University of California, Berkeley
Center for Security in Politics December | 2022
Working Group Statement on Developing
Standards for Internet Ballot Return
R. Michael Alvarez, Professor of Political and Computational Social Science, California
Institute of Technology
Mike Garcia, Cybersecurity and Election Security Expert
Josh Benaloh, Microsoft Research
Roy Herrera, Partner, Herrera Arellano LLP
Allie Bones, Assistant Secretary of State, Arizona
Henry E. Brady, Director of Research, California 100
Amber McReynolds, National Election Expert & Former Election Official
Jeremy Epstein, Chair, Association for Computing Machinery U.S. Technology Policy
Ronald L. Rivest, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anthony Fowler, Professor, University of Chicago
Maurice Turner, Public Interest Technologist
Michael J. Frias, Chief Executive Officer, Catalist
Mark Weatherford, Chief Security Officer, AlertEnterprise
Table of Contents
Pervasive client-side malware 7-8
Reduced Confidence Through Intentional Malfeasance 8
Targeted denial of service attacks 8-9
A Lack of Deployed Digital Credentials 9
Absence of a directly voter-verifiable ballot of record 9
Increased Threat of Wholesale Attacks 10
Americans conduct an ever-increasing amount of personal business over the internet,
from banking to healthcare to real estate purchases. Yet, except for a few limited
circumstances such as some voters with accessibility needs, internet voting has not
been adopted as common in U.S. public elections.
Accordingly, in August of 2021 through September of 2022, the University of California
Berkeley’s Center for Security in Politics (CSP), through funding provided by Tusk
Philanthropies, hosted a Working Group to determine the feasibility of technical and
implementation standards that would enable safe and secure digital remote ballot
marking and return of these ballots.
The Working Group will refer to “internet ballot return” throughout this statement. This
term is inclusive of marking a ballot remotely, particularly through a voter’s personal
device, and returning the ballot via the internet. Internet ballot return includes, but is
not limited to, use of browsers, apps, email, file transfer protocol, and facsimile.
Election officials must balance fairness, accessibility, security, transparency, equity,
and reliability when delivering solutions for voters. And they are doing so in a time of
extreme scrutiny and skepticism about well-established, long-standing, and reliable
elections practices. The use of technology is being questioned for processes that have
been in place for decades (e.g., tabulation of ballots), so introducing new technologies
into elections administration will take careful thought, consideration, and planning,
along with increased capacity and resources for election officials currently under
intense pressure amid staff turnover, record numbers of public records requests, and
physical threats of violence for doing their jobs. It is in this context that the Working
Group provides this statement.
The Working Group has four major conclusions:
Implementing widespread adoption of secure and accessible internet ballot return
requires technologies that do not currently exist and others that have not been fully
tested. There is promise, however, as technological developments have moved us
closer to using internet ballot return in a secure and accessible way. Still, additional
progress is necessary before standards might be developed to support the widespread
use of internet ballot return in U.S. public elections, and overall cybersecurity continues
to face monumental challenges.
In this statement, the Working Group addresses its belief that the underlying goal of
internet ballot return is to provide an additional method for voting, particularly a
method that can meet accessibility requirements specified under federal law. The
Working Group provides additional considerations for research and support to that
The remainder of this statement lays out the rationale for the conclusions above and
explores issues that could alter the risk profile of internet ballot return, making it a
safe and reliable option for large-scale use in U.S. elections.
Using technology to assist in the collection and aggregation of ballots has a long
history; see Jones and Simons (
Broken Ballots,
2012) for an overview.
This statement is not intended to provide an in-depth review of internet ballot return.
For a comprehensive background, see the U.S. Vote Foundation’s E2E Verifiable
Internet Voting Project, the National Academies’ The Future of Voting: Accessible,
Reliable, Verifiable Technology, and the Election Assistance Commission’s “A Survey of
Internet Voting.”
Proposals to use the internet to assist in voting are also not new (see Appel
“Is Internet
Voting Trustworthy?”
, 2022, Much of this
is driven by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) (see
In the United States, the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) creates and adopts the
Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) for voting systems with technical support
from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Needed Standards for Electronic Ballot Return
The Working Group considered a basic question: what kind of standards are needed for
internet ballot return and to what do they apply?
There are design standards, compliance standards, testing standards, and standards to
which certifying bodies must be held, to name a few.
The applicability of those standards varies depending on implementation, and can
include: the software downloaded by the user, the user device itself, servers and
workstations on the administrative side, the protocols for communication, and
encryption, among others.
The reality is that a lack of applicable standards in any of these could undermine the
security and accessibility of any internet voting approach, and standards themselves
don’t ensure security.
