date such denials are made.
C. Upon receipt of a proper written request, the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College shall make the public record available for record within fourteen working
days from the date that the request was received or produce and mail a copy of
the record to the requesting party to be postmarked no later than fourteen
working days from the date the request was received.
D. There will be a reasonably calculated fee charged to cover the actual cost of
searching or researching plus a fee of $1.00 per page. If there are other costs
for hand copying, postage or other actual expenses involved, they also shall be
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1. Any staff time or contractual services included in the actual cost of
complying with a records request shall be assessed at the pay scale at
the lowest level employee or contractor competent to respond to the
2. Mailing costs shall be calculated at the applicable United States Postal
Service rates where appropriate.
3. Electronic copies will be made at the actual cost depending on the
format in which such records are provided.
4. This charge shall be an estimate of the actual cost and shall be
payable in advance. In the event of a lower actual cost, a refund will
be made. In the event the actual cost shall exceed the estimated
charge, the balance shall be due prior to examining or reviewing
copies of the public record.
5. Any delay in receiving this fee may result in an extension of the
fourteen-day time limit specified above.
The following forms are available through the college website and the forms
Request for Access to Records (PER-GEN-13)
Denial for Request for Access to Records (PER-GEN-14)
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Statement No. 212.1
May 7, 1975
January 16, 1989
January 17, 2024
I. STATEMENT A formal Personnel System is established that outlines personnel
responsibilities for various officials in the College, as follows:
Vice President for Administration and Finance - has overall responsibility for the
College-wide Personnel system. Associate Vice President of Human Resources - is
assigned the responsibility of directing benefits, retirement, employee relations, salary
administration, affirmative action, recruitment, hiring, and separation from employment.
Associate Vice President of Finance is assigned the responsibility of directing payroll.
Vice Presidents - have overall responsibility for their campuses, with assigned
responsibility to Deans for the personnel in their functional areas.
A. Campus and District Office personnel responsibilities are outlined above.
B. Glossary of Terms for College Personnel System:
1. Full-time Employees: Any employee paid on a faculty, administrative, staff, or
hourly schedule who is expected to work the following schedule:
a. Administration Eight hours per day, 40 hours per week, and paid on the
administrative salary schedule.
b. Academic Faculty 35 hours per week and may be paid on the 9- or 12-
month faculty salary schedule at least one semester.
c. Career-Technical Faculty 35 hours per week; on 10- or 12-month faculty
d. Staff Eight hours per day, 40 hours per week, and paid on the staff salary
e. HourlyExpected to work 40 hours per week and paid on an hourly basis.
2. Adjunct Faculty: Any employee hired on a per-course compensation basis to
teach academic, vocational, technical, continuing education or other educational
classes. Adjunct faculty are not entitled to fringe benefits other than those
prescribed by law.
3. Consultant: A professional person, group of persons, or firm, employed for a
contracted dollar amount per-hour or per-project cost to perform a contract,
function or task. Consultants are not entitled to fringe benefits.
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4. Part-time Employees: Any employee whose workload is less than a full-time
employee’s workload for the category of employment. Part-time employees
employed half time or more are entitled to those benefits normally provided to
full-time employees on a pro rata basis, according to their category of
employment, as defined in the Policies and Procedures Manual. Employees
working less than half time will receive only those benefits prescribed by law.
5. Seniority: The longest period of time of cumulative full-time employment with
the college district.
6. Contract Employees: Any employee paid on a faculty or administrative salary
schedule, or classified as adjunct faculty; may be full- or part-time.
7. Non-Contract Employees: Any employee not paid on the faculty or
administrative salary schedule or classified as adjunct faculty; includes those
employees on the staff salary guide or on an hourly basis; may be full-time or
C. Campus and District Office personnel files will be maintained on all permanent
full-time, part-time and temporary employees. Campus files may include:
1. Employment Approval Form
2. I-9 Form (part-time and non-benefited full-time temporary employees only)
3. Counseling Forms
D. District Office personnel files for all personnel will contain the following original
1. Application for Employment
2. Job Description
3. Transcripts
4. I-9 Forms
5. Counseling Forms
6. Contracts or Staff Salary Records
7. Employment Approval Forms
8. Performance Evaluation Forms
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Statement No. 212.2
September 5, 1978
June 20, 1977
March 1, 1995
May 13, 1999
June 10, 2008
December 4, 2013
August 13, 2014
November 18, 2015
December 11, 2019
April 20, 2022
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees approved the following Policy on April 27,
1977: "Continuous efforts shall be made to direct and maintain a recruitment
program to attract the best qualified personnel to Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College."
"The recruitment program shall follow the appropriate government guidelines
regarding qualifications and equal opportunity and shall be administered in
accordance with all governmental regulations."
The following paragraphs outline detailed instructions that must be followed
relative to recruitment and hiring of:
A. Full-time professional and faculty positions (administrative, non-
instructional professional and instructors) paragraph IV.
B. Part-time professional and adjunct faculty positions - see paragraph V.
C. Full-time and part-time, staff positions - see paragraphs VI. -VII.
D. Full-time temporary and interim positions - see paragraph VIII.
E. Applicants may apply for available positions on the college website.
All applications shall be retained within the college’s applicant tracking
F. When vacancies occur or are anticipated to occur, Executive Officers shall
ensure that the following steps are taken and documented:
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i. Executive Officers shall notify the office of the President of the vacancy
with a completed job posting request within the applicant tracking system
(see Section IV.G. for committee makeup). Included in the job posting
request will be the mandatory and desirable qualifications for the position,
job description, and other information necessary to process the posting
request if approved. Once approved, the District Human Resources Office
will determine the date of the open and close date of the job posting.
ii. Job Vacancy Notices are announced internally for a period of one week (5
working days). During that time, requests for lateral transfers may be
received and considered. Any full-time permanent college employee
desiring to laterally transfer shall make known their request to the chair of
the hiring committee prior to the publication of an external vacancy
announcement for the position by applying within the applicant tracking
system. If the employee is approved in the applicant tracking system by
the appropriate college officials through the chain of command to the
college Executive Officer, the request shall be forwarded to the President
for approval and for Board approval, if appropriate.
iii. If, after the one week (5 working days) internal posting period no lateral
transfers are recommended for approval, then the Job Vacancy Notice will
be posted externally on the college website for a period of two weeks (ten
working days). When Job Vacancy Notices are posted externally, they may
also be distributed simultaneously to specialized recruiting sources for
minorities and females and to the general labor market. In addition, the
Executive Officer may suggest addresses to whom the job posting might
be sent (of particular importance are agencies that might provide minority
applicants). A separate mailing list will be maintained for each recruitment
process identifying the sources to which notices were sent, if any.
iv. Following the closing date of the job posting, a recruitment memorandum
will be sent to the Chairperson for the Screening/Selection Committee. In
the recruitment memorandum, the District Human Resources Office shall
direct, in writing, the committee chairperson and all members to personally
review the provisions of this statement in its entirety to ensure that each
member is aware of his or her moral and legal responsibilities as a member
of the Screening Committee. The committee shall utilize the Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College Screening/Selection Committee Chair
v. Prior to the closing of the posting, hiring officials may contact whatever
sources they deem appropriate to obtain additional applications. Such
contact may be by telephone, correspondence or other personal contact.
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Applications received from these sources shall be considered in the
screening process.
vi. The Screening Committee makeup shall have representation reflecting
minority employees, female employees, male employees, and employees
from another MGCCC campus or center.
vii. The chairperson of the Screening Committee shall ensure that all
applications received in the applicant tracking system are moved to the
appropriate status (as interviewed, not interviewed, etc.), are evaluated by
the committee in a nondiscriminatory manner; that the top applicants who
meet the mandatory qualifications for the position are identified, and a
statement shall be made that the committee believes they are the best
qualified to fill the position; that all other applicants considered for the
position are listed in the minutes of the committee meeting; and the above
is transmitted to the Executive Officer with the signatures of the
chairperson and all committee members (if the Screening Committee will
not also serve as the Selection Committee). An evaluation form may be
devised to aid the committee in arriving at their decision, or individual
committee members may merely use note pad sheets or plain paper.
Copies of committee members' individual notes shall be forwarded to the
President in the applicant tracking system as a part of the hiring package
and will be retained in the applicant tracking system for future reference.
These notes will help committee members recreate their reasons for the
selections and will be used when, and if necessary, for that purpose. The
utmost good faith must be exercised, and an impartial reviewer examining
the process should be able to ascertain that such good faith was exercised
by reviewing the notes and proceedings of the committee and its members.
The chairperson will also update the status in the applicant tracking system
of candidates interviewed (i.e., recommended for hire, interviewed not
hired, etc.).
viii. The Executive Officer, with approval of the President in the applicant
tracking system, shall nominate the same or a different Selection
Committee to invite the top candidates to interview with the committee.
The chairperson of the Selection Committee shall ensure that the
interviews are conducted in a nondiscriminatory manner. Documentation
requirements are the same for the Selection Committee and the reasons
for selecting the candidates recommended for employment shall be
thoroughly documented and stored in the applicant tracking system. The
Selection Committee shall forward to the Executive Officer the names of
two or more applicants for consideration. The names forwarded shall be
listed in rank order consistent with supporting documentation. Again, a
form may be developed for the committee members' use in making this
determination. Notes and comments made by committee members shall
be attached to the minutes of the Selection Committee, as required for
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the Screening Committee. Minutes shall be submitted to the originating
Executive Officer, including the names of the recommended candidates.
The statement made in the last sentence of paragraph IV.H. above
applies with equal force to the process set out in this paragraph.
ix. The Executive Officer shall communicate a recommendation for hire to the
President for hiring in the applicant tracking system. Attached to this
communication shall be:
1) Report of other recruiting efforts, if completed
2) Completed Application for persons recommended.
3) Official Transcripts of applicant's college work or record of other
educational attainment
4) Signed Statement of Committee Compliance
5) Candidate Rating Sheets
6) Candidate Ranking Sheets
x. The President may accept one of the recommended candidates or reject
the recommendations. If rejected, the hiring packet detailed above will be
sent back to the appropriate Executive Officer for required action in the
applicant tracking system. If accepted, a recommendation is made to the
Board of Trustees for employment, as required. The application of the
person recommended shall be available for review. The other applications
shall be made available upon request.
xi. Upon approval, the District Human Resources Office will commence all
relevant remaining prior-employment checks, including background
checks, as determined by job title and areas of responsibility. All pre-
employment checks will be conducted in a manner compliant with all
relevant legal stipulations, including but not limited to the Fair Credit
Reporting act.
xii. In the event a candidate fails to complete the 1
30 days of employment in
the new position, the Search Chair is allowed to recommend the next
candidate for hire in the applicant tracking system, in descending ranking
order as listed on the original hiring recommendation. In this instance the
committee is not required to reinitiate a new posting request resulting from
the new vacancy.
xiii. In the event a second vacancy occurs at the same location, for an active
approved posting, the Search Chair is allowed to recommend a second
candidate for hire from the current posting’s applicants. The second
candidate must be recommended in descending ranking order as listed on
the hiring recommendation documents of the initial vacancy. The second
candidate must have completed all applicable steps as listed in Statement
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212.2. In this instance the committee is not required to reinitiate a new
posting request for the second vacancy.
xiv. When emergency conditions dictate (emergency defined as a resignation,
death, serious and/or extended illness, etc. of an employee), and an
immediate replacement is determined to be absolutely mandatory to hold
classes or maintain services, or when a program is approved and there is
no time to go through the normal recruiting process the hiring official shall
take the following actions:
1. Document the emergency condition(s) and indicate reason(s) why
normal recruiting actions cannot be taken at the time and send an
immediate report to the President.
2. Upon the approval of the President, the hiring official will recommend
applicant for a temporary/interim position in the applicant tracking
system until such time that the normal hiring procedures described in
paragraphs A. L. above can be completed (see also Section VIII.
Employment of Full-Time Temporary and Interim Personnel).
3. In an emergency as well as a non-emergency recruiting, every
reasonable effort shall be made to locate minority and female
applicants having required qualifications.
Upon approval from the President, the process may be expedited to allow for
internal and external advertisement to run concurrently.
Recruitment for part-time professional and adjunct faculty positions shall follow
the intent, in so far as possible, and steps outlined in Section IV, above; Positions
having working hours of 20 hours per week or more will follow the full-time
permanent recruiting procedure as outlined in Section IV. Paragraphs A.-L.
Committees and documentation requirements shall follow the same procedures
as outlined in Section IV, above. Campus/center hiring officials are urged to recruit
continuously for adjunct instructors in the various disciplines and/or program that
might be offered on their campus/center. A complete application file, including
reference checks, will be maintained for all adjunct faculty members. Measures
should be taken to employ minority and female part-time professionals and
adjunct faculty and to report progress to federal court and other federal agencies
that may demand such information. Names of part-time professional/adjunct
faculty shall be presented to the President for approval and for recommendation
to the Board of Trustees, as required.
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A. Where the College has contracts with local industry and the local industry
recommends instructors, the college shall encourage the recommending
of females and minorities.
B. Where the College has contracts with local industry and the local industry
selects individuals for employment, the College shall require that all legal
regulations be met concerning employment and shall encourage the
employment of females and minorities.
Recruitment for full-time staff level positions shall follow the intent and steps
outlined in Section IV above. The vacant position will be advertised for two weeks
following the internal publication of the Job Vacancy Notice if no request for
internal lateral transfer is accepted. Efforts should be taken to employ minority
and female employees. Names of staff level persons shall be submitted, with the
new hire documents required in Statement 212.3, to the President for approval
prior to the effective date of employment.
The Vice President or Administrative Dean at the campus/center may accomplish
direct hire recruiting for part-time staff and full- or part-time hourly personnel
where the position exists via the applicant tracking system. Efforts should be
taken to employ minority and female employees.
Temporary personnel may be recommended within the applicant tracking system
by the appropriate Executive Officer to the President and the Board of Trustees,
where applicable, for approval without following the recruitment procedure for
permanent, full-time personnel. However, personnel may be employed on a full-
time temporary or interim basis for no more than four (4) and one (1) half months
with the recommendation of the appropriate Executive Officer and the approval of
the President. Requests for terms longer than four (4) and one (1) half months
must be submitted by the Executive Officer and approved by the President.
Efforts should be made to employ minority and female employees in temporary
and interim positions. A full-time temporary and/or interim employee may not
move into a full-time permanent position without following the College Policy for
employment of Full-Time Permanent Personnel as outlined in the preceding
Upon approval from the President, the process for grant funded positions may be
expedited to allow for internal and external advertisement to run concurrently.
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The screening process may be expedited so that applicants may be interviewed
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Statement No. 212.2.1
December 11, 2019
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to
protecting the safety and welfare of its employees, students, and the general
public and to protecting the integrity of the institution. Therefore, the College
conducts background checks for faculty, staff, administration, contract
laborers, students, and volunteers in order to promote a safe learning and
working environment, protect the welfare of current and future students,
faculty, staff, and visitors, and to protect the fiscal assets of the college.
Background checks shall include a criminal history check, a financial history
check and a motor vehicle records check.
Outside vendors shall maintain the responsibility of background checks on
their employees as well as applicable insurance coverage and must provide
proof of such when requested by the college.
A. Procedures
a. Individuals must follow the standard application and hiring process
of the college and/or the standard volunteer selection process. After
February 1, 2020, this process must be inclusive of the completion
of the Supplemental Application Form for Background Checks,
authorizing a background check.
b. All existing college employees and volunteers who have not
previously had background checks conducted must complete the
Supplemental Application Form for Background Checks as directed
by Campus Administration and must be compliant within six months
of adoption of this policy.
c. Individuals refusing a background check or who have withheld, or
falsified information related to the background check will be
disqualified from college employment and/or volunteer placement.
d. Employees desiring to change positions within the college via
promotion, lateral transfer, or other means, and who have not
obtained a background check within the previous three years, must
obtain a new background check if appropriate for the position which
they are seeking.
e. Background checks shall be obtained in the most efficient method
available to the college’s Department of Human Resources (HR)
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including but not limited to provision by the Campus Police
Department or a third-party reporting agency.
f. Supervisors/Committee Chairs may extend a conditional offer of
employment/volunteer placement to the position finalist pending
results of the background check. Employment shall not be effective
until HR has notified the department that the applicant has
satisfactorily completed and passed the background check.
B. Results
a. Results of background checks shall be sent to HR for review and
one of the following actions:
1. If the results show no infractions, HR will notify the
supervisor/committee chair so that final
employment/volunteer placement arrangements can
be made.
2. If the results indicate an infraction, HR will notify and
review the results with the appropriate college Vice
President and the College President. Approval to hire
or place the individual as a volunteer will require
approval of the president.
b. Determination of an infraction does not automatically disqualify an
individual from employment/volunteer placement. In making a
determination of employment or volunteer placement when an
infraction is found, items such as, but not limited to, position for
which the individual is being considered, how recent the infraction
occurred, the severity of the infraction, individuals age at the time of
the infraction, and safety and security concerns of the campus may
be considered. College representatives may consult legal counsel
as necessary.
c. If the results in the background check result in the withdrawal of an
offer of employment/volunteer placement, the HR Office will notify
the individual and provide to the individual a copy of the report, and
a notice of the individuals’ rights under the Federal Fair Credit
Reporting Act (GCRA). The individual will have 5 days to respond
in writing in the event that they believe the report provided to the
College to be in error and must rectify any inaccuracies within 10
days with the third-party reporting entity.
d. Results of background checks shall be kept strictly confidential and
will not be disclosed except as needed to administer this policy or
as required by law or legal process.
C. Employee/Volunteer Responsibilities
a. Upon employment with or volunteer placement at the college,
employees and volunteers shall notify the HR office of any situations
that arise wherein criminal convictions occur, or felony
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charges are filed against them, as soon as possible but not less than
within 72 hours. The appropriate office of the Vice President shall,
in consultation with the Vice President of Administration and
Finance, determine if any action is necessary.
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Statement No. 212.3
June 7, 1979
July 25, 1986
December 6, 1989
June 10, 2008
I. STATEMENT. Two Board policies pertaining to employees are quoted. These
policies were approved by the Board of Trustees on April 21, 1982:
Regular appointments to positions on the contract staff of the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College are made by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation by
the President after consultation with the Campus Vice President. Each employee is
considered to be hired temporarily pending approval by the Board; and employment
shall be probationary until the satisfactory completion of one full contract year.
In employing personnel, the College shall follow the appropriate Federal and State
guidelines regarding qualification and equal opportunity.
The Campus Vice President shall recommend non-contract staff to the President for
approval. Upon approval of the President, employment shall be considered
probationary for 12 consecutive months.
In employing persons, the College shall follow the appropriate Federal and State
guidelines regarding qualifications and equal opportunity.
Procedures that follow are designed to carry out these statements.
1. New Hire is defined as any person hired into the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College System.
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There will be a “processing packagefor new hires submitted to the District
Human Resources Office prior to an employee beginning work at Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College. This processing package shall consist of the
a. A properly completed Employee Information Form (available from the
District Human Resources Office or on the Forms Repository) which must
have the proper signatures authorizing approval prior to the new hire’s
inclusion on the College payroll.
b. An Employee Contract or Staff Salary Record signed by the employee.
c. I-9 properly completed. Note: On the first day of employment, employees
must provide proof that they are U.S. citizens or nationals, lawful
permanent residents or people otherwise authorized to be employed in
the United States. Within three days of hire, every new employee must
show their employer documentation that establishes both proof of their
identity and proof of their eligibility to work in the United States.
d. Insurance enrollment forms where applicable.
e. W-4's for State and Federal withholding.
f. State retirement enrollment information where applicable.
g. Acknowledgement of receipt of Drug-Free Workplace information.
h. Workforce Training or Grant Personal Leave Statement, if applicable to
the position hired.
i. All full-time salaried personnel that receive college benefits shall visit the
District Human Resources Office on or before his/her hire date to
complete the required paperwork for payroll purposes and to be briefed
on the benefits offered by the College. The Campuses and Centers
should coordinate with the District Human Resources Office as to the day
and time when such new hires may be scheduled for an appointment.
j. All hourly personnel shall visit the Campus Business Office on or before
their first day at work to complete the required paperwork for payroll
purposes, and to be briefed on the benefits offered by the College.
k. A "new hire" shall not begin work until such time that all the above
documents and actions have been properly completed and/or authorized.
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l. This documentation and/or authorizations must be in the District Human
Resources Office no later than the payroll deadline, as established by the
official payroll calendar, in order that the employee can be paid for that
pay period. Otherwise, the employee will not be paid until the next
subsequent pay period after the properly completed and approved
documentation and/or authorizations are received by the District Human
Resources Office.
1. When employees separate from employment with the College, for whatever
reason, there shall be a properly completed Employee Information Form
(available from the District Human Resources Office or on the Forms
Repository) and letter of resignation submitted to the District Human
Resources Office. After a determination has been made by the President as
to whether the position will be filled or frozen, the following shall occur
a. IF THE POSITION IS TO BE FILLED, the position will remain in “Active”
status in the District Human Resource Office.
b. IF THE POSITION IS TO BE FROZEN, the position will be placed in
“Inactive” status in the District Human Resource Office.
2. Check-out procedures have been developed at each Campus/Center and all
employees are required to complete the check-out procedures prior to leaving
employment with the College. Failure to properly complete the check-out
procedures may result in a delay in submitting a final check to an employee
who has separate employment with the College.
1. Contracts will be written annually for all permanent full-time and permanent
part-time personnel paid on the Regular Faculty, Nursing Faculty, or
Administrative Salary Schedules.
Staff Salary Records will be written annually for all salaried and hourly full-
time and permanent part-time staff.
a. Academic instructors will receive 9-month contracts beginning August 16
and ending May 15. For additional information concerning faculty
contracts and instructional teaching loads, please refer to Statement
212.25 - Summer Contracts for Faculty and Statement 303.1Statement
of College Faculty Load.
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b. Career and Technical instructors (including associate degree Nursing) will
receive a contract noting the following dates:
10- month contractsAugust 1 through May 31
11- month contractsJuly 1 through May 31 or August 1 through June 30
12- month contractsJuly 1 through June 30
For additional information concerning faculty contracts and instructional
teaching loads, please refer to Statement 212.25 - Summer Contracts for
Faculty and Statement 303.1 - Statement of College Faculty Load.
c. Employees issued a 9-, 10-, or 11-month contract will have their
compensation distributed over 12 months or 24 pay periods.
1. Employees issued a contract who are not recommended for re-employment
must be notified in person or in writing by the appropriate Vice President or
designee after consultation with and concurrence of the President. The letter
will be hand delivered at the time of notification and/or sent by certified mail,
return receipt requested.
1. Contracts for faculty and salary records for selected staff positions depend
on the amount of education possessed. Budgets are planned based on the
amount of education each employee anticipates by the beginning of the fall
term. Since contracts for the budget are prepared by the District Human
Resources Office in the May-June period, they will be prepared on the basis
of education actually attained at that time.
2. When higher levels of education are earned and when the employee shows
proof to the appropriate Executive Officer through the employee's immediate
supervisor (official transcript or official certificate of completion from the
institution or organization) of having attained a higher educational level or
Professional Standard Program (PSP), a revised contract or salary record
for the entire year will be prepared and submitted by the District Human
Resources Office. The deadline for revised contracts or salary records under
the provisions of this paragraph is no later than October 1st of each contract
year. Such credit proved by October 1st will result in 100% payment for the
contract year at the higher salary schedule category. Burden of proof is on
the employee to initiate this action with his or her supervisor, director, or
Executive Officer in a timely manner.
a. By March, an employee expecting to attain a higher degree or PSP for
pay purposes must submit an Educational Update Request form or
PSP Certification to his/her immediate supervisor to be approved by
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the appropriate Executive Officer(s) and President and to be used for
budgeting purposes for the next fiscal year. Upon approval by the
appropriate Executive Officer(s) and President, one copy is routed to
the District Human Resources Office and one to the appropriate
Executive Officer.
1. Summer checks out for employees returning in the fall will be a campus
responsibility. The check-out will include the following information elements:
1) employee's summer address, 2) clear financial accounts, 3) inventory
completion,4) check with library, and 5) other items as required by the
appropriate Executive Officer. Each person must satisfy his/her Executive
Officer's requirements before their last paycheck will be issued.
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Statement No. 212.4
June 18, 1986
January 16, 1989
July 9, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees approved the following on April 21,
"After the period of probationary employment, all employees are eligible
for reemployment for the next school year if performance has been
satisfactory; however, salaries and positions that depend on funds from
either state or federal sources for their continuation may be renegotiated if
said funds are reduced or eliminated and said positions may be terminated
and/or salaries may be renegotiated at any time as a result thereof.
Any employee so terminated may be given preference in hiring should he
or she choose to apply for a new or different job for which he or she may
be qualified. If not hired, reasons so stating shall be documented in the
recruitment and selection documentation. If rehired within one year,
previously unused sick leave will be restored.
When personnel of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College perform
unsatisfactory service, continued employment shall be subject to
If there is evidence of malfeasance, incompetence, insubordination,
unauthorized absences, non-performance of duties, contumacious
conduct, or other deviate behavior, due process procedures as described
in Statement No. 242 shall be followed when requested by any employee
under consideration for dismissal. Employees so terminating will follow
standard clearance procedures.
While the investigation is pending, suspension may be deemed desirable.
If dismissal is deemed appropriate, the individual will receive timely
notification. Evidence of adequate counseling with opportunity for
improvement shall be documented.
Personnel who wish to resign from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College may do so by submitting a letter of resignation to the respective
Executive Officer or Administrative Dean or other appropriate supervisor.
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Employees so terminating will follow standard clearance procedures for all
employees who leave employment with the College."
A. Voluntary Terminations
Resignation procedures are as follows:
1. The Employee must submit a formal letter of resignation indicating the
last day to be worked to the Executive Officer through the immediate
supervisor with a copy sent to the District Human Resources Office.
2. Upon receipt of letter, the Executive Officer will initiate action to
complete the following termination procedures:
a. Complete a termination form and forward it to District Human
Resources Office, attaching the original resignation letter.
3. The President will submit Faculty and Administrative resignations to the
Board of Trustees for approval.
B. Termination Due to Lay Off
1. The Executive Officer will document reason(s) for lay off and review
with President and Director of Human Resources.
2. Present employee with a letter explaining the layoff.
3. Assist in placing the employee in another position in the College for
which he or she may be qualified if an opening exists.
4. Route termination form and documentation to District Human
Resources Office.
5. Schedule an exit interview to complete check-out procedures.
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C. Involuntary Terminations
1. Involuntary terminations must be reviewed with the President of the
College and Director of Human Resources prior to termination.
Termination of Faculty must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
Termination of Administrators and Staff must be approved by the
2. Documentation of Terminations must include appropriate steps
included in progressive discipline as described in Statement No.
212.4.1. This documentation must be forwarded to the District Human
Resources Office for retention in files.
3. Upon receipt of approval of the President and/or Board of Trustees,
termination may be completed and will be retroactive to the date the
recommendation for termination was made by the supervisor.
Administrative recommendations concerning terminations that become
the subject of an appeal will not be stayed pending the processing of
the appeal.
4. District Human Resources Office must be notified one day in advance
to allow time to prepare final check.
5. The Executive Officer will ensure:
a. The termination form is completed.
b. Documentation is attached.
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Statement No. 212.4.1
January 16, 1989
July 9, 2008
November 1, 2017
I. STATEMENT. The College has established a progressive discipline system to
serve as a fair and consistent means to enforce College rules and regulations
and to address conduct or performance deficiencies of employees. The purpose
of progressive discipline is to retain employees through identification and
correction of problems. The College asserts (a) that failure to correct disciplinary
problems may lead to suspension or termination, and (b) that serious infractions
may result in a recommendation for immediate termination.
If a situation warrants corrective action, the disciplinary actions applied may
include verbal counseling, a written reprimand, suspension with or without pay,
and/or termination from employment. Supervisors should make every effort to
follow the progressive discipline steps as outlined in this Statement beginning at
the lowest step in the progressive discipline process. However, depending upon
the relevant circumstances of the infraction(s), the College may take any
disciplinary action, including immediate termination, at any time for cause.
Relevant circumstances may include the seriousness or severity of the individual
employee's deficiencies in performance and/or conduct, prior performance and/or
conduct, and management's assessment of appropriate factors identified during
an investigation. Examples of actions or behaviors that may result in a
recommendation for immediate termination without the necessity of prior
warnings or attempts at progressive discipline may include, but are not limited to:
1. Conduct in opposition to the College's nondiscrimination and sexual
harassment policies;
2. Improper use of work privileges for personal gain;
3. Theft or unauthorized use of College property, personal property, or theft
of service (also see Statement 306.19 Use of Social Media);
4. Falsification of records, time cards, or claiming sickness under false
5. Absence from work without notification and/or excessive absences;
6. Disorderly conduct while on the job;
7. Deliberate, frequent, and/or recurring violations of stated safety
regulations, even if they are not intentional;
8. Use or possession of, or being under the influence of illegal substances or
alcohol while at work;
9. Possession of a firearm or illegal weapon(s);
10. Threatening physical harm, or actual physical violence to another member
of the College community or visitor; Breach of confidentiality, which is
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defined as releasing to unauthorized persons, or misuse of confidential
information to which an employee is privy because of his/her job;
11. Neglect of Duty;
12. Insubordination;
13. Dishonesty; and/or
14. Endangering others.
When persons are being considered for adverse employment action, the following
progressive discipline procedures should be taken and documented.
A. Verbal Counseling. Verbal counseling should be given for minor, first, or
second offenses. The supervisor should inform the employee what rule or
order was violated and how to correct the action. The employee should be
given the opportunity to explain his/her behavior(s). The supervisor should
obtain an acknowledgment from the employee that he or she understands the
improper conduct or behavior and a commitment that improvement will be
made. The supervisor must make a written record of all verbal reprimands and
retain them for possible future use. This discussion should be documented on
a Report of Employee/Employer Interview form. The employee will be
requested to sign the form following each verbal counseling meeting. If the
employee refuses to sign the written report, the supervisor will write “the
employee refused to sign” with the date and time of the refusal.
B. Written Reprimand. A verbal notice with written reprimand for the personnel
file should be used for more serious offenses or when the employee has
ignored prior verbal warnings and/or has repeatedly committed the same
offense. The written reprimand is the college’s official notification that an
employee’s performance or behavior is not meeting expectations. The written
reprimand should contain:
1. documentation of the improper conduct or behavior;
2. the seriousness of the offense(s);
3. expectation(s) of the supervisor as to the corrective action(s) needed to
address the improper conduct or behavior; and
4. the possible consequences to be imposed if the employee does not
correct his/her conduct or behavior.
The employee should be told the seriousness of the offense(s) and be given a
copy of the written reprimand. A written acknowledgment should be obtained
from the employee that he/she understands the seriousness of the offense(s)
and a commitment that the improper conduct or behavior will be corrected. If
the employee refuses to sign the written reprimand, the supervisor will write
“the employee refused to sign” with the date and time of the refusal and have
another administrator/supervisor witness the document in the presence of the
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employee. This discussion may be documented on a Report on
Employee/Employer Interview form with the written reprimand attached.
Failure to sign this written reprimand will not alleviate the employee from
following any corrective action(s) contained therein. An employee may
respond in writing to the information contained in the written reprimand and
have that response placed in their personnel file. The response must be
received within five (5) working days of the receipt of the written reprimand.
C. Suspension With or Without Pay. A suspension with or without pay may be
used prior to a recommendation for dismissal if the person has been a long-
term employee with a good work record, but has committed one serious
violation. Also, a suspension may be used if an employee continues to
habitually violate minor rules and it is advisable to inform the employee of the
seriousness of continued violation(s). The appropriate Executive Officer must
concur with the recommendation by a supervisor for a suspension with or
without pay for an employee. The employee must receive a complete written
explanation of why he or she is being suspended and the consequences if the
violations recur. Another administrator may be present when the supervisor
and employee discuss a suspension with or without pay. The administrator
should indicate his/her presence by signing appropriate documentation. Prior
to the employee’s return to work from the suspension, the supervisor and
employee should have a formal discussion to obtain a commitment that the
employee will correct the improper habit(s). This discussion should be
documented on a Report of Employee/Employer Interview form.
D. Involuntary Termination. A recommendation for termination may be necessary
when the progressive discipline process outlined above is not successful in
improving an employee’s performance or when an employee’s misconduct is
serious or egregious. Termination will be effective upon notification of the
employee by his/her immediate supervisor.
E. Employees involved in adverse employment actions explained in Paragraphs
C. and D. shall be afforded the due process procedures if requested. A
recommendation for suspension with or without pay or involuntary termination
that becomes the subject of an appeal will not be stayed pending the
processing of the appeal. While the due process procedures are being
followed concerning a recommendation for termination, suspension with or
without pay may be deemed desirable. Refer to Statement No. 242 for Due
Process Procedures for Employees.
The Report on Employee/Employer Interview form is available through the Forms
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Statement No. 212.5
December 15, 1971
January 21, 1976
December 6, 1988
August 27, 1998
June 3, 2015
November 29, 2017
March 21, 2018
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
has extended the privilege of tuition exemption to full-time employees, their spouse,
or qualifying child(ren) from tuition. Full-time MGCCC employees are covered under
this policy. Qualifying child(ren) is/are defined in the IRS Code and proof must be
demonstrated at the time of request.
Also, the Board of Trustees extends this privilege to retired employees who had ten
or more years of continuous service with the College at the time of retirement; or
with employees retired with physical disability who have seven or more years of
service at the time of retirement.
When employees take advantage of tuition waivers, for state career-technical
certification, or re-certification or for credits under Statement No. 214.14
Employee Development, they will normally do so in other than regular working
hours. In extenuating circumstances, when accomplished during regular working
hours, they will do so only with the express permission of the appropriate Vice
President. When allowed to do so, the employee will be required to make up work
hours lost while they are in class. Instructors will not be allowed to enroll in any
class that is scheduled for the same time that he or she is also assigned to teach a
A. College employees, when taking classes either day or night, should be
expected to attend classes and perform all responsibilities expected of any
other student in order to gain credit.
B. Work required by class attendance must not interfere with the normal
conduct of the employee’s duties.
Employees who are eligible for VA educational assistance must be approved by the
Veterans’ Administration on a case-by-case basis.
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Employees are responsible for all fees incurred by their dependent or spouse listed
on the Tuition Waiver form. The Tuition Waiver Request form is available through
the Forms Repository.
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Statement No. 212.7
August 22, 1977
March 6, 1986
December 6, 1988
April 10, 2008
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following on April 21, 1982:
"Each position shall have a designated title and job description to include the
qualifications and duties to be performed." (April 21, 1982)
A. Supervisors prepare job descriptions for personnel under their supervision to be
included in the employee's personnel file and submitted to the appropriate
Executive Officer for approval. All job descriptions must be submitted to the
District Human Resources Office for approval.
B. It is a Southern Association of Colleges and Schools requirement that each
faculty member and administrator have on file in the District Human Resources
Office an official copy of their college-level transcript showing the degrees
earned, and any other course work completed or other documentation noting
level(s) of educational attainment or professional work experience. Failure to
provide an official transcript may result in the employee's paycheck being
withheld until such transcript is provided for the files.
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Statement No. 212.8
August 22, 1977
March 6, 1986
December 6, 1988
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following on April 21, 1982:
“Files which contain personal and professional data on each employee shall be
maintained in the District Human Resources Office and at each campus. These
files shall be maintained in accordance with the Privacy of Information Act.”
It is the direct responsibility of the Campus Vice Presidents and the Director of
Human Resources in the District Office to determine the validity of an information
request made by an outside source on all administrators, faculty and staff
employees of the College. Additional procedures are as follows:
A. The name and date of employment and job title may be given without the
receipt of written permission of the employee.
B. An individual’s pay data will be released only upon receipt of written
permission from the employee or a subpoena from a legally recognized entity.
All responses to subpoenas will be forwarded first to the College Attorney for
review. Upon review by and approval of the College Attorney, the information
may be released.
C. Employees will be given access to their own personal files upon request.
D. Inactive personnel records shall be maintained in the District Human
Resources Office for a period of two (2) years from the date of termination.
Campus files should then be sent to the District Human Resources Office to
be included with data on file there and electronically stored immediately
where appropriate.
E. Originals of all personnel documents will be maintained in the District Human
Resources Office with copies kept at the campuses.
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Statement No. 212.9
September 15, 1973
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. No formal testing is required to be used in the hiring process.
Simple performance tests may be used, if desired, but they must be totally job-
related, be free of bias and be given identically to each applicant for the position
in question. Results of testing should be included in recruitment documentation.
When formal testing is undertaken, it should be validated under the procedure
called for in Tab E, par. 60-315, Higher Education Guidelines.
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Statement No. 212.10
August 10, 1976
August 22, 1977
December 6, 1988
May 25, 1995
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following Policy on April 17, 1977:
"College employees shall have the opportunity to be a candidate for political office
provided they follow established procedures. In addition to seeking candidacy,
the employee shall refrain from any political activity on college premises or during
regular work hours.”
A. When an employee anticipates offering himself or herself as a candidate
for an elected office, they shall so indicate their intentions in writing to the
President of the College and their intentions to comply with the above
policy. A determination will be made by legal counsel as to whether
resignation or leave of absence would be required.
B. Requests for a leave of absence or conditions of employment shall be
presented to the appropriate Executive Officer and approved by the
Executive Council for definite periods of campaigning, office-holding, or
other time-consuming responsibilities connected with the political activity.
If elected, leave of absence may be contracted on a year-to-year basis,
because of the wide variance of the demands on time and for the term of
office. Arrangements shall be made on an individual basis.
C. The use of Federal funds for partisan political activity of any kind by any
employee in the administration of federally assisted programs is expressly
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Statement No. 212.11
August 22, 1977
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
June 28, 2007
January 20, 2013
I. POLICY: The Board of Trustees approved the following on April 27, 1977:
"Non-institutional employment must not interfere with the satisfactory service in
the position for which the person is employed by the College and/or violate the
determined workload or its equivalent as required by the accreditation standards.
College professional personnel shall be expected to guard against the
assumption of outside responsibilities which might cause encroachments upon
either the quality or quantity of the work they are employed to perform for the
A. Executive Officers must be made aware in writing of any non-institutional
employment of exempt employees (Full-time Faculty or Administrative
B. If, at any time, non-institutional employment appears to be interfering with
an employee's duties or responsibilities, the Executive Officers will notify
the President.
C. Upon review by the President, the employee will be counseled by the
Executive Officer to determine mutually agreeable terms which will be
placed in writing, signed by both parties, and forwarded to the Director of
Human Resources.
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Statement No. 212.12
January 21, 1976
January 16, 1989
I. POLICY. All reporting for college personnel is taken from the Employee
Information Form. It is most important that each area of the form be
completed properly by the appropriate college employee.
The following should be noted in completing each form:
A. The employee Information Form (available from the District Human
Resources Office) must be completed by the college representative and
made a part of the new hire packet.
B. Under Personal Data, the college representative completing the
Employee Information Form should check the proper "race" area. If
there is a doubt regarding race, the representative should ask the
employee. (This is a requirement of the new Federal EEO-6 reporting
Job Data - The definition of full-time, permanent part-time and temporary
part-time is as follows:
1. Full-time: any employee working in a faculty, administration, staff, or
hourly position. Any personnel replacement to one of these
positions during the course of a year would also be considered full-
time. Full-time is considered one-half time or more.
2. Permanent Part-time: a person who holds a budgeted part-time
position for a year and is under faculty, administration, staff, or
hourly contract. Replacements for these positions to be handled the
same as original employee. Part-time is considered to be less than
one-half time.
3. Temporary Part-Time: Part-time employees hired for part of a fiscal
year on an as needed basis.
4. Temporary Full-Time: Full-time employees hired for part of a fiscal
year on an as need basis.
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The Employee Information Form must be signed by the employee and
college personnel completing form.
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Statement No. 212.13
August 23, 1979
March 6, 1986
July 19, 1989
April 9, 1992
August 26, 1993
October 3, 1994
July 16, 1998
August 1, 2000
March 8, 2001
August 25, 2005
June 10, 2008
June 24, 2015
November 1, 2017
May 23, 2018
February 15, 2023
June 21, 2023
I. STATEMENT. In compliance with Miss. Code Ann. §37-29-63 which in part
provides authority to the Board of Trustees to “make provisions and establish
policies for leave for faculty members and key personnel”, the Board of Trustees
adopts the following procedures governing the accrual and use of employee leave
to be implemented by the administration.
A. Leave Accrual and Award to Employee
Effective July 1, 2023, employees shall accrue leave credits as follows:
Medical Leave Accrual*
(days per year)
Personal Leave Accrual**
(days per year)
1 mo. to 3 yr.
37 mo. to 8 yr.
97 mo. to 15 yr.
over 15 yr.
*Pro-rated monthly based on length of contract (i.e., 9 months, 10 months,
**Pro-rated monthly based on length of contract (i.e., 9 months, 10 months,
etc.) not to be less than 8 days per year.
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Faculty on summer contracts are eligible for leave accrual under those
Leaves shall be credited on the last day of each month.
Persons on leave for more than one-month do not accumulate leave.
B. Definitions
1. Full-time: Employees employed 35-40 hours per week.
2. Part-time I: Any employee employed 20 hours or more but less than
35 hours per workweek.
3. Part-time II: Any employee employed less than 20 hours per
workweek and not eligible for leave benefits.
4. Hourly: Employees paid on hourly basis.
5. Temporary: Employees hired in a temporary, time limited or grant-
funded position and may be full-time or part-time. Temporary
employees are not eligible for leave benefits or employee benefits
other than those mandated by law. Employees paid under a grant
will be paid not to exceed 30 days (240 hours) of personal leave
upon termination if this pay is provided for in the grant. For additional
information on personal leave pay for employees in temporary
positions, please refer to Section II.C.8.
6. Accumulation toward retirement: Credit in excess of 30 days
personal leave and all accumulated medical leave.
7. Retirees returning to full-time, permanent employment are
considered to be new employees.
C. Medical Leave
Medical leave is earned by full-time and part-time I personnel.
1. Medical leave may not be granted in an amount greater than has
been earned and accumulated by the employee.
2. Medical leave may be used for the illness or injury of an eligible
employee. Adjusted summer schedules do not affect leave
accumulation and usage.
Pregnancy will be considered a chronic illness for the term of the
3. An employee may use up to three days of earned medical leave in
any calendar year because of a death in the immediate family.
Immediate family includes spouse, parent, stepparent, sibling, child,
stepchild, grandchild, grandparent, son/daughter-in-law, mother/
father-in-law, brother/sister-in-law.
On a limited basis, when all personal leave has been exhausted,
medical leave may be used for the purpose of caring for a child,
parent or spouse with a continuing major illness or injury. Medical
certification of the illness may be required and must be approved by
the Vice President and the President.
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4. New employees must be actually working for one (1) month to
accumulate medical leave. Accumulation accrues at the end of the
first and subsequent months of employment.
5. For each absence due to illness in excess of five (5) consecutive
working days, leave shall be authorized only when certified by a
medical doctor. The employee is responsible for submitting a
medical certification to the immediate supervisor. The immediate
supervisor is responsible for ensuring that a physician’s certificate
is submitted with the time record at a time appropriate for record
keeping purposes. The employee must report the status of illness
on a weekly basis to the immediate supervisor. The College
reserves the right to request additional certification by a doctor of its
choice. The cost of this examination for additional certification
would be at the College’s expense. Failure to provide certification
can result in suspension without pay. Unauthorized leave may
result in termination after due process review.
6. When an employee can no longer perform in his/her current position
for medical reasons, the employee may remain in a pay status and
use earned medical leave and personal leave if the employee files
for and is approved for protection under the Family Medical Leave
Act (FMLA). FMLA protection ensures that the college will provide
the same or a comparable position for the employee for up to twelve
(12) weeks of absence annually due to medical reasons. An
employee may request FMLA protection in the event of a serious
health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the
essential function of the job, or to care for a spouse, son daughter
or parent of an employee who has a serious health condition.
Employees may request that the annual twelve (12) weeks of FMLA
protection be applied consecutively or intermittently. In order to be
eligible for FMLA protection, an employee must have worked full-
time, or more than twenty-five (25) hours per week, for at least
twelve (12) months.
Employees requesting medical leave for a serious health condition
must provide a written and prompt medical certification to include
the following:
A. The date’s health condition was detected.
B. The probable duration of the condition.
C. Certification from a doctor.
Medical certification will also be required if an employee takes leave
to care for a family member as defined in item 3, and an estimate of
time needed.
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Where two spouses work for the Institution, they will be allowed a
total of twelve (12) weeks between them to care for a family member
as defined in item 3.
Employees who take advantage of this benefit (FMLA), shall be
required to substitute accrued paid leave (medical and/or personal)
for any part of the twelve (12) week period of family leave.
Employees who exhaust accrued leave during the twelve (12) week
FMLA protection period will continue FMLA protection in an unpaid
7. Upon receipt of certification of a disability, the Vice President may
seek a temporary replacement with approval from the President for
faculty positions. Should the employee be declared medically able
to return to work prior to exhaustion of FMLA protection, the
employee will be employed in the same position in the system. Upon
expiration of FMLA protection and approval of the President, the
employee may be replaced, if required by business necessity.
8. When the employee is medically able to return to work after the
expiration of accumulated leave (FMLA protection), the College will
make every effort to place the employee in the same or an equal
position for which he/she may qualify.
9. When an employee’s earned leave has been used, it is the
responsibility of the supervisor to notify the Dean of Business
Services. District Office Supervisors will notify the Human
Resources Office.
10. Employees who require medical leave for a period longer that their
accrued medical leave or twelve (12) weeks, whichever is longer,
and are on a properly approved leave of absence due to illness or
disability, may continue participation in the college health insurance
program. Employees not on unpaid family medical leave as
described by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) will be
responsible for the premiums and must pay at least one month in
advance with subsequent premiums due in the finance office by the
fifth of each month.
Employees who are on unpaid medical family leave of twelve (12)
weeks or less will continue having their health insurance paid at the
same rate by the College. If they do not return to work for reasons
other than medical, the College shall seek reimbursement from the
11. Maternity leave is treated as medical leave. for the birth of a son or
daughter and the decision to provide care for that infant, or because
of the placement of a son or daughter with the employee for
adoption or foster care.
12. Monthly leave records will be maintained in the Business Office of
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each College location and recorded in the college’s administrative
software system in a manner prescribed by statute and
administrative procedure.
13. When an employee returns from an extended illness, a certification
from a physician stating that the employee is medically able to
return to work may be required.
D. Personal Leave
1. Personal leave may not be granted in an amount greater than
earned and accumulated by the employee.
2. Personal leave is authorized for employees upon the approval of
supervisors unless used for medical leave.
3. Part-time I employees will accrue personal leave on a pro-rata basis.
4. Monthly leave records will be reported and maintained in the
Business Office of each College location and recorded in the
college’s administrative software system in a manner prescribed by
statute and administrative procedure.
5. Employees may not take in excess of ten consecutive working days
for personal leave. The appropriate Vice President and President
must approve exceptions.
6. Total personal leave, which may be taken in any fiscal year, is
limited to 20 days. The appropriate Vice President and President
must approve any exceptions.
7. Any employee who has used all accrued medical leave may, upon
approval of the President, use accumulated personal leave for
medical leave purposes.
8. Upon termination of employment, each employee shall be paid for
not more than thirty days (240 hours) of accumulated personal leave
for hours earned while paid by college operational funds. Personal
leave hours earned while an employee is being paid by a grant will
not be eligible for monetary compensation unless the grant
specifically allows for it and will reimburse the college for the payout
of those hours. If not, unused personal leave must be exhausted
prior to the termination date of the grant. Employees under grants
will not be paid for personal leave not taken and not provided for in
the grant.
E. Holidays
1. Eight federal holidays are recognized for full-time salaried and hourly
permanent employees.
New Year’s Day Independence Day
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Martin Luther King’s Birthday Labor Day
Good Friday Thanksgiving Day
Memorial Day Christmas Day
2. Part-time I employees are entitled to equivalent hours (pro rata share)
of pay per holiday. Full-time employees are entitled to their normal daily
pay per holiday.
3. When a holiday falls on a day other than a scheduled workday, the
holiday will be observed on the same day as scheduled for the federal
4. Employees scheduled to work a holiday will receive compensatory time.
5. All regular employees (except temporary employees, student
employees, and rehired retirees) receive their regular pay for scheduled
holidays. Employees must be present for work or in an approved paid
leave status on the last regularly scheduled day of work before the
holiday and the first scheduled workday after the holiday to be eligible
for holiday pay. Employees shall not be paid for the holidays when
employees are on unpaid leave status. An employee that has submitted
a notice of resignation, other than employees who are retiring, shall not
be eligible for holiday pay, unless the employee will return to work after
the holiday.
F. Administrative Leave
1. Administrative leave is approved leave with pay in addition to and other
than personal leave or medical leave.
2. Jury Duty. The Administration may grant administrative leave with pay
to an employee serving as a witness or juror or party litigant, as verified
by the Clerk of the Court.
3. Extreme Weather Condition or Disaster. The Administration may
grant leave with pay in the event of extreme weather conditions or in
the event of a man made, technological, or natural disaster or
4. Military Leave. A leave of absence with pay not to exceed fifteen days
per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) may be granted to a regular employee
who is a member of a reserve component of the armed forces.
Employees who are called to active military duty on a short notice as
the result of a national emergency may be granted a military
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leave of absence as outlined in Statement No. 212.30.
5. Educational Leave. Educational leave of absence for professional
employees is authorized to any employee without pay when such leave
is designed to improve the employee’s capabilities and value to the
College when the President recommends and when the Board
approves the leave. The President must approve educational leave for
non-professional employees.
6. Organ Donor Leave. Organ donation leave provides for extended
leave-time off with pay for permanent full-time or part-time employees
who have been employed by the College for a period of six (6) months
or more who donate a living organ or bone marrow.
a. On written request from the employee, which includes medical
documentation of the proposed organ or bone marrow donation, an
employee may be entitled to leave with pay.
b. An employee may use:
1. up to thirty (30) days in any twelve-month period to serve
as a bone marrow donor.
2. up to thirty (30) days in any twelve-month period to serve
as an organ donor.
H. Compulsory Leave
If, in the opinion of the College, an employee is incapacitated for work due
to illness or injury, such an employee may be required to submit to a
medical examination by a physician named by the President. If the medical
examination indicates the employee is unable to fulfill job duties effectively,
the College may require the employee to initiate the FMLA process and
adhere to all college policy related to medial leave and FMLA protection.
I. Retirees’ Leave
Retirees employed on a special temporary full-time basis will earn personal
leave and medical leave according to the standard college accrual rates.
J. Leave Transfer between Employees
1. Employees may donate a portion of his or her earned personal or medical
leave to another employee who is suffering from a catastrophic
injury/illness, or to another employee who has a member of his or her
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immediate family who is suffering from a catastrophic injury/illness, in
accordance with Mississippi Law (Section 25-3-95 (8)) as follows:
“(8) Any employee may donate a portion of his or her earned personal
leave or major medical leave to another employee who is suffering from a
catastrophic injury or illness, as defined in Section 25-3-91*, or to another
employee who has a member of his or her immediate family who is
suffering from a catastrophic injury or illness, in accordance with the
The employee donating the leave (the “donor employee”) shall
designate the employee who is to receive the leave (the “recipient
employee”) and the amount of earned personal leave and major
medical leave that is to be donated and shall notify the donor
employee’s appointing authority or supervisor of his or her
designation. The donor employee’s appointing authority or supervisor
then shall notify the recipient employee’s appointing authority or
supervisor of the amount of leave that has been donated by the donor
employee to the recipient employee.
The maximum amount of earned personal leave that an employee may
donate to any other employee may not exceed a number of days that
would leave the donor employee with fewer than seven (7) days of
personal leave left, and the maximum amount of earned major medical
leave that an employee may donate to any other employee may not
exceed fifty percent (50%) of the earned major medical leave of the
donor employee. All donated leave shall be in increments of not less
than twenty-four (24) hours.
An employee must have exhausted all of his or her earned personal
leave and major medical leave before he or she will be eligible to
receive any leave donated by another employee.
Before an employee may receive donated leave, he or she must
provide his or her appointing authority or supervisor with a physician’s
statement that states the beginning date of the catastrophic injury or
illness, a description of the injury or illness, and a prognosis for
recovery and the anticipated date that the recipient employee will be
able to return to work.
If an employee is aggrieved by the decision of his or her appointing
authority that the employee is not eligible to receive donated leave
because the injury or illness of the employee or member of the
employee’s immediate family is not, in the appointing authority’s
determination, a catastrophic injury or illness, the employee may
appeal the decision to the employee appeals board.
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Beginning on March 25, 2003, the maximum period of time that an
employee may use donated leave without resuming work at his or her
place of employment is ninety (90) days, which commences on the first
day that the recipient employee uses donated leave. Donated leave
that is not used because a recipient employee has used the maximum
amount of donated leave authorized under this paragraph shall be
returned to the donor employees in the manner provided under
paragraph (g) of this subsection.
If the total amount of leave that is donated to any employee is not used
by the recipient employee, the donated leave shall be returned to the
donor employees on a pro rata basis, based on the ratio of the number
of days of leave donated by each donor employee to the total number
of days of leave donated by all donor employees.
The failure of any appointing authority or supervisor of any employee
to properly deduct an employee’s donation of leave to another
employee from the donor employee’s earned personal leave or major
medical leave shall constitute just cause for the dismissal of the
appointing authority or supervisor.
No person through the use of coercion, threats or intimidation shall
require or attempt to require any employee to donate his or her leave
to another employee. Any person who alleges a violation of this
paragraph shall report the violation to the executive head of the
agency by whom he or she is employed or, if the alleged violator is the
executive head of the agency, then the employee shall report the
violation to the State Personnel Board. Any person found to have
violated this paragraph shall be subject to removal from office or
termination of employment.
No employee can donate leave after tendering notice of separation for
any reason or after termination.
Recipient employees of agencies with more than five hundred (500)
employees as of March 25, 2003, may receive donated leave only from
donor employees within the same agency. A recipient employee in an
agency with five hundred (500) or fewer employees as of March 25,
2003, may receive donated leave from any donor employee.
In order for an employee to be eligible to receive donated leave, the
employee must:
(i) Have been employed for a total of at least twelve (12) months
by the employer on the date on which the leave is donated;
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(ii) Have been employed for at least one thousand two hundred
fifty (1,250) hours of service with such an employer during the
previous twelve-month period from the date on which the
leave is donated.
Donated leave shall not be used in lieu of disability retirement.
For the purposes of this subsection, “immediate family” means spouse,
parent, stepparent, sibling, child, or stepchild.”
For the purposes of this subsection, “Catastrophic injury or illness”
means a life-threatening injury or illness of an employee or a member
of an employee's immediate family which totally incapacitates the
employee from work, as verified by a licensed physician, and forces
the employee to exhaust all leave time earned by that employee,
resulting in the loss of compensation from the state for the employee.
Conditions that are short-term in nature, including, but not limited to,
common illnesses such as influenza and measles, and common
injuries, are not catastrophic. Chronic illnesses or injuries, such as
cancer or major surgery, which result in intermittent absences from
work, and which are long-term in nature and require long recuperation
periods may be considered catastrophic. Miss. Code. Ann. § 25-3-
2. Employees with externally funded positions are ineligible for participation
in donated leave as a donor or recipient effective July 1, 2018.
K. Leave Transfer among Institutions and State Agencies
1. Personal and Medical leave may be transferred between or among any
and all state agencies, junior colleges and senior colleges, upon
certification of leave from the institution from which the new employee
is transferring and acceptance of the leave in accordance with college
leave policy. Employees not eligible to earn leave at the college will
not be allowed to transfer leave into the college from another college or
state agency. Employees must work for the college for a minimum of
twelve (12) months before any leave transferred from another entity
may be included in the allowed payment of not more than thirty days
(240 hours) of accumulated personal leave upon termination of
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Statement No. 212.13.1
December 2, 2015
I. STATEMENT: Timely and regular attendance is an expectation of performance
for all Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College employees. To ensure
adequate staffing, a positive employee working environment, and to meet the
needs of our students, employees will be held accountable for adhering to their
workplace schedule.
In the event an employee is unable to meet this expectation, he or she must first
seek approval from their immediate supervisor in advance of any requested
schedule changes. This approval includes request to use Paid Time Off (PTO),
as well as late arrivals to or early departures from work.
Administration has discretion to evaluate extraordinary circumstances of a tardy
or an absence to determine whether or not to count the incident as one
For purposes of this statement, terms are defined as follow:
A. Definitions
Absence: An absence is any missed shift of scheduled work (excessive
scheduled or unscheduled)
Unscheduled Absence: An unscheduled absence is a “call in” or
unscheduled early departure.
Occurrence: An occurrence is documented as an unscheduled absence,
tardy or early departure.
While an absence refers to a single failure to be at work, an occurrence may
cover consecutive absent days when an employee is out for the same reason.
A. The following are corrective action steps for supervisors to initiate for
attendance and punctuality.
1. One (1) occurrence is equal to one (1) unscheduled absence or three
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(3) tardies:
3 Occurrences = Coaching Session
4 Occurrences = Verbal Warning
6 Occurrences = Written Reprimand
8 Occurrences = Written Conference with 3-day suspension
10 Occurrences = Suspension with recommendation for discharge
2. Single Day of No-Call/No Show
1 Occurrence = Written Conference
2 Occurrences = Written Conference with 3-day unpaid suspension
3 Occurrences = Suspension with recommendation for discharge
3. Three Consecutive Days of No-Call/No Show
Recommendation to discharge employee for job abandonment.
B. Occurrences do not include:
1. Bereavement Leave with documentation of obituary announcement or
supervisor’s personal knowledge of employee’s eligibility;
2. Military Leave with copies of military orders and military pay voucher;
3. Workers Compensation Injury with completed first report of injury
reports, and HR’s awareness of Doctor’s orders;
4. Approved Paid Time Off with documentation provided to the
immediate supervisor indicating the PTO request made in advance is
C. Patterns of Occurrences:
Occurrences (unscheduled absences, excessive scheduled absences,
tardies, or early departures) which indicate an undesirable pattern will also
be cause of review and corrective action by the supervisor. Once the pattern
is identified, the supervisor should bring this matter to the attention of the
employee. After the employee is notified that a pattern of occurrences has
been identified, the next occurrence that follows the identified pattern will
count as the equivalent of two occurrences and progress the employee to the
next step of corrective action.
Undesirable Patterns may include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Absences occurring immediately before or after scheduled days off (i.e.,
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vacations/holidays, weekends).
2. Regular absences occurring the day after pay day.
3. Coming into work but leaving prior to the end of the shift.
4. Employee demonstrates a pattern of unscheduled absences occurring
over multiple days.
5. Combinations of occurrences that show an undesirable overall attendance
pattern or circumvent one area of attendance for another. This can include
tardiness, leaving early and unscheduled absences.
6. Supervisors may request a doctor’s excuse for medical conditions which
produce a pattern of frequent call-ins resulting in the use of medical leave.
This is applicable for any on-going/continuing medical condition(s) that
does not require Family Medical Leave protection.
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Statement No. 212.14
August 23, 1979
February 3, 1983
December 6, 1988
October 28, 1993
May 22, 1996
May 5, 2008
January 20, 2010
August, 22, 2012
November 18, 2015
POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following Policy on April 27,
Employee Development is encouraged and required by the Board of Trustees. The
College administration shall cooperate by providing opportunities for such
employee development. The statement in support of this policy is that all
employees m u st c om plet e a minimum of 15 clock hour s of training or
equivalent a c t iv it i e s applicable to the employee’s job each year to be
eligible for employment for the upcoming year. Equivalent activities are those
activities that are scholarly, or skills oriented in nature that are not measured in
clock hours and may include but are not limited to credit courses, specialized
workshops, institutes, doing research that results in publication in a recognized
professional journal, etc. Such activities must be approved in advance by the
Campus Vice President.
A. Members of the Executive Council are delegated responsibility for approving
activities for accumulation of hours and equivalent activities.
B. Employees are responsible for obtaining approval from the appropriate
Vice President, to participate in equivalent activities and report completion.
C. The HR Employee Development Coordinator is responsible for entering approved
employee development activities into the college-wide database.
Credit for Employee Development Training will be entered into the college-wide
database once approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor.
D. The college employee development program does not qualify employees for
more pay on the salary schedule.
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E. HR Employee Development Coordinator: Under the supervision of the District
Director of Human Resources, the HR Employee Development Coordinator is
responsible for the planning and assessment of college-wide employee
development activities at the campuses and centers.
F. The Employee Development Advisory Board is appointed by the Campus Vice
President and District Director of Human Resources to assist in planning
employee development activities. The team is composed of faculty,
administrators, and staff.
G. An annual education update will be conducted each year for employees prior
to the beginning of the next school year.
1. Employees can review their employee development credit through a
secure account on the college's self-service system at
2. The HR Employee Development Coordinator will provide the Campus
Vice Presidents with a report of the persons who have not met the
required hours for Employee Development. Campus Vice Presidents
and/or appropriate supervisor will notify their employee of their status.
3. A report will be provided annually to the President identifying those
employees who do not qualify for reappointment under this procedure.
H. H our s for equivalent activities will be determined as shown below. Records of
equivalent hours will be kept in the college-wide database. It shall be the
responsibility of the individual employee to request approval of equivalent
activity using the Employee Development Credit form. The completed form must
be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor.
1. Equivalent hours for college coursework: A semester hour of credit is
equal to five clock hours under the employee development program.
Courses must be taken from a regionally accredited institution. The college
employee is responsible for presenting transcripts as evidence of
equivalent activity via college coursework.
2. Conferences, workshops, institutes, webinars, etc.: Hours shall be given
on an hour for an hour basis not to exceed a maximum of six (6) clock
hours per day.
3. Employees who serve as SACS off-site or on-site evaluators or other
accreditation review, may receive clock hours for the review, not to exceed
six (6) hours per day.
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I. When requesting approval of hours for attendance at conferences, workshops,
or for accreditation evaluator service, employees shall provide evidence of
attendance. A copy of the agenda, a trip report or some other
documentation shall be attached to the request for receipt of hours.
