Obon Reections in 2022 BY REV. HARRY GYOKYO BRIDGE
grow up Buddhist, so I had to learn
about so many of the various aspects
of Buddhism, from doctrine to history
to – holidays! Right now, we are enter-
ing the “Obon Season” so I thought I
would reflect on some of what I have
learned as we approach this special
time of year.
One interpretation of the word
obon” is that it comes from a Sanskrit
term, “ulambana,” which refers to hang-
ing upside down. No one knows what
it really refers to, but one interpreta-
tion that I have heard is that it refers to
us in our normal, Samsaric, unenlight-
ened state. In other words, although
we think we see things as they are,
we are actually viewing them upside
down. And it is because we see things
in this inverted way that we suer.
We can relate this to the Four Noble
Truths. The first, that Life is Suering, is
explained by the second, that this Suf-
fering is caused by Attachment and
Ignorance. I am using the term attach-
ment because I think it is very relevant
to what we are going through now
with the continuing (though apparently
abating) pandemic. We often look to the
past with fondness and nostalgia, and I
think that many if not all of us look back
to the pre-pandemic years with long-
ing. However, we should also consider
the possibility that things will never go
back to the way they were. Heck, I wish
we could go back to a time before so-
cial media too! But it’s not possible, so
For the first time in two years, we
were able to hold our annual Bazaar
in June. This was a “mini”, four-hour,
one day version of our normal two-
day mega event held on Father’s Day
Weekend. We served only teriyaki
chicken, inari sushi and kuri manju. The
Dharma School and Jr. YBA ran kids’
games and the OBWA sold crafts. In
comparison with our normal Mega Ba-
zaar event, the mini-bazaar was very
“Simple”, “Manageable” and “Less
Complex”. Overall, it was very success-
ful and profitable for the Church.
Not having the Bazaar for two
years has given us all a chance to step
Minister’s Message 1 & 4
President’s Message 1 & 4
Dharma School News 2-3
Golf Fun Save The Date 2022 3
Mini Bazaar Baskets 4
Obon Memorial Lanterns Form 5
August Shotsuki Service Info 6
Momijikai News 7
2022 Hatsubon 7
Special Web Links 7
September Busshin Deadline Info 7
BCO Mini-Bazaar 2022 8-9
Donations 10
August Calendar 2022 11
VOL 65 NUM 8
Presidents Message BY NORMAN YOSHIDA
start and finish for Dharma School
this June. Although we were planning
for an outdoor, in-person Graduation
Service to celebrate the end of the
Dharma School year, rain showers
and increasing Covid cases had us
pivot to an online service in which we
recognized 2022 high school gradu-
atesKori M., Lanae W., andSean Y.,
and college graduateSydney W. We
are thankful to Kori, who graduated
that Sunday and shared some kind
words with the sangha which we
have included here. Dharma School
would also like to thankPam Katofor
creating the Graduation Service pro-
We also had a Dharma School Vol-
unteer Day with Ohlone led Sogoera
Te’ Land Trust/Gil Tract Farmin Albany.
Led by Nazshonni Brown and Robby
Cortesof the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust/
Gil Tract Farm, Dharma School fami-
lies spent the morning learning about
the Gil Tract Farm, pulling weeds,
harvesting chamomile, cabbage, shiso
leaves, onions and ground cherries. It
was fun to be together outside learn-
ing about and working with the land,
plants and food, and helping the com-
munity. Thank you toRonandMayumi
N., Barbara L., Toshi and Kenta H.,
Kristina Y., Desiree D., Toni and Javi
D.Y. , Joemy I.G., Hank W. and Yoko
I.W. Melyssa M.,Tom G., ToshiandSeiji
G. M., and also the Uyeda-Hale fam-
ily from Berkeley Buddhist Temple
Finally, Dharma School oered
3 fun games for families to enjoy at
this year’s Mini-Bazaar. Kids played
Drop Zone (similar to Plinko), Hi-Lo
(on a board make by Ted Sakaki), and
Dharma School News BY CINDY SAKAI
Dharma School Volunteer Day 2022 with Ohlone led Sogoera Te’ Land Trust/Gil Tract Farm, Albany.
