The Restrictive Covenants that run with the land, the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Architectural
Control Guidelines and these Rules and Regulations govern the conduct of all members of SVCA. Owners of
Sudden Valley lots and/or condominiums are subject to their provisions by virtue of their SVCA
membership. Such membership is established by purchase or acceptance of transfer of the Lot or
Condominium from any previous owner(s) of record. The purpose of these Rules and Regulations is to lend
greater definition to the Restrictive Covenants of the Association. The following Foundation Statement was
conceived in order to furnish guidance and intent to these Rules and Regulations, to lend credence to our
mutual history and our future, and to who we are as a Community Association.
Sudden Valley is a diversified community in a unique resort setting of natural beauty, which offers controlled
access to recreational facilities and interests, incorporating a sensitivity to individual concerns for
development, security and privacy.
1. Member Responsibilities for General Activities:
1.1 Property owners of SVCA are responsible for the actions and compliance with these Rules and
Regulations by their families, guests, tenants and agents.
1.1.1 SVCA will not be held responsible for any accident or injury in connection with the use of any
facility or common area by members, their guests, invitees, tenants or agents.
1.1.2 SVCA may suspend certain privileges of any person found in violation of these Rules and
1.1.3 The cost of repairing damage to SVCA property caused by members, their guests, invitees,
tenants, agents or pets may be reasonably charged to the property owner.
1.1.4 The property owner shall be responsible for any fine, assessment or penalty levied against
him/herself or any family member, tenant, invitee, guest or agent, and shall be mailed written notice of such
infractions to their current address of record.
1.1.5 The liability of a property owner for an extraordinary fine assessment for the aggressive
behavior or assaultive conduct of an invited or uninvited guest toward a Security Officer or other employee
of the SVCA, shall be limited to those situations where the property owner knew that such behavior or
conduct was likely and did not take action to prevent it, or where the property owner intentionally aided,
abetted or contributed to the behavior or conduct, or created conditions where such behavior or conduct was
likely to occur, or where the owner either knew that the guest intended or was predisposed to become
aggressive or assaultive.
(a) An extraordinary fine assessment shall be deemed to be above $1000 in cases involving
aggressive or assaultive behavior toward security or other SVCA personnel. (See Appendix L)
1.1.6 Non Member Rules Enforcement – The Association’s Administration, through the General
Manager, shall be authorized to pursue all reasonable actions available for rules enforcement in the case of
non members. Such action may include the issuance of citations, swearing civil and criminal complaints,
using collections agencies, working cooperatively with law enforcement agencies, trespassing violators,
barring business operations from SVCA property and roadways and initiating legal action in accordance with
applicable SVCA policy.
(a) Trespassing by Non Members – Persons who are non property owners who violate Association
rules or who conduct themselves in a rude, threatening or offensive manner, or in a manner that causes
suspicion, concern or alarm, may be declared trespassers on Association property and expelled from the
Community. Those refusing to leave Association property may additionally be subject to criminal violations
and civil penalties. Persistent or serious violators of Association rules or who disrupt the peace and
tranquility of the Community may be declared unwelcome in the Community and directed not to return
without prior administrative permission from the General Manager.
1.2 Sudden Valley is a declared wildlife and bird sanctuary. The use of firearms, hunting, the molesting of
birds and their nesting or feeding areas, the trapping or harming of other wildlife by any means is strictly
prohibited except by proper authorities working within an approved control program.
1.2.1 Deer Feeding Prohibited - It shall be a violation of this rule to feed deer, maintain a deer feed
area or station or feed any other wild animal in a matter that would attract deer within the boundaries of
Sudden Valley neighborhoods.
a. Violation of this prohibition will result in a $50 fine. Successive violations will result in
fines that increase by $50 per incident until the prohibited activity ceases. (Approved 9/26/13)
1.3 No firearm shall be discharged, carried or displayed anywhere in the Sudden Valley Community except
in the member’s home or while being transported out of the Community or being returned to the
member’s home.
1.3.1 No firearm shall be carried or displayed at any meeting or other activity conducted by the
Association, or in any Association facility or on Association property.
1.3.2 This rule shall not apply to law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties.
1.3.3 Firearms shall be defined as to include but shall not be limited to rifles, shotguns, revolvers,
pistols, air pistols, pellet guns, air guns of all types, tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays, bows and arrows, cross
bows and slingshots.
1.4 Use of firecrackers and fireworks in general are prohibited within Sudden Valley except in areas and at
times specified by SVCA.
1.5 Littering in any area of Sudden Valley is strictly prohibited.
1.6 Complying with the State of Washington Outdoor Burning Regulations (WAC 173-425), the Northwest
Air Pollution Authority (NWAPA), and Fire District 2 regulations: NO OUTDOOR BURNING is allowed
in Sudden Valley except as provided in 1.6.3. (Further informational printouts regarding the WAC 173-425
and NWAPA are available at the Administration Office).
1.6.1 Definition:
“Fire fighting instruction fire” means fires for instruction in methods including, but not limited to,
training to fight structural fires and forest fires.
“Land clearing burning” means outdoor burning of trees, stumps, shrubbery, or other natural
vegetation from land clearing projects.
