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Dwi Ridho Aulianto
National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Tiara Desyanti Raharja
National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
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Aulianto, Dwi Ridho and Raharja, Tiara Desyanti, "UTILIZATION OF GOOGLE FORMS AS ARCHIVE DATA
INPUT MEDIA" (2023).
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)
. 7673.
Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP), ISSN 1522-0222
April, 2023
Dwi Ridho Aulianto
, Tiara Desyanti Raharja
National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Using Google Forms to enter data into an archive gives archivists or organizations options
and solutions for making archiving work more effective and efficient. This study aims to
find out more about Google Forms in more detail, starting from the definition of Google
Forms, the features available on Google Forms, the benefits of Google Forms, and the
implementation of Google Forms as an input medium for archival data. The research
method uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection took place
in December 2021 through literature studies and interviews. The study results indicate
that Google Forms have features that can be tailored to users' needs. Archival data
collection, processing, and monitoring can be done using Google Forms. Setting the
question and setting permissions can be easily done. Information from archival data
collections that are complete, whole, and valid can be used by employees, organizations,
and the community as needed.
Keywords: Archive Data Collection; Archive Data Input; Google Forms
"Information at your fingertips" is a sentence that is often heard in the current era. This is
due to the rapid development of information and communication technology that makes
finding any information needed at work easy. Information production is increasing rapidly
due to the development of technology and networks (Ahmad, 2012). Every office activity
will produce archives which can then be processed into information. The development of
technology and information, according to Sutabri (2014), is a technology for processing
data, including how to obtain data, process, compile, store, and manipulate data to
produce quality data, namely accurate and relevant information that can be used in
personal, business, government and decision-making activities.
The use of technology in the archive data collection process can be through forms
in electronic or conventional forms. The form is one of the media that can be used for
data collection, which is done by giving questions to users to answer. Generally, the form
has three main components: the giver, source, and recipient of information. Data
collection techniques through forms will be efficient if the user knows the elements to be
recorded. The online version of the form is suitable for many users spread over a wide
Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP), ISSN 1522-0222
April, 2023
area. The form of questions on the form is divided into two types, namely open and closed
questions. Forms with open questions are forms that give users the freedom to answer
according to their perceptions. Meanwhile, forms with closed questions are forms whose
answers have been provided by the maker to be answered by the user by choosing from
one of the answers written on the form (Sugiyono, 2008).
A simple example of information technology is using the freely available facilities
provided by Google, for example, Google Mail, as a medium for sending
letters/information between people and organizations. Technology is used to be more
effective and efficient in every job. The utilization of information technology in archiving
can facilitate the process of managing archives from conventional to electronic. The
presence of technology makes it easier for archivists or archive managers in the archive
data collection process and makes it easier to find back. The use of technology makes
archive data easier to control, manage, and control from anywhere and anytime. Archival
data collection is carried out so that the data obtained is complete and as needed to
produce complete and good information. One example of an application that can be used
in archival activities, especially for archive data collection, is Google Forms. Web-based
Google applications that can be accessed by users directly and are not bound by time or
place. Access can be done online anywhere and anytime via computer or smartphone.
Accessing data through various media gadgets makes it easy to use data on the one hand
and is equipped with accessibility features that the Google Forms creator/administrator
can control. Archivists, as users, can easily see the results of data input and can download
the results for further processing as archive data. Access to data input results can be easily
regulated for anyone with the right to view or edit data input results so that not everyone
can find out the results of archive data input. The results of data input on Google Forms
will be centralized into one data, resulting from data input from various archivists in
various locations. This is an effort to make the information created easy to understand
and uniform as needed.
Previous research on Google Forms has been conducted, for example, by Batubara
(2016), entitled "The use of Google Forms as a tool for assessing lecturer performance in
the PGMI Study Program at UNISKA Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari." This study
describes the procedure for making online forms using Google Forms as a medium for
assessing lecturer performance and student responses to its use. The results showed that
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April, 2023
the procedure for developing a lecturer performance assessment form in the learning
process using Google Forms starts with the stages of planning, creating, publishing, or
disseminating, and providing instructions for use. Most students are interested in online
forms because they are considered easy to access, efficient, paper-saving, and attractive.
