Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
P a g e 1 | 29
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
P a g e 2 | 29
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All rights reserved
Prepared by:
Fisheries Statistics and Data Management Branch,
Fisheries Compliance, Licensing and Statistics Division
National Fisheries Authority
January 2023
2C Newport East
Tel: 876-967-2081
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
P a g e 3 | 29
The National Fisheries Authority (NFA) takes this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all
fisheries and aquaculture stakeholders, in particular fishers, fish farmers, vendors and processors that
provided information on all data captured herein which made it possible for the timely compilation of
the report.
The contribution made by all staff members is appreciated. In particular, the Extension Officers and
Data Collection Officers that conducted the data collection, compilation, processing and analyzing
The report was produced by the Fisheries Statistics and Data Management Branch of the Fisheries
Compliance, Licensing and Statistics (FCLS) Division in collaboration with the Capture Fisheries and
Aquaculture Divisions of the NFA.
FCLS Division Dr Zahra H. Oliphant, PhD. JP (Principal Director), Mrs. Anginette Murray
(Statistician/Data Manager) Mr. Ian Jones (Senior Director, Compliance) and Mr. Lance McDonald
(Licensing & Registration Manager).
Capture Fisheries Division: Mr. Stephen Smikle (Principal Director), Mr. Junior Squire (Fisheries
Management Specialist).
Aquaculture Division: Mrs. Avery Smikle (Principal Director), Mr. Dehaan Brown (Senior Director,
Aquaculture and Research) and Ms. Kerrone Fairclough (Regional Aquaculture Extension Officer)
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
P a g e 4 | 29
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION: FISHERIES SECTOR OF JAMAICA ................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Purpose And Scope of the Report ................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1 Capture Fisheries Sampling Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.2 Aquaculture sector ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2. STATUS REPORT - CAPTURE FISHERIES ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Fishing Fleet .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Employment .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.3 Estimated Production and Value ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4 Factors affecting the industry ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
3. STATUS REPORT - AQUACULTURE SECTOR ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.1 Production ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Employment .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.3 Price .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
3.4 Factors affecting the industry ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
4 COMPLIANCE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.2 Compliance with Licensing Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 23
5. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
P a g e 5 | 29
Table 1 Number of vessel licences issued since 1996 ...................................................................................... 14
Table 2 Number and percentage composition of fisher licence issued April-September 2022 ....................... 16
Table 3 Marine fish production (MT) trend by fishery type, April-September 2022 ...................................... 17
Table 4 Estimated value (USD for Marine fish production (MT) by fishery type, April-September 2022…..17
Table 5 Farm gate and retail price of tilapia .................................................................................................... 21
Table 6 Fines by Parish Courts for Close Season offences from 2019-2022 ................................................... 23
Table 7 Number of Individual Fisher Licences issued and Renewal percentage (excluding temporary permits)24
Figure 1 Overview of the sampling plan for the artisanal fishery of Jamaica .................................................... 10
Figure 2 The fishery areas of Jamaica ................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 3 Major marine fish landing sites on mainland, Jamaica ........................................................................ 11
Figure 4 Regional position of Jamaica including delimited territorial waters and the Jamaica-Colombia Joint
Regime Area ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5 Number of boat licenses issued by category during April-September 2022 ....................................... 14
Figure 6 Number of boat licences issued by category and parish, April-September 2022 ................................ 15
Figure 7 Distribution of vessel size classes renewed by number during April-September 2022 ....................... 15
Figure 8 Number of Fisher Licences issued by month April-September 2022 .................................................. 16
Figure 9 Age distribution of licensed fishers ..................................................................................................... 16
Figure 10 Sex distribution (%) of licensed fishers April-September 2022 ........................................................ 16
Figure 11 Marine fish production trend by fishery type, April-September 2022 ............................................... 17
Figure 12 Artisanal fish production trend by Coastal communities, April-September 2022 ............................. 18
Figure 13 North vs South coast percentage composition ................................................................................... 18
Figure 14 Artisanal fish production trend by fishery groups April-September 2022 ........................................ 18
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Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
7 | P a g e
Introduction: Fisheries Sector of Jamaica
The National Fisheries Authority Role and Oversight
Purpose and Scope of the Report
A. Capture fisheries sampling plan
B. Aquaculture sector
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
8 | P a g e
The structure of the fisheries sector of Jamaica is comprised
of Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture. Capture Fisheries
primarily consists of artisanal fishers (over 28,000
registered since 1996) operating from open type canoe or
reinforced fiberglass-type boats, powered by either
outboard motors or oars, over inshore and offshore areas.
