The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 1
The Print Security Landscape, 2023
Securing the print infrastructure amidst a growing threat
Print security trends in the US and Europe
Excerpt report: Xerox
May 2023
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 2
Executive summary
Quocirca’s Global Print Security Landscape 2023 report reveals that organisations face ongoing challenges in
securing print infrastructure. Home printing continues to cause security concerns, with employee shadow
purchasing making it harder to control document security. Print-related data breaches remain prevalent, with
61% of respondents reporting at least one data loss in the last 12 months, rising to 67% amongst midmarket
organisations. This is leading to lower confidence, particularly among SMBs, in the security of print
Notably, the research reveals a strong disconnect between the perceptions and attitudes to print security
amongst chief information officers (CIOs) and chief information security officers (CISOs). Expectations for
security spend growth in the coming 12 months are similar, with 84% of CIOs and 81% of CISOs expecting their
print security spend to increase. Only 28% of CISOs believe it has become harder to keep up with print security
challenges, compared to 50% of CIOs. Similarly, only 45% of CISOs are very or somewhat concerned about the
risks of unsecured printers, compared to 72% of CIOs. This chasm between CIOs and CISOs means the two
individuals responsible for the overall technical security of the print environment when serving the business are
not seeing things in the same light and this has ramifications for the business itself.
Fortunately, print security leaders are mitigating risks. As shown by Quocirca’s Print Security Maturity Index,
organisations classed as leaders, which have implemented a range of technology and policy measures, are seeing
lower levels of data loss and have higher confidence in the security of their print infrastructure. For print
manufacturers, MPS providers, and the rest of the print channel, bridging this gap between the two security
camps is a must. However, this cannot be done simply it will require a two-pronged approach to bring the two
parties closer together, as well as ensuring the business itself is more aware of the security issues around print.
Therefore, print manufacturers and channel partners must strengthen their security propositions for
organisations of all sizes to help customers mitigate risk in the new era of hybrid work. Becoming a trusted
advisor and provider of print security solutions that fit with an organisation’s existing security environment is
key. Ensuring data and information flow, along with device and output security, will create new revenue
capabilities for the print channel.
The Global Print Security Landscape 2023 study is based on the views of 507 IT decision-makers (ITDMs) in the
US and Europe. Respondents include 20% from the UK, 20% from France, 20% from Germany, and 40% from the
US. In terms of organisation size, 24% represent small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) (250 to 499
employees), 26% are from mid-size organisations (500 to 999 employees), and 50% are from large enterprises
(1,000+ employees). Respondents are drawn from a range of verticals, including business and professional
services, finance, industrials, public sector, and retail.
The study also includes the print security vendor landscape, which features Quocirca’s assessment of service
offerings from major print manufacturers.
The following vendors participated in this study: Brother, Canon, Epson, HP, Kyocera, Konica Minolta, Lexmark,
Ricoh, and Xerox.
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 3
Key findings
Cybersecurity incidents continue to rise. Overall, 42% of organisations report an IT security breach in
the past year, rising to 55% among mid-market organisations and dropping to 36% amongst large
enterprises, along with 51% in the finance sector, dropping to 32% in the public sector. The highest
incidence across all organisations is malware, with phishing highest in the mid-market. Security
breaches increased for 61% of organisations in the past year, rising to 70% in the US and 66% in business
and professional services. On average, 27% of IT security incidents were related to paper documents.
Reliance on printing creates a need for effective print security. Despite rapid digitisation over the
course of the pandemic, 70% remain dependent on print today, rising to 72% in large organisations. A
majority (80%) have changed the composition of their printer fleet over the last two years, rising to
88% in the mid-market. Overall, 79% expect to increase their print security spend in the next year, rising
to 86% in the US and 85% in business and professional services and retail.
Print security is lower on the security agenda than other elements of IT infrastructure. Cloud or hybrid
application platforms, email, public networks, and traditional end points are seen as top security risks.
Employer-owned home printers come in as the seventh top security risk (21%), ahead of the office print
environment (20%). Notably, there is a disparity between CIOs and CISOs. Just 18% of CIOs consider
office printing a key security risk compared to 30% of CISOs.
Organisations are taking different approaches to managing the security of their print infrastructure.
While 31% indicate they use an MPS provider, over half (54%) indicate that they use a managed security
services provider (MSSP) to manage both print and IT security. This rises to 58% amongst smaller
organisations (249499 employees).
Organisations are finding it harder to keep up with print security demands. Overall, 39% say it is
becoming harder, rising to 50% in the midmarket (500999 employees). The top challenge is keeping
print management software up to date (35%), protecting sensitive and confidential documents from
being printed (34%), and securing printing in the remote/home environment (31%). Hardware security
is a key concern for SMBs (29%), and highest in the finance and industrial sectors (31%) and for CISO
respondents (38%).
