ISSN 1832-4215
Vol. 9, No.3 Pages 317–328
Frozen by fear:
Can digital
scaolding help
students start
Daniel Mills
Ritsumeikan University
Olivia Kennedy
Omi Brotherhood Junior High School
Despite having studied English for some 33
months, the students at the private junior
high school in Japan described in this paper
had never before been asked to write original
compositions in the language. e researchers
undertook a quasi-experimental pilot study in
which the 156 (n = 156) participants were each
asked to write four compositions, two using
Microsoft Word and two using pencil and
paper. eir writings were analyzed for length,
Japanese word usage, grammar, and spelling.
Descriptive statistics and graphs show that the
students produced higher word counts using
pencil-and-paper, but used fewer Japanese
words in their computer-based writings.
While students in junior and senior high
schools in Korea, the United States, and
Britain use computers and mobile devices
to research, learn about, and connect with
the world around them, most students in
Japan are still reading printed textbooks
and doing written tasks in notebooks with
pencils. One common reason given for this
dependency on analog tools in the digital
age is the fact that the Japanese writing sys-
tem is notoriously difficult to learn. Many
adults find that as they start to use technol-
ogy in the workplace, their ability to recall
the Chinese characters that they need to
write slips away, and their reliance on the
technological crutches grows. Because par-
ents and educators want students to mas-
ter the language, they therefore often arti-
ficially limit students’ access to and usage
of technology.
is hesitancy is also carried over to the
teaching and learning of foreign languages.
e   Journal 2013: Forum ( Conference Issue )
While it would seem that two of the barriers to fluency of written language production,
anxiety about correct spelling, and lack of confidence regarding grammar, can be elimi-
nated or reduced by the scaffolding tools that are part and parcel of many word processing
systems, teachers here in Japan do not seem to be making use of these tools. Few schools
in Japan seem to be using word processing to facilitate the writing process. However, there
does not seem to be a viable reason why students should not be allowed to use computer
technology for the composition of writings in English. Research that investigates the effi-
cacy of such scaffolding is needed, therefore, to potentially improve the teaching of writing
in the Japanese junior high school classroom.
English education in Japan
In Japan, some 98% of the population studies English for six years or more (MEXT, 2011c),
yet few presently achieve communicative competence (
MEXT, 2011b). is can perhaps be
explained by the fact that the government stipulates that public schools use the grammar-
translation method, a system initially instituted by the post-war government, then intent
on gathering scientific knowledge and technical knowhow so as to compete more effectively
in the global economic market (McVeigh, 2004). It is also important to note that English
is studied here as a foreign language (
EFL), rather than a second language (ESL). In coun-
tries where this is true, most people have little opportunity or need to use English in their
working or daily lives (Tse, 1995). Students have little contact with English outside of the
classroom (Chen, 2001; Cheng, 1998), instead studying the language purely as an academic
Students are examined in five core academic subjects for entry into high school and
again for entry into university. In the English examinations at both levels, however, while
reading comprehension and grammatical knowledge are both carefully examined and there
is a short aural comprehension section, the testing of writing and speaking skills is severely
limited. Because many teachers focus on the skills that will be tested, little class time is
allocated to language production. Washback, or the influence of testing on teaching and
learning (see Alderson & Wall, 1993), is a serious problem.
In 2011, however, the Commission on the Development of Foreign Language Proficiency
acknowledged English as the lingua franca (MEXT, 2011a), “a medium of communication for
people who have different first languages” (Burridge & Mulder, 2001, p. 303) and recognized
that the Japanese public require “a capability of smooth communication with people of dif-
ferent cultures and countries” (
MEXT, 2011c, p. 3). While the 2003 Action Plan to Cultivate
Japanese with English Abilities had previously stipulated that all students should graduate
junior high school having passed Grade ree of the Society for Testing English Proficiency
), the 2011 plan asked that students be taught to speak and write about their own
views using English that corresponds to this level. It was also stated that, “classes must be
shifted from lecture style toward student-centered language activities by employing such
educational forms as speeches, presentations, debates and discussions” (MEXT, 2011c, p.
