St. Paul Church, 485 Alling St., Kensington
Saturday 4pm Vigil
Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am & 12pm
Sacred Heart Church, 48 Cottage St., E. Berlin
Sunday 9:30am
Weekday Mass at St. Paul Church
Monday-Friday 7am & 5pm
All Masses are live streamed
Saturdays 8:30am-9:30am and 3:00-4:00pm
Tuesdays 4:00-5:00pm
Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
Baptismal Instruction: Last Tuesday of the month
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm #860 828-0331
Mailing Address:
467 Alling St, Kensington CT 06037
- St Paul Parish Kensington CT
- saintpaulparish
Fr. Joseph Benicewicz, OFM Conv.
Fr. Michael Englert, OFM Conv.
Parochial Vicar & Guardian
Fr. Martin Kobos, OFM Conv.
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Raymond Borkowski, OFM Conv.
In Residence
Deacon Don Philip
"Let the Church always be a place of MERCY and HOPE,
-Pope Francis
St. Paul Catholic Parish
A Franciscan Family of Faith
St. Paul Church - 485 Alling St, Kensington CT 06037
Sacred Heart Church - 48 Cottage St, East Berlin CT 06023
February 12, 2023
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Marriage Day - This 2
Sunday of February is World
Marriage Day and is part of World Marriage Week which ends
on St. Valentine’s Day on Tuesday. As part of World Marriage
Week, the website offers reflections for
an at home “retreat” for married couples. The following ex-
cerpt speaks of marriage being Eucharistic. “To be Eucharistic
in marriage means that we are called to love our spouse as
Christ loves us... This is the weight of our words in marriage
when we promise to be true to our beloved in good times and
in bad, in health and in sickness, in times of wealth and in
times of poverty. We should be willing to die to ourselves, for
them, every day for the rest of our life! ... True joy is found in a
life that is shared and poured out with love to others. This
sacrificial love is at the heart of Eucharistic giving. The more
both spouses intentionally give to each other, the deeper their
marital love grows, and also the ability to endure difficult
struggles in life together.”
“Being Eucharistic in our married life, means that we desire to
take up our cross daily and live out Christ’s example of love
toward our spouse. It means that we intentionally strive every
day to understand the needs of our beloved and work hard at
helping them meet those needs. It also means being, inwardly
and outwardly, thankful for the gift of our spouse and for the
ways they, in return, feed us. Being Eucharistic in our actions
requires us to not only understand what our spouse needs,
but also to be willing to make sacrifices in order for them to
meet those needs.”
May all married couples be strengthened, nourished and
sustained by God's love and grace, especially in the Eucharist
each week. We pray for them as they strive to model their
marriage on Jesus’ sacrificial love.
Marriage Prayer - Lord, help us to remember when we first
met and the strong love that grew between us. Help us love in
practical ways so that nothing can divide us. May our words
be kind and our thoughts gracious. May we remain humble
enough to ask for forgiveness and wise enough to freely give.
Lent Begins February 22 - With Lent just 11 days away, now
is a good time to begin to prepare ourselves for the holy
season. Pope Francis at the end of his 2016 Lenten Message
said: "Let us not waste this season of Lent, so favorable a
time for conversion!" Last year he said, “we will do well to
reflect on Saint Paul’s exhortation to the Galatians: “Let us not
grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our
harvest, if we do not give up. So then, while we have the
opportunity, let us do good to all” (Gal. 6:9-10). In order not to
waste Lent, consider developing a plan to make best use of
this time so that we do not become weary of trying to do good.
Pope Francis also said in his message last year: “Let us not
grow tired of praying. Jesus taught us to “pray always without
becoming weary (Lk. 18:1). We need to pray because we
need God. Thinking that we need nothing other than ourselves
is a dangerous illusion.The Mass schedule for Ash Wednes-
day appears below. This weekend each parishioner will
receive a personal copy of a booklet entitled the Lenten
Companion. I hope that you will find it to be a helpful aid to
assist your prayer and spiritual reflection during Lent.
The Church always places before us three tried and true ways
(prayer, fasting, and almsgiving) to help us grow in holiness.
The most difficult part of this sometimes is what should I “give
up” for Lent. Continuing the notion proposed above that a little
planning might help us make better use of this season of Lent
I offer a few thoughts about what to “give up.”
Sometimes we retreat to the same things every year without
giving much thought to what this “penance” is supposed to
accomplish in us. “Let us not grow tired of uprooting evil from
our lives. May the corporal fasting to which Lent calls us fortify
our spirit for the battle against sin.” Pope Francis in these
words connects our fasting with trying to rid us of sin. Is there
a nagging sin in your life that you would like to or know you
should do away with? Link the penance to the sin or bad habit
or addiction that you need to be freed from. The Holy Father
proposed that one of these is addiction to the digital media,
which impoverishes human relationships.” Are you wasting too
much time on your various devices and not enough quality
time with family and friends? Could some prayer time replace
time on our devices?
Commit yourself to not wasting the time of Lent. Use these
next 11 days to put together the first draft and eventually a
final plan of how not to waste the time that we will be given
this Lent. The plan for each will be different, but what is
common is that we have our own plan and be ready to begin
using it on Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday (February 22
) Mass Schedule - Masses
on Ash Wednesday will be celebrated at 7:00 a.m., 8:45 a.m.
(School Mass - ALL are welcome), 12 Noon, 5:00 p.m. and
7:00 p.m. Ashes will be distributed at all of the Masses.
Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center - The Passionist
Retreat Center in West Hartford offers many opportunities for
retreats during the year. They have given me a $325 voucher
for any man who has never made a retreat there. Call or send
me an email and I will pass it on to you.
Annual End of the Year Donations - Included in this week’s
bulletin is a listing of all who have made a gift to the parish’s
Annual (End of the Year) Appeal. As of February 5
this honor
roll includes 402 parishioners who have made donations total-
ing $79,557!! The average gift is $198. If you still have the
intention of making a gift they can be made at any time.