The inshore fishery takes place in the coastal waters of the
Island Shelf with its nine proximal banks while the offshore
fishery is limited to the southern coast.
Generally, fishers operate from various landing sites across the island and from two offshore locations Morant
and Pedro Cays. Industrial fishers (large-scale fishing) have been a significant part of the industry since the
1960s their target fishery includes conch, lobster and sea cucumber. Commercial sports fishery (such as fishing
tournaments) and small recreational fishery are other important sub-sectors. The production from capture
fisheries in 2021 was 10,093.72 MT, which represented a decline of 15.6% from the previous years.
The importance of aquaculture globally
continues to be highlighted, especially
considering the impact of climate change on the
more traditional capture fisheries. Aquaculture
deals with farming of aquatic organisms,
including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic
plants in fresh, brackish and saltwater
environments. Jamaica has a rich history in
aquaculture from the introduction of freshwater
tilapia in the 1940s. Today, the aquaculture
industry occurs primarily in freshwater (mainly
tilapia and ornamental fish species), but elements
also occur in brackish (such as coastal fish farms)
and saltwater environments; for example, culture
of mangrove oyster (Crassostrea rhizophorae)
and production of white leg shrimp (Penaeus
Additionally, there are 4 mariculture operations (three private and one government owned), 63 registered
ornamental farmers and 9 Tilapia Hatcheries. In the 1980s, there were approximately 63 fish farmers producing
32.6 MT of fish annually in 58 hectares of pond. In 2006/7 the highest level of production was recorded, where
8,019 MT of fish was produced by 189 farmers from approximately 1,100 hectares of pond. Data from 2021
showed that 104 farmers were utilizing an estimated 274.03 hectares to produce 869.20 MT.
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
9 | P a g e
1.1 The National Fisheries Authority Role and Oversight
The National Fisheries Authority (NFA) was established as a body corporate, pursuant to Section 5(1) of the
Fisheries Act, 2018, with the mandate being that the Authority will be responsible for the management and
development of fisheries and aquaculture in accordance with the Fisheries Act, 2018. The Authority therefore
facilitates the management and development of Jamaica’s fisheries sector through the collection, compilation,
and analysis of statistics; monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement of activities related to fisheries and
aquaculture; as well as, granting of licences, authorizations and permits, and allocation of fishing rights and
quotas for specific fisheries.
1.2 Purpose And Scope of the Report
Solid policy design and decision making, which are predicated on hard evidence, are achievable through the
provision and availability of timely, accurate and high-quality data and statistics. This is recognized by
Governments world-wide and as such there is a high level of commitment at the policy level, as is stated in
several sectoral and national development plans, as well as regional and global development agendas.
This publication is the first in a series of publications of Quarterly Reports which will be presented by the
National Fisheries Authority (NFA), as part of its ongoing programme to provide data and statistical
information (production, social and economic) on the performance of the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
The data and statistical information in this report highlights the sector performance for the first two quarters
(April September 2022) of the current financial year (2022-2023). The publication of this Report is intended
to support sound decision making and policy development for the sustainable growth and development of the
fisheries and aquaculture sector locally and internationally.
1.3 Methodology
1.3.1 Capture Fisheries Sampling Plan
The objective of the present data acquisition system is to collect
basic fisheries data by sampling representative landing sites in
Jamaica. The monitoring system provides accurate data on catches,
effort, catch by fishing ground, the value of catch, length of fish
landed and data on fishing gear.