Kori M.s Graduation Message for the Sangha:
I’m sorry I am not able to be there
in person as I will be graduating in
a few hours, but I just wanted to
thank this community for every-
thing it’s done for me.
I started attending BCO and
became a part of the Jr YBA my
freshman year of high school. Be-
ing at a new school and joining
a new community, I was afraid
to be left out. But from my first
day I knew I had nothing to worry
about, everyone welcomed me
with open arms, inviting me to
events and teaching me to os-
hoko. You all have shaped me into
the person I am today, and for
that I’m grateful. I will never for-
get the kindness I’ve been shown
and will carry what I’ve learned
with me for the rest of my life.
Thank you so much for every-
thing. n
Dharma School News CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2
Ring Toss with Winnie-The-Pooh and
Sponge Bob characters—all to win tick-
ets to exchange for prizes. It was so fun
to see kids as they tried their best and
strategized at the games, witness their
excitement at winning, picking out
prizes, and proudly showing the prizes
to their families. This could not have
happened without the help ofMayumi
N., Ron Nomura, Cynthia L., Kori M.,
Lanae W., Conor K., Jordan K., Karla
L., Andrew B., Kimberly T., Donna Y.,
the Ito-Williams family, and the
Garten Minamoto family, who collec-
tively planned the games, set them up,
staed the game tents and cleaned
them up. Also, a special thanks to
Jon Takagaki for his leadership in
organizing the Mini-Bazaar and Yumi
Yasuda at Alameda Buddhist Temple
for sharing their ring toss characters
with us.
Thank you for the following Pets
memorial donations! We are grateful
for your dana.Peggy Takahashi & Alan
Lamont, June Masuyama, John & Sta-
cy Eastly, Rev Endo, Steve & Kathy
Terusaki, Gary & Anne Tomina-
ga,andGrant Kamita.
Happ Augus Birthy to
Franklin A.!
We hope everyone has a great
summer break and we look forward to
seeing you for the 2022-2023 Dharma
School year! n
BCO Mini-Bazaar 2022
Obon Reections in 2022 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
we have to look at things as realis-
tically as possible and adapt to the
changing circumstances.
Another aspect of this upside-
down view is the idea that we lose
our loved ones forever when they
die. As you may have heard me say
before, it is my understanding that
even though we no longer exist in
physical form when we die, we do
transform into something more in
accord with the true reality taught
by Buddhism. In our school, this
is explained as “Birth in the Pure
Land” and subsequent, instanta-
neous “Attainment of Buddhahood”
(ōjō jōbutsu). So Obon is a time to
reflect on our relationship with the
deceased, and also our relationship
with those others still with us. This
is manifested in the Bon Odori, or
Obon Dance, as well as the Obon
Service, which is also called “Kangi-
e” or “Gathering of Joy.” What an
amazing tradition! We don’t have to
try and forget the pain of our loss –
instead, we embrace it, realizing
that it is only part of the experience.
Maybe we can see things from more
of an upside-up perspective, recit-
ing the Nembutsu with deep Joy and
Gratitude., embraced by Wisdom
and Compassion.
Our Obon Festival on August
6 will not be like it was before –
please see the information elsewhere
in this issue and in future emails/
mailings. We do plan to have our
Hatsubon and Obon Services on
Sunday, August 7, both in-person
and online. n
that BCO had a “Mini Bazaar” in June. We oered a BBQ
chicken bento as part of our fundraising eorts. BCO would
like to let you all know that the chicken were cooked on
eight brand new chicken baskets. We would like to thank
Carrie Oto and her friend, who wishes to remain anonymous,
and Eric Ikeda and his friend, Matt Turturici, for donating
their time and eorts in making the baskets for us. BCO would
like to thank each of them for their donation to the church
and we can’t wait to use the baskets to make our delicious
chicken again at our next event! n
Mini Bazaar Baskets BY RON NOMURA
President’s Message CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
back and look at this mega event.
