Cheetah Loyalty
Email Templates
Developer Guide
Reviewed / Approved by
August 2019
Initial release
Cheetah Digital Product Management
September 2021
Added version history
Cheetah Digital Product Management
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
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Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
Sample Email Templates
Template Sets
Testing Email Templates
Creating a Template Set
Step 1 - Create an email template file
Step 2 - Add the main Layout and Template
Step 3 - Add Editable Sections
Primary Image
Step 4 - Color Palettes
Step 5 - Add Dynamic Content sections
Step 6 - Add Content Tokens
Special Email Tokens
Custom Tokens
Sample Template Set
Advanced Topics
Configure Dynamic Section to Render a Reward Based on Member’s Preference
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
This is a guide to creating Cheetah Loyalty email templates. Cheetah Loyalty Email messages
are based on reusable email templates. The email template sets the email structure, such as
tables for layout, header/footer. The template defines editable sections for the marketer to enter
custom content into a specific email.
Email templates define the following:
Header (logo, links, snippet, "view in browser" etc.)
Footer (address, unsubscribe link, etc.)
Structure of the email, such as tables (should be responsive)
Default color palette
Personalized content tokens
View in Browser link (usually in header)
Unsubscribe link (usually in footer)
Content sections where the marketer can create ad-hoc content for a specific email
Dynamic content sections where the marketer can insert Cheetah Loyalty content, such
as offers and challenges
Sample Email Templates
Cheetah Loyalty provides sample responsive HTML templates already pre-installed in the
program environment. These are great examples and you should review them prior to
attempting to create your own templates. The simplest is a "blank" email template with a single
large editable section for the marketer to enter any content they want. However, this increases
the amount of email testing the marketer must perform, since any layout might behave
differently across email clients. So, it is better to create templates which guide the marketer on
where content should be placed.
Template Sets
Cheetah Loyalty templates are grouped into Template Sets, which are named and versioned so
that marketers can easily choose the template they want to use. Each Cheetah Loyalty
Template Set is an HTML file uploaded into the Cheetah Loyalty Marketing Console (in Admin >
Content > Template Sets). Since the Template Sets are so flexible, most customers only use a
single email Template Set.
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
Testing Email Templates
Emails need to look professional and correct across various email clients. Therefore any custom
templates need to be tested carefully. There are three parts to this:
1. Upload Template Set. When uploading a Template Set file, the file will be parsed and
some validation performed to ensure it meets the required structure/syntax. This does
not ensure that the email will look good, only that it can minimally be parsed and used by
the Cheetah Loyalty.
2. Content Editor. Cheetah Loyalty emails have a content editor which uses a Template Set
to allow marketers configure their email contents before reaching their target audience.
The content editor loads and parses the Template Set, so any syntax or structural
errors/bugs in the Template Set can result in problems in the content editor. Therefore, it
is important to test that a custom template appears and behaves correctly in an email
content editor before turning it over to the marketers for use.
3. Email Clients. Test emails using the template in common email clients. Note that email
templates built by Cheetah Loyalty (standard or as a service) will have been tested using
Litmus before being delivered to the customer.
Creating a Template Set
Template Sets are HTML files which will be uploaded into the Cheetah Loyalty Marketing
Console. Template Sets are required to follow certain rules for structure and syntax, so that the
file can be parsed and used in Cheetah Loyalty. This section will guide you in building your own
template set.
Step 1 - Create an email template file
This is an HTML document; the only mime type supported is .html extension, e.g.
"email_template_set.html". You can use whatever text editor and source code repository you
prefer, but word processors (e.g. MS Word) should never be used for writing code.
Step 2 - Add the main Layout and Template
Wrap your template in Cheetah Loyalty layout and template markup as shown below. Whatever
is inside this wrapper will appear in
your email. All of the following code is required for every email template.