Organisations using MPS or that are classified as print security leaders are more confident in the
security of their print infrastructure. The visibility and control provided by an MPS appears to ease the
security burden for users. While overall, only 19% of respondents are completely confident in the
security of their print infrastructure, this rises to 26% amongst organisations using MPS. Overall, a
further 50% say they are mostly confident. This reflects the growing complexity and challenges
associated with securing both devices and documents across a hybrid workplace.
In the past 12 months, 61% of organisations have experienced data losses due to unsecure printing
practices. This is a fall from 68% in our 2022 study. Mid-market organisations are more likely to report
one or more data losses (67%) than large organisations (57%) and the public sector (49%). On average,
the cost of a print-related data breach is £743K. Beyond the financial loss, the top impact of a data
breach is the lost time in addressing the breach and the impact on business continuity (30%).
Vulnerabilities around home printing, such as home workers not disposing of confidential information
securely, was cited as a top factor contributing to data losses.
Quocirca’s Print Security Maturity Index reveals that only 27% of the organisations studied can be
classed as Print Security Leaders, meaning they have implemented six or more security measures. The
number of leaders rises to 31% in the US and falls to 18% in Germany, which also has the highest
number of laggards (29%). Print Security Leaders are likely to spend more on print security, experience
fewer data losses, and report higher levels of confidence in the security of their print environment.
When compared by vertical, business and professional services have the largest percentage of leaders
(37%), with the public sector having the least (18%).
Less than one-third (32%) are very satisfied with their print supplier’s security capabilities. This rises
to 50% amongst US organisations and drops to 17% in Germany. Those using an MPS have far higher
satisfaction levels (39% are very satisfied) than those not currently using an MPS or with no plans to
use one (23%). Print security leaders those that have adopted a range of measures, including security
assessments, pull printing, and formal print security policies, are most likely to report higher
satisfaction levels 53% of leaders are very satisfied, compared to 27% of followers and only 15% of
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 4
Table of Contents
Executive summary ..........................................................................................................................................2
Key findings ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................5
Hybrid work and cloud adoption are shaping print security challenges ...........................................................6
Print security remains low on the IT security agenda .......................................................................................7
Print security challenges are harder to keep up with .......................................................................................8
Taking measures to address print security ..................................................................................................... 10
Print security spend is increasing ................................................................................................................... 11
Print security leaders are most confident in the security of the print infrastructure ....................................... 12
Print-related data loss, cost, and impact ........................................................................................................ 14
The majority report print-related data losses, particularly in smaller organisations ...................................... 14
The cost of a print-related data breach ........................................................................................................... 15
The broad consequences of a data breach ...................................................................................................... 16
Organisations using MPS are most satisfied with print security ..................................................................... 17
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Supplier recommendations .............................................................................................................................. 18
Buyer recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 18
Vendor landscape .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Vendor profile: Xerox .................................................................................................................................... 21
About Quocirca .............................................................................................................................................. 24
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 5
As organisations adjust to managing remote and hybrid teams, supporting digital transformation, and navigating
an uncertain and volatile global economy, they face an ever-expanding landscape of vulnerabilities and
increasing risk. Quocirca’s research reveals that 42% of organisations have experienced a cybersecurity incident
in the past year, rising to 51% in the finance sector and 55% amongst midmarket organisations. The volume of
security incidents has increased in the past year for 61% of organisations.
Supply chain disruption and geopolitical situations such as the Russia-Ukraine war have further intensified the
threat landscape. The increased prevalence of ransomware, ransomware denial of service (RDoS), distributed
denial of service (DDoS), social engineering, and supply chain attacks is driving increased concerns around
cybersecurity and the resilience of business-critical functions.
This is further compounded by a raft of technological challenges. As organisations migrate more applications
and services to the cloud to support digital transformation initiatives, new security challenges emerge. The
growing amount of business-critical data hosted in the cloud becomes vulnerable to attack and compromise.
This risk is heightened due to remote workers accessing data from potentially unsecure home networks. Security
threats include misconfigured access points, weak passwords, lack of identity and access management (IAM),
and failure to use multifactor authentication. A fragmented approach to threat detection and monitoring means
security teams are struggling to keep up.
The print infrastructure is not immune to security risks on average, paper documents represent 27% of IT
security incidents. Today’s intelligent multi-function printers (MFPs) not only pose a risk of paper output falling
into the wrong hands whether accidentally or maliciously but also can be exposed as gateways into the rest
of an organisation’s environment. Home printers pose an additional risk, particularly those that were purchased
by employees. This shadow purchasing means home printers may not meet corporate security standards or be
monitored through centralised security tools.
Although print remains low on the IT security agenda, organisations continue to report print-related data losses.
In our 2023 study, 61% of respondents report a print-related data breach, with an estimated average cost of
£743K for one data breach. With both the reputational and financial impact of any security incident far reaching
and substantial, organisations cannot afford to be complacent.
