How to write a resignation letter:
You will need to write a letter of resignation and give it to your boss to open the resignation meeting. I use a very
simple four-sentence, two-paragraph letter of reference that is direct and to the point. It is also filled with subtle
subtext that helps make sure the resignation goes very smoothly. The letter reads like this:
Dear Boss,
Please accept this letter as my official notice of resignation. I appreciate the work we have been able to
accomplish together at (company name), but I have now made a commitment to another organization, and
plan to begin with them in two weeks.
Know that it is my intention to work diligently with you to wrap up as much as possible in the next two weeks to
make my resignation as smooth as possible. If you have any suggestions on how we can best accomplish that
goal, I hope you will share your thoughts with me, as I am eager to leave on the most positive note possible.
A notice that exceeds two weeks, not only raises an eyebrow with your present employer about your new-found
commitment, it also raises concerns with your new employer. A two-week notice provides ample time to
transition current projects and leave on great terms.
There is plenty of subtext involved in this letter which time and space do not allow us to explore here, but let me
just mention the words "commitment," "two weeks," "together, " "smooth as possible," and "positive" are not
accidentally used in this letter. It is also no accident that thank you does not appear in this letter. There is
nothing to say thank you for in this letter. Yet, inappropriately that is how many resignation letters begin.
Furthermore you need to understand that is unprofessional and inappropriate, when giving notice, to use the
resignation letter to tell the current boss where you are going, what you are doing in your next job or how much
you are making.
How to open the “Giving Notice” meeting:
It is merely a simple paraphrasing of the resignation letter. I suggest that with the above letter in hand, you
should open your resignation meeting conversation by saying:
“Boss, I have made a commitment to join another organization and will begin work with them in two weeks.
Please accept this, my letter of resignation. I would ask that you take a minute to read my letter before we discuss
together how we can make my transition as smooth as possible.”
I remind you that almost every boss in the world knows what is about to happen when their employee walks into
their office with an envelope in their hand. The above opening gets right to the point without unnecessary small
talk. It also makes it clear you are not planning to talk about your decision to leave. Instead, it is clear that what
you plan to discuss is the transition now that you have made a commitment to leave. It makes the transition the
most important item to discuss in the conversation that is about to occur. Every time your boss asks anything not
related to ensuring a smooth transition, you should deflect the questions by simply saying:
“I know you may be curious about that, but it is not my intention to discuss where I am going or why. My decision
is made. I have made a commitment to another organization. If it is really important for you to know where I am
going and why, let’s talk about it when it is not an emotional issue for us, say a month from now. Today, my goal
remains to discuss how to make the transition as smooth as possible.”
I know that you might feel uncomfortable using the above “deflector,” but you need to keep in perspective that
there is no other purpose to the resignation meeting except to leave on as positive a note as possible. This is
done through a carefully planned smooth transition, not by discussing anything negative. That is the resignation
meeting’s sole purpose.