Annual Immunization Report Worksheet
Preschool - Childcare
To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127.
Deaf or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email civil.r[email protected]. DOH 348-416 October 2023
Schools, preschools, and childcares are required to submit an immunization status report to the Department of
Health by November 1 of each year. WAC 246-105-060.
For the 2023-2024 School Year the report will be due December 1, 2023
Reporting is required for:
Licensed child care center with 13 or more children
Preschool located at a public or private school
Head Start, ECEAP programs
Reporting is optional for:
Licensed family home child care with 12 or fewer children
Private preschools not located at a public or private school
Co-Op preschool
Do not report any information on children in childcare attending school in Transitional Kindergarten through 12
grades. The immunization status of these children will be reported by their public or private school.
Instructions for Transitional Kindergarten through 12
grade reporting are available on the Public and Private K-12
Schools Immunization Reporting | Washington State Department of Health webpage.
Reporting Options
Submit annual report data by using one of the following methods:
School Module Preferred Reporting Method
An active user of the School Module does not have to file a report if they keep their roster up-to-date
and enter missing immunization dates and exemptions. The Department of Health will generate the
report using the School Module data. For more information about the School Module, please visit:
Direct Reporting
Direct reporting involves gathering immunization data and entering it into an online reporting form,
which is submitted to the Department of Health. Follow the instructions in the next section to gather the
immunization information you need to report.
Annual Immunization Report Worksheet
Preschool - Childcare
To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127.
Deaf or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email civil.r[email protected]. DOH 348-416 October 2023
Immunization Information Needed to Complete the Report
Use these instructions and worksheet to gather the information you will need to complete your annual
immunization report. The Immunization Status Report is a snapshot in time. Complete the information as it is on the
day you are compiling your report. The Department of Health is aware enrollment and immunization status of
students changes over time. You do not need to update information that has changed after you filed the report.
Preschool or Child Care General Information
You will need:
Name of Preschool or childcare:
Preschool public and private Use the 4-digit OSPI number:
(To find this number go to
Licensed Child/Day Care Use the license number from DCYF:
(Contact DCYF if you cannot find this number)
Physical address of the facility (not a PO Box)
Street: City:
State: WA Zip: County:
Facility email:
Your Name:
Phone #: Your email:
Age range of children in your preschool or childcare: from to
A: Total Number of Children Enrolled
Determine the total number of children enrolled in the preschool or childcare center.
Do not include children in childcare who are attending school in Transitional Kindergarten-12
Their status will be reported by their school.
Number of Children Enrolled
Annual Immunization Report Worksheet
Preschool - Childcare
To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127.
Deaf or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email civil.r[email protected]. DOH 348-416 October 2023
B: Overall Immunization Status of Each Child
Determine each child’s immunization status on the day you are gathering the data. Use the child’s Certificate of
Immunization Status (CIS) and, if applicable, the Certificate of Exemption (COE) to determine the child’s overall
immunization status. The immunization requirements can be found in the Immunization Requirements section of
the School and Child Care Immunization website
For the annual report, each child can only have one overall immunization status. This means a child must be
categorized into one status even though a child could be complete for some required immunizations, conditional or
out of compliance for others, and exempt for still others. Use the definitions below to categorize each child.
A child is COMPLETE if they have a CIS on file and have documented immunity to all of the required vaccine-
preventable diseases. Documented immunity includes vaccination at the appropriate ages and intervals or
by health care provider documentation of immunity by antibody titer or disease history.
A child is OUT OF COMPLIANCE if they do not have documentation of immunity for any one or more of the
diseases for which documentation of immunization is required, and they are not in a temporary conditional
period, and they do not have a completed COE exempting them from the requirement for immunization
against the disease/s missing documentation of immunity.
A child is EXEMPT if they have a completed COE for any one or more of the immunization requirements and
are not out of compliance for any other of the immunization requirements.
A child is CONDITIONAL if they are in the process of obtaining documentation of immunity within the
allowed timeframes. They cannot be out of compliance or have an exemption for any other of the diseases
for which full immunity is required. Conditional status is defined as a child missing the required
documentation of immunity who is waiting for the next dose in a vaccination series. These children are given
30 days after their vaccination due date to turn in immunization paperwork. Conditional status continues
until all of the doses in the series are complete. If the conditional time period expires without providing
documentation of the vaccine dose or a completed COE, then the child’s status changes to out of
For example, if a child is conditional for polio, has an exemption for Hepatitis B, is out of compliance for varicella
and complete for all of the other required immunizations then the Overall Status of the child is Out of
Using the definitions above complete the table below:
Each child can only have one overall status.
