Twenty-Third IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference
April 25-29, 2022, Monterey Marriott, Monterey, California
Sponsored by the IEEE Electron Devices Society
On behalf of the IVEC 2022 Committee and the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) Technical
Committee on Vacuum Electronics, I would like to welcome you to the 23rd IEEE International
Vacuum Electronics Conference.
The IVEC meeting for over 20 years now continues to be an international scientific conference focused
on vacuum electronics research and innovation. The meeting has been held at locations across the world,
and for the last two years, in cyberspace. This year we are going to exist in both worlds, as we will both
come together face-to-face for the in-person event in Monterey and in the virtual world, as we have
created a hybrid meeting for the first time.
This conference has been arranged to facilitate the presentation and discussion of information useful to
manufacturers, systems application engineers, academics, and students. Traditionally, IVEC attracts a
diverse group of attendees. The technical sessions, social events, and interactive virtual meetings will
provide unique opportunities to renew old or establish new contacts and friendships with colleagues,
customers and end users, and students.
As in the past, we will open this year’s conference with mini-course lectures on Monday, April 25. The
mini-course lectures are: “Basics of TWT Amplifiers,” presented by Dr. Frédéric André; “Additive
Manufacturing of Vacuum Electronics,” presented by Dr. Diana Gamzina; “Introduction to Thermionic
Converters,” presented by Drs. Peter Scherpelz and Roelof Groenewald; and “Electron Emission
Physics at Ultrafast and Ultra-Small Scale,” presented by Prof. Peng Zhang. Continuing education credit
from IEEE can be obtained by attendance at these courses.
Our core conference is a three-day event, Tuesday, April 26, through Thursday, April 28. Tuesday
morning, the first of two outstanding plenary sessions will be held. Our Tuesday plenary speakers will
include Dr. Carter Armstrong, an RF vacuum electronics veteran, who will present “Vacuum Electronics
Continued next page
Industry Retrospective and Futurecast.” Dr. Vadim Sajaev, Associate Division Director for the
Accelerator Systems Division at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, will
describe “Building the World’s Brightest Hard X-ray Synchrotron Light Source Upgrade of the
Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory.” After the Tuesday plenary session, we will
present the 2022 John R. Pierce Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics.
On Wednesday, the second plenary session will be held with Mr. Philipp Borchard of Dymenso LLC,
delivering a timely talk, particularly applicable to the active research in high frequency devices, entitled
“Precision Mechanical Interfaces for Boosting Millimeter-Wave Devices Performance.” Finally, Fr.
Edward Foley, Capuchin, of the Catholic Theological Union, looks into the innovative, inspiring and
imaginative aspects of the scientific quest in his talk, “Apologies to Galileo, a Theologian’s Homage to
Science.” After Wednesday’s plenary session, we will announce the winner of the Best Student Paper
Award. Lastly, we will present the 2022 Vacuum Electronics Young Scientist Award.
Our conference includes three days of outstanding oral and poster technical presentations, with sessions
dedicated to TWTs, power supplies, klystrons, microfabrication, and much more. All the talks for each
day will be captured, posted on the virtual platform, and made available for a period of two weeks for
on-demand viewing after the conclusion of the conference.
Please be sure to visit our exhibitors, who will be on hand all three days of the event. And on
Wednesday evening, April 27, join us as we gather at the hotel for a banquet with live jazz music. We
will also take this opportunity to honor the contributions of Lou Falce and George Caryotakis to the field
of vacuum electronics and this conference in particular.
As usual, the conference web site ( is your best source of information about IVEC 2022 and
will continue to serve as a clearinghouse for news and other IVEC-related information after the
conference, along with the EDS Vacuum Electronics Web site (
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the IVEC Committee members for their help and support,
especially Max Mankin, the Technical Program Chair, for doing a lot of heavy lifting in the conference
organization. Max, together with all the staff at Palisades Convention Management, built the meeting
you are about to experience. I would also like to thank Monica Blank, the EDS Technical Committee
Chair for helping to facilitate numerous issues over the past year. Jagadishwar Sirigiri laid the
groundwork in 2020 for the virtual component for the meeting and continued to provide support and
guidance beyond his tenure. Thank you also to Neville Luhmann and Daniel Busbaher for organizing
the memorials to be presented at the banquet. I would be remiss for not highlighting and thanking our
corporate financial contributors for their support. Please see our showcase for our generous corporate
sponsors and exhibitors. Finally, I thank you, our presenters and exhibitors, for your participation either
in-person or in the virtual world for providing the content of the conference.
Let’s do it!
Jack Tucek
General Chair
IVEC 2022
The registration fee includes admission to all technical sessions, a single ticket to the Wednesday
Evening Banquet at the Monterey Marriott, all refreshment breaks, and digital access to the conference
On-site registration takes place in the San Carlos Ballroom Foyer of the Monterey Marriott Hotel during
the hours listed below.
Monday, April 25 8:30 am 4:00 pm
Tuesday, April 26 7:00 am 5:30 pm
Wednesday, April 27 7:30 am 5:30 pm
Thursday, April 28 7:45 am 5:30 pm
Wednesday Evening Banquet
All conference attendees are invited to attend a dinner banquet to be held on Wednesday evening, April
27, in the 5:00 pm Ferrantes Bay View area of the Monterey Marriott. Enjoy dinner and live music in a
relaxing setting while interacting with your fellow conference attendees.
2022 John R. Pierce Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics
The John R. Pierce Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics was established in 2002 to recognize
outstanding contributions to the field. Anyone or any group of persons working in the field of vacuum
electronics is eligible for this award, which will be presented each year during the IVEC conference.
Anyone in the field may nominate a colleague. Selection of the winner will be made by a vote of the
members of the Technical Committee. Members of the Technical Committee who are nominees may not
vote. Only living persons are eligible for the award. The winner will receive a commemorative plaque
and an award of $2000. If a group nomination is selected for the award they will each receive a plaque
and share the $2000.
Best Student Paper Award
IVEC 2022 will select the most outstanding student-authored and presented paper for the honor of “Best
Student Paper Award.” Eligible papers are those with a s tudent as the principal author and presenter.
Students are considered as individuals pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree at the time of the
conference or during the past year when the work was completed. After ranking by the Technical
Program Committee, six student papers will be selected for finalist consideration. Finalist students will
present a 10-minute synopsis talk on their work on Tuesday evening during the conference, and from
these brief summary talks a winner will be selected. The award will include an engraved plaque and a
$500 check.
Conference Contact
Anyone requiring additional information should contact the Conference Coordinator, Samantha Tola,
CMP, at (212) 460- 8090 ext. 203, or
IVEC 2022 Web Site
For additional information on IVEC 2022, individuals are encouraged to visit our web site at
Jujama IVEC 2022
All registrants will receive a link to the Jujama IVEC 2022 website, from which they can view live
streaming content during the conference, and content on-demand after the conference.
Mobile App
For a complete schedule, technical presentations abstracts, and more, download the IVEC 2022 mobile
app, powered by Jujama, and search on IVEC 2022.
IVEC 2022 would like to express our sincere thanks to our supporting
organizations and for the contributions from our very generous sponsors:
2022 IVEC Mini-Courses
Continental breakfast and breaks will be held in the San Carlos ballroom
Continuing Education Credits
Earn free continuing education credits by attending the IVEC 2022 mini-courses!The IEEE Educational
Activities Credentialing Program has approved all four courses for 1.5 continuing education units
(CEUs) each. All you have to do is register, attend, and complete a short evaluation form, and your
certificate will be emailed to the address you provide.
Instructors and Courses:
Basics of TWT Amplifiers
Presented by Dr. Frederic Andre, Thales AVS
Dr. Frédéric André is presently acting as product line architect at Thales AVS. He develops traveling
wave tubes for space applications in Vélizy-Villacoublay (France) and Ulm (Germany). His interests
extend to advanced concepts including Hamiltonian time domain model of TWTs, carbon nanotube
cathodes, and sub-terahertz TWTs.
Additive Manufacturing for Vacuum Electronics
Presented by Dr. Diana Gamzina, Elve Speed
The construction of vacuum electronic devices is an artisan process; it requires extremes of high-
precision machining and assembly and the tolerances and feature sizes become more exacting as the
operating frequency increases. Designs are currently limited by conventional manufacturing processes,
requiring components to be manufactured individually, then stacked into assemblies, and brazed.
Additive manufacturing offers the ability to achieve vacuum integrity, enclosed complex cavity shapes,
and high-power handling capability all at once. Additive manufacturing can be implemented for
construction of fully integrated vacuum electronic devices, starting the next generation for low-cost and
high-capability RF vacuum devices.
Dr. Diana Gamzina serves as CEO of Elve, Inc., developing millimeter-wave power amplifiers. Prior
to that Diana was staff scientist at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory for five years and a
development engineer at the UC Davis millimeter-wave research group for over eight years, leading
research and development programs in millimeter-wave vacuum electronics. Her expertise includes
micro to nano scale as well as additive fabrication techniques, multiscale multifunctional materials
design and analysis, and development of compact high-frequency and high-power RF sources.
Introduction to Thermionic Converters
Presented by Dr. Peter Scherpelz & Dr. Roelof Groenewald, Modern Electron, Inc.
Thermionic energy converters (TECs) convert heat to electricity through vacuum electron emission from
a hot cathode onto a colder anode. Building an efficient converter has proven to be extremely
challenging, however. An ultra-low work function anode is important for operation, and it must coexist
in the device with a high-flux electron emitter. By default, electron emission will cause a large space
charge barrier to form, which must be mitigated in a manner that consumes little energy; solutions
include plasmas or very small gaps. This short course will give an overview of TECs, the theory behind
them, and the primary solutions to low work function collectors, high-flux emitters, and space charge
mitigation. The course will also discuss approaches to modeling TEC performance, including the use of
modern high-performance computing.
Peter Scherpelz is a senior computational physicist at Modern Electron, where he has experience in
particle-in-cell modeling of thermionic converters, thermionic converter theory, and design and analysis
of novel thermionic converter concepts and experiments. He holds a Ph.D. in physics from The
University of Chicago, where he was supported by the Hertz Fellowship, and focused on theoretical
descriptions of high-temperature superconductors and ultracold atomic superfluids. He completed a
postdoctoral fellowship at The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, where
he performed electronic structure calculations to support the development of novel materials and
quantum computing architectures.
Roelof Groenewald is a senior computational physicist at Modern Electron, with experience in
thermionic converter theory, particle-in-cell simulations of thermionic converters, models of plasmas
used in thermionic converters, and experiments on thermionic converters. He has also performed
electromagnetic modeling of radiative heat transfer for thermionic converter design. He holds an M.S. in
computer science and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Southern California, where he worked
on computational condensed matter physics, including ab-initio studies and method development for
computing many-body interactions.
