VOL. 24, No. 1, 21-42
Making it Real: Project Managing Strategic e-Learning
Development Processes in a Large, Campus-Based University
Mary-Helen Ward, Sandra West, Mary Peat and Susan Atkinson
The University of Sydney is a large, research-intensive, campus-based Australian
University. Since 2004 a strategic initiative of project-based eLearning support has
been creating teams of non-academic and academic staff, who have worked
together to develop online resources to meet indentified needs. The University’s
aims in continuing to provide this framework are to engage academics in
educational change and to implement innovation. Project management principles
are intrinsic, including an extended application and planning process (in which
committees of academics represent faculties); they provide a framework and a
shared language for talking about both conceptual development and practical
issues involved in creating online learning and teaching resources. This fosters
teamwork, dissemination of ideas and networking of teaching practitioners both
within and across faculties. In this paper we will detail how the project process
has allowed development teams to align the personal and pedagogical goals of
academics and educational designers for teaching improvement with the strategic
goals of the university and its constituent faculties.
L’Université de Sydney est une université australienne qui est grande (plus de 45
000 étudiants), axée sur la recherche et qui a le siège de ses activités sur un
campus. Depuis 2004, une initiative stragique impliquant du soutien à
l’apprentissage en ligne fondée sur des projets crée des équipes de personnel
académique et non-académique, qui travaillent ensemble pour développer des
ressources en ligne pour répondre aux besoins identifiés chez les enseignants
(Wozniak, Scott, & Atkinson, 2005). L’objectif de l’université en fournissant ce
cadre est de soutenir l’enseignement dans le changement éducationnel et de
mettre en place l’innovation. La manière de gérer l’apprentissage en ligne à
l’université a été décrite dans un article antérieur par Ellis, Jarkey, Mahoney, Peat
& Sheely (2007)): ils décrivent comment le jeu entre l’orientation stratégique de
l’université et les objectifs d’apprentissage et d’enseignement au sein des facultés
détermine la forme de l’apprentissage en ligne qui soutien alors l’apprentissage
des étudiants. Le but de cet article est de décrire comment les principes de la
gestion de projet sont appliqués pour soutenir des collaborations stratégiques
dans le cadre de projets entre les spécialistes de l’apprentissage en ligne et de
petites équipes de professeurs afin de créer des activités d’apprentissage qui sont
alignées avec les résultats d’apprentissage des étudiants.
The University of Sydney is a large (more than 45,000 students), research-
intensive, campus-based Australian university. Since 2004 a strategic
initiative involving project-based e-learning support has been creating
teams of non-academic and academic staff, who work together to develop
online resources to meet indentified teaching needs (Wozniak, Scott, &
Atkinson, 2005). The university’s aim in providing this framework is to
support academics in educational change and to implement innovation.
The way that e-learning is managed at the university has been described
in an earlier paper by Ellis, Jarkey, Mahoney, Peat & Sheely (2007): they
detail how the play between the strategic direction of the university and
the learning and teaching goals within the faculties determines the shape
of e-learning that then supports student learning. The purpose of this
paper is to describe how project management principles are applied to
support strategic project-based collaborations between e-learning
specialists and small teams of academics to create learning activities that
are aligned with the learning outcomes of students.
Project management principles are intrinsic to the approach used on
these strategic projects. In brief, the process includes:
• an extended application and planning period, in which committees
of academics represent faculties and help to articulate and
prioritise projects over a six-month period followed by a
conceptual planning process lasting from three to seven months
(involving a project manager and academic staff)
• a project development process lasting up to nine months (involving
project manager, academic staff and educational designer/s)
• a learning and evaluation period during which the students
experience the e-learning activities.
These three stages provide a framework for talking about both the
conceptual development and practical issues involved in creating online
learning and teaching resources. They provide a shared experience that
helps to foster teamwork, dissemination of ideas and networking of
teaching practitioners both within and across faculties.
The traditionally understood role of ‘non-academic support staffis
changing within the modern university (Housego, 2002). As well as
providing support for academic teaching (as these staff have traditionally
done), the Sydney eLearning team also sees its role as directly supporting
the academic endeavour by working with academics who are interested
in jointly engaging in educational change and implementing innovation.