Do we need such a large and com-
plex event? Are we capable to con-
tinue putting on a Mega Bazaar? Do
we have the “people” and “energy”
to continue? Though, these are im-
portant questions, they are not new
ones. For years, we have all wondered
“how much longer” can this (Bazaar)
continue? Days of prep work, early
mornings, long endless work shifts,
and endless shortages of help. As
the Sangha has shrunk in size due to
deaths and apathy, fewer and fewer
have had to take up more and more
of the burden to keep Bazaar going.
Much of the work of putting on Ba-
zaar has gone from large group of
members to now a few tasked souls.
The result is, much of the Sangha has
become “tired” or “apathetic” about
Bazaar. In addition, Bazaar in its
Mega form had become “old”, “stale”,
“dated” and “unchanging”.
So, what is the future of Bazaar?
I think this past Mini-Bazaar in June
has given us a model of what is possi-
ble. We now have a chance to put on
events that fits our Sangha’s capabili-
ties and requirements. Events, that
are fun, manageable, and meet our
needs and capabilities. The future of
Bazaar (and all BCO events and ac-
tivities) is now up to the Sangha.
For the first time in generations,
we can make real changes. We can
make “Something Old, into Some-
thing New”. Please consider helping
us. n
The Buddhist Church of Oakland will celebrate Obon in a Mini-Obon Festival on August 6,
2022. As in the past, we will honor past family members and friends by hanging a Memorial
Tag from Lanterns to be hung around the Church. If you would like the tag from previous
years to be hung for your loved one(s), or have a tag made for your loved one who has
passed since our last in-person Obon Festival, please complete this form and return it to the
Church office by SUNDAY July 31, 2022. You can also submit the information and make
your donation through the BCO website.
Person requesting name:
Name(s) of Deceased Family Member(s)/Friend(s):
Last name First Name Middle/Other Name
Kanji (Japanese characters) if known
Last name First Name Middle/Other Name
Kanji (Japanese characters) if known
Last name First Name Middle/Other Name
Kanji (Japanese characters) if known
Last name First Name Middle/Other Name
Kanji (Japanese characters) if known
No. of Names: x $20 donation = $ .00
Contact information:
Please make checks to: Buddhist Church of Oakland
please write “Obon Lanterns” in the memo line
2022 August Shotsuki Memorial Service
Service: Sunday, August 14, 2022 in-person & online
Dharma Message: Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge
PLEASE NOTE – NEW SERVICE FORMAT: the Shotsuki Memorial Service will be held both in-person and streaming online at 10:00 AM
PDT. These arrangements are subject to change in correspondence with safety guidelines – please consult the website for updates. If
any errors appear, please direct them to the church oce at (510) 832-5988 or ocebc[email protected] at your earliest convenience.
Mr. Roy Akiyoshi
Mr. Jutaro Akiyoshi
Mrs. Toki Baba
Mrs. Kiyo Baba
Mr. Tamotsu Baba
Mrs. Tomoko Endo – 3rd year
Mr. Tomi Fujii
