UCLA Policy 340: Sales and Service Activities
Issuing Officer: Associate Vice Chancellor / Controller
Responsible Department: Business & Finance Solutions
Effective Date: 12/01/2018
Supersedes: UCLA Policy 340, dated 6/26/2012; Procedure 340.1,
dated 5/28/2013; Procedure 340.2, dated 4/18/2011;
Procedure 340.3, dated 6/26/2012
UCLA engages in business enterprises that support the University’s mission and values that are known as
Sales and Service Activities. Sales and Service Activities are subject to review, approval, and rate setting
by either Business & Finance Solutions (BFS) or Office of Academic Planning and Budget (APB),
depending on the category of the Sales and Service Activity.
This Policy defines Sales and Service Activities and sets forth the procedures for the establishment,
operation, review, administration, and closure of Sales and Service Activities, as well as, the process to
develop, request, and implement the appropriate rates for these activities.
This Policy does not apply to units and/or activities that have other campus review and rate setting
mechanisms in place, for example: UCLA Health (including the Medical Center, the Neuropsychiatric
Hospital, the Faculty Practice Group, Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center, other hospitals,
physician clinics, and patient care activity), Auxiliary Enterprises, Technology Licensing Activities,
Student User Fees, and research activities.
For the purposes of this Policy:
Authorizing Official refers to a Dean, Vice Chancellor, Vice Provost, Vice Chancellor designee, Vice
Provost designee, or equivalent position (for organizations that do not have a Dean, Vice Chancellor, or
Vice Provost).
Auxiliary Enterprises are self-supporting activities which provide non-instructional support in the form of
goods and services to students, faculty, staff, and the general public upon payment of a specific user charge
or fee. Examples include, but are not limited to, housing operations, non-housing food service operations,
parking operations, and child-care centers.
Breakeven Rates are rates calculated based on operating expenses and volume of the services or products
to be provided to ensure that revenues reasonably offset expenses. Operating at breakeven means there is
no profit or loss as a result of charging users for the services provided over the long run.
Business Contract is a legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions between UCLA
and a single External Customer for a specific SSA for a limited time and generally produce net income.
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Examples include, but are not limited to, Olympic Analytical Lab Business Contracts, educational
exchange programs, training programs, workshops, and incubators.
Central Administrative Unit (CAU) refers to a basic campus SSA provided by a UCLA administrative or
central service department to Internal Customers, Auxiliary Enterprises, and External Customers and
governed by the annual budget process. All Central Administrative Fees (CAFs) and Central
Administrative Recharges (CARs) are administered by CAUs. Examples include, but are not limited to,
Facilities Management, Audit & Advisory Services, and Campus Human Resources.
External Customer refers to a user (an entity or individual) whose transactions are not processed through
the University’s accounting system. This includes non-profit organizations and for-profit entities and
faculty, staff, and patients paying with personal funds.
Internal Customer refers to a user (a University department) whose transactions are processed through the
University’s accounting system via Recharge or other funding sources, including both sponsored and non-
sponsored funding sources. Other University of California (UC) campuses are considered Internal
Customers and should be charged the internal rate via intra-campus Recharge. Additionally, UCLA
students are considered internal customers for the purposes of this Policy.
Other Sales Activity refers to an SSA established by a UCLA department that charges Internal and/or
External Customers that does not fit the definition of a Service Center, Business Contract, or Central
Administrative Unit. Examples include, but are not limited to, facility rentals, community service
programs, publications, conferences, and seminars for the public.
Overhead Recovery refers to the amount that the SSA is required to charge External Customers in order to
recover overhead costs that UCLA incurs. The Overhead Recovery rate for SSA is equal to the federally
negotiated facilities and administrative cost rate for other sponsored activities.
Recharge refers to the accounting function that credits expense in one University department’s fund and
debits expense in another University department’s fund when a service is provided to an Internal Customer.
Technology Licensing Activities refer to the consideration received by the Regents (e.g., UCLA
Technology Development Group) pursuant to an agreement extending a license or other right or option to
make, use, or sell a University invention.