Electron Emission Physics at Ultrafast and Ultra-Small Scale
Presented by Prof. Peng Zhang, Michigan State University
Ultrafast laser-induced electron emission from nanostructures is fundamentally important to the
development of coherent electron sources, compact radiation sources and accelerators, ultrafast electron
microscopy, and novel nano-vacuum devices. This talk summarizes recent development on the modeling
of electron emission physics at ultrafast and ultra-small scale. Our short-pulse emission model is valid
for arbitrary pulse length from sub-cycle to CW excitation, and for arbitrary pulse repetition rate. The
single formulation is valid from photon-driven electron emission to field-driven emission as optical
intensity increases. Also presented are electron emission enhancement from coated surfaces and strong
current rectification in an optical field-driven nanogap.
Peng Zhang is currently associate professor (assistant professor from 2016 to 2021) with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University. He received his Ph.D.
in nuclear engineering and radiological sciences from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2012.
His research interests are in theoretical and computational physics in nanoelectronics, plasmas, and
accelerator technology. He was a recipient of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Early
Achievement Award, the AFOSR Young Investigator Program Award, and the ONR Young Investigator
Program Award. He is currently an Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports and Plasma Research
Coffee / 7:30 8:00 am / San Carlos Ballroom Foyer
PLENARY SESSION / 8:00 am 12:30 pm
Welcome and Introduction (8:00)
Jack Tucek, General Chair
Northrop Grumman Corporation
PL1: Vacuum Electronics Industry Retrospective and Futurecast (8:10)
Carter M. Armstrong
An unvarnished recap of a 40-plus year career in RF vacuum electronics the majority of
which was spent in industry. The good, the bad and the . . . Oh, never mind, you get the idea.
The changes I saw and the current state of affairs/trends. I’ll present my recommendations for
the field’s continued vitality including comments on the roles I see for its primary stakeholders:
the users, government sponsors/national labs, the university community, suppliers and, of
course, industry both the legacy companies and new entrants. I’ll cover some technology
advances I experienced or observed both breakthroughs and those remaining to be realized.
I’ll conclude with my take on some possible fruitful future markets and R&D investment areas.
PL2: Building the World’s Brightest Hard X-ray Synchrotron Light Source (8:55)
Upgrade of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory
Dr. Vadim Sajaev
Accelerator Systems Division at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National
The Advanced Photon Source has been in operation since 1995 and consists of a storage ring
where the synchrotron light is produced and an injector complex that generates electron
bunches and accelerates them to the energy of 7 GeV. A full replacement of the storage ring has
been designed and is being presently manufactured; it will result in up to a 500-fold increase in
X-ray brightness. The injector complex is also being refurbished to ensure smooth operation
over the next 20 years. The storage ring replacement work is planned to start in April 2023, and
the first new light will be generated a year later.
Presentation of the 2022 John R. Pierce Award for Excellence in Vacuum (9:40)
Electronics and Lecture
Break (10:15)
Session 1:
TWTs I: Ka/Q-band
Tuesday, April 26 / 10:40 AM - 12:20 PM / San Carlos II
Diana Gamzina, Stanford University
1.1 - High-Power V-Band TWT Development
Young-Min Shin, Brad Stockwell, Rasheda Begum, Andy Moyer, Kevin Childs, Christopher Nilsen, Loren Roeder,
Michael Cusick, Peter Kolda, Tom Grant
Microwave Power Product Division Communications and Power Industries (CPI) LLC
1.2 - Low-Voltage, Four-Beam Ka-Band TWT Experiment
Reginald Jaynes, Colin Joye, Franklin Wood, Igor Chernyavskiy, Alexander Vlasov, John Pasour, John Rodgers,
Baruch Levush
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Khanh Nguyen
Beam-Wave Research, Inc.
John Petillo, Vadim Jabotinski
Leidos Corp.
1.3 - Q-band 190W Helix TWT with Two Stage Collector
Sosuke Higashibata, Naofumi Kosugi, Daiki Matsumoto, Takatsugu Munehiro, Tetsuo Machida, Yoshinori Mori,
Kenji Nakajima
NEC Network and Sensor Systems, Ltd.
Travis Stewart
NEC Corporation of America
1.4 - Q-Band Helix Traveling-Wave Tube for Next-Generation Wireless Communications
Chuanchao Wang, Pu Zhang, Silong Huang, Xuanming Zhang, Zhifang Lyu, Shaomeng Wang, Huarong Gong, Yubin
Gong, Zhaoyun Duan
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Guang Yang, Ying Li, Hongxia Cheng
Nanjing Sanle Microwave Technology Development Co., Ltd.
1.5 - Design of Ka-Band Traveling-Wave Tube for Wireless Links
Rupa Basu, Purushothaman Narasimhan, Juan Sucuellamos, Claudio Paoloni
Lancaster University
Session 2:
Power Supplies & Components I: Power Supplies and Windows
Tuesday, April 26 / 10:40 AM - 12:20 PM / San Carlos III
Larry Sadwick, Innosys
2.1 - X-Band TWT Transmitter
Marcel P.J. Gaudreau, Luan Jashari, John Kinross-Wright, Bill Lindsay, Kevin Vaughan, Tim Hawkey, Michael
Kempkes, Rebecca Simpson
Diversified Technologies, Inc.
2.2 - COBRA DANE Radar Transmitter Group Replacement
Timothy Hawkey, Luan Jashari, Kevin Vaughan, Ynnesh Francis, Michael Kempkes, Rebecca Simpson
Diversified Technologies, Inc. (DTI)
2.3 - High-Stability Klystron Modulator for Commercial Accelerator Application
Christopher Chipman, Anthany Heindel, Merouane Benjnane, Henry von Kelsch, IV, Ziliang Ruan, Marcel P.J.
Gaudreau, Michael Kempkes, Rebecca Simpson
Diversified Technologies, Inc.
2.4 - Design of Pulse Power Supply for High Current Density Electron-Beam Source
Anand Abhishek, Niraj Kumar, Vishant
CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute
Bhim Singh
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
2.5 - Experimental Research on Output Window of S-Band High-Peak-Power Klystron
Yong Zhong, Yan Shu
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
2.6 - Design and Thermal Analysis of Broadband Output Window for W-Band Gyro-TWT
Dajun Zhao, Wei Jiang, Yu Wang, Yuhao Song, Guo Liu, Jianxun Wang, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Session 3:
Klystron / IOT
Tuesday, April 26 / 10:40 AM - 12:20 PM / San Carlos IV
Aaron Jensen, Leidos
3.1 - A 3.0Mw, 402.5MHz, Pulsed Klystron for Use in the Spallation Neutron Source DTL-Linac at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory - keynote
Edward Eisen, Paul Krzeminsk, Jim McGrain, Rasheda Begum, Brad Stockwell, Takuji Kimura, Scott Forrest,
Merritt Chesnut, Steve Lenci
Communications & Power Industries LLC
3.2 - DMLS Enables Rapid, Low-Cost Manufacture of an X-Band Klystron Circuit - keynote
Charlotte Wehner, Julian Merrick, Emilio Nanni, Brandon Weatherford, Brad Shirley
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
3.3 - Multiple Beam-Power Grid Tubes
R. Lawrence Ives
Calabazas Creek Research, Inc,
Mike Read, George Marsden, Thomas Habermann
Calabazas Creek Reseach, Inc.
Thuc Bui, David Collins
Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.
Ricky Ho, Tom Cox, Christopher McVey, Ed Davies, Nileshwar Chaudary
Communications & Power Industries, LLC
James M. Potter
JP Accelerator Works
3.4 - Compact Low-Voltage Klystrons for Integrated Linear Accelerator Systems
Brandon Weatherford, Erik Jongewaard, Julian Merrick, Chris Nantista, Alex Nguyen, Ann Sy, Sami Tantawi
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
3.5 - A Multi-Mode Extended Interaction Amplifier
Zhiwei Chang, Guoxiang Shu, Yanyan Tian, Wenlong He
Shenzhen University
3.6 - A 1.3 GHz 100 kW Ultra-high Efficiency Klystron
Michael Read, Thomas Habermann, David Marsden, Thuc Bui, George Collins, R. Lawrence Ives
Calabazas Creek Research Inc.
Aaron Jensen
Session 4:
Microfabricated MMW Sources
Tuesday, April 26 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos II
James Dayton, I6ZSL0
4.1 - Additive Manufacturing Methods for Millimeter-Wave Vacuum Electronics - keynote
Alan Cook, Colin Joye, Reginald Jaynes, Benjamin Albright, Frank Wood, Jeffrey Calame
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
David Schipf
NRC Research Assoc. Program
4.2 - Test of D-Band Folded Waveguide Traveling-Wave Tube
Yujiang Liu, Feng Lan, Hongfei Li, Zugen Guo, Ruifeng Zhang, Huarong Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
4.3 - D-Band Medium-Power Traveling-Wave Tube
Rupa Basu, Purushothaman Narasimhan, Rosa Letizia, Claudio Paoloni
Lancaster University
4.4 - Design and Cold-Test of D-Band Planar Microstrip Meander Line Slow-Wave Structures and Adaptors
Yang Xie, Ningfeng Bai, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
Hongxia Chen
Nanjing Sanle Group Co. Ltd
Pan Pan, Jun Cai, Wenjie Yu, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Institution
4.5 - Study on a Microfabricated Slow-Wave Structure for the Millimeter-band Backward-Wave Oscillator Based on the
Pseudospark-Source Electron Gun
Andrey Starodubov, Roman Torgashov, Viktor Galushka, Andrey Rozhnev, Nikita Ryskin
Saratov Branch, V.A. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS & Saratov State University
Anton Pavlov
Saratov State University
Valeriy Emelyanov
Saratov Branch, V.A. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS & SC 'RPE 'Almaz'
Anand Abhishek, Vishant, Niraj Kumar
CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute
Session 5:
Gyrotron Amplifiers
Tuesday, April 26 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos III
Monica Blank, CPI
5.1 - Experiment on Gyrotron Traveling Wave Tube with Inner Mode Converter in W-band TE
Efeng Wang, Xu Zeng, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
5.2 - Observation of Low-Frequency Oscillations in W-Band Gyro-TWTs caused by Weak and Strong Plasma
Guo Liu, Yu Wang, Wei Jiang, Jianxun Wang, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
5.3 - Experiment Design of One-Octave Bandwidth Gyro-BWO with Zigzag Quasi-Optical Transmission Line
Sergey V. Samsonov, Grigoriy G. Denisov, Alexander A. Bogdashov, Igor G. Gachev, Maxim V. Kamenskiy, Kseniya
A. Leshcheva
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
5.4 - Dielectric Loss Dissipation and Power Capacity Analysis for W-Band Gyro-TWT
Wei Jiang, Boxin Dai, Chaoxuan Lu, Jianxun Wang, Youlei Pu, Guo Liu, Zewei Wu, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
5.5 - A Broadband TE
Mode Input Coupler for Ka-Band MW-Level Coaxial Gyrotron Traveling Wave Tubes
Yingjian Cao, Weijie Wang, Guo Liu, Yu Wang, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Session 6:
Scandate and Dispenser Cathodes
Tuesday, April 26 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos IV
Daniel Busbaher, 3M
6.1 - Scandate Cathode Performance in Xenon Discharge
Bernard Vancil, Charles Osborne, Victor Schmidt, Michael Kleschuk
E Beam, Inc.
