Lash Services Consent Form
Salon Name: The Babe Spa
Service (please check): Eyelash Extensions Extension Removal Quickset
or w/ Tint
Client Details
Client Name:______________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Street Address: City: State: Zip Code:______
Home Phone: _________________ Mobile Phone: _______________ Email: ________________________
Sex: M F
How did you hear about us?
Internet Hair/Nail Salon Television Magazine Walk by Friend (Specify) Radio Other (Specify)
Eyelash Design
Wanting to achieve?
Longer lashes Darker Lashes Fuller lashes Curlier Lashes
Patch Test
Would you like to have a patch test performed? Yes No Not required (Tech Signature)
Date performed or Date Waived?______________
Agreement: I request and consent to these procedures being carried out today without undergoing a sensitivity
patch test. The sensitivity test, which if conducted, may indicate my sensitivity/allergy to the products. I
understand the contents of this form and take full responsibility for my actions, thus absolving all other parties
of their responsibilities, if any, associated with the supply of the products and service(s).
Client Signature:_______________________________________ Date:__________________________
Technician Signature:___________________________________ Date:__________________________
Medical History
Current Conditions, Previous Discomfort, Stinging or Adverse Reactions
Please check any that apply.
Inflammation of eyelid/eyebrow
Botox/dermal fillers
Wear Contacts
Skin trauma, swelling or
Skin Disorders/disease
Chemotherapy (current cancer
Recent operations around eye,
head, or face in immediate area
Eye infections/conjunctivitis
Hypersentive skin
Recent tattooing, microblading
or feather touch treatments
Recent eye surgery
Have you had lash or brow tinting before and experienced a reaction? Yes No
Have you worn Lash extensions before? Strip Lashes? Yes No
Allergy & Medical History:
Do you have allergies? Yes No (please specify.) _____________________________________________
Have you had an allergic reaction to hair color? Yes (please specify.) No __________________________
Are you allergic to medical tape? Yes (please specify.) No Unsure _____________________________
Have you had any skin problems in the past 4 weeks? Yes (please specify.) No _____________________
Do you have abnormally sensitive eyes? Yes (please specify.) No
Any medications (Prescribed and Over the Counter including vitamins/herbs/supplements) or Skincare
products you are currently using:
Other relevant information: (Any illnesses or conditions you are being treated by a physician for?)
I certify that the medical history provided today is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Client Signature:_________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Technician Signature:_____________________________________ Date:________________________
General Health and Safety Recommendations
Eyelash Extensions are not for everyone; prior to application you should notify and discuss with your certified
Eyelash Extensionist if you have recently or frequently experienced any of the following:
Unusual sensitivity or skin reaction to
cyanoacrylate-based adhesives.
Moderate to severe allergies on combination
with abnormal eye discharge,
Any eye disease or medical condition, such
as Conjunctivitis (pink eye).
A compromised immune system due to
cancer treatment, hepatitis, or advanced
Any type of cancer
Skin disease
Any metabolic or endocrine disorder
Blunt trauma in or around the eye area.
Intoxication or impaired motor skills do to
medications, alcohol, or any other drug.
Never allow any uncured cyanoacrylate-based adhesives or removers to contact the eyelid or eyeball. Any
uncured cyanoacrylate-based adhesives or removers in contact with the eyelid or eyeball may cause
temporary or permanent eye damage, including temporary or permanent blurred or loss of vision. For any
reason, if uncured cyanoacrylate-based adhesives or removers contacts the eye area, immediately flush with
large amounts of water. Seek immediate medical attention.
Procedure Consent
Although we take every precaution to ensure your safety and well-being before, during and after your brow
service, please be aware of the possible risks below. Please initial.
________ I understand that tinting lashes or brows have some inherent risk of irritation to the orbital eye area,
including the eye itself, and could result in stinging or burning sensation, blurry vision and potential blindness
should the tint enter into the eye.
________ I understand that eyelash extensions are semi-permanent. I understand that the lasting beauty and
effect are highly variable and dependant upon, among other factors, the skill of the certified eyelash
extensionist, my normal hair growth cycle, my use of cosmetics and skincare products, and my adherence to
the instructions for maintenance and care.