The strategy for sampling from artisanal fishers is as follows:
1. Jamaica is divided into three statistical areas, the North Coast, South Coast and Offshore Cays (Morant and
Pedro), based on the nature of the fishery.
2. Landing sites are stratified by fishing ground, beach size (according to the number of boats), gears and fish
type. The categories are used as sampling strata and it is assumed that within a stratum, the gears, vessels,
and fishing grounds are homogeneous throughout the area. This means that fishermen at all beaches within
a category have access to fisheries of similar productivity. Once all the beaches were classified into strata,
one or more beaches were selected to be sampled in each stratum (Figure 1).
3. Each sample beach is visited two days per month and the data collected from vessels landing that day. The
data include vessel identification, fishing effort (amount of gear, number of crew, hours fished), fishing
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
10 | P a g e
ground, species landed by weight and the price. Other data collected include total number of vessels that
went to sea that day, the number of fishing days for the month and descriptive comments on the weather
and beach conditions.
4. The data are collected from fishers by the Data Collection and Extension Officers of the NFA.
5. Biological data such as weight, length, sex and maturity of select species are also collected monthly. These
species include Caribbean spiny lobster, dolphinfish, skipjack tuna and conch. In conjunction with the catch
and effort data, the biological data are used for stock assessment and for detecting trends etc., which are
necessary for proper decision making.
6. Estimation of the total landings is based on the following:
Percentage of active vessels/gears for sampled site(s)
Total fish landings at known site for sampled site(s)
Estimate of the Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) for sampled site(s)
Calculate estimate of active vessels/gears that went to sea multiplied by CPUE for un-sampled sites
Summation of sampled and un-sampled sites will give total landings.
Calculations are done by stratification e.g. coastal pelagics.
As it relates to the industrial (large-scale) fisheries, completed vessel log sheets are collected from the operators
of industrial fishing vessels on the day of landing. The data captured on the log sheet include, but are not limited
to, catch, effort, location, gear type, level of processing on factory vessels and fishing ground. Landings are
verified through inspections of catch at the landing sites.
Figure 1 Overview of the sampling plan for the artisanal fishery of Jamaica
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
11 | P a g e
Figure 3 Major marine fish landing sites on mainland, Jamaica
Figure 4 Regional position of Jamaica including delimited territorial waters and the Jamaica-Colombia Joint Regime Area
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
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Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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Barton Isle, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
1.3.2 Aquaculture sector
Data are collected quarterly by the Aquaculture Extension Officers. The Extension Officers work closely with
fish farmers and vendors in acquiring data specific to ponds/tanks in production, farm gate and vendor prices,
fish production and feed consumption. This is achieved through emails, phone calls, farm visits and WhatsApp
messaging. Verification is done through routine farm visits fortnightly and monthly.
The aquaculture industry can be categorised into two components, food and ornamental fish, and aquatic
plants. The food fish subsector comprises primarily of the red hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis sp., of which there
are several varieties (Jamaica Red, Taiwanese Red, Rocky Mountain White, Sterling Red). The Nile tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus is also cultured, as well as Oreochromis mossambicus, which is also found primarily
in rivers across Jamaica. The ornamental fish subsector produces a variety of species which include egg layers
(goldfish and koi), live bearers (mollies swordtail, guppies) and mouth brooders (African cichlids and jack
dempsey). For the purposes of this report, only data gathered on the tilapia will be presented.
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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Status Report
Capture Fisheries
Status Report Capture Fisheries
Fishing Fleet
Licensing Categories
Estimated Production and Value
Factors affecting the Industry
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
14 | P a g e
2.1 Fishing Fleet
A variety of mechanised and non-mechanised fishing boats operate in Jamaican waters. The non-mechanised
boats are generally propelled by oars and are made of wood or a mixture of wood and fibreglass. The
mechanised boats are of the fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) open hull canoe type, propelled by outboard engines
(25 - 75 HP) with dimensions of 8.4 x 1.5 x 0.9 m on average. The decked vessels are generally made of steel
with lengths averaging 15 - 30 m.
