Parent Handbook
February 2022
Dear Families,
We are looking forward to another new year at Harmony Kids Learning Center!
We are extremely excited to have the opportunity to work with you and your
child/children as we all start a new year together at HKLC. The infant, toddler,
and preschool years prove to be exciting and full of amazing and fun
experiences. The staff at HKLC looks forward to sharing this wonderful journey
with you!
This Parent Handbook describes the Center’s program, goals, policies and
procedures, including information regarding drop-off and pick-up, safety,
licensing, health guidelines, and parent involvement. Please take the time to
carefully read through this handbook, as there are many important things
included. For further information, please refer to our Program Plan located on
our website.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions.
Umbelina Cremer Executive Director
Owner and Founder of Harmony Kids Learning Center
Revised: January 2020
Table of Contents
Harmony Kids Learning Center Vision and Goals……………………………………….5
Harmony Kids Learning Center Mission Statement……………………………………...5
Statement of Non-Discrimination Policy…………………………………………………..5
Policies and Procedures……………………………………………………………………...5
Admission/Registration and Population Served………………………...……….5
Tuition Policy……………………………………………………………………...…….6
Days and Hours of Operation………………………………………....….…6
Parent Communication……………………………………………….……...……...7
Arrival/Departure Procedures…………………………………………........……7
Late Pick-Up…….………………………………………………………….……...…...7
Authorized Pick-Up…………………………………………………………...……….7
Failure to Pick-Up………………………………………………………………...…….7
Hours of Attendance/Plans……………………………………………...………..7
Flex Hours………………………………………………………………………..………8
Contract Changes and Contract Termination…………………………...……..8
Drop-in Policy…………………………………………………………………………..8
Grievance Procedure……………………………………………………...….…..8
Safety and Security…………………………………………………………………………....9
Behavior Guidance……………………………………………………………….......9
Guidance Procedure……………………………………………………………....9
Supervision of Children……………………………………………………………...10
Summary of Emergency Procedures…………………………………….……….10
Fire Evacuations………………………………………………………………………11
Blizzards and Snow Emergencies……………………………………………..…..11
Severe Weather Tornado……………………………………………..………….12
Emergency Preparedness Plan……………………………………………………12
CPR/First Aid…………………………………………………………………………..12
Missing Child………………………………………………………….……..………...12
Emergency Care……………………………………………………………………..12
Field Trips and Transportation……………………………………….……..………13
Research Activities, Public Relations……………………………………………..13
Mandated Reporting Procedures and Policies………………………..………13
Health Guidelines…………………………………………………………………........……15
Accidents, Injuries, and Incidents Involving a Child………….………….……15
Cleaning Equipment and Materials…………………………………...…………15
Diapering and Toilet Training………………………………………….……..…….15
Health Care Summary and Immunization Requirements………….…….…..17
Health Information Required………………………………………………………17
Sick Policy……………………………………………………………………….……..17
Guidelines for Re-admittance……………………………………………………..17
Hand Washing……………………………………………………………….……….19
Medication Administration…………………………………………………..……..20
Important Infant Information…………………………………………………………..…..20
Infant Diet and Cleaning Policy……………………….………………………….20
Bottle Feeding……………………………………………………………..………....20
Infant Fire Drills……………………………………………………………………......21
Safety Policies for Infants…………………………….…………………………......21
Nap and Rest Policy……….………………………………………….………….....21
Open Door Policy…………………………………………………………………….23
Meals and Snacks……………………………………………………………………23
Civil Rights Statement……………………………………………………………….24
Physical Activity Policy………………………………….…………………………..25
Clothing and Personal Possessions………………………………………………..26
What to Bring………………………………………………………….………………26
Parent Statement of Understanding and Handbook Receipt……..……….……..28
Harmony Kids Learning Center Vision and Goals
The goal of Harmony Kids Learning Center is to provide a safe, happy, growth-
enhancing group experience for each child. We hope that every child’s
participation helps him/her to increase feelings of self-worth, competence,
eagerness to learn, and respect for all people. A child who continues to grow
with HKLC will find variation from the previous room they might have been in.
Our educational philosophy is based upon helping the child increase
independence, social skills, and self-control, following developmentally
appropriate practices. These practices provide children with opportunities to
learn and practice newly acquired skills. They offer challenges just beyond the
level of their present mastery, and it takes place in an environment where
children are safe and valued. The process of learning takes precedence over
the product during these early years.
Harmony Kids Learning Center Mission Statement
It is the mission of Harmony Kids Learning Center to provide quality early
childhood care by creating a safe and nurturing environment for our young
children. We strive to support children's growth by providing developmentally
appropriate activities that stimulate their social/emotional, cognitive and
physical development. Our goal is to create relationships between families and
our teachers and to support children as they develop into lifelong learners.
Statement of Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the intent and resolve of the Harmony Kids Learning Center to comply with
the letter and the spirit of the law in the implementation of all facets of equal
opportunity and affirmative action. In the recruitment, selection, training,
utilization, promotion, termination, or any other personnel action, there will be no
discrimination based on race, creed, color, religious belief, transgender status,
gender, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, marital
status, sexual orientation, status with regard to public assistance, membership or
activity in a local commission, veteran status or any other protected classes.
Admission/Registration & Population Served
The HKLC program is offered to any family who wishes to enroll their child. The state of
Minnesota has licensed the Harmony Kids Learning Center to operate Infant, Toddler,
Preschool and School Age classrooms. HKLC has a Group E license, which allows us to
serve up to 99 children maximum. This is broken down as follows:
12 Infants (6 weeks 16 months)
35 Toddlers (16 months 33 months)
39 Preschoolers (33 months- 5 years)
13 School Age (5 12 years)
Prior to enrollment, a family must complete and return an enrollment packet to the
center, as well as a deposit (see below) and the enrollment fee (if on CCAP
confirmation and co-pay required) to hold the child’s spot.
A one-week deposit is due at time paperwork is turned in to hold a child’s spot for up to
30 days. This payment will be applied towards the first week of care and is non-
refundable. Expecting families must place a two-week deposit to hold an infant’s spot
which will be put towards care and must give a starting month upon holding the spot.
An exact start date is required by the week of the infant’s due date. Infant spots will be
reserved for a maximum of 60 days after their projected start date.
