IkeaBot: An Autonomous Multi-Robot Coordinated Furniture Assembly
Ross A. Knepper, Todd Layton, John Romanishin, and Daniela Rus
Abstract We present an automated assembly system that
directs the actions of a team of heterogeneous robots in the
completion of an assembly task. From an initial user-supplied
geometric specification, the system applies reasoning about the
geometry of individual parts in order to deduce how they
fit together. The task is then automatically transformed to a
symbolic description of the assembly—a sort of blueprint. A
symbolic planner generates an assembly sequence that can be
executed by a team of collaborating robots. Each robot fulfills
one of two roles: parts delivery or parts assembly. The latter are
equipped with specialized tools to aid in the assembly process.
Additionally, the robots engage in coordinated co-manipulation
of large, heavy assemblies. We provide details of an example
furniture kit assembled by the system.
Automated assembly was one of the earliest applications
of robotics. Conventional assembly robots operate affixed
to the factory floor in an environment where uncertainty is
managed and engineered away by careful human design. In
the coming generation, agile assembly systems will become
increasingly adaptable to changing circumstances through the
incorporation of mobile manipulator robots. To accommodate
the additional freedom of a mobile base, uncertainty must be
managed by the robots themselves.
In this paper we present a cooperative robot system
capable of assembling simple furniture kits from IKEA.
We describe here an entire planning and assembly system,
beginning with raw parts and ending with an assembled piece
of furniture. The robots perform geometric and symbolic
planning, assume different roles, and coordinate actions to
complete the assembly.
The robots mobile manipulators with simple end effec-
tors are capable of locating parts in the workspace and
performing screwing operations to connect the parts. Because
the robot’s own end effectors are not capable of executing
a natural screwing maneuver, we developed a novel tool
that can deliver continuous rotational motion to furniture
components of various sizes. Many furniture assembly oper-
ations, for example screwing a table leg onto a table, require
cooperation between robots for placing and holding a part
and for applying the screwing tool to execute the assembly.
Figure 1 shows two robots collaborating to screw a table
leg into the table top. All computation occurs on board the
robots in a distributed fashion. For this demonstration, we
use a team of two KUKA youBots.
*This work was supported by the Boeing Company.
The authors are with the Computer Science and Ar-
tificial Intelligence Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, 32 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.
{rak,tlayton,johnrom,rus} at csail.mit.edu
Fig. 1. Two robots collaborating in the assembly of a table.
The main contributions of this assembly system are as
follows. First, we developed and implemented a geometric
reasoning system that is capable of discovering the correct
arrangement for attaching parts to one another even without
knowing the final goal shape. Second, we describe a new
object-oriented language for representing symbolic planning
problems. Third, we describe a novel system of modular tools
made to fit over the robot’s end-effector. In particular, we
introduce a new tool design capable of grasping and screwing
a variety of objects. Fourth, we discuss a system in which
robots coordinate to flip over an object that is too large and
heavy for one robot to manipulate, such as furniture. We
believe that this paper represents the first autonomous robotic
system to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture.
The application of autonomous assembly has received
significant attention from the robotics community.
A number of automated assembly planning systems de-
duce from geometric data the correct assembly sequence [7].
These systems employ CAD models of the individual parts in
order to constrain the search process and validate a choice
of assembly sequence [11, 18]. Such systems are given a
geometric model of the individual parts as well as of the
entire assembly—how all the parts fit together. In this paper,
we describe a system that does not require the full assembly
as input. Instead, the system deduces the geometric relations
among the parts based on possible alignments of the attach
One important use case for robotic assembly systems
occurs in space exploration. Stroupe et al. [16] discuss a
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013
978-1-4673-5643-5/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 855
Preplanner (IV)
Planner (V)
Robot (VI)
Robot (VI)
with Tool (VII)
Input Data
Ordered set of
Actions on
Fig. 2. System architecture. The paper section describing each module is shown in parentheses.
system architecture for assembly of structures in orbit or for
planetary colonization. The authors also discuss a modular
tool changing system somewhat similar to our own. Heger
[4] describes a space assembly system that incorporates
planning and execution, with an emphasis on error detection
and recovery. Neither geometric reasoning, nor multi-robot
coordination were a focus of this work.
In the furniture assembly domain, Spr
owitz et al. [14]
employ modular robots as smart parts to actually become
furniture using decentralized computation.