P r oject managers work closely with academics, developing the
pedagogical underpinning of each project, suggesting technical solutions
and negotiating with the academic to determine project workload and
establish realistic project time frames. The team’s educational designers
continue to liaise closely with the academic as the project is developed,
and the evaluation and consequent tweaking of resources after students
have used them is built into the project’s scoping process.
It can be a challenge to create new teams with members who each have
specialised knowledge, and who require a shared understanding of how
their skills and strengths interact most effectively (Caplan, 2004,
pp. 186-187). Previous re s e a rch (Wozniak, et al., 2005) identified
uncertainty about roles in multidisciplinary e-learning teams; both
disciplinary specialists and educational designers reported difficulty in
understanding what the other team members’ roles might encompass.
Discipline specialists viewed their own roles as including “’coming up
with ideas to put online’, ‘showing the best way to teach content in my
discipline’ and ‘fostering creativity in the team’ (p. 738). Educational
designers saw their roles as “’to provide specific information and
content’, ‘provide good examples’, ‘ensure that project outcomes are met’,
‘provide technical and educational expertise’, and as an ‘agent of change
by promoting new ways of looking at old problems’”(p. 738).
This article aims to describe and discuss our experience in meeting
these challenges. It begins with a description of the structure of the e-
learning teams, then details the stages of development a project goes
through and how these relate to the faculty planning cycle, before
analysing the key stages of the project management process and the
relationship between the project development process and pedagogical
development within the institution.
Structure of eLearning Project Teams
Each project team consists of faculty-based academics who are usually
course or unit of study co-ordinators, e-learning designers who work
with them to develop the online activities, and an e-learning project
manager. Each project team works on a specific project that has been
endorsed by a faculty sponsor (usually the Dean or Head of School). As
the university is currently comprised of 17 faculties, Sydney eLearning is
organised on the basis of three clusters that loosely represent the strong
disciplinary culture of the university. Although project managers work
within a single cluster, educational designers work across the clusters,
depending on the skill mix that is required at different times in different
clusters. This has allowed the team to develop a broad view of learning
and teaching work across all of the faculties within the university.
Figure 1 provides a visual representation of the team structure as
implemented across the three disciplinary clusters. It also shows how
teams are both informed by and contribute to both faculty and university-
wide learning and teaching goals.
Figure 1: Structure of e-learning project teams
Faculty Representatives
Faculties' learning and teaching plans, aligned to the university learning
and teaching strategy, determine the strategic direction of the projects.
Faculty e-learning representatives are therefore a key part of strategic
project initiatives. Faculty Deans each appoint a representative who
fosters the implementation and development of e-learning within
faculties by active membership of the Faculty Learning and Teaching
Committee. It is expected that each representative will raise faculty
a w a reness of current university e-learning strategies, support the
dissemination of e-learning operational information (deadlines, events,
etc.) and maintain their involvement with regular e-learning cluster and
working group meetings
The academic-in-charge provides the academic quality assurance for the
project. S/he is usually responsible for the design of the objectives,
activities, assessment and outcomes of the unit of study or course that is
the focus of the project. Academics initiate a project through an
application (in conjunction with the faculty representative); they provide
the academic content during the project development phase of the cycle;
and they oversee the evaluation (in conjunction with the project manager
and the cluster director).
Project Managers
The project manager is responsible for the quality assurance of the
development processes. S/he prepares, organizes, ensures completion of
and sometimes maintains 12-15 strategic projects within each cluster
every year. Their first contact with the academic applicant will usually be
as much as a year before the development phase is commenced, and on
the basis of ongoing discussion in that period the project is shaped and its
size and scope determined. The importance of documentary tools to
ensure that all team members are as clear as possible about the scope and
limits of the project are emphasised by Hurst and Thomas (2004) and once
development has commenced it is the project manager who ensures that
deadlines are being met and satisfactory pro g ress is being made,
according to the Letter of Agreement and scoping documentation. The
p r oject manager is responsible for all project documentation and
reporting, including assembling and distribution of applications for
ranking by the faculty representatives, and may sometimes be involved in
evaluation of project outcomes and on-going maintenance of the
resources created within the project's development phase.
Educational Designers
Educational designers generally have postgraduate qualifications in
education, and at least one of a number of other advanced skills in an area
related to online design work, for example, graphic design, 'back-end'
technical skills, pedagogical theory, or skills with animation. Educational
designers are allocated to project teams on a contingent basis. Each
semester the project managers negotiate the skills they require for each
project in context of the available educational designers. For example, if a
project requires substantial graphical work, an educational designer with
expertise in graphic software packages will become part of the team.
