IPE Sponsored Supplement
Different ways to calculate shareholder losses for purposes of appointing lead
plaintiff lead to different results
Lawrence Sucharow, Esquire
Managing Partner
Christopher J Keller, Esquire
Labaton Sucharow & Rudoff LLP
n law, as in life, different paths often lead to different results. In
the context of securities class action litigation and the
calculation of shareholders’ losses, this often becomes evident
during the battle for lead plaintiff. Alternative methods of
calculating a shareholder’s losses can result in very different
amounts of those ‘losses’. In fact, where one methodology appears
to show substantial investor losses, courts have sometimes found
that another, more appropriate, methodology shows substantial
investor losses, courts have sometimes found that another, more
appropriate, methodology shows substantial investor profits under
the same facts.
Since the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
(PSLRA) does not require that one particular method be used for
calculating losses, it is imperative that when engaged in a contest
for lead plaintiff, a shareholder carefully considers competing loss
calculation methodologies. This is crucial since the method
selected by a competing lead plaintiff (or by the court) will, in
many cases, be determinative as to who will be appointed lead
plaintiff. Knowledgeable counsel can often persuade the court to
use the appropriate methodology.
The PSLRA presumes that the most adequate shareholder to
protect the interests of the class (the ‘lead plaintiff’) is the investor
that has the largest financial interest in the litigation and has made
a timely motion to serve as the lead plaintiff. In other words, the
primary factor for selection of lead plaintiff is how much money
the shareholder lost on his investment in the stock during the time
of the alleged fraud.
However, while the PSLRA requires that a shareholder seeking
to be lead plaintiff file a certification containing, among other
things, a list of his transactions in the stock, it provides no specific
method for calculating his financial loss. As of this time, two
competing methodologies have emerged as the principle loss
calculation methodologies:
the ‘first-in/first-out’ (FIFO) method, and
The ‘last-in/first-out’ (LIFO) method.
Until recently, the FIFO methodology was the more common
approach to calculating shareholder losses. Under this method, to
calculate class period losses, the first shares sold by a prospective
lead plaintiff during the class period are matched against the first
shares purchased by that shareholder. Thus, if a shareholder had
purchased shares of the security prior to the class period, those
pre-class purchases (ie, the shareholder’s holdings at the start of
the class period) are matched against the first shares sold during
the class period, and any resulting gain or loss would be excluded
from that shareholder’s loss calculation. Once all pre-class period
purchases have been offset, class period sales will then be
matched against class period purchases to determine the
shareholder’s losses. Further, shares retained by the shareholder
after the class period ends are typically assigned a value equal to
the 90 day post-fraud average price.
For example, assume that Pension Fund A holds 10,000 shares
of Company XYZ at the beginning of the class period. During the
class period, Pension Fund A buys and sells as follows:
Sale – 10,000 shares, at $110/share, with total proceeds of
Purchase – 10,000 shares, at $100/share, for a total cost of
In calculating losses under a FIFO-based methodology,
Pension Fund A’s sale of 10,000 shares of XYZ stock during the
class period will be offset or matched against its pre-class period
holdings, and, in effect, these sales will be ‘zeroed out’. Next,
assuming that the post-class period 90-day average price of a
share of XYZ stock is $80, Pension Fund A’s loss would be
$200,000, calculated as follows:
Purchase price ($100) – 90-day average price ($80) x
10,000 shares = $200,000 Loss
Although the FIFO methodology has been accepted by many
courts, recently there has been a strong trend towards using the
LIFO methodology. Proponents of LIFO argue that FIFO often
provides an inaccurate result by ‘zeroing out’ intra-class period
sales with shares that were purchased prior to the class period –
ie, at a time when the stock price had no artificial inflation due to
the alleged fraud. Put differently, when pre-class period pur-
It is important to note that the ‘losses’ for purposes of determining the lead plaintiff in a PSLRA
action is not the same as ‘damages’, which is the amount of money that class members would be
entitled to receive if the plaintiffs win the case at trial. Damages can be described as those losses
that were actually caused by the fraud. Assume, for example, that an investor purchased a stock
at $100 per share during the class period, the stock then declined by $20 per share for reasons
unrelated to the fraud, and then declined by another $10 per share when the fraud was revealed,
so that its price was $70 at the end of the class period. Under these facts, the investor has PSLRA
losses of $30 per share, but damages of only $10 per share.
May 2006
chases were made, there was no artificial inflation in the stock
price. If those shares were later sold during the class period while
the stock was inflated, the shareholder actually benefited from the
fraud by selling at a higher price than the fair value of the stock.
FIFO disregards those profits and thereby exaggerates
shareholders’ fraud-related losses.
In contrast, under a LIFO inquiry, a shareholder first matches
his sales of a security during the class period against the last
shares purchased during the class period (rather than against
shares he held at the start of the class period). If the price of a
stock was inflated by $10 per share when the shareholder
purchased it, and was still inflated by $10 per share when the
shareholder sold it, this method eliminates the losses on the
purchase by matching them with corresponding gains on the sales.