Our ratios follow state requirements and are as follows:
Infants 1:4
Toddlers 1:7
Preschool 1:10
School Age 1:15
Tuition Policy
Invoices will be sent via email on Monday and payment is due by Wednesday at
6:00pm. Payments can be made by cash, check or credit/debit card. If
payment is not received by Wednesday at 6:00pm, a $25 late fee will be added
to your account. If payment is not received by the following Monday at drop off,
your child will not be able to attend Harmony Kids Learning Center until payment
is received in full. Weekly $25 late fees will be applied to all past due accounts
until the balance is paid in full. If the account is 3 weeks past due, the contract
will be terminated. If the bill is paid after the 3 weeks and the contract resumes,
an ACH form must be kept on file going forward. If future payments are not paid
by Wednesday and arrangements have not been made with the front office,
your ACH will be run on Friday mornings at 9:00a.m. Please contact our director
immediately to discuss financial concerns and to avoid penalties or termination.
Payment via debit/credit card will incur a 3% processing fee which will be added
to your account after the payment processes.
A $25 fee will be charged for each NSF check returned to Harmony Kids Learning
Center. After a second NSF check, Harmony Kids has the right to only accept
cash payments.
Harmony Kids Learning Center will provide year-end tuition statements to each
family by the end of each January.
Tuition rates are reevaluated yearly in June.
A $40 annual enrollment fee will be charged for each child every June.
A $5 monthly technology fee will be applied per family each month.
Days and Hours of Operation
HKLC is open Monday-Friday 6:00 AM 6:00 PM.
Harmony Kids Learning Center will be closed on the following holidays for our teachers
to be with family:
- New Year’s Day - Labor Day
- Memorial Day - Thanksgiving Day and the Day after
- Independence Day - Christmas Day
If the holiday falls on a weekend, we will be closed for the Federally Observed
weekday. Christmas Eve closure will be evaluated each year. Contracted plan
minimums will still be due every week, regardless of when the holiday falls.
Parent Communication
We have an app that we use to communicate with you about your child’s daily
activities, such as: eating, sleeping, diaper changes, etc. You can message back and
forth with your child’s teacher and the front desk as well.
Arrival/Departure Procedures
Families should enter from the front main door. All children MUST be checked in AND out
using the fingerprint scanner or their access code at the check-in station located at the
front desk. Children are NOT allowed to be left alone in the parking lot at drop off OR
pick up. Please make sure your child does not leave the building ahead of you.
Late Pick-Up Fee
Harmony Kids Learning Center closes at 6pm. Any parent/guardian arriving after the
closing time will be charged a late fee of $1.00 for every minute with a minimum charge
of $5.00. An additional $25.00 will be charged in 15 minute increments, to pay the staff
member that is staying with your child. If a child cannot be picked up by 6:00 pm, the
parent is to notify the center. Our closing time will be abided by unless there is an
Authorized Pick-Up
A list of responsible adults that Harmony Kids can call if the parents cannot be reached
should be provided in the Enrollment Packet. These adults may drop off and/or pick up
your child. We ask that those listed also provide a photo ID until the staff becomes
familiar with them. An “Authorization to Pick Up” form must be completed to allow
anyone other than those listed in your Enrollment Packet to pick up your child. These
individuals will also be asked to provide a photo ID.
Failure to Pick-Up
If a parent has not picked up their child by 6:00pm, center staff will attempt to contact
them via the phone numbers provided. If the center is unable to contact a parent,
emergency contacts will be called. If the center is unable to reach these persons within
one hour, the police will be notified to pick up the child. A note will be left on the door
for the parent regarding the situation and a phone number to call. Staff will not
transport children.
Hours of Attendance/Plans
We have a two-tier plan system based on your hours of attendance as well as a drop-in
rate. Please see the HKLC Tuition Rates and Plans sheet for pricing and plan information
(included in the enrollment packet).
Flex Hours
Harmony Kids Learning Center offers flexible leave days for families to use at their
convenience depending upon each family’s plan level. Each family is eligible for flex
hours 60 days after their start date. Unused flex hours do not roll over. Flex hours will be
renewed annually on the child’s enrollment anniversary. If you change your contract,
flex hours will change as well.
Plan 2: 30 flex hours (5 days at 6 hours each)
Plan 3: 40 flex hours (5 days at 8 hours each)
Contract Changes and Contract Termination
Contract and plan changes must be given three (3) weeks in advance.
Harmony Kids Learning Center reserves the right to not allow contract changes in
the event the change affects our capacity. Contracts may not be altered the
weeks of holidays or due to illnesses.
A two-week trial period begins on your child’s first day of enrollment. This time period is
used to make sure Harmony Kids Learning Center is a good fit with your family. During
this two week trial period, either party may terminate the tuition contract without further
commitment, payment for care received is still due.
Any time after the two week trial period, if either party wishes to terminate the tuition
contract, a 30 day written notice must be given along with payment in full whether or
not your child attends. Payment will continue to be expected until both written notice
and payment in full has been accepted. If Harmony Kids Learning Center teachers or
children are harmed, threatened or safety becomes a concern in any manner,
Harmony Kids has the right to ban the person from the facility. Harmony Kids has two
weeks to provide potential threat with a written explanation.
Drop-in Policy
We do accept children for drop-in care. In order for you to participate in Drop-in Care,
all paperwork must be up to date and on file. You must call 24 hours in advance to see
if a spot is available. If you are approved for a spot for the day(s) you request, you will
be charged a minimum of 8 hours per day.
Grievance Procedure
Harmony Kids Learning Center has a grievance procedure in place to ensure that all
concerns are appropriately addressed and resolved effectively. We take all concerns
very seriously, investigate and hold staff members accountable to their actions,
statements, and procedures.
Step 1 Ask, is this a concern you cannot or do not feel comfortable speaking with the
staff member about? Is this an ongoing concern that you have spoken with the staff
member about and have not seen a suitable solution?
Step 2 Complete a complaint form with the director. These are available at the front
Step 3 Director completes an investigation and may question all parties involved and
Step 4 Director schedules meeting with client to discuss possible solutions.
Step 5 Director follows up with client to discuss whether solution was effective.
Confidentiality All personal information concerning children, families, and staff is considered
confidential and will not be shared verbally or in writing without specific written consent of the
individual or the individual’s legal guardian. This includes information regarding illnesses or
Behavior Guidance
Harmony Kids Learning Center believes the purpose of child guidance is to help the child adjust
to the demands of his/her present environment. Guidance is the process of helping children
develop self-control and self-reliance to achieve this goal. Positive guidance techniques are the
key to successful programs for all children. Harmony Kids believes in the seven principles in the
position statement of the Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children on
developmentally appropriate guidance of young children.
