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Frederick Winslow Taylor: Re=ections on the Relevance of The Frederick Winslow Taylor: Re=ections on the Relevance of The
Principles of Scienti<c Management 100 Years Later Principles of Scienti<c Management 100 Years Later
Cristina M. Giannantonio
Chapman University
Amy E. Hurley-Hanson
Chapman University
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Giannantonio, C.M. & Hurley-Hanson, A.E. Frederick Winslow Taylor: Re=ections on the Relevance of The
Principles of Scienti<c Management 100 Years Later,
Journal of Business and Management
. 17, 2011,
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Frederick Winslow Taylor: Re=ections on the Relevance of The Principles of Frederick Winslow Taylor: Re=ections on the Relevance of The Principles of
Scienti<c Management 100 Years Later Scienti<c Management 100 Years Later
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This article was originally published in
Journal of Business and Management
, volume 17, issue 1, in 2011.
Chapman University
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Giannantonio and Hurley-Hanson
Frederick Winslow Taylor:
Reflections on the Relevance of
The Principles of
Scientific Management
100 Years Later
Cristina M. Giannantonio, Ph.D.
Chapman University
Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, Ph.D.
Chapman University
This Special Edition of the Journal of Business and Management was organized
to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of Frederick Winslow Taylor’s
The Principles of Scientific Management. The large response to our call for papers is
indicative of the scholarly interest in Taylor, his work, and its relevance to management
practitioners. The papers we received were broad in scope. While most were supportive
of scientific management, some felt that Taylor should not be honored. The merits
of Taylor’s work can certainly be debated, but what cannot be argued is that Taylor
changed the way people worked in the 20th century. This Special Issue focuses on
the relevance of Taylor’s work to managerial practice in the 21st century. The aim of
this Special Issue is to encourage theoretical and empirical research on Taylor, The
Principles of Scientific Management, and its implications for managerial practice in the
21st century.
Frederick W. Taylor, the father of Scientific Management, was an American
mechanical engineer, efficiency expert, and management consultant. In 1911 he
published his seminal work, The Principles of Scientific Management, in which he laid
out the process of scientifically studying work to increase worker and organizational
efficiency. The principles underlying his theory contributed to a wide array of
management practices during the 20th century including task specialization, assembly
line production practices, job analysis, work design, incentive schemes, person-job fit,
and production quotas and control.
Journal of Business and Management – Vol. 17, No. 1, 2011
The impact of Taylor’s work on the field of management has long been recognized
by management scholars. Wren and Hay’s (1977) study saw Taylor at the top of the
list among contributors to American management thought and practice. Heames &
Breland’s (2010) study found Taylor to be at the top of their list thirty years later. The
Principles of Scientific Management, not only tops Bedeian and Wren’s (2001, p. 222) list
of the 25 most influential management books of the 20th century, but they refer to it
as “The most influential book on management ever published.” The 100th anniversary
of the publication of his book offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the relevance of
Taylor’s ideas in the 21st century.
This Special Issue has eight articles. The first paper, The Centennial of Frederick
W. Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific Management: A Retrospective Commentary, is
by management scholar and historian Daniel A. Wren. Dr. Wren is the author of The
History of Management Thought, now in its 5th edition, and The Evolution of Management
Thought, with Arthur Bedian, also in its 6th edition. Wren received the Distinguished
Educator Award from the national Academy of Management for his contributions “as the
foremost management historian of his generation.” Wren’s paper describes the events
leading to the publication of The Principles of Scientific Management, the evolution from
task management to scientific management, and the factors that contributed to scientific
management becoming an international force. Wren addresses “the intriguing question
of why Taylor and his ideas have a continuing grip on management literature and our
current thinking” (Wren, 2011, p. 11). The Journal of Business and Management is
honored to have this noted management historian offer a retrospective commentary on
Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific Management.
Riccardo Giorgio Zuffo explores one aspect of the controversy surrounding Taylor’s
ideas in “Taylor is Dead, Hurray Taylor!” Zuffo details the criticisms of theorists who
argued that Taylor’s experiments were not positivist science, but instead, merely
common sense. He then documents the scientific basis of Taylor’s experiments and
how his use of experiments both in and out of the lab led to the formulation of The
Principles of Scientific Management. This paper also delves into the political, social,
and ethical aspects of Taylor’s work, exploring how Taylor’s intentions were to create a
better society by eliminating conflict using science.
Jeremy C. Short offers a novel perspective on the Taylor - Sinclair editorial debates
that appeared in The American Magazine. In “The Debate Goes On! A Graphical Portrayal
of the Sinclair-Taylor Editorial Dialogue,” Short discusses how issues argued in the
1911 Taylor - Sinclair debate are still relevant today. In the same year that The Principles
of Scientific Management was published, Taylor engaged in an editorial debate with
Upton Sinclair, author of The Jungle. Upton’s novel detailing horrific health and safety
working conditions in the meat packing industry led to the establishment of the Food
and Drug Administration. Upton Sinclair was critical of Taylor’s methods, believing
that scientific management exploited workers. Taylor believed that the implementation
of scientific management would lead to improved working conditions for the workers.
Short’s paper highlights the impact Taylor’s work had on the working conditions of
employees in the 20th century and reminds us that work and the conditions under
which it is performed have long been topics of scholarly and societal interest.
“Citing Taylor: Tracing Taylorism’s Technical and Sociotechnical Duality through
Giannantonio and Hurley-Hanson
Latent Semantic Analysis” by Nicholas Evangelopoulos offers further evidence that
work performance is the subject of much scholarly interest. Evangelopoulos applies
Latent Semantic Analysis to assess the intellectual territory that has been influenced
by Taylor’s ideas. His analysis found that research on Taylor fell into two streams:
technical and sociotechnical. Evangelopoulos suggests that it is this inherent duality
that assures Scientific Management of its continuing relevance in the 21st century.