Rus et al. [13] discuss the conditions for a set of mobile
robots (or fingers) to induce rigid body motions on an object,
such as a piece of furniture, for manipulation purposes. These
principles apply both to the manipulation of parts during
attachment (with fingers) and to the maneuvering of fully
assembled furniture.
The furniture assembly system uses several mobile manip-
ulators capable of locating and connecting furniture parts.
For the physical experiments in this paper, the parts are
connected with screws, but the architecture and planning
systems support a general class of connectors.
The architecture for the furniture assembly system, de-
picted in Fig. 2, is organized into several modules that direct
the flow of information from basic geometric parts data into
an assembled piece of furniture. In the first stage, a geomet-
ric preplanning module solves for the configuration of the
completed furniture, based only on the form and quantity of
the individual parts—we describe the geometric preplanner
in Section IV. The output of this first stage, a symbolic
blueprint, describes the final assembly configuration, but it
does not provide an order of assembly. Consequently, the
blueprint is then fed into stage two, a symbolic planner
discussed in Section V. This planner is capable of reasoning
about available robots and parts. The symbolic planner out-
puts a sequence of operations that lead to a correct assembled
In stage three, those actions are dispatched to individual
robots or teams of robots in sequence in order to execute
the task. The execution of assembly actions is described
broadly in Section VI. We use a modular system of custom
tools to aid manipulation, as described in Section VII. In
Section VIII, we discuss the implementation of coordinated
manipulation involving multi-robot teams. Finally, in Sec-
tion IX we describe the demonstration of the complete
system for the assembly of an IKEA Lack table.
The IkeaBot system begins the planning process by piec-
ing together individual components based on their geometric
description, similar to the work of Ambler and Popplestone
[1], Thomas and Torras [17]. However, we extend that
reasoning to output a blueprint for assembly comprising a set
of static coordinate transforms describing the final assembled
position and orientation of each part as affixed to the others.
To uncover this information, the algorithm searches through
possible subassemblies—that is, sets of one or more attached
parts. In order to support future data acquisition by machine
vision, a fuzzy match is performed between subassembly
pairs. For now, augmented CAD files are supplied by the
A. Representation
Geometry data take the form of a set of CAD files as well
as a database specifying each hole in a part. As an example,
the geometric input file for the IKEA Lack table is shown
in Listing 1. At present, these files are generated by hand,
but in the future they could be automatically generated from
stereo vision or RGB+D data.
The input file provides a list of part types as well as the
number of instances of each part. Since pegs or screws are
normally used to attach parts, the locations of these holes
within each part are key to understanding how the parts fit
together. Consequently, most of the space in the input file is
dedicated to their description.
Each part type is specified in the file by three fields.
file: the name of a CAD file describing the geometry
(holes may be present or absent in the CAD data),
center: the approximate center of mass,
holes: a list of holes.
For each hole, three fields are required.
diameter: either a number or the name of a fastener,
position: the center of the hole in the surface plane,
direction: inward-pointing vector.
The center, position and direction fields are ex-
pressed in part coordinates. Note that direction is speci-
fied as an inward-pointing vector rather than a full orientation
because the fasteners used here are radially symmetric,
allowing the parts to rotate around this axis with respect
to each other. An optional fourth field, pass through,
(absent in the example) applies to holes that pass fully
through the part and specifies the distance from position
along the direction vector before the exit hole is reached.
Such holes are usually attached by nails or conventional
screws. It is important for the geometric reasoning engine
to understand the correspondence between the two ends of
a hole because the assignment of one end removes the other
from future consideration as well.
B. Relational Inference
At each step, the algorithm attempts to discover a coordi-
nate transform that will join two subassemblies together. One
or more holes from each subassembly are used to propose
candidate transforms. Then, checks are performed to validate
the candidate transforms before acceptance.
The algorithm first selects a pair of holes—one hole
each from two subassemblies—to associate. In joining two
holes, the algorithm computes a transform such that the two
subassemblies’ hole positions are coincident, thus reducing
the degrees of freedom by three. Furthermore, the holes
are oriented such that the direction vectors are parallel and
opposite, thus further reducing the freedoms by two.