<div layoutId="email_body" layoutWidth="660" layoutMinHeight="1000"
layoutEmailSafe="true" layoutFixedTools="true" class="stl_layout">
<h1><i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> Email Body</h1>
<div templateId="email_body_1" class="stl_template">
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
<h2>Email Template 1</h2>
<div class="stl_content" style="width: 100%; min-width: 600px
<!--------- TEMPLATE CONTENTS HERE ------------>
Note that you can optionally have more than one template, which would be an additional HTML
element like this:
<div templateId="email_body_newsletter" class="stl_template"> … </div>
Step 3 - Add Editable Sections
You may define configurable sections in the editor by using the ff. sections. These must be
placed inside the <div class=”stl_content”></div> wrapper, and only one of each is
Editable Sections are defined by a CSS class on an HTML element. Adding the CSS class
"stl_heading" to a DIV instructs the content editor to let the marketer edit the contents of that
DIV. Thus, the template developer can choose where the marketer should write copy and add
<div class=”stl_heading”></div>
<div class=”stl_subheading”></div>
The body is the main content area.
<div class=”stl_body”></div>
To enable more advanced editing controls in the content editor use mainbody instead of body.
This is often appropriate if the email has a single, large editable section such as for a newsletter
or "blank" template.
<div class=”stl_mainbody”></div>
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
Details are used for the fine print at the bottom of the message such as offer details.
<div class=”stl_details”></div>
The "action" is the the Call to Action (CTA).
<div class=”stl_action”></div>
Primary Image
<div class=”stl_image1”><img src=""></div>
Put the class "stl_image1" on an IMG element or the containing element.
Templates support custom CSS styling. However, note that you may still need to add inline CSS
styles for older email clients that do not support the <style> tag.
<style id=”email_style” type=”text/css”></style>
Step 4 - Color Palettes
Hardcoding colors into templates can prevent them from being reused, so Template Sets
support Color Palettes.
A Color Palettes is a set of colors that work together. Each palette has foreground and
background colors for the heading, subheading, body, details, and action.
Add colors to your template by using CSS classes as shown below, for the foreground and
background color. Note that frequently the background color should be placed on an HTML
element wrapping the content element.
<div class="stl_heading_bgcolor"><span class=”stl_heading
In addition, we can also set a default palette to the whole layout by adding the palettedId=”id”
attribute on top of the layout html element. e.g.
<div templateId="default" class="stl_template" paletteId="black">
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
Step 5 - Add Dynamic Content sections
<div sectionId="email_section1" layoutId="medium_email_section"
class="stl_section stl_dynamic_content" contentType="" contentFilter=""></div>
Instructs the editor to get the contents from a set value. Default is set to medium_email_section
Identifies the type of object you want to add. This is a dropdown option, but you can specify the
default value. Values can be offers, rewards, challenges, content blocks and placements.
This can either be the internal name of the object or a specific tag.
Step 6 - Add Content Tokens
Content tokens are variables used for personalization as well as some special links such as
"View Web Version" and "Unsubscribe".
Special Email Tokens
These tokens are standard and always available. Most emails should include all of them.
<a href="#" class="stl_snippet">My awesome preheader has value</a>
<a href="#" class="stl_web_version">View Web Version</a>
<a href="#" class="stl_unsubscribe">Unsubscribe</a>
Custom Tokens
You can create your own tokens in the Cheetah Loyalty Marketing Console. This allows you to
define these variables in a single place and reuse them everywhere, such as the user's first
name, point balance, or tier.
<span class="stl_token_first_name">Bob</span>
<span class="stl_token_point balance">1000</span>
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
Content Tokens support merge expressions, including handlebars syntax, so they can build up
strings using business logic. For example, you can build a salutation such as "Hello Bob!" as a
content token.
<span class="stl_token_welcome_email_salutation">Hello Bob!</span>
As a point of style, always build strings within Content Tokens, and avoid building strings within
the template. This allows the marketers to easily change and translate the content token, and
avoids unnecessarily ugly or fragile syntax in the template.
YES <span class="stl_token_email_salutation">Hello Bob!</span>
NO <span>Hello <span class="stl_token_first_name">Bob</span>!</span>
Create each link URL as a Content Token in the Cheetah Loyalty Marketing Console, and set
Apply To = Link. Then apply the token class to the link A REF or to the parent DOM element
inside the template. The link token always applies to the entire HREF attribute. There is not a
way to insert content tokens inside the HREF; this is by design for the aforementioned reasons
for all custom tokens.
