Home Modification & Accessibility
Grant Program
What is the purpose of the Home Mod & Accessibility grant program?
The purpose of the program is to provide housing accessibility modifications for eligible
applicants who are Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries and individuals with disabilities or
special needs that will extend their ability to live independently in the community. Home
modification will allow eligible individuals to overcome roadblocks in realizing an enhanced
quality of life while attaining the highest level of self-sufficiency possible.
What is the maximum grant amount?
Up to $15,000 is available to qualified beneficiaries or individuals with a single-family, owner-
occupied home, or up to $12,000 for applicants who live in rental housing. There are no income
limits or age limit.
What form of assistance does the grant program provide?
Assistance is in the form of a grant to eligible applicants. Grants are made possible by funding
through a joint program of the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and the Alaska
Mental Health Trust Authority.
What types of property are eligible?
The residence must be within the Municipality of Anchorage and must be a single-family, owner-
occupied dwelling that is used as the principal residence of the applicant.
For applicants who live in rental housing, and whose improvements exceed $2,500, the
recipient will be required to have a minimum two-year lease.
What funds may be used for and who can participate?
Bathroom modifications (such as installing grab bars, raising toilet height, adding tub chairs).
Installation of additional handrails to stairs or installing a chair glide and/or installation of ramps.
Adapting the environment to manage behavioral issues associated with Alzheimer’s disease
and related disorders or to mitigate any functional losses due to traumatic head injuries.
Devices to assist hearing and/or sight impaired individuals.
Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries and individuals with disabilities or special needs who
have need for accessibility accommodations, as documented by a medical professional,
caseworker, or caregiver familiar with applicants needs.
The property must be the primary residence of the applicant for 3 years after completion of the
modification. If the property is no longer occupied by a person with special needs within the 3
year period, all grant funds used must be repaid.
The applicant must be able to provide evidence of ownership or, if a rental property, must have
a lease of appropriate length and the landlord’s consent.
Other modifications that meet the program’s goals for accessibility and extending the ability to
live independently.
There are no income or age limits.
For More Information: Call 677-8490 and ask to speak with our Grant Coordinator.
me Modification & Accessibility Grant Program
The items listed below are required to process your application,
please include these documents with your application. Original
signatures are required we cannot accept fax or email copies:
arranty Deed or DMV Title (Proof of Ownership)
Copy of picture ID (Drivers License or State of AK I.D Card)
If minor child is applicant, provide birth certificate or guardianship
Referral Letter from Doctor or Care Provider certifying that the
requested accessibility is directly related to the recipients needs
If rental property, Landlord consent for repair form is required and a
copy of lease agreement
If condominium - condo consent form from HOA
If mobile home mobile home park consent form
Other documentation necessary for grant (i.e. conservatorship, etc.)
NeighborWorks® Alaska
2515 A Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
(907) 677-8490 Fax (907) 677-8450
Mental Health Home Modifications and Upgrades to Retain
Housing FY2021 Grant
I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Anchorage Neighborhood Housing
Services Inc. dba NeighborWorks® Alaska and its representatives, employees,
members, officers and directors against any loss, damage, injury, or claim that may
arise in connection with acts performed on my behalf, which would reasonably be
associated with consultation, technical advice, property inspection, or other related
activities in connection with the home modification grant.
Any statements, representations, or conclusions offered by the inspector are the
considered opinion of the inspector and do NOT constitute an express or implied
warranty of any kind. NeighborWorks® Alaska, its officers, employees, and agents
shall not be liable for any direct, special, incidental, or consequential damages
under any circumstances whatsoever, whether arising in tort, negligence, or
contract, nor for any loss, claim, expense, or damage caused by or arising out of
NeighborWorks® Alaska’s inspection or supervision of a rehabilitation project.
NeighborWorks® Alaska will not indemnify or hold others harmless for any loss,
claim, expense, or damage arising out of NeighborWorks® Alaska’s inspection or
supervision of a rehabilitation project. The only warranty in effect will be that of the
Contractor for work performed and materials used.