These risks can be mitigated through adopting a never trust, always verify zero-trust security approach.
Implementing data and network encryption, security monitoring, and remediation, along with micro-
segmentation, can help reduce the attack surface, improve threat containment, and strengthen regulatory
This report highlights the risks and challenges associated with securing the print infrastructure for the hybrid
workplace. It discusses security confidence levels, print security measures adoption, and the disconnect
between CIOs and CISOs that must be overcome. The report also includes an analysis of the security products,
services, and solutions from the major print manufacturers in the market.
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© Quocirca 2023 6
Hybrid work and cloud adoption are shaping print security challenges
Despite the ongoing shift to digitisation, organisations remain reliant on print. Quocirca’s study shows that the
majority (70%) believe print will remain very important or critical to their organisation in the next 12 months.
Meanwhile, hybrid work is here to stay. On average, 25% of workforces are fully remote, 33% are hybrid, and
42% are fully in the office. A higher proportion of SMB workforces are fully in the office (49%) than of those at
large enterprises (39%). This creates challenges for managing and securing print in the hybrid work setting.
With the return to the office now well underway, print volumes are beginning to recover. Overall, 68% expect
to see growth in office print volumes in the next 12 months, with 64% expecting growth in home printing of
business documents. Overall, 80% have changed the composition of their printer fleet over the last two years,
rising to 88% in the mid-market. In addition, 69% operate a multivendor fleet, rising to 73% and 71% in finance
and business and professional services, respectively.
In terms of MPS usage, 57% use a managed print service (MPS) and 53% some form of cloud printing, rising to
60% in large organisations. Although currently only 4% operate their print infrastructure fully in the cloud, this
is set to rise to 18% by 2025. Today the majority are taking a hybrid approach (29% operate a mix of cloud and
on-premise print management).
The need to implement more effective security for print infrastructure means addressing not only the office
print environment, but also employee-owned printers and MFPs, because of data traversing public networks.
Without effective security controls, this reliance on printing amidst an expanding threat landscape exposes
organisations to security risks.
A multivendor fleet may not have consistent security controls across a mixed fleet of devices, home printers
may not be authorised or monitored, and a fragmented approach to cloud printing may create further security
risks around access and authentication. Although previous Quocirca research has shown that organisations tend
to regard cloud platforms as more secure than on-premise systems, nothing should be taken for granted as the
threat surface increases and novel threats continue to emerge.
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 7
Print security remains low on the IT security agenda
Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the broader IT security threat landscape, printers are ranked lower than other
areas of IT when it comes to security risks (Figure 1). This varies distinctly by region. US and UK organisations
are most likely to rank office printing as a top risk (25% and 26%, respectively), with US organisations most likely
to consider home printing a risk 25%, compared to just 14% of UK organisations.
Notably, CISOs are more likely to consider office printing a security risk (30%), compared to just 18% of CIOs.
This disconnect reflects the potential challenges around priorities that organisations are placing on print
security. If these stakeholders can work more closely to understand the print security risk, organisations can
gain stronger resilience around their print infrastructure.
Figure 1. Which areas are considered to pose the greatest security breach risk? (Top 10 shown)
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Connection from corporate network to external services
Employees-owned home printers
Office Print infrastructure
Public cloud services
Traditional user end points (PCs notebooks etc.)
Employer-provisioned home printers
Other devices attached to a home network (e.g. cameras, voice
assistants, etc)
Public networks
A cloud or hybrid application platform
UK France Germany US
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Print security challenges are harder to keep up with
When asked to identify their top three challenges around print security, 35% of respondents chose maintaining
printer management software at a suitable level of security capabilities, with 34% choosing protecting sensitive
or confidential documents from being printed, and 31% choosing securing printing in a remote/home
environment (Figure 2). The level of disconnect between CIOs and CISOs stands out. CIOs rank their top three
challenges as maintaining security levels of print management software, document security, and remote/home
printing. In contrast, CISOs’ top challenges are related to data and hardware security. This may point to differing
levels of understanding of the print infrastructure risks seen earlier.
Figure 2. Which of the following do you consider to be the biggest print security challenges?
Consequently, keeping up with print security challenges remains problematic for many organisations (Figure 3),
with 39% overall stating that it is either considerably or somewhat harder. This is, however, down from 2022,
when over half stated that it was somewhat or considerably harder. The US has the largest number of
respondents stating that it has become considerably harder (13%), but also the highest proportion stating that
it has become somewhat or a lot easier (39%). Mid-market organisations are struggling the most, with 50%
stating that they find it either somewhat or very difficult to keep pace with print security challenges.
CIOs are finding it far harder (50% considerably or somewhat harder) than CISOs (28%) to keep pace. This should
not be a surprise: CIOs have a far broader range of issues to keep pace with, while CISOs should be more focused
purely on security issues.
