Psychological Methods
Manuscript version of
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Structural equation modeling (SEM) applications routinely employ a trilogy of significance tests
that includes the likelihood ratio test, Wald test, and score test or modification index.
Researchers use these tests to assess global model fit, evaluate whether individual estimates
differ from zero, and identify potential sources of local misfit, respectively. This full cadre of
significance testing options is not yet available for multiply imputed data sets, as methodologists
have yet to develop a general score test for this context. Thus, the goal of this paper is to outline
a new score test for multiply imputed data. Consistent with its complete-data counterpart, this
imputation-based score test provides an estimate of the familiar expected parameter change
statistic. The new procedure is available in the R package semTools and naturally suited for
identifying local misfit in SEM applications (i.e., a model modification index). The article uses a
simulation study to assess the performance (Type I error rate, power) of the proposed score test
relative to the score test produced by full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation.
Owing to the two-stage nature of multiple imputation, the score test exhibited slightly lower
power than the corresponding FIML statistic in some situations but was generally well-
Keywords: Multiple imputation, score test, modification index, expected parameter change,
missing data
A Multiple Imputation Score Test for Model Modification in Structural Equation Models
Buse (1982) 
Wald test (Wald, 1943), the likelihood ratio test (Wilks, 1938), and the score test, also known as
the Lagrange multiplier test or modification index (Rao, 1948; Saris, Satorra, & Sörbom, 1987;
Sörbom, 1989). Our focus is the application of these tests in structural equation modeling (SEM)
applications, particularly the score test as described by Bollen (1989, pp. 292296). Despite their
asymptotic equivalence as general hypothesis tests, researchers tend to use the tests for different
purposes in SEM. The Wald test, for instance, is often used to evaluate the statistical significance
of parameters in the fitted model, and univariate Wald z tests are routinely provided for each
estimated parameter by SEM software as part of standard statistical output (e.g., 
, 19982017; Rosseel, 2012). The likelihood ratio test is most commonly used to evaluate
model fit or compare two nested models (e.g., the hypothesized model versus a saturated and/or
baseline model; Bollen, 1989), and the test statistic is also used to construct comparative fit
indices (Bentler & Bonett, 1980). Last, but certainly not least, the score test appears most often
in structural equation modeling as the modification index, a statistic used to quantify the change
in model fit that would result if a parameter constraint were freed during estimation (MacCallum,
1986; Sörbom, 1989). 
interchangeably, the score test has many applications outside of structural equation modeling.
For example, in econometrics (Godfrey, 1996) and genetics (Jaffrézic, White, & Thompson,
2003; Sato & Ueki, 2018), the score test is used both to identify inadequately specified models
and to perform computationally efficient comparisons between two models.
Although researchers tend to apply the trilogy of tests in different ways and for different
purposes, they are, in fact, exchangeable because they fundamentally compare two nested
models, albeit in different ways. The likelihood ratio test requires the researcher to explicitly fit
two different models, whereas the Wald and score tests effectively use information from the
hypothesized model to make projections about another model; the Wald test considers a more
restrictive model where some of the estimated parameters are constrained to zero, whereas as the
score test makes projections about a less restrictive model that adds paths or parameters. The
differences in the useable patterns of the tests lie in the ease with which they can be applied to a
particular task. For example, using the Wald statistic as a global test of model fit is
hypothetically possible, but doing so would require exceedingly complex constraints on the
saturated model parameters. More detailed discussions about the use of these statistics in an
SEM context can be found in various SEM textbooks (e.g., Bollen, 1989, pp. 292303; Kline,
2011, pp. 215219; see also Chou & Huh, 2012).
In the context of incomplete data analyses, full information maximum likelihood (FIML)
estimation (Allison, 1987; Arbuckle, 1996; Muthén, Kaplan, & Hollis, 1987) provides test
statistics that are direct extensions of their complete-data counterparts. In fact, FIML significance
tests have received considerable attention in the methodology literature and a great deal is known
about these procedures (Kenward & Molenberghs, 1998; Savalei, 2010a, 2010b; Savalei &
Bentler, 2009; Savalei & Yuan, 2009; Yuan, Tong, & Zhang, 2014; Yuan & Bentler, 2000, 2010;
Yuan & Savalei, 2014; Yuan & Zhang, 2012). However, much less is known about test statistics
for multiply imputed data. To date, much of the literature has focused on improving the small-
sample properties of single degree of freedom Wald tests (Barnard & Rubin, 1999; Reiter, 2007;
Steele, Wang, & Raftery, 2010), with relatively few studies investigating multiparameter
versions of this test (Grund, Ludtke, & Robitzsch, 2016; Liu & Enders, 2016). We are aware of
only two studies that investigate the application of imputation-based likelihood ratio tests to
SEM: Lee and Cai (2012) proposed a two-stage approach to computing this test that is analogous
to two-stage FIML estimation (Savalei & Bentler, 2009; Savalei & Falk, 2014; Savalei &
Rhemtulla, 2014; Yuan et al., 2014), and Enders and Mansolf (2018) examined the use of Meng
(1992) pooled likelihood ratio statistic (also referred to as the D3 statistic in the
literature; Schafer, 1997) as a global test of SEM fit. Importantly, methodologists have yet to
develop a general score test for multiply imputed data, much less one that can serve as a so-
called modification index for SEMs. As such, the goal of this paper is to outline a new score test
procedure and use Monte Carlo computer simulations to evaluate its performance.
The score test and its use in model modification has been the source of considerable
controversy in the SEM literature, much of which is warranted. Modification indices can be used
to transform a poorly-fitting model into a well-fitting model by computing a score test with one
degree of freedom for each fixed parameter (e.g., omitted path) in the model. For those
parameters with large test statistics, the model can be iteratively re-estimated after lifting the
relevant constraints until the desired level of fit is achieved. As many readers already know, the
practice of data-driven model modification has been widely criticized in the literature (Bollen,
1989, pp. 300-303; Brown, 2014; Kaplan, 1990; MacCallum, Roznowski, & Necowitz, 1992;
Yoon & Kim, 2014). While not diminishing these concerns, we note that it is the usage of
modification indices that has been widely criticized, and not the test itself. Indeed, modification
indices remain useful in a priori, theoretically driven, or explicitly exploratory model
modification (MacCallum, 1986; see example applications in Byrne, Shavelson, & Muthén,
1989; Kwok, Luo, & West, 2010), and the use of modification indices for these purposes does
not necessarily invalidate a model-building procedure. Further, the score test often performs
similarly to the Wald and likelihood ratio tests when an SEM is approximately properly
specified, and the procedure has been recommended in cases where the asymptotic properties of
other tests break down, such as testing the null hypothesis that a variance component is zero in a
mixed effects model (Verbeke & Molenberghs, 2003). Because the score test only requires
estimation of a restricted model, it can also be useful in situations where a less restrictive model
is difficult to estimate or fails to converge. Lastly, a natural byproduct of the score test is an
expected parameter change (EPC) statistic (Kaplan, 1989; Saris et al., 1987) that estimates the
value of a parameter (or set of parameters) that would result from freeing model constraints (e.g.,
adding a path or set of paths to an SEM). Prior research (Saris, Satorra, & van der Veld, 2009;
Whittaker, 2012) has demonstrated the promising performance of score testseven in an
exploratory fashionwhen considered in combination with EPCs before modifying a
hypothesized model. For these reasons, we argue that it is important to develop and evaluate a
score test procedure for multiply imputed data.