J. The Employee Development Credit form shall be turned in within 30 days from
the date of participation in order to receive credit.
K. H o ur s are
not given for mandatory college events such as the general
plenary session of the Fall Faculty Workshop, or for participation in college
governance meetings, departmental meetings, or other general meetings of the
college. Award of clock hours for college activities outside of those scheduled
within the college employee development program must be approved by the
appropriate supervisor.
L. When an employee conducts a workshop on or off campus, he/she will be
awarded 2 hours for preparation and 1 hour for each 1 - hour presentation.
The records will be verified by the HR Employee Development Coordinator
with a copy to the appropriate supervisor.
M. Exceptions to the above will be approved only by the President.
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Statement No. 212.15
April 13, 1989
I. STATEMENT. In compliance with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, the
administration of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College certifies that the
College supports the fight against unlawful drugs in the workplace.
Through published and circulated statements, the College notifies employees that
compliance with this Act is a condition of employment and unlawful manufacture,
distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited
in the workplace and action will be taken against employees for violation of such
provision. The College also certifies that it will continue to make a good faith effort
to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace.
A. A drug-free awareness program will be offered annually to employees of the
College to inform employees of:
1. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
2. The College's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;
3. Available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance
programs; and
4. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse
violations occurring in the workplace;
B. Each employee will be given a copy of the statement.
C. Employees are required to notify his/her Vice President of any criminal drug
conviction occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such
D. If the employee is employed through a grant, the College will notify the
appropriate agency within ten days of receipt of notice.
E. Upon conviction of a criminal drug offense, the Vice President will upon the
approval of the President:
1. Take appropriate action against the employee up to and including
termination, or
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2. Require the employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse
assistance rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a
Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate
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Statement No. 212.15.1
January 18, 2023
I. STATEMENT. In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
of 1989, Public Law 101-226, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College must
certify that it has adopted and implemented an Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD)
program to help prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs
and alcohol by students and employees both on the institution’s premises and as
part of any of its activities. Information regarding AOD policies and requirements
shall be distributed annually. The program established by the institution is
required to undergo a biennial review conducted by the Compliance Officer. The
College shall retain records for a period of three (3) years.
A. The AOD program material must be accessible to students, employees, and
other outside entities and is maintained by the Compliance Officer. Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College AOD Program will contain:
1. Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession,
use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and
employees on college property or as part of any of its activities.
2. A description of the legal sanctions under local, state, or federal law
for the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and
3. A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs
and abuse of alcohol.
4. A description of any drug or alcohol programs (counseling,
treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry) that are available to students
and employees.
5. A clear statement that the College will impose disciplinary sanctions
on students and employees and a description of those sanctions, up
to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral
for prosecution, for violations of the standards of conduct.
6. A description of the alcohol and drug education programs provided
by the College.
B. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College AOD shall develop a sound
method for distributing annual notification information to every student and staff
member each year and must include information listed in A (1-5).
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C. The college must conduct a biennial review of the AOD program, which shall be
conducted by the end of each even-numbered calendar year. The biennial
review is available to students, employees, applicants, parents, and the general
public. Any interested party can request a copy of this biennial review by
contacting the Compliance Officer at compliance@mgccc.edu. The biennial
review will focus on reviewing the following objectives:
1. Determine the program’s effectiveness and implement any needed
changes to the AOD program.
2. Ensure that campuses enforce disciplinary sanctions for violating
standards of conduct consistently as mentioned in paragraph (a)(5).
3. The College must provide a copy of their biennial report to the U.S.
Department of Education or its representative on request.
D. The College shall retain the following records for three years after the fiscal year
in which the record was created:
1. The College’s biennial review.
2. Any other records related to the College’s compliance with the drug
prevention program.
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Statement No. 212.16
October 12, 1989
I. STATEMENT. The following guidelines are established to comply with the leave
reporting requirements of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
Medical/Personal/Compensatory leave will be reported on Attendance
Records (available from District Printing). Attendance records will be signed
by the employee and the employee's immediate supervisor and submitted to
the appropriate Dean by the third workday of each month and routed to the
office of the campus Dean of Business Services or Director of Human
Resources for District Office by the fifth workday of the month. Scanning
cards will be batched in the office of the Dean of Business Services or
Director of Human Resources for District Office and sent to the Computer
Center on the next courier run.
1. Administrators and Faculty: Administrators and faculty are not
required to report time but must report Medical or Personal Leave
usage on the attendance record. Only the blocks marked (M-Medical
Leave) or (P-Personal Leave) will be used.
2. Staff: Staff personnel will complete an attendance record on a monthly
basis. Regular work hours will be placed in the appropriate block, and
hours taken as Medical or Personal Leave will be placed in blocks
marked (M-medical Leave) or (P-Personal Leave). Compensatory time
must be reported in the hours worked block.
3. Hourly: Hourly personnel will complete an attendance record on a
semi-monthly basis. Regular work hours will be placed in the
appropriate block, and hours taken as Medical or Personal Leave will
be placed in blocks marked (M-Medical Leave) or (P-Personal Leave).
Compensatory time must be reported in the hours worked block. The
card must be signed by the employee and submitted as outlined above
on the third workday after the 15th and 30th of the month. The 15th
and 30th cards will be combined on one scanning card, signed by the
Supervisor, and sent to the Business Office.
B. REPORTING OF HOURS: Hours worked and leave usage will be
reported in whole and/or quarter hours, (15 minutes = .25; 30 minutes =
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.50; 45 minutes = .75) rounded to the next highest quarter hour. Usage of
less than 8 minutes within any quarter hour will not be reported.
Supervisors will maintain attendance records, verify accuracy of the
employee's report, ensure all records are received, and ensure that hours
are recorded.
Attendance Records for all employees must be retained in hard copy in
the Business Services Office/ District Human Resources Office for three
years as documentation for time and leave.
C. MONTHLY LEAVE SUMMARY: Campus Deans of Business Services
and Central Human Resources Office will receive copies of the monthly
leave summary on the 15th of the month.
Campus Deans of Business Services and the Director of Human
Resources for District Office will review the Leave Summary Report and
report reductions in pay for all employees on the 30th payroll based on
the number of hours taken in excess of available Medical/Personal Leave.
Reductions in pay for faculty, administration and staff will be reported to
the District Human Resources Office for the 30th payroll on the Payroll
Leave Reduction Form (The form is available through the forms
Reduction in hours for hourly personnel will be entered directly on hourly
time sheets by campus Deans of Business Services. Excessive
reductions in pay for an employee must be reported by the Dean of
Business Services to the appropriate Campus Vice President and, if
necessary, appropriate action taken.
balance will be shown on the check stub on the 30th of the month. The
check stub will indicate the effective date of accumulation.
The Payroll Leave Reduction Form is available through the Forms
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Statement No. 212.17
July 1, 1976
December 6, 1988
February 2, 2012
I. STATEMENT. The Nursing Practices Act of 1970, as amended by the Governor on
April 22, 1976, requires all nurses in the State to renew their license biannually, by
January 1 on uneven years. The act requires nurses to submit evidence that he or
she is qualified. A copy of the license in the files will satisfy this requirement for
college purposes. The College employs Registered Nurses in the ADN and LPN
programs on the Jackson County Campus, Harrison County Campus, the
Perkinston Campus, and the George County Center.
An on-line verification system provided by the Mississippi Board of Nursing will be
used to validate licenses no later than January 5 by the Dean of Nursing and Allied
Health who will compile and route to District Human Resources Office.
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Statement No. 212.18
August 22, 1977
March 6, 1986
December 6, 1988
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following Policy on April 21, 1982:
“The Board may recognize the faithful service of retiring employees. Retiring
employees shall follow clearance procedures for terminating employees.”
A. Employee writes appropriate Executive Officer stating intentions of
retirement and last date of work.
B. Executive Officer will forward a copy of letter to District Human Resources
Office for notifications of President and inclusion on the Board agenda.
C. To receive benefits in a timely fashion, the employee will notify the
Retirement System 90 days in advance of retirement date.
ADDRESS: Mississippi Public Employees' Retirement System
429 Mississippi Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39201-1005
D. The Retirement System will send the employee a retirement package with
processing instructions.
E. Upon completion of the package, all items are sent to the District Human
Resources Office for verification of salary and submission to Retirement
Office. This information must be in the District Human Resources Office 45
days prior to retirement date.
F. Retirement benefits will normally begin 30-60 days from receipt of
completed package and will be retroactive to the first of the following month
after retirement.
G. See Statement No. 212.3 for procedures to be followed when employees
are terminated.
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Statement No. 212.19
May 7, 1975
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. It is a policy that each separate geographical location in the
College will have appointed a college official to act in the capacity of Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer, as called for in federal guidelines.
All complaints from that location will be funneled through this official. Local
publicity will be given to employees at each location as to the identity of the EEO
Officer. Equal Employment Opportunity Officers will be appointed for the following
A. District Office
B. Perkinston Campus
C. Harrison County Campus
D. Jackson County Campus
E. George County Center
F. Keesler Center
G. Community Campus
H. West Harrison County Center
A. Vice Presidents of the Campuses are responsible for appointing individuals
at the Campus and Center location for the added responsibility of Equal
Employment Opportunity Officer.
B. Vice Presidents must inform the President of the College of individuals
C. The Equal Employment Officer is responsible for:
1. Discussing problems with employees.
2. Making inquiries to gather facts about the concern.
3. Determine if concern is within the purview of a discrimination complaint.
4. Attempting informal resolution.
5. Write a report when an employee files a complaint.
6. Report to District Human Resources Office.
7. Direct employee to Statement No. 242 - Due Process Procedures for
Employees as required.
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Statement No. 212.20
November 2, 1977
December 6, 1988
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following on April 27, 1977:
"Because extra duty contributes to the overall operation of the College,
employees shall agree to perform the extra duties assigned to them. Care shall
be taken by the administration to assign duties equitably."
Extra duty or duty not specifically spelled out in the job description of an employee
will be performed by employees at the discretion of the administration. Extra duty
will be assigned on an equitable basis so as not to impose an undue hardship on
any employee or group of employees. Extra duty performed on a continuous
basis should be put in the employee's job description. Pay for extra duty
assignments will be governed by the Wage and Hour Guidelines.
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Statement No. 212.21
October 23, 1985
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees approved the following Policy on Faculty
Exchange during their regular meeting held October 23, 1985.
"The College provides an opportunity for faculty exchange with no obligation other
than the salary normally paid to the instructor. Application for a Faculty Exchange
Program must follow established procedure."
A. The Faculty Exchange Program will begin with the commencement of the fall
semester and will last for one nine-month school term beginning with the
commencement of the Fall Semester. In addition, no more than one (1) faculty
member from each campus (including centers) will be allowed to participate in the
program during any school term.
B. Those faculty wishing to apply for an exchange program will present their
applications in writing to their department chairperson one year in advance of the
proposed exchange period. The department chairperson will transmit the
application through the Campus Dean of Instruction to the Campus Vice
President. An Exchange Committee (consisting of the Campus Vice President,
Campus Dean of Instruction, and one faculty member from three different
departments with a minimum of five years’ teaching experience at MGCCC) will
determine which applicant will be selected for their campus. In addition, the
person replacing the faculty member must also meet the approval of the faculty
member and the replacement must be approved by the College President and the
Board of Trustees.
Criteria to be used by committee in selection:
1. At least five (5) years full-time service with the College;
2. Evidence of outstanding achievements with the College; and
3. Potential benefits to be derived from the exchange by both the faculty
member and the College.
B. The College will have no obligation other than the salary normally paid to the
instructor, and the reciprocating college must agree to pay their faculty
member's salary. Moving expenses, etc., will be the responsibility of the faculty
member making the exchange, and MGCCC will accept no
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responsibility for moving expenses, living quarters, or related expenses for the
replacement faculty member.
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Statement No. 212.22
October 23, 1985
December 6, 1988
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on Sabbatical Leave
during their regular meeting held October 23, 1985.
"In recognizing the need for continued professional development, any full-time
faculty member or administrator with seven years' college service shall be provided
the opportunity to apply for a sabbatical leave in accordance with established
Faculty or administrators having served a period of seven years may request up to
one year of leave time and may repeat the request every seven years served
A. Application must be made to the Leave Committee (consisting of Vice
President, Teaching & Learning/Community Campus, Campus Vice President,
Campus Dean of Instruction, and one faculty member from three different
departments with a minimum of five years teaching experience at MGCCC) six
months in advance of leave date. This application would include an explanation
of educational goals and prospective schedule of events. Included would be a
detailed explanation of the reason and justification or research to be done if not
at an academic institution (travel, etc.).
No more than two persons per campus, including centers (one faculty member
and one administrator; or two faculty members) will be granted sabbatical leave
during the year. The Leave Committee will make a recommendation regarding
the faculty member(s) selected to the President who, in turn, will make a
recommendation to the Board of Trustees for final approval. A person who
applied for sabbatical leave must agree to return to employment with the
College upon completion of sabbatical leave for a minimum of two years.
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B. A faculty member may apply for up to one full year (two semesters and/or one
summer with a minimum of one full semester) leave at half pay.
An administrator may apply for up to one full year (two semesters and/or one
summer with a minimum of one full semester) leave with pay determined by the
amount of the administrator's salary remaining after a replacement has been
found, but in no case will the salary paid to the administrator be greater than
one-half of his/her present salary.
1. It will be the responsibility of the department to cover the workload of the
individual on leave.
1. Arrangements for the workload of the employee must be made before final
approval can be given for a leave.
C. Selection. A written proposal accompanied by a personal interview giving
reasons or statement of need and justification for leave must be presented six
months prior to date of leave. Said committee or council will pass on the merit
of leave and if turned down by a majority of the committee, the employee may
apply again the following year.
1. Criteria to be used by the committee in selection;
a. At least seven years' full-time service with the College.
b. Evidence of outstanding achievements with the College.
Potential value of the proposed leave program to the College and the individual
making the request.
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Statement No. 212.23
March 19, 1987
March 11, 1988
I. STATEMENT: On April 7, 1986, a new Federal law was enacted {Public Law 99-
272, Title X} requiring that most employers sponsoring group health plans offer
employees and their families the opportunity for a temporary extension of health
coverage (called "continuation coverage") at group rates in certain instances
(called "qualifying events") where coverage under the plan would otherwise end.
A "Qualifying Event" is any of the following:
A. Termination of employment (other than for gross misconduct);
B. Reduction of hours worked so as to render the employee ineligible for
C. for a spouse and eligible dependents, death of the employee;
D. for a spouse and eligible dependents, loss of coverage due to the employee
becoming eligible for Medicare;
E. for a spouse, divorce, or legal separation; and
F. for a dependent child, ceasing to qualify as a dependent under the plan.
A. All new employees are to receive a copy of COBRA notification,
Attachment No. 2, which informs them of their rights under the law. Any
employee hired will receive from the District Office a copy of the attached
notice entitled "VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE". It is required by law that
all employees be notified of their rights under COBRA. Notification must
be made by mail to the employee and spouse.
B. Under the new law the employee or a family member has responsibility
to inform MGCCC of a divorce, legal separation, or a child losing
dependent status under the health plan. MGCCC has the responsibility
to notify health insurance carrier of the employee's death, termination of
employment or reduction in hours, or Medicare eligibility.
C. Procedures for MGCCC notifications required as a result of a qualifying
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1. Upon termination of employment or reductions in hours worked
(to below 20)
a. The Campus Finance Office will complete a termination form,
give the employee a copy of "Notice of Benefits Termination”
(Attachment 1) and require the employee to sign the
statement regarding the Notice of Opportunity for Continued
Medical Coverage. A copy of notice must accompany
termination form to District Office.
b. If the employee, spouse, and/or dependents desire
continuation coverage, then, "Continuation Coverage Form"
is to be completed by the District Human Resources Office
for further processing. A copy of this completed form will be
retained in the Employee personnel file.
2. Upon death of an employee
a. The appropriate campus will complete a termination form.
The form entitled "Notice to Persons whose Group Benefits
are Terminating" (Attachment l) will be sent by the Central
Human Resources Office to the spouse (if any) of the
deceased employee for the purpose of determining whether
the deceased employee's spouse or dependents desires
continuation of coverage.
b. If the spouse and/or dependents desire continuation of
coverage, then, "Continuation Coverage Form" will be
completed by the District Human Resources Office for further
3. A retired (or retiring) employee becoming eligible (or already
eligible) for Medicare
a. The retiree will contact the District Office to complete
paperwork if retiree desires continuation of coverage under
b. If the spouse/or dependents desire continuation of coverage,
then, "Continuation Coverage Form" will be completed by the
District Human Resources Office for further processing.
D. Notification required of employees.
1. Divorce or Legal Separation
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a. The employee needs to notify the appropriate finance office or
Dean's office of the occurrence. Campus will notify District Human
Resources Office.
b. The form entitled "Notice to Persons Whose Group Health Benefits
are Terminating" (Attachment 1) will be sent by District Office to the
spouse (if any) of the divorced or legally separated employee for the
purpose of determining whether the divorced employee's spouse or
dependents desire continuation of coverage.
c. If the spouse and/or dependents desire continuation of coverage,
then, "Continuation Coverage Form" will be completed by the
District Human Resources Office for further processing.
2. A dependent child ceases to be a dependent under definition of
dependent child (usually because of age or no longer being a full-
time student).
a. The employee must notify the appropriate finance office or dean's
office of the occurrence. Campus will notify District Human
Resources Office.
b. The form entitled "Notice to Persons Whose Group Health Benefits
are Terminating" (Attachment 1) will be sent by District Office to the
employee for the purpose of determining whether the dependents
desire continuation of coverage.
c. If the dependents desire continuation of coverage, then
"Continuation Coverage Form" will be completed by the District
Human Resources Office for further processing.
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(Type or print full name) Date of Birth
Street & Co. City State Zip Code
Under Federal law, if your group health benefits end due to a "qualifying event," you may
elect to continue your coverage under the plan. A qualifying event is any of the following:
(1) For an employee, termination of employment (other than for gross
misconduct) or reduction of hours worked so as to render the employee
ineligible for coverage;
(2) For a dependent:
Death of the employee;
Divorce or legal separation;
For a spouse and eligible dependents, loss of coverage due to the
employee becoming eligible for Medicare; or
For a dependent child, ceasing to qualify as a dependent under the
In order to continue coverage, you must make the monthly premium payment of
$ for yourself and an additional $ for dependents. The payment
must be given to the employer. If you wish to continue this coverage, you must return
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this form and pay the required premium to the employer within 60 days of the qualifying
event or receipt of this notice, whichever is later. Subsequent premiums must be paid
to the employer by the day of each month. If the employer does not hear from
you within the above time limit it is assumed, you have elected not to continue coverage
under the group plan.
If elected, the continued coverage will end on the earliest of the following:
(1) 18 months after the date of termination of employment (other than for gross
misconduct) or reduction of hours worked so as to render the employee
ineligible for coverage;
(2) 36 months after the date of any other qualifying event;
(3) The date the employer ceases to provide any group health plan to any
(4) The date the employer or dependent fails to make any required premium
payment when due;
(5) The date the employee or dependent becomes:
(a) A covered employee under any other group health plan; or
(b) eligible for Medicare; or
(6) The date a divorced or widowed spouse remarries and becomes covered
under another group health plan.
( ) I do not wish to continue my medical coverage under the group plan.
( ) I elect to continue my medical coverage under the group plan and agree to the
conditions and requirements outlined above.
Please continue coverage for:
( ) Myself only
( ) Myself and my eligible dependents
Signature of Employee Date
Signature of Spouse/Former Spouse Date
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Certified for Employer by Date
Title Date
Human Resources Office
P. O. Box 609
Perkinston, MS 39573
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******** V-E-R-Y I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-C-E N-O-T-I-C-E ********
On April 7, 1986, a new Federal law was enacted {Public Law 99-272, Title X} requiring
that most employers sponsoring group health plans offer employees and their families
the opportunity for a temporary extension of health coverage (called "continuation
coverage") at group rates in certain instances where coverage under the plan would
otherwise end. This notice is intended to inform you, in a summary fashion, of your rights
and obligations under the continuation coverage provisions of the new law.
If you are an employee of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College District covered
by group health insurance, you have a right to choose this continuation coverage if you
lose your group health coverage because of a reduction in your hours of employment or
the termination of your employment (for reasons other than gross misconduct on your
part). Please note that only retirees have the option of continuing their life insurance
If you are the spouse of an employee covered by group health insurance, you have the
right to choose continuation coverage for yourself if you lose group health coverage for
any of the following four reasons:
(1) The death of your spouse;
(2) A termination of your spouse's employment (for reasons other than gross
misconduct) or reduction in your spouse's hours of employment;
(3) Divorce or legal separation from your spouse; or
(4) Your spouse becomes eligible for Medicare.
In the case of a dependent child of an employee covered by group health insurance, he
or she has the right to continuation coverage if group health coverage is lost for any of
the following five reasons:
(1) The death of a parent;
(2) The termination of a parent's employment (for reasons other than gross
misconduct) or reduction in a parent's hours of employment with the
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College District;
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(3) Parents' divorce or legal separation;
(4) A parent becomes eligible for Medicare; or
(5) The dependent ceases to be a "dependent child" under the group health
Under the new law, the employee or a family member has the responsibility to inform
MGCCC of a divorce, legal separation, or a child losing dependent status under the
group health plan. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College District has the
responsibility to notify the health insurance provider of the employee's death, termination
of employment or reduction in hour, or Medicare eligibility.
When MGCCC is notified that one of these events has happened, the College will in turn
notify you that you have the right to choose continuation coverage. Under the new law,
you have at least 60 days from the date you would lose coverage because of one of the
events described above to inform MGCCC that you want continuation coverage.
If you do not choose continuation coverage, your group health insurance coverage will
If you choose continuation coverage, the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
District is required to give you coverage which, as of the time coverage is being provided,
is identical to the coverage provided under the plan to similarly situated employees or
family members. The new law requires that you be afforded the opportunity to maintain
continuation coverage for 3 years unless you lost group health coverage because of a
termination of employment or reduction in hours. In that case, the required continuation
coverage period is 18 months. However, the new law also provides that your
continuation coverage may be cut short for any of the following five reasons:
(1) The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College District no longer provides
group health coverage to any of its employees;
(2) The premium for your continuation coverage is not paid;
(3) You become an employee covered under another group health plan;
(4) You become eligible for Medicare;
(5) You were divorced from a covered employee and subsequently remarry
and are covered under your new spouse's health plan.
You do not have to show that you are insurable to choose continuation coverage.
However, under the new law, you must pay all of the premium for your continuation
coverage. The new law also says that, at the end of the 18 months or 3-year
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continuation coverage period, you must be allowed to enroll in an individual conversion
health plan.
This new law applies to the group health plan beginning on July 1, 1986. If you have
any questions about the new law, please contact the MGCCC Central Human Resources
Office. Also, if you have changed marital status, or you or your spouse have changed
addresses, please notify MGCCC.
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Statement No. 212.24
February 19, 1986
January 16, 1989
I. POLICY. Conduct creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working
environment is contrary to the policy of the Board and those violating this policy
may be subject to disciplinary action to and including discharge.
Any employee who feels that he/she has been subjected to sexual, racial, or
other harassment is urged to immediately contact the office of his/her Vice
President or the College EEO Officer.
Should an employee believe he/she has been subjected to any type of
harassment, the employee should refer to Statement No. 242 - Due Process
Procedures for Employees in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
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Statement No. 212.25
February 22, 1990
February 11, 1994
April 14, 2004
I. STATEMENT. To ensure equity and fairness in the management of summer
contracts for faculty, the Executive Council approved the following procedures on
May 7, 1987.
A. Awarding of Summer Contracts. Summer contracts will be offered only to
full-time faculty of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and only for
those classes taught during the regular summer term and not for classes
taught during the fall or spring semester (nor for the fall, winter, or spring
terms at the Keesler Center).
Academic instructors are limited to one summer contract per each summer
session. Technical faculty will be awarded two summer contracts, one per
each summer session, provided enrollment and priority requirements
established in this policy are met. A career instructor will be issued a two-
month summer contract if at the beginning of the contract period students
have registered and paid for a minimum of 80 credit hours for the program.
B. Teaching Load
a) The required teaching load for a summer contract in the academic
and technical areas is 12 load points.
b) The required teaching load for a summer contract for Learning Lab
Instructional Assistants is 35 hours per week for five weeks or a total
of 175 hours of instructional time.
c) The required teaching load for a summer contract in the career area
is 30 contact hours per week for two months.
C. Partial Contracts. Contracts for less than full time will be awarded when
insufficient numbers of classes are available to allow full contracts or when
an instructor chooses to teach for less time than that required for a full
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D. Summer Contract Pay
a) Summer contracts pay for faculty for both sessions of summer
school will be computed using faculty salary schedule that is in effect
the date the first summer school session begins.
2. Academic faculty will be paid one-ninth of the amount of a nine-
month contract for a summer contract.
3. Technical faculty will be paid one-tenth of the amount of a ten-
month contract for a summer contract.
4. Career faculty will be paid one-fifth of the amount of a ten-month
contract for a two-month summer contract.
5. Academic and Technical faculty salaries for partial contracts will be
on the basis of 1/12 of a summer contract for each load point.
6. The possibility of partial contracts for career faculty does not exist.
E. Scheduling of Classes for Summer Contracts
1. Decisions as to instructor assignments on summer contracts will be
made at the time schedules are planned. Instructors’ names will be
placed on the class schedules. Once the schedule is published, no
changes in instructor assignments will be made except in
extenuating circumstances as determined by the Campus Dean of
2. No adjunct instructor will be given an oral or written contract until all
qualified instructors of MGCCC have an opportunity to teach
classes for a summer contract.
F. Required Enrollments in Summer Contract Classes
1. In order to be taught for summer contract, each academic and
technical class must have an enrollment of no less than 10 with a
campus/site average class enrollment of 12 or above.
2. Career classes must have an enrollment of a minimum of 80 credit
hours registered and paid for by students.
G. Summer Session Schedules. The Vice President Teaching &
Learning/Community Campus will ensure that schedules for all summer
session classes at all campuses and centers are made available to
instructors at all campuses and centers at least three weeks prior to
beginning of the summer session.
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Statement No. 212.26
December 6, 1989
February 7, 2007
I. STATEMENT. An employee, contractual employee/worker, or any other contractual
personnel paid directly or indirectly by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College who
receive Mississippi Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) benefits shall be
employed and paid for any service to the college under PERS Regulation 34.
Former employees desiring to be employed by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College after retirement must be approved by the President and adhere to the maximum
time, they are allowed to work within a given fiscal year as set forth by PERS Regulation
35. The employment of retired employees must be properly reported to the Mississippi
A. Any employee returning from retirement as an employee or contractual
employee/worker of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College must be
recommended by the appropriate Dean and/or Executive Officer. The exact date(s)
of reemployment must be stated in the recommendation. The employee or
contractual employee/worker may not be reemployed any earlier than forty-five
consecutive calendar days after retirement or if employed less than a twelve-month
contractual period, may not be reemployed any earlier than forty-five consecutive
days after the beginning of the next semester.
B. The Dean will forward a request for permission to hire to the Executive Officer who
will obtain the approval of the President.
C. Upon approval of the President, the request will be forwarded to the District Human
Resources Office for inclusion in Board approval materials, when applicable.
D. Upon receipt of Board approval, the District Human Resources Office will notify the
Mississippi Public Employees’ Retirement System of the action by submitting a
completed PERS Form 4B.
E. It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that these procedures are followed.
It is also the responsibility of the employee that he/she does not
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exceed one-half of the normal working days for the position in any fiscal year during
which the retiree will receive no more than one-half of the salary in effect for the
position at the time of reemployment, or that he/she does not work for a period of
time in any fiscal year sufficient in length to permit him/her to earn in excess of
twenty-five percent (25%) of the retiree’s average compensation. Violation(s) of
these time and/or compensation restrictions may result in a loss of retirement
benefits under PERS.
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Statement No. 212.27
August 6, 2008
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) employees
are entitled to Worker’s Compensation and college benefits. In compliance with
Mississippi State Law Section 25-3-95, Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended on
July 1, 2008, the college will follow the procedures described below in
implementing Worker’s Compensation benefits.
A. The purpose of this procedure is to prohibit a college employee who is absent
and disabled from work due to a work-related injury from receiving more than
100% of his/her wages at the time of injury through the use of accrued Medical
and Personal Leave combined with certain Worker’s Compensation benefits.
The District Human Resources Office will have the responsibility for the
implementation of this procedure.
B. All college Worker’s Compensation injuries must be reported to the District
Human Resources Office within one (1) business day of the injury (no
exceptions). A copy of the Worker’s Compensation injury report must also be
faxed to the District Human Resources Office within one (1) business day of
the injury.
C. Employees of MGCCC are covered for medical expenses and loss of income
due to accidental injury on the job through Worker’s Compensation.
D. When an employee’s absence is due to a work-related injury for which the
employee is receiving temporary disability benefits, the injured employee shall
not use accrued Medical and/or Personal Leave and receive Worker’s
Compensation benefits simultaneously if the combined receipt of both benefits
results in the employee being paid, while absent due to the work- related
injury, a total amount that exceeds one hundred percent (100%) of his/her
wages earned at the time of the injury. In such cases, the injured employee
may use only as much of his accrued Medical and/or Personal Leave as
necessary, which may be fewer than eight (8) hours of accrued Medical and/or
Personal Leave in a day, to constitute the difference between the amount of
temporary disability Worker’s Compensation benefits received and one
hundred percent (100%) of his/her wages earned at the time of injury. The
receipt of payment of benefits in compliance with this procedure shall be
considered the employee’s exclusive remedy against the employer in
accordance with Section 71-3-9.
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E. In the event an employee is injured on the job and must be absent from work,
the employee shall be eligible for benefits in accordance with Worker’s
Compensation Insurance as provided by the College. An employee may use
his/her accumulated Medical Leave benefit only for that portion of the daily
rate of pay which is not covered by Worker’s Compensation. Eligible Medical
Leave benefits will be computed after Worker’s Compensation claim(s) have
been fully considered by the Worker’s Compensation Insurance Agency
responsible for determining the merits of the claim(s) and determining a final
compensation. Any person who willfully makes any false or misleading
statement(s) or representation(s) for the purpose of obtaining or wrongfully
withholding any benefit or payment will be subject to any penalties or
convictions assessed by the State of Mississippi.
F. An employee on Worker’s Compensation leave will not accumulate Personal
Leave or Medical Leave.
G. The College has no authority to pay health insurance premiums for an
employee who is off work due to a Worker’s Compensation injury and who has
exhausted all of his/her Medical and/or Personal Leave. If this occurs, the
employee will be responsible for paying their insurance premiums in order to
maintain coverage.
H. In order to continue health insurance coverage during a Worker’s
Compensation absence, the College will place all eligible employees on
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Refer to Statement 212.13 for Employee
Leave procedures.
I. In order to ensure the college is not over-compensating employees receiving
Worker’s Compensation benefits, the employee will provide copies of each
Worker’s Compensation check they receive to the Payroll Department located
in the District Human Resources Office. The Payroll Department will utilize the
information contained on these checks to insure the employee receives
Medical Leave/Personal Leave deductions for only the number of hours
needed to insure the employee is properly compensated during each payroll
period the employee is on leave for a work-related injury.
Failure on the employee’s part to provide copies of his/her Worker’s
Compensation check(s) to the District Human Resources Office will delay the
College’s determination of wages and leave necessary to ensure the
employee receives up to 100% of the wages earned at the time of the work-
related injury. It may also delay the receipt of the employee’s college wages
and may result in a loss of health insurance coverage for the employee.
J. Employees receiving Worker’s Compensation Benefits due to a work-related
injury may request permission to receive donated leave from other employees
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when their Medical and Personal Leave are exhausted. Refer to Statement
212.13 for procedures on requesting donated leave.
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Statement No. 212.29
August 29, 1991
I. STATEMENT. Relatives of employees who are related within the third degree, by
blood or marriage, (as computed by the rule of civil law) shall not be employed, full-
time or part-time in the functional area of responsibility requiring direct or indirect
supervision by the employee.
A. Relationships and degrees of kindred defined:
1. First degree relatives include spouse, mother, father, sons, and
2. Second degree relatives include grandparents, grandchildren, brothers
and sisters.
3. Third degree relatives include great-grandparents, great-grandchildren,
aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.
4. Fourth degree relatives include great-great-grandparents, great-great-
grandchildren, great uncles/aunts, first cousins, and great
B. Relatives of the fourth degree and beyond may be employed without regard to
their relationship to any employee.
C. It is the responsibility of the Human Resources Office to monitor the
relationships of applicants to employees and to inform the President and the
Vice President who will make the hiring recommendation to the President of
any potential violation of this procedure.
D. This procedure shall not apply to employees’ dependents that are enrolled as
students at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College who deserve and
qualify to participate in work study and other established student assistant
E. This procedure shall not apply to circumstances existing prior to
implementation of the practice of employees supervising relatives to the 3rd
degree, which began with discussion of the Executive Council in the Fall of
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Statement No. 212.30
September 26, 1991
February 17, 2010
I. STATEMENT. In compliance with Mississippi State law, Sections 33-1-19 and 33-
l-21, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College employees who are placed on
active status in any component of the military forces are entitled to College benefits
as outlined in the following procedures:
A. Any employee of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College who is called
to active military duty should advise the appropriate Executive Officer in writing
of the order received and forward a copy of the written orders upon receipt.
B. Any individual employed in a permanent position and called to active duty shall
be entitled to be restored in his/her previous or similar position, in the same
status, pay, and seniority. Reinstatement will occur provided that such person:
(1) when discharged or released from the armed forces shall have received a
certificate of satisfactory completion of service, (2) shall be still qualified to
perform the duties of such position, (3) shall make application
for re-employment within ninety (90) days after such person is relieved from
such training and service or released from hospitalization for a period of not
more than one (1) year for causes attributable to such services. Any person
restored to a position under the above provisions shall not be discharged from
such position without cause within one (1) year after restoration.
C. The employee is entitled to up to fifteen (15) military leave days each fiscal
year (July 1 June 30) without loss of pay, time, or annual leave. Upon receipt
of orders, the employee may remain on paid leave until military leave is
exhausted. After use of military leave, the employee may elect to use personal
leave or to be placed on leave without pay. The employee will continue to earn
leave while on paid leave.
D. Each employee called to active duty may continue to participate in the
employee health insurance program by paying premium/s to the District
Business Office by the fifth (5th) of each month. If the employee elects to
discontinue coverage but the dependents elect to continue, they may do so
under COBRA laws for 18 months.
Employees on military leave electing to discontinue health coverage for
him/herself and/or dependents may do so and may re-enroll with the group
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by applying within thirty days from deactivation from duty. Pre-existing
conditions and waiting period limitation will not apply.
Employees wishing to discontinue life insurance coverage must convert to an
individual policy. If the employee elects to return to the group, the waiting period
will be waived.
To discontinue health coverage the employee must make that election on a
COBRA form. It is recommended that dependents remain with the group at
least one month as dependent coverage normally has a 30-day waiting period.
E. Employees on contracts consisting of less than twelve months and electing
to receive payment of their contract over a twelve (12) month period may
request the balance of their contract pay earned to be paid immediately.
F. Employees and dependents residing in college housing on the Perkinston
Campus may continue to do so based on the same criteria as re- employment
criteria stated in Section B. above. Payment of rent and utilities will be made
to the District Business Office on or before the 5th of each month.
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Statement No. 212.31
October 17, 1990
April 26, 2007
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College encourages its faculty to
improve their teaching credentials and its administrative personnel to improve their
skills through advanced graduate study.
A. Generally, credit for advanced graduate study or other approved activity for
pay purposes will be granted based on the applicability to the work
B. A full-time instructor may advance a maximum of 24 semester hours per
contract year on the salary schedule.
C. All instructors entering a planned program leading toward a degree or
those seeking approval for an individual course to advance on the faculty
salary schedule must have approval by the appropriate department
chairperson, Campus Instructional Dean, the Campus Vice President, Vice
President, Teaching & Learning/ Community Campus, and the President
prior to beginning the program/ course. The same procedure must be
followed by newly hired instructors who are in a doctoral program at the
time of their employment.
D. Any course which is taken for additional pay by an instructor must be a
graduate course in
1. An approved graduate program:
a. Graduate programs must be in the instructor’s primary teaching
discipline or have a minimum of 18 graduate hours of course
work in his or her primary teaching discipline. The dissertation
or thesis is not included in the 18 graduate hours.
b. Procedures for approval described in II.C. above must be
followed. A program planning sheet which includes individual
courses to be taken and which includes approval of the Dean of
the Graduate School at the university where the MGCCC faculty
member is enrolled will be submitted with the request.
2. A graduate course in the instructor’s primary teaching discipline:
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a. Graduate courses in the primary teaching discipline will be
identified by the course prefix.
b. Procedures for approval described in II.C. above must be
3. A graduate course outside of the instructor’s primary teaching
discipline which will strengthen the ability of the instructor to teach
more effectively:
a. A statement explaining how the course will strengthen the
ability of the instructor to teach more effectively must be
submitted with the request for approval.
b. A maximum of 24 semester hours of graduate credit which does
not have the prefix of courses in the instructor’s teaching field
nor is in an approved program may be approved for pay
purposes on a course-by-course basis.
c. For research-oriented or independent study courses where the
student selects an area of study in his/her teaching field,
submission for approval may take place after course completion.
Documentation of the research must be submitted with the
request for approval.
d. Procedures for approval described in II.C. above must be
E. All administrative personnel are encouraged and provided with opportunity
to advance their competence through advanced graduate work or other
activities approved in advance by the appropriate departmental
administrator, Dean, Campus Vice President, Vice President for
Administration and Finance, and the President prior to beginning the
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Statement No. 212.32
April 28, 2005
August 6, 2008
April 27, 2016
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees recognizes that the evaluation of
employees shall be an on-going and continuous process. The objective in
measuring performance is to obtain positive individual growth and institutional
progress by evaluating the quality and standards of educational service and
The evaluation of administrative and staff employees will be completed annually
as described below. Employee evaluations will be conducted between April 1 and
June 30.
A. Process of Evaluation
Administrators and Staff employees will be asked to complete an appropriate
evaluation form. Forms to be used are available in the Forms Repository and
Administrative Performance Evaluation and Behavior Expectations
Staff Performance Evaluation and Behavior Expectations
B. Administrative and Staff Enrichment Plans
In collaboration with performance evaluations, administrative and staff
employees will complete Employee Development Enrichment Plans that will
best enhance the employee’s professional development goals. The
automated enrichment plans will be accessed by an electronic link sent by the
HR Employee Development Coordinator. The employee will select topics from
the employee development tracks for a total of fifteen (15) hours.
Upon completion of the evaluation instrument(s), the originals will be
maintained by the supervisor. The supervisor will scan and email the
completed evaluation to the HR Employee Development Coordinator. The
employee will be provided with a copy at the time of the evaluation for their
record and for future planning purposes.
On or about April 1 each year, the District Human Resources Office will
distribute a list of employees to the appropriate supervisor on a Verification of
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Evaluation Form. Supervisors will be asked to secure the signature of each
employee under their supervision on this form as his/her evaluations are
conducted. This form will be returned to the District Human Resources Office
for verification that all full-time employees have received an annual evaluation.
Upon a transfer between a campus and/or center, the evaluation records
related to the employee will be transferred to the new immediate supervisor of
the employee.
NOTE: Administrative and staff employees involved in a grant-related project
or program funded through an external source will be evaluated using the
procedures addressed in this Statement and/or the program’s employee
evaluation form(s) with the prior approval of the appropriate Executive Officer
and the Director of Human Resources.
C. Evaluation of the President
The duties of the members of the Board of Trustees include the employment
and evaluation of the President. The Board of Trustees Bylaws state: “The
primary duty of the Board is to ensure that a competent President is employed
and that the President is continually evaluated as to the job description, as
outlined in the President’s job description” (Section 4.a.)
Members of the college’s Board of Trustees complete an “Evaluation of the
President” form at the regular Board meeting held in April of each year. A copy
of the “Evaluation of the President” form can be obtained from the President’s
Office. The item is placed on the April Board Meeting Agenda under the
section titled “Report by the Chairperson.” Evaluation forms are prepared and
distributed at the April Board meeting for completion prior to the adjournment
of the meeting. Completed evaluation forms are collected and an evaluation
summary is prepared.
At the May Board meeting, the Board Chairperson reviews the evaluation
summary with the members of the Board of Trustees and the evaluation
summary is filed.
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Statement No. 212.33
January 7, 1992
August 28, 2003
February 10, 2005
November 14, 2012
November 18, 2015
October 7, 2017
January 20, 2021
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees on January 15, 2021, approved the following
policy to replace Statement No. 212.33 Title: Tobacco Use:
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to fulfilling its health
and wellness initiatives of providing a tobacco and vapor free environment,
promoting healthy living, maintaining a litter-free environment, and addressing
unplanned pregnancy.
A. Tobacco and Vapor Free Environment
Reports from the U.S. Surgeon General typically detail the dangers
and health complications associated with smoking and tobacco-
use. The College has an obligation to provide a safe and healthy
learning and work environment free of smoking and tobacco-use.
Students, employees, and visitors have the right to breathe clean
air and not be exposed to the effects of smoking and tobacco. All
College locations shall be tobacco and vapor free. Smoking in any
form, to include but not limited to cigarettes, hookahs, vapor
smoking, electronic smoking devices, and the use of tobacco
products is prohibited anywhere on the campus, including centers,
campus buildings, athletic and recreational facilities, building
entrances and common areas, sidewalks, parking lots, college-
owned vehicles, and personal vehicles. There are absolutely no
i. Definitions
a. Smoking - inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or
heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, hookah, or any other lighted or
heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation,
including marijuana, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner
or in any form. This also includes the use of electronic smoking
devices which create an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or form,
or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of
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circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this Statement.
b. Electronic Smoking Device (ESD) any product containing or
delivering nicotine, or any other substance intended for human
consumption that can be used by a person in any manner for the
purpose of inhaling vapor or aerosol from the product. The term
includes any such device, whether manufactured, distributed,
marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e- cigar, e-pipe, e-hookah,
or vape pen, or under any other product name or descriptor.
c. Hookah water pipe and any associated products and devices
which are to produce fumes, smoke, and/or vapor from the
burning of material including, but not limited to, tobacco, shisha,
or other plant matter.
d. Tobacco Product - any product made or derived from tobacco
that is intended for human consumption, including any
component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product (except for
raw materials other than tobacco used in manufacturing a
component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product.
ii. Promotion and Sale of Tobacco Products
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College prohibits the promotion
and sale of tobacco products: No tobacco-related advertising or
sponsorship shall be permitted on college property, at Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College- sponsored events, or in publications
produced by the College, with the exception of advertising in media
that is not produced by the College and which is lawfully sold, bought,
or distributed on College property. This applies to the use of a
tobacco brand or corporate name, trademark, logo, symbol, or motto,
selling message, recognizable pattern or colors, or any other indicia
of product identical to or similar to, or identifiable with, those used for
any brand of Cigarettes, including ESDs, cigars, pipes, including
hookah pipes, shall not be sold or distributed as samples on College
grounds, either in vending machines or any area on College property.
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iii. Policy Enforcement
The College also aims to maintain a tobacco and vapor free
environment through education, awareness, and a spirit of
cooperation. Employees in violation of the policy could face
disciplinary action applicable to Statement 212.4.1 (Progressive
Discipline). Student violators could face disciplinary actions and
monetary fines applicable to Statement 717 (Due Process in Student
iv. Policy Dissemination
Information about the Statement (No. 212.33) and how to comply
with it shall be posted on the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College web site to ensure stakeholders fully understand it. Copies
of this Statement shall be distributed to all College employees and
admitted students. No smoking signs shall be posted at all points of
entry to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College locations and at
all Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College building entrances. No
ashtrays shall be provided at any location of Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College.
B. Healthy Living
All College locations shall encourage engagement in healthy lifestyle
choices for physical, social, and behavioral well-being.
C. Litter Free Environment
All College locations shall be committed to maintaining a litter-free
environment to protect public health, safety, and welfare.
D. Unplanned Pregnancy
The College is committed to providing information to improve the lives and
future prospects of children and families by ensuring that all children are
born into families committed to and ready for the demanding task of raising
the next generation by reducing unplanned pregnancy among teens and
young adults.
II. RESOURCES. To support this health and wellness initiative, awareness and
prevention programs and other tools and resources are available to
employees and students.
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Statement No. 212.34
July 1, 1972
I. STATEMENT. The institutional goal is the provision of the highest possible salary
schedule and the best program of benefits.
Salary committees are set up periodically. Retirement, Social Security and
insurance plans are maintained.
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Statement No. 212.35
November 2, 1977
December 6, 1988
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on April 27, 1977:
"The Board of Trustees expects the students to be prudent and to use discretion
in the giving of gifts. Gifts shall not be accepted from students which have
excessive resale or monetary value."
A. Gifts of less than $50 fair market value may be received by an employee
from students and/or student organizations.
B. Gifts of $50 or more (fair market value) must receive the approval of the
President or his designated representative.
C. Employees shall be very careful about placing themselves in a position
where it would appear that they have "solicited" gifts from any person, club,
or organization.
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Statement No. 212.36
October 9, 2008
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) employees
are expected to present a neat and professional appearance at all times while on
the campuses/centers of the college. Employee attire during work hours and
during work-related activities should be appropriate to the duties of the position,
to the safety of the employee and other individuals, and to the probability of public
A. The college requires that employees maintain a positive public image by
making clothing choices that are appropriate to their work environment and in
accordance with job assignments.
B. Dress and appearance should not be offensive to students or other employees.
C. The employee’s supervisor will have the final decision on whether the attire is
appropriate for the work environment. Supervisors are responsible for
monitoring compliance and are encouraged to provide counseling as
D. Employees of MGCCC may be subject to mandatory, enforced leave or leave
without pay for the purpose of obtaining appropriate apparel. Failure by an
employee to abide by the instructions of his/her supervisor will result in
disciplinary action.
E. This statement is applicable to all administrative, staff, faculty, and
service/maintenance employees at MGCCC, inclusive of those positions
required to wear uniform attire. In addition, student workers are expected to
adhere to the guidelines presented in this statement while working in college
departments and/or offices.
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Statement No. 213
August 30, 1976
March 15, 1978
December 6, 1988
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on October 26,
"The instructor in the academic disciplines shall be assigned a stipulated workload
under a basic contract year. All work above this stipulated teaching load shall be
regarded as overload.
The workloads of career/technical and health occupations instructors will conform
to the standards and requirements of the programs and the state governing
The above quoted policy was implemented because of the following instructions
received from the State:
“All vocational teachers are to be hired for a 40-hour week with a minimum of 20
contact hours for 100% reimbursement. Vocational in this context is being used
to describe all services under vocational education. Any vocational personnel with
less than 20 contact hours will have their reimbursement reduced in proportion to
the number of hours below 20. In those programs that use supervised work
experience as part of their teaching programs, we will allow three contact hours
for this work experience.
It will be the responsibility of the teachers in this situation to furnish proof of their
appropriate administrator’s satisfaction that they are in fact supervising the work
Work weeks for college employees are:
40 hrs.
40 hrs.
Academic Instructors
35 hrs.
Career/Technical Instructors
40 hrs.
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Statement No. 213.1
April 15, 1986
January 16, 1989
April 4, 2018
June 21, 2023
I. STATEMENT. As of April 15, 1986, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is
subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and subsequent amendments
thereto. The FLSA contains minimum wage, overtime pay, and recordkeeping
requirements, and places restrictions on the employment of minors. These
requirements apply to all State and local government employees, except certain
employees excluded from the FLSA definition of the term "employee," and those
employees who may qualify for exemption from the requirements of FLSA.
While the Fair Labor Standards Act does set basic minimum wage and overtime
pay standards, and regulates the employment of minors, there are a number of
employment practices which the Act does not regulate. For example, the Act does
not require:
- vacation, holiday, severance, or sick pay
- meal or rest periods, holidays off, or vacations
- premium pay for weekend or holiday work
- pay raises or fringe benefits
- a discharge notice, reason for discharge, or immediate payment of final wages
to terminated employees, or
- any limit on the number of hours of work for persons 16 years of age and over
- any limit on the number of hours of hazardous or nonhazardous work for
person 18 years of age and over.
These and similar matters can be determined by agreement between the
employer and the employees or their authorized representatives.
It is the responsibility of the campus Deans of Business Services, under
the direction of their vice president to administer the provisions on the FLSA
for their campus and centers according to the following definitions and
1. EMPLOYEE -- One who follows the usual path of an employee and is
dependent upon the business which he or she serves.
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2. TRAINEE -- If all of the following criteria apply, the trainees or students are
not considered to be employees under the FLSA:
(a) The training, even though it may include actual operation of
the facilities of the employer, is similar to that which would be
given in a vocational school.
(b) The training is for the benefit of the trainees or students.
(c) The trainees do not displace regular employees but work
under their close observation.
(d) The employer that provides the training derives no immediate
benefits from the activities of the trainees or students; and on
occasion the employer's operations may actually be
(e) The trainees or students are not necessarily entitled to a job
at the conclusion of the training period.
(f) The employer and the trainees or students understand that
the trainees or students are not entitled to wages for the
time spent in training.
3. VOLUNTEER SERVICES -- Individuals who volunteer or donate their
services, usually on a part-time basis, for public service, religious or
humanitarian objectives, not as employees and without contemplation of
pay, are not considered as employees. For example, parents may drive a
school bus to carry a football team or band on a trip. However, if a college
office employee volunteered to perform office duties for the college, such
time would be considered as compensable hours of work. In other words,
an employee cannot be both a "paid" employee and an "unpaid" volunteer
while performing the same type of work for the same employer.
4. HOURS WORKED -- In general, "hours worked" will include all the time
that an employee is required to be on duty, or on the employer's premises,
or at a prescribed workplace for the employer. It is important to note that
all the time during which the employee is suffered or permitted to work for
the employer is considered as "hours worked". Therefore, it is only
necessary that the employer has knowledge that employees are on the
premises and/or working.
a) The FSLA has defined “compensable hours worked” to include all
time an employee is on duty or at a prescribed place of work and
any time that an employee is suffered or permitted to work. This
would generally include work performed at home, travel time,
waiting time, some types of training, and probationary periods
depending on the circumstances. The analysis is performed on a
case-by-case basis with some exceptions applicable, such as, but
not limited to, cases following the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 (29
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U.S.C.A. § 254) which declared that the following activities are not
compensable: “(1) walking, riding, or traveling to and from the actual
place of performance of the principal activity or activities which such
employee is employed to perform, and (2) activities which are
preliminary to or postliminary to said principal activity or activities,
which occur either prior to the time on any particular workday at
which such employee commences, or subsequent to the time on
any particular workday at which he ceases, such principal activity or
activities.” However, compensable hours can include any work
which the employee performs on or away from the premises, IF THE
BELIEVE THAT THE WORK (“to suffer or permit to work") IS
BEING PERFORMED. An announcement by the employer that no
overtime work will be permitted, or that overtime work will not be
paid for unless authorized in advance does not impair the
employee's right to overtime compensation.
(b) Waiting Time. Whether the waiting time of an employee is hours
worked under FLSA depends upon the particular circumstances. An
analysis can be performed as to whether the employee has been
“engaged to wait” (work time) or “waiting to be engaged” (not work
(1) On Duty. A highway department employee who must wait for a
vehicle to be removed from the road, a firefighter who watches
television at the firehouse while waiting for alarms, and a worker
who talks to fellow employees while waiting for equipment to be
repaired are all working during their periods of inactivity. The rule
also applies to an employee who works away from the
employer’s premises. The time may be hours worked even
though the employee is allowed to leave the premises or the job
site during periods of inactivity when such periods are
unpredictable and of short duration (i.e., when the employee is
unable to use the time effectively for his or her own purpose, it
belongs to and is controlled by the employer).
(2) Off Duty. Periods during which an employee is completely
relieved from duty, and which are long enough to enable the
employee to use the time effectively for his or her own purposes
are not hours worked. The employee must be told in advance
that he/she may leave the job and that the employee will not
have to commence work until a specified hour has arrived.
(3) On-Call Time. When an employee is called out on a job
assignment, only the time actually spent in making the call need
be counted as hours worked. If calls are so frequent or the
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readiness conditions are so restrictive that the employee is not
really free to use the intervening periods effectively for his/her
own benefit, the employee may be considered "engaged to wait"
rather than "waiting to be engaged."
(i) Employees who are "on call" and are required to
remain at home. If the employee is uninterrupted for long
periods of time, any reasonable agreement of the parties
for determining the number of hours worked will be
(ii) If an employee is told, upon reporting for work, that there
is no work available and the employee is immediately sent
home, the employee will not be considered to have spent
any time working.
(iii) Meal Periods. If an employee is completely relieved from
duty for the purpose of eating a regular meal, the time is
not hours worked. Ordinarily 30 minutes or more, set aside
during the scheduled workday, is long enough for a bona
fide meal period.
(iv) Rest periods. "Coffee breaks" of short duration (5 to 10
minutes) must be counted as hours worked.
(v) Duty of less than 24 hours. An employee who is required
to be on duty for a period of less than 24 hours is working
even though he or she is permitted to sleep or engage in
other personal activities when not busy.
(vi) Duty of 24 hours or more. The employee may agree with
the employer that bona fide sleeping periods and meal
periods will not be counted
as hours worked. If the employee does not get at least 5
hours of sleep during the
scheduled sleeping period, the entire time is hours
worked. A maximum of 8 hours of sleeping time may be
excluded from hours worked in any 24-hour period, plus
bona fide meal periods, if agreed to in advance and
sleeping facilities are furnished.
(vii) Employees residing on employers premises. An
employee who resides on the
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employer’s premises on a permanent basis or for
extended periods of time is not considered to be working
all the time while on the employer’s premises. Therefore,
any reasonable agreement by the parties which takes into
consideration all the pertinent facts will be accepted.
(c) Lectures, Meetings, and Training Periods. Attendance at
lectures, meetings, training programs and similar activities need not be
counted as working time only if four criteria are met, namely: it is outside
normal hours, it is voluntary, not job-related, and no other work is
concurrently performed.
(a) Both the regular rate pays, and any overtime pay due an
employee must be on the basis of the applicable hours worked in each
workweek, and the compensation earned by an employee in a
particular workweek must be paid on a regular payday for the pay
period in which the workweek ends. An employer cannot average
the hours of work by an employee over two or more workweeks.
(b) Regular Rate -- Includes all remunerations for employment paid
to an employee such commissions, attendance bonuses, shift
differentials, and other payments for work actually performed,
including the cost of any facilities furnished to an employee.
(i) Hourly rate employees. If an employee is employed solely on
the basis of a single hourly rate, the hourly rate is the "regular
(ii) Employees paid on a (non-exempt) salary basis. If an
employee is employed solely on a weekly salary, the regular rate
is determined by dividing the salary by the number of hours for
which the salary is intended to compensate. For example,
if an employee is hired at a salary of $164.00 for 35 hours of
work, the employee is entitled to receive $4.685 per hour for
each of the first 40 hours, and $7.03 (1.5 x $4.685) for each hour
thereafter. Where a salary is an employee’s compensation for a
period longer than a work week, such as a month, it must be
reduced to its workweek equivalent. A semi-monthly salary is
converted to its equivalent weekly amount multiplying by 24 and
dividing by 52.
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(iii) Pay for foregoing holidays and vacations. When an
employee is entitled to holiday or vacation pay but foregoes the
holiday or vacation to work that day or period, and if the
employee received his other customary rate (or higher) for
his/her work on the holiday or vacation day(s), then, the
additional sum given as holiday or vacation pay is excluded from
the employee's regular rate. In addition, the
hours paid for the holiday are not subject to overtime provisions.
For example, should an employee work on Friday, July
4th, the employee would be paid for 48 hours work
for the week, however, the pay would be at the regular rate and
no part would be at the overtime rate. This is because, the 8
hours paid for the 4th of July holiday is not counted
as “hours worked" and therefore, the 40 remaining hours
actually worked do not qualify the employee for any overtime
(iv) Non-overtime premium. Lump sum payments which are paid
without regard to the number of hours worked by an employee
must be included in the regular rate.
(v) Payments other than cash. Where payments are made to
employees in the form of goods or facilities which are regarded
as a part of wages, the reasonable cost to the employer or the
fair value of such goods or facilities must be included in the
employee’s regular rate.
(a) Area Coordinators -- A reasonable written agreement as to work
hours, eating time and sleeping time should be executed with all
dorm mothers who are on duty for 24 hours or more. It is important
to note that "sleep time" must consist of at least five (5) consecutive,
uninterrupted hours, and cannot be greater than eight (8) hours.
(b) Bus Drivers On overnight trips, if the driver parks the bus and is
released for the night then the driver only needs to be paid for driving
time. However, if the driver is "engaged to wait" (such as waiting at
the field to carry athletes to a hotel) or is placed on call where his
activities are restricted, then, the hours he is not free are considered
as hours worked.
(c) Police Officers -- Although the College’s campus Police Officers
could be handled under the "7-K" exemption, which allows for a
maximum of 171 hours over a 28-day period, before overtime must
be paid, the campus finance officers should schedule security so as
to minimize the number of hours worked over 40 in a workweek.
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The Federal Wage Garnishment Law (Title III of the Consumer Credit
Protection Act) sets restrictions on the amount of an employee’s earnings
that may be deducted in any one week through garnishment proceedings
and on discharge from employment by reason of garnishment. When
an employee’s disposable earningsthe part of wages remaining after
deductions required by law are madeare more than $134.00 a week, up
to 25% of the disposable earnings may be garnished. Where the
disposable earnings are $134.00 or less, only the amount over $100.50
may be garnished.
Where there is a garnishment order issued for the support of any person,
no more than 50 percent of the disposable earnings of an individual
supporting a second spouse or dependent child may be garnished, and no
more than 60 percent where the individual is not supporting a second wife
or dependent child. An additional 5 percent
may be withheld in each situation if there are outstanding arrearages over
12 weeks old.
The Federal Wage Garnishment Law does not change garnishment
procedures established by State law that provide greater restrictions on
garnishments than under the Federal law.
8. Workweek and Overtime Defined:
1. The work week shall begin at 12:01 a.m. Sunday and go through
12:00 midnight Saturday.
2. Overtime (non-exempt employees) shall be considered to be all
hours worked over 40 in a workweek.
3. Only overtime recommended by the employee’s immediate
supervisors and approved by the appropriate vice president shall be
allowed. The signature of the Vice President on a College Overtime
Approval Form is required.
9. Compensatory Time Defined:
Employees are required to receive supervisor approval prior to incurring
comp-time. Failure to receive supervisor approval will result in disciplinary
action, up to and including termination.
1. Compensatory time (comp-time) shall be given at 1 1/2 hours for
each overtime hour worked. However, when straight time pay is
given for overtime hours, comp-time shall be given at 1/2 hours for
each hour of overtime so paid for.
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2. Employees may accumulate up to 240 hours of comp-time before
the College may begin paying 1 1/2 times the regular hourly rate for
overtime hours worked or grant comp-time equal to 1 1/2 times the
regular hourly rate. What this means is that an employee could work
10 hours of overtime (credited as comp-time at 1 1/2 times would
equal 240 hours) before payment would be considered or comp-
time granted.
3. Employees will use accrued comp-time within 30 days of post
accrual. At no point should accrued comp remain unused beyond
30 days from its initial accrual. The use of accrued comp-time must
be granted at the employee’s request, unless undue disruption of
the applicable division occurs.
4. Employees who have accrued compensatory time must use
compensatory time rather than personal or medical leave when
leave is requested. In the event an employee is absent in excess
of 5 consecutive days due to illness, the employee may choose to
use medical leave or compensatory time off. Medical leave shall be
authorized only when certified by a medical doctor. For more
information on medical leave procedures, please refer to Statement
5. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that comp-time is
effectively managed and used in accordance with Statement No.
213.1II C (3). Effective management of comp-time shall include but
is not limited to; formulating and maintaining an efficient work
schedule of the division, employing flexible work schedules when
appropriate, maintaining adequate staffing levels/ratios to meet
division needs, and monitoring comp-time reports of accrued
10. Record Keeping:
1. Since the College is liable to pay for this accumulated comp-time,
each Campus Finance Office shall maintain a Master Comp-time
Record for each staff employee. This record shall detail the comp-
time earned by pay period and the current balance of comp-time
accrued for each employee. Administrative Deans/Assistant Deans
of the Centers shall do the same for their staff employees.
2. To provide documentation for the Master Comp-time Record, comp-
time shall be shown on the back of timecards and shall be
cumulative from one period to the next. An example of how this
might be done follows:
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(This would be the beginning balance on the next timecard)
When recording hours worked on each workday, the following shall
be done:
(a) Accurate hours shall be recorded for each workday.
(b) Total overtime hours in a pay period shall be reported in the
space provided on the timecard.
(c) When hours in a workweek exceed forty, a notation shall be
made as to whether these overtime hours are to be paid for,
and the rate at which they are to be paid.
(d) Employees shall complete their own timecard and sign
it. Their immediate supervisor shall review the timecard and
sign it as verification of its accuracy. The Campus Finance
Officer shall review the timecard and sign it to verify accuracy
and to denote that any comp-time has been
entered in the employee’s master record.
When employees take comp-time off, it shall be entered on the
timecard as hours for regular pay but shall be flagged as “comp-
time off”. This is because these hours are the time during which and
employee is not working and ARE NOT counted as hours worked
during the work week for purposes of determining overtime hours.
(a) All cards should clearly show days which are holidays [H],
vacation [V], sick leave [SL], comp-time [CT], or an
appropriate designation for other time off if the employee
works on any of these days, it should be shown on the
timecard. For example, if an employee works for eight (8)
hours on Friday, July 4th, it would be shown on the
timecard as follows [H/8]. If the employee did not work on
July 4th, then it would be shown as [H].