1. Children are in the process of learning acceptable behavior.
2. An effective guidance approach is preventive because it respects feelings even while it
addresses the behavior.
3. Adults need to understand the reasons for children’s behavior.
4. A supportive relationship between an adult and a child is the most critical component of
effective guidance.
5. Adults use forms of guidance and group management that help children learn self-
control and responsiveness to the needs of others.
6. Adults model appropriate expression of their feelings.
7. Adults continue to learn even as they teach.
Specific Techniques We Use
Stating suggestions in a positive form
Giving choices only when appropriate and intended
Avoiding making comparisons or encouraging negative competition
Avoiding shaming or labeling
Encouraging maximum growth of independence
Redirecting to activity areas related to child’s interest
Defining limits clearly and consistently
Being aware of the situation and making health and safety the primary concern
Using words and tone of voice as a model teaching tool
Encouraging individual creativity
Observing and recording
Giving appropriate affection, acceptance, attention, and care
Child will be allowed to go to their “safe place” after behavior takes place
Guidance Procedure
Harmony Kids strives to provide a safe, happy, growth-enhancing experience for each child.
Because we believe every child has a right to physical and emotional safety, we have
established certain behavior standards to ensure this.
Examples of inappropriate behaviors are:
Recurring actions or behaviors that cause endangerment to children and/or adults, i.e.
punching, kicking, biting, severe hitting, slapping, use of school equipment as weapons,
Repeated destruction of property
Inappropriate touching of other children
Harassment of children or adults, i.e. threatening, severe teasing, etc.
If a child repeatedly exhibits inappropriate behaviors, the following procedures will be followed:
Parents will be informed about behavior at pick-up and asked to review acceptable
behavior with their child.
If behavior continues, the parents must meet with the teacher. This conference will
review documentation of behavior and devise a plan of action.
If persistent, unacceptable behavior continues, a second conference will be scheduled.
The teacher may request that the director also be in attendance. This conference will
review the previous plan of action and identify additional guidance options.
If further attempts at behavior remediation are not successful and sufficient progress has
not been made, a third conference will be held, at which time the child may be asked
to withdraw from Harmony Kids permanently. However, Harmony Kids reserves the right
to dismiss a child at any time as circumstance warrants.
This is to ensure the safety of all students and teachers at Harmony Kids Learning Center.
Harmony Kids will exhaust every possible solution to continuous problem behavior prior to
termination. We ask that clients keep in mind that Harmony Kids must be an advocate for all
students in care and if behavior is continuously distracting or violent we may be forced to
discontinue care.
Supervision of children
Children must be supervised at all times. This includes: The classroom, nap/rest time, hallway,
outside on the playground and field trips, and bathrooms. (School age is allowed to be
unsupervised in the bathrooms. Per state guidelines) Supervision of the preschool bathroom: A
staff member must be standing in the bathroom/doorway supervising the children using the
bathroom. Supervision of the gym bathroom: A staff member must be standing in the doorway
or if they close the door to keep the other children out, the staff member keeps one hand on the
door and partially closes it, but still being able to monitor the child in the bathroom.
During combined times at morning drop off and afternoon pick up; in the gym there will
be a flipchart with numbers that is flipped to the next number when a child comes in
and/or is picked up, so we have another double check of our numbers in the gym.
The last staff member in the gym will be double checking areas in the gym that children
could be hiding once children are taken to their classrooms.
Additional measures to cross check classroom numbers with our online ProCare
system. Front office staff will write the name of each child under the appropriate
classroom heading on a whiteboard, and takes the board to each room. A roll call is
taken in each classroom by a front office staff member to make sure numbers match of
who is checked in in ProCare and who they have in the classroom. Another check of the
gym will be made during this time as well.
Separation from Group:
Harmony Kids Learning Center prohibits separating a child from the group unless the following
has occurred:
Less intrusive methods of guiding the child’s behavior have been tried and were
The child’s behavior threatens the well-being of the child or other children in the program
A child who requires separation from the group must:
o Remain within an unenclosed part of the classroom where the child can be
continuously seen and heard by a program staff person.
o The child’s return to the group must be contingent on the child’s stopping or
bringing under control the behavior that precipitated the separation; and
o The child must be returned to the group as soon as the behavior that precipitated
the separation abates or stops.
Children between the ages of 6 weeks and 16 months must not be separated from the
group as a means of behavior guidance
Separation Report:
All separations from the group will be noted on a daily log. The report will include the following:
Child’s name, staff person’s name, time and date
Information indicating what less intrusive methods were used to guide the child’s
How the child’s behavior continued to threaten the well-being of the child or other
children in care
If a child separated from the group three or more times in one week; or eight times or
more in two weeks, procedures listed earlier will be followed.
Summary of Emergency Procedures
Harmony Kids Learning Center has a detailed written plan for different types of emergencies,
which can be reviewed at the Center. Evacuation plans for tornado and fire are also posted in
each classroom. Staff will be trained in all emergency procedures, and refreshed before the
drills. If there are extreme weather conditions, please watch KTTC, our Facebook page,
Brightwheel, and/or the Remind app for any announcement of HKLC closing or delayed
Fire Evacuations
Monthly fire drills will be held at varying times and days to allow encounters with a variety
of activities.
First adult at the scene closes off fire area, pulls fire alarm if available, and picks up the
attendance list.
Other adults get children to safety outside of the building by use of either the primary or
secondary fire exit posted in each classroom. A count of children is made when all are
outdoors. Teachers will have a cellphone to communicate to each other.
The outside meeting place is the south parking lot facing Harmony Enterprises. Children
will be able to walk to the north parking lot of Harmony Enterprises with their teachers.
One staff member will call 911 (from outside of the building) at the nearest location after
everyone has been evacuated from the building.
Wait for the Fire Department. No one will return to the building until the Fire Department
officials have given approval.
All staff and children must participate in monthly fire drills. These will be held at various
times during the day and week. A report of this drill will be maintained listing the
following: Date, Time, Length of Time, Staff Present, Number of Children Present, and
Management Person Present.
All staff will be oriented to use of the fire extinguisher. Instruction for use of the fire
extinguishers is posted on the wall next to the fire extinguishers.
Blizzards and Snow Emergencies
In the event of a blizzard (before opening hours), please watch KTTC, our Facebook page,
Brightwheel, and/or the Remind app for an announcement of HKLC closing or delayed opening.
In the event that blizzards or snow emergencies would necessitate closing the Center during the
day (children already present), parents will be phoned by the staff to pick up their children. If
parents cannot be reached, the emergency contact will be called. Food and bedding will be
available if an emergency overnight stay is necessary. At least two staff members will remain
until all the children have been picked up.