Maintaining security levels of print management software
Protecting printing of sensitive/confidential documents
Securing printing in a remote/home environment
Tracking and monitoring print activity
Knowing what data is stored across the print environment
Maintaining printers at a suitable level of hardware security
Understanding the evolving print security landscape
Zero-day attacks using the print infrastructure as a means of
Reporting on print activity
Total (n=507) CIO (n=88) CISO (n=40)
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 9
Figure 3. How do you feel about keeping up with print security challenges and demands?
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© Quocirca 2023 10
Taking measures to address print security
Organisations are taking different approaches to managing the security of their print infrastructure (Figure 4).
While 31% indicate they use an MPS provider, over half (54%) indicate that they use a managed security services
provider (MSSP) to manage both print and IT security. This rises to 58% amongst smaller organisations (249499
This potentially has a bearing on their concerns and confidence in managing print security.
Figure 4. How do you currently manage print security?
Total 250-499 employees 500-999 employees 1,000+ employees
We manage print security internally
We use a managed security services provider that manages the IT and print environment
We use a third-party managed print services provider
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 11
Print security spend is increasing
Print security spend continues to rise. Overall, 79% of respondents expect their security spend to increase in the
coming 12 months, rising to 86% in the US and dropping to 72% in Germany.
Organisations are using their allocated security budgets to invest in a variety of print security products and
services (Figure 5). Adoption of print security varies by organisation size larger organisations are more likely
to be implementing formal print security assessments (56%) and data loss prevention (DLP) tools (58%). They
are also more likely to be undertaking security audits of cloud and MPS providers (51%).
Overall, 38% have adopted a zero-trust approach to print security, with a further 39% indicating that they plan
to adopt this in the next 12 months.
Figure 5. Has your organisation implemented any of the following print security measures?
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
SIEM integration (implementing print security tools that
integrate SIEM platforms)
Contactless printing (pull printing)
Adopting a zero-trust security architecture which treats
all endpoints, including printers, as hostile
Revised company’s security/BYOD policies to include
printers purchased by employees for home use
Reporting and analytics e.g. monitor home and office
print usage
Providing authorised printers to home workers that
adhere to company security policies
Formal assessments and security audits of cloud and
MPS providers
Secure cloud print job submission e.g. from remote
locations to printers/MFPs located in the office
Having a formal process to respond to print security
incidents, including remediation
Content security solutions such as data leak prevention
Formal print security and risk assessments
Total 250-499 employees 500-999 employees 1,000+ employees
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© Quocirca 2023 12
Print security leaders are most confident in the security of the print
To understand and compare the extent to which organisations are adopting these measures, Quocirca has
created a Print Security Maturity Index based on the number of measures implemented by our research sample,
dividing them into leaders, followers, and laggards.
Leaders have implemented six or more of the measures (i.e., more than 50% of the measures indicated
in Figure 5).
Followers have implemented between two and five measures.
Laggards have implemented one or none of the measures.
Overall, 27% are classed as print security leaders (up from 18% in 2022), rising to 31% in the US (Figure 6).
Germany has the largest proportion of laggards (29%). Large organisations have the highest proportion of
leaders (30%), with mid-market and SMBs having 23% each. Company size and being a laggard have correlation,
however 21% of SMBs are laggards, compared to 17% of the midmarket and 11% of large organisations.
Business and professional services organisations have the largest proportion of leaders (37%), followed by retail
(32%). The public sector has the lowest proportion of leaders at 18%. The number of laggards is similar across
all verticals, ranging from 1317%.
Overall, 76% of print security leaders use MPS, compared with only 52% of those in the follower segment and
42% of laggards. Of leaders, 33% expect their overall security spend to increase by more than 26% over the next
12 months, compared to 20% of followers and 13% of laggards.
Figure 6. Quocirca’s Print Security Maturity Index by country
Total UK France Germany US 250-499
Leader Follower Laggard
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 13
Overall, only 19% of respondents are completely confident that their print infrastructure is secure, compared to
23% in 2022 (Figure 7). A further 50% are mostly confident, compared to 34% in 2022.
However, overall levels of confidence are growing, with 69% being mostly or completely confident in their
environment now, compared to 60% in 2022. US respondents are the most confident, with 28% reporting they
are completely confident, compared to just 8% in France, 16% in Germany, and 17% in the UK. Mid-market
organisations report the highest confidence (27%), compared to 19% of large organisations and 11% of SMBs.
Business and professional services are the most confident at 28%, with industrials the least confident at 12%.
CIOs, at 24%, are far more confident than CISOs at 15%.
Print security leaders (33% completely confident) are ahead of followers (16%) and laggards (8%). Notably,
organisations using MPS have the most confidence in their print security. While just 10% of organisations not
using MPS are confident in the security of their print infrastructure, this rises to 26% amongst organisations
using MPS.
