HTML Forms
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 2
Form Elements
An HTML form begins with the <FORM> tag.
This tag indicates that a form is beginning, and it
enables form elements to be used.
The <FORM> tag includes three parameters:
NAME is simply a name for the form. The NAME of the
form is to be used with JavaScript.
METHOD is either GET or POST; these are the two ways
the data can be sent to the server.
ACTION is a script or program that the form data will
be sent to when submitted.
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 3
Form Elements
<FORM NAME="Order" METHOD="GET" ACTION="order.cgi">
For a form that will be processed entirely by
JavaScript (such as a calculator or interactive
game), the METHOD and ACTION
attributes are not needed. You can use a
simple <FORM> tag that names the form:
<FORM NAME="calculator">
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 4
Text Field
Many of the form elements use the <INPUT> tag.
This tag is followed by a TYPE parameter to
determine which type of input is expected.
Text Fields and Text Areas
The first such field is the TEXT field.
This enables the user to enter text in a one-line area.
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="text1" VALUE="textField" SIZE="30">
This defines a text field called text1. The field is given a
default value of "hello" and allows up to 30 characters to
be entered.
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 5
Password Field
An alternate form of text field is the PASSWORD
This is a specialized text field that displays the text
as asterisks on the screen.
This type of input is often used for passwords so
that observers don't see which password is being
The password field is defined like TEXT:
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 6
Text Area
A third option is the text area, which allows
multiple lines of text to be entered. Rather than
using the <INPUT> tag, text areas are defined with
a special tag, <TEXTAREA>.
A typical <TEXTAREA> definition:
<TEXTAREA NAME="text1" ROWS="2" COLS="70"> ... </TEXTAREA>
This is the content of the TEXTAREA tag.
</TEXTAREA> The text between the opening and
closing <TEXTAREA> tags is used as the initial
value for the text area.
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 7
A checkbox displays a box that can be checked or
The CHECKBOX type to the INPUT tag is used to
create a checkbox, as follows:
VALUE attribute assigns a meaning to the checkbox;
this is a value that is returned if the box is checked. The
default value is "on."
CHECKED attribute can be included to make the box
checked by default.
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 8
Radio Buttons
A radio button, using the <INPUT> tag's RADIO
These buttons are similar to checkboxes, but they
exist in groups, and only one button can be
checked in each group.
These are used for a multiple-choice or "one of
many" input.
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="radio1" VALUE="Option1" CHECKED> Option 1
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="radio1" VALUE="Option2"> Option 2
<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="radio1" VALUE="Option3"> Option 3
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 9
Radio Buttons
NAME attribute is used to name the entire
group of radio buttons.
All the buttons with the same name are
considered to be in a group.
VALUE attribute gives each button a name;
this is essential so that you can tell which
one is pressed.
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 10
Selection Lists
A selection list <SELECT> is HTML tag is used
to define a selection list, or a multiple-choice list
of text items.
<SELECT NAME="selectionList" SIZE=40>
<OPTION VALUE="choice1" SELECTED>This is the first choice.
<OPTION VALUE="choice2">This is the second choice.
<OPTION VALUE="choice3">This is the third choice.
Each of the OPTION tags defines one of the
possible choices.
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 11
Selection Lists
The VALUE attribute is the name that is returned
to the program, and the text outside the OPTION
tag is displayed as the text of the option.
An optional attribute to the SELECT tag,
MULTIPLE, can be specified to allow multiple
items to be selected. Browsers usually display a
single-selection SELECT as a drop-down list and a
multiple-selection list as a scrollable list.
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 12
Submit and Reset Buttons
TYPE=submit is a submit button. This button
causes the data in the form fields to be sent to the
script or program.
TYPE=reset is a reset button. This button sets
all the form fields back to their default value, or
TYPE=button is a generic button. This button
performs no action on its own, but you can assign
it one using JavaScript.
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 13
Submit and Reset Buttons
All three types of buttons include a
NAME to identify the button
VALUE that indicates the text to display on the
button's face.
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="sub1" VALUE="Click Here">
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 14
CS 4390 Web Programming JavaScript 15
Form validation
Popup window and random generator
Scrolling text, status bar and drop-down menu
Changing images
Image map
Frame with JavaScript