Severe Weather Tornado
In the warmer months, when weather conditions may indicate the possibility of severe weather,
staff will listen to the radio for official severe weather watches and warnings. All staff and
children will remain indoors when under a watch or warning. If sirens are heard or a tornado
warning is announced, all staff and children will proceed to the severe weather shelter, which is
located in our large indoor play area (gym). A battery operated portable radio, flashlights, first
aid kit, and activity items for children and blankets will be taken to the shelter. Appropriate
activities will calmly be initiated with the children. We will remain in the shelter until the all clear is
announced on the radio. Teachers will have access to a cellphone to communicate with each
other as needed. Tornado drills will be held once a month from April through September, and
documented. A report of these drills will be maintained listing the following: Date, Time, Length
of Drill, Number of Children Present, Staff Present, and Management Person Present.
Emergency Preparedness plan
Harmony Kids Learning Center has a Child Care Emergency Plan in place for all possible
emergency situations. This document is shared with parents via email at the time of enrollment
and is available upon request.
CPR/First Aid
Harmony Kids Learning Center Staff are certified in Pediatric CPR & Basic First Aid every two
years. All families must have an emergency contact card on file in case of an emergency or
injury requiring medical attention.
Missing Child
In the rare event that a child goes missing while at the center, the entire staff will be notified.
Immediate attempts will be made to locate the missing child by available staff members. The
other children will not be left unattended when trying to locate a missing child. If we are unable
to locate the missing child, the Director will immediately be notified, as well as the police, and
the child’s parent/guardian.
Every precaution will be taken to ensure that a child is never lost while in the care of HKLC.
Emergency Care
In the event that a child needs emergency medical attention, Harmony Kids Learning Center will
contact 911 as soon as possible and direct the EMT’s to our primary hospital:
St. Mary’s Emergency Room
1216 2
St. SW Rochester, MN 55902
Field Trips and Transportation
At this time, Harmony Kids Learning Center utilizes the local bus company and Rolling Hills Transit
for field trips. If a classroom will be leaving Harmony Kids property at any time other than an
emergency, families will be given at least a 1-2-week notice and be required to complete a field
trip permission form from the teacher or at the front desk. Teachers will be required to bring
emergency contact information cards.
Research Activities, Public Relations Activities, Academic Experiments and Pets
At Harmony Kids, we are proud to offer an assortment of activities to our students. There are a
variety of times when research and experimental activities, public relations events and special
animal visitor opportunities are offered to our students. For any of these occasions, parents will
be notified at the front desk and a permission form will be available for parents to sign before
the children will be allowed to participate in the activities.
Department of Human Services, Division of Licensing:
DHS Licensing Division: 651-431-6500
Who Should Report Child Abuse and Neglect
Any person may voluntarily report abuse or neglect.
If you work with children in a licensed facility, you are legally required or
mandated to report and cannot shift the responsibility of reporting to your
supervisor or to anyone else at your licensed facility. If you know or have reason
to believe a child is being or has been neglected or physically or sexually abused
within the preceding three years you must immediately (within 24 hours) make a
report to an outside agency.
Where to Report
If you know or suspect that a child is in immediate danger, call 911.
All reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring in a
licensed facility should be made to the Department of Human Services,
Licensing Division’s Maltreatment Intake line at (651) 431-6600.
Reports regarding incidents of suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring
within a family or in the community should be made to the local county social
services agency at 507-765-2175 or local law enforcement at 507-765-3874.
If your report does not involve possible abuse or neglect, but does involve
possible violations of Minnesota Statutes or Rules that govern the facility, you
should call the Department of Human Services, Licensing Division at (651) 431-
What to Report
Definitions of maltreatment are contained in the Reporting of
Maltreatment of Minors Act (Minnesota Statutes, section 626.556) and
should be attached to this policy.
A report to any of the above agencies should contain enough information to
identify the child involved, any persons responsible for the abuse or neglect (if
known), and the nature and extent of the maltreatment and/or possible licensing
violations. For reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect occurring within a
licensed facility, the report should include any actions taken by the facility in
response to the incident.
An oral report of suspected abuse or neglect made to one of the above
agencies by a mandated reporter must be followed by a written report to the
same agency within 72 hours, exclusive of weekends and holidays.
Failure to Report
A mandated reporter who knows or has reason to believe a child is or has been
neglected or physically or sexually abused and fails to report is guilty of a misdemeanor.
In addition, a mandated reporter who fails to report maltreatment that is found to be
serious or recurring maltreatment may be disqualified from employment in positions
allowing direct contact with persons receiving services from programs licensed by the
Department of Human Services and by the Minnesota Department of Health, and
unlicensed Personal Care Provider Organizations.
Retaliation Prohibited
An employer of any mandated reporter shall not retaliate against the mandated
reporter for reports made in good faith or against a child with respect to whom the
report is made. The Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors Act contains specific
provisions regarding civil actions that can be initiated by mandated reporters who
believe that retaliation has occurred.
Internal Review
When the facility has reason to know that an internal or external report of alleged or
suspected maltreatment has been made, the facility must complete an internal
review within 30 calendar days and take corrective action, if necessary, to protect
the health and safety of children in care. The internal review must include an
evaluation of whether:
(i) related policies and procedures were followed;
(ii) the policies and procedures were adequate;
(iii) there is a need for additional staff training;
(iv) the reported event is similar to past events with the children or the services
involved; and
(v) there is a need for corrective action by the license holder to
protect the health and safety of children in care.
Staff Training
The license holder must provide training to all staff related to the mandated
reporting responsibilities as specified in the Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors Act
(Minnesota Statutes, section 626.556). The license holder must document the
provision of this training in individual personnel records, monitor implementation by
staff, and ensure that the policy is readily accessible to staff, as specified under
Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.04, subdivision 14.
The mandated reporting policy must be provided to parents of all children at the time
of enrollment in the child-care program and must be made available upon request.
Accidents, Injuries, and Incidents Involving a Child
If a child is injured at the Center or is involved in any type of accident, we will follow
basic first aid procedures. We will wash any minor scrapes and scratches with soap and
water and apply a Band-Aid. The staff person responsible for the child’s particular
classroom or the staff person who observed the injury or incident will complete an
accident report form. A management person will check the report form to ensure that
the report is completed fully and signed by the person completing the form on the
same day as the occurrence.
