NWS Offices
Signed by Daniel Hawblitzel, MIC NWS Twin Cities/Chanhassen, MN
Land Management Agencies
Signed by Greg Carlson, MNICS Task Force
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR)
USDA Forest Service - Region 9 (Superior and Chippewa National Forests)
DOI US Fish and Wildlife Service
DOI National Park Service
DOI Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Minnesota Fire Weather Operating Plan Table of Contents
Introduction 2
I. Service Areas and Organizations 3
II. Services Provided by the National Weather Service 4
1. Fire Weather Watches and Red Flag Warnings 4
2. Spot Forecasts 7
3. Fire Weather Planning Forecast 10
4. NFDRS Point Forecast (FWM) 12
5. Other Routine NWS Services 13
6. Incident Meteorologist (IMET) Services 14
7. Training 14
8. NWS Notifications to Central Region Headquarters 15
III. Wildland Fire Agency Services and Responsibilities 15
1. Operational Support and Predictive Services 15
2. Agency Computer Systems 15
3. Fire Weather Observations and Stations 15
4. Reimbursement for NWS Provided On-Site Support and Training 16
IV. Joint Responsibilities 17
V. Effective Date of the AOP 17
VI. Agency Signatures 17
VII. Appendix 18
A. Smoke Management 19
B. Haines Index 20
C. NOAA Weather Radio 21
D. Phone Directory 23
This document serves as the Minnesota Fire Weather Operating Plan (AOP) for the
National Weather Service (NWS) and the interagency fire management community with
fire management responsibility in Minnesota. The relationship between the NWS and
land management agencies is established in the following documents:
Interagency Agreement for Meteorological Services (National Agreement).
Eastern Area Mobilization Guide
NWS Directives 10-4 Series
This AOP provides specific policy and procedure information used to provide forecast
services to the fire management community in the State of Minnesota. In support of the
Eastern Area Coordination Center, the EACC meteorologist will act as a liaison
between the interagency fire management community and the NWS.
This Operating Plan is updated annually, and is reviewed by representatives of the
NWS and each user agency prior to the onset of the spring fire season. All parties
should have a copy of this plan available for reference purposes. Each fire management
agency will be responsible for any duplication and further distribution of this plan to fire
management personnel. The Operating Plan is also available in the Fire Weather
section of NWS web sites.
1. DOC/NOAA - National Weather Service
2. USDA Forest Service - Region 9 Superior and Chippewa National Forests
3. DOI National Park Service
4. DOI US Fish and Wildlife Service
5. DOI Bureau of Indian Affairs
6. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; MNDNR
There are six NWS offices that provide fire weather forecasts to the State of Minnesota:
TWIN CITIES, MN (Chanhassen) NWS Forecast Office
Public Phone: 952-361-6670
Fire Weather Program Leader…...Mike Griesinger
DULUTH, MN NWS Forecast Office
Public Phone: 218-729-6697
Fire Weather Program Leader…Woody Unruh
GRAND FORKS, ND NWS Forecast Office
Public Phone: 701-795-5198
Fire Weather Program Leader…...Brad Hopkins
LA CROSSE, WI NWS Forecast Office
Public Phone: 608-784-8292
Fire Weather Program Leader…...Jeff Makowski
SIOUX FALLS, SD NWS Forecast Office
Public Phone: 605-330-4247
Fire Weather Program Leader…...Kyle Weisser
ABERDEEN, SD NWS Forecast Office
Public Phone: 605-225-0519
Fire Weather Program Leader…...Travis Tarver
BASIC SERVICES - This section follows the National Weather Service Directive NWSI
10-401: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/directives/sym/pd01004001curr.pdf
Local changes to the services provided in Minnesota are coordinated at the Minnesota
State Fire Weather Coordination Meeting held annually in December.
Fire Weather Watches and Red Flag Warnings
SPOT Forecasts
Fire Weather Planning Forecast
National Fire Danger Rating System Forecast (NFDRS)
Routine forecasts usually begin in March or early April and end in November or
December. User agencies will collaborate with the servicing NWS office to begin or end
the text forecasts. Fire weather forecast elements are generated daily and available on
the local NWS websites year round.