In 2017, Mardiana and Arif conducted a study entitled "Google Forms as an Alternative
to Making Evaluation Question Exercises." This study aimed to introduce a Google
Forms-based evaluation system to teachers and teach Google Forms to teachers so that
teachers could compile online-based questions using Google Forms. The research results
indicate that teachers' assessments using Google Forms can be an alternative to making
evaluations. This is evidenced by the results of 100% of teachers interested in making
evaluations using Google Forms. The teachers are interested in using Google Forms
because it is easy, fast, practical, and efficient.
Research on Google Forms, in general, provides an overview of the utilization of
Google Forms in the field of education, which can be used as one of the media in the
teaching and learning process related to subjects, assessments, practice questions, and
evaluations. Google Forms provides convenience and effectiveness in supporting
internet-based learning so that it does not have to do face-to-face in every learning
process. Teachers and students in the world of education have felt many benefits of
Google Forms. This paper will go into more detail about Google Forms, including what
they are, how to use them, and how to implement them for collecting archive data.
The research method used in this study is descriptive with a qualitative approach.
According to Ramdhan (2021), descriptive research is research with a method to describe
a research result. As the name implies, descriptive research aims to describe, explain, and
validate the phenomenon under study. The research was done using a descriptive method
because it was about things that were happening right now. According to Denzin and
Lincoln in Anggito and Setiawan's (2018) publication, qualitative research uses a natural
setting to interpret the phenomena that occur. One of the characteristics of qualitative
research is that it bases itself on knowledge and experiences that have been achieved and
accepted as true. Research is descriptive and uses analysis with an inductive approach
(Rukin, 2019). Qualitative research was conducted because researchers wanted to dig
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April, 2023
deeper into non-quantifiable events that were descriptive, such as the process of a work
step, the formula for a recipe, the understanding of a diverse concept, the characteristics
of goods and services, images, styles, procedures of culture, physical models of an
artifact, and so on (Komariah & Satori, 2011).
Data collection was carried out in December 2021 through literature studies and
interviews. (Danial & Warsiah, 2009) A literature study was done by gathering a number
of books and magazines that dealt with the problem and the research goals. Interviews
were conducted with archivists who were administrators in archive data collection
activities using Google Forms at the former Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). In
this study, data analysis was done by reducing the amount of data, presenting the data,
and drawing or verifying a conclusion. This is a series of sequential analysis tasks (Miles
& Huberman, 2007). The final conclusion does not only occur during the data collection
process but also needs to be verified so that it can really be accounted for.
Question features and answer options provided by Google Forms
Making an archive data collection form must be planned in as much detail as possible,
including the questions and answers used. The types of questions included in Google
Forms can be adjusted to match the printed or conventional version of the archive data
collection form or the provisions of the regulations from the National Archives of the
Republic of Indonesia. According to Slamet (2016: 26), to create a question map in the
form, several things must be considered, among others: a) does the user need to fill in the
answer in the form of text or numbers, if so then a place to type it is needed; b) is the
answer in the form of multiple choice or scale?; c) does the question material need to be
illustrated with pictures or tables?; d) does the question material only require a direct
answer, or does it require answers and follow-up questions for each answer?; e) does the
display require page switching according to the framework created, so page titles must be
added? These five elements require attention and thought, so the process of creating an
archive data collection form is guided by the planned framework. Some types of answer
options for both open and closed questions provided by Google Forms are:
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April, 2023
a. Short answer, a form of answer that requires the user to fill in the answer manually
by typing the answer on the sheet provided briefly and limited by a few letter
b. Paragraph is a form of answer that requires the user to fill in the answer manually by
typing the answer on the sheet provided, the characters provided are longer, and this
form is used for long free answers.
