Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
Policy Title
Policy and Procedures for Part-Time Employment
Previous title (if any)
UNFPA Work and Life Programme: Flexible Working
Policy objective
The purpose of this policy is to set out the parameters for the
administration of part-time employment for staff members.
Target audience
All staff members
Risk control matrix
Control activities that are part of the process are detailed in the Risk
Control Matrix
Effective date
05 January 2023
Revision History
Mandatory review
05 January 2026
Policy owner unit
Division for Human Resources
Link to signed approval template
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
Policy for Part-Time Employment
I. Purpose
1. The purpose of this policy is to set out the requirements and procedures for part-time
employment of staff members at UNFPA.
II. Policy
2. This policy outlines the conditions and procedures for part-time employment. It also
identifies control actions to mitigate potential risks related to the process and establishes
the following:
a. Definitions;
b. General provisions;
c. Conditions for part-time employment vacancies;
d. Conditions for part-time employment by agreement;
e. Process for requesting part-time employment by agreement;
f. Adjustments of benefits and entitlements;
g. Roles and Responsibilities.
3. The following definitions apply for the purposes of the present policy:
a. Head of Unit: The person with delegated responsibility for the management of an
organizational unit.
i. For Country Offices the UNFPA Representative, Country Director or Head
of Office, as applicable;
ii. for Regional Offices the Regional Director; and
iii. for Headquarters Divisions the Division Director.
b. Human Resources focal point: The individual charged with administering Human
Resources related processes in the organizational unit.
c. Part-time employment: Employment which requires an overall reduced number of
work days as opposed to full-time employment.
d. Part-time employment vacancies: Employment opportunities which are advertised
as part-time and for which staff members are recruited on a part time basis.
e. Part-time employment agreement: A reduction of the established full-time work
schedule requested by staff members and approved by the Head of Unit.
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
f. Staff members: Individuals holding staff appointments, i.e., those on permanent,
fixed-term or temporary appointments
General Provisions
4. Part-time employment may only be granted at 50 percent. Other proportions are not
5. Salaries, benefits and entitlements are adjusted for part-time employment as described
6. Part-time employment must not result in additional costs for UNFPA.
7. For part-time employment the Head of Unit may approve one of the following schedules,
taking into account the needs of the organization and of the staff members:
a. Regular part-time schedule within one week:
i. two full days and one half day, consecutively or non-consecutively,
ii. one full day and three half days, consecutively or non-consecutively, or
iii. five half days.
Under this arrangement, staff members are expected to have the same work
schedule every week.
b. Part-time work for a full calendar week on alternating weeks. Under this
arrangement, staff members work for one full week, followed by a full week off.
c. Part-time work for two full calendar weeks on alternating two-week periods. Under
this arrangement staff members work for two full consecutive weeks, followed by
two full weeks off.
8. Supervisors and staff members can agree on a temporary change of the part-time work
schedule if exigencies of service or the needs of the staff members remember require it.
This change must not result in an increase of the hours worked.
9. Supervisors and staff members need to ensure that part-time agreements are permissible
under the staff member's visa conditions
Conditions for part-time employment vacancies
G-4 visas (Visas for UN employees in the United States) currently require holders to work on an essentially full-
time basis (at least 35 hours per week).
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
10. A Head of Unit, in consultation with their respective Human Resources Business Partners,
may determine based on the unit’s work plan that a vacant full-time staff position is to be
filled on a part-time basis instead of a full-time assignment.
11. Once the Head of Unit determines that a vacant full-time staff position is to be filled on a
part-time basis, the vacancy announcement must clearly indicate that a part-time
assignment is being advertised and the effects this will have on salaries, benefits and
12. Staff members appointed on a part-time basis cannot be converted to full-time pay status.
Should at any point it be determined by the Head of Unit, in consultation with the respective
Human Resources Business Partner, that a post needs to be filled with a staff member who
works full-time, a new competitive recruitment process must be conducted.
