Graduate Student Policies and Procedures Manual
Biochemistry Ph.D. Program
Florida International University
Effective August 12, 2012
1. Biochemistry Graduate Admission Requirements and Procedures
1.1 Graduate Admission Requirements
A minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0/4.0 in biological sciences, biochemistry,
chemistry and cognate science is required for admission. Applicants are also required to submit
general GRE scores. There is no minimal requirement for the overall GRE score, but applicants
with an average percentile rank on the verbal and quantitative parts of the GRE of 40 for the MS
Program and 60 for the PhD Program will be preferentially considered. International graduate
student applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit a score for the
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or for the International English Language
Testing System (IELTS). A total score of 80 on the iBT TOEFL or 6.5 overall on the IELTS is
The graduate committee of the Program considers applicants’ files and makes admission
recommendations. The applicants are ranked by the committee based on their academic
credentials, such as undergraduate and graduate (if available) GPA, GRE and TOEFL scores,
previous achievements in research, such as scientific publications and presentations, and
evaluation of their potential to be successful in the graduate program based on recommendation
letters, a personal statement, and academic transcripts. The overall rank of an applicant is
determined by the committee from the combination of the aforementioned factors. The top-
ranked applicants are recommended for admission in the amount determined by the number of
available teaching assistantship (TA) positions in the upcoming fall semester. Admission to the
program for a spring or summer semester is possible only on a research assistantship (RA)
position sponsored by a faculty member, for applicants with external fellowships, or for domestic
applicants who do not require financial support and tuition waiver (e.g. part-time students). The
Program has a rolling admission policy. Applicants’ files for fall admission are reviewed from
the beginning of the spring semester on a regular basis and applicants continue to be
recommended for admission until all available positions are filled or until the University
deadline for the fall admission expires.
Full-time graduate students generally serve as Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the Department of
Biological Sciences or the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry or the College of
Medicine during their first semester. Ph.D. candidates must serve at least one semester as
teaching assistants. This requirement may be waived if a student has had equivalent training
previously based upon request. TAs are awarded on a competitive basis, renewal of an award
requires an acceptable research and teaching performance, and may be continued for up to four
years for Ph.D. students with acceptable academic progress. Graduate students must maintain a
3.0/4.0 GPA. University policy requires a student to maintain a GPA ≥ 3.0 to maintain a TA. If
a student’s GPA drops below a 3.0 for one semester he/she will be placed on academic probation
and the TA is subject to cancellation. A student who fails to raise their GPA to a 3.0 or higher in
two semesters will be dismissed from the Program.
1.2 Application Procedures
Prospective candidates must submit an application for admission to the graduate program on line
@ http://www.fiu.edu/gradadm. Additional program information is available on line @
http://www.fiu.edu/biochemistry. Applicants must also arrange to have official transcripts from
all colleges and/or universities attended and official test scores (GRE, plus TOEFL as a foreign
student and TSE if a foreign student applying for financial support) sent to the Admissions
Office. Transcripts in a language other than English must be accompanied by an official English
translation. Three letters of recommendation and a statement of purpose must be submitted with
the application materials.
Florida International University has a rolling admissions policy. When the Admissions Office
receives an application, application fee, transcripts and GRE, TOEFL, and TSE scores, they are
forwarded to the Biochemistry Ph.D. program for evaluation. Formal admission to the program
and award of teaching assistantships are granted by the Graduate Program Director in
consultation with the Biochemistry Graduate Committee. The program can accept students at the
beginning of each semester (fall and spring). For full consideration all the application materials
should be received at least 6 months in advance of the desired starting date.
1.3 Program Requirements
General Coursework Requirements: Doctoral graduate programs in Biochemistry require the
satisfactory completion of a variety of lecture courses including a minimum number of required
courses. Full-time Ph.D. students supported on assistantships in general must register for 9
credits in the first semester plus 1 additional credit for research rotation and subsequently 9
credits each fall and spring semester and 6 credits of research during the summers. Students who
have advanced to their Ph.D. candidacy will only register 3 credits of research.
1.4 Choosing a research laboratory and research advisor
Each new graduate student shall be required to choose three laboratories in which to do his or her
research rotation in the first year of graduate study. Each rotation will take three months and will
officially start from October 1 and end on June 30. The student will be evaluated on his or her
performance during each rotation. After completing three (or in exceptional cases, four)
rotations, students will submit an ordered list of three advisors they would like to work with to
the BGC. The BGC will make the assignment. Usually, but not necessarily always, this will be
the student’s top choice. Final approval and acceptance must be obtained before beginning
formal work with the agreed upon research advisor. Each student should submit paperwork to
their committees (D-1) for approval to the University Graduate School in the beginning of their
third semester.