________ I understand that any uncured cyanoacrylate-based adhesives or removers in contact with my eyelid
or eyeball can cause temporary or permanent damage, blurred or loss of vision.
________ I understand that in the case of lash extensions, sleeping on my face, extreme weather changes,
steam, sauna, and other activities may damage the adhesive or crimp the extensions and may require ongoing
maintenance (similar to eyebrow extensions) and that the refill fees are based on time and/ or the number of
extensions that need to be replaced at the refill appointment.
________ I give permission to my certified lash extensionist to perform the procedure we have discussed, and
will hold him/her and his/her staff harmless from any liability that may result from this treatment.
________ I verify that I do not have any condition as noted above, or any other condition, which I am aware,
that would affect the general use or application of the eyelash extensions
________ I understand that in the event I have questions or concerns regarding my treatment, I will consult the
certified lash extensionist and The Babe Spa, LLC. immediately.
I __________________________________________ (printed name) hereby consent to the procedure and
authorize a certified technician working with The Babe Spa, LLC. to apply products to my own lashes.
Client Signature:_________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Company Lateness and Cancellation Policy
Our time is very valuable. To ensure that we can provide all of our clients with excellent service, we ask that
you be on time to all of your appointments. Please arrive at least 5 to 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time
to ensure you receive your full appointment time.
In the event that you should be tardy, we ask that you be considerate and call to inform us of your situation so
we may take necessary action or make special arrangements. Please be aware that if you are 15 minutes or
more late to your appointment, you will be voided. You will need to reschedule. NO EXCEPTIONS.
In the event that you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we asked that you notify us at least 48
hours in advance of your scheduled appointment.
WE RESERVE THE RIGHT: to charge 50% of the scheduled service price when cancelling or
rescheduling less than 48 hours prior to your appointment.
WE RESERVE THE RIGHT: to charge 100% of the scheduled service(s) on No-Shows.
The satisfaction of our clients is our main priority. We offer prompt solutions to any problems or concerns that
may occur.
We do not offer refunds, credits, or exchanges for products sold or services rendered.
If, for any reason, you feel dissatisfied with any of our services, please bring this to management’s attention.
We appreciate all feedback, negative or positive, from our clients to better serve you. As part of our service we
like to provide follow-ups by phone and email (, for any questions or concerns.
I have fully read, understand and acknowledge The Babe Spa, LLC.’s policy regarding lateness and
appointment cancellations.
Client Signature:________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Company Privacy Policy
We value your privacy. We do not disclose your personal information or share it with other outside entities
unless otherwise authorized by you. Your information is used for internal statistic, marketing, or educational
purposes. We do not send spam emails. We only communicate with our clients and potential clients regarding
new services, price changes, special offers, and appointment notifications.
Photo Release Waiver
Client Initials ______ I understand that for legal purposes, The Babe Spa, LLC, will take photos before and
after the service is complete.
Client Initials ______ I hereby grant and authorize The Babe Spa, LLC the right to take, edit, alter, copy,
exhibit, publish, distribute and make use of any and all pictures or video taken of me to be used in and/or for
legally promotional materials including, but not limited to, newsletters, flyers, posters, brochures,
advertisements, fundraising letters, annual reports, press kits and submissions to journalists, websites, social
networking sites, and other print and digital communications, without payment or any other consideration. This
authorization extends to all languages, media, formats and markets known or hereafter devised. This
authorization shall continue indefinitely, unless I otherwise revoke said authorization in writing.
Client Initials ______ I understand and agree that these materials shall become the property of The Babe
Spa, LLC. and will not be returned.
Client Initials ______ I hereby hold harmless, and release The Babe Spa, LLC. from all liability petitions, and
causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons may make
while acting on my behalf or on the behalf of my estate.
Client Signature:________________________________________________ Date:__________________
I have fully read and understand and hereby acknowledge the contents of this consent form to its entirety
including my responsibilities detailed throughout this document. I have been given the opportunity to ask
questions about the products, application procedure, and any risks or hazards involved. I verify that the
certified lash extensionist has fully explained the procedure and answered any questions to my satisfaction. I
have sufficient information to give consent.
Client Signature:________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Technician Signature:____________________________________________ Date:__________________