Mr. Kyubei Fukuda
Mrs. Hanako Furuta
Mr. Kentaro Ohtsuka Gluck
Mrs. Asae Goto
Mr. James Grohl
Mr. Keinosuke Hamasaki
Mrs. Katsuko Harano
Mr. Yuguchi Hashimoto
Mr. Yoshitomo Hirabayashi
Mrs. Haruyo Hiromoto
Mr. Masajiro Hirota
Mr. Tadashi Hirota
Mrs. Mishi Horimoto
Mrs. Ishi Hoshide
Mrs. Shizue Inouchi
Mrs. Den Inouye
Mrs. Kuri Kakutani
Mr. Ichimatsu Kamano
Mr. Robert Kamano
Mr. Jerey Kanada
Mrs. Tsuru Kada
Mr. Toyomatsu Kada
Mrs. Tamaki Kanda – 13th year
Mrs. Sakaye Katayama – 17th year
Mr. Rinzo Kato
Mrs. Setsuno Kawabata
Mrs. Fujie Kawabe
Mr. Yutaka Kayatani
Mr. Harvey Kido
Mrs. Tsune Kimura
Mr. Keijiro Kimura
Mrs. Osayo Kimura
Mr. Mokichi Kisanuki
Mrs. Juki Kitagaki
Mr. Inajiro Koizumi
Mrs. Kayo Kuramura
Mr. Kanichi Masui
Mr. Toshikazu Matsutani
Mrs. Kiyo Minamidani
Mr. Takao Misaki
Mrs. Katsu Mitani
Mr. Kenichi Miyamoto
Mrs. Tsuyako Mizusaki
Mr. Kazuo Mori
Mr. Asaemon Muramoto
Mrs. Koyo Muramoto
Mr. Masami Muramoto
Mrs. Take Muramoto
Mrs. Yumi Nagata
Mrs. Ichi Nakagawa
Mr. Mitsuo Nakagawa – 13th year
Mr. Seijiro Nakagawa
Mrs. Tomie Nakagawa
Mr. Tosaburo Nakahara
Mrs. Yukie Nakahara
Mr. Akira Nakamura
Mrs. Himeko Nakao
Mrs. Ishi Nakao
Mr. Timothy Nakaya – 17th year
Mr. Yokichi Neishi
Mrs. Shimeno Nishino – 50th year
Mrs. Yuki Nomura
Mrs. Wakae Nomura
Mr. Hajime Nomura
Mrs. Sylvia Nomura – 7th year
Mrs. Fude Ogawa
Mr. Jack Ogawa
Mrs. Kazue Ogawa
Mr. Minosuke Ogawa
Mr. Katsuo Ohashi
Mr. Yoshihiro Ohhashi
Mrs. Tameyo Okai
Mr. Kazumi Okamoto
Mr. Fujio Okano
Mr. Kimio Okawachi
Mr. Shigekazu Okawachi – 25th year
Mrs. Yukiye Hiramoto Onizuka
Mrs. Miyuki Otake
Baby Otsuka
Mrs. Moto Otsuka
Mrs. Sano Otsuka
Mrs. Yuriko Otsuka
Mrs. Mitsue Ozaki
Mr. Itsuo Ozawa
Mrs. Miyako Sakai
Mrs. Masako Sakaki
Mrs. Tami Sakaki
Mr. Yoichiro Sakaki
Mrs. Yoshiko Sano
Mrs. Hana Sasaki
Mr. Moriichi Sasaki
Mr. Gary Seiji
Mrs. Kikuno Shigematsu
Mr. Linai Shimabukuro
Baby Shinomoto
Mr. Charles St. Germain – 13th year
Sujaku Family
Mrs. Sakuyo Sumimoto
Mr. Junichi Sumimoto
Mrs. Hana Sunada
Mrs. Masui Sunagawa
Mrs. Toyo Sunayama
Mr. Koichi Takata
Mrs. Tai Tamata
Mrs. Nobu Tamori
Mr. Kumetaro Tamori
Mr. Chugoro Tani
Mrs. Moto Tani
Mrs. Tamayo Tani
Mr. Mitsuo Taniguchi
Mr. Matsusuke Taniguchi
Mrs. Ichimi Teramae
Mr. Fusajiro Utsurogi
Mrs. Mabel Watanabe
Ms. Lauren Kimiyo Worrell
Mrs. Take Yago – 25th year
Mr. Shizuo Yamamoto
Mr. Mosanta Yamamoto
Mr. Sadazo Yamane
Mrs. Shigeko Yamaoka
Mr. Katsutoshi Yanagitsubo
Mrs. Patricia Ono Yokomizo
Mrs. Aiko Yokoyama
Ms. Sachiko Yokoyama
Mr. Masaru Yoshioka
Mr. Togo Yoshioka
Special Web Links
2022 Hatsubon
www.dharmarealm.com instagram.com/gyokyo48/
twitter.com/gyokyo facebook.com/gyokyo48
Zoom meeting on the first Thursday
in June, and canceled the second
meeting because it was too close
to our Mini Bazaar. Our meeting be-
gan with Rev. Bridge leading us in
chanting Juseige. Next, Rev. Bridge
showed us his pictures from several
cemeteries he visited during Memorial
Day weekend. He visited 10 cemeter-
ies in the Bay Area over the holiday
weekend. This was the first time since
2019 that these visitations took place.