Cluster Directors
Cluster directors are experienced members of the academic staff who are
seconded from faculties (0.2FTE). A cluster director works closely with
the faculty representatives to develop e-learning awareness and strategies
within the cluster and with the Director of Sydney eLearning to ensure
congruence with university-level strategy. S/he also works closely with
the project managers, advising and consulting on the progress of both
current and future projects. A cluster director's experience in academic
culture can be an especially useful aid in supporting a project manager
when complex academic issues need to be resolved. They also play a key
strategic role in their work with the faculty representatives on the
selection of projects for the following year.
Integrating Strategic Educational Design into Faculty Curriculum Planning
The purpose of the e-learning development cycle is to integrate
innovative educational design into the curricular planning of faculties
.The staged approach to the e-learning project management process
allows it to extend over a two to three year period, but also to integrate
with the teaching semesters of the University. Writing about the
experience of incorporating eLearning into a university's teaching,
Alexander (2001) points out that “Teachers' planning of learning
experiences…is strongly underpinned by their thinking about what
learning means.” (p. 244). Being aware of the strongly disciplinary nature
of academic culture at Sydney, we have worked as closely as we can with
faculties to incorporate both disciplinary understandings of pedagogy
and the teaching aspirations of individual academics into our project
planning process.
Stage 1: Project Selection
One of the key faculty representative roles is the fostering and facilitation
of nascent projects in the consultation process that takes place in the
selection of the projects to be undertaken in the following year. Figure 2
provides calendar-related details of the selection process. This extended
period allows both academics and project managers to conceptualise the
intended educational outcomes of the project in quite a detailed way. This
is not to say that the project 's final form is always clear at this stage; this
is usually decided once the educational designer becomes involved the
following year. However, appropriate pedagogical principles, bro a d
outcomes and curriculum design are often clarified in discussion during
this period.
Figure 2: Timeline for selection process
The selection process involves two formal written applications: the
expression of interest and the formal application. Pro formas are provided
for both of these, and academics are encouraged to submit drafts to the
project manager and/or their faculty representative for comment.
The expression of interest (usually no more than a page) asks the
academic-in-charge for a brief description of what they would like
assistance with and the aims of the project, the perceived benefits, and
some details about the breadth of its application and which of the
universities' strategic teaching goals it addresses, along with any key
timeframe issues. These preliminary proposals are discussed at a meeting
of faculty representatives, the cluster director and the e-learning project
The application, which is written by the academic-in-charge after
further consultation with both their faculty representative and project
manager, much more strongly reflects the strategic nature of the project
application process. Table 1 lists the categories of information that are
required in the final proposal, in which it is clear that applications are to
be aligned with both the university's and the individual faculty's strategic
Table 1: Details Sought in Final Application (Expression of Interest)
• Project title and description
• Perceived benefits
Alignment with strategic e-learning objectives the university has identified
Alignment with university and/or faculty learning and teaching strategic plans
• Resources required, other aid applied for, time and/or expertise faculty can devote
• Listing of other issues that will assist in ranking, e.g., large classes, pre-existing
• Date completed resource required
Additional information
As academics with an active interest in learning and teaching, the faculty
representatives form an important link between faculty learning and
teaching policy formation and e-learning strategy. Presentations by
project managers of ongoing projects at regular meetings both adds to
shared understandings of how projects proceed and aids with problem-
solving at a very local level. The annual project selection process detailed
above is dependent on the discussion among and recommendations from
the faculty representatives. Being aware of strategic concerns in their
faculties and having talked to the academic applicants and received
advice on e-learning strategic and technical matters from the cluster
director and project manager, they decide in committee which projects
will go forward for development the following year and how many hours
each project team will receive.