In a case that a student fails to find a research advisor, the student will be automatically
dismissed from the Program, and the graduate contract and financial support of the student that
includes fellowships will be automatically terminated.
1) In a case that a student fails to find a research advisor within 3 months after the fourth
rotation, the student will be automatically dismissed from the Program, and the graduate
contract and financial support of the student that includes fellowships will be
automatically terminated.
2) In a case that a student needs to choose a new advisor and switch to a new research
group, the student must find a new research advisor within 3 months starting from the
date the student leaves the previous group. If the student fails to find a new research
advisor, the student will be automatically dismissed from the Program, and the graduate
contract and financial support of the student that includes fellowships will be
automatically terminated.
2. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Biochemistry Program
2.1 Specific Requirements
2.1.1 Ph. D. in Biochemistry will require 75 semester hours. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or
higher is required.
Students must complete seven required courses and take a minimum of one of the
elective courses (listed below) as needed for their research.
Required core courses:
First semester
CHM6036 Advanced Biochemistry I
BCH6108 Biochemical Techniques
Second semester
CHM6037 Advanced Biochemistry II
PCB 6027 Molecular and Cellular Biology II
Third semester
PCB 6025 Molecular and Cellular Biology I
Fourth semester
BCH 6831 Introduction to Biochemical Research
Fourth or fifth
CHM 6802 Ethics, Publication, and Intellectual Property
or BCH
One Elective, see below
BSC 5945 or CHM 6940
Supervised Teaching
BSC 6913 or CHM 6910
Student Research Laboratory or Graduate
Research in Biochemistry (for Lab
Biochemistry Graduate Seminar
BSC 6913 or CHM 7910
Dissertation Research (Supervised
BSC 7980 or CHM 7980
Ph.D. Dissertation (Graduate Dissertation)
The student must complete at least (3) credits of elective courses (excluding research and
seminar). The elective courses must be chosen from the following list.
Course Number
BSC 6415
BSC 6415L
Animal Cells in Culture
Animal Cells in Culture Lab
CHM 5302
Organic Chemistry of Nucleic Acids
CHM 5306
Special Topics of Biological Chemistry
CHM 5325
Physical Chemistry of Proteins
CHM 5351
Computer Modeling of Biological Molecules
CHM 5440
Kinetics and Catalysis
CHM 5503
Physical Chemistry of Nucleic Acids
CHM 5506
Physical Biochemistry
CHS 5536
Forensic DNA Chemistry
MCB 6935
Advanced Topics in Microbiology
PCB 5665
PCB 5665L
Human Genetics
Human Genetics Lab
PCB 5725
Membrane Signal Transduction
PCB 5786
Membrane Physiology
PCB 6236
Comparative Immunology
PCB 6526
Advanced Molecular Biology
PCB 6566
Chromosome Structure and Function
PCB 6786
Membrane Biophysics
PCB 6935
Advanced Topics in Genetics
PHZ 6255
Molecular Biophysics
BCH 6130C
DNA Synthesis & Amplification
BCH 6132C
BCH 6133C
DNA Sequencing
MCB 5315C
Prokaryotic Cloning
2.1.4 Full-time graduate students are required to register for one (1) credit of BSC 5945 or
CHM 6940 (Supervised Teaching) each semester they serve as teaching assistants.
2.1.5 Full-time graduate students are required to register for one (1) credit of Graduate Seminar
BCH7930 for Fall and Spring Semesters.
2.1.6 At least 1 credit (note: UGS requires 3 research credits per semester) of BSC7980 or
CHM 7980 (Dissertation) to be taken after the student has advanced to candidacy and
during the semester in which the Ph.D. dissertation is to be defended.
2.1.7 The graduation requirements for the program will be:
(a) Completion of formal coursework (see above).
(b) Rotation and choosing an advisor. Students will spend 3 months in the laboratories of each
of three Biochemistry Graduate Faculty. Some flexibility in number of rotation is
acceptable. At the end of each rotation, the student and the faculty member will complete an
evaluation form. The form will be given to the BGC and kept in the student’s file for
reference in assessing the student’s progress as well as monitoring the rotation program in
general. After completing three (or in exceptional cases, four) rotations, students will submit
an ordered list of three advisors they would like to work with to the BGC. The BGC will
make the assignment. Usually, but not necessarily always, this will be the student’s top
choice. Unsatisfactory performance could lead to dismissal from the Program.