A pair of holes joined in this manner permits a single
degree of rotational freedom around the axis of the hole. To
resolve the orientation, a second hole from each subassembly
is chosen (if available) and one subassembly is rotated about
its hole’s axis so as to minimize error in lining up this second
pair of holes. The minimum-error orientation resolves the
final degree of freedom and fixes a prospective transform
for mating one subassembly to another. At this point, the
iterated closest point (ICP) algorithm is used to draw a
correspondence among any remaining pairs of holes in the
two subassemblies. The error in matching all pairs of holes
figures into an overall match score for the given transform on
these two candidate subassemblies. Closest holes separated
by more than a threshold value are not included in the match
and remain free for future use.
If one subassembly has only a single hole free, then there
are no other holes to help resolve the rotational ambiguity.
In this case, an orientation is selected arbitrarily. Other
orientations can be tested until one is found that validates.
Several validation checks are employed to any proposed
subassembly transforms before they can be accepted. First,
the parts are collision-checked to verify that the proposed
orientation of the two subassemblies does not lead to self-
intersection. Minor penetration can occur due to imperfec-
tions in the model, thus incurring only a small penalty.
More significant penetration invalidates a proposed mating
transform. An additional check examines the free holes not
used in a particular mating operation. If a hole in one
subassembly is covered by another part, then that hole
Listing 1 Example input file for the geometric preplanner
describing parts for the the IKEA Lack table.
parts: {table_top: 1, leg: 4}
attach_parts: {double_screw: 4}
hole_diameters: [0.006] # meters
attach_diameters: {double_screw: 0.006} # meters
table_top: {
file: table_top.xml, # table is 0.551 x 0.551 x 0.050 m
center: [ 0.28, 0.28, 0.025 ],
holes: [ { diameter: double_screw,
position: [0.026, 0.026, 0.050],
direction: [0, 0, -1] },
{ diameter: double_screw,
position: [0.525, 0.026, 0.050],
direction: [0, 0, -1] },
{ diameter: double_screw,
position: [0.026, 0.525, 0.050],
direction: [0, 0, -1] },
{ diameter: double_screw,
position: [0.525, 0.525, 0.050],
direction: [0, 0, -1] }
leg: {
file: leg.xml, # leg is 0.400 x 0.050 x 0.050 m
center: [ 0.200, 0.025, 0.025 ],
holes: [ { diameter: double_screw,
position: [0.0, 0.025, 0.025],
direction: [1, 0, 0] }
becomes unavailable for future use. Such free hole proximity
queries as well as collision checks are performed using
OpenRAVE [3]. Part proximity to an unused hole creates a
penalty in the scoring function. A mating computed by hole
matching and validated based on the above tests is considered
a plausible mating.
The algorithm employs a number of tunable parameters
to score the quality of a mating of two subassemblies.
For geometry files generated by hand, the algorithm is not
sensitive to the particular choice of values. For geometry
files obtained from perception data, it will likely become
necessary to learn a reasonable tuning of these parameters.
C. Search Algorithm
Search proceeds in a depth-first fashion through the space
of plausible matings of subassemblies. The algorithm is
initialized with all components in a completely unassembled
state. To begin the search, the algorithm instantiates the cor-
rect number of subassemblies, each representing a singular
instance of one of the basic parts.
During search, the planner exhaustively computes plausi-
ble mating transforms that lead to one or more holes lining
up between adjacent parts. A plausible assembly has been
found when two conditions are met: (1) all components are
attached, and (2) no unfilled holes remain. Each plausible
assembly is scored based on the scores of individual plausible
matings. The highest-scoring plausible assembly is returned.
The system utilizes this plausible assembly to construct a
blueprint for use by the symbolic planner.
Listing 2 Machine-generated input file (blueprint) for the
symbolic planner, which builds an upright IKEA Lack table.