“Recreational fire” means cooking fires, campfires, and bonfires using charcoal or firewood that
occur in designated areas or on private property for cooking or pleasure.
“Residential burning” means the outdoor burning of leaves, clippings, and other yard and gardening
refuse originating on lands immediately adjacent and in close proximity to a human dwelling and burned on
such lands by the property owner or his/her designee.
1.6.2 Policy:
By reference, the provisions of WAC 173-425 are adopted. Consistent with policies for Urban
Growth Areas in High Density Areas, no residential or land clearing burning are allowed.
1.6.3 Exceptions:
The following types of outdoor burning are allowed:
(a) Recreational fires with a total fuel area of less than three (3) feet in diameter and/or two (2) are
(b) Fire fighting instruction fires.
1.6.4 When a burn ban is in effect in Sudden Valley no outdoor fires except properly enclosed
cooking fires using gas or charcoal as fuel will be permitted. All other outdoor fires (open flame, including
recreational fires as described in 1.6.3) are prohibited for the duration of the burn ban.
(a) A burn ban will automatically go into effect in Sudden Valley if Whatcom County declares a burn
(b) A burn ban may be declared in Sudden Valley by the Board President or the General Manager if a
burn ban is put into effect by Skagit County or if conditions in Sudden Valley are deemed sufficiently
hazardous as to require the ban.
(c) The existence of the burn ban will be publicized by all available means including gate signs, web
site, Sudden Valley Views and community bulletin boards.
(d) A first violation of this rule will subject the violator to a fine of $250. Subsequent violations will
be punishable by a fine of $500.
1.7 Actions or activities by members (or those for whom the member is responsible), either intentionally or
through negligence, which may be or may become an annoyance, nuisance or hazard to adjacent property
owners or unreasonably affect the quiet enjoyment of any individual, household or the neighborhood, are
prohibited and subject to a Notice of Violation.
1.7.1 This shall include, but not be limited to, excessive noise, loud music, barking dogs, motor
vehicle noise. It shall additionally include any tool, machinery or construction noise after designated hours
(see Section 14.7), or any other activity, which might unreasonably annoy or endanger an individual or the
1.7.2 Yard maintenance equipment may be operated Monday through Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00
1.8 Direct charitable, political, commercial or religious solicitation of Sudden Valley residents, either door to
door or on SVCA property, is prohibited without approval of the General Manager.
1.8.1 Use of the Association’s mailing list of owners may be authorized by the Board of Directors for
the purpose of non-commercial communications with the owners, and such authorization will be restricted to
other owners and government agencies.
1.8.2 Sudden Valley Security staff has authorization to issue trespass warnings to any trespasser or
loiterer when deemed necessary.
1.9 All SVCA-owned indoor facilities are designated as non-smoking areas, with no exception.
1.9.1 All SVCA owned vehicles with the exception of golf carts are non-smoking vehicles.
1.10 Signs placed on platted lots, condo and commercial tracts must comply with Architectural Control
Guidelines. (See Section 15)
1.11 Disorderly House, Property, Vehicle, or Conduct Rule
1.11.1 Purpose – The purpose of this rule is to protect the health, safety, welfare, and/or tranquility of
the residents of Sudden Valley, or any portion thereof, by requiring:
(a) The elimination, removal, restoration, or repair of houses, structures, property or vehicles which
are deemed by the Sudden Valley Community Association to be unsightly, unkempt or cluttered with
refuse, trash, debris or otherwise unacceptable;
(b) The securing of unsecured property or structures that are left open to the uncontrolled entry of
others that is deemed to be unsafe, a nuisance or inappropriate under the circumstances;
(c) The removal of vehicles that are abandoned, unsightly, and open to public view, in a state of
disrepair or that are disabled for an unreasonable period;
(d) The termination of activities, behaviors, actions or acts that are unreasonably loud, obnoxious,
unruly, offensive or disruptive to the public peace and/or safety, or that are inconsistent with the
health, safety, order or peaceful enjoyment of neighbors or residents, or the Sudden Valley
1.11.2 Correction or Abatement Required – Any property owner, or other person in control or
possession of a house, structure, property or vehicle, who:
(a) Maintains, permits, allows or suffers property, structures or vehicles that are deemed to be
unsightly, unkempt, cluttered, in a state of disrepair, or to be a nuisance, shall correct or abate such
unacceptable condition(s) without unreasonable delay, upon notification of such violation and the
requirement to abate it, when given by a representative of the Sudden Valley Community
Association. Such correction or abatement may include removal, acceptable storage, renovation,
repair or any other method of correction or abatement that is acceptable to the Sudden Valley
Community Association.
(b) Engages in, permits, allows or suffers activity, behavior, action, or acts that are unreasonably
loud, obnoxious, unruly or disruptive to the peace, tranquility or that are inconsistent with the health,
safety, order or peaceful enjoyment of neighbors, residents or the Sudden Valley Community, shall
terminate, correct or abate such unacceptable activity, behavior, action or act without unreasonable
delay upon notification of such violation and the requirement to terminate the same, when given by a
representative of the Sudden Valley Community Association. Such response shall include the
immediate termination of the unacceptable activity, behavior, action or acts.