In a case that a student fails to find a research advisor, the student will be automatically
dismissed from the Program, and the graduate contract and financial support of the student that
includes fellowships will be automatically terminated.
1) In a case that a student fails to find a research advisor within 3 months after the fourth
rotation, the student will be automatically dismissed from the Program, and the graduate
contract and financial support of the student that includes fellowships will be
automatically terminated.
2) In a case that a student needs to choose a new advisor and switch to a new research
group, the student must find a new research advisor within 3 months starting from the
date the student leaves the previous group. If the student fails to find a new research
advisor, the student will be automatically dismissed from the Program, and the graduate
contract and financial support of the student that includes fellowships will be
automatically terminated.
(c) Completion of Candidacy Exam. The Candidacy Exam consists of two parts: 1) Written
exam (a written paper critique) in combination with a comprehensive oral examination on the
content of the paper and its critique as well as any related basic knowledge; 2) Defense of
Research Proposal and addressing the questions on the content of Research Proposal and
related basic knowledge.
1. The written exam (paper critique) will be administered and accomplished no later than the
end of the third semester of study (excluding summers). A student will be assigned a research
paper by his/her research advisor and study the paper in depth, write a paper critique (no
more than 6 pages single spaced), present the content of the paper and the critique on the
paper, and defend his/her critique in front his/her dissertation committee. The dissertation
committee will then ask questions not only about the background and content of the paper
and the critique of the paper but also on related basic knowledge of biochemistry, molecular
biology, cell biology and biochemical techniques that students learn from all the first-year
courses. Failure on the first attempt will result in one of the following:
1) dismissal from the program
2) reexamination or
3) application for transfer to an M.S. program in one of the participating departments.
Application for transfer to an M.S. program must be made to the department’s Graduate
Committee by the student with approval of the student’s Dissertation Committee [see (f)
below]. A request for reexamination must be made to the BGC jointly by the student and the
dissertation advisor. If approved by the BGC, reexamination may be scheduled after a
minimum of one and a maximum of two semesters have passed. Only one reexamination
will be allowed. Failure of the reexamination results in dismissal from the Biochemistry
Ph.D. program.
2. Presentation of a formal proposal of the dissertation topic, the Dissertation Research
Proposal (Forms D-2 and D-3). After passing the first part of the Candidacy Exam, the
student will take the second part of the Exam by presenting and defending his or her doctoral
research proposal followed by a formal discussion session with the Dissertation Committee.
This generally would occur no later than the end of the fifth semester of study (excluding
summers). Any delay of the candidacy examination beyond the end of the 5th semester of
study requires approval by the Graduate Committee The research proposal should be of
moderate length (not more than 12 pages single spaced), which describes the student’s
progress in research and proposes the future research aims and experiments of the student’s
doctoral research. The report will be prepared in a general manuscript format of a peer-
reviewed scientific journal and must be submitted to the committee two weeks prior to the
presentation. The examination involves written and oral presentation and defense of student
dissertation research proposal based on their preliminary research. The presentation and
proposal defense will occur consecutively in a single session. The examination will be
conducted by the student’s Dissertation Committee and may include questions on the oral
presentation, the student’s dissertation research, and the student’s major and cognate fields.
The members of the student’s Dissertation Committee (see below) must be present, and they
will probe the student’s ability to defend the proposed research as well as to test the student’s
basic knowledge that is relevant to the proposal. Passing the proposal defense may not be
conditional. The student either passes or fails on the basis of performance on the exam and
cannot be passed contingent on satisfactory completion of courses or submission of research
Upon passing the proposal defense and having successfully completed all required course
work and the Qualifying Exam, the student advances to Candidacy.
Failure on the first attempt will result in one of the following:
1) dismissal from the program
2) reexamination or
3) application for transfer to an M.S. program in one of the participating departments.
Application for transfer to an M.S. program must be made by the student to the graduate
committee of the department concerned, with approval of the student’s Dissertation
Committee. A request for reexamination must be made to the BGC jointly by the student and
the dissertation advisor. If approved by the BGC, reexamination may be scheduled after a
minimum of one and a maximum of two semesters have passed. Only one reexamination
will be allowed. Failure of the reexamination results in dismissal from the Biochemistry
Ph.D. program.