Continued on page 4
Saint Michael the Archangel,
Defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the
wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Saturday, February 11, 2023 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 Frank, Mary and George Cotrona by family
Sunday, February 12, 2023 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 Joseph Tirinzoni 14th Anniversary by children
9:00 For All Married Couples
9:30 Parishioners of Saint Paul Parish
10:30 Walter Lagocki by family
12:00 Vincent Lewandowski by Helen and family
Monday, February 13, 2023 Weekday
7:00 Living Friars, Families, Friends and
Benefactors of the Friars
5:00 Cirila Gomes by family
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 Sts. Cyril and Methodius
7:00 Kieran Egan by wife Margaret and children
Souls in Purgatory by anonymous
Alex Gujda 18 Year Birthday Celebration by family
Ines Tee by brother
Matthew Zapor 3rd Anniversary
by Sawyer and Zapor families
5:00 Jack Gebhardt by Joan and Michele
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Weekday
7:00 Lucille Micacci and Rose & Vincent Micacci
by Anthony Micacci
5:00 Jose Portal by wife and children
Thursday, February 16, 2023 Weekday
7:00 Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life
5:00 David W. Kimmel Birthday Remembrance
by wife and family
Emilia Francalangia 1st Year Anniversary by family
Eugenio Ricciardi by Emanuele Lombardo
Jeffrey Gable by mom Carole
John Nappi, Jr. by wife
Friday, February 17, 2023 Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
7:00 Kathryn LaVette by St. Paul Prayer Shawl Ministry
5:00 Stefan Chojnowski by Margaret Gorecki
Saturday, February 18, 2023 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 Michael J. Sokolowski by the Cormier family
Sunday, February 19, 2023 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 Mary Curry 1st Anniversary by the Guzzardi family
9:00 Joseph V. Janik by family
9:30 Parishioners of Saint Paul Parish
10:30 Maryann and Raymond Dorsey by Ron
12:00 Lori Pietraszewski Birthday Celebration
by Tabaczynski family
Blessed Mother Candles will burn this week for
Linda Imundo Gregory
Birthday Remembrance by John, Mary Ann and Michael Imundo
Messina and D'Angelo Families
by Adeline D'Angelo and family
Lisa Andreana Birthday Remembrance by family
Alice Hall In Memory by husband Donald Hall
Sanctuary Candles will burn this week for
Ronald Schmitt 8 Year Remembrance by Ann
Mass about 10 minutes early, go to the sacristy and let them
know you need a low gluten host. Sit near the front of the new
wing. Before Communion, look for a Eucharistic Minister to
come forward with a consecrated host for you.
2nd Collection February 18/19:
Catholic High Schools of the Archdiocese of Hartford
In Church SP $ 7,973
Office $ 3,039
In Church SH $ 401
Online Giving $ 5,380
Total $ 16,793
Parish Collection
Jan 31-Feb 6, 2023
Reminder: Our friars will be happy to visit you or your
loved one in the hospital if you kindly let us know
when you are there. Call the parish office at 860-828-0331
Happy National Marriage Week to all of our married
parishioners. Visit for
Daily Marriage Tips, interesting articles and resources, and
much more.
PASTOR’S COLUMN (continued)
The generosity of so many is so very helpful to the parish so
that we can continue our wide array of ministries to so many
people in the parish. So once again thanks for all that you
do to support our parish!
Final Thoughts - Well here we are at Super Bowl LVII. Try-
ing to figure out who is going to win? Consider these tidbits:
During the regular season, KC scored 496 points while Philly
tallied 477. The Chiefs allowed 369 points while the Eagles
let up 344. In the regular season, Philadelphia led the NFL
with 70 sacks; and who was second, the Chiefs of course,
with 55. The Eagles are the home team and will wear green.
The white wearing Chiefs hope to join the 36 of 56 Super
Bowl winning teams who wore white. These two cities faced
off in the 1980 World Series as the Phillies beat the Royals in
six games. My last pick takes KC. I hope you
have good numbers in your squares! Pitch-
ers and catchers report this week! Don’t for-
get to put some time into your game plan for
Lent this week. Enjoy the game and have a
blessed week. - Fr. Joe
For readings online, visit
First Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13
The Lord is kind and merciful.
Second Reading: 1 Corinthans 3:16-23
Alleluia: 1 John 2:5
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Whoever keeps the word of Christ,
the love of God is truly perfected in him.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48
Jesus said to his disciples: "You have heard that it was said,
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you,
offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes
you on your right cheek, turn the other one as well. If anyone
wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand over your
cloak as well. Should anyone press you into service for one
mile, go for two miles. Give to the one who asks of you, and
do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow. "You
have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and
hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and
pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children
of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad
and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the
unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense
will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? And if
you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do
not the pagans do the same? So be perfect, just as your
heavenly Father is perfect."
Our next Registration Meeting is Monday, February 14th
in the St. Paul Church Hall (downstairs) at 7pm.
Please let us know if you plan to attend. Call 860-828-0331
Volunteers will be needed on Thursday, Feb. 16 at
9:30am to transport food from St. Paul to Sacred Heart
and to set up for distribution. Volunteers are also needed
on Friday, Feb. 17 at 11am at Sacred Heart Church to
help with distribution. For transportation to FoodShare at
Sacred Heart, call the Berlin Senior Center 860-828-7006.
For information regarding the St. Clare Pantry or Food-
Share including volunteering, contact Nancy at 860-601-
7866 or
Thank you to all who continue to support this ministry!
The Pantry is currently in need of the following items:
Tomato sauce, mayo, frosting, pudding/jello snacks,
cereal, oatmeal, hot chocolate, canned fruits and
vegetables, canned chicken, rice and rice sides.
*Items in bold are staples that are always needed.
Happy Saint Valentine’s Day—February 14th!
According to a tradition, St. Valentine risked his life to marry
couples in a Christian way during the time of persecution.
He finally gave his life in martyrdom, which is the ultimate
manifestation of love. The love of this holy priest for Jesus
Christ and for defending the Sacrament of Matrimony
inspires us to raise human love to the heights of the divine
love for which we were created. Christians should take
advantage of this feast to recover the Christian meaning of
love and marriage in the light of Christ.
Monday - Thursday 8am - 2pm Phone 860 828-0331
St Paul Parish Religious Ed Berlin CT
Mailing Address: 467 Alling St, Kensington CT 06037
Robin Veronesi, Director of Religious Education
(860) 828-1934 ext 320
Christina Norton, Administrative Assistant
(860) 828-1934 ext 321
For more information visit our school website
or call 860-828-4343 x113.
To download an application, click on this link:
You may also email our
Admissions Director, Kelly Esposito,
It is a blessing to our entire parish when St. Paul’s children
serve at a Children’s Mass. Thank you to all of our families
whose children have volunteered! Here are some photos
from the Sunday, Feb. 5 Children’s Mass. Fr. Martin used a
flashlight to illustrate: “Our good deeds, our good actions,
are the light of the world. They lighten a dark situation, and
the song [the opening hymn] and the Gospel said that the
dark situations are the hungry, are those who don’t have
good clothes, those who are sad; all of those are like sad
situations, and so when we go out of our way and do a good
deed, what do we do? We break up the darkness!”