The report form will include the following:
Name and age of the child involved
Date of the accident, injury, or incident
Place of the accident, injury, or incident
Type of injury
Action taken by staff person(s)
Signature of parent/guardian receiving report
If a child suffers an injury to the head, it is our policy to inform the parent as soon as
possible. We will notify you to let you know what happened, even when your child is
okay to remain at the center. We will monitor your child and call you if we note any
changes in behavior.
Cleaning Equipment and Materials
Staff will make sure everything in their room is sanitized before leaving at the end of the
day. Any toys that a child put in their mouth will be sanitized. See Infant Cleaning
Procedures for further information.
Diapering and Toilet Training
Diapering: Disposal or Cloth
1. The diaper procedure has been approved by our health consultant and is posted in
each diaper changing area.
2. The diaper changing area and supplies are kept completely separate from food
storage, preparation and eating areas.
3. Diapers are changed only in the diaper changing area.
4. Disposable diapers will be used. Cloth diapers are not recommended and usage
procedures are posted and followed.
5. Children's diapers and diapering ointment will be stored in their individual baskets or
diapering cubbies.
6. All diapering ointments and commercial wipes will be labeled with the child's full
name and are stored out of reach of children. Parental permission is required to
administer diapering products.
7. Diaper powders will not be used because of the threats of inhalation and choking.
8. Two changes of clothing are required for each child. Soiled clothing will be placed in
a sealed plastic bag and the bag sent home with the parent daily.
9. Toys, pacifiers, blankets, bibs and food items are not allowed in the diapering area.
10. Clothes must always be worn over any diaper system to reduce contamination.
11. Parents are responsible for providing an adequate supply of diapers for each day.
Use of Cloth Diapers
1. The diaper must have an absorbent inner lining completely contained within an outer
covering made of waterproof material that prevent the escape of feces and urine.
2. The outer covering and inner lining must be changed together at the same time as a
unit and shall not be reused unless both are cleaned and sanitized.
3. For cloth diapers, parents must supply Harmony Kids with a labeled, covered and
plastic lined diaper pail. At the end of the day the diaper pails need to be wiped out
with soap and water or parents can supply Harmony Kids with a labeled cloth diaper
bag that will be sent home every day.
4. Diaper pails or cloth diaper bags need to be placed out of reach of children.
5. Soiled diapers and pails will be sent home daily.
6. Safety pins will not be allowed for safety reasons.
Diaper cream may be applied to a child as a protective measure after diapering to
prevent a rash and to a child with mild diaper rash. If a child has diaper rash that
persists and/or has a rash with open oozing sores, the child should be seen by a
Toilet training will begin when appropriate according to the child's age and
stage of development and in accordance with the parent's plan.
Children who are in the process of being toilet trained will be offered frequent
opportunities to use the bathroom facilities.
Children wearing diapers that are in the process of being toilet trained need to
be thoroughly cleaned between changes. These diaper changes need to take
place in the diapering area.
Toilets will be cleaned and sanitized when soiled and at the end of each day.
All students that are being toilet trained are required to sit while using toileting
facilities for sanitary purposes. Once a child has control of his bowel movements
he is allowed to use the restroom as he wishes.
When a parent and/or a teacher feel a child is ready to start potty training, a
conversation will take place. It takes child care staff and parents working
together for the child to be successful with potty training.
If parents are not willing to assist with training their child by the age of 3, the
following policy will go into effect
If a child is 3 years old and is socially and developmentally ready for the
preschool room, but is not yet potty trained; an additional $1.00 per hour will be
charged to your account on the following Monday. Once your child is fully potty
trained and able to move to preschool, you will not be charged the additional
fee. Please keep in mind, that the older the children are the heavier they are.
This sometimes is a problem for teachers to lift them to put them on and off the
changing table.
Health Care Summary and Immunization Requirements
Harmony Kids Learning Center requires that all children enrolling in the center must
have a health care summary and updated immunization form on file on their first day
of attending the center.
Health Information Required
A Report of current physical examination, signed by the child’s source of medical
care, must be submitted at the time of enrollment. This must include current
immunizations, health care summary, and name and address of physician. When a
child is enrolled, documentation of current immunizations or a medical exemption
must be submitted and must be signed by a physician. Immunizations must be kept up
to date based on the child’s age.
State licensing regulations require that each child admitted have a signed medical
examination upon entrance. The examination must have been obtained within the last
three months. Annual health updates are required for children under 24 months and for
children over 24 months that are advancing to an older age category and need to be
on file at the Center.
Sick Policy
Children who are ill should not be brought to Harmony Kids. Children must be able to
participate in daily activities, not compromise the health and safety of the other
children or demand greater care than staff can provide. We do not have the staff or
facilities to care for a child if they are too sick to participate in regular activities. Please
remember if your child is too sick to go outside, they are too sick to be at the center.
A child may not attend childcare or will be sent home if the following conditions exist:
Temperaturea fever of 101 degrees or higher (children less than 6 months of age will
be sent home with a fever over 100 degrees. Harmony Kids will take the child’s
temperature using two different instruments and two times at the same site to confirm a
fever. The child may return to the center when they are fever free for 24 hours without
medication. **We follow MDH guidelines for COVID-19
Vomitingtwo (2) vomiting occurrences at home within 24 hours or two (2) vomiting
occurrences at the center within 24 hours.
**Parent/authorized pickup person must pick up child within 1 hour of being called. Child will be
isolated from other children on a sick cot in their classroom until pick up.
Guidelines for Re-Admittance for Diagnosed Diseases
Adenovirus child may be readmitted with a doctor’s note or once the child
has been fever-free for over twenty-four (24) hours without medication.
Chicken PoxChildren may be readmitted when all the blister have dried into
scabs; about six (6) days following the onset of the rash.
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)Children with diagnosed bacterial conjunctivitis (pus
present) may be readmitted twenty-four (24) hours following examination by a
health care provider and following treatment with antibiotics. Diagnosed Non-
bacterial conjunctivitis (no pus present) children can return to care.
