Programme Information
Einstein Foundation Doctoral Program
ESB 1.0
The Einstein Foundation Doctoral Program aims to support excellent, structured long-term
doctoral programmes and artistic third cycle programmes offered by Berlin universities and
Charité Universitätsmedizin by promoting pioneering concepts that seek to develop, field-
test, and institutionalize practices designed to provide sustainable solutions to structural chal-
lenges in doctoral education. Building on collaborations across Berlin universities and re-
search institutions, Einstein Foundation Doctoral Programs will develop outstanding best
that nurture innovation in other programmes and have the potential to be institu-
tionalized throughout doctoral education. A further aim is to amplify the appeal of Berlin’s
doctoral programmes, specifically to exceptional doctoral students from abroad, and to pro-
vide the staff heading such structured programmes with additional resources to implement
new policies. The opportunity to access designated funding to pursue new, self-defined objec-
tives and targeted innovation will boost their motivation to improve their programme’s out-
comes and refine governance policies as practice improves in the medium term.
The institutions eligible to apply for funding are ChariUniversitätsmedizin, Freie Universi-
tät Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin as well as Universität
der Künste Berlin. They may do so either independently or in cooperation with publicly funded
non-university research bodies based in Berlin. Joint applications can also be submitted by
two or more structured doctoral programmes. While institutions may cooperate with bodies
based elsewhere, applicants should be aware that funding can only be assigned to institutions
based in Berlin and may not be forwarded to partnering institutions outside the State of Berlin
(with the exception of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
Successful programmes will bear the title “Einstein Foundation Doctoral Program”. Funding
will be awarded for three years and can be used flexibly to cover expenses for staff and directly
incurred expenses. Applications must include a budget plan. Successful programmes will re-
ceive up to €300,000 for three years. Please note that funding can be requested flexibly in
annual releases varying between €80,000 and €120,000. Applications are reviewed once a year
to select up to two successful programmes. Successful programmes will hold the title “Ein-
stein Foundation Doctoral Program” for five years.
The Einstein Foundation invites applicants to submit concepts providing long-term solutions
to the structural challenges they face in their respective programmes, especially in areas in
which they receive no, or only insufficient, funding from other sources. There are no thematic
restrictions regarding the use of funds. Submissions should also highlight the outstanding
quality of the proposed programme and of the applicants making the submission, building on
the assessment criteria predominantly used in their respective field of research.
Programmes may, for instance, seek to:
ESB 1.0
improve the processes used to select and recruit doctoral candidates, for example by
seeking support from external experts,
create new synergies that benefit Berlin’s university and non-university research en-
vironment or doctoral education and training, or that forge fresh partnerships with ex-
ternal partners,
set up measures to avoid and navigate conflicts in doctoral training,
strengthen alumni networks,
promote the innovative use of digital recruitment or training tools,
improve the programme’s internationality, diversity, mental health, equal opportuni-
ties, or family-friendly policies,
establish new models helping doctoral students to better navigate pre- and post-PhD
transitions, or improve career planning services for doctoral candidates,
safeguard the quality of research and doctoral candidates’ adherence to good scientific
promote joint student initiatives,
pursue aims or objectives related to the programme’s disciplinary scope and re-
search area.
The grant should not primarily be used to create additional doctoral positions or scholarships.
Applications must be submitted in English and include:
a. an outline of the programme no more than two (2) pages long, including:
programme details (name, year established, funding source(s), research area, topic)
expertise and/or successfully implemented measures relevant to the concept de-
scribed in b.
b. a concept outlining the use of funds no longer than four (4) pages long (including references
to scientific research, if applicable), including:
an analysis of key challenges,
a description of planned measures and their anticipated impacts,
a schedule indicating the long-term implementation of the concept (also covering the
post-funding period, if applicable).
c. an evaluation and dissemination concept no longer than one (1) page in length describing
the envisioned best practice
details on how the concept’s implementation will be evaluated,
plans regarding the dissemination and institutionalization of the planned measures
across Berlin’s universities and research institutions.
d. letter(s) of support from the university/universities or the non-university research institu-
tions detailing:
the doctoral programme’s role in shaping the institution’s profile,
the current structural challenges limiting doctoral education and training which the
concept seeks to remedy,
the degree and extent of cooperation with other institutions, if applicable, and
ESB 1.0
the institutional measures intended to disseminate and institutionalize the envisioned
best practice
(by seeking the expertise of the institutions’ umbrella organizations or
societies in order to improve doctoral training, if applicable).
Grants are disbursed through the budget of the host university, Charité Universitätsmedizin,
or publicly funded non-university research institutions as third-party funding. These institu-
tions will act as employer of the individuals funded by the Einstein Foundation’s grant. If a
cooperation partner is involved in the project, the share of funding assigned to the partner
institution will be forwarded by the host institution. Persons paid from these forwarded funds
will be employed by the partner institution.
The Einstein Foundation will support successful programmes in publicizing their measures
nationally and internationally.
Einstein Foundation Berlin
Team Grants Advisory and Processing
T: +49 (0)30 20370-403