1.11.3 Timely Response – Abatement shall, in all instances, begin at the earliest possible opportunity,
but shall be completed in a timeframe that is acceptable to the Sudden Valley Community Association.
(a) Corrective or abatement action to houses, structures or property must begin within 5 calendar days
of notification, and be fully completed within 30 days of notification to the property owner or person
in control or possession of the property.
(b) Vehicle-related violations must be initiated within 48 hours and be completely abated within 5
days of notification.
(c) Disruptive or unsafe conduct, behavior or acts shall be terminated immediately, without delay, or
as soon as is reasonably possible, at the discretion of the Sudden Valley Community Association.
1.11.4 Penalty for Violation – Any violation of this Rule shall subject the violator to a penalty of:
(a) For property or vehicle related violations, a notice of violation in the amount of $100 dollars per
day shall be assessed for the first 10 days for failure to initiate responsive action, or to complete the
corrective or abatement action once initiated. The penalty shall increase to $200 per day for the
second ten days that timely action is not taken, and shall increase to $300 per day for the third 10
days and until the violation is fully abated.
(1) The implementation of penalties may be delayed for a period up to 10 days by the General
Manager, or his/her designee, upon a showing of a substantial effort to comply with the
corrective or necessary action orders for houses or structures, or 5 days for vehicles, starting
the day following the final date by which corrective action was to have been completed.
(b) For behavior, conduct or act related violations, a notice of violation in the amount of $100 dollars
shall be assessed for the first violation upon discovery or report. The penalty shall increase to $200
for repeated violations on the same day or within 48 hours. The penalty shall increase to $500 per
violation after the receipt or discover of five or more similar violations.
(1) The initial penalty shall begin after a warning of violation has been delivered to the
property owner, or other person at the location of the violation, and where the unacceptable
behavior, conduct, act(s) or action(s) has not ceased within a reasonable period. A reasonable
period shall generally be at least 15 minutes. Subsequent violations shall be actionable where
the unacceptable conduct continues after one hour following the first penalty is assessed,
reoccurs within a specific time period or after a minimum of one hour.
1.11.5 Administrative Relief – Discretion The Sudden Valley Community Association, in the
person of the General Manager, or his/her designee may, at his/her discretion, extend the abatement time
period or grace periods as circumstances warrant, and may suspend penalties or portions thereof, upon a
showing of good cause by the property owner that such suspension is reasonable and warranted.
1.11.6 Appeals – Appeals of Violations of this Rule shall be addressed to the Appeals Committee of
the Sudden Valley Community Association.
1.11.7 Legal Action – The General Manager shall be authorized to pursue such legal remedies as may
be necessary for the full and effective enforcement of these rules for persistent or unresponsive violators,
including nonmembers.
2. Use and Maintenance of Separately Owned Property:
2.1 Each property owner shall maintain his/her property in clean condition, free of trash, unused building
materials, combustible brush and materials that would tend to attract vermin or rodents and other debris.
2.1.1 The property owner(s) shall be responsible for the removal and clean up of dead or hazardous
trees, brush or limbs on his/her property.
2.1.2 Lots and common areas shall be kept clear of rubbish, trash, garbage, brush piles, vermin or
rodent attracting materials and other waste. Such items must be disposed of properly.
2.1.3 Owners will be notified when a situation pertaining to either of the above needs their immediate
attention. Where no action has been taken after fifteen (15) days following notification of the owner (24
hours in the event of a potential physical or health hazard), SVCA may arrange, perform or contract any
work necessary to correct a violation of this section, whereupon the owner shall be billed for the expense.
2.1.4 The owner(s) will be given a second notice of violation before clean up work is commenced by
Sudden Valley. In the event that the violation is not cured by the owner after the second notice, the owner(s)
will be subject to a penalty of $250 for the first offense and $500 for a subsequent offense.
2.1.5 Sanitary Services Required for All Developed Property – All occupied residential structures
within Sudden Valley shall be required to subscribe to residential sanitary services for the regular collection
and removal of household refuse, garbage or trash during periods where the residence is occupied for more
than 30 days. Disposing of household trash, garbage or recycling materials through other than acceptable
methods will result in a fine assessment and possible criminal charges for littering, unlawful dumping or
theft of services.
(a) Exceptions – Persons who do not subscribe to sanitary services and who reside in a residence for
more than 30 days may request an exemption from the SVCA General Manager if they are able to
prove they have another acceptable method of disposing of all residential refuse. The General
Manager or designee may, at his/her discretion, grant or refuse to grant such a request based on the
information provided.
(b) Failing to Dispose of Refuse Properly – Failure to properly dispose of household refuse, garbage
or trash in a timely manner is prohibited. Storing such materials for more than 30 days in or around a
residence or in a garage, other building or vehicle, or dumping the same on the property of the
residence or that of another or on Association property is prohibited and subject to a fine assessment.
(c) Storing Refuse – Storing household refuse that is equal to more than two 30 gallon containers of
four large plastic bags is prohibited and shall be deemed to be a violation of this rule, unless the
responsible homeowner or renter is able to provide reasonable evidence demonstrating that the
amount of refuse stored is not more than would accumulate over a period of two weeks.