Wayne Ohlinger
6.2 - Evaluation of Work Function for Scandate Cathodes Produced from Nano-Scandia/Tungsten Composite
Daniel E. Bugaris, Claudia Goggin
Engi-Mat Co.
Antonio Mantica, T. John Balk
University of Kentucky
Ruslan Chubaruk, Daniel Busbaher
3M Technical Ceramics
6.3 - Relative Thermodynamic Stabilities of Sc-Containing Surface Configurations in Scandate Cathodes
Mujan N. Seif, T. John Balk, Matthew J. Beck
University of Kentucky
6.4 - Characterization of the Materials, Phases, and Morphology Typical of High-Performance Scandate Cathodes
T. John Balk, Michael J. Detisch, Huanhuan Bai, Xiaotao Liu, Mujan N. Seif, Matthew J. Beck
University of Kentucky
Bernard K. Vancil
E Beam, Inc.
6.5 - Y2O3 -W Matrix Dispenser Cathodes with Activator Addition
Jinshu Wang
Beijing University of Technology
Session 7:
Modeling I - Devices
Tuesday, April 26 / 03:40 PM - 05:40 PM / San Carlos II
Peng Zhang, Michigan State University
7.1 - Effects of Magnetic Field on Stability and Attainable Power of VE Amplifiers - keynote
Vadim Jabotinski
Igor A. Chernyavskiy, Alexander N. Vlasov
Naval Research Laboratory
7.2 - Eigenmode Solution for Beam-Loaded Slow-Wave Structures Based on Particle-In-Cell Simulations
Tarek Mealy, Filippo Capolino
University of California, Irvine
7.3 - Comprehensive and Increasingly Accurate Stability Study of the Experimental W-Band TWT with Code TESLA-Z
Stability Framework
Igor A. Chernyavskiy, Alan M. Cook, John C. Rodgers
US Naval Research Laboratory
7.4 - Impact of Asymmetric Beam Shapes on the Body Current and BWO Margin in Helix TWTs
Philip Birtel
Thales Deutschland GmbH
Moritz Hägermann, Arne Jacob
Hamburg University of Technology
7.5 - Characterization of Reflected RF Power in a Misaligned Ka-Band Serpentine Waveguide TWT
Kyle F. Kuhn, Thomas Antonsen, Brian Beaudoin
University of Maryland, College Park
Philipp Borchard, Joseph Hoh
Dymenso LLC
John Petillo, Aaron Jensen
Leidos Corporation
7.6 - Beam Dynamics Modeling of an Electron Gun for an L-Band High-Efficiency IOT
Mohamed A. K. Othman, Brad Shirly, Ann Sy, Erik Jongewaard, Brandon Weatherford
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Michael Boyle, Holger Schult
Stellant Systems
Session 8:
HPM - Devices
Tuesday, April 26 / 03:40 PM - 05:40 PM / San Carlos III
David Abe, DARPA
Dev Palmer, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
8.1 - Generation of 565 MW of X-Band Power for Structure-Based Wakefield Acceleration Using a Metamaterial-Based Power
Julian Picard, Ivan Mastovsky, Michael A. Shapiro, Richard J. Temkin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Xueying Lu
Northern Illinois University & Argonne National Laboratory
Manoel Conde, Scott Doran, Gwanghui Ha, John G. Power, Jiahang Shao, Eric E. Wisniewski
Argonne National Laboratory
Chunguang Jing
Euclid Techlabs & Argonne National Laboratory
8.2 - Recent Advances on Magnetically Insulated Line Oscillator (MILO)
Drew A. Packard
General Atomics
Y. Y. Lau, Emma N. Guerin, Chris J. Swenson, Stephen V. Langellotti, Abhijit Jassem, Dion Li, Nicholas M. Jordan,
Ryan D. McBride, Ronald M. Gilgenbach
University of Michigan
John W. Luginsland
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
8.3 - Dual Recirculating Planar Crossed-Field Amplifier
Christopher J. Swenson, Ryan Revolinsky, Emma N. Guerin, Nicholas M. Jordan, Ryan D. McBride, Y. Y. Lau,
Ronald M. Gilgenbach
University of Michigan
8.4 - A Novel Scheme to Reduce the Electron Loss and Power Amplification in an Axial Virtual Cathode Oscillator
Sohail Mumtaz, Pradeep Lamichhane, Eun Ha Choi
Kwangwoon University
8.5 - Efficiency Enhancement for an S-Band Axial Vircator Using Five-Stage Two-Step Tapered Radiators
Patrizia Livreri
University of Palmero & M.E.C.S.A.
Francesco Bennardo, Benito F. Tusa
University of Palmero
Pietro Bia, Marco Bartocci, Antonio Manna
Elettronica S.p.A.
Lorenzo Valletti
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Franco Di Paolo, Ernesto Limiti
M.E.C.S.A. & University of Rome Tor Vergata
8.6 - Cherenkov Maser Amplifier Nonlinear Analysis and Simulations
Paul Argyle
Brigham Young University
Phillip Sprangle, Thomas Antonsen
University of Maryland
Session 9:
Cathodes II: Characterization
Tuesday, April 26 / 03:40 PM - 05:40 PM / San Carlos IV
Ryan Jacobs, University of Wisconsin
9.1 - Impact of Patch Fields and Space Charge on the Shape of the Miram Curve
Dongzheng Chen, Ryan Jacobs, Dane Morgan, John Booske
University of Wisconsin-Madison
9.2 - Heterogeneous Cathode Work Function Measurement and Interpretation: A Case Study with SrVO
Lin Lin, Ryan Jacobs, Dane Morgan, John Booske
University of Wisconsin-Madison
9.4 - Emission Testing Facility for Dispenser Cathodes
Scott Faulkner, Daniel Busbaher
3M Technical Ceramics Inc.
Wayne Ohlinger
Independent Consultant
9.5 - M-Type Cathode Characterization Using a Kelvin Probe System in Vacuum Chamber
Antonio M. Mántica, Michael J. Detisch, T. John Balk
University of Kentucky
9.6 - High-Efficiency S-Band Axial Vircator
Lorenzo Valletti
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Franco Di Paolo, Ernesto Limiti
University of Rome Tor Vergata & M.E.C.S.A.
Pietro Bia, Marco Bartocci, Antonio Manna
Elettronica S.p.A.
Patrizia Livreri
M.E.C.S.A. & University of Palermo
Coffee / 7:30 8:00 am / San Carlos Ballroom Foyer (7:30)
PLENARY SESSION / 8:00 am 12:30 pm
Welcome and Introduction (8:00)
Jack Tucek, General Chair
Northrop Grumman Corporation
PL3: Precision Mechanical Interfaces for Boosting Millimeter-Wave (8:10)
Devices Performance
Mr. Philipp Borchard
Dymenso LLC
Recent advances in technology have demonstrated the capability of sub-micron level machining of
individual parts, but the assembly of multiple parts into complete devices, while maintaining the
tolerances required, continues to present a significant challenge in the manufacturing process. The use of
precision alignment techniques, such as kinematic couplings, quasi-kinematic couplings, and elastic
averaging has the potential to transform the mm-wave device fabrication process by providing increased
device performance while reducing fabrication costs. Technology application examples will be
presented, ranging from X-band to W-band and beyond.
PL4: Apologies to Galileo, a Theologian’s Homage to Science (8:55)
Fr. Edward Foley, Capuchin
Catholic Theological Union
The relationship between Christianity and the sciences has not always been a mutual admiration society.
Clergy are often suspicious of scientists who can seem to supplant faith with empiricism, and scientists
can easily dismiss faith leaders as uncritical thinkers who look more to the past than the future. This
reflection will attempt to bridge that gap in an appreciative mode by demonstrating how the innovative,
inspiring and imaginative aspects of the scientific quest can be a boon, not only to Christian preachers
and teachers, but to all of humanity
Best Student Paper Award (9:40)
2022 Vacuum Electronics Young Scientist Award and Lecture (9:50)
BREAK (10:15)
(See end of today’s listings for poster sessions.)
Session 11:
Modeling - Emission
Wednesday, April 27 / 10:40 AM - 12:20 PM / San Carlos III
John Petillo, Leidos
11.1 - Predicting Secondary Electron Yield of Metals and Their Alloys Using First-Principles Input - keynote
Maciej P. Polak, John Booske, Dane Morgan
University of Wisconsin
Ivana Matanovic, Raul E. Gutierrez, Edl Schamiloglu
University of New Mexico
11.2 - Shock-Induced Current Due to Charge Impact on a Conducting Surface
Dion Li, Y. Y. Lau
University of Michigan
P. Wong
Michigan State University
D. Chernin
Leidos Inc.
11.3 - Quantum Efficiency of Photoemission from Biased Metal Surfaces with Lasers from UV to NIR
Yang Zhou, Peng Zhang
Michigan State University
11.4 - Characterization of a Duo-Emitter Thermionic Diode
Roelof Erasmus Groenewald, Daniel Velazquez, Peter Scherpelz
Modern Electron
11.5 - High-Fidelity Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Thermionic Converters
Peter Scherpelz, Roelof E. Groenewald, Kevin Zhu, Michael Kieburtz, Nicholas Ruof
Modern Electron
Phil Miller
Intense Computing
Amanda M. Lietz, Matthew M. Hopkins
Sandia National Laboratories
Session 12:
V/W-band TWT
Wednesday, April 27 / 10:40 AM - 12:20 PM / San Carlos IV
Diana Gamzina, Stanford University
12.1 - Wideband Linearized E-Band MPM for Communication Applications
Julia Meinen, Russell Martin, Kevin Berg, Michael Ramay
Stellant Systems, Inc.
12.2 - High Frequency Circuit for E-Band Sheet Beam TWT
Shasha Qiu, Yuan Zheng, Neville C. Luhmann
University of California, Davis
Diana Gamzina, Mik Kuffel, Michelle Gonzalez, Blake Griffin
Elve, Inc.
12.3 - Enhanced Linearity with Low AM-PM Conversion of InnoSys’ Millimeter-Wave Solid-State Vacuum Device (SSVD)
Traveling-Wave Tubes
Ruey-Jen Hwu, Jishi Ren, Tomas Gutierrez, Yun-Jan Hu, Larry P. Sadwick
InnoSys, Inc.