Next, we did our yoga chair ex-
ercises by watching Patty Hirota-Co-
hen’s video. Having this video allowed
us to continue with our yoga practice
while Patty was out-of-town.
Our guest speaker was Renie
Yoshida-Grohl. She presented a slide
show of her recent trip to Eastern
Europe. She embarked on a two-week
river cruise through five countries:
Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria,
and Romania. This was a craft cruise
for knitters, where parts of the tour
focused on knitting. As we viewed the
beautiful pictures, Renie spoke about
the history of these countries, their
culture. We also saw pictures of the
amazing architecture of churches and
other structures. Thank you, Renie, for
giving us a deeper understanding of
these countries.
For the month of August, we will
not have Momijikai meetings. We will
resume our meeting on Thursday,
September 1st at 10:00am. n
both in-person and online on Sun-
day, August 7, 2022. We will be
sending notices to the families of
the following people who have
passed away since last year’s Obon:
Etsuko Goto
Setsuko Furuta
Mineko Takata
Kelly Siu
Setsuko Shirley Morimoto
Ruth Matsuye Narasaki
Hironobu Sato
Kazuyuki Terada
Yoshi Ushijima
Masahiro Hirayama
Yasuhiko Aoki
Raymond Tamori
Edith Kimiyo Oto
Raymond Yoshiaki Kano
Takashi Hatakeyama
Jean Sakumoto
Yuriko Takesaka
Helen Aochi
Mary Aochi
Articles submitted after this date may not be printed.
SEND ARTICLES TO: Joyce Yokomizo email: joyce@yokomizo.com
You can also send articles to the church oce.
September 2022
Busshin Deadline
Mini-Bazaar – A Return to Our Annual Event BY JON TAKAGAKI
members and friends of the Sangha
who supported our 2022 Mini-Bazaar
on June 18. With the suspension of
the Bazaar & Food Festival for the
past two years due to the COVID pan-
demic, this year’s Mini-Bazaar was
planned as a way to ease back into
a resumption of Sangha gatherings.
This principally was a drive-
through bento event, with a dine-in
option and limited seating. Consis-
tently, I’ve heard comments on how
nice it was to finally see some of our
Sangha families in-person. As for the
food, we virtually sold out of all our
menu items of teriyaki chicken ben-
tos, inari sushi, and kuri manju!
In addition, this year’s Mini-Bazaar
featured two popular attractions, the
OBWA-sponsored Gift Shop and chil-
dren’s games and prizes, sponsored
by the Dharma School, with help from
the Jr. YBA and Sangha.
It was wonderful to see the Gift
Shop busy with eager shoppers, pick-
ing up hand-crafted items made by
OBWA and Momijikai members and
making their selections from an array
of unique gifts and treasures.
The children’s games area was
bustling with activity throughout the
afternoon. I think the ring toss game
may have been the most popular! It
was very special to see the smiling
faces, enjoying the games and cama-
I wish to express gratitude to
the team who planned and provided
their leadership of our Mini-Bazaar.
This team includes Rev. Bridge, Mi-
chael Endo, Norman Yoshida, Jean
Kawata, Kathy Terusaki, Patti Hisa-
oka, Doris Okano, Carrie Oto, John
Minamoto, Ron Nomura, Keiju Terada,
Cliord Yokomizo, Donna Yokomizo,
Ed Minamoto, Don Kaneshige, Carol
Thunen, Melyssa Minamoto, and Jo-
emy Ito-Gates. Their wisdom and
guidance were instrumental in making
this event a success.
Thank you to the more than 60
volunteers, including the planning and
leadership team above, for their long
hours of hard work to make our Mini-
Bazaar such an awesome event! The
large number of volunteers makes it
dicult to list all the names individu-
ally here. Notwithstanding, this was a
complete team eort and the enthu-
siasm and collaboration exemplified
BCO’s community spirit.
Further, we also wish to express
our deep appreciation to our vendors
who supported this BCO event.