2515 A Street, Anchorage, AK 99503
P: 907.677.8490 F: 907.677.8450 www.nwalaska.org
Home Modification & Accessibility Grant Program
(For Mental Health Trust Beneficiaries and/or individuals with special needs)
Applicant Information
(Please print a response to every question)
Name of grant recipient_____________________________________________________
Name of person completing the application______________________________________
Mailing Address City State Zip
Residence Address or Physical Address City State Zip
Home Phone Cell Phone Email __________________
Are you the Owner of Record for your home? Yes No If No, provide the
information below.
Owner’s Name Phone
Mailing Address City State Zip
Household Information
List all household members, including Head of Household. Attach another page, if needed.
Head of
American Indian or
Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or
Other Pacific
Black or African
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic
Note: Ethnicity information is for government monitoring purposes only.
Rev. 02/2021
Rev. 02/2021
Education: □ Below High School □ High School Diploma or Equivalent □ Two-Year College
Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree □ Above Master’s Degree
Are you a Veteran? Applicant: □ Yes □ No Co-Applicant: □ Yes □ No
Are you foreign born? □ Yes □ No What is your primary language?_________________
If any household members are living in the home on a temporary basis, please explain:
Read “How do I Know if Someone is a Beneficiary of the Trust” on Page 5, and write the total
number of household members who have disabilities that fall within each category:
Mentally Ill
Chronic Alcoholic with Psychoses
evelopmentally Disabled
Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders
Disabled or Special Needs
Provide a letter from a medical or rehabilitation professional stating that the proposed home
improvements are necessary to improve accessibility for the disabled person living in the
household or to mitigate the persons functional limitations that result from their condition.
This letter may not be written by a household member.
Project Information
Properties Must Be Located Within the Municipality of Anchorage
Available Improvements--Housing Modification Grants may be used to improve accessibility
or to mitigate the personsfunctional limitations that result from their condition in existing
permanent or rental housing through facility modifications and improvements, including:
Stairway modification or ramp installation or modification
Widening of doors and/or hallways
Adjustments to the levels of countertops and other usable surfaces;
Installation of appropriate bathroom fixtures
Adjustments and adaptations to improve mobility within the interior living space
Adaptations to mitigate any functional losses due to traumatic head injuries
Adaptations to manage behavioral issues associated with Alzheimer’s disease and related
Installation of permanent technological features designed to improve accessibility and independent
Amplification, visual devices, and/or signaling devices to assist hearing and/or visually impaired
Other housing modifications specifically approved by the Department of Health & Social Services.
Rev. 02/2021
Special Grant Conditions
Individuals who receive funds for personal housing modifications will be required
to sign a Promissory Note for a period of three years as a security agreement. If
the property is no longer occupied by a person with special needs relevant to the
improvements which were made during the period, all grants funds used for
the improvements must be repaid to NeighborWorks Alaska These recouped
funds will be used for the purpose of assisting another qualifying applicant with
modifications or repaid to the State of Alaska unless otherwise agreed to by both
parties. Exceptions include but are not limited to: the death of the individual or
they are no longer physically able to live in the property.
Applicants will be required to limit expenditures for rental property to no more
than $12,000 per home. Improvements up to $2,500 require the recipient to have
in effect a minimum one-year lease. Improvements over $2,500 require the
recipient to have in effect a minimum two-year lease.
A sample of the promissory note is attached as exhibit A to the application
An annual occupancy letter will be sent to the recipient for a period of 3 years
from the completion of the grant. The recipient will sign and return the
occupancy letter to NeighborWorks Alaska upon receipt of the letter.
The maximum grant amount for owner occupied properties is $15,000 and
$12,000 for rental properties. The maximum grant amounts include the HomeMap
Assessment, construction costs including project management.
______ Applicant has read, understands and agrees to the special grant conditions
Please explain what available improvement can meet your household’s accessibility needs.
Be as specific as possible and attach another page if necessary. Submit pictures of the
area(s) to be improved so we can understand your needs.
Have you obtained any bids for the work identified above? If so, please provide copies.
Is there an emergency circumstance that threatens the ability of a household member to
remain in the home? If so, please describe. Attach another page if necessary.
Rev. 02/2021
Have you applied to any other agency for assistance in meeting these needs? If so, please
provide the following contact information. Attach another page if necessary.