12.4 - Frozen Mode in Three-Way Waveguide Slow-Wave Structure for Three-Mode Synchronization
Robert Marosi, Tarek Mealy, Alexander Figotin, Filippo Capolino
University of California, Irvine
12.5 - Investigation on E-Band High Efficiency Folded Wave-Guide Traveling-Wave Tube
Li Fei, Zicheng Wang, Yuhui Sun, Hongxia Yi , Xinwen Shang
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
12.6 - Regime of Traveling-Wave Amplification in an Oversized Circuit with Nonuniform Grating
Sergey S. Ponomarenko, Yurii S. Kovshov, Sergey A. Kishko, Alexandr A. Likhachev, Eduard M. Khutoryan, Alexandr
F. Zabrodskiy, Sergey A. Vlasenko, Victoriia V. Stoyanova, Alexei N. Kuleshov
O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, NASU
Session 13:
Gyrotron Oscillators
Wednesday, April 27 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos II
Philipp Borchard, Dymenso LLC
13.1 - Progress on TH1509U 170GHZ 1MW European Gyrotron Program
Alberto Leggieri, David Bariou, François François, Gerald Lietaer, Christophe Lievin, Rodolphe Marchesin
Ferran Albajar, Francisco Sanchez
Fusion For Energy
Stefano Alberti
Swiss Plasma Center
Andrea Allio, Rosa Difonzo, Laura Savoldi
Politecnico di Torino
Kostantinos A. Avramidis, Gerd Gantenbein, Stefan Illy, John Jelonnek, Jianbo Jin, Tomasz Rzesnicki, Sebastian
Stanculovic, Manfred Thumm
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
William Bin, Alex Bruschi, Francesco Fanale
National Research Council
Ioannis Chelis, Zisis Ioannidis, George Latsas, Ioannis Tigelis
National and Kapodistrian University
Tim Goodman, Jean-Philippe Hogge, Humberto Torreblanca
Swiss Plasma Center EPFL
13.2 - Tunable Multi-Mirror Gyrotron for Direct Positronium Measurements
Vladislav Zaslavsky, Mikhail Glyavin, Irina Zotova
Insitute of Applied Physics RAS
13.3 - Stepped Sub-THz Gyrotron Cavity with Improved Output Mode Purity
Dietmar Wagner
Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics
Manfred Thumm
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
13.4 - Design of a Two-Stage Depressed Collector for Continuous Wave Operation of MW-Class Gyrotrons
Benjamin Ell, Chuanren Wu, Gerd Gantenbein, Stefan Illy, Ioannis Gr. Pagonakis, Tomasz Rzesnicki, Sebastian
Stanculovic, Manfred Thumm, Jörg Weggen, John Jelonnek
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT-IHM)
13.5 - Fabrication of 110GHz, 1MW Gyrotron with Direct Coupled Output
Robert Lawrence Ives, David Marsden, George Collins
Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.
Jeffrey Neilson
Lexam Research
James Anderson, Kurt Zeller
General Atomics
Session 14:
Components, Facilities, and Processes
Wednesday, April 27 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos III
14.1 - Demonstration of a 250GHz Quasi-Optical Ring Resonator/Pulse Compressor with High Gain
Jeremy Genoud, Elliot L. Claveau, Julian F. Picard, Guangjiang Li, Sudheer K. Jawla, Michael A. Shapiro, Richard
J. Temkin
Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
14.2 - C-Band Engineering Test Facility: A New High Gradient Breakdown Test Stand at LANL
Evgenya I. Simakov, Dmitry V. Gorelov, Mark E. Middendorf, Mitchell E. Schneider, Tsuyoshi Tajima, MD Rashed
Alam Zuboraj
Los Alamos National Laboratory
14.3 - Improved Multipactor Coatings Using Atomic Layer Deposition
R. Lawrence Ives
Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.
Christopher Oldham
VaporPulse Technologies, Inc.
Mark Gilmore, Ian Kern
University of New Mexico
14.4 - Preliminary Optimum Design of Process Parameters of Transient Liquid Phase Welding
Guangjiang Yuan, Wei Song, Xin Wang, Yuhui Sun, Jun He, Zhiqiang Zhang
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
14.5 - Multi-Modes OAM Beam Generation Based on Reflective Holographic Technology
Jiahao Qian, Minxing Wang, Yuhang Peng, You Li, Huan Gao, Zewei Wu
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
14.6 - A Circular TE
Mode Filter for Ka-Band High Power Millimeter-Wave Transmission Line
Zewei Wu, Minxing Wang, Shuai Huang, Ran Zhang, Hongyu Song, Youlei Pu, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Session 15:
Cold Cathodes
Wednesday, April 27 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos I
Chair: Rahan Kapadia, University of Southern California
15.1 - High Current p-i-n-nanoC Diamond Diodes for Electron Emission
Franz A. Koeck, Harshad Surdi, Robert J. Nemanich
Arizona State University
15.2 - High Field-Emission Performance of Carbon Nanotube Bundle Field Emitters
Jiayu Alexander Liu, Jiaqi Wang, Yonghai Sun, Siyuan Chen, Zhemiao Xie, John T.W. Yeow
University of Waterloo
15.3 - Hot Electron Laser-Assisted Cathode Using Electronically Tunable Negative Electron Surfaces: Prospects and
Subrata Das, Hyun Uk Chae, Ragib Ahsan, Rehan Kapadia
University of Southern California
15.4 - Field-Emission Characteristics of GaN Arrays
Ranajoy Bhattacharya, Jim Browning
Boise State University
Pao-Chuan Shih, Tomás Palacios
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15.5 - Vacuum-Channel Field-Emission Transistor Array with Comb-Type Gate
Hairong Lai, Lei Xu, Ningfeng Bai, Changshen Shen, Hehong Fan, Zhaofu Chen, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
Poster Session
Cathode Posters
Wednesday, April 27 / 08:10 AM - 08:55 AM / San Carlos I
Chair: Daniel Busbaher, 3M
Co-Chair: Max Mankin, Modern Electron
P1.1 - A High-Current Field-Emission Triode with Nested Ring Gate and Anode
Lei Xu, Hairong Lai, Ningfeng Bai, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
P1.2 - Analysis of Y
Content to Thermionic Emission Behavior of Rare-Earth Oxide Cathode
Xingqi Wang, Xiaoxia Wang, Jirun Luo, Yun Li
Aerospace Information Research Institute
Shikai Qi
Jiujiang University
P1.3 - A High Average Efficiency Depressed Collector for a 140GHz Sheet-Beam Traveling-Wave Tube with Low Back-
Streaming Current
Zhaolun Liang, Ying Shang, Kaihang Huang, Guoxiang Shu, Wenlong He
Shenzhen University
Cunjun Ruan
Beihang University
P1.4 - A Method for Solving the Output Current of Traveling-Wave Tube Electron Gun
Xu Zhang, YuLu Hu, LuanFeng Gao, Quan Hu, XiaoFang Zhu, Tao Huang, Bin Li, ZhongHai Yang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
WeiBo Huang
China Academy of Space Technology (Xi'an)
P1.5 - Theory Description and Verification on 0.34THz Circular Electron Beam Gun
Yiyang Su, Cunjun Ruan
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University
P1.6 - Sc
Co-Doped W Matrix Dispenser Cathode
Leqi Liu, Yunfei Yang, Jinshu Wang, Wei Liu, Zhikai Hu
Beijing University of Technology
P1.7 - Simulation of Multiple Electron Beam Focusing Electron Optical System by MTSS
Peng Tian, Quan Hu, Xiaofang Zhu, YuLu Hu, Tao Huang, Bin Li
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Lizheng Zhao
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P1.8 - Trajectory Analysis and Experimental Set-Up for Studying Beam Misalignments in THz Multibeam Gyrotrons
Eduard Khutoryan, Alexei Kuleshov, Sergey Ponomarenko, Sergey Vlasenko
O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, NASU
Ilya Bandurkin, Mikhail Glyavin, Vladimir Manuilov, Irina Zotova
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Masafumi Fukunari, Seitaro Mitsudo
FIR Center, University of Fukui
P1.9 - 340GHz EIK Electron-Optical System with High Compression Ratio
Zixuan Su, Jin Xu, Hongru Li, Hongbin He, Hairong Yin, Lingna Yue, Guoqing Zhao, Guo Guo, Tianzhong Zhang,
W.X. Wang, Y.Y. Wei
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Wenxin Liu
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Science
P1.10 - First-Principle Calculation of Tin Oxide for Resistive-Wall Amplifier
Zhaoyi Zhu, Hairong Yin, Chenyang Li, Jin Xu, Lingna Yue, Guoqing Zhao, W. X. Wang, Y. Y. Wei
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P1.11 - Dielectric Characteristic Measurement of Gyrotron Output Windows
Ziye Chen, Jirun Luo
Aerospace Information Research Institute (Chinese Academy of Sciences) & University of Chinese Academy of
Wei Guo, Xiaoxia Wang, Chen Yang, Yu Fan
Aerospace Information Research Institute (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
P1.12 - Design of a W-Band Sheet Beam Electron-Optics System and the Equivalent Theory of PCM
HongBin He, Jin Xu, Hongru Li, Zixuan Su, Hairong Yin, Lingna Yue, Guoqing Zhao, W.X. Wang, Y.Y. Wei
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P1.13 - Modeling of a Sheet-Beam Electron Gun with High Compression Ratio
Hongru Li, Jin Xu, Hongbin He, Zixuan Su, Hairong Yin, Lingna Yue, Guoqing Zhao, W.X. Wang, Y.Y. Wei
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P1.14 - Simulation Study of Annular Beam Electron Optical System Based on Carbon Nanotube Cold Cathode