It is recommended the student refer to the websites for the National Institutes of Health,
National Institute of Justice and/or National Science Foundation for specific proposal
preparation and format. The student will receive a Pass (P) or Fail (F). If the student receives
Fail (F), he or she may make appropriate modifications to the written proposal and re-present
it orally in the following semester (including summer). A second failure on the research
proposal defense will result in the student’s dismissal from the graduate program.
(d) Supervised Teaching. The ability to teach at the university level is an important skill that
should be encouraged in all the graduate students. For this reason, the Ph.D. in Biochemistry
requires of all students at least one semester of supervised teaching or documentation of the
equivalent amount of teaching experience. In order to support the breadth of this
interdisciplinary program, students will split their teaching requirement either in the
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry or the Department of Biological Sciences or
College of Medicine (unless credit is given for prior teaching experience). Teaching
assignments must be approved by the Biochemistry Graduate Director and may be reviewed
by the student’s Dissertation Committee to ensure that the student’s background is
appropriate for the course he or she is to teach (generally a laboratory section).
(e) Annual Dissertation Committee Meetings (Online Annual Evaluation Form). The student’s
Dissertation Committee, consisting of at least four members including the student’s advisor,
is formed immediately after the student’s advisor is chosen. The committee’s purpose is to
guide and monitor the student’s programs through the graduate program. Each doctoral
student is required to meet at least annually with his or her Dissertation Committee, and the
meetings are documented by annual submission of a completed the online form to the
Biochemistry Program Director. In addition, every Spring Semester each student will meet
with the Biochemistry Graduate Program Director or her/his representative to provide an
independent evaluation of the student’s progress. This evaluation shall become a permanent
part of the student’s Graduate Program File.
(f) Submission and defense of a dissertation based upon original research in biochemistry. A
dissertation is required of all candidates for the Ph.D. degree and must conform to the format
outlined in the Regulations for Thesis and Dissertation Preparation Manual available to
students online from the FIU Graduate School. Once a student advances to candidacy, the
student must be continuously enrolled in at least three credits each semester including
Summer term until he or she graduates. After submission of the dissertation and completion
of all other prescribed work for the Ph.D. degree, the candidate will give a public
presentation of the completed research and be given a final oral examination by the
Dissertation Committee. Successful completion of all of these steps will culminate in the
granting of the Ph.D. degree.
2.2. Dissertation Committee
2.2.1 Full-time students must choose a major professor (research advisor) and appropriate
project by the end of the first year of study. The Ph.D. graduate student's dissertation
committee will consist of minimal four members. The graduate student's Ph.D.
dissertation committee will consist of the research advisor, a FIU graduate faculty
member from outside the department of the student’s advisor and two additional
committee members who have expertise in the graduate student’s research area. Please
visit UGS web at
for updated information.
2.2.2 The major professor must have Dissertation Advisor Status, and be a member in
Biochemistry Ph.D. program at FIU and will chair the research committee. The
remaining research committee members can be selected from among other FIU graduate
faculty members or professionals from external agencies. Scientists from outside FIU
must submit curriculum vitae for approval by the Biochemistry Ph.D. Graduate
Committee and the UGS. The curriculum vitae will be attached to Form D-1
(appointment of a dissertation committee) for approval. Under no circumstances may an
external research supervisor be the chair of the student's research committee. Committee
members may not be relatives or family members of a student. Faculty may not serve on
the committee of a student when a conflict of interest exists; this includes personal and/or
business relationships.
2.2.3 To serve as a committee member, the faculty member or external research scientist must
have Graduate Faculty status.
2.2.4 The research committee functions:
to advise the student in all academic and research matters
formulate a course of study
review progress on the dissertation research (seminar) at least annually
prepare, conduct, and evaluate the oral proposal defense and examination
administer the defense of dissertation
render final approval of the dissertation
2.3. Dissertation Committee Appointment (D-1)
The student should consult with his/her major professor on the selection of a dissertation
committee to consist of minimal four faculty members. The composition of the committee must
meet the Program and University Graduate School Requirements. D-1 should be completed and
submitted to the Graduate Studies Office immediately upon formation of a thesis committee
(early in the student’s second semester of study). It may be necessary to change the composition
of a thesis committee at some point during a student’s program of study. In such a case, the
student must file form D-1r with the graduate committee and UGS for approval. If a student
requests a change of major professor, the student must submit a written request to the Graduate
Committee for approval. If the dissertation research has changed significantly, a new summary
of the thesis research should be submitted with the revised D-3.