Contact Person
Referred by (please check all that apply):
□ Print Advertisement □ Bus Advertisement □ Bank □ Government □ TV □ Realtor
□ Staff/Board member Walk-In □ Friend □ Radio □ Newspaper Article
Walk Away Policy: The program administrator may exercise discretion, up to and including
walking away from the project, in servicing clients when the scope of work exceeds the
limitations set for this program or when other detrimental circumstances are associated with
the project, location, or applicant. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to, the
A. The program administrator may implement corrective actions including walking away
when circumstances endanger workers or contractors.
B. Remedial actions including walk-away may be engaged when encountering a hostile
C. Finally, measures may be taken, up to and including walking away, when criminal
activities are encountered at or associated with the property, the applicant, or the
applicant’s household.
Rev. 02/2021
Applicant Certification
I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that all
adult household members have completed the Authorization for Release of Information on
Page 7.
Penalty for False or Fraudulent Statements: USC Title 18, Section 1001
provides that:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the
jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of
the United States, knowingly and willfully
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or
representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any
materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense
involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331),
imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense
under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of
imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.
Reasonable Accommodation: If you or any person in your household needs additional
accommodation because of a disability, please explain the accommodation needed on the
“Reasonable Accommodation Request Form” provided by the sponsoring organization.
Signature of Head of Household Date
Signature of Co-Applicant Date
Rev. 02/2021
How do I know if someone is a beneficiary of the Trust? Beneficiaries of The Trust include
the following broad groups of individuals:
People with mental illness - Statutory definition [AS 47.30.056(d)]
: Persons with the following mental disorders:
Delusional (paranoid) disorder;
Mood disorders; Anxiety disorders;
Somatoform disorders;
Organic mental disorders; Personality disorders; Dissociative disorders;
Other psychotic or severe and persistent mental disorders manifested by behavioral changes and
symptoms of comparable severity to those manifested by persons with mental disorders listed in this
subsection; and
Persons who have been diagnosed by a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or physician licensed to
practice medicine in the state and, as a result of the diagnosis, have been determined to have a
childhood disorder manifested by behaviors or symptoms suggesting risk of developing a mental disorder
listed in this subsection.
People with developmental disabilities - Statutory definition [AS 47.30.056(e)]
: People with the following neurological or
mental disorders:
Cerebral palsy; Epilepsy; Mental retardation; Autistic disorder;
Severe organic brain impairment;
Significant developmental delay during early childhood indicating risk of developing a disorder listed in
this subsection;
Other severe and persistent mental disorders manifested by behaviors and symptoms similar to those
manifested by persons with disorders listed in this subsection.
Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments;
Is manifested before the person attains age 22;
Is likely to continue indefinitely;
Results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity:
self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent
living, and economic self-sufficiency; and
Reflects the person's need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care,
treatment, or other services that are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and
People with chronic alcoholism - Statutory definition [AS 47.30.056(f)]
: People with the following disorders:
Alcohol withdrawal delirium (delirium tremens);
Alcohol hallucinosis; Alcohol amnesiac disorder;
Dementia associated with alcoholism;
Alcohol-induced organic mental disorder; Alcoholic depressive disorder;
Other severe and persistent disorders associated with a history of prolonged or excessive drinking or
episodes of drinking out of control and manifested by behavioral changes and symptoms similar to those
manifested by persons with disorders listed in this subsection.
People with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia - Statutory definition [AS 47.30.056(f)]
: People, who as a result
of their senility, exhibit one or more of the following mental disorders:
Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type;
Multi-infarct dementia; Senile dementia; Pre-senile dementia;
Other severe and persistent mental disorders manifested by behaviors and symptoms similar to those
manifested by persons with disorders listed in this subsection.
For more information please see the following link: http://www.mhtrust.org/index.cfm
NeighborWorks® Alaska
2515 A Street
Anchorage, AK 99503
(907) 677-8490 Phone (907) 677-8450 Fax
Home Modification & Accessibility Grant Program
(for Mental Health Trust Beneficiaries and/or individuals with special needs)
Authorization for Release of Information
I authorize and direct any Federal, State, or local agency, organization, business, or individual
to release to Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services Inc. (ANHS) dba NeighborWorks Alaska to
complete and verify my application for assistance under the Home Modification Grant Program.