Yifan Zu, Xuesong Yuan, Xiaotao Xu, Qingyun Chen, Bin Wang, Hailong Li, Yang Yan
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P1.15 - High-Temperature Contact Potential Difference and Thermionic Emission Analysis Using Kelvin Probe Systems
Antonio Miguel Mantica, Michael Jesse Detisch, T. John Balk
University of Kentucky
P1.16 - Low-Frequency Oscillator Circuit Using Si-Gated Field-Emitter Arrays
Ranajoy Bhattacharya , Robert Hay, Mason Cannon, Jim Browning
Boise State University
Girish Rughoobur, Nedeljko Karaulac, Akintunde I. Akinwande
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
P1.17 - Power Generation in a Pulsed Plasma Thermionic Diode Using a Barium Dispenser Cathode
Daniel Merthe, Mark Stone, Roelof Groenewald, Eric Clark, Andrew Koch
Modern Electron Corporation
P1.18 - Development of a Cryocooler-Driven RF Cavity Test Facility
Paolo Pizzol, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Evgenya I. Simakov, Quinn R. Marksteiner
Los Alamos National Laboratories
P1.19 - Photoinjector in IAP RAS: State and Prospects
Ilya Bandurkin, Vladimir Bratman, Alexey Gorbachev, Kirill Mineev, Nikolai Peskov, Andrei Savilov, Alexander
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
P1.20 - Observations of Temperature-Induced Material Transformations in Impregnated Scandate Cathode Samples During in
situ Heating in the SEM
Huanhuan Bai, T. John Balk
University of Kentucky
P1.21 - M-Type Cathode Emission Degradation Simulation Based on Surface-Coating Degradation Mechanisms
Hehong Fan, Wenrui Sun, Shuai Tang, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
Ying Wei
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P1.22 - Theory Description and Verification on 0.34THz Circular Beam
Yiyang Su, Cunjun Ruan, Feng Zhang
BEIHANG University
P1.23 - Correlation of Emission Characteristics of Dispenser Cathodes with Structure of Aluminates
Haoyue Li, Qiang Zheng, Yafen Shang, Jianxun Wang, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Poster Session
Gyrotrons & Magnetrons Posters
Wednesday, April 27 / 08:10 AM - 08:55 AM / San Carlos I
P2.1 - Design of an Ultra-Broadband Meta-Surface Output Window for W-Band Confocal Gyro-Amplifiers
Yibin Sun, Yelei Yao, Wenzhang Li, Wenqi Gao, Guo Liu, Jianxun Wang, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P2.2 - Study on 220GHz Confocal Gyro-Amplifer Circuits with Wedges-Loaded Mirrors
Wenzhang Li, Yelei Yao, Jianxun Wang, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P2.3 - Experimental Test of the Field-Emission Cathode for Low-Power Gyrotrons
Evgeny Taradaev, Gennadii Sominskii
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
Mikhail Glyavin
P2.4 - Experimental Test Results of 170GHz Gyrotron-Driver for Frequency Locked MW Gyrotron
Gregory Denisov, Andrey Kuftin, Alexey Chirkov, German Golubyatnikov, Mikhail Morozkin, Boris Movshevich,
Mikhail Glyavin
Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Mikhail Bakulin, Elena Soluyanova, Eugeniy Tai
P2.5 - Design and Measurement of a Novel Overmoded TE
Mode Converter for a Rectangular Gyro-TWT
Chaoxuan Lu, Wei Jiang, Zewei Wu, Jianxun Wang, Guo Liu, Youlei Pu, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P2.6 - Design of High-Power S-Band Pulsed Magnetron for Linear Accelerator System
Patibandla Anilkumar, Dobbidi Pamu
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Tapeshwar Tiwari
Centre for High Power Microwave Tube and Component Technology, SAMEER Guwahati
P2.7 - Concept of a Frequency-Tunable Sub-THz Gyrotron Based on the Partial Reflection of the Output Radiation from an
External Mirror
Ilya Bandurkin, Yuriy Kalynov, Nikolay Peskov, Andrei Savilov, Ivan Osharin, Dmitriy Shchegolkov
Insitute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
P2.8 - Electron-Optic Systems for Gyrotrons with Multi-Mirror Cavities
Mikhail Glyavin, Kseniya Leshcheva , Vladimir Manuilov
Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
P2.9 - Study on a 140GHz,170GHz Dual-Frequency Gyrotron for Plasma Heating
Yichi Zhang, Xu Zeng, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P2.10 - Design of a Quasi-Optical Launcher for a 135/170GHz, Dual-Frequency Gyrotron
Pu Chen, Xu Zeng, Yichi Zhang, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P2.11 - Research on Low-Frequency Oscillations Caused by Outgassing from Attenuated Dielectric
Yuhao Song, Wei Jiang, Guo Liu, Yu Wang, Dajun Zhao, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P2.12 - High-Power RF Loads for Gyrotrons
Lawrence Ives, Thuc Bui, Thomas Habermann, David Marsden, George Collins
Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.
Jeff Neilson
Lexam Research
Tim Horn
N.C. State University
Christopher Rock
N.C.State University
P2.13 - Frequency Self-Modulation in the W-Band Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Tube Hot Test
Yu Wang, Guo Liu, Wei Jiang, Jianxun Wang, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P2.14 - Comparison of Excitation Voltage-Waveforms for Millimeter-Wave Magnetron
Minsheng Song, Yu Qin, Haixia Liu, Yin Yong, Lin Meng, Bin Wang, Hailong Li
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P2.15 - Main Approaches to Suppress Velocity Spread in the Gyrotron Helical Electron Beams
Vladimir Manuilov
Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
P2.16 - Design of High-Efficiency Megawatt Power Level X-Band Coaxial Magnetron
Sandeep Kumar Vyas
Shree Chavo Veero Girls PG College,
P2.17 - Frequency Tuning in a Gyrotron with a Cavity of Variable Cross Section
Ilya Bandurkin, Yuriy Kalynov, Ivan Osharin, Andrei Savilov, Dmitriy Shchegolkov
Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
P2.18 - Multi-Physical Parameter Particle Simulation Analysis of Ka-Band Gyro-TWT
Yong Zhong, Efeng Wang
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P2.19 - Quasi-analytical Theory of Gyro-BWO with a Zigzag Electrodynamic System
Ekaterina Novak, Sergey Samsonov, Andrei Savilov
Insitute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
P2.20 - Preliminary Study of Array Magnetron Phase-Locking Performance Measurement Based on Perturbation Theory
Yu Qin, Yong Yin, Minsheng Song, Haixia Liu, Bin Wang, Hailong Li, Lin Meng
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P2.21 - Design of Quasi-Optical Microwave Pulse Compressor with Laser-Driven GaAs Switch
Gregory Denisov, Alexey Palitsin, Dmitriy Sobolev, Vladimir Parshin, Mikhail Glyavin
Sergey Morozov
P2.22 - Modified Spectral Approach with Linearized Boundary Condition for Gyrotron Cavity Modeling
Andrey G. Rozhnev, Maria M. Melnikova, Nikita M. Ryskin
Saratov Branch Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics RAS & Saratov State University
P2.23 - Concept of Compact Millimeter Wavelength Range Gyrotron-Based Active Coherent Radar for Moon and Space Debris
Alexander Tsvetkov, Lev Lubyako, Egor Gospodchikov
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
P2.24 - Influence of Non-Resonant Reflection on Mode Competition in a Megawatt-Power Gyrotron
Vladimir Lazarevich Bakunin, Grigory Gennadievich Denisov, Yulia Vladimirovna Novozhilova
Institute of Applies Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences
P2.25 - Enhanced Bandwidth for Gyro-Amplifiers Using Periodic Structures
Brenda Scheufele, Thomas Antonsen Jr., Phillip Sprangle
University of Maryland
P2.26 - Interaction of an Electromagnetic Wave with a Counter-Propagating Electron Beam Under the Condition of Cyclotron
Resonance Absorption: Nonlinear Periodic Waves, Modulation Instability, and Generation of Solitons
Alena Aleksandrovna Rostuntsova
Saratov State University & Institute of Applied Physics RAS & Saratov State University
Nikita Mikhailovich Ryskin
Saratov Branch, Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics RAS & Saratov State University
P2.27 - Oversized Electrodynamic Systems for Powerful Long-Pulse Sub-THz/THz Band FEL: Simulations and “Cold” Tests
Nikolai Yu. Peskov, Vladimir I. Belousov, Naum S. Ginzburg, Yuliya S. Oparina, Andrey V. Savilov, Dmitry I.
Sobolev, Vladislav Yu. Zaslavsky
Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Sciences
Andrey V. Arzhannikov, Danila A. Nikiforov, Evgeny S Sandalov, Stanislav L. Sinitsky
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Russian Academy of Sciences
P2.28 - Investigation on Mode Converter Based on All-Dielectric Metamaterial for Gyrotron
Meng Han, Wenjie Fu, Dun Lu, Chi Chen, Chaoyang Zhang, Xiaotong Guan
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P2.29 - A Dual-Beam Magnetron Injection Gun for a Terahertz Gyrotron
Tara R. Sirigiri, Anshul Chandel, Jagadishwar R. Sirigiri
Bridge12 Technologies, Inc.
