Recording Side
Pivoting Head
Sensitivity Selector Switch
Sensitivity Switch Indicator Lights
Connector for iPhone or iPad
Stereo Microphones (internal)
3.5mm (1/8") Stereo Input Port
USB Connector (cable not included)
iPhone 5s
iPhone 5c
iPhone 5
iPod Touch (5th Gen)
iPad (4th Gen)
iPad Mini
Connect Mikey Digital to the bottom of your iPhone or iPad, with the
Blue logo facing up (the same direction as your device’s screen).
Once Mikey is plugged in, a green LED will illuminate to alert you that
Mikey is connected and is receiving power from your device. Once
Mikey is ready to use, only the LED that corresponds to the selected
gain setting will illuminate green. Select your desired application
from your device and begin recording.
NOTE: Mikey’s LEDs will illuminate green in color when Mikey is
operating in stand-alone mode. When Mikey is under control of
an application, all three LEDs will illuminate green in color. For
more information on controlling Mikey via an application, please
visit www.bluemic.com/mikeydigital
It’s never been easier to record anytime, anywhere. Mikey Digital is perfect
for capturing everything around you, from live music and audio for video
lectures, interviews, and voice notes to live music and field recordings.
Mikey records it all with audio quality unheard of in a hand-held
device because Mikey is designed and engineered by Blue Microphones,
maker of award-winning high-end mics used by professional recordists
and musicians around the world. Mikey also features a USB connector,
so that you can charge your device while recording with Mikey, as well
as a 3.5mm (1/8") stereo input, allowing your iPhone or iPad to record
high-quality stereo audio directly from another audio device, micro-
phone, or instrument, such as guitar.
on your purchase of Mikey Digital from Blue Microphones.
Mikey Digital incorporates the same great analog audio components, and
compact, portable size found in the original Mikey and combines it with
the latest in digital audio conversion technology, for high quality sound
with the latest generation of mobile devices. Mikey Digital allows you
to use it in a traditional plug-and-play mode, or it can utilize features
and controls that can be accessed via compatible recording applications
found on iTunes. Mikey also features three separate gain settings
(Automatic, Low, and High) and visual overload (clipping) indication,
to help you get the best quality sound whether you’re recording a lecture
from the back of an auditorium or a rock concert from the front row.
sensitivity selector
Mikey Digital utilizes a unique sensitivity selection switch to help maximize the quality of all your recordings.
This means you can set Mikey to record everything from the faintest sound to extremely loud sources without
losing audio fidelity, all with the simple slide of the three-position Sensitivity Switch.
LOUD (right) AUTO (center) QUIET (left)
Loud Perfect for recording loud sound sources, such as live music, sporting events, parties, or, say,
a monster truck rally. The loud setting is fixed for sources in the 100-130dB range and will not change
sensitivity for quieter sources.
Auto Mode Auto Mode is perfect for most volume sources like speaking voices in interviews or
meetings, or soft instruments like the violin or acoustic guitar. In Auto Mode, Mikey utilizes an automatic
gain control circuit to adjust microphone sensitivity when a sound source is quiet, and helps to keep the
microphone from overloading when a sound source is too loud. While the circuit will automatically adjust
to quiet or loud sources, we recommend using the Loud or Quiet settings if you know the source you are
recording will be consistently quiet or loud.
Quiet Perfect for recording soft sound sources, like an un-amplified lecture, distant noises, or a pin
drop! The Quiet setting is intended for sources in the 45-65dB range and will not adjust in the event of louder
sounds. You can use Mikey’s Overload Indicator to verify that the source is not too loud for a clean recording.
overload (clipping) indicator
Mikey Digital features a built-in visual overload indicator that will help you make sure that you’re capturing
the best recording possible. When the electronic circuit inside Mikey is receiving signal nearing the point of
distortion, all three LEDs on Mikey’s frontside will flash RED to indicate that the microphone is overloading
(NOTE: The LEDs will flash RED regardless of what mode Mikey is in, Stand-alone or App Controlled). If you’re
in thexxxxmode when Mikey indicates overload, try switching to thexxxxmode. If you are inxxxxmode and your
Mikey indicates overload, try switching to thexxxxxmode. If you’re inxxxx mode and you’re still getting the
overload warning, try backing away from the sound source a bit.
USB connector
The USB connector on Mikey Digital can be used to power your device while Mikey is connected, whether you
are recording or not. This feature is great for situations when you may wish to record for long periods of
time and have a laptop or powered USB cable handy, such as a long classroom lecture, business seminar, or
recording session. You can also use the port to charge your device with a standard USB cable when Mikey is
not in use. Please note that Mikey’s USB connector does not support the Sync function within iTunes, or any
other programs, and is intended for power transfer only.
3.5mm stereo input port
Mikey Digital also features a 3.5mm (1/8") input so that you can record the audio output from a range of
devices directly into your iPhone or iPad.
Mikey Digital’s stereo input port is designed to handle a wide range of sources, including line level (sources
like the headphone output of MP3 players or recording decks), microphone level (as found on most small, wired
lapel or external microphones), and instrument level (such as your electric guitar or bass). Once a cable is
connected to the 3.5mm input, Mikey’s microphones are automatically bypassed and the built-in microphones
will cease recording.