Indeed, in Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Broudo,
the United
States Supreme Court recently noted that “if … the purchaser
sells the shares quickly before the relevant truth begins to leak
out, the misrepresentation will not have led to any loss”.
he following analysis illustrates how LIFO can provide a
very different result from FIFO. Pursuant to LIFO, class-
period sales would not be offset against pre-class period
holdings. Rather, Pension Fund A would match the last purchase
it made during the class period with the first sale it made during
the class period. Using the same assumptions set forth in the
hypothetical above, the calculation is as follows:
Sale proceeds ($1,100,000) – Cost of shares ($1,000,000) =
$100,000 Gain
Thus, rather than having a $200,000 loss under FIFO, Pension
Fund A would have a $100,000 gain under LIFO. This seems to
be a fair result because with respect to the 10,000 shares of XYZ
stock that Pension Fund A purchased and sold during the class
period – ie, during the time when the price of XYZ stock may
have been inflated due to the alleged fraud – Pension Fund A
apparently did not suffer any financial loss (assuming that the
stock price was inflated by the same amount throughout the class
This hypothetical has many real life counterparts. In In re
Cardinal Health, Inc. Securities Litigation, for example, the court
rejected the use of the FIFO method and noted that one pension
fund that “reported a loss of approximately $1.9 million … ac-
tually had a net gain of approximately $7 million when sales of
pre-class period holdings are counted. Similarly, [another pen-
sion fund] reported a loss of approximately $2.1 million, but ac-
tually had a net gain of approximately $4.7 million when sales of
pre-class period holdings are incorporated.”
Similarly, in In re eSpeed, Inc. Securities Litigation,
the court
recently rejected the supposedly larger loss of a movant who used
125 S. Ct. 1627 (2005).
226 F.R.D. 298 (S.D. Ohio 2005).
232 F.R.D. 95 (S.D.N.Y. 2005)
In re Comdisco Sec. Litig., 150 F.Supp. 2d 943, 945 (N.D.Ill. 2001).
In re NTL, Inc. Securities Litigation, 2006 WL 330113, *10(S.D.N.Y. Feb. 14, 2006) (“Plaintiffs
… allege several disclosing events throughout the class period that gradually alerted investors to
the truth about NTL.”)
the FIFO method in favour of another applicant who used the
LIFO method. Judge Shira Scheindlin explained that “the main
advantage of LIFO is that, unlike FIFO, it takes into account gains
that might have accrued to plaintiffs during the class period due to
the inflation of the stock price. FIFO, as applied by the pension
fund and others, ignores sales occurring during the class period
and hence may exaggerate losses.”
Likewise, just last month in Johnson v. Dana Corporation,
Chief Judge James Carr of the Northern District of Ohio stated, in
finding that LIFO rather than FIFO must be used for determining
losses in a lead plaintiff motion, that “using FIFO, plaintiffs with
significant preexisting holdings of defendants’ securities can
profit substantially from defendant’s misconduct and then turn
around and show a loss for purposes of litigation”. Thus, the
current trend seems to be firmly in favour of LIFO over FIFO.
related issue in lead plaintiff motions is whether a
shareholder who sold more shares during the class period
than he bought (a ‘net-seller’) can be appointed as a lead
plaintiff. Some courts, assuming that the price of the stock was
inflated by the same amount throughout the class period, have
held that net-sellers cannot be adequate lead plaintiffs because
they profited by the artificial inflation.
This theory seems to work
best in cases where there is a single disclosure of the wrongdoing
at the end of the class period. In such a case if a shareholder sold
10,000 shares of stock during the class period and purchased only
8,000 shares, and the stock was inflated by $10 per share at all
times, then the shareholder would have profited from other fraud
by $20,000.
10,000 shares sold – 8,000 share bought =
2,000 net shares sold x $10 per share = $20,000
However, in cases where plaintiffs allege that the truth about
the fraud was disclosed to investors through a number of partial
disclosures, the artificial inflation in the stock was lower at some
times during the class period (ie, after the first partial disclosure)
than at other times. Courts have held that under those
circumstances, a net seller can be the lead plaintiff.
As these scenarios demonstrate, the determination of losses in
an application for lead plaintiff can be complex, with many traps
for the unwary. It is crucial that a shareholder seeking
appointment as lead plaintiff carefully consider the methodology
used in calculating its financial loss, as well as the methodologies
used by other prospective lead plaintiffs, since methodology alone
may dictate who will be appointed lead plaintiff.
Talent and Reputation Matter. Fairness Counts. These principles are
fundamental to the strength of Labaton Sucharow & Rudoff LLP. Labaton
Sucharow is one of the premier law firms that represent individual and
institutional investors in securities, antitrust and corporate governance
litigation. The firm has been a champion of investor rights for close to 45
years and has been recognised for its reputation for excellence by the courts.
The firm’s Institutional Investor Package is designed to help investors
address investor protection needs and fiduciary obligations to beneficiaries by
offering portfolio monitoring, damages anaylsis and settlement claims
notification. For more information, please contact Christopher Keller or
Lawrence Sucharow at +1 (212) 907-0070/(888) 753-2796 or visit