c. Multiple Choice is a form of answer that requires the user to fill in an answer to a
closed question by choosing one answer that has been determined or provided
previously by the archivist/archive manager.
d. Checkbox is a form of answer that requires users to fill in answers to closed questions
by selecting one or more answers that have been predetermined or provided by the
administrator. The user can directly see the checkbox from the answer options.
e. Dropdown is a form of answer that requires users to fill in answers to closed questions
by selecting one answer that has been predetermined or provided by the
administrator. Dropdown answer choices cannot be seen by users directly, and users
must click on the dropdown menu, which will then appear (down) a list of answer
f. File Upload is a form of answer that requires users to fill in answers to open questions
by uploading files as requested, such as documents, photos, videos, sounds,
presentations, or other forms. The file size is between 1 MB and 10 MB.
g. Linear Scale is a form of answer that requires users to fill in the answer by choosing
a scale predetermined by the administrator. For example, if number 1 strongly
disagrees, there are numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5. Number 5 is a very agreeable answer.
h. Multiple Choice Grid is a form of answer that requires users to fill in the answer by
choosing one answer that has been available in one line.
i. Checkbox Grid is a form of answer that requires users to fill in the answer by
selecting one or more answers that have been available in one line.
j. Date is an answer form that requires users to fill in the answer with date, month, and
k. Time, an answer form that requires users to fill in answers with hours, minutes, and
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April, 2023
Supporting features in form creation provided by Google Forms
The use of Google Forms for archive data collection is very useful because various answer
choices support its features so that archivists/archive managers can operationalize it
according to their needs. Also on the menu is a toolbox for making question-and-answer
concepts. It has:
a. Add Question, used to add a new question after completing one question and answer
choice, then add question is needed to bring up a new question again, and so on until
all questions in the form are complete and ready to use.
b. Add Title and Description is a feature used to label the form's title with a description
of the form title. This function can be used as many times as the form creator needs.
c. Add Image is a feature used to insert photos or images on the form to support
questions and answers related to the information presented. Several ways to insert
images on Google Forms include uploading images on the computer, images taken
through screenshots, images that come from certain website addresses, images that
come from albums owned, images that come from Google Drive, and image search
facilities if there are no images available before.
d. Add video, a feature used to insert videos on forms to support questions and answers
related to the information presented. The video is sourced from YouTube by directly
searching for the desired video prepared and simply typing the URL address.
e. Add Section is a feature that divides the form into several parts that are related to
each other. For example, the initial part is in the form of user identity, the second part
is a question; part three is other information. Forms made with several sections look
neater and more organized.
f. Duplicate, a feature used to duplicate questions or answer models to speed up the
creation of all questions on the form. If a question item is duplicated, it is sufficient
to edit the desired question or answer model in the same result.
g. Delete is a function to delete questions or answers not used in the form. The deletion
process can be done since the form is in draft form and can still be functioned when
the form has been distributed, although the delete function is rarely used after the
form is finished.
h. Required is a function that can force users to answer the questions asked so that filling
in the answers is mandatory. If the administrator does not want missing or incomplete
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April, 2023
data, the required function can be activated on each question item on the form. Unlike
the printed version of the form, although there is mandatory writing information,
sometimes users need to fill in the answers to the mandatory questions. This makes
the critical function of Google Forms useful for mandatory data collection.
Benefits of using Google Forms
Research conducted by Iqbal et al. (2018) regarding "the use of Google Forms as a
medium for giving assignments for introductory social science courses" states the benefits
of using Google Forms that lecturers and students benefit from using Google Forms in
the process of giving routine assignments, critical book reports, critical journal reports,
mini research, and engineering ideas, organizing assignments, and storing assignments
given online. Lecturers and students can send and receive lecture assignments from
anywhere and anytime using internet-connected laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Using
paper (printouts) in giving assignments can be minimized and can save costs. Various
kinds of benefits are obtained from using online forms with Google Forms, among others:
a. Making question items becomes easier.