The organization of this paper is as follows. First, we introduce notation and describe a
pair of nested confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models that we use to motivate and describe
the proposed score test. Second, we provide a brief review of and rationale for multiple
imputation in the SEM context. Third, we describe the score test for multiply imputed data. To
ensure that the exposition is accessible to the broadest possible readership, we include online
supplemental material that provides a concise description and summary of the maximum
likelihood principles needed to understand the composition of the test statistic (Supplemental
Appendix A). Fourth, we use Monte Carlo computer simulations to evaluate the imputation-
based score test, comparing its performance to the FIML counterpart. Fifth, we include a real
data analysis example that uses the R package semTools (Jorgensen, Pornprasertmanit,
Schoemann, & Rosseel, 2019) to apply the new test. Finally, we conclude with practical
recommendations and avenues for future research.
Motivating Example and Notation
To place our ensuing description of the multiple imputation score test in a specific
context, we rely on a simple CFA model with four continuous observed variables,
Figure 1a depicts the model as a path diagram. Figure 1b shows the same model with an added
covariance between
, the residuals associated with X
and X
. For identification, the
variance of the latent variable F is fixed to one and the mean of the latent variable is fixed to
zero. This yields models with 12 (Figure 1a) and 13 (Figure 1b) parameters: four intercepts
, which here estimate the means of
; four factor loadings
; four
residual variances
, a single residual covariance
(Figure 1b
only). Consider the case in which the fit of the model in Figure 1a is not satisfactory. To improve
model fit, one may consider adding the residual covariance
to the model. Using only the
results from the model in Figure 1a, the score test can project the improvement in fit that would
result from estimating the more complex model in Figure 1b. The test also provides the
information required to estimate the value of the residual covariance that would result if this
parameter were freed during estimation (i.e., the expected parameter change, or EPC).
More generally, consider the case in which a researcher compares two (parametrically)
nested models
, a restricted model and a general model (e.g., Figures 1a and 1b, respectively),
with the intention of determining whether the general model provides a significantly better fit to
the data than the restricted model. We let
denote the vector of q parameters
constraints on the parameters of the more general model. For brevity, we will simply use
for the restricted model, and we let
denote the vector of q + 1
parameters of the general model, where the parameter
in the general model is constrained to
zero in the restricted model. We use the g and r subscripts to differentiate various quantities or
features of these two models. Returning to the models in Figure 1,
for the general model
(Figure 1b) is given by
. The restricted model
to zero, and its parameter vector
is given by
The comparison of the models in Figure 1 is one example of a larger class of model
comparison problems, which can involve multiple parameters (e.g.,
), linear
and nonlinear constraints, and modeling approaches beyond traditional factor analysis or SEM
(e.g., multilevel models). Our proposed extension of the score test to multiply imputed data
readily generalizes to accommodate these contexts. When appropriate, we will indicate the
differences between single-parameter and multiple-parameter tests. We chose to use the
comparison of the models in Figure 1 as our motivating example both to present some of the
more complex statistical concepts in a familiar statistical framework and ground the multiple
imputation score test in a context in which researchers routinely use its complete-data
counterpart (model modification in SEM).
Multiple Imputation
Multiple imputation dates back nearly 40 years (Rubin, 1987; Rubin, 1996) and is an
established and popular method for dealing with missing data. We provide some brief
background here and refer readers to the literature for additional information (Enders, 2010;
Graham, 2012; Schafer, 1997; Schafer & Graham, 2002; Schafer & Olsen, 1998; Sinharay,
Stern, & Russell, 2001; van Buuren, 2012). Multiple imputation is often described as a three-step
procedure. In the first step, the researcher creates many copies of an incomplete data set, each of
which is imputed with different estimates of the missing values; for example, Graham,
Olchowski, and Gilreath (2007) recommend at least 20 imputed data sets. We use
, to represent imputed data sets generated from an incomplete data matrix . Next, the
analysis model (e.g., the restricted CFA model from Figure 1a) is fit to each of the filled-in data
sets, which gives a set of imputation-specific maximum likelihood estimates
and an
of the parameter covariance matrix, the diagonal of which contains the complete-
data sampling variances (i.e., squared standard errors) for data set m. Finally, 
(Rubin, 1987) are applied to the M sets of results, giving a vector of pooled estimates
standard errors. As mentioned previously, Lee and Cai (2012) and Enders and Mansolf (2018)
discuss model fit statistics for multiply imputed data.
In the context of an SEM application, the imputation step typically employs a saturated
model and an iterative Bayesian estimation procedure such as the Gibbs sampler. Because
imputations are generated from a saturated model, they are appropriate for a range of nested
model comparisons beyond that depicted in Figure 1. The iterative algorithm alternates between
two major steps: (a) estimate saturated model parameters, conditional on the current filled-in data
set, then (b) update imputations conditional on the current model parameters. Joint modeling
, 2010; Schafer, 1997) and fully conditional specification (van Buuren,
2012; Van Buuren, Brand, Groothuis-Oudshoorn, & Rubin, 2006) are the primary frameworks
for generating multiple imputations. The joint model approach repeatedly estimates a
multivariate model, typically an unrestricted mean vector and covariance matrix. The imputation
step then samples replacement values from a multivariate normal distribution. In contrast, fully
conditional specification implements a round robin imputation scheme where each incomplete
variable is regressed on all other variables (complete or previously imputed), and the resulting
regression model parameters define a univariate distribution of replacement values for each
observation. Joint model imputation is available in commercial packages such as SAS and Mplus
, 19982017) as well as R packages such as jomo (Quartagno & Carpenter,
2018) and Amelia (Honaker, King, & Blackwell, 2018), among others. Fully conditional
specification is available in commercial software packages such as SPSS and SAS, and it is also
available in the popular R package mice (van Buuren et al., 2018) and the standalone
application Blimp (Enders, Du, & Keller, in press; Enders, Keller, & Levy, 2018; Keller &
Enders, 2019). Both approaches can accommodate incomplete binary and ordinal variables via a
latent variable (i.e., probit regression) formulation, and the procedures are theoretical equivalent
when applied to multivariate normal data (Liu, Gelman, Hill, Su, & Kropko, 2014).
It is important to address a compelling question before proceedingwhy imputation?
After all, FIML test statistics are well understood, and the estimator is available in virtually
every SEM software program. We believe there are often compelling reasons to adopt imputation
instead of FIML. First, imputation is arguably more flexible for models that include mixtures of
continuous and categorical (nominal and ordinal) variables. Such combinations of metrics are
ubiquitous in SEM applications, for example MIMIC models with categorical covariates,
multiple-group models with incomplete grouping variables, measurement models that feature
discrete questionnaire responses as indicators, and scale scores or item parcels computed from an
incomplete set of questionnaire items, among others. Second, emerging evidence suggests that a
particular model-based variant of multiple imputation (e.g., fully Bayesian imputation;
substantive model compatible imputation) is superior for models that include interactive or
nonlinear effects and random coefficients (Enders et al., in press; Erler, Rizopoulos, Jaddoe,
Franco, & Lesaffre, 2019; Erler et al., 2016). Third, the ease with which multiple imputation can
facilitate an inclusive analytic strategy (Collins, Schafer, & Kam, 2001) that includes auxiliary
variables is a potentially important advantage. Of course, FIML estimation can also incorporate
auxiliary variables (Graham, 2003), but it is well known that the saturated correlates model can
suffer from convergence problems because it imposes an illogical structure on certain covariance
matrices (Savalei & Bentler, 2009). For these and other reasons, we believe that marrying SEM
and multiple imputation is often a preferable strategy for handling missing data, in which case it
is important to have a full cadre of significance tests that includes the score test.