F rom the time an academic makes their first enquiry, they are
supported and assisted by their faculty re p resentative and pro j e c t
manager, through ongoing discussions that help to shape the final
application. Once the ranked applications have been supported by the
Director of eLearning and the DVC (Education) (see Figure 1), the project
manager continues working with the academic-in-charge to further shape
the project before the development period begins. Staff are advised to
attend our staff e-learning training to help them think about what they'd
like out of the project, and we are presently discussing ways of tailoring
training for academics who have been awarded project hours—this
would be training equivalent to Stage 2 of Ellis's model (Ellis & Phelps,
2000). One common outcome of this part of the process is that academics
report that they have become much more aware of the pedagogical basis
for their teaching—what has been implicit in their transfer of disciplinary
knowledge has now become explicit for them and for some has provided
a language that is facilitating other discussions of learning and teaching
matters within faculties.
Project selection is essentially a 'bottom-up' process: individuals are
assisted to articulate their own teaching needs and align these with
disciplinary pedagogical practice and university strategic policy, without
pressure or involvement at the level of either faculty management or
university management more widely (cf McMurray, 2001). The case that
McMurray describes is one in which project management principles were
used in a way that conflicted with the academic organisational culture;
our choice has been to use them to support and foster teaching culture in
faculties. Each e-learning project is generated by an academic, who is
responsible for providing the academic content for the educational
designer to create the resource. The autonomy of individual academics is
not limited by this process—on the contrary they are supported to reach
their self-defined teaching goals.
Project Experience 1: Music Education
This project demonstrates the way that the structure and resources
p rovided by the strategic eLearning projects can assist academics'
development as online practitioners, and in turn influence the wider
community in their faculty.
The music education academics expressed interest in working on their
own strategic eLearning project after first receiving a small number of
hours of "at-elbow" support within the faculty. These were provided as
part of another strategic project designed to assist academics to get started
with eLearning. This music education project thus aimed to develop the
informational sites by including online activities that would help students
to link the theory learned in the face-to-face classes with their experiences
while on practicum.
When the project manager first met with the academics, after their EOI
but before their detailed submission was due, the project seemed quite
modest, but as the conversations progressed, it developed into an entity
which was more focused on learning and better integrated with the face-
to-face component of the units. Later feedback from the academics
explained that these early meetings assisted them to "clarify our thinking
and develop achievable goals...".
Since then, the academics have applied for further projects to extend
the sites and to make changes to activities in response to student feedback
and their own experience delivering the online resources. As their skills
and experience with eLearning have developed, the online activities have
become more sophisticated and assured and the sites now contain
discussions, reflective and case-based activities, quizzes and multimedia.
The academics themselves became eLearning mentors within their
faculty, taking on the role of faculty representatives and presenting their
work at in-house sessions. The process has now turned full-circle, with an
academic from the faculty commenting that he was so inspired by a
demonstration given by one of them he put up an informational site for
his unit of study this semester.
This can sometimes be a new experience for academics, as Scott,
Mahoney and Peat (2008) discuss. They identified a lack of clarity about
responsibilities within teams for all involved in the early days of
eLearning projects at Sydney. For example, one academic reported feeling
pressured when asked to provide teaching material that had existed “in
their head” in a more concrete form for the project:
“The e-learning bit was dealt with by the e-learning team but the rest of us
were sitting there doing our own thing. You think 'Oh, the e-learning team
will do all of that.' And then they say, 'Where is the content?' You think,
'Well, it's in my head.' But, you know, somebody has to go on and do that,
so I think we didn't factor in those things so well.” (p. 3)
These reported challenges have been taken into account as the e-learning
team has continues to streamline its project processes. For example,
greater efforts are now made to be as transparent as possible about the
process for allocating educational designers to teams, and the scoping
document (discussed below) now includes very clear listings of the
responsibility of each team member, along with the deadlines for content
provision that are decided with academics as soon as the project has been
approved for resource creation some months hence. However, not all
faculties have as yet fully incorporated workload policies for e-learning
(see Alexander, 2001, p. 246), and some projects are not effectively
completed because of shifting academic interest and commitment. The
challenge for the eLearning team is to work within this less-than-certain
environment. Hurst and Thomas (2004) provide an excellent discussion
on the issues of accountability and uncertainty in online environments,
and their conclusion that “Sometimes the trick is simply to assign an
initial responsibility, and then trade it off as necessary”(p. 213), would be
one that our experience would lead us to endorse. In the Music Education
project detailed above, initial flexibility led to a successful, although not
the original, outcome, with pay-offs for academic staff that had not
originally been foreseen.
Stage 2: Project Development
Most of the project development work occurs in the second year. During
this stage, the academic-in-charge, project manager and educational
designers collaborate to produce the online learning objects or modules
that are the tangible project outcomes.