Poster Session
HPM - Posters
Wednesday, April 27 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos I
David Abe, DARPA
Dev Palmer, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
P3.1 - Experimental Studies of an Overmoded Millimeter-Wave BWO
Ahmed Elfrgani, Artem Kuskov, John Rose, Christopher Rodriguez, Delia Hernandez , Edl Schamiloglu
University of New Mexico
P3.2 - Conception of a Coaxial Ku-Band Transit Time Oscillator with Novel Hollowed Inner Conductor
Yannick Delvert, Antoine Chauloux, Jean-Christophe Diot, Nicolas Ribière-Tharaud
CEA Gramat
P3.3 - Study of Coaxial Magnetron for X-Band Linear Accelerator
Arjun Kumar, Tapeshwar Tiwari
SAMEER, Guwahati
P3.4 - Sub-GW Power Spatially Extended Surface-Wave Oscillators of Cylindrical Geometry with Two-Dimensional
Distributed Feedback Operating at Ka and W Bands
Nikolai Yu. Peskov, Edward B. Abukirov, Andrey N. Denisenko, Naum S. Ginzburg, Mikhail D. Proyavin, Vladislav
Yu. Zaslavsky
Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Sciences
P3.5 - Automatic Test System for HPM Effect Injection Experiment
Chunguang Ma, Mingwen Zhang, Yuanci Gao, Junyu Zhao, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Qingqing Zhen
An Fang Gao Ke Electromagnetic Safety Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Poster Session
TWT - Posters
Wednesday, April 27 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos I
Rich Kowalczyk, Multibeam
P4.1 - Experiment on Radial Beam Angular Log-Periodic Strip-Line Traveling Wave Tube
Tenglong He, Shaomeng Wang, Zhanliang Wang, Yubin Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P4.2 - Analysis of Broad-Band Inter-Digital Structure for mm-Wave Traveling-Wave Tubes
M. Sumathy, Mita Jana, S. K. Datta
Microwave Tube Research and Development Centre
P4.3 - Experiment of a High Fill Ratio Electro-Optical System for a Ka-Band Traveling-Wave Tube
Duo Xu, Hexin Wang, Shaomeng Wang, Zhanliang Wang, Zhigang Lu, Huarong Gong, Zhaoyun Duan, Yubin Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P4.4 - A Novel Coplanar Double V-Shaped Slow-Wave Structure for E-Band Backward-Wave Oscillator
Yuxin Wang, Yang Dong, Duo Xu, Jingyu Guo, Shaomeng Wang, Zhanliang Wang, Zhigang Lu, Huarong Gong,
Zhaoyun Duan, Yubin Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P4.5 - A 71-76GHz TWTA for Wireless Communication
Shishuo Liu, Qingmei Xie, Zhaofei Chen, Yujuan Wu, Yinxing Chen, Zhangxiong Zi, Jun Cai, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P4.6 - Design, Simulation, and Test of a 1.7kW W-Band Sheet Beam Staggered Double-Grating TWT
Yu Fan
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
P4.7 - 3D PIC Simulation of High-Power Traveling-Wave Tube with Multiple-Tunnel Meander-Line Slow-Wave Structure
Roman A. Torgashov, Nikita M. Ryskin, Andrey G. Rozhnev
Saratov Branch Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics RAS & Saratov State University
P4.8 - Simulation of W-Band Folded Waveguide Traveling-Wave Tube with Improved Gain Flatness
Luqi Zhang, Yi Jiang, Rui Song, Wenqiang Lei, Peng Hu, Mawu Ma
Institute of Applied Electronics China Academy of Engineer Physics
P4.9 - Preliminary Design of an 8-38GHz Helix x TWT
Wei Li, Lingna Yue, Wenbo Shan, Lewei Xu, Jin Xu, Hairong Yin, Guoqing Zhao, Yanyu Wei, Wenxiang Wang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P4.10 - Development of a 50-Watt Ultra-Broadband TWT
Jianyong Kou, Baoliang Hao, Xiaojun Meng, Jianling Cui, Jun lv, Weihong Ren, Tianying Chang, Yixue Wei,
Hongzhi Zhang, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P4.11 - A Novel Cold Characteristics Simulation for Wide-Band Helix TWTs
Suresh Kumar
Bharat Electronics Limited
Mukesh Kumar Alaria, Sanjay Kumar Ghosh
P4.12 - Protecting Dielectric SWS Channel from Charging
Yuriy Nikitich Pchelnikov
P4.13 - Planar Helix Slow-Wave Structure for K-Band Traveling-Wave Tube
Giacomo Ulisse, Viktor Krozer
Goethe University Frankfurt
Roman A. Torgashov, Nikita M. Ryskin
Saratov Branch, Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengeneering and Electronics RAS & Saratov State University
P4.14 - The New Precision Bead-Pull Bench at Thales
Fred Oulefki, Frédéric André
Thales AVS/MIS
P4.15 - Reliability Status of Domestic Space TWTA Analysis and Promotion in China
Ning Xiao Wang, Bao Xiao Su
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
P4.16 - Design of a 250WKu-Band High-Efficiency Space TWT
Wenkai Deng, Yulu Hu, Xiaobing Wang, Shilong Zhu, Quan Hu, Xiaofang Zhu, Luanfeng Gao, Tao Huang, Bin Li,
Zhonghai Yang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Xinwen Shang
Aerospace Information Research Institute
P4.17 - Design of Dynamic Variable Power with High Efficiency and Reliability for Ku-Band TWT
Xinwen Shang, Hongxia Yi, Feng Jin, Liu Xiao, Zicheng Wang
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Weibo Huang
China Academy of Space Technology (Xi’an)
P4.18 - Development of Components of Multi-Beam Based E-Band TWT
Hong Eun Choi, Wonjin Choi, EunMi Choi
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
P4.19 - Realization Method of Permanent Magnet Focusing System for Improving Electron Injection Flow Rate in High-
Frequency Traveling-Wave Tube
Shaofei Liu, Quan Hu, Xiaofang Zhu, Xiaolin Jin, YuLu Hu, Tao Huang, Li Xu, Bin Li, Zhonghai Yang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Li Qiu
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P4.20 - Increasing the Output Power of Helix TWTs
Yuriy Nikitich Pchelnikov
P4.21 - An Application of Metasurface in U-shape Meander-line Slow Wave Structure
Zhouqijun Li, Zheng Wen, Jirun Luo
Aerospace Information Research Institute (Chinese Academy of Sciences) & University of Chinese Academy of
Zhiqiang Zhang
Aerospace Information Research Institute (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
P4.22 - Study of High-Power Uniform-Structure Helix Traveling Wave Tube
Lexin Yang, Ningfeng Bai, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
Xiaoran Zhang, Meng Sun, Hongxia Chen
Nanjing Sanle Group Co. Ltd
Xuemei Cao, Wenjie Yu
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Institution
P4.23 - The Study on the Key Parameter in Beam-Wave Resynchronization Method of the Non-Periodic FW-SWS for TWTs
Zheng Wen, Jirun Luo
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of
Fang Zhu
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
P4.24 - Optimization Method of High-Efficiency Collector Based on Energy Distribution Measurement
Xiaobing Wang, Quan Hu, Wenkai Deng, Shilong Zhu, Xiaofang Zhu, Yulu Hu, Tao Huang, Bin Li, Zhonghai Yang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Xinwen Shang
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
P4.25 - Small Signal Analysis of Open Planar Tape Helix SWS with Straight Edge Rectangular and Cylindrical
Shiv Nadar University
P4.26 - Numerical Method for Coil Magnetic Field of Traveling-Wave Tube
Weibing He, Quan Hu, Shilong Zhu, Xiaofang Zhu, Yulu Hu, Bin Li, Zhonghai Yang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P4.27 - High Efficiency and Low Loss Investigation of an Advanced Dual-cavity SB-EIO
Shaoqian Qin, Jianxun Wang, Xinjie Li, Yixin Wan, Zewei Wu, Guo Liu, Chunguang Ma, Wei Jiang, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P4.28 - G-Band Wide-Bandwidth Traveling-Wave Tube Based on Sine Waveguide
Ziqi Guo, Yanyu Wei, Jin Xu, Jian Zhang, Hairong Yin, Lingna Yue, Guoqing Zhao, Wenxiang Wang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
(See end of today’s listings for poster sessions.)
Coffee / 7:30 8:00 am / San Carlos Ballroom Foyer (7:30)
Session 16:
Modeling - Methods
Thursday, April 28 / 08:10 AM - 10:20 AM / San Carlos III
Eric Nelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
16.1 - Adjoint Approach to Optimization of TWT Design
Alexander N. Vlasov, Igor A. Chernyavskiy
US Naval Research Laboratory
Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr., David P. Chernin
Leidos Inc.
16.2 - Development and Application of Adjoint Methods in the Presence of Static Electric and Magnetic Fields in the
MICHELLE Beam Optics Code
John Petillo, Serguei Ovtchinnikov, Aaron Jensen
Thomas Antonsen, Brian Beaudoin, Kyle Kuhn
University of Maryland
Philipp Borchard
Dymenso LLC
16.3 - Shapelets with Optimization in Beam Optics Analyzer
Thuc Bui, Robert Lawrence Ives
Calabazas Creek Research Inc.
Chris McKenzie
Oxford Instruments X-ray Technology, Inc.
16.4 - Enhanced Transmission Phenomenon of Subwavelength-Hole Arrays Under Electron Beam Excitation
Shuhe Zhang, Ping Zhang, Shu Jing, Shaomeng Wang, Lin Meng, Yubin Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
16.5 - Inverse Design of Folded-Waveguide SWS with Bidirectional Fully Connected Neural Network
Yijun Zhu, Ningfeng Bai, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
Pan Pan, Jun Cai, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Institution
Session 17:
Electron Gun Development
Thursday, April 28 / 08:10 AM - 10:20 AM / San Carlos IV
John Petillo, Leidos
17.1 - Direct Comparison of Analytically Derived Fedosov Solution with Numerical Simulations of Intense Relativistic
Electron-Beam Generation in Magnetically Insulated Coaxial Diode of SINUS-6 High-Current Electron-Beam Accelerator
Andrey D. Andreev, K. Nusrat Islam, Edl Schamiloglu
University of New Mexico
17.2 - Two Benchmark Simulations of Intense Annular High-Current Electron Beam Generation, Acceleration, and Transport
in a Smooth Cylindrical Waveguide Driven by the SINUS-6 Accelerator at UNM
K. Nusrat Islam, Andrey D. Andreev, Edl Schamiloglu
University of New Mexico
17.3 - Design of an Electron Gun and PPM Focusing System for Low-Voltage W-Band TWTs
Huanli Ji, Jinsheng Yang, Ji Chen, Jun Cai, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
17.4 - Design and Optimization of a Sheet-Beam Electron Gun for Terahertz SDV-TWTs
Ying Shang, Guoxiang Shu, Zhaolun Liang, Kaihang Huang, Wenlong He
Shenzhen University & Beihang University
Cunjun Ruan
Beihang University
17.5 - Experiment of a Grid-Controlled Electron Gun for the Reversed Cherenkov Radiation Oscillator
Zhifang Lyu, Shengkun Jiang, Xuanming Zhang, Chuanchao Wang, Zhanliang Wang, Yubin Gong, Zhaoyun Duan
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Dejun Jin
Nanjing Sanle Microwave Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Session 18:
Thursday, April 28 / 10:40 AM - 12:20 PM / San Carlos III
Rich Kowalczyk, Multibeam
18.1 - The Hot Test of High-Power Ku/K Dual-Band TWT
Hongxia Yi, Fei Li, Xinwen Shang, Liu Xiao
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
18.2 - Fabrication of Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier Circuit using Elastic Averaging Precision Alignment Techniques
Philipp Borchard, Joseph Hoh
Dymenso LLC
Kyle Kuhn, Brian Beaudoin, Thomas Antonsen Jr.
University of Maryland
John Petillo, Aaron Jensen
Leidos Corporation
18.3 - 500-Watt, 4 to 10GHz, Meander-Line Elliptical Beam Traveling-Wave Tube
Xiaoling Zhai, James Michael Martin, Alexander May, Sean Douglass, Russell Martin
Stellant Systems, Inc.
18.4 - 140-Watt, 50% Efficient Ku-Band Microwave Power Module for Improved Airborne Data Link Range Capability
Sean Douglass, Julia Meinen, Thomas Hargreaves, Dan Springmann
Stellant Systems, Inc.
18.5 - Development of C/X/Ku-Band High-Power Helix Traveling-Wave Tube
Zhun Xu, Yuan Wang, Xiaoping He, Hongyan Yang, Wengjing Zou, Daxi Ji, Tian Liang, Hui Xu, Yang Chen
Nanjing Sanle Group Company Ltd.
Gangxiong Wu
Nantong University
Session 19:
Magnetrons and Fast-Wave Components
Thursday, April 28 / 10:40 AM - 12:20 PM / San Carlos IV
Nicholas Jordan, University of Michigan
19.1 - 8MW Light-Weight, High-Power, Vane and Strap Magnetron
Michael S. Worthington, John C. Cipolla, Hugh Shultz, Joe Musheno, Bethany Maihle, Todd Hansen
Stellant Systems
19.2 - Low-Voltage Magnetrons with Two Energy Outputs
Gennadiy I. Churyumov
O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Shuang Qiu
Tsinghua University
Nan-nan Wang
Harbin Institute of Technology
19.3 - ICEPIC Simulations of Microwave Power Increase from 2.45GHz Magnetron
Andrey D. Andreev, Edl Schamiloglu
University of New Mexico
Sean M. Torrez, Brendan E. Nunan
Physical Sciences Inc.