Table 1 provides information on the number of vessels registered up to the second quarter of the financial year
Table 1 Number of vessel licences issued since 1996
Registered Vessels
1996 Sept 2022
Jan Sep 2022
Jan Sep 2022
During the first two quarters (April-September 2022), the
highest level of renewal of licences was noted in August,
whilst May reflected the highest number of new registration
of vessels (Figure 4). Of the total number of boat licences
issued, the majority were renewals from the Kingston and
St. Catherine areas (Figure 5). Approximately half of the
vessels that have been issued licences during the period
April-September 2022 fell within the 12-17.9m vessel
length category (Figure 6).
Figure 5 Number of boat licenses issued by category during April-September 2022
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
15 | P a g e
Figure 6 Number of boat licences issued by category and parish, April-September 2022
NB: Data were not available on the registration status of vessels in May 2022 and this is noted in Figures 4 and 5. The lack of data
was due to an internal issue regarding data being captures on the system.
Figure 7 Distribution of vessel size classes renewed by number during April-September 2022
2.2 Licensing Categories
During the period April to September 2022, a total of 2,975 licences were issued with the highest number
recorded during August (Figure 7). From this total, 92.4% represents the artisanal fishery, 6.5% represents the
recreational fishery, 0.87% the industrial while to a lesser extent (0.02%) the riverine fishery (Table 2). Most
fishers that were licensed fell within the 40-55 age groups (Figure 8) and approximately 92% were males
(Figure 9).
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
16 | P a g e
Figure 8 Number of Fisher Licences issued by month April-September 2022
Table 2 Number and percentage composition of fisher licence issued April-September 2022
License Type
Figure 9 Age distribution of licensed fishers
April-September 2022
Figure 10 Sex distribution (%) of licensed
fishers April-September 2022
2.3 Estimated Production and Value
The data collection system for the artisanal fisheries is based on landings at individual beaches. The average
number of days fished per month is twenty days. The artisanal fish production is diverse and includes finfish
species (such as snappers, parrotfish, jacks, and grunts), lobster, and conch.
The overall marine finfish production for the period April - September 2022 was 4,624.84 MT (Table 3, Figure
10) valuing approximately US$59.7 Mil or over JMD$9 billion (Table 4). The artisanal fishery accounted for
~94% of total marine fish production by quantity. The industrial spiny lobster fishery is based on reported
landings and includes weights of whole, tails and head meat combined.
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
17 | P a g e
Table 3 Marine fish production (MT) trend by fishery type, April-September 2022
Table 4 Estimated value (USD for Marine fish production (MT) by fishery type, April-September 2022
Figure 11 Marine fish production trend by fishery type, April-September 2022
Further examination of the artisanal fishery shows that landings from the southern shelf and the proximal
banks contributed to over 55 percent of the total production for the period April September 2022 (Figure
11). Peak productivity was observed in August for both north and south coast (Figure 12). The reef, offshore
and deep slope fisheries yielded the greatest productivity during the period (Figure 13).
Fishery April May June July August September Total
Atrisanal finfish
801.62 953.9 1,375.11 504.58 4,624.84 93.65
Industrial Conch 50.32 110.60 65.53 34.26 260.70 5.28
Industrial Spiny Lobster* 0 7.17 45.98 53.15 1.08
Total Marine Production 523.92 626.63 867.15 988.16 1382.28 550.56 4,938.69 100
* Reported weight for whole, tail and head meat
Close Season
Production (MT)
Fishery April May June July August September Total
% Contribution
Atrisanal finfish 5,172,454.24 7,055,236.75 10,095,239.24 11,643,546.46 14,960,602.27 6,183,415.72 55,110,494.69 92.18
Industrial Conch 721,045.00 1,584,869.00 938,983.50 490,919.00 3,735,816.50 6.25
Industrial Spiny Lobster* 0.00 126,350.12 810,671.96 937,022.08 1.57
Total Marine Production 5,893,499.24 8,640,105.75 11,034,222.74 12,134,465.46 15,086,952.39 6,994,087.68 59,783,333.27 100.00
Estimated Value (USD)
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
18 | P a g e
2.4 Factors affecting the Industry
The capture fisheries sub-sector has been affected negatively by several factors. During the reporting period,
the factors reported include:
Weather conditions, including strong winds, rough seas, heavy rainfalls, hurricanes and tropical
Poor water visibility due to pollution, land run-off, mixing of the ocean
Influx of the Sargassum seaweed especially along south coast for an extensive period
Strong currents
Fish-kill, due to pollution or climate change impacts.