NWS offices will issue Fire Weather Watches and Red Flag Warnings when the
combination of dry fuels and weather conditions support extreme fire danger and/or fire
behavior. The NWS forecaster on duty will coordinate with a representative from MNICS
(see directory) prior to issuing a Fire Weather Watch or Red Flag Warning. If a Fire
Weather Watch is currently in effect, it means that fuel conditions have already been
coordinated with land managers and no further coordination is required if a Red Flag
Warning is needed due to changes in forecast weather conditions.
During situations of borderline fuel or weather conditions with respect to needing a Fire
Weather Watch/Red Flag Warning, terminology such as “NEAR CRITICAL FIRE
WEATHER CONDITIONS” is strongly encouraged in NWS products. Avoid the phrase
“Red Flag'' or “Extreme Fire Danger” if a Red Flag Warning is not in effect so as not to
suggest the fuels are critical when the fuels are not critical.
A Fire Weather Watch is issued when there is reasonable confidence that conditions to
warrant a warning will be met within 18 to 72 hours. A Fire Weather Watch should not
remain in effect through the TODAY period. It must either be upgraded to a Red Flag
Warning or canceled. If the Watch is cancelled, the NWS can issue a Special Weather
Statement (SPS) to highlight the heightened fire weather concerns.
A Red Flag Warning is issued when there is high confidence that conditions to warrant
a warning will be met within 48. A Red Flag Warning may span over a multiple day time
period if Red Flag conditions are expected to be attained consecutive days, with limited
RH recovery expected during the overnight hours.
Call order for RFW Fuel Coordination
Cell (C), Work (W), Home (H)
Travis Verdegan
218-244-5690 (C), 218-322-2682 (W), 715-415-1134 (H)
MNCC Center Manager—Ryan Kingsley
218-322-2738 (W), 218-451-8628 (C)
MNCC Duty Officer (MN Interagency Coordination
Center) 218-327-4558
Sustained 20 ft winds (RAWS level) of at least 20 mph or
frequent gusts of at least 25 mph.
In the Red River Valley along the western border of Minnesota (Grand Forks
forecast area) and in the southwest corner of the state (Sioux Falls forecast area)
sustained winds must be at or above 25 mph.
Minimum Relative Humidity (RH) of 25% or less.
Land managers may request that a Red Flag Warning be issued when all
weather criteria are not expected to be met. This would include situations when
fuels are critically dry or in a high wind situation when the humidity threshold may
not be reached.
Other Factors to Consider
Potential for minimum relative humidities to be less than 15% (results in 1 hour
fuel moisture and FFMC down around 2% or 3%)
Fire Danger Rating from the MNDNR of HIGH or EXTREME. Viewable at:
NFDRS/CFDRS output provides information on several fire indices viewable at:
Generally, a BI > 84 and ERC > 40 imply critically dry fuels.
Red Flag Content/Format
The Watch or Warning headline will specify:
The valid time, the area affected (by county or aerial description), and critical weather
elements leading to the headline.
The following list of products will disseminate the Watch or
Fire Weather Planning Forecast (FWF)
A headline needs to be included at the top of each forecast segment where a
Fire Weather Watch or Red Flag Warning is active. The FWF needs to be
updated anytime there is a change in watch/warning status for an area.
NOAA Weather Radio
Following local policy.
Hazardous Weather Outlook (HWO)
Graphical Weather Story
Decision Support Packets
Area Forecast Discussion (AFD)
SPOT Forecasts
Headline must be included for Spots issued for areas in which a Watch/Warning
is in effect
Social Media
The Fire Danger and issuance of a Watch or Warning may be shared on various
social media websites.
Civil Emergency Message
In the event of a large or rapidly growing wildfire that is posing a threat to life or
property, a land manger or other official may request the issuance of a Civil
Emergency Message to communicate the threat of the wildfire and any
evacuation orders.
Land agencies will normally handle ALL media questions about fire potential and
danger. The NWS will answer questions only about weather conditions, and
should not comment on fire behavior or fuel conditions.
SPOT Forecasts are site specific forecasts issued by NWS offices in support of
wildfire, natural resource management, or public safety. The NWS will attempt to
process all SPOT Forecast requests within 20 minutes. These forecasts aid officials in
properly planning for and protecting life and property during wildland fires. SPOT
forecasts are also issued for hazardous materials incidents, marine incidents, search
and rescue response and other threats to public safety.
