KanCare Expansion
Holiday Card Campaign
As a means of urging Kansas legislative leaders to support KanCare Expansion, the Alliance for a
Healthy Kansas is launching a holiday card campaign. Organizations and individual members of
the Alliance are encouraged to host parties where guests hand-write holiday cards with personal
messages about expansion.
We hope to generate a stack of holiday cards for each of the legislative leaders to let them how
important expansion is for Kansans across the state.
Please grab your favorite blank holiday card and write a personal message explaining why KanCare
expansion is important to you.
Some things to include in your message:
A cheerful holiday greetingwe want this to bring some positivity into their office!
A call to expand KanCare in 2019.
Why KanCare expansion is important to you, your community, your work, or your vision
for Kansas.
Your name and address.
Organizations can collect the holiday cards and contact Nicholas@expandkancare.com to
arrange for pick-up. Individuals are welcome to put the cards in the mail. Don’t forget to take
a selfie or group photo while you are working on your card to post on social media. We would
love to have you tweet your photos @ExpandKanCare using the hashtag
Holiday Card Logistics:
Every Legislator has an office at the Kansas Statehouse. Address your card to:
Senator/Representative ______________
Capitol, 300 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka, Kansas 66612
Kansas Senate Leadership
Kansas House Leadership
Senate President: Sen. Susan Wagle
Speaker of the House: Rep. Ron Ryckman
Senate Majority Leader: Sen. Jim Denning
House Majority Leader: Rep. Dan Hawkins
Senate Vice President: Sen. Jeff Longbine
Speaker Pro Tem: Rep. Blaine Finch
Senate Minority Leader: Sen. Anthony
House Minority Leader: Rep. Tom Sawyer
Sample Messages:
Please support KanCare Expansion in 2019.
KanCare Expansion would help low-wage working people to get the health care they need to
stay healthy, take care of their families, and excel in their jobs.
Expanding KanCare is a fiscally responsible way to grow the economy.
Access to health coverage and care is a basic Kansas value.
Expanding KanCare strengthens community hospitals, saving jobs and providing health
coverage options to more people who live there.
An estimated 150,000 hardworking Kansans could access critical health care coverage by
expanding KanCare. It’s a move that benefits us all.
We should bring back the $1.8 million in federal tax dollars we lose every day to other states and
invest it in a solution that will help Kansans.
We need to put common sense over politics, so our families have access to health care and we
can create good jobs and economic opportunity.
36 states have taken advantage of the opportunity to expand Medicaid. Kansas is being left
Thank you for being a part of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas and for your help with the
Holiday Card Campaign. Happy holidays!