I understand and agree that this authorization or the information obtained with its use may be
given to and used by ANHS dba NeighborWorks Alaska, State of Alaska Department of Health and
Social Services, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, and the Alaska Mental Health Trust in
administering and enforcing program rules and policies.
I understand that I will be required to sign a Promissory Note for a period of three years as a
security agreement. Within the three year period, if the property is no longer occupied by a person with
special needs relevant to the improvements made, all grant funds must be repaid to the State of
Alaska, unless otherwise agreed to by both parties.
Information Covered
I understand that previous and current information regarding my household and me may be
needed as it relates to this program. Groups of individuals that may be asked to release this type of
information include but are not limited to:
Banks and other Financial Institutions
Medical and Psychiatric Personnel
Child Care Providers
Public Assistance Agencies
Child Support and Alimony Providers
Recording offices
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Personnel
Social Security Administration
Family and/or State-Appointed Guardians
Title Companies
I agree that a photocopy of this authorization may be used for the purposes stated
above. The original of this authorization is on file at ANHS dba NeighborWorks Alaska. I
understand I have a right to review my file and correct any information that is incorrect. If the
modification can be made to help a minor child living in the parent or guardian’s home, the
parent or guardian would sign below
Signatures Required
Applicant’s Signature Printed Name of Applicant Social Security Number Date
Adult Member’s Signature Printed Name of Adult Member Social Security Number Date
Adult Member’s Signature
Rev. 02/2021
Printed Name of Adult Member Social Security Number Date
Home Modification & Accessibility Grant Program
(for Mental Health Trust Beneficiaries and/or Special Needs)
Referral Form
Someone such as a physician, case manager, care provider or care coordinator, may complete
this letter, it cannot be written by a household member.
Name of person applying for grant: _____________________________________________
Name of person completing application: _________________________________________
Residence Address: __________________________________________________________
Physician/Referral Agency: ____________________________________________________
Phone Fax _____________________________
Please read, “How do I know if someone is a Beneficiary of the Trust” on Page 5 of the Home
Modification Grant Program Application and indicate the eligible disability of the applicant below:
1) _____ Mentally Ill 3) _____ Chronic Alcoholic with Psychoses
2) _____
Developmentally Disabled 4)
Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders
5) _____ Disabled and/or Special Needs
he following proposed modification to the applicants property is directly related to that’s persons
disability. The home improvements are necessary to improve accessibility for the disabled person living
in the household or to mitigate the person(s) functional limitations that result from their condition.
roposed Modification: (Please Complete)_________________________________________________
Signature Referral Agency (if applicable)
Name (print or type) Phone
Address Date
rev. 02/2021
Consent Form from the Condo Association Board for
Home Modification & Accessibility Grant Program
I, ________________________________, ____________________ of the
(Print Name) (Title)
Condo Board for ______________________________________________
(Condominium Project Name)
located at ________________________________________________ permit
accessibility improvements to be constructed at the above mentioned address.
** Use this form or please provide a letter from the management company or the president of
the condo board approving this disability access improvement. **
Consent by Manufactured Housing Community
Property Owner/Manager for Municipal Housing Programs
I _____________________________________________________________, Owner/Manager
Of the property commonly called: ________________________________________________
located at (address): ____________________________________________________________,
Will permit repairs and improvements (“Program Repairs”) funded in conjunction with various
Municipal housing programs. Consent is valid for all repairs begun within 3 years of the date of
the signature below.
For the mobile home of: _________________________________________________________
located at (tenant address): _______________________________________________________.
I also agree that commencing on the date Program Repairs begin and ending 18 months
following the date Program Repairs are complete, as defined by the Municipality (“Completion
Date”), I will not increase rents on spaces/lots unless those increases are demonstrably related to
matters other than the Program Repairs performed. Such matters may include increases in
property taxes or increases in utilities paid by owner in excess of 25% per year. Any increases
should be applied equally to all spaces/lots on the property.