(d) Theft of Sanitary Services Placing any residential, commercial or construction materials, trash
or refuse in a trash can, recycling receptacle or dumpster of the Association or of another person or
entity, without the permission of the owner of said container is prohibited and shall be subject to a
fine assessment by the Association and additionally may result in criminal charges.
(e) Household Trash in Recycling Bins – Placing household, commercial or construction refuse or
anything other than specifically acceptable recyclable materials in recycling bins is prohibited and
subject to a fine assessment and possible criminal charges.
(f) Maintenance/Storage of Trash and Recycling Receptacles Trash and recycling cans, receptacles,
boxes and containers must be removed from the street and stored in accordance with ACC Guideline
14.11.5, except for a 24 hour period before normal trash pick-ups or a 24 hour period following trash
2.2 Per Restrictive Covenant No. 3, only Single Family Detached Dwellings shall be permitted on property
so designated by the Covenants pertaining to each subdivision.
2.2.1 Properties found to be in violation of the Restrictive Covenant or SVCA Bylaws -Article VI,
Section 7 (duplexes, excessive number of unrelated occupants)- shall be subject to fines and/or legal action
on behalf of the Association to enforce the Covenant and Bylaws.
2.2.2 No person shall live in any hut, trailer, partially constructed dwelling or any other shelter, which
has not been approved by the ACC as living space.
2.2.3 No structure of temporary character, trailer, mobile or manufactured home, basement, tent,
shack, garage nor any outbuildings shall be used on any lot or common area as a residence.
2.3 Utility or recreational vehicles, boats, any type of utility or recreational trailer, motor homes or detached
campers or any other vehicles used principally for recreation purposes, shall not be stored or parked outside
of an approved garage, carport or other appropriately screened area on any residential property for longer
than seventy-two (72) hours, and such parking is allowed only by permit issued by SVCA Security or
Member Services.
2.3.1 In addition to the above, unlicensed or inoperable vehicles of any type must be garaged or
parked out of view under cover approved by the ACC. The 72-hour parking permit also is applicable when,
by necessity, these types of vehicles must be parked outside of an approved screened or covered area.
2.4 Camping on any property in Sudden Valley is prohibited, except for the Campground.
2.5 Unless otherwise provided for, delivery of US Mail to Sudden Valley residents shall be accomplished
through the use of centrally located banks of individually locked mailboxes.
2.6 It shall be the responsibility of each property owner to ensure that the Association records reflect their
current mailing or billing address, telephone number and emergency contact information. (See Appendix L
for fines)
2.7 Members of SVCA who rent or lease their property must provide or cause to be provided to the
Association information on their tenants pertaining to the total number of occupants, their names, mailing
address and emergency contact number. If the property is managed by a licensed agent, the name, address
and phone number of such agency also must be provided. (See Appendix L for fines)
3. Use of the Roads:
3.1 The Motor Vehicle Laws of the State of Washington shall apply to the roads of Sudden Valley.
3.1.1 Maximum speed shall not exceed twenty-five (25) miles per hour and may be less where
3.2 Motorbikes and all-terrain vehicles are restricted to paved roads, are to be used for transportation only
and must be licensed.
3.3 Unattended parking on paved roads or on shoulders where any part of the vehicle projects into a traffic
lane is prohibited.
3.3.1 Vehicles parked in violation of the above, or in designated emergency vehicle lanes or handicap
access spaces may be towed away at the owner’s expense.
3.3.2 Unlicensed or inoperable vehicles parked on SVCA owned property will be towed away,
whereupon the owner shall be billed for the expense. (See section 2.3.1)
3.4 Any person found driving in a reckless manner or exceeding speed limits within Sudden Valley may, in
addition to the penalties listed in Appendix L, Traffic and Vehicles, be denied the privilege of driving any
vehicle within Sudden Valley.
3.4.1 Employees, contractors, delivery drivers, visitors and all other users of Sudden Valley roads are
subject to these rules, and the penalties for violation of such rules and regulations will be billed to the
responsible property owner.
3.5 All persons using SVCA roads do so at their own risk, and the Association will not be responsible for
any delays, breakdowns, damage to personal property or personal injury occurring on said roads.
3.6 Sudden Valley roads are subject to weight limitations upon any or all stretches whenever or wherever
weather or deteriorating road conditions require restriction or exclusion of heavy vehicles.
3.7 Except in emergencies affecting life, health or essential utility function, SVCA must be advised at least
twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any complete road blockage exceeding fifteen (15) minutes duration.
3.7.1 Wherever partial or complete blockage occurs, traffic control flaggers, signs or adequate safety
devices shall be employed to sufficiently warn oncoming traffic of the blockage or detour. Such devices or
methods must meet Federal, State and local workplace safety standards.
3.7.2 Safety violations may be subject to SVCA Notice of Violation and reporting to appropriate
government agencies.
3.7.3. Drivers who ignore warning signs, or who in any way endanger work crews, are subject to
Notice of Violation and reporting to the County Sheriff for possible further action.