Out of
The total must equal the total children
enrolled reported in section A above.
Annual Immunization Report Worksheet
Preschool - Childcare
To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127.
Deaf or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email civil.r[email protected]. DOH 348-416 October 2023
C: Children with Exemptions
Count the number of children in each category who have a personal/philosophical, medical, religious, or a religious
membership exemption for one or more of the immunization requirements. A personal/philosophical exemption
may not be used to exempt a child from the measles, mumps, and rubella immunization requirement.
Count the number of CHILDREN with each type of exemption below.
In this section, children can be counted more than once if they have more than one type of exemption.
A type of exemption is listed as personal/philosophical, medical, religious, or religious membership.
Do not count multiple vaccine exemptions in the same category for the same child.
For example:
If a child has personal exemptions for Hepatitis B and Polio, and a medical exemption for Varicella, mark
them as one child with personal exemption(s) in the personal exemption category and one child with
medical exemption(s) in the medical exemption category.
If a child has a religious exemption to Pertussis and Measles and a medical exemption to Mumps count them
as one child with religious exemption(s) in the religious exemption category and one child with medical
exemption(s) in the medical exemption category.
If these two children are the only children with exemptions, the table below would look like this:
Personal or
Enter the number of CHILDREN with each type of exemption below.
Personal or
Annual Immunization Report Worksheet
Preschool - Childcare
To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127.
Deaf or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email civil.r[email protected]. DOH 348-416 October 2023
D: Status of Specific Immunization Requirements
Count the number of children who have a status of complete, conditional, out of compliance or exempt status for
each of the required school immunizations.
COMPLETE: Count the disease immunity as ‘complete’ if the child has documented immunity to the disease.
Documented immunity includes vaccination at the appropriate ages and intervals or by health care provider
documentation of immunity by antibody titer or history of disease.
EXEMPT: Count the disease immunity as ‘exempt’ if the child has a completed COE exempting them from
the requirement for full immunization against the disease, and they do not have documentation of
immunity to the disease.
CONDITIONAL: Count the disease immunity as ‘conditional’ if the child is in the process of obtaining
documentation of immunity within the allowed timeframes. See the definition in section B for more
OUT OF COMPLIANCE: Count the disease immunity as ‘out of compliance’ if the child does not have
documentation of immunity to the disease, and they are not in a temporary conditional period, and they do
not have a completed Certificate of Exemption (COE) exempting them from the requirement for full
immunization against the disease.
Enter the total immunization status of each disease for all children. *Count all children 5 years old and older as
Complete for PCV and Hib, even if they have no PCV or Hib vaccine doses or have an exemption on file. PCV and Hib
immunity is not required at 5+ years of age.
Each disease can only have one immunization status per child.
Number of CHILDREN
whose disease immunization status is
Hepatitis B
Out of Compliance
Exempt Personal/Philosophical
Not allowed for Measles, Mumps or Rubella
Exempt - Medical
Exempt - Religious
Exempt Religious Membership
Must equal the total number of children
reported in the enrollment section.
Annual Immunization Report Worksheet
Preschool - Childcare
To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127.
Deaf or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email civil.r[email protected]. DOH 348-416 October 2023
Data Quality Check
Review the table above for the following data quality checks:
The number of children Out of Compliance in Table B cannot be less than the number of children Out of
Compliance for any one of the diseases in Table D. For example, if 2 children are Out of Compliance for Polio
in Table D, then at least 2 children must have an Overall Status of Out of Compliance in Table B.
The number of children Exempt in Table C cannot be less than the number of children with that type of
exemption for any one of the diseases in Table D. For example, if 2 children have a medical exemption for
Polio in Table D, then at least 2 children must have a medical exemption in Table C.
E: Exclusion
Does your preschool or childcare exclude children who are out of compliance with the State immunization
requirements in accordance with RCW 28A.210.120?
Yes No
Turn in the Report
You now have the information you need to complete the report.
Go to the Survey link on the Preschool and Child Care Immunization Status Reporting web page:
Enter your facility and contact information.
Use the information you wrote on this worksheet and enter it in the same fields on the online report. Do
not leave any blanks, enter zero if applicable.
Double check that the totals equal enrollment where required.
Correct any error messages.
Click the submit button to send.
Additional Reporting Resources
Preschool and Child Care Immunization Status Reporting web page:
School Immunization Status Reporting web page:
School and Child Care Immunization webpage: : Immunization Requirements
Email questions about reporting to [email protected]v.