Copyright 2018 Maryland REALTORS
. For use by REALTOR® members of Maryland REALTORS® only. Except as negotiated by the parties to the Contract,
this form may not be altered or modified in any form without the prior expressed written consent of Maryland REALTORS
Buyer _______________________________________________________________________________
Buyer Agent __________________________________________________________________________
Buyer Broker _________________________________________________________________________
for Property known as _________________________________________________________________.
The undersigned Buyer acknowledges that Buyer Broker and/or Buyer Agent (collectively referred to as
Buyer Broker) advised Buyer to engage in due diligence with respect to the purchase of the Property.
The due diligence should include, but not be limited to, viewing the Property before writing an offer,
engaging experts such as real estate appraisers, home inspectors, licensed surveyors, professional
engineers, environmental experts, title companies and others to render reports concerning matters such as
the value of the property, property boundaries, the material condition of the real estate and improvements
thereon as well as the status of title and the availability of property insurance. Ideally, Buyer would be
present, in-person during the due diligence activities. Buyer understands that it is never advisable to waive
any aspect of due diligence.
Buyer acknowledges that Buyer has elected not to view the Property in person prior to submitting an offer
to purchase, despite Buyer Broker’s advice to the contrary. Buyer further acknowledges and recognizes
that Buyer Broker and any sales associates affiliated with Buyer Broker are not home inspectors, real estate
appraisers, surveyors, engineers, or environmental experts. Additionally, Buyer acknowledges that Buyer
has made a decision to write an offer on the Property sight unseen.
In consideration of the above, Buyer agrees to be solely responsible for Buyer’s decision to write an offer
on the Property sight unseen. Buyer agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify Buyer Broker, Buyer
Agent, and any sales associates affiliated with Buyer Broker from any and all claims, demands, suits or
actions in any way relating thereto.
RECEIPT OF COPY: Buyer acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Agreement at time of signing hereof.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Buyer Date Buyer Broker (Company Name)
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Buyer Date Buyer Broker or Authorized Representative Date