(b) In regard to sick leave, vacation, or comp-time for part of a
day, it shall be shown as follows for salaried staff members
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who normally work 8 hours per day, for example, staff
members work 4 hours and take 4 hours off: [V/4] or [SL/4]
or [CT/4]. Please note that numbers written here indicate
the hours worked on that day. If the whole day was taken
as vacation, sick leave, or comp-time, it would appear as
follows [V], [SL], or [CT].
11. Cash payment for overtime or comp-time may be made when:
1. Accrued comp-time exceeds 240 hours.
2. An employee terminates employment with the college.
3. The college reserves the right to issue cash payments for overtime
in lieu of comp-time prior to the accrual of 240 hours of overtime or
comp-time. Approval from the respective Vice President, Vice
President of Administration and Finance, and the president required
in advance to issuing the cash payment of overtime prior to the
accrual of 240 hours of overtime or comp-time. Cash payment for
overtime as described in E3 will be processed in accordance with
the FLSA.
12. Personnel covered under the FLSA as amended:
1. Finance Officers shall consider all salaried staff and hourly
employees as subject to the provisions of the FLSA. Accordingly,
timecards will be accurately maintained on all such employees. In
addition, comp-time records will be accurately maintained by each
Campus Finance Office for all such employees.
2. Exemption of Certain Personnel from the FLSA as Amended.
An exemption from both the minimum wage and overtime pay
requirements is provided in section 13 (a) (1) of the FLSA for
any employee employed in a bona fide Executive, Administrative,
Professional (learned or creative professionals), or outside sales
capacity, as these terms are defined and delimited in regulations of
the Secretary of Labor. An employee will qualify for exemption if he
or she meets all of the pertinent tests relating to duties,
responsibilities, and salary as stipulated in the applicable section of
the Regulations, Part 541.
A copy of the Department of Labor publication defining the terms
“Executive”, “Administrative”, and “Professional” as used in the
FLSA is available in the Human Resources Office.
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(a) Generally, all instructional personnel are exempt from FLSA,
under the "Professional" exemption.
(b) All Executive personnel, members of the Executive Council,
are exempt under the "Executive" exemption.
(c) All Administrative personnel from the Dean level through the
Director level, and the Head Librarians are exempt under the
“Administration” exemption.
(d) Administrative personnel such as Counselors,
Coordinators, Supervisors and Assistant Librarians, Office
Machine Technicians, Industrial Training Specialist, and any
others not previously mentioned must be evaluated by the
appropriate Executive Officer as to their status (i.e., exempt
or non-exempt).
(e) Executive Officers should refer to the Department of Labor’s
publication defining the terms “Executive,” “Administrative,”
and “Professional”.
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Statement No. 213.2
January 10, 1995
I. STATEMENT. The College, in an effort to maintain an accurate record of
employees working hours, requires that time clocks be utilized by the following
personnel: classified employees of maintenance, janitorial, security, print shop
and transportation. All other College Personnel complete a handwritten timecard.
A. All classified maintenance, housekeeping, campus police, District printing
and transportation employees will utilize a time clock and will clock in at
the beginning of the official workday and out at the end of the official
workday in the designated area.
B. Employees will clock out at the beginning of the lunch break and will clock
back in at the end of the lunch break.
C. If an employee leaves the job for any length of time in excess of ten (10)
minutes, other than for a designated rest break, they must clock out and
clock back in upon their return to work.
D. Employees will not work overtime without prior approval of the appropriate
Vice President.
E. Each employee shall clock in personally. No employee shall ever clock in
or out for another employee.
F. The employee's signature and that of their supervisor is required on the
timecard before it is forwarded to the Human Resources Office.
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G. Lunch breaks will not be taken at the employee's workstation or desk.
H. Classified Employees Completing a Handwritten Timecard
1. Employees who complete a handwritten timecard will reflect only the
hours worked on their timecards. Lunch breaks will not be included
as a part of the workday.
2. Employees will not work overtime without the prior approval of the
appropriate Vice President.
3. The employee's signature and that of their supervisor is required on
the timecard before it is forwarded to the Human Resources Office.
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Statement No. 214
May 5, 1975
August 22, 1977
December 6, 1988
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on April 27, 1977:
“Professional employees are encouraged to join and participate in professional
organizations which would tend to enhance personal growth and the
advancement of the College.”
A. Employee: It is the responsibility of the employees who are members of
professional organizations to provide the Vice President with the name of
the organizations, when the meetings will be held, and how many meetings
are anticipated for the contract year. This information should be submitted
at the beginning of each contract year. If changes occur, the Vice President
should be notified as soon as possible.
B. College: The College will attempt to provide the time for as many
employees as possible to attend these organizations, but the regular
employee responsibilities cannot be neglected. The College will not be
responsible for any expenses, except where previous approval has been
given by the President.
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Statement No. 216
June 7, 1977
December 6, 1988
April 10, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The College supports and endorses the activities of the Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College Alumni Association.
The College representative of the Alumni Association is responsible for the
organization of all activities of the Association and is directly responsible to the
Associate Vice President for Development. These activities are coordinated with
the elected officers and the college administration. The Association participates in
homecoming activities. The district meeting is held each year at Homecoming.
Local chapter meetings are held once each year. The Alumni Magazine is
published two times per year. A Scholarship Program is carried out throughout the
year by each local chapter.
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Statement No. 217
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
February 21, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Foundation, Inc.
was chartered and incorporated on July 24, 1974, for the sole purpose of providing
opportunity for the investment of funds, either designated or undesignated, for use
in long-range plans and scholarship programs. The Foundation is governed by a
22-member Board of Directors who serve voluntarily and receive no reimbursement
of any kind for their activities. Board members are appointed by the College Board
of Trustees, the College Alumni Association, representatives of the College
Administration, and the general membership of the Foundation. Business is
managed by officers elected from the Board. They are President, Vice President,
and Secretary/Treasurer. The President of the College, being a member of the
Board, ex officio, serves as Executive Secretary of the Board. Foundation records
are maintained by the Vice President of Advancement and Institutional Relations.
The Foundation has the responsibility of soliciting, receiving, managing, and
disbursing gifts and donations of every type and description for the use and benefit
of MGCCC. It is the mission of the MGCCC Foundation to actively solicit funds from
such constituent groups as alumni, business and industry, civic organization and
any interested individuals; to manage these funds responsibly and effectively; and
to distribute these funds in a manner that will enhance the mission adopted by
MGCCC. The President of MGCCC shall provide supervision and support of the
Vice President of Advancement and Institutional Relations including fundraising
and development efforts of the Foundation.
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Statement No. 218
June 13, 1990
September 21, 1990
April 10, 2008
I. STATEMENT. All offers of donation(s) to the College must be submitted to the
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) Foundation by the Vice
President receiving the offer of donation(s). The President should be informed of
the potential donation(s) by the Vice President for consideration of acceptance
prior to submitting the donation(s) to the Foundation.
A. The MGCCC Foundation will receive all donation(s) to the college,
determine the fair market value of the donation(s), and acknowledge
receipt of the donation(s) by the prospective donor. The Foundation will
work with the Campus/Center to secure the donation(s) from the
prospective donor.
B. For items donated to the college that require inventory numbers, the
Campus/Center Property Officer will be responsible for entering those
donations on the College inventory upon transfer from the MGCCC
C. Exceptions to these procedures will be made for scrap metal, salvage
materials and supplies donated by local industries for instructional
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Statement No. 218.1
April 10, 2008
I. STATEMENT. All external fundraising activities conducted through the name
association of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College or the Mississippi Gulf
Coast Community College Foundation whether by students, faculty,
administrators, staff, or external groups must be approved.
A. A fundraising activity is defined as any activity in which private funds are
B. Fundraising activity must be approved as follows: 1) Campus Organization
events that are conducted by students to raise money for their respective
clubs and/or organizations must meet guidelines as specified in the Student
Handbook and must have final approval by the Dean of Student Services; 2)
Faculty and Staff projects that require solicitation of cash shall be
coordinated with the Vice President of Advancement and Institutional
Relations who shall have authority to deny access to certain donors if other
solicitations are underway with these donors; 3) Foundation fundraising
projects for purposes other than scholarships require the authorization from
the President of the College.
C. The Vice President of Advancement and Institutional Relations shall present
an annual report to the MGCCC Board of Trustees and to the MGCCC
Foundation Board of Directors, with said report to include funds raised,
sources of these funds, and designation of these funds.
D. Upon completion of an annual audit, copies of the auditor’s report shall be
distributed to the College Board of Trustees and the MGCCC Foundation
Board of Directors.
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Statement No. 220
October 30, 1974
November 2, 1977
December 6, 1988
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) enters into
articulation agreements designed to better serve the educational needs of Gulf
Coast residents. The agreements are formal efforts to ensure that students
graduating from the MGCCC move directly into bachelor’s degree programs without
interruption, and that if the student takes certain courses at the community college,
those credits will transfer into a formal program in the same major at the four-year
college/university. The MGCCC Catalog maintains a current list of articulation
The Vice President, Teaching & Learning/ Community Campus, the Campus Deans
Instruction, and student services representatives meet regularly with
representatives of these four-year institutions of higher education to ensure
continued articulation of the prescribed programs.
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Statement No. 221
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. Public relations are a responsibility of each employee in the
College. It is recognized that the duties of the Vice President for Advancement
and Institutional Relations encompass many public relations activities. However,
the task is so great that no one person can be charged with this vital function.
Each employee must act so as to reflect favorably on the College and must
present the image to the student body, parents, and general public that will
support the general purpose of the College. Major public relations activities
involving college personnel should be coordinated with the Vice President for
Advancement and Institutional Relations.
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Statement No. 222
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. To assure that every department of the College receives
newsworthy publicity, it is recommended that Deans on each campus be assigned
the responsibility of urging persons under them to utilize publicity request forms
provided by the Office of Institutional Relations.
These forms would be available to the Deans well in advance of or immediately
after an activity believed to be of news significance.
A. At the discretion of the Vice President of each Campus, the forms would then
be submitted to the Dean, or to the Director of Institutional Relations at the
District Office at Perkinston, if news is pertinent to that campus.
B. The responsibility of preparing and releasing news would be that of the Vice
President of Advancement and Institutional Relations.
C. A file will be maintained at the District Office of all news releases and a monthly
report prepared for the President of the College and others involved in the
publicity program.
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Statement No. 223
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
April 15, 2015
I. STATEMENT. Effective December 1, 1976, federal laws pertaining to Veterans
require that all institutions approved for enrollment of eligible veterans and persons
eligible for VA benefits shall maintain for a period of 12 months, a complete record
and copies of all advertising, sales and enrollment materials used by or on behalf
of the institution.
Materials to be filed include anything published and printed that might be directed
at students. According to the law, records, and materials to be maintained include
(but are not limited to) direct mail pieces, brochures, printed literature used by
recruiters, film recordings, video and audio tapes disseminated through print media.
A. College Central Repository. The office of the Vice President of Advancement
and Institutional Relations shall be the central repository for all such material
and records. Duplicate copies may be retained at the discretion of the Vice
President or Center Dean.
B. Campus and Center Responsibilities. Each Campus and Center shall appoint a
person/person on the Campus/Center to forward to the Vice President of
Advancement and Institutional Relations copies of materials and records for
their location. Such materials and records shall be forwarded as they are
published, with exception of daily bulletins and the like which shall be forwarded
at the end of the month.
C. Availability for inspection. All records and materials retained under this
statement shall be available for inspection by authorized representatives of the
state approving agency or the Veterans Administration.
D. Retention of records. All such files shall be retained for at least one year.
Destruction thereof may be done on a monthly basis, or files may be destroyed
at discretion of the Vice President of Advancement and Institutional Relations,
Campus Vice President or Dean after they are one year old.
E. Dates. Submit most material and records to the Vice President of Advancement
and Institutional Relations as published. At the end of month, submit daily or
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weekly publications to the Vice President of Advancement and Institutional
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Statement No. 224
July 10, 1980
September 18, 1980
December 6, 1988
September 28, 1989
March 26, 2009
I. STATEMENT. Concerning the retention and disposal of permanent records, the
College will ensure that all vital records are secure, records are readily available,
confidentiality is preserved, and that all legal requirements are met while saving
valuable resources (money, time, space, and staff) by using a document imaging
and storage system. Previously in accordance with the Attorney General Opinion
dated March 7, 1980, the College microfilmed financial, student and academic
records and retained the hard copy for five years or one year after the state audit
and resolution of audit questions, whichever was longer. After meeting the time
requirement, the College submitted a thirty-day notice to the State Department of
Archives and History and destroyed the hard copy of the microfilmed records. The
College continues to follow those guidelines where appropriate using an
electronic method for imaging and storing documents.
Guidelines set forth by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and
Admissions Officers, Federal Aid Regulations, and Federal Disclosure and
Reporting Regulations as well as State regulations shape updates to college
policies and procedures regarding the retention and disposal of permanent
Appropriate persons in the offices shown are responsible to ensure that
appropriate records are electronically recorded and stored as outlined below.
Designated personnel working in the offices where the College maintains vital
records assume responsibility for electronically recording and storing the
appropriate documents as outlined in individual department policies and tracking
the disposal of hard copies and records in accordance with college policy. Each
scanned image electronically stored will be cataloged using the method deemed
appropriate for the department. The Director of Information Technology is
responsible for maintenance of the electronic imaging and storage equipment and
the security of electronic images from both loss and tamper. The President or
appropriate Executive Officer will authorize the destruction of both electronic and
hard copy records. The President or appropriate Executive Officer will determine
the most feasible disposal technique.
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A. Student records are the responsibility of the Dean of Student Services on
each campus and the Administrative Dean at each center (see Statement
No. 224.1).
B. Records maintained in the President’s Office are the responsibility of the
President or designee (see Statement No. 224.2).
C. District Business Office records are the responsibility of the Comptroller
(see Statement No. 224.3).
D. The Director of Human Resources will maintain personnel records (see
Statement No. 224.4).
E. The Associate Vice President for Career/Technical Education and
Industrial Training will maintain records pertaining to career and technical
education (see Statement No. 224.5).
F. Veterans records are the responsibility of the VA Certifying Official at each
campus or center (see Statement No. 224.6).
G. Non-credit student records are the responsibility of the appropriate
Workforce Director, Continuing Education Director, or Adult Basic
Education Director at each campus (see Statement No. 224.7).
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Statement No. 224.1
March 26, 2009
June 9, 2011
I. STATEMENT. Student records are the responsibility of the Dean of Student
Services on each campus and the Administrative Dean at each center.
A. The following information will be imaged on all currently and previously
enrolled students.
1. Cumulative Permanent Record Grade Card for students enrolled
prior to 1979 (date of computerized transcript record).
2. ACT Scores or other entrance exams.
3. Transcripts from other colleges, high schools or GED records.
4. Application for Admission (including immunization record for
applicants prior to 1997).
5. Withdrawal and/or drop slips.
6. Anecdotal records (excluding non-academic disciplinary actions).
7. Other pertinent information
B. The following information on non-enrolled students will not be imaged but
will be retained for a minimum of one year in the Admissions Office as
inactive files:
1. Application of Admissions
2. Entrance Exam Scores
3. Transcripts
4. Relevant Correspondence
After one year, these records are destroyed according to college policy.
C. Information records maintained by Student Support Service Coordinators on
students under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 will be
destroyed after three years of non-enrollment.
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Statement No. 224.2
March 26, 2009
I. STATEMENT. Records maintained in the President’s Office are the responsibility
of the President or designee.
A. The Board of Trustees’ reports will be electronically imaged up to date on an
annual basis; hard copy report will be maintained in the files for a three-year
period, after which they may be destroyed.
B. Construction contracts, except for blueprints and drawings that are too large
for document imaging, will be document imaged up-to-date annually. Hard
copy documents will be maintained for a period of five years, and they may be
destroyed. These documents include all final papers, i.e., approvals,
acceptance documentation, etc.
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Statement No. 224.3
March 26, 2009
February 17, 2010
I. STATEMENT. Records of District Business Office are the responsibility of the
college Comptroller. Those records to be imaged will be determined by the
Records of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College do not and will not have
further official use or value for administrative, research, or reference purposes after
the respective retention periods specified herein. Therefore, the college consents
to the destruction or other disposition of these records in accordance with the
retention and disposition instructions specified in this statement. However, the
college recognizes that records subject to audit or those legally required for
ongoing official proceedings may not conform to the instructions included in this
statement. In the event of litigation, claim, audit, or other official action involving
records has been initiated, the destruction or other disposition of those records will
occur only after completion of the action and/or resolution of the issues involved
with the records.
A. Payment records. Accounts payable, to include copies of the check and
purchase order. Hold original or authenticated reproduction for three (3)
years after release of the audit; then destroy.
B. Payment records. Employee withholdings. Hold original or authenticated
reproduction for five (5) years after release of the audit; then destroy.
C. Procurement card records. Hold original or authenticated reproduction for
three (3) years after release of the audit; then destroy.
D. Travel reimbursements. Hold original or authenticated reproduction for three
(3) years after release of the audit; then destroy.
E. Receipt documentation. To include sign-in of checks, receipts written, check
documentation. Hold original or authenticated reproduction for five (5) years
after release of the audit; then destroy.
F. Financial correspondence. Hold original or authenticated reproduction for
three (3) years after release of the audit; then destroy.
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G. Journal entries. To include all related documents. Hold original or
authenticated reproduction for three (3) years after release of the audit; then
H. Non-student accounts receivable. To include all related documents. Hold
original or authenticated reproduction for three (3) years after release of the
audit; then destroy.
I. Unaudited financial reports. To include trial balances, including federal and
state records. Hold original or authenticated reproduction for three (3) years
after release of the audit; then destroy.
J. Bank statements. To include reconciliations and other related documents.
Hold original or authenticated reproduction for three (3) years after release
of the audit; then destroy. CDs provided by the bank, maintained for five (5)
K. 1099(s), tax documents. To include 1099(s) and related documents. Hold
original or authenticated reproduction for three (3) years after release of the
audit. Documents to be scanned to the college network and then
permanently maintained. Original documents to be destroyed.
L. Sales Tax documents. Hold original or authenticated reproduction for three
(3) years after release of the audit; then destroy.
M. Petty cash records. To include related documents. Hold original or
authenticated reproduction for three (3) years after release of the audit; then
N. Budgets. To include original, 1
and 2
revision budgets and related
documents. Hold original or authenticated reproduction for three (3) years
after release of the audit; then destroy.
O. Vendor files. To include all related documents. Hold original or authenticated
reproduction for three (3) years after release of the audit. Documents to be
scanned to the college network and then permanently maintained. Original
documents to be destroyed.
P. Audit reports. To include financial statements. Hold original or authenticated
reproduction for three (3) years after release of the audit. Documents to be
scanned to the college network and then maintained for eleven (11) years.
Original documents to be destroyed.
Q. Mississippi Budget Request (MBR). To include related work papers. Hold
original or authenticated reproduction for three (3) years after release of the
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audit. Documents to be scanned to the college network and then maintained
for eleven (11) years. Original documents to be destroyed.
R. Ending General Ledger summary. Hold original or authenticated
reproduction for three (3) years after release of the audit. Document to be
permanently maintained in college financial system.
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Statement No. 224.4
March 26, 2009
February 17, 2010
I. STATEMENT. The Director of Human Resources will maintain personnel records.
Any files designated as permanent records will be properly safeguarded and
retained. In addition, any destruction of records will be authorized by the President
or Executive Officer who has responsibility for the particular records to be
destroyed. The destruction of records shall be by shredding or burning, whichever
is determined to be most cost effective.
Records of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College do not and will not have
further official use or value for administrative, research, or reference purposes
after the respective retention periods specified herein. Therefore, the college
consents to the destruction or other disposition of these records in accordance
with the retention and disposition instructions specified in this statement.
However, the college recognizes that records subject to audit or those legally
required for ongoing official proceedings may not conform to the instructions
included in this statement. In the event of litigation, claim, audit, or other official
action involving records has been initiated, the destruction or other disposition of
those records will occur only after completion of the action and/or resolution of
the issues involved with the records.
A. Employee Tax Records. Records of a general financial purpose are to be
safeguarded and retained perpetually. An example includes W-2 forms.
B. Historical Records. The college administrative software, Banner, maintains
perpetual historical records.
C. Personnel Files. Hard copies of inactive files including College Retirees will
be retained perpetually.
D. Applicant Files. Application files will be retained for one year then
E. Employee Leave Records and Employee Accident Reports will be retained
F. Human Resources Hiring Packets. Hard copies will be maintained for three
years then destroyed.
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G. Campus Files. All campus files for inactive employees will be forwarded to
the Human Resources District Office prior to or immediately upon
termination of employment.
H. Active Personnel Files. All personnel files of active full-time and part-time
college employees are maintained in the Human Resources District Office
in locked files located in a secured area(s).
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Statement No. 224.5
March 26, 2009
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. The College Dean of Career-Technical, Workforce, Community
Education and Industrial Training will maintain records pertaining to career and
technical education.
State career and technical records are retained in hardcopy form for a minimum
of three years. Federal career and technical records are retained in hardcopy form
for a minimum of seven years. All secondary instructor licensure documentation
is permanently maintained in hard copy form.
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Statement No. 224.6
March 26, 2009
I. STATEMENT. Veterans’ records are the responsibility of the Veterans’ Affairs
(VA) Certifying Official at each campus or center.
All documents are kept as paper records in individual student folders during the
student’s enrollment with the college. The Veterans’ Affairs (VA) guidelines state
records must be retained for a period of at least three years following the
termination of the enrollment of an eligible individual, or longer if requested by the
VA or General Accounting Office (GAO).
Records kept on each enrolled student may include:
A. Copy of application for benefits or VA Certificate of Eligibility.
B. Copy of DD-214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)
or NOBE (Notice of Basic Eligibility).
C. Copy of Kicker Contract.
D. Copy of program/degree outline for planned major.
E. Signed copy of Statement of Understanding.
F. Signed copy(ies) of Request for Certification.
G. VA form 22-1999 Enrollment Certification.
H. Copies of all previous transcripts including military transcript.
I. If applicable, copy of VA form 22-1995 Request for Change of Program
or Place for Training.
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Statement No. 224.7
December 10, 2009
I. STATEMENT. Non-Credit Continuing Education and Workforce student records
are the responsibility of the Dean of Workforce Development. Adult Education
records are the responsibility of the Director of Adult Education.
A. Hard copies of all Continuing Education and Workforce student records will
be retained for a minimum of the current year and three additional years. After
four years, these records are destroyed according to college policy.
1. Sign-in sheet(s) and registration forms will be imaged for all currently and
previously enrolled students in Workforce or Continuing Education
classes in which students incur a fee for the class.
2. Sign-in sheet(s) and registration forms will not be imaged for any
currently or previously enrolled students in Workforce or Continuing
Education classes in which students do not incur a fee for the class.
B. Non-credit student records for classes utilizing federal funds will be kept in
accordance with grant or federal standards and regulations.
1. Sign-in sheet(s) and registration forms will be imaged for all currently and
previously enrolled students in classes utilizing federal funds in which
students incur a fee for the class.
2. Sign-in sheet(s) and registration forms will not be imaged for any
currently or previously enrolled students in classes utilizing federal funds
in which students do not incur a fee for the class.
C. Hard copies of all Adult Education student records will be retained for a
minimum of the current year and three additional years. After four years,
these records are destroyed according to college policy. Adult Education
student records will not be imaged.
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Statement No. 224.8
February 17, 2010
I. STATEMENT. Purchasing and inventory records are the responsibility of the
Director of Purchasing and Property Control.
Records of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College do not and will not have
further official use or value for administrative, research, or reference purposes
after the respective retention periods specified herein. Therefore, the college
consents to the destruction or other disposition of these records in accordance
with the retention and disposition instructions specified in this statement.
However, the college recognizes that records subject to audit or those legally
required for ongoing official proceedings may not conform to the instructions
included in this statement. In the event of litigation, claim, audit, or other official
action involving records has been initiated, the destruction or other disposition of
those records will occur only after completion of the action and/or resolution of
the issues involved with the records.
A. Purchase orders. To include related documents. Hold original or
authenticated reproduction for three (3) years after release of the audit;
then destroy. Maintain in college financial system indefinitely.
B. Request for Proposals. To include related documents. Hold original or
authenticated reproduction for seven (7) years after release of the audit;
then destroy.
C. Request for Approval on Quotation. To include related documents. Hold
original or authenticated reproduction for seven (7) years after release of
the audit; then destroy.
D. College Property Inventory forms. To include related documents. Hold
original or authenticated reproduction for seven (7) years after release of
the audit; then destroy. Maintain in college inventory system indefinitely.
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Statement No. 225
August 10, 1976
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. The schedule for holding Executive Council Meetings is for the
purpose of improving communications and involving more administrators and
faculty in college decision making process.
Make-up and meeting dates for the respective councils are as follows:
A. Executive Council Meetings. Executive Council meetings will be scheduled on
the second and fourth Thursday of each month. If a member of the Executive
Council, other than the President, finds it necessary to be absent from an
Executive Council Meeting, that person should send a representative the
administrator considers to be the ranking member of the staff. This is
necessary to ensure that communication lines are kept open whether an
Executive Council member is present or absent. Meetings will normally be
held in Darby Hall on the Perkinston Campus at 10:00 a.m.
B. Agenda. An agenda will normally be made up for each of the scheduled
council meetings on the day preceding the meeting. Persons desiring items
on the agenda should ensure that they are dispatched to the office of the
President by courier on the day preceding the meeting; if not possible to
reduce it to writing and get it on the courier, a call to the Office of the President
will suffice so long as it is done no later than 1:00 p.m. Only under extenuating
circumstances will agenda items be added on the day of the meeting.
C. Recommendations or Motions for Changes to Written Procedures/Policies.
When persons make recommendations that will change policies or procedures
that reside in official college publications, they should reduce the
recommendation to writing in the following order:
D. "Recommend that the policy/procedure, found in Statement No. , Policies
and Procedures Manual, or on page of the Student Handbook, or on
page of the Catalog, as reads: "Quote the provision to be changed"...
E. Should be changed to read as follows: "Quote the change as it is
recommended" - Reason for the change is ; and explain the reasons.
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F. This documentation should be provided to each member of the Executive
Council prior to the meeting; but if not possible, it should be done at the
G. It is preferable for persons making such recommendations to have obtained
prior coordination on the recommendation before the meeting. When such
motions are made, they should be two-fold; first, that the change be approved;
and second, that the appropriate college publication be changed at the earliest
practicable date. Such motion should be duly recorded in the minutes to record
the approved change.
H. Preparation of Council Minutes. Recorders of council meetings shall ensure
that all agenda items are included in the minutes. In the event an item is
tabled, deleted, or not discussed, the number and name of the item(s) shall
appear with the appropriate comment relative to disposition of each agenda
item. For those items discussed, but not on the agenda, they should be
identified in the minutes as Non-Agenda Items, labeled appropriately and thus
be recorded.
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Statement No. 226
October 9, 1975
November 2, 1977
January 16, 1989
I. STATEMENT. Minutes of college level meetings (such as Executive Council and
Instructional Affairs Councils), will be distributed electronically to all employees.
Recorders of college level councils and other such groups will ensure that
distribution is made electronically to all employees upon approval of the minutes
by the Executive Council.
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Statement No. 227
December 6, 1988
June 7. 1979
January, 1998
I. STATEMENT. For the purpose of effective and efficient utilization of external
funding, the following procedure will be followed in processing external funding and
monitoring the administration of externally funded projects.
External funding is defined as any funds received by the College outside the normal
budgeted income of a non-recurring nature.
A. The need for external funding will be identified by faculty, staff, administrator(s),
or a group of same.
B. The need will be addressed in a prospectus and funding source(s) will be
identified. The Coordinator of Grants and Special Projects will assist, as
needed, in the development of the prospectus and identifying funding sources.
C. The faculty, staff member/group will submit the prospectus to the respective
Executive Officer for approval.
D. The prospectus and funding source will be submitted to the Executive Council
by an Executive Officer for approval.
E. The proposal will be developed as required by funding source criteria. The
Coordinator of Grants and Special Projects will assist in the development of the
proposal as needed.
F. The Coordinator of Grants and Special Projects will review the proposal and
make recommendations as needed. The proposal shall be submitted to the
Grant Coordinator at least one week prior to the grant submission date.
G. The proposal will be submitted to the Executive Council, the Board of Trustees,
or the President for approval to submit to funding source as required.
H. Proposal will be submitted to funding source.
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I. Upon notification of funding, negotiations for fiscal and program changes will be
coordinated by the faculty, staff, or group associated with the related grant along
with the Coordinator of Grants and Special Projects. If the proposal is rejected,
the Executive Council will be notified.
J. The revised plan will be prepared, approved by the President, and submitted to
the funding source, as required.
K. Upon notification of award, the project will be administered in accordance with
college procedures and policy and project/grantor guidelines.
The President, as part of Title IX Assurances, has stated that all federal grants
and/or proposals from the College will contain the assurance found in the
College Compliance Policy, Statement No. 105.
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Statement No. 228
September 15, 1973
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
August 7, 1989
December 11, 2008
February 2, 2012
December 17, 2014
April 4, 2018
I. STATEMENT. On January 23, 1971, the Board of Trustees approved a
Resolution that established a formal College Police Force. Each campus will have
a separate police force working under the direct control of the Campus Vice
The college’s Police Offices operate under the following structures:
Jackson County Campus Police Office
Campus Vice President
Dean of Business Services
Chief of Police
Harrison County Campus Police Office
Campus Vice President
Dean of Business Services
Chief of Police
Perkinston Campus Police Office
Campus Vice President
Dean of Business Services
Chief of Police
George County Center Police Office
Campus Vice President (Perkinston Campus)
Administrative Dean
Designated Police Officer
West Harrison County Center Police Office
Vice President of Teaching & Learning/Community Campus
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Dean of Business Services, Community Campus with Chief of Police
(Harrison County Campus)
Designated Police Officer
Advanced Manufacturing & Technology Center Police Office
Vice President of Teaching & Learning/Community Campus
Dean of Business Services, Community Campus with Chief of Police
(Harrison County Campus)
Designated Police Officer
The Bryant Center at Tradition
Vice President of Teaching & Learning/Community Campus
Dean of Business Services, Community Campus with Chief of Police
(Harrison County Campus)
Designated Police Officer
College campus/center police officers are considered law enforcement officers
and must meet the provisions of the Minimum Standards Act for Employment,
Training, and Education of Law Enforcement Officers. Campus/Center police
officers are vested with the same powers as county constables per Mississippi
State Statues; 37-29-275 and 19-19-5. It is the intent of the College that all police
officers have the ability to bear firearms and thus be certified through the
Mississippi Board of Minimum Standards and Training. As deemed appropriate,
non-certified contractual security personnel may be utilized at campuses/centers.
A. The Chief is responsible for the protection of lives and property on campus
through the supervision of all law enforcement functions. The Chief is also
responsible for efficient operation of the police department through the control
of activities, the maintenance of order, and the enforcement of laws and
administrative rules.
1. The Chief takes measures to prevent crime and to protect lives and
property of the public through the planning of activities, training,
assignment, supervision and discipline of all department members.
2. The Chief, in conference with the appropriate Vice President, assumes
responsibility of maintaining civil order at the campus/center during a
natural or manmade disaster. The Chief or designee functions in that
assigned role in the campus/center National Incident Management System
(NIMS) Emergency Action Plan. Furthermore, the Chief is responsible for
limiting further property damage in the wake of a disaster.
B. The Chief will be responsible for maintaining compliance with the Mississippi
Board of Minimum Standards and Training for all department personnel. In
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addition, the Chief must meet all future requirements of the Board of Minimum
Standards and Training.
C. Campus Police Officers:
1. Report to the Chief of Police or designee;
2. Maintain law and order on the campus/center;
3. Patrol campus/center on a regular basis;
4. Assist with traffic control;
5. Investigate incidents;
6. Prepare official reports;
7. Check and secure all buildings;
8. Enforce crowd control during all campus special events; and
9. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chief or appropriate Vice
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Statement No. 228.1
January 7, 1992
February 2, 2012
April 4, 2018
I. STATEMENT. On August 1, 1991, all postsecondary institutions
participating in Federal student aid programs are required to implement the
collection of a variety of information related to crime-related activities and
campus public safety measures. This information should be recorded,
organized, and prepared in a fashion suitable for publication and
distribution to all current students and employees as well as potential
students and employees.
The College's Safety and Emergency Management Team is composed of
Vice President of Administration and Finance; Associate Vice President of
Administration; the Deans of Business Services; Administrative Deans;
Police Chiefs; center designated police officers; and the Chief Information
Officer This Team should assess safety and security needs, recommend
improvements, and monitor all information related to campus safety.
Regardless of the size or type of institution, a system for gathering
pertinent information, developing policies and procedures, and
disseminating this information is required.
Campus Vice Presidents will ensure that the procedures and
responsibilities outlined in this statement will be adhered to by all
A. An annual report of campus crime statistics detailed in Public Law 101-
542, Section 204, which expands the Higher Education Act of 1965, will
be published beginning September 1, 1992, to include data for August
1, 1991, through August 1992, and will be compiled for each year
thereafter. On August 14, 2008, the Higher Education Opportunity Act,
or HEOA (Public Law 110-315), reauthorized and expanded the Higher
Education Act of 1965 as amended. HEOA amended the Clery Act
(Public Law 101-542, Section 204) and created additional safety-and-
security-related requirements for institutions. All requirements of Public
Law 110-315 should be included in the annual report as well as any
amendments that are added at a later date.
B. All violations of local, state, and federal laws will be reported to campus
police and documented through official MGCCC Police procedures and
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C. Police officers or the designated security contact at each college
location will be responsible for ensuring that the proper reporting and
filing of incidents occurs at each Center.
D. Records should be maintained in a designated campus/center location.
E. Statistics compiled from offense reports will be submitted quarterly to
the office of the Associate Vice President for Administration using the
standard crime reporting format. Crime statistics must be maintained
for the following: criminal offenses, hate crimes, VAWA, arrests,
disciplinary actions, unfounded crimes, and fire related incidents.
F. Each campus/center will provide annual educational programs to
inform all employees and students of the campus police policies and
reporting procedures, including crime, drug, and alcohol awareness
and prevention programs. Programs will be designed to encourage
students and employees to be responsible for their own safety. Campus
Deans of Student Services, Deans of Business Services and Center
Administrative Deans will submit to the Associate Vice President for
Administration an annual report describing the frequency and type of
educational programming for crime, drug, sexual misconduct related
awareness/prevention and alcohol awareness and prevention.
G. Incidents which require investigation and enforcement beyond
campus/center police abilities will be referred to the appropriate local,
state, or federal entity. Complete and accurate records must be
maintained by the campus police department on all referred cases.
H. Each campus and center will develop and publish local procedures for
students and employees to follow when reporting emergencies or
criminal actions. In addition, procedures must be published at each
location outlining the campus police department's methods for
responding to reported emergencies.
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I. Published procedures for reporting criminal activities or emergencies at
each campus/center must include the following information:
1. Campus/Center location;
2. Appropriate emergency phone number(s) (911, if available);
3. Campus police telephone number;
4. Dean of Business Services telephone number and
5. Dean of Student Services telephone number.
J. Campus police officers derive their enforcement authority through state
statute and certification by the State of Mississippi and have
constabulary police powers throughout campus/center grounds, roads,
and any and all other property owned, leased, or operated by the
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Statement No. 228.2
July 1, 1972
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
October 5, 2011
April 4, 2018
May 20, 2020
April 20, 2022
I. STATEMENT. The college has developed an Emergency Action Plan in
compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Within the
Emergency Action Plan, each campus/center will identify and establish protocols
and essential personnel to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and
recover from incidents and ensure college safety. The Emergency Action Plan
that will contain the following minimum requirements: recurring practices on
evacuation drills, lockdown drills, training methods, exercises, and checks of
emergency equipment (communications, fire, generators, etc.). The Emergency
Action Plan will be reviewed bi-annually to ensure adequacy of content.
A. Campus Vice Presidents are responsible for preparation and updates of their
local plan information, to include their centers.
Responsible Official
Update Hurricane
Preparedness and
Communication Plan
Campus Vice President and
Coordinator of Administration
& Safety Management
Jan Feb
July - Aug
Review Entire Emergency
Action Plan and Report
Results to District Office
Campus Vice President and
Coordinator of Administration
& Safety Management
Test Emergency Equipment
Campus Vice President and
Coordinator of Administration
& Safety Management
In accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act, the MGCCC Hazard Mitigation
Plan will be evaluated, reviewed, and updated every five years. The internal
hazard plan committee will review the plan annually to assess mitigation projects
within the plan. Public involvement for the plan will continually be reviewed and
assessed by use of the college website and designated email box.
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Statement No. 229
December 12, 1990
February 19, 2014
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College at their December 1990 meeting adopted a policy supporting the following
statement: The Board of Trustees recognizes that the presence of firearms/deadly
weapons on the college campus creates a hazard for the students, employees,
and guests of the college. The Board of Trustees has adopted a policy prohibiting
any person, except those persons authorized by law, from having a firearm/deadly
weapon in their possession on the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
premises. Those persons authorized to carry a firearm/deadly weapon on
campus must report this fact to the respective campus police office.
A. It is the responsibility of the Campus Vice Presidents to ensure compliance
with the college policy on their respective campuses.
B. The Campus Vice Presidents may appoint a member of the campus staff
as deemed necessary to assist them in enforcing compliance with this
C. It is not the intent of this policy to prohibit college employees occupying
college owned housing from storing personal legal firearms in their
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Statement No. 230
November 18, 2020
I. STATEMENT. In order to promote a safe working and learning environment,
electronic surveillance devices have been placed throughout the four-county
district on each Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College campus and center,
with the exception of the Keesler Center, the Naval Construction Battalion
Center, and the Haley Reeves Barbour Maritime Training Academy. These
centers have their own surveillance and security provided by their respective
Electronic video surveillance is a vital component to the institutional commitment
regarding college safety. This policy defines the limitations of use for electronic
surveillance devices to ensure there is no violation of individual privacy. These
devices are not guaranteed for a person’s individual safety or protection,
however it aides in the useful and timely investigation to acquire evidence to
solve a crime.
A. Procedures
a. Video surveillance cameras are managed in a professional, ethical
manner and comply with all state and federal laws including those laws
referenced in Statement No. 105, Compliance Policy, and Statement No.
242.2 Americans with Disabilities Act, Statement No. 242.3 Sexual
Harassment, and Statement No. 242.4 Equal Employment Opportunity
b. Video surveillance of public areas will be installed for security and safety
reasons. Cameras will not be installed in any area where a person has a
reasonable expectation of privacy in accordance with MS Code Ann. 97-
29-63(1), including restrooms, locker rooms, fitting rooms, dressing
rooms, and residence hall bedrooms.
B. Authorization Process
a. The Coordinator of Administration and Safety Management must
approve camera Management Access for employees.
b. A camera management access request form must be completed and
signed by the employee, immediate supervisor, campus Dean of
Business Services, and approved by the Coordinator of
Administration and Safety Management. The coordinator, along with
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the campus Dean of Business Services has the right to deny or limit
access to new or existing viewers.
C. Responsibilities
a. Users with viewing access cannot release any video or information on
the location of equipment under any circumstances, except for official
law enforcement purposes with proper approval. Viewers cannot
allow individuals to view videos that are not authorized or approved.
b. Passwords will not be shared with any individuals and users will report
immediately to MGCCC authorities if their password has been
compromised or used without their permission.
c. Users of the camera management system will not alter, add, or
remove any equipment or data of the MGCCC camera management
system. Users will report damages, malfunctions, or discrepancies as
soon as they are noticed to college authorities.
d. Users understand that access to the MGCCC camera management
system is granted for the purpose of conducting official college
business. Failure to abide by this policy will result in camera access
being revoked and can be grounds for disciplinary action. Failure to
report any misuse of actions by others can also result in disciplinary
D. Exclusions
a. This policy does not apply to video recording devices used for
educational purposes by faculty, staff, or students in accordance with
coursework, training, or research.
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Statement No. 231
August 23, 1979
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. The duties and responsibilities shown below were approved by the
Administrative Council on June 26, 1979. They are effective immediately.
A. Someone, preferably security personnel with first aid training, should be on
campus/center when classes are in session.
B. A telephone to be designated for emergency calls should be placed in a
central location in the career area with emergency telephone numbers
posted nearby.
C. A commercial first aid kit should be located in the same area as the
emergency telephone. The first aid kit should be inspected monthly to
ensure that the first aid supplies are in stock and available for use.
D. An administrator or designated person should be on duty at all times while
classes are in session.
E. The name and telephone number of the administrator or designated person
should be posted at central locations and at the emergency telephones.
F. Campus/center persons are responsible for ensuring the above actions are
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Statement No. 232.1
January 25, 1995
April 14, 2021
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College recognizes the
importance of the proper handling of Hazardous Materials and the importance of
reporting problems and spills associated with hazardous materials.
Through published and circulated statements, the College notifies employees that
compliance with reporting requirements in relation to hazardous materials will be
adhered to by the College.
A. In the event of a hazardous materials spill, campus police officers shall be
immediately notified.
B. Upon notification, the area will be cleared, all persons evacuated, and
emergency personnel will ensure that the appropriate procedure to contain
the spill has been undertaken.
C. The Coordinator of Administration and Safety Management, Chief of Police,
or appropriate administrator will notify the appropriate reporting agencies
and the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
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Statement No. 232.2
September 21, 1995
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College recognizes the
importance of the proper handling and disposal of hazardous materials and the
importance of the proper documentation of all disposals.
Through published and circulated statements, the College notifies employees that
compliance with disposal requirements in relation to hazardous materials will be
adhered to by the College.
Our campuses have been determined to be conditionally exempt from small
quantity generator of hazardous waste. Under normal circumstances, we never
generate more than 100 kilograms (about 200 pounds or 25 gallons) of hazardous
waste per month. Additionally, we never accumulate more than 1,000 kilograms
(about 2,200 pounds or 300 gallons) of hazardous waste. Effective waste
management is a top priority of the college.
A. Identify all hazardous waste generated. Waste typically generated falls into the
following categories.
1. Acids/Bases
2. Heavy Metals
3. Sludges
4. Spent Plating Wastes
5. Solvents
B. Dispose of hazardous waste in a hazardous waste facility, landfill, or other
facility approved by the State for industrial or municipal waste. The Supervisor
shall keep abreast of all regulations concerning disposal. No hazardous waste
may be sewered.
C. Never accumulate more than 1,000 kilograms (about 2,200 pounds or 300
gallons) of hazardous waste at this facility.
D. Clearly mark each container with the words "HAZARDOUS WASTE" and with
the date collection began in that container.
E. Keep containers in good condition. Handle them carefully and replace any
leaking ones.
F. Store hazardous waste in approved containers only.
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G. Keep containers closed except when being filled or emptied.
H. Containers shall be inspected for leaks or corrosion every week.
I. Never store, in the same container, wastes that could react together to cause
fires, leaks and other releases.
J. Hazardous waste should be stored on the premises for not more than 180 days.
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Statement No. 233
June13, 1990
August 27, 2014
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College provides telephone
services to individuals undertaking official college-related business.
A. General
1. The Department of Information Technology maintains telephone
services for all campuses and centers of the College, including desktop,
residential, and cellular and PTT phones.
2. The College has the right to monitor all telephone bills, including cellular
and long-distance charges, to determine if abuse or misuse exists.
3. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College’s policies, including those
regarding harassment, confidentiality, respect for the rights of others,
respect for College property, and use of work privileges for personal
gain apply to any and all use of the College telephone system as well.
4. Questions related to the College telephone system should be directed
to the IT Helpdesk, IT CIO, or IT Technical Director.
B. Employees
1. While the College recognizes the need for personal telephone use in
certain circumstances, employees should keep calls of a personal
nature, both incoming and outgoing, to a minimum.
2. Telephone services should not be provided to anyone outside of the
College community for any purposes that are not in support of the
mission of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, with the
exception of calls for emergency or other exceptional situations.
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3. Long-distance service is provided to employees whose duties require
immediate communications capabilities. Employees are responsible
for all calls made with their personal five-digit code.
4. Voicemail is provided as an enhanced telecommunications service to
employees, who are provided with a voicemail access pin that should
be kept private.
5. Individuals to whom PTT or cellular phones have been assigned are
responsible for the security of the phones. Lost, stolen, or damaged
phone should be promptly reported to the employee’s supervisor and
District Office Purchasing & Property Control.
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Statement No. 235
February 21, 1977
June 7, 1979
January 16, 1989
I. STATEMENT. This Statement provides instruction on how to obtain the services
of the District Printing/Duplicating Center and provides an excerpt from the ACCT-
O-LINE and Chronicle of Higher Education on what can and cannot be
reproduced under present Copyright Revision Law of 1976.
A. Priorities
1. Instructional Material
2. Board of Trustees/President's Office
3. Administrative Materials
4. Other - First In-First Out
B. The District Printing/Duplicating Center will publish a price list for standard
forms and straight printing. This price list will be “at cost” and will vary slightly
as the cost of supplies varies. Any variation in prices from published price list
will be reported to the Deans of Business Services for approval prior to
shipment of the materials ordered.
C. Standard College forms are available through the form’s repository.
D. All printing/duplicating requests will be submitted to the District Printing/
Duplicating Center on a request for duplicating/or a purchase order. The
purchase order must have the same information as if ordering from an outside
E. All material will be shipped from the District Printing/Duplicating Center to the
Campus District Receiving by courier, or may be picked up by requesting
office, and if a purchase order is issued a receiving report will be submitted
promptly by the receiving Campus upon receipt of the material. The District
Printing/Duplicating Center will attach an invoice to each order before it leaves
the Center and will send a copy of the invoice to the District Business Office.
The District Business Office will post to the proper accounts from this invoice
whether a receiving report is received or not.
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F. All brochures, publicity materials, etc. will be submitted to the Vice President
of Institutional Relations for approval. Upon approval the Vice President for
Community Campus and Institutional Development will submit the material
to the District Printing/Duplicating Center. The District Printing /Duplicating
Center will send a black and white proof to the requisitioning department
stating the cost and requesting approval of the proof. When the District
Printing/Duplicating Center receives approval of the proof and an order to
proceed the material will be produced.
G. Lead Time The District Printing/Duplicating Center will strive to return all
duplicated materials on the next courier run after receipt of the order. Those
materials to be printed will require a longer lead time, due to the more involved
method of production.
H. Printing for outside agencies will be discouraged and if done will require the
approval of the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Such printing
will be done on a profit-earning basis, cost plus a percentage.
I. The District Printing/Duplicating Center will give special handling of material,
news releases, etc., that must meet a deadline.
a.The following quote from ACCT-O-LINE is provided to inform teachers and
librarians what they can and cannot do under the Copyright Revision Law of
NEW COPYRIGHT REVISION LAW (S.22) ................. Reprinted with permission
of the Chronicle_of_Higher_Education October 11, 1976 (Copyrighted 1976, Editorial
Projects for Education Incorporated). A TEACHER MAY NOT: Make multiple copies of
a work for classroom use if it has already been copied for another class in the same
institution; make multiple copies of a short poem, article, story, or essay from the same
author more than once from the same collective work or periodical issue more than three
times a term; make multiple copies of works more than nine times in the same class term;
make a copy of works to take the place of an anthology; make a copy of 'consumable'
materials, such as workbooks.
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A TEACHER MAY: Make a single copy for use in scholarly research, or in
teaching, or in preparation for teaching a class, of the following: a chapter from
a book; an article from a periodical or newspaper; a short story, short essay, or
short poems, whether or not from a collected work; a chart, graph, diagram,
drawing, cartoon, or picture from a book, periodical, or newspaper. Make multiple
copies for classroom use only, and not to exceed one per student in a class, of
the following: a complete poem, if it is less than 250 words, a complete article,
story, or essay, if it is less than 2,500 words, an excerpt from a prose work, it if is
less than 1,000 words or 10% of the work, whichever is less, one chart, graph,
diagram, drawing, carton, or picture per book or periodical. A LIBRARY MAY: For
inter-library purposes: Make up to six copies a year of small excerpts from longer
works; make copies of unpublished works for purposes of preservation and
security; make copies of published works for purposes or replacement of
damaged copies; make copies of out-of-print works than cannot be obtained at a
fair price."
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Statement No. 235.1
November 18, 1982
September 26, 1991
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. This statement applies to the use of copyrighted material (in all
formats, including digital) for instruction, research, and other purposes by the
administration, faculty, staff, and students.
It is the policy of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College to comply with
the provisions of the federal copyright law of 1976 (Title 17 U.S. Code), the Fair
Use Guidelines for Educational Media as issued by the U.S. House of
Representatives in 1994, (House Report 94-1476), and the Technology,
Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act) as enacted by
Congress in 2002.
The following summaries of the code, guidelines, and act are included as possible
limitations to the use of copyrighted material by all employees and students of the
college. Specific questions about the use of copyrighted material should be
checked against the law, guidelines, and act specified beforehand.
A. Guideline limit for instructors and their students:
1. Text materials 1000 words or 10 percent whichever is less of a single
copyrighted work of text.
2. Poems An entire poem of less than 250 words, but no more than three
poems by one poet, or five poems by different poets from a single anthology.
3. MusicUp to 10 percent, but no more than 30 seconds of music and lyrics
from a single musical work.
4. Motion Pictures/Videos/DVDs Up to 10 percent or 3 minutes, whichever
is less, of a single copyrighted work.
5. Numerical Data Sets Up to 10 percent of 2,500 fields or cell entries,
whichever is less, from a database or data table.
6. Illustrations and Photographs Up to 15 images or 10 percent from a
collection, or up to 5 works from a single artist.
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B. Instructor activities that require permission from the copyright holder:
1. The repetitive copying of copyrighted materials in multiple courses or in
successive years requires advance permission from the copyright owner.
2. The duplication of works that are copyrighted which are used for
exercises, workbooks, or self-exams require permission from the
copyright owner.
3. The creation of a collective work or anthology by photocopying a number
of copyrighted articles and excerpts that are used collectively as the basic
text for a course requires the permission of the copyright owners.
C. Use of multimedia materials:
1. Instructors in the college may use any original, legally acquired multimedia
material(s) that supports the curriculum as planned.
2. The items must be lawfully purchased, thus no duplicate copies of
copyrighted materials are allowed or permitted for instructional use.
D. Guidelines for instructors using copyrighted material in online courses or in
multimedia projects:
1. Works that are sold or licensed for purposes of digital distance education
must be used in conformance with the terms and condition of the license
2. Access to copyrighted works should be limited to students enrolled in the
course; these students should not be able to copy the work or to retain it
past the class session.
3. Use only lawfully acquired works.
4. Educators and students may use portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted
works in educational multimedia projects, either as a teaching tool for
curriculum-based instruction or when producing multimedia projects for
specific courses. After the first instructional use in a class, educators may
use the projects for up to two years. Any use beyond that time period
requires that permission be obtained for any copyrighted portion of material
used in a multimedia project.
E. Guidelines for recording television programs:
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1. Television programs may be recorded by an instructor and used once
in a ten-day period. After 45 days, the program must be erased or
2. A program may be recorded only once regardless of how many times
the program is broadcast.
3. These programs may only be recorded at the specific request of
individual instructors and may not be made in anticipation of requests.
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Statement No. 236
March 15, 1978
December 6, 1988
January 25, 1998
I. STATEMENT. The “Principles of Accreditation” of the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools (SACS), calls for institutions to engage in continuing study,
analysis and appraisal of the purpose, policies, procedures, and programs.
Institutional Research is an essential element in planning and evaluating the
Institution’s success in carrying out its purpose. Institutions should assign
administrative responsibility for carrying out institutional research.
Within the College, the Division of Institutional Research, Office of the Vice
President of Teaching & Learning/ Community Campus, is delegated the overall
responsibility for institutional research. Other administrators have specifically
assigned research duties. All institutional research should be performed by, or
coordinated with, the Division of Institutional Research.
A. The Associate Vice President, Institutional Research & Planning is charged with
conducting studies as directed by the President or the Executive Council under
supervision of the Vice President, Teaching & Learning/ Community Campus.
Incumbent should be aware of all other research studies going on in the College
and be responsible for publication of all institutional research studies.
B. Other persons who undertake research projects should inform the Division of
Institutional Research of the subject and scope of their study. When the study
is completed, copies should be furnished to the District Office for publication.
Credits for authorship and campus of origin will always be given these studies.
C. Institutional research reports will be published by the District Office and
distribution of all reports will be made to members of the Executive Council. The
Division of Institutional Research will maintain a distribution list for all regular,
recurring institutional research reports. Additionally, all major reports will be
published online in the college fact book.
D. The Division of Institutional Research will maintain a calendar listing of all
regular, recurring institutional research studies and reports.
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A. METHODOLOGY. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Institutional
Research Program will be conducted by the Associate Vice President,
Institutional Research & Planning as follows:
1. Users or potential users of institutional research will be selected for the
Institutional Research Users Survey.
2. A survey form, refined from the original survey form. April 1989, will be
utilized as the instrument to determine effectiveness of the institutional
research program.
3. Survey results will be appropriately summarized and presented to the
Vice President of Teaching & Learning/ Community Campus for
distribution to the President and Executive Council.
B. FREQUENCY. An evaluation of the Institutional Research Program shall be
conducted each year during the Spring Semester with results of the evaluation
being finalized on or before June 30.
C. MODIFICATIONS. This procedure may be modified from time to time to facilitate
the efficiency of the evaluation of institutional research.
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Statement No. 237
August 10, 1976
December 6, 1988
March 11, 2020
April 27, 2023
I. POLICY. “The College, its officials, faculty and recognized student clubs and
organizations will be allowed to invite guest speakers to the campus for public
events outside of the traditional classroom setting according to the established
A. Faculty desiring to invite guest speakers into a classroom or for instructional
purposes should notify the appropriate School/ Department Chair and/or
appropriate administrator.
B. When a recognized club or organization or college employee desires to invite
a speaker to speak on one of the campuses/centers of the Mississippi Gulf
Coast Community College for a public event, their request must be presented
to the appropriate Vice President in writing at least ten working days prior to
the speaking engagement for consideration in coordination with the
President’s schedule.
C. The request shall be submitted on the official college internal activity form
and contain the name of the sponsoring organization, the proposed date,
time, and location of the meeting, and the expected size of the audience.
D. The appropriate Vice President will notify the club or organization of approval
or disapproval.
E. Speaker requests may be denied if the requested space is unavailable or
cannot accommodate the event.
F. A recognized student, organization or faculty club may invite a guest speaker
to address that specific organization or club and its invited guests. The
appropriate Vice President will have the authority to invite guest speakers to
speak to the entire student body, when appropriate.
G. The College reserves the right to deny the appearance of any political
speaker or speaker’s representative who violates this policy or its intent.
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H. Political advertising is prohibited in all school publications.
I. Outside groups desiring to use campus facilities for programs, at which
political speakers are to be involved on the program, must submit the request
on an external activity form and contain the name of the sponsoring
organization, the proposed date, time, and location of the meeting, and the
expected size of the audience. The appropriate Vice President will notify the
outside group of the approval or disapproval.
J. Individual political candidates may not come onto Campus to solicit votes,
nor are they allowed to place political campaign signs on college property or
handout campaign or other materials on campus.
K. This policy will be administered in a manner consistent with United States
Law and the First Amendment Rights of Community College employees and
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Statement No. 238
November 2, 1977
December 6, 1988
November 15, 1989
October 5, 2011
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on April 27, 1977.
Permission to solicit for any purpose shall be obtained from the Executive Officer
or authorized representative on each campus or center.”
The following procedures shall be followed in obtaining permission to solicit on
campuses or centers.
A. Any person(s) desiring to solicit must report to the appropriate office and
secure the attached "Permission to Solicit" form (see attachment) or
equivalent. Permission to sell, market products or services of any kind for
personal gain will not be allowed on Campuses or Centers.
B. The solicitor must present the approved form to anyone contacted on the
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Name of Solicitor
Name of Firm
has been given permission to solicit on the Campus
between the hours of and
on the following date(s) .
Signature of Authorizing Official
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Statement No. 242
June 7, 1979
March 6, 1986
October 9, 2008
November 12, 2018
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees approved the following on April 27, 1977.
“EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS - The right of employees to due process of law shall
not be abridged. When any employee presents a complaint, the college is
responsible for ensuring that the complaint is handled according to currently
advisable procedures of due process. This responsibility implies the necessity for
college officials to stay informed concerning the requirements of procedural due
process and its changing interpretation by the courts.”
The Due Process Procedures, as outlined in this Statement, shall be followed when
any complaints involve Academic Freedom. Special due process procedures,
outlined in Statement No. 242.4, shall be followed when complaints involve
discrimination, alleged discrimination, or possible Equal Employment Opportunity
(EEO) actions or lawsuits.
Procedures that follow implement the above policy.
A. Due Process Appeal Procedures are available to each concerned employee or
group of employees at the College. All employees are encouraged to seek a
resolution of his/her complaint(s) through discussions and meeting(s) between
persons directly involved in the complaint. If these discussions do not produce a
mutually satisfactory resolution, the employee may file a written appeal with his/her
immediate supervisor.
B. Appeals, when made from the decision of the immediate supervisor, will be
submitted in writing, and may be transmitted through the chain of command to the
Dean, to the Vice President, to the President, and then to the Board of Trustees, if
necessary. Appeals, if any, from each decision, must be submitted formally into the
appeals process no later than five (5) working days following the decision.
C. When a complaint is received by the Campus Vice President, he/she may choose
to make a ruling on the appeal or appoint a Campus Due Process Appeal
Committee, qualified in the problem area. The purpose of this committee will be to
make recommendations to the Vice President prior to a decision on the appeal.
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D. Makeup of the Campus Due Process Appeal Committee will be representatives of
the various employment classification grades, to include at least one member of the
appealing employee's peer group. The committee will be able to obtain special
information needed on a particular problem from an employee of the college; for
example, if the problem dealt with an individual's salary, someone familiar with
payroll could appear before the committee as an authority in this area.
E. Campus Due Process Appeal Committee hearings will be held after posting a
10-working day notice of the hearing and informing the concerned employee that
he or she may represent him/herself or have legal counsel, as they desire. Should
an employee have legal counsel at the hearing, legal counsel will only act as an
advisor and will not be allowed to address the committee. All parties will be given
the opportunity to present facts in their behalf. Copies of committee minutes will be
furnished to all parties upon request.
F. A District Office Due Process Appeal Committee likewise may be appointed by the
President, within the President's discretion, to review an appeal submitted to him
or her. Its purpose, makeup and procedures will be the same as for the Campus
Due Process Appeal Committee.
G. A District Office Due Process Appeal Committee will also abide by the 10-working
day notice and will give all parties the opportunity to submit a written statement in
his or her behalf, should they desire to do so.
H. Notification of committee hearings should be acknowledged by the employee(s) to
ensure that he or she is aware of the hearing. Unless the employee requests a
verbal notification, all notifications of committee hearings will be forwarded to the
concerned employee through the United States Postal Service, certified mail with
return receipt requested.
I. Concerned party(ies) will be duly notified of each decision within three (3) working
days after it is reached, and no appeal shall be allowed there from unless
commenced within 5 working days of the employee’s receipt of the notice of the
decision or no later than 10 working days of the date the notice of the decision was
mailed to the employee. All notifications of decisions will be forwarded to the
concerned employee through the United States Postal Service, certified mail with
return receipt requested.
J. Each step in the appeals process must be specifically documented to include
charges, evidence related to those charges, and findings. Committee hearings
need not be conducted in strict legal or court terms; however, complete fairness will
be ensured and nondiscriminatory procedures will be followed and documented.
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K. Administrative decisions and recommendations that become the subject of an
appeal will not be stayed pending the processing of the appeal.
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Statement No. 242.1
June 21, 1984
February 23, 1989
May 5, 2008
I. POLICY: The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Board of Trustees, in
its July 18, 1984, meeting approved the following College Operating Policy:
"Complaints, concerns, or recommendations of matters of general policy affecting
the educational program, the Administration of the College or any other college
related activity shall be submitted through the proper channels in an effort to
resolve them before they become public issues and reflect upon the college
The following statements are intended to be used as a guide to the
implementation of the above policy and lend themselves to an orderly method by
which employees may receive consideration of concerns, complaints, or
recommendations which they believe to be valid by utilizing the open-door policy.
A. Faculty members and other employees of the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College District occupy an important position in the eyes of the
public because they are an important part of the College program. By
accepting a position with the College, the individual must be willing to
submit concerns, complaints, or recommendations through the proper
channels in an effort to resolve them before they become public issues and
reflect upon College programs.
B. Concerns, complaints, or recommendations regarding Board of Trustees’
Operating Policies and/or Administrative Procedures should be submitted
in writing to the employee’s immediate supervisor. After the immediate
supervisor has reviewed the concern, complaint, or recommendation, and
if the matter cannot be resolved at this level, then the immediate supervisor
shall inform the employee that he/she may submit the concern, complaint
or recommendation through the chain of command to the next level in the
Administration for resolution.
C. The employee shall inform the immediate supervisor, in writing, that they
will begin transmitting the concern, complaint or recommendation through
the chain of command to the appropriate campus Dean, Vice-President,
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District Office Administrator, and eventually to the President for review and
1. The concern, complaint or recommendation shall be reviewed by the
appropriate administrator at each level in the chain of command.
2. The administrator shall discuss the concern, complaint, or
recommendation with the employee and, if possible, shall offer a
3. If resolution is not possible at the current level of administration, or if
the employee is not satisfied with the resolution, then, the employee
shall inform the Administrator in writing and shall include in the
communication that the concern, complaint, or recommendation will be
transmitted to the next level in the chain of command. This process
may carry the concern, complaint, or recommendation to the
President, who may then transmit it to the Board of Trustees if
4. Since the Board of Trustees holds the President responsible for the
operation of the College, concerns, complaints or recommendations
on matters of College Policy will not be considered by the Board until
first presented to the President in writing.
The President shall then present the concern, complaint, or
recommendations to the Board, along with his recommendation concerning
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Statement No. 242.2
February 11, 1993
June 20, 2001
I. POLICY. It is the intent of the Board of Trustees to the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College to comply with the requirements of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA).
A. Assignment of responsibilities to one individual with sufficient powers,
authority and staffing to oversee compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
B. Preparation of a comprehensive self-evaluation of all programs and activities
of the institution, including employment.