CroupChildren may be readmitted when they exhibit no fever of 101 degrees
or higher without medication for twenty-four (24) hours, and they are well
enough to participate in normal daily activities
CryptosporidiumChild may be readmitted once diarrhea is COMPLETELY
Diarrhea (infectious)Children may be readmitted as long as child remains
accident free or contained in diaper if applicable
Gastroenteritis (“stomach flu”)includes Norovirus & Rotavirus, children may be
readmitted forty-eight (48) hours after symptoms have resolved
Giardiasis (with diarrhea only)Children may be readmitted twenty-four (24)
hours following the start of treatment
Hand, Foot, Mouth DiseaseChildren may be readmitted when they exhibit no
fever higher than 101 degrees without medication, have no weeping lesions
(open/oozing sores), and they are well enough to participate in normal daily
Hepatitis BNo exclusion necessary unless infected child exhibits unusually
aggressive behavior, has sores that cannot be covered or has bleeding
ImpetigoChildren may be readmitted after the child has undergone twenty-
four (24) hours of treatment with antibiotics
Influenza (“respiratory flu”)Children may be readmitted with a Doctor’s note.
Inadequately Immunized ChildrenIf a case of Measles, Mumps, Rubella,
Pertussis, Polio or Diphtheria occurs in the center, children and staff who are
inadequately or incompletely immunized will be excluded for the incubation
period of the last reported case of the disease. This exclusion is necessary
because such children may become infected and contribute to further spread
of the disease.
Head Lice/NitsChildren may be readmitted after completing the first treatment
and no live lice or nits are seen
MeaslesChildren may be readmitted four (4) days following the appearance
of the rash
MumpsChildren may be readmitted nine (9) days after swelling has begun
Oral Herpes (herpes simples or cold sores)Children may be readmitted when
they have control over oral secretions and have no active sores present
Pertussis (whooping cough)Children may be readmitted five to seven (5 to 7)
days after beginning treatment with antibiotics
PinwormChildren may be readmitted twenty-four (24) hours after treatment
has begun
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)Children may be readmitted forty-eight (48)
hours after symptoms resolve
Respiratory Illness (with fever)Children may be readmitted when they exhibit
no fever of 101 degrees or higher without medication for twenty-four (24) hours
and they are well enough to participate in normal daily activities
RingwormChildren may be readmitted twenty-four (24) hours after treatment
has begun
RoseolaChildren may be readmitted when they exhibit no fever higher than
101 degrees without medication for twenty-four (24) hours and they are well
enough to participate in normal daily activities
Rubella (German measles)Children may be readmitted seven (7) days after
rash appears
Scabies (itch mites)Children may be readmitted twenty-four (24) hours after
treatment has begun
Streptococcal Sore Throat/Scarlet FeverChildren may be readmitted twenty-
four (24) hours after treatment has begun and when they are well enough to
participate in normal daily activities
Yeast Infection/Thrush (candidiasis)No exclusion necessary unless a significant
number of infants are infected
If a child exhibits any of these symptoms at Harmony Kids, parents will be requested to make
arrangements to pick up the child. Children cannot be at the center with contagious diseases. If
the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the staff will contact the emergency back-up listed
on the child’s emergency form to pick up the child. Parents will be notified as soon as possible if
their child has been exposed to any type of contagious disease. Please inform teachers of any
contagious illness within your family.
The following general criteria will explain when a child should be kept home:
A child that has a reportable illness as specified by law that the commissioner of health
determines to be contagious and a physician determines has not had sufficient
treatment to reduce health risk to others
A child that has chicken pox
A child that has vomited within the past 24 hours
A child that has had abnormally loose stools within the past 24 hours
A child that has contagious conjunctivitis or pus draining from the eye
A child that has a bacterial infection and has not completed 24 hours of antibiotic
A child that has lice, ringworm, or scabies that is untreated and contagious to others
A child that has a 100 degree fever or higher of undiagnosed origin BEFORE fever
reducing medication is given
A child that has an undiagnosed rash or rash attributable to a contagious illness or
A child that has significant respiratory distress
A child that is not able to participate in the program with reasonable comfort
A child that requires more care than the program staff can provide without
compromising the health and safety of other children in the program
All families must have emergency contact information on file in case of an emergency or injury
requiring medical attention. Please view our emergency policy (available at the front desk) for
more information.
Hand Washing
Hand washing is one of the best tools in controlling the spread of infections. All staff members
are trained in proper hand washing techniques to ensure the healthiest environment possible.
HKLC staff is responsible for helping children learn proper hand washing techniques or washing
the children’s hands for them if they are too young to do it by themselves. Center staff is
responsible for ensuring children are washing their hands after toileting/diapering, before and
after eating, and when returning from being outside.
Medication Administration
Medication, diapering products, sunscreen lotions and insect repellant will only be administered
with written consent from a parent or guardian and only designated teachers will administer the
medication. All medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter, will be administered
according to the manufacturer’s or doctor’s instructions. Prescription medications with the
child’s name and current prescription information on the label constitutes instructions.
All over-the-counter and prescription medications must be in their original packaging and be
within the expiration date. All medications must have a legible label stating the child’s name.
The medication will be given only to the child whose name is on the label. Harmony Kids will not
administer medicine after an expiration date on the label and any unused portion will be
returned to the parent. All medication administration will be recorded along with the name of
the child, medication, date, time, dosage, and signature of the person who dispensed the
medicine. The record will be maintained in the child’s file and available to parents.
Medications such as over-the-counter or prescription creams, lotions, etc. will be administered
by the child’s teacher. All oral, eye, ear, etc. over-the-counter or prescription medications will be
given by designated staff members.
Medications will always be stored in a locked cabinet and only accessed by the designated
individuals. Medications will be refrigerated as needed and away from food.
Infant Diet and Cleaning Policy
Infant diets will be determined by each infant’s parent. As part of their
registration form, parents will indicate their feeding preferences and schedule.
Infant feeding schedules will be posted in the food prep area in the infant
classroom. Parents will be asked to update their infant’s feeding schedule as
Harmony Kids will offer infants their own formula, breast milk, milk and solids
according to feeding schedules. Harmony Kids offers Similac Advanced formula,
Gerber Baby Cereal and Gerber Baby Food as part of the CACFP program. If
you prefer for your child to be fed other types of formula or foods, these must be
provided to Harmony Kids.
Plastic bottles and sippy cups will be provided by each family and will be
appropriately labeled.
Refrigerator will be between 33 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit and will be checked
Infant feedings will be communicated daily with families.
Children ages 12-24 months will be served whole milk unless otherwise instructed
through written documentation by a physician. Table soft foods will be made
available at snack & lunch times.
Bottle Feeding
Teachers will use proper hand washing procedures before handling bottles.
Teachers will wear gloves when preparing bottles.
Teachers will follow instructions on the container when preparing formula.
Breast milk will be stored in the refrigerator and warmed in hot water. Teachers
will check the temperature of the milk/formula before feedings.
Formula/breast milk left after a feeding will be disposed of.
