Etsy 101
First things first:
Download the app on your device.
Or visit on your browser.
Basics on how to set up a Etsy store and add a listing.
Michelle Malone
It should look like this.
From the main page, scroll
down to the bottom - find
sell on Etsy
Here is where
you will either
set up a new
Etsy account or
sign into your
This will be the first screen you see when you are
creating a new account on Etsy.
When you scroll down you will see this menu bar and icons follow:
You will want
to spend
some time
Fees (Great Value) - all fees will be explained here.
Tools (Powerful Tools) - explains other tools on Etsy
(I haven’t spent much time there)
Support (Support & Education) - help when you need it.
Stories - this is where sellers share their stories.
Selling - explains what you can sell.
FAQ - frequently asked questions.
Lets find the
Sellers Handbook
I recommend you take
some time to look at
the seller handbook.
Etsy provides you with
their own words on
how Etsy works. It's
always good to see
what the provider
says about their own
You will find the seller handbook by scrolling way
down on the page with the icons (the last page).
You’ve looked over the
Now lets set up
your Store!
Scroll around. There are numerous places for you to click on,
that say “Open your Etsy Shop”.
This is takes you to Shop preferences:
In the shop preferences
page, you will select the
language, country and
currency etc. you want
for your store.
This can be really fun, or really tedious depending on how common
your name is. After you type it in, a check mark will appear if it is
Name your Store!
Stock your Store!
Set up a new listing
You must have 1 listing, and at
least 1 picture to open a store.
Adding a photo is the first thing you will do.
You can have up to 10 photos of the same item.
Etsy has all kinds of tips to help you.
Its best to show the item at
different angles, the item being
worn, an idea of the items size.
You want your pictures to be as
clear as possible.
This is VERY important.
Etsy wants clear photos.
You may also upload a video if you choose.
I have not used this feature yet. It is fairly new
and I have not ventured into that territory.
Click on adjust thumbnail
click on the lower picture
Drag the thumbnail to
where it is pleasing to you.
Adjust your thumbnails!
Your photos are what
makes a customer
click your item.
So the next thing we will do is make our title. Titles are
important, but not as important as the picture (thumbnail)
that the customers see first.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Is when you use relevant
words in your titles (and descriptions) to improve search
results. This improves the buyers experience, growing your
Etsy site traffic!
Title each item:
Next will be a series of questions, about
this listing- who made it, what kind of
product it is and when it was made.
Then you will choose a category. It is a good idea to play around
with categories. Testing where the best fit will be for your item to
get found.
Renewal options are always set as automatic, and if you want to
change it, you can do that here by choosing manual. They will be active
for 4 months and then they expire, so it is easiest to set them on
automatic renewal. There are a few fees, they are located in a pull
down menu where there is an explanation of the fees.
Next you will choose if your
item is a physical item
or an item that is
Your description is next, and particularly important.
Here is where the customers want to know the details,
about the size, what it is made of.
You can also make use of tags (we will talk
about that later) and put your items in a
particular section. Like Fathers Day Gifts.
The materials section, allows you to list
what your items are made of.
Section, Tags and Materials are all optional.
Your price is totally up to
you, but I like to add my
shipping in my price and
then offer free shipping.
Etsy loves free shipping
and turn around time that
is short, if you take care of
those 2 things, you have a
better chance of getting
moved up in front of
other sellers.
So now you have added
your first item and you will
need to save and continue
to the next page.
How you will get paid
This page is how you get your money.
Here is where you can put your banking info or PayPal information. After you
put in all of your info, you will save it. Now it's time to add your billing info,
how you will pay etsy. It is $0.20 a listing per month and if you choose
advertising, this is where it will be taken out.
This is all private information, so I didn’t
share. But this is easy.
You can now go in and edit your
profile. Add your shop photo,
your information like your back
story, photos and videos. This is
where your customers see who
you are and what your about.
Nice job. You have made your shop.
This is what your new shop will look like. You can in and add all kinds of things. You will need to scroll around on
the side menu bar and get familiar with your new shop. It is very self explanatory.
Here are some tips:
Make sure your photos are crisp and clear. Get creative with your
Make sure you have a clear and detailed description, so customers
won’t have to ask questions.
Read the “Sellers Handbook” Etsy has provided for you. They have
literally handed it to you.
It's a good idea to have a separate email for your business account.
And a separate file or folder for your pictures, it makes finding them
so much easier.
Here are some resources:
Etsy Success Podcast
Handmade & Beyond Podcast
Marmalead - SEO and Keywords and Tags
Thank you & Good Luck!