19.4 - Fabrication and Characterization of TE
Mode Generator for W-Band Gyrotron
Nani Medicherla, Naveen Sharma, R. Seshadri
Machavaram V. Kartikeyan
19.5 - Higher Order Mode Generator Direct-Coupled with a Dielectric Rod Waveguide at W-band
TaeGyu Han, EunMi Choi
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
JinHo Lim
The University of Suwon
Session 20:
Microfabricated THz Regime Sources
Thursday, April 28 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos III
Alan Cook, NRL
20.1 - 0.34THz Continuous-Wave Microwave Power Module - keynote
Pan Pan, Lin Zhang, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
20.2 - Design and Fabrication of Devices for Characterization of Cold Parameters in Self-Assembled Metal Helices
Divya J. Prakash, Francesca Cavallo
University of New Mexico
Marcos Martinez-Argudo, Shiva Hajitabarmarznaki , Max G. Lagally, Daniel W. van der Weide
University of Wisconsin-Madison
20.3 - 3D Study of the Hybrid Bulk-Surface Eigen Modes in THz Cherenkov Oscillator
Eduard M. Khutoryan, Alexei N. Kuleshov , Sergey S. Ponomarenko, Kostyantyn A. Lukin
O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, NAS of Ukraine
Yoshinori Tatematsu , Masahiko Tani
Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui
20.4 - Research on G-Band Extended Interaction Klystron with Broad Bandwidth and High Output Power
Feng Zhang, Yaqi Zhao, Cunjun Ruan
Beihang University
20.5 - Design of a High-Frequency System for a Dual-Mode 220GHz Sheet-Beam TWT
Jingcong He, Guoxiang Shu, Jiacai Liao, Junchen Ren, Zhiwei Chang, Jujian Lin, Guangxin Lin, Qi Li, Wenlong He
Shenzhen University
291.7 GHz). The designed high-frequency-system is currently under machining using the nano-computer numerical
control milling technique.
Session 21:
Thursday, April 28 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos IV
Dev Palmer, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
21.1 - Susceptibility of Single-Surface Multipactor Driven by Non-sinusoidal Transverse RF Electric Field
De-Qi Wen, Asif Iqbal, Corey Scutt, Peng Zhang, John P. Verboncoeur
Michigan State University
21.2 - Investigation of Two-Surface Multipactor with Two-Frequency RF Fields and Space-Charge Effects
Asif Iqbal, John Verboncoeur, Peng Zhang
Michigan State University
21.3 - Multipactor Susceptibility and Suppression in Microstripline Transmission Line
Mirhamed Mirmozafari, Nader Behdad, John Booske
University of Wisconsin-Madison
21.4 - Experiments on Multipactor Suppression in a Coaxial Transmission Line
Stephen V. Langellotti, Nicholas M. Jordan, Y.Y. Lau, Ronald M. Gilgenbach
University of Michigan
Multipactor discharges are capable of damaging and disrupting RF vacuum electronic devices. Developing new
techniques for suppressing and preventing multipactor discharges is essential to ensure reliable, long-term operations.
We explore two methods to prevent multipactor in a coaxial transmission line by altering the surface morphology. We
evaluate the multipactor suppression properties of textured 3D printed versus porous conductor surfaces.
Session 22:
Space TWT
Thursday, April 28 / 03:40 PM - 05:40 PM / San Carlos III
Lawrence Ives, CCR
22.1 - High-Power High-Frequency Space Traveling-Wave Tube
Frédéric André, Sophie Kohler, Justin Demory, Jean Gastaud
Jérôme Puech, Cedric Tottolo
Roberto Dionisio
22.2 - Space 35-Watt Q-Band Linearized Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier Flight Set
Neal Robbins, Xiaoling Zhai, William Menninger, Eddie Rodgers
Stellant Systems, Inc.
22.3 - K-Band Helix TWT for NASA Artemis Project
Miki Nishioka, Naofumi Kosugi, Daiki Matsumoto, Takatsugu Munehiro, Tetsuo Machida, Yoshinori Mori, Kenji
NEC Network and Sensor Systems, Ltd.
Travis Stewart
NEC Corp. of America
22.4 - Dual Mini-TWT for Active Array Antenna
Frédéric André, Jean-Claude Racamier, Gaël Derven, Amel Maati, Stephane Cholet, Antoine Mollard, Florian
Corbel, Franck Beillevaire
Thales AVS/MIS
Martin Hecht, Peter Ehret
Thales Germany
22.5 - Space Radar TWTs for New Applications
Ernst Bosch, Philip Birtel
Thales Deutschland GmbH
Poster Session
Microfabrication/THz (Poster)
Thursday, April 28 / 08:10 AM - 10:20 AM / San Carlos I
John Booske, University of Wisconsin
Colin Joye, Naval Research Laboratory
P5.1 - A 0.65THz Extended Interaction Klystron Amplifier
Yang Dong, Shaomeng Wang, Jingyu Guo, Zhanliang Wang, Zhigang Lu, Huarong Gong, Zhaoyun Duan, Yubin
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.2 - 0.22THz Traveling-Wave Tube Based on a V-Shaped Rectangular Groove Staggered Double-Grating Waveguide Slow-
Wave Structure
Youfeng Yang, Yang Dong, Jingyu Guo, Duo Xu, Shaomeng Wang, Zhanliang Wang, Zhigang Lu, Huarong Gong,
Zhaoyun Duan, Yubin Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.3 - Design of a Terahertz Multi-Beam BWO Based upon Sine Waveguide
Shuanzhu Fang
China Electronic Product Reliability and environmental Testing Research Institute, CEPREI, Zhucun Street,
Guangdong, China
Xianghong Hu, Yue Zhi, Baojun Qiu, Xiaoqiang Wang, Daojun Luo
China Electronic Product Reliability and environmental Testing Research Institute, CEPREI
Yanyu Wei
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.4 - Study for a 0.34THz Filleted Staggered Double Vane SWS
Jingyu Guo, Yang Dong, Zhanliang Wang, Zhigang Lu, Huarong Gong, Zhaoyun Duan, Yubin Gong, Shaomeng
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.5 - One Technological Process Design of Planar Slow Wave Structure by Using MEMS Method
Hexin Wang, Shaomeng Wang, Zhanliang Wang, Duo Xu, Tenglong He, Huarong Gong, Zhaoyun Duan, Yubin Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Yanyan Tian
Shenzhen University
P5.6 - Research for High Power G-Band Transformed Folded Waveguide Pulsed Traveling Wave Tube
Lei Wenqiang, Jiang Yi, Song Rui, Zhang Luqi, Hu Peng, Ma Guowu
Institute of Applied Electronics China Academy of Engineer
P5.7 - Design and Test High-Frequency System of G-band Folded Waveguide Traveling-wave Tube
Hongfei Li, Yujiang Liu, Feng Lan, Zugen Guo, Ruifeng Zhang, Huarong Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Rui Guo
Guoguang Electric Co., Ltd., Chengdu
P5.8 - A G-Band Compact Folded Waveguide Traveling Wave Tube Operating at 3Π Phase Shift
Yang Xie, Ningfeng Bai, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
Hongxia Chen
Nanjing Sanle Group Co. Ltd
Pan Pan, Jun Cai, Wenjie Yu, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Institution
P5.9 - Progress of the G-Band Sheet-Beam TWT
Changqing Zhang, Xueliang Chen, Pan Pan, Xingwang Bian, Weisi Meng, Bowen Song, Siming Su, Ying Li, Na Li,
Ke Zhang, Jun Cai, Jinjun Feng
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute (BVERI)
P5.10 - 3-D Particle-in-Cell Simulation of a Multiple-Beam 0.22-THz Traveling Wave Tube
Vladimir N. Titov, Andrey E. Ploskih, Nikita M. Ryskin
Saratov Branch, Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineeing and Electronics RAS & Saratov State University
P5.11 - Development Progress of a 220-GHz Extended Interaction Klystron
Zhaowei Qu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Shuzhong Wang, Qingsheng Li, Ding Zhao, Zicheng Wang
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
P5.12 - Resonance Characteristics of Ridge-Loaded Barbell Cavity with Transverse-Mode Overlapping
Han Wang, Qianzhong Xue
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of
Ding Zhao, Zhaowei Qu
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
P5.13 - Enhancing Radiation of Grating by Defect Structure
Jing Shu, Ping Zhang, Shuhe Zhang, Hongyang Guo, Shaomeng Wang, Yong Yin, Lin Meng, Yubin Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.14 - Preparation of SnO
Thin Films for Vacuum Electronic Amplifier Applications
Yue Ouyang, Yanyu Wei, Hairong Yin, Lingna Yue, Jin Xu, Guoqing Zhao
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.15 - Theoretical Research on a TM
Mode Terahertz Extended Interaction Oscillator
Qinwen Xue, Yifan Zu, Qingyun Chen, Xuesong Yuan, Yang Yan
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.16 - Design and Research of a 150GHz Extended Interaction Oscillator with Sheet Beam Working in High-order Mode
Rongxing Zeng, Jie Qing, Qinwen Xue, Lu Liu, Tianzhong Zhang, Xinjian Niu
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.17 - Preliminary Study of a Sub-terahertz Orthogonal Grating Waveguide for High-order Mode Backward Wave Oscillators
Jiacai Liao, Guoxiang Shu, Jingcong He, Junchen Ren, Zhiwei Chang, Jujian Lin, Guangxin Lin, Qi Li, Wenlong He
Institute of Microelectronics, College of Electronics and Information Engineering of Shenzhen University
P5.18 - A Novel Ridge-Loaded Sine Waveguide for 0.22THz Sheet Electron-Beam Traveling-Wave Tube
Shuanzhu Fang, Jun Luo, Tieyang Wang, Xiaoqiang Wang, Baojun Qiu, Daojun Luo
China Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing Research Institute, CEPREI
P5.19 - Electrostatic Charged-Particle Guides for µm-Scale Beam-Wave Interactions
Benjamin J. Slayton, Ryan S. Kim, William P. Putnam
University of California, Davis
P5.20 - Design of a 140GHz Sheet-Beam Traveling-wave Tube with a Cuttoff Sever
Kaihang Huang, Guoxiang Shu, Ying Shang, Zhaolun Liang, Wenlong He
Shenzhen University
Cunjun Ruan
Beihang University
P5.21 - Analysis of Frequency Shift Due to Misalignment Between Upper and Lower Plates of W-Band Planar Interaction
Monodipa Sarkar
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR)
Niraj Kumar
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) & CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute
P5.22 - Investigation of G-Band Array Sheet-Beam Meander-Line Backward-Wave Oscillator
Yuxin Wang, Shaomeng Wang, Yang Dong, Jingyu Guo, Duo Xu, Hexin Wang, Yubin Gong
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P5.23 - Design and Experiment of the Electron-optical System for 0.67 THz TWT
Yi Jiang, Wenqiang Lei, Peng Hu, Rui Song, Zhang Luqi, Ma Guowu, Hongbin Chen, Xiao Jin
Institute of Applied Electronics, China Academy of Engineering Physics
P5.24 - Enhancement of Smith-Purcell Radiation from Bound States in the Continuum
Leilei Mao, Zhaofu Chen, Ningfeng Bai, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
P5.25 - Research on Smith-Purcell Radiation Characteristics of Cylindrical Metallic Grating
Mengmeng Jin, Zhaofu Chen, Ningfeng Bai, Xiaohan Sun
Southeast University
P5.26 - Research Progress on Double-Mode Staggered Double-Vane Traveling-Wave Tube in G-Band
Wenbo Wang, Zheng Zhang, Cunjun Ruan
Beihang University
P5.27 - Study of OAM Mode Identification by Electric Field Intensity Measurements at E-Band
Seok Ju Moon, EunMi Choi
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
JinHo Lim
University of Suwon
P5.28 - CFDTD PIC Simulation of a Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide for THz Wave Generation
Ming-Chieh Lin
Hanyang University
David N. Smithe
Tech-X Corporation
P5.29 - Reflective Amplification of Powerful Terahertz Pulse by Relativistic Electron Bunch
Andrei Savilov, Yuliya Oparina, Dominika Krygina
Insitute of Applied Physics,Russian Academy of Sciences
P5.30 - Development of Electron-Optic System with Compression of Multiple Elliptic Electron Beam
Igor A. Navrotsky
Saratov Branch, Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS
Nikita M. Ryskin
Saratov Branch, Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS & Saratov State University
Poster Session
Klystron / IOT Posters
Thursday, April 28 / 08:10 AM - 10:20 AM / San Carlos I
P6.1 - Particle Simulation for the X-Band Multi-Injection Klystron
Zhou Zhao, Dagang Liu, Laqun Liu, Huihui Wang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P6.2 - A High-Efficiency, High-Average-Power, Multiple-Beam-Inductive Output Tube
Henry P. Freund, R. Lawrence Ives, Thuc Bui, Michael Read, Thomas Habermann
Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.