Sales and Service Activity (SSA) refers to an approved campus business activity that provides a good
and/or service to Internal and/or External Customers at a pre-established rate or negotiated terms, as
applicable. Except for those activities covered under UCLA Policies 970 and 980, SSA’s should be clearly
distinguishable from research and reasonably considered unlikely to generate unanticipated outcomes
constituting new areas of knowledge or discovery, including without limitation novel intellectual property,
or require the independent intellectual contribution of University research personnel (e.g., input on the
protocol or scope of work).
Categories of SSA include Service Centers, Business Contracts, Central Administrative Units that
Recharge for services, and Other Sales Activities.
Sales and Service Advisory Committee refers to a governing board that meets on a quarterly basis and
provides oversight to BFS and APB on SSA’s and will also be asked to advise, on an ad hoc basis, as
requested by BFS or APB.
Service Center refers to an SSA established by a UCLA department, whose primary purpose is to provide
an SSA to multiple Internal and/or External Customers, on a reoccurring basis, and charges customers a
pre-established rate for services rendered and goods delivered. Service Centers typically charge federal
fund sources. Examples include, but are not limited to, laboratory services, data processing, animal care
facilities, and computer services.
Student User Fees refers to fees charged to students for programs, services, or supplies, where students are
the primary or a significant portion of the intended user group or audience or to fees charged in any
program receiving permanent student services fee funds.
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UCLA Terms & Conditions for Sales & Service Agreement refers to a legally binding agreement that
documents the Sale and Service Activity between a Service Center or Other Sales Activity and an External
An SSA supports the University’s mission and values and is required to be approved in accordance with
this Policy and applicable UCLA and UC policies and governmental statues and regulations, including but
not limited to:
Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 (Uniform Guidance), Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards;
UC Business and Finance Bulletins (BFB A-47, A-56, A-59, A-61);
Cost Accounting Standards (CAS); and
UC Compendium of Conflict Of Interest and Integrity Policies.
Sales and Service Activities with a dollar amount greater than a minimum threshold set by BFS must
establish an SSA operating fund. Medical Compensation Plan funds cannot operate Sales and Service
BFS maintains governance and rate approval authority for all Sales and Service Activities that charge
federal funding sources, including the following categories of Sales and Service Activities:
Service Centers. BFSs frequency of review and rate approval for each Service Center will be based
upon a risk matrix that considers, (1) total operating expenses (2) charges to federally sponsored
projects (3) material changes to existing rates and (4) level of existing surplus/deficit. The BFS
Costing Policy / Sales & Service website https://www.finance.ucla.edu/corporate-accounting/sales-
service will maintain this risk matrix and inform Service Centers of their required review cycle.
The Service Center can contact BFS at any point requesting rate revisions on a more frequent basis.
Business Contracts. BFS will review and approve a Business Contract, including the initial
administration, amendments, and termination of the agreement. Business Contracts typically
involve educational/academic programs that are also governed by other UCLA policies and require
additional review and approval processes beyond UCLA Policy 340 (see UCLA Policies 970 and
Central Administrative Units (CAU). BFS will have discretionary review of a CAU if the unit
charges a federal funding source. If the CAU does not charge federal funding sources, then APB
holds governance and rate approval authority and will review as part of their annual budget
Other Sales Activity. This activity does not fall within any of the above categories and BFS has
discretionary review. A department involved with Other Sales Activities must perform a self-
review of financial analysis; maintain rate adjustment support documents; and must comply with
the Uniform Guidance and other federal requirements and relevant UCLA and UC policies.
During the review, rate setting, and approval process of an SSA, BFS will consult the Sales and Service
Advisory Committee as needed.
Any exceptions to this Policy must be approved by the Associate Vice Chancellor / Controller.
Procedures and accounting treatment for an SSA will depend on the type of SSA, whether charges are to a
single customer or multiple customers, whether charges are to Internal and/or External customers, and
whether charges are to federal funding sources.