As part of
Schools Week
last week,
Saint Paul
School held a
parade for
First Responders. We also welcomed alumni from St. Paul
Catholic High School to read to the preschool students.
The high
school students
enjoyed visiting
with their
former middle
Winners of the annual Middle School Science Fair were also
announced. Congratulations to the winners (pictured below).
Thank you to Fr. Martin
for being with us on the
Feast of
Saint Blaise
for the
Blessing of
Our next Children’s Mass will be
Sunday, March 5, at 10:30am.
If your child is interested in
participating, please let us know!
Thank you
to our
Bobby Adamowicz
Jacob Ahlquist
Gilda Alberti
John Anderson
Elaine Andrews
Jose Arcia
Donna Baranowski
Zulma Barbien
Olivia Belfonti
Wyatt Bernard
Peter Bocompani
David Borselle
Cheryl Brown
Richard Carlson
Silas Cipollone
Doug Clarke
Lorraine Clark
Sophie Conti
Carol Corriveau
Tom Coss
Arlene Cotrona
Amanda Coyle
Janet Crossman
Robert Czerwinski
Mary Daleski
Adeline D’Angelo
Ramiro Dagna
Uly Dagna
Maria DeFazio
Michael Frakel
Fr. Anthony DeFronzo
Bill Dobbs
Nicole Donzello
Nick Donzello
Bernadette Dumond
Fannie Farrell
Lilia Fernandez
Simon Fitzpatrick
Helen Flannelly
Nancy Fleming
Deb Follett
Maureen Freemen
Rose Garuti
Patricia Gebhardt
Dominic Gionfriddo
Jennifer Gionfriddo
Salvatore Gionfriddo
Rosemarie Gionfriddo
Liz Goryl-Phillips
Donna Goulette
Frank Grandone
Madison Gray
Grochal Family
Pat Haber
Linda Hannold
Lily Harzewski-Burl
Tom Higgins
Evan Hill
Pat Jahn
Barbara Killius
Evan Kimmel
Sylvia Kratka
John G. Kumitis, Sr.
Mary Lamkins
Maria Lauria
Mary Leinen
Laura Lemke
Connie Lombardi
Ronald Maldon
Lisa Mangiafico
Fr. Paul Mangiafico
Carol Marold
Jackie Martin
Robert Mazzaferro
Lorraine McCarthy
Brandi McWade
Luis Mendoza
Viola Mercadante
Michael Mihalko
Tom Modifica
Evelyn Modzelewski
Sam and Esther Motta
Nancy Motulko
Cheryl Murphy
John Murphy
Helen Murphy
Thomas Norris
Arlene O'Neill
Esther Ouellette
Our Military Service Members
Emma Pagano
Antoinette Pandolfi
Judy Pappalardo
Cynthia Paradise
Richard Paskiewicz
John Pink
Care Rich
Frank Rich
Mary Rich
Rita Richter
Randy Ripley
Steven Ripley
Carlos Rivera
Phyllis Rubbo
Viola Salonia
Joan Schwartz
Raul Seipel
Guy Simeone
Rev. Arkadiusz Skwarek
Donald Spilka
Kevin Stanowski
Sandy Story
James Swiatek
Gabe Szczygla
Julia Szczygla
Luke Szul
Alfred J. Tee
Beverly Veley
Brian Veley
Scott Veley
Tom Vest
Louise Webb
Thaddeus Wojtusik
Molly Yardley
Mary Ann Watrous
Miriam Zacharias
Carrie Zangari
Please let us know if your name or the name of a loved one
can be removed from our Parish Prayer List. We are happy
to keep as many people on the list as needed. However,
sometimes people simply forget to call us to let us know
that a name can be removed.
If you would like to add someone to our Prayer List or to let
us know that someone can be removed, please call the
parish office 860-828-0331 (Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm) or
email us at [email protected].
Please be sure to ask for permission from the person
whose name you would like to add to the list
To make a prayer request through our
Daughters of Jairus Prayer Line, call
Terry 860-828-6667 or Gloria 860-828-1525
with your confidential request. Please give
the first name of the person to be prayed for and the intention.
Visit our website for a printable How to Pray the Rosary Guide
“There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is,
that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.
-Sr Lucia of Fatima
Our Children's Rosary group meets at 10am at
Sacred Heart Church on the first Saturday of
each month. Next date: March 4th. All are wel-
come. To learn more, please contact Cheryl
Batter at [email protected].
PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS We have resumed the prac-
tice of having parishioners present the bread and wine during
the Offertory. Those who have made the offering for the inten-
tion for each Mass are invited to present the gifts for that Mass.
If they would like to do so, they should arrive at least ten
minutes before the scheduled start time of the Mass and go to
the sacristy to let the sacristan know that you would like to
bring up the gifts. If no one comes forward by that time, other
parishioners will be invited to bring up the gifts for that Mass.
The exception will be the Children’s Masses where students
will always bring up the gifts.
The bread and wine are placed on the shelf attached to the front
pew of each wing. The gifts are placed on whichever side of the
church that the priest and servers enter from each weekend.
2nd Tuesday of the month at 1pm in the St. Paul
Church Hall. The next meeting is February 14.
We purchase yarn and knit or crochet prayer shawls to give to
individuals who may be homebound, ill or in need of comfort,
to let them know God’s love always surrounds. New members
welcome. Call Mary at 860-828-5478.
Our HELPING HANDS volunteers address the
concerns of our senior parishioners. If you are
interested in joining this ministry, we’d love to
have you join us. Please contact Mark Duplin:
860-666-0162 or [email protected].
weekly on Thursday mornings from 9 to 11am in
the St. Paul Church Hall. Anyone working on an-
other project or who has a different type of craft
(origami, jewelry, scrapbook, genealogy, etc.) is welcome to
join us!. Please call Barbara with questions: 860-930-0310.
Our St. Paul Parish CHILDREN’S CHOIR
rehearses on Wednesday evenings in
church from 6:00-6:30pm. All are welcome
to join! If you would like your child to sing
with the choir or if you have any questions,
please contact Cheryl Kramer-Tierney 19[email protected]
KNITTERS NEEDED Our Social Action Ministry is
looking for volunteers to knit youth sized winter hats
and scarves for children ages 10-17. The hats will be
donated to the Underground New England, a grass-roots,
faith-based initiative dedicated to ending sex trafficking and
sexual exploitation throughout New England. There is yarn at
the church. All finished hats can be placed in the plastic bins
located down the stairs near the elevator entrance of St. Paul
Church. Questions? Call Cheryl at 860-218-3177.