Figure 7. How confident are you that your organisation's print infrastructure (office and remote workplace)
is protected from security breaches and data loss?
3% 3%
4% 4%
Total UK France Germany US 250-499
Completely confident Mostly confident Moderately confident
Not that confident Not at all confident Do not know
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
© Quocirca 2023 14
Print-related data loss, cost, and impact
The majority report print-related data losses, particularly in smaller organisations
The research shows that 61% of organisations have reported at least one print-related data loss over the past
12 months (Figure 8), rising to 63% in the UK and 67% in organisations with 500999 employees, and dropping
to 57% amongst large organisations. These figures are in line with the 2022 findings, showing that little has
changed in enhancing the security of a print data environment. Retail organisations are most likely to have
experienced a data loss during the period (67%), while the public sector reported the lowest volume of data
breaches (48%). No data losses were reported by 32% of CIOs, against 25% of CISOs. Here, it seems that CISOs
are not keeping the CIOs up to speed with what is happening this is dangerous both in overall management
and because of the possibility for any data leak to have reputational and/or legal ramifications.
As in 2022, midmarket organisations state the highest confidence levels in the security of their print platforms,
yet also disclose the highest number of data breaches. This shows an obvious disconnect between perception
and reality. The channel should help provide solid security audits, backed up with advice that will enable an
organisation to better understand its security risks. The organisation can then make better decisions on what it
implements as adequate security measures, aided by the channel partner.
Reported data losses for those operating a mixed fleet of printers (63%) are considerably higher than those with
a standardised fleet (56%). For MPS providers this opens up major opportunities to move customers to a
managed, single-vendor fleet in order to better control data security focusing on the message that data
breaches result in material business and reputational costs to an organisation.
MPS users report a lower level of security breaches (59% reporting at least one print-related security breach)
than those with no MPS or plans to implement one (66%).
The level of data loss and print security maturity also have correlation. Overall, 47% of print security leaders
report one data loss or more, compared to 65% of followers and 68% of laggards. Although this shows that being
a security leader does help, it is still worrying that nearly half of leaders have experienced one data leak or more.
This demonstrates the need for robust security measures regardless of MPS usage, as well as for help from
external partners to ensure the security measures have been implemented and are being operated effectively.
Figure 8. Level of data losses through printers/MFPs due to unsecure printing practices (in the past 12 months)
When asked to consider the reasons behind the print-related data losses they had suffered, 56% cited
vulnerabilities around home printers, such as homeworkers not disposing of confidential information securely.
Of these respondents, 44% indicated that confidential data had been intercepted in transit, 32% cited unsecure
handling of printed output in the office, and 30% reported insecure disposal of printed output. This should focus
organisations on the home-printing security issue, but it has not been the case to date. MPS providers can help
Total UK France Germany US 250-499
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by bringing this dichotomy to the table and showing how a suitable MPS can help manage the flow and output
of information across the whole hybrid workplace.
The cost of a print-related data breach
The average cost of a data breach is over £743,000 per breach, rising to approximately £1,338,000 in France and
falling to a little over £492,000 in the UK (Figure 9). The sizes of organisations show correlation: large
organisations see losses averaging £1,103,000 per breach, with SMBs seeing losses of £400,000. Business and
professional services see the highest cost of a breach 1,219,000), with the public sector experiencing the
lowest cost (£419,000). The security index also shows correlation: security leaders see average losses of
£713,500, compared to followers with £992,700 and laggards with £1,240,800. This provides a solid platform for
the channel to show how lack of suitable controls can lead to major financial losses and the probability of
reputational ones piling on top of this.
Figure 9. Estimated average cost of a data breach (n=308 that reported a data breach)
Total UK France Germany US 250-499
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The broad consequences of a data breach
Beyond the simple direct costs of a data breach, organisations also report a range of other impacts (Figure 10).
The highest impacts overall are on the amount of time it takes the IT team to respond to and manage the issue
(30%), along with the negative impact on business capability (30%). Negative impact on business capability has
much greater effect on large organisations (35%), compared to 23% of the midmarket and 28% of SMBs.
Similarly, for 33% of large organisations, time lost to waiting for IT to respond to a breach is a major issue,
compared to 26% of the midmarket and 28% of SMBs. SMBs and the midmarket find that breaches of internal
personal information are of greater impact than large organisations, as well as lost revenue.