2.4. Preliminary approval of dissertation and request for oral defense (D-5)
The dissertation defense is a university requirement. The defense must be scheduled and held to
comply with University Graduate School deadlines. The Graduate Division publishes their
deadlines for submission on their website
(http://gradschool.fiu.edu/downloads/M_D_Deadlines_Calendar.pdf). A student who does not
comply with these deadlines may be forced to enroll for another semester to be able to graduate.
A copy of the dissertation, certified as complete and provisionally acceptable, and one copy of
the Dissertation Defense Announcement must be submitted with D-5 to the UGS at least THREE
(3) weeks before the proposed date of the defense or by the UGS catalog deadline, whichever is
earlier. An electronic version of the thesis defense announcement must be sent to [email protected]
and posted. The College of Art and Sciences requests the aforementioned document be submitted
to the Dean’s Office ONE (1) week prior to the UGS deadline. The student must submit the
dissertation to the dissertation committee and the Graduate Program Director for approval one
week prior to the submission to the College.
2.5. Final Approval of Dissertation
Complete Final ETD Approval form must be submitted in accordance with the College of Arts
and Sciences and Graduate School deadlines after a final copy of the dissertation is approved by
the committee.
2.6. Active Status and Time Limitations
Continuous registration will be required for all students accepted into the Ph.D. program. Full-
time students must generally register for a minimum of nine credits per semester during the
regular academic year, and six credits during the summer semester. Once students have
advanced to candidacy, a minimum of three (3) hours per semester is required to maintain active
status in the program. At the Ph.D. level, all requirements, including the successful defense of a
dissertation must be completed within nine years of first enrollment in the Ph.D. program,
inclusive of any leaves of absence or other interruptions of active student status. Students who
do not complete their dissertation within this time period may apply for an exception to this rule
by filing a Request for Exception form to the Dean of the Graduate School.
3. General Information
3.1 Financial assistance
3.1.1 Various forms of financial assistance are available to graduate students at FIU.
Recommendations for aid as well as admission into the program are based on the initial ranking
of new students by their GRE and GPA scores. In addition, graduate students are encouraged to
apply for external support for their graduate work (e.g., Sigma Xi, NIH, NSF, etc.). Proposals to
funding agencies must have the approval of the Biochemistry Ph. D Graduate Program Director
and, in some cases, the Division of Sponsored Research. Graduate stipends for TA's and RA's
and some tuition fee waivers (partial and full) are available to eligible students.
3.1.2 Graduate assistantships are renewed each term. While we expect that an assistantship will
be renewed for up to five years for Ph.D. students, satisfactory progress toward the degree is a
requirement for renewal. Students will be notified each academic year regarding renewal of an
assistantship, amount of stipend/tuition waiver and responsibilities for the following year.
3.2 Guidelines for graduate assistantships (GAs)
3.2.1 Research assistantships are intended to:
provide financial support for graduate students working toward their Ph.D.
give graduate students the opportunity to obtain university research experience
under the guidance of departmental faculty. Specific research duties are assigned
by the major professor.
3.2.2 Teaching assistantships are intended to:
provide financial support for graduate students working toward their Ph.D.
give graduate students the opportunity to obtain university teaching experience
under the guidance of departmental faculty. Specific requirements for a TA will
be determined by the faculty member to whom they are assigned.
enable the Program to meet the teaching demand of multiple-section high-
enrollment laboratory courses.
3.3 Duties of teaching assistants (TAs)
3.3.1 Teaching Assistants are typically assigned for 20 hours per week, usually 2-3 sections of
a laboratory class during the academic year. Students will be paid in bi-weekly paychecks.
Assigned duties may include:
supervision of 2-3 laboratory sections per week. Since some laboratory courses meet for
differing lengths of time, alternate duties may be added or subtracted to ensure that TA
effort workloads are equally distributed
grading of lecture- or laboratory-related quizzes, exams, reports, etc.
attendance at weekly laboratory meetings and/or course-related lectures
preparation and organization of laboratories
consultation and office hours with students
proctoring and grading of lecture exams
attendance of workshops and meetings held by the department as required for training
and coordination.