type Robot {
object arm {
property(Object) holding = None;
type AttachmentSpot {
property(Object) attached_to = None;
type TableTop {
group hole(AttachmentSpot)[4]{}
property(bool) upside_down = True;
type Leg {
object hole(AttachmentSpot){}
object table_top(TableTop){}
group leg(Leg)[4]{}
group robot(Robot)[2]{}
action pick_up_leg(robot(Robot), leg(Leg)) {
pre {
robot.arm.holding == None;
leg.hole.attached_to == None;
post {
robot.arm.holding = leg;
action attach_leg_to_top(robot(Robot), leg(Leg), table_top(TableTop)) {
pre {
robot.arm.holding == leg;
table_top.hole[0].attached_to == None;
post {
robot.arm.holding = None;
table_top.hole[0].attached_to = leg.hole;
leg.hole.attached_to = table_top.hole[0];
action flip_table(robot(Robot)[2], leg(Leg)[4], table_top(TableTop)) {
pre {
leg[2].hole.attached_to == table_top.hole[1];
leg[3].hole.attached_to == table_top.hole[0];
leg[0].hole.attached_to == table_top.hole[2];
leg[1].hole.attached_to == table_top.hole[3];
table_top.upside_down == True;
post {
table_top.upside_down = False;
goal assembly(table_top(TableTop)) {
table_top.upside_down == False;
IkeaBot determines an order of operations for assembly
using a symbolic planner. The planner attempts to discover
an action sequence such that the preconditions of each
action are satisfied. The postconditions of an action support
the preconditions of future actions, thus allowing progress
toward the goal.
It should be noted that the symbolic planner ignores
the order in which the geometric preplanner discovered the
mating of subassemblies. Rather, the symbolic planner relies
only on the blueprint generated by the geometric preplanner
to identify the goal of the assembly. Assembly operations
may require that components be assembled in a completely
different order than that previously discovered by static
geometric analysis.
Blueprints are specified using a newly-designed planning
language. ABPL (“A Better Planning Language”) is an
object-oriented symbolic planning specification language,
exemplified in Listing 2. Conceptually similar to OPL [5],
ABPL describes planning problem data in a manner which
respects the logical and intuitive features of the physical
environment as a planning space. ABPL enables an intuitive
statement of the problem by logically organizing concepts us-
ing various object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigms.
ABPL aims to overcome the necessary complexity of
expressing object-oriented relations within first-order logical
systems such as PDDL, the Planning Domain Definition
Language [9]. PDDL relies entirely on a flat, unstructured
representation of the objects in the environment and the
relations between them. The burden of creating structure,
such as regions of symbolic symmetry or commonalities
between multiple objects, falls entirely on the user. While
such systems are capable of describing OOP structures,
requiring the user to express each element of those structures
as a set of propositional statements would be time-consuming
and burdensome to the user. ABPL, in contrast, allows the
user to provide data in a more conventional object-oriented
format. An ABPL problem specification can be about one-
quarter the size of the equivalent PDDL specification. This
simplicity improves readability and ease of ABPL problem
creation, whether manual or automatic.
A. Specification Language Design and Structure
ABPL is based on the object-oriented approach to data
structure design, allowing the user to hierarchically organize
objects within the environment. Objects can be assigned
properties that evaluate to either Boolean values or references
to other objects. These values can be changed by the effects
of symbolic actions to reflect those actions’ consequent
alterations of the environment. Objects themselves can be
defined either at the top level in the global space, or as
sub-elements of other objects. These sub-object relations
can be syntactically referenced in the same way as object-
reference properties, but are semantically different in that
their values cannot be changed after declaration. This fact
is meant to convey the distinction between an object’s sub-
objects, which represent fixed components of that object, and
its object-typed properties, which represent mutable inter-
object relations. ABPL also allows the user to define “types,
which fulfill the role of object classes. A type can be assigned
properties and sub-objects, which are then replicated in each
object that is declared to be of that type. Types can also be
used as action and goal predicates, for example to restrict a
symbolic action variable to values of a specific type.
An important distinction from other object-oriented sym-
bolic planners is the inclusion of groups. Groups represent
the existence of multiple identical instances of a given object.
For example, Lack tables have four legs, declared simply as
group leg(Leg)[4].
Groups enable the planner to reason efficiently about one
type of symmetry. Because the four legs are identical, they
are interchangeable. Thus any leg can be attached to any
corner of the table, and they can be installed in any sequence.
When referencing a member of the group, it is sufficient to
reference the first member of that group. The planner knows
that this rule extrapolates to all other group members as well.
Subsequently, one may reference the second group member
to indicate any table leg except the one already referenced.
