Last Updated: 5/9/2023
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Text Editor for Blackboard
The Blackboard Text Editor appears in most places where you can add text. Use the editor to
add and format text, embed images, attach files, and insert equations, links, and tables when
you work in assignments, tests, discussions, messages, conversations, journals, and more.
Select the More icon, the three horizontal dots at the right end of the first row, to show the
most used text options, as well as all the available options. Some options appear in different
rows when you expand or collapse the editor rows. Unavailable options appear grayed out.
For example, the Remove Link option is available only after you select text or an object that
already contains a link in the textbox. The options for modifying a table become active only
when a table is created and selected.
NOTE Hover your mouse over an icon to view the icon’s function.
Editor Icons & Options
Icons/Options Description
Bold or remove this style for the selected text.
Italicize or remove this style for the selected text.
Underline or remove this style for the selected text.
StrikethroughDisplay text with a horizontal line through the letters.
Select a paragraph style (e.g., Paragraph, Heading, etc.) for the text
from the pulldown list.
Select the font style for the text from the pulldown list of available
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Icons/Options Description
Select the font size for the text from the pulldown list.
Create a bulleted list. Choose the bullet style from the pulldown list.
Create a numbered list. Choose the number style from the pulldown
Select the text color from the color swatch box.
Select the text highlight color from the color swatch box. The color
appears as a background.
Remove all formatting so that only plain text appears.
Cut the selected item(s).
Copy the selected item(s).
Paste the most recently copied or cut item(s).
Find and replace text.
Undo the previous action.
Redo the previous actionAvailable only if an action has been
Align text to the left margin.
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Icons/Options Description
Align text in the center of the left and right margins.
Align text to the right margin.
Align text to both the left and right margins (Justified alignment).
Increase IndentMove the text or object to the right. Select the icon
again to indent further.
Decrease Indent (Outdent)Move the text or object to the left. Select
the icon again to outdent further. You cannot outdent beyond the left
SuperscriptMake the selected text appear slightly above your
regular text or remove this style for the selected text.
SubscriptMake the selected text appear slightly below your regular
text or remove this style for the selected text.
Insert/Edit LinkSelect text or an object and select the Insert/Edit
Link icon to add a new hyperlink or edit an existing hyperlink. You can
create a link to a website, a file from your computer, or a file from the
course's Content Collection.
Remove a hyperlink from the selected text or object.
Add text to the left of the current mouse pointer location.
Add text to the right of the current mouse pointer location (default).
Select the More icon (toggle) to show more or less toolbar icons.
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Icons/Options Description
Add a thin horizontal line to the current mouse pointer position,
which spans the entire width of the text area.
Insert a non-breaking space character at the current mouse pointer
Begin the automatic spellchecker.
Open the MathType window to insert a math equation.
Select the Show Invisible Characters icon to show all non-printing
characters. Select the icon again to hide them from view.
Format the text as a blockquote.
Open the Select Special Character window and select a symbol to
insert at the current mouse pointer position.
Open the Emoticons window and select an emoticon to insert at the
current mouse pointer position.
Use anchors to position other items and objects, such as images.
Position the mouse pointer where you want the anchor to appear and
select the Anchor icon to open the Insert/Edit Anchor window.
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A. Insert/Edit Table – Click the pulldown arrow to access the Table, Cell, Row, Column,
Table Properties, and Delete Table options.
B. Delete TableDeletes a table.
C. Table PropertiesOpens the Table Properties window.
D. Row PropertiesOpens the Row Properties window.
E. Cell PropertiesOpens the Cell Properties window.
F. Insert Row BeforeInsert a blank row in the table above the current mouse position.
G. Insert Row AfterInsert a blank row in the table after the current mouse position.
H. Delete Row Delete the current row from the table. If multiple rows are selected, all
are deleted.
I. Insert Column BeforeInsert a blank column to the left of the current mouse position.
J. Insert Column AfterInsert a blank column to the right of the current mouse position.
K. Delete ColumnDelete the current column. If multiple columns are selected, all are
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Icons/Options Description
Open the Source Code window to directly edit the HTML code. This
feature is included for experienced Web developers.
Open the Accessibility Checker window to show detected
accessibility issues.
Open the Insert/Edit Code Sample window to insert code from
various programming languages, including HTML/XML, JavaScript,
CSS, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, C, C# and C++. This feature is included
for experienced Web developers.
Open the Preview window to view how your content will appear
after you submit.
Open the editor’s Help window.
Fullscreen Expand the editor window to fill the browser window.
Add ContentAdd and insert different types of content including
content from Local Files, the course Content Collection, and Cloud
Service. Use this option to insert an image/picture.
Add Content Common Tools
The Common Tools appear in the Add Content window after you select the Add Content icon.
Insert Local FilesInsert a file from your local computer. This feature may be used to
insert pictures, images, audio, and video.
o Audio file types supported: AIFF, MP3, MIDI, MP, WAV, and WMA
o Video file types supported: ASF, AVI, MOV, MOOV, MPG, MPEG, QT, SWF,
and WMV
Insert from Content CollectionInsert a file from the course Content Collection.
Insert from Cloud ServiceInsert a file from your Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or
Box account.
Last Updated: 5/9/2023
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Questions? Contact us at or 806-742-5933.