C. Appointment of a Council to assist the ADA Coordinator in his or her functions,
in preparation of the self-evaluation, and implementation of a plan of
D. Preparation of an institutional budget for the activities of the ADA Coordinator,
the self-evaluation, and the provision of reasonable accommodation or
auxiliary aids and services.
E. Other steps deemed necessary by the Administration to comply with the
Americans with Disabilities Act unless these pose an undue burden or would
result in a fundamental alteration of programs of the Institution.
F. Parking:
1. An automobile without the proper disabled identification parking in a
parking space designated for the disabled will be ticketed. The fine
associated with this ticket will be $50.00 for each 24-hour period.
2. After three violations during a school year, an automobile is subject to being
towed, immobilized, or barred from campus.
3. College employees, visitors, college vehicles (excluding emergency
situations), and students are subject to the above listed parking rules.
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Statement No. 242.3
July 23, 2003
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following operating policy on June
18, 2003, effective July 1, 2003.
Sexual harassment and discrimination are illegal and endanger the environment
of tolerance, civility, and mutual respect that must prevail if the College is to fulfill
its mission. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to providing
and promoting an atmosphere in which employees can realize their maximum
potential in the workplace and students can engage fully in the learning process.
Toward this end, all members of the College community must understand that
sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and sexual exploitation of professional
relationships violate the College’s policy and will not be tolerated. The College will
take every step to resolve grievances promptly. Any act by the College’s
employees or students of reprisal, interference, or any other form of retaliation,
whether direct or indirect, against a student or employee for raising concerns
covered by this policy is also a violation of this policy. Accordingly, members of
the College community are prohibited from acts of reprisal against individuals who
bring complaints or are involved as witnesses in any action connected with this
A. Applicability
This policy applies to all applicants for employment and admission to College
programs, officers and employees of the College, students, and persons who
serve the College as its agents and are under the control of the College.
B. Sexual Harassment-Definitions
Two categories of sexual harassment are recognized:
1. Quid Pro Quo - Sexual harassment presented as a “bargain” (quid pro quo).
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal
and physical conduct of a sexual nature by one in a superior position
constitutes “bargained-for sexual harassment” when submission by
another is made either an explicit or implicit term or condition of
employment or of academic standing. In this case apparent consent of the
submitting party is less relevant that the extent to which the sexual conduct
is unwelcome. As defined here, “bargained-for sexual harassment”
normally arises in the context of an authority relationship.
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This relationship may be direct as in the case of a supervisor and
subordinate or teacher and student or it may be indirect when the
harasser has the power to direct others who have authority over the victim.
2. Environmental Sexual Harassment
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal
and physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute “environmental sexual
harassment” when such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment which unreasonably
interferes with another’s work, academic performance, or privacy.
Environmental harassment can inflict emotional and psychological harm
on individuals and can make relationships and the work or study
environment unpleasant, threatening, and unproductive. However, there is
no requirement that evidence of actual emotional or psychological harm be
shown in order for environmental sexual harassment to be found to have
In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment as
defined in this policy, the record as a whole will be considered as well as
the context in which the conduct occurred. “Environmental sexual
harassment” normally arises from a repeated and pervasive course of
conduct whereas “bargained-for sexual harassment” can be based on a
single act.
Facts will be judged on the basis of what is reasonable to persons of
ordinary sensitivity and not on the particular susceptibility of an individual,
unless that susceptibility is known to the alleged harasser.
C. Penalties
Penalties will be determined on the basis of the facts of each case and the
extent of harm to the College’s interests, as well as any College record
indicating previous similar wrongdoing by the accused person. Penalties will
be set according to regulations governing student conduct and employment
relationships. These regulations are described in the MGCCC Policy and
Procedures Manual and the MGCCC Student’s Handbook.
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D. Anti-retaliation Assurance
This policy seeks to encourage students and employees to express freely,
responsibility, and in an orderly way opinions and feelings about any problem
or complaint of sexual harassment. Any act of reprisal, including internal
interference, coercion, and restraint, by a College employee or by one acting
on behalf of the College, violates this policy and will result promptly in
appropriate disciplinary action.
E. Improper Complaints
This policy shall not be used to bring frivolous or malicious complaints against
students or employees. If a complaint has been made in bad faith, disciplinary
action will be taken against the person bringing the complaint.
F. Confidentiality
Information generated in the course of informal reviews and formal
investigations necessary to enforcing this policy will be given the full extent of
confidentiality accorded by law to employee personnel records and student
educational records. Any person who, without authorization, reveals such
information will be subject to disciplinary action. The sharing of the content of
complaints will be on a “need to know” basis and will depend on the type of
review and response required by the complainant. In any case, when a
complaint is being mediated and/or investigated, the accused will be informed
of the specific details of the complaint.
G. Responsibility for Implementation
An employee in a supervisory position who has knowledge of conduct
involving sexual harassment that may have occurred in his or her unit must
take action to address the matter immediately. Not to do so may result in
serious consequences for the College and will be considered a breach of
supervisory responsibility.
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H. Reporting Procedure
Any sexual harassment should be reported to the following individuals:
1. Students should report alleged acts of sexual harassment to their
Campus Dean of Students or Administrative Dean.
2. Employees should report alleged acts of sexual harassment to the
Campus Equal Employment Officer (EEO) or the Campus Vice President.
3. The names of Equal Employment Opportunity Officers for each campus
and center are listed in the College Catalog or can be obtained by
contacting the District Human Resources Office.
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Statement No. 242.4
June 7, 1979
March 6, 1986
July 9, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees approved the following on April 27, 1977.
The right of employees to due process of law shall not be abridged. When any
employee presents a complaint, the college is responsible for ensuring that the
complaint is handled according to currently advisable procedures of due process.
This responsibility implies the necessity for college officials to stay informed
concerning the requirements of procedural due process and its changing
interpretation by the courts." (April 27, 1977)
An Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer and Alternate will be appointed
by the appropriate Executive Officer at each Campus/Center of Mississippi Gulf
Coast Community College. When a charge of discrimination of any kind has been
made, or when, in the opinion of the immediate supervisor, it appears probable
that such a charge of discrimination may develop; it shall be the duty of the
immediate supervisor concerned to immediately advise the Executive Officer
and/or the EEO Officer at the Campus/Center verbally, and follow up the verbal
notification in writing with all pertinent facts of the case. Should such charges first
appear in a discipline hearing or similar activity, the EEO Officer shall be notified
immediately. Otherwise, the following steps will normally be followed:
A. The EEO Officer, when notified, will discuss the charge of discrimination
with the Executive Officer of the Campus/Center. Following that
discussion, the EEO Officer will commence an immediate investigation to
ascertain and document all the facts of the case possible and to ascertain
if, in fact, discrimination did occur. The EEO Officer may choose to involve
the Alternate EEO Officer on his/her Campus/Center to assist in the
investigation or another individual with the approval of the Executive
Officer of the Campus/Center. If possible, the EEO Officer should obtain a
written statement alleging the discrimination complaint and background on
the complaint from the complainant. If it is not possible to get a written
statement, the EEO Officer should attempt to obtain the specifics of the
complaint from verbal comments with the complainant or other persons
involved with the incident.
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B. The EEO Officer will inform the complainant that a fair, impartial, and
thorough investigation shall be made into the facts leading up to the
complaint and that recommendation(s) will be made to the Vice
President/Administrative Dean based on the investigation. Details of the
investigation shall be documented to the fullest extent possible. THE
C. The Campus/Center EEO officer shall keep the District Office EEO Officer
aware of the progress of the investigation and shall provide copies of
documentation developed as necessary. The District Office EEO Officer
shall brief the President or his designated representative, on the facts of
the case and advise, if appropriate, the Campus/Center EEO Officer to
contact the College’s EEO legal counsel for assistance in the case.
D. When advised to contact the College’s legal counsel, the EEO Officer will
provide legal counsel all the facts known at that time. Advice of counsel
will take precedence over the steps to follow if dictated by the facts of each
individual case.
E. The EEO Officer will submit a written report to the Vice President/
Administrative Dean that contains all documented facts of the case and
recommended action(s) for approval or disapproval.
F. Upon a decision as to the action(s) to be taken, if any, based on the
investigation conducted by the EEO Officer, the Vice President/
Administrative Dean will notify the complainant immediately by verbal or
written communication. Formal written notification shall be, however, made
by hand delivery (with witness and documentation of time and place of
delivery) or by certified return receipt requested mail.
G. If the complainant is satisfied with action(s) taken, that fact should be noted
in writing; preferably including the signature of the complainant.
H. If not satisfied, the complainant shall be informed that the case may be
appealed in writing to the President of the College within five (5) working
days of receipt of the action(s) taken by the Campus/Center. The
complainant should identify the type of appeal desired. Further, the
complainant shall be required to state the facts of the original complaint in
his or her own words, their understanding of remedial action recommended
and/or approved and the reason for taking the case to the higher level of
appeal. This shall be accomplished in writing and bear the signature of the
complainant. When appeal action is first known to the Campus/Center
EEO Officer, that officer shall ensure that a complete file of all
documentation on the case is delivered to the District Office EEO Officer
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I. On receipt of an appeal from a Campus/Center discrimination
investigation, the President shall order an investigation of the case by the
District Office EEO Officer or by a special committee appointed to hear the
case, depending on conditions of the appeal. During the investigation, the
complainant will be allowed to submit evidence in the form of documents
or statements, and at any hearing may produce any pertinent testimony or
proof. The complainant may have the assistance of counsel, who may, but
need not be, an attorney-at-law. If counsel is present, the College shall
also be represented by counsel. In addition, should an employee have
legal counsel at a hearing, legal counsel will only act as an advisor and will
not be allowed to address the special committee. A detailed and thorough
investigation of the facts shall be conducted immediately. Extent of each
appeal investigation shall be dictated by the facts of the case and the
appeal. It may consist of a careful review of documentation or calling
persons to appear in person to comment on the case. Recommendations
shall be made at the earliest possible time. Whether conducting the
investigation alone, or as a member of the committee, the District Office
EEO Officer shall act as an agent of the President in conduct of actions
taken and shall seek legal counsel on each case appealed.
J. Recommendations for action(s) taken, if any, shall be made relative to the
facts of the case to the President for approval or disapproval. Decision(s)
shall be transmitted to the complainant immediately on receipt from the
President. Notification can be verbal; but must be followed up in writing;
similarly as required to be done at the Campus/Center level.
K. If the complainant is satisfied with the action taken, the case ends at this
step. If he/she is not satisfied, the complainant shall be notified that an
appeal to the Board of Trustees is available within five (5) working days of
receipt of the action taken by the President. College legal counsel shall
provide advice on how to handle each case so further appealed; in each
case, however, complainant shall be required to submit the complaint in
writing stating the reason for submitting the appeal to the Board of
L. It is the duty of the Board of Trustees to act as the final level of
administrative appeal in discrimination charges of employees as outlined
in College Operating Policies.
M. Copies of any complaint submitted under Title IX, Educational
Amendments of 1972, will immediately be submitted to the Title IX
Coordinator located in the Central Office.
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N. Copies of any complaint submitted under the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) shall be immediately submitted to the District Office ADA
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Statement No. 243
September 18, 1980
I. POLICY. The following College Operating Policy was approved by the Board of
Trustees of May 21, 1980:
“In accordance with state law, gambling, lotteries, and raffles shall not be
permitted on campus nor shall any employee sanction the aforementioned in the
name of the College off campus.
A. This policy shall be published in both the Policies and Procedures Manual
and Student Handbook.
B. All college personnel are responsible to ensure compliance.
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Statement No. 244
September 9, 2004
March 29, 2017
I. STATEMENT: Animals, except for service animals assisting the disabled, are
prohibited on any campus or center of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College, with the exception of Faculty Housing at the Perkinston Campus.
A. Employees living in college housing may have pets if they remain in a fenced
area approved by the Dean of Business Services.
B. Stray animals found on a campus or center will be transported to a local animal
C. Employees and students are not permitted to harbor and/or feed stray animals
on any campus or center.
Failure to comply with this statement could result in disciplinary action.
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Education Program
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Statement No. 301
August 6, 2008
November 16, 2011
June 22, 2022
I. STATEMENT: Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) is
committed to the educational support of our students through systematic and
effective advisement. MGCCC provides advisement to all students by assigning
each student toadvise a faculty advisor based on intended degree or program of
study/area of interest as well as offering pre-enrollment advisement through
Enrollment Services.
A. Faculty Handbook
i. MGCCC accepts and recognizes the Faculty Handbook as the
official college publication that outlines responsibilities and activities
related to the Advisement System.
ii. The MGCCC Faculty Handbook shall be maintained in the office of
the Vice President of Teaching and Learning/Community Campus.
iii. The Faculty Handbook outlines two phases of advisement: Phase I
Pre-Enrollment and Phase II Enrollment.
iv. The Faculty Handbook is reviewed and updated annually through
the Instructional Affairs Council and is located on the college
B. Phase I Pre-Enrollment
i. The Pre-Enrollment period includes initial contact, on-campus
contact, orientation, assessment, and registration.
ii. With initial contact, students are directed to on-campus or virtual
counseling through Enrollment Services for information relating to
orientation, assessment, pre-advisement, and initial enrollment.
iii. All new students are encouraged to participate in an on-campus or
virtual orientation. Orientation provides an overview of general
college policies, procedures, and guidelines.
iv. The assessment process is to ensure that students are assigned to
appropriate college course levels. Students without American
College Test (ACT) scores on file will be administered placement
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v. Returning or transferring students begin the Pre-Enrollment Phase
in Enrollment Services.
C. Phase II Enrollment
i. Initially, students will be assigned to a School Advising Coordinator
based on their declared degree program or program of study/area
of interest.
ii. Once students have registered for courses, during the
advisement/registration process, the students are assigned a
faculty advisor in their School to help them with the selection of
appropriate classes and to provide information about the
registration process.
D. Advisee Responsibilities
i. Advisees are responsible for sharing educational goals, priorities,
problems, and questions with the advisor to obtain the greatest
benefit. The advisor assists students in making the most of the
opportunities available at MGCCC and aids students in attaining
educational goals.
ii. Prior to the start of the registration period, continuing students are
expected to schedule an on-campus or virtual appointment with
their advisor to obtain information on MGCCC’s curriculum and its
articulation agreements with colleges/universities, as well as degree
or program of study/area of interest. During this time the advisor will
provide the student with the access code required to register for
classes. Additionally, the advisor will offer career information and
direct students to MGCCC’s campus resources.
iii. Prior to registration for continuing students, the advisor should notify
advisees of their availability and invite them to schedule
appointments for advisement. Then students should contact the
advisor to discuss their progress and request any assistance they
might need through other MGCCC’s campus resources.
E. Advisor Responsibilities
i. Advisors review the progress of advisees using the college auditing
ii. Advisors check advisee’s area of interest for accuracy and assist the
advisee with correcting the area of interest, if necessary.
iii. Advisors should work with advisees to create a Student Educational
Plan (SEP).
iv. Advisors manage the distribution of registration access codes for
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v. Advisors follow up with advisees who have not made contact within
two weeks of registration.
vi. Advisors provide advisees with information about careers in the area
of interest.
vii. Advisors identify advisees who appear to be in jeopardy of failing or
withdrawing and, if appropriate, advisors submit an Early Alert.
viii. If advisees request accommodations during advisement, advisors
refer advises to the Office of Enrollment Services.
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Statement No. 302
August 27, 2008
November 16, 2011
July 25, 2019
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) is an integral
part of the areas it serves and genuinely recognizes its inherent responsibility to
enhance the educational development of all persons able to benefit from its
services. The programs and activities are designed to develop responsible
citizenship and leadership in a constantly changing and highly complex society.
The campuses and centers of this College are dedicated to accomplishing the
above purpose by:
1. Offering college-transfer programs consisting of courses leading to college
2. Providing technical and career programs designed to prepare students for
immediate employment with emphasis on serving community needs.
3. Serving continuing education needs through varied programs, courses, and
4. Promoting and encouraging educational, economic, and cultural development
in the community through the facilities and resources of the college.
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College’s affiliation and operation within a state
system is through the Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB). MGCCC’s
role within the state system is that of a college governed by an independent, local
Board of Trustees.
A. Curriculum Development and Evaluation
Each curriculum offering of MGCCC is developed in the form of a ‘course of
study’ which indicates the pattern of courses recommended to students who
desire to complete a particular two-year program or the lower division
requirements for transfer to a senior college. The approval process ensures
oversight by persons academically qualified to make necessary judgements.
The Instructional Affairs Council reviews and recommends a curriculum for
eventual action by the Executive Council.
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Initial recommendations for courses may come from many sources: advisory
committees, students, individual instructors or administrators, person and
groups in the community, the Board of Trustees, departments, various faculty
committees, or transfer institutions. Proposal for new courses and majors
should be given to the appropriate Department Chairperson/ Dean of
Teaching & Learning for consideration.
The recommendation of the Department will be presented to the Instructional
Affairs Council. The Instructional Affairs Council’s recommendations will be
made to the Executive Council and then to the President. Changes or updates
to an established curriculum will follow the same process as stated above.
B. Developmental Studies
This program is provided for students who show academic deficiencies and/or
lack of readiness for a chosen curriculum. Students are directed to the
Developmental Studies program in accordance with performance on standard
tests given to freshmen prior to registration. Each student is advised of test
results and counseled accordingly. If students do not make satisfactory
progress after one semester, they may be awarded a non-punitive grade of In
Progress (IP) and are permitted to re-enroll.
C. University Parallel Programs
The University Parallel Programs are designed to meet the needs of students
who expect to transfer to a four-year college or university after graduating from
MGCCC. Curriculum development and oversight is led by persons
academically qualified to make necessary judgements.
D. Career and Technical Education
Curriculum development and oversight is led by persons academically
qualified to make necessary judgements. State curriculum frameworks are
developed in association with the Research and Curriculum Unit at Mississippi
State University for Career and Technical programs. Curriculum frameworks
are generally updated on a five-year cycle with input from business/industry
and faculty members across the state. Curriculum is developed and revised
based on guidelines set forth by the Carl Perkins Act.
The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community Colleges’ statement of mission and
role of career, technical and adult education program are as follows:
1. To provide career, technical, and adult education to students according to
their needs, abilities, and interests regardless of race, sex, creed, national
origin, and to otherwise qualified handicapped persons.
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2. To provide career, technical, and adult education to students that are
occupationally specific for job opportunities in skilled occupations.
(Diploma programs)
3. To provide career, technical, and adult education to students for job
opportunities in occupations that are technical and/or paraprofessional.
(Associate Degree programs)
4. To provide career, technical, and adult education that is industry-specific
for new and expanding industries and state-of-the-art instruction for
employed persons.
The offerings are geared to the community and are planned with the
assistance and advice of a general advisory committee composed of leading
businessmen, industrialists, and representatives of many endeavors in the
college community.
Career and Technical Education Programs are designed to meet the
educational needs of students who are seeking preparation for employment in
occupational fields not requiring the four-year college/university
baccalaureate degree. Technical programs require a minimum of four
semesters for completion and lead to the Associate of Applied Science
degree. Career programs vary in length from twelve weeks to two-years and
lead to MGCCC certificates, diplomas, and/or the Associate of Applied
Science in Occupational Education.
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Statement No. 302.1
March 31, 1983
I. POLICY. The Board of Trustees approved the following policy on October 21, 1981:
Non-Traditional Credit
"The College may award credit insofar as good and sound educational
practices dictate based on assessments of the following: College Level
Examination Program (CLEP), Challenge Exams, Advanced Standing
Placement, Educational Experience in the Armed Forces, etc."
One mode for awarding non-traditional credit is through extra-institutional experi-
Extra-institutional experiences are an educational process by which the student's
academic study is formally integrated with periods of planned and evaluated work
experiences related to the student's educational objective. The student usually
receives both financial remuneration and academic credit.
Since meaningful and appropriate learning can occur outside the formal classroom
setting, it recognizes that extra-institutional experience is one way by which such
extramural learning can occur. This system provides the means whereby academic
credit may be awarded to a student who is pursuing an associate degree or certificate
when the learning experiences are relevant to the career objective.
Student participation in extra-institutional experiences is voluntary. However, suitable
options should be provided for those students who elect not to participate.
Areas covered by "extra-institutional experiences" are as follows: internship, on-the-
job training, practicum, apprenticeship, field study, and COOP. The following
procedures and responsibilities are general in nature; individual programs may have
specific requirements.
A. An agreement between Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and the
agency in which the student is working will be maintained.
B. The student shall be involved for a minimum of 15 hours per week or 255 hours
per semester to receive credit (three semester hours' credit)
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1. The work experience shall be directly related to the chosen occupational
2. One hour per week will be required for a lecture-seminar session on campus
which will be scheduled.
C. At least twice a month, the student will be visited on the job. The purpose of
such visits is to review the student's progress in the training assignment; to
evaluate the assignment in terms of program objectives; to establish firm plans
concerning any remaining training periods; and to discuss any issues, concerns,
problems, etc., which the student may have.
D. Provision must be made for a continuous process of evaluation of extra-
institutional experiences by the students, faculty, work supervisors, and
program coordinators. The evaluation should be made on measurable
objectives which were agreed upon prior to the beginning of the learning
1. Two ratings of the student's performance during each training period will be
obtained from the student's employer/supervisor. The rating will be an
appraisal of the student's performance during the training assignment. The
information supplied by the employer will be used by the faculty to provide
guidance and counseling for the student and to assist in grade determination.
2. The student will evaluate his or her reaction to employment, his or her
performance, and objectives set by the instructor for the student.
3. The instructor will evaluate the student through the following methods: on-
the-job visits, employer evaluation, assignment by the instructor, ADN
students' weekly training alignment evaluations.
E. It is expected that students will be paid the prevailing rate for the type of work
they perform. The rate of pay and benefits to be received for a particular position
will be determined by the employer. The educational benefits of training are the
principal concern for the program and the earnings of the students are
considered an attractive by-product. Some volunteer positions are available and
may be approved for students.
F. A detailed course syllabus with all objectives will be maintained for each student.
A copy of this information will be placed in the student file.
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G. The load compensation for extra-institutional experiences will meet the following
1. Maximum enrollment of ten students;
2. Three semester hours' credit, composed of one hour lecture and four hours
laboratory; and
3. Course will not be used to calculate overload but will be used to constitute
an instructor load.
The following information is available in the Forms Repository: Agreement for Extra-
Institutional Experiences
Learning Objectives for Extra-Institutional Experiences Application for Extra-
Institutional Experiences (two pages).
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Statement No. 302.2
February 23, 1989
I. STATEMENT. Course substitutions may be allowed in programs of study when
deemed necessary by student advisors and other appropriate administrative
officers. Substituted courses must be in the same general subject area (e.g., science
for science) and in accordance with transfer requirements of the four-year institution
to which the student plans to transfer.
For approval of course substitutions, the student will be required to follow the
established procedures, obtaining appropriate approval on the course substitution
A. Student must be counseled by his/her advisor and obtain a recommendation of
approval or disapproval on the appropriate form.
B. Advisor will meet with department chairperson for review of recommendation.
C. The Department Chairperson will submit the course substitution form to the
appropriate Dean of Instruction with approval or disapproval indicated.
D. The appropriate Dean of Instruction will approve or disapprove the course
substitution and return the completed form to the Department Chairperson for
E. The student will be advised of the final approval or disapproval of the course
The Course Substitution Form is available in the Forms Repository.
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Statement No. 302.3
June 10, 2008
June 24, 2010
November 16, 2011
February 20, 2019
July 21, 2021
I. POLICY. In recognition of non-traditional learning, the Board of Trustees
approved the following policy on October 21, 1981:
“Non-Traditional Credit”
“The College may award credit insofar as good and sound educational
practices dictate based on assessments of the following: College Level
Examination Program (CLEP), Challenge Exams, Advanced Standing
Placement, Educational Experience in the Armed Forces, etc.”
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) recognizes that students
will be admitted who have prior credit from other colleges/universities attended,
learning experiences validated by assessment, or non-traditional training
experiences. This credit may be used by the enrolled student who is pursuing an
associate degree or certificate when the learning experiences are relevant to the
career objective. Applicability of this credit depends on the coincidence of this
work meeting requirements of MGCCC’s degree programs or a particular
program of study. All credit will be evaluated based on this factor. A student must
consult the university of his/her choice for specific transferability of this credit.
Upon receipt of official transcripts or documentation, credit is available in two
categories: traditional learning experiences in a college environment and non-
traditional learning experiences outside of the formal learning environment.
A. Traditional Learning Experiences. Transfer credit from institutions that hold
accreditation from one of the regional accrediting commissions in the United
States will be considered for acceptance provided the courses are
freshman/sophomore level credit. Students who have attended non-
regionally accredited institutions may request credit by following the
guidelines listed under Non-traditional Learning Experiences.
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Transfer credit from a foreign institution will be considered for acceptance if a
course-by-course evaluation is obtained from an agency that is a member of
the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).
NACES identifies foreign colleges/universities meeting the highest standards
for accreditation in their countries. Agency information may be obtained at
B. Non-traditional Learning Experiences. Since meaningful and appropriate
learning can occur outside the formal learning environment, the College
recognizes that extramural learning can be relevant to degree programs.
Areas of extramural credit are College Level Examination Program (CLEP),
Advanced Placement (AP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST),
Credit for Military Service Experience/Service Schools, Credit for Certain Law
Enforcement Courses, Credit by Departmental Examination, Credit for an
Approved Apprenticeship Program, Professional Health-Related Licensures
or Certifications, and Credit for Life Experience Program.
Credit awarded by this means will receive a grade of “CR” and may not be
used to meet residency for purposes of graduation. The maximum amount of
credit by combination or individual non-traditional means may not exceed 38
semester hours.
1. CLEP enables colleges to evaluate achievement and award credit.
Students are awarded credit for the CLEP examinations if the scores
meet or exceed the minimum ACE (American Council on Education)
recommended score standards for tests taken July 2001 and later.
Passing scores for tests taken before this date will be determined by the
appropriate score stated for acceptance in the MGCCC catalog of the
year during which the test was taken. A list of examinations is available
at the following website:
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as “Credit/CLEP
General Exam” or “Credit/CLEP Subject Area Exam.”
2. AP examinations permit high school students to receive credit for
achievement in coursework at the college level. For a score of 3 in a
particular subject, if offered at MGCCC, students are awarded credit for
one course for a total of three or four semester hours; for scores of 4 or
5, students are awarded credit for two courses for a total of six or eight
semester hours.
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as “Advanced
Placement Credit.”
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3. The DSST Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
(DANTES) program is a series of examinations in college subjects.
Enrolled students are awarded credit for lower division courses for
DANTES examinations if the scores meet or exceed the minimum ACE
recommended score standards. A list of examinations is available at the
DSST website: http://www.getcollegecredit.com/.
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as “Credit
Awarded/DANTES Exam.”
4. Credit for Military Service Experience/Service Schools will be awarded in
accord with the recommendations of the ACE in the Guide to the
Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces. Credit will
be awarded as recommended for the lower division category or the
career/technical certificate category. Community College of the Air Force
is regionally accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges, and the credit is considered traditional. Credit
from all other branches of the military is considered non-traditional.
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript for the appropriate
branch as “Community College of Air Force”, “Army Registry Transcript”,
“Coast Guard Institute”, or “Sailor/Marine Registry Transcript.”
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as “Credit Awarded
Military Service.”
5. Credit in Certain Law Enforcement Courses may be awarded following
departmental recommendation and approval by the appropriate Dean of
Teaching & Learning and the Vice President. Specific courses,
programs, academies, and workshops completed through the Basic Law
Enforcement Course for Sheriffs and Basic Law Enforcement Course for
Police are eligible for consideration (appropriate documentation is
required). The MGCCC College Catalog contains procedures and
courses for awarding credit.
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as “Basic Law
Enforcement Course.”
6. Credit by Departmental Examination may be obtained in courses for
which the CLEP credit is not available. Permission to take a departmental
challenge examination must have the approval of all members of the
department who teach the course and the appropriate Dean of Teaching
& Learning. For courses with labs, a performance test may also be
required at the discretion of the department concerned. A
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nonrefundable fee of 30% of tuition cost per course will be charged for
the examination.
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as “Credit/Departmental
7. Credit for an Approved Apprenticeship Program may be awarded for
satisfactorily completing an approved apprenticeship program. MGCCC,
in partnership with sponsoring companies, coordinates specific
apprenticeship programs designed to meet the training needs of
apprentices as outlined by the United States Department of Labor’s
Bureau of Apprenticeship Training. A person may receive a maximum of
30 semester hours of credit towards the appropriate degree and may be
required to take a competency-based exam to receive credit. A
nonrefundable fee of 30% of tuition cost per course will be charged for the
awarded credit.
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as “Approved
8. Credit for Professional Health-Related Licensures or Certifications will be
awarded for the achievement of Licensures or Certifications that are
nationally recognized by a variety of health care disciplines. Enrolled
students seeking a transitional healthcare pathway may receive up to a
maximum of 14 semester hours of credit towards the appropriate degree
or diploma. Documentation of a current and active license/certification, in
good standing, is required for credit to be awarded, including official
Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as
“Licensure/Certification Experience Credit” (to include licensure type).
9. The Credit for Life Experience Program is available for learning outside
the classroom environment that is not addressed by one of the previous
methods of non-traditional credit. A prior learning portfolio is developed
with the guidance of the department chair in the appropriate discipline
area of the student’s enrolled campus. A narrative essay and
documentation must address each of the course objectives/learning
outcomes as defined on the course syllabus for the course that the student
seeks credit. The portfolio review is performed by the department
chairpersons college-wide and the designated campus instructor teaching
the course. Application deadline for fall is August 1, Spring is November
1, and for summer is April 1. The maximum credit permitted by this method
is three specific MGCCC courses not to exceed a total of 15 semester
hours. A nonrefundable fee of 30% of tuition cost per course will be
charged for the awarded credit.
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Credit will be identified on the MGCCC transcript as “Credit Awarded by
Appropriate Student Services personnel at the campus or center will post each
student’s traditional and non-traditional credit in Academic History. Initial
evaluation of all credit from official documents will be completed during the first
semester of enrollment. Additional credit will be evaluated as it becomes
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Statement No. 302.4
March 13, 2013
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College provides a standard measure for credit
for all courses taught at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. The expected
amount of learning time in all coursework is defined in compliance with the policy
standards of quality and accountability set forth by the Mississippi Community
College Board (MCCB), and the Federal definition of a credit hour established
through the credit hour policy of the Southern Association of Community Colleges
and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College defines a semester credit hour for various
modes of delivery.
A. Traditional ground course: A semester credit hour is equivalent to a minimum
of 750 minutes of student-teacher contact.
B. Laboratory hours: A semester credit hour is equivalent to a minimum 1500
minutes of laboratory time. This includes classes with laboratory components
and experiential learning experiences (i.e. clinical setting for nursing students).
C. Online and/or hybrid course: In courses with any percentage of virtualized or
electronic delivery methods, a semester credit hour is equal to that of
traditional courses as evidenced by the equivalency of learning outcomes
described in the Uniform Course of Study.
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Statement No. 303.1
April 22, 1993
August 12, 1999
January 26, 2004
November 15, 2005
June 28, 2007
March 12, 2008
October 21, 2009
March 19, 2014
June 21, 2023
September 20, 2023
I. STATEMENT. With the differing number of semester hours and contact
hours for courses, and because class size and number of preparations
vary, the regular teaching load for instructors will be determined by
considering semester hours taught, contact hours, student-teacher ratio,
and preparations. Pay for teaching overloads will be awarded when regular
teaching loads have been fulfilled and additional class offerings are
The calculation of loads and overloads is based on load points. Except for
certain Visual and Performing Arts courses (described in Section III below),
the points assigned to a class equal the sum of credit hours plus clock hours
that the class meets. The regular teaching load is a combination of the
following for instructors:
A. 30 Points
1. Each credit hour counts as 1 point.
2. Each contact hour counts as 1 point, including credit, non-credit, or
Learning Lab.
3. A course release (6 points) will be given each semester to select
instructors for special assignments: School Chairs, Advisement
Coordinators, Instructional Designers, Honors Directors, Art Gallery
Coordinators, and Auditorium Coordinators.
B. Minimum Average Class Size
1. For Academic and Technical programs, the minimum average class
size is 16 students.
2. For Nursing and Health Professions programs, the minimum
average class size varies according to each respective accrediting
agency (or MGCCC threshold for programs that do not have an
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accreditor). Nursing instructors oversee 10 students in the clinical
setting as part of their load.
3. For Career programs, the minimum average class size is 14
students or the MGCCC threshold deemed safe and sustainable for
each program.
C. Preparations As many as three preparations (i.e., three different
courses) are considered part of the regular load.
The maximum number of overload points that a regular faculty member
may receive is 54 points. No overloads will be paid in a discipline until all
teaching faculty college-wide in that discipline have a regular load. Time
spent with overload classes will be additional to the normal working week
(35 hours).
A. The base pay rate (aka, adjunct faculty rate) for a three-credit-hour
class (six points) is established by the Executive Council and the
President. This base pay rate is recorded in Executive Council minutes
and is hereafter referred to as the “base pay rate.”
B. Academic and Technical Instructors The overload rate of pay per
point varies according to average class size in all credit classes taught:
NOTE: average class size = number of students ÷ number of
1. If an instructor has an average of 23 students, or above, then the
rate of pay per point will be 20% (1/5) of the base pay rate.
2. If an instructor has an average of 16-22 students, then the rate of
pay per point will be 16.67% (1/6) of the base pay rate, which is the
same as the adjunct faculty rate.
3. If an instructor has an average class size of 1-15 students, then the
rate of pay per point will be 12.5% (1/8) of the base pay rate.
Average Class Size in All Classes Taught Rate of Pay Per Point
23 students or above 20% (1/5) of base pay rate
16-22 students 16.67% (1/6) of base pay rate
1-15 12.5% (1/8) of base pay rate
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C. Nursing and Health ProfessionsThe overload rate of pay will be
$180 for each student that a Health Professions instructor oversees in
a clinical setting. The overload rate of pay will be $180 for each student
that a Nursing instructor oversees in a clinical setting beyond the 10
required as part of the Nursing instructor load.
D. Career Instructors The overload rate of pay for each FTE above 14
will be 25% (1/4) of the base pay rate. For purposes of overloads, FTE
will be calculated as the total student credit hours generated by the
instructor during the semester divided by 15 (i.e., 15 student credit
hours = 1 FTE).
Total FTE in All Classes Taught
Amount of Pay
15 FTEs
25% of base pay rate
16 FTEs
50% of base pay rate
18 FTEs
100% of base pay rate
22 FTEs
200% of base pay rate
E. One overload (100% of the base pay rate) will be paid to each instructor
who has an average class size of 35 or above in all classes taught. An
additional overload will be paid to each instructor who has an average
class size of 60 or above in all classes taught.
F. Fifty dollars ($50) will be paid for each semester-hour preparation
above three preparations. Overloads do not count in determining
numbers of preparations. Preparation is defined as any class with a
separate course number, except courses with different numbers taught
at the same time or classes with less than seven students (if any are
approved). These exceptions will not count in determining preparations.
G. Student Interns The overload rate of pay will be $180 for each student
intern that an instructor oversees. An instructor is eligible to be paid for
a maximum of 10 paid interns per course.
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Choir, drama production, and private lessons are assigned point values for
purposes of load/overload calculations using the following guidelines:
Teaching Load = 30 points (semester hours + clock
Choir Director/Accompanist 6 points
Drama Production 6 points
Private Lessons 8 half-hour lessons = 6 points
assignment will be paid 100% of the base pay rate for eight (8) 30-minute
private lessons. [One half-hour private lesson equals one eighth (12.5%) of
the base pay rate. A one-hour private lesson equals one fourth (25%) of the
base pay rate.]
The college system of load points shall be used to determine adjunct faculty
pay. The adjunct rate of pay per point is 16.67% of the base pay rate. In order
to allow for reasonable non-contact hours, faculty workload (clock hours per
workweek) shall be determined by the following:
Classroom/Online Adjunct Faculty Workload = 2.25 x contact hours.
Other (Learning Lab) Adjunct Faculty Workload = contact hours.
The maximum workload that an adjunct faculty member may receive in any
contract period shall not exceed the equivalent of a 19-clock hour workweek.
With the exception of full-time employees of the college, any other
contracts/employment held by the adjunct faculty member with the college
must be reported by the adjunct faculty member and must be considered in
the 19-clock hour workweek. Dual credit courses are excluded from the
calculation of the adjunct faculty workload when the faculty member is
employed full-time by the local school district. The Executive Council and the
college President establish adjunct faculty workload and rate of pay for
Nursing and Health Professions faculty.
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According to previous opinions written by the Attorney General of the
State of Mississippi, it is a violation for a public employee to be paid twice for
working the same time. A normal work week could include both credit and
non-credit classes. As a result, it is necessary that non-credit instructional
and/or external grant assignments be accounted for in addition to the time
spent with credit teaching loads and overloads herein outlined in this
administrative statement. Full-time credit faculty should first meet credit
instruction needs, and then, non-credit assignments can be leveraged to
satisfy a teaching load.
The normal work week for all instructors in academic, technical, career,
nursing, and health professions programs will be based on the respective
instructor’s teaching schedule and office hours as required for a 35-hour
work week per semester as well as the additional required work hours to
obtain overload pay. The teaching schedule and office hours that make up
a work week for instructors must be approved by the appropriate Teaching
and Learning and/or Administrative Dean each semester.
To receive additional compensation, verification of hours of work and
completion of duties outside the normal work week must be maintained. It
will be the responsibility of the instructor, college employee overseeing the
assignment (credit, non-credit, or grant), and the appropriate campus or
center administrator to maintain documentation for review by the appropriate
college or other official confirming the completion of duties outside the
normal work week. If necessary, documentation for grants must include a
Time and Effort Report, found in the Forms Repository, with appropriate
signatures as well as a copy of the approved work schedule for the instructor
for the semester in which additional compensation is earned.
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Statement No. 303.2
January 16, 1989
March 3, 2004
November 16, 2011
A. Assignment of Instructors to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
(MGCCC) Overload Classes
1. Fall and spring semester overloads will be assigned in the following priority
order and, when more than one instructor qualifies:
a. Seniority in the campus academic department or campus career/technical
b. Other instructors in the campus academic department or career/technical
c. Full-time instructors from other campuses/centers.
d. Full-time non-instructional employees of the campus/center.
e. Full-time non-instructional employees of other campuses/centers.
2. Overloads at the MGCCC Centers will be assigned using the same priority
3. Instructors desiring to teach overload classes must inform the appropriate
department chairperson or center dean of this at least three weeks prior to
the beginning of classes of a particular term/semester.
4. No adjunct instructor will be given an oral confirmation or written contract for
classes until all full-time instructors and qualified non-instructional personnel
have had an opportunity to teach classes as overloads.
5. In the event that an assigned overload class for a full-time employee of the
College does not develop, this employee, upon his/her request, will be
assigned to a potential adjunct class.
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B. Assignment of Instructors to Mississippi Virtual Community College
(MSVCC) Overload Classes
1. Fall and spring semester overloads for online courses will be assigned in the
following order when more than one instructor qualifies. A qualified online
instructor is one who has taught online college credit courses or has gone
through a minimum of 10 hours of MGCCC employee development
eLearning training.
a. Seniority in teaching in the online MGCCC environment.
b. Full-time instructors from all campuses/centers.
c. Full-time non-instructional employees of all campuses/centers.
2. Instructors desiring to teach overloads of online courses must inform the
appropriate department chairperson or center dean at least three weeks
prior to the beginning of the class start date of a particular term/semester.
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Statement No. 303.3
July 1, 1972
June 7, 1979
I. STATEMENT. The size of classes should be governed by the nature and
purpose of the course, the adequacy of teaching facilities, the competencies of
the teaching staff and the cost of the program.
A. Campus Vice President
B. Dean of Instruction
C. Department Chairpersons
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Statement No. 303.4
August 22, 1977
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. To meet state and federal career-technical regulations and to facilitate
local planning, the College submits to the Career-Technical Education Division of the
Mississippi State Department of Education, a Local Career and Technical Education
Plan. The format for all postsecondary educational institutions is specified by the State
Department. Some local adaptations are necessary in order to apply the format to the
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC).
This plan requires detailed planning and the development of a plan of operation and
administration for all on-going career-technical education offerings. In addition,
projections of program offerings are made for a two-year period. The college
philosophy, goals and administration must be taken into consideration in the local plan
The local career-technical education plan is a coordinated effort of the District Career
and Technical Instruction Office and the career-technical instruction offices of the
campuses and centers.
Indicated below are the procedural steps to be taken in the Local Plan development
and the office(s) responsible. The dates are left blank to be completed at the time the
procedural steps are initiated for developing the Local Plan. However, all responsible
persons should be alert throughout the year for information and documentation which
may be useful in Local Plan development.
Function Responsible
A. Local Plan development procedure District Office
steps initiated.
B. Determine Local Plan format. District Office
C. Career-Technical Instructional Deans District Office
meet to discuss Local Plan format.
D. Revise or re-write Local Plan District Office,
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materials. Materials should be Campuses and
typed in finished form ready Centers
for duplication.
NOTE: District Office Career-Technical
Instruction personnel will be available to
consult with campus and center personnel
as needed.
E. Local Plan materials submitted to the Campuses and
District Office. Centers
F. Local Plan materials reviewed by District Office
District Office.
G. Coordination, if needed, by District District Office
Office with campuses and centers in
reviewing Local Plan materials.
H. Local Plan materials revised if needed. District Office,
Campuses and Centers
I. Revised Local Plan materials resubmitted Campuses and
to District Office. Centers
J. Local Plan finalized. District Office
K. Local Plan reviewed with Vice District Office
President, Teaching & Learning/Community
Campus and the President. Statement
of Assurances signed.
L. Local Plan submitted to State Department. District Office
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Statement No. 303.5
July 1, 1972
December 6, 1988
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. Career-Technical training is offered to the local high schools for
juniors and seniors. Classes are conducted for a period of three hours per day, five
days per week, for the nine-month school session.
The Campus/Center Career and Technical Deans are responsible for developing an
agreement with the local high school officials. This agreement includes time
schedule, number of students, specific programs to be offered, cost, etc.
This agreement is finalized in the spring or early summer of each year.
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Statement No. 303.6
August 28, 1974
November 2, 1977
December 6, 1988
July 8, 2004
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT.Live Work" is defined as any work/project, other than laboratory
or training aids, which students perform as part of their training program. Such
work must be done in school and includes service, repair, or production jobs of
any and all kinds, excluding work performed by students enrolled in
Career/Technical Cooperative Programs. Live Work is work performed by
students as part of their training in Career/Technical Education. Live work must
be related to the training program and must provide a learning experience for the
student. Live work should not compete with private enterprise. Instructors are
responsible for following all regulations, which detail the appropriateness,
scheduling, and release of school liability.
Completed projects resulting from live work that utilizes supplies and materials
purchased with public funds, i.e., storage buildings, trailers, etc., shall be
inventoried and shall become the property of the state or the local college district
or shall be disposed of in a manner consistent with state law.
The following guidelines must be adhered to in order to ensure that the live-work
experience/project is consistent with the mission of the college and the career-
technical program.
A. Relationship to Training
Live work will be conducted when in the opinion of the instructor the training
program requires such projects for students to acquire occupational skills
leading to employment. Live work will be assigned to individual students
by the instructor(s) as part of the student’s training program and will
conform to standards established by the Mississippi Community College
Board. Live Work will be scheduled for an individual or groups of students
to correlate with the instructional unit with which the live work is associated.
Live work shall be accepted in terms of its appropriateness and need in the
training program rather than for production and/or accommodation.
B. Administration
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Administration and control of live work shall reside with the career-
technical dean or representative. All live work must be approved by the
career/technical dean or representative and conducted in accordance with
these and other policies issued by the Board of Trustees. The instructor
shall be responsible for the maintenance of appropriate records.
C. Eligibility for Live Work
Live work will be performed in shops and/or labs. The scope and extent of
each project will be well-defined and documented before acceptance.
Live work projects can be conducted on a priority basis as follows:
1. Students.
2. College employees or other school systems.
3. Other tax support programs and institutions or charitable organizations.
4. Other individuals and organizations if:
a. Such live work is not designed for competition with private enterprises.
b. The circumstances involved justify the acceptance of the live work project.
c. The instructor can justify the need for the live work in accordance with the
purpose of the training program.
5. Exception for Licensed Training Programs When a licensed training
program such as cosmetology or barbering is operated, services may be
provided to the public within a schedule of charges established by the college
D. Release of College Liability
The person, program, institution, or organization for which live work is done
1. Accept the work performed by the students and assume all responsibility for
the completed workmanship.
2. Bear all actual cost of materials and parts involved.
3. Sign an agreement to the above conditions and specifically stipulate the work
to be performed.
4. Not hold the college, instructor, administration, or students liable for damage
to the project or parts of the project.
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E. Restrictions on Live Work
Live work will not be conducted to compete with private enterprise; and, as
such, neither the college nor college employees shall receive economic
profit from live work. Live work is restricted as follows:
1. Live work may be performed only when tasks are directly related to the skills
currently being taught in the classroom as part of a sequenced course of
study. Tasks should not be taught out of sequence in order to accommodate
live work.
2. No person shall use career-technical facilities, equipment or any live work for
personal gain or profit.
3. Live work conducted for student experiences must be conducted during actual
class periods.
4. Career-technical instructors will not perform live work without students for the
benefit of others.
F. Procedures for Approval of Live Work Experiences/Projects
1. All live work must be scheduled in advance to be incorporated into the
instructional plan.
2. The person requesting live work must sign a form agreeing to the live
work policies and procedures and may be required to sign a work order
form applicable to the particular project.
3. The person, institution, or organization requesting live work will be
required to furnish the name, address, telephone number, and other
contact information of the person responsible for bearing all costs
4. Because of the instructional process, the college cannot establish a
definite time when the work will be completed; however, the owner will
be notified when the work is completed.
5. Property remaining on a campus/center for more than 30 days after the
owner has been notified to remove the live-work project (or after a
diligent effort has been made to contact the owner) will be disposed of
at the owners’ expense.
The Live Work Project Agreement form is available in the Forms Repository.
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Statement No. 303.8
September 28, 1989
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) recognizes
that computer services are necessary for instructional development and
administrative/management functions. Faculty, staff, administration, and students
are encouraged to use available computer resources. The College's computer
resources, and equipment are available through a central computer (mainframe),
computer laboratories, Learning Resources Centers, as well as departmental and
administrative offices. The Vice President for Administration and Finance and the
Vice President for Instruction, Student Services, and Related Technologies co-
chair the Instructional Technology Committee, composed of faculty, staff, and
administration. The Committee is responsible for establishing priorities for
administrative and instructional efforts as well as computer usage. To meet the
needs of all user groups, the following practices establish priorities for computer
A. Specialized instructional laboratories (business and computer technology,
drafting, and computer repair) are reserved for students enrolled in
programs requiring the use of computer equipment.
B. Computer Science instructional laboratories are available to any student
enrolled in the College on a space available basis. Students enrolled in
Computer Science courses will receive first priority.
C. Computer equipment in the Learning Resources Centers may be used by
any student enrolled in the College on a space available basis or by
D. Instructors may, upon written request, reserve Learning Lab computer
usage for special classroom projects or assignments.
E. Computer equipment in departmental and administrative offices is available
for faculty, staff, and administrative use.
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Statement No. 304
September 15, 1973
December 6, 1988
November 20, 1990
August 12, 1996
February 13, 2004
November 16, 2011
April 4, 2018
January 20, 2021
I. STATEMENT: Textbooks that are available in the bookstore fall into two
categories: Book Service and Purchase Materials. The term "book service" is
important and is not to be interpreted as "book rental”. Book Service books are pre-
paid by students using the “Resource Fee” that is attached to the course at
registration. Upon check out of the Book Service book, the student is then bound
by the Book Service Agreement and subject to the policies attached. Additional
purchase materials not covered by the Resource Fee must be paid for, in full, at
the bookstore. These include dated materials, workbooks, systems approach
packages, access codes, and dictionaries, as well as supplemental instructional
materials such as uniforms or program specific kits.
Bookstore managers, Deans of Business Services, Deans of Teaching and
Learning, Deans of Student Services, and the faculty must work together if the book
service is to be successful.
A. Textbook guidelines are:
1. Books used must be adopted for a minimum period of three years.
Exceptions to this rule will be approved only when the instructor shows that
due to an advancement in the field, a change in book is essential for the
betterment of this class.
2. When the three-year adoption period has expired, and the change in text
is requested, the old stock may be disposed of and removed from
B. Bookstore Managers and Deans of Business Services are responsible for
conduct of the day-to-day business of the bookstore, to include issuing books,
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charging fees, receiving books and other management actions associated with
normal operation.
C. Issue of Books and Fees: Upon presentation of the student’s receipt/schedule
and student ID, students will be issued textbooks on book service. The cost of
the book service is included in the Resource Fee as established by the Board
of Trustees. A summary of per semester fees is available in the College catalog.
Students enrolled in programs that are not subject to the Resource Fee are
eligible to receive book service textbooks if such a textbook exists for their
The President may waive or modify any of these charges, as necessary.
1. Purchase of Textbooks - Students who wish to purchase textbooks or
students who do not return textbooks under book service at the end of the
semester will be charged the replacement cost of the textbook after a
period designated by the bookstore at the end of each semester.
D. Return of Textbooks: At the end of the semester, students will return book
service textbooks to the bookstore to be checked back into inventory.
1. If the textbook is damaged beyond standard wear, it will be left to the
discretion of the bookstore manager to make a determination and assess
damage charges. These charges will be based upon the severity of the
damage and could either be a partial fee or full replacement cost
depending on usability. Books with water damage and/or mold and mildew
are automatically subject to a full replacement charge unless the student
chooses to purchase a replacement from another source and return it in
place of the damaged book. In this case, the student will be subject to
standard late fees unless other arrangements have been made with the
Bookstore Manager.
2. Textbooks that are not returned after the posted deadline will be charged
a monetary late fee per unreturned textbook. Textbooks returned in a
damaged condition will be subject to a damage fee dependent upon the
state of the textbook. If a textbook is not returned prior to the end of
registration during the following semester, a financial HOLD will be placed
on the student’s account and the student will be charged the full
replacement costs for each textbook that is not returned.
3. Students will remain on hold until all fines for delinquent, damaged, or
unreturned books are paid in full, or the books are returned to the
bookstore. The student may not register, receive official transcripts, or
have their transcripts transferred to another institution until all of the fees
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are paid. Any tampering or damage to the textbook barcode label will result
in the student owing the full replacement price of the textbook.
4. Late books may be eligible for a partial credit depending upon the
condition, need, and adoption status of the textbook. If a credit is applied,
the bookstore hold will be removed from the account, though the student
will still be subject to any fees on their account with the Business Office.
Credit percentages are:
First Semester: 75% of the full replacement cost
Second Semester: 50% of the full replacement cost
Third semester forward and/or until the book is no longer in
use, the student may be eligible for a 25% credit of the full
replacement cost.
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Statement No. 304.1
October 8, 1998
November 16, 2011
April 4, 2018
I. STATEMENT. The College has established the procedures and responsibilities
listed below to ensure the same business practices are followed in all College
1. The Bookstore Manager will coordinate the sale of salvaged textbooks with the
Dean of Business Services.
2. The Bookstore Manager will require all prospective purchasers to make an
appointment and to furnish proper identification prior to inspection of books for
3. Prospective buyers will not be allowed to enter the book storage area with
briefcases, bags or any container in which books may be concealed.
4. Prospective buyers will not be allowed in the book storage area unless
accompanied by the manager or designee.
5. After the buyer selects the books and a price agreed upon, the buyer will
gather the textbooks under the supervision of the bookstore manager or
designee and take to the register for purchase. Bookstore personnel will enter
the sale in the appropriate cash register. Cash or Credit Card payment must
be made in full at this time.
6. The buyer will be given a receipt, with duplicate retained by the bookstore.
The bookstore will maintain a detailed record of the transaction, number of
books sold, titles of the books and the amount received for the books. The
manager will make the recorded adjustments to the inventory.
7. Only after the transaction is completed can the buyer leave the bookstore with
the books that have been purchased. Transport from the bookstore to vehicle
is the sole responsibility of the buyer, and any assistance is at the discretion
of the bookstore.
8. Prospective purchasers of salvaged text will not be allowed to visit faculty
offices for the purpose of purchasing textbooks.
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Statement No. 305
November 30, 1989
October 17, 2003
I. STATEMENT. As a part of the expense to attend Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College, a registration fee is assessed to all students who take a
course(s) for which permanent individual records are to be maintained.
Registration fees which are collected from students are non-refundable. The
procedures for assessing registration fees are in effect:
A. The current registration fee is charged to any student for which individual
credit or continuing education credit is awarded for the course(s) for that
individual student.
B. Students who meet the criteria in Item A will be charged this registration fee
for each semester enrolled or for individual credit and non-credit courses,
which is applicable.
C. In cases where the College has a contractual agreement for services to
company employees, the registration fee may be incorporated in the
company costs.
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Statement No. 305.1
January 1, 1995
July 1, 1997
July 1, 2000
I. STATEMENT. The College’s purpose includes educational training and services
to the business community to assist in the growth, development and increased
productivity of business and industry. Training programs and services will be
provided as deemed appropriate for specific entities based on request, need and
analysis. Resources from college, state, local and national sources will be
utilized, as available, to provide business/industry/agency services in the most
cost-effective manner.
An administrative charge for indirect costs will be applied for time-specific
industrial training, skills enhancement, basic skills, upgrade and other work-based
A. Based on training plan, budget for training/services will be determined with
project cost identified.
B. Funding sources are determined and listed in budget.
C. An administrative charge for indirect costs will be applied to the project cost
payable to MGCCC as follows:
1. For training/services provided on business/industry/agency site, twenty
percent (20%) of project cost.
2. For training/services provided on MGCCC site, and with mobile training lab,
twenty-five (25%) of the project cost.
D. Any exceptions to the 20/25% fee must be negotiated between the
company/industry and the Vice President Community Campus and
Institutional Development. These must be presented for approval to the
President of MGCCC via the Vice President Community Campus and
Institutional Development.
E. The $5 registration fee will not be applicable to participants in projects with
administrative charges.
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Statement No. 306
September 17, 1997
February 25, 1999
June 12, 2003
July 9, 2008
December 4, 2013
I. STATEMENT. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) Network and
Internet Access provides students, faculty, staff, and administrators a wide variety of
communication and informational resources. All users (employees and students) will
abide by policies and procedures which require users to be identified and to follow a set
of practical guidelines when utilizing the college’s information technology resources and
telecommunications network to protect the integrity of its computing systems,
workstations, and lab facilities. These policies and procedures define appropriate use of
e-mail and other network services.
The following administrative guidelines govern the use of the College's information
technology resources. All users are expected to be familiar with, and to conform to, these
guidelines. In deciding what is and is not an acceptable use, there are two overriding
principles of MGCCC: (1) the College’s information technology and telecommunication
resources exist to support the College’s mission, and (2) the College is committed to
ensuring a positive learning environment for all members of its community. Since use of
the Internet is provided as an educational resource, user participation is a privilege, not
a right. In addition to the guidelines provided in this statement, users are expected to
comply with additional college rules and regulations as published in the MGCCC Student
Handbook and other college publications.
A. The user is solely responsible for all actions taken while using his/her user-
id. Therefore, the user should change his/her password if he/she believes
his/her password is no longer secure.
B. The user will not share his/her user-id and password with anyone else
including his/her family and/or friends. No one but the user is given access
to the MGCCC network. If the user gives this information to another person,
the user is solely responsible for the actions of the other person.
C. The user cannot delete, examine, copy, or modify files and/or data
belonging to other students or faculty/staff/administration without prior
consent. Unauthorized copying of copyrighted software through the
MGCCC network is strictly prohibited.
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D. The user must immediately cease any network activity because of negative
impact on the network or other users when requested by network
administrative personnel, college lab personnel, or faculty. Failure to
comply will result in loss of network privileges.
E. Certain materials available on the Internet are inherently inappropriate for
educational purposes. Examples include material that is of a sexually
explicit nature or that advocates violence or discrimination; humor of an
offensive or sexually explicit nature; and pirated commercial software.
Technology personnel, instructors, library personnel, lab personnel, and
public safety officers have the right to monitor user activity on the Internet
and deny access to these materials or invoke other sanctions as
F. Since most of the Internet access for students will be in the computer labs,
classrooms and libraries, each location may have guidelines that prioritize
computer needs. In all cases, student class needs shall take priority over
surfing the Internet.
G. Unauthorized commercial use of the computer facilities and/or services
provided by MGCCC is prohibited. Authorization for use of computer
facilities and/or services is obtained through the normal facilities usage
H. Unauthorized home pages and ftp sites are prohibited. Users may not
create or utilize any servers or server software on their office,
departmental, lab, or personal computers utilizing the college’s network
without authorization from the Director of Information Technology.
I. Users should not expect confidentiality on the College network.
Administrators have the legal right to read files and e-mail. Whenever
electronic mail is sent, your name and user-id are included with the
message. The user is responsible for all electronic mail originating from
his/her user-id.
J. The user will not attempt to access data being transferred through the
network or files on any computer connected to the network without the
owner’s permission. Employees are expected to attempt to access,
through any system, only information that is needed in the context of the
performance of their normal duties and to exercise good judgment in the
use of such information.
K. The user will not attempt to violate any connected computer system’s
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L. The user will not attempt to spread computer viruses, Trojan horses,
worms, or any program designed to violate security, interfere with the
proper operation of any computer system or destroy another person’s data.
M. The user will not install any unauthorized software on any college-owned
N. The user will not use the network in any manner that violates institutional
policies or procedures and any federal, state, or local law including the
provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act designed to
protect the confidentiality of data and the privacy of individuals.
O. Since the Internet links MGCCC to many other worldwide networks, users
must observe the acceptable use policies of any remote network accessed
through the MGCCC Internet connection.
P. Violation of network policies and procedures may result in loss of network
and/or Internet access, dismissal, or other sanctions.
Q. This policy may also be accessed at the MGCCC web site.
R. Users of all college-owned electronic devicesincluding students,
employees, and members of the MGCCC Board of Trusteesmay be
assigned a device for college use. The user will be assigned the
inventoried device for a period of time, will acknowledge receipt of the
inventoried device, and will verify that they understand the college’s
Acceptable Use Policy. When the use period has ended, the user will return
the device to the appropriate college official, and the device will no longer
be the sole responsibility of the user.
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Statement No. 306.1
August 27, 2014
May 20, 2020
I. STATEMENT. This statement is an internal IT statement which defines anti-virus
policy on every computer including how often a virus scan is performed, how often
updates are performed, and what programs will be used to detect, prevent, and
remove malware programs. It defines what types of files attachments are blocked
at the mail server and what anti-virus program will be run on the mail server. It
may specify whether an anti-spam firewall will be used to provide additional
protection to the mail server. It may also specify how files can enter the trusted
network and how these files will be checked for hostile or unwanted content. For
example, it may specify that files sent to the enterprise from outside the trusted
network be scanned for viruses by a specific program.
A. All college computers and servers will always have approved Anti-Virus software
installed and running on the computer or server.
B. Computers will be set up to complete a full system scan of files on a weekly
C. The system setting will allow the Anti-Virus software to use 50% of the
available CPU resources to complete the scan.
D. MGCCC’s Office 365 Email system will have a separate Anti-Virus and
spam filtering system to help identify and eliminate threats before they
reach the end-user.
E. A cloud email service scans all attachments and blocks any determined to
be dangerous and may contain active content which may be used to infect
a computer.
F. Blocked file attachment types will be kept current and will be on file in the
IT Department.
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Statement No. 306.2
August 27, 2014
May 20, 2020
I. STATEMENT. This statement defines acceptable use of employee email systems
and computer equipment. The scope of this includes all employees accessing the
college’s computers, wired and Wi-Fi networks, and email systems.
II. PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. In accepting an account to access
MGCCC’s employee email system, or in the use of any of the computer equipment
at MGCCC including network access for the purposes of accessing the internet,
the user agrees to the following terms and conditions:
A. Employees are responsible for keeping their passwords confidential and
should never share this information or access to college resources with
others, including family members. Employees who lose or forget their
passwords may contact the Information Technology (IT) helpdesk for
B. Use of college computer resources is limited to work and academic
purposes, except upon approval of the college.
C. Unauthorized commercial use of the computer facilities and/or services
provided by MGCCC is prohibited.
D. Employees should not expect confidentiality on the college network. IT and
administrators have the legal right to read files and email.
E. The college does not routinely monitor or inspect individual accounts.
There are situations, however, in which the college has a legitimate need
to do so: to protect the integrity of MGCCC systems and resources; with
appropriate authorization, when there is a reasonable suspicion that the
user has violated either laws or MGCCC policies; or when required by law
to do so. All monitoring and inspection shall be subject to proper
authorization, notification, and other legal requirements.
F. Any attempt to interrupt or damage the operation of any college system
shall result in the termination of the user's access and appropriate
disciplinary action.
G. Any attempt to acquire information stored on the systems other than that
declared as public information or information stored by the permitted users
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
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shall constitute a violation of college policies regarding privacy of
H. Employees cannot delete, examine, copy, or modify files and/or data
belonging to other users without prior consent. Employees are expected
to attempt to access, through any system, only information that is needed
in the context of the performance of their normal duties and to exercise
good judgment in the use of such information.
I. Employees will not use the network in any manner that violates institutional
policies or procedures and any federal, state, or local law including the
provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act designed to
protect the confidentiality of data and the privacy of individuals.
J. Employees are responsible for their account and all work done under that
account. Employees are responsible for all electronic communication
originating from their user account. Any unauthorized use of that account
by other users must be reported.
K. Employees should be aware that it is a criminal offense to copy any
material protected by copyright.
L. Employees are prohibited from posting on or transmitting through the
MGCCC systems any unlawful; harmful; threatening; abusive; harassing;
defamatory; vulgar; obscene; profane; hateful; or racially, ethnically, or
otherwise objectionable material of any kind.