Adult Confirmation-Six Session Program begins March 16th
Are you an adult who never received the Sacrament of Con-
firmation? – If so, St. Paul’s Adult Confirmation Program (ACP)
will prepare you to be Confirmed in the Spring of 2023. The
reception of all of the Sacraments is about helping us journey
through this life to life eternal. The Sacrament of Confirmation is
a confirming and strengthening of our Baptisms. Through the
Sacrament you are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and
Confirmation provides additional graces to help us live out our
adult lives as faithful followers of Jesus and strengthens our
bond with the Church. Those who are asked to be a godparent
for Baptism or a Sponsor at Confirmation must have received
the Sacrament of Confirmation in order to take on those respon-
sibilities. Likewise, those to be married in the Catholic Church
should be Confirmed. St. Paul Parish is implementing this six (6)
session ACP so that those adult Catholics who were never Con-
firmed can be fully initiated in the Catholic faith.
Catholics who are at least 18 years old and have already been
baptized and received their 1
Holy Communion may participate
in the ACP. If married, you must be in a valid Catholic marriage.
If you were married outside the Catholic Church (meaning in a
civil ceremony or in a non-Catholic Church without the appropri-
ate permission) and would like to discuss how you can have
your marriage recognized in the Church contact one of the Friar-
priests and they will be happy to discuss with you your situation.
Your preparation for Confirmation can be done simultaneously
with the preparation to have your marriage convalidated in the
Church, but the convalidation must be concluded before the
actual Confirmation ceremony. Generally speaking, this can
often be accomplished.
There is no monetary cost for the program. To register, email
Dan Tome at or call the parish
office at 860-828-0331 and ask for Dan or complete our simple
online form at
Registration deadline is March 6. Once we know how many are
interested, we will work out the details of the program. If you
have any questions do not hesitate to contact Dan or one of the
Friars. If you know of a family member or friend who has not
been Confirmed, please share this information with them.
Our parish Women of Faith group
aims to support and affirm our faith
as Catholic women in today's
changing times. We come together
once a month to share common threads, journeys
in life, difficulties, strengths, sorrows, attributes,
and how our faith helps us get through it all.
"I am very happy that I joined the Women in Faith Group. This
is where anyone can come and share any issues/concerns they
may have regarding family, children, work and faith, etc. without
any judgment. The group is very supportive. In this unsettling
world in which we live today, it is nice to come together with
other women who share the same values."
Come and experience how the Women of Faith group can
influence your life journey! For any questions or schedule of
meetings, email us at:
The next meeting will be Thursday, February 9 at 7pm in the
St. Paul Church Hall.
TMIY! Men’s Group new 13 week
season: January—April 2023
Full of dynamic speakers sharing
insights into our faith, this season will enlighten your mind
with spiritual truths that will help transform the world. Join us
for food, fellowship, and faith Saturdays at 6:30 AM in the St
Paul Church Hall. All men are welcome. To learn more, visit
the TMIY website at or visit our parish
TMIY page at
Contact our core team for more information.
Rick Dighello - 860-655-0714
Frank Ciarcia - 860- 655-1414
Bud Volz - 860- 681-8355
Corey Whiteside - coreyswhite[email protected]et 860-719-7021
Adam Zangari - 860-829-7991
“HOT STUFF” (and some not-so-hot) FOOD COLLECTION
Our Social Action Ministry is conducting
their annual Hot Stuff collection through
February 19 to benefit the Friendship
Center in New Britain. Please support this
collection during these cold winter months
if your means allow.
Items requested include: Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa, Broth,
Hot and Cold Cereal, Soup, Salt and Pepper, Canned
Vegetables and a variety of non-perishable juices
Please contact Joan Baker with any questions at
Available Masses for Feb/March are listed below. There
are still Masses available on Tuesday at 7am and Thursday
at 5pm as well. To reserve a Mass, please call the parish
office 860-828-0331, M-F 9am-4pm.
· Wednesday, February 22 - 8:45am (Ash Wednesday)
· Thursday, February 23 - 7:00am
· Tuesday, March 14 - 8:45am
· Sunday, March 19 - 7:30am or 9:30am
· Tuesday, March 21 - 8:45am
· Wednesday, March 22 - 7:00am
· Thursday, March 23 - 7:00am
· Sunday, March 26 - 7:30am or 9:30am
· Monday, March 27 - 7:00am
· Tuesday, March 28 - 7:00am or 8:45am
· Wednesday, March 29 - 7:00am
JOB OPPORTUNITY Saint Paul School is seeking a full-time
Director of Advancement (D.A.). The D.A. is responsible for
planning and implementing a comprehensive program of
development including the cultivation of alumni/constituent
relations and overseeing the execution of all fund raising
programs, both school-wide and through the Home & School
Association. The D.A. reports to the school principal and
serves to collaborate with the pastor, School Board, and
Director of Marketing. Visit
for more information and submit a letter of interest and
resume to the principal, Mrs. Conaway, at
Calling All Young Adults!
Join other young adults from
across the state for a “weekend away” of rest, rejuvenation,
and exploring the faith! The Crossroads 4 Christ Young Adult
Retreat will take place on March 10th-12th at the Immaculate
Conception Center in Putnam, CT. Enjoy inspiring talks,
small groups, social time, Mass, Adoration, and opportunities
for Confession. Registration opens on February 3rd. Cost:
$150 per person. Open to young adults, ages 18-39. Check
out for more info and registration!
We have a secret, in that many of us are
not professional trained singers, but we
work and learn together and somehow, we
end up making a joyful noise!
With Lent and the Easter Season upon us, now would be
the perfect time to start singing and practicing with our choir
as we prepare for the Holy Season.
Contact [email protected] for details.
WOMAN’S RETREAT All Creation Is Groaning in
Labor Pains, Even Until Now (Romans 8:22)
St. Paul reminds us that the pain we experience
is the very place where hope is born. How do we
allow the difficulties and darkness to lead us to a new way of
being? Our Lady of Calvary Retreat House in Farmington in-
vites women from St. Paul Parish to a weekend retreat on
March 10-12. “Together we can ponder this question as we
enter into a deeper listening to God’s voice in our heart and
in the reflections of one another.” For details or to register
call 860-677-8519 or visit
*XAVIER - Middletown
*MERCY - Middletown
*EAST CATHOLIC - East Hartford
faith-based home health care agency, Meriden, is
seeking volunteers for its hospice care program.