Statistical Background: Score, Score Vector, and Information Matrix
In the interest of space, this section assumes that readers are already familiar with the
maximum likelihood principles needed to construct the complete-data (or FIML) score test. In
particular, the building blocks of the test statistic are the score, the score vector and the
information matrix. This section describes these quantities in the context of multiple imputation.
In general, the imputation-based expressions are the same as those from a complete-data
maximum likelihood analysis, the key difference being that they are applied to each filled-in data
set. To ensure that our exposition is accessible to the broadest possible readership, we also
include online supplemental material (Supplemental Appendix A) that provides a more detailed
description and summary of the concepts needed to understand the composition of the score test
statistic, and a variety of resources describe maximum likelihood estimation in greater depth
(Eliason, 1993; Ferron & Hess, 2007; Silvey, 1975, Chap. 4; Casella & Berger, 2002, Chap. 7;
Spanos, 1999, Chap. 13).
To keep the discussion as simple as possible, we describe a single degree of freedom
score test that evaluates a constraint on a single parameter. The test readily extends to multiple
parameters, and Supplemental Appendix B gives the generalization of the test statistic to
multiple parameter constraints. The first ingredients of the modification index are the score and
the score vector. In calculus terms, the score for a parameter is the derivative or slope of the log-
likelihood surface taken at a particular value of that parameter, and the score vector concatenates
the parameter-specific score values into a vector that quantifies the instantaneous rate of change
in the log-likelihood with respect to each model parameter. For the restricted model in
imputation m, the score vector
has q elements, one for each parameter in
, and each
element of the score vector is the first partial derivative of the log-likelihood with respect to the
corresponding model parameter
indicates that partial derivatives of the log likelihood 
are taken with
respect to each element of
, and the m superscripts indicate that each data set yields a unique
score vector. At the maximum likelihood estimates of the restricted model in a given imputed
data set m, denoted by
, the q elements of the score vector, denoted
, all equal zero,
indicating that the estimates maximize the log-likelihood function.
The score test is used to determine whether freeing a constraint would significantly
improve model fit. In the case of the models in Figure 1, this involves estimating the restricted
model, then projecting how fit would change if the residual covariance
were freed during
estimation. Doing so requires an augmented parameter vector
 that contains the
restricted-model maximum likelihood estimates
within each imputed data set and a zero
value corresponding to the constrained parameter
. Similarly, we define a score vector
that reflects the gradient of general-model log likelihood taken at the parameter values in
given by
is the slope of the log likelihood that results from constraining parameter
(e.g., the residual covariance) to zero. Even when the restricted model is true in the population,
the additional element of the score vector is unlikely equal to zero in practice because it too is an
estimate subject to sampling error. A positive score (i.e., slope) indicates that increasing the
value of the
would increase the log-likelihood, whereas a negative score indicates that
The score vector from Equation 2 can be viewed as measuring the discrepancy in fit
between the general and restricted models. The score test we are proposing uses the information
matrix to standardize this discrepancy into a test statistic. Like the score vector, the information
matrix is calculated by differentiating the log-likelihood function with respect to the model
parameters. In calculus terms, the information matrix for imputation set m is the matrix of second
derivatives of the log-likelihood surface (i.e., negative of the Hessian), as follows.
More generally, the constrained parameter in the augmented parameter vector could also be fixed to any nonzero
value (e.g., a factor correlation fixed to 1 to test redundancy), and the score test procedure would still apply.
The information matrix captures how the elements of the score vector (i.e., gradients or slopes)
change as a function of changes in the model parameters. Visually, values on the diagonal of the
information matrix quantify the peaked-ness of the log likelihood near its maximum (e.g., if
slopes change rapidly, the surface is peaked and precision is high). Off-diagonal element (i,j) of
the information matrix quantifies the change in the ith element of the score vector as a function
of changes in the jth parameter (e.g., the degree to which changes in one parameter covary with
changes in another).
The information matrix can be used as a metric by which to judge the magnitude of (i.e.,
standardize) the score vector, as large elements of the information matrix indicate that the score
vector is sensitive to changes in the model parameters near
(i.e., the log likelihood is very
peaked near its maximum). Many readers are familiar with the fact that inverting the information
matrix and substituting the maximum likelihood estimates gives the parameter covariance
matrix, the diagonal of which contains the complete-data sampling variances (i.e., squared
standard errors) for data set m:
From this relationship, we can see that large elements of the information matrix indicate a high
degree of precision for the maximum likelihood estimates, thus resulting in small standard errors.
Note that SEM packages typically offer at least three methods for estimating the
information matrix: the first-order, observed, and expected information matrices. Details on the
calculation of these matrices and on their use in structural equation modeling can be found in
Appendix A of the online supplement, and Savalei (2010a) gives a detailed and accessible
description of these information matrices
. Very briefly, the scalar formulas for the elements of
the information matrix feature deviation score sums that capture the differences between the
observed data and the model-implied means. If the data are normally distributed, the expected
information is simpler to compute because it replaces these sums with their expectations (i.e.,
zeros), whereas the observed information computes the sums from the data. When applied to
FIML estimation, the observed information is preferred because it accommodates an MAR
mechanism, whereas the expected information requires the stricter MCAR assumption (Kenward
& Molenberghs, 1998). The first-order information matrix is calculated as the covariance matrix
of the first derivatives of  log-likelihood function. These variances and
covariances are easier to compute than the second derivatives they approximate, and they are
asymptotically equivalent to the expected and observed information matrices if the distributional
assumptions of the model hold (Greene, 2012, pp. 521522). However, some authors have noted
that this approximation tends to perform worse than the expected or observed information
matrices in practice (Maydeu-Olivares, 2017). All three information estates are appropriate for
imputed data, and the simulations presented later in the manuscript provide a comparison of the
three information matrices.
Most estimation software pac
matrix by n 
Multiple Imputation Score Test
Having established its core building blocks, we now propose a multiple imputation score
test. The construction of the test statistic is analogous to that of the popular Wald test (commonly
referred to as the D
statistic) for multiply imputed data (Li, Raghunathan, & Rubin, 1991;
Rubin, 1987; Schafer, 1997; van Buuren, 2012). To provide a comparison, the multiple
imputation Wald statistic is
 
  
 
The Wald test can be viewed as the sum of squared differences between a vector
of pooled
and their corresponding hypothesized values
(e.g., a zero vector) standardized by
a pooled estimate of the parameter covariance matrix
  
, where  is the average relative
increase in variance and
is the pooled within-sample variance-covariance matrix of the model
parameters (
. Finally, dividing by k, the number of parameters in
, rescales the
test statistic from a
to F distribution. Imputation-based significance tests are quite different
from those of FIML because they require a between-imputation component that captures
variation in the test across data sets (Li et al., 1991; Meng & Rubin, 1992; Reiter &
Raghunathan, 2007; Rubin, 1987). The average relative increase in variance (0 1) serves
this role by proportionally increasing the average parameter covariance matrix
to incorporate
lack of precision due to missing data. The score test below is comprised of analogous
Although the preceding discussion of the score test referred to an augmented vector containing only a single
constrained parameter estimate, the score test also generalizes to simultaneously testing a set of parameters
(Supplemental Appendix B).
First, the nonzero element (or elements, in the multiparameter case) of the score vector
from Equation 2 is pooled across imputations to yield an average discrepancy in fit between the
general and restricted models.