3). While these two targets may seem modest, they are in fact very problematic. Because
most of the Japanese Teachers of English (
JTEs) presently employed in public schools were
themselves educated in this system, many are not confident in their ability to produce
compositions or converse freely in English, the language that they are employed to teach.
ey may not feel able, therefore, to impart these skills to their students.
e importance of providing opportunities for students of foreign languages to produce
Mills & Kennedy: Can digital scaffolding help students start writing?
original written language should not be denied, however. Chapelle and Jamieson (2008)
stated that the importance of such writing is two-fold. First, the act of writing forces the
learner to pause to think about the language that he or she is producing. Second, writing
in a second or foreign language makes the learner aware of any gaps in their knowledge
thereof. While this is clearly of benefit to the learning process, it can also be a debilitating
experience as learners come face-to-face with their own failings.
Writing with technology
In recent years, computer-based writing has largely replaced handwriting as the primary
mode of written communication for both personal and professional use in many countries.
e widespread use and acceptance of computer-based writing is understandable due to
the many advantages the technology provides. For example, in most word-processing soft-
ware programs, users can easily delete, move, or insert text, all of which can facilitate the
revision process (MacArthur, 1998). In addition, tools that check the writer’s spelling or
grammar and provide dictionary and thesaurus functions can save users time and allow
them to concentrate on the process rather than the mechanics of writing. For learners of
languages, these tools provide both immediate feedback regarding errors and the oppor-
tunity to correct them (Chapelle & Jamieson, 2008). Research conducted by Doughty and
Williams (1998) showed that when students are engaged in activities where they are given
opportunities to identify and then fix problems with their own writing, language ability is
improved. e use of error correction software to provide students practice in error iden-
tification and correction has been demonstrated to improve students’ ability to write in a
foreign language (Burston, 2001; Liou, 1991). Furthermore, Wolfe, Bolton, Feltivoch, and
Welch (1993), Wolfe, Bolton, Feltovich, and Niday (1996) and Russell and Haney (1997) all
demonstrated that students tend to write longer texts with computers than with pen- or
pencil-and-paper. However, as Lee (2002) pointed out, increased length does not always
mean higher quality.
Despite these positive findings in terms of student accuracy and learning, the usage of
computers for writing has, however, been shown to reduce the amount of planning (Daiute,
1986; Haas, 1989; iesmeyer, 1989; Lee, 2002) and revision (Harris, 1985; Daiute, 1986) that
students engage in. is planning and revision can provide learners with many important
language-learning opportunities (Hyland, 1993). Teachers must, therefore, be aware of the
need to support learners when utilizing word processing software. Hyland (1993) also sug-
gests that students must not only be made familiar with keyboarding skills and writing
software, but also receive explicit instruction in computer-based composition. is may be
particularly important in countries where technology is used infrequently in educational
settings, or where students are unfamiliar with technology.
Technology integration in Japanese education
Japan is internationally recognized as one of the most technologically advanced countries in
the world, yet instructional technology has diffused more slowly here than in other devel-
oped nations (Aoki, 2010). In fact, in 2003, e Economist and
IBM ranked Japan as 23rd in
the world in their “e-Learning Readiness Ranking” (Suzuki, 2009). e e-Learning Readiness
Rankings were replaced in 2004 by the similarly named “e-Readiness Rankings.” e most
e   Journal 2013: Forum ( Conference Issue )
recent of these, released in 2009, ranked Japan in 22nd place (Economist Intelligence Unit,
2009), showing little improvement over the course of six years.
In 2002 and 2003 the MEXT created guidelines for the creation of new Information
Studies courses in junior and senior high schools in Japan. However, “schools have much
leeway in interpretation and implementation [of these guidelines] (Lockley, 2011, p. 94).
Despite the fact that these classes are mandated in Japanese secondary schools, Lockley
(2011) found that 11% of university students surveyed had never participated in any
Information and Communication Technology (
ICT) usage or training upon graduating
high school. In addition, many students who had received training in programs such as
PowerPoint, Excel, and Word, had forgotten how to use these programs by the time they
entered university (Lockley, 2011). is may suggest that students lack opportunities to
practically apply the knowledge taught in these classes (Lockley, 2011). Results of a study
conducted with university students in Japan by Murray and Blyth (2011) seem to confirm
these findings. ey showed that despite two to eight years of experience with
s, students
lacked experience in software crucial for employment in the modern workforce: word-
processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. Of particular importance here was the
fact that 55% of the university students surveyed by Murray and Blyth (2011) had “never”
or “almost never” used word-processing software such as Microsoft Word.
