M L A S T Y L E , 9 T H E D . | A C A D E M I C S K I L L S C E N T R E , D A W S O N C O L L E G E
You may arrange the entry in different ways, depending on the actual focus of your discussion—
the film itself, the director, the performers, the screenwriter, etc.
Several names may be included if that seems appropriate.
Schindler’s List. Directed by Steven Spielberg, Universal Pictures, 1993.
If a film was seen on TV, accessed online, on DVD, or viewed on a cable movie service, indicate
the relevant details.
Here too, you may arrange your entry to highlight the movie itself, the director, the
screenwriter, the narrator, a performer, etc., depending on the focus of your paper.
If you viewed the film on a streaming service and can include a URL, write the date of access.
Girlhood. Directed by Liz Garbus, Moxie Movies, 2003. History Channel, 6 Aug. 2015.
If the format you viewed it in is relevant or important:
Neeson, Liam, performer. Schindler’s List. Universal Pictures, 1993.
Universal Pictures, 1993.
Where to Invade Next. Directed by Michael Moore, IMG Films, 2015. Club Illico, Videotron.
Accessed 20 Jul. 2014.
Spielberg, Steven, director. Schindler’s List. Performances by Liam Neeson and Ben Kingsley,
Zaillian, Steven, screenwriter. Schindler’s List. Universal Pictures, 1993.
Garbus, Liz, director. Girlhood. Moxie Movies, 2003. Netflix Canada, 2012, www.netflix.com/ca/.
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The episode title comes first (in quotation marks), followed by the series (in italics).
In other cases, there might be no episode title.
If you watched the program on TV, include the name of the network or cable channel.
"Forever Free.” The Civil War. Directed by Ken Burns, episode 3, KLB Productions,
An episode in a series:
PBS, 1990.
Wood, Elijah, performer. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Directed by Peter
Jackson, four disc special extended ed. on DVD, WingNut Films, 2001.
M L A S T Y L E , 9 T H E D . | A C A D E M I C S K I L L S C E N T R E , D A W S O N C O L L E G E
If you accessed a TV program online, provide the URL. If the precise URL for the program video
cannot be given, then give the URL to the main page of the streaming service.
“Forever Free.” The Civil War. Directed by Ken Burns, episode 3, KLB Productions, 1990.
Layton, Jack. Interview by George Stroumboulopoulos. The Hour. CBC Television, 2 Jun. 2009.
You may identify the director, narrator, contributors, performers, etc., if they are relevant to
your discussion. Open with a particular person’s name and role.
Foote, Shelby, contributor. “Forever Free.” The Civil War. Directed by Ken Burns, episode 3,
If you accessed an episode of a TV series on a DVD set, include the title of the DVD set
and the number of the disc that contains the episode.
Burns, Ken, director. “Forever Free.” The Civil War: 25th Anniversary DVD, episode 3, KLB
In the case of a TV interview, identify the interviewee as your actual source of information. Then
name the interviewer and give the details of the broadcast—typically program / network / date.
An episode from a streaming service:
Crediting an individual contributor:
A TV interview:
KLB Productions, PBS, 1990.
Productions, 2015, disc 2.
Netflix Canada, 2013, www.netflix.com/ca/.
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When preparing your in-text citations for longer movies or videos, you may include a time
Use figures separated by full colons to indicate hours / minutes / seconds.
(Girlhood, 01:36: 16–50) (Sansour, 00:20:45–22:50)