One of the challenges in this stage is the competing demands on the
time of the academic-in-charge and colleagues who may be involved in
the project. Every year 4000 hours of educational design and project
management time is allotted to each cluster of five or six faculties, and the
projects are worked on in two blocks over the academic year (Figure 3).
Project period 1 (12 weeks), takes place during the first semester of the
year (beginning of April to the end of June), and project period 2 (24
weeks), occupies the second semester and the summer/Christmas break
(beginning of August to the end of January).
Figure 3: Strategic project development periods
The extended proposal process discussed above provides opportunity for
the academic-in-charge to incorporate adequate time to prepare materials
in advance of the project development phase. Academics know what
their commitments will be to the project either four months (project
period 1) or 10 months (project period 2) before the educational designers
are ready to begin work. During this time the project manager keeps in
touch with them and will work with them to create a realistic time-frame
for resource development. Some apply for a separate grant in order to
provide themselves with more time and/or staff resources in order to
p r e p a re their project material or to engage more actively in the
development processes. As identified by Hurst and Thomas (2004), the
role of trust in the development of online learning projects is important to
consider. Our extended time frame increases the time in which this
essential trust can be developed. Initially the faculty rep and the project
manager establish a relationship with the academic through the
application process, and the early conceptual stages of development. As
the resources are being developed the educational designers work to
consolidate this initial trust.
If a project cannot be completed in the time available due to
unexpected complications in its development (e.g., difficulties with
technology, over-confidence either of educational design or academic
predictions of required work load), the academic is usually able to apply
for further time in the future, and a high degree of flexibility is exercised
by the project managers to limit the number of uncompleted projects (see
Project Experience 2 below for details as to how this might work in
practice) . Where projects have not been completed as planned it is
commonly related either to the circumstances of the academic (change of
employment or teaching allocation), or where a better solution than we
were able to offer has been found (this frequently relates to advances in
web-based technologies that we are not able to support).
Project Experience 2: Second-Year Field Science
E-learning projects have been used to support teaching in science where
the use of face-to-face practical teaching time is being re-organised to
maximise learning during periods of practical experience.
A unit of study co-ordinator in Environmental Science originally
approached us to create a virtual field trip, to both prepare the students
for the reality of their first field trip and act as an aide-de-memoir after it
was finished, and to replace the field trip experience for the few students
who were unable to attend. This was initially agreed to, and a site was
prepared, but the time necessary to create the resources that were needed
to replicate the field trip experience was underestimated, and the project
wasn't completed.
The following year more project hours were set aside to complete a
scaled-down version of the site, which would not aim to replicate the
field-trip experience (which, it was now agreed, wasn't really possible),
but would act as an aid for students preparing for and revising their
experience. On that basis the site was then re-organised and completed by
another educational designer, but the lecturer still did not feel it met his
needs and again the resources that had been created were not used.
Project evaluation established that the revised proposal may not have
been fully understood by the educational designer, and that there was a
lack of communication between the unit of study co-ordinator and other
teaching staff who had not been invited to contribute content.
In the second semester of that year a new team member who had high-
level skills in graphic design was assigned to work with the lecturer to
improve the usability of the site. He was able to build on the work of the
previous team members to improve the site by making greater efforts to
include content from other members of the teaching team, and by making
the appearance of the site more engaging.
The unit of study co-ordinator is now very satisfied with the outcome
of the project. He has a usable site, and was able to report at a training
seminar that the extended experience of working with our team, although
it had been frustrating for him at times, had changed the way he was
teaching the unit of study - he can now expect students to do more
independent work in preparation for their field trip, and he feels they are
doing their field work much more efficiently. The site is still being used
by students for the first time, so no formal evaluations are yet available.
Stage 3: Evaluation
The semester following the completion of Stage 2 provides the first
opportunity for academic staff to evaluate the integration of the new
online activities with the student experience of learning. Student focus
groups or online surveys are commonly used during this teaching period
to collect student perspectives. Common evaluation questions for this
stage of the process include:
a) what were the main two or three things you learned in your
course (your main course outcomes)?
b) What was the relationship between the key outcomes of your
course and the e-learning activities you engaged in?
c) To what extent do you think the e-learning activities helped you
understand the main outcomes of your course?
d) How did you approach your e-learning activities in your course?