Purpose of the study
e overall purpose of this study was to examine whether or not the usage of comput-
ers could empower a cohort of Japanese junior high school students to start writing in
English. ey had never before been asked to write original compositions in English, and
the researchers feared that, confronted by a blank sheet of paper or screen, the students
would be so overwhelmed that they would not be able to write anything at all. inking
back to the way that the students expressed themselves orally, there was also a concern that
the students would pepper their sentences with Japanese words when they were unsure
of translations or English spelling. Perhaps the students’ focus on the new and largely
unfamiliar computers would let them forget their anxiety towards language production.
Possibly the scaffolding that Microsoft Word provides in the form of Grammar and Spell
Check would allow the students to write more freely and confidently than they would when
asked to write using pencil-and-paper. To this end, the following four research questions
were formed:
RQ1 – Does computer writing show higher word counts than handwriting?
RQ2 – Does computer writing include fewer Japanese words than handwriting?
RQ3 – Does computer writing show fewer spelling errors than handwriting?
RQ4 – Does computer writing show fewer subject-verb agreement errors than
A secondary goal was to show the
JTEs that, with adequate guidance and support, the stu-
dents are ready and willing to start producing language, and that the task of introducing a
writing component to the course need not be an overwhelming burden to the teaching staff.
Mills & Kennedy: Can digital scaffolding help students start writing?
Setting and participants
e 156 students who took part in the series of five lessons were all third-years at a pri-
vate Christian mission school in central Japan. At the time of this study, the students had
completed a minimum of 33 months of English instruction, with four lesson hours each
week, totaling about 330 hours of contact time. Some 54% of these students would go on
to graduate with the 2003 MEXT goal of Grade ree of the STEP or higher. In their first year,
all students had also completed a six-month, once weekly computer course that included
a word processing component. At ages 14 and 15, they are also clearly digital natives, “chil-
dren born after 1980 who from birth have experienced the digital world as a natural part
of their daily lives and regularly access rich resources in digital format for information and
entertainment” (Palfrey & Gasser, 2008).
e computer laboratory has 40 workstations equipped with NEC MY18A/B-3 comput-
ers, running Windows XP Professional. e Media Room is only usually in use some four
hours a week. First-year students use it during this time for tightly controlled prescribed
classroom activities. Second and third year students have no computer access at school.
One reason that the Media Room is so under-utilized may be that parents are hesitant to
allow computer access without careful supervision. Because the teaching staff is too busy
to provide such supervision during break times or after school, this is not a realistic option.
While parents recognize their children will need computer skills in the future, many worry
that they lack the maturity needed to navigate the potentially dangerous situations that
increased computer access may present. One particular worry is that children may meet
dangerous individuals online, and not have the maturity to recognize that they should not
meet them face-to-face.
Four intact third year classes, regularly taught by one of the researchers, were selected for
this study. It should be noted that the intact nature of the classes used, and the resultant
lack of randomization of research participants, limits the generalizability of the findings.
Each class was to meet five times over the period of approximately one month. For Classes
J31 and J32, the first two sessions were conducted in the classroom, where students wrote
short compositions using pencil-and-paper. e third session was held in the Media Room
where students were given practice in keyboarding. Sessions four and five were also held
in the Media Room where students wrote short compositions using Microsoft Word.
Aware that as the students became accustomed to the writing process, their composi-
tions would naturally improve, the researchers planned to reverse the schedule for Classes
J33 and J34, with the first three sessions held in the Media Room, and the final two sessions
held in the classroom. Unfortunately, due to a scheduling problem, the classroom writing
session scheduled on February 8th for Class J34 had to be conducted in the Media Room
instead. erefore, the data collected from Class J34 consists of three compositions written
using Microsoft Word and one composition written using pencil-and-paper.
e   Journal 2013: Forum ( Conference Issue )
Table 1: Schedule of writing classes.
Writing 1
Writing 2
Media Room
Media Room
Writing 3
Media Room
Writing 4
Writing 1
Writing 2
Media Room
Media Room
Writing 3
Media Room
Writing 4
Media Room
Media Room
Writing 1
Media Room
Writing 2
Writing 3
Writing 4
Media Room
Media Room
Writing 1
Media Room
Writing 2
Media Room
Writing 3
Writing 4
Keyboarding practice. Before completing the two computer-based writing tasks, each
group of students took part in a one-hour introductory keyboarding class. For this ses
sion, students used a free online typing tutorial called pken (www.pken.com). is site is
developed and maintained by the makers of the pken, a Japanese standardized typing test.
e site was chosen because it provided students with instructions in Japanese, and could
be accessed despite the school’s firewalls.