<a href="#" class="stl_token_profile_link">Manage Your Profile</a>
<div class="stl_token_profile_link"><a href="#">Manage Your Profile</a></div>
You can optionally give each link a friendly link name by giving the link an HTML attribute of
“stl_link_name”, such as stl_link_name=“profile”. Links will otherwise be automatically assigned
names in the format “link1”, “link2”, etc..
<a href="#" class="stl_token_profile_link" stl_link_name="profile">Manage Your
Sample Template Set
<!-- Email Body -->
<div layoutId="email_body" layoutWidth="660" layoutMinHeight="1000"
layoutEmailSafe="true" layoutFixedTools="true" class="stl_layout">
<h1>Email Body</h1>
<!-- start email_body_1 -->
<div templateId="email_body_1" class="stl_template">
<div class="stl_content" style="width: 660px;">
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
<!-- stl_content -->
<style id="email_style" type="text/css">
div, p {
font-family: 'Open Sans', arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 400;
font-variant: normal;
color: #000;
line-height: 24px;
a:link {
color: #97130F;
a:visited {
color: #C51C16;
a:hover {
color: #666;
a:active {
color: #666;
.signature {
font-size: 13px;
.header *, .footer * {
font-size: 12px;
font-family: 'Open Sans', arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: 400;
<div style="margin-top: 10px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 400; font-variant: normal; color: #000; line-height: 24px">
<table width="600" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0"
<td colspan="3" class="header" style="text-align: right;
padding: 0 10px 5px 0;">
<div><a href="#" class="stl_web_version
stl_token_webversion">View web version</a></div>
<td colspan="3"><span class="stl_image1"><img
alt="Berkley High School Fishing Club" width="600" /></span></td>
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
<!-- CONTENT SECTION 1: "inline" -->
<div sectionId="email_section1" style="width:600px;"
layoutId="medium_email_section" class="stl_section">
<div class="stl_heading stl_heading_bgcolor
stl_heading_color" style="font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 2px; padding:
<div class="stl_subheading stl_subheading_bgcolor
stl_subheading_color" style="font-size: 20px; padding: 10px;"></div>
<div class="stl_mainbody stl_body_color"
style="width:640px; min-height: 40px; padding: 10px;"></div>
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="3">
<!-- CONTENT SECTION 2: "primary offer" -->
<div sectionId="email_section2" style="width:600px;"
layoutId="medium_email_section" class="stl_section stl_dynamic_content"
contentType="blank" contentFilter="" style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;"></div>
<td colspan="3">
<!-- CONTENT SECTION 3: "secondary offer" -->
<div sectionId="email_section3" style="width:600px;"
layoutId="medium_email_section" class="stl_section stl_dynamic_content"
contentType="blank" contentFilter="" style="margin: 20px 0 20px 0;"></div>
<td colspan="3"><img
alt="Berkley High School Fishing Club" width="600" height="82" usemap="#Map"
border="0" /></td>
<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" class="footer">
<p class="stl_operational_hidden">
This email was sent to <span
class="stl_token_email">you</span> based on your preferences.<br />
<a href="#" class="stl_unsubscribe
stl_token_update_subscription">update communication preferences</a> /
<a href="#" class="stl_unsubscribe
Cheetah Loyalty Email Templates - Developer Guide
<p>Pure Fishing, Inc. 7 Science Court, Columbia, SC 29203<br
Pure Fishing, Inc. All rights reserved.
<td width="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- stl_content -->
<!-- end email_body_1 -->
Advanced Topics
Configure Dynamic Section to Render a Reward Based on
Member’s Preference
To personalize dynamic content sections, we can apply a content token to the content filter
option of the section to apply different filters based on the user’s preference.
<div sectionId="email_section1" layoutId="medium_email_section"
class="stl_section stl_dynamic_content stl_token_favorite_reward"
contentType="rewards" contentFilter=""></div>
Take note that you have to set the “Apply To” setting of the content token to contentfilter. It’s a
special setting that instructs the system to replace the contentfilter attribute at runtime.