13. Staff members hired on a part-time vacancy may pursue an outside employment provided
that it is permissible under UNFPA’s Policy on Outside Activities and/or Honors,
Decorations, Favors, Gifts, Awards, Remuneration from Outside Parties. Staff members
should submit such requests as early as possible to allow sufficient time for the review.
Conditions for part-time employment by agreement
14. Part-time employment by agreement may be requested by all categories of staff members
while occupying and serving in a specific post.
15. Part-time employment by agreement is not an entitlement, and not all staff members are
guaranteed the opportunity to modify their contractual arrangement.
16. Part-time employment by agreement is approved by the Head of Unit on a case by case
basis. Bearing in mind that part-time employment by agreement can only be considered in
the context of the post’s description/duties, the Head of Unit must be satisfied that:
a. The staff member is able to carry out the responsibilities set out in the post
description on a part-time basis. Staff members are expected to be able to carry out
the same kind of duties but not the same amount;
b. Specific circumstances exist that would justify an adjustment of the regular work
schedule, including, but not limited to, medical needs, phased retirement, continued
education, child or elder care responsibilities; and
c. The organization’s delivery on its mandate is not negatively affected by the part-
time employment arrangement.
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
17. For part-time employment by agreement, the unit may supplement part-time employment
through temporary assistance, which must not exceed the remaining portion of the existing
budget allocation for the post in question.
18. Part-time employment by agreement, if approved, is for a specific duration of at least six
months up to a maximum of one year. The agreement must be reviewed and discussed
regularly as part of ongoing communications between the first-level supervisor and the
staff member.
19. The agreement will automatically cease on the agreed end date, but can be extended or
renewed with the same or different work schedule
20. An agreement for part-time employment can be extended provided the total duration does
not exceed one year, if agreed by both the staff member and the Head of Unit.
21. Prior to the end date of the agreement, the staff member and the supervisor can agree to
renew the agreement for six months up to a year, as long as the conditions in para 16
continue to exist. There is no limit to the number of such renewals.
22. An agreement may be terminated by the Head of Unit, should it be determined that the staff
member’s part-time work affects their performance negatively. A notice period of 30
calendar days is required for all such terminations and the notification must be in writing.
23. Unlike staff members hired on a part-time vacancy, staff members requesting part-time
employment may not take up outside employment.
III. Procedures
Process for requesting part-time employment by agreement
24. Staff members must use the form in Annex I to request part-time agreements.
25. In their request, the staff member must provide specific reasons that justify an adjustment
of their regular work schedule. These reasons can include, but are not limited to, medical
needs, phased retirement, continued education or child or elder care responsibilities.
26. Requests for part-time employment by agreement must first be reviewed by the first-level
supervisor, and the staff member and the first-level supervisor must discuss the feasibility
of the request and aspects that may impact performance or the ability to collaborate
efficiently with other team members and counterparts.
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
27. The request and the outcome of the preliminary discussion is then presented to the Head of
Unit for decision, who will take into account the nature of the work, the structure of the
unit, the ability to effectively deliver results to support the office work programme and the
nature of the specific circumstances presented by the staff member.
28. The first-level supervisor informs the unit’s Human Resources focal point, should the
request be approved.
29. The Human Resources focal point liaises with the UNDP Benefits and Entitlement Services
or local UNDP to modify the compensation package for staff members who are employed
on a part-time basis; ensures that the necessary adjustments are made to a staff member’s
salary and benefits for approved part-time employment; keeps copies of approved part-
time employment requests submitted by staff members; and advises staff members on the
effects part-time work might have on their salaries, benefits and entitlements, if requested.