Students were first taught how to log on to the computers and then given instruc-
tions regarding how to access and use the pken site. Each student worked on the site for
approximately 45 minutes. e participants progressed through lessons that taught them
first about the position of letters on the keyboard and which fingers to use to type each
letter (Fig. 1) and later how to enter English words and sentences (Fig. 2). e website also
taught them how to produce capital letters and appropriate punctuation marks.
Figure 1. Location of letters and fingering in pken (www.pken.com)
Mills & Kennedy: Can digital scaffolding help students start writing?
Figure 2. Typing English sentences using pken (www.pken.com)
Writing sessions. Each writing session, both pencil-and-paper and computer-based, fol-
lowed the same pattern.
e classes began with a flashcard session reviewing some 50 verbs with which the
students were already familiar. ese vocabulary items were taken from the students’
English course textbooks from first to third years. is was done to remind students of
vocabulary that they had learned thus far in their English studies that might aid them
in their writings.
2. Next, a paragraph written in Japanese was projected onto a screen at the front of the
classroom. is composition was written in Japanese in such a way that the English
expressions needed to translate it were clearly evident. In pairs, students worked orally
to translate the paragraph into English. e researchers asked the students to do this
orally, talking freely with their peers, in order to reduce potential anxiety.
3. When all the pairs had finished, the class was shown the translated composition on the
screen and the students were asked to compare their own translation with it. is was
done because the
JTEs had been worried that students would fail to recognize that the
level of the sample texts was within their own capability. By forcing them to produce the
language (albeit through a translation activity), all students came to a natural aware-
ness of their own ability.
4. Finally, they were given several minutes to ask questions about how the paragraph had
been translated. A
JTE fielded these questions in Japanese. Most questions posed related
either to vocabulary choice or subject-verb agreement.
Next, the students were asked to identify what the paragraph was about. e
them to a clear understanding of the topic, and then set them to write a composition of
similar length on the same topic.
Data analysis
After each writing session, the participants’ compositions were collected. In the classroom,
a paper was collected from each student, while in the Media Room compositions were first
saved to the central server, and then printed by the researcher.
It is important to note that while all compositions were collected at the end of
each writing session, they were not returned to the students until the study had been
e   Journal 2013: Forum ( Conference Issue )
completed. Students, therefore, did not receive feedback that may have affected subsequent
e word count, the number of Japanese words used, the number of spelling errors,
and the number of subject-verb agreement errors was recorded and these data were then
entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data relating to errors were converted to per-
centages so as not to skew the data of students writing longer compositions. e researchers
then calculated mean and standard deviation for each variable.
While the students did the series of five lessons with the members of their own home-
room class, the researchers saw no reason to keep these four data sets separate. ere was
no benefit to be gained by analyzing the classes individually: considering they had all been
taught by the same teacher, and had been allocated into their respective classes so as to
keep the average test scores similar between groups. e following statistics were therefore
calculated using the data for all participants and for all of the writings they submitted:
Table 2: Mean and standard deviation of word count.
Computer 55.02 32.95
Pencil-and-paper 68.73 38.17
Table 3: Mean and standard deviation of Japanese words, spelling errors, and subject-verb
agreement errors.
Japanese Word Spelling Errors
Agreement Errors
Computer 1.79% 0.07 2.68% 0.07 1.50% 0.02
Pencil-and-paper 4.40% 0.19 2.54% 0.05 1.74% 0.03
In order to make the differences between the students’ compositions written in the two
modes of writing clearer, graphs were also drawn for each variable. ese graphs were cre-
ated using the means in the tables above:
Using descriptive statistics and the above graphs, the researchers were able to form some
preliminary answers to their research questions. In many cases, the data revealed answers
that were contrary to the expectations formed at the beginning of the study:
RQ1: Does computer writing show higher word counts than handwriting?
Contrary to expectation, the participants produced higher word counts using pencil-
and-paper (M = 68.73, SD = 38.17) than when using the computers (M = 55.02, SD = 32.95).
RQ2: Does computer writing include fewer Japanese words than handwriting?
e participants in this study did in fact use fewer Japanese words when writing with
a computer (M = 1.79%,
SD = 0.07) than when writing using pencil-and-paper (M = 4.40 %,
SD = 0.19).
Mills & Kennedy: Can digital scaffolding help students start writing?
RQ3: Does computer writing show fewer spelling errors than handwriting?