4. Use Fee Program: (Contact Administration)
5. Use of Association Property:
5.1 Use of SVCA common property, i.e. parks, greenbelts, beaches, open spaces, roadways and all other
property belonging to SVCA as depicted on plats and official maps, such use consisting of member
constructed pathways, fences, bulkheads, parking areas or any other private use of SVCA property made by
members outside the platted boundaries of their lot or parcel, shall be with SVCA’s consent, but which
consent may be modified or revoked at any time.
5.1.1 Individuals or groups who engage in hazardous or destructive, or potentially hazardous or
destructive activities in Sudden Valley will be required to leave immediately.
5.2 Individuals who, in the opinion of SVCA staff, are incapable of reasonable control of their actions due to
drug or alcohol intoxication are prohibited from entering or remaining in any facility/amenity of SVCA.
5.2.1 Following infraction or repeated violation of the rules, SVCA staff may restrict the individual’s
(group’s) use of the facility/amenity, or where actions are judged by staff to be malicious, the individual(s)
may be asked to leave and not return to the facility/amenity for a period of time that is reflective of the
severity of the violation.
5.3 Illegal use or possession of a state or federally controlled substance within Sudden Valley is strictly
5.3.1 Consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain SVCA facilities is allowed subject to state liquor
5.4 Use of profanity or obscene language is prohibited.
5.5 Special scheduled events have priority over regular activities.
5.6 Hours of operations and specific regulations affecting facilities will be as posted, and will form an
integral part of these rules (see Section 11, Rental of Facilities).
5.7 All injuries and/or accidents involving facilities or amenities of SVCA must be reported to SVCA
Security or a member of the SVCA staff within 24 hours (see Section 3.5 and 3.6).
5.8 Adult Center Rules:
5.8.1 No one under twenty-one (21) years of age is allowed inside the Adult Center or the Adult
Center pool area, except during an authorized facility rental event or Association event with appropriate
adult supervision, during which they may be permitted to attend said event inside the facility and onto patio
and lawn, but may not use the pool or access the immediate pool apron area, except as authorized by the
5.8.2 Breakable glass objects are strictly prohibited outside in proximity to the building and pool area
5.8.3 All swimmers must shower before entering the pool.
5.8.4 Persons having skin lesions, sores or inflamed eyes, mouth, nose or ear discharges, or who carry
any communicable disease, shall not use the pool.
5.8.5 Urinating, expectorating, blowing the nose or depositing any foreign matter in the pool in
5.8.6 Tobacco, food (including gum) and drinks are prohibited within ten (10) feet of the pool.
5.8.7 Appropriate swim attire is required. Cut-offs are not allowed in the pool.
5.8.8 No running, pushing or horseplay is allowed in the pool area.
5.8.9 Regulations necessary to advise users of safety and sanitation restrictions will be prominently
5.9 Adult Center Pool: Use at your own risk.
5.10 Main swimming pool:
5.10.1 Sections 5.8.3 to 5.8.9 also apply to the main pool.
5.10.2 Glass items of any kind are expressly prohibited.
5.10.3 Use of fins, masks, snorkels or any toys must be authorized by the lifeguard on duty.
5.10.4 Lifeguards may request individuals to prove their swimming ability. Lifeguards may restrict
use of the pool by non-swimmers.
5.10.5 Children under eight (8) years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Children 8-12 years
old must be accompanied by an adult unless proven evidence of swimming ability is established.
5.10.6 The lifeguard is in charge at all times.
5.10.7 Pool use will be limited to a safe number as determined by the lifeguard on duty.
5.11 The Recreation Center:
5.11.1 The Recreation Center shall be an indoor, family-oriented activity center.
5.11.2 After 9 PM, all children younger than 10 (10) years of age must be supervised by a parent or
other responsible adult.
5.12 Golf Course:
5.12.1 Sudden Valley Golf Course is a privately owned golf course operated by the Sudden Valley
Community Association.
5.12.2 Dress Code: All golfers must wear appropriate golfing attire. Final decision in determining
dress code compliance lays with the golf professional and his/her staff.
(a) Male golfers must wear shirt with sleeves - collars optional, tailored pants or shorts.
(b) Female golfers must wear shirts with sleeves or a collar, tailored pants, skirts or shorts.
5.12.3 Washington State Liquor Laws require that only liquor purchased from the license holder in
Sudden Valley is allowable on the golf course and in the Clubhouse. Any other liquor must be confiscated.
5.12.4 Trespassing is not permitted. This rule exists for the safety of non-golfers as well as the
enjoyment of golfers. Trespassers with golf equipment will be charged the prevailing 18-hole rate and
removed from the course. Violators refusing to pay will be charged with theft of services and referred to
Whatcom County for prosecution.
6. Pet Regulations:
6.1 (Sudden Valley has been declared a dog control zone, and these regulations are supplementary to those of
Whatcom County.)
6.2 Dogs are to be UNDER CONTROL at all times.
6.2.1. UNDER CONTROL means in the house or approved kennel, restrained by means of invisible
(electronic) fences, or on a leash or chain not longer than 15 feet, suitable for the animal’s size and weight.
6.2.2. Any dog found roaming or not under control according to these or Whatcom County’s
regulations may be impounded and turned over to the Whatcom County Contractor. (currently SSP)
6.3 Residents may keep no more than two pets of any kind, and at no time shall the owner or resident be
permitted to use his residence to breed such animals commercially.
