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Flinders University Student Exchange Fact Sheet 2022-23
How to apply
The online application portal opens twice yearly for approximately 4 weeks.
Nominated students will receive an email from Flinders notifying them to apply
online when the application portal opens.
The (Apply online) portal opens twice yearly open/close estimates below.
Opens 18 October Closes 15 November Semester 1 (Feb June)
Opens 4 April Closes 30 April Semester 2 (Jul Nov)
Scroll down page to apply online.
Student application process
1. Formal nomination by partner.
2. Student submits online application to Flinders.
3. Student applications processed and offers of admission are issued to
4. Student accepts the offer of admission and returns acceptance documents
and makes payment for compulsory Overseas Health Cover (OSHC).
5. Following receipt/evidence of OSHC payment, the Confirmation of
Enrolment (CoE) certificate will be issued.
6. Apply for a student visa
7. Student to provide a list of topics to LWB team for academic approval. In
most cases topic approvals will be finalised prior to the student’s arrival
8. An approved topic list will be sent to students, to register in classes
through the Student Information System.
Supporting documents
1. Certified or official copy of academic transcript (showing completion of at
least a full academic year/2 semesters). Student documents can be
verified by the international office or delegate at home institution. Verifier
should provide their full name, signature and date of signing.
2. 500-word student statement of purpose (not required for study abroad
fee-paying applicants).
3. Certified copies of English language test results (see English language
requirements) below.
4. Passport information page (includes photo)
Flinders University
Exchange and study abroad student
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English language requirements
Flinders requires evidence that students have an appropriate level of English
language skill to ensure a successful experience (not applicable to English
speaking countries). The minimum requirements are:
an overall Academic IELTS of 6.0 (with a minimum of 6.0 in speaking and
an internet-based TOEFL score of 80 (with a minimum score of 18
speaking and writing);
Cambridge English Scale (CAE) with a pass grade of B2.
Please visit our English language requirements page for further details about
specific programs, Postgraduate and PhD requirements.
Areas of study not available or
Nursing, Midwifery, Medicine, all topics with practical components (i.e. clinical
placement, WIL, professional practicum), research topics.
Creative Arts, inc. drama topics require an audition or student portfolio.
GPA Requirement
Minimum GPA requirement of Flinders 4.0 (pass average) after completing one
year of full-time study.
Full time course load per
The recommended study load is 18 units or 4 topics. However, 13.5 units or 3
topics is considered a full-time load and meets student visa requirements.
Nomination deadline
October 15
of the year before
Exchange application deadlines
November 15
of the year before
academic year (February to July period)
S1 2022 (1 Mar 5 Jul)
Includes mid-year exams. Does not include supplementary and deferred exam
period (see below).
S2 2022 (26 Jul 20 Nov)
Key semester dates link
Recommended arrival dates
1-2 weeks prior to commencement of classes, or the start date of the Flinders
Living housing contract, S1 - 19 February 2022 and S2 - 9 July 2022.
Orientation date(s)
Typically, 1 week prior to the commencement of classes.
Course registration
Topic approval is facilitated by the Learn Without Borders team, in most cases
prior to students arriving on-campus. Students will be advised about topic
approval outcomes and provided with instructions about how to complete their
enrolment and register for classes.
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The full-time study load constitutes 135 hours work for a topic in a semester (13
teaching weeks & 2 weeks of individual study in preparation for examinations)
Courses taught in English?
All topics are taught in English, except language programs other than English.
Year-long courses taught?
Housing website
Is housing guaranteed?
What options are available?
No. However, if students apply during the first/second round offer it is rare not
to receive an accommodation offer.
Students can choose to live on-campus but also have the option to live off
campus in rental accommodation check out options at
A $50 non-refundable application fee is required.
On-campus housing options
1. University Hall catered (15 meals/week), dormitory style, single
2. Deirdre Jordan (DJ) Village self-catered, apartment style, single
Further information Living on campus
Semester 1 contract: 19 February 2022 to 09 July 2022
Semester 2 contract: 09 July 2022 to 26 November 2022
Distance from housing to the
5 minute walk up to the main campus. 22 minutes by rail to the city or 30
minutes by bus to the city and the beach.
How do students get from
Flinders housing to the
university (walk, bus, bike,
Most residents walk to the main campus; public transport is readily available,
and cycling is popular.
*Note cycling helmets must be worn in Australia.
Can I apply for on-campus
housing options before
receiving an exchange offer?
Yes, Link to online housing application portal.
Contact details
Flinders Living
University Hall, carpark 11
Flinders University
Sturt Road Bedford Park SA 5042
P: +61 8 7221 8900
F: +61 8 7221 8933
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Resources/services for students with
Student visa
Preparing to travel to Australia
A student visa (subclass 500) is required for study in Australia. Please
visit the Department of Home Affairs website for further information
Approximate cost is $630AUD.
Follow the steps outlined on the Preparing to Travel to Australia From
Overseas Website.
International student support
International Student Services (ISS) is the primary contact point for all
international students at Flinders. They provide advice and support on
accommodation, insurance, cost of living, enrolment etc.
Airport pick-up services
Airport pick-up is provided free by the International Student Services
student-services visit for details.
Flinders International Student
Orientation (FISO)
Completion of online modules is compulsory
Health insurance
Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC) is compulsory.
Approximate cost per semester is $330.00 AUD
Flinders currently offers OSHC through Medibank Private. However,
students can purchase OSHC from any approved Health Care providers.
Students will need to provide proof of coverage before being issued with
a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) to apply for a student visa.
Can students bring their own health
The following health insurance is accepted in place of OSHC:
Norwegian National Insurance Scheme, or
Sweden’s National Board of Student Aid or by Kammarkollegiet, or
Belgium’s Reciprocal Health Care Agreement.
No other insurance coverage will be accepted.
SA Health COVID-19 Information
Bushfire Safety
The Bedford Park campus is susceptible to bushfire threats from
adjacent undeveloped land on the southern boundary (Sturt Creek
Conservation Park), the heavily wooded suburb of Bellevue Heights on
the eastern boundary and the University's own pine forest and native
woodland adjacent to University Drive /Ring Road. If you or your
students require further information or have concerns about this risk,
please refer to the Universities bushfire plans
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safety/bushfire-safety and Country Fire Service website.
Living and studying in Adelaide