Generally, SPOT Forecasts for prescribed burns are requested a few hours ahead of
the project. However, they can be requested up to one day in advance to assist with
planning future burns. A longer term outlook and/or forecast for a prescribed burn region
can be requested from Steve Marian with the EACC. (see directory for contact info)
SPOT forecasts for a wildfire will be treated with a priority similar to that of severe
weather warnings. It is the responsibility of the requestor to indicate that the request is
for wildfire suppression.
NWS offices will provide spot forecast service under the following
Upon request of any federal, state, tribal, or local official who represents that the
SPOT forecast is required to carry out their wildland fire management
responsibilities in coordination with any federal land management agency
participating in the Interagency Agreement.
Upon request of any public safety official who represents the spot forecast is
essential to public safety, e.g. due to the proximity of population centers or critical
In support of Homeland Security Presidential Directive #5 (HSPD 5).
SPOT Content and Format –
The standard format for SPOTS includes: headlines (mandatory when Red Flag
Warning or Fire Weather Watch in effect), discussion, sky/weather, temperature,
relative humidity, and 20 foot wind for 3 forecast periods. Optional elements may also
be provided. The content and number of forecast periods may be different, as
determined by the requestor. To aid in making smoke management decisions,
requestors may request Hysplit trajectory data as part of their Spot Forecast request.
If an update is made, the forecaster will call the contact number listed on the spot
forecast request. Feedback from land management personnel is highly encouraged
during or after the burn and can be submitted via the SPOT website or by emailing the
Fire Weather Focal Point (see directory for contact info).
Requesting a SPOT Procedure –
The primary way to submit a SPOT request is through the NWS SPOT webpage
at https:// www.weather.gov/spot/request/
Spot requests can be monitored and viewed at
If this site is slow, you can use
https://www.weather.gov/spot/monitor/?&wfo=xxx (where XXX is the NWS
office identifier: DLH, FGF, etc.) to view only spots a particular forecast
office has received
If internet access is not available, the land manager may also call or send a fax
to the local NWS office with the appropriate information for the SPOT request.
Needed information for a SPOT request includes: location, incident type,
topography, fuel type, size, ignition time, contact info and a current weather
observation (if available).
Example of a Standardized Spot Weather Forecast
The Fire Weather Planning Forecast is issued for 98 fire weather zones in MN.
These zones generally follow county lines, although some of the larger counties
are subdivided into smaller zones.
This product is issued routinely twice a day during the fire season. Once in the
morning by 0700 and again in the afternoon by 1500 local time.
NWS Sioux Falls will only provide a morning forecast issuance during the
summer months (June, July, thru mid August), unless requested by land
managers to continue the afternoon product.
This forecast will be updated when
Fire Weather Watch or Red Flag warning has been issued or canceled.
Current forecast is not representative of occurring or expected weather
Other resources for forecasts available for fire
weather planning:
Fire Weather Dashboard: https://www.weather.gov/dlh/fwd
National Fire Weather Page: www.weather.gov/fire
Fire Weather Briefing Page: http://www.weather.gov/dlh/firebriefing
Graphical Weather Forecast:
3 day Outlooks: Fire Weather, Severe Weather, Rainfall:
GACC/EACC Weather:
MN IMET Resources Page: http://www.weather.gov/dlh/imet
Issued each afternoon by 1530 local time for RAWS stations in each office's local
Point forecasts go out 7 days for all RAWS locations in MN
The National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) is designed to represent the fire potential at
the “worst time of day” over a large area. The output from the NFDRS serves to indicate levels
of fire danger. From this, resource allocation and staffing are determined by the land
management agencies.
If a known maintenance or data accuracy problem exists with an NFDRS forecast site, the
problem will typically be reported to the station owner by the National Interagency Fire Center
(NIFC) RAWS depot via e-mail. It is the duty of the station owner to take corrective action. If a
NWS office knows of this problem and maintenance is not completed on the observation site,
the NWS office may suspend the NFDRS forecast for that site until the problem is solved.
Coordination and notification of the NFDRS forecast suspension will be coordinated with the
Predictive Services section (Steve Marien) in the Eastern Area Geographic Area Coordination
Point Forecast coding and interpretation
Verification – The Fire weather program leader will verify the Red Flag program.