Internet Ballot Return is Not Like Other Online
A common narrative around internet ballot return goes something like this: “I bank,
buy cars, and file taxes online. Why can’t I vote online?”
Voting in U.S. public elections is fundamentally different from other activities
performed on the internet. The reality is that several characteristics of voting –
regardless of method – differentiate it from nearly all other types of activities, and thus
warrant additional scrutiny before moving to an online context. Foremost amongst
these characteristics are:
1. Ballot secrecy: the accuracy of typical online transactions is transparent to
the participants. Customers can, for example, view their bank statements
and confirm their charges. However, the standard is higher for voting. Voters
should not
be able to
reveal their votes – even if they wish to do so. The
ability to disclose a vote would enable vote-selling and coercion. Voters
therefore cannot confirm that their votes have been correctly recorded and
counted in the same way that they verify bank statements and online
2. Increased cybersecurity risks: while internet ballot return is arguably more
convenient, there remain unresolved cybersecurity risks associated with it.
These issues, which include malware and targeted denial-of-service (DOS)
risks, are addressed in the Remaining Challenges section below.
3. Fostering acceptance of outcomes: unlike most online activities, failed – or
just distrusted – elections can result in significant outcomes that affect
everyone. Even the most sensitive online transactions have much lower
stakes and usually impact only a few parties. Mistaken or fraudulent
submissions in filing taxes and other such transactions don’t result in civil
unrest, for example.
The first two of these speak to technical requirements of election administration in U.S.
public elections. They are artifacts of how elections get administered, and thus require
different types of technology than do other types of transactions.
To underscore these points, there is a fundamental distinction between the way U.S.
elections and other transactions work. In most transactions, the results of a failure are
traceable and often obvious to all parties involved in a transaction: a bank account
balance is wrong, a car is delivered in an unexpected color, a tax burden does not
match expectations. The intentional lack of traceability of a cast ballot back to a voter
due to the requirement of a secret ballot demands different technical controls than
other types of online transactions.
The third characteristic – the outsized consequences of U.S. public elections – allows
for a lower level of acceptable risk than other types of transactions. This means
developing technology that can both meet the technical requirements for U.S. public
elections and, as importantly, do so with a lower risk of failure than is acceptable in
other types of transactions and applications.
Finally, we note that an election of any sort must generate and store
credible evidence
for the reported election outcome. Voting with internet ballot return normally creates
such evidence in electronic form, rather than physical form (like a paper ballot). This
fundamentally changes options for providing evidence to voters that their intent has
been faithfully captured.
Ongoing Progress
Incremental improvements in technology over the last 15 years have closed some of
the gaps preventing internet ballot return from becoming a common way voters cast
their ballots. These include:
Pervasive, if incomplete, existence of high-speed internet access.
Relatively inexpensive internet-enabled end-user devices.
Availability of cheap, reliable authentication methods and improving, though far
from perfect, digital identity proofing.
Advances in cryptographic methods to support ballot secrecy and validation,
such as end-to-end verifiability and homomorphic encryption.
On the other hand, many aspects of cybersecurity have not improved overall in the last
decade: one reads weekly of breaches in major service providers that one would have
hoped had the motivation and technology to do better.
The Working Group finds that such advances may seem to some to have moved us
closer to secure and accessible internet ballot return, but there is still a long way to go.
End-to-End Verifiability
One promising technology that is beginning to emerge has come to be known as
end-to-end verifiability (E2E-V).
This technology gives voters the ability to confirm that
their votes have been correctly recorded and counted – without compromising privacy.
In fact, any observer can confirm that the recorded votes have been correctly counted.
The first recommendation of the 2015 U.S. Vote Foundation study on
The Future of
states that “
any public elections conducted over the Internet must be end-to-end
However, this technology has not yet been widely deployed in any form of public
elections, and the study’s second recommendation is as follows:
“No Internet voting system of any kind should be used for public elections
before end-to-end verifiable in-person voting systems have been widely
deployed and experience has been gained from their use.”
U.S. Vote Foundation study on
The Future of Voting
While there has been progress on the deployment of E2E-V election systems and their
availability has increased, there is not yet sufficient experience to make the jump to
internet ballot return.
Remaining Challenges
To transition internet ballot return from these less risky environments, additional
research and support is needed to solve technical challenges.
Pervasive client-side malware
The pervasiveness of malware and our inability to detect it, especially on
consumer-grade devices, presents an enormous barrier to trustworthy internet ballot
return schemes. While E2E-V holds promise in making malfeasance detectable, it has
seen limited deployment in public elections with managed voting systems. Moving to a
bring-your-own-device environment creates two issues:
1. The use of end-to-end verifiability allows voters to take steps to verify the
correct recording of their votes, but it doesn’t require voters to do so.