This averaging process is analogous to the sum of squared differences between the estimates and
hypothesized values in the Wald test;
quantifies the discrepancy between zero (the value
of the constrained parameter in the restricted model) and the projected maximum likelihood
estimate of the constrained parameter in the general model; this difference is quantified by the
average slope of the log likelihood function. The pooled score value
can be interpreted in
frequentist terms as a point estimate of the fixed population score value, and it can also be
interpreted as the mean of the observed-data posterior distribution of the score in the Bayesian
framework (Little & Rubin, 2002, pp. 210-211; Rubin, 1987).
As mentioned previously, the pooled discrepancy measure is standardized using the
curvature of the log likelihood function from the information matrix. If the null hypothesis is true
and the data were generated according to the restricted model,
is asymptotically normal
with a mean of zero. To determine the sampling variance of
, we must partition the
information matrix
to isolate the term corresponding to the parameter of interest
is the q × q submatrix of
corresponding to the free parameters in the restricted
is the 1 × q submatrix of
containing second partial derivatives of the log-
likelihood with respect to the fixed and free parameters, and
is the diagonal element of
corresponding to the fixed parameter
(e.g., the residual covariance in Figure 1b). Following
the complete-data literature (Sörbom, 1989; Saris, Satorra, & Sörbom, 1987; Rao, 1948) the
sampling variance of
from data set m is as follows.
 
Roughly speaking,
can be viewed as the sampling variance in the score vector that remains
after subtracting out its covariation due to other parameters.
The within-imputation score variance is computed by averaging the M estimates of as
The within-imputation score variance
is analogous to the within-imputation variance of the
parameter estimates in multiple imputation inference in the sense that it quantifies the sampling
variance in the score value that would be expected if the data were complete, much like the
average of the squared standard errors on the diagonal of
in the Wald test. As such, a score test
statistic based on
will be positively biased (i.e., reflect too much precision) unless there is no
missing data.
Following the logic of the Wald test, a multiple imputation score test must augment
with a second between-imputation component that quantifies the added sampling variability in
due to missing data. This between-imputation score variance is calculated by treating the
set of imputation-specific score values
as an i.i.d. random sample and calculating the
variance of the M score values around their pooled value as follows.
 
 
This quantity represents the added uncertainty in the score value due to missing data and is
analogous to the between-imputation variance of the parameter estimates (i.e., the variance in the
M estimates around their means) in multiple imputation inference.
Combining the within- and between-imputation information components
yields the total score variance
  
In frequentist terms,
estimates the total variability of the observed-data score value across
repeated samples. In Bayesian terms,
represents the total posterior variance of the score value,
calculated as the sum of a within-imputation component
based on complete data and a
between-imputation component  
which accounts for missing data uncertainty.
Finally, the total sampling variance
is used to standardize the squared pooled score
value and construct the multiple imputation score test statistic below.
Determining a sampling distribution for
is complicated by the fact that
is an
estimate of the between-imputation variance of
based on a finite number of imputations.
With an infinite number of imputations, we can treat
as fixed, in which case
asymptotically follows a
distribution with a single degree of freedom (Rubin, 1987). With a
finite number of imputations M, the proper reference distribution is an F distribution with a
single numerator degree of freedom and denominator degrees of freedom
 
 
This calculation is based on the degrees of freedom calculation for the multiple imputation Wald
test (Rubin, 1987). Alternate definitions of the degrees of freedom have been proposed in the
literature, but we do not consider these here (Barnard & Rubin, 1999; Li et al., 1991; Reiter,
Like the pooled Wald test statistic (D
) in Equation 5, our example of testing a single
parameter in Equation 12 is naturally extended to the case of a multiparameter test by
augmenting the score vector (in Equation 2) and information matrix (in Equation 7) with k > 1
constrained or fixed parameters. With sufficiently many imputations, the numerator of Equation
5 is approximately
(k) distributed, which is scaled by 1/k (the denominator of Equation 5) to
yield an approximate F distribution to account for a finite number of imputations. Details about
the multiparameter score test can be found in supplemental Appendix B.
Expected Parameter Change
Saris et al (1987) noted that large modification indices do not necessarily result in
comparably large changes in parameter estimates when the corresponding parameters are freed
during estimation. In other words, although the modification index tests the statistical
significance of parameters, it does not quantify the magnitude of the constrained estimate. To
account for this shortcoming, Saris et al. introduced a statistic called the expected parameter
change (EPC) which quantifies the expected change in the parameter estimate that would result
from freeing that parameter during estimation. For the model in Figure 1, the EPC estimates the
residual covariance
that would result from estimating the general model. These EPC values
are routinely printed alongside modification indices in structural equation modeling software
(&, 19982017; Rosseel, 2012).
This EPC value, like the score test, is calculated after estimating the restricted model, and
is a function of the test statistic (i.e., modification index) and the score value. The complete-data
EPC is as follows.
As explained previously, the nonzero element of the score vector
is the expected change
in the log-likelihood for a one-unit change in the parameter of interest. Thus, its reciprocal is the
expected change in the parameter for a one-unit change in the log-likelihood. Multiplying this
reciprocal by the change in the log-likelihood that results from freeing the parameter, quantified
, yields the EPC. Because the general model is not estimated, EPC values will differ
from the estimates that would result from freeing each residual covariance. If the models do not
differ substantially in terms of fit, the differences between the EPC values and the true parameter
estimates will be small. However, if model fit is poor, the score test statistic and resulting EPC
values can be biased (Saris et al., 1989).
In the context of imputation, we defined the pooled EPC as the average of the EPC values
across the M imputations
is element q + 1 of the imputation-specific score vector
is sampling
variance of the score value in data set m, as defined in Equation 9. Note that, unlike its complete-
data counterpart, EPC
is not a function of the score test statistic
. Rather, it is
estimated by averaging the imputation-specific EPC values, each of which is calculated using its
corresponding score variance
Simulation Study
We conducted a simulation study to assess the performance of the multiple imputation
score test in terms of Type I error rate and statistical power. We compared the multiple
imputation score test to the FIML score test and to the score test from complete-data maximum
likelihood (i.e., before missingness was imposed on the generated data). As mentioned
previously, the score test is asymptotically equivalent to the Wald and likelihood ratio statistics
as general hypothesis tests. In the interest of space, we limit our presentation to the score tests,
but Figures S1-S4 and Tables S1 and S2 in the online supplemental materials shows a broader
comparison that includes the Wald and likelihood ratio statistics.
Population Models
We based the population model on a classic simulation study (Chou & Bentler, 1990) that
compared the relative performance of the Wald, likelihood ratio, and score tests in complete
data. The population model used for the simulation study is displayed in Figure 2. In the
measurement portion of the model, each of four latent variables F
is measured using three
indicator variables with factor loadings of 1 (X
, X
, X
, X
) or 0.8 (X
, X
, X
, X
, X
, X
, X
). Residual variances for observed variables were set to one third of the squared factor loading
for each observed variable, yielding item-level reliabilities of .75.
In the structural portion of the model, F
is correlated with F
), F
is predicted by F
) and F
), and F
is predicted by F
), F
), and F
). Population values for the
correlation φ
and the regression coefficients β
and β
were fixed to values such that the
correlations between F
, F
, and F
were all equal to .3 (φ
= .3; β
= β
 Population
values for the remaining structural parameters β
, β
, and β
were determined by the conditions
of the corresponding simulation study, to be described below. The means of all observed and
latent variables were set to zero in the population model.