3.3.2 Teaching assistants are required to enroll in 1-2 credits of supervised teaching. The
course may include teaching orientation and regular meetings to address teaching issues
throughout the semester and all TAs are required to attend.
3.4 Responsibility of supervising faculty
The role of faculty members in courses which require a TA is that of a mentor. Faculty should
strive to make the laboratory portion of their courses run smoothly by ensuring:
that the material to be presented by the TA is clearly defined and available well in
advance of the laboratory
that TA's are properly briefed on each experiment, the lab techniques and expected results
for each laboratory
that all reagents and supplies have been adequately prepared and are available for the TA
before a laboratory begins
evaluate the TA’s performance following each semester.
3.5 Evaluation of TAs
TAs will receive an evaluation from students and the faculty members who oversee their
teaching in every laboratory that they teach. Copies of the student evaluations and any student
comments are also added to the student's file and sent to the faculty member that supervised the
TA within 60 days of the end of the semester. Graduate students who have also enrolled in
supervised teaching to fulfill the teaching requirement for the Ph.D. degree will also receive a
P/F grade based on their performance in teaching. Faculty members must submit to the
Biochemistry Graduate Program Director written evaluations for each TA. These evaluations are
added to the student's file.
3.6 TA/Faculty grievances
On occasions disputes between a TA and a faculty member may arise. Changes in TA
assignments or suggestions to resolve conflicts should be made to the Biochemistry Graduate
Program Director. The Graduate Committee will review and resolve disputes in a timely fashion.
A majority vote by this committee will resolve complaints. The Graduate Committee may make
recommendations to a specific department concerning issues of TA welfare. Formal Grievance
procedures are described in the Universities Graduate Policies and Procedures Manual.
3.7 Obtaining Florida Residency (any of the following document as required by
the University)
3.7.1 To be considered for Florida residency, the student must be a U.S. citizen or legal alien,
and independent (i.e. your parents do NOT claim you on their taxes and you file your own taxes).
To apply, the following information and any other documentation proving your ties to the state
of Florida must be taken to the Registrars Office to be reviewed. All of the following documents
must be dated one year prior to the time that you apply for residency. Therefore, it is extremely
important to get the following items BEFORE YOUR FIRST SEMESTER BEGINS.
3.7.2 Proof of Residency:
Florida Driver’s License
Voter Registration Card
Florida Vehicle Registration
Declaration of Domicile (from a Dade County Court and signed by a Notary Public of
Proof of Independence (e.g. Tax forms)
Permanent Employment (e.g. show contract)
Residence during periods of non-enrollment
Lease/Own Home/Own Property
Checking Account with a Florida Bank
3.7.3 Obtaining Florida residency is mandatory for any student eligible US citizen or
legal/permanent resident who is seeking financial support from the department. The department
will only pay an eligible U.S student’s out-of-state tuition for one academic year; otherwise, the
increased fees are the burden of the student.
3.8 Withdrawal/leaves of absence/re-admittance
3.8.1 Graduate students who have not been registered for two consecutive semesters, including
the summer session, will be dropped from the graduate program and must apply for re-admission
through the Admissions Office.
3.8.2 If a student finds it necessary to be excused from registration in the program for two or
more consecutive semesters he/she must formally request a leave of absence from the graduate
program. Leave will be granted only under exceptional circumstances. When the student returns
from a leave of absence, decisions concerning previous or current programs of study will be
mutually agreed upon by the graduate committee, the student's thesis committee and the student.
3.8.3 A leave of absence does not extend the amount of time allotted for degree completion.
The six years for the MS and nine years for the Ph.D. are calculated from the entry date in the
program and do not take absence from the program into account. A student who has been
dismissed from the program may not be considered for re-admission into the program within a
3.9 Research and Patents
The results of a graduate student's research could lead to a patent and the payment of royalties.
The University claims no rights to patent royalties if the research is performed in a laboratory
outside of the University under close cooperation with an outside advisor. The University
insists, however, that the student receive a fair share of any financial benefits from such a patent.
If the patented work is done in a University laboratory with the frequent consultation of regular
faculty, the University may claim a portion of the royalty. Negotiations on such claims will be
conducted by the Provost's Office.
3.10 Forgiveness policy
After Summer 2012 the Forgiveness policy is permanently discontinued. With this policy
change, students may repeat courses, but all graduate coursework, including repeats, will be
calculated in the GPA.