Results will be distributed to the NWS Regional Fire Weather Program Managers as
well as to the appropriate State and Federal user groups in Minnesota. Red Flag
Warnings will be verified based on the Probability of Detection, False Alarm Rate,
Critical Success Index, and Lead Time.
Participation in Interagency Groups - NWS offices providing fire weather services for
Minnesota are expected to participate in the Annual State Fire Meeting. This meeting
serves as a forum for interaction between NWS program leaders and their interagency
users. It also provides an effective vehicle for discussions pertaining to changes to this
National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) - The NWS provides another forecast tool
called the National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD). This database contains forecast
weather parameters on a 2.5 km grid. The NDFD runs through day 7, and is continually
updated by NWS forecasters. Access to the NDFD is possible through NWS web
pages by selecting the Forecast Graphics Tab near the top of the page. Information on
the NDFD can be found at: https://digital.weather.gov/.
The NWS provides a cadre of trained Incident Meteorologists (IMETs) who will provide
on-site forecasting for wildfires when requested by land management agencies. See
directory for contact information.
Some Key Points Regarding IMETs:
Only certified IMETS may be dispatched to support on-site service for a wildfire.
The NWS is responsible for maintaining proficiency of designated IMETs.
Request and dispatch of IMETs and equipment is accomplished through the
National Resource Coordination System. See directory for contact information.
In addition to wildfires, IMETs may be dispatched to support large critical
resource value prescribed burns, hazardous substance release, or any special
projects/incidents which fall under the mandate of the NWS. These other events
will be supported depending upon availability.
For more information please refer to NWS Directive 10-402:
7. Training
1. Forecaster training NWS forecasters producing fire weather forecasts require
training as set forth in NWSI 10-405:
Complete the required NWS Fire Weather computer based learning
modules and S-290, Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior.
Local training generally consists of review of the AOP, the Fire Weather
Station Duty Manual and other station instructions, as well as training
offered by the Fire Weather Program Leader or land management
Forecasters must be familiar with NWS fire weather products and
services, as well as be proficient in their preparation and dissemination.
All forecasters issuing SPOT Forecasts or providing phone briefings are
required to complete IS-100 and IS-700.
2. NWS Provided Training to Land Management Agencies
Guidelines for Teaching Interagency Courses:
Please refer to National Weather Service Directive NWSI 10-403 Appendix A
available at: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/directives/sym/pd01004003curr.pdf
In the event of a major wildfire in MN, the servicing NWS office must report it to the
MIC and NWS Central Region Headquarters (CR-ROC). A major fire event is one
which results in one or more fatalities, numerous injuries, major property damage, or
significant media attention.
Meteorologist Steve Marien, for the Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC) works in
a St. Paul office, while the main EACC office is in Milwaukee. The EACC meteorologist
combines forecast information from NWS offices and other sources into area-wide
summaries and briefings. This meteorologist, along with Fire Intelligence, forms the
Predictive Services group which produces fire weather/fire danger assessments for
USFS Region 9, which includes Minnesota.
The EACC Forecasts -
Steve Marien, EACC Meteorologist — [email protected]
See the directory in the Appendix for addresses and contact information.
The communication system used to link the NWS with its users is the Weather
Information and Management System (WIMS). The NWS receives user agency
observations entered into WIMS via its Advanced Weather Interactive Processing
System (AWIPS) computer system. Point and narrative forecasts are also sent to WIMS
via this system. Observations and forecasts are exchanged between WIMS and AWIPS
in the USFS Kansas City Computer Center.
All fire weather observations in Minnesota are from automated sites, and all have GOES
antennas installed for data transmission. Station inspection and instrument maintenance
are the responsibility of land management agencies. If a land management agency
requests that NWS personnel assist in setting up a RAWS station, the NWS will oblige
per the National Agreement. NWS travel expenses for equipment maintenance or
station visits will be reimbursed by the Wildland Fire Agency making the request. The
NWS Fire Weather Program Leader and EACC Meteorologist need to be informed of
any requests for new RAWS stations.