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A. Establishment and Closure of an SSA
The following outlines the procedures to establish and close an SSA:
1. Service Centers and Other Sales Activities
Prior to establishing a new Service Center or Other Sales Activity, the department will consider the
following criteria:
a. Criteria
The goods and/or services are not available on campus
The goods and/or services do not constitute research activities except for activities covered by
UCLA Policy 970 and 980
There is a demand for goods and/or services by multiple customers
The goods and/or services will be provided on a regular basis
The cost of goods and/or services can be clearly identified
Usage by customers can be reasonably measured
Billing rates can be established that measure the cost of the goods and services provided
Projected expenditures meet BFS minimum threshold for fund establishment (see BFS Costing
Policy / Sales & Service website https://www.finance.ucla.edu/corporate-accounting/sales-
Any potential or actual financial conflicts of interest and/or other conflicts of interest with
External Customers are reviewed and managed on a case by case basis in compliance with this
Policy and other applicable regulations and UC/UCLA policies
b. Application Submission
Once the department has determined that a proposed Service Center or Other Sales Activity
satisfies the criteria above and is suitable to be established, the department is responsible for
completing the required application form(s) (available on the BFS Costing Policy / Sales & Service
website) and submitting the required form(s) and documentation to BFS. The application form
requires approval by the appropriate Authorizing Official. The Authorizing Official has the overall
financial responsibility of the Service Center and/or Other Sales Activity and must provide an
appropriate fund source to cover potential deficits created by the new Service Center or Other Sales
Activity. The Authorizing Official has authority to deny application requests for any reason.
c. Approval
Once the application form(s) and rates are approved by BFS, the necessary fund(s) will be assigned
to the department to track the revenue and expense. Departments must charge all customers based
on approved rates.
d. Closure
The Authorizing Official with overall financial responsibility of the Service Center or Other Sales
Activity has the authority to close the Service Center or Other Sales Activity at any point in time.
Any fund found to be in non-compliance, as determined by BFS, is subject to closure.
If the decision is made to close the activity, BFS will then perform a financial reconciliation and
work with the department to complete the necessary fund closure process.
When a Service Center or Other Sales Activity fund has not had financial activity within the
current fiscal year, BFS will consider it for closure and the department will be questioned about the
funds continued existence.
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2. Business Contracts
Prior to establishing a new Business Contract, the department will consider the following criteria:
a. Criteria
The goods and/or services do not constitute research activities except for activities covered by
UCLA Policy 970 and 980
There is a demand for the goods and/or services by a single External Customer
There is a beneficial relationship with a single External Customer for the goods and/or services
The cost of goods and/or services can be clearly identified
The timeline to deliver the goods and/or services can be clearly defined
Price can be set high enough to generate a net income after costs and the Overhead Recovery
(see IV. B)
Any potential or actual financial conflicts of interest and/or other conflicts of interest with
External Customers are reviewed and managed on a case by case basis in compliance with this
Policy and other applicable regulations and UC/UCLA policies
b. Application Submission
For application submission for Business Contracts follow the same procedures as Service Centers
and Other Sales Activities. See section IV.A.1.b.
c. Approval
Once the application form(s) and the Business Contract pricing is approved by BFS, the necessary
fund(s) will be assigned to the department to track the Business Contract’s revenue and expense.
Business Contracts will typically involve academic programs that are also governed by other
UCLA policies and require additional review and approval processes beyond UCLA Policy 340
(see UCLA Policies 970 and 980).
d. Amendments to Business Contracts
Amendments to Business Contracts must be reviewed and approved by BFS prior to execution of
the amendment.
e. Closure
Closure of a Business Contract is subject to the terms and conditions of the specific contract. When
performance under the Business Contract is complete, BFS will conduct a financial reconciliation
and complete the fund closure process.
3. Central Administrative Unit
APB governs the establishment and closure of an SSA operated by a CAU, unless the CAU charges federal
funding sources. If the CAU charges federal funding sources, then the establishment and closure process
will be the same process used for Service Centers and Other Sales Activities (see IV.A).
B. Budgeting and Rate Development
BFS maintains governance and rate approval authority for a CAU that charges federal fund sources,
Service Centers, Business Contracts, and Other Sales Activities. APB maintains governance and rate
approval authority for CAUs that do not charge federal fund sources. BFS and APB will inform the Sales
and Service Activities under their respective reviews of the required review cycles.