Furthermore, commencing on the date Program Repairs begin and ending 18 months following
the Completion Date, I shall not terminate or evict any tenants of spaces/lots receiving Program
Repairs, including both those tenants that were current during the Program Repairs and any
subsequent tenants (“Covered Tenants”), provided that the Covered Tenants comply with all
obligations owed to the property owner/manager in accordance with any leases or rental
agreements between the owner/manager and tenants.
In addition to the provisions outlined above, all provisions of the Alaska Uniform Landlord and
Tenant Act apply to the Owner/Manager and all Covered Tenants.
Phone Number
Phone Number
__________________________________________ ______________
Signature of Owner/Manager Date
__________________________________________ ______________
Signature of Tenant/Applicant Date
Rev: 02/2021
I, ________________________________________ owner of the apartment located at
__________________________________________________ will permit accessibility
improvements to be constructed at the above mentioned address, and I also agree not to
increase the rent for three years, due to these improvements, so long as the current tenant
complies with all ongoing obligations and responsibilities owed the landlord or owner.
I understand that I should not, as an owner, remove or cause to have removed these
accessibility improvements within five years, or fail to rent to a disabled person, without
________________________________________ ____________________
Signature of Owner Date
________________________________________ ____________________
Signature of Renter Date
Rev: 02/2021
S/HomeOwnerRehab/2018HMAG-DHSS MHT/ClientContractorAgreements/LandlordTenantAgrmt2018 Page 1 of 3
Home Modification & Upgrades To Retain Housing Grant:
This Landlord Tenant Agreement (the “Agreement”), is made as of this _____ day of _____________, by and between _______
(the “Tenant”), who reside(s) at _______________________ (the “Property”) and _______________________the “Owner” of the
Property, and Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services Inc. DBA NeighborWorks® Alaska (“the Grantee”), having its
principal offices at 2515 A Street, Anchorage, AK 99503.
1. P
URPOSE. The Grantee has applied for funds from
Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services Inc.
DBA NeighborWorks® Alaska (“ANHS”), as administrator of the Home Modification & Upgrades To Retain
ousing Grant according to the requirements in 15 AAC 154.100 and 15 AAC 151.950, and ANHS’s rules for th
Home Modification & Upgrades To Retain Housing Grant (Home Modification Grant), all as may be amended and
supplemented as needed. HOME MODIFICATION FUNDS are used, in part, to provide grants to households to make
needed accessibility modifications to a qualifying applicant’s current principal residence.
2. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTEES. The Owner, Grantee and Tenant have read and understand
he Terms and Conditions identified below and agree to abide by such Terms and Conditions as part of this Agreement
(a) PERMISSION TO ENTER. Owner/Agent authorizes the Grantee or its contractor(s) to conduct related
uilding inspections and assessments, repairs, and improvements related to the accessibility modification
ncluded in the Scope of Work. Any materials installed under this Agreement shall remain as part of th
(b) AMOUNT OF GRANT. The amount of materials and labor provided by the Home Modification Program
Grantee will not exceed $12,000 per rental unit.
(c) SCOPE OF WORK. An Addendum defining the Scope of Work to be accomplished on this building will be
attached to this Agreement. The Grantee and the Owner agree that only accessibility modification work
detailed Addendum, plus any written change orders as approved by the Grantee, is eligible under this project
he Tenant and Owner understand and agree that if the Tenant or Owner request a contractor to perform work
not listed in the scope of work or on any approved change orders, the requester is solely responsible for the
payment for such additional work.
(d) INSPECTION. The Grantee shall have the right to inspect the Property during reasonable hours throughout the
course of this project. The Owner also authorizes the Grantee or ANHS to inspect the Property upon 24-hour
notice and during normal working hours.