The NWS is responsible for assigning station numbers to NFDRS weather sites. The
NWS local Fire Weather Program Leader will coordinate with the appropriate land
management personnel and WIMS staff to determine the 6-digit station ID. It is the
responsibility of the requestor/land management personnel to notify WIMS staff of
RAWS station status.
Available Sites to View Fire Weather Observations and Locations:
Great Lakes Fire and Fuels Page: https://glff.mesowest.org
Western Regional Climate Center: https://wrcc.dri.edu/wraws/mnF.html
National Centers
National Fire Weather Page: https://weather.gov/fire/
US National Interagency Fire Center: https://www.nifc.gov
Eastern Area Coordination Center: https://gacc.nifc.gov/eacc/
Agencies will reimburse the NWS for all costs incurred for IMET support as well as for
training assistance or station visitation.
Meteorological training can be provided either by the NWS or the EACC meteorologist.
Each NWS office has at least one person, typically the Fire Weather Program Leader,
who is qualified to teach courses at least through Intermediate Fire Behavior (S-290).
Requests for NWS training should be directed to that office’s Fire Weather Program
Leader or MIC. Sufficient notice should be given to allow for preparation as well as
scheduling. Costs incurred by the NWS will be reimbursed by the requesting agency.
NWS Fire Weather Program Leaders will participate in MNICS-hosted coordination
conference calls. This duty will be shared by the program leaders. If they are not
available, the EACC meteorologist or another forecaster on duty may fill in to conduct
the weather briefing.
Calls are typically scheduled at 0900 on Tuesdays and Fridays during the fire season.
The weather portion of the briefing should focus on the state of MN and be no more
than 5 min. The weather briefing will highlight the forecast for the next 2-3 days, as well
as any significant weather trends or possible critical fire weather situations in the
upcoming week. Forecasters are asked to present weather information in a
day-to-day format, rather than element-to-element.
The Web Ex Conference call is hosted by MNICS on Tuesdays and Fridays during the
fire season. A fire weather briefing page is maintained at the Duluth NWS and can be
viewed at http://www.weather.gov/dlh/firebriefing
This document will be effective approximately from February 1st, 2023 to February 1st,
Daniel Hawblitzel, MIC NWS Twin Cities____________________________Date:_____
Representing all NWS offices with fire weather forecast responsibility in Minnesota \
Greg Carlson, MNICS Task Force Chair ___________________Date:_____ Signing for
MN DNR and All Federal Land Managers Management Agencies: USFS, BIA, NPS,
2023 Minnesota Fire Weather Annual
Operating Plan
VII. Appendix
A. Smoke Management
B. Haines Index
C. NOAA Weather Radio Network
D. Fire-Weather Personal Directory (non-web version only)
The Clean Air Act requires land management agencies to address the issue of smoke
management in its prescribed burns. The goal is to burn in atmospheric conditions that
would encourage smoke to rise to such a level that the smoke is dispersed as much as
possible to reduce a number of health and safety risks near the fire.
A Minnesota Smoke Management Plan (SMP) was created in the year 2000 and should
be considered the source document for any questions regarding the requirements or
practices of smoke management in Minnesota. The plan was updated in 2014.
The National Weather Service will support the smoke management efforts of federal,
state, and local agencies as well as organizations involved in such burning. The NWS
will provide three (3) parameters used in smoke management in its Fire Weather
Planning Forecasts. The NWS will also include these parameters, upon request of the
land agency, in spot forecasts.
The three weather parameters of smoke management forecasts are mixing layer (or
depth), transport winds, and dispersion index. For smoke management purposes, the
mixing layer is usually considered the lowest layer of the atmosphere bounded by the
earth’s surface and the bottom of any temperature inversion which may exist aloft. A
temperature inversion serves to trap smoke at low levels and prevents sufficient lofting
of smoke to a level where winds would dilute or transport it away from the area.
Three upper air temperature profiles which affect smoke dispersal differently.
Left: A surface-based inversion is an absolutely stable condition that traps smoke and
prevents lofting.
Middle: An elevated inversion is unstable or neutral and allows limited smoke rise, but
the smoke will stop rising at the base of the inversion aloft.
Right: When no inversions are present, smoke is free to rise. However, the existing
(ambient) lapse rate will determine the rate of rise and the plume characteristics.
The transport wind is defined as the average wind speed and direction through the
mixing layer.