Tokyo Fish MarketBerkeley
East Bay Poultry - Union City
Costco Business Center Hayward
Japan Food Corporation (JFC) -
US Foods CHEF’STORESan Lorenzo
On behalf of the BCO Board of Direc-
tors, thank you for your unwavering
support of our BCO events! n
Mini-Bazaar – A Return to Our Annual Event PHOTOS BY
Chung, Steve & Lynn
Graham, Coby
Hamamoto, Jun
Hirota, Dave & Katie
Nomura, Tami
Oto, Edwin
Tsushima, Jane
Umezu-Hall, Norio
Fujimoto, Gloria
Sunset View Visitation
Hoshide, Norma
Ide, Gordon
Mem of Chester & Agnes Ide
Masuyama, June & Bergland, Harry
Narasaki, Masato
Nehira, Kenn
Ogawa Family
Ogawa, Kelley
Okawachi Family, Hiro & Janet
Suda, Jerey, Pamela & Family
Taniguchi Family, Gary & Teresa
Tanisawa, Ted & Susan
Ancheta, Ritsuko
May Donation
Ancheta, Ritsuko
June Donation
Aochi, Joan
Memorial Day Service
Aoki, Miho
June Donaiton General Support
Endo, Don & Kathy
200+ Club donation
Fong, Meri & Wayne
Murakami Scholarship Fund
Ford, Eric
Fujimoto, Gloria
Garten Minamoto, Melyssa & Tom
Murakami Scholarship Fund
Garten Minamoto, Melyssa & Tom
Hatsumairi for Seiji Garten
Harada, Sharon
Hedrick, Robin
Hiramoto, Joni
Kaneshige, Jay
Kano, Judy
Rev. Murakami Scholarship Fund
Kanungo, Mohan
Kido, Robert
Bazaar Donation
Miyamoto-Mills, Jarred
Miyauchi, Soumei
Donation for bazaar
Mori, Sam & Helen
Father’s Day Dana
Nelson, Midori
Yuriko Takesaka Funeral Service
Samii, Greg & Rene
Mini Bazaar Donation
Takahashi, Peggy
Yamamoto, Bruce & Cindy
Bazaar Donation
Yamaoka, Seigen
Shigeko Yamaoka Scholarship
Yamaoka, Seigen
Nokotsudo & Memorial Day Service
Yoshioka, K.D.
200+Club General Donation
Aikawa, Alan & Jody
Mem of Etsuko Aikawa
Aochi, Mary & Yamamoto, Janice & Paul
Mem of Stanley Aochi
Burns, Sue & Steve & Family
Mem of Mr. Yasokichi Aochi
Futaba, Pati
Mem of Rev. Hakushi Futaba
Garten Minamoto, Melyssa & Tom
Mem of Harue Minamoto
Kamada, Alan, Yuji & Shingo
Mem of Toshiko Kamada
Kanesaki, Gayle
Mem of Jeanne Kanesaki
Kanesaki, Gayle
Mem of Bryan Neishi
Kaplan, Harvey & Gay
Kobayashi Family, Diane & Andrew
Mem of Kenji Aochi
Kurotori Family
Mem of Mitsuru Kurotori
Kusano, Michiko
Mem of Takeshi Kusano
Lawrence, Maya & Gary
Tak Otsuka - 7th year
Minamoto, John
Mem of Harue Minamoto
Nakamura, Aggie
Mem of Jim Nakamura
Nakao, Nancy
Mem of Janice Nakao
Noguchi, Robert & Gayle
Mem of Mr. Noboru Takagaki &
Mr. Hatsutaro Yoshisato
Okano, Susan
Mem of Richard Okano
Otsuka, L.
May Shotsuki
Shibata, Alice
Mem of Satoru Harada,
Roy Yamane
Stallings, Marsha
Mem of Kenji Aochi
Suda, Jerey, Pamela & Family
Mem of Kikue Suda
Suda, Jerey, Pamela & Family
Mem of Tsugio Kato
Takagaki, Jon & Linda
Mem of Noboru Takagaki &
Hatsutaro Yoshisato
Tamori, Bob
Mem of Mrs. Fuji Tamori
Tanisawa, Ted & Susan
Mem of Mr Suekiyo Tanisawa,
Nancy Tanaka, Tetsuo Shigematsu
Tsujimoto, Daisy
Mem of Harold Tsujimoto
Wakabayashi, Sakiko
Mem of Benjamin Wakabayashi
Yamato, Alex
Mem of Yoshio Yamato
Yokomizo, Tom
Mem of Michie, Motoemon &
Mitsuo Yokomizo
Yoshisato-Cavey, Janis
Mem of Hatsutaro Yoshisato and
Noboru Takagaki
Yoshiura, Kay
Mem of Kumekichi Yoshiura
BCO would like to acknowledge the donations from our members and friends. We are very grateful and appreciative of
your continued generosity and kindness. Thank you!