3.11 Transfer of graduate credits
Some course credits earned elsewhere as a graduate degree-seeking student may be transferred
and credited toward the graduate degree with approval of the Biochemistry Graduate Committee.
Official request for consideration of transfer credits must be submitted to the graduate committee
within two semesters of the student’s entry into the graduate program.
The Biochemistry Ph.D. program may accept a maximum of 6 semester hours of graduate credit
earned from another institution beyond a bachelor's degree. An exception is made for courses
contained within an earned master's or doctoral degree. For such courses, the maximum is one
fewer than half of the total credits required for the Biochemistry Ph.D. program.
Acceptance of transfer credits for a course is dependent upon the following provisions:
the student received a grade of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale
the course was taken at an accredited institution at a equivalent or higher ranking as FIU
the course was relevant, as judged by the Biochemistry Graduate Committee
the course is listed on an official transcript received by the Graduate Admissions
the course will be no older than 9 years at the time of graduation with doctoral degree,
respectively (does not apply to credits earned as part of an earlier earned graduate degree)
3.12 Rights and responsibilities
The University has developed policies and procedures on the rights and responsibilities of
students and a code of conduct assuring that these rights may be freely exercised without
interference or infringement by others. The code of conduct, academic misconduct policies,
student grievance procedures and policies on student records are reported in detail in the
University Publication Rights and Responsibilities of Students. All administrative procedures
and time deadlines must be met, whether or not they are specifically mentioned in this document.
Students must operate within the rules and guidelines of the Graduate Policy and Procedures
Manual, Graduate Catalog and the Regulations for Thesis and Dissertation Preparation Manual.
Accordingly, graduate students should obtain copies of these publications from the Graduate
Studies Office or visit the Graduate Division website (www.fiu.edu/~gradstud/) and be familiar
with their contents.
4. Appendix
4.1 University Graduate School Forms are available on-line at www.fiu.edu/ugs/
Doctoral Degree Forms
D-1 Appointment of Dissertation Committee (must be completed at the
beginning of the second semester)
D-1r Appointment of Revised Dissertation Committee
D-2 Program for Doctoral Degree and Application for Candidacy
(submitted after research proposal defense and oral examination)
D-3 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (submitted after research proposal defense)
Annual Student Evaluation and Mentoring Plan
D-5 Preliminary Approval of Dissertation and Request for Oral Defense
(Student must submit thesis at least 3 weeks prior to filing this form)
Final Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) Approval
4.2 Biochemistry Ph.D. Program forms
4.3 Biochemistry Graduate Faculty
Members Department Email
Irina Agoulnik Cellular Biology and Pharmacology irina.agoulnik@fiu.edu
Alejandro Barbieri Biological Sciences barbieri@fiu.edu
David Chatfield Chemistry and Biochemistry chatfiel@fiu.edu
Jeremy Chambers Environmental Health Sciences jwchambe@fiu.edu
Tim Collins Biological Sciences co[email protected]du
Anthony DeCaprio Chemistry and Biochemistry [email protected]
Nazira El-Hage Immunology nelhag[email protected]
Francisco Fernandez-Lima Chemistry and Biochemistry fernandf@fiu.edu
Javier Francisco-Ortega Biological Sciences or[email protected]
Konstantinos Kavallieratos Chemistry and Biochemistry [email protected]
Lou Kim Biological Sciences kiml@fiu.edu
Lidia Kos Biological Sciences kosl@fiu.edu
Watson Lees Chemistry and Biochemistry leeswj@fiu.edu
Fenfei Leng Chemistry and Biochemistry lengf@fiu.edu
Wenzhi Li Physics wenz[email protected]
Jun Li Biological Sciences [email protected]
Yuan Liu Chemistry and Biochemistry yualiu@fiu.edu
Kalai Mathee Cellular Biology and Pharmacology [email protected]
Bruce McCord Chemistry and Biochemistry mccordb@fiu.edu
Jaroslava Miksovska Chemistry and Biochemistry mik[email protected]
Joong-ho Moon Chemistry and Biochemistry jmoon@fiu.edu
Fernando Noriega Biological Sciences noriegaf@fiu.edu
Kathleen Rein Chemistry and Biochemistry reink@fiu.edu
Barry Rosen Cell Biology and Pharmacology brosen@fiu.edu
Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh Chemistry and Biochemistry ytsedinh@fiu.edu
Xiaotang Wang Chemistry and Biochemistry wangx@fiu.edu
Stanislaw Wnuk Chemistry and Biochemistry wnuk@fiu.edu
Biochemistry Ph.D. Program Lab Rotation Evaluation Form
Florida International University
Student Name: ________________________ Mentor: ____________________
GRADE (circle one): Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
How many hours/week did the student spend in the lab:__________________
Impressions of the student’s overall performance (Reliability and conscientiousness, Ability to
collect and analyze scientific data, Record keeping, Accuracy, Technical skills, comprehension,
communication skills, self-reliance and independence, intellectual curiosity-Emphasize the
strengths and weaknesses of the student)
Brief summary of the student’s achievements:
Will you take this student if he/she chose to join your group? Yes No
Student signature:_________________________ Date:__________
Mentor signature:_________________________ Date:__________
Please, return this form no later than one week after ending the rotation to:
Dr. Yuan Liu, Associate Professor
Director of Biochemistry Ph.D. Program
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Florida International University
Biochemistry Ph.D. Program
Choosing a Research Advisor
Students must fulfill three lab rotations before an official advisor can be assigned.