Figure 12 Artisanal fish production trend by Coastal
communities, April-September 2022
Figure 13 North vs South coast percentage
of fish production
Figure 14 Artisanal fish production trend by fishery groups April-September 2022
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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Status Report
Aquaculture Sector
Status Report
Aquaculture Sector
Status Report Aquaculture
Fish Farmers
Factors affecting the Industry
Status Report Aquaculture
Factors affecting the industry
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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3.1 Production
Aquaculture occurs primarily on the south-central plains of St. Catherine and Clarendon, as well as in the
parishes of St. Elizabeth and Westmoreland where the topography and soil type are suitable for aquaculture
production. There is minor production in the parishes of St. Thomas, Portland, St. Mary, St. Ann and Hanover.
In the main production areas, production systems are primarily semi-intensive utilizing earthen ponds
averaging 0.405 hectares (1 acre). In the minor production areas, production is mainly subsistence and small
scale with ponds being less than 0.405 hectares. The production systems are mainly concrete tanks or ponds
lined with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liners using mainly semi-intensive production methods.
Presently there are a total of 860 earthen ponds and concrete tanks across Jamaica. From these production
systems approximately 455.96 MT of tilapia was produced during the period April September 2022.
3.2 Fish Farmers
At the end of 2021, there were a total of 104 registered fish farmers. During the period January March 2022,
two farms were sold to new operators. This resulted in two farmers exiting the aquaculture subsector. During
this period also, twelve new farmers entered including the operators of the two farms that were sold. For the
period under review (April-June and July September, 2022), only one new entrant was recorded. This brings
the total number of fish farmers to 115 at the end of September 2022. New entrants were recorded from the
parishes of St. Catherine, Clarendon and St. Elizabeth. Also noteworthy is that the majority of fish farmers
currently own their farms while a few are managers and supervisor.
Workers harvest fish from a local fishpond (Photo: Aquaculture Division)
Workers harvest fish from a local fishpond (Photo: Aquaculture Division)
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
21 | P a g e
3.3 Price
All tilapia produced is absorbed by the local market. Most fish farmers rely on vendors to buy and distribute
their product. The product is usually sold at the farm-gate to the vendor who takes it to markets. The farmer
may also sell tilapia to restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and other distributors. The size preferred by local
consumers is 227340 g. Sale price for tilapia per quarter is shown in the table below.
Table 5 Farm gate and retail price of tilapia
Farm gate price
Retail price
April June
$440- 450 per pound
$600 per pound
July Sept
$440 per pound
$600- 650 per pound
The price of fry for the stocking of fishponds was J$4.00 each.
3.4 Factors affecting the Industry
During the period April-June and July-September 2022, challenges that fish farmers faced included the
There was occasional disruption in the supply of fish feed due to manufacturing/ importation
Water supply is limited in some areas. Water supply is sourced through various means surface water,
wells and irrigation systems.
Poor road conditions
Seasonal flooding of ponds in some areas
Ornamental Fish Koi (Photo: Aquaculture Division)
Ornamental Fish Koi (Photo: Aquaculture Division)
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Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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Compliance with Licensing Requirements
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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4.1 Introduction
The Compliance Branch is within the FCLS Division, and it is
responsible for planning and implementing fisheries and aquaculture
compliance, and enforcement programmes for the Authority.
During the first quarter of the financial year (April to June 2002) nine
persons were charged and will be brought before the Parish Courts for
illegal possession of lobsters during the Lobster Close Season. A total
of 83 Inspections and public education sessions were carried out in
major tourist areas in Negril, Montego Bay, Ocho Rios and Portland.