Becoming a Franciscan Hospice Care Volunteer is a reward-
ing opportunity to journey with someone in the latter portion
of his/her life. Hospice care volunteers receive 16 hours of
training that enables them to be present to others in a very
special way supporting the individual and family through a
difficult time. There is continuing education and support
through monthly meetings as well as social events for the
hospice volunteers throughout the year. Volunteers provide a
variety of services such as visiting patients, reading, sharing
stories, praying or being a quiet presence for the patient as
well as clerical support. If you are interested in becoming a
Franciscan Hospice Care Volunteer. Contact BJ Raby at
203-238-1441 or [email protected].
The Knights of Columbus
Msgr. Thomas L Greylish Council # 3675
will award college scholarships to graduating
high school students:
· Alfred Greco Scholarship—student is required to live in
Berlin and have father or grandfather who is a Knight.
· Terrence Lescoe Scholarship—student must live in Berlin.
Visit the parish website for applications. Deadline April 1st.
The New Britain Council of Catholic Women is pleased to
offer two, $1,000 scholarships to either 8th graders planning
to attend a Catholic High School or high school seniors
planning to attend college.
The Council is only accepting digital applications which can
be obtained by emailing a request to the NBCCW at
[email protected] or to the parish office
at The deadline for
submission is May 5th.
The Robert T. Kenney Scholarship Program at the
American Savings Foundation will award scholarships to
over 375 new and renewing students this year. Scholarships
are awarded primarily based on financial need. Students can
attend a 4-year college/university, 2-year college, or tech-
nical/vocational school within the US. Apply online and get
more information at
If your child is in 8th grade or high school, take a look at
our nearby Catholic high schools! They offer an excellent
education and so much more. Call to schedule a ‘shadow’
visit for your child, attend an Open House, register for the
placement exam, and ask about financial assistance!
of in-person and virtual marriage experiences, some on
weekends and some on weekdays. Couples explore their
relationship with each other, God, and the Church. Registra-
tion is limited; there is a $100 application fee. Experiences
available are: Mar 10-12 in Upton, MA, Jun 23-25 in Hunting-
ton, NY. For more information or to apply, call Frank &
Margie Pearson at 860-337-2447 or
ADULT LITERACY MINISTRY Enrich your life by spending
one hour a week with an adult who needs to learn to read,
write, and speak English. An initial interview and orientation
will be provided. The Siena Learning Center will supply all
the materials. If you are interested please contact Nancy
Rodriguez, Director at 860-348-0622. This adult literacy
ministry is supported by the Dominican Sisters of Peace.
St. Paul Parishioners have FREE access
to great digital content through FORMED!
Visit to create an account and start enjoy-
ing movies, programs, and more instantly. To create a new
account, go to, select "Sign up as a parishioner",
type in "St. Paul Kensington CT" and follow the simple
prompts to set up your account.
All parishes in the Archdiocese of Hartford are required to post the document shown below in the bulletin at least once per year.
If you’d like to get involved or learn more about our
St. Paul Culture of Life Ministry, please email Ashley at
All parishioners are invited consider
serving as a Reader or Extraordinary
Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) at
Mass. There will be a day of reflection
and training session for new members of these ministries on
Sunday, February 19 from 1:15 to 5:15 pm in the St. Paul
Church Hall. Those currently serving in these ministries will
participate in this program as well. Candidates for these
ministries must meet the qualifications noted below. If you
are interested in being an EMHC or Reader, please contact
Fr. Joe or the parish office so that you can secure the
permission needed to attend the program on February 19th.
EMHC are properly formed, instructed and commissioned
lay persons who are appointed for a given parish community
to aid in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to
the sick and homebound when ordinary ministers of Holy
Communion are unavailable.
Readers (Lectors) are lay persons commissioned to proclaim
the readings from Sacred Scripture at Mass, not including the
Gospel. Readers should possess the skills necessary for
effective oral proclamation which is essential for this ministry.
Qualifications: The Archbishop of Hartford regulates the min-
istry of EMHC and Readers in collaboration with the pastors
of the parishes of the Archdiocese. EMHC and Readers are to
meet the following qualifications:
1. Be at least 17 years of age
2. Have received the Sacrament of Confirmation
3. Have a continuing relationship with the parish and regularly
participate in the Eucharist (attend Mass each weekend).
4. Strives to live a life consistent with the teachings of the
Catholic Church
5. If married, are in a valid Catholic marriage
6. Have the Pastor's permission
7. Complete an online Virtus Training session
8. Readers must possess the skills needed for effective oral
How would you like to join one of our small groups and study
a part of the Bible?
You’ve probably thought about it, especially after hearing one
of the readings during Mass that caught your interest. Well,
it’s easy, spiritually invigorating and fun. Our study groups
have been involved in scripture study at St. Paul for 12 years,
and we’d love to have you join us. We have it organized well
and utilize the commentaries and study guides from Little
Rock Scripture Study Program. Check them out at
Our next study will be The Book of Genesis (part 2) . This
study involves a little reading on your own and participating in
5 small group meetings twice a month in the parish center
beginning the week of March 13.
A study of the book of Genesis is an invitation not only to
contemplate the creation story, but to remember the Israelites
our ancestors in faith. Part Two of this study covers Genesis
chapters 25-50 and moves us forward from the time of
Abraham to the unfolding of his family in the stories of Isaac
and Jacob. Each participant will receive a study guide with
commentary and thought provoking questions. We will also
have access to summary lectures on-line.
SIGN UP?: There will be an informational meeting on
Thursday, March 2, 2023 in the Church Hall at 7:00 pm to
learn the details, ask questions and register. See the flyer in
this bulletin. Go to for resources and
information on studying the Bible.
We hope you will take the next step to build your relationship
with God and study along with us.
Birthright is an emergency pregnancy center offering free
pregnancy tests and caring and practical support. Our
guiding principle: It is the RIGHT of every pregnant woman
to give BIRTH and the RIGHT of every child to be BORN.
Birthright volunteers have served in Connecticut since 1972.
Thousands of expectant mothers have received the help they
need to bring their babies into the world.! There are seven
Birthright chapters in our state. Please call 1-800-550-4900
for the Birthright nearest you. Training is provided. Spanish
speaking volunteers are especially needed. Thank you.
Save the Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 for the
Connecticut March for Life in downtown Hartford.