In forecasts provided by the NWS, the transport wind will be provided in mph and the
height of the mixed layer will be in feet AGL (above ground level).
The Dispersion Index is detailed in the Minnesota Smoke Management Plan (SMP) in
section 4.2.2. The index is intended to serve as a single adjective index which
describes how smoke will disperse on that day. The Dispersion Rate is given by the
following formula as defined in the Minnesota Smoke Management Plan:
Dispersion Index = (Mixing Height in feet) x (Transport Wind in knots)
The Minnesota Smoke Management Plan (SMP) suggests the following interpretation of
the values: Dispersion Index Dispersion Rate
< 13,000 Poor
13,000 - 29,999 Fair
30,000 - 59,999 Good
60,000 or greater Excellent
What is the Haines Index?
The Haines Index combines the effects of dry air and instability to determine the
potential for fire growth. Its purpose is to identify weather conditions that may allow an
existing fire to spread rapidly or exhibit extreme fire behavior. The Haines Index does
not account for wind. Instability is caused by warming the lower levels of the
atmosphere, cooling the higher levels, or by a combination of the two processes. An
unstable air mass promotes convection and rising currents of air.
In Minnesota, we use both the low and mid
level variant of the Haines Index equation. The
equation used is based on the elevation for a
point, with areas under 1000 feet ASL using
the low level version of the equations, with
areas over 1000 feet ASL using the mid level
variant. On the map, areas in green have an
elevation less than 1000 feet ASL and
calculate the Haines Index with the low
elevation equation while areas in yellow use
the mid altitude variant of the equation.
Computing the Haines Index
Haines Index = Stability (A) + Moisture (B)
Stability Term-LOW elevation (A) = 925 mb Temperature - 850 mb Temperature
Let A equal the following values according to the temperature differences
When stability term is 4 degrees C or less, let A = 1
When stability term is 4 to 8 degrees C, let A = 2
When stability term is 8 degrees C or more, let A =3
Stability Term-MID elevation (A) = 850 mb Temperature - 700 mb Temperature
Let A equal the following values according to the temperature differences
When stability term is 5 degrees C or less, let A = 1
When stability term is 6 to 10 degrees C, let A = 2
When stability term is 11 degrees C or more, let A =3
Moisture Term-low & mid elevations (B) = 850 mb Temperature - 850 mb Dewpoint
When moisture term is 5 degrees C or less, let B = 1
When moisture term is 6 to 12 degrees C, let B = 2
When moisture term is 13 degrees C or more, let B = 3
(The greater the value of this term, the drier the air is)
A weakness of using the Haines Index is that the stability and moisture terms are
calculated at two fixed levels. At times, making the calculations at slightly different levels
could lead to a significantly different Haines Index.
APPENDIX C - NOAA Weather Radio Stations
For more information about each transmitter site, and a complete listing of frequencies
please visit: https://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/Maps/PHP/MN.php. Below is a map showing the
location of all NOAA Weather Radio transmitters that cover MN.