Simulation Conditions
In the first simulation study, β
, β
, and β
were set to zero in the population model to
examine the Type I error rate, which was assessed separately for one- (β
), two- (β
and β
and three- (β
, β
, and β
) parameter Wald, score, and likelihood ratio tests. Sample sizes used
to evaluate Type I error rates were 100, 200, 400, and 800, and tests were evaluated with 0%
(complete data), 10%, 20%, and 30% missing data, yielding a 4 (sample size) × 4 (missing data
rate) × 3 (number of parameters) design.
In the second simulation study, each of the one-, two-, and three-parameter tests above
was evaluated under varying effect size conditions to examine statistical power and assess the
accuracy of EPC estimates. To yield interpretable power estimates, we manipulated the
population values of β
, β
, and β
to yield (multiple) R
values of .02, .13, and .26,
predicting F
. All tested structural parameters β
, β
, and β
were identical for each condition
in the population model; see Table 1 for the specific parameter values used. For the one- and
two- parameter tests, any untested parameters were set to zero in the population model so that
test statistics for truly nonzero parameters would not be inflated due to invalid constraints on
untested parameters (i.e., higher power in conditions with inflated Type I error rates; Bollen,
1989; Byron, 1972). Sample sizes used to evaluate power were 50, 100, and 200, and tests were
evaluated with 0% (complete data), 10%, 20%, and 30% missing data, yielding a 3 (sample size)
× 4 (missing data rate) × 3 (number of parameters) × 3 (R
effect size) design. EPC values were
calculated for the regression coefficient β
in the one-parameter test conditions for all
information matrices in complete and incomplete data and for FIML estimation in incomplete
Data Simulation and Imputation
Data were simulated according to a multivariate normal distribution with all means equal
to zero and covariance matrix equal to the model-implied covariance matrix of the population
model, calculated according to the corresponding simulation condition. After simulating 1000
data sets per condition, data were deleted according to a missing-at-random (MAR) model,
where all indicators for F
predicted missingness on all indicators for F
and all indicators for F
predicted missingness on all indicators for F
. Missingness was determined according to a
logistic regression model with a pseudo-R
value of .5 (McKelvey & Zavoina, 1975), with
parameters of β
= -3.22, β
=1.81 corresponding to a 10% missing data rate, parameters of β
= -
2.10, β
=1.81 corresponding to a 20% missing data rate, and parameters of β
= -1.30, β
corresponding to a 30% missing data rate. R (R Core Team, 2018) was used to perform the data
generation using the mvtnorm package (Genz et al., 2018). Blimp (Enders et al., in press;
Enders et al., 2018; Keller & Enders, 2019) was used to impute missing values using fully
conditional imputation (van Buuren, 2012; van Buuren et al., 2006). Because all manifest
variables in the simulation were continuous, imputations were generated from a normal
distribution, conditional on the observed data. In all conditions, 20 imputations were used, with
burn-in and thinning intervals determined after examining potential scale reduction factor
diagnostics (Gelman et al., 2014; Gelman & Rubin, 1992).
Statistical Analyses and Tests
We used the sem() function in the R package lavaan (Rosseel, 2012) to fit the
restricted and general models implied by the path diagram in Figure 2 to the generated data, both
before missingness was imposed on the complete data (using traditional maximum likelihood
estimation) and after imposing missingness (using FIML). After imputing the missing data 20
times, we used the sem.mi() function in the R package semTools (Jorgensen et al.,
2019) to fit the models to each imputed data set
The restricted and general models had correctly specified measurement models (see
loading to one (corresponding to its population value) and identifying factor means by fixing
them to zero. In the general model, all structural paths in Figure 2 were freely estimated, whereas
one, two, or three of the nonzero dashed paths (depending on the condition) were fixed to zero in
the restricted model. Analyses of multiple imputations were treated as converged if the general
or restricted model converged for at least one imputed data set(s)
From the restricted model, a score test statistic was calculated to simultaneously test
whether the one, two, or three (depending on the condition) nonzero dashed paths in Figure 2
which were fixed to zeroshould be freed. Score tests for complete-data and FIML were
conducted using the lavTestScore() function in lavaan, and using the
lavTestScore.mi() function in semTools, for multiple imputations. The pooled,
augmented information matrix with which a pooled score test is calculated (as described above)
used any imputations for which the model converged and SEs (and by implication, the
information matrix) could be calculated. Additionally from the restricted model alone, EPCs for
individual fixed-to-zero parameters are available from the modificationIndices()
function in lavaan, and from the modificationIndices.mi() function in
semTools for multiple imputations, both of which return 1-df score tests (i.e., modification
indices) only for individual parameters, not multiparameter tests
As mentioned previously, SEM packages usually offer at least three methods for
estimating the information matrix: the first-order, observed, and expected information matrices.
The semTools package prints a message to make users aware of how many imputations for which a model
converged, so the user can decide whether to generate additional or replacement imputations or to try different
starting values for particular imputations.
The lavTestScore() and lavTestScore.mi() functions also optionally provide EPCs for all user-specified (both fixed
and free) parameters, but they are the expected changes on the condition that all parameters in the test are freed. This
can be quite useful information (e.g., Oberski, 2014), but it differs from the most common use of EPCs (i.e., in
tandem with 1-df modification indices; Saris et al., 2009; Whittaker, 2012). Thus, the current study only investigated
EPCs associated with 1-df modification indices.
Details on the calculation of these matrices and on their use in structural equation modeling can
be found in Appendix A of the online supplemental material and in Savalei (2010a). We used
observed information exclusively with FIML estimation because it provides important theoretical
advantages in this context (Kenward & Molenberghs, 1998). Applied to imputed data, the
observed information does not have an inherent theoretical advantage over other estimates of
information as it does with FIML. To assess the performance of different information matrices
all of which are available in popular software (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2017; Rosseel, 2012)
and thus could be used in practice we evaluated the performance of the multiple imputation
score test with observed, expected, and first-order information matrices. Although researchers
with different goals could validly justify different arbitrary thresholds for qualifying Type I error
rates as substantially inflated, we define an acceptable raα 
7.5% and Type I error rates 7.5% < α α > 10% as moderate and large inflation,
respectively (Savalei, 2010a; Savalei, 2010b).
Simulation Results
As described above, the score test can be evaluated as an 
or F statistic. As
might be expected with a large number of imputations (m = 20), we did not observe meaningful
differences between p-values calculated using the two reference distributions. Because the FIML
and complete-data score tests use a
here to improve comparability of the simulation results. Although we limit the subsequent
presentation to the score tests, Figures S1-S4 and Tables S1 and S2 in the online supplement give
a broader comparison that includes Wald and likelihood ratio statistics. In some cases, when the
null hypothesis for the 1-, 2-, or 3-parameter test was false (power and EPC simulations), certain
test statistics could not be calculated. Specifically, when sample size was low (N = 50) and
missing data rate was high (30%), up to 12.2% of multiple imputation likelihood ratio tests could
not be calculated, with higher failure rates for multi-parameter tests. In six replications, either the
unrestricted (four replications) or restricted (two replications) model failed to converge under
FIML estimation. The two replications for which the restricted model failed to converge, both of
which occurred at the smallest sample size (N = 50) and highest missing data rate (30%) in the
Power simulation, were excluded from Figures 5 and 6. All replications for which all score tests
could be calculated were included in the results presented in Figures 4-5.