Question items prepared by archivists/archive managers according to variables or
indicators can be easily applied to Google Forms. The type of question and answer
options can be directly determined using the available forms. Using Google Forms
support features such as duplicate, delete, required, add title, and description makes
every question on the form more practical.
b. Save time and paper.
Making forms using Google Forms takes little time if all question items and answer
choices are prepared beforehand. Online media makes it more paper-efficient
because it does not need to be printed in large quantities. Form distribution becomes
easier, and distant areas can be reached by simply sending the Google Forms address
that has been made to prospective users. Time efficiency in form creation and
distribution helps archivists/archive managers develop a good and efficient data
collection framework.
c. Setting questions and answers according to needs.
Questions on the form can be set as needed, for example, whether or not users are
required to fill in or answer questions. The type of answer can also be set according
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April, 2023
to the desired answer. Data deficiencies that are likely to occur on manual (printed)
forms can be avoided using online forms (Google Forms). The shortcomings of
printed forms on mandatory questions, for example, users need to fill in the answers
to questions that users should require. The use of features on Google Forms makes
users have to fill in the real question. If there is one question that is not filled in or
not answered, then the user cannot proceed to the next stage. This is very useful
because the questions on the form can be filled in so that there is sufficient data
caused by users who have not answered the questions.
d. The period of form filling can be determined.
The data collection process is usually carried out within a certain period. If done
manually, filling out the form depends on the distribution and distribution process,
requiring special time. It cannot be done at any time, thus making the data collection
process longer. Google Forms can help archivists/archive managers manage data
collection time because online forms can be filled out using a cellphone that can be
accessed at any time without any distance and time restrictions. Suppose the archive
data collection time has been completed. In that case, the online form can be closed
by activating the "not accepting responses" feature, which means that users who open
the form cannot collect data because the form has been set not to accept answers.
e. Archivists/archive managers who have filled in the form are automatically recorded.
All users, in this case, archivists/archive managers who have filled out the archive
data collection form, are automatically recorded by Google Forms and can be
checked at any time. User data in the form of per-individual data along with data
collection results and user data in the form of a database, in the form of all user data,
collected archive data. Scattered data usually occurs in the manual archive data
collection and can be avoided using Google Forms. Archivists/archive managers only
need to validate the data that has been entered, for example, whether data needs to be
corrected or correctly inputted. The validation process is carried out so that the data
input results become clean and valid.
f. Simple analysis by Google.
A visible difference between using Google Forms and the manual or printed version
is the simple data analysis done automatically by Google. The analysis results can be
in the form of bar charts, pie charts, or text displays without having to be processed
first by the archivist/archive manager. The analysis data accumulates according to
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April, 2023
the amount of data entered and displays the analysis results with the latest data. If the
data increases, the analysis will automatically change according to the latest data.
g. Accessed through computer and smartphone media
Unlike manual forms that must be printed and distributed face-to-face directly and
filled using stationery, Google Forms can be accessed anywhere and anytime using
equipment such as computers or smartphones as long as they are connected to the
h. Affordable and secure
Online forms using Google Forms are distributed via a link address to potential users.
This makes the form safer because it avoids being lost or scattered, as in the printed
version. Affordable because it is not limited to place and time and safe because all
data can be accessed through the internet.
Implementation of Google Forms in Archive Data Collection
Archive data collection is recording the contents of archived information by existing
conditions either manually or electronically, for example, using Google Forms. Archival
data collection is done with the help of a form or description that has already been made.
Archival data collection is carried out so that the information in the archives can be
known. It is important to figure out what needs to be on the data collection form. The first
step that must be done is to create an archive data collection form by determining the
elements that need to be included in Google Forms as needed.