6.4 Residents who allow their dog to roam and/or bark and thereby disturb their neighbors may be subject to
Notice of Violation. (See Appendix L)
6.5 Notwithstanding the above, all Sudden Valley residents shall abide by the Whatcom County Dog Control
Ordinance/and any other ordinances, covenants or regulations concerned with keeping animals in a in a
residentially zoned area.
6.6 Nuisance Dog Violations
6.6.1 Dogs May Be Declared a Nuisance – The purpose of this rule is to provide for the effective
control or permanent exclusion of dogs that are the subject of repeated violations of Sudden Valley
Community Association (SVCA) rules. Certain dogs may be declared a nuisance and subject to permanent
(a) Dogs At Large Dogs that run-at-large without the immediate and direct control of an owner or
responsible person, or who are beyond the effective control of their owner or caretaker shall be
deemed to be a nuisance where the dog is found to be at large three (3) or more times in a 90 day
(b) Dangerous Dogs – Dogs that attack people, other domestic or wild animals, attack without
provocation or warning, or that have been designated as dangerous by animal control authorities,
shall be deemed to be dangerous and subject to being declared a nuisance dog. A single incident may
be sufficient for such a declaration where public safety warrants such action and declaration.
(c) Uncontrollable Dogs – Dogs that bark, whine, howl for unreasonable periods, or at unusual hours
or who engage in activity that is disruptive or harmful to neighbors or others who have a reasonable
expectation of peaceful enjoyment of their property or area, shall be deemed to be a nuisance where
the dog has been found to be in violation of this section three (3) or more times in a 90 day period,
and where such offensive behavior has been documented by SVCA Security, with notice to the
owner, residence or person in possession or control of the dog.
(d) Declaration of Nuisance Dogs – The General Manager may, at his or her discretion, declare any
dog to be a nuisance after three (3) or more repeated violations of the previous three (3) subsections
within a 90 day period and that were documented by Security. Dogs that are declared to be a nuisance
shall be subject to special control restrictions to effectively control unacceptable behavior or
permanent exclusion for the Community.
6.6.2 Correction or Abatement Required – Any person who owns or controls or is responsible for the
care and/or supervision of a dog that is declared a nuisance, shall be required to take such action as may be
necessary to terminate the condition(s) that result in the nuisance declaration without delay. Terminating the
nuisance condition(s) may be accomplished in any reasonable and appropriate manner that results in the
elimination of the offending behavior or removing the dog from the area or community as may be required or
6.6.3 Exclusion of Nuisance Dog from Community – Any person who owns or controls or is
responsible for the care and/or supervision of a dog that is declared a nuisance may be required to
permanently remove the same from the Community upon the receipt of an Administrative Exclusion Notice
issued under the authority of the General Manager.
(a) Non Members Bringing Nuisance Dogs into Community – Any non member, such as construction
or service workers, or guests, who brings a dog into the Community and allows the dog to run-at-
large off of leash or to threaten, intimidate or attack other dogs or people, shall be subject to
exclusion by a Security Officer responding to a report of such violation, where the officer witnesses
the violation or is provided substantive information by a person who personally witnessed the
offensive behavior. Such dogs may be excluded from the Community after one violation upon written
notice given to the person in control of the dog at the time of the violation and/or contact. Failure to
abide by the exclusion will subject the person in control of the dog to a trespass violation, barring
them from returning to the Community without written permission of the Association.
6.6.4 Penalty for Violation – Any violation of this Rule shall subject the violator to a penalty as
(a) Harboring a Nuisance Dog – For keeping, harboring or possessing a dog that has been declared a
nuisance, without terminating the offending behavior, for more than five (5) days after receiving an
Administrative Nuisance Notice from the SVCA shall subject the owner or person in custody or
control of the animal to a fine assessment of $100 dollars per day until such time that the offensive
behavior is terminated or the animal is removed from the Community.
(b) Failure to Remove a Nuisance Dog For failing to remove a dog that has been declared a
nuisance from the Community within five (5) days after receiving an Administrative Exclusion
Notice from the SVCA shall subject the owner, possessor or guardian of the dog to a fine assessment
of $100 per day until such time as the dog is removed from the Community.
6.6.5 Returning the Dog to the Community – No dog that has been declared a nuisance and ordered to
be excluded and removed from the Community may be brought back to the Community for any reason
without the written permission of the Sudden Valley Community Association.
6.6.6 Administrative Relief – Discretion The Sudden Valley Community Association, in the person
of the General Manager, or his/her designee may, at his/her discretion, extend the abatement time period or
grace periods as circumstances warrant, and may suspend penalties of portions thereof, upon a showing of
good cause for such relief by the owner of a dog where such relief is deemed to be reasonable and warranted
at the discretion of the General Manager or his or her designee.
6.6.7 Appeals – Appeals of Violations of this Rule or of an Administrative Order to eliminate
offensive behavior or remove a dog from the Community shall be addressed to the Appeals Committee of the
Sudden Valley Community Association.
