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EDF Health Sector Reform
Alteration and Upgrading the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (lot 1) and the Mental Health
Centre (lot 2)
Pre-Tender Meeting
February, 2014; 10:00am
Lecture Room, Milton Cato Memorial Hospital
The meeting was called to order at 10:11am by chair Janelle Quow. Participants were invited to
introduce themselves and the entity they represented:
Decima Corea
Central Planning Division
Anthony Robert
European Union
Chiaka Bowman
Central Planning Division
Cecil Harris
Central Planning Division
Shineco Sutherland
Central Planning Division
Janelle Quow
Central Planning Division
Moulton Mayers
Moulton Mayers Architects
Brian Begg
Moulton Mayers Architects
Branson Ollivierre
Moulton Mayers Architects
Rodney Foster
Moulton Mayers Architects
Nick Denman
Kee-Channona Ltd, Trinidad
Jerome Labban
Kee-Channona Ltd, Trinidad
Elroy Boucher
Milton Cato Memorial Hospital
Grace Walters
Milton Cato Memorial Hospital
Anne DeRoche
Min. of Health, Wellness & the
Onell Wyllie
Min. of Health, Wellness & the
Griffith Glasgow
Edward Construction
Roxanne Williams
Milton Cato Memorial Hospital
Janelle Ballah
Milton Cato Memorial Hospital
Andrew Williams
Milton Cato Memorial Hospital
Charles Woods
Milton Cato Memorial Hospital
Simone Keizer-Beache
Min. of Health, Wellness & the
Eloise Wilkes
Mental Health Centre
Kerry-Ann Hamilton
Min. of Health, Wellness & the
Philip Bailey
Min. of Health, Wellness & the
Shur-Wayne Nicholls
ADC Building & Maintenance
Anderson Clarke
ADC Building & Maintenance
Roland Cuffy
Gibson Construction Ltd
Allex George
IJS Quality Electrical Services
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Alvan Gordon
Innotech Services Ltd
Andrew Adam
Innotech Services Ltd
Antarese DaBree
Hutchinson Construction Co. Ltd
Richard Hutchinson
Hutchinson Construction Co. Ltd
Review of Scope of works
The scope of works was reviewed by JQ:
Lot 1:
a. Maternity Ward A: ceiling, paint, ac work to function as temporary operating theatres
while the main operating theatres are being refurbished
b. Female surgical and ICU: new floor, roof, general upgrades
c. Kitchen: new ceiling, cupboards, exhaust
d. Operating Theatres: new roof water proofing, new ceiling, paint, completely new AC
The MCMH will be operational while construction is ongoing so there will be a special
sequencing of works. Specifically, work in the ICU, kitchen and maternity ward “A” will be
done simultaneously. The work in the main operating theatre on the first floor will
commence only after the completion of the temporary operating theatres on the ground
Lot 2:
General upgrading of the entire health centre including new doors and windows, kitchen
and toilet facilities, staff areas, reconstruction of the burnt-out section as well as all
associated electrical and plumbing installations. The works will also include the construction
of a new circulation corridor. The contractor will be given free access to the site.
Review of Tender Details
The following dates were highlighted:
a. Deadline for tenderers to submit written request for clarifications: March 3
b. Deadline for contracting authority, the Central Planning Division, to post
addenda and clarifications on website: March 13
c. Submission deadline for bid: March 24
2014 at 4:00pm.
d. Tender opening: March 25
The tenderers were advised that the tender document has the information for the
financial requirements which would be used, along with other evaluation criteria, to
determine the responsiveness of the bids submitted. The financial requirements would
consider required annual turnover and access to liquidity.
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The following sections of the Instructions to Tenderers were highlighted:
a. Section 12: In order to submit well-prepared, responsive tenders, tenderers were
advised to carefully review Section 12 of the Instructions to Tenderers which
details all of the information to be submitted with tenders.
b. Section 13: This section gives detailed information for the financial requirements
of the tender. It was drawn to the tenderers attention that the prices should be
in East Caribbean Dollars, not Euros. Also, all prices should be inclusive of VAT
and customs charges as laid out in the tender dossier.
c. Section 15: This section provides information for the tender guarantee of each
lot. It was highlighted that the guarantees would be EC$20,000 and EC$15,000
for lot 1 and lot 2 respectively.