M. MGCCC reserves the right to block internet traffic from all file sharing or
other non-educational sites.
N. Employees must immediately cease any network activity because of
negative impact on the network or other users when requested by network
administrative personnel, college lab personnel, or faculty.
O. Although redirection of email is permitted, redirecting email is done at the
employee’s own risk with no support or guarantee from IT.
P. Employees attempting to access MGCCC’s wireless networks on their
personal devices must have a valid and up-to-date anti-virus program with
all updates being current to within the last 7 calendar days.
Q. IT does not support software installed on employees personal systems.
Please refer to the software or hardware manufacturer.
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Statement No. 306.3
August 27, 2014
May 20, 2020
I. STATEMENT. The college uses an automated process to deactivate network
user ID’s and accounts based on the employment status of an employee. Upon
leaving the institution, the process is used to deactivate a user’s access to
networked systems.
II. PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. All deactivation account notices are
automated and received for the Banner ERP system. An automated process
completes the following steps after the Human Resources department enters an
employee end-date in Banner:
A. The automate process follows these steps:
1. Deactivate network access (this includes email and Windows
a. User domain accounts are to be retained for a period before
permanent deletion, unless a request is received by
administration to retain accounts for a longer period.
2. Deactivate Banner access.
3. Deactivate Virtual Private Network (VPN) access if applicable.
B. If the manager requests previous email or network files made available,
they will initiate the request via a help desk ticket prior to the thirty-day
retention period. Within the ticket, the following information should be
1. Identify the name of the individual whose information is to be
2. Identify the data to be transferred (email and/or network files).
C. IT will get approval from both MGCCC Human Resources and the Vice
President overseeing this area and IT will keep the documented proof of
the request. An approval via email is acceptable.
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D. IT will archive all email and/or files and transfer them to the appropriate
network share or private directory of the requestor. Upon request, copies
can also be made available for the Vice President overseeing that area.
E. IT will NOT keep copies of the materials.
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Statement No. 306.4
August 27, 2014
March 29, 2017
May 20, 2020
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Employees must be
afforded the highest levels of data security technology can offer. This level shall
not be so evasive as to hamper the normal workflow process Microsoft Office 365
is the college’s official email system of use for employee communications.
A. Email attachments size is determined by Microsoft Office 365.
B. Email limits are governed by the Microsoft Office 365 guidelines and are
revised periodically by Microsoft.
C. Users will be warned when their mailbox reaches 90% of the email limit.
D. Users will be unable to send email when their mailboxes reach 100% of the
email limit.
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Statement No. 306.5
August 27, 2014
May 20, 2020
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) employees
must be afforded the highest levels of data security technology can offer. The use
of passwords is a critical component of access to college systems. To ensure the
confidentiality and integrity of MGCCC information, the Information Technology
department requires all MGCCC employees to use industry standard “changing
and “strong passwords.” The purpose of this statement is to establish a standard
for creation of strong passwords, the protection of those passwords, and the
frequency of change.
A. General
All user-level passwords (i.e., email, web, desktop computer, etc.) must be
changed at least every six months (180 days). Password creation must
have the following characteristics:
1. Contain at least three of the four following character classes:
a. Lower case characters
b. Upper case characters
c. Numbers
d. Punctuation
2. Contain at least eight of these characters.
3. All user-level and system-level passwords must conform to the
guidelines described below.
B. System-level Accounts
All system-level passwords (i.e., administrator) must be changed at least
every three months (90 days). Password creation must have the following
1. Contain at least three of the four-character classes:
a. Lower case characters
b. Upper case characters
c. Numbers
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d. Punctuation
2. Contain at least sixteen of these characters.
3. All system-level passwords must conform to the guidelines
described below.
C. Password Protection Guidelines and Standards
1. Always use different passwords for MGCCC accounts from other non-
MGCCC access (i.e.: personal ISP account, bill pay, social media
accounts, benefits, etc.).
2. Do not share MGCCC passwords with anyone, including administrative
assistants or secretaries. All passwords are to be treated as sensitive,
confidential MGCCC information.
3. Passwords should never be written down or stored on-line without
4. Do not reveal a password in email, chat, or other electronic
5. Do not speak about a password in front of others.
6. Do not hint at the format of a password (e.g., "my family name")
7. Do not reveal a password on questionnaires, emails, or security forms.
8. If someone demands a password, refer them to this document and
direct them to the Information Technology Department.
9. If an account or password compromise is suspected, report the incident
to the MGCCC Helpdesk.
D. Use of Passwords and Passphrases for Remote Access Virtual Private Network
(VPN) Users
1. Access to the MGCCC Networks via VPN access is to be controlled
using the same password requirements as detailed above.
V. Terms and Definitions
Term Definition
Application Administration Account Any account that is for the administration of an
User Account Any account used to access MGCCC network resources
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Statement No. 306.6
August 27, 2014
May 20, 2020
I. STATEMENT. MGCCC uses an automated process to create new network IDs.
The college’s Banner ERP system is where new employee information originates.
The Information Technology department does not create new accounts outside of
this process for college staff. This ensures the accuracy of all records and naming
conventions by following the college’s naming best practices.
II. PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. An automated process completes
the following steps after the Human Resources department enters an employee
into Banner:
A. Create a new user ID and email address.
B. Update the network’s active directory with the new information to create the
network account including:
1. Provide access to default group devices and network shares.
2. Provide information to the ID card system for the creation of a new user ID.
3. Provide information to the card access system to designate door access
rules for the new user.
4. Create their initial Banner ERP access (depending on their college role).
C. An email is sent to the hiring manager of record in Banner HR providing them
with the initial user credentials including:
1. Network username
2. Email address
3. Initial password (note: password will be required to be changed the user
logs in for the first time).
D. All new network user accounts are created within 30 minutes of the completion
of data entry by the Human Resources department into the Banner HR
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Statement No. 306.7
September 24, 2014
I. STATEMENT. The purpose of this statement is to establish standard guidelines for
MGCCC Information Technology (IT) department support of personal computers.
Personal computers are defined as systems (PC, MAC, and PDA) that are owned
by MGCCC personnel and for the purpose of this statement are considered their
personal property.
II. SCOPE. The scope of this statement includes all MGCCC employees.
A. General
1. IT does not maintain, support, or perform maintenance on personal
computers. Please contact the manufacturer of your system or the store
where you purchased your unit for support.
2. As a general guideline, IT does not hand out license keys for software.
B. Software
1. IT can provide licensed software to MGCCC personnel for use on their
personal computers where licensing for such use is consistent with the
vendor’s licensing policy.
2. Where possible, the software will be self-contained, on a CD/DVD, and
already include the licensing information and instructions will be made
3. IT does not help with the installation or troubleshooting of software installed
on personal computers. Software issues should be referred to the software
manufacturer or to the maker of the personal computer.
4. MGCCC, or IT, can request that software CD/DVD media given to college
personnel be returned to IT at any time.
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5. Any software given to MGCCC personnel is for personal use ONLY on their
system only and not for redistribution on any other systems in any form.
6. Any redistribution of software constitutes a breach of MGCCC’s license
agreements and must be reported to IT immediately.
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Statement No. 306.8
August 27, 2014
January 19, 2022
I. STATEMENT. In an effort to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of MGCCC
information, the Information Technology Department requires all MGCCC
computers to use a timed screen saver with password security enabled.
A. General
1. MGCCC requires screen saver activation to “lock” after 30 minutes of user
2. Each MGCCC computer is configured for automatic screen saver activation
after the maximum time of inactivity (30 minutes) has been exceeded.
3. Employees are not permitted to manage their own time limit.
4. Classrooms and Instructional Labs may have their own timeout which may be
longer or shorter than the 30-minute time frame.
5. MGCCC screen saver will display images approved by the college Public
Relations department and pushed to computers via an IT automated process.
B. Employee Responsibilities
1. Employees must comply with this standard and all procedures referenced
within this standard.
2. Employees must activate the screen saver when stepping away or leaving
their workstation. The screensaver may be activated by using Ctrl, Alt, &
Delete, and selecting “Lock this computer”, or by using the Windows key and
the “L” key.
3. Employees using non-Windows Operating Systems (Mac, LINUX, etc.) must
ensure their desktop session is locked when stepping away or leaving their
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4. If an employee computer fails to “lock” automatically after 30 minutes of
inactivity that user must notify the MGCCC Help Desk immediately.
C. Employees must be aware of other individuals in and around your workstation
when looking at or discussing confidential information.
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Statement No. 306.9
August 27, 2014
March 8, 2017
May 20, 2020
January 19, 2022
I. STATEMENT. Backups are an important aspect of computer security and data
protection. They are the front line for recovery of all types of data and protection for
MGCCC in the event of data loss. The purpose of this statement is to establish a
standard backup plan for MGCCC’s network systems.
A. Each day of the week a data backup will be performed on all critical servers. All
production data file backups will be archived for four weeks. Development server
data file backups will be archived for two weeks.
B. All backups will be completed to an onsite storage server with 2 weeks of file
backups replicated offsite to our Perkinston Campus computer facility.
C. Replication will then be performed from the Perkinston storage to a tertiary
location that is connected to the network on a scheduled basis to maintain an “air-
gapped” solution to hold backup data in an offline format.
D. Restoration testing of data is to be verified quarterly and documented in the
Information Technology ticketing system.
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Statement No. 306.10
August 24, 2014
June 23, 2021
I. STATEMENT. The purpose of this statement is to define acceptable use of
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College computer and email systems for
students. This statement applies to all students accessing the MGCCC wireless
network, student email system, lab computers, and/or accessing the MGCCC
network via residence halls.
A. MGCCC will use electronic mail to communicate official college information of
many kinds to students. Examples include, but are not limited to, financial aid
announcements, registration or enrollment information, course cancellations, etc.
Students are responsible for reading their e-mail on a frequent and regular basis,
since some official communications may be time sensitive. The college suggests
that students access their e-mail accounts daily, or at a minimum, three times a
B. MGCCC’s student email (@bulldogs.mgccc.edu) mailbox size limits are set by
Microsoft Office 365, the service provider. Students should be aware that after
messages have been purged there is no way for IT to retrieve those messages.
C. In accepting an account to access MGCCC’s student email systems or in the use
of any of the computer equipment at MGCCC including network access for the
purposes of accessing the internet, the student user agrees to the following terms
and conditions:
1. Students are responsible for keeping their passwords confidential and should
never share this information or access to their college resources with others,
including family members. Students who lose or forget their passwords
through Single Sign On/Web Services should contact the MGCCC Helpdesk
to reset their password. If students continue to have issues, they may submit
a ticket to the IT helpdesk for assistance.
2. The college does not routinely monitor or inspect individual accounts, files, or
communications. There are situations, however, in which the college has a
legitimate need to do so: to protect the integrity of MGCCC systems and
resources; with appropriate authorization, when there is a reasonable
suspicion that the user has violated either laws or MGCCC policies; or when
required by law to do so. All monitoring and inspection shall be subject to
proper authorization, notification, and other legal requirements.
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3. Any attempt to interrupt or damage the operation of any of the systems shall
result in the termination of the user's access and appropriate disciplinary
4. Any attempt to acquire information stored on the systems other than that
declared as public information or information stored by the permitted users
shall constitute a violation of college policies regarding privacy of information.
5. The user is responsible for his/her account and all work done under that
account. Any unauthorized use of that account by other users must be
6. No material should be placed on the system or retrieved from the system
without the permission of the college. Users should be aware that it is a
criminal offense to copy any material protected by copyright.
7. Students are prohibited from posting on or transmitting through the MGCCC
systems any unlawful; harmful; threatening; abusive; harassing; defamatory;
vulgar; obscene; profane; hateful; or racially, ethnically, or otherwise
objectionable material of any kind.
8. MGCCC reserves the right to block internet traffic from all file sharing or other
non-educational sites.
9. IT reserves the right to reduce residence hall internet traffic during regular
business hours as necessary for business operations.
10. For non-returning students or students that do not attend for three consecutive
semesters, all accounts on MGCCC systems will be permanently
disabled/deleted one day after the final day of the third semester.
11. When a student returns for courses after their account was permanently
disabled/deleted, their account will be reactivated. All reactivated accounts will
use the existing on-file email address in the ERP system.
12. Using email forwarding is no longer permitted, to minimize malicious email
13. Students attempting to access MGCCC’s wireless networks must have a valid
and up-to-date anti-virus program with all updates being current to within the
last 7 calendar days. Non residence hall student access is limited to the
wireless network for personal device usage while on campus.
14. IT does not support student software installed on their personal systems.
Please refer to the software or hardware manufacturer.
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Statement No. 306.12
August 27, 2014
III. STATEMENT. The purpose of this statement is to establish standard guidelines
for MGCCC Information Technology (IT) Department support and restore of
systems when college employees install third party software on MGCCC systems.
Systems are defined as a PC or MAC owned by MGCCC and used by approved
IV. SCOPE. The scope of this statement includes all MGCCC systems.
A. General
1. Employees may be given administrator access to their office system or
systems only.
2. As a general guideline, third party software should NOT be installed on
3. IT is not responsible for troubleshooting third party software.
B. System diagnosis and recovery
1. In the event third party software installed by an employee has made a system
unstable, MGCCC IT will recommend the user uninstall the software.
2. Should uninstalling software correct the problem, IT recommends the software
no longer be installed on the system.
3. Should the uninstallation of software NOT correct the problem, IT will schedule
to image the system after the user has saved any important documents to a
network share in order to bring the system back to a stable operational state.
C. Removal of Administrator rights
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Should the user continue to reinstall software after reimaging, the User Services
Manager will notify the CIO who may approve revoking of the administrator rights
to the system.
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Statement No. 306.13
August 27, 2014
July 22, 2020
I. STATEMENT. This statement defines the Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection
access to the MGCCC network. It defines the approved software to be used, process
to request access, and approved devices that may use the software. It applies to all
MGCCC employees utilizing VPN to remotely access the MGCCC network. This
statement applies to all MGCCC contracted vendors utilizing VPN to remotely access
the MGCCC network to support the college’s operation. Please see Section V for
definitions of VPN related terms.
II. PROCEDURES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Approved users (MGCCC employees or third-
party vendor resources) may utilize the benefits of VPN, upon approval by the college. It is
the responsibility of the user to select an Internet Service Provider (ISP), coordinating
installation, installing any required software, ensuring the connection is of sufficient capacity,
and paying all associated fees.
1. It is the responsibility of employees with VPN privileges to ensure that
unauthorized users are not allowed access to MGCCC internal networks.
2. VPN use is to be controlled using a username / password authentication.
It is required each time a user wants to remotely connect to the MGCCC
Network. All username/ password combinations are stored within the
college network’s active directory. As per general practice, this password
should never be shared with another individual.
3. VPN users will be automatically disconnected from the MGCCC network
after 20 minutes of inactivity. The user must then log on again to reconnect
to the network.
4. MGCCC Adjunct Faculty may connect to the VPN services using their
personal computer for the purpose of entering student attendance in Easy
Attendance only. Account requests must be approved by their Vice
5. All other MGCCC employees may connect to the VPN service only on
college computers. Account requests must be approved by their Vice
President. No non-adjunct faculty employee should attempt to use VPN on
personal computers.
6. To ensure a successful VPN experience, user connections must have a
minimum two-way connection speed of five Mbps. For employees on
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slower or shared connections, speeds inferior to this may not allow
consistent access to the college systems.
7. MGCCC IT management may, in an individual case, allow third party
vendor access to college resources after verification of the policies and
procedures pertinent to the computer issued to the third party by their IT
i. All third-party access will be disabled after the vendor’s work on the
MGCCC network is completed.
ii. IT will review disabled third-party VPN accounts and purge accounts
and necessary twice a year.
III. ENFORCEMENT. Any employee found to have violated this policy may lose the
privilege to remote access the MGCCC network using the VPN.
Term Definition
VPN VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a private network that uses
a public network (usually the Internet) to connect remote
sites or users together. Instead of using a dedicated, real-
world connection such as leased line, a VPN uses "virtual"
connections routed through the Internet from the MGCCC
private network to the remote site or employee.
VPN tunnel Secure encrypted path created between the MGCCC
network and remote employee's machine.
Remote Access Accessing the MGCCC Network from off-campus using an
Internet Service provider.
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Statement No. 306.15
June 24, 2015
I. STATEMENT. This statement defines the pre-approved maintenance windows.
II. PURPOSE. This statement is designed to provide IT with a weekly maintenance
window in which to apply upgrades or patches to systems supported by the IT
department. During scheduled maintenance windows the systems experiencing
upgrades may be unavailable.
III. SCOPE. The scope of this statement includes all of the college.
IT MAINTENANCE WINDOW PROCESS. Each week, from 11:00 p.m. on
Saturday until 8:00 a.m. on Sunday the IT department may perform required
maintenance including, but not limited to adding new software, systems, patches,
upgrades, or diagnostics, to servers and systems maintained by the department.
IT Maintenance Window Process notification steps are as follows:
a. Verbally contact appropriate college administration one-week prior to
scheduled maintenance to ensure the scheduled outage causes minimal
disruption to the overall academic and business goals of the institution.
b. Seek approval from the Executive Council before the end of business on
the Monday prior to any upcoming use of the maintenance window the
following weekend.
c. In advance of the use of the maintenance window, notify all MGCCC
students, administration, faculty, and staff as follows:
i. Before the end of business on Tuesday prior to any upcoming use
of the maintenance window the following weekend.
ii. Follow up with additional communication to all students,
administration, faculty, and staff, on Friday prior to use of the
maintenance window.
iii. Follow up one-hour prior to use of the maintenance window to
ensure all students, administration, faculty, and staff, have an
opportunity to save any work before beginning the planned
d. Once the maintenance has been completed, notify all students,
administration, faculty, and staff, that systems affected by use of the
maintenance window are now accessible.
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Statement No. 306.16
June 30, 2015
I. STATEMENT. This statement is an internal IT statement which defines the
approval process for new system deployment throughout the district.
II. PURPOSE. This statement is designed to document the approved locations for
system deployment by IT upon consultation with campus VPs as part of the
annual computer refresh plan.
III. SCOPE. The scope of this statement includes all computers of the college.
keep an updated inventory of all systems. On an annual basis, the college will
approve a total allotment of systems for college wide deployment as part of the
computer refresh plan. The steps to be followed include:
a. IT will produce an overall preliminary list of systems (hereafter referred to
as ‘the list’) to be replaced sorted by age of the systems and the total
allotment of systems as approved by the college.
b. The CIO (or their designee) will provide a complete copy of the list to the
Vice President of Administration and Finance for initial review and
c. Upon approval, the CIO (or their designee) will provide each
campus/appropriate VP with their section of the list for review.
d. Each campus/appropriate VP may request alterations to the list based on
needs at their campus. Additionally:
i. Alterations to the list assume no increase in the total campus system
ii. Unless otherwise approved by the VP Administration and Finance,
for each system purchased one must be salvaged.
iii. All alterations will require additional scheduling between IT and
departments or individuals on the campus.
iv. Priority scheduling of systems will be coordinated with the campus
VP and departmental offices.
e. Once a final list is approved by a campus/appropriate VP, that VP will
provide the documentation to the CIO. A revised list will be created and
provided to the VP, who will then sign the Refresh Plan System
Deployment form (see attached). The CIO will cosign and provide this final
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campus system refresh deployment recommendation to the Vice President
of Administration and Finance for final approval.
f. Upon final approval, the CIO will archive the documentation, and the IT
User Services staff will schedule the purchase and deployment of the
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Statement No. 306.17
August 25, 2016
March 29, 2017
I. STATEMENT. This statement is an internal IT statement which defines the
processes to be used during a disaster recovery situation.
II. PURPOSE. This statement is designed to provide guidelines for system
III. SCOPE. The scope of this statement includes all servers.
IV. DISASTER RECOVERY PROCESS. The IT department current site backup
process from IT statement 306.9 defines the frequency of backups replicated
to our offsite disaster recovery vendor location. When an event requires the
IT department to recover data for a specific (or all) network system, the
following steps to be followed include:
a. IT will assess the previous location of the data (physical or VM server) to
determine if the server/service remains operational, stable, and can be used
to restore the system and associated data.
i. If the previous location is unable to be used, IT will use a current
alternate location.
ii. If no alternate location exists, IT will seek approval to purchase new
equipment using the college’s purchasing and procurement policies.
b. IT will retrieve the data from the remote disaster recovery location
electronically (or physically if electronic means are impossible due to a
regional environmental condition such as a hurricane).
c. IT will build a new server, restore the data and services, and restore access
to the server constituents.
V. DISASTER RECOVERY TESTING. The IT department will conduct at least
one annual test of the disaster recovery services. In the event of potential
Hurricanes, the IT department will follow the testing processes outlined in the
IT Hurricane Preparedness plan.
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Statement No. 306.19
March 7, 2018
September 27, 2019
December 11, 2019
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (the “College”) may
establish official College social media networking sites to facilitate information
sharing and collaboration. Social media communications tools may be used for
official College business such as marketing to potential students; communicating with
prospective and current students, alumni, and employees; educating the public about
the College and its mission, programs, and events; and for emergency
communications. The Vice President of Institutional Advancement shall coordinate
with the Vice President of Administration & Finance to establish and maintain
appropriate College procedures governing use of social media by college employees,
independent contractors, and students (collectively, “College Community Members”)
and shall ensure that these procedures are readily accessible by such College
Community Members.
These procedures apply to all uses of social media by College Community Members,
including officially recognized MGCCC social networking sites as well as personal
sites reflecting College Community Members’ opinions and viewpoints. Examples of
social networking sites and services, used both professionally and personally, include
but are not limited to blogs, forums, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram,
Snapchat and YouTube.
A. The Institutional Relations Department will establish and maintain the
College’s official social media sites.
B. All College Community Members who engage in communication through
social media are encouraged to respect others, their ideas, and discussions.
The College encourages participants to remain constructive and respectful
when communicating and remember that content is not “private” and all users
should be thoughtful in posting and sharing content.
C. Any College Community Member who wishes to create a public social media
account on behalf of the College or use any established MGCCC-owned social
media account should follow the following guidelines:
1. Request approval to create a social media account by contacting the
Associate Vice President of Institutional Relations.
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2. Attend a social media training session organized by the Associate Vice
President of Institutional Relations.
3. Review and adhere to the Graphic Standards Manual for guidelines on use
of the College’s official logos and graphics.
D. When student organizations use college-sponsored social media for
communication, a college employee will serve as an administrator on the
account, and the employee administrator of said account will be responsible
for monitoring the account to ensure compliance with college policy.
E. If an administrator of a college social media account ceases employment with
the College, it is that employee’s responsibility to notify the Associate Vice
President of Institutional Relations of this change so he or she can be removed
from the account. In the event that an administrator has been terminated from
their position, it is the responsibility of the Associate Vice President of Human
Resources to notify the Associate Vice President of Institutional Relations.
F. College Community Members cannot use any marks and/or identifying
designs, trade names, service marks, copyrights, logo/graphics, and/or
symbols, which have come to be associated and/or identified with the College
without prior approval from the Associate Vice President of Institutional
G. College Community Members are personally and solely responsible for any
legal liability arising from or relating to their use of social networking services
and sites in violation of this policy. Each College Community Member agrees
to release the College from liability and to indemnify the College for any and
all claims brought against the College arising from or related to such College
Community Member’s violation of this policy.
H. College Community Members should not claim or imply that they are speaking
on behalf of the College unless they have received express authority from the
College’s senior administration to be a spokesperson for the College.
I. The contents of all social media used by College Community Members under
(II)(C) shall conform to laws and College policies regarding protection of
intellectual property, including laws and policies regarding copyright, patents,
and trademarks. When the content and distribution of an electronic
communication would exceed fair use as defined by the Federal Copyright Act
of 1976, College Community Members shall secure appropriate permission to
distribute protected material in any form, including text, photographic images,
audio, video, graphic illustrations, and computer software.
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Statement No. 306.20
June 23, 2021
IV. STATEMENT. The purpose of this statement is to define how administrator rights
are assigned to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College computers. This
statement applies to all computers owned by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
D. MGCCC’s IT department will be the designated department to assign, modify, and
remove administrator rights on college owned computers.
E. The Chief Information Officer will designate the IT personnel who are assigned
administrator rights along with the ability to modify said rights on all college owned
F. Computers deployed to each group listed below will inherit the default
administrator rights active directory policy:
15. Lab computers Only IT and select Lab monitors will have administrator rights
to lab computers.
16. Students use computers Only IT will have administrator rights to student use
17. Classroom and conference room computersOnly IT and campus A/V
technicians will have administrator rights to classroom computers.
18. Employee issued computers Only IT and select employees will have
administrator rights to employee use computers.
19. Faculty issued computers Only IT and select faculty will have administrator
rights to faculty computers.
G. In the event an employee or faculty member requests administrator rights to a
computer, the following process will be followed by IT and college administration
to review requests:
1. An employee or faculty member would make a request via email to supervisor.
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2. The request should include the reason, effective date, and length of time for
the desired request.
3. The employee or faculty member would seek approval from all their
supervisor(s). Upon supervisor(s) approval(s), approval from the appropriate
VP would be required.
4. All requests would be forwarded by the requestor or the appropriate VP to the
EVP Administration and Finance and CIO for final approvals.
5. Once approved, the CIO will initiate a help desk ticket to complete the
approved task.
a. The ticket requestor will be designated as the original requestor of the
request to ensure they receive updates on the ticket.
b. The due date for the task will be set to 1 day.
c. Upon completing the task, the technology staff member will reach out
via phone or email to the requestor to validate it is functioning properly.
d. Upon confirmation by the requestor, the technical resource will mark the
ticket as completed.
H. The IT department will review all existing employee and faculty member
administrator rights exceptions annually.
1. IT will speak with the individuals to determine if the need continues to exist to
maintain these rights on individual computers.
2. For rights that are no longer required by the individual, IT will remove them
from the assigned computer(s).
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Statement No. 306.21
June 23, 2021
VI. STATEMENT. The purpose of this statement is to define how Multi-Factor Access
(MFA) will be assigned to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College employees,
faculty, and students.
I. MGCCC’s IT department will assign MFA to all employees, faculty, and students.
Each constituent will use MFA to access the following systems or services:
20. Students:
a. Would require MFA access for college email.
b. Would not require MFA access for Banner Web Services.
21. Employees and Faculty
a. Would be required to use MFA when logging into their computer each
b. Would be required to use MFA when offsite using VPN.
c. Would be required to use MFA when using Webmail on/off site.
K. Approved MFA devices will include:
1. Students Automated Email, mobile app, or text to a mobile phone.
2. Employees and Faculty - Automated Email, mobile app, key fob (upon
request), or text to a mobile phone.
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Statement No. 306.22
June 23, 2021
III. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to the
protection of privacy for any user that accesses college websites. This policy
relates to all college-affiliated websites to include the primary webpage,
athletics, innovation centers, intranet, social media, college catalog, and more.
E. Personal Information Collected
III. Personal information is defined as the information used to identify or contact an
individual. This may include, but is not limited to, first and last name, physical
address, email address, student identification number, or phone number. This
information is not collected while browsing college webpages, but may be collected
when submitting applications for admissions, making purchases, utilizing financial
aid, etc. This information may be collected to provide the user with products or
services requested by the user.
F. Automatic Information Collected
a. The college websites make use of various technologies to collect
information via various internet browsers used when accessing
institutional websites. The IP address information, internet browser
information, date, and time the web pages are accessed are stored in
secure traffic logs. The service provider uses statistical analysis to
track and predict patterns to estimate resource needs. Specific user
sessions are not tracked unless there are technical issues, or
evidence of fraudulent behavior, or illegal conduct.
G. Personal Information Use
a. The institution uses personal information for servicing accounts,
which may require the transfer of information to our agents,
employees, or service providers. The information will not be sold or
traded to unrelated third parties. The user may also receive email
notifications regarding status or order updates of requested services
or items. These notifications are considered part of institutional
service, and the user may opt-out of these notifications by following
instructions provided on the notification.
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H. Third Parties
a. The institution may collaborate with third parties to provide
professional and quality services. When registering for services or
products, the institution will share required personal information with
third parties that is necessary to provide a product or service to the
consumer. The institution will not sell, or trade information collected
online without consumer consent unless legally required to do so.
I. Information Control
a. Customer, student, and employee profiles are accessible via certain
college websites and the user may update the individual profile at any
time. This includes the phone numbers, physical addresses, mailing
information, and other contact information stored in the user profile.
J. Confidentiality and Security
a. The institution ensures user information is protected. Internally,
access regarding personal information is limited to only approved
employees that require this information to provide a service or product
to the user.
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Statement No. 308
September 10, 2009
I. STATEMENT. The purpose of the Child Development Centers on the Jackson
County, Harrison County, and Perkinston campuses is to first and foremost
serve the needs of our students with small children.
A. Services provided by the Child Development Centers will be limited to
MGCCC students in the following order:
1. Full Time
2. Part Time
B. Any exceptions to the before mentioned guidelines must be approved by the
campus vice president.
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Financial and
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Statement No. 400.1
October 8, 1986
February 21, 2001
December 11, 2008
April 17, 2024
I. STATEMENT. All purchases of supplies and equipment, except for imprest cash
purchases, shall be made by written purchase orders signed by a purchasing
agent or Executive Officer or by use of a college approved procurement card.
Purchases shall be made in compliance with state statutes as established in
Section 31-7-13 of the Mississippi Code 1972 Annotated. When federal funds are
being utilized for purchases, the appropriate Code of Federal Regulations will
supersede state purchasing laws and statutes.
College Purchasing System
"The College Purchasing System shall be as prescribed by Chapter 7,
Mississippi Code 1972 as annotated and amended.
All purchases of supplies and equipment practicable, except for imprest cash
purchases, from Board approved funds shall be made by purchase order, signed
by a purchasing agent or Executive Officer or by use of a college approved
procurement card. Such purchases shall be made by persons licensed to do
business in Mississippi.
A purchasing agent and/or Executive Officer must authorize imprest cash
purchases. Sales receipts shall be retained and attached to the imprest cash
voucher for audit purposes.
All employees authorized to use procurement cards shall follow all applicable
procedures addressing the use of College Procurement Cards as set forth in the
College Purchasing Manual.
All disbursements of funds, except imprest cash, shall be by sequentially
numbered check. Checks shall bear two signatures of persons authorized by the
Board to disburse funds.
Sole Source Purchases will be reported to the office of the President, through
the office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance, on the Wednesday
one week prior to the Board of Trustees meeting. These purchases will be
submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval and spread in the minutes of the
Board of Trustees. (See the College Purchasing Manual for purchasing
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Emergency Purchases Only the President or his or her designated
representative may declare an emergency condition to exist. All emergency
situations will be communicated to the President/designated representative with
recommended action to resolve the situation. Written documentation shall be
prepared and submitted to the office of the President by the senior affected
personnel at the earliest possible opportunity. The situation and actions taken to
resolve the situation will be reported to the Board of Trustees at the next meeting
of the Board of Trustees. (See the College Purchasing Manual for purchasing
Professional Services purchases are addressed in Statement No. 400.6.
Contractual Services Exempt from bid requirements when defined as a service
contract that does not include the acquisition of a commodity or equipment (See
the College Purchasing Manual for purchasing procedures).
Purchases based on Quotations will be presented to the Board of Trustees for
approval at the Board of Trustees meeting preceding the purchase if feasible or if
not feasible at the next scheduled regular meeting. (See the College Purchasing
Manual for the procedures for quotation purchasing)
Imprest Cash Purchases are addressed in Statement No. 400.4.
Purchase of Equipment Repairs - Exempt from bid requirements (See the
College Purchasing Manual for purchasing procedures)
Purchasing of Perishable Items - Exempt from bid requirements (See the
College Purchasing Manual for purchasing procedures)
A. The President of the College as Chief Executive Officer of the College is
accountable to the Board of Trustees for the College purchasing system. The
responsibility for administering the purchasing system has been delegated by
the President to the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
B. See the College Purchasing Manual for detailed procedures and instructions.
The College Purchasing Manual is on file in each administrator’s office and
available on-line or through the Office of Purchasing and Property Control.
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C. All employees shall follow the procedures and instructions in the College
Purchasing Manual.
D. No personal purchases will be made through the College purchasing system.
E. It is the responsibility of the designated purchasing agents to ensure that
purchase orders are not issued for materials in small quantities in order to
circumvent the state purchasing laws.
F. The Vice President of Administration and Finance is authorized to approve the
processing of pre-payment waivers in accordance with MS Code 7-7-27.
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Statement No. 400.3
February 21, 1977
December 11, 2008
I. POLICY. Board policy presented on November 17, 1976, and adopted on
December 15, 1976, relative to bonding of purchasing agents is:
"Officials responsible for the receipt and disbursement of funds shall be bonded.
The bond shall be a surety bond in the amount of $10,000.”
This policy is required by Section 37 39 21, Mississippi Code Annotated 1974.
Where the statute requires only purchasing agents to be bonded, the College has
obtained a blanket surety bond in the amount of $100,000 for all employees.
It is the responsibility of the Vice President for Administration and Finance to
maintain a current listing of persons who handle moneys, and to ensure that these
names are covered under the bond.
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Statement No. 400.4
February 7, 1977
November 7, 1985
October 8, 1986
December 6, 1988
November 18, 1993
May 21, 1996
October 12, 2000
March 24, 2005
April 22, 2009
December 10, 2009
April 10, 2013
January 17, 2024
I. STATEMENT. Imprest Cash purchases are authorized by a Purchasing Agent and/or
Executive Officers. Sales receipts shall be retained and attached to the imprest cash
voucher for audit purposes. All imprest cash purchases shall be in compliance with
state statutes. Any additional procedures for imprest cash included within the college
accounting manual shall be followed with the same authority as those within this policy.
A. Business Officers shall ensure that their imprest cash total does not exceed the
established limit.
B. Purchases made by imprest cash need not be made with a purchase order;
however, imprest cash purchases must have prior approval of the Purchasing
Agent/Executive Officer.
C. Imprest cash purchases shall have as minimum documentation for each
purchase or expenditure a receipt attached to the imprest cash voucher. The
item(s) purchased, person making the purchase and purpose of the purchase
shall be documented in writing.
D. Documentation on imprest cash purchases shall be retained in the same
manner as for other purchases made by the College.
E. All disbursement of imprest cash in excess of $100 shall be by sequentially
numbered check, with each check bearing signatures of two approved signers.
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F. Travel advance for out of state travel may be made from the Imprest Cash fund
with the approval of the Executive Officer or the President. Approval of the trip
shall constitute approval of the travel advance. Travel advances shall be issued
no sooner than three (3) business days before the travel and returned no later
than ten (10) business days after the returning.
G. Imprest Cash shall be replenished from other college funds on request and on
presentation of proper documentation to the District Business Office.
H. No items that meet inventory requirements may be purchased with
imprest cash.
I. Each Campus/ Center is authorized on premises amount of imprest cash for the
which the campus/ center may not exceed.
1. Imprest cash accounts can be temporarily increased by the
Comptroller up to 50% for a period not to exceed 120 days.
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Statement No. 400.5
January 28, 1999
June 8, 2006
January 23, 2007
I. STATEMENT. The College will make every effort to collect NSF checks.
A. Upon receipt of a returned check, the following actions will be taken:
B. The student’s account will be placed on hold indicating the amount of the
returned check, plus a $40 NSF charge.
C. The check will be re-deposited unless the bank has stamped it “account closed”,
“payment stopped”, or “do not re-deposit”.
D. If the account is closed or the check is returned from the bank a second time, a
letter will be sent to the check writer stating the debt must be satisfied within 15
days from the date the letter is mailed. If the payment is not received within the
allotted time, the check will be sent to the District Attorney’s office for collection.
E. Once the check is sent to the District Attorney’s office, payment for the non-
sufficient check cannot be collected at the campuses. A “DA” hold will be placed
on the account.
F. The hold will be removed when the debt is collected.
G. After two NSF checks are received, only cash, money order, or credit cards will
be accepted.
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Statement No. 400.6
February 21, 1977
October 8, 1986
December 6, 1988
October 23, 1997
September 9, 2004
July 8, 2010
April 17, 2024
I. STATEMENT. The governing board, upon the recommendation of the President,
may contract for services including, but not limited to scholars, consultants,
specialists, architects, engineers, attorneys, and others whose expertise, skills or
abilities may be required. The nature and scope of services to be performed shall
be described in general terms in writing. An estimate of cost for services shall be
provided and time periods scheduled. Such agreements shall be subject to board
A. Employees anticipating the need to acquire the Professional Services
referred to in the policy above shall submit their request to the President in
writing. The request will describe the service(s) to be performed, the name
of the firm or person proposed to perform the service(s), and the estimated
cost to the College.
B. The President would submit approved proposed requests to the Board of
Trustees for their approval if the total paid to the firm or person will exceed
C. The President or his designee may proceed to negotiate a contract with the
selected firm or person after approval by the President or approval by the
Board of Trustees, if necessary.
D. Any seminar/workshop leader or guest speaker who qualifies as exempt
(contract labor) under the Fair Labor Standards Act will be treated as such
and should not be placed on the college payroll. Seminar leaders or guest
speakers who do not qualify as exempt (contract labor) will be placed on the
college payroll, using the appropriate forms and reporting methods.
1. A seminar/workshop leader/guest speaker receiving $5,000 or less
compensation per contract must be recommended by an Executive Officer
and approved by the President prior to performing the assigned function.
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Those in excess of $5,000 must have prior Board approval.
2. A Board Reporting Professional Services form will be utilized to report
seminar/workshop leaders or guest lecturers to the Board of Trustees
through the Vice President for Instruction and Student Services.
3. For seminar/workshop leaders or guest lecturers paid in excess of $5,000,
Board approval will be requested through the regular procedure for Board
agenda items and processed through the appropriate Vice President and
the President.
4. To facilitate payment of seminar leaders or guest lecturers who perform
professional services, the Executive Officer will forward a copy of the
approval attached to a Professional Services Agreement and a Check
Request to the Business Office.
E. Any professional services being paid for with federal funds will be
competitively bid.
The following forms are available through the Forms Repository:
Professional Service Agreement
Professional Services Contract
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Statement No. 400.10
February 21, 1977
October 8, 1986
December 6, 1988
July 21, 2004
June 22, 2005
November 16, 2005
July 16, 2014
I. STATEMENT. All excess funds the College has on hand shall be invested in
Certificates of Deposit, U. S. Treasury Bills, or Money Market Accounts. The
Board of Trustees is informed of the College's investments for their review and
approval. The Comptroller will determine the amount of funds to be invested and
shall invest those funds accordingly. All investment of funds shall be in
compliance with State Statute 27-105-33.
Certificates of Deposit, U.S. Treasury Bills, or Money Market Accounts are
invested with all banks in the district that offer a competitive interest rate and
choose to participate in the investment programs. Investments will be made with
a minimum of $100,000.
A. The Comptroller, in consultation with the Vice President for Administration
and Finance, will determine the amount of funds available for investment.
These funds will be invested in CD's, U. S. Treasury Bills, or Money Market
B. On the day of investment, the district depository will be instructed to wire
funds to the bank(s) that was/were awarded the investments.
C. The district depository wires the appropriate amounts to the selected
banks. The bank(s) receiving invested funds will send a copy of a receipt,
and any other appropriate documentation, to the College. Upon maturity,
the banks wire the principal and interest back to the College's district
depository. The College District Business Office releases the safekeeping
receipt on those maturities.
D. All banks with branches in the college district will be offered the opportunity
to offer quotes on investments.
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Statement No. 400.12
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
April 26, 2007
I. STATEMENT. Purchase of advertising shall be considered as a One Source
Purchase as defined in Statement No. 400.1, One Source Purchases. The
provisions of that and this statement shall be complied with when planning for and
purchasing advertising paid for by the college.
The Vice President for Community Campus and Institutional Development shall be
responsible for budgeting and placing all marketing advertising for the college with
any advertising source.
The Institutional Relations Marketing Coordinator, under the supervision of the Vice
President for Community Campus and Institutional Development, is responsible for
the purchase of all advertising, both college-wide and campus-specific.
The Vice President for Community Campus and Institutional Development is
responsible for developing college-wide advertising plans by May 15th for the next
fiscal year.
A. All advertising contracts with media outlets will be written to include all known
placement opportunities throughout the year, whenever possible.
B. The Institutional Relations Marketing Coordinator, along with the Vice President
for Community Campus and Institutional Development, will meet at least twice
per year to determine the intended outcome of the advertising plan.
C. The Department of Institutional Relations will meet to discuss advertising plans
and progress at least four times per year upon call by Vice President for
Community Campus and Institutional Development to ensure that the plan is
properly developed and carried out for each fiscal year.
D. Each year, prior to April 1
, the Department of Institutional Relations will meet
to discuss the following:
1. Development of general marketing/advertising theme for the year,
2. Establish times of year when general advertising will be accomplished,
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3. Conclude an estimate of the division of funds to newspapers, radio,
television, and other media, and
4. Make plans to buy continuing contract advertising when desired.
The Vice President for Community Campus and Institutional Development may
make plan changes and will make all media purchases.
E. The Executive Council shall review the advertising plan prior to the beginning of
the new fiscal year.
F. Request for purchase of advertising not included in the overall year-long plan
shall be accomplished as follows:
Campus/college requisitions for advertising shall be made on the Advertising
Requisition form available on the Forms Repository. Requests will provide
information describing the programs or activity to be advertised, the intended
outcome, demographics of the intended audience, recommended media outlet,
and budget available. Requests for advertising shall be submitted at least four
weeks in advance unless an emergency arises. One copy of the request will be
kept on file on the campus and one copy forwarded to the Vice President for
Community Campus and Institutional Development.
G. Payment for advertising shall be processed as follows:
1. The President for Community Campus and Institutional Development will
provide written orders for each advertising purchase. College purchase
order or check request forms shall be used. The completed purchase
requisition will be submitted to the Central Business Office for processing.
The Vice President for Community Campus and Institutional Development
will process the receiving report for payment.
2. The Vice President for Community Campus and Institutional Development
shall verify that the advertising appeared as scheduled by certifying that the
service was completed, attaching a copy of the advertisement or affidavit,
and forwarding it to the Central Business Office.
3. The Central Business Office shall process the payment and mail it to the
H. Legal advertising shall be contracted for by the President's Office and payment
made as directed by that office. The cost of legal advertising is not considered
a part of the advertising budget controlled by the Vice President for Community
Campus and Institutional Development.
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I. No item may be charged to the budget of advertising except by written order of
the Vice President for Community Campus and Institutional Development or
his/her designated representative.
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Statement No. 401
July 1, 1972
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 11, 2008
I. STATEMENT. It is imperative that maximum allowable income be obtained for college
operation and capital outlay. The following represent six (6) major sources of income.
A. Local income from the four (4) counties. The Board of Trustees is authorized by
Section 37 29 437, Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated, to levy up to but not to
exceed 7 mills on the assessed valuation of the four (4) counties. This request for
assessment must be prepared and presented in writing on or before June 15 of
each year and is mandatory on the Board of Supervisors unless they receive a
petition from at least 20% of the qualified electors requesting an election. It is
mandated by statute that no more than 4 mills will be assessed for educational
and general, and no more than 3 mills for capital outlay.
B. State Community/Junior College Appropriations. This is based on an annual
appropriation of the legislature. These funds are distributed on a formula.
C. Career Technical Income. The Mississippi Department of Education and the
Junior Colleges with Mississippi Community College Board and Junior Colleges
reimburse to the various community/junior colleges from state and federal funds
part of the salaries of instructors (based on a yearly formula), equipment, and
some travel for state-approved programs.
D. Tuition and Fees. The major source of income from students is the matriculation
or tuition fee. Other sources are out-of-state tuition, summer school, registration
fees, parking, etc.
E. Federal Income. This varies from year to year. It includes student aid such as the
college work study program, PELL grants, etc. Special funding includes projects
such as HEA, Titles II and III, NDEA, Titles III, V, VIII and adult education.
F. Sales, Service, and Other Income. This includes contracts with companies for
workforce education and training programs, local high school career programs,
rental of facilities, miscellaneous sales, etc.
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The responsibility for keeping proper records of income lies with the President of the
College as provided by law. The President, in turn, delegates certain responsibilities
to the Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Comptroller.
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Statement No. 402
July 1, 1972
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 11, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The organization for proper administration of finances in the
College is that normally accepted organizational structure in use in community
and junior colleges as approved by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern
Association of Schools and Colleges (COC-SACS), the Mississippi Commission
on College Accreditation Association, and the Board of Trustees. For more
specific details, see the college and campus organizational charts and job
descriptions for business and finance personnel.
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Statement No. 403
February 21, 1977
June 7, 1979
October 8, 1986
January 16, 1989
December 11, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees Operating Policies on Financial Control,
Payment of Bills, and Check Writing are quoted below.
“The President shall be held accountable to the governing board for all
expenditures of monies received, collected, or earned under the law and the
policies of the governing board. All funds, whether from tax monies, or other
sources, including those collected from students, shall be deposited in
depositories approved by the Board with such approval appearing in the official
minutes of the Board. The Comptroller shall report the status of those accounts to
the President and to the Board." (December 15, 1976)
“The President and the Comptroller shall be responsible for all money paid by
check from college funds. They are authorized to use facsimile signatures
effected by a check signing machine. One person in the Central Business Office
will be responsible for the maintenance and validity of a check register which will
be kept on all checks that are written.
The Board of Trustees shall, by appropriate orders upon its minutes, authorize its
Chief Executive Officer or President to expend such funds for lawful purposes
only and in accordance with its annual budget previously adopted, as authorized
by Section 37 29 143, Mississippi Code Annotated. (October 26, 1977,
Reaffirmed January 17, 1979, Revised August 1979, and May 21, 1980).
A. Employees responsible for the receipt and disbursement of funds shall be
bonded for not less than $10,000 at college expense.
B. Imprest Cash Control and Purchases Procedures are addressed in Statement
No. 400.4.
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C. Receipting for monies collected by the college’s campuses and centers is
maintained in the college’s administrative software, BANNER. Each
transaction will be identified as payment by check, cash, or Electronic Fund
Transfer (EFT). Procedures for the financial control of student club funds are
found in Statement No. 403.1.
D. All checks received will be stamped "For Deposit Only, Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College" immediately upon receipt.
E. Daily deposits will be required for each cashiering session. The daily deposits
for each cashiering session will include a listing of each check deposited and
the total amount of cash deposited.
F. The College cashiering system will utilize pre-numbered deposit slips. The
unused deposit slips are maintained at the campus/center. Upon use of a
deposit slip, one copy will be sent to the appropriate financial institution, one
copy will be sent to the Central Business Office, and one copy will remain in
the campus/center Business Office.
G. All disbursements of funds, except imprest cash (see Statement No. 400.4),
shall be made by sequentially numbered check. Checks shall bear two
signatures of persons authorized by the Board to disburse funds.
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Statement No. 403.1
June 7, 1984
January 23, 2007
June 18, 2012
January 30, 2013
I. STATEMENT. It is the intent of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Board of Trustees that its operating policy entitled FINANCIAL CONTROL
POLICY (see Statement No. 403) apply to all funds, whether from tax monies, or
other sources, including those collected from students. Implicit in this policy is its
application to the accounting for, and control over, student and program club
The College’s Executive Council seeks to clarify and expand the administrative
procedures and responsibilities necessary for the proper accounting and control
of student and program club funds, with the primary purpose being to protect the
College’s personnel and its students who are involved in these activities. Any
student club, program club, or any other organization holding fund-raising events
through the name association of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College must
be a “recognized” club as detailed in the Student Organization Manual located in
the Dean of Students Office before a club fund will be established.
A. Each campus/center business office shall exercise the primary responsibility
and control over the custodial function related to student and program club
funds (herein after referred to as recognized club funds”). At a minimum, the
following controls and documentation shall exist at each campus/center:
1. A bank checking account in the name of the College and designated for
recognized clubs’ funds must be used for the depositing and disbursing
of recognized club funds. These funds must be raised by, or donated to,
the recognized club for official club use only.
2. A ledger which details each recognized club’s deposit and disbursement
transaction(s) and the current balance of the recognized club will be
maintained. At no time should a recognized club’s balance fall below
B. Expenditure documentation provided by the club sponsor shall include
information on the purpose of the withdrawal(s), detailed invoice(s), and
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other supporting documentation as required by the campus/center business
1. Recognized clubs may purchase items for resale without paying sales tax.
Items purchased for consumption by the club are not sales tax exempt and
the clubs should pay tax on the items at the time of purchase. Any non-
resale items purchased without paying sales tax must be reported monthly
to the District Business Office for inclusion in the monthly use tax report.
Student clubs must collect and remit sales tax on all items sold through
fundraising activities.
2. Available club funds may be advanced to the club sponsor with written
documentation of the need for the funds. The advanced funds shall be
returned to the campus/center business office custodian within 72 hours
following the activity’s conclusion. The custodian shall compare the total
documented expenditures and money returned to make sure it totals the
funds advanced. Any discrepancies shall be noted on the voucher, and the
voucher shall not be considered “cleared” until the discrepancy has been
3. All of the documentation mentioned above shall be maintained by the
campus/center business office and shall be subject to verification by the
College Comptroller. A list of all recognized club accounts and balances
shall be available.
C. Revenue generated at recognized club activities shall be documented as
1. Collections from retail sales or donations for recognized club use shall
be submitted to the campus/center business office daily. Documentation
will be completed detailing how the funds were raised by, or donated to,
the recognized club. When the recognized club sponsor submits the
funds to the custodian for deposit, the total cash shall be counted with
both persons present.
2. The custodian shall then issue the club sponsor a signed cash receipt for
the amount of funds submitted and prepare a deposit slip for that amount.
The deposit shall be made the same day, if possible.
D. Recognized club funds may be used for legitimate club activities if approved
by the club sponsor and the Dean of Student Services or Administrative Dean
and is in compliance with the purpose and bylaws of the recognized club. The
Dean of Business Services or Administrative Dean have the authority to
administer and control the recognized club funds on each respective
campus/center as necessary to carry out the provisions of Section II.
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E. Any rebates that come into the College (phone, procurement cards, etc.) must
be deposited into the regular College budget and not be diverted into a
recognized club account.
F. Recognized clubs will become inactive based on information provided by the
Dean of Student Services or Administrative Dean after the renewal date of
club recognition each year. After a club is considered inactive for two years,
the remaining funds will be disbursed in compliance with the club’s charter. In
the absence of directions in the recognized club charter, the funds will be
deposited into a ‘Campus Club Assistance Account’ to be used at the
discretion of the Dean of Students or Administrative Dean and the Student
Government Association (SGA).
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Statement No. 404
August 10, 1976
February 21, 1977
December 6, 1988
November 20, 1990
December 11, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The Educational and General (E&G) Fund budget is prepared
annually in April and May. It is presented to the Board of Trustees for approval in
their regular monthly meeting in May each year. It is presented to the Board of
Supervisors of each of the four counties along with a request for a levy on or
before June 15. The Budget adopted and approved by the Board shall be adhered
to. When it appears that revenues or expenses will be more than estimated, the
budget shall be revised in scheduled budget updates.
A. The budget procedures in the instructional area begin with the classroom
instructor presenting needs for materials and supplies to the department
chairperson or Assistant Dean of Career-Technical Instruction (where
applicable) who then presents these needs to the Dean of Instruction or
Administrative Dean who presents them to the Campus Vice President.
B. The budget procedures in the non-instructional area begin with the employee
presenting needs for materials and supplies to his/her supervisor who then
presents the needs to administrators according to the college’s chain of
command and ultimately to the Campus Vice President.
C. All budget requests must be related to the college’s planning process and the
appropriate annual planning document.
D. The Vice President for Administration and Finance assesses anticipated
income, cost of certain basic expenses such as insurance, utilities,
transportation, etc.
E. The Vice President develops plans for the coming year in areas such as new
instructors and staff, employee changes on the salary schedule and other
related expenses.
F. All these assessments are presented to the Executive Council, chaired by the
President of the College.
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G. The Executive Council reviews the needs, prepares a budget, and the
President presents it to the Board of Trustees along with explanations and
H. Dates
April Budget Preparation
May Present Budget to Board of Trustees
June 15 or before Present Budget to Board of Supervisors
October, February, and June Budget Update
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Statement No. 405
July 1, 1972
December 6, 1988
December 11, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The College uses the State-approved accounting system.
Reports are submitted as requested. The College is audited annually either by
state auditors or a private CPA firm approved by the state auditors and the
College Board of Trustees.
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Statement No. 406
May 12, 1987
December 6, 1988
January 13, 2005
December 11, 2008
I. POLICY. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Board of Trustees, at its
regular meeting on February 18, 1987, approved certain changes to the Refund
Policy for Student Fees. This Statement supersedes all previous statements
regarding refunds of student fees.
To be eligible for a refund of tuition and/or fees, a student must officially withdraw
and request a refund upon completion of the withdrawal procedure. Calculation
of the amount of refund will be based on the last date of attendance. Additional
information on eligibility and procedures regarding refunds of student tuition
and/or fees for credit and non-credit programs may be found in the College
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Statement No. 407
May 18, 1977
November 2, 1977
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
June 12, 1997
August 25, 2005
May 8, 2007
December 4, 2013
March 29, 2017
I. STATEMENT. Maximum benefit will accrue from the use of college-owned
vehicles. This statement covers District Office and Campus-controlled vehicles.
A. College-Owned Vehicles. The Board approved the following statement on
May 18, 1977:
1. All College-owned vehicles shall be used only for college business
2. Employees of the College conducting official business may be
reimbursed for actual expenses incurred for fuel and for minor repairs.
3. College-owned vehicles shall be parked on campus overnight and
weekends except when it is necessitated by early morning trips to park
the vehicle at an employee’s residential address.
4. A log shall be maintained for each vehicle and shall contain dates, miles
traveled, purpose of travel and a record of fuel and repairs. Such logs
shall be subject to internal review.
5. All College-owned vehicles shall be clearly identified with the Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College insignia.
B. District Office and Campus-controlled vehicles: Vehicles are specifically
assigned on the College inventory to the District Office or the
Campuses/Centers for official college use only. Control and maintenance of
District Office vehicles is a responsibility of the Vice President of
Administration and Finance. Campus vehicles are to be dispatched only as
called for to meet needs identified by the Vice President. Control and
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maintenance of campus vehicles will be governed by local campus policy
and procedures.
C. College Buses. College-owned buses will be used only in college-related
When personnel require the use of District Office-controlled vehicles, an
employee must schedule the use of a vehicle through the office of the Vice
President, Administration and Finance. Use of Campus- controlled vehicles
should be scheduled through the appropriate office at the respective
Personnel are requested to report any mechanical or other hazardous problem
to the office from which the vehicle was reserved.
Any user of college vehicles will be subject to Department of Motor Vehicle
(DMV) background checks. Submission of driver’s license will be mandatory,
and drivers will be subject to background checks throughout the year.
A. Use of a 12 passenger van – no more than 12 persons, which includes the
B. Use of 7 passenger mini-van no more than 7 persons, which includes the
C. Use of handicap accessible van no more than 5 persons, which includes
the driver.
Use of the college handicap accessible van will be limited to the transport
needs of handicap individuals registered as a student with MGCCC or
employed with MGCCC. The van will be housed in District Office
Transportation on the Perkinston Campus. The Superintendent of
Transportation will be responsible for scheduling the van, and when
requested, will coordinate delivery/pick-up of the van to the starting point
of travel.
Transportation personnel will not be assigned as drivers for scheduled use
of the van and any student transport will require a college employee as
driver of the van.
D. Use of a 34 (*30/ADA) passenger bus - no less than 22 passengers.
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The use of college van(s) should be the first method of transportation
considered when transporting a group of participants consisting of 22
passengers or less. If this option is unattainable, it should be noted on the
original request for van use, revised for bus use, and forwarded the Vice
President, Administration and Finance for approval. If it is determined that
no van(s) are available prior to the submission of a request, it should be
noted on the bus request that van(s) were requested and determined
E. Use of a 47-passenger bus - no less than 35 passengers.
F. Use of a 55 or 56 passenger bus - no less than 48 passengers.
Exceptions in passenger limits for passenger buses may be made by the
Vice President, Administration and Finance due to issues related to
scheduling, equipment needs, accessibility, or other special
G. Operators of passenger vans are discouraged from pulling trailers or any
other type of equipment. Advanced approval for towing trailers or other
equipment must be obtained from the campus Dean of Business Services
and the Campus Vice President prior to scheduled travel.
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Statement No. 407.1
December 11, 2019
V. STATEMENT. All college personnel with driving responsibilities shall have a
motor vehicle record (MVR) meeting requirements set forth by college
administration and shall participate in college sponsored driver training. This
statement shall cover both the use of college owned motor vehicles and
personal motor vehicles when being driven for college business.
MVRs shall be examined prior to the start of employment and annually as
needed thereafter. Any offer of employment made to a finalist candidate for a
position with driving duties shall be contingent upon an MVR meeting the
requirements set forth by the administration. College employees not meeting
MVR requirements at any time shall have driving privileges revoked until such
time as MVR requirements can be met.
College personnel with driving responsibilities shall undergo college sponsored
driver training within one year of employment with the college and annually
thereafter. Personnel employed by the college at the time of adoption of this
policy shall meet the requirements of the policy within one year of adoption.
College employees not meeting training requirements at any time shall have
driving privileges revoked until such time as training requirements can be met.
All non-employee drivers must meet College Driver Authorization and Training
I. Motor Vehicle Records
1. The college Department of Human Resources (HR) shall obtain,
maintain, and update, as a part of official employment records, MVRs
for all college personnel.
2. Attainment of MVRs shall be accomplished in the most efficient method
available to HR, including but not limited to directly from the State, via
a third-party reporting agency, via direct provision from the employee,
3. MVRs shall consider a minimum of one (1) year of data.
4. MVRs must demonstrate:
1. that the employee holds a valid driver’s license for the state in
which the driver resides, and
2. that the employee has at least one (1) year of driving
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5. Serious violations deemed unacceptable include but may not be limited
1. Driving with a suspended, denied, revoked, or barred license.
2. Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or narcotics
or refusing to test such.
3. Vehicular homicide, or any driving offense punishable as a
felony such as hitting and run or leaving the scene of an
4. Reckless or negligent driving, including driving while texting,
electronic distractions, and excessive speeding.
5. Three or more at-fault violations that compromise passenger
and driver safety.
6. When an obvious or suspected MVR violation is noted by HR:
1. HR shall inform the appropriate college Vice President
indicating the violation and providing the Vice President with
both a copy of the employees MVR and relevant college policy.
2. The Vice President shall meet with the employee, notifying the
employee in writing of the violation and revoking the
employee’s driving privileges. Revocation of driving privileges
periods shall include but not be limited to all periods of time
necessary to rectify the violation, inclusive of pending court
3. When the employee rectifies the violation that resulted in
revocation of privileges, by providing documentation of such,
clarification documentation, or other relevant documents, the
employee may petition the Vice President for reinstatement of
privileges. There is no limit on the number of times where the
employee may petition for reinstatement of driving privileges.
4. The Vice President in consultation with the Vice President of
Administration and Finance shall determine the outcome of the
petition and the Vice President shall notify the employee.
Driver Training
1. The College Coordinator of Administration and Safety Management
(the coordinator) shall coordinate and provide driver training annually
for all college employees with driving responsibilities via the college’s
Employee Development Program (EDP).
2. Training shall be accomplished in the most efficient method possible
and may include but not be limited to, training via third party providers,
online training, in-classroom training, driver simulations, and live driving
3. Training shall be done on location across the college district as
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4. College employees shall receive appropriate employee development
credit for training and employee EDP credit transcripts shall serve as
the college’s official records demonstrating training.
5. When an employee fails to meet driver training requirements:
1. The Coordinator shall inform the appropriate college Vice
President indicating the failure and providing the Vice
President with relevant college policy.
2. The Vice President shall meet with the employee, notifying the
employee in writing of the failure and revoking the employee’s
driving privileges.
3. When the employee rectifies the failure by obtaining the
required training the employee’s driving privileges shall be
K. Employee Responsibilities
1. The use of cellphones or other electronic devices and distracting
activities such as texting is prohibited.
2. The driver and all passengers are required to always wear seatbelts.
3. All applicable traffic laws, ordinances, and regulations will be obeyed,
and the driver is responsible for any fines or traffic violations associated
with his/her use of the college vehicle.
4. No driver shall drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs including
prescribed medication that could influence or impair the driving ability
or cause drowsiness when operating a vehicle.
5. When the vehicle is not in use, the keys are to be removed from the
ignition and all doors are to remain locked when the vehicle is left
6. Employees with college driving privileges shall notify their immediate
supervisors of any violations or accidents, as soon as possible but not
less than within 72 hours if such may affect their eligibility for driving
privileges. The employees’ supervisor shall report such to the
appropriate office of the Vice President who shall in consolation with
the Vice President of Administration and Finance determine if any
action is necessary.
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Statement No. 408
July 1, 1972
February 23, 1989
August 11, 1993
January 22, 1998
September 15, 2005
April 28, 2006
April 22, 2009
May 8, 2019
I. STATEMENT. All College personnel are paid on a semimonthly basis.
A. Payroll will be issued on the 15th and the last day of each month; however, these
dates could vary depending upon weekends and bank holidays. If the 15
or last
day of the month falls on a weekend or bank holiday, payroll will be issued the
preceding weekday.
B. The District Business Office processes the payroll semi-monthly. If the properly
authorized payroll documents have not been received and entered into the payroll
system by the Human Resources Office and District Business Office by the
designated payroll deadline, the employee will be paid on the next subsequent
payday. Campus Business Offices are authorized to dispense petty cash funds
in these cases in the event of hardship if funds are available.
C. It is the responsibility of the Campus Deans and/or an employee's immediate
supervisor to notify the Campus Business Office when an employee is terminating
and of the date said employee should be taken off the payroll. The Campus
Business Office is responsible for immediately notifying Human Resources to
avoid overpayment to an employee.
D. Payroll corrections should be sent to the District Business Office via the completed
Payroll Correction Form.
E. All employees of the College will be paid over 24 pay periods and receive
compensation by direct deposit in their bank account. Employees can access a
facsimile of their check and pay information via Web Services. Changes to direct
deposit information can be made at the Campus Business Office or District
Business Office.