12pm–Rally at the Capitol. 1pm –March for Life
7:00am, 8:45am*, 12:00pm, 5:00pm, and 7:00pm
Ashes will be distributed at all Masses
*School Mass—All are welcome
Monday to Friday - 7:00am & 5:00pm
Saturdays, 4:00pm Vigil Mass
Sundays, 7:30am, 9:00am, 9:30am*, 10:30am & 12:00pm
*at Sacred Heart Church
Children’s Masses
Sunday, March 5 at 10:30am
Sunday, March 26 at 9:00am
Fridays of Lent at 7:00pm
February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and April 7
School Children - All are Welcome
Friday, February 24 at 2:00pm—Grades 6-8
Friday, March 3 at 2:00pm—Grades 3-5
Friday, March 10 at 2:00pm—Grades K-2
Friday, March 17 at 2:00pm—Grades 6-8
Friday, March 31 at 2:00pm—Grades 3-5
Thursday, April 6—Living Stations of the Cross at 1:45pm
(8th grade students act out the Stations in the school gym)
Mondays of Lent
February 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3
7:00pm – 8:00pm
Tuesday of Holy Week, April 4
7:00pm – 8:00pm
8:30am – 9:30am
3:00pm – 4:00pm
Mondays 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Tuesdays 4:00pm - 5:00pm
The Sermon on the Mount and the
Lord’s Call to Ongoing Conversion
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
March 14, 15, 16
The regular 5pm Mass will NOT be held on these days.
6:30pm - Mass
7:00pm - Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
7:15pm - Reflection and some quiet time
7:50pm - Benediction
All events are at St. Paul Church
unless otherwise noted.
Abstinence and Fasting During Lent
Catholics age 14+ are obliged to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, all Fridays in Lent and Good Friday.
Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Fasting means only one full meal is to be eaten. Other food eaten on a Fast Day should not equal a full meal.
“Turn away
from sin and
be faithful to
the Gospel”
Mark 1:15
Thank You to all who contributed to our
2022 Year-End St. Paul Parish Appeal
James and Wendy Adamowicz^
George and Elaine Brousseau*
James & Barbara Jiantonio*
Rafael Adames*
Nancy Adamowicz^
Apolinar and Karen Agosto^
Emilie Albert*
Mario Alessi#
Francis and Rosanne Slogeris and Alicata^
David and Paula Alkas*
Frederick and Amanda Alkas^
Joseph and Janice Andros^
Anonymous # (10)
Anonymous * (13)
Anonymous ^ (20)
Anonymous + (3)
Anonymous P (2)
Paul and Cynthia Argazzi*
Robert and Marilyn Asal*
Jerald and Teresa Atkinson*
Michael and Mary Jane Ayotte^
Gary and Alice-Margaret Babon P
Louise Baccaro*
Richard and Sharon Baccaro^
Roland Baikal+
Joan Baker P
Ken and Marcia Baker*
James and Barbara Banasiewicz*
Gloria Baruffi*
Dean and Cheryl Baruffi^
Arlene Basarab*
Jeff and Cheryl Batter#
Rita Beaulieu#
Claudette Bedard*
Howard and Laura Begley*
Frank and Susan Berardi^
Ciriillo and Giovanna Berardozzi*
Leonard and Paula Bisaccia^
David and Carmen Bittel*
Robert and Anita Blake*
Kevin Bobrowski#
Pamela Bobrowski#
Marie Bogdanski*
John and Ruth Bogden^
Mario Boninsegna*
Christine Borkowski*
Elaine Borselle*
Keith and Tracey Bostrom*
Eleanor Bouchard^
Barton and Donna Bovee*
John and Karen Brancato*
Roy and Janet Brancifort^
Edward and Christine Bratina*
Jeffrey and Cheryl Breindel*
Fernand and Laura Brochu*
John and Susan Brochu*
Theodore and Linda Bruttomesso#
John Burns*
Matthew Butera*
Grace Callegari^
William and Pamela Carey*
Maria Carpenter*
Gloria Casner*
Michael and Rebecca Cass*
Michael and Rosemary Cassetta+
John and Deborah Catalano^
Paul and Nancy Cavaliere#
Richard and Catherine Charette P
Mark and Maura Chasse
Mukuka and Nokafu Chipanta#
Stanley and Irene Chlastawa*
Doug and Wendy Clarke^
Peter and Marcelyn Clarke+
David and Jessica Colello#
Lawrie Colite^
Edward and Anastacia Como*
Michael and Virginia O'Connor*
William and Sheryl Conticello*
John and Carmelina Cooper III*
Nicholas and MaryAnn Cooper II*
Mark and Mary Corrigan*
John and Betsy Corvi+
Matthew and Carol Courtney*
Esther Criniti^
Tim Cunha^
Dave and Karen Cyr*
Jeannette Cyr^
Edward Czapla^
Frank and Diane D'Addabbo^
Edward and Patricia Daleski#
Thomas and Mary D'Amato*
Robert and Susan D'Ambrosio*
John and Laurie Dauphin*
Gretchen Davis^
William and Arlene DeBlasio^
John and Melissa DeFeo*
Vinnie and Mary Elizabeth DeFrancesco*
Nancy DePalma P
Anthony and Helen deRito +
Salvatore and Anne DiCostanzo*
James and Maria Dieli^
Irene DiPace^
William and Carol Dobbs*
Michael and Kimberly Doro^
Ronald Dorsey*
Maggie Drag#
Thomas and Marlene Drzata#
Michael and Megan Drzata*
Piotr & Jadwiga Drozdzowski*
Clayton and Nancy Dubay^
David Ducki^
Ella Dumond^
Richard and Kathleen Dunn^
Rosalind Durante^
John and Gail Dwyer^
Theresa Errico^
Dennis and Priscilla Esernia^
P Pillar Gift $1,000~$4,999 + Sustainer’s Circle $500~$999 # Benefactor’s Circle $250~$499
* Helper’s Circle $100~$249 ^ Friend’s Circle $1~$99
Thank You to all who contributed to our
2022 Year-End St. Paul Parish Appeal
Lawrence and Mary Ann Fagan*
Kathleen Fagan*
Michelle Farr*
Thomas and Leslee Farr^
Richard and Irene Fiori^
Andrea Fiori-Brandl#
Robert and Dawn Fischer+
Susan Fitzgerald*
Anita Fitzsimmons*
Brian and Kathleen Fleming*
Peter and Louise Fliss*
Gabor and Kimberly Fodor*
Marlene Fongemie#
Bill and Diane Funk#
John Gabes^
Jacob and Kathleen Gacek*
John and Priscilla Gadea^
Mary Lou Gaffney P