IV. Other
Adjustments of Benefits and Entitlements
30. The effect of part-time employment on staff members’ salaries, benefits and entitlements,
if applicable, are outlined below
a. Salary - will be pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-time position.
b. Annual leave - Annual leave accrues at 50% compared to a full-time position.
c. Assignment Travel - Entitlement remains unchanged.
d. Death benefit - Periods of service in part-time employment arrangements will be
pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-time position when calculating the death
benefit. Any additional lump-sum payment in the case of permanent disfigurement
or permanent loss of a body part or function will not be prorated.
e. Dependency allowances - Dependency allowances will be pro-rated to 50 percent
compared to a full-time position.
f. Education grant and Special Education Grant - Education and Special Education
grant will be pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-time position.
For an overview of adjustments see Annex II.
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
g. Education grant travel Part-time staff members will be granted education grant
travel under the same terms and conditions and with the same qualifying periods as
full-time staff members, except that they will receive a lump sum pro-rated to 50
percent compared to a full-time position or be requested to contribute the other half
of the actual cost of the ticket. The reimbursement rate for the first education grant
travel following a part-time work agreement will be based on the longer period of
time that staff members worked on a full-time or part-time schedule during the
relevant school year (e.g. if the school year is ten months and during that period the
staff members worked full-time for six months and part-time for four months, they
will be entitled to 100 percent reimbursement).
h. Family visit travel - Part-time staff members will be granted family visit travel and
related entitlements under the same terms and conditions and with the same
qualifying periods as full-time staff members, except that they will receive a lump
sum pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-time position, or be requested to
contribute the other half of the actual cost of the ticket. The reimbursement rate for
the first family visit travel following a part-time work agreement will be based on
the longer period of time that staff members worked on a full-time or part-time
schedule since the last travel.
i. Hardship allowance - The allowance will be prorated at 50 percent compared to a
full-time position. The accrual for the minimum qualifying service period and the
total number of years payable will not be impacted.
j. Home leave travel - Part-time staff members will be granted home leave travel and
related entitlements under the same terms and conditions and with the same
qualifying periods as full-time staff members, except that they will receive a lump
sum pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-time position, or be requested to
contribute the other half of the actual cost of the ticket. The reimbursement rate for
the first home leave travel following a part-time work agreement will be based on
the longer period of time that staff members worked on a full-time or part-time
schedule since the last travel.
k. Medical evacuation - As long as the staff member is active in service and under full
medical insurance coverage, part-time work does not affect medical evacuation
l. Medical insurance - Part-time work arrangements will not change the health care
coverage or the full medical insurance premium. Part-time staff members shall be
eligible for full medical insurance under the same terms and conditions specified as
full-time staff members. However, the amount of medical insurance subsidy paid
by UNFPA will be adjusted to 50% and staff members are required to pay the
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
remaining premium themselves, i.e., staff members are required to cover 50% of
the portion covered by UNFPA for full-time assignments.
m. Mobility incentive - The incentive will be prorated at 50 percent compared to a full-
time position. The accrual for the minimum qualifying service period and the total
number of years payable will not be impacted.
n. Official holidays - Official holidays will only be granted when they fall on a
working day during the regular part-time schedule. Staff members may not change
their regular part-time schedule to claim an official holiday.
o. Overtime - Part-time staff members eligible for overtime as per the Policy on
Overtime Compensation, who are required to work in excess of their part-time
schedules on days that are included in their part-time work schedule will receive
compensation of 100 percent of the normal hourly rate, for additional hours worked
up to the regular scheduled workday of full-time staff members. Thereafter, and for
work required on days outside their agreed part-time work schedule, they must be
compensated according to the usual conditions governing overtime work.
p. Parental leave - The same period of parental leave for full-time staff members
applies to part-time staff members. Part-time staff members will receive pro-rated
salaries and allowances compared to a full-time position.
q. Pension fund participation - During the period of part-time employment
arrangements, staff members are entitled to continue participation in the UN Joint
Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) in accordance with supplementary Article A of the
Fund Regulations (for more information, refer to the UNJSPF website at
www.unjspf.org). The contribution paid to UNJSPF staff members and the
organization will be adjusted to 50%. The entitlement to, and the amount of benefits
resulting from part-time employment will be pro-rated by 50 percent compared to
a full-time position (e.g., one year at 50 percent part-time will count as six months
of contributory service).
