What do we know about the KeyState to Zero Project?
KeyState to Zero is a proposed industrial facility that would take fracked gas and turn it into
“blue” hydrogen and products such as diesel exhaust treatment and ammonia (which would be
sold to make fertilizers) and for other industrial, manufacturing, and medical uses. The project,
spearheaded by Pennsylvania-based businessman and KeyState CEO, Benjamin “Perry” Babb,
has garnered attention as the first facility in Pennsylvania that would combine fracked gas
drilling with on-site carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). CCS is a process that is intended
to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution from smokestacks and industrial sources and store it
in deep underground geologic formations.
(Note: The red outline is West Keating Township. Source: Google Maps)
The project is proposed to be situated on a large tract of undeveloped forested land in West
Keating Township, Clinton County, where a company called Frontier Natural Resources LLC
owns several drilling leases. Methane gas (CH4) fracked on site would be converted into
hydrogen (H2), which results in CO2 pollution as a byproduct. The hydrogen would then be
combined with nitrogen to manufacture ammonia and urea to be used as fertilizers. These
products would be transported by rail and truck and the remaining CO2 would theoretically be
sequestered underground on site, despite there being no feasibility studies exploring if it’s even
possible at the proposed site.
What is Blue Hydrogen?
The idea of “clean” hydrogen has become popular in recent years among policymakers and the
fossil fuel industry as a potentially cleaner source of energy that can be made from fossil fuels,
but not emit greenhouse gases when combusted. However, hydrogen can be produced in
multiple ways with different power sources, each of which results in different climate impacts.
The “cleanest” form is “green” hydrogen, which uses renewable energy to split water molecules
into hydrogen energy. Green hydrogen is currently only 1% of the global hydrogen supply. Gray
hydrogen, which accounts for 95% of the global hydrogen supply, is created by using
methane-generated steam to break apart methane.
“Blue” hydrogen, one of the proposed products of KeyState to Zero, is made from methane gas,
only with the added step of CCS. Safely, securely, and permanently storing carbon underground
has yet to be proven at commercial scale and certainly not at any sites in Pennsylvania, making
this “blue” hydrogen project purely theoretical. The vast majority of CCS projects worldwide to
date have either failed or dramatically underperformed projected capture rates. There is no
current manufacturing facility similar to KeyState to Zero that permanently holds its captured
CO2 onsite.
Oil and gas companies are promoting blue hydrogen as a “bridge fuel,” using the same
language and strategy used for decades in promoting methane gas. Blue hydrogen is the latest
false solution these industries are promoting to protect their market share and delay the
necessary transition to clean, renewable energy.
Environmental Concerns
The production of blue hydrogen is capable of resulting in large amounts of greenhouse gas
emissions, primarily from upstream fugitive methane emissions. Hydrogen, while itself not a
GHG, is capable of interacting with GHGs in the atmosphere to compound their warming effects;
it is an “indirect” GHG. Hydrogen is also the lightest element in the universe and extremely
leaky. Hydrogen atoms are so small they can diffuse into metals, embrittling them, creating leak
and explosion risks. Research indicates that fugitive hydrogen emissions can be 11 times more
potent than CO2 at heating the atmosphere over a 100-year period.
The storage of CO2 through CCS also poses risks to the environment and public health.
Capturing and storing the CO2 itself is expensive and energy-intensive. CO2 is odorless and
colorless. Because CO2 is heavier than oxygen, if it leaks from pipelines or underground
storage, it could replace the oxygen in a given space and could lead to asphyxiation. High
concentrations of leaks from this infrastructure can also prevent combustion vehicles from
operating. CO2 quickly causes confusion, respiratory trouble, and can lead to death within
minutes of exposure. Stored CO2 can also acidify and leak, contaminating drinking water
Perry Babb has offered no projections on emissions from the project. There are only two
commercial-scale blue hydrogen facilities in operation in North America. The one in the U.S., in
Texas, reported 2.4 million metric tons of GHG emissions in 2020, mostly CO2. And a 2021
study showed that blue hydrogen has marginally less GHG emissions than gray hydrogen,
about 9-12% less. The authors of the study (Robert Howarth and Mark Jacobson) indicate that
this factor, combined with the unproven assumption that captured CO2 can be completely and
permanently contained, means that “the use of blue hydrogen appears difficult to justify on
climate grounds.” In addition, they suggest that going forward, analyses of the impact of blue
hydrogen projects should include upstream emissions from gas development and the heat and
process energy to run carbon capture systems.
The proposed site is largely hilly, undeveloped forest. Clinton County is part of the PA Wilds, an
initiative of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) to preserve areas
of outdoor tourism and recreation. According to proposals, products would be transported by rail
and truck. However, there are few developed roads and limited rail, meaning that developers will
have to expand roads and rail to allow for construction and access to fracking wells. The PA
Wilds is also home to the largest elk population in the northeast United States and contains
multiple state game lands, state parks, and state forests, including Sproul State Forest, the
largest in the state forest system. DCNR has also asserted the need for extensive evaluation of
potential sequestration sites to account for potential leaks or groundwater contamination. To
date, there have been zero “characterization” wells (or test wells) drilled in Pennsylvania to
determine the viability of underground carbon storage. Pennsylvania is also home to hundreds
of thousands of undocumented, unplugged orphan oil and gas wells, which leak methane and
other pollutants into the air and groundwater, posing significant risks and potential challenges
when drilling any CO2 injection wells.
(Source: Global CCS Institute) Note: For KeyState to Zero, carbon would be stored onsite.
Frontier Natural Resources is the partner company listed on the project proposal. A small
company incorporated in 2014 and based in Bellefonte, PA, Frontier owns leases on the land
where the project is located. Despite limited drilling activity, Frontier has been issued multiple
violations by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for each of their four wells;
these violations were considered outstanding as of 2021.
Subsidies for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)
In recent years, carbon capture and sequestration has been embraced by state and federal
elected officials and investors as a potential tool to address the climate crisis. The Biden
administration and Congress have made significant federal investments to develop CCS
technology. The November 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act included $8 billion for
the U.S. Department of Energy to provide funding to establish six-to-ten regional hydrogen
hubs, among which there must be at least one dedicated to fossil-based production of hydrogen
coupled with CCS technology. On October 13, 2023, the Department of Energy announced the
selection of seven regional hydrogen hubs to enter negotiations to finalize project details and
the potential to be awarded funding. KeyState to Zero is listed as a project under the
Appalachian Hydrogen HUB (ARCH2) that would span Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia.
The August 2022 Inflation Reduction Act also offers generous tax credit incentives to CCS
projects, including an expansion of the 45Q tax credit that incentivizes carbon capture and gives
projects a seven year window to begin construction.
Unproven and Costly Technologies
There are many unknowns with the KeyState to Zero project. The combination of blue hydrogen
with diesel exhaust treatment and ammonia production has not been shown to be commercially
viable. There is one proposed facility similar in nature to KeyState to Zero slated to be built in
Louisiana at a cost of $4.6 billion. In addition, it is also clear that the economic outlook for blue
hydrogen projects is increasingly coming under greater scrutiny.