Gary and Lucy Gajewski^
Drew Gallupe*
Ann Gamelin^
Ellen Gentile*
Maria Geremia*
Carl and Kathleen Ginotti^
John & Judy Giove^
Joseph and Shirley Giove^
Louis and Aida Grabowski*
Robert and Carolyn Graham*
Paul and Kristina Guzzardi*
Angelina Gwara*
Koichi and Carolyn Hamada / Beaudin P
Rita Hart*
Ms. Joanne Harzewski^
Bridget Hemond^
James and Anne Henriques*
Timothy and Krista Hilbie P
Irene Hillstrand*
Christopher & Valerie Hillstrand*
Annette Hines^
Kevin & Amber Hines+
Judith Hope^
Louis and Diane Houle^
Jean Hughes#
Steven and Julie Hunt+
John and Mary Ann Imundo*
Patricia Jahn+
Timothy and Jennifer James*
Edward and Gloria Janik P
Raymond and Anna Jarema*
Bohdan and Janina Jeske#
Frederick and Catherine Jortner*
Sandra Julius*
Paul and Rose-Marie Kaczor+
Mark and Faith Kaczynski*
Raymond and Patricia Kalentkowski Jr^
Joseph and Sally Kavumpurath*
Lawrence and Sheila Kelleher*
David and Luane Kelly*
Michael and Nancy Kennure*
Kenneth and Mary Kidd^
Camillia Kimmil*
Robert and Shiela Klapatch*
Marcia Klos*
Molly Knapsack*
William and Laura Khol^
Edward and Linda Kozlenko^
Michael and Susan Kozlowski*
Gerald and Diane Kramer*
Irene Kramer*
Richard and Gail Krause*
Joseph Kropf^
Patricia Ksiazkowski*
Lester and Darlene Kurpiewski^
Royal and Mary Lamkins*
Linda Laviana^
Stephen and Marcia Lechowicz,Sr.^
Steve Lescoe#
Norine Lescoe P
James Lescoe+
Gerald and Jean Letendre^
Ronald & Susan Levandowsky#
Theresa Levasseur^
Helen Lewandowski^
Barbara Lewis*
Jose and Carmen Lima^
Christopher and Joanna Link+
Michael and Janet Linnon P
Deborah Lobb*
Patricia Lombardi P
Gregory and Jodi Lombardi*
Emanuele Lombardo*
John and Mary Jane Lynch^
Henrietta Makowski^
Enzo and Rachele Maltese^
Angela Manafort*
Lawrence and Rosann Mancini+
Michael and Donna Manning+
Ernesto and Maria Manuele^
Carlo and Chirstine Marotta*
Milton Martin*
John and Elaine Matulis*
Gerald and Kathleen McAuliffe#
Jeff and Aimee McBride*
Richard and Mary McCarthy^
Lorraine McCarthy^
John and Judith McCormack^
James McDermott*
Theresa McGuire^
Francis and Lillian McLoughlin*
Anthony Micacci P
Lucia Micacci-Bantle P
Andra Lou & George Millerd#
Lynn Misteri+
Mark and Tricia Modifica*
James and Marilyn Morrill*
Ryan and Letty Morrissey P
Anthony and Christine Murphy*
P Pillar Gift $1,000~$4,999 + Sustainer’s Circle $500~$999 # Benefactor’s Circle $250~$499
* Helper’s Circle $100~$249 ^ Friend’s Circle $1~$99
Thank You to all who contributed to our
2022 Year-End St. Paul Parish Appeal
Edward and Suzanne Myskowski#
Kathleen Nadolny^
Andrew and Ursula Napierkowski*
Brian Natwick *
Alan and Patricia Naudus ^
Robert and Evelyn Nogiec#
Richard and Christine Olson P
Donald and Marlene Olson*
Fred and Karen Ortola*
Vincent and Maria Pace#
Cheryl Pagano*
Margaret Palowski^
Gerald and Marian Paradis P
Donald and Dolores Paris*
Ezzio and Deborah Partesano^
Donald and Elaine Pavasaris *
Mary Ann Peifer^
Richard and Kim Pelczar*
Gregory and Clarice Pelkey*
Chris Pelosi*
John and Nancy Baccaro*
Roger Peterson^
Frederick Peterson#
Dennis and Sharon Phaneuf#
Joseph and Agnes Pohlmann*
Carol Potash*
Marjorie Prey^
Ida Procaccini^
Shirley Pulcini^
George and Claire Quaggin*
Nancy Quedens^
Kevin and Mary Eleanor Quinn^
Lorraine Rakowski*
John and Virginia Rao*
Theresa Rapacky*
Richard and Carl Rease^
Paul and Mary Reinert+
Frank and Mary Rich^
Bill and Lisa Richards*
Barbara Rival*
Elvis and Marsha Rivera^
James and Doris Roche^
Christopher and Susan Roddy*
Kenneth and Carmela Rodin^
John and Janet Roman*
August and Diane Roncaioli*
Peter and Theresa Root^
Peter and Laurel Rosso*
William and Donna Rudge*
Edward and Barbara Rudnick^
Barbara Ryba^
Daniel and May Sabia#
James and Karen Sacchetillo^
Barbara Sagan^
Valerie Walker^
Joseph and Susan Salerno*
Marion Sangeloty^
Paul and Christine Sarrazin^
Rita Scheyd^
Edward and Margaret Schmitt#
Ann Schmitt*
Edward and Nancy Schneider*
Helen Sheppard^
Patricia Simcik*
Albino and Carol Simeone*
John and Catherine Simeone*
Angel & Camille Sirera^
Anthony and Ann Sisti*
Debra Slowikowski^
Carolyn Smith*
Arthur and Ursula Smith^
Richard and Joyce Solek*
James and Florine Solek^
John and Linda Spendolini*
Brian and Nancy St. Jarre^
Regina St. Jarre^
Robert and Jadwiga Stangarone*
Bernard Stankevich*
Zigmund and Barbara Stanowski*
John and Karen Stanton*
Kenneth and Maureen Stokowski*
Sandra Story*
Robert and Cathy Sylvester^
Miroslaw and Stanislawa Szczygla^
Andrzej and Julia Szczygla^
Christopher and LaiMan Talbot*
William Tata*
Charles and Deborah Tencza#
John and Florence Thomas^
Nancy Timbrell#
Lawrence and Patricia Tomascak^
Sr. Mary Jude Urgo^
Ronald and Joan Vancour+
Linda Vanty*
Thomas and Lisa Vanty+
James and Vita Veronesi*
Thomas and Jean Vest#
Paul Virostek*
Francis Volz#
Janet Vukas^
Daniel and Cynthia Wagner*
Dorothy Walker^
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walsh*
Charles and Patricia Warner^
Diane Waskiewicz P
Clifford and Lois White#
Corey and Ewa Whiteside*
Mark and Janet Wicander*
James and Christine Wrobel*
Theodore and Patricia Young*
Adam and Jacqueline Zangari*
Bruno and Lynn Zavarella^
Thomas and Nella Zelek^
Ann Zesk*
Marty and Kathy Zliczewski^
Richard Zovich P
P Pillar Gift $1,000~$4,999 + Sustainer’s Circle $500~$999 # Benefactor’s Circle $250~$499