Figure 10. What were the major impacts of these data losses? Select all that apply
Negative impact on business capability
Lost IT time to respond/manage issue
Loss of staff (either due to resignations or sackings in relation to
data breach)
Data breach of customer info
Business disruption
Data breach of internal personal information
Reputational damage
Fine via government data commissioner
Lost intellectual property
Lost revenue
Lost customers
Fine via other body (e.g. trade body)
No major impact
250-499 employees 500-999 employees 1,000+ employees
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Organisations using MPS are most satisfied with print security
US respondents have the largest percentage (50%) that are very satisfied with their print supplier’s security
capabilities (Figure 12), with German respondents least satisfied (17% very satisfied). Just 27% of industrial
organisations are very satisfied, along with 28% of public sector organisations, compared to 38% of business and
professional services organisations. Suppliers have an opportunity here to drive up satisfaction rates by
extending their security offerings and working with customers to increase confidence in print security.
Overall, 39% of those using an MPS are very satisfied with their current print supplier, compared to 23% that
are not using MPS. This shows how the services that fall under an MPS offering can lead to better relationships
with customers and longer ongoing loyalty. However, whereas 42% of CIOs state that they are satisfied with
their print supplier’s security capabilities, only 23% of CISOs are yet again demonstrating a major disconnect
between these two closely related roles.
Figure 12. How satisfied are you with your print supplier’s capabilities when it comes to securing your print
Total UK France Germany US MPS user Non-MPS user
Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied Quite unsatisfied Very unsatisfied
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Print security spend is expected to continue to grow over the next 12 months, creating ongoing opportunities
for print manufacturers, managed print service providers, and channel partners. It is clear that organisations
using MPS and those that have adopted a range of print security measures are ahead of the curve.
Demonstrating how MPS can improve the security resilience of the print infrastructure will enable suppliers to
shape their propositions across both the office and home printing environments.
Supplier recommendations
Quocirca recommends that suppliers address the following areas:
Bridge the CIO and CISO divide. In larger organisations, the responsibility for print security may often
be fragmented across different IT and business stakeholders. While CIOs have a strategic focus across
the IT infrastructure, CISOs are fully focused on security. Given the awareness gap across these
decision-makers, suppliers should elevate positioning and messaging of print security to a strategic
level. This can support the alignment of print security priorities as CIOs and CISOs develop a more
collaborative relationship.
Deliver consistent security across the hybrid environment. Many home printers that are purchased by
employees will not conform to the security requirements of the business. Ensure that security-led MPS
offerings help address this shadow purchasing through either centralised remote monitoring or
provision of authorised devices for home use. While standardised environments generally have a higher
level of hardware security compared to a mixed-fleet environment, many organisations operate a mix
of device brands across office and home environments. This creates a need for integrated third-party
print management platforms that can manage document security consistently across a heterogenous
fleet. Nevertheless, this presents an opportunity for MPS providers to transition customers to a
standardised environment to gain tighter security across their print infrastructure.
Create clarity around zero trust-led offerings. There is no one-size-fits all to zero trust. Be clear on how
this works with legacy devices and avoid the misuse of the term zero trust or zero trust-washing
to create the perception of robust security. Zero trust in the print landscape can be best achieved
through micro-segmentation and integration with multifactor authentication and identity and access
management (IAM) platforms. Demonstrate credentials and expertise in this area through focusing on
strategic principles and partnerships. This will also build trust with customers that need a secure move
to a cloud-based print infrastructure.
Harness MPS as an enabler for enhanced security. Organisations using MPS and a range of security
measures from formal security assessments, audits, and solutions are ahead of the print security
curve in terms of both confidence and lower data loss. Scalable and flexible security services and
solutions will appeal to smaller organisations that are not immune to security risks yet do not have the
budget to implement advanced print security measures. Offering regular security reviews as business
needs change will also be key to improving satisfaction levels around print security.
Buyer recommendations
The print security threat landscape has expanded to include a variety of home and office devices to support new
hybrid ways of working. As intelligent networked devices, MFPs present a weak link in IT security. This can be
mitigated with a range of measures based on an organisation’s security posture.
Buyers should consider the following actions:
Treat print security as a strategic priority. Print and IT security must be integrated and considered a
higher priority. Elevate the importance of securing the print infrastructure to both CIO and CISO
stakeholders so that they are aligned on understanding the risks, and the measures that can be
implemented to mitigate risks, of unsecured printing.
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Conduct in-depth print security and risk assessments. Organisations should look to providers that can
offer in-depth assessments of the print environment. Security audits can uncover potential security
vulnerabilities across device and document security. For organisations operating a mixed fleet, this may
help in understanding the opportunities for device optimisation using a single fleet with consistent
hardware security features.
Ensure remote and home workers can print securely. Ensure printers conform to corporate security
standards, and in cases where employees have purchased their own printers, develop security
guidelines on whether and how these printers can be used. Evaluate print management platforms for
support and security monitoring of home printing.