APPENDIX D - Phone Directory
National Weather Service Offices and Personnel
Twin Cities/Chanhassen, MN (MPX) https://www.weather.gov/mpx/fire
1733 Lake Drive West Operations: 952-361-6671
Chanhassen, MN 55317 Fax: 952-361-6668
Mike Griesinger - F/W Program manager [email protected]
Dan Hawblitzel, MIC [email protected]
Duluth, MN https://www.weather.gov/dlh/fire
5027 Miller Trunk Highway Operations: 218-729-6572
Duluth, MN 55811 Fax: 218-729-0690
Woody Unruh - F/W Program Manager woodrow[email protected]
Jonathan Wolfe - F/W Program Asnt [email protected]
MIC, Vacant
Grand Forks, ND https://www.weather.gov/fgf/fire
4797 Technology Circle Operations: 701-795-5127
Grand Forks, ND 58203 Fax: 701-772-0751
Brand Hopkins, F/W Program Manager [email protected]
Mindy Beerends, MIC [email protected] Phone: 701-795-5198
La Crosse, WI https://www.weather.gov/arx/fire
N2788 County Road Operations: 608-784-8292
La Crosse, WI 54601 Fax: 608-784-8238
Jeff Markowski, F/W Program Manager [email protected]
Todd Shea, MIC [email protected] Ph: 608-784-8275x642
Sioux Falls, SD https://www.weather.gov/fsd/fire
26 Weather Lane Operations: 605-330-4246
Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Fax: 605-330-4248
Kyle Weisser, F/W Program Manager [email protected]
Jeff Chapman, F/W Program Asnt [email protected]
Todd Heitkamp, MIC [email protected]
Aberdeen, SD https://www.weather.gov/abr/fire
824 391st Ave. S Operations: 605-225-5547
Aberdeen, SD 57401 Fax: 605-225-7417
Travis Tarver, F/W Program Manager [email protected]
Kari Fleegel, F/W Asnt [email protected]
James Scarlett, MIC [email protected] Phone: 605-225-0519
Larry Van Bussum (IMET Coordinator) larry[email protected] Ph: 208-334-9824/9862
National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) Fax: 208-334-1660 Cell: 208-863-2582
National Fire Weather Program Leader
Heath Hockenberry [email protected]
NWS Central Region Fire Weather Program Leader
Chris Foltz [email protected] Phone: 816-268-3145
Minnesota Interagency Coordination Center (MNCC)
MNCC Dispatch (24 hours) Phone: 218-327-4558 Fax: 218-327-4528
Travis Verdigan **Red Flag Coordinator** [email protected] Cell: 218-244-5690
Predictive Services Coordinator Home: 715-415-1134 Work: 218-322-2682
Ryan Kingsley, MNCC Center Manager [email protected] Phone: 218-322-2738
Cell: 218-451-8628
U.S. Forest Service - U.S. Department of Agriculture
MNCC Dispatch (24 hours) Phone: 218-327-4558
All dispatching for the Chippewa NF and Superior NF are done through MNCC Operations
Superior National Forest [email protected] Phone: 218-327-4558
Duluth, MN 55811 Fax: 218-327-4528
Chippewa National Forest [email protected] Phone: 218-327-4558
Cass Lake, MN 56633 Fax: 218-327-4528
Ryan Johnson, Operations [email protected] Phone: 218-322-2755
MNCC Asst. Center Manager Cell: 218-451-8431
Caleb Schreiber, USFS Forest FMO [email protected] Phone: 218-322-2685
Cell: 503-501-7572
Brian Wise, Fire Cache Manager [email protected] Phone: 218-322-2763
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
MN Wildfire Information Center Home Page https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/index.html
William “B.J.” Glesener, DNR Wildfire Supv. [email protected] Phone: 218-322-2682
Leanne Langeberg, Public Information Officer [email protected] Phone: 218-322-2739
Jolene Soltis, Intelligence [email protected] Phone: 218-322-2745
Anna Hines, Aviation [email protected] Phone: 218-327-4582
MNCC Asst. Center Manager
National Park Service - U.S. Department of the Interior
Greg Carlson, Fire Ops Specialist [email protected] Phone: 218-283-6666
Voyageurs National Park Fax: 218-285-7407
360 Hwy 11 E
International Falls, MN 56649
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - U.S. Department of the Interior
Russ Langford [email protected] Phone: 612-713-5498
Dep. Regional Fire Management Coordinator Cell: 763-244-9844
5600 American Blvd. W Suite 990
Bloomington, MN 55437
Seth Grimm [email protected] Phone: 218-844-3401
West Zone Fire Management Officer Cell: 218-849-7864
1732 Tower Road
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Bureau of Indian Affairs - U.S. Department of the Interior
Tom Remus, Fire Management Officer [email protected] Phone: 218-322-2693
MN Interagency Fire Center
40002 SE 11th St.
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Cory Berg cory[email protected] Phone: 218-755-6758
2225 Cooperative Court NW, #300
Bemidji, MN 56601
Eastern Area Interagency Coordination Center (EACC)
Brendan Neylon, Center Manager https://gacc.nifc.gov/eacc/ Phone: 414-944-3811
626 E. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 500 Fax: 414-944-3838
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Steve Marien, EACC Meteorologist [email protected] Phone: 402-250-7844
Eastern Area Fire Weather Program Manager
111 East Kellogg Blvd., Suite 105 EACC Predictive Services Home Page
St. Paul, MN 55101