(e) TENANT RENTS. Commencing on the date the Owner and/or Tenant signs that work is complete a
ontinuing for a period of 24 months, Owner agrees not to increase rents on units benefiting from th
modifications. If a lease in effect expires prior to the end of the 24-month period, a new lease may be signed,
ut rents will remain at the previous level until the expiration of the 24-month period, unless demonstrably
related to matters other than accessibility modification. Demonstrably related to matters other than accessibility
modification work performed is defined as an increase in excess of 25% per year in (1) Fair Market Value of
rental units, (2) property taxes, or (3) the rate of utilities paid by Owner. Any increases should be split equally
between all units in the building. This Agreement applies to present tenants and any subsequent tenants for the
24-month period. If a tenant feels they have had rents increased contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, or
feels they have received an eviction notice without cause, they may contact Alaska Legal Services or th
(f) TENANT TENURE. Owner also agrees not to terminate or evict any covered tenants or any subsequent
tenants, commencing on the date the Owner and/or tenant signs that work is complete and continuing for a
period of 24 months. This provision is in effect provided the tenant complies with all obligations owed to the
S/HomeOwnerRehab/2018HMAG-DHSS MHT/ClientContractorAgreements/LandlordTenantAgrmt2018 Page 2 of 3
Owner in accordance with any leases or rental agreements between the Owner and tenants. This Agreement
applies to present tenants and any subsequent tenants for the 24-month period.
(g) LANDLORD TENANT LAW. In addition to the provisions outlined above, all provisions of the Alask
Uniform Landlord and Tenant Act (AS 34.03.010-380) apply to the Owner and tenants who are parties to this
(h) INDEMNIFICATION. The Owner shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Alaska Housing Finance
Corporation, the State, the Grantee, their officers, agents, and employees from all liability, including costs and
penses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages by any person or property arising directly
or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negligent act of the Grantee, its contractors or anyone directly
or indirectly employed buy the Grantee in the completion of the project or the performance of this Agreement
) VIOLATION OF AGREEMENT. Upon violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement by the Owner, the
Grantee shall give written notice thereof to the Owner, as provided below in NOTICES. If such violation is not
corrected to the satisfaction of the Grantee within thirty (30) days after the date such notice is given, or withi
ch further time as the Grantee in its sole discretion permits, the Grantee may declare a default under thi
Agreement, effective on the date of such declaration of default and notice thereof to the Owner, and upon such
fault the Grantee may: (1) terminate this Agreement; (2) exercise such other rights or remedies as may b
ailable to the Grantee, at law or in equity.
Either party to this Agreement may bring an action for specific performance of its terms. Tenants residing in
dwelling units covered by this Agreement are intended third-party beneficiaries of any of the provisions of the
Agreement related to rental increases, evictions, and terminations of tenancies.
(j) AMENDMENT. This Agreement shall not be altered or amended except in writing signed by the parties
(k) NOTICE. Any notice, demand, request or other communication that any party may desire or may be required t
give to any other party hereunder shall be given in writing, at the addresses set forth above, by any of the
following means: (1) personal service; (2) electronic communication, whether by telegram or telecopier,
together with confirmation of receipt; (3) overnight courier; or (4) registered or certified United States mail,
postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Such addresses may be changed by notice to the other party given in
the same manner as herein provided. Any notice, demand, request or other communication sent pursuant t
either subsection constitute one and the same agreement.
(l) SALE OR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY OR CHANGE IN TENANT. This Agreement shall run with the la
nd/or modified unit in the case of sale or transfer to other owner/agents. The Owner is responsible to give
official notice of this Agreement to any subsequent owners.
m) CHANGE IN TENANTS. This Agreement applies to present tenants and any subsequent tenants for the 24-
month period, and the Owner agrees to provide subsequent tenants with a copy of this Agreement.
[Tenant must fill out and sign below]
The Tenant represents and warrants as follows:
TENANT Certification
I, ____________________________________, certify my permanent residence is a dwelling unit located at:
Name (Please print.)
Residence or Physical Address City State
I further certify that I am, in need of the accessibility modifications covered under this Agreement, and do not have nor
do I know of other resources that could fund these modifications. I have read and understand the terms of this
Signature – Tenant/Grantee Date
S/HomeOwnerRehab/2018HMAG-DHSS MHT/ClientContractorAgreements/LandlordTenantAgrmt2018 Page 3 of 3
[Owner must fill out and sign below]
e Owner represents and warrants as follows:
I, , certify that I am the Owner/authorized agent, herein
Name (Please print.)
referred to as "Owner" for the Property located at:
Residence or Physical Address City State
The Property is presently rented to the following Tenant(s) who will benefit from the accessibility modifications, herein
referred to as “Tenant”: for $ rent
per month year (check one).