For most devices, such as electric guitars, MP3 players or recording
decks, move Mikey’s level adjustment switch to the Auto position.
Mikey’s automatic gain control circuit will be able to adjust most
sound sources accordingly to achieve nominal gain, however,
additional adjustments can be made using the output level control
(volume) of the device from which you are recording. If using an
external microphone, such as a wired lapel mic or any other source
for which you may need additional gain,
simply slide Mikey’s level adjustment
switch to the Quiet position for an
additional gain boost.
Mikey Digital includes a
guitar jack adapter for
direct recording in a snap!
playback with Mikey
You can listen to your recordings directly on your
iPhone or iPad. When Mikey is attached to an iPhone
or iPad, the audio you record will playback through
the device’s internal speaker. Simply connect your
headphones to the device and play back your
recordings. Blue recommends listening to playback
through your headphones to experience your
recordings with full dynamic range and accuracy.
positioning Mikey
Mikey Digital’s stereo microphones are located on the front face of the unit, on the same side as the Blue
logo. When recording, direct the logo side of Mikey toward the sound source you want to capture. Mikey’s
unique head swivels around 230 degrees, with seven locking detent positions to provide for maximum
flexibility and usability, allowing you to position Mikey’s front (Blue logo side) towards the sound source. Here
are a few positions that will allow you to record a variety of audio sources for different purposes.
For best results when recording vocals, set the sensitivity switch to the position, hold Mikey approximately
8-18 inches from your mouth and speak in a normal volume and tone.
Rotate Mikey’s head
down and away from
your device’s screen
and set on a surface
while recording
Position Mikey’s head
all the way down to
record stereo audio
while recording video
with the rear facing
Leave Mikey’s head
straight to hold in
hand or place in pock-
et while recording
Position Mikey’s
head up and set on
a surface while
Mikey Digital with applications
Mikey Digital will work directly with any of the numerous recording applications available for your device.
As there are new applications and features being released all the time, we recommend you check out Blue’s
website: www.bluemic.com/mikeydigital for the latest news, compatibility information, and tips. Mikey’s
advanced internal processor will also allow future compatible applications to provide even greater control
and functionality over Mikey, making it an even more flexible and powerful recording tool. All three of Mikey’s
status lights will illuminate solid green when the device is under control by an application. Simply follow
the on-screen prompts within the application to explore these extended features.
Mikey Digital does not activate when plugged into my iPhone or iPad.
• Verify that you are using a compatible device:
You can check your iPhone generation information at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3939
• Disconnect and re-connect Mikey to verify that you have securely connected Mikey to the Apple device
• Check that your Apple device battery has a full-charge for optimal performance
Recording quality is poor or clipping.
• Check that you have chosen the proper level with Mikey’s Sensitivity Selector for the desired recording
(refer to the chart on page 8)
• Move Mikey away from the sound source
• Check that your Apple device’s battery is fully charged
Recording stutters or is interrupted.
• Verify that you have updated your Apple device to the latest firmware
All of my Voice Memos have been deleted from my device.
• Once you have connected your iPhone or iPad to your computer and have transferred your Voice Memos into
iTunes, your device, by default will remove your recently exported memos from its Voice Memos menu and
save them to a special playlist, which can be found by navigating on your iPhone or iPad to the device
icon>Playlists>Voice Memos.
The audio recorded through the 3.5mm (1/8") port is distorted.
• If the audio that you are recording from another device into Mikey is distorted upon playback, first, verify
that the audio isn’t distorted in the first place by listening to the original source. Make sure that Mikey
Digital’s level adjustment switch is in the Auto position. Next, turn the volume down on the source device
(i.e. the device whose output is connected to Mikey via its 3.5mm input) until distortion is no longer
evident in the recording. Most output devices will record best when outputting to Mikey at normal (middle
of the range) volumes.
You can also call Blue directly with your Mikey Digital questions at (818) 879-5200 between the hours of
9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Pacific Time, or via email at: [email protected]
Blue Microphones warrants its hardware products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of TWO (2) YEARS from the date of original retail
purchase, provided the purchase was made from an authorized Blue Microphones dealer. This warranty is void if the equipment is altered, misused, mishandled,
maladjusted, suffers excessive wear, or is serviced by any parties not authorized by Blue Microphones. The warranty does not include transportation costs incurred
because of the need for service unless arranged for in advance. Blue Microphones reserves the right to make changes in design and improve upon its prod
ucts without obligation to install these improvements in any of its products previously manufactured. For warranty service or for a copy of Blue’s Warranty Policy
including a complete list of exclusions and limitations, contact Blue at 818-879-5200.
In keeping with our policy of continued product improvement, Baltic Latvian Universal Electronics (Blue) reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
©2014 Blue Microphones, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Mikey Digital and Blue Logo Oval are registered trademarks of Blue Microphones. iPhone and iPad are trademarks
of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
“Made for iPhone” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone or iPad, respectively, and has been
certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory
standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPhone or iPad may affect wireless performance.