Build a cohesive print security architecture. Piecemeal security solutions rarely deliver consistent and
robust security, particularly across a hybrid work environment. Consider an integrated security platform
that can support capabilities such as pull printing, remote monitoring, and reporting across the full
fleet. Extend print security to content and workflow through the use of content security and data loss
prevention (DLP) tools at the application level. Carefully evaluate vendor zero-trust claims and ensure
integration with multi-factor authentication platforms already used in the organisation. Evaluate
whether secure print management solutions can operate in a microsegmented network.
Formalise processes to respond to print security incidents. Organisations must ensure that they are
prepared for this and have the right processes in place in order to deal with the technical, legal, and
reputational fallout from such a breach. This requires the organisation working together to create an
embracing set of policies.
Continuously monitor, analyse, and report. Ensure that data from existing security devices, such as
security information and event management (SIEM) devices, is collected and analysed to show what
has been happening, what is happening now, and what may happen in the future. Ensure that such
systems cover as much of the overall platform as possible, and use the insights gained to work on
plugging holes in your organisation’s security.
The Print Security Landscape, 2023 May 2023
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Vendor landscape
Quocirca has created a snapshot of the positioning of vendors in the Global Print Security market (Figure 14).
Please note, because of varying service offerings for each vendor and regional differences, this is intended for
guidance only.
The graphic represents Quocirca’s view of the competitive landscape for vendors based on the following
1. Leaders: Vendors with a strong strategic vision and a comprehensive print security product and
service offering. Leaders have made significant investments in their hardware, solutions and services
portfolio, and infrastructure, and also demonstrate a strong vision for future strategy.
2. Major players: Vendors that have established and proven offerings and are continuing to develop
their solutions service portfolio. These vendors are most likely to be strongly focused on the SMB
market with a hardware-centric approach.
Figure 13. Quocirca Print Security Vendor Landscape, 2023
The Quocirca Vendor Landscape is a graphical representation of Quocirca’s opinion of the market and is based on Quocirca’s scorecard
methodology. This information is provided as a visual representation only and should be combined with other sources to determine the
suitability of any vendor. Quocirca does not endorse any vendor, product, or service. Information is based on best available resources
and opinions reflect judgment at the time. All opinions are subject to change.
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Vendor profile: Xerox
Quocirca opinion
Xerox has advanced its leadership position in Quocirca’s assessment of the print security market in 2023. Xerox
has refined its security strategy, deepened investment in its service portfolio, and enhanced its go-to-market
enablement. Its security-centric hardware portfolio is complemented by a broad range of flexible and scalable
security services and solutions that it delivers to both SMBs and large multiregional and global customers with
stringent security needs. Xerox particularly stands out for its strong legacy in the managed print services (MPS)
sector and expertise in delivering comprehensive security assessments. Its depth of experience and capability in
securing and optimising document workflow processes is among the strongest in the industry.
Over the past year, it has amplified its global security messaging and adopted a multi-layered security portfolio
that conforms to a set of zero-trust principles. In particular, Xerox has deepened its capabilities across device
security, fleet management and content security. Notable advancements have been made in areas such as
certificate management, firmware management, vulnerability management, security monitoring, and
automated remediation.
Xerox products conform to a broad range of industry certifications, including ISO 27001, ISO 22301, SOC2, SOC3,
and FedRAMP. Most recently it introduced a private bug bounty programme in partnership with HackerOne to
proactively identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities in the Xerox AltaLink 8100 Series printers. Robust
security extends to Xerox cloud services such as Workplace Cloud, which enables secure print management and
fleet management, and is also FedRAMP authorised.
By virtue of strong capabilities across print, capture, and workflow, Xerox is a good strategic choice for
organisations that are strongly reliant on printing and looking to mitigate security risks across their document
Vendor highlights
Xerox’s products and services portfolio includes a range of solutions and services that include Managed Print
Solutions (MPS), Capture & Content Services (CCS), Customer Engagement Services (CES), and IT Services. As a
result of continued R&D investment, Xerox has filed in excess of 600 security-related patents. All Xerox-
developed products comply with the Xerox Product Security Standard (XPSS) modelled on NIST SP 900-53.
Vulnerability scans, penetration testing, and ethical hacking are performed throughout the product lifecycle to
uncover, fix, and validate vulnerabilities.
Security-centric hardware portfolio
Xerox ConnectKey Technology-enabled devices are certified to Common Criteria (ISO/ IEC 15408) and FIPS 140-
2/140-3, and include a range of capabilities to prevent malicious attacks, malware, and unauthorised attacks.
This includes intrusion prevention, digital signed system software, user authentication, firmware verification
(either at start-up on selected devices or upon user activation), Trellix whitelisting technology, and integration
with Cisco’s Identity Services Engine, which can be used for security policy and compliance. Xerox also offers
cloud Identity Provider (IdP) integration with Okta, Ping Identity, and Microsoft Azure as standard, and provides
multi-factor authentication. In addition, further device and document security functionality, such as encrypted
PDF, hardware disk and memory overwrite, and audit logs, are supported.