6.6.8 Legal Action – The General Manager shall be authorized to pursue such legal remedies as may
be necessary for the full and effective enforcement of these rules, including action in cases involving
persistent or unresponsive violators, and including nonmembers, in accordance with applicable SVCA
7. Campground Property Regulations:
7.1 The Sudden Valley Campground property is for use by Sudden Valley Community Association members
and their guests.
7.2 Section 6 concerning pet regulations also shall apply to the Campground property. Dog owners must
promptly and properly dispose of pet waste.
7.3 The Campground property shall be closed during hours of darkness (sunset to sunrise).
7.4 All fires and/or burning is prohibited on Campground property.
7.5 Cutting or picking of vegetation, including trees, stumps, windfalls, flowers and plants is prohibited.
7.6 No motor vehicles are allowed within the Campground property without prior approval of the General
8. Lakes and Streams:
8.1 Fishing is permitted only in Lake Louise and in Lake Whatcom, and in accordance with State
8.1.1 Stream fishing is not permitted in Sudden Valley.
8.1.2 All persons fifteen (15) years of age and over are required to carry a valid State of Washington
fishing license on their person while fishing.
8.1.3 Fish may not be cleaned in any lake, pond or stream within Sudden Valley.
8.2 Gasoline-powered motors (except for emergency equipment) are not permitted on Lake Louise nor inside
the enclosed areas at Morning and Afternoon Beaches.
8.3 Persons under twelve (12) years of age may not use a water craft within SVCA-controlled waters unless
accompanied by a responsible person over twelve (12) years of age.
8.3.1 Swimming in Lake Louise shall be at the individual’s own risk as there are neither designated
swimming areas nor lifeguards.
8.3.2 SVCA canoes are limited to three (3) persons per canoe.
8.3.3 Life jackets must be worn by all boaters when using SVCA boats or canoes.
8.4 The use of Association-controlled Lake Whatcom shoreline shall be designated as follows:
8.4.1 Ski watercraft must observe the Whatcom County boating regulations for Lake Whatcom.
8.4.2 Afternoon Beach (PM Beach) is designated a non-power watercraft area by Whatcom County
8.4.3 No watercraft of any kind shall be allowed in the roped swimming area at Morning Beach (AM
8.4.4 Anchoring or storing any watercraft on SVCA controlled waters or parks, other than in SVCA
designated areas, is prohibited.
8.4.5 All watercraft must be licensed in accordance with State and US Coast Guard regulations and
operated in accordance with Whatcom County and State of Washington boating ordinances.
8.4.6 No trailered watercraft is permitted at Morning or Afternoon Beach.
9. Tennis Courts:
9.1 Wearing “street shoes” is not allowed on the courts.
9.2 Glass containers are prohibited on the courts.
9.3 The tennis courts are to be used only to play tennis, i.e. skating, bicycles and pets are prohibited inside
the tennis courts.
9.4 Spectators and persons waiting to play should remain outside the fenced area.
9.5 Special events take priority over general use, but only during the times posted for the event.
9.6 Playing tennis takes priority over use of the basketball backboard.
9.7 The courts may be subject to seasonal scheduling limitations through a reservation system administered
by the Recreation Department.
9.8 Players shall be responsible for ensuring that they or their spectators do not interfere with groups playing
on the adjacent court.
10. Use of the Marina:
10.1 Supervision and Enforcement: All boat owners or boat operators entering the Marina area shall comply
promptly with any instructions issued by the SVCA staff with respect to the movement or moorage of their
10.1.1. Boaters who do not comply with SVCA staff instructions shall be required to remove their
boat immediately from the Marina. Members of SVCA are responsible for the actions of their guests (Rules
and Regulations, Section 1.1).
10.1.2. Non-members of SVCA who are entitled to use the Marina facilities or members who do not
have moorage contracts are bound by these Regulations. They should obtain a copy of the Regulations when
they use the facility. These Regulations shall be posted in a prominent place at the Marina.
10.1.3. Boats may be moved by the SVCA with or without the consent of the owner if such boats are
maintained in the Marina contrary to the moorage agreement or these regulations, or if the boat prevents
proper utilization of the facility.
10.2 Termination of Moorage: Members terminating moorage prior to the normal yearly expiration must give
the SVCA 30 days advance notice. Moorage will be charged until the date such notice is received by SVCA.
No refunds after May 1st.
10.2.1. The SVCA reserves the right to terminate or refuse moorage to any person or boat for
violation of rules, regulations or safety factors.
10.3 Floats and berths must be kept clear and clean at all times.
10.3.1 Sewage and refuse shall not be discharged into the lake under any circumstances.
10.3.2 All refuse shall be placed in proper containers.
10.3.3 Tattered, torn and trailing tarps will be removed by SVCA
10.4 Boats must be moored securely with at least three lines (bow, stem, fore spring). Lines shall be of good
quality and condition and shall be tied to securely hold the boat. No lines shall cross walkways.
10.5 Rules of the Road: Speed limit within the Marina is 5 mph. US Inland Rules of the Road shall apply.
10.6 SVCA Responsibilities and Liability: The SVCA shall not be held liable in any manner for the
safekeeping or condition of the boats, equipment, or personal property and is not responsible therefore as a
10.6.1 Any boat which, in the opinion of the SVCA, is in danger of sinking or is a hazard to other
vessels or the premises may be removed at the sole expense and risk of the owner and without liability on
behalf of the SVCA or its agent or employees.