When used with in-person voting on equipment provided by an election
office, checks by a very small, randomly chosen fraction of voters are
sufficient to provide high statistical confidence that the system is
performing properly. However, when used for internet ballot return on
individual devices, each voter would have to verify their own vote, ideally
from a separate device that is free of malware.
2. Consumer-grade devices with consumer-grade protections are no match
for a motivated attacker, particularly if the attacker is a nation-state. Most
transactions conducted on such devices don’t rise to the level of
nation-state interest, but voting does.
In addition, the Working Group notes that having to deal with malware on consumer
devices is a problem that doesn’t exist for other modes of voting.
Reduced Confidence Through Intentional Malfeasance
A related risk is the ability of an individual or small number of individuals to
undermine confidence in an election by fraudulently claiming failed verifications or
intentionally introducing malware into their or other individuals’ devices. Confidence in
U.S. election administration is already troublingly low, even though there is no
evidence of fraudulent activity at any significant scale.
Additional research is needed to reduce a user’s ability to intentionally generate
fraudulent results when consumer devices are used in U.S. public elections. To mitigate
this risk requires an improved ability to debunk fake results.
Targeted denial of service attacks
Denial of service attacks present a nuisance, sometimes a costly one, for most online
transactions. In the context of elections, however, an attacker could change the
outcome by simply impeding service in a targeted region or demographic. Extending
deadlines or retransmitting activity are an easy fix for most service disruptions, but
they are a political, logistic, and, potentially, constitutional concern in U.S. public
Additional efforts are needed to improve resilience to denial-of-service attacks.
Specifically, work is needed to understand how third-parties can regulate the flow of
cast ballots mixed with other content on the internet while maintaining accountability.
Such third parties should not be able to bias the outcome by letting only certain ballots
pass through.
A Lack of Deployed Digital Credentials
Voter identification is a contentious issue, but in internet ballot return, strong
verification of identity is an indispensable part of the process. At internet scale, it
would be effectively impossible to stop widespread fraud without strong digital
credentials. In today’s environment, strong authenticators and quality remote identity
proofing are possible, but the latter can be costly and has high failure rates for
underserved populations. Indeed, the complications for verifying voter identities over
the internet could undercut any convenience and accessibility justifications for internet
ballot return. Emerging technologies like mobile driver’s licenses hold promise, but
are not yet in wide use and do not fully address the needs of underserved populations.
Furthermore, such digital credentials would need to be coordinated with voter
Absence of a directly voter-verifiable ballot of record
Internet ballot return has a ballot-of-record that is electronic, rather than
physical. Voters can not directly verify that an electronically cast ballot faithfully
represents their selections. Voters must therefore use some electronic system
(e.g., their smartphone) to verify that their selections have been accurately
recorded and cast.
Since such an electronic system is itself corruptible, verification must work in
spite of corrupted software. Otherwise the electronic system could cheat the
voter by claiming to have cast the vote one way, and actually casting the vote a
different way. Usability is important here, as is the development of guidelines
for handling disputes, when voters find (or claim) that their voters were not
accurately recorded or cast.
Increased Threat of Wholesale Attacks
With in-person voting and vote-by-mail, the damage that can be inflicted by a
small number of individuals is limited. Although no method of voting is
completely immune to attacks and corruption, it is very difficult for a small
group of attackers to impact a large number of votes.
However, when internet ballot return is employed, it may be possible for a single
attacker to alter thousands or even millions of votes. And this lone individual
could perpetrate an attack from a different continent from the one where the
election is being held – perhaps even while under the protection of a rogue
nation where there is no concern of repercussions.
Balancing Security and Accessibility
Finally, while the Working Group believes it is currently infeasible to draft responsible
standards on internet ballot return, it also recognizes that all current methods of
voting have risks that must be carefully managed and all present benefits intended to
serve the varied needs of voters.
Some forms of internet ballot return, including email, fax, and file transfer protocol
server, present a risk to the security of elections, even relative to internet ballot return
methods commonly called mobile voting. At the same time, they can be an important
tool for accessibility and ballot access for overseas voters; voters for whom getting to
the polls may be difficult; individuals who, due to physical limitations, may have
difficulty accessing a traditional polling site; and others who struggle to, or simply
cannot, use traditional voting methods.
Eliminating these forms of voting entirely without reasonable alternatives could
produce an unacceptable risk to those with accessibility needs and would place
election officials in a position of violating the requirements of the HAVA and the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), expanding them could present unacceptable
security risks to those same voters and the integrity of the election.