I choose
____________________ as my Research advisor (1st choice)
____________________ as my Research advisor (2nd choice)
____________________ as my Research advisor (3rd choice)
________________________ __________
Student’s signature Date
In accepting this student you will also take on the responsibilities of being the student’s research and academic
advisor. As the student’s research advisor you are also expected to direct and monitor their research productivity,
through periodic meetings, progress reports, and/or by meeting with the thesis/dissertation committee. Be sure to
follow the Biochemistry Ph.D. program and university policies and procedures with regard to the academic
requirements for the Ph.D. programs, especially concerning limitations of TAs and in recommending appropriate
______________________________ __________
Research Advisor’s signature Date
______________________________________ __________
Biochemistry Graduate Program Director’s signature Date
Written critique on the paper (Single space, no more than 6 pages)
1. Summarize the work from introduction to discussion
2. Comments on “Introduction and background” by asking following questions:
A) Why is it so important to do the work? What is the significance of the work.
B) Did the paper give enough summarization of the work in the field?
C) Did the authors discuss clearly about the problems and questions they are going to
address in the paper?
3. Comments on “Materials and Methods” by asking following questions:
A) Are these methods or approaches necessary and sufficient for addressing the
problems in the work?
B) What are the advantages of the methods over the others in addressing the
problems in the paper?
C) Are there any better alternative approaches?
4. Comments on “Results” by asking following questions
A) Is the experimental design logical and reasonable?
B) Are there enough controls for all the experiments?
C) Are the results in each figure convincing?
D) Do the results are strong enough to indicate or suggest a notion or hypothesis the
authors proposed?
E) Is there any flaw or defect in the experimental design and methodology?
F) Does every piece of data make sense in supporting the conclusions?
5. Comments on “Discussions” by asking following questions
A) Are the major points supported by the data in the results?
B) Is the hypothetical model supported by the results?
C) What is the impact of the work in the field?
D) Is the work novel and innovative?
E) How is the quality of the work in general?
G) How can the work be improved so that it may have bigger impact in the field?
Biochemistry Ph.D. Program
Florida International University
Paper Critique Presentation Evaluation and Grade
Student: Date:
Please place an “X” in the most appropriate category.
Good (4)
Content of paper presented
Background and Significance
Experimental Approaches
Results and Discussion
Summary, References,
Paper critiques
Comments on “Introduction
and background”: the
importance and the necessity
(research gap) of the work and
working hypothesis
Comments on “Materials and
Methods”: necessity,
sufficiency, advantages of the
methods for addressing the
problem of the paper
Comments on “Results”:
experimental design: logic,
reasoning, reliability, control
experiments, the strength of data
to support the hypothesis,
defects or flaws in the
experimental design and
Comments on “Discussions”:
major points of the paper
supported by the results, impact
of the work in the field, the
novelty and innovation of the
work, general quality of the work,
future directions
Presentation Skills
Flow (Speed, Pauses, Time)
Handling of Questions
Overall Grade
Feedback Comments to Student:
Did the student provide you with the proposal 1 week prior to presentation? Yes No
Based on the student’s overall performance, what grade would you recommend for the seminar?
Please check appropriate box.
A (Excellent) Evaluation Completed By:_____________________________
B (Very Good) (Signature)
C (Satisfactory)
D (Needs Significant Improvement) Date: _____________________
F (Very Unsatisfactory)