What did you do and why?
While not exhaustive, evaluation questions like these allow lecturers to
evaluate the extent to which students understood the purpose of the
course and the extent to which the e-learning activities assisted them to
achieve the key learning outcomes.
Kenny (2004) suggests that “When independent professionals such as
academics and teachers are involved in an innovative project, the project
management process needs to support practices that enable professional
growth and learning.” (p. 390). Our extended project process, which goes
far beyond a simple response to an expressed need, is embedding the
practices Kenny refers to into our project cycle.
Project Experience 3: Third-Year Lab Science
The hands-on nature of laboratory-based science education and the
consequent extensive reliance on an experiential pedagogy has meant that
staff have not often considered opportunities to develop online resources
beyond those required for document delivery. However, the changing
nature of science teaching has meant that e-learning is increasingly being
seen as a means of providing support for laboratory teaching.
A Biological Sciences lecturer initially approached the e-learning team
because his previous teaching model was not sustainable with the
increasing student interest in his third-year class in advanced laboratory
techniques. He wasn't sure what we might be able to do to help—he
didn't really have a lot of interest in “online” learning but he'd heard that
we might be able to help him put some video resources online. He was
concerned that the available class-time didn't simply become focused on
manual skill development; he wanted students to engage with the theory
and underlying principles of what they were learning to do.
During preliminary discussions with the Project Manager he identified
two main outcomes for a project: as described in the pre l i m i n a r y
paragraph of his application, he wanted students to “actively and
independently seek answers to the set tutorial questions for each
laboratory experiment”. He also wanted some relief from the repetitious
task of repeating safety information to every class.
The second of these was dealt with relatively easily: the university had
recently activated a streaming solution which would deliver videos - that
he could easily create—through the LMS, enabling him to quickly check
that students had watched them before the first lab class.
He was granted project hours to create an online quiz-type resource
structured in such a way that students would not merely give answers,
but would have to prepare for tutorial and lab classes. The Educational
Designer devised a 'carrot and stick' approach, in which students would
be asked to do a quiz with complex questions before class, then discuss
the quiz in the class. Feedback to the answers would only be available to
students who attended the face-to-face session. If students hadn't
attempted the quiz, the class discussion would not be very meaningful to
This online resource has not yet been evaluated as it is presently being
offered for the first time. However, the lecturer reports that the process of
working with the educational designer and developing the pro j e c t
materials has helped him to think more clearly about what and how the
students in the unit were learning.
Project Management Principles Informing Pedagogical Practice
Classic descriptions of project management theory list nine principles of
project management or knowledge areas: management of cost, time,
scope, quality (for purpose), human re s o u rces, communication,
procurement and risk, and integration of all of these (Project Management
Institute, 2007). Each of these is addressed at Sydney eLearning in a way
that meets the needs of the university culture and our goal of enabling the
teaching goals of staff and their faculties.
Issues of cost have been dealt with by making the unit of currency in
the projects the number of hours allotted to each project rather than a cash
amount. The academic, in early discussion with the project manager,
nominates the number of hours they will be able to devote to materials
preparation and consultation. However, arguably the most difficult job
that project managers face is allotting putative hours to upcoming
projects in preparation for the project's consideration by the committee. It
is an imperfect science but it is not often a point of complete failure.
Sometimes projects are reduced in scope to fit the hours; sometimes other
projects don't progress for a variety of reasons and more time becomes
available. Most cluster groupings will have at least one ongoing resource
project, such as a website of good practice examples, that can expand or
contract as necessary across each project cycle.