Archive data collection is based on the Regulation of the Head of the National
Archives of the Republic of Indonesia No. 46 of 2015 Concerning the Rescue of Archives
of the Merger or Dissolution of State Institutions and Regional Apparatus, which says that
an archive overview list must include work unit, year, format/media, quantity, location,
and description, as an example of archive data collection. The Indonesian Institute of
Sciences (LIPI) 2021 was surveyed to determine the number and existence of archives in
general through archive overview data collection, which contained elements such as work
unit, year, format/media, archive type, quantity, archive unit, physical location, and
officer name.
The elements in Table 1 that have been determined are then poured into Google
Forms according to the types of questions and answer choice criteria available in Google
Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP), ISSN 1522-0222
April, 2023
Forms. The work unit column uses the "drop-down" feature by writing 57 names of work
units in the ex. Indonesian Institute of Sciences. The year, number, and physical location
columns use the "short answer text" feature, which means they only require a short
answer. The format/media column uses the "drop-down" feature by writing down the
available archive media types: audio, audio-visual, images, photos, textual/paper, and
maps. The archive type column uses the "long answer text" feature, which means that this
column requires a long answer. The "multiple choice" feature is used in the archive unit
column to show different archive units, such as files, boxes, bundles, boxes of documents,
and copies. The officer name column uses the "checkboxes" feature, which can display
all the names of archivists and archive managers who work in archive data collection.
This feature makes it possible to select more than one person, which means that
collaboration can be done with other people in collecting data. After the form has been
filled out, it is sent to all archivists in the former environment. Indonesian Institute of
Sciences by sharing the link or URL address of the archive data collection form.
Table 1. Elements of Google Forms
Unit Kerja
The work unit that owns the archive (whose archive is being
Year the archive was created
Format/Media Format/media of archive
(textual, audio, video, map, cd, DVD)
Jenis arsip
The information content of the archive is written in a concise
Number Physical quantity of the archive (in the form of
Satuan arsip
Unit of archive (file, box, bundle, cardboard, document,
Lokasi fisik
The physical location of the archive recorded
Name of officer
Nama petugas
Name of the officer who did the archive data collection
Source: Results of data processing, 2022
Figure 1 shows how the National Research and Innovation Agency used Google Forms
to collect data for the LIPI archive data collection activity. This form was then distributed
to all archivists in the LIPI to be used as a tool in archive data collection. The results of
archive data collection can be seen in real-time by everyone by accessing the link or URL
of the archive data collection results provided by the administrator. Data input results can
only be seen and downloaded by archivists/archive managers, who can be used as
evidence of their work. Administrators or archivists can use the data that has been
Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP), ISSN 1522-0222
April, 2023
collected to be processed as needed. The information obtained from the data input results
can provide an overview of how many archives are owned by the LIPI, which work unit
has the largest volume of archives, the period of the year of archive creation from the
oldest to the youngest, the various types of archives created, and the archivist or archive
manager who is most productive in collecting archive data.
Figure 1. Archive Overview Data Input Form
The numerous amenities that online application providers offer free of charge today
greatly aid work in archives due to rapid technological advancements. This influence has
changed the behavior of archivists and archive managers in managing archives from
manual processes to online processes. Google Forms is one of the options that can be used
in managing archives if the organization still needs to have a unique information system
for archival management. The features are diverse and can be adjusted to the conditions
and needs. Google Forms has features that can be used for archived data collection,
processing, and monitoring the results of data input work. Google Forms has a "required"
function that can be activated in each question column so that each user is required to fill
Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP), ISSN 1522-0222
April, 2023
in all predetermined question columns. Archivists can easily process archives and control
access rights to archives owned by the organization because, in Google Forms, there is a
setting for access rights to the results of data input; access rights can be set for anyone
who is entitled or not entitled. Implementing Google Forms as an archive data collection
medium will help process archive data. By entering all of the data, archival data collection
should result in complete information for good archive data. Information from archive
data collections that is complete, intact, valid, authentic, and reliable can be used by
employees, organizations, and the community.
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