While the data are extremely close, there were very slightly fewer spelling errors in
compositions using pencil-and paper (M = 2.54%,
= 0.05) than with computer-based
compositions (M = 2.68%, SD = 0.07).
RQ4: Does computer writing show fewer subject-verb agreement errors than handwriting?
Again, there is little difference in the data relating to errors in subject-verb agreement
between pencil-and-paper compositions (M = 1.74%,
SD = 0.03) and compositions written
using Microsoft Word (M = 1.50,
SD = 0.02). Nevertheless, there was a small increase in
such errors in the paper-and-pencil compositions.
is research project began with the assumption that computer-based writing would pro-
vide students with the scaffolding they needed to take their first steps towards English
Figure 3. Mean of word count in typed versus handwritten composition.
Pencil M
Type M
Japanese word Spelling errors Subject-verb
agreement errors
Figure 4. Mean of Japanese words, spelling errors, and subject-verb agreement errors in
typed and handwritten composition.
e   Journal 2013: Forum ( Conference Issue )
composition. e data collected, however, seemed to indicate that the computer software
did not provide the level of help that the researchers had anticipated. ough there were
two areas where computer-based writing outperformed pencil-and-paper writing, these
were relatively small differences. e first of these was in the reduction of Japanese word
usage, as outlined in
RQ2. e second was in the number of subject-verb agreement errors,
which relates to
While several studies (Wolfe, Bolton, Feltovich, & Niday, 1996; Wolfe, Bolton, Feltovich,
& Welch, 1993; Russell & Haney, 1997) had previously found that word counts tended
to be higher in computer-based compositions, the results of this study showed students
wrote more with pencils and paper than on computers, answering
RQ1. A possible expla-
nation is that these students were less experienced with technology than the participants
of the studies listed above. It seems that the importance of solid typing skills cannot be
underestimated. Dalton, Morocco and Neale (1988), Hyland (1993) and Snyder (1993) all
point to how poor keyboarding skills can distract students from the composition task at
hand. It seems that one session using the pken site was not enough to prepare students
adequately for computer-based writing tasks.
Few would argue that for proficient computer users, Spell Check and Grammar Check
facilitate the writing process. e data collected here, however, showed little difference
between compositions written with these tools (the Media Room sessions) and without
them (the classroom sessions). In fact, there was only a 0.14% difference between the
mean number of spelling errors in pencil-and-paper compositions and computer-based
compositions. is result gave some insight into
RQ3, but the researchers could not be
sure of the reason for it. Were students simply unaware of the existence of these tools, or
were they unable to use them effectively? In either case, instructors must ensure that stu-
dents are familiar with both keyboarding and the software that they are using in order
to overcome this problem (see Hyland, 1993).
While providing researchers with some preliminary answers into the differences
between computer-based composition and pencil-and-paper composition, limitations in
the research design prevented a full understanding of the significance of the results and
their generalizability. Future research would therefore benefit from inferential statistical
analysis and randomized sampling techniques. Greater keyboarding skills and a deeper
understanding of the available scaffolding tools may also ensure that a more profound
difference is seen between writings produced in the two mediums. Future research might
therefore look to provide additional training in these areas to see if this would produce
a more significant result. Conducting the study at different levels, perhaps with high
school or university students, may also provide insight into how the maturity of the
learner may affect ability to use the different writing tools.
Finally, there was an unexpected and very hopeful finding. It is important to note
that despite their approximate 330 hours of English education, the students had never
previously been asked to write even one sentence of their own composition in English. It
seemed likely that they would freeze and not write anything at all. Both the researchers
and the
JTEs were pleasantly surprised that the students were not only able to produce
understandable language, but could share their stories and experiences with their teach-
ers through the written medium. Furthermore, as stated earlier, a secondary goal of this
research was to convince the Japanese teaching staff that students were actually capable
of producing their own original compositions in English. e fact that the students could
Mills & Kennedy: Can digital scaffolding help students start writing?
do this in both mediums has shown that writing activities can now be undertaken in
either the classroom or the computer laboratory.
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Author biodata
Daniel J. Mills is a lecturer of English as a Foreign Language at Ritsumeikan University in
Shiga, Japan. He is currently studying for his Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.), specializing
in Instructional Technology. His research interests include technology acceptance and inte-
gration, and mobile assisted language learning.
Olivia Kennedy is a teacher of English as a Foreign Language at Omi Brotherhood Junior
High School in Shiga, Japan. Her research interests lie in the interplay between culture,
learning and technology avoidance in the Japanese classroom.