Type I error
Like its FIML counterpart, the multiple imputation score test can be computed using
three different information matrices, although it is unclear whether the usual recommendation to
use observed information (Kenward & Molenberghs, 1998; Savalei, 2010a) also applies to
multiple imputation. Figure 3 presents empirical Type I error rates for the three versions of the
test. As sample size increased to N = 800, all three information matrices produced acceptable
Type I error rates close to the nominal α = .05 level. However, differences appeared at small
sample sizes. The multiple imputation score test achieved its best calibration when computed
using the expected information, in which case the empirical Type I error rates were close to the
nominal = .05 under almost all conditions. The notable exception was a slightly lower Type I
error rate (approximately .03) for the 3-parameter test with 30% missing data and a sample size
of 100. The expected information should perform well with normally distributed data (Browne,
1974, 1984), but there was no clear reason to prefer this method a priori.
Among the remaining two options, the test statistic with observed information was the
next best calibrated, although it exhibited inflated Type I error rates in many conditions. This is
consistent with prior research showing inflated Type I error rates of the likelihood ratio test using
even with samples as large as N = 400 (Savalei & Bentler, 2009), especially in models
that estimated more parameters (i.e., included more auxiliary variables). The test based on first-
order information, however, exhibited the largest deviations from the nominal error rate.
Decreasing the sample size, increasing the missing data rate, and increasing the number of
parameters being evaluated all diminished performance, and these factors exerted a much larger
impact on the first-order information tests than on the other tests. While tests based on observed
information were generally well-calibrated in all but the smallest sample size condition (N =
100), first-order tests were generally only well-calibrated in the largest sample size condition (N
= 800). Based on these results, we restrict the remainder of our results to the score test with
expected information, and we compare its performance to the FIML test with observed
information. We also include the complete-data score test with expected information as a
comparison (also the best among the complete-data options; see Table S1 in the online
Figure 4 shows empirical Type I error rates for the complete-data, multiple-imputation,
and FIML score tests. In the smallest sample size condition (N = 100), the multiple imputation
score test had Type I error rates lower than 5% when calculated with 30% missing data. Within
these conditions (N = 100, 30% missing data), the Type I error rate of the multiple imputation
score test decreased as the number of parameters increased, reaching a minimum of α = 2.3%
with 3 parameters, 30% missing data, and N = 100. At missing data rates of 10% and 20%, Type
I error rates for the multiple-imputation score test were α 
The likelihood ratio test also exhibits inflated Type I errors with complete data, and there have been several
proposed robust corrections based on aspects of sample size and model size (Nevitt & Hancock, 2004).
The FIML score test, in contrast, exhibited moderate (7.5% < α to large (α >
10%) Type I error inflation in many conditions; this inflation increased as sample size decreased,
the missing data rate increased, and the number of parameters increased. At N = 100, the
empirical Type I error rate of the FIML score test was only within acceptable ranges (α 
7.5%) when used for a single-parameter test with 10% or 20% missing data. The 3-parameter
FIML score test with 30% missing data and a sample size of 100 exhibited large Type I error
inflation (α > 10%), and the comparable condition with N = 200 also exhibited moderate Type I
error inflation (7.5% < α . In contrast, the multiple imputation score test was well-
calibrated under these same conditions, except for the aforementioned Type I error deflation
when 3 parameters were tested with 30% missing data and N = 100. In all other conditions with
N = 100, the FIML test had moderate Type I error inflation (7.5% < α ), while the multiple
imputation score test was well-calibrated. When sample size was large (N = 400 or 800), both the
multiple imputation and FIML score tests were well-calibrated, while the multiple imputation
score test had superior Type I error control to the FIML score test when sample size was small
(N = 100 or 200). Lastly, the complete-data score test was well-calibrated across conditions and
deviated very little from α = .05 in any condition.
Figure 5 shows empirical power estimates for the single-parameter multiple imputation,
FIML, and complete-data score test statistics. Power differences among the score tests were
relatively unaffected by the number of parameters tested, so we limit the presentation to the
single-parameter case to highlight the main trends. Table S2 in the online supplement gives the
power estimates for the two- and three-parameter tests.
Unsurprisingly, power for the single-parameter score tests increased as the sample size
and effect size increased, and power for the incomplete-data tests (multiple imputation and
FIML) decreased as the missing data rate increased. At the largest sample sizes considered in the
power simulation (N = 100 and N = 200), there was generally no meaningful difference between
the three tests. However, large differences appeared at the smallest sample size condition (N =
50), with multiple imputation score test exhibiting the lowest power. For example, in the medium
effect size condition with N = 50, the power of the imputation-based test was approximately half
that of FIML. Presumably, the power differential reflects the fact that multiple imputation
involves two stages of estimation (i.e., the first stage employs a saturated model for the purposes
of imputation, and the second stage fits the SEM to the filled-in data) whereas maximum
likelihood involves one. Similar power differences have been observed for the direct FIML and
two-stage FIML estimators (Savalei & Bentler, 2009) and for the multiple imputation and FIML
likelihood ratio tests (Enders & Mansolf, 2018).
Although we would expect the complete-data score test to always yield highest power,
the incomplete-data FIML test paradoxically had higher power in some situations. This apparent
advantage may be related which may indicate
a greater tendency to yield low p-values in general. As sample size increased, the multiple
imputation and FIML score tests approached the upper limit on power (100%), diminishing the
apparent differences between the power of the two tests. In those conditions where power
differed between the tests, most notably when sample size was small (N = 50), the power
advantage of the FIML score test over the multiple imputation score test increased with missing
data rate and effect size.
Expected parameter change
Figure 6 contains median relative bias for multiple imputation, FIML, and complete-data
EPC. Median relative bias was calculated by subtracting the estimated EPC values in each
condition from their population value (β R
= .02; β R
= .13; β R
= .26), dividing by the population value, and calculating the median across replications:
 (23)
We chose to report median relative bias for EPC to account for many severe outliers in FIML
EPC. These severe outliers arose primarily from the R
= .26 condition.
The multiple imputation EPC was unbiased in almost all conditions, with slight
downward bias when the missing data rate was high and sample size was low. Complete-data
EPC was also unbiased in almost all conditions, with similar but smaller biases occurring in the
same conditions as multiple imputation EPC. In contrast, FIML EPC was severely positively
biased for all effect sizes except R
= .02 (β 
acceptable range. The presence of outliers and bias in EPCs using FIML may be due to the
-positive-definite or
otherwise poorly behaved, a phenomenon which has been documented elsewhere (e.g.,
Freedman, 2007; Morgan, Palmer, & Ridout, 2007).
Real Data Example
The multiple imputation score test is relatively straightforward to implement in software
and is now available in the R package semTools (Jorgensen et al., 2019). To illustrate its
application, we used a publicly available online data set containing responses to the Rosenberg
Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) (Rosenberg, 1965). These data were downloaded from the
32 webpage. 
at the beginning of the test that there [sic] answers would be used for research and were asked to
confirm that their answers were accurate and suitable for research upon completion (those that
 The item content for the RSES is presented in
Table 2. The original data contained 47,974 individual response vectors, and we selected 1000
cases for the example. The data are available from the first author upon request.