Procurement is not an issue either, as inputs of staff time, skills and
salaries are sustainably funded on an annual basis, not from within
faculty resources. The remaining project management principles outlined
above, and the necessary integration of these, constitute the basis from
which we carry out our management of e-learning projects. Keeping in
mind warnings about 'classical' project management principles needing
modification for the successful development of learning resources at
tertiary institutions (Kenny 2004), and in order to lessen the risk of
projects failing by either not being completed or not meeting the goal of
i m p rovi ng learning for students, the approach to management of
eLearning project development is based on the following principles, all
discussed in more detail below:
• Selection and careful planning
• Quality control
• Reporting and other communication
• Control of timelines with flexibility
• Ongoing maintenance
Risk Management Overview
There are two key risks for our e-learning projects: either that the project
is not completed in time and thus may never be completed, or that it is
completed but does not meet the original aims or desired outcomes. Some
factors that could allow this to happen are:
• insufficient material/content
insufficient or untimely feedback, resulting in delays in finalising
• timelines not adhered to
misunderstanding of team members as to what is required from
misunderstanding of team members as to what it is possible to
achieve through a project
• unanticipated technical complexity arising during the project
In the project management process outlined here, risk is managed by:
• conceptual planning: as detailed above, several months of
discussion takes place between individual academics and e-
learning staff before the project is articulated for peer review
• consultation: committee of academic peers (the faculty
representatives and cluster director) discuss each project at least
twice before approval is given and hours are allotted
• detailed planning, initially by the project manager and later by
educational designers, with the academic-in-charge, leading to–
documentation, including a clear scoping document, giving
details of who is expected to do what when, followed by–
close supervision of educational designers by project manager,
time tracking of project and continuing discussion with
flexibility as far as possible within and between cluster teams to
meet unexpected contingencies.
Scoping Documentation
The project manager, in conjunction with the academic-in-charg e ,
manages projects day-to-day. Their respective responsibilities are
outlined very clearly in a scoping document. The scoping documentation
provides deadlines for the identified project milestones (Table 2), and also
identifies the level of risk that each milestone carries and the effect on the
project if it is not met (Table 3). Such effects may be fatal and the project
could fail completely; sometimes it will mean that the completed project
will be smaller or incomplete; sometimes it is possible to move deadlines
by mutual agreement to meet unforeseen crises. In any event, the scoping
documentation means that the responsibilities of the project team
( a c a d e m i c - i n - c h a rge, other faculty staff, project manager, and other
e-learning team members) are all transparently delineated. Also included
in the project documentation is a list of things that are not part of the
project, for example complex programming tasks or hosting of completed
resources. Tables 2-4 show extracts from specific sections of a typical
scoping document.
Table 2: Sample Project Plan for Project Period 1
Brief Description of
Task/Milestone Time Frame Task/Milestone Responsibility
Task 1 End April PM* and ED** meet to discuss AiC*** and PM
Milestone 1 Mid May All content has been provided AiC
to PM & ED
Milestone 2 Mid May ED completes prototype of PM
online learning objects/modules
Task 2 End May AiC, ED & PM meet to discuss AiC and PM
Milestone 3 Early June ED refines online learning PM
Task 3 Mid June PM & AiC meet to review AiC & PM
project progress
Milestone 4 Late June ED finalizes online learning AiC & PM
Task 4 Late June ED conducts staff training for AiC & PM
ongoing maintenance of online
learning objects/modules
* e-learning project manager ** educational designer *** academic-in-charge
Table 3: Sample Risk Analysis for Project Period 1
Time Respons- Potential Potential
Frame Milestone ibility Risk Likelihood Impact Contingency
Mid May 1. All content AiC*** Some Med High Project scope may
provided to content need to be
ED delayed reduced
Late May 2. Dev. of PM* Work Low Med Time allowed for
prototype doesn’t research and
meet consultation
academic’s before dev. of
requirements prototype
Early Jun 3. Dev.of PM Work Low Low Time allowed for
online doesn’t redev and
modules meet consultation before
academic’s resources finalized
Late Jun 4. Staff PM & AiC Staff Med Low Time for training
training not made avail.
and avail. following week
* e-learning project manager ** educational designer *** academic-in-charge
Table 4: Sample Communication Plan for Project Period 1
Time Frame Mode Present Purpose
Late April Meeting AiC***, ED**, PM* Project planning
Mid May Meeting AiC, ED, PM Project initiation; review
milestone 1
Late May Meeting AiC, ED, PM Review milestone 2
Early June email From PM to AiC Confirm progess and review
completion date
Late June Meeting AiC, ED, PM Review milestones 3 and 4;
Project review and sign-off of
development phase
* e-learning project manager ** educational designer *** academic-in-charge
Reporting and Other Communication
The development phase of the project generally results in the creation of
an e-learning resource. However, past projects have included strategic e-
learning training of a faculty's staff, reports on the use of a specific e-
learning solution and an audit of e-learning artefacts that were 'hidden'
on faculty servers—that is, they had been created by individual
academics for their own teaching purposes, but were not collected,
shared, reported on or listed anywhere that the faculty could reasonably
easily access. In this phase the reporting process is regular and formal:
project managers submit a written fortnightly internal report on all
cluster projects (read by the e-learning operations manager who is
thus monitoring overall project progressions), which is available for
later auditing and analysis
project managers also write a detailed report at the end of each
project period, covering all issues that have arisen in the projects,
which is used in external reporting
Other documentation:
letters of agreement and scoping documents formalise agreements
about who will do what when - and also what will not be done in
this project
educational designer sign-offs, which record agreement to the
approach to be used in the project and lessen the risk of educational
designers exceeding their brief.