During the second quarter (July-September), neither charges nor
inspections were made; however, intelligence gathering during the
Conch Close Season was executed. All the enforcement requests
received by the Unit were responded to, during both quarters.
Table 6 provides an overview of the Fines by Parish Courts for Close Season offences from 2019-2022. For
the 2022 Lobster Close Season, total fines to date are at $654,000. Since the 2019 Enforcement programme
began with funding from the Fisheries Management and Development Fund, a total of $2,721,000 in fines was
recorded. This does not include fines of $1.9M for the detention and seizure of two (2) Dominican Republic
Vessels and charges laid against their crew in 2019 by the JCF/JDF; as well as other pending court cases
including abscondment and warrants for arrests.
Table 6 Fines by Parish Courts for Close Season offences from 2019-2022
(Foreign poaching by 2
Dominican Republic
Vessels and their fishers)
Sub-Total: $2,721,000 (National and for Close Season Offences only)
Total: $4,621,000
4.2 Compliance with Licensing Requirements
Another area of compliance being tracked by the FCLS Division concerns the high incidence of individuals
fishing without a licence, which is part of Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. The data show
that on average, only 24% of persons being licensed each year, are renewing their licence from the previous
year although there is evidence to suggest that they continued to engage in fishing activity.
Table 7 shows the rate of renewal for individual licences to fish from 2017 to 2021.
© S. Cain
© S. Cain
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Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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Table 7 Number of Individual Fisher Licences issued and Renewal percentage (excluding temporary permits)
Number of Individual
Fisher Licences Issued
% Renewing from previous
Total: 18625
Mean: 23.5 ± 2.69
The total number of discrete fishers licensed from 2017 2021 was 12,424 individuals, of which:
19% renewed their fishing licence once,
9% renewed their fishing licence twice,
3% renewed their licence three times, and
only 1% renewed every year from 2018 2021.
The data show that on average, fishers renew their licence eery 2 3 years and this lack of consistency shows
non-compliance with the requirement by law for an individual to be in possession of a valid licence when fishing.
For the two quarters under review, of the 2975 individual fishers licensed during the period, 810 were renewing
from the previous year; this represents 27%, which is consistent with the annual renewal trend.
As it relates to the licensing of vessels, although over 8,000 vessels have been registered since 1996, less than
900 vessel licences are licensed (new and renewals) each year. The rate at which vessel owners return to renew
their licence from the previous year is also as inconsistent as observed with individual licences.
The FCLS Division is responding to the trends highlighted by hosting monthly in-field licensing sessions and
increasing enforcement by training and deploying more compliance officers.
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
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Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
26 | P a g e
5. Conclusion
This first issue of the Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
for the NFA, shows the performance of the Jamaican fisheries sector
over the first two quarters of the Financial Year 2022 2023.
From the data presented for capture fisheries, it is evident that the
artisanal fishery plays a critical role in food security with 94% of
total fish production coming from this group of individuals. Fish
production overall accounted for 4,938.69MT which, at a value of
US$59.7M, can be considered economically significant. However,
with 2021 recording ~10,000 MT, the sector may not be on track to
surpass this figure based on the data for the first two quarters of
2022-2023. Future issues will show the progress in this area. It is
noteworthy that in August and September, both the north and south
coast artisanal fish production values were similar with reef, offshore
and deep slope fisheries being the most productive. The capture
fisheries sub-sector is impacted by a number of factors linked to
climate change and human behaviour, and these areas are important
to consider when developing management strategies.
Although fish production from Aquaculture is not to the extent it was
in the past, this sub-sector plays a critical role in food and nutritional
security and its performance will become increasingly more
important as fish production from marine capture fisheries is
projected to continue its decline.
The production value of 455.96 MT of tilapia produced in the first two quarters was lower than what was
projected for the sub-sector; however, historically, the expectation is for improvement in the remaining
quarters of the financial year. With 115 registered fish farmers producing freshwater tilapia for the local market
at prices more affordable than marine fish, there is great potential for expansion of this sub-sector which is
positioned to meet the protein needs of the population. The factors affecting the sub-sector were also
highlighted and a major one is water supply, which is critical for the success of any aquaculture facility.