John Paxton’s paper focuses on a lesser known aspect of Taylor’s contribution to
manufacturing. “Taylor’s Unsung Contribution: Making Interchangeable Parts Practical”
details Taylor’s work to produce interchangeable parts that were durable, reliable, and
cost-efficient. Paxton explains how interchangeable parts were the foundation which
allowed mass production to become a practical manufacturing reality. Paxton’s paper
reminds us that Taylor’s training and experience as an industrial engineer influenced
his interest in solving the problem of production machinery breakdowns. Taylor’s
role in making interchangeable parts economically feasible and the impact of this on
manufacturing is thoroughly described in this paper.
Majula Salimath and Raymond Jones III discuss the scientific management of
entrepreneurship. Their paper, “Scientific Entrepreneurial Management: Bricolage,
Bootstrapping, and the Question for Efficiencies,” argues that Taylor’s principles of
efficiency can be successfully applied in entrepreneurial firms and small businesses.
Salimath and Jones describe the emerging field of scientific entrepreneurial management.
The paper presents bricolage (making do with what is available) and bootstrapping
(continuing operations without external finances or aid) as two techniques for managing
resources. Salimath and Jones discuss the similarity of bricolage and bootstrapping to
the resource management principles inherent in Scientific Management.
Marie Kulesza, Sheldon Friedman, and Pamela Weaver’s paper, “Frederick Taylor’s
Presence in 21st Century Management Accounting Systems and Work Process Theories,”
examines the influence of Taylor’s work on modern accounting systems. Their paper
also examines Taylor’s experiences working to design accounting systems suited to his
clients’ needs. Taylor’s development of cost accounting systems closely paralleled the
development of his ideas regarding worker efficiency. This paper offers strong evidence
that Taylor’s ideas are not limited to the field of Management, but are applicable across
multiple functional areas of business (e.g. Accounting) in the 21st century.
The final paper in this Special Issue is by Linda Brennan. In “The Scientific
Management of Information Overload,” Brennan focuses on the applicability of Taylor’s
ideas to today’s information workers. The paper considers how knowledge workers
are faced with ever-increasing issues of information overload. Brennan offers a unique
and thought-provoking analysis of the inefficiencies surrounding the management
of information in the work place. Brennan argues that information, like other
organizational resources, should not be wasted, and she offers several prescriptions for
increasing efficiency in the office environment.
The papers included in this Special Issue of the Journal of Business and Management
shed new light on Taylor’s contributions to work and the conditions under which it is
performed. The authors have provided strong arguments that the principles inherent
in Scientific Management have continued relevance for the world of work in the 21st
century. These papers also remind us of the importance of Santayana’s quote: “Those
Journal of Business and Management – Vol. 17, No. 1, 2011
who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” There is a continuous need
for management theorists to remind us of the history behind our actions. Theories are
applicable beyond the historical context they are created in. Just as Taylor’s ideas of 100
years ago are germane to new contexts such as knowledge management, other historic
theories can be applied to new and emerging contexts. Today’s scholars may find that
ideas once deemed obsolete present new ways to conceptualize modern managerial
dilemmas. Because of the enormity of this Special Issue, it will be the Journal of Business
and Managements only issue for 2011. We hope that the ideas presented here will allow
Management scholars to reflect on Taylor’s work in the next 100 years and we call for
continued research on Frederick W. Taylor and The Principles of Scientific Management.
Bedeian, A.G. & Wren, D.A.(2001). Most Influential Management Books of the 20th
Century. Organizational Dynamics, 29(3): 221-225.
Brennan, L.L. (2011). The Scientific Management of Information Overload. Journal of
Business and Management, 17(1): 121-134.
Evangelopolous, N. (2011). Citing Taylor: Tracing Taylorism’s Technical and
Sociotechnical Duality through Latent Semantic Analysis. Journal of Business and
Management, 17(1): 57-74.
Heames, J.T. & Breland, J.W. (2010). Management Pioneer Contributors: 30-Year
Review. Journal of Management History, 16(4): 427-436.
Kulesza, M.G., Weaver, P.G. & Friedman, S. (2011). Frederick W. Taylor’s Presence in
21st Century Management Accounting Systems and Work Process Theories. Journal
of Business and Management, 17(1): 105-119.
Paxton, J. (2011). Taylor’s Unsung Contribution: Making Interchangeable Parts
Practical. Journal of Business and Management, 17(1): 75-83.
Salimath, M. (2011). Scientific Entrepreneurial Management: Bricolage, Bootstrapping,
and the Quest for Efficiencies. Journal of Business and Management, 17(1): 85-104.
Short, J.C. (2011). The Debate Goes On! A Graphic Portrayal of the Sinclair-Taylor
Editorial Dialogue. Journal of Business and Management, 17(1): 43-55.
Taylor, F.W. (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management. New York: Harper Brothers.
Wren, D.A. & Hay, R.D. (1977). Management Historians and Business Historians:
Differing perceptions of pioneer contributions. The Academy of Management Journal,
20(3): 470-476.
Wren, D.A. (2011). The Centennial of Frederick W. Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific
Management: A Retrospective Commentary. Journal of Business and Management, 17(1):
Zuffo, R.D. (2011). Taylor Is Dead, Hurray Taylor! The “Human Factor” in Scientific
Management: Between Ethics, Scientific Psychology and Common Sense. Journal of
Business and Management, 17(1): 23-41.