The sign-offs by educational designers are a recent introduction, and
have proved valuable in keeping projects on track. They are created after
the initial development-phase discussion with the academic-in-charge
and other academic staff in the project team. The project manager and
educational designer agree to and sign of on the approach that will be
used to implement the project goals in the development and training
phases of the project process. One of the difficulties earlier identified by
academics in the project process was an uncertainty as to the boundaries
within the project team (Scott, Mahoney & Peat, 2007). Without wishing
to cement process in what is essentially an uncertain project environment,
the educational designer sign-offs and carefully designed scoping
documents provide strong guidelines for the development phase of
Control of Timelines with Flexibility
A database with a web interface is used by project managers to ensure
that the projects are moving according to the deadlines outlined in the
scoping documents. The educational designers and project managers
daily enter the time they have spent on any of five phases of a project:
• planning
• development
• training
• reviewing/evaluating
• maintaining
Along with close supervision of the educational designers by the project
manager, the database has proved invaluable in providing clear tracking
of project progress. As the limiting factor for these projects is usually time,
reports generated by the database, when read in association with the
scoping document, allow the project manager to be quickly alerted to any
projects that are falling behind deadline and provide a basis for initiating
discussion with the academic-in-charge (if necessary).
As discussed above, once a project is complete it is handed over in its
entirety to the academic-in-charge. The ongoing maintenance of the e-
learning activity is then the responsibility of the academic as a normal
part of their teaching. Guidance and staff training on the use and
maintenance of the resource is usually provided in the planned hours for
each project. There is an e-learning helpdesk that operates on every
working day of the year, and academics who have worked in the project
teams can also be directed there if they have difficulty maintaining their
resource. In addition, 10% of project hours can be used for specialist
maintenance of artefacts created for former projects if necessary.
We have described an approach to project management that is embedded
in the everyday teaching activity of academics in charge of units of study
in which e-learning activities take place. The project process described
enhances the visibility of the pedagogical underpinnings as well as the
academic content of a unit of study.
Recent research has identified national trends in project management
processes in Australian universities. McMurray (2001) describes an earlier
situation where IT-driven decisions and project management principles
overrode the pedagogical considerations and autonomy of academic
decision-making processes with disastrous results for students. The need
for project management to be carefully aligned with organisational
culture is also articulated by Kenny (2004)):
The project management process has to be embedded within the
organisational planning processes and in tune with the natural rhythms of
the organisation. The support of senior management is important and can
be demonstrated by the provision of adequate resources based on a
thorough project scoping process prior to a decision to proceed. (403).
Our project processes are now embedded into faculty teaching and
learning cycles, and the extended period of our project process has
become part of the organisational rhythm of the university. The current
university-level recognition of e-learning as an important strategic
initiative, in association with the acceptance and continued use of this
project based approach to the strategic development and implementation
of e-learning within faculties, are indeed important contributors to our
ability to continue to meet the expressed e-learning needs of academics at
this particular research-intensive university.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support and conceptual
contributions of Associate Professor Rob Ellis, Director of Sydney
eLearning, in the development of this paper.
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Mary-Helen Ward is the eLearning Project Manager for Sciences and Technology at the
University of Sydney. E-Mail: [email protected]
Sandra West is an Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing at the University of Sydney, and
also eLearning Cluster Director for Health Sciences, University of Sydney. E-Mail:
Mary Peat Mary Peat is the eLearning Cluster Director for Sciences and Technology at the
University of Sydney. E-Mail: [email protected]
Susan Atkinson is the eLearning Project Manager for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
at the University of Sydney.he conception of the project and in the alignment of the project
to the university's policy framework. E-Mail: [email protected]