r. Rental subsidy - Rental subsidy will be pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-
time position.
s. Repatriation grant - Periods of service in part-time employment arrangements will
be pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-time position when calculating the
repatriation grant.
t. Repatriation travel - Part-time staff members will be granted the related travel
under the same terms and conditions as full-time staff members, except that the
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
periods of part-time service will be pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-time
position for the purposes of accumulating the qualifying periods.
u. Service-incurred incidents In the case of service-incurred illness, injury or death,
benefits payable under Appendix D of the United Nations Staff Rules will be
determined by the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims.
v. Settling-in grant - The settling-in grant will be pro-rated to 50 percent compared to
a full-time position.
w. Shipment of personal effects and household goods - If the staff member chooses the
lump sum option, the amount will be pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-
time position. If the staff member chooses an actual shipment, the weight/volume
entitlement will be pro-rated to 50% compared to a full-time position.
x. Sick leave - The same provisions governing sick leave for full-time staff members
apply to part-time staff members. Part-time staff members will receive their
respective pro-rated salaries and allowances during sick leave compared to a full-
time position.
y. Termination indemnity - Periods of service in part-time employment arrangements
will be pro-rated to 50 percent compared to a full-time position when calculating
termination indemnity.
z. Within-grade salary increments - Increments are granted under the same conditions
and qualifying periods as for full-time staff members.
31. The impact of part-time employment will vary, depending on the particular circumstances.
Therefore, staff members must ensure that they fully understand and seek advice from their
Human Resources focal point or Human Resources Business Partner on the implications
of part-time employment arrangements on the level of salaries, entitlements and benefits
that will be receivable in their specific case before requesting part-time employment.
Roles and responsibilities
32. First-level supervisor responsibilities include:
a. Holding initial discussions with the staff member on the feasibility and impact on
performance of part-time work requests.
b. Submitting approved part-time work request form to Human Resources focal point;
c. Recording temporary adjustments to a part-time work schedule that has been
mutually agreed between the supervisor and staff member;
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
d. Holding discussions with the staff members regarding expectations before starting
part-time employment and explaining how part-time employment arrangements
e. Monitoring approved part-time employment arrangements;
f. Ensuring that part-time employment arrangements do not hinder or prevent the
timely delivery of products and services; and
g. Reviewing and discussing each part-time arrangement with the staff member
regularly to evaluate the impact on the fulfillment of performance objectives as part
of ongoing communications.
33. Staff member responsibilities include:
a. Ensuring that they fully understand, and seek advice from their Human Resources
focal point or Human Resources Business Partner on the implications of part-time
employment arrangements, including on salaries, benefits and entitlements;
b. Meeting the obligations outlined in the part-time employment agreements;
c. Participating in meetings and being accessible during the agreed-upon part-time
employment working hours;
d. Seeking mutual agreement to any temporary adjustments to part-time work
schedule in advance of the intended effective date; and
e. Seeking mutual agreement to any extension of existing part-time work agreements,
and returning to full-time work schedule if not approved.
34. Human Resources focal points are responsible for:
a. Liaising with UNDP Benefits and Entitlement Services to modify the compensation
package for staff members who are employed on a part-time basis;
b. Ensuring the necessary adjustments are made to a staff member’s salary and
benefits for approved part-time employment;
c. Keeping copies of approved part-time employment requests submitted by staff
members; and
d. Advising staff members on the effects part-time work might have on their salaries,
benefits and entitlements, if requested.
35. Heads of unit are responsible for:
a. Reviewing and deciding on requests for part-time work to determine if they meet
the conditions for part-time employment by agreement described above;
b. Reviewing and deciding whether to approve requests for an extension or renewal
of existing part-time work agreements;
c. Determining the part-time work schedule, taking into account the needs of the
organization and of the staff member;
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
d. Determining, in consultation with the respective Human Resources Business
Partner and the first-level supervisor, whether a vacant position should be filled
through a part-time vacancy or advertised for the employment of a staff member on
a full-time basis.