I have read and agree to the terms of this Agreement.
Signature of Owner / Authorized Agent * Date
Mailing Address City State Zip
Phone No.: Fax No.: Msg. No:_______________
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY [Grantee must sign below]
The Grantee represents and warrants as follows:
I have read and agree to the terms of this Agreement.
Signature of Home Modification Program Grantees Authorized Agent
NeighborWorks® Alaska, 2515 A Street, Anchorage, AK 99503
office: 907-677-8490/ fax: 907-677-8450
Promissory Note: Page 1 of 2
Exhibit A
To be used to secure improvements made through the
TRUSTOR: ___________
TRUSTEE: Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. dba NeighborWorks® Alaska
TERMINATION DATE: _______________
This note secures improvements made to the residence located at Property Address for a
period of three (3) years beginning on the COMMENCEMENT DATE, _ Date of Final, hereafter
referred to as the TRUSTOR, agrees that he/she and his/her mother/father (optional) will remain
as permanent residents at this location through at least Three years from date of final hereafter
referred to as the TERMINATION DATE.
The intent of this Promissory Note is to secure performance by the TRUSTOR of their use of the
improvements on the real property for a period of not less than three (3) years. If for any reason,
the TRUSTOR and/or his mother/father vacate the premises prior to the TERMINATION
DATE, a pro-rated portion of the SECURED AMOUNT must be repaid to the TRUSTEE as
described below.
For value received, the TRUSTOR promise(s) to pay to the TRUSTEE, the pro-rated outstanding
balance. All obligations set forth herein are measured from the COMMENCEMENT DATE.
The COMMENCEMENT DATE is the date, determined by the TRUSTEE, that all work was
determined to be substantially complete.
There shall be no interest paid on the initial indebtedness. The amount of initial indebtedness shall
decrease by 33% on the first and second anniversary and by 34% on the third anniversary of the
COMMENCEMENT DATE so that at the expiration of the 3-year period, the interest of the
TRUSTEE in the real property shall be zero and this Note shall be satisfied, therefore
automatically releasing the TRUSTEE’s interest in the real property on the TERMINATION
In the event of a default under the terms of this Note by the TRUSTOR, the TRUSTEE, may
declare, by written demand, all of the SECURED AMOUNT and interest due and payable within
ten days.
Promissory Note: Page 2 of 2
In the event legal action is brought to recover on, or to secure payment on, the within Note, or in
the event any party hereto, files an action to interpret any provisions of this Note, the prevailing
party in such action shall be entitled to such legal fees and costs of suit as determined by a court
of law of competent jurisdiction to have been reasonably incurred in such action.
No provisions of this Note may be amended, modified, supplemented, changed, waived,
discharged or terminated unless the TRUSTEE consents in writing. In case any one or more of
the provisions contained in this note should be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any
respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall
not be affected or impaired.
This Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Alaska.
_________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Trustor – Date
Name: Borrower
Address: XXXX street
City State: Anchorage, AK 99503
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TRUSTOR has executed this note on the Date of this Note
___________________________________________ ___________________
Witness Signature Date
Witness Printed Name
Client Information Print Name: ________________________________
Alaskan Native/American Indian
Black / African American
Multiple Races
Native Ha
& Other Pacific Islander
der: (circle one)
Male / Female /
Primary Language: Birth Country: __________________
Marital Status: (circle one) Single Married Divorced Separated Widowed
Active Military: Y N (circle one) Veteran: Y N (circle one) Date of Birth:
Household Information
Number of people in your household:________ Number of dependents: _________
nt / Own? (circle one)
nual Household Income: (circle one)
$25,000 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $59,999
$60,000 - $75,000 $75,001 - $100,000 $100,001 - $150,000 Over $150,000
Privacy Policy
NeighborWorks® Alaska takes the privacy of its customers very seriously. We will only disclose the above demographic
information to non-financial
companies such as HUD (Housing and Urban Development) and Neighborhood Housing
Services of America (NHSA), but only for program review,
auditing, research and oversight purposes.