Its compliance programme provides independent assurance over its security policies and controls, and it has
achieved certifications including ISO 27001, SOC2, FedRAMP, PCI DSS, and more. Xerox was also the first to
receive security authorisation from FedRAMP for cloud-based managed print services.
Robust security framework across hardware, solutions, and services
The Xerox security framework is based on four key elements: secure device management, fleet management,
print management, and secure content management. At a device level, this includes a range of capabilities to
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prevent malicious attacks, malware, and unauthorised attacks. This includes intrusion prevention, digital signed
system software, user authentication, firmware verification (either at start-up on selected devices or upon user
activation), Trellix whitelisting technology, and integration with Cisco’s Identity Services Engine.
Secure fleet management provides fleet-wide policy enforcement and automated remediation for compliance
with security policies aligned to device firmware, passwords, security settings, and device certificates. Xerox also
provides proactive security monitoring. Xerox Printer Security Audit Services use a centralised policy mechanism
and device grouping to streamline fleet management.
Secure data and content management is enabled through the content security feature of Xerox Workplace Cloud
and Workplace Suite solution. This provides a capability to detect predefined sensitive content and generate
alerts and reports based on how that data is used. In addition, the Xerox Workplace Cloud solution encrypts
content in transit and at rest. Content stored in the cloud at Xerox can be encrypted using a client’s own
encryption key.
Expanded software integration and vulnerability management
Integration with security solutions including Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions from
Trellix (formerly McAfee Enterprise), LogRhythm, and Splunk simplify reporting and management of security
events. Of note are Xerox’s Printer Security Audit Service (on-premise or via a private hosted cloud) and
advanced fleet monitoring, which includes security monitoring and SIEM integration.
Recent developments include Device Certificate Management, which provides remote configuration,
monitoring, and automated remediation for digital certificate policies, and the launch of its Bug Bounty
programme in partnership with HackerOne in December 2022.
Deep content and capture security capabilities
Beyond its security feature-rich ConnectKey hardware portfolio, Xerox particularly stands out for its extensive
content and capture solutions, which include advanced content and data loss prevention functionality. Xerox
excels in the area of analytics and reporting, providing in-depth assessments and continuously monitoring the
risk profile of its customers’ print environments.
Vendor strengths and opportunities
Strong commitment to enhancing product portfolio to most stringent security certifications. Broad
spectrum of certifications, including ISO 27001, SOC2, FedRAMP, and PCI DSS. Heavy investment in
R&D, more than 600 security-related patents filed.
A clear approach to zero trust. Xerox has developed a clear proposition around zero trust that
encompasses authentication, monitoring, remediation, and automation. It now offers advanced
hardware-security features, such as Trusted Boot on selected products, with plans to expand it to more
of the portfolio, as well as firmware and BIOS protection all AltaLink and VersaLink products. These
position Xerox devices strongly in the market.
Comprehensive assessment and analytics capabilities. Xerox has proven expertise in the MPS market
and deep capabilities when it comes to security assessments. This enables it to offer valuable insight
into the security vulnerabilities of existing multivendor environments, and equally demonstrate how a
standardised Xerox fleet supported by its security services and solutions can mitigate risk.
Globally consistent sales enablement platform. Over the past year Xerox has invested in training and
resources to support its direct and indirect channels. It has executed an effective marketing campaign
that helps demystify the complexity of security, which strengthens its position not only with end users,
but also channel members that need to build or enhance their security service offering.
Further expand IT services offerings to the SMB market. Xerox has made strong inroads into the IT
services space and can further leverage partnerships to build packaged security services offerings for
channel partners in both IT and the traditional print sector.
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Enhance use of ML/AI to support anomaly detection. This advancement could extend Xerox’s
capabilities beyond breach protection to further detect and remediate against new and advanced
Build MSSP relationships. Whilst Xerox is more than capable of delivering Managed Print Security in its
own right, many customers will seek to work with a Managed Security Services Provider for all aspects
of their security, including print. Xerox needs to ensure it has the right relationships with the leading
providers in this space.
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About Quocirca
Quocirca is a global market insight and research firm specialising in the convergence of print and digital
technologies in the future workplace.
Since 2006, Quocirca has played an influential role in advising clients on major shifts in the market. Our
consulting and research are at the forefront of the rapidly evolving print services and solutions market, trusted
by clients seeking new strategies to address disruptive technologies.
Quocirca has pioneered research in many emerging market areas. More than 10 years ago we were the first to
analyse the competitive global market landscape for managed print services (MPS), followed by the first global
competitive review of the print security market. More recently Quocirca reinforced its leading and unique
approach in the market, publishing the first study looking at the smart, connected future of print in the digital
workplace. The Global Print 2025 study provides unparalleled insight into the impact of digital disruption, from
both an industry executive and end-user perspective.
For more information, visit
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