Infants will be held (or seated in high chair if applicable) during bottle feedings.
Teachers will not prop bottles.
Food prep areas will be washed before and after use with soap & water or a
disinfecting solution.
All high chairs and feeding tables will be washed before and after meals with
soap & water or a disinfectant solution.
Infants’ hands will be washed before and after each meal.
Cribs will be washed immediately if a crib is used by another infant (example:
Toys will be disinfected and air dried after they are placed in an infant’s mouth
Equipment and toys will be disinfected once a week or as needed.
Diaper pails will be kept closed and emptied twice a day.
Staff will use proper hand washing techniques before prepping food and after
feeding infants.
Staff will wash hands before and after changing diapers and immediately after
coming in contact with bodily fluids.
Separate burp cloths will be used for each child and washed at the end of each
Clean and dirty laundry will be kept separate at all times.
Infant Fire Drills
Infants will be placed in designated evacuation cribs designed for fire drills.
A maximum of four infants per crib will be maintained. Cribs will be moved to a
designated safe area.
Safety Policies for Infants
Parents and staff will not be allowed to wear outside shoes on the carpet area of
the infant room, due to crawling infants. Please remove shoes before entering the
carpeted area.
All electrical outlets are child safe.
Plastic bags will be inaccessible to children.
Teachers will maintain physical contact with an infant on the changing table.
Cribs and equipment must conform to the Code of Federal Regulations and
meet U.S. Consumer Products Safety Standards.
Safety belts will be used on all strollers, carriers, swings, infant seats and high
Teachers will maintain eye contact with infants using equipment.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all children under the age of 5
receive adequate amounts of rest. The nap and rest policy is consistent with the
developmental levels of the children enrolled in the program.
Infant: Naptime is determined by each individual infant
Toddler: One afternoon nap after lunch
Preschool: One afternoon nap/rest after lunch
Naps and rest must be provided in a quiet area that is physically separated from
children who are engaged in activity that will disrupt a napping or resting child.
A child who has completed a nap or rested quietly for 30 min will not be required
to remain on a cot or mat. An alternative quiet activity will be offered. A child
who falls asleep during the required 30 min will be woken at 3:00pm.
Cribs and cots will be placed to allow clear isles and unimpeded access for both
adults and children on at least one side of each piece of napping and resting
Cribs and cots will be placed directly on the floor and must be stacked when not
in use.
Children’s heads will be uncovered during sleep time.
All toddlers and preschool children will sleep with footwear on to ensure safe
evacuation for emergencies.
Separate bedding will be provided for each child in care.
Bedding will be washed weekly by the center or sent home to be washed if
A crib must be provided for each infant for which Harmony Kids is licensed to
provide care. The crib must be of safe and sturdy construction that meets federal
safety codes. Harmony Kids complies with routine crib inspection requirements.
Additional infant sleeping policies are listed in the Harmony Kids’ Infant Policies.
Reduction of risk of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death:
o Pursuant to MN Statues, section 245A.1435, Harmony Kids must place each
infant to sleep on the infant’s back unless Harmony Kids has
documentation from the infant’s physician directing an alternative
sleeping position for the infant. The physician directive must be on a form
approved by the commissioner and must remain on file at the center. An
infant who independently rolls onto his/her stomach after being placed to
sleep on their back may be allowed to remain sleeping on the stomach if
the infant is at least six months of age or the license holder has a signed
statement from the parent indicating that the infant regularly rolls over at
o Harmony Kids will place each infant in a crib on a firm mattress with a
fitted sheet that is appropriate to the mattress size, which fits tightly on the
mattress and overlaps the underside of the mattress so it cannot be
dislodged by pulling on the corner of the sheet with reasonable effort.
Harmony Kids will not place anything in the crib with the infant expect for
the infant’s pacifier, as defined the Code Federal Regulations, title 16,
part 1511.
o If an infant falls asleep before being placed in a crib, Harmony Kids’
teachers must move the infant to a crib as soon as practicable and must
keep the infant within sight of teachers until the infant is placed in a crib.
When an infant falls asleep while being held, the teacher must consider
the supervision needs of other children in care when determining how
long to hold the infant before placing the infant in a crib to sleep. The
sleeping infant must not be in a position where the airway may be
blocked or with anything covering the infant’s face.
o Placing a swaddled infant down to sleep in a licensed setting is not
recommended for an infant of any age and is prohibited for any infant
who has begun to roll over independently. However, with the written
consent of a parent or guardian, according to this paragraph, Harmony
Kids may place the infant who has not yet begun to roll over on its own,
down to sleep in a one-piece sleeper equipped with an attached system
that fastens securely only across the upper torso, with no constriction of
hips or legs, to create a swaddle. Prior to use of any swaddling for sleep
by Harmony Kids under this chapter, Harmony Kids must obtain informed
written consent for the use of swaddling from the parent or guardian of
the infant on a form provided by the commissioner and prepared in
partnership with the MN Sudden Infant Death Center.
Parents are consulted at the time of enrollment regarding their child’s sleeping
patterns and behavior. A record of the child’s sleeping patter will be maintained
by the program on a daily basis and communicated to families.
If children are going to be at the center during nap time, they must be dropped
off by 11:30 am. This gives them some time to play with friends before nap.
Open Door Policy
Harmony Kids Learning Center has an Open Door Policy. Parents of enrolled children
may visit the center at any time during the hours of operation.
We request that from 1:00-3:00pm be avoided, if possible, for pickup and/or drop off, as
this is our Quiet Time.
Meals & Snacks
Serving Times:
Breakfast 8:00am
Lunch 11:00-11:30am
P.M Snack 3:00-3:45pm
Breakfast will not be served after 8:30 am and lunch will not be served after 11:30 am;
with the exception of preschool van drop off from FC. Please plan your drop off times
Children with dietary restrictions prescribed by a medical care provider will be
followed. Staff will keep the diet menu and food allergy information on file in the
kitchen and in the classroom
Menus will be posted outside the kitchen, inside each classroom and on our
website. Families will be notified each day of what their child ate as well.
Meals and snacks will be served “family style”. We believe that this style
encourages children to develop self-help skills, table manners, fine motor skills,
and creates a community of learner’s environment. Family style meals give
children an opportunity to practice:
-Taking turns.
-Saying please and thank you.
-Using polite table manners.
-Helping set and clean up the table.
-Develop fine and gross motor skills while serving and passing food by:
-Holding and passing bowls and pitchers.
-Using tongs and serving spoons to portion out different foods.