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Rates must be calculated for each discrete product or service offered to customers and rates will differ
depending on the category of customer. All Internal Customers must be charged the same rate for the same
level of services and/or products purchased in the same circumstances. Only approved rates may be
charged. Approved rates are to be published on the department’s website.
The Office of Research Administration has the authority to disallow charges of approved rates on an
award-by-award basis based upon specific award restrictions.
Detailed guidance on the calculation of billing rates for Service Centers, Business Contracts, and Other
Sales Activities is available on the BFS Costing Policy / Sales & Service website.
1. Service Centers & Other Sales Activities
a. Internal Customers
Each Service Center and Other Sales Activity is expected to calculate a Breakeven Rate for Internal
Customers. A surplus from one service cannot cover the deficit from another service.
Services provided to all customers, including subsidized customers, must be tracked. If a
department chooses to provide a service to Internal Customers at a subsidized rate, this cannot
affect the annual Breakeven Rate calculations. The Breakeven Rate must be calculated using total
units of output regardless of the rates charged to customers. The purpose of this calculation is to
ensure that federal funding sources are not paying more than the cost of the service. Capital
equipment purchases (with a department cost of $5,000 or more) cannot be included in the
Breakeven Rate calculation; however, equipment depreciation can be included in the Breakeven
Rate calculation, with the exception of sponsored project purchased equipment (see BFS Costing
Policy / Sales & Service website for equipment depreciation cost rate calculations).
According to Uniform Guidance, charges to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a 60-
day working capital reserve, in addition to the full recovery of costs, are allowable. Each Service
Center or Other Sales Activity must evaluate their fund balance and adjust billing rates at least
every two years.
b. External Customers
External Customers must be charged a higher rate than Internal Customers. The University does
not allow subsidized rates to be charged to External Customers. In order to recover overhead costs
that UCLA incurs, the rate charged to External Customers must be, at minimum, the Breakeven
Rate plus the Overhead Recovery. The department may charge an additional mark-up to External
Customers in order to provide services at market rates.
External Rate = Breakeven Rate + Overhead Recovery + Mark-up
The portion of the revenue from External Customers equal to the Overhead Recovery will be
transferred to the respective Dean (or equivalent) for academic departments or to the Chancellor for
non-academic departments. The remaining revenue generated from External Customers, including
additional mark-up, will typically remain with the department, at the Chancellor’s discretion.
Note: Rates for conferences are exempt from the Overhead Recovery.
2. Business Contracts
Budgets and rates for Business Contracts include all anticipated costs plus, at a minimum, the Overhead
Recovery. The department should also charge an additional mark-up to External Customers for this activity
in order to provide services at market rates.
External Rate = Breakeven Rate + Overhead Recovery + Mark-up
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The portion of the revenue from External Customers equal to the Overhead Recovery will be transferred to
the respective Dean (or equivalent) for academic departments or to the Chancellor for non-academic
departments. The remaining net revenue on each Business Contract will be transferred to a net revenue
fund owned by the department.
3. Central Administrative Units
APB provides budgeting and rate development procedures for SSA operated by a CAU unless the CAU
charges federal funding sources. If the CAU charges federal funding sources, then the budgeting and rate
development process will be the same process used for Service Centers and Other Sales Activity (see
Rates that a CAU charges to a campus department can only include allocable and allowable costs and are a
component of the CAU’s overall annual budget.
C. Invoicing and Billing
Departments are responsible for maintaining a billing process that records and bills its Internal and/or
External Customers, at a minimum, on a monthly basis using the appropriate rates for services rendered and
goods delivered. The billing process must be approved by BFS on a recurring basis. Guidance on
appropriate billing systems can be found on the BFS Costing Policy / Sales & Service website. Federal
funding sources are not allowed to be billed in advance of the work performed.