Compliance with the Fisheries Act, 2018 and the regulations for the sector, is critical to ensure that the
resources are not overexploited. In the first two quarters, persons were charged and prosecuted under the new
legislation and the work of the compliance team continues. The data presented in this report show where failure
to renew one’s licence is a prevailing issue which, the NFA has started to address through public education
and increased enforcement.
© S. Cain
© S. Cain
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
27 | P a g e
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
28 | P a g e
Number and percentage of fishers licensed by age group
Age Groups
% Composition
16 - 24
25 - 39
40 - 55
56 - 69
70 - 89
90 and over
Grand Total
Artisanal fish production (MT) trend by coastal communities April-September 2022
Artisanal fish production (MT) trend by fishery groups April-September 2022
Estimated value (J$) for the artisanal fish production
Average Ex-vessel price (J$) per pound
Fishery April May June July August September
REEF 800 1000 650 900 800 1000
COASTAL PELAGICS 500 600 600 500 500 500
OFFSHORE AND DEEPSLOPE 800 1000 1000 900 800 800
NO BOAT 800 1000 1000 1000 800 800
SHRIMP 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Fishery April May June July August September Grand Total
REEF 603,471,184.23 782,441,252.66 294,226,644.21 559,147,969.98 834,537,766.88 520,682,480.07 3,594,507,298.03
COASTAL PELAGICS 53,625,249.65 61,045,624.47 95,053,372.71 176,363,253.97 243,462,602.21 85,932,082.82 715,482,185.83
OFFSHORE AND DEEPSLOPE 67,282,260.54 134,751,333.33 1,140,946,159.00 758,928,180.17 909,929,296.97 82,539,482.52 3,094,376,712.53
NO BOAT 78,456,000.00 98,070,000.00 14,910,000.00 275,473,400.00 286,322,938.18 247,017,866.67 1,000,250,204.85
SHRIMP 344,000.00 20,640,000.00 344,000.00 10,269,014.29 6,192,000.00 7,912,000.00 45,701,014.29
Grand Total 803,178,694.42 1,096,948,210.46 1,545,480,175.92 1,780,181,818.41 2,280,444,604.24 944,083,912.08 8,450,317,415.53
Fishery April May June July August September Grand Total
COASTAL PELAGICS 48.65 46.15 71.86 159.99 220.87 77.96 625.47
NO BOAT 44.48 44.48 6.76 124.95 162.34 140.06 523.08
OFFSHORE AND DEEPSLOPE 38.15 61.12 517.53 382.49 515.92 46.80 1,562.01
REEF 342.16 354.91 205.32 281.81 473.18 236.18 1,893.55
SHRIMP 0.16 9.36 0.16 4.66 2.81 3.59 20.73
Grand Total 473.60 516.03 801.63 953.90 1,375.11 504.58 4,624.85
Strata Production April May June July August September Grand Total
NORTH COAST PRODUCTION 98.53 98.25 549.42 415.72 673.04 237.90 2,072.86
SOUTH COAST PRODUCTION 375.06 417.78 252.21 538.19 702.07 266.68 2,551.99
Grand Total 473.60 516.03 801.63 953.90 1,375.11 504.58 4,624.85
Jamaica Fisheries: Quarterly Statistics Report
Vol. 1
Issue 1 | April
September 2022
29 | P a g e
Tilapia production (MT), Pond in production (Acres) and the number of registered fish farmers by parish,
April September 2022
Acres in
St Catherine
St Elizabeth
St Ann
St Mary
St Thomas
List of common ornamental species cultured in Jamaica
Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Fresh water shark
Red-Tail Black
Shark Sevrum
Zebra Danio
Giant Danio
Fighter Fish.
Angel Fish
African Cichlid
Rosy Barb
Moss Green Barb
Tiger Barb
Paradise Fish