To better control the strength of the missing data mechanism, we restricted the data to
contain only cases between 18 and 64 years of age with complete data for the Rosenberg items,
age, and gender (N = 34660), then selected 1000 cases at random to analyze, which constituted
the complete data set. We then deleted item response data for Items 5, 8, 9, and 10 according to a
linear regression model where missingness was predicted by age, yielding the incomplete data
set. Logistic regression parameters were selected to yield approximately 15% missing data and
McKelvey and Zavoina pseudo-R
of .5 between age and missingness (standardized b
= 1.815).
 to generate 50 data sets. To maintain the metric of the original
variables, discrete imputes were generated from an ordinal probit model (Carpenter & Kenward,
2013). We then fit a one-factor measurement model (analogous to Figure 1a) that featured the 10
RSES items as indicators to each imputed data set; we fit this model using maximum likelihood
estimation, treating the observed data as continuous, to illustrate the multiple imputation score
test and EPC in the maximum likelihood context in which we derived them above. We used the
semTools and lavaan packages to pool the estimates, calculate fit measures, implement the
score test, and compute EPCs. The basic R syntax for the analysis is given in the Appendix to
illustrate how the package can be used (more extensive annotated syntax is provided in Section C
of the online supplement). Consistent with previous findings that a one-factor model does not
adequately describe the RSES (Huang & Dong, 2012), the pooled likelihood ratio test statistic
and pooled fit indices (Enders & Mansolf, 2018; Meng & Rubin, 1992) indicated poor fit
= 600.90, CFI = .879, TLI = 0.845, RMSEA = 0.134. Next, we used the score tests to identify
residual covariances that might improve model fit. Table 3 contains the resulting test statistics
and corresponding EPCs. Consistent with the findings of Reise, Kim, Mansolf, and Widaman
(2016), the three largest modification indices and EPCs were for Items 9 and 10, Items 1 and 2,
and Items 6 and 7. A detailed tutorial on the use of the semTools package for calculating the
multiple imputation score test and EPC values can be found in online supplemental materials.
Structural equation modeling (SEM) applications routinely employ a trilogy of
significance tests that includes the likelihood ratio test, Wald test, and score test or modification
index. Researchers use these tests to assess global model fit, evaluate whether individual
estimates differ from zero, and identify potential sources of local misfit, respectively. The FIML
versions of these tests have received considerable attention in the methodology literature
(Kenward & Molenberghs, 1998; Savalei, 2010a, 2010b; Savalei & Bentler, 2009; Savalei &
Yuan, 2009; Yuan et al., 2014; Yuan & Bentler, 2000, 2010; Yuan & Savalei, 2014; Yuan &
Zhang, 2012). However, much less is known about test statistics for multiply imputed data. In
particular, methodologists have yet to develop a general score test for multiply imputed data,
much less one that can serve as a modification index of local misfit in SEM analyses. As such,
the goal of this paper was to outline a new score test procedure and use Monte Carlo computer
simulations to evaluate its performance.
As sample size increased, the multiple imputation and FIML score tests converged
toward optimal Type I error rates and maximum statistical power, although at smaller sample
sizes and/or high missing data rates, the FIML score test had inflated Type I error rates, while the
multiple imputation score test did not. On the other hand, the multiple imputation score test
generally had substantially lower power than the FIML score test when the sample size was
small (N = 50). Presumably, this is because multiple imputation invokes two stages of estimation
whereas FIML invokes only one. Specifically, the first stage estimates a saturated model in order
to generate imputations, then the second stages fits the restricted model to the filled-in data. In
eliminating the initial stage of missing data handling. Similar power differences have been
observed for the direct FIML and two-stage FIML estimators for missing data (Savalei &
Bentler, 2009) and for the multiple imputation and FIML likelihood ratio tests (Enders &
Mansolf, 2018). The stark power difference effectively disappeared with a sample size of N =
100, but the potential for such large differences suggests that future studies should thoroughly
probe the intersection of sample size and effect size.
EPC estimates based on the multiple imputation score test were considerably more
accurate than the corresponding FIML EPCs, particularly when effect size for the omitted
parameter was moderate or large. Unlike with the test statistics themselves, EPC bias for FIML
increased, rather than decreased, with a larger sample size. Taken as a whole, our results suggest
that the imputation-based score test is comparable if not superior to that of FIML, at least in the
limited conditions we investigated here. At least in part, it seems that using expected versus
observed information might play a role in producing this difference; the latter is recommended
for FIML, whereas imputation can accommodate either. Importantly, the expected information
requires the multivariate normality assumption, so we do not feel comfortable concluding that
the imputation-based test will outperform FIML in general. Future research should attempt to
clarify these issues.
One central issue is how to compute the score test in SEM software. Although SEM
software packages naturally produce all of the ingredients (e.g., the score vector, information
matrix), combining the component parts requires some effort. To facilitate its application, the R
package semTools now implements the imputation-based score test, and it allows users to
an information matrix. Our simulation results clearly favor the expected information, but
additional research is needed to determine whether this recommendation generalizes to a broader
array of conditions. In the interim, it may be wise to conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine
Based on
complete-data research and the results presented here, we would not expect the first-order
information matrix to perform well (see Maydeu-Olivares, 2017), but semTools nevertheless
offers this option.
It is important to reinforce previous warnings about the data-driven use of modification
indices in sequential specification searches (Bollen, 1989; Kaplan, 1990; MacCallum, 1986;
MacCallum et al., 1992; Yoon & Kim, 2014). Sampling error alone can cause such exploratory
modifications to yield models that do not generalize well (MacCallum, 1986; MacCallum et al.,
1992). In practice, models are typically approximations rather than perfect representatives of true
data-generating processes (i.e., approximation error; MacCallum, 2003), in which case score test
statistics can be expected to have some bias, which can then exacerbate the effect of sampling
Score tests in both lavaan (for complete data or FIML) and semTools (for multiple imputations) are calculated
using expected information by default, regardless of the information matrix used to obtain SE estimates.
The two-stage nature of multiple imputation makes it different from FIML when it comes
to the impact of approximation and sampling error. As noted previously, the first stage of
multiple imputation estimates a saturated model and uses the estimates from this model to define
distributions of missing values. The unstructured nature of the imputation model suggests that it
may not be subject to approximation error, but our simulation results suggest that the additional
layer of estimation increases noise when the sample size is small (e.g., the imputation score test
was underpowered at N = 50). From this, there is probably no reason to expect that multiple
imputation would do better than FIML in a specification search, but it is important to study
whether it would do worse. An anonymous reviewer insightfully suggested that the fraction of
missing information (FMI; see Graham, Olchowski, & Gilreath, 2007; Schafer, 1997) might be a
useful diagnostic to consider in the context of a model modification exercise. The FMI is an
intuitive quantity that captures the proportional increase in the sampling variation of an estimate
or test statistic due to missing data (the FMI is largely a function of the missing data rate, but it
also depends on the correlations among the variables and the missing data mechanism, among
other things). The idea is that score tests or EPCs with high FMI values are more likely to
capitalize on chance because the missing values substantially increase error.
We outline an FMI for the score test in Section B of the online supplement (Equation
B14), which is implemented in semTools and demonstrated in Section C of the online
Obtaining Missing-Data Diagnostics. In the real-data example above,
missing data accounted for FMI = 10% additional uncertainty in the pooled information matrix,
and by extension the 3-df score test calculated from it. The univariate tests showed that the tested
parameter with the highest modification index (199.40) and EPC (0.28) involved the variables
 residuals).
This test had a substantial FMI (25.5%), whereas the other two tested parameters with the
highest modification indices 
 had FMI < 3%. If these constituted
exploratory analyses, the substantial FMI associated with the largest modification index should
serve to warn the researcher that the need to validate the freed parameter in a new data set would
be even greater than if the same decision were made using complete data. Savalei and Rhemtulla
(2012) show how to compute FMI for parameter estimates from a FIML analysis, so similarly
extending this score-test diagnostic to FIML might help adjudicate model modification decisions
in both frameworks.