D. Additional Considerations for External Customers
If an SSA is providing a good and/or service to an External Customer, the department is required to
the UCLA Terms & Conditions for Sales & Service Agreement with approval by either a Dean, a
Vice Chancellor, or a Vice Provost. See the BFS Costing Policy / Sales & Service website to download the
appropriate UCLA Terms & Conditions for Sales & Service Agreement template, including the instructions
and restrictions of use. Modifications of any kind to the template will result in the agreement no longer
being considered a sales and services agreement and misuse of the agreement template may have legal
consequences. Any external agreement or proposed modifications to the UCLA Terms & Conditions for
Sales & Service Agreement must be reviewed and approved by Campus Counsel. The UCLA Terms &
Conditions for Sales & Service Agreement can only be signed by those individuals at UCLA having
delegated authority to sign on behalf of the UC Regents.
If the Dean, Vice Chancellor, or Vice Provost, or other delegatee with signature authority is aware of any
conflicts of interest between the External Customer and any University employee, they are required to
report the information to the S&S Advisory Committee. The S&S Advisory Committee will review and
provide instruction for the appropriate management of the conflict, as applicable.
University faculty, staff, and students are not allowed to purchase goods and/or services from an SSA on
behalf of External Customers (including for-profit and not-for-profit entities). Prior to providing services to
a new External Customer, the department is required to check UCLA’s export control requirements
(instructions are available on the BFS Costing Policy / Sales & Service website).
Charges to External Customers may be subject to Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT). UCLA Tax
Services is responsible for UBIT determination and calculation and may require documentation from the
departments that are providing services to External Customers. Departments generating UBIT liability may
be required to contribute to UBIT payments.
A. Campus Departments
A campus department with an approved SSA is responsible to follow all applicable UCLA and UC policies
and governmental statues and regulations, maintain day-to-day operations, and provide financial oversight
of the SSA. The day-to-day operations include, but are not limited to:
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Tracking operating expenses and documenting all SSA usage by individual customers
Generating invoices and monitoring billing/receivables
Publishing approved billing rates on departmental website
Updating space and equipment inventories annually, at minimum
Retaining supporting documentation related to billing rate calculations, invoices for each customer,
the billing rate charged, and signed copies of billing rate approvals
Providing documentation requested by BFS for internal review
The department must monitor financial activities throughout the year and perform year-end review of fund
balance to ensure breakeven operation or to evaluate the need to change rates. The department is
responsible for submitting rate revision forms to BFS for review.
B. Business & Finance Solutions
BFS is the department with primary central oversight responsibilities for most Sales and Service Activities.
These responsibilities include:
Reviewing and approving new Service Center, Business Contract, and Other Sales Activity
Reviewing and approving Service Center and Other Sales Activity rate revisions
Providing guidance to campus departments
Performing internal reviews based on risk, to ensure Service Center operations are compliant with
federal, state, and University policies
BFS has the authority to require Service Centers and Other Sales Activities to update rates based upon its
determination of risk. In general, Service Center rates must be adjusted at least once every two years.
C. Office of Academic Planning and Budget
APB is the department with primary central oversight responsibilities for a CAU that does not charge
federal funding sources. These responsibilities include:
Reviewing and approving CAU rate revisions
Providing guidance to campus departments
Performing internal reviews
APB will inform the CAU of the required review process for each budget cycle.
1. Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 (Uniform Guidance), Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards;
2. Cost Accounting Standards (CAS);
3. UC Business and Finance Bulletins: A-47, University Direct Costing Procedures; A-56, Academic
Support Unit Costing and Billing Guidelines; A-59, Costing and Working Capital for Auxiliary and
Service Enterprises; A-61, Procedures for Determining Unrelated Business Income and Expenses;
4. UCLA Policy 970, Affiliation Agreements; and UCLA Policy 980, University International and
Exchange Agreements.
5. UC Conflict of Interest (COI) Compendium of Conflict of Interest and Integrity Policies;
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6. University of California Regulation No. 4 (APM-020);
7. NOT-OD-13-053, FAQ’s for Costing of NIH-Funded Core Facilities;
8. Business & Finance Solutions (BFS) Costing Policy / Sales & Service website
Issuing Officer
/s/ Allison Baird-James
Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller
Questions concerning this Policy should be referred to
the Responsible Department listed at the top of this document.