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Statement No. 409
June 11, 1991
December 11, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The Executive Council approved the procedures for reimbursing
taxable meals to comply with IRS regulations.
A. Requests for taxable meal reimbursements will be filed no more than once per
B. The reimbursement request must be forwarded to the Human Resources
Office no later than the 16th day of the month and be paid on the payroll for
the 30th of that month. (NOTE - If a reimbursement request is not received on
a timely basis, it will be processed on the subsequent month's payroll for the
30th of that month.)
C. A unique reimbursement request form will be used for taxable meal
reimbursements. This form is available through the Forms Repository.
D. Budget changes will be processed to transfer funds from travel accounts to the
appropriate payroll and fringe benefit accounts to allow the reimbursement.
E. Reimbursement requests for meals bought for non-college employees will be
processed with a check request and receipt attached. These reimbursements
will be charged to an official function account rather than a travel account.
Reimbursement requests must be accompanied by a budget change form and
transferring funds from the appropriate travel account to the appropriate
official functions account.
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Statement No. 410
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
June 28, 2004
April 15, 2015
I. STATEMENT. The College participates in several federal student financial aid
programs: Federal College Work-Study Program (CWSP), Federal Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants Program (SEOG), Pell Grants, and the Direct
Loan Program. Administration of these programs shall be uniformly carried out
throughout the College, in so far as possible, by following current applicable
guidelines prescribed by the Department of Education for these programs. Proper
documentation, both on the Campuses/Centers and in the District Office, is of the
utmost importance. Frequent coordination among Financial Aid Directors, Deans
of Student Services and Enrollment Management, Deans of Business Services,
and District Business Office personnel is necessary to achieve this goal.
Financial Aid Directors, Deans of Student Services and Enrollment Management,
Deans of Business Services, and District Business Office personnel shall ensure
that the desired degree of standardization is carried out by using the following
procedures in the administration of these programs:
A. The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System is used to document awards
to each student. Award minimum/maximum amounts are established in the
B. A comment screen is used to document student contacts within the ERP. An
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) program is used to image all documents
associated with the awarding verification processes as well as the issuance of
a professional judgment.
C. Professional Judgment Forms are used to document request for special
circumstances (dependency override, income reduction, Satisfactory
Academic Progress appeals, unusual medical/dental expenses, etc.).
D. Student refunds will be processed through a third-party refund provider and
students will indicate their choice of method of receiving their refund. Options
include using a vendor account to directly deposit funds into, using a bank
account of student choice to directly deposit funds into, or having a paper
check issued by the vendor and sent to the student via U. S. Mail. Students
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who do not choose their preference will automatically be issued a paper check
from the vendor.
E. The Financial Aid Directors will maintain and adhere to a Financial Aid Policy
and Procedure Manual to ensure District consistency in processes.
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Statement No. 411
February 8, 2012
I. STATEMENT: The collection of cash makes up a significant portion of the
business office transactions at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. In an
effort to address the issue of counterfeit currency and protect the college and its
employees, the college has developed a set of safeguarding measures as well
as internal operating procedures which should be followed should a college
employee receive counterfeit currency.
All authorized, cash-handling personnel are responsible for exercising
reasonable care in screening cash transactions for counterfeit currency.
Whenever cash is received in the Business Offices, the individual accepting cash
should verify all denominations of currency that are $20.00 and above. This is
accomplished by using a counterfeit bill-detecting marker. If the ink from the
marker turns yellow/amber/clear on the bill, the bill is considered acceptable.
However, if the ink from the marker turns brown/black/gray on the bill, the bill is
considered counterfeit. If a questionable bill is received, the following procedures
should be followed:
1. Stay safe! 1. Stay safe!
If a note received is identified as counterfeit,
request that the passer present his/her student
identification or drivers’ license. Try to avoid
informing the passer prior to police arrival.
Identify the note received is counterfeit.
Excuse yourself and notify the Dean of Business
Services/Administrative Dean/Coordinator of
Business Services.
Notify the Dean of Business
Services/Administrative Dean/Coordinator
of Business Services.
Contact the appropriate MGCCC Campus Police
department. Let the Dispatcher know your situation
and request an Officer. Be prepared to provide
descriptions of the passer, any companions, and
license plate numbers of any vehicles used, if
After recording information regarding the passer
from his/her identification, return the passer’s form
of identification but DO NOT return the note to the
passer unless the passer becomes aggressive and
demands the note back. Maintaining your personal
safety is more important than identifying a
potentially counterfeit note.
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Delay the passer, if possible, by asking the passer
stay until the MGCCC Campus Police arrives.
Advise them that their cooperation is appreciated
for the purpose of assisting campus police in
determining the origin of where they may have
acquired the counterfeit bill(s).
If the passer decides to leave, do not try to stop
a. CALMLY state that you are following
procedure. “The bill may be counterfeit
and I am required to follow procedure.
Can you stay around until they arrive?”
b. If they leave, make note of the passer’s
description, as well as that of any
companions, and any other identifying
details such as the license plate numbers
of any vehicles used.
Limit the handling of the note.
a. Write your initials and the date in the white
border areas of the suspect note.
b. Make a copy of the note front and back.
c. Carefully place the note in a protective
covering, such as an envelope.
Limit the handling of the note.
a. Write your initials and the date in
the white border areas of the
suspect note.
b. Make a copy of the note front
and back.
c. Carefully place the note in a
protective covering, such as an
Fill out the USSS Counterfeit Note Report (PDF).
Fill out the USSS Counterfeit Note Report
MGCCC officer will interview all involved
Proceed to Step 10.
MGCCC officer will provide you with the case
report number of the incident.
MGCCC officer will provide you with the
case report number of the incident.
Surrender the note and copy of the completed
USSS Counterfeit Note Report only to a properly
identified police officer.
Surrender the note and copy of the
completed USSS Counterfeit Note Report
only to a properly identified police officer.
Contact the Deans of Business Services, the
Comptroller, and the Vice President for
Administration and Finance.
Contact the Deans of Business Services,
the Comptroller, and the Vice President
for Administration and Finance.
A. If a counterfeit note is discovered by the college, then the account credited with
receiving the funds will be debited for the amount of the counterfeit note(s), if
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Statement No. 412
September 15, 1973
April 7, 1980
December 6, 1988
December 11, 2008
I. STATEMENT. According to a ruling by the Deputy Attorney General, Office of the
Attorney General, State of Mississippi, dated September 20, 1971, it was ruled
that the Board of Trustees could budget the cost of meals and refreshments for
those required to attend official functions of the College, including, but not limited
to, administrators, faculty, and other employees, provided the Board adopt such a
policy. The Board of Trustees adopted such a policy on September 22, 1971 (see
page 90, Minute Book 14). Accordingly, certain accounts are established in each
year's budget.
Control over expenditures to be charged to these accounts is vested in the
President for the Central Office, and in the Vice President for their respective
The following general guidelines will be used in charging meals. Exceptions to
these guidelines must be approved by the President or Vice President for
Administration and Finance.
A. Meals for official Board of Trustees.
B. Meals provided for a general administrative nature on the campuses (i.e.,
purely for administrative matters, such as County Supervisors, local
community key personnel, mayors, politicians, visiting college officials, guests
of the Vice President, etc.). Vice Presidents have approval authority over
these charges so long as they are within approved budget limitations.
C. Meals and food costs for college wide faculty meetings along with other
Central Office sponsored meals of a general instructional nature. Meals of an
instructional nature on the campuses (i.e., purely for instructional matters,
such as career-technical representatives from state level, representatives
from industry, etc., visiting for instructional matters, guests of department
heads, etc.) will be charged to appropriate instructional official function
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Documentation supporting the administrative and/or instructional nature of the
meal(s) will be attached to each request for payment submitted to the Central
Business Office and will be maintained at the Central Business Office.
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Statement No. 413
September 30, 1980
March 19, 1987
December 6, 1988
January 28, 1999
December 11, 2008
I. STATEMENT. All equipment and furniture meeting the inventory criteria as defined
in the Inventory Procedures Manual must be listed on a current, accurate inventory.
Each department chairperson/supervisor is responsible for all items of equipment
and furniture assigned or located in their assigned area. All employees will
cooperate with the department chairperson/supervisor in maintaining and
accounting for all property in their assigned area. Inventories of land and buildings
will be maintained by the District Business Office.
Surplus Property: Items purchased from the Surplus Property Procurement
Commission are to be inventoried at the property item's actual cost to the College.
Computer-Produced Inventories: Procedures outlined in the Inventory Procedures
Manual shall be used to result in a computer-produced inventory.
Central Receiving Locations/Stations: Campuses/centers shall designate one
central receiving location/station and assign one or more person’s formal
responsibility for receiving goods and beginning the inventory process as outlined in
the Inventory Procedures Manual.
Assignment of Property Officers: Campuses/centers shall designate a Property
Officer who shall be responsible for carrying out duties designated below. Names
and titles of Property Officers shall be submitted to the Director of Purchasing and
Property Control. When names change, the Director of Purchasing and Property
Control shall be informed.
Salvage Committees: All recommendations relating to the removal of items from the
equipment inventory shall be the province of the Salvage Committees. The Salvage
Committees shall consist of three members on each campus and the District Office.
The appropriate Executive Officer of the campus/center shall appoint members of
the Salvage Committee. Members of the Salvage Committee shall be appointed for
terms not exceeding three years and members may not succeed themselves. Terms
of office shall be scheduled to provide for the appointment of one new member of
each committee each year. Terms of office shall coincide with the fiscal year of the
College. The Property Officer of each campus and the Director of Purchasing and
Property Control shall not be members
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of the Salvage Committee. The President at his or her discretion shall refer the
recommendations to the Board of Trustees for appropriate action.
The disposition of items removed from inventory shall be the responsibility of the
Director of Purchasing and Property Control and shall be in accord with the law.
Inventory of Equipment: Items to be included in the inventory of equipment due to
their purchasing value or purpose are detailed in the Inventory Procedures Manual.
Exception items will be regarded as equipment regardless of their purchasing value
and are also detailed in the Inventory Procedures Manual. A staff member who is
designated to carry out this responsibility must inventory all items delivered to a
campus/center from vendors, or from any source.
See the Inventory Procedures Manual for additional procedures and responsibilities.
A. As with all Title III purchases, purchase requisitions must be approved in the
District Office. The Vice President for Instruction and Student Services signs as
the person "requested by" and the Title III coordinator initials the requisition.
B. Any item costing over $500 and meeting college inventory criteria will be
considered inventoriable. Separate purchase requisitions must be made for
inventoriable purchases.
C. Unless arranged in advance, all purchase requisitions will specify delivery to the
District Office. District Office Title III personnel will complete receiving reports
and will work with appropriate campus property officers to ensure that inventory
numbers are assigned.
D. In order to keep inventory items acquired with external funds separate from
regular college acquisitions a unique use code will be assigned to each external
source. This will provide a clear audit trail for the auditors. The District Business
Office will furnish these codes upon request.
E. If a Manufacturer’s Code does not appear on the master list, call the District
Purchasing Office and request assignment of a code (be certain to use the
manufacture, not the vendor’s name). The District Purchasing Office will send a
memo to the District Business Office and the Deans of Business Services
confirming assignment of the code.
F. The Fund Code for all Title III purchases is 2 (two)
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Statement No. 414
June 7, 1979
January 16, 1989
February 13, 2004
August 26, 2005
December 11, 2008
December 10, 2009
June 10, 2010
August 3, 2011
September 10, 2014
June 7, 2017
January 17, 2024
"Employees of the college shall be reimbursed for expenses that are incurred in the
performance of other than routine duties or activities for the college upon approval by
the administration." In compliance with Mississippi Code Section 25-3-41, the College
will reimburse employees for travel related expenses that an employee incurs in
performing official duties of the College.
A. Employee Expenses
Before any travel is performed, the employee must submit a Request for Travel
Authorization Form for approval to their Campus/Center Executive Officer. Additionally,
if the travel is out of state, and requires overnight stay, the President of the College must
approve the travel.
An employee traveling on official college business is expected to exercise the same
care incurring expenses as would a prudent person traveling for personal reasons.
Travel for college business should be conducted at a minimum cost for achieving the
success of the purpose of the travel. Travelers shall request air, train, bus, hotel, and/or
vehicle rental reservations as far in advance as possible and shall utilize the lowest
logical rate available. All travel arrangements made through a travel agency must follow
the purchase order system.
For travel which involves multiple persons, the higher ranking individual responsible for
that area will coordinate the transportation using the criteria presented in Statement No.
407 when considering the type of vehicle and number of individuals. The starting point
will be the employee’s primary Campus/Center. Any individual wishing to deviate from
these travel plans for personal reasons will assume all costs related to the use of his/her
personal vehicle. Exceptions that are in the best interest of the college will require
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approval of an Executive Officer of the campus/Center.
Immediately following official travel completion, a request for reimbursement should be
made by the employee on a form titled Voucher for Reimbursement of Expenses
Incident to Official Travel. Travel reimbursements will be processed as rapidly as
possible so as to reimburse employees when their out-of-pocket money is used. When
personal credit card charges are made, reimbursement will be made in time to meet
billing deadlines of the credit charge company, whenever possible.
Employees who incur travel expenses on a regular basis as part of their official duties
are urged to limit the number of travel vouchers submitted to the District Business Office
to one per month for each individual so that the processing can be done as rapidly as
possible. If, however, an employee does incur a large amount due them at any given
trip or time, an additional reimbursement voucher would be in order.
B. College Vehicles
Upon the purchase or acquisition of a new vehicle, the District Purchasing Office will
issue a Fuelman card with the new vehicle designation and property asset number. This
card will be kept in the vehicle and be utilized for all fuel, oil, and repair purchases for
the designated vehicle. A PIN number will be issued to the driver of the vehicle when
necessary to accomplish these purchases. Fuelman or other college credit card charges
will not be listed on the employee's travel voucher.
Fuelman cards shall be used only for gas, oil, and repairs for college vehicles. They
shall not be used to purchase airline tickets, motel/hotel or food expenses.
When emergencies arise with college-owned vehicles and repairs are required that
cannot be paid for with a Fuelman or other college credit card, the driver or person
signing out the vehicle shall pay for such repair with college or personal money or must
make arrangements by telephone or some other means with the District Business Office
for credit to be extended for the emergency repairs. Such transportation expenditures
shall be charged to an appropriate transportation account. Personal cash will be
reimbursed if authorized.
Any use of college vehicles will be subject to Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV)
background checks. Yearly submission of driver’s license will be mandatory and subject
to background checks throughout the year.
C. Travel Advances (In-State and Out-of-State)
Travel advances for employees in-state travel will not be provided. Subject to the rules
and regulations of the Mississippi State Auditor’s Office, travel advances to employees
for out-of-state travel are allowed, provided the employee gives sufficient time to the
appropriate business office to ensure the desired amounts are available. The
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Campus/Center Deans of Business or the Comptroller have the authority to approve
travel advances from imprest cash funds. An advance will not be issued earlier than 3
business days before the travel start date.
Employees must account for travel advances within 10 business days of return from
official travel. The employee should submit to the District Business Office a Voucher for
Reimbursement of Expenses Incident to Official Travel. Once reimbursement is
received, the employee should repay the travel advance to the Business Office that
issued the advance.
For guidance on student travel groups, reference Statement 720.
D. Use of Personal Vehicles
Employees traveling to or from a scheduled off-campus activity or meeting in their own
vehicle will assume the same liability as any other travel. In case of accident or injury,
the vehicle owners’ insurance will be the primary source of payment. An employee
without a valid driver’s license will not be reimbursed for mileage. An employee who is
not in possession of a valid driver’s license and personal automobile insurance will not
be allowed to conduct college business in a personal vehicle.
Reimbursement for the use of a personal vehicle for official College business is based
on actual miles traveled and will be at a rate not to exceed the rate at which federal
employees are reimbursed. The Vice President, Administration and Finance will notify
employees if there is a change to the current reimbursement rate.
Reimbursement will be based on the shortest distance between the employee’s
Campus/Center and the destination. If the employee is traveling directly from their
residence and the distance is shorter from home to the official destination than their
work location, reimbursement should be calculated on the shorter distance.
If an employee chooses to drive and expenses for driving exceed the cost of the lowest
unrestricted air fare, reimbursement will be limited to the cost of flying. If a college
vehicle is available during the time of travel, an employee will not be reimbursed for use
of their personal vehicle. It is the employee’s responsibility to check with their
campus/location to confirm if a college vehicle is available and provide documentation
of such, along with their request for reimbursement. Exceptions are to be approved in
advanced of scheduled travel by appropriate Vice President.
E. Taxes
Travel reimbursement will be made for all taxes paid by the traveler; however, when
expenses incurred in the state of Mississippi are billed directly to the college, taxes will
not be paid.
F. Meals
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Employees shall be reimbursed the actual cost of meals incident to official travel, not to
exceed the daily maximum allowable meal reimbursement as defined in Section II.F.
below. When meals are provided at a conference or workshop, employees will not be
reimbursed for the cost of meals consumed away from the conference for the same
time. Conference agendas must be attached to the Voucher for Reimbursement of
Expenses Incident to Official Travel. If special circumstances exist, for example, a food
allergy prohibiting an employee from eating the meal provided, an exception will be
made and reimbursement provided for that meal if a receipt is produced, the special
circumstance is noted by the employee, and the request is approved by the Executive
Reimbursement of meal expenses incurred during official college travel where an
overnight stay is not included are taxable to the employee. Reference Statement 409
Reimbursement of Taxable Meals for guidance on this type of reimbursement.
Alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.
G. Prior to Travel Expenses (PTE)
Employees can be reimbursed for public carrier tickets, deposits required by hotels, and
conference registrations not paid directly by the college. PTE can be paid any time prior
to the trip and is not subject to the 20 day prior to travel limit imposed for travel
advances. Request for PTE reimbursements should be submitted to the District
Business Office on the Voucher for Reimbursement of Expenses Incident to Official
Travel, along with a copy of the employee’s approved Authorization to Travel.
Additionally, for public carrier tickets, a copy of the itinerary and receipt must be
attached; for hotel deposits, a copy of the hotel confirmation and policy requiring a
deposit must be attached; and for conference registrations, a copy of the conference
registration form must be included.
When an employee receives a PTE reimbursement for a trip that is subsequently
canceled, the employee must immediately notify their Campus/Center Executive
Officer. If the trip was cancelled for personal reasons by the employee, the PTE
reimbursement must be repaid to the College.
H. Lodging
For all reservations that are not booked through a travel agency or at a discounted
conference rate, the traveler is required to request a government rate for the room
reserved. Reimbursement will be made for lodging expenses incurred only when a
detailed original itemized hotel bill showing a zero balance due is attached to the request
for reimbursement. Express check out receipts which do not provide an itemized hotel
bill are not acceptable.
If more than one employee shares a hotel/motel room, each employee may report a
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pro-rata share of the costs on his/her travel reimbursement request, or all lodging
expenses may be shown on one reimbursement request, provided that both travelers
note the sharing of the room on their individual reimbursement requests.
I. Public Carrier (Air Fare)
Employees may make reservations for all travel arrangements using a state contract
travel agency or by booking flights over the internet. A receipt and itinerary shall
accompany the request for reimbursement.
For all flights that are not booked through one of the contract travel agencies, the
employee must do a cost comparison to document that the most economical fare is
being used by obtaining a minimum of two quotes on fares. The quotes must show the
fare and any issuance cost. The quotes cannot be through a travel agency if not being
used. The cost comparison must be submitted along with the employee’s request for
J.Employee Reimbursement
Employees requesting reimbursement for official travel expenses shall report and claim
payment on the Voucher for Reimbursement of Expenses Incident to Travel available
through the Forms Repository. The request for reimbursement must be submitted within
thirty days of the date travel was completed.
One employee should not claim expenses for another employee, except in the instance
when a hotel room is shared. The room cost can be split and submitted separately, or
one employee can submit both, provided that it is noted on the reimbursement request.
For all other types of travel expenses, the traveler must submit a request for
reimbursement for their own expenses.
For guidance on student travel groups reference Statement 720.
K. Maximum allowable daily meal reimbursement:
Section 25-3-41, Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, requires the Mississippi
Department of Finance and Administration to establish the maximum daily rate for meal
reimbursement of State employees while on official travel. The rate(s) established will
be made available to all college employees by the Vice President, Administration and
Meal tips should be included in the actual meal expense unless the inclusion of the tips
would cause the meals to exceed the maximum daily rate. If the daily limitation would
be exceeded, the employee is allowed to record meal tips for each day in the “Other”
column and not include it in the actual meal expense. Total meal tips shall not exceed
20% of the maximum daily rate claimed.
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Statement No. 415
September 3, 1986
May 12, 1987
December 6, 1988
June 15, 2007
June 10, 2010
June 24, 2015
I. STATEMENT. It is the intention of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
to maximize revenues by collecting student accounts receivable. Therefore,
student fees may be deferred only in the manner prescribed in the Procedures and
Responsibilities section of this statement.
A. The person in charge of making the decision to defer fees will be appointed
by the Campus Vice President on each campus.
B. Students who have a balance due to the College on their record from a prior
semester may not enroll until the outstanding balance is paid.
C. The payment dates for each Fall semester will be as follows: (or the last
working day prior to these dates)
a. 1st Payment: Registration
b. 2nd Payment: September 30
c. 3rd Payment: October 30
D. The payment dates for each Spring semester will be as follows: (or the last
working day prior to these dates)
a. 1
Payment: Registration
b. 2
Payment: February 28
c. 3
Payment: March 30
E. The payment dates for each summer semester will be as follows:
a. 1
Payment: Registration
b. 2
Payment: The day before 2
5 weeks classes begin.
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F. Fees in the Fall and Spring semesters may not be deferred beyond the 3
payment date. Fees in the Summer semester may not be deferred beyond
the 2
payment date. A $40 fee will be assessed to each student’s account
by the Business Office after the final payment becomes delinquent and the
student’s account will be placed on hold. A student who maintains an account
balance with the College will not be allowed to register for any future semester
until his/her account balance is satisfied.
G. At the end of the semester, any student account with an outstanding balance
may be sent to collections. In addition, upon withdrawal from the college, any
student account with a balance may be sent to collections.
Exceptions to this procedure may be made by the Dean of Business Services with
the concurrence of the Campus Vice President.
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Statement No. 416
November 11, 1999
January 19, 2005
December 4, 2013
December 11, 2019
I. STATEMENT. All facilities and grounds of MGCCC are intended to serve the
essential functions of instruction, support services, cultural development, and
community engagement and partnerships. To the extent that resources permit,
MGCCC will attempt to accommodate requests for facility use by administrative
and instructional units of the College, by recognized student organizations, and
by other recognized community groups or sponsored organizations, subject to the
conditions described in this document. All use of MGCCC facilities must be
compatible with the mission of MGCCC. Activities inconsistent with the MGCCC
mission will not be approved. Facilities under this statement are not intended for
any activity if the purpose or result of such use is financial gain for any individual
or group of individuals. Facilities are most appropriately used by administrative
and instructional units of the College, by organizations and events supported by
the College, for activities of students or staff and for public events.
A. Priorities for Use of Facilities
The type of facility must be suitable for the requested use. Neither the timing
nor the duration of an activity in a requested facility can conflict with the
College’s primary missions or the facility’s priority use. The following
priorities will be followed unless unique or unexpected circumstances lead
the President or the appropriate Vice President to make an exception.
Scheduling of facilities must also provide adequate time to perform
scheduled and unscheduled maintenance activities.
1. Instructional Space (lecture rooms, labs, classrooms, etc.)
a. Scheduled Classes
b. Open labs, independent study
c. Administrative uses (e.g., registration, orientation programs, testing)
d. College-Recognized student groups and organizations
e. Administrative or Academic Unit sponsored groups and
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2. Dining Facilities and Private Dining Rooms
a. Dining functions during scheduled dining hours
b. College administrative and instructional events
c. College-recognized student groups and organizations
d. Administrative or Academic Unit sponsored groups and
3. Meeting/ Conference Rooms
a. College administrative and instructional units
b. College-recognized student groups and organizations
c. Administrative or Academic Unit sponsored groups and
4. Fine Arts Auditorium
a. Performances of the music and theatre programs of the Fine Arts
b. Rehearsals of the music and theatre programs of the Fine Arts
c. Activities sponsored by the Fine Arts Department (e.g., concert
series, theatre festival, piano festival)
d. Activities of the administrative and instructional units of the College
(e.g., faculty meetings, Awards Day programs, nurses’ pinning
ceremony, lecture series)
e. Activities of Administrative or Academic Unit sponsored groups and
5. Arena Theatre at the Harrison County Campus and Black Box Theatre
at the Perkinston Campus.
a. Scheduled classes (lecture and lab) of the Fine Arts Department
b. Performances and rehearsals of the Fine Arts Department
c. Other theatre activities sponsored by MGCCC.
6. Gymnasiums and Other Sporting Venues
a. Intercollegiate sports activities
b. Scheduled classes of the Physical Education Department
c. Activities of the administrative or instructional units of the college
(e.g., registration)
d. Activities of the Fitness Center
e. Intramural activities
f. Administrative or Academic Unit sponsored groups and
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B. Facility Usage Fees
Users of College facilities are subject to a facilities usage fee.
Recommended facility usage fees shall be determined by the College’s
Finance Council. The appropriate campus/center contact can provide
specific pricing information for facility use. Vice Presidents may waive or
reduce fees as deemed appropriate.
Special contracts for leasing space with other recognized organizations
benefitting the institution may be negotiated and approved by the President
as needed.
C. Procedures for Scheduling an Event
1. Schedule event with appropriate campus/center facility contact.
2. The appropriate campus/ center facility contact will complete the Hold
Harmless Agreement and Rules and Regulations form and obtain
signature of the individual or group that is using the facility except for
State agencies.
3. The appropriate campus/ center facility contact will complete an Activity
Request Form. (A diagram of the requested set-up must accompany
this form if furniture re-arrangement or set-up is required).
4. If a charge is applicable for the facility, this amount must be collected
by the campus or center Business Office prior to the use of facilities.
5. The Facilities Use Agreement, Activity Request Form, Hold Harmless
Agreement and Rules and Regulations forms, as applicable, are then
forwarded to the Vice President and/or Center Administrative Dean for
final approval.
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Statement No. 417
July 1, 1972
September 5, 1978
December 6, 1988
February 11, 1993
July 17, 2019
I. STATEMENT. This Statement supersedes all previous published or unpublished
policies or rules relative to Perkinston Campus Housing. The Perkinston Campus
has limited housing accommodations available for occupancy by employees of
the College. Accommodations range from small efficiency apartments to three-
bedroom houses.
Rent for college housing is established at minimum rates plus utilities. Rent and
utilities are paid by occupants of college housing through payroll deductions.
College housing exists for the benefit of the College and assignments to college
housing are based on needs of the College.
The Housing Committee, composed of the Vice President of the Perkinston
Campus, the President, and the Vice President for Administration and Finance
makes the selection for assignment of college employees to college housing.
A. It is the responsibility of the occupants of college housing to maintain the
interior of the dwelling in a clean and orderly manner and to maintain the
grounds (lawn, etc.) assigned to the dwelling at a standard of appearance
acceptable to the College. Failure of the occupant to perform according to
this section (Section II.A.) shall be cause for eviction from college-owned
B. The College reserves the right to enter the dwelling to inspect and/or perform
such maintenance and repairs deemed necessary by the College. Upon
vacating college-owned housing the occupant agrees to remove all
personally owned items immediately and to leave the interior of the house in
a state of cleanliness acceptable to the College.
C. It is the responsibility of the occupant(s) of college housing to secure and
provide proof of renters insurance, as indicated in the housing agreement,
prior to occupancy.
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Statement No. 418
November 19, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The College’s Data Management and Information System
(BANNER) is a modular system that is fully integrated within a single database.
The College regulates access to BANNER, other third-party modules, and all
applications within the information management system.
A. Access to the BANNER system is accomplished through security classes.
These security classes correlate directly to job assignments and
responsibilities. When an employee that needs access to information
contained within BANNER joins or transfers within the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College workforce, appropriate security classes are added
and/or removed from that employee’s user id upon the request of the
employee’s supervisor and concurrence of the appropriate Executive Officer.
The appropriate supervisor is also responsible for notifying the IT Director of
necessary modifications to an employee’s security classes (i.e., access to
information) within BANNER upon approval of the appropriate Executive
Officer. These modifications may result from terminations, job function
changes, etc.
B. Once a request for access to information contained within BANNER has
been made by the appropriate supervisor of a college employee with
concurrence of the appropriate Executive Officer, the Information
Technology (IT) Director approves appropriate access to the database. The
Database Administrator will then assign the appropriate security classes for
access to information contained within BANNER.
C. Access to information within BANNER not accessible through the assigned
security classes may be granted to users on an individual basis. This access
must be approved by the person responsible for the data upon the request
of the appropriate supervisor of the college employee with concurrence of
the appropriate Executive Officer. For example, the Comptroller must
approve all special access to financial data; the Human Resources director
must approve all special access to Human Resources data; etc.
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Statement No. 419
December 15, 2010
I. STATEMENT. The “Red Flags Rule” has been promulgated by the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) in the FTC’s implementation of Sections 114 and 315 of the
Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, an amendment to the Fair
Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) pursuant to U.S.C. 1681s(a)(1). In response to this
legislation, the College has established an Identity Theft Prevention Program (“the
Program”) to comply with the “Red Flags Rule.” The Program is designed to assist
in the detection, prevention, and mitigation of Identity Theft in connection with the
opening and/or maintenance of a student or employee record within the College.
The Program is appropriate to the size and complexity of the College as well as
the nature and scope of college activities.
The Red Flags Rule requires institutions that hold “covered accounts” (accounts
as to which a person makes repeat payments) to develop and implement an
Identity Theft Prevention Program. At the College, “covered accounts” are defined
as student records/accounts and loans that are administered by the College.
“Covered accounts” also include employee records/accounts. The College will
ensure compliance with the Program by taking reasonable steps to:
1. Identify relevant Red Flags for covered accounts that the College offers
or maintains and incorporate those Red Flags into the Program;
2. Detect Red Flags that have been incorporated into the Program;
3. Respond appropriately to any Red Flags that are detected to prevent and
mitigate Identity Theft; and
4. Ensure that the program is updated periodically to reflect changes in risks
to college consumers and to the safety and soundness of the College from
Identity Theft.
The Program shall, as appropriate, supplement College procedures and practices
that control reasonably foreseeable risks of Identity Theft.
A. Identification of Red Flags
In order to identify relevant Red Flags, the College has considered the types
of covered accounts offered and maintained, methods provided to open
accounts, methods provided to access accounts, and previous experiences
with Identity Theft. The College has identified the following Red Flags in each
of the listed categories:
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1. Suspicious Documents
a. Identification document or card that appears to be forged, altered or
b. Identification document or card on which a person's photograph or
physical description is not consistent with the person presenting the
c. Other document with information that is not consistent with existing
student information; and
d. Application that appears to have been altered or forged.
2. Suspicious Personal Identifying Information
a. Identifying information presented that is inconsistent with other
information the student provides (example: inconsistent birth
b. Identifying information presented that is inconsistent with other
sources of information;
c. Identifying information presented that is the same as information
shown on other applications that were found to be fraudulent;
d. Identifying information presented that is consistent with fraudulent
activity (such as an invalid phone number or fictitious billing
address); and
e. The social security number presented that is the same as one given
by another student.
3. Suspicious Covered Account Activity or Unusual Use of Account
a. Change of address for an account followed by a request to change
the student's or employee’s name;
b. Payments stop on an otherwise consistently up to date account;
c. Account is used in a way that is not consistent with prior use;
d. Mail sent to the student is repeatedly returned as undeliverable;
e. Notice to the college that a student is not receiving mail sent by the
f. Breach in the college's computer system security; or
g. Unauthorized access to or use of the student's account information.
4. Alerts From Others
Notice from a student, Identity Theft victim, law enforcement or other
person that the College has opened or is maintaining a fraudulent
record/account for a person engaged in Identity Theft.
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B. Detecting Red Flags
1. Student Enrollment
In order to detect any of the Red Flags identified above associated with
the enrollment of a student or the employment of an employee, the
College will take the following steps to obtain and verify the identity of
the person opening the account:
a. Require certain identifying information such as name, date of birth,
academic records, home address or other identification; and
b. Verify the student's/employee’s identity at time of issuance of
identification card.
2. Existing Accounts
In order to detect any of the Red Flags identified above for an existing
Covered Account, College personnel will take the following steps to
monitor transactions on an account:
a. Verify the identification of students/employees if they request
information (in person, via telephone, via facsimile, via email); and
b. Verify the validity of requests to change an address by mail or e-
mail and provide the student/employee with a reasonable means
of promptly reporting incorrect billing address changes.
C. Preventing and Mitigating Identity Theft
In the event the College detects any identified Red Flags, the College shall
take one or more of the following steps, depending on the degree of risk
posed by the Red Flag:
1. Continue to monitor a Covered Account for evidence of Identity Theft;
2. Contact the student/employee;
3. Change any passwords or other security devices that permit access to
Covered Accounts;
4. Not open a new Covered Account;
5. Provide the student/employee with a new identification number;
6. Notify the Vice President for Administration and Finance for a
determination of the appropriate step(s) to take;
7. Notify law enforcement;
8. File or assist in filing a suspicious activities report; or
9. Determine that no response is warranted under the particular
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D. Staff Training and Program Evaluation
College personnel responsible for implementing the Program shall be
trained in the detection of Red Flags and the responsive steps to be
taken when a Red Flag is detected. College personnel are expected to
notify his/her immediate supervisor once they become aware of an
incident of Identity Theft. At least annually, the Vice President for
Administration and Finance shall report on compliance with the Program.
The report may address such issues as the effectiveness of this
Statement in addressing the risk of Identity Theft in connection with
opening and maintaining Covered Accounts, service provider
arrangements, significant incidents involving Identity Theft, and
recommendations for changes to the Program.
E. Service Provider Arrangements
In the event the College engages a service provider to perform an activity
in connection with one or more Covered Accounts, the college will take
steps to ensure that the service provider performs its activity in
accordance with reasonable policies and procedures designed to detect,
prevent, and mitigate the risk of Identity Theft.
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Statement No. 420
July 17, 2019
I. STATEMENT. As a publicly supported institution, the college has fiduciary
responsibility to conserve, preserve, and efficiently use all college resources.
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College employees must comply with
applicable state and federal laws, policies set forth by the Board of Trustees, and
procedures established by the college. No college employee shall perpetuate,
engage in, or otherwise facilitate the act of committing fraud or theft.
Additionally, no college employee shall be compelled by a supervisor or a college
official to violate a law or college policy.
Employees are responsible for immediately reporting known or suspected
incidents of fraud including theft and misappropriations of college assets to the
Vice President of Administration and Finance.
This statement applies to any known or suspected fraud involving employees,
customers, vendors, contractors, consultants, or other parties related to the
Employees that engage in fraudulent activities are not acting within the scope of
their employment and should not expect protection under The Mississippi Tort
Claims Act or any applicable college insurance policy.
It is the policy of the college to pursue legal action based upon the merits of the
case in consultation with college legal counsel. In addition, employees engaging
in fraud will be required to pay restitution, including the cost of the investigation.
The submission of a resignation by an employee accused or suspected of fraud
or theft will not prohibit later disciplinary action including restitution and legal
action. Should restitution be required, payment arrangements will be established
through the Office of The Vice President of Administration and Finance, with
approval from the President of the College.
No employee shall take a retaliatory act against an individual for reporting or
causing to be reported, suspected wrongdoing, or for assisting in an authorized
investigation of alleged wrongdoing.
Individuals who believe they have been subjected to retaliation in violation of this
policy should notify the Office of the Vice President of Administration and Finance,
and/or the Human Resources Department.
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Statement No. 500
August 6, 2008
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) is
committed to world-class instruction. MGCCC accepts and recognizes the
Faculty Handbook as the official college publication that describes, and outlines
responsibilities and activities related to full-time/part-time faculty and instruction.
The MGCCC Faculty Handbook shall be maintained in the Office of the Vice
President, Teaching & Learning/Community Campus.
The Faculty Handbook is reviewed and updated annually through the Instructional
Affairs Council and is located on the college website.
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Statement No. 501
November 30, 1989
January 10, 2008
February 19, 2014
February 20, 2019
I. STATEMENT. Full-time and part-time (adjunct) incumbent's primary
responsibility is the teaching of courses in associate degree, diploma, or
certificate programs. Teaching faculty must follow established policies and
procedures and are encouraged to participate in appropriate organizations and
1. Assume responsibility for teaching subject matter in addition to good
citizenship, respect for rights of others, respect for college property,
and proper attitude.
2. Meet classes according to class schedule for the designated time periods.
3. Attend faculty or departmental meetings as requested.
4. Adhere to examination schedule unless prior permission is obtained.
5. Provide reasonable accessibility to students for conferences, advisement,
or tutorial assistance. Full-time faculty refer to Statement No.
213. Part-time instructors are expected to be available at least one contact
hour for each three-hour credit course per week or the equivalent.
6. Provide advice for students as necessary.
7. Maintain adequate records for all students and make timely reports as
requested by Department Chairperson or College Administration.
8. Utilize available instructional support services, such as Learning
Resources Centers, offered to students and faculty.
9. Conduct evaluation of classes according to college procedures using the
standardized evaluation instrument.
10. Ensure instructional methodology and requirements are consistent with
the College and respective departments.
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11. Follow established policies and procedures to enhance instruction and
contribute to the successful accomplishment of college goals, course
objectives, student achievement, and professional development. The role
of faculty members includes responsibility for the content, quality, and
effectiveness of the curriculum at the state, institutional program, and
course level.
12. Serve as a public relations representative for the Community College
13. Supervise and participate in extracurricular activities as assigned by
administrative staff.
14. Ensure adequate evaluation of students’ progress.
15. As assigned, provide faculty representation on college governance
councils as described in the college Planning Manual.
16. Participate in college or state level academic/instructional committees as
17. Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned by respective
departments or college administration.
To be completed by departments on campus/centers when required.
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Statement No. 503
January 25, 1995
May 8, 2007
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to
world-class instruction and the employment of highly qualified faculty. All faculty
members must have special competence in the fields in which they teach. This
special competence is attested to by advanced study, culminating in appropriate
graduate degrees, or by extensive work experience in the teaching fields or in a
professional practice that is demonstrably of highest quality. Academic
preparation must meet SACS criteria for teaching in the respective field. In all
cases of determining acceptable qualifications of faculty, MGCCC gives primary
consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline.
A. Academic Faculty
1. All faculty teaching associate degree courses designed for transfer to a
baccalaureate degree must possess at least a master's degree with a
major concentration in the teaching field or a master’s degree in any
discipline and at least 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching field.
Both the master’s degree and graduate hours in the teaching discipline
must be awarded by a regionally accredited institution of higher
2. In certain exceptional cases in academic areas, unique experiential
qualifications in conjunction with demonstrated competence may
substitute for advanced academic preparation. In such cases, the faculty
member will provide documentation of excellence in teaching or other
demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to
effective teaching and student learning outcomes. Such exceptions will
be fully documented and justified by the appropriate department
chairperson and Instructional Dean, and approved by the Campus Vice
President, the Vice President of Teaching & Learning/Community
3. Compensation on the MGCCC salary schedule will be based on the
years of related full-time teaching experience and educational
qualifications as determined by the Director of Human Resources and
the Vice President for Administration and Finance and approved by the
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B. Faculty in Technical or Career Fields
1. Secondary Career-Technical faculty members must qualify for and
obtain vocational certification by the Mississippi State Department of
Education, Vocational Education Division. Compensation on the
MGCCC salary schedule will be based on the Classification Levels "A,
AA, AAA and AAAA" awarded by the State Department of Education.
Years of related full-time teaching experience will be determined by the
Director of Human Resources and the Vice President for Administration
and Finance and approved by the President.
2. Postsecondary Career and Technical faculty members must qualify for
employment as stated in the Mississippi Junior Colleges with
Mississippi Community College Board and Junior Colleges
Qualifications Manual for Postsecondary Career and Technical
Personnel and the MGCCC Career/Technical Qualifications Manual.
Compensation on the MGCCC salary schedule will be based on the
years of related full-time teaching and/or work experience and
educational qualifications as determined by the Director of Human
Resources and the Vice President for Administration and Finance and
approved by the President.
C. Advanced Graduate Work
Refer to Statement No. 212.31.
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Statement No. 504
January 10, 2008
I. STATEMENT. This statement provides guidelines for the management of
intellectual property resources produced by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College faculty, administration, staff, students, or anyone utilizing college
facilities or engaged under the direction of college personnel.
A. Definitions of Terms
Intellectual Property: Intellectual property refers to works that are typically
eligible for copyright or patent protection, created when something new
has been conceived or when a non-obvious result which can be applied
for some useful purpose has been discovered using existing knowledge.
Such works include, but are not limited to, literary, dramatic, musical, and
artistic works, computer software, multimedia presentations, teaching
materials, online course “shells,” and inventions.
Creator: The inventor, developer, author, or creator of a copyrightable
work or patentable invention.
Work for Hire: Work prepared by an employee or student within the scope
of his/her stated job description or work specifically ordered or
commissioned to be created by the employee or student.
Nominal Use of Resources: Nominal use of college resources refers to
use of tools, materials, and other resources that are generally available
to all college personnel in the performance of normal job responsibilities.
This includes office space, office equipment, library resources, and
network resources.
Substantial Use of Resources: Substantial use of college resources
refers to use of tools, materials, and other resources that are qualitatively
and/or quantitatively beyond those which are normally provided to all
college personnel in the performance of normal job responsibilities.
B. Ownership of Intellectual Property
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Externally Sponsored Projects: Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College may negotiate grants and contracts with external sponsors such
as business and industry, government agencies, and foundations that
specify the ownership of intellectual property created as a result of the
sponsored activity. Employees and students working on sponsored
projects will be notified in advance of any terms of ownership specified in
the grant or contract.
College Sponsored Projects: The College will own intellectual property
created by employees and students who were assigned or employed
(“work for hire”) specifically to create the intellectual property, or when the
creation of the intellectual property required substantial use of college
resources. This includes, but is not limited to, uniform courses of study
(uniform syllabi), handbooks, college web pages, computer programs,
artwork or electronic media created for the college, and online course
“shells.” The college retains ownership of materials created for college
Teaching and Classroom Materials: The creator will retain intellectual
property rights to teaching and classroom materials, such as problem
sets, lecture notes and hand-outs, laboratory manuals, and study guides,
not subject to the above restrictions. When the creator is an employee
or student at the college, the college will be granted a non-exclusive, non-
transferable, royalty-free, perpetual license to use, display, copy, and
prepare derivative works of such materials for its internal use.
Student-Created Materials: The College will retain ownership of student
projects, displays, artwork, electronic media, and other intellectual
property created using college-provided supplies, facilities, and
equipment. The student will retain ownership of papers and essays, as
well as other forms of intellectual property created at their own expense,
except in such cases where ownership is transferred to the college for
purposes of publication or where the student voluntarily transfers
ownership to the college.
Independent Projects: Intellectual property created by a college
employee that is not part of the creator’s employment responsibilities and
that is produced on the employee’s own time without making more than
nominal use of college resources shall be owned by the creator.
Joint Works: When a work involves multiple creators including individuals
who are not college employees, the guidelines described above will be
used to determine the college’s interest in the resulting intellectual
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Logos, Trademarks, and College Name: Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College owns all trademarks and service marks related to
goods and services distributed by the college. Identifying marks include,
but are not limited to, the name “Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College,” “MGCCC,” the official college seal, the college logo and
derivative designs, and all future trademarks, service marks, and logos
used by the College.
Use of the College Name: Employees are permitted to identify
themselves using the name of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
in connection with activities outside the college environment that are
consistent with the College’s mission, vision, and values. In using the
college’s name in this fashion, employees must ensure that the college’s
name is used in an appropriate context and in a manner that does not
imply endorsement of a particular activity, product, service, or
C. Administration of Intellectual Property
Use of Copyrighted Works: It is the responsibility of the creator of any
form of intellectual property to ensure that copyrights held by other
entities are not infringed and that appropriate permission has been
obtained for the use of copyrighted material.
Disclosure: Any employee who plans to create intellectual property
developed nominally or substantially with college equipment, materials,
facilities, or other resources during working hours, and who intends to
copyright, patent, or otherwise merchandise the products of that work will
make written disclosure to their immediate supervisor, who will transmit
the disclosure through the established chain of authority to the President.
For faculty, this would normally be the Department Chair, Instructional
Dean, Campus Vice President, Vice President of Teaching &
Learning/Community Campus, and President.
Compensation for Commercial Development: In cases where commercial
development results from intellectual property that has been developed
making substantial use of college resources but is not a “work for hire,”
the President will assign a special committee to work with the creator(s)
of the work to determine reasonable compensation for the work. In such
cases, the College will endeavor to recover its costs (materials,
equipment, facilities, and time) associated with the work before assigning
special compensation to the creator.
Textbooks and Teaching Materials Produced for Commercial Distribution:
College personnel who author textbooks or other materials for commercial
distribution must not use their position within the college
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for personal gain by requiring purchase of the materials by students or the
Dispute Resolution: Any dispute involving an employee and the College
regarding intellectual property will be subject to the procedures outlined
in Statement No. 242. Any dispute involving a student and the College
regarding intellectual property will be subject to the procedures outlined
in Statement No. 718.
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Statement No. 505
April 28, 2005
February 21, 2008
October 21, 2009
November 16, 2011
I. STATEMENT. The purpose of faculty evaluation is the improvement of instruction.
The system described here includes student evaluations of instruction, classroom
observation, supervisor evaluation, and self-evaluation components, as well as
planned professional development activities. This statement describes the faculty
evaluation procedures for full-time and adjunct faculty members.
A. Evaluation Procedures
A new faculty member is defined as any person first teaching at MGCCC.
Regardless of experience elsewhere, an instructor will be evaluated as a new
faculty member when first hired on a full-time basis at MGCCC.
1. Full-Time Faculty Members with Three Years or Less at MGCCC
For full-time faculty members with three years or less at MGCCC, the
evaluation system has the following components:
a. Student Evaluations: Student evaluations will be conducted for all classes
each semester for the first-year faculty member. After the first year of full-
time employment, student evaluations will be conducted on the same
schedule as all other full-time faculty (two sections selected by the Dean of
Instruction in the fall semester). Form PER-GEN-26 is used for student
b. Classroom/Clinical/Lab Observation: Observation will be conducted by a
supervisor once during the fall semester and once during the spring
semester for the first year and then once a year for years two and three.
The first classroom observation visit will be an announced visit and the rest
will be drop-in visits. The observation is not to be punitive but rather
improvement oriented. Form PER-GEN-20 is used to document classroom
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c. Mandatory Employee Development: All full-time faculty are required to earn
15 clock hours of Employee Development each year. Tracks/Sessions can
be assigned by the appropriate Department Chairperson and/or Dean of
Instruction if improvement is needed in specific areas.
d. Supervisor Evaluation: The Department Chairperson will complete an
evaluation (PER-GEN-34) for the instructor during the spring semester.
e. Self-Evaluation: The faculty member will complete a self-evaluation (PER-
GEN-25) during the spring semester.
f. Review: At the conclusion of each year, the faculty member will meet with
the Department Chairperson to review all evaluations. At that time, the
Department Chairperson will complete Form PER-GEN-22 to summarize
Student Evaluations, Classroom Observation, Supervisor Evaluation, and
Self-Evaluation. Both the faculty member and supervisor will sign the
summary form.
Following this conference, the faculty members will prepare an Enrichment
Plan (PER-GEN-23) outlining professional development and improvement
activities for the upcoming year. Beginning with the second year of
employment, instructors will complete an Enrichment Plan Follow-Up
(PER-GEN-24) in preparation for the conference.
2. Full-Time Faculty Members with Four or More Years at MGCCC
For full-time faculty members with four or more years at MGCCC, the
evaluation system has the following components:
a. Student Evaluations: Student evaluations will be conducted for two
class sections selected by the Dean of Instruction in the fall semester.
Form PER-GEN-26 is used for student evaluations.
b. Supervisor Evaluation: The Department Chairperson will complete an
evaluation (PER-GEN-34) for the instructor during the spring semester.
c. Self-Evaluation: The faculty member will complete a self-evaluation
(PER-GEN-25) during the spring semester.
d. Mandatory Employee Development: All full-time faculty are required to
earn 15 clock hours of Employee Development each year.
Tracks/Sessions can be assigned by the appropriate Department
Chairperson and/or Dean of Instruction if improvement is needed in
specific areas.
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e. Classroom/Clinical/Lab Observation: Classroom observation by a
supervisor is conducted at the discretion of the Dean of
Instruction/Center Administrative Dean. Form PER-GEN-20 will be
used to document classroom observation.
f. Review: At the conclusion of each year, the faculty member will meet
with the Department Chairperson to review all evaluations. At that time,
the Department Chairperson will complete Form PER-GEN-21 to
summarize Student Evaluations, Supervisor Evaluation, and Self-
Evaluation. Both the faculty member and supervisor will sign the
summary form. (If Classroom Observation has been specified for the
instructor, Form PER-GEN-22 will be used.)
Instructors will complete an Enrichment Plan Follow-Up (PER-GEN-24)
in preparation for the conference. Following this conference, the faculty
members will prepare an Enrichment Plan (PER-GEN-23) outlining
professional development and improvement activities for the upcoming
3. Adjunct Faculty Members
For adjunct faculty members, the evaluation system comprises the
a. Student Evaluations: Student evaluations will be conducted for all
sections that an adjunct faculty member teaches. Form PER-GEN-26 is
used for student evaluations.
b. Supervisor Evaluation: The Department Chairperson will complete an
evaluation (PER-GEN-34) for the adjunct instructor once annually,
preferably during the first semester that the adjunct teaches that year.
c. Self-Evaluation: Once annually, the adjunct faculty member will
complete a self-evaluation (PER-GEN-25).
d. Classroom/Clinical/Lab Observation: Classroom observation is
conducted for adjunct instructors at the discretion of the Dean of
Instruction/Center Administrative Dean. Form PER-GEN-20 is used to
document classroom observation.
e. Review: Once annually, the adjunct faculty member will meet with the
Department Chairperson to review all evaluations. At that time, the
Department Chairperson will prepare Form PER-GEN-22 to summarize
Student Evaluations, Supervisor Evaluation, Self- Evaluation, and
Classroom Observation if classroom observation has been performed,
or Form PER-GEN-21 if classroom observation is not
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performed. Both the adjunct faculty member and the supervisor will sign
the summary form.
4. Online Instructors
For all faculty members who teach online courses including full-time and
adjunct faculty members, the evaluation system contains the following
components. (Additional components may be added as part of a faculty
member’s evaluation for traditional courses.)
a. Student Evaluations: For new online faculty, student evaluations will be
conducted for all classes each semester for two semesters. After the
first two semesters of teaching online (and for experienced online
instructors), student evaluations will be conducted once a year on each
course taught. Adjunct instructors will have student evaluations
conducted for every course, every semester. Form PER-GEN-26 is
used for student evaluations. In addition, the MSVCC student
evaluation of faculty instrument will be used every semester for all
courses taught by an instructor.
b. Director of Distance Learning Evaluation of Faculty: Online classroom
observation will be conducted by the office of distance learning once
during each of the first two semesters that an instructor teaches online
and then once a year thereafter. The online classroom observation may
be conducted at any time during the semester. The observation is not
to be punitive but rather improvement oriented. Form PER-GEN-46 is
used to document online classroom observation.
c. Supervisor Evaluation: The Department Chairperson will complete an
evaluation (PER-GEN-34) for the instructor once during each of the first
two semesters that an instructor teaches online and then once a year
d. Self-Evaluation: The faculty members will complete a self-evaluation
(PER-GEN-25) during the spring semester (or once per year if they do
not teach in the spring).
e. Review: At the conclusion of each year, the full-time faculty member will
meet with the Department Chairperson to review all evaluations. At that
time, the Department Chairperson will complete Form PER- GEN-45 to
summarize Student Evaluations, Classroom Observation,
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Supervisor Evaluation, and Self-Evaluation. Both the faculty member
and supervisor will sign the summary form.
5. Department Chairpersons
Department Chairpersons are evaluated both as administrators and as
faculty. The Dean of Instruction serves as the supervisor and coordinates
evaluations of Department Chairpersons.
a. Department Chairperson Evaluation as Faculty
The evaluation process is the same as that outlined in section B above
with the exception that the Dean of Instruction completes the Supervisor
Evaluation using form PER-GEN-34, and form PER-GEN- 35 is
completed by the Dean of Instruction during the review conference with
the Department Chairperson.
b. Department Chairperson Evaluation as Administrator
i. Faculty Evaluation of Department Chairperson: All members of the
department will complete a Faculty Evaluation of Department
Chairperson (PER-GEN-43) for the department chairperson during
the spring semester. Distribution, collection, and compilation of
these evaluation forms will be conducted by the Dean of Instruction.
ii. Supervisor Evaluation: The Dean of Instruction will complete an
evaluation (PER-GEN-29) for the department chairperson once
iii. Self-Evaluation: The department chairperson will complete a self-
evaluation using form PER-GEN-29 once annually.
iv. Review: At the conclusion of each year, the department chairperson
will meet with the Dean of Instruction to review all evaluations. At
that time, the Dean of Instruction will complete Form PER-GEN-36
to summarize Faculty Evaluations, Supervisor Evaluation, and Self-
Evaluation. Both the department chairperson and supervisor will
sign the summary form.
c. Nursing and Allied Health Department Chairperson
The Nursing and Allied Health Department Chairpersons are evaluated
annually as Administrators.
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B. Documentation
Department Chairpersons transmit originals of the summary forms (PER-
GEN-21, PER-GEN-22, PER-GEN-44, or PER-GEN-45) to the Dean of
Instruction and retain copies of all other forms and documentation. The faculty
member will be provided with copies of the appropriate summary form,
Supervisor Evaluation (PER-GEN-34), typed comments, and
Classroom/Clinical/Lab Observation (PER-GEN-20) form, if used.
Deans of Instruction retain copies of summary forms (PER-GEN-21 or PER-
GEN-22) and typed comments and transmit originals of the summary forms to
the Human Resources Office for the appropriate personnel file.
Department Chairpersons also transmit copies of Enrichment Plans (PER-
GEN-23) to the Dean of Instruction. The Dean makes these plans available to
the campus Employee Development Coordinator who uses them for planning
professional development activities for the upcoming year. Deans of
Instruction keep track of mandatory employee development hours required for
C. Evaluation Forms
The most current versions of all forms are available on the form’s repository.
Forms used in the faculty evaluation process are as follows:
Faculty Evaluation by Department Chairperson with Classroom
Faculty Evaluation by Department Chairperson without Classroom
Observation (PER-GEN-21)
Chairperson Evaluation of Instructor (PER-GEN-34)
Classroom/Clinical/Lab Observation Form (PER-GEN-20)
Online Classroom Observation Form (PER-GEN-46)
Faculty Self-Evaluation Document (PER-GEN-25)
Student Evaluation of Faculty (PER-GEN-26)
Enrichment Plan (PER-GEN-23)
Enrichment Plan Follow-Up (PER-GEN-24)
Online Faculty Evaluation by Department Chairperson (PER-GEN-45)
For evaluation of department chairpersons, five additional forms are used:
Department Chairperson Evaluation as Administrator (PER-GEN-36)
Department Chairperson Evaluation as Faculty (PER-GEN-35)
Faculty Evaluation of Department Chairperson (PER-GEN-43)
Administrative Evaluation by Supervisor (PER-GEN-29)
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Nursing & Allied Health Department Chairperson as Administrator (PE
R-GEN-44) (as applicable)
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Statement No. 507
August 27, 2008
October 17, 2018
l. STATEMENT. In the development of knowledge, research endeavors, and creative
activities, college faculty and students must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and
scholarly criticism. They must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom
and confidence and to participate as responsible citizens in community affairs.
Academic freedom must be subject to the self-restraints imposed by good judgment
and public support of the institution. The faculty member must fulfill his or her
responsibility to society and to the teaching profession by manifesting academic
competence, scholarly discretion, and good citizenship. At no time will the principle
of academic freedom protect an incompetent or negligent faculty member, nor will it
prevent the institution from making proper effort to evaluate the work of each faculty
Faculty members, who deep that their academic freedom has been violated, can
submit formal complaints by following the guidelines set forth in Statement No. 242,
Due Process Procedures for Employees, in the MGCCC Policies and Procedures
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Learning Resources
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Statement No. 600
July 1, 1978
June 7, 1979
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. There shall be on each campus an area designated as the Campus
Learning Resources Center (LRC). This area shall be comprised of the following
sections: Library, Learning Lab, and Media Services. Every possible barrier,
whether physical or psychological, shall be eliminated between the patron and
services provided. Learning Resources Centers shall provide services and
assistance to all areas of the college operation.
The following statements in the 600 series provide administrative provisions,
procedures and responsibilities designed to ensure successful operation of the
Learning Resources Centers.
A. Campus Learning Resources Centers shall make their services available to
both on-campus and related College facilities. For example, the Perkinston
Campus Learning Resources Center shall provide services to the George
County Center. The Harrison County Campus Learning Resources Center
shall provide services and assistance to the Keesler Center, the Community
Campus, the West Harrison County Center, and the Naval Construction
Battalion Center. The Jackson County Campus Learning Resources Center
shall provide support and services required by the inplant program and Naval
Station Pascagoula.
B. The overall operation of the Learning Resources Centers shall be based on the
Principles of Accreditation established by the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools Commission on Colleges.
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Statement No. 601
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. A committee shall be established on each campus to aid the
Learning Resources Center (LRC) personnel in carrying out the various functions
required to support an outstanding instructional program. Membership shall
consist of but shall not be limited to: Assistant Dean for the LRC, Department
Chairpersons, faculty members, staff members, and students, if desired. Size
and individual appointments to the Committee (except for the Assistant Dean)
shall be determined by the Campus Vice President with the advice of the Dean
of Instruction, and Administrative Deans. All members shall have a vote. Election
of the Chairperson will be a function of the Committee. Appointments to the
committees shall be on a one-, two-, or three-year basis (except for the Assistant
Dean for the LRC), with a like number added to and detracted from the
Committee each year.
When necessary, subcommittees may be appointed to address specific issues
related to the campus’ LRC. Results of subcommittee discussions shall be
presented to the Campus Committee for final campus recommendations. These
campus recommendations will be submitted to the Campus Instructional Deans
and Campus Vice Presidents for final recommendations to the College Learning
Resources Council (attention: Vice President, Teaching & Learning/Community
Campus, District Office).
The College Learning Resources Council is appointed by the President and shall
be made up of Assistant Deans for the LRC, the Technical Services Librarian,
members of the LRC staffs from the different campuses, and other college faculty
and staff as deemed necessary or appropriate by the Vice President of Teaching
& Learning/Community Campus. The Vice President of Teaching &
Learning/Community Campus shall chair the Council.
There will be an equal number of voting representatives appointed from each
LRC representatives from each campus department and program will be
identified and will meet with the Assistant Dean for LRC.
A. It will be the responsibility of the LRC faculty member liaison to provide the
LRC with information concerning the instructional requirements for the
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
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department or program that can be met through the various services
provided by the Learning Resources Center. This information will be
obtained after meeting with all members of the department or program. An
agreement will be reached among the faculty relative to the overall LRC
needs of the department or program that will be presented to the Assistant
Dean for the LRC.
B. The Assistant Dean for the LRC will meet with each departmental and
program LRC representative once each year to discuss the needs of that
department or program relative to the LRC.
C. The College Learning Resources Council shall meet at least once each
semester on the call of the Chairperson. Minutes of the meetings shall be
distributed to members of the Council and shall be maintained in the Office
of the Vice President of Teaching & Learning/Community Campus.
D. The College Learning Resources Council is responsible for reviewing
recommendations that impact on the different campus Learning
Resources Center operations. The College Learning Resources Council
shall act on these recommendations with these actions being
recommended to the Executive Council for final approval.
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Statement No. 602
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. The documents used to examine the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College Learning Resources Center (LRC) operations are the
SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation and MGCCC Standards and Measures.
A. An annual report will be compiled by the Assistant Deans of the LRC and
combined into one college-wide report.
B. The LRC annual report will include information comparing the campus LRC to
MGCCC Standards and Measures and SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation.
C. Copies of each report will be submitted to the Campus Vice President, Dean
of Instruction, Administrative Deans, College President, and Vice President,
Teaching & Learning/Community Campus.
D. Such information as may be required for local, state, and national reporting
shall be provided to the District Office, in formats prescribed and when
required. Records shall be maintained to provide normal annual reporting.
Appropriate information concerning the LRC will be provided to the Vice
President, Teaching & Learning/Community Campus and the College Director
of Institutional Research and Planning.
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Statement No. 603
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. Complete records of Learning Resources Center (LRC)
acquisitions, usage, and media production will be maintained by Learning
Resources Centers when needed for official reports required for local, state,
regional and/or national purposes.
The Assistant Deans or appropriate Department Chairs for the LRCs are
responsible for ensuring that the following records for each section of the
LRC are maintained and reported on as required:
A. Library: circulation records, accession records, and hours of operation.
B. Media Services: circulation records, production records, and hours of
C. Learning Lab: circulation, student/staff contact hours, student contact
hours, and hours of operation.
D. Entire LRC: inventory of equipment in accordance with the provisions of
Statement No. 413.
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Statement No. 604
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. Sections of the unrestricted portion of the Educational and General
(E&G) Budget are devoted to the funding of each campus’ Learning Resources Center
A. The Assistant Dean for the LRC, will prepare a budget recommendation for
presentation to the Dean of Instruction and will:
1. Use meetings with the campus LRC representatives to obtain their views on
proposed needs for the budget year.
2. Develop LRC Objective Criteria for Strategic initiatives to reflect the proposed
LRC budget.
3. Use the budget preparation guidance provided by the Vice President for
Administration and Finance and the budget recommendations of the campus’
Dean of Instruction.