The intersection of model misspecification and missing data is certainly an area that
could benefit from methodological research. Modification indices have constituted only one
common method of exploratory model modification; other more recently proposed methods
include exploratory SEM (ESEM; Asparouhouv & Muthén, 2009), SEM trees (Brandmaier, von
Oertzen, McArdle, & Lindenberger, 2013), and regularized SEM (RegSEM; Jacobucci, Grimm,
& McArdle, 2016). ESEM involves specifying a hypothesized restricted model with multiple-
indicator constructs, and employing an estimation algorithm that allows cross-loadings to be
freed in an exploratory, data-driven manner in order to improve the fit of the model. SEM trees
also begin with a restricted, single-group SEM that is then recursively fitted to multiple groups
defined in an exploratory fashion by 
the sample. RegSEM
employs penalization (e.g., ridge or lasso) to select variables and effects to
include in an exploratory model-building process. Whereas FIML could ease the application of
any of these procedures to incomplete data, multiple imputation could exacerbate any existing
The implementation in the R package regsem does not currently accommodate missing data, but it is possible in
computational insensitivity (e.g., cross-validation and bootstrapping with SEM trees) and
potentially complicate their application, especially if different parameters or covariates were
chosen in different imputations. In the latter case, a useful generalizability diagnostic could be to
only select parameters or covariates that are consistently chosen across imputations similar to
how bootstrapping and random forests improve the generalizability of classification trees.
The simulation study presented here has a number of limitations. Most importantly, we
and we restricted our attention to one latent variable model and a subset of models nested within
this model (Figure 2). This was done in order to assess the properties of the multiple imputation
score test under ideal conditions and compare it to established alternatives. Thus, these results
may not directly generalize to non-normal data, different missing data mechanisms, or other
classes of models. For instance, future research comparing the relative performance of the
observed and expected information matrices under less ideal conditions would be valuable, as
prior research has shown that observed information may be superior when normality is violated
(Efron & Hinkley, 1978; Maydeu-Olivares, 2017). Multiple imputation is used in a variety of
statistical contexts, and although we expect the current results to generalize well to linear SEMs
with normally distributed MAR data, future work is needed to determine the statistical properties
of multiple imputation tests, including the score test, in other contexts. Within psychology, these
tests can be extended to categorical data analysis, including categorical factor analysis and
structural equation modeling, as well as random coefficient modeling (e.g., growth curve models,
multilevel models).
In summary, we have introduced a score test for multiply imputed data for use in model
modification in structural equation modeling. We explained the statistical underpinnings of the
test, which serves as a useful guide for methodological trainees and applied researchers, and we
demonstrated the superior performance of the test to the currently available FIML score test
using a large simulation study. Lastly, we demonstrated the application of the multiple
imputation score test in practice; in conjunction with this demonstration, we have provided
detailed R scripts using the package semTools which researchers can adapt to implement the
multiple imputation score test in their own data. This will be a valuable tool for structural
equation modeling, the behavioral sciences in general, and other fields of science (econometrics,
biomedicine) in which multiple imputation is routinely used to account for missing data.
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Table 1
Structural regression coefficients for
simulation study (β
= β
= β
Number of Parameters
Table 2
Item Content for the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
1. I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.
2. I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
3. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. (R)
4. I am able to do things as well as most other people.
5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of. (R)
6. I take a positive attitude toward myself.
7. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.
8. I wish I could have more respect for myself. (R)
9. I certainly feel useless at times. (R)
10. At times I think I am no good at all. (R)
Note. (R) indicates reverse worded and scored.
Table 3
Modification indices and expected
parameter change statistics for
the Rosenberg data.
(9, 10)
(1, 2)
(6, 7)
(2, 4)
(2, 9)
Note. MI = modification index;
EPC = expected parameter change.
Results are presented in decreasing
order of MI, and only the five
highest values of MI are presented.
Figure 1. Path diagrams for factor analysis models. F represents the latent variable,
represent the four observed variables,
represent the factor loadings, and
represent the residuals for
after controlling for F, with
representing the
residual variances of
representing the residual covariance of
. Figure
1a contains the restricted model, with
constrained to zero (not estimated). Figure 1b
contains the general model with
unconstrained (freely estimated).
Figure 2. Latent regression model used in simulation study. Only latent variables and structural
paths are shown. Dashed paths are manipulated and tested according to the simulation
conditions. Adapted from Figure 3 in Chou and Bentler (1990, p. 124).
Figure 3. Empirical Type I error for multiple imputation (MI) score tests. An alpha level of .05,
indicated by the dotted horizontal line, was used as the criterion for statistical significance. The
dark gray shaded region indicates little to no bias in Type I error rate, the light gray shaded
region indicates moderate bias in Type I error rate, and the white region indicates large bias in
Type I error rate. Expected, observed, and first-order denote the information matrix used.
Figure 4. Empirical Type I error for multiple imputation (MI), complete-data (CD), and full-
information maximum likelihood (ML) score tests. An alpha level of .05, indicated by the dotted
horizontal line, was used as the criterion for statistical significance. The dark gray shaded region
indicates little to no bias in Type I error rate, the light gray shaded region indicates moderate bias
in Type I error rate, and the white region indicates large bias in Type I error rate. Expected and
observed denote the information matrix used.
Figure 5. Empirical power for single-parameter multiple imputation (MI), complete-data (CD),
and full-
criterion for significance) is indicated by the dotted horizontal line. Expected and observed
denote the information matrix used.
Figure 6. Median relative bias in EPC. Zero bias is indicated by the dotted horizontal line. CD =
complete data; MI = multiple imputation; ML = full-information maximum likelihood. Expected
and observed denote the information matrix used.
R Syntax for the Real Data Example
## Rosenberg (1979) Self-Esteem Scale data provided by
## R scripts that import data, impose missing values, and multiply impute the
## data can be found on this project's Open Science Framework (OSF) page:
## -----------------------
## Import the Imputed Data
## -----------------------
## stored as a single stacked data.frame with an indicator variable
allimps <- read.csv(file = "rosenimps.csv", header = FALSE,
col.names = c("imp", colnames(cdata)))
## extract the rows for each imputation, store as a list of imputations
impList <- lapply(1:max(allimps$imp),
function(m) allimps[allimps$imp == m, -1])
## NOTE: Annotated syntax on our OSF page also reverse-scores items
## ------------------------
## Analyze the Imputed Data
## ------------------------
## load semTools (at least version 0.5-1.921), which also loads lavaan
## if your version is not up to date, install the development version:
## devtools::install_github("simsem/semTools/semTools")
## specify the restricted model
(model <- paste("F =~", paste0("X", 1:10, collapse = " + ")))
## fit the model to imputed data
fit.imps <- cfa.mi(model, data = impList, = TRUE)
## obtain pooled results (estimates, fit measures)
## specify constrained parameters that could be added to the model
myResidCors <- c('X9 ~~ X10', 'X1 ~~ X2', 'X6 ~~ X7')
## request the score test, univariate tests of each parameter, and their EPCs
out.imps <- lavTestScore.mi(fit.imps, add = myResidCors, epc = TRUE,
test = "D1", asymptotic = TRUE)
## print multiparameter score test
## print individual univariate tests, with expected parameter changes ...
## ... which are the usual modification indices (also with EPCs)
modindices.mi(fit.imps, op = "~~", minimum.value = 50, sort. = TRUE,
test = "D1")