36. Human Resources Business Partners are responsible for:
a. Discussing with Heads of unit whether a vacant position should be filled through a
part-time vacancy or advertised for the employment of a staff member on a full-
time basis; and
b. Advising staff members on the effects part-time work might have on their salaries,
benefits and entitlements, if requested.
V. Process Overview Flowchart(s)
No overview flow chart applicable
VI. Risk Control Matrix (mandatory unless ICF team exception given)
37. The Risk Control Matrix can be found here: Part Time Policy Risk Matrix
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
Annex I
Index Number: Manager Name:
Please indicate which of the available options you wish to request for your part-time work schedule. If you
should choose a weekly schedule, please indicate which days you request to work full and/or half-time:
Proposed start and end dates of part-time employment agreement:
Start Date: End Date:
Please provide specific reasons that require you to request a part-time work schedule:
By signing this document, I acknowledge that working part-time will affect my salary, benefits and entitlements,
as described in the Part-time Work Policy. I also confirm that I understand that I will have to cover half the cost
of the medical insurance portion covered by UNFPA for full-time assignments.
Signature Staff Member: Date:
First-level Supervisor Approval:
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
Head of Unit Approval:
Annex II
(All percentages are in comparison to a full-time position)
Net Salary
(including post adjustment when
(All percentages are in comparison to a full-time position)
Annual leave
Accrues at 50%
Assignment travel
Death benefit
Accrual of qualifying periods: 50%
Benefits: 100%
Dependency allowances
Education grant
Education grant travel
Lump sum pro-rated at 50%, or
Requested to contribute 50% of actual costs of ticket
In case of part-time agreements, reimbursement rate
will be based on whether full-time or part-time work
was the longer period in the school year (e.g. if the
school year is 10 months and staff members worked
full-time 6 months and part-time 4 months, they will be
entitled to 100% reimbursement)
Family visit travel
Lump sum pro-rated at 50%, or
Requested to contribute 50% of actual costs of ticket
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
In case of part-time agreements, reimbursement rate
will be based on whether full-time or part-time work
was the longer period since the last travel.
Hardship allowance
* Accrual of qualifying service period and number of
years payable are unchanged.
Home leave travel
Lump sum pro-rated at 50%, or
Staff member requested to contribute 50% of actual
costs of ticket
In case of part-time agreements, reimbursement rate
will be based on whether full-time or part-time work
was the longer period since the last travel.
Medical evacuation
Medical insurance
Full medical insurance, but will have to cover 50% of
the portion covered by UNFPA for full-time
Mobility incentive
* Accrual of qualifying service period and number of
years payable are unchanged.
Official holidays
Unchanged if they fall on a working day as per the part-
time work schedule.
Schedule must not be changed to claim official
Compensation of 100% of normal hourly rate on
working days as per the part-time work schedule up to a
regular workday for full-time.
Compensation as per usual conditions for work on days
outside the part-time work schedule or when exceeding
hours of regular workday.
Parental leave
Pension Fund
The amount of the benefit resulting from part-time
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy for Part-Time Employment Human Resources
Effective date of policy: 5 January 2023
employment is reduced by the ratio, which it bears to
full employment, taking into account your final average
remuneration, number of years of Contributory Service,
age at time of separation, etc.
Rental subsidy
Repatriation grant
Accrual of qualifying periods: 50%
Benefits: 100%
Repatriation travel
Accrual of qualifying periods: 50%
Benefits: 100%
Service-incurred incidents
Determined by ABCC
Settling-in grant
Shipment of personal effects and
household goods
50% of lump sum or
50% of weight/volume entitlement
Sick leave
Termination indemnity
Accrual of qualifying periods: 50%
Benefits: 100%
Within-grade salary increments