B. ABPL Implementation for Assembly
IkeaBot’s planning module uses the ABPL specification
for its raw input and output data. At present, there is no
Problem Text
Problem Symbolic
Problem Text
Solution Text
Solution Symbolic
Symbolic Solver
Solution Text
ABPL Problem Text
PDDL Problem Text
PDDL Solution Text
ABPL Solution Text
Fig. 3. Symbolic planner architecture. At present, the planner converts ABPL into PDDL and executes the Fast-Forward solver. In the future, this process
(the large box at right) may be replaced with a direct ABPL solver that can incorporate algorithmic hooks and other features unavailable in PDDL.
symbolic solver that operates directly on ABPL. Rather, we
convert symbolic data from one format to another using a
three step process: a text interpreter (built using the SPARK
little language framework [2]), a symbolic environment struc-
ture, and a text formatter. The process is outlined in Fig. 3.
A planning problem is passed through this process twice;
once to convert ABPL data into a PDDL format for use by
the internal symbolic solver, Fast-Forward [6], and again to
reformat the resulting solution sequence back into ABPL.
Alternatively, the calling program, such as the main IkeaBot
system, can retrieve the solution sequence in data structure
form rather than as ABPL solution text.
The current design of this planning program is predi-
cated on the assumption that any given planning problem’s
physical constraints can be expressed entirely symbolically.
As this is a significant limitation when working with the
geometric constraints inherent to the physical domain, future
work includes the extension of ABPLs grammar to allow
for external program calls out of the solver in order to
incorporate non-symbolic data and logic into the planning
process. An important example is the use of a motion planner
to determine when it is feasible to attach two subassemblies.
Furniture assembly is accomplished by a large set of small
manipulation actions, each executed by the right robot with
the right part(s) at the right time. To orchestrate this activity
among an arbitrary number of robots in a distributed fashion,
we utilize a modified version of the system described by
Stein et al. [15].
In that system, a static blueprint describing part locations
in an absolute frame of reference is passed to a partitioner
(running on all assembly robots), which divides responsibil-
ity for installing each of the parts among the set of available
assembly robots. Meanwhile, a set of delivery robots stands
by, ready to retrieve and hand off the parts needed by the
assembly robots for installation.
We adapted this framework in order to increase its flexi-
bility for the IkeaBot assembly problem. Specific challenges
we address are heterogeneous parts without fixed global co-
ordinates, heterogeneous robot capabilities, and collaborative
multi-robot manipulation activities.
We replace the partitioner with a dispatcher, in recognition
of the fact that the salient assignment is over actions rather
than parts. The dispatcher remains a distributed process over
Listing 3 Example input file (recipe) for the dispatcher to
construct the IKEA Lack table.
step pick_up_leg(robot[0], leg[1]);
step attach_leg_to_top(robot[1], leg[1], table_top);
step pick_up_leg(robot[0], leg[3]);
step attach_leg_to_top(robot[1], leg[3], table_top);
step pick_up_leg(robot[0], leg[2]);
step attach_leg_to_top(robot[1], leg[2], table_top);
step pick_up_leg(robot[0], leg[0]);
step attach_leg_to_top(robot[1], leg[0], table_top);
step flip_table(robot, leg, table_top);
all assembly robots. Actions employ a fixed number of robots
(one or two in our IKEA Lack table example) to one or more
subassemblies. Listing 3 shows an example ABPL-encoded
input to the dispatcher. In the work of Stein, et al., parts
may be initially ineligible for installation, requiring that new
parts get allocated to assembly robots during the course of
assembly. Similarly, some actions may be initially unready
for execution due to their preconditions. A partial ordering, if
available from the symbolic planner, informs the dispatcher
when each action becomes eligible for execution.
In mobile manipulation, most actions require navigation
and obstacle avoidance capabilities. IkeaBot achieves these
capabilities using the Model-Based Hierarchical Planner [8].
It provides navigation through an environment cluttered with
furniture parts and other robots. Navigating robots utilize a
sampling-based reciprocal algorithm to anticipate the reac-
tion of other robots as well as human pedestrians.
Some manipulation problems are best solved in hardware.
In this section, we describe a modular system of hot-
pluggable, dockable tools that is designed to interface with
the KUKA youBot gripper and wrist design.
A. Interchangeable Gripper System
In order for the robots to use tools effectively, we designed
a system that allows tools to be quickly removed or replaced
with other tools. Manufacturing automation is replete with
existing systems for tool interchange at scales too large for
the KUKA youBot. Our system allows a single robot to
accomplish a variety of manipulation activities autonomously
with compact tools, thus greatly increasing the functionality
of the robots.