1 2 3 4
No Momijikai
5 6
Mini Obon
Time: TBD
Hatsubon Service
9:30 am
In person & online
Obon Service
11:00 am
In person & online
9 10 11 12 13
Shotsuki Memorial &
Adult Dharma
10:00 am
In person & online
15 16 17
Facilities Operations
& Maintenance
(FOMC) Committee
Meeting Online
7:00 pm
No Momijikai
19 20
No Service
22 23 24 25
Busshin Articles Due
No Service
29 30 31
HOST 4 Leader: Gail Taniwa-Ryujin
For HOST details, please check with your HOST leader.
Mark Your Calendars!
Mini-Obon 2022
Saturday, August 6, 2022
We are pleased to announce that BCO will be having an Obon dance but it
will be a little different than previous years.
Bento drive-thru and pick-up, followed by in-person, mini-Obon dance in the
parking lot behind the church
Abbreviated Odori, with 3-4 dances, will be streamed live over YouTube for
viewing from home
We are not advertising our Mini-Obon outside our Sangha membership;
Sangha families and friends are welcome to dance or observe
RSVPs requested from dancers so we can maintain a safe environment for our
dancers and families. Please RSVP on the BCO website
(buddhistchurchofoakland.org) of call the church office (510-832-5988).
No in-person practices, instead, instructional videos will be posted on the
BCO website and the church will inform the Sangha when they are available for
We are continuing our Memorial Lantern Program; lanterns will be hung
throughout the dance area. Please complete and submit a lantern form (available on
the BCO website and Busshin) to the church office by Sunday, July 31, 2022.
This year, we will not be having our traditional cultural presentations and we
are not able to provide assistance with dressing in kimono/yukata
The bento menu will include beef curry, cold soba noodles, and more
o There will be limited outdoor seating beginning at 1:00 pm as a dine-in
o Bento pick-up: 1:00-3:00 pm; dancing 4:00-5:00 pm
Sunday Services, August 7, in-person and streaming over YouTube
o Hatsubon Service – 9:30 am
o Obon Service – 11:00 am
We look forward to seeing you on August 6. Please be on the look-out
for additional information by email or in the mail.
The Buddhist Church of Oakland
Annual Golf Fun Day
Monday, September 26, 2022
Berkeley Country Club, 7901Cutting Boulevard, El Cerrito, CA 94530
El Cerrito, CA
Entry Fee: $175.00 per player (Includes green fees, cart, tee & golf winner prizes,
range balls, box lunch, appetizers after golf round)
Format: Stroke Play Deadline: Sept. 12, 2022
Dress Code: Collared shirts are required. (No tee shirts or tank tops). Long pants or golf shorts are
required. (No tennis, gym or short shorts or denim jeans). Mandatory soft spiked golf shoes (No tennis
shoes). Hats and cell phone use are not permitted in clubhouse.
REGISTRATION IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE: https://buddhistchurchofoakland.org/
For mailed forms, please make checks payable to Buddhist Church of Oakland, Golf Tournament
Committee, 825 Jackson Street, Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: 510-832-5988
For questions, contact Keiju Terada: [email protected] 925-699-1921
$175.00 Golf, box lunch, after-golf appetizers, and door prize. No. of golfers ________
Total Amount Enclosed: __________
Name ______________ Address __________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code ___________________ Phone ___________________________
GHIN No. ________________ Golf Club affiliation (if any) ______________________
If no index, list your 3 lowest scores __________________________________________
Email Address _______________ I would like to be paired with __________________
Foursome Request: __________________________________________________________