10.6.2 Should SVCA be obliged to render salvage services to any boat, the costs thereof shall be for
the account of the boat’s owner. SVCA is not responsible or liable for any damage to or loss of said boat, its
tackle, gear, equipment or property, either upon said boat or upon the premises of the Marina adjacent
10.7 Damage, Loss and Personal Injury: Should damage and/or personal injury result from violation of these
Regulations, the members responsible shall be held liable.
10.7.1 Should any damage, other than normal wear and tear, be done to any float structures by a boat
or boat operator, the responsible member shall be held liable.
10.7.2 Each tenant of the Marina agrees to indemnify and save the SVCA harmless from loss or
damage to personal property by fire, theft, or from any cause whatsoever, and to indemnify and save the
SVCA harmless from any and all liability for injury to or death of any person or persons or loss or damage to
any property caused or occasioned by or arising out of the use of the Marina facilities.
10.8. No accessories or other attachments shall be affixed to Marina structures without prior approval of
10.8.1. The facilities of the Marina are provided for the prime purpose of boat moorage and services
related thereto. No provision is made for, nor right granted, to tenants to use their boats as domicile when
said boats are moored within the marina.
10.9. Marina Moorage Agreement: Signature of owner on the application for moorage shall constitute
applicant’s admission of his familiarity with these Regulations and his/her agreement to comply with same.
10.9.1 Users of the marina will be required to provide evidence proof of watercraft liability insurance
or homeowner’s endorsement to SVCA prior to being permitted to use the Marina facilities.
10.9.2 A copy of the boat’s current registration must be presented to register a boat.
10.9.3 Marina fees are for the calendar year. Partial fees will not be refunded to boaters who lose
moorage rights for failing to comply with these Rules and Regulations.
10.9.4 Each boat and trailer using wet moorage and dry storage must have a current numbered sticker
attached for identification purposes.
10.9.5. Marina usage fees are set annually by the SVCA Board. Acceptance of this agreement renders
the user liable for payment of such fees forthwith upon receipt of written notification, or within thirty (30)
days of publication in the Sudden Valley Views. Payments are delinquent if not received within thirty (30)
days of the due date, and the boat may be removed from the Marina and impounded without further notice.
10.9.6 Subleasing or allowing overnight use of a moorage slip by other members or non-members is
prohibited, except by SVCA.
10.9.7 Lessees wishing to trade slips with others or make special arrangements must have approval
from SVCA.
11. Rental of SVCA Facilities:
11.1 SVCA facilities are available for group reservations and rental according to the established policies as
specified herein.
11.2 SVCA facilities available for rent are: Adult Center, Main Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Rotunda,
Dance Barn, Picnic Shelters, Ball Fields, and Recreation Barns. Reservations are made through the
Administration Department.
11.3 Marina ball field and the main ball field may not be rented at the same time.
11.4 The Marina picnic shelter and the Afternoon Beach picnic shelter may not be rented at the same time.
11.5 Applicant agrees to leave a facility in the same or better conditions as when accepted, and further agrees
that the facility is provided as is, and that there are no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the
fitness of the facility or any equipment therein for any particular intended use.
11.6 Lessee shall agree that neither the SVCA nor any of its agents or employees shall be held responsible
for any loss, harm or damage suffered by him/her selves or others as a result of the rental and/or use of the
11.7 A list of non-Association members who will be in attendance may be requested by staff and required to
be filed prior to application approval.
11.8 Individuals or groups that fail to abide by SVCA rules, regulations or policies may be asked to leave the
facilities immediately, without rental fee refund. In addition, they may lose future facility reservations and/or
use privileges.
11.9 Unless otherwise pre-arranged, rental facilities must be vacated by 12:00 midnight.
11.10 The Lessee and/or their guests who serve or provide their own alcohol at the activity must secure a
Banquet Permit (available from the nearest Washington State liquor store) and file same with the Association
office. Acceptance of the permit is discretionary with the SVCA manager or his/her designee.
11.11 Rental terms may, in certain instances, require that the group purchase any alcoholic beverages from
the license holder in Sudden Valley, in which case lessee will not have to secure the permit.
11.12 Rental terms may entitle exclusive/private use of the following facilities: Rotunda, Dance Barn, Ball
field, Main Pool, and Picnic Shelters.
11.13 Members of SVCA in good standing may use any facility during posted hours.
11.14 Where two or more reservation requests are received simultaneously (on the same day) for the same
facility, property owner requests for use shall be given priority over non-property owners.
11.15 Specific facility regulations will be provided with rental contract.
12. Finances:
12.1 All monies paid to the Association shall be in the US funds.
12.2. All dues and assessments, fines, penalties or change levied pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation,
Covenants, Bylaws or Rules and Regulations are delinquent if not paid within thirty (30) days of the
assessment due date.
12.2.1 Interest will be charged on all delinquent accounts.
12.2.2 A lien will be placed on a member’s property when his/her account becomes delinquent.
12.2.3. Other collection procedures, such as foreclosure, will be undertaken following a Board of
Directors approved process.