Flinders University Sport and Fitness scholarship
information sheet
Flinders is a member of the Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU) program that supports
Australia’s elite athletes to achieve academic excellence while also pursuing a sporting career.
We recommend all athletes apply for Elite athlete status. For more information see the website
At Flinders University, we appreciate how difficult it is to combine elite and high performance
ambitions with an academic workload. Flinders University Sport and Fitness offers up a number
of sporting scholarships each year to assist athletes to combine their study and sport.
Dates for application closures are; 29
March 2018 and 10
August 2018. To download a form
and for more information see onesportandfitness.com.au
Sporting scholarships : Eligibility
Competing at the highest level in your state or above:
International representing Australia at senior and junior level
National competing at national level within Australia
State – participating in the top tier competition in the state (with the potential to compete at
national and international competition)
37 sporting scholarships totalling $90,000 available across three tiers:
Tier 1: 2 x $4,000
o Competed in the past four years at:
Olympic Games / Paralympics
Commonwealth Games
World Championships / World Cups / World University Games
Tier 2: 10 x $2,700
o Represented Australia in the last three years
o Currently competing for a senior state team
o Represented at a senior international event in the last 12 months
Tier 3: 25 x $2,200
o Development athletes
o Current state junior in the last two years
o State league team member
Scholarships provided
(access to and level of these services will depend upon scholarship tier):
Financial assistance towards sporting competition costs
Onsite sport and fitness facilities to train
Allied health professional support, including dietitian, physiotherapy and massage
Coached strength and conditioning programming and facility access
Australian University Games package waived (travel not included)
Flinders University scholarship kit
2 x tickets to end of year Flinders University Sports Awards
Flinders University Sport and Fitness scholarship
information sheet
Applications only accepted if you are an enrolled student at Flinders University and the
application is received by the due date (Thurs 29
March / Fri 10
August). All applicants will
need to provide a hard copy / electronic copy image of themselves competing in their sport.
These will be used for promotional purposes.
Please direct any enquiries directly to
Wendy Gower
E : wendy.gower@flinders.edu.au
P : 8201 2549
Flinders University Sport and fitness
Application form 2018
I am applying for the following scholarship
Tier 1 : Olympic, Commonwealth, World cup/championship/games
Tier 2 : Australian representative, current senior state, senior international
Tier 3 : Development athlete, current state junior, state league team
First Name ______________________________ Surname_________________________
Date of Birth ______________________________ Gender __________
Address Line 1 _____________________________________________________________
Suburb ___________________________________________________________________
State ______________ Post Code __________
Email ____________________________________________________________________
Home Phone ______________________________________________________________
Mobile ___________________________________________________________________
Student Number ____________________________________________________________
Course Enrolled In __________________________________________________________
Course Commenced________________Expected Completion Date__________________
How did you become aware of this scholarship?
Main Sport ________________________________________________________________
Other sports _______________________________________________________________
At what level have you been involved in with your sport. Please identify year and
State _____________________________________________________________
Oceania __________________________________________________________
World ____________________________________________________________
Commonwealth _____________________________________________________
Please identify if you have been awarded a scholarship at an institute or academy
of sport and year awarded.
SASI _____________________________________________________________
AIS _____________________________________________________________
Other ____________________________________________________________
Who do you currently compete for?
Club _______________________________________ Level / Division _________________
Coach ______________________________________
Contact Number / Email ______________________________________________________
Significant results over the past 18 months
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
Please provide 2 contacts that can support your application and are prepared to
be sporting referees on your behalf.
1. Name : _________________________________________________________________
Role : ___________________________________________________________________
Contact details : _________________________________________________________
2. Name : _________________________________________________________________
Role : ___________________________________________________________________
Contact details : _________________________________________________________
Declaration statement
I wish to be considered for the scholarship as indicated and declare that the
information on this form is correct and complete. I am aware that the information
provided in this statement is governed by the Privacy act 1988, and that it will not be
disclosed to any third parties without my consent. I agree to the terms and
conditions that are attached to receiving this scholarship.
Signed _______________________________________ Date _______________________
Note : Flinders University Sport and Fitness will make every effort to inform students of
the scholarship outcome by 6
April 2018.
Checklist ;
I have forwarded my sporting photograph (quality no less than 1024 x 768)
I have completed my athlete statement
Athlete statement
Please outline in no more than 300 words your aims and goals, both academically
and sporting. Within this statement please outline how you see this scholarship will
assist you to achieve your goals.
Thankyou for applying for a scholarship with Flinders University Sport and Fitness
Please read the terms and conditions carefully that come with applying for, and
receiving a sporting scholarship. Once completed please submit your application in
any one of the following formats;
Scanned and forwarded by email to Wendy.Gower@flinders.edu.au
*please request a reply notification.
Hard copy
Placed in an envelope and mailed to;
Sport Centre Manager
Flinders University Sport and Fitness
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide SA 5001
Placed in an envelope and handed in at reception of Flinders University Sport
and Fitness. Addressed to Wendy Gower.