Walter Sessions
Georgia Tech Research Institute
P6.3 - A New Method to Improve the Efficiency of High-Peak-Power Klystron
Yong Zhong, Yan Shu
Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute
P6.4 - Design of Triple-Gap Cavity Output Circuit for X Band Klystron
Xin Guo, Honghong Gu, Yaogen Ding, Yuan Liang, Bin Shen, Haibing Ding, Zhiqiang Zhang
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
P6.5 - Study of Two-Beam Loading on an Input Cavity for High-Power Ka-Band Klystron
Xinyu Jiang, Liangjie Bi, Yong Yin, Bin Wang, Hailong Li, Lin Meng
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P6.6 - Mitigating Cathode Overcurrent Faults at the Spallation Neutron Source
John Moss, George Toby
Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P6.7 - Development of S-Band High Power Amplifier Klystron
Dmitriy A. Komarov, Evgeny P. Yakushkin, Yury N. Paramonov, Denis A. Kalashnikov
JSC 'RPC 'Toriy'
P6.8 - A Miniaturized Metamaterial Klystron for Accelerator Application
Xuanming Zhang, Zhifang Lyu, Yubin Gong, Zhaoyun Duan
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Shaozhe Wang, Jianjun Zou, Yurong Liu, Yongming Li
Kunshan Guoli High Power Device Industrial Technology Research Institute Co. Ltd.
Poster Session
Power Supplies, Windows, Components, and Other - Posters
Thursday, April 28 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos I
Larry Sadwick, Innosys
P7.1 - Millimeter-Wave Interferometric for Low-Loss Nonmetallic Sheet Thickness Measurement
Liangping Chen, Yu Qin, Liangjie Bi, Yong Yin, Bin Wang, Hailong Li, Lin Meng
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P7.2 - A Broadband Smooth-Walled Spline-Profile Horn with a Stable Radiation Field
Hongyu Song, Zewei Wu, Shuai Huang, Mingxing Wang, Youlei Pu, Yong Luo
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P7.3 - Effects of Realistic Magnetic Field in Ferrite on the Waveguide Circulator for Industrial Applications
Kaviya Aranganadin, Ming-Chieh Lin
Hanyang University
Hua-Yi Hsu
National Taipei University of Technology
P7.5 - Investigation of Brewster Window for Broadband Terahertz Backward-Wave Oscillator
Ziqing Bai, Lingna Yue, Linqi Feng, Jin Xu, Hairong Yin, Yanyu Wei, Wenxiang Wang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P7.6 - Design of Uniform Intensity Field Forming System Based on Improved G-S Algorithm
Quanli Li, Zewei Wu, Minxing Wang, Hongyu Song, Youlei Pu, Yong Luo
School of Elctronic Science of Engineering, University of Electronic Science and technology of China
P7.7 - Study on the Application of Oversized Horn Antenna in Array
Haixia Liu, Minsheng Song, Yu Qin, Yong Yin, Lin Meng, Bin Wang, Hailong Li
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P7.8 - Simulation of Copper Plating on Coupler Bellows Under Different Current Densities
Zhang Shuai, Xiaoxia Wang, Jirun Luo, Rui Zhang
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
P7.9 - Design of 220GHz TE
Mode Converter
Lu Liu, Rongxing Zeng, Yunfei Huang, Yinghui Liu, Jianwei Liu
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P7.10 - Design and Simulation of Ferrite-Based High-Power X-Band RF Load
Akash Akash, Narugopal Nayek, Tapeshwar Tiwari
IIT Guwahati
Poster Session
Modeling - Posters
Thursday, April 28 / 01:20 PM - 03:20 PM / San Carlos I
Lawrence Ives, CCR
P8.1 - Research on Parallel Algorithm of High-Power Microwave Device Simulation Based on MSMPI
Yulan Hu, Dagang Liu, Laqun Liu, Huihui Wang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P8.2 - Smith-Purcell Radiation with Different Grating Parameters and Beam Bunching Frequencies
Md Arifuzzaman Faisal, Asif Iqbal, Peng Zhang
Michigan State University
P8.3 - Deep Neural Network Modeling for Traveling-Wave Tube
Zheng Tan, Yulu Hu, Luanfeng Gao, Quan Hu, Xiaofang Zhu, Tao Huang, Bin Li, Zhonghai Yang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Weibo Huang
China Academy of Space Technology (Xi'an)
P8.4 - Finite-Element Analysis of Slow-Wave System with Rotated Periodic Structure
Yiyan He, Li Xu, Hao Wang, Hangxin Liu, Bin Li
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P8.5 - Structural Static Analysis of Microwave Tubes Based on Multi-Level Preconditioner
Junhui Yin, Li Xu, Tao Huang, Zhonghai Yang, Bin Li
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P8.6 - The Impact Response Analysis of High-Frequency Circuit in Microwave Tube Based on Finite-Element Method
Zaichao Yang, Li Xu, Zhonghai Yang, Bin Li
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P8.7 - A Design of Measuring Module for the Loss of Clamping Rod in K-Band
Ruimin Feng
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences & Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of
Hongxia Yi, Zhiliang Chen, Yanwei Li, Xinwen Shang, Liu Xiao
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jiandong Zhao, Xinling Zhang
Shandong Microwave Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd.
P8.8 - An Exact Linear Theory of Backward Wave Oscillations in a Traveling-Wave Tube Including Space-Charge Effects
Patrick Y. Wong, Peng Zhang
Michigan State University
Abhijit Jassem
Niowave, Inc.
P8.9 - Research on Two-Dimensional Electrostatic Particle Simulation Method Based on superLU
Qiang Wang, Laqun Liu, Dagang Liu, Huihui Wang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P8.10 - A Ceramic Surface-Charging Model for Accurate Prediction of E-Beam Trajectory in Field-Emission Digital X-Ray
Yujung Ahn, Eunsol Go, Jeong-Woong Lee, Yoon-Ho Song
University of Science and Technology & Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Sora Park, Jin-Woo Jeong, Jae-Woo Kim, Jun-Tae Kang, Seong Jun Kim, Ki Nam Yun, Sunghoon Choi, Ji-Hwan
Yeon, Sunghee Kim
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
P8.11 - Temperature Measurement and Simulation Comparison of Collector of Traveling-Wave Tube
Yongliang Liu, Jirun Luo, Guoxing Miao, Cha Gao, Qingxiang Wang, Dehui Zhai, Jian Wang
Aerospace Information Reaserch Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
P8.12 - Preliminary Investigation of the Explosive Field-Emission Model Using Vircator Particle-in-Cell Simulation
Shen Shou Max Chung
National Penghu University of Science and Technology
Shih-Chung Tuan
Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology
P8.13 - A Discrete Cavity Analysis for Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes
Ayush Paudel, Patrick Wong, Peng Zhang
Michigan State University
John Luginsland
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Matthew Franzi
Air Force Research Laboratory
P8.14 - Model of Helix Traveling-Wave Tube Including Slow-Wave Structure Dispersion Characteristics and Space-Charge
Kasra Rouhi, Robert Marosi, Tarek Mealy, Ahmed F. Abdelshafy, Alexander Figotin, Filippo Capolino
University of California, Irvine
P8.15 - Study on a Theoretical Model of the Empty Orbit for Atomic Bonding Layer of Graphene Covered Metal Surface
Min Peng, Yongdong Li, Chunliang Liu, Shu Lin, Meng Cao, Dawei Wang
Xi’an Jiaotong University
P8.16 - Issues with the Explosive Field Emission Model in PIC Code-Unlimited Current Density
Shen Shou Max Chung
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Penghu University of Science and Technology
Shih-Chung Tuan
Dept. of Communication Engineering, Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology
P8.17 - Simulation of the High Power L-4953 Crossed-Field Amplifier
Marcus Pearlman, Jim Browning
Boise State University
Jack Watrous
Confluent Sciences
David Smithe, Christine Roark
Mike Worthington
Stellant Systems
Allen Garner
Purdue University
P8.18 - Simulating Defects and Reflections in a Traveling-Wave Tube with DIMOHA
Khalil Aliane
CNES & Thales AVS/MIS & AixMarseille Université
Frédéric André
Thales AVS/MIS
Yves Elskens
AixMarseille Université
P8.19 - Transmission Loss of a Millimeter-Wave Pulse through a Waveguide Window
Ruei-Fu Jao
Guangdong Industry Polytechnic
Kaviya Aranganadin, Ming-Chieh Lin
Hanyang University
Hua-Yi Hsu
National Taipei University of Technology
John P. Verboncoeur
Michigan State University
P8.20 - A Mini-Marx Generator Powered by a Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier for a Compact X-Ray Source
Kaviya Aranganadin, Zhaofeng Zhang, Ming-Chieh Lin
Hanyang University
Po-Yu Chang
National Cheng Kung University
Hua-Yi Hsu
National Taipei University of Technology
P8.21 - Design and Simulation on D-Band Broadband Mode Converter for Gyro-TWT
Tao Wang, Rutai Chen, Hang Ren, Rongxing Zeng, Lu Liu, Zheng Wang, Sheng Yu
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P8.22 - Data Feedback and Recalculation Analysis for the Helix of Space TWT
Xiaochen Wei, Yulu Hu, Wenkai Deng, Dapeng Gong, Tao Huang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Yuan Wang
Nanjing Sanle Group Co., Ltd.