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Statement No. 605
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. The Learning Resources Center (LRC) shall be under the direction
of the Assistant Dean for the Learning Resources Center or appropriate
Department Chairperson. Qualified professional, non-professional, and
paraprofessional personnel will staff the LRC.
A. Selection of Assistant Dean:
1. The President will appoint, upon the recommendation of the Campus Vice
President, the Assistant Dean for the Learning Resources Center.
2. The Assistant Dean will be selected in accordance with Statement No.
212.2: Recruitment of Full and Part-time Employees in the MGCCC
Policies and Procedures Manual.
B. Each Assistant Dean will develop and recommend to the Deans of Instruction
job vacancy announcements to include specific duties and responsibilities
when positions within the directorate need to be filled.
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Statement No. 605.1
August 11, 2005
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. The Learning Lab Personnel works under the direction of the
Department Chairperson and/or the Assistant Dean of Learning Resources.
A. Learning Lab Instructional Assistants are paid on the 9-month faculty
salary schedule.
B. Learning Lab Instructional Assistants are required to hold a
bachelor’s degree in the appropriate subject matter from a regionally
accredited institution of higher learning.
C. Learning Lab Instructional Assistants are paid for their bachelor’s
D. Learning Lab Instructional Assistants who obtain a master’s degree
or other graduate degrees will be paid an additional $2,000 per year
if the following events occur:
1. In addition to the 15 hours of employee development
required each year, Learning Lab Instructional Assistants
will be required to receive an additional 5 hours of pre-
approved employee development in their subject matter
and/or in instructional/tutoring methods to be eligible for
additional compensation.
2. Any year that the minimum number of employee
development hours are not achieved, the Learning Lab
Instructional Assistant will not receive the $2,000
additional pay for the following year.
3. Learning Lab Instructional Assistants may regain the
$2,000 additional pay following a year in which they
receive the minimum number of approved employee
development hours.
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4. The Campus Dean of Instruction will approve the 5 hours
of annual, additional employee development hours for
Learning Lab Instructional Assistants. The Campus Dean
of Instruction will ensure that the hours approved are
designed to increase the knowledge of the Instructional
Assistant in their subject field and/or to assist the
Instructional Assistant in improving their tutoring skills.
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Statement No. 606
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. The Learning Resources Center (LRC) shall be housed in a
well-lighted, ventilated, sound-conditioned and adequately equipped building.
A. The Assistant Dean for the Learning Resources Center shall recommend to the
Dean of Instruction the addition of space, shelving, equipment, storage, and
other facilities as needed.
B. The Assistant Dean for the Learning Resources Center, with assistance of the
Learning Resources personnel as necessary, shall be involved in the
planning of all new Learning Resources Center facilities and in the selection
of all additional Learning Resources Center equipment and software.
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Statement No. 607
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. The Learning Resources Centers (LRC) shall be open for service
based on student and faculty needs.
A. Learning Resources Center hours shall be determined by the Assistant Dean
for the Learning Resource Center with the approval of the Dean of Instruction
based on the needs of the students and faculty.
B. A professional-level LRC person will be on duty at all times the Learning
Resources Centers are open for service to students.
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Statement No. 608
July 1, 1978
November 18, 1982
December 6, 1988
July 25, 1991
December 6, 2001
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) shall
develop collections which support: (1) the goals and mission statement of the
College; (2) content of courses offered in the curriculum; (3) teaching methods of
faculty members; and (4) special needs of the students. The development of the
campus’ collection must be a cooperative responsibility of Learning Resources
Center (LRC) Assistant Deans, directors, faculty, staff, students, and other
concerned committees/groups.
Each instructor is expected to become familiar with the resources of the Learning
Resources Center and make full use thereof in developing his/her teaching
program. Each instructor should promote positive habits, attitudes, and skills of
students in use of the Center. Learning Resources Center personnel will make
known to all instructors the facilities and collections available in the Learning
Resources Centers.
Books from the circulating collection are checked out for three (3) weeks and may
be renewed if not in demand. Only employees may borrow periodicals and special
reference works for short periods of time. Instructors may reserve Learning
Resources Center holdings for classroom use. Learning Resources Center
materials may be reserved for part or all or a semester.
The Assistant Dean and/or Department Chairpersons shall be responsible for
ensuring that details of all facets of the Learning Resources Center are made
known to instructors and to students through orientations, written notification,
handouts, and pamphlets.
Each campus Learning Resources Center shall endeavor to follow professional
standards of operations.
A. Recognized bibliographic and selection aids shall be used in selection of
Learning Resources Center collections.
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B. The faculty will have the opportunity to recommend additions and deletions
in their respective fields of competency.
C. Learning Resources Center personnel shall have responsibility for selection
and deletion of materials in their respective sections in accordance with the
library handbook. When appropriate, in deleting materials, the provisions of
the College Inventory System shall be followed.
D. Following College Inventory Policies, a properly completed Property Salvage
Report listing the items to be discarded will be submitted to the Campus
Property Officer for action by the Campus Salvage Committee. If approved,
the Property Salvage Report will be forwarded to the President for
submission to the Board of Trustees.
E. Learning Resources Center personnel are responsible for retrieval of
overdue materials at the end of each semester. Overdue publicit methods
include lists, notices, signs, posters, public address announcements,
telephone calls, e-mails, and bulletins.
F. Campus instructors are strongly urged to require library-related assignments
such as term papers, speeches, and book reports to be completed before,
or at the latest during, the last week of regularly scheduled classes before
final examinations begin.
G. Students will be required to pay for damaged and/or unreturned Learning
Resources Center items before being allowed to enroll at the College at any
time subsequent to the damage/loss of the item(s). Registration will not be
finalized until those students with overdue materials from their previous
semester's attendance have reimbursed the Learning Resources Center for
such damages/losses.
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Student Personnel
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Statement No. 700
October 10, 1977
December 6, 1988
August 9, 2007
I. STATEMENT. Student handbooks shall be published on each of the campuses
for the benefit of the students attending or who might attend that campus.
Centers may publish their own or use the handbook of the parent campus. These
publications normally have information that is College common, (i.e., message
from the President, Board policies related to students, constitution of the College
Student Government Association, due process procedures for students, Family
Education Rights and Privacy Act, traffic rules and regulations, etc.,) and
information that is designed for the specific campus or center. Board- approved
policies may impact on either part. Accordingly, the Vice President for Instruction
and Student Services and Deans of Student Services share responsibility to
ensure that information contained in the Student Handbook is current with each
A. The Vice President for Instruction and Student Services and Deans of
Student Services jointly share responsibility for accuracy and currency of
information in student handbooks.
B. The Vice President for Instruction and Student Services has primary
responsibility for ensuring accuracy and completeness and currency of
information in the College-common portion. Deans of Student Services are
requested to coordinate on drafts of this portion each year. The College-
common portion will be the first portion in each Student Handbook.
C. Deans of Student Services are responsible for accuracy and completeness
and currency of the campus portion of the student handbook. Only
information needed by the student will be included. Normally, information
contained in the College Catalog will not be copied in the Student
Handbook unless there is an important reason to duplicate the information.
D. A matter of concern in publishing each annual version of the Student
Handbook is currency, especially as to changes in Board policy that might
have been approved since the last publication date.
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III. DATES. The following dates are expected to be met in production of student
March 1 Vice President for Instruction and Student Services
and Deans of Student Services meet for preliminary
review of changes required for new publication.
April 1 Drafts to Institutional Relations Department for
May 1 Camera-ready copy to Print Shop, District Office.
June1 Printing completed and reference handbooks
distributed to campuses/centers.Student Handbook
will not be distributed to students but will be posted on
the College website at www.mgccc.edu as of June 1
of each year.
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Statement No. 701
July 1, 1972
December 6, 1988
September 28, 1989
April 10, 2008
November 18, 2015
I. STATEMENT. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College shall
maintain adequate student records. Student personnel records are the
primary responsibility of the Dean of Student Services on each campus and
the Administrative Dean at each center. Files are located within the
admissions, records, and financial aid office/area on each campus or center.
The College manages student records under the policies established by the
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the recommendations of
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers
(AACRAO), State and Federal regulations. Designated personnel working in
the offices where the College maintains vital records assume responsibility for
electronically recording and storing the appropriate documents as outlined
below and tracking the disposal of documents in accordance with college policy
(see Statement No. 224).
A. Admissions Records for Enrolled Students. An enrolled student's
permanent record will include the following:
1. Application(s) for Admission
2. Transcripts of previous education (college transcripts, high school
transcript, or High School equivalency score report*)
*High School Equivalency recognized by the Community College
Board of the State of Mississippi.
3. Placement test results (Compass, ACT and/or other exams)
4. Residency classification information *
5. Transcript request information *
6. Audit authorizations *
7. Application for Degree *
8. Withdrawal and/or drop slip(s) *
9. Anecdotal records (excluding non-academic disciplinary
records) *
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10. Change of grade form(s) *
11. Other pertinent information
* These documents should be included if applicable.
B. Admissions Records for Non-Entering Students.TheAdmissions Office will
maintain documents submitted on non-entering students as inactive files for
a minimum of one year from date of receipt (see also Statement No. 224).
C. Financial Aid Records. The Financial Aid Office will maintain federal
documents submitted for a period of three years from the last day of the
award year in which the student attended school and state documents for
five years. A student’s financial aid record may include the following
documents depending on source of financial assistance requested:
1. Campus Financial Aid Application
2. Federal Student Aid Report
3. Scholarship Authorization(s)
4. Student Loan Application
5. Transcript(s)
6. Student Payroll documentation
7. Other state and federal grant authorizations
8. Other miscellaneous documentation submitted by student.
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Statement No. 702
July 1, 1972
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. An orientation program shall be presented to entering students.
A flexible and current informational program shall be devised and periodically
evaluated by Campus Vice Presidents and Deans of Student Services.
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Statement No. 704
September 28, 1989
December 14, 2022
I. STATEMENT. Career exploration services exist to support the mission of the
College by providing students with assistance in career exploration, planning
and development in person and virtually, and to connect students with potential
A. Student Development. Career exploration, planning, and development
services will be provided to current and potential students:
i. To align educational plans, skills, and abilities with career goals through
active engagement using career aptitude assessments.
ii. To connect students with experiential learning opportunities through
internships, work study, community service, and job shadowing.
B. Career Support Services. The College will provide the following
career exploration, planning, development services:
i. Online career tools, advising, workshops, and career fairs for the
exploration of career interests and career opportunities.
ii. Programs, workshops, events, and advising to assist in the development of
career readiness and workplace success.
iii. An online employer portal, advisory councils, and career fairs to connect
students with employers.
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Statement No. 705
July 8, 1993
March 25, 1999
July 11, 2007
August 9, 2007
I. STATEMENT. The Intercollegiate Athletic Program at Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community College is consistent with the college mission by contributing to the
educational development of individual athletes. Through training and competition,
students gain discipline and opportunities for social, moral, and personal
The final authority and responsibility of intercollegiate athletics will rest with the
President, subject to the Board of Trustees. The President delegates responsibility
for the conduct of the athletic program and for its oversight in the following section.
A. Competitive sports include baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, football,
golf, men’s and women’s soccer, women’s softball, men’s, and women’s
B. All athletic programs must conform to policies and procedures of the National
Community and Junior College Athletic Association and the Mississippi
Association of Community and Junior Colleges.
C. The Athletic Council, appointed by the College President, will have the following
membership: Vice President, Teaching & Learning/Community Campus, Vice
President of the Perkinston Campus, Vice President of the Jackson County
Campus, Vice President of the Harrison County Campus, Perkinston Campus
Student Government Association President, Instructor Representative, and the
Director of Athletics.
D. The athletic program will be evaluated annually by the President, Campus
Vice Presidents, and Director of Athletics. Graduation rates and transfer
follow-up reports will be indicators in evaluating the effectiveness of the
program as well as the winning percentages of each respective team. An
analysis of GPA of athletes compared to non-athletes will also be considered
in the assessment of the athletic program.
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E. Funding for the athletic program is established within the planning process.
All revisions to the athletic budget are presented to the College President by
the Vice President of Perkinston Campus.
F. The Financial Aid Office on the appropriate campus is responsible for
administering and coordinating grants-in-aid, loans, or other financial aid to
G. Compliance monitoring with continuing eligibility requirements for athletes is
the responsibility of the Director of Athletics.
H. All intercollegiate coaches report directly to the Director of Athletics and the
Vice President of the Perkinston Campus.
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Statement No. 706
January 19, 1990
February 2, 2012
August 22, 2018
I. STATEMENT. Degree or credential requirements are published annually in the
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Catalog. All requirements are subject
to amendment or change as necessary to comply with the regulations of the
Mississippi Community College Board and accrediting agencies.
A. Students must meet graduation requirements for each degree or credential
as outlined in the current catalog or a catalog of not more than six years old
at the time of the anticipated graduation. Selection of a catalog more than
six years old at the time of the student’s anticipated graduation must be
approved by the Dean of Student Services.
B. The catalog selected must contain the program of study for the year during
which the student earned credit.
C. Substitutions in any programs or study will be permitted according to current
catalog requirements.
D. The college may grant a degree or credential posthumously if a deceased
student has met all requirements for the specific degree or credential outlined
in the appropriate catalog.
a. Students completing a degree or credential posthumously will be
acknowledged in absentia in the Commencement Program. Family
members will not be permitted to march in place of the deceased
student. (see attached protocol for deceased students planning to
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When a deceased student has applied for and met all requirements for the
specific degree or credential outlined in the appropriate catalog, the campus will
notify the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success at
the District Office.
The campus will provide all information on the student, including credit hours
earned, activities, honors, major, etc.
The Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success will write
a resolution on behalf of the student.
The degree, resolution and a letter from the Vice President of Enrollment
Management and Student Success will be delivered to the campus to be given
to the family of the deceased student.
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Statement No. 707
June 22, 2022
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College has established minimum scholastic
standards for cumulative grade point average. All programs of study require a
minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA for graduation. Institutional scholarship recipients
and specific instructional programs may have different standards. Students that
fail to maintain the Minimum Scholastic Standards will be placed on a probationary
or suspended status.
A. Scholastic Probation
If a student fails to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (2.0), they
will be placed on academic probation. The student will remain in a probationary
status until their cumulative GPA returns to a 2.0 or higher. The student must earn
a semester GPA of 2.0 in order to maintain probationary status. If the student fails
to earn a semester GPA of 2.0 while on Scholastic Probation, they will be placed
on Scholastic Suspension unless actively working with a designated college
official. All students returning to the College after a semester of Scholastic
Suspension will be placed on Scholastic Probation.
While on Scholastic Probation, the student must meet with a designated school
official to establish a plan for scholastic improvement. Plans for scholastic
improvement will be reviewed and edited for each subsequent probationary
semester until the student’s cumulative GPA returns to a 2.0 or higher. This plan
may include course suggestions, required use of the Learning Resources Center,
additional meetings with the designated school official, and/or other similar actions.
Transfer students entering the college must meet the same standards for
Scholastic Probation and Suspension.
B. Scholastic Suspension
Students who are not actively working with a designated school official and fail to
earn a semester GPA of 2.0 while on Scholastic Probation will be placed on
Scholastic Suspension. The student will be prohibited from enrolling in classes for
one semester following suspension and any pre-registered classes will be
removed from the system.
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After their term of suspension, the student will be placed on Scholastic Probation
and must adhere to the guidelines of that academic standing.
To continue enrollment without interruption, a student on Scholastic Suspension
may choose to complete one of the following options:
1. Student Success Readmission Program
A student on Scholastic Suspension may meet with a designated school
official to establish a Student Success Readmission Contract. This contract
will outline steps and measures that will assist the student with achieving
academic success. Those who fail to meet the requirements of the Student
Success Readmission Contract by the end of the semester may be
2. Scholastic Suspension Appeal
If extenuating circumstances caused the student to enter into a Scholastic
Suspension status, the student may visit with a designated school official
and file a status appeal providing evidence. Scholastic Suspension Appeals
will be reviewed and processed by the Dean of Student Services office for
the campus associated with the student.
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Statement No. 709.1
January 10, 2008
June 10, 2010
January 11, 2011
October 27, 2011
April 12, 2012
March 13, 2024
I. STATEMENT. The college is committed to assisting students with financial
resources based on academic and participatory performance. Students who
receive Institutional Scholarships are encouraged to complete the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually.
Institutional Scholarships at the College encompass Academic Achievement,
Leadership, Performance, Service, and Athletic Scholarships. Each semester, a
student can receive up to two Institutional Scholarships on their account.
The value of a scholarship varies depending on its type. For commuter students,
the scholarship may be applied to tuition and book rental, while for residential
students, it may be applied toward tuition, book rental, and/or housing and meal
plans. Fees may also be covered unless a particular scholarship explicitly
prohibits it.
The criteria, award amounts, and guidelines for Institutional Scholarships are
frequently updated. For the most recent information, please consult the current
College Catalog.
A. A maximum of two Institutional Scholarships may be applied to a student’s
account each semester; however, not all Institutional Scholarships may be
B. Institutional Scholarships are applied only after all applicable grant funds have
been credited to the student’s account. For more information on the application
of payments to a student’s account, please refer to Statement No. 709.2.
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Statement No. 709.2
June 10, 2010
April 12, 2012
I. STATEMENT. The following guidelines are established for determining the order
in which payments, including financial aid, are applied to students’ accounts.
Payments to students’ accounts will be applied in the order listed in Section II.
Please note that some payments/grants/scholarships are refundable while
others are not.
A. Third Party Payments
These payments include third-party contracts with business and industry,
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) payments, etc. These funds are non-
refundable to students.
B. Employee Fee Waiver
Full-time employees/retirees, their spouse, and dependents who are children
of full-time employees/retirees are awarded a full-tuition waiver. In cases of
children being married or over 21 years of age, it will be necessary for the
employee to certify in writing to the Vice President for Administration and
Finance and/or the Vice President on the campus affected that he or she is
contributing at least fifty percent to the support of the child. Recipients of the
employee fee waiver are expected to maintain “satisfactory academic
progress as outlined in the financial aid section of the MGCCC Catalog. For
additional information on the requirements for an employee fee waiver,
please refer to Statement No. 212.5. These funds are non-refundable to
C. Senior Citizens Tuition Waiver
Persons above the age of 65 may be admitted on the first day of classes on
a space-available basis to any course offered by the College without tuition;
however, all fees must be paid by the student (registration, book service, and
technology fees, etc.) This does not include private or semi-private music
lessons. Those 62-64 are admitted under the same conditions if retired.
Regular admission requirements must be met prior to registration.
D. Federal and State Grants
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Federal Grants include Title IV Pell Grants, Student Educational Opportunity
Grants (SEOG), etc. State Grants include Mississippi Tuition Assistance
Grant (MTAG), Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG), etc.
E. Alumni and Foundation Scholarships
These scholarships are provided by individuals, organizations, or groups
external to the college through the MGCCC Foundation. In order for students
to be eligible for an Alumni and Foundation Scholarship, they are
encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) annually.
F. Institutional Scholarships
For more information on institutional scholarships, please refer to Statement
No. 709.1. In order for students to be eligible for an Institutional Scholarship,
they are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) annually.
G. All Other Payments
These payments include cash, credit card, checks, student loans, Mississippi
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program (MPACT), outside private
scholarships, etc.
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Statement No. 709.3
January 28, 1999
June 10, 2010
I. STATEMENT. The following guidelines are established for cash prizes and
awards to students from student activity funds (clubs, organizations, etc.)
A. The Campus Vice President or designee must approve the cash prize
or award before the award is offered.
B. Upon approval by the Campus Vice President or designee, an
authorization must be made to the Campus Business Office signed by
both the club sponsor and club president (or another appropriate
C. Upon receipt of notification of winners, the Business Office would then
issue checks from the activity fund to the winners of the activity/contest.
D. The Business Office will retain the authorization and notification in the
file with the other disbursement documentation.
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Statement No. 710
March 31, 1992
February 2, 2012
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to assisting
students in the achievement of their educational goals through its open-door
admissions policy. Some students are not academically prepared for college-level
work or encounter problems which result in failure to achieve satisfactory grades.
These students often make the decision to drop out or “stop out” until they are ready
to continue their education. To alleviate the difficulties associated with low grade
point averages, many institutions allow students to eliminate the computation of
grades on previous work for purposes of graduation. This practice, commonly
referred to as scholastic forgiveness, is not endorsed by all institutions.
Any student readmitted to MGCCC may petition for scholastic forgiveness of grades
as outlined in the following procedure. This DOES NOT change the policies and
regulations that govern financial aid and veterans’ benefits eligibility.
A. The student must complete the Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness of Grades,
which may be obtained from the campus’ Director of Admissions.
B. The Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness of Grades must be made prior to the end
of the second semester of re-admittance following twenty-four (24) consecutive
months of non-enrollment at any post-secondary institution.
C. The student will be counseled as to the conditions outlined in this statement and
on the Petition. The student should be advised that all college credits earned
previous to a semester designated by the student will be eliminated from the
computation of the student’s grade point average and eliminated from all
academic regulations such as probation, suspension, and honors. These
eliminated credits may never be used toward graduation at Mississippi Gulf
Coast Community College.
D. The student’s transcript will reflect the complete scholastic record but will contain
the notation at the appropriate point that all previous grades have been forgiven.
E. Scholastic Forgiveness of grades can be declared only once and cannot be
revoked once granted.
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F. The completed Petition for Scholastic Forgiveness of Grades with appropriate
signatures must be submitted to the Director of Admissions and filed in the
student’s permanent record.
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Statement No. 711
August 22, 1991
July 8, 2004
February 2, 2012
October 21, 2021
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees approved the following on October 20,
2021. Federal and state regulations allow a post-secondary institution to admit
an individual who does not have a recognized high school diploma or its
equivalent as a regular student into an eligible Career Program, or an eligible
Career-Pathway Program that integrates adult education (AE) with skills
training (Career or Technical), when the individual has the “Ability to Benefit”
from the education and training. A student who is admitted into a Career-
Pathways Program on the basis of “Ability to Benefit” may receive Title IV Aid,
if an approved “Ability to Benefit” examination is taken prior to the receipt of
aid. Students admitted into a Career Program on the basis of “Ability to Benefit”
are not eligible for Title IV aid. Therefore, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College will provide students the opportunity to be admitted under “Ability to
Benefit” regulations according to the following procedures.
A. ADMISSIONS. Mississippi Community College Board Policy 9.2 allows
colleges to admit students who have completed a federally approved “Ability-
to-Benefit” test to Career Programs as well as approved Career-Pathway
Programs that integrate adult education (AE) with skills training (Career or
B. FINANCIAL AID. The Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act
of 2015 allows a student who did not receive a high school diploma (or its
recognized equivalent), or who did not complete a secondary school education
in a home-school setting, to be eligible for Title IV financial aid. This can be
done through a combination of “Ability to Benefit” alternatives and enrollment
in an eligible career-pathway program (as determined by the Title IV eligible
institutions’ staff) which concurrently enrolls students in connected adult
education. Title IV eligible postsecondary career-pathway programs must
provide enrolled students with structured course sequences that are
articulated and contextualized. The program must also be aligned with the
education and skill needs of the regional economy and must have been
developed and implemented in collaboration with partners in business,
workforce development, and economic development.
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1. INITIAL ELIGIBILITY For students to be eligible for federal
student aid, they must meet the following requirements.
i. Enroll in an eligible career-pathway program and do one
of the following:
ii. Successfully complete six credit hours or 225 clock hours
towards a degree or certificate (you may not receive title
IV aid while earning the six credit hours). Neither remedial
nor developmental coursework count toward this
iii. Or meet or exceed the minimum scores on the Accuplacer
administered in the; campus assessment centers:
Reading Comprehension 55, Sentence Skills 60 and
Arithmetic 34. A candidate must meet or exceed the
minimum scores on each of the three approved tests in a
single test administration. Candidates who do not meet or
exceed all three passing scores must retake the complete
set of three tests and pass all three tests in that
administration. Scores from two different administrations
cannot be mixed or combined. A student MUST pass all
three tests during a single test session.
2. CONTINUED ELIGIBILITY - Students who stay enrolled an
eligible career-pathway program after successfully completing
six credit hours or meeting the required test scores may receive
aid for the 30-hour certificate if otherwise eligible (meet
Satisfactory Academic Progress, etc.) under “Ability to Benefit”
rules. To continue to receive financial aid after the first 30 hours,
the student must have a high school equivalency.
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Statement No. 712
August 30, 1976
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
July 8, 1993
I. STATEMENT. Several student accounting reports are required each year. It is
imperative that these reports be accurate, especially those upon which funding
is based or which must be submitted in compliance with federal regulations or
accreditation requirements.
The following procedures are instituted to ensure accuracy in documenting and
reporting student enrollment accounting data.
A. Deans of Student Services and/or their designees at campuses/centers
are responsible for ensuring that data collected from admissions
applications and the registration process are entered into the College’s
administrative computing system. This procedure applies when entering
data for students enrolled in all college programs except continuing
education and workforce-related training programs, which are the
responsibility of the Vice President for Community Campus and
Institutional Development and/or designee.
B. The Computer Center personnel will ensure programming and related
data processing programs and facilities are adequate to accept and
record data accurately. The computer center will, when appropriate,
provide reports to facilitate review of the completeness and accuracy of
the data recorded in the administrative computing system. The computer
center will provide recurring and one-time student accounting reports as
called for below. One-time reports, in differing formats, will be provided
in a timely manner according to specifications provided by
Computer Center personnel will work with Student Services offices and
the Office of Institutional Research and Planning to develop workflows
and controls to facilitate data entry and reporting. The computer center
is responsible for ensuring that computing facilities, programs, networks,
and other technology support are operational for all activities related to
student data entry, registration, and reporting.
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C. The College Director of Institutional Research and Planning has college
wide responsibility for ensuring accuracy of student accounting reports,
and for preparing college wide reports from campus/center reports.
Because external state, regional and federal agencies frequently change their
specific reporting requirements, the following section is advisory rather than
mandatory. The specific details of each major student accounting report are,
therefore, beyond the scope of this policy statement.
A. By the Junior Colleges with Mississippi Community College Board and
Junior Colleges (MCCB): MCCB conducts an audit of enrollment and
attendance each semester (or quarter) for each campus/center. The
audits require the College to submit several data files to MCCB and to
be able to produce supporting documentation (student admissions and
attendance records) according to procedures established by MCCB.
Instructions and reporting formats may vary from year to year depending
on the appropriations bills approved by the State Legislature and/or
reporting requirements established by the Executive Director, Junior
Colleges with Mississippi Community College Board/Junior Colleges.
The College Director of Institutional Research and Planning serves as
the institutional contact for the MCCB enrollment audit and is responsible
for coordinating all institutional activities preparatory to the audit and for
establishing, in collaboration with MCCB and MGCCC personnel,
schedules for each phase of the audit process.
In May of each year, the College Director of Institutional Research and
Planning will collect additional data as may be required by MCCB for
completion of an annual performance review report.
B. By the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools: The SACS
Institutional Profile includes enrollment information and is usually
required in December of each year. The College Director of Institutional
Research and Planning will prepare the report based on instructions
provided by SACS. A financial accounting report is required by SACS
during summer of each year; this report is not a student accounting
report and is the responsibility of the Comptroller.
C. Federal Reporting: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
(IPEDS): These reports are required throughout the year on a schedule
established by the U. S. Department of Education. These reports shall
be prepared, in whatever format required, using appropriate data as
required by IPEDS. The Director of Institutional Research and Planning
will prepare these reports based on instructions provided in the IPEDS
documentation. The College Director of Institutional Research and
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Planning is also responsible for preparing other reports related to student
enrollment accounting as may be required by federal agencies.
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Statement No. 713
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
August 9, 2007
I. STATEMENT. Proper recruitment of college students is a matter of highest
management priority in the college. Accordingly, a team of
recruitment/admission specialists serves the entire college in an effort to reach
the diverse population within our community. Monitoring shall be accomplished
to ensure maximum efforts in these areas.
College recruitment involves a variety of activities from personal contact to multi-
media advertising. The ever-changing pool of potential students requires the use
of innovative strategies to educate and communicate the college’s mission.
A. The Vice President for Community Campus and Institutional Development
is responsible for monitoring the college-wide recruiting efforts.
B. Recruiting/Admission Specialists have the primary responsibility for
coordinating the college’s efforts to attract students through both traditional
and non-traditional avenues. High school recruiting is handled primarily by
the admission specialist for traditional students. Other areas of recruitment
are handled primarily by the admissions specialist for non-traditional
students. A systematic plan for contact with high school students,
counselors/personnel and non-traditional students is developed and
implemented in coordination with the office of Vice President for Community
Campus and Institutional Development.
C. The recruiting/admission specialists and Institutional Relations office work in
collaboration on the following items:
1. To develop an annual recruitment/advertising plan;
2. To develop a college-wide recruitment calendar;
3. To develop accurate/informative literature to be used in promoting
student enrollment;
4. To maintain open communications among campuses to aid in
successful recruitment/advertising efforts, and
5. To maintain current displays for recruitment activities.
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D. Newspaper, radio, television, billboards, and direct mail should be employed
to reach all potential students. When advertising is used, the provisions of
Statement No. 400.12 shall be followed.
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Statement No. 714
June 6, 1975
April 27, 1977
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
December 6, 2001
March 12, 2008
October 7, 2017
January 18, 2023
OF 1974 (FERPA)
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees, on April 27, 1977, approved the following
“The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is in compliance with provisions
granted under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 [and
subsequent revisions]. Under this law, students enrolled in any educational
institution receiving federal funds are given certain rights concerning their school
records. The policy of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College provides
A. Informing students of their rights;
B. Permitting students to inspect and review their educational records;
C. Not disclosing personally identifiable information or educational records of
a student as defined in Section II. E. without the prior written consent of the
student except as otherwise permitted as defined in Section II. D. and
E. of this statement;
D. Maintaining the record of disclosures of personally identifiable information
from the education records of a student and permitting the student to
inspect that record; and
E. Providing the students with an opportunity to seek the correction of their
records and permitting the student to place a statement in their educational
The following procedures implement the Board policy quoted above.
A. Students have the right to inspect and review their educational records to
ensure that these records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in
violation of the privacy or other rights of the students. Students may request
correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise
inappropriate data contained therein.
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B. Disputes with parents of a student or the eligible student regarding the
content of the student’s education records may be settled through informal
meetings and discussions with the parent or eligible student. If a dispute
cannot be settled in this manner, an opportunity for a hearing will be
arranged by the Deans of Student Services of the Campus to challenge the
content of such student’s education records to ensure that the records are
not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other
rights of the student, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or
deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate
data contained therein.
C. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College follows the policy of allowing
students, upon request, access to their records within a maximum of 45
days as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Students have the right to designate others to have access to their records,
other than as provided by law. The Consent to Release Information form is
available in the Enrollment Services Center at each campus. Students may
revoke this consent by providing written notice to the Office of Admissions.
Such revocation shall not apply to records already released pursuant to the
consent. Until revocation is made, the consent shall remain in effect, and
educational records will continue to be provided to the person listed.
D. The college may publicly share directory information; however, students
may request the College to withhold directory information. The Request to
Withhold Directory Information is available in the Enrollment Services
Center at each campus. Directory information on students who complete
said request will not be shared. This includes publications regarding awards,
special recognitions, or opportunities available via third party. Students may
revoke this request by providing written notice to the Office of Admissions.
Until revocation is made, the request shall remain in effect, and directory
information will continue to be withheld. In compliance with the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the college considers the following
directory information: the student’s name, address, college email address,
telephone listing, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized
activities, organizations and sports, weight, and height of members of
athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees received honors and awards
received, student photo with identifying name, and major field of study.
E. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will not release to any third party
the educational records of eligible students (age 18 and older) without their
written consent other than the exceptions listed below. Initially, the college
will release name, address, college email address and phone number
unless otherwise specified from the acceptable third party.
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1. College officials who have legitimate educational interests.
2. Officials from other schools, school systems, or postsecondary
educational institutions where the student seeks or intends to enroll.
3. Authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General.
4. Authorized representatives of the U. S. Attorney General.
5. The U. S. Department of Education.
6. State and local educational authorities.
7. Authorized state and local officials and authorities.
8. Authorized organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of,
educational agencies or institutions.
9. Accrediting agencies carrying out their accrediting functions.
10. The alleged victim of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense.
11. The parent of a dependent student as defined by the IRS.
12. The parent of a student who is not an eligible student as defined under
13. The student.
14. The parent of a student under the age of 21 regarding the student’s
violation of a federal, state, or local law, or institutional rule governing
the use of possession of alcohol or controlled substance.
15. Appropriate parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of
information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student
or others.
16. In accordance with the Solomon Amendment, any military recruiting
affiliates, such as Army, Navy, Marine Corp, Air Force, etc.
Educational records include student's class schedule, grades/GPA, test scores,
academic standing, transcripts, attendance records, student account, and
financial aid information. Students may request individuals of their choice be
given access to their educational records by completing the Consent to Release
Information. The College will not release personally identifiable information
including social security number, date of birth, residency status, gender, and/or
F. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will maintain a record of
individuals who request access of student records. With the exception of
Section E. 1. (above) this record will contain the signature, the date, and the
reason for needing records.
G. Student records will be released at the end of each academic term upon
request. All requests to access student records are to be submitted via email
to [email protected]. Fees may apply.
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Statement No. 715
July 1, 1976
December 6, 1988
I. STATEMENT. Veterans Administration (VA) Regulation #14254 requires that
adequate records be maintained to show attendance and progress or grades,
and that satisfactory standards related to attendance, progress and conduct are
enforced. The VA Central Office in Jackson has supplemented this regulation
in Department of Veterans Benefits Manual M22-2, Part VII, as follows:
“The school must maintain adequate records of progress. A comparison of
progress records, which should show hours completed by subject, is
necessary to determine that the course the eligible person is pursuing is the
same course approved by the State Approving Agency; that the course outline
is being followed; and that the eligible student is receiving progressive training
in all phases of the approved course for which he is enrolled.”
The VA requires determination if the student has exceeded the number of hours
approved for individual subjects. The College must ensure that the records are
adequate to make these determinations.
VA Regulation 14209 requires that records and accounts pertaining to each
period of enrollment of a veteran or eligible pers be kept intact and in good
condition at the College for at least three years following the termination of such
Campuses are responsible to ensure that the above referenced VA
Requirements are met by students enrolled under the VA Program.
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Statement No. 715.1
September 13, 2001
I. STATEMENT. This procedure addresses the refund of tuition and fees for
currently enrolled students who are called to active military duty. The grading
process and the required documentation that must be provided by the student to
the College are also described.
A. Documentation. The student must provide written documentation from his/her
commanding officer verifying the call to active military duty and the effective
date of active military duty. This documentation must be turned in to the Dean
of Student Services at the MGCCC Campus of enrollment.
B. Grading/Refund Process. After the documentation is approved by the Dean of
Student Services, the student will be withdrawn from the courses that he/she
is enrolled in, will receive a grade of “W” for these courses, and will receive a
100 percent refund of tuition and fees actually paid.
If a student is called to active military duty after two-thirds of the course has
been completed, the faculty member, with the agreement of the student, may
award a grade of “I” (incomplete). This decision is contingent upon the sole
discretion of the faculty member teaching the course. Tuition paid for courses
in which an “I” grade is awarded will not be refunded as the expectation is that
the student will complete the course and earn the college credits appropriate
for the course.
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Statement No. 716
July 1, 1978
December 6, 1988
April 15, 2015
I. STATEMENT. Section 493-A of the Higher Education Assistance Act of 1965 (as
amended by PL9442, Education Amendments of 1976, Title I, Part D, Section
131 (B), amended October 17, 1987, subpart (D) requires that information about
the College and about financial aid must be available to employees, current and
prospective students, and may be made available by posting the information
online. The institution must provide a paper copy of the information upon request
from an employee, current and prospective students. The following minimum
information must be provided: (1) general disclosures for enrolled and
prospective students; (2) annual security report and annual fire safety report; (3)
report on athletic program participation rates and financial support data; and (4)
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Information. Additionally,
annual security reports and fire safety reports must be posted online by October
of each year.
The requirements of this law are satisfied by the publication of the information on
the College’s website, in the Student Handbook, and by the use of federal
publications. Students also have access to their personal information through the
use of their student online resources account.
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Statement No. 717
July 2, 1978
February 21, 1985
December 6, 1988
August 27, 1998
February 10, 2005
December 10, 2009
April 10, 2013
May 11, 2016
May 8, 2018
July 25, 2018
May 20, 2020
November 17, 2021
March 15, 2023
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College recognizes
students as adults who are expected to obey the law and the rules and
regulations of the College, to take personal responsibility for their conduct, to
respect the rights of others, and to have regard for the preservation of state
and College property, as well as the private property of others. From the time
of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree,
students accept the rights and responsibilities of a membership in the College
community. Students are expected to uphold community values by always
exercising a high standard of conduct.
The Code of Student Conduct applies to all students while present on
campus or at a college facility. This applies to all student conduct that occurs
in connection with a college program or activity, regardless of the location.
The College reserves the right to take appropriate action, up to and including
expulsion, when, in the College’s judgment, a student’s conduct off-campus
and not connected to any College program or activity: (1) indicates that the
student may pose a danger to him or herself or to others; or (2) the conduct
has a negative impact on the College community or the College’s mission.
A. Conduct Case Administrator Responsibility
The Dean of Student Services is assigned the responsibility of receiving
and handling all conduct matters concerning the behavior of students,
student groups, and/or student organizations. The Dean of Student
Services, or his/her designee, assigns cases based on the type of
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behavior, status, and caseload of the conduct hearing officers. The Dean
of Student Services’ Office, or its designee, has discretion in the
determination of sanctions for students, student groups, or student
organizations found responsible for violating the Code of Student
B. Conduct Procedures
Conduct procedures may be initiated on individual or organizational
behavior upon receipt and analysis of an official incident report or other
valid complaint. The Dean of Student Services’ Office, or designee, will
investigate to determine if there is sufficient cause to proceed with a
conduct hearing. Should sufficient cause be determined, the hearing
officer may schedule a conduct hearing with the accused student or
assign the case to a Campus Conduct Committee.
The College is dedicated not only to learning and the advancement of
knowledge but also to the development of responsible persons. It seeks to
achieve these goals through sound educational programs and policies
governing student conduct that encourage independence and maturity.
The College distinguishes its responsibility for student conduct from the
control functions of the wider community. When a student has been
apprehended for the violation of a law (local, state, or federal), the College
will not request special consideration for them based on their status as a
student. The College will cooperate fully, however necessary, with law
enforcement and other agencies in any program for rehabilitation of the
The College will apply sanctions or take other appropriate action when
student conduct directly and significantly interferes with the College's (1)
primary educational responsibility of ensuring the opportunity of all
members of the College community to attain their educational objectives,
or (2) subsidiary responsibility of protecting the health and safety of
persons in the College community, maintaining and protecting property,
keeping records, providing living accommodations and other such services,
and sponsoring non-classroom activities such as lectures, concerts,
athletic events, and social functions.
These regulations apply to all students, whether in full or part-time
attendance, as well as those who participate in the College’s High School
Equivalency programs and apprenticeships. Unfamiliarity with institutional
regulations or rules is no grounds for excusing infraction.
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A. All students enrolled in Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College are
expected to conform to the ordinary rules of society; to be truthful; to
respect the rights of others, and to have regard for the preservation of
state and College property as well as the private property of others. Some
acts of misconduct that are unacceptable and subject the student to
disciplinary action are listed below. These offenses are as follows:
1. Abuse of College Conduct System: Abuse of the College
Conduct System, including but not limited to:
a. Failure to obey the summons of a Campus Conduct
Committee or College official.
b. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information to
a Campus Conduct Committee or College official.
c. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a
conduct proceeding.
d. Instituting a conduct proceeding knowingly without cause.
e. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation,
or use of, the conduct system.
f. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a
Campus Conduct Committee prior to, and/or during the
course of the conduct proceeding.
g. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a
member of a Campus Conduct Committee prior to, during,
and/or after a conduct proceeding,
h. Failure to comply with the sanctions imposed under the Code
of Student Conduct.
i. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to
commit an abuse of the conduct system.
2. Abuse of Computers: Theft or other abuse of computer time,
including but not limited to:
a. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the
contents, or for any other purpose.
b. Unauthorized transfer of a file.
c. Unauthorized use of another individual’s identification and
d. Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of
another student, faculty member or College official.
e. Use of computing facilities to send or receive obscene or
abusive messages.
f. Use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation
of the College computing system.
g. Use of College network/internet to violate any local, state, or
federal law.
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3. Dishonest Conduct: Including, but not limited to, academic
misconduct; knowingly making a false accusation of
misconduct; misuse or falsification of college or related
documents by actions such as forgery, alteration, tampering, or
improper transfer; providing false information (written or oral) to
a College official and/or during any College proceeding; or
providing false identification or allowing others to use your
identification to gain access to College facilities, property,
programs, resources, or services.
4. Alcohol Possession: Possession, sale, or distribution of beer,
wine or other alcoholic beverages as defined by Mississippi law
and/or alcohol paraphernalia (including but not limited to beer
bongs, beer funnels, and empty/decorative alcohol containers)
on campus or while present at any College-sponsored activity.
5. Acts of Intolerance: Acts that adversely and unfairly target a
person or group based on one or more actual or perceived
characteristics: gender or gender identity, race or ethnicity,
disability, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, and age.
6. Confrontational Behavior: Disruption, obstruction, or
exhibiting confrontational behavior, which interferes with college
functions such as teaching, administration, and conduct
proceedings, other College activities, including its public service
functions on or off campus, or other authorized activities.
7. Dating Violence: Dating Violence is defined as violence by a
person who has been in a romantic or intimate relationship with
the victim. Whether there was such a relationship will be gauged
by its length, type, and frequency of interaction.
8. Disorderly Conduct: Conduct which is disorderly, lewd, or
indecent including use of profane, abusive, or vulgar language
and or obscene gesture; a breach of the peace; assisting or
procuring another person to breach the peace on college
premises, or at functions sponsored by the College or in which
the College participates.
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9. Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence includes asserted
violent misdemeanor and felony offenses committed by the
victim's current or former spouse, current or former cohabitant,
person similarly situated under domestic or family violence law,
or anyone else protected under domestic or family violence law.
10. Dress Code Violation: Clothing that bears obscene gestures or
language, is in any way provocative, and/or reveals
undergarments or inappropriately exposes one’s body is
prohibited on campus or while present at any College- sponsored
11. Drug Violation: This includes but is not limited to:
a. Possession of marijuana, illegal drugs, narcotics, controlled
and/or illegal substances on campus or while present at any
College-sponsored activity.
b. Illegal possession of prescription drugs on campus or while
present at any College-sponsored activity.
c. Possession of drug paraphernalia (including but not limited to
bongs, scales, pipes, and syringes, on campus or while
present at any College-sponsored activity.
d. Sale of marijuana, illegal drugs, narcotics, controlled and/or
illegal substances on campus or while present at any
College-sponsored activity.
12. Failure to Comply: Failure to comply with directions of college
officials, including Campus Police or law enforcement officers
acting in performance of their duties and/or failure to identify
oneself or provide appropriate identification to these persons
when requested to do so.
13. Failure to Report: Failure to report a violation of the Code of
Student Conduct to College officials.
14. False Report of an Emergency: False report of emergency by
causing, making or circulating a false report or warning of a fire,
bomb, explosion, crime, or other catastrophe. This includes E-
911 hang up calls.
15. Gambling: Encouraging, promoting, or participating in gambling
on campus or while present at any College-sponsored activity,
except games or raffles approved by the Dean of Student
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16. General Violations: Violation of any other policies, rules and
regulations disseminated by the College. This section is intended
to incorporate other College policies, rules, and regulations and
to address violations only if the violation warrants a process or
sanction beyond what is available in other College policies, rules
and regulations.
17. Harassment: Unwelcome and/or discriminatory actions
(physical, verbal, graphic, written, or electronic) directed at an
individual that interferes with the individual’s ability to participate
in or to realize the intended benefits of an institutional activity.
18. Hazing: Act in which a person or organization who, in the course
of another person's initiation into or affiliation with any
organization, intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct
which creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such other
person or to a third person.
19. Intoxicated Behaviors: Students who display intoxicated
behaviors (including but not limited to glazed eyes, slurred
speech, etc.) on campus or while present at any College-
sponsored activity, or students who require staff assistance on
campus or while present at any College-sponsored activity due
to their consumption of beer, wine, alcoholic beverages as
defined by Mississippi law or illegal drugs.
20. Littering: Littering or unauthorized posting of written material on
college property.
21. Mental Harm: Causing suffering, damage, impairment, or
dysfunction to any person as a direct result of some action or
failure to act.
22. Misuse of Safety Equipment: Misuse of safety equipment by
unauthorized use or alteration of firefighting equipment, safety
devices, or other emergency equipment.
23. Physical Harm: Physical harm or threat of physical harm to any
person(s) including, but not limited to assault, sexual abuse, or
other forms of physical abuse, except in self-defense on campus
or while present at any College-sponsored activity.
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24. Recording of Person without Consent: Viewing,
photographing, audio recording, video recording, or creating a
digital file of another person without that person's consent in a
place where he or she would have reasonable expectation of
25. Refusal to Show ID: Refusal to show proper identification when
requested by any College personnel.
26. Riot Behavior: Engaging in a riot or other activity resulting in the
disruption of the educational mission of the College or hinders
the free exercise by others of their lawful rights or discharge of
their duties on and about the campus or in connection with any
off-campus related activity.
27. Sexual Assault: Sexual assault is defined as sexual intercourse
or sexual contact with another person by forcible compulsion
(such as coercion) and/or without consent. Absence of protest is
not consent. Acts of sexual assault include any sexual
penetration (anal, oral, or vaginal), however slight, with any
object or sexual intercourse without effective consent. Sexual
penetration includes vaginal or anal penetration by a penis,
object, tongue, or finger, and oral copulation by mouth-to- genital
contact or genital-to-mouth contact.
28. Smoking/Use of Tobacco Products: Smoking in any form to
include but not limited to electronic cigarettes, vapor smoking,
and the use of tobacco products is prohibited anywhere on the
campus; including centers, campus buildings, sidewalks, parking
lots, personal vehicles, building entrances and common areas,
and in college-owned vehicles.
29. Stalking: A pattern of repeated and unwanted attention,
harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at
a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel
30. Theft: Unauthorized use, taking, or withholding of anything of
value belonging to another person or entity.
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31. Unauthorized Possession of Keys: Unauthorized possession,
duplication or use of keys to any College premises or
unauthorized entry to or use of college premises.
32. Violation of Law: Violation of municipal, state, or federal law, or
of promulgated rules and regulations of the College or its Board
of Trustees upon any campus of the College or off-campus
activity, regardless of any decision or action by other public
authority as to prosecution for such offense.
33. Violation of School of Nursing and Health Professions
General Policies: Violation of general policies and student
conduct regulations found in the School of Nursing and Health
Professions student handbooks.
34. Weapon Possession: Possession, on campus or while present
at or near any College-related activity, of any weapon prohibited
by law, any firearm, knife, razor or razor blade (except solely for
personal shaving) or other device designed to be used as a
weapon, including ammunition, devices for firing blank cartridges
or charges, or of any incendiary or explosive device or of stink
bombs, tear gas or other dangerous chemicals, pellet or BB
guns, bows and arrows, martial arts weapons, or any other
dangerous weapons.
B. Group Offenses
1. Campus organizations, societies, clubs and similar organized
groups are responsible for compliance with college regulations.
Upon satisfactory proof that the group has encouraged
violations, or did not take reasonable steps, as a group to prevent
violations or student conduct regulations, the group may be
subjected to permanent or temporary suspension of charter,
social probation, denial of use of college facilities, or other like
2. The determination that a group is liable for sanction to be
imposed shall be made by the conduct committee at a hearing
held for that purpose. The president or principal officer of the
group must be given a reasonable notice of the time and place of
said hearing and of the nature of the charges. The president or
any other member of the group is entitled to attend and be heard
at the hearing and to present evidence to refute the said charges.
3. Nothing herein authorizes the imposition of individual sanctions
on any person other than in accordance with the Code of Student
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A. Possible sanctions for violating the Code of Student Conduct include
the following:
1. Expulsion from the College: Permanent separation of the
student from the College and all College functions or activities. It
is the student’s responsibility to contact an Enrollment Specialist
and properly withdraw from the College. Questions should be
addressed to the campus Dean of Student Services;
2. Suspension from the College: Suspension for a definite period
of time. Temporary separation of the student from the College
and all College functions or activities. It is the student’s
responsibility to contact an Enrollment Specialist and properly
withdraw from the College. Students seeking readmission to the
College after suspension must contact the campus Dean of
Student Services;
3. Conduct Probation: Conduct probation with or without loss of
designated privileges for a definite period of time. The violation
of the terms of conduct probation may be grounds for suspension
or expulsion from the College;
4. Loss of Privileges: Loss of such privileges as may be
consistent with the offense committed and the rehabilitation of
the student. Examples include but are not limited to, removal
from the residence hall, suspension from campus activities, i.e.
athletic contests, intramurals, other extra-curricular activities;
5. Session(s) with LPC: Session(s) with Licensed Professional
Counselor until behavior is controlled;
6. Fines: Fines where appropriate;
7. Warning: Written warning;
8. Other Sanctions: Other sanctions suggested by the Campus
Conduct committee.
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A. The sole purpose of these procedures is to afford due process to
any student who is charged with conduct violations and this without
unduly disrupting the academic and educational mission of the
College. Students have a right to an efficient disposition of charges
made against them within a reasonable time.
1. Report of Incident
Any member of the College community may file a complaint
against any student for violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
Complaints shall be prepared in writing and directed to those
persons designated by the Campus Vice President or entered
into the College’s Threat Assessment System. Any complaint
should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes
place, preferably within one (1) week of the knowledge of
2. Investigation
The College official designated by the Campus Vice President
hereinafter referred to as conduct administrator may conduct an
investigation to determine if the complaint has merit and/or if it
can be disposed of administratively by mutual consent of the
parties involved on a basis acceptable to the conduct
administrator. Such a disposition shall be final and there shall be
no subsequent proceedings.
Any conduct administrator, who has reason to believe that a
violation of the Code of Student Conduct may have occurred, is
authorized to begin an investigation in the same manner as if a
written complaint had been received. The conduct administrator,
or designee, may investigate and charge students or
organizations with misconduct when that office has reason to
believe that a violation may have occurred.
A conduct administrator may issue a summons for a student or
organization to appear for discussion about a case. The
summons may also include an order to produce records, which
may be helpful in the course of an investigation. A summons may
be written or verbal.
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Temporary Suspension
The College via a Dean of Student Services, reserves the right
to impose a temporary suspension on a student from any
campus and/or residence halls prior to the student’s conduct
hearing to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the
College community or preservation of College property; to
ensure the student’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being;
and if the student poses an ongoing threat of disruption or
interference of the normal operations of the College.
During the temporary suspension, the student is denied access
to college campuses, facilities, activities, and privileges unless
approval to do otherwise is granted by the Campus Vice
President. The student has the right to communicate with their
instructor(s) to identify alternative methods for taking exams
and/or submitting class assignments. It will be the student’s
responsibility to discuss issues regarding class absence(s) with
their instructor(s). The temporary suspension does not replace
the regular process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule,
up to and through the appeals options, if deemed necessary.
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3. Notice
If sufficient cause has been established to proceed with the
complaint, a conduct hearing with the accused student will be
conducted. The determination to initiate conduct charges is final
and not appealable. Technical rules/evidence applicable to civil
and criminal cases do not apply to conduct hearings.
The accused student will receive a written notice at least five (5)
business days in advance of the conduct hearing, except in
cases where the student waives the five (5)-business day
a. The notice will contain the time of the hearing, the date of
the hearing, location of the hearing, a statement of the
charges to be brought against the accused student, and
possible sanctions or penalties.
b. The notice will also inform the accused student of their
right to have an advisor or attorney at the conduct hearing
or appeal therefrom. If the advisor is an attorney, the
conduct hearing may be delayed until the College attorney
can attend. In no event may an attorney participate in any
conduct hearing or appeal therefrom, however, the
attorney may advise the respective client.
c. The notice will also inform the accused student of the
opportunity to have witnesses at the conduct hearing.
Witnesses may only testify about the accused student’s
alleged violations. Characters witnesses will not be
4. Conduct Hearing
Conduct hearings at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
are designed to arrive at decisions regarding student behavior.
These decisions can potentially affect the student’s relationship
with the College. The administration of discipline is an
educational process with procedures that are determined by
educators. A Conduct Hearing with the accused student will be
conducted with a Hearing Officer or the Campus Conduct
Committee. Such procedures give full cognizance to the tests of
fairness and justice, and the requirements of due process.
Conduct hearings are of a private, confidential nature. They are
closed to the public, unless opened by the Dean of Student
Services’ Office. Rules and procedures for conducting conduct
hearings are as follows:
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A. Hearing with Hearing Officer:
1. The hearing officer will go over the conduct hearing
procedures with the accused. If the accused does not
appear at the conduct hearing, the hearing officer can
choose to reschedule the conduct hearing or make a
determination based on the evidence presented.
2. The hearing officer will read the charge(s) and date of
the incident(s).
3. The hearing officer will ensure the accused
understands the procedures and has a clear
understanding of the charge(s).
4. The hearing officer will question the accused regarding
the recollection of events.
5. The hearing officer will bring in any witnesses brought
by the accused or from the investigation to the hearing
room and ask them to give their account of the incident
in question. All witnesses will be called separately and
may not hear each other's testimony, but the accused
will be allowed to hear witness testimony as well as
ask the witness any clarifying questions to his/her
testimony. In lieu of attending the hearing, alleged
victims have the right to submit an official statement
that will be verbally read to the accused by the hearing
6. Further examination and questioning by the hearing
officer may follow any witness statement or
information presented.
7. The accused will be asked to give final statements
regarding the case.
8. The accused and all witnesses will be excused.
9. The hearing officer will make a decision in the case
and will present the finding and the sanction(s), if any,
to the accused via email or in writing in a timely
10. The hearing officer may refer to sanctioning the
Campus Conduct Committee if more serious
sanctions are needed.
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B. Hearing with Campus Conduct Committee
1. A Campus Conduct Committee shall be set up on each
campus to perform Student Conduct Hearings. The
Campus Conduct Committee shall be composed of
any two student leaders (Student Government
Association, Reflections Team, Phi Theta Kappa
Officers, etc.) and at least three members consisting
of faculty, staff and/or administrators appointed by the
Campus Vice President. In the event of the absence
of any member, the Campus Vice President, or
designee, may appoint a temporary replacement. The
Campus Conduct Committee chairperson will be
appointed by the Campus Vice President. Voting will
be by secret ballot and ballots will be kept for future
review. The Campus Conduct Committee will decide if
the student is responsible or not responsible for the
alleged violations and determine any sanction(s) to be
imposed. A majority vote will constitute the action of
the committee.
2. If the student does not appear at the Conduct Hearing,
the Campus Conduct Committee will dispose of the
case based on the evidence presented.
3. If the case is disposed of and the Campus Conduct
Committee subsequently determines the student was
not reasonably able to appear and not reasonably able
to give notice of this prior to or at the time of the
hearing, the Campus Conduct Committee may set
aside its disposition and reschedule the case for
another Student Conduct Hearing.
4. All Conduct Hearings before the Campus Conduct
Committee shall be closed to the press and public
except when the aggrieved student(s) waive the right
to a closed hearing. The proceedings will be recorded
by the College. A transcript of the proceedings may be
available to the student(s) charged or aggrieved
student(s) upon written request.
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C. Procedures for Campus Conduct Committee
The procedures for a Conduct Hearing with the Campus
Conduct Committee are as follows:
1. The Chairperson of the Campus Conduct Committee
will read the charges against the accused, and the
accused will be asked if they are "Responsible" or "Not
Responsible" to each charge as stated.
2. If the accused pleas "Responsible," they will be
allowed to make a verbal statement to the Campus
Conduct Committee. The Campus Conduct
Committee will then go into executive session to
determine the sanction(s).
3. If the accused pleas "Not Responsible," the evidence
against the student shall be presented to the Campus
Conduct Committee in the presence of the accused. In
lieu of attending the hearing, alleged victims have the
right to submit an official statement that will be verbally
read to the accused.
4. The accused shall present evidence on his/her behalf
and shall be allowed to cross-examine witnesses (if
applicable) either directly or in a manner the Campus
Conduct Committee deems appropriate based on the
5. After hearing all evidence, members of the Campus
Conduct Committee shall sit in executive session and
by secret ballot vote on if they believe the accused to
be “Responsible” or “Not Responsible.”
6. If the accused is found to be “Responsible,” the
Campus Conduct Committee will decide the
sanction(s) to be imposed.
7. The decision of the Campus Conduct Committee shall
be transmitted in a reasonable time, in writing, to the
Campus Vice President, or designee, who may
approve, disapprove, reduce sanction, or remand the
decision to the committee for further study and give
written notice to the accused.
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A. A student who has accepted responsibility for violating the Code of
Student Conduct and the determined disciplinary sanction waives
the right to appeal. However, a student found “Responsible” for
violating the Code of Student Conduct through a formal hearing
process has the right to appeal against the original decision of a
Hearing Officer or the Campus Conduct Committee. Non-
attendance by the accused student is not grounds for an appeal.
B. The appeal is not intended to re-hear or re-argue the same case,
and is limited to the specific grounds outlined below:
1. Procedural error that resulted in material harm or prejudice to the
student (i.e., by preventing a fair, impartial, or proper hearing).
2. Discovery of substantial new evidence that was unavailable to
the accused student at the time of the hearing upon reasonable
search and inquiry, and which reasonably could have affected
the decision of the hearing body.
C. Appealing Decision of Hearing Officer
A student found “Responsible” for violating the Code of Student
Conduct through a formal hearing process has the right to appeal
the original decision of a Hearing Officer. The appeal must be in
writing and addressed to the campus Dean of Student Services. The
appeal must be postmarked, or hand delivered to the campus Dean
of Student Services, or sent via email within five (5) business days
after the date on which notice of the decision is sent to the student.
Appeal Procedures
The Campus Appeals Committee will dismiss the appeal if the
appeal does not demonstrate at least one of the following:
1. Procedural error that resulted in material harm or prejudice to the
student (i.e., by preventing a fair, impartial, or proper hearing).
2. Discovery of substantial new evidence that was unavailable to
the accused student at the time of the hearing upon reasonable
search and inquiry, and which reasonably could have affected
the decision of the hearing body.
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If sufficient cause for the appeal has been demonstrated:
3. The student will present their case. The student must be present
at the appeal hearing.
4. The Campus Appeals Committee will decide the appeal based
upon a review of the record and supporting documents (e.g.,
prior disciplinary history) and/or
5. The Campus Appeals Committee may consider additional
relevant information from any party to the proceeding and then
decide the appeal based upon the enhanced record.
Possible Dispositions
After a thorough review of the record(s), the Campus Appeals
Committee may:
1. Uphold the original decision and/or sanction(s) of the Hearing
2. Dismiss the case or individual charge(s) against the student and
vacate any portion or all of the sanction(s);
3. Modify, enhance, or reduce the original sanction(s).
The Campus Appeals Committee’s decision is final.
D. Appealing Decision of Campus Conduct Committee
A student found “Responsible” for violating the Code of Student
Conduct through a formal hearing process has the right to appeal
against the original decision of the Campus Conduct Committee.
The appeal must be in writing and addressed to the College Appeals
Committee. The appeal must be postmarked, or hand delivered to
the Campus Vice President, or sent via email within five (5) business
days after the date on which notice of the decision is sent to the
1. College Appeals Committee
a. The College Appeals Committee shall consist of three
members of the faculty or staff and three students appointed
annually by the Vice President of Enrollment Services and
Student Success. In addition to the six members, there shall
be a chair appointed by the Vice President of Enrollment
Services and Student Success.
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b. The College Appeals Committee shall have appellate
jurisdiction in all cases involving alleged violations of the
Code of Student Conduct that have been determined through
a formal hearing by the Campus Conduct Committee. A
simple majority of committee members (excluding the chair)
must be present in order to hear an appeal; and must include
at least two faculty or staff members and one student.
2. Appeal Procedures
The College Appeals Committee will dismiss the appeal if the
appeal does not demonstrate at least one of the following:
1. Procedural error that resulted in material harm or
prejudice to the student (i.e., by preventing a fair,
impartial, or proper hearing).
2. Discovery of substantial new evidence that was
unavailable to the accused student at the time of the
hearing upon reasonable search and inquiry, and which
could have affected the decision of the hearing body.
If sufficient cause for the appeal has been demonstrated:
a. The College Appeals Committee will decide the appeal
based upon a review of the record and supporting
documents (e.g., prior disciplinary history) and/or
b. The College Appeals Committee may consider additional
relevant information from any party to the proceeding and
then decide the appeal based upon the enhanced record.
The review of the appeal generally does not involve the
appealing student being present; however, the College Appeals
Committee can request their presence if needed.
3. Possible Dispositions
After a thorough review of the record(s), the College Appeals
Committee may:
a. Uphold the original decision and/or sanction(s) of the
Campus Conduct Committee;
b. Dismiss the case or individual charge(s) against the
student and vacate any portion or all of the sanction(s);
c. Modify, enhance, or reduce the original sanction(s);
The College Appeals Committee’s decision is final.
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Statement No. 718
May 7, 1987
December 6, 1988
April 28, 2005
January 6, 2016
March 8, 2017
August 13, 2018
October 6, 2020
I. STATEMENT. Students have the right to express their dissatisfaction about
action or lack of action relative to a matter either academic or non-academic in
nature. Furthermore, students have a right to appeal any college decision which
they believe to have an adverse effect on their pursuit of an education or
participation in college programs. When possible, and as circumstances allow,
students should make every effort to resolve dissatisfaction by working informally
with the person(s) whose actions or inactions have caused the dissatisfaction, or
that person’s school supervisor.
The general student complaint procedure described here will apply to all non-
classroom related student complaints. Specific procedures for grievances (student
appeals of faculty decisions related to classroom/instructional activities) are also
found in this statement, right after the general student complaint procedure.