Fig. 4. The Torq gripper employed for table assembly.
Fig. 5. Solid modeler depiction of the screwing device. The powered upper
ring is shown in tan; the passive lower ring is blue. The black part on the
left is the coupling point to the KUKA youBot end-effector.
B. Torq Gripper Design
We designed a spinning gripper tool, the Torq Gripper,
which specializes in screwing-type operations. We observed
that the KUKA youBot arm, having only five degrees of
freedom, lacks the capability to rotate its wrist side-to-side.
This limitation makes screwing operations very difficult.
Our design specification requires a versatile tool capable
of applying high torque (up to 3 Nm) over many revolutions
to a shape with either circular or non-circular cross section.
The new robotic gripper uses multiple elastic cables to
compliantly constrain and then spin an object, as in Fig. 4.
A somewhat similar design was employed by Nguyen et al.
[10] in the design of the gripper for the Space Shuttle’s
Canadarm manipulator. The Canadarm employs a set of
cables that constrict around a part as a snare. Our design
contributes two primary distinctions geared for the furniture
assembly task. First, the elasticity and resulting compliance
of the cables allows the robot to handle uncertainty in the
relative position and orientation of the part. Second, both
ends of each cable connect to movable rings, which enables
the device to easily rotate the part after it has been grasped.
The Torq gripper functions by the encirclement of the
target object with flexible elastic members. These members
are attached to two separate rings (see Fig. 5). The top ring
is driven by a pair of motors, whereas the bottom ring is
unactuated. The unactuated ring contains a set of magnets
designed to increase the ring’s static friction. As the driven
ring is spun by the motors, the elastic elements begin to
Fig. 6. A series of frames show the Torq gripper gripping and spinning
an object.
Fig. 7. The Torq gripper in its docking station. Due magnetic and
gravitational force, the tool settles into a unique position.
contract around the object in the center as can be seen in
Fig. 6. After a threshold torque is reached, the bottom ring
and the object begin to spin as well in a stick/slip fashion.
This design enables the rings to maintain an approximately
constant gripping force on the part. The gripping strength is
controlled by the combination of the elasticity of the cables
and the force exerted by the magnets. Elasticity permits the
tool to be non-destructive in its application of force, which
is distributed almost uniformly around the circumference of
object. Additionally, the elastic nature of the force applica-
tion permits considerable error in position and orientation
during operation. More information about the Torq gripper
and its design can be found in the work of Romanishin [12].
Below, we describe the coupling mechanisms whereby the
robot picks up and docks the gripper and other tools.
1) Attachment to Robot Base: Figure 7 shows the system
that has been designed to hold the Torq gripper on the robot
body when not in use. The design takes advantage of the
magnets embedded in the unactuated ring, which attach the
tool to a steel plate. The dock design guides the tool into a
unique rest state for later retrieval.
2) Attachment to Robot Arm: When needed, the tool is
retrieved from its dock by pulling directly away from the
steel surface. The tool is shown coupled to the KUKA
youBot hand in Fig. 8. Eight magnets attract flexure-based
Fig. 8. A model of the Torq gripper attached to the end of the KUKA
arm. Magnetic contacts are shown at left.
steel electrical contacts in order to make the necessary power
and data connections. These magnets serve an additional
purpose of guiding the coupling into position. The KUKA
youBot gripper then securely grasps a custom handle located
inside the housing of the tool. An Arduino microcontroller
on the robot sends commands and interprets sensor signals.
For a variety of reasons, several robots must sometimes
come together in collaborative teams in order to complete the
overall assembly task. Some subassemblies may be too heavy
or large for a single robot to manipulate effectively, or more
robots may be required in order to fixture all of the parts
involved in a single attachment operation. In this section,
we address two issues of coordinated manipulation: dynamic
teaming and co-manipulation with decentralized coordinated
control. An example of two robots cooperatively flipping a
table can be seen in Fig. 9.
We address the resource allocation issue of dynamic team-
ing in a greedy manner. Each robot’s dispatcher allocates the
set of currently valid actions, including both single-robot and
team actions. Assembly robots perform all part-attachment
actions that can be performed without help. Delivery robots
receive no singleton assignments besides delivery tasks.
