anva is a web-based graphic design
tool that allows users to create dig-
ital and print images to customize so-
cial media pages, enhance blog posts,
and create printable marketing mate-
rials. With Canva, users create layouts
from scratch or start with templates,
pre-loaded with thematic fonts, ob-
jects, color palettes, text boxes, and
platform-specic dimensions. Users
have the ability to share designs and
collaborate with team members to
create visually-appealing marketing
materials designed to attract the at-
tention of their target audience.
Canva’s Features
ith Canva’s drag-and-drop tech-
nology, users can create graphic
content using templates and pre-for-
matted layouts. Canva allows users
to enter custom size dimensions for
their projects, or choose a pre-loaded
template for projects such as social
media posts, infographics, posters,
blog graphics, and other marketing
materials. After choosing a template
and a layout, users can customize their
design by adding icons, shapes, charts,
frames, or images. Users can upload
their own images or select stock imag-
es from Canva’s database of customiz-
able graphics.
Canva’s photo editing
Katherin R. DeFord (katherin.r.d[email protected])
Christopher D. Curtis (christopher[email protected])
Donald A. Fitzpatrick ([email protected])
Stephanie B. Hill (stephanie.b[email protected])
Heather A. Johnson (heather[email protected])
Biomedical Libraries, Dartmouth College
capabilities are similar to popular pho-
to sharing apps and will be familiar to
many users. Canva has photo editing
tools like cropping, ltering, and re-
sizing. In addition to customizing their
project with images, users can add
text. Canva oers unrestricted access
to hundreds of unique fonts and cus-
tomizable text templates, which can
be resized and recolored. Canva users
can also add patterned backgrounds to
their projects, and can create graphics
with transparent backgrounds for ad-
ditional functionality.
In addition to the user-friendly graphic
design interface, Canva allows users to
collaborate with colleagues. Users can
share and work on designs with indi-
viduals and teams by sharing a link via
email. In the team environment, a user
may create a team space, which is sep-
arate from a user's personal account.
In this workspace, team members may
access folders and collaborate on de-
signs, and can even “like” and provide
feedback on designs. The original cre-
ator of a design may designate permis-
sion levels—view-only or editing priv-
ileges—to collaborators with a Canva
Furthermore, Canva users
can also collaborate with the greater
Canva community by “following” other
users and using public member-creat-
ed designs.
Once projects are ready to be shared,
Canva makes it easy to disseminate
graphics to a larger audience. Users
may allow Canva to access their social
media accounts directly and push their
graphics to Twitter and Facebook. Us-
ers with a blog or website may embed
content with a Canva-generated code,
and users can also use the Canva app
on an iPhone or iPad in lieu of access-
ing Canva on a desktop computer.
When using Canva on a mobile device,
users wishing to post Canva designs to
social media channels must have those
social media applications installed on
their device. Users may also save de-
signs to their photo album and share
designs via text, email, or other mes-
saging apps such as WhatsApp and
Google Hangouts.
Canva also oers a free learning
course called Design Essentials, pro-
viding step-by-step tutorials on basic
graphic design techniques. Some top-
ics include choosing fonts and colors,
arranging layouts, using shapes and
icons, branding, enhancing images,
and creating strong backgrounds.
These tutorials can be a helpful refer-
ence when creating designs.
Paid vs. Free Versions of Canva
ree accounts provide users with ac-
cess to rich design features and may
prove sucient for casual users. Li-
braries may also wish to purchase one
of two subscription accounts, either
Canva for Work or Canva Enterprise.
These accounts provide access to addi-
tional features that may allow for more
ecient workows and robust design
capabilities. Canva for Work is priced
at $12.95 per month or $119.40 when
billed annually, and includes a 30 day
free trial. Users interested in a Canva
Enterprise account may contact Canva
VOL. 1, 2017 | p. 27
One of the most prominent features
of a paid account is Magic Resize. With
this tool users may, for example, cre-
ate content using a template sized for
Facebook, then use Magic Resize to
replicate the image for other media
platforms. With the free version, users
are not able to easily convert images
from one template size to another; in-
stead, they must recreate each image
for the template size of their choosing.
Additionally, with the paid version, us-
ers may create a brand. Branding with-
in Canva allows users to create an or-
ganization-specic template that can
be layered over unique designs. Tem-
plates may include logos, slogans, col-
or schemes, or other elements a library
wishes to associate with their image.
Canva’s free and paid versions also of-
fer dierent collaboration tools. With a
free account, users may create teams
of up to ten users. With a Canva for
Work account, users may create teams
of up to 30 users
, while Canva Enter-
prise accounts allow access for groups
larger than 30. Users with paid ac-
counts may designate team members
to one of three categories: Administra-
tors, Template Designers, or Members.
Users with free accounts may assign
members to one of two categories:
Members or Administrators. With re-
gard to storage, the free version oers
1GB, while the paid versions oers
unlimited storage space.
In terms of
organization, users with paid accounts
can organize designs and photos, while
free accounts oer only two folders.
hile Canva is eective at creat-
ing visually-appealing market-
ing content, it has limitations that can
impede productivity and usability. The
most signicant limitation pertains to
users’ ability to manipulate objects and
fonts. While objects can be resized,
they maintain their dimension ratios,
meaning that squares may not be
converted to rectangles, for example.
Furthermore, all text within text box-
es must use the same font properties,
such as font type, size, and color. Last-
ly, it is not possible for users to convert
one element to another. For example,
if a user has inserted a font template,
but would like another instead, they
would have to insert a new object, rec-
reate the previously-inputted text, and
delete the original template.
Users are also limited to how Canva
interacts with social media. While us-
ers may post content to social media
directly from the Canva environment,
users may designate only one Face-
book account and one Twitter account
per Canva account. Therefore, libraries
with multiple social media accounts
will require multiple corresponding
Canva accounts.
Conclusion and
Considerations for Use
anva is an eective, low-cost solu-
tion for libraries seeking to create
professional-looking materials to mar-
ket programs and services. Its usabili-
ty makes it a reasonable solution for
libraries wishing to create marketing
materials on a limited budget, and
with sta lacking graphic design train-
ing and experience. When considering
Canva as a graphic design solution,
users should consider their needs, in-
cluding the amount of available sta
time, frequency of use, and social me-
dia presence.
Canva should be considered as an al-
ternative to Microsoft Publisher or
Adobe InDesign. Similar to Publisher
and InDesign, Canva users may easily
customize templates, graphics, and
text. However, Canva’s ability to col-
laborate on the same design, push to
social media, and provide access to a
free account set it apart. Canva is con-
tinually adding new features and im-
proving the overall ability to help users
create visually-appealing designs to
attract the attention of their target au-
1. Users can also purchase stock photos,
layouts, and other graphics from Canva if
they desire an option outside the free of-
2. Canva's collaborative features are cur-
rently in beta; users should use caution
when concurrently editing a design since
changes may not be permanent.
3. Canva oers a mobile application for iOS
devices, there is no application available
for Android devices, and the company has
not indicated that an Android app is being
4. Each team member will incur an addi-
tional monthly fee.
5. In both the free and paid versions, users
can download their work and save it on
their own computers rather than rely exclu-
sively on Canva, but storing graphics with
Canva may be desirable to some teams.
VOL. 1, 2017 | p. 29
Copyright: © 2018 DeFord et al. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
Copyright: © 2018 DeFord et. al. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
(CC BY-NC-SA), which permits unrestricted
non-commercial use, sharing, adapting,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are