Harmony Kids Learning Center serves Gerber baby food and Gerber infant rice
cereal, in the event that an infant’s parent forgets to bring their own food.
In event of a special occasion, Harmony Kids will allow a special treat to be
brought to the child-care facility. These food products must be store bought &
sealed in its original container for staff to serve to the children. Please talk with
your child’s teacher beforehand to discuss appropriate snack items.
Harmony Kids strives to be a peanut free facility so please understand that we will
not serve anything containing peanuts. Furthermore, if your child has eaten
something containing peanuts prior to attending care please have your child
thoroughly wash their hands and lips/mouth before entering the facility for
everyone’s protection. Foods containing peanuts will be prohibited from entering
the building. Thank you for understanding.
All bottles and sippy cups must be labeled with your child’s first and last name.
Water will be available to the children at all times throughout the day as
Civil Rights Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and
institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from
discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or
retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program
information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should
contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who
are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be
made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write
a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in
the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your
completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Physical Activity Policy
Regular physical activity has important health benefits to young children. Weather
permitting, daily outdoor play will be provided as outdoor activities encourage exercise
and healthy development. Please help the teachers by ALWAYS dressing your child
appropriately for outside play.
Classrooms will utilize outside equipment if the temperature with the wind chill is 20 or
higher. Children 12-16 months will go outside at 32 or higher. Children under 12 months
will not go outside.
Please provide your child with appropriate snow gear: coat, snow pants, snow boots, hat
and mittens. Any child without appropriate winter clothing will not be allowed outside.
When buying winter clothing for outdoor play, encourage your child to practice putting
them on by themselves. Doing so encourages dressing skills. Being able to put on and
take off outer clothes is a great self-esteem builder.
Families are asked to supply sunscreen for their child. Sunscreens will be labeled and
applied to children before outdoor play. We strongly request that any sunscreen brought
to the center be a lotion and not a spray.
All classrooms will utilize outdoor equipment if the heat index is 100 or below. In extreme
heat (90-99), all children will be monitored closely for any signs of dehydration, heat
exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat stroke.
Water is always available to children, both indoors and outdoors.
Please provide closed toed shoes for safety.
Indoor Gym
Harmony Kids classrooms will utilize the indoor gym in poor weather conditions. The gym
may also be used for additional large motor activities throughout the day.
Harmony Kids Learning Center will hold parent/teacher conferences twice a year to
review children's intellectual, physical, social and emotional development. Teachers
will provide daily feedback to families regarding their children's activities upon pick up
and via the communication app. All parents will receive a progress report for their child.
A copy of this must be signed and returned to Harmony Kids.
Clothing and Personal Possessions
Please dress your child in comfortable clothes and closed toed shoes (no open-toed
shoes). We will often play outside and take walks; appropriate dress for the changing
weather is essential.
Your child will have a cubby/locker to store extra clothing. Please plan to keep three
extra changes of clothes at school, including socks. You may also want to keep an
extra jacket or sweater as well. All pieces of removable clothing including shoes MUST
be labeled with first AND last names! We encourage the children to bring a small school
bag or backpack that can be used to bring school projects and other things home. The
child may keep items used for Show and Share in their cubby/locker as well.
Please refrain from sending your child with jewelry, particularly necklaces, as they pose
a choking hazard. Teething necklaces will be allowed, but will be removed during
What to Bring:
Things that will be kept at school that will be used by your child only (must be labeled
with first and last name)
Diapers, wipes, diaper cream
Three changes of clothes
Bottle or sippy cup
Baby food, formula, etc.
Blanket/comfort item (infants 12 months or older)
Things to bring back and forth every day (must be labeled with first and last name
and the date)
Breast milk if applicable
Weather related articles of clothing such as jackets and hats
Things that will be kept at school that will be used by your child only (must be labeled
with first and last name)
Diapers, wipes, diaper cream
Three changes of clothes (including socks)
Sunscreen- Lotion only. Labeled with child’s first and last name and the year.
One sippy cup if applicable
Blanket or comfort item
Things to bring back and forth every day (must be labeled with first and last name)
Show and share item if applicable
Weather related articles of clothing such as jackets and hats
Things that will be kept at school that will be used by your child only (must be labeled
with first and last name)
One extra change of clothes to be kept in locker/cubby
Sunscreen- Lotion only. Labeled with child’s first and last name and the year.
Any special lotions your child requires
Blanket or comfort item
Tennis shoes
Things to bring back and forth every day (must be labeled with first and last name)
Show and share item if applicable
Weather related articles of clothing such as jackets and hat
Parent Statement of Understanding and Handbook Receipt
The guidelines outlined in this parent handbook are important for the safety and protection of
your child. Please read the information, sign this form, and return it to the Director at Harmony
Kids Learning Center with any other completed forms before or on the first day of school.
I understand my weekly tuition fee is due each Wednesday by 6:00 pm via cash, check or debit
card at the front desk or via the online payment portal.
I understand that I am responsible for giving a 30-day written notice along with payment in full if I
should decide to terminate my child’s enrollment at the center, whether or not my child attends
in that 30 day period.
I agree to arrive no earlier than 6:00 AM and arrive no later than 6:00 PM. I understand that I will
be charged $1 for every minute I am late, with a minimum charge of $5. I understand that an
additional $25.00 will be charged in 15 minute increments, to pay the staff member that is
staying with your child. If a child cannot be picked up by 6:00 pm, I understand that I must notify
the center.
I understand that my child will not be permitted to leave the center without an authorized
person. I will complete the authorized pick up form and enrollment packet, which contain
information about who is authorized to pick my child up, as well as update the center when I
need to update any information regarding authorized pick up. I understand that if I authorize
someone to pick my child up that is unfamiliar to center staff, the staff may request to see a
photo ID of that person. I will inform any such person of this policy.
I understand the illness policy and agree to keep my child home from HKLC when he/she is too ill
to attend. If I have any further questions, I understand I may contact the Director or front desk at
any time.
Harmony Kids Learning Center reserves the right to make any changes at any point to the
handbook when they feel it is warranted.
I have read and understand the information contained in this parent handbook and I agree to
abide by the guidelines, policies, and procedures outlined in the parent handbook.
__________________________________ ____________________
Child’s Name Date
__________________________________ ____________________
2nd Child’s Name (if applicable) Date
_____________________________________ _________________________________
Parent/Guardian Printed Name Parent/Guardian Signature
_____________________________________ __________________________________
Parent/Guardian Printed Name Parent/Guardian Signature