The supply of the air conditioning units for the MCMH: The documents for this supply
are currently being reviewed by the consultants and are not part of the tender which
was launched; however a provisional sum will be issued to tenderers.
Update: The documents will be published on the Contracting Authority’s website, by Friday, 21
February 2014 so that tenderers can source and
price a suitable system. On award of contract the contractor may use his own sub-
contractor or a subcontractor would be nominated depending on the comparative
Questions from tenderers
i. Are there any restrictions on the hours of work at the MCMH site?
- Work should be done during the hours of 7:00am to 5:00pm.
ii. What is the form of contract to be used, FIDIC or JCT?
- The standard EU form of contract will be used.
iii. Who is the Project Manager and what would be that person’s roles and
responsibilities? That is, who address issues like changes in the scope of work
and variations?
- The tender dossier speaks to a supervisor and a supervisor’s representative,
not a project manager. The tenderer will be advised of the supervisor’s
representative in due course.
iv. According to the advertisement, the deadline for submission of tenders is 4
March, 2014. Is there a discrepancy?
- The deadline for submission of tender is 24
March, 2014
v. Will there be provisional sum for the MCMH air-conditioning works?
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- Yes, a provisional sum will be issued.
- Update: In addition to the provisional sum, the air conditioning documents
will be posted on the web site so that tenderers can source and price a
suitable system. On award of contract the contractor may use his own sub-
contractor or a subcontractor would be nominated depending on the
comparative costs.
vi. Are the relevant supervisor and supervisor representative named?
- The supervisor is named in the document but the supervisor’s representative
will be named in due course.
vii. According to the special conditions of contract, all demolition materials are the
property of the employer, so would the employer be responsible for disposing the
waste materials?
- This will be reviewed and will be addressed in a clarification. Please refer to
item no.2 of Clarification No.2.
viii. Can the payment period of 90 days be modified?
- No, this period cannot be negotiated as it was in the past; however both the
Contracting Authority and the European Union will endeavour to process
payments as quickly as possible. The contractor must also ensure that claims
are well-prepared.
ix. Will there be a provisional sum for the ceramic tile so that all tenderers are on
the same page?
- Yes, a provisional sum will be issued for the ceramic tile. Please refer to item
no.1 of Clarification no.2.
x. The BoQ says that prices are to be VAT exclusive while the bidding documents
says that VAT is mandatory. Since the VAT paid by the contractors is to be
reimbursed can the relevant documents be worded to convey that VAT is not
being collected on behalf of the government but is instead being reimbursed?
- This query is to be addressed later.
- Update: Please refer to the response to question no. 4 of Clarification no.1.
xi. Would there be specifications provided for the epoxy floor coating at the MHC?
- Yes, specifications will be provided for the epoxy flooring. Please refer to
item no.3 of Clarification No.2.
xii. What is the expected start date for the project?
- The expected start date of the project is early June no later than 15
xiii. Can the contracting authority give the contractors information on where to
source the Air Conditioning units?
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- This query is noted and will be addressed later.
xiv. Would the contractors be provided with hard copies of the BoQs?
- No, contractors will not be given printed tender dossiers; the dossier is
available for download at
This portion of the meeting was concluded and the walk-through commenced.
Tenderers were taken through the Maternity Ward, Kitchen, Female Surgical Ward and
Queries and responses are as follows:
i. There is a wall to be demolished in the kitchen; however there is an electrical
panel on that wall. Will the panel be relocated?
- It is unlikely that the panel can be relocated. Only a portion of the wall will
be demolished to avoid relocation of the panel.
ii. Are as-build drawings available?
- Some as-built drawings are available.
iii. What is the possibility of creating an access through the wall boundary with the
cemetery as an alternative to the pedestrian ramp to access the first floor?
- This will be investigated.
iv. Subsequent to the site visit, who should tenderers contact in order to visit the
- Tenderers should contact the Contracting Authority in writing.
There being no other business, the meeting concluded at approximately 11:45am.