However, delivery robots are eligible to participate as part
of a team when called upon to do so.
Because it is harder to allocate multiple resources at once,
team activities take priority over singleton actions. After the
dispatcher recognizes that the preconditions for a team task
have been satisfied, the robots involved finish their current
action and then proceed to perform the task in a coordinated
Team actions frequently possess a compound nature, and
so they are implemented as a state machine. For the ta-
ble flipping example, states include coarse (global-frame)
navigation, precision (part-frame) navigation, opening and
closing the gripper, and most importantly, following through
the mechanics of a flipping motion.
The flipping motion implements a virtual hinge at one
corner of the table and follows through 90 degrees of travel
at a time. At the conclusion of each 90-degree interval, the
position of the virtual hinge is then updated to the next corner
before the action continues.
Grasp point
Virtual hinge
Initial gripper
Final gripper
Fig. 10. The geometry of kinematic object flipping. Starting from
an arbitrary grasp point, the gripper rotates 90
about a virtual hinge,
maintaining a constant distance.
In order to compute the desired motion of the hand to
kinematically flip an object, the robot tracks the position
of the gripper with respect to the virtual hinge. The robot
computes the desired velocity of its own end-effector in
Cartesian coordinates in order to track an arc. See Fig. 10.
Each robot adjusts the velocity of motion to match the other’s
pace. Joint velocities are then computed via the Jacobian.
Execution terminates after the grippers sweep through 90
rotation (the normal case) or when joint limits or singularities
are reached. At present, the starting shape of the arm is
carefully selected by hand to avoid these kinematic failure
modes. In the future, this process will be automated.
We demonstrated the capabilities described in this paper
using two KUKA youBots, which assembled an IKEA table.
Beginning from geometric descriptions of the parts, the
robots automatically compute a blueprint and assembly plan.
During execution, a Vicon motion capture system provides
localization for the robots and the table-top, although the
table legs are unmarked. Instead, table legs are available at
a fixed location in the global Vicon reference frame.
The robots expect the table-top to begin in the inverted
position, as indicated in the ABPL blueprint shown in
Listing 2. The robots can assemble the table flat on the
ground or elevated on a platform. The latter condition, as
depicted in Fig. 9, assists the robots in flipping the IKEA
Lack table, whose weight exceeds the combined rated 1 kg
maximum load capacity of a pair of youBots.
In addition to table assembly, the robots know how to
make a stool or two-level table out of a pair of half-height
Lack tables by stacking one on top of another.
The overall runtime to fully assemble the Lack table is
approximately ten minutes. Of that time, virtually all is spent
in execution. Geometric preplanning and symbolic planning
consume only a few seconds each. The following list reports
approximate times involved in executing specific tasks as part
of the assembly: pick up leg: 20 s, place leg in hole: 13 s,
hand off leg: 6 s, screw in leg: 45 s, flip table: 50 s.
Fig. 9. This sequence of images shows the process by which two robots flip a table.
To test robustness of the implementation, we performed
twelve repeated trials of the table assembly. Of those, nine
were completely successful. In three trials, a screw missed
the hole. Once, the screwing device failed due to software. In
all, we observed 48/48 successful pickups, 44/48 successful
placements, and 47/48 successful attach operations. Minor
human assistance permitted all trials to run to completion.
In this paper, we describe an implementation of a furniture
assembly system. Parts of the planning system are quite gen-
eral in capability, such as planning “from scratch” with only
the geometric form of the components as input—not even
their assembled shape. We introduce a new language that
is intuitive for humans and robots that efficiently expresses
symbolic planning problems. We describe a modular system
for powered tool use by the KUKA youBot. We discuss a
distributed task allocation system for a team of robots that is
capable of dynamically reassigning tasks as needed, subject
to the capabilities of each robot, demonstrated through the
assembly of an IKEA Lack table. Finally, we discuss an
approach to multi-robot coordination for co-manipulation,
illustrated through the flipping of the table.
Future work primarily revolves around making the system
more generic. We plan to generalize the implementation of
symbolic actions for manipulation to broaden the variety of
furniture kits the system can assemble. We also intend to
generalize the collaboration framework to achieve a variety
of co-manipulation tasks besides object-flipping. Finally,
failure detection and recovery will be added for robustness.
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