Regulations governing student discipline are found in the Student Handbook
under "Due Process in Student Discipline". Information and documentation
pertaining to the investigation and resolution of written complaints and grievances
will be entered into the College’s Student Complaint Log once an outcome is
A. General Student Complaints (non-classroom related): Issues of
dissatisfaction that are typically submitted in an email or College form; or a
letter, note, or memo that is typed or handwritten. The college reserves the
right to investigate and take action on student complaints submitted via text
or social media.
1. Within thirty days of an incident, the student must provide a written
complaint describing the dissatisfaction and the remedy sought. The
written complaint must be submitted to the Campus Dean who administers
the policy or oversees the area where the complaint arises.
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2. Within ten business days, the Campus Dean will arrange a committee to
review and investigate the student’s complaint. The committee will reserve
the right to question the student and/or witnesses (college employees and
other students) regarding the matter.
3. Within five business days, the Campus Dean will make a decision on the
merits of the student complaint and will provide a written response to the
In the event that the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Campus
Dean, an appeal may be made to the Campus Vice President within five
business days. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Campus
Vice President, the student may then appeal to the College President within
ten business days of receipt of the decision. College personnel will provide
a written response to the student within five business days.
If, after appealing to the College President, the student is not satisfied with
the outcome of this decision, the student may file a complaint with the State
Authorization Agency at www.mississippi.edu/mcca.
B. Student Appeals of Faculty Decisions (grievances related to classroom
/instructional activities)
1. The instructor has authority over all matters affecting the conduct of
classes, including assignment of grades. Student performance may be
evaluated based on written work and/or other performance standards
as determined by the instructor.
2. If a student has a complaint about classroom activities or grades given
by an instructor, the student may appeal the faculty member's decision
within 30 working days of the decision. In all cases, the appeal process
will ensure due process for both the instructor and the student.
3. The student must first discuss the issue with the faculty member
involved and explain the basis for his/her appeal.
If the matter is not resolved with the faculty member, the student may
appeal to the School Chairperson within five working days. This appeal
must be in writing and should describe the basis for the student's
complaint as well as the outcome of the discussion with the faculty
member. The Chairperson may attempt to resolve the problem with the
student and instructor or may call for a departmental review. Within ten
working days after the meeting or review, the Chairperson will make a
decision on the merits of the student complaint and will provide a written
response to the student.
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4. If the matter is not resolved with the School Chairperson, the student
may appeal in writing to the appropriate Dean of Teaching & Learning
within five working days. The Dean may attempt to resolve the problem
with the individuals involved or may call a meeting of the Campus
Judicial Committee to hear the grievance.
If necessary to resolve the complaint, an informal hearing will be
conducted by the Judicial Committee within 10 working days after the
Dean receives the student's grievance. The hearing will provide the
student and faculty member an opportunity to present their positions
and supporting facts. The student will be required to provide the
Committee with an advance copy of the major issues, documents to be
included and names of persons expected to attend the hearing.
Issues or evidence not directly related to the initial appeal will not be
The Committee is the final judge of what is to be included and excluded
in the hearing and has the right to adjourn and reconvene at a later time
if this is necessary to complete the hearing. The hearing will be
conducted in a manner that is fair and equitable for the student. Within
ten (10) working days following the hearing, the Committee will make a
recommendation to the Vice President for Teaching &
Learning/Community Campus who will notify the student in writing as
to the resolution of the grievance.
5. Should the student desire to appeal the decision of the Vice President
for Teaching & Learning/Community Campus, a written appeal must be
made to the President of the College within 10 working days. The
President may rule on the student complaint or may appoint a
committee to review the campus decisions to assure that the student
and instructor have been afforded due process.
6. The following guidelines apply to student appeals regarding faculty
a. For appeals of decisions other than final grades, the student
will be permitted to remain in class for the term in which the
appeal is initiated until the appeal is settled.
b. The appeal of a final grade in a class must be made within 30
working days of the posting of the course grade.
C. Student Appeals of Faculty Decisions in the School of Nursing and Health
Professions (grievances related to classroom/instructional activities)
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1. The instructor has authority over all matters affecting the conduct of
classes, including assignment of grades. Student performance may
be evaluated based on written work and/or other performance
standards as determined by the instructor.
2. If a student has a complaint about classroom activities or grades
given by an instructor, the student may appeal the faculty member’s
decision within 10 working days of the decision. In all cases, the
appeal process will ensure due process for both the instructor and
the student.
3. The student must first discuss the issue with the faculty member
involved and explain the basis for his/her appeal.
If the matter is not resolved with the faculty member, the student
may appeal to the Course Faculty Team within five working days.
This appeal must be in writing and should describe the basis for the
student’s complaint as well as the outcome of the discussion with
the faculty member. Within five working days after the hearing, the
Course Faculty Team will make a decision on the merits of the
student complaint and will provide a written response to the student.
If the matter is not resolved with the Course Faculty Team, the
student may appeal to the respective School chair within five
working days. This appeal must be in writing and should describe
the basis for the student’s complaint as well as the outcome of the
discussion with the Course Faculty Team. The respective School
chair may attempt to resolve the problem with the student and
Course Faculty Team or may call for a department review. Within
five working days after the hearing, the respective School chair will
make a decision on the merits of the student complaint and will
provide a written response to the student.
4. If the matter is not resolved at this level, the student may appeal in
writing to the Associate Vice President for the School of Nursing and
Health Professions within five working days. The Associate Vice
President for the School of Nursing and Health Professions may attempt
to resolve the problem with the individuals involved or may call a
meeting of the College-wide School of Nursing and Health Professions
Judicial Committee to hear the grievance.
If necessary to resolve the complaint, an informal hearing will be
conducted by the appropriate College-wide School of Nursing and
Health Professions Judicial Committee within 10 working days after
the Associate Vice President for the School of Nursing and Health
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Professions receive the student’s grievance. The hearing will provide
the student and faculty members with an opportunity to present their
positions and supporting facts. The student will be required to
provide the Committee an advance copy of the major issues,
documents to be included and names of persons expected to attend
the hearing. Issues or evidence not directly related to the initial
appeal will not be considered.
The Committee is the final judge of what is to be included and
excluded in the hearing and has the right to adjourn and reconvene
at a later time if this is necessary to complete the hearing. The
hearing will be conducted in a manner that is fair and equitable for
the student. Within 10 working days following the hearing, the
Committee will make a recommendation to the Vice President,
Teaching & Learning/Community Campus who will notify the student
in writing as to the resolution of the grievance.
5. Should the student desire to appeal the decision of the Vice
President, Teaching & Learning/Community Campus, a written
appeal must be made to the President of the College within 10
working days. The President may rule on the student complaint or
may appoint a committee to review the decisions to assure that the
student and instructor have been afforded due process.
6. The following guidelines apply to student appeals regarding faculty
a. For appeals of decisions other than final grades, unsafe
clinical performance, and/or clinical dismissal, the student will
be permitted to remain in class for the term in which the
appeal is initiated until the appeal is settled.
b. The appeal of a final grade in a class must be made within 30
working days of the posting of the course grade.
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Statement No. 719
June 28, 2007
October 9, 2008
I. STATEMENT. The intent of this procedure is to accommodate credit students with
an unforeseen medical problem. This procedure addresses the refund of tuition
and fees for currently enrolled students who must withdraw from classes due to a
medical emergency. The grading process and the required documentation that
must be provided by the student to the College are also described.
A. Documentation. The student must provide written documentation from
his/her physician verifying that it is the doctor’s medical opinion that the
student must withdraw from classes because it would be a detriment to the
student’s health to continue their enrollment, including the effective date of
the required withdrawal. Documentation must state the reason why
arrangement could not be made to make up missed work or receive an “I”
(incomplete) grade. This documentation must be submitted to the Dean of
Instruction at the MGCCC Campus where enrolled during the term
referenced in request.
B. Grading. To be eligible to receive a “W” for the courses, the student must
submit the request by the end of the current term. If a student is required by
the physician to withdraw from classes after two-thirds of the course has
been completed, the faculty member, with the agreement of the student, may
award a grade of “I” (incomplete). This decision is contingent upon the sole
discretion of the faculty member teaching the course. Tuition paid for courses
in which an “I” grade is awarded will not be refunded as the expectation is
that the student will complete the course and earn the college credits
appropriate for the course. If the appropriate grade is not issued, it is the
responsibility of the student to follow up within six weeks of the end of the
semester to resolve the grade discrepancies.
C. ADN & Allied Health Students. Students must follow readmission procedures
described in their respective program student handbook.
D. Financial Aid. If a student’s tuition/fees have been paid by a financial aid
award or third-party payment, the tuition/fees will be refunded to the financial
aid program and/or third-party source of payment.
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E. Refund. A granted medical withdrawal allows for a “W” and a 90% refund of
tuition. Room and board charges will be prorated. If the medical withdrawal
is denied see refund policy in the College Catalog.
The Request for Medical Withdrawal form is available in the Forms Repository.
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Statement No. 719.1
January 19, 2022
I. STATEMENT. This policy addresses the process for voluntary and involuntary
withdrawal from classes after the start date, the refund of tuition if applicable, the
grading process, and the effects of withdrawing on current and future financial aid.
1. Single Course Withdrawal. When a student wishes to withdraw from a single
course, they must make their intentions known to the instructor(s) in writing
(e.g., email, Canvas message). If the student’s request to withdraw is made
within the withdrawal period, then the instructor will acknowledge the student’s
intention by entering a “WD” into the attendance system on the last day the
student attended the class (LDA). If the student’s request to withdraw is made
after the withdrawal period, then the instructor will acknowledge the student’s
intention by entering a Withdrawal Passing (WP), or Withdrawal Failing (WF),
as warranted, into the attendance system on the last day the student attended
the class (LDA). The admissions office processes the withdrawal in the
administrative software system (Banner).
2. Total Withdrawal. When a student wishes to withdraw from all courses, they
must complete a Total Withdrawal form. Students should meet with an
Enrollment Specialist to review the process and ensure they understand the
consequences if applicable. If the student’s request to withdraw is made within
the withdrawal period, then the admissions office notifies the instructor(s) of
the student’s intent to withdraw from all courses signaling the instructor to enter
a WD into the attendance system on the LDA. If the student’s request to
withdraw is made after the withdrawal period, then the admissions office
notifies the instructor(s) of the student’s intent to withdraw from all courses
signaling the instructor to enter a WP or WF, as warranted, into the attendance
system on the LDA.
a. Students who are withdrawing from all courses for medical reasons will
be directed to complete the Medical Withdrawal form (see Statement
b. Military students who are withdrawing from all courses because they
have been called to active duty must provide documentation from
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his/her commanding officer verifying the call to active military duty and
the effective date of active military duty (see Statement 715.1).
NOTE: Following any withdrawal, the student should ensure that the desired
outcome has been achieved and follow-up with admissions and/or the business
office if a refund is applicable.
B. INVOLUNTARY WITHDRAWAL. When a student is absent from a class
meeting, the instructor signifies the absence by entering “AB” into the attendance
system on the date the student missed class. If the student is absent from more
class meetings than allowed in a course, then the instructor will drop the student
from the course by entering a WP or WF, as warranted, on the last date the student
was present in the class (LDA).
Students are allowed one hour of absence per semester hour for lecture courses.
Two hours of absences are allowed per semester hour for laboratory courses.
Three hours of absences are allowed per semester hour for clinical/internship
courses. If course objectives require a combination of lecture, lab, or
clinical/internship time, then the absences will be apportioned according to the
limitations stated. Excessive tardiness will count as absences as determined by
the instructor of the course. Excused absences are permitted at the discretion of
the instructor and are not counted as absences. Official absences approved by
the instructor prior to the absence are excused and are not counted as absences.
In extenuating circumstances, students who are dropped after exceeding
allowable absences may petition for reinstatement. See Statement No 718,
Student Grievance Procedures. For attendance and reinstatement policies
pertaining to the Cosmetology, Career and Technical Education, and Nursing and
Health Professions programs, see the respective program handbook.
If a student never attends the class, the instructor issues the code “NG” in the
attendance software effective the date of the first-class meeting. The admissions
office processes the withdrawal or indicates the student never attended in the
administrative software system (Banner).
1. BELOW 15 HOURS. After classes begin and throughout the 90% refund
period, when a student who drops voluntarily or involuntarily to 14 hours or less
above zero, their tuition will be recalculated at an hourly rate.
2. REFUND PERIOD & GRADES. After the instructor enters the WD on the LDA,
the admissions office enters the appropriate code (DR, WR, or WD) triggering the
desired outcome. Dates for refund and withdrawal periods are published in the
academic calendar. Students who never attend class(es) will receive a 100%
refund. There are some programs that do not qualify for refunds.
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D. ATTEMPTED HOURS. A grade of W, WP, or WF are viewed as unsuccessfully
attempted hours. Attempted hours do not affect the grade point average (GPA);
however, attempted hours are used to calculate satisfactory academic progress
(SAP) to determine eligibility for federal student aid by dividing earned hours by
attempted hours.
NOTE: See Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy to remain eligible for federal
student aid.
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Statement No. 720
July 14, 1994
February 2, 2012
June 24, 2015
I. STATEMENT. Off-campus activities and field trips can be a vital part of the
education of students. The College, the employees, and the students must
share the responsibility of assuring safety for all during the trip.
A. Student Responsibilities
1. When individuals register for school, they assume the personal
responsibility to abide by the policies and regulations of Mississippi Gulf
Coast Community College as stated in the College Catalog, the Student
Handbook, and other official publications of the College.
2. All student activities initiated by a college recognized club, organization,
or program are subject to college policies and regulations as outlined by
the Board of Trustees, the College Code of Conduct, and the College
Administration. This applies to on-campus or off-campus events and field
3. Students will be responsible for observing the itinerary provided to them,
as well as the policies and regulations of the College, while a member of
the off-campus activity or field trip.
4. Students traveling to or from a scheduled off-campus activity or field trip
in their own vehicle will assume the same liability as any other travel. In
case of accident or injury, the vehicle owner’s insurance will be the
primary source of payment.
5. Students must make requests to the College sponsor of the activity or trip
if accommodation due to a disability are needed. These requests must
be made as far in advance of the trip as possible.
B. Sponsor Responsibilities
1. Each activity, event, program, or field trip must be supervised by a college
approved person.
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2. All off-campus activities or field trips must be approved, in advance,
through established campus procedures.
3. The sponsor will make known to students the accepted itinerary of the off-
campus activity or field trip.
4. Employees operating college vehicles must have a valid driver’s license
on file with the designated campus/center office. In rare instances, if a
qualified student driver is necessary, this exception will be forwarded with
appropriate documentation (copy of student’s driver’s license and
Authority for Release of Information form) to the Vice President of
Administration and Finance for consideration. Prior to approval, student
information will be forwarded to the insurance carrier by the District
Business Office for verification and retained in the commercial fleet
insurance policy file.
5. College personnel using their private vehicles to transport students must
have a certificate of insurance showing current liability insurance on the
vehicle being used. Verification must be submitted with the campus travel
approval request. In case of college employee or student accident or
injury in a private vehicle, the vehicle owner’s insurance will be the
primary source of payment.
6. Vehicular accidents and/or injury while traveling on a college- sponsored
off-campus activity or field trip must be reported as soon as possible to
the Campus Vice President, who will notify the Dean of Business
Services, who will in turn report to the Vice President of Administration
and Finance with a written report to the insurance company. The
notification of injury or death due to an accident must be done through the
appropriate Vice President’s office, who will immediately contact the
College President.
7. In the event of an accident, emergency, or any incident in which a
participant is harmed or could potentially have been harmed, the sponsor
is to notify the appropriate local authorities as well as the Campus Police
Department, Supervisor of Student Activities and/or Dean of Student
Services immediately. In case of medical emergency or injury, the
sponsor should take action to obtain medical assistance.
C. College Responsibilities
1. The College maintains a commercial fleet insurance policy on all school-
owned vehicles. The policy includes liability, auto medical payments,
uninsured motorists, comprehensive, and collision coverage. Everyone
riding in the vehicle is covered within the limits of the policy.
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2. College sponsors will be informed of the policies and procedures related
to off-campus activities and field trips by their campus Deans and/or
Department Chairs.
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Statement No. 721
July 23, 2003
February 2, 2012
March 11, 2020
April 27, 2023
I. I. STATEMENT. Fundamental to the democratic process is the right of free
speech and peaceful assembly. Students and other members of the College
community shall have the right to express their views or support causes by
orderly means which do not disrupt the regular and essential operations of the
While supporting the rights of students and other members of the college
community, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College recognizes the
responsibility to maintain an atmosphere on campus conducive to the
educational process.
A. Students have the right to express free speech including their opinion
and views, along with peaceful assembly on any area of campus
sidewalks, streets, and common areas. They must do so without
disruption to the college’s daily and necessary functions.
B. Disruptive activities will not be allowed. The college has defined a
disruptive activity as any action by an individual, group, or organization
to impede, interfere with or disturb the holding of classes, the conduct of
the college business, or the authorized scheduled events and activities
of any and all segments of the college. Furthermore, any activity that
incites imminent lawless action or that triggers an automatic violent
response will be considered disruptive. In addition to any potential
criminal penalties, students engaging in disruptive activities will be
referred to the Dean of Student Services office and employees will be
referred to Human Resources.
C. Expressive activities must not:
1. Attract a crowd larger than the requested location or spontaneous
expression activity can safely contain;
2. Significantly disrupt College activities inside or outside of buildings
(including classes);
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3. Significantly disrupt previously scheduled campus events, including
expressive activity of others with prior reservations;
4. Obstruct entrances or exits to buildings;
5. Obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
6. Represent a threat to public safety, according to the discretion of
Campus Police;
7. Include camping or the use of temporary shelter (e.g., tents) as such
activities are prohibited on College property;
8. Affix items to any permanent structure (e.g., buildings, fences, trees,
etc.) or use temporary signage attached to a structure, planted in the
ground, or otherwise outside the immediate control of the individual
engaged in the expressive activity;
9. Involve the temporary or permanent defacement or alteration of
college buildings, sidewalks, or other property, including painting,
graffiti, or “chalking;” or
10. Involve the use of open flame devices, bonfires, or the lighting of any
material on fire; provided, however, that small hand-held candles may
be utilized with special permission of the Dean of Students if
reasonable safety concerns are satisfied.
D. Areas for Demonstrations: In order to maintain this atmosphere,
demonstrations and non-college affiliated speakers must be registered
with the campus Dean of Students Services office at least 48 hours prior
to the scheduled event. The event must be held in the following
Jackson County Campus Warner Peterson Administration
Building Plaza
Harrison County CampusThe Veterans Courtyard
Perkinston CampusThe lawn area North of the flagpole
George County Center The flagpole in front of the Administration
West Harrison County Center The flagpole in front of the
Administration Building
The Bryant Center at Tradition The flagpole in front of the
Administration building
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E. Demonstrations and non-college affiliated speakers shall be denied
registration by the Dean of Student Services office when:
1. The Dean of Student Services, in consultation with campus
police, has a reasonable basis to conclude that the speaker(s),
based on prior events, substantially threatens to disrupt the
normal activities of the college, threatens health or safety,
or results in a violation of criminal law; or
2. The Dean of Student Services, in consultation with campus
police, has a reasonable basis to conclude that there is a
danger to those participating in the demonstration.
3. The Dean of Student Services, in consultation with the campus
police, has the authority to ask anyone to remove any mask or
props that may be used to conceal one’s identity.
F. Any demonstration or non-college affiliated event which does not comply
with the Freedom of Expression policy is in violation of this policy and
will be subject to immediate cancellation and an order for all participants
to disband by the Dean of Student Services or their designee.
G. This policy will be administered in a manner consistent with United States
Law and the First Amendment Rights of Community College employees
and students.
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Statement No. 724
June 20, 2001
February 2, 2012
I. STATEMENT. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College supports the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and recognizes its responsibility in
providing educational opportunities to the citizens of our district. The following
procedures and responsibilities are designed to allow students with disabilities
to have the chance to achieve their educational goals.
A. Any student who requests an accommodation for a disability should be
referred to the Campus Support Services Coordinator or their designee or
the Center Administrative Dean or their designee. This request should
occur at least two weeks prior to the student registration process, if
possible. Requests received less than two weeks before registration may
cause delays in the accommodation process. The Support Services
Coordinator’s office will ensure that proper procedures are followed.
B. Documentation from an appropriately licensed physician will be required
from any student requesting an accommodation under the ADA before
accommodations are approved unless the disability is of the nature as to
be plainly obvious in the judgment of the college official responsible for
C. Any accommodation request that will cause the expenditure of college
funds must first be made to the state vocational rehabilitation agency. If not
approved by vocational rehabilitation, the college will consider the request.
D. The College ADA Coordinator, the Vice President for Administration and
Finance, will approve requests for accommodations that will entail college
E. Instructors who have the student requesting the accommodation in their
class should be involved in the accommodation process.
F. Upon approval of an accommodation request, the Support Services Center
Office or the office of the Center Administrative Dean shall maintain
documentation of the request and approval with copies of the approved
accommodation forwarded to the student’s instructors and the student.
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G. Students who have accommodation approved that entail the use of
equipment or the employment of assistants should notify the college in
advance of absences, when possible, to assure that paid assistants are
notified of when their services are not needed. (Students should refer to
the College Guide for Students with Disabilities for specific time frames for
notification of classes to be missed.) Students abusing the accommodation
will fall under the college discipline process. College equipment damaged
or lost by a student will be charged to the student at replacement cost.
H. Students with disabilities requesting accommodations to live in Student
Housing on the Perkinston Campus should make application at least 30
days before the semester in which they plan to live in college housing to
assure adequate preparation by the college. Requests to live in a college
residence hall received less than 30 days before the beginning of the
semester may not allow time for accommodation.
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Statement No. 724.1
July 17, 2019
I. STATEMENT. The Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Board of Trustees
is committed to assuring equal access and accommodations for disabled
students. The Board of Trustees permits student use of Service Animals (as
defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act) in college facilities as a
reasonable accommodation. This statement supports the College’s commitment
to comply with state and federal laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Under the American with Disabilities Act, a Service Animal is defined as a
dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a
person with a disability. In addition to trained dogs, miniature horses that
have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with
disabilities are also defined as Service Animals. The College shall permit
the use of miniature horses as Service Animals where reasonable and will
use the following assessment factors to determine if miniature horses can
be accommodated in college facilities:
Whether the miniature horse is housetrained
Whether the miniature horse is under the handler’s control
Whether the facility can accommodate the miniature horse’s type, size,
and weight.
Whether the miniature horse’s presence will not compromise legitimate
safety requirements necessary for safe operation of the facility.
The tasks performed by Service Animals must be directly related to the
person’s disability. Examples of such tasks include:
Guiding people who are visually impaired
Alerting people who are hearing impaired
Pulling a wheelchair
Alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure.
Reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications.
Calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during
an anxiety attack, or performing other duties
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Handlers have the option to voluntarily register their Service Animal with
the campus Student Support Services Coordinator. This ensures that
emergency staff know how to look for Services Animals during an
emergency evacuation process.
The College allows Service Animals to accompany persons with disabilities
at all times and everywhere on campus, except for places where there is a
health, environmental, or safety hazard.
Service Animals are permitted to accompany people with disabilities in all
public access areas. Examples of such areas include:
Cafeterias, dining areas, restaurants
Performing halls, gathering places, classrooms
If there is a reason to question whether an animal accompanying a student,
faculty, or visitor to campus is a Service Animal or if it is not apparent that
the animal is a Service Animal, the only two questions that can be asked
Is the dog (or miniature horse) a service animal required because of a
What work or task has the dog (or miniature horse) been trained to
YOU MAY NOT ask about the person’s disability, require medical
documentation, require a special identification card, vest, or training
documentation for the Service Animal, or ask that the Service Animal
demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.
A handler who has a Service Animal on College premises:
Is responsible to attend to and be in full control of the animal at all times.
A service animal shall have a harness, leash, or other tether unless the
handler is unable to use a harness, leash, or tether, or that using such
device will interfere with the animal’s ability to safely and effectively
perform its duties.
Is responsible for the costs of care necessary for the animal’s well-
being. The arrangements and responsibilities with the care of the animal
is the sole responsibility of the handler at all times, including regular
bathing and grooming, as needed.
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Is responsible for independently removing or arranging for the removal
of the animal’s waste. Waste must be disposed in a sealed bag in an
outdoor trash receptacle.
Is responsible for complying with local and state licensing laws for
animal rights and hander responsibilities. Service Animals should be
current with immunizations.
Is responsible for paying for any damage to college property caused by
the animal.
Is responsible for paying for any medical costs/property damage to other
students as a result of the animal’s actions.
Is responsible for making alternative housing arrangements for the
animal anytime the handler leaves overnight and/or during college
If students with a medical condition (respiratory diseases, asthma, severe
allergies) that are affected by animals have a health or safety concern
related to exposure to a Service Animal, they may contact the campus
Support Services Coordinator.
The campus Support Services Coordinator will have an interactive dialogue
with the student to determine whether there is a need for accommodation
and what accommodations would be appropriate. In the event that a
satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, the student may file a complaint
per the College’s Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures.
The College reserves the right to remove Service Animals from campus
The animal is out of control, and the handler does not take effective
action to control it.
The animal is not housetrained.
The animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of its
handler or others on campus.
In those instances where there is a legitimate reason to exclude or remove
a Service Animal, the person with a disability will be given the option to
return without the animal.
Students may appeal against the decision regarding the removal of their
Service Animal from College premises. The written appeal must be
submitted to the campus Vice President within five (5) business days after
the student has received written notification of the decision to remove the
animal from
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College grounds and must address the reason for the appeal. The student
will be notified in writing of the status of the appeal.
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Statement No. 724.2
February 19, 2020
November 17, 2021
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
has adopted a statement to permit, in some cases, use of Emotional Support Animals
(also called comfort, therapy, or companion animals) as defined under the Fair
Housing Act, in college facilities.
Under the Fair Housing Act, an Emotional Support Animal is defined as an animal
that provides emotional support, well-being, or companionship that alleviates or
mitigates symptoms of a disability, but do not have special training to perform tasks
that assist people with disabilities. Emotional Support Animals can also relieve
loneliness, and sometimes help with depression, anxiety, and certain phobias.
Emotional Support Animals are not limited to dogs and can be other species of
animals. Non-domesticated, wild, dangerous, venomous, illegal, and/or animals over
twenty (20) pounds are not permitted as Emotional Support Animals. The College will
not consider rodents, arachnids, reptiles, and other exotic animals for campus- use.
While one (1) Emotional Support Animal may be considered for access to college
housing, Emotional Support Animals are not permitted in other areas of the College
such as academic and administrative buildings, classrooms, labs, athletic and
recreational facilities, and food service/dining areas.
An Emotional Support Animal may not reside in college housing without approval of
College officials. A handler requesting approval of an Emotional Support Animal must
provide the appropriate documentation to the campus Support Services Coordinator.
Documentation must include a letter from the handler that gives a brief summary of
why they are making the request, a care plan for the animal, any relevant veterinary
records, and a signed letter from the handler’s licensed physical or mental healthcare
provider or therapist. At a minimum, the signed letter should include the following
The healthcare provider’s diagnosis of the handler’s condition.
The healthcare provider’s professional opinion that the handler’s condition
qualifies as a disability under federal law, including the major life activity that is
substantially limited by the disability.
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The healthcare provider’s opinion is that the Emotional Support Animal has
been prescribed for treatment purposes and is necessary to help alleviate
symptoms associated with the handler’s condition and/or to help the handler
enjoy housing services.
Any additional rationale or statement the College may reasonably need to
understand the basis for the professional opinion.
The campus Support Services Coordinator will forward all documentation to a college
review committee consisting of representatives from Student Services. The
committee will review the handler’s request and either approve it, deny it, or request
more information before making a decision. The campus Support Services
Coordinator will inform the handler of the committee’s decision and discuss the next
If the request is approved, the campus Support Services Coordinator will review this
Statement with the handler. The handler will be required to sign an Emotional Support
Animal agreement. In addition, the campus Support Services Coordinator will provide
an accommodation letter to the handler stating that they qualify for an Emotional
Support Animal in campus housing. The handler will be required to submit a copy of
the letter to the Director of Residence and Student Life.
If the request is denied, the campus Support Services Coordinator will meet with the
handler to determine if there is alternative accommodation.
Handlers approved for Emotional Support Animals are required to register the animal
with the campus Student Support Services Coordinator. This ensures that emergency
staff know how to look for Emotional Support Animals during an emergency
evacuation process.
Emotional Support Animals are limited to use in college housing only. They are not
permitted in other areas of the College, such as academic and administrative
buildings, classrooms, labs, athletic facilities, food service/dining areas, and the
student center.
Students with medical condition(s) (respiratory diseases, asthma, severe allergies)
that are affected by animals should contact the campus Support Services Coordinator
if they have a health or safety related concern about exposure to an Emotional
Support Animal. The campus Support Services Coordinator will have an interactive
dialogue with the student to determine if there’s a need for accommodation and the
type of accommodation needed. In the event that a satisfactory agreement cannot be
reached, the student may file a complaint per the College’s Student Complaint and
Grievance Procedures.
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A handler who has An Emotional Support Animal on College premises:
Is responsible for the costs of care necessary for the animal’s well-being. The
arrangements and responsibilities with the care of the animal are always the
sole responsibility of the handler, including regular bathing and grooming, as
Is responsible for independently removing or arranging for the removal of the
animal’s waste. Waste must be disposed in a sealed bag in the designated
trash area outside the residence hall.
Is responsible for complying with local and state licensing laws for animal rights
and handler responsibilities.
Is responsible for paying for any damage to college property caused by the
Is responsible for paying for any medical costs/property damage to other
students as a result of the animal’s actions.
Is responsible for making alternative housing arrangements for the animal
anytime the handler leaves overnight and/or during college breaks.
The College reserves the right to remove Emotional Support Animals from campus
The animal is out of
control, and the handler does not take effective action to
control it.
The animal is not housebroken.
The animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of its handler
or others on campus.
The animal is aggressive, exceptionally disruptive, or out of control.
In those instances where there is a legitimate reason to exclude or remove an
Emotional Support Animal, the handler will be given the option to return without the
Handlers may appeal against the decision regarding the removal of their Emotional
Support Animal from College premises. The written appeal must be submitted to the
campus Vice President within five (5) business days after the handler has received
written notification of the decision to remove the animal from college grounds and
must address the reason for the appeal. The handler will be notified in writing of the
status of the appeal.
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Statement No. 725
May 17, 2006
July 23, 2008
December 14, 2011
I. STATEMENT. Nursing students and Allied Health students at Mississippi Gulf
Coast Community College (MGCCC) are strictly prohibited from manufacturing,
using, possessing, selling, conveying, or distributing any illegal drug or controlled
substance in any amount in any manner in the college environment or at a college-
sponsored/related activity. Additionally, Nursing students and Allied Health
students are prohibited from using any legal drug in a non-prescribed, irresponsible,
or illegal manner. Use of any substance to the extent that it impairs mental acuity
or physical dexterity is strictly prohibited, especially in the classroom, lab, and
clinical settings even if the student has a prescription for the substance. The
Nursing and Allied Health Programs have a zero tolerance of illegal substance
use/abuse and misuse of legal substances.
A. To ensure a drug-free workplace and learning environment, Nursing students
and Allied Health students are required to submit to laboratory examination of
either urine, hair, blood, or saliva testing prior to program admission, as well
as periodically, randomly, and/or for probable cause. Substance testing will be
performed by an authorized substance testing company designated by the
Nursing Division and Allied Health Programs as approved by MGCCC. A
positive substance test result for an illegal substance or an unsubstantiated
prescription drug, refusal to undergo substance testing, failure to provide a
required specimen, or deliberately interfering with the substance testing
procedure results in immediate dismissal from the Nursing Program or any
Allied Health Program.
B. Information concerning a student’s substance test is confidential. Positive test
results will be released only to authorized individuals with a need to know. For
students who hold a current license or certification, the licensing or certifying
agency will be notified of any positive test result. Substance test results for
Nursing students and Allied Health students will be securely maintained under
the supervision of the College Dean for Nursing and Allied Health.
C. Students with a positive substance test may request a follow-up test performed
by the college’s designated substance testing company. Requests for a follow-
up test must be made in writing by the student within 24 hours of receiving
notification of the positive test results. Written notification is given to
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the campus Nursing Department Chairperson for Nursing students and to the
Allied Health Department Chairperson for Allied Health students. The follow-
up test specimen must be collected within three working days of notification of
a positive substance test. Students who test positive for prescription drugs
must provide acceptable documentation of the prescription within one working
day of the day the student is notified of the positive test. Students cannot attend
class or clinical/lab until acceptable documentation of the prescription is
D. The student is responsible for the cost of all substance testing.
E. A student who has been dismissed from the Nursing Program or an Allied
Health Program one time due to a positive substance test is eligible for
consideration to re-enter the program. Please see Substance Testing Policy
and Procedures for Nursing and Allied Health Programs for information on
criteria for consideration to re-enter the program. A second dismissal from the
Nursing Program or any Allied Health Program due to a positive substance test
will result in permanent dismissal from the program with no opportunity for
future admission to any MGCCC Nursing or Allied Health Program or health-
related continuing education program.
F. In accordance with the MGCCC Nursing and/or Allied Health Program
admission requirements, each prospective student must submit the required
Health Forms, which include the student’s medications, prior to enrollment in
the first class.
G. Throughout enrollment in the Nursing Program and/or an Allied Health
Program, students must report any additional medications that will alter their
cognitive, emotional, or psychomotor functioning to their instructor.
H. Periodic Testing is defined as an annual, semester, or otherwise defined period
of time as determined by the administration whereby, upon notification, all or
individual Nursing students and/or Allied Health students will go to the
designated substance testing site on the scheduled date and time and provide
the required hair, urine, blood, and/or saliva specimen. Students are required
to show two picture I.D.s at the testing site for identification. One I.D. must be
the student’s MGCCC picture ID. The second I.D. must be the student’s valid
driver’s license or valid military picture ID.
I. The procedures for probable cause testing will be followed according to the
Substance Testing Policy and Procedures for Nursing and Allied Health
J. Detailed information on these procedures as well as definitions of terms may
be found in Substance Testing Policy and Procedures for Nursing and Allied
Health Programs and/or in the respective program’s handbook.
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Statement No. 726
May 27, 2015
I. STATEMENT. In accordance with Mississippi Code §37-103-25, Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College shall charge tuition at the in-state tuition rate
for a student who is a veteran as defined by Title 38 of the United States Code,
or a person entitled to education benefits under Title 38 of the United States
This policy shall go into effect no later than July 1, 2015.
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Statement No. 727
May 11, 2016
June 19, 2024
I. STATEMENT. It is the intent of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College to
recognize that the presence of hoverboards, electric bikes, and scooters (including
self-balancing scooters, battery-operated scooters, motorized scooters, and hands-
free segways) in college-owned buildings and facilities creates a fire and general
safety hazard for students, employees, visitors, and guests of the College. This
statement prohibits any person from possessing, using, and charging hoverboards
and scooters in any building or facility on Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
premises. The only exception to this statement applies to charging the
aforementioned devices for students residing on the Perkinston Campus. Students
may carry their hoverboards/scooters into their assigned residence hall room for
charging purposes. Students may adhere to the charging guidelines in the Student
Handbook. This statement does not apply to scooters or devices used to meet
disability mobility needs.
A. It is the responsibility of the Campus Vice Presidents to ensure compliance with the
college policy on their respective campuses.
B. The Campus Vice Presidents may appoint a member of the campus staff as
deemed necessary to assist them in enforcing compliance with this policy.
C. It is not the intent of this statement to prohibit the use of hoverboards (including
self-balancing scooters, battery-operated scooters, motorized scooters, and hands-
free segways) on college-owned roadways.
D. Hoverboards/scooters must be registered with campus police prior to using on any
MGCCC campus/center. Upon registration, owner will be issued a permit to
E. Hoverboards/scooters must not be used on pedestrians' sidewalks on MGCCC
campuses and centers. Hoverboard/scooter operators must adhere to traffic and
safety guidelines and are encouraged to remain visible, wear helmets, and
maintain awareness of faster-moving traffic to avoid accidents.
F. Unattended hoverboards/scooters found in any campus facility will be issued a
violation, and the device may be confiscated.
G. Students violating any of these guidelines will be sanctioned as appropriate by the
dean of student services through the student's code of conduct. Employee
violations will be routed to the appropriate supervisor at the employee’s respective
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Statement No. 728
May 27, 2015
May 11, 2016
December 11, 2019
August 19, 2020
June 21, 2023
I. STATEMENT. The Board of Trustees approved the following on August 19, 2020.
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to providing an
institutional environment where all persons may pursue their studies, careers,
duties, and activities in an atmosphere free of threat of unwelcome and unwanted
sexual actions. It strongly condemns sexual offenses, will not tolerate sexual
offenders, and supports those who have been victimized. In response to any
reported sexual harassment, this institution will take all appropriate steps to
eliminate the misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.
Sexual harassment of any form is a violation of a person's rights, dignity, and
integrity. An act of sexual harassment represents a fundamental failure by a
community member to recognize and respect the intrinsic worth and dignity of
another. Acts of sexual harassment are harmful and illegal and will not be tolerated
at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. Such acts corrupt the integrity of
the educational process, are contrary to the mission and values of the community
and are against college policy. In order to foster a climate that encourages the
reporting of sexual harassment, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will
respond promptly, fairly, and decisively to all reports of sexual harassment under
Title IX.
Cases of sexual harassment are serious violations of the College’s student judicial
code, faculty standards, and College employee policies. They are crimes under
state law and punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. In addition, these actions
are subject to civil suits for damages. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
will carefully review and/or investigate all reports with an earnest intent to
understand the perspective and experiences of each individual involved and
provide for fair and impartial evaluation and resolution.
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Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is committed to ensuring compliance
with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, the Jeanne Clery
Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery
Act), as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013
(VAWA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authority.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment means conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or
more of the following:
1. Any instance of quid pro quo harassment by a school’s employee or
2. Unwelcome conduct that reasonable person would find so severe,
pervasive, and objectively offensive that it denies a person equal
education program or activity or
3. Any instance of sexual assault as defined in the Clery Act, dating
violence, domestic violence, or stalking as defined in the Violence
Against Women Act (VAWA).
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is defined as any sexual act directed against another person,
without consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable
of giving consent. Acts of sexual assault include rape, fondling, incest, and
statutory rape.
Stalking is defined as engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific
person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety
or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is defined as a felony or misdemeanor crime of violence
committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by
a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is
cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as a spouse or intimate
partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the
domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of
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violence occurred, and by any other person against an adult or youth victim
who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence
laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred.
Dating Violence
Dating violence is defined as violence committed by a person who is or has
been in a social relationship of romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The
existence of such relationship shall be determined based on the reporting
party’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the
type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons
involved in the relationship.
The Title IX statute applies to persons in the United States with respect to
education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance.
MGCCC must respond when sexual harassment occurs in the College’s
education program or activity, against a person in the United States.
Education program or activity includes locations, events, or circumstances
over which the College exercised substantial control over both the respondent
and the context in which the sexual harassment occurred, and also includes
any building owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially
recognized by a MGCCC.
Title IX applies to all the College’s education programs or activities, whether
such programs or activities occur on-campus or off-campus. MGCCC may
address sexual harassment affecting its students or employees that falls
outside Title IX’s jurisdiction in any manner the school chooses, including
providing supportive measures or pursuing discipline.
The oversight and implementation of this Title IX and Sexual Harassment
Statement is the responsibility of the Title IX Coordinator. Any person may
report a complaint of sexual harassment, in person, by mail, by telephone, or
by e-mail, using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator, or
by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the
person’s verbal or written report.
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The Title IX Coordinator for Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College can
be reached by phone at 601.528-8735, by email at [email protected],
and/or by mail at Title IX Coordinator P.O. BOX 609 Perkinston, MS 39573.
To reach the Title IX Coordinator after hours or in an emergency, please
contact Campus Police on the Perkinston Campus at 601.928.6327, the
Harrison County Campus at 228.896.2516, the Jackson County Campus at
228.497.7690, the George County Center at 601.766.6447, Bryant Center at
228.267.8669 or the Keesler Center at the HC Campus 228.896.2516.
Title IX allows the college to choose whether to have mandatory reporting for
all employees, or to designate some employees to be confidential resources
for college students to discuss sexual harassment without automatically
triggering a report to the Title IX office.
Under Title IX regulations, notice to the Title IX Coordinator, or to an official
with authority to institute corrective measures on the College’ behalf, charges
a school with actual knowledge and triggers the College's response
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College makes every effort to protect
students’ privacy and confidentiality. The College encourages complainants
of sexual harassment to talk to somebody about what happened so
complainants can get the support they need, and so the College can respond
appropriately. Different employees on campus have different abilities to
maintain a complainant’s confidentiality. Some are required to maintain near
complete confidentiality; talking to them is sometimes called a “privileged
This section is intended to make members of the college community aware of
the various reporting and confidential disclosure options available to them
so they can make informed choices about where to turn should they become
a complainant of sexual harassment. The College encourages complainants
to talk to someone identified in one or more of these groups:
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1. Confidential Employees
MGCCC’s Enrollment Specialists are considered Confidential Employees.
Enrollment Specialists can talk to a complainant without revealing any
personally identifying information about an incident to the College. A
complainant can seek assistance and support from these individuals
without triggering a college investigation that could reveal the
complainant’s identity or that the complainant has disclosed the incident.
These employees are known as Confidential Employees.
While maintaining a complainant’s confidentiality, Enrollment Specialists
should report the nature, date, time, and general location of an incident to
Campus Police and/or the Title IX Coordinator. This limited reportwhich
includes no information that would directly or indirectly identify the
complainant helps keep the Title IX Coordinator and/or Campus Police
informed of the general extent and nature of sexual violence on and off
campus so the coordinator can track patterns, evaluate the scope of the
problem, and formulate appropriate campus-wide responses. Before
reporting any information to the Title IX Coordinator and/or Campus Police,
Enrollment Specialists will consult with the victim to ensure that no
personally identifying details are shared with the Title IX Coordinator
and/or Campus Police.
A complainant who speaks to an Enrollment Specialist must understand
that, if they want to maintain confidentiality, the College will be unable to
conduct an investigation into the particular incident or pursue disciplinary
action against the alleged perpetrator.
Enrollment Specialist will still assist the victim in receiving other necessary
protection and support, such as victim advocacy, academic support or
accommodations, disability, health or mental health services, and changes
to living, working or course schedules. A complainant who at first requests
confidentiality may later decide to file a formal complaint with the college
or report the incident to local law enforcement, and thus have the incident
fully investigated. Enrollment Specialist will provide the complainant with
assistance if the complainant wishes to do so.
2. Privileged Employees
Licensed Professional Counselors in the College’s Enrollment Services
Centers who provide mental-health counseling to members of the school
community are not required to report any information about an incident to
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the Title IX coordinator, and/or Campus Police, without a complainant ‘s
permission. These employees are known as Privileged Employees. While
these professionals may maintain a complainant’s confidentiality from the
college, they may have reporting or other obligations under state law.
A complainant who speaks to a Privileged Employee must understand
that, if they want to maintain confidentiality, the College will be unable to
conduct an investigation into the particular incident or pursue disciplinary
action against the alleged perpetrator.
Privileged Employees will still assist the complainant in receiving other
necessary protection and support, such as victim advocacy, academic
support or accommodations, disability, health or mental health services,
and changes to living, working or course schedules. A complainant who at
first requests confidentiality may later decide to file a formal complaint with
the college or report the incident to local law enforcement, and thus have
the incident fully investigated. Privileged Employees will provide the
complainant with assistance if the complainant wishes to do so.
3. Responsible Employees
With the exception of College’s employees designated as Confidential or
Privileged Employees, every individual employed (full-time, part-time,
subcontractors) by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College is
considered to be a Responsible Employee. A “responsible employee” is a
college employee who has the authority to address sexual harassment,
who has the duty to report incidents of sexual harassment as defined
above, or who a student could reasonably believe has this authority or
A responsible employee must report all relevant details about the alleged
sexual harassment shared by the victim and that the College will need to
determine what happened including the name(s) of the complainant(s)
and alleged respondent(s), any witnesses, and any other relevant facts,
including the date, time, and specific location of the alleged incident. To
the extent possible, information reported to a responsible employee will be
shared only with the people responsible for handling the College’s
response to the report.
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Before a complainant reveals any information to a responsible employee,
the employee should ensure that the complainant understands the
employee’s reporting obligations and, if the complainant wants to
maintain confidentiality, direct them to confidential resources.
If the complainant wants to tell the responsible employee what happened
but also maintain confidentiality, the employee should tell the complainant
that the College will consider the request but cannot guarantee that the
College will be able to honor it.
Responsible employees will not pressure a complainant to request
confidentiality but will honor and support the complainant’s wishes. By the
same token, responsible employees will not pressure a complainant to
make a formal complaint if the complainant is not ready to.
The College must respond promptly to Title IX sexual harassment in a manner
that is not deliberately indifferent, which means a response that is not clearly
unreasonable in light of the known circumstances. MGCCC has the following
mandatory response obligations:
1. The College must offer supportive measures to the person alleged to be
the victim (referred to as the “complainant”).
2. The Title IX Coordinator must promptly contact the complainant
confidentially to discuss the availability of supportive measures, consider
the complainant’s wishes with respect to supportive measures, inform the
complainant of the availability of supportive measures with or without the
filing of a formal complaint, and explain to the complainant the process for
filing a formal complaint.
3. The College must follow a grievance process that complies with Title IX
before the imposition of any disciplinary sanctions or other actions that are
not supportive measures, against a respondent.
4. The College must not restrict rights protected under the U.S. Constitution,
including the First Amendment, Fifth Amendment, and Fourteenth
Amendment, when complying with Title IX.
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5. Title IX requires a school to investigate sexual harassment allegations in
any formal complaint, which can be filed by a complainant, or signed by a
Title IX Coordinator.
6. Title IX affirms that a complainant’s wishes with respect to whether the
school investigates should be respected unless the Title IX Coordinator
determines that signing a formal complaint to initiate an investigation over
the wishes of the complainant is not clearly unreasonable in light of the
known circumstances.
7. If the allegations in a formal complaint do not meet the definition of sexual
harassment as stated above or did not occur in the school’s education
program or activity against a person in the United States, Title IX clarifies
that the school must dismiss such allegations for purposes of Title IX but
may still address the allegations in any manner the school deems
appropriate under the school’s own code of conduct and/or other policies.
1. Definitions
When responding to sexual harassment (e.g., by offering supportive
measures to a complainant and refraining from disciplining a respondent
without following a Title IX grievance process, which includes investigating
formal complaints of sexual harassment), Title IX provides clear definitions
of complainant, respondent, formal complaint, and supportive measures so
that applicants, students, and employees clearly understand how the
college must respond to sexual harassment incidents in a way that supports
the alleged victim and treats both parties fairly.
a. Complainant
Complainant is an individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct
that could constitute sexual harassment. This clarifies that any third
party as well as the complainant may report sexual harassment. While
parents and guardians do not become complainants (or respondents),
Title IX expressly recognizes the legal rights of parents and guardians
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to act on behalf of parties (including by filing formal complaints) in Title
IX matters.
b. Respondent
Respondent is an individual who has been reported to be the
perpetrator of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.
c. Formal Complaint
Formal complaint is a document filed by a complainant or signed by the
Title IX Coordinator alleging sexual harassment against a respondent
and requesting that the school investigate the allegation of sexual
harassment and states:
i. At the time of filing a formal complaint, a complainant must be
participating in or attempting to participate in the education
program or activity of the school with which the formal complaint
is filed.
ii. A formal complaint may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator in
person, by mail, or by electronic mail, by using the contact
information required to be listed for the Title IX Coordinator
stated above (section C), and by any additional method
designated by the College.
iii. The phrase “document filed by a complainant” means a
document or electronic submission (such as by e-mail or through
an online portal provided for this purpose by the school) that
contains the complainant’s physical or digital signature, or
otherwise indicates that the complainant is the person filing the
formal complaint.
iv. Where the Title IX Coordinator signs a formal complaint, the Title
IX Coordinator is not a complainant or a party during a grievance
process and must comply with requirements for Title IX
personnel to be free from conflicts and bias.
d. Supportive Measures
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Supportive measures are individualized services reasonably available
that are non- punitive, non-disciplinary, and not unreasonably
burdensome to the other party while designed to ensure equal
educational access, protect safety, or deter sexual harassment.
Title IX evaluates a school’s selection of supportive measures and
remedies based on what is not clearly unreasonable in light of the
known circumstances, and does not second guess a school’s
disciplinary decisions, but requires the school to offer supportive
measures, and provide remedies to a complainant whenever a
respondent is found responsible.
2. General Requirements
Title IX prescribes a consistent, transparent grievance process for resolving
formal complaints of sexual harassment. The College’s grievance process
a. Treat complainants equitably by providing remedies any time a
respondent is found responsible and treat respondents equitably by not
imposing disciplinary sanctions without following the grievance process
prescribed by Title IX.
b. Remedies, which are required to be provided to a complainant when a
respondent is found responsible, must be designed to maintain the
complainant’s equal access to education and may include the same
individualized services described by Title IX as supportive measures;
however, remedies need not be non-disciplinary or non-punitive and
need not avoid burdening the respondent.
c. Require objective evaluation of all relevant evidence, inculpatory and
exculpatory, and avoid credibility determinations based on a person’s
status as a complainant, respondent, or witness.
d. Require Title IX personnel (Title IX Coordinators, investigator(s),
decision-maker(s), people who facilitate any informal resolution
process) to be free from conflicts of interest or bias for or against
complainants or respondents.
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e. Training of Title IX personnel must include training on the definition of
sexual harassment in Title IX, the scope of the College’s education
program or activity, how to conduct an investigation and grievance
process including hearings, appeals, and informal resolution processes,
as applicable, and how to serve impartially, including by avoiding
prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.
f. The College must ensure that decision-makers receive training on any
technology to be used at a live hearing.
g. The College’s decision-maker(s) and investigator(s) must receive
training on issues of relevance, including how to apply the rape shield
protections provided only for complainants.
h. Include a presumption that the respondent is not responsible for the
alleged conduct until a determination regarding responsibility is made at
the conclusion of the grievance process.
i. The College must post materials used to train Title IX personnel on the
website, if any, or make materials available for members of the public
to inspect.
j. Include reasonably prompt time frames for conclusion of the grievance
process, including appeals and informal resolutions, with allowance for
short-term, good cause delays or extensions of the time frames.
k. Describe the range, or list, the possible remedies the College may
provide a complainant and disciplinary sanctions the college might
impose on a respondent, following determinations of responsibility.
l. State whether the College has chosen to use the preponderance of the
evidence standard, or the clear and convincing evidence standard, for
all formal complaints of sexual harassment (including where employees
and faculty are respondents).
m. Describe the College’s appeal procedures, and the range of supportive
measures available to complainants and respondents.
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n. The College’s grievance process must not use, rely on, or seek
disclosure of information protected under a legally recognized privilege,
unless the person holding such privilege has waived the privilege.
o. Any provisions, rules, or practices other than those required by Title IX
that a school adopts as part of its grievance process for handling formal
complaints of sexual harassment, must apply equally to both parties.
3. Investigations
a. The burden of gathering evidence and burden of proof must remain on
college, not on the parties. Title IX Coordinator will be responsible for
investigating all formal complaints.
b. The College must provide equal opportunity for the parties to present
fact and expert witnesses and other inculpatory and exculpatory
c. The College must not restrict the ability of the parties to discuss the
allegations or gather evidence (e.g., no “gag orders”).
d. Parties must have the same opportunity to select an advisor of the
party’s choice who may be, but need not be, an attorney. The role of
the advisor is narrow in scope: the advisor may attend any interview or
meeting connected with the grievance process that the party whom they
are advising is invited to attend, but the advisor may not actively
participate in interviews and may not serve a proxy for the party. In
addition, while advisors may provide guidance and assistance
throughout the process, all written submissions must be authored by the
student. The advisor may attend the hearing and may conduct cross-
examination of the other party and any witnesses at the hearing;
otherwise, the advisor may not actively participate in the hearing.
e. The College must send written notice of any investigative interviews,
meetings, or hearings.
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f. The College must send the parties, and their advisors, evidence directly
related to the allegations, in electronic format or hard copy, with at least
10 days for the parties to inspect, review, and respond to the evidence.
g. The College must send the parties, and their advisors, an investigative
report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence, in electronic format or
hard copy, with at least 10 days for the parties to respond.
h. The College must dismiss allegations of conduct that do not meet the
Title IX’s definition of sexual harassment or did not occur in a college’s
education program or activity against a person in the U.S. Such
dismissal is only for Title IX purposes and does not preclude the College
from addressing the conduct in any manner the College deems
i. The College may, in their discretion, dismiss a formal complaint or
allegations therein if the complainant informs the Title IX Coordinator in
writing that the complainant desires to withdraw the formal complaint or
allegations therein, if the respondent is no longer enrolled or employed
by the school, or if specific circumstances prevent the school from
gathering sufficient evidence to reach a determination.
j. The College must give the parties written notice of a dismissal
(mandatory or discretionary) and the reasons for the dismissal.
k. The College may, in their discretion, consolidate formal complaints
where the allegations arise out of the same facts.
l. Title IX protects the privacy of a party’s medical, psychological, and
similar treatment records by stating the College cannot access or use
such records unless the College obtains the party’s voluntary, written
consent to do so.
m. The investigator for Title IX and Sexual Harassment complaints will
typically be the College’s Title IX Coordinator or an appointed College
official trained to handle complaints of sexual harassment. If
circumstances arise where it is inappropriate for these persons to serve
as the investigator, the responsibility will be assigned to another college
official trained to handle complaints of sexual harassment.
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4. Live Hearings and Cross-Examination
a. At the live hearing, the decision-maker(s) must permit each party’s
advisor to ask the other party and any witnesses all relevant questions
and follow-up questions, including those challenging credibility.
b. Such cross-examination at the live hearing must be conducted directly,
orally, and in real time by the party’s advisor of choice and never by a
party personally.
c. At the request of either party, the College must provide for the entire
live hearing (including cross-examination) to occur with the parties
located in separate rooms with technology enabling the parties to see
and hear each other.
d. Only relevant cross-examination and other questions may be asked of
a party or witness. Before a complainant, respondent, or witness
answers a cross-examination or other question, the decision-maker
must first determine whether the question is relevant and explain to the
party’s advisor asking cross-examination questions any decision to
exclude a question as not relevant.
e. The College will require all parties, advisors, and witnesses to maintain
appropriate decorum throughout the live hearing. Participants at the live
hearing are expected to abide by the decision-maker’s directions and
determinations, maintain civility, and avoid emotional outbursts and
raised voices. Repeated violations of appropriate decorum will result in
a break in the live hearing, the length of which will be determined by the
decision-maker. The decision-maker reserves the right to appoint a
different advisor to conduct cross-examination on behalf of a party after
an advisors repeat violations of appropriate decorum or other rules
related to the conduct of the live hearing.
f. If a party does not have an advisor present at the live hearing, the
College must provide, without fee or charge to that party, an advisor of
the College’s choice who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney
to conduct cross- examination on behalf of that party. The role of the
advisor at the live hearing is to conduct cross-examination on behalf of
a party. The advisor is not to represent a party, but only to relay the
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party’s cross-examination questions that the party wishes to have asked
of the other party and witnesses. Advisors may not raise objections or
make statements or arguments during the live hearing.
g. If a party or witness does not submit to cross-examination at the live
hearing, the decision-maker(s) must not rely on any statement of that
party or witness in reaching a determination regarding responsibility;
provided, however, that the decision-maker(s) cannot draw an inference
about the determination regarding responsibility based solely on a
party’s or witness’s absence from the live hearing or refusal to answer
cross-examination or other questions.
h. Live hearings may be conducted with all parties physically present in the
same geographic location or, at the school’s discretion, any or all
parties, witnesses, and other participants may appear at the live hearing
virtually. Requests for a live hearing should be submitted to the
i. All live hearings will be closed to the public and witnesses will be present
only during their testimony. For live hearings that use technology, the
decision-maker shall ensure that appropriate protections are in place to
maintain confidentiality.
j. Schools must create an audio or audiovisual recording, or transcript, of
any live hearing.
5. Sanctions and Remedies
a. The College will take reasonable steps to address any Title IX violations
and to restore or preserve equal access to the College’s education
programs or activities. The range of potential sanctions and corrective
actions that may be imposed on a student includes, but is not limited to
the following:
i. Expulsion from the College: Permanent separation of the student
from the College and all College functions or activities. It is the
student’s responsibility to contact an Enrollment Specialist and
properly withdraw from the College.
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ii. Suspension from the College: Suspension for a definite period of
time. Temporary separation of the student from the College and
all College functions or activities. It is the student’s responsibility
to contact an Enrollment Specialist and properly withdraw from
the College. Students seeking readmission to the College after
suspension must contact the campus Dean of Student Services;
iii. Conduct Probation: Conduct probation with or without loss of
designated privileges for a definite period of time. The violation
of the terms of conduct probation may be grounds for suspension
or expulsion from the College;
iv. Loss of Privileges: Loss of such privileges as may be consistent
with the offense committed and the rehabilitation of the student.
Examples include but are not limited to, removal from the
residence hall, suspension from campus activities, i.e., athletic
contests, intramurals, other extra-curricular activities;
v. Session(s) with LPC: Session(s) with Licensed Professional
Counselor for an appointed amount of time.
vi. Fines: Fines where appropriate;
vii. Warning: Written warning;
viii. Other Sanctions: Other sanctions suggested by the decision-
When a respondent is found responsible for the prohibited behavior as
alleged, remedies must be provided to the complainant. Remedies are
designed to maintain the complainant’s equal access to education and
may include supportive measures or remedies that are punitive or would
pose a burden to the respondent.
6. Standard of Evidence
Title IX requires the school’s grievance process to state whether the
standard of evidence to determine responsibility is the preponderance of
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the evidence standard or the clear and convincing evidence standard. Title
IX requires the grievance process be consistent by requiring the college to
apply the same standard of evidence for all formal complaints of sexual
harassment whether the respondent is a student or an employee (including
faculty member).
The standard of evidence used in a MGCCC Title IX Sexual Harassment
hearing will be Preponderance of Evidence or “more likely than not” that
the violation did/did not occur.
7. Written Determination
The decision-maker(s) must issue a written determination regarding
responsibility with findings of fact, conclusions about whether the alleged
conduct occurred, rationale for the result as to each allegation, any
disciplinary sanctions imposed on the respondent, and whether remedies
will be provided to the complainant.
The written determination must be sent simultaneously to the parties along
with information about how to file an appeal.
8. Appeals
a. The Title IX states that a school must offer both parties an appeal from
a determination regarding responsibility, and from a school’s dismissal
of a formal complaint or any allegations. The appeal is not intended to
re-hear or re-argue the same case, and is limited to the specific grounds
for an appeal.
i. Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter, newly
discovered evidence that could affect the outcome of the matter,
ii. Title IX personnel, investigator, or decision-maker had a conflict of
interest or bias, that affected the outcome of the matter.
b. To appeal, a party must submit their written appeal within five business
days of being notified of the decision, including the grounds for the
appeal to the Title IX Coordinator.
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c. Title IX Coordinator will notify the other party of the appeal, and that the
other party will have an opportunity to submit a written statement in
response to the appeal, within three business days.
d. Appeals will be decided by a new decision maker (appeal officer), who
will be free of conflict of interest and bias, and will not serve as
investigator, Title IX Coordinator, or decision-maker in the same matter.
e. The appeal officer will decide the appeal after considering the evidence
presented at the hearing, the investigation file, and the appeal
statements of both parties, if applicable. The review of the appeal
generally does not involve the appealing student being present;
however, the appeal officer may request their presence if needed.
f. After a thorough review of the record(s), the appeals officer may:
i. Uphold the original decision and/or sanction(s) of the decision-
ii. Dismiss the case or individual charge(s) against the student and
vacate any portion or all of the sanction(s);
iii. Modify, enhance, or reduce the original sanction(s);
g. The appeal officer’s decision is final and will summarize their decision in
a written report that will be sent to the complainant and respondent
within 10 business days of receiving the appeal.
9. Informal Resolution
Title IX allows the College, in its discretion, to choose to offer and facilitate
informal resolution options, such as mediation or restorative justice, so long
as both parties give voluntary, informed, written consent to attempt informal
resolution. Informal Resolutions will be facilitated by the Title IX
Coordinator or an appointed college official.
a. The College may not require as a condition of enrollment or continuing
enrollment, or employment or continuing employment, or enjoyment of
any other right, waiver of the right to a formal investigation and
adjudication of formal complaints of sexual harassment. Similarly, the
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college may not require the parties to participate in an informal
resolution process and may not offer an informal resolution process
unless a formal complaint is filed.
b. At any time prior to agreeing to a resolution, any party has the right to
withdraw from the informal resolution process and resume the
grievance process with respect to the formal complaint.
c. The College must not offer or facilitate an informal resolution process to
resolve allegations that an employee sexually harassed a student.
10. Retaliation
Title IX expressly prohibits retaliation:
a. Charging an individual with code of conduct violations that do not
involve sexual harassment but arise out of the same facts or
circumstances as a report or formal complaint of sexual harassment, for
the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX
constitutes retaliation.
b. The College must keep confidential the identity of complainants,
respondents, and witnesses, except as may be permitted by FERPA,
as required by law, or as necessary to carry out a Title IX proceeding.
c. Complaints alleging retaliation may be filed according to a school’s
prompt and equitable grievance procedures.
d. The exercise of rights protected under the First Amendment does not
constitute retaliation.
e. Charging an individual with a code of conduct violation for making a
materially false statement in bad faith in the course of a Title IX
grievance proceeding does not constitute retaliation; however, a
determination regarding responsibility, alone, is not sufficient to
conclude that any party made a bad faith materially false statement.
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11. Rape Shield Protections for Complainants
Title IX provides rape shield protections for complainants, deeming
irrelevant questions and evidence about a complainant’s prior sexual
behavior unless offered to prove that someone other than the respondent
committed the alleged misconduct or offered to prove consent.