* Helper’s Circle $100~$249 ^ Friend’s Circle $1~$99
Saturday, February 11
6:30am TMIY Men's Group SPH
8:30am Confessions
3:00pm Confessions
Sunday, February 12
7:45am Gr. 1-8 Rel Ed Session 1-SPS
9:00am RCIA SPH
9:15am Gr. 1-8 Rel Ed Session 2-SPS
10:45am Gr. 1-8 Rel Ed Session 3-SPS
12:00pm Children’s Mass
Monday, February 13
8:45am Parish Staff Meeting
12:00pm 13th of the Month Rosary
3:00pm Girls JV Basketball Practice
3:00pm Robotics - SP Church Hall
4:30pm Boys JVB Basketball Practice
6:00pm Boys Varsity Basketball Practice
6:30pm Snow date: 1st Reconciliation rehearsal-SPC
7:00pm Registration for New Members
Tuesday, February 14
8:45am School Mass: Gr 3-5
1:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry SPH
3:00pm Drama Club
4:00pm Holy Hour Adoration
4:30pm Boys JVA Basketball Practice
6:00pm Girls Varsity Basketball Practice
6:30pm K of C 3rd Degree Council Meeting
6:30pm Choir Rehearsal - PC-LL
Wednesday, February 15
3:00pm Cheer Practice
3:00pm Drama Club
3:15pm Mock Trial practice
4:30pm Boys JVB Basketball Practice
6:00pm Boys Varsity Basketball Practice
6:00pm Rosary at Sacred Heart
6:00pm Children’s choir rehearsal-SPC
Thursday, February 16
9:00am Quilters SPH
3:00pm Girls JV Basketball Practice
3:00pm Drama Club
3:00pm Girl Scouts
4:30pm Boys JVA Basketball Practice
6:00pm Girls Varsity Basketball Practice
7:00pm RCIA - PC-1
Friday, February 17
NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD
11:45am FoodShare SHC
3:00pm CoEd JVC Red Basketball Practice
4:30pm CoEd JVC Gold Basketball Practice
7:30pm AA Meeting - SPH
Saturday, February 18
6:30am TMIY Men's Group SPH
8:30am Confessions
11:30am Memorial Mass +Morrissey
3:00pm Confessions
Sunday, February 19
9:00am RCIA SPH
9:00am 1st & 2nd Yr Confirmation classes-SPS
1:15pm Eucharist Minister/Lector Mtg SPC & SPH
1:15pm Baptisms
Thank You
for supporting our bulletin advertisers!
Holy Hour
Our parish offers Eucharistic Adoration every
Tuesday afternoon from 4-5pm in St. Paul Church
PERPETUAL ADORATION St. John Church in Cromwell,
also a Franciscan parish, offers Perpetual Adoration in their
Chapel of Divine Mercy. You can visit the Chapel 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week for prayer and adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament. The entrance to the Chapel is from the back
parking lot of the Church. Visit
To receive the St. Paul Parish bulletin in your email
inbox every week, please complete our simple
online form at
Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Paul, Kensington, CT 03-0062
Greg Stafstrom 860-225-6491
Place Your Ad Here
and Support Our Parish!
CONTACT ME Mary Homan
mho[email protected] • (800) 477-4574 x6340
Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Paul, Kensington, CT 03-0062
Kent Carlson
Karalyn Carlson
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Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Paul, Kensington, CT 03-0062
Attorneys at Law
33 Kensington Road, Kensington, CT 06037
Free Consult for Parishioners
1020 Farmington Ave., Berlin
Attorney Robert Murphy 860-828-6688
Since 1941
William F. Farrell
Michael P. Farrell
110 Franklin Square
T: (860) 829-9741 F: (860) 829-9743
R H. P
Attorney at Law
785 Farmington Ave., Kensington, CT
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Gracious Retirement Living in a Country SettingGracious Retirement Living in a Country Setting
Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration,
Sales, Service, Installation
Richard Solek,
Since 1988
(860) 828-9271 600 Four Rod Rd.,
Fax (860) 828-9381 Berlin, CT 06037
Kensington Dry Cleaner
“Devoted to Our Customers”
Tailoring & Alterations
314 New Britain Rd. • Kensington, CT 06037
(860) 829-5226
Cirillo & Giovanna Berardozzi
Pest Control 2000, LLC
Lic. #1714
Southington, CT
Mention the church bulletin to get 10% off your service
1107 Farmington Avenue
(Redcoat Square)
Kensington, CT 06037
Maria Pagliaruli-DeConti
300 New Britain Rd., BERLIN CT.
Exterior/Interior Remodeling
Rafal Wicik Rafal Wicik HIC 0641052
“To win the entire world for the
immaculata and, through her, for
the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
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P.O. Box 5547, Peoria, IL 61601
(860) 518-4876 | [email protected]
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860-828-0066 - [email protected]
500 Four Rod Rd., Kensington, CT 06037
Licensed & Licensed &
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their real estate needs for 36 years!
MJ Agostini, REALTOR
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488 New Britain Rd, Berlin Realtors/Parishioner
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Mary Ellen
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Including Workers CompIncluding Workers Comp
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Massage Therapy by LisaMassage Therapy by Lisa
Gift certificates, Monthly memberships, Gift certificates, Monthly memberships,
Pre-paid packages, Referral discounts!Pre-paid packages, Referral discounts!
Art of Aesthetics, 35 Webster Sq. Rd., Berlin, CT 06037Art of Aesthetics, 35 Webster Sq. Rd., Berlin, CT 06037
Visit to book appt:Visit to book appt: