Leon County
Subdivision Regulations
Approved and Accepted by
Leon County Commissioners Court
July 28, 2021
The purposes of these Subdivision Regulations are to provide for the safety, health and well-being
of the general public by requiring that adequate streets, storm drainage, water and sewage facilities
be installed in all residential subdivisions and to provide guidelines for the construction and
installation of such streets and facilities in a manner that will allow for the efficient maintenance
and upkeep without imposing an extraordinary burden on the taxpayers of Leon County, Texas.
In specific cases where a literal interpretation of any section would create an undue economic
hardship on the builder or developer, variances may be sought, provided the overall performance
standards are met. It should not be inferred, however, that specific requirements might be ignored.
Enforcement authority and penalties for violations are outlined and the Commissioners Court will
pursue its legal rights to gain compliance.
In any case where questions arise as to the interpretation of the language in any section (s) of these
regulations, then such question (s) will be directed to the County Commissioner having
jurisdiction, for resolution. If a resolution is not fourth coming the Applicant can appear before the
Leon County Commissioners Court for a final resolution.
Applications for any subdivision approval shall be processed on a case-by-case basis and a given
application may name only on (1) Subdivision as the subject for approval. The Commissioners
Court may amend this Subdivision Rules Regulations Order to make non-substantive changes from
time-to-time following notice and the vote of a simple majority of the Commissioners Court, and
may adopt new, substantive requirements pursuant to this Order following public notice, hearing
and compliance with requirement of law.
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Chapter 1 General and Administrative Provisions.......................................................................... 5
1.1. Authority .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2. Plat and application required ............................................................................................... 6
1.3. General exceptions to these regulations ............................................................................... 7
1.4. Development tiers ................................................................................................................ 9
1.5. Subdivision names ............................................................................................................. 10
1.6. Conflict of laws .................................................................................................................. 10
1.7. Severability ........................................................................................................................ 10
1.8. Agents ................................................................................................................................ 11
1.9. Effective date ..................................................................................................................... 11
1.10. Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2 Minimum Standards for Water and Sewage Service ................................................... 13
2.1. Scope of standards ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2. Water facilities development ............................................................................................. 14
2.3. Wastewater disposal........................................................................................................... 15
2.4. Greywater systems for sludge and reuse of treated wastewater ........................................ 16
2.5. Public utility easements ..................................................................................................... 16
2.6. Public utility easements and fire-fighting standards .......................................................... 16
2.7. Housing density ................................................................................................................. 17
Chapter 3 Minimum Standards for Roads and Streets .................................................................. 17
3.1. General requirements ......................................................................................................... 17
3.2. Intersections ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.3. Location of roads and streets ............................................................................................. 18
3.4. Plat Approval is Not Acceptance of roads and streets for public maintenance ................. 18
3.5. Subgrade and flexible base ................................................................................................ 19
3.6. Surface materials ................................................................................................................ 20
3.7. Road crown ........................................................................................................................ 20
3.8. Seep areas........................................................................................................................... 21
3.9. Street numbers, signage, and dedication ............................................................................ 21
3.10. Setbacks .......................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 4 Minimum Standards for Drainage ................................................................................ 22
4.1. General requirements ......................................................................................................... 22
4.2. Drainage ditches and structures ......................................................................................... 23
4.3. Drainage easements ........................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 5 Minimum Standards Applicable to Recreational Vehicle Parks .................................. 24
5.1. Definitions.......................................................................................................................... 24
5.2. Regulation of recreational vehicle parks ............................................................................ 24
5.3. Infrastructure Requirements for Recreational vehicle parks s ........................................... 25
5.4. Recreational vehicle park roads ......................................................................................... 27
5.5. Recreational vehicle park service building requirements .................................................. 27
5.6. Further recreational vehicle park regulations .................................................................... 29
Chapter 6 Applications for Subdivision Approval........................................................................ 30
6.1. Pre-application meeting ..................................................................................................... 30
6.2. Applications for subdivision approval ............................................................................... 30
6.3. Plat application................................................................................................................... 31
6.4. Oversight ............................................................................................................................ 31
6.5. Application fees ................................................................................................................. 31
Chapter 7 Plat and Survey Requirements ..................................................................................... 32
7.1. Subdivision plat and survey requirements ......................................................................... 32
7.2. Registered professional land surveyor ............................................................................... 34
7.3. Plat scale and filing ............................................................................................................ 34
7.4. Digital map......................................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 8 Application Approval Procedure .................................................................................. 35
8.1. Approval procedure ........................................................................................................... 35
8.2. Conditional approval or disapproval .................................................................................. 35
8.3. Response to conditional approval or disapproval .............................................................. 36
8.4. Approval or disapproval after response ............................................................................. 36
8.5. Deadlines for completion of construction .......................................................................... 36
Chapter 9 Financial Guarantees .................................................................................................... 37
9.1. Financial guarantees for the construction of improvements .............................................. 37
9.2. Financial guarantees for maintenance ................................................................................ 39
9.3. Bond Extensions ................................................................................................................ 40
Chapter 10 Revision and Cancellation of Plats............................................................................. 40
10.1. Petition for plat revision ................................................................................................. 40
10.2. Petition for cancellation of subdivision .......................................................................... 42
10.3. Approval of petition ....................................................................................................... 42
10.4. Vacating plat .................................................................................................................. 42
10.5. Amending plat by owners .............................................................................................. 43
Chapter 11 Variance ..................................................................................................................... 44
11.1. Conditions of Variance................................................................................................... 44
Chapter 12 Enforcement ............................................................................................................... 45
12.1. Terms of enforcement .................................................................................................... 45
12.2. Required disclosures ...................................................................................................... 46
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 52
Appendix C (1) ............................................................................................................................. 53
Appendix C (2) ............................................................................................................................. 54
Appendix D ................................................................................................................................... 55
Appendix E ................................................................................................................................... 56
Appendix F.................................................................................................................................... 57
Appendix G ................................................................................................................................... 58
Appendix H ................................................................................................................................... 59
Appendix I .................................................................................................................................... 60
Appendix J .................................................................................................................................... 61
Appendix K ................................................................................................................................... 62
Appendix L ................................................................................................................................... 63
Appendix M .................................................................................................................................. 65
Appendix N ................................................................................................................................... 67
Appendix O ................................................................................................................................... 69
Appendix P.................................................................................................................................... 70
Appendix Q ................................................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 1
LEON COUNTY, TEXAS, ___________________, 2021:
WHEREAS: The Commissioners Court finds it is in the best interest of Leon County to establish
and update its standards and specifications for the development of subdivisions of land, as defined
by Chapter 232, Texas Local Government Code, including for the provision of utilities, the
construction of roads and drainage, the provision of drinking water, the disposal of waste-water,
and development within the floodplain; and,
WHEREAS: These regulations are enacted to implement the powers granted to counties under
the laws of the State of Texas, including but not limited to: Texas Local Government Code, Chapter
232 (granting counties authority to adopt and enforce subdivision regulations and to require plat
approval); Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 233, Subchapter B, (granting counties
authority to establish building set-back lines on the public roads); Texas Local Government Code,
Chapter 242 (governing the power of counties to regulate subdivisions within the extraterritorial
jurisdiction of municipalities); Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 251 (granting counties general
control over all roads, highways and bridges); Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 364
(authorizing counties to cooperate with other entities for the safe and economical collection,
transportation, and disposal of solid waste); Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 366 (granting
counties authority to adopt standards for on-site sewerage facilities); Texas Water Code, Chapter
16 (granting counties authority to set standards for the provision of water, sewage, and waste-water
disposal, and construction within floodplains and to guide development of future development to
minimize damage caused by floods); and Texas Water Code, Chapter 26 (governing water quality
control). These statutes, listed here as illustrative and not exclusive grants of authority, empower
the County to enact certain subdivision rules and regulations and to provide for their
administration, enforcement, and amendment; and,
WHEREAS: The Commissioners Court is empowered to formulate these regulations by the
foregoing authorities, and the Commissioners Court has favorably received and voted on these
regulations in order to preserve and protect the resources, public health and private property
interests of the citizens of Leon County; and,
WHEREAS: Following public notice, investigation, and public hearing, the Commissioners Court
declares these regulations to be necessary and appropriate to accomplish the purposes and goals
enumerated above.
1.1. Authority
a. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, these regulations apply to any
subdivision of land in Leon County which divides the tract into two or more parts
to lay out:
1. A subdivision of the tract, including an addition;
2. Lots; or
3. Streets, alleys, squares, parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be
dedicated to public use or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting
on or adjacent to the streets, alleys, squares, parks, or other parts.
b. A division of a tract to which these regulations apply includes any division
regardless of whether it is made by using a metes and bounds description, or any
description of less than the whole tract, in a deed of conveyance, executory contract,
or by using any other method to transfer title.
c. A division of a tract to which these regulations apply includes any division to lay
out lots within the tract, regardless of whether there is a change of ownership of
any part of the tract.
1.2. Plat and application required
a. A developer must present an application in compliance with these regulations to
the Commissioners Court for approval, unless the subdivision is exempt by state
law, these regulations, or by an act of the Commissioners Court in response to a
request for a discretionary exemption.
b. Unless otherwise exempt, no subdivided land may be sold or conveyed until the
1. Has received approval of an application; and,
2. Has filed for record an approved plat of the subdivision with the Leon
County Clerk's Office.
c. A utility may not provide utility services, including water, sewer, gas, and electric
services, to property within a subdivision, unless the developer or owner provides
the utility with a copy of a certificate of approval or a certificate of exemption from
the Commissioners Court to confirm compliance with these regulations.
d. If a subdivision is located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality,
the developer is responsible for complying with the applicable regulations of the
municipality, and the provisions of any applicable inter-local agreements between
the County and the municipality. Generally, in cases where the County and a
municipality have regulations that differ, the more stringent regulations will
e. Each developer must submit a written, affirmative acknowledgement of the
requirements of this section with their application.
1.3. General exceptions to these regulations
a. Pursuant to Section 232.0015, Texas Local Government Code, if a proposed
division of land is described by one or more of the following exemptions, the
requirements of these regulations are not applicable to that division of land.
b. A division of a tract of land into agricultural tracts is exempt if:
1. The owner does not lay out a part of the tract as streets, alleys, squares,
parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for
the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts of the tract; and,
2. The land is to be used primarily for agricultural use, as defined by Section
1-d, Article VIII, Texas Constitution, or for farm, ranch, wildlife
management, or timber production use within the meaning of Section 1-d-
1, Article VIII, Texas Constitution.
3. If a tract described by this exemption ceases to be used primarily for
agricultural use or for farm, ranch, wildlife management, or timber
production use, the requirements of these regulations will apply.
c. A division of a tract of land into family tracts is exempt if:
1. The division divides the tract into four or fewer parts; and,
2. The division does not lay out a part of the tract as streets, alleys, squares,
parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for
the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts; and,
3. Each of the parts is to be sold, given, or otherwise transferred to an
individual who is related to the owner within the third degree by
consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas
Government Code.
4. If, within two years of the division, any part of the subdivided tract is sold,
given, or otherwise transferred to an individual who is not related to the
owner within the third degree by consanguinity or affinity, the requirements
of these regulations apply.
d. A division of a tract of land into rural home tracts is exempt if:
1. All of the divided tracts are more than Ten (10) acres in area; and,
2. The owner does not lay out a part of the tract as streets, alleys, squares,
parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for
the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts.
e. A division of a tract of land into veterans' tracts is exempt if:
1. The owner does not lay out a part of the tract as streets, alleys, squares,
parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for
the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts; and,
2. All the lots are sold to veterans through the Veterans' Land Board program.
f. A division of a tract of land into public tracts is exempt if:
1. The land is owned by the state or any state agency, board, or commission
or owned by the permanent school fund or any other dedicated funds of the
state; unless,
2. The subdivision lays out a part of the tract as streets, alleys, squares, parks,
or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for the
use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts.
g. A division of a tract of land into public floodplain tracts is exempt if:
1. The owner of the land is a political subdivision of the state; and,
2. The land is situated in a floodplain; and,
3. All of the divided tracts are sold to adjoining landowners.
h. A division of a tract of land into a tract for future development is exempt if:
1. The owner does not lay out a part of the tract as streets, alleys, squares,
parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for
the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts; and,
2. One new part is to be retained by the owner, and the other new part is to be
transferred to a developer who will further subdivide the tract subject to
these regulations.
i. A division of a tract of land into partitioned tracts is exempt if:
1. The owners do not lay out a part of the tract as streets, alleys, squares, parks,
or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for the
use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts; and,
2. All parts of the subdivided tract are transferred to persons who owned an
undivided interest in the original tract.
3. Any further subdivision of a partitioned tract must comply with these
1.4. Development tiers
a. Any subdivision of land in the County established after the effective date of these
regulations will be classified as either a first-tier development or a second-tier
b. A first-tier development is any subdivision of a tract of land that lays out a part of
the tract as streets, alleys, squares, parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be
dedicated to public use or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or
adjacent to such internal streets, alleys, squares, parks, or other parts.
c. A second tier development is any subdivision of land that involves not more than
four (4) lots or tracts, with each lot or tract having direct frontage or side-access to
an existing, publicly maintained road or highway, and the developer does not
propose to lay out, as a portion of the subdivision, any other internal streets, alleys,
squares, parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or
for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other such parts.
d. Any developer seeking to establish a second-tier development that is intended for
residential purposes must provide the Commissioners Court with the following:
1. A plat of the subdivision showing the linear dimensions and area/acreage
of each lot or tract.
2. A certificate from the developer confirming the availability of water and
sewage service in compliance with these regulations.
3. A certificate from the developer confirming compliance with set-back lines
in compliance with these regulations.
4. A certificate from the developer confirming the dedication of all necessary
utility easements.
5. A certificate from the developer confirming the installation of culverts in
compliance with the minimum length dimension of twenty-four (24’) and
such diameter dimension as may be required by the County Commissioners
with jurisdiction over the development site, based upon the topographical
requirements of that location.
6. A survey that shows sufficient topographic information adequate to
demonstrate that the proposed subdivision will adequately drain and that
any proposed development will not alter the natural flow of water to
adjoining properties.
7. If OSSF is proposed for the Tier 2 subdivision, a certificate from the Leon
County Designated Representative stating that the subdivision plans comply
with all applicable TCEQ rules, including housing density requirements.
e. All other requirements in these regulations are applicable to first tier developments,
and not applicable to second tier developments.
f. A property owner or developer may request the issuance of a certificate of
exemption from the Commissioners Court for any subdivision of land covered by
the exemptions in these regulations.
g. Lots of ten acres or less are presumed to be for residential purposes, unless the land
is restricted to nonresidential uses on the plat and all instruments of conveyance.
1.5. Subdivision names
The name of a subdivision may not conflict in spelling, pronunciation, or in any way with
the name of any other subdivision within the County, and may not be so similar in spelling
or pronunciation to the name of any existing subdivision in the County as to cause
confusion, unless the subdivision is contiguous to an existing subdivision and is an
additional phase of that development.
1.6. Conflict of laws
a. These regulations supersede any prior regulations of subdivisions adopted by the
Commissioners Court.
b. If any other rule or regulation adopted under the authority of proper legal
jurisdiction is in conflict with these regulations, the most stringent rules will apply.
c. These regulations will not be interpreted to permit actions which would otherwise
be prohibited by another valid County regulation which has not been superseded by
these regulations.
1.7. Severability
If any part or provision of these regulations, or any application of these regulations, to any
person or circumstance is adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
judgment will be confined in its operation to the part, provision, or application directly
involved in the controversy in which such judgment will have been rendered and will not
affect or impair the validity of the remainder of these regulations or the application thereof
to other persons or circumstances. The Commissioners Court hereby declares that it would
have enacted the remainder of these regulations without any such invalidated part,
provision, or application.
1.8. Agents
Whenever an act is required by any person or entity under these regulations, that act may
be performed by an agent of that person or entity.
1.9. Effective date
a. These regulations apply to all subdivisions which are made subsequent to the
effective date of these regulations.
b. Any subdivision existing prior to the effective date of these regulations, whether or
not a plat of the subdivision has been filed in the records of the County, and for
which the owner or owners of lots within said subdivision wish to modify, expand,
alter or otherwise change in any way the actual layout of the subdivision, must
comply with these regulations.
1.10. Definitions
a. The following words and terms, when used in these regulations, have the following
meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
1. Application—A plat application for subdivision approval under these
regulations, which must include a complete plat, a survey, and all other
materials and information detailing infrastructure (including utilities,
drainage structures, and roads) to be constructed within a subdivision, to be
submitted by a developer with their application as required by these
regulations, and as published in the application checklist as required by the
Commissioners Court, which may be amended and republished from time
to time, and is attached to these regulations as Appendix A.
2. Commissioners Court--The Commissioners Court of Leon County, Texas.
3. Precinct Commissioner--The County Commissioner representing the
precinct in which a majority of a subdivision is situated.
4. County--Leon County, Texas.
5. Developer--Any owner of land in the County who proposes to divide the
land so as to constitute a subdivision of any kind.
6. Plat application--All documents
7. Drinking water--All water distributed by any agency or individual, public
or private, for the purpose of human consumption, use in the preparation of
foods or beverages, cleaning any utensil or article used in the course of
preparation or consumption of food or beverages for human beings, human
bathing, or clothes washing.
8. Engineer--A person licensed and authorized to practice engineering in the
State of Texas under the Texas Engineering Practice Act.
9. Non-public water system--Any water system supplying water for domestic
purposes which is not a public water system.
10. OSSF--On-site sewage facilities as that term is defined in rules and
regulations adopted by TCEQ, including but not limited to 30 TAC Chapter
11. Petition for road maintenance--A petition filed with the Commissioners
Court by a developer or property owner to accept a private road for public
maintenance by the County.
12. Platted--Recorded in the Official Plat Records of Leon County, Texas.
13. Private driveway--An improved surface which permits ingress/egress to a
particular lot or tract from a public road or street, and used for ingress and
egress by the owners of the lot or tract or their invitees, whether the
ownership or license of the property upon which the private driveway sits
is in fee simple or by easement or use agreement. A private driveway, as
defined herein, is not a road or street for the purposes of these regulations,
but any entrance from a public road under county maintenance will conform
to the minimum dimensions required by this regulation 1.4 (d)(5), and shall
not provide access to another lot or tract not adjoining the public road.
14. Public water system--A system for the provision to the public of drinking
water through pipes or other constructed conveyances. Such a system must
have at least 15 service connections or serve at least 25 individuals at least
60 days out of the year. This term includes any collection, treatment,
storage, and distribution facilities under the control of the operator of such
system and used primarily in connection with such system; and any
collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which
are used primarily in connection with such system. Two or more systems
with each having a potential to serve less than 15 connections or less than
25 individuals but owned by the same person, firm, or corporation and
located on adjacent land will be considered a public water system when the
total potential service connections in the combined systems are 15 or greater
or if the total number of individuals served by the combined systems total
25 or more at least 60 days out of the year. Without excluding other
meanings of the terms "individual" or "served," an individual is deemed to
be served by a water system if they live or work in a place to which drinking
water is supplied from the system.
15. Purchaser--Includes purchasers of land by a deed of conveyance, an
executory contract, or by using any other method to transfer title to real
16. Retail public utility--Any entity meeting the definition of a retail public
utility as defined in Section 13.002, Texas Water Code.
17. Sewerage facilities--The devices and systems which transport domestic
wastewater from residential property, treat the wastewater, and dispose of
the treated water in accordance with the minimum state standards contained
or referenced in these regulations.
18. TAC--Texas Administrative Code, as compiled by the Texas Secretary of
19. TCEQ--the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and any of its
predecessor or successor entities.
20. Water facilities--Any devices and systems which are used in the supply,
collection, development, protection, storage, transmission, treatment,
and/or retail distribution of drinking water.
21. Designated Representative An individual who holds a valid license
issued by TCEQ and who is designated by Leon County, the authorized
agent to review permit applications, site evaluations, planning materials and
conduct inspections on on-site sewage facilities.
22. Emergency Operations Center- (EOC) Central organization where
government officials and local agencies exercise direction and control as
well as coordinating necessary resources for Leon County.
23. 911 Addressing and Mapping- Central organization where physical
addresses are rendered for individuals and coordinating necessary
communications and resources for Leon County.
b. Use of either the singular or the plural form of a word will be interpreted, when
necessary, to include the other form.
Chapter 2
Minimum Standards for Water and Sewage Service
2.1. Scope of standards
The establishment of any subdivision with two or more lots where the water supply and
sewer services do not meet the minimum standards of these regulations is prohibited.
2.2. Water facilities development
a. A subdivision must provide for an adequate supply of drinking water, either by
connecting to an existing public water system, establishing a new public water
system, drilling individual wells, or through any other non-public water system in
accordance with these regulations.
b. Developers who propose to supply drinking water by connecting to an existing
public water system must provide a written agreement with the retail public utility.
The agreement must:
i. Provide that the retail public utility has or will have the ability to supply the
total flow anticipated from the ultimate development and occupancy of the
ii. Reflect that the developer will pay the costs associated with connection to
the public water system so that service is available to each lot or tract within
the subdivision upon completion of construction of the water facilities
described in the plat application, and detail the costs to be paid by the
purchasers of lots or tracts within the subdivision pursuant to the tariff of
the retail public utility.
c. Where there is no existing retail public utility to provide adequate drinking water
to a subdivision, a developer may provide drinking water by establishing a retail
public utility and obtaining a certificate of convenience and necessity from the
Texas Public Utility Commission.
d. Where individual wells or other non-public water systems are proposed for the
supply of drinking water to a subdivision, the developer must include in their plat
application a groundwater availability study that complies with the requirements of
30 TAC Chapter 230, or in such other rules as may be published by TCEQ, and
certifies the long-term quantity and quality of available groundwater supplies
relative to the ultimate needs of the subdivision for a term of not less than 30 years.
The water quality of the water produced from the test well must meet the standards
of water quality required for community water systems as set forth in 30 TAC,
Sections 290.104, 290.106, 290.108 and 290.109, either: without any treatment to
the water; or, with treatment by an identified and commercially available water
treatment system. The requirements of this section may be certified by an engineer,
or by a water well driller licensed in Texas and in good standing pursuant to Chapter
1901, Texas Occupations Code.
e. The conveyance of drinking water by transport truck or other mobile device to
supply the domestic needs of the subdivision is not an acceptable method of
supplying drinking water, except on an emergency basis. Absence of a water system
meeting the standards of these regulations due to the negligence of the developer
does not constitute an emergency.
2.3. Wastewater disposal
a. A subdivision must provide for adequate sewage and wastewater disposal, either
by connecting to a public sewage disposal system, connecting to a privately owned
sewage disposal system, or allowing purchasers to install OSSF which are
compliant with TCEQ rules and these regulations. If OSSF systems are to be
utilized, the Plat must bear a notation that all such systems must comply with TCEQ
b. Developers who propose to dispose of wastewater by connecting to existing
sewerage facilities operated by a retail public utility must provide a certificate from
the utility that:
1. Provides that the retail public utility has or will have the ability to treat the
total flow anticipated from the ultimate development and occupancy of the
subdivision for a minimum of 30 years.
2. Reflects that the developer will pay the costs associated with connection to
the sewerage system so that service is available to each lot or tract within
the subdivision upon completion of construction of the sewerage facilities
described in the plat application, and detail the costs to be paid by the
purchasers of lots or tracts within the subdivision pursuant to the tariff of
the retail public utility.
c. Developers who propose to establish a sewerage system must obtain a permit to
dispose of wastes from TCEQ in accordance with 30 TAC Chapter 305 and obtain
approval from TCEQ of engineering planning materials for such systems under 30
TAC Chapter 317.
d. Sewerage facilities for the disposal of sewage in an amount no greater than 5,000
gallons per day must comply with 30 TAC Chapter 285.
e. Sewerage facilities for the disposal of sewage in the amount of 5,000 gallons per
day or greater must comply with 30 TAC Chapter 317.
f. The Leon County Designated Representative, or another authorized agent of
TCEQ, must:
1. Review proposals for OSSF;
2. Make inspections of such systems as necessary to ensure adequate service
for a subdivision; and,
3. Certify that a plat application is in compliance with all applicable state
statutes and TCEQ rules.
g. In addition to the unsatisfactory on-site disposal systems listed in 30 TAC §
285.3(i), pit privies and portable toilets are not acceptable waste disposal systems
within a subdivision, except on an emergency basis not to exceed thirty-days (30)
in duration. Absence of a waste disposal system meeting the standards of these
regulations due to the negligence of the developer or owner does not constitute an
2.4. Greywater systems for sludge and reuse of treated wastewater
a. Any plat application including the provision of sewage collection, treatment, and
disposal which includes greywater reuse must meet minimum criteria of 30 TAC
Chapter 210, and any other applicable rules published by TCEQ.
b. Any proposal for on-site sewage disposal which includes provisions for greywater
use must meet the minimum criteria of 30 TAC Chapter 285, and any other
applicable rules published by TCEQ.
c. The disposal of sludge from water treatment and sewerage facilities must meet the
criteria of 30 TAC Chapter 312 and Chapter 317, and any other applicable rules
published by TCEQ.
2.5. Public utility easements
a. A developer must provide for utility service within a subdivision, with utility
easements of no less than fifteen (15) feet to be provided along each property line
of all lots.
1. Surface utilities are to be placed within five (5) feet of the property line.
2. Subsurface utilities are to be placed with ten (10) feet of the property line
or in conformity with other law.
b. All utility easements are to be described in any deed to any purchaser of a portion
of a subdivision, and must be depicted on the plat.
2.6. Public utility easements and fire-fighting standards
a. If water is provided to a subdivision by a public water system with adequate water
capacity to support fire hydrants or filler plugs, and such fire hydrants or filler plugs
must have a proper hose connection every 750 feet, or in compliance to fit the
equipment of the fire department serving the jurisdiction.
b. If fire hydrants or filler plugs are proposed to be installed in a subdivision in a plat
application, the application must include a certificate from the public utility serving
the subdivision to confirm sufficient water capacity is available to operate the fire
hydrants or filler plugs.
2.7. Housing density
a. A subdivision that will rely upon OSSF and water wells must comply with TCEQ
regulations and state law regarding the density of housing units. Any subdivision
with public water whether platted or unplatted must be 1 acre. Any subdivision with
private well water whether platted or unplatted must be 1.5 acres. For mobile home
communities not on a public wastewater system in unincorporated areas must be at
least 1.5 acres.
b. If OSSF or water wells or both are included in a plat application, the developer
must provide with the application a statement that the subdivision complies with
TCEQ density requirements or limitations.
Chapter 3
Minimum Standards for Roads and Streets
3.1. General requirements
a. A sixty-foot (60') right-of-way is required for all roads and streets, notwithstanding
any provisions of these regulations to the contrary.
b. A developer shall establish a set-back line of twenty-five (25’) from the edge of
any public road, or fifty-feet (50’) from the edge of a major road. A “major road”
is understood to include all state or federal highways, and any county-maintained
road specifically designated by the Commissioners Court as a major highway.
b. All streets, roads, and alleys must be paved in conformity with the construction
standards set out in these regulations.
c. All material used in constructing roads and streets must be inspected and approved
by the Precinct Commissioner.
d. No utility lines may be placed under a road or street except at 90-degree angles,
installed before the subgrade is in place, and cased at a depth of no less than thirty-
six (36") inches below drainage ditches. Any other crossing must be bored and
cased beneath a road or street.
e. The actual right-of-way for alleys must not be less than twenty (20) nor more than
thirty-five (35) feet in width.
f. All permanent dead-end or cul-de -sac roads or streets must have a turn-a-round
with a right-of-way diameter of not less than one hundred forty feet (140') with a
radius of fifty-feet (50’ of improved surface with a minimum of six inches (6") of
compacted rock.
3.2. Intersections
a. Roads and streets must be designed and constructed so as to intersect with each
other at ninety (90) degree angles.
b. Where the terrain makes it impossible to design and construct roads and streets to
intersect at ninety-degree (90º) angles, the developer may file a petition for a
variance contemporaneously with the submission of the application.
1. Said petition will state concisely why the condition of the terrain makes it
impossible to comply with this regulation.
2. The Commissioners Court must rule on said petition in its order granting or
denying authorization of the application.
c. If a variance for intersection construction is granted, the portion of the intersection
on the side of the acute angle must be cut back so as to eliminate the point of the
acute angle. The intersection must be cut back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet
away from the point where the streets would have otherwise intersected. The
Commissioners Court will specify the exact size of the cut-back, up to a maximum
of fifty (50) feet, in its order granting or denying authorization of an application.
No road or street may be constructed with an abrupt offset or "jog" in it.
3.3. Location of roads and streets
a. Where streets of an existing subdivision end at the property line, any new
subdivision which is intended to utilize connecting roads and streets in the existing
subdivision must be constructed so as to be a continuation and extension of said
existing streets in said adjoining subdivision.
b. When possible, roads and streets must be designed and constructed so as to permit
the continuation or extension of said roads and streets in other subdivisions in the
c. No streets, roads, or alleys may be constructed across dams or embankments used
for purpose of holding water.
3.4. Plat Approval is Not Acceptance of roads and streets for public maintenance
a. Approval of a developer's application does not mean that the Commissioners Court
accepts any roads or streets within the subdivision for maintenance by the County.
The decision to accept one or more roads or streets within a subdivision will be
made only upon a petition for road maintenance and a separate order entered of
record by the Commissioners Court.
b. No petition for road maintenance will be considered any earlier than after two (2)
years have elapsed from the date of completion of construction of the roads and
streets of a subdivision, said date to be certified by the Commissioners Court.
c. A petition for road maintenance may be made by a developer or by the owners of a
majority of the lots or tracts within a subdivision.
d. The Commissioners Court may grant a petition for road maintenance and
accept one or more of the roads and streets of the subdivision upon a finding
that the roads and streets to be taken into the County maintenance program
serve a public purpose greater than the private benefit realized by persons
living within the subdivision. Typically, subdivision roads to be deemed
suitable for public maintenance will be limited to primary arterial or
connecting streets that provide efficient interconnectivity with existing
County or State maintained roads.
e. An application must contain a certificate stating that the developer understands that
approval of the application and filing of the plat does not mean that the County will
be responsible for maintenance of subdivision roads and streets.
3.5. Subgrade and flexible base
a. All roads and streets must be constructed with a stabilized subgrade. The subgrade
material under all roads and streets must meet or exceed the following minimum
1. Plasticity index value must be a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of
fourteen (14).
2. Subgrade must be bladed to a depth of twelve inches (12").
3. Subgrade must be compacted with a weighted roller.
4. Subgrade must be watered, bladed, and rolled before any flexible base
material is placed upon it.
5. Subgrade must be at least twenty-four feet (24') wide.
b. All roads and streets must have a flexible base.
1. The flexible base material for all roads and streets in every subdivision may
be only the following:
A. #1 crushed limestone rock;
B. Iron ore gravel; or,
C. Texas road oil at 6% by weight of the sand.
2. The flexible base must have a minimum thickness of 8 inches compacted to
6 inches, and be at least twenty-four (24) feet wide.
3. A flexible rock or iron ore gravel base must be covered with a primer at
least twenty-four (24) feet wide, and using at least one-third (1/3) gallon per
square yard.
c. The base must be an optimum design based upon site-specific soil conditions found
within the subdivision and confirmed by an engineer's specifications.
3.6. Surface materials
a. Paved roads must have a traveled road-bed width of not less than twenty feet (20')
and be paved with either:
1. Hot mix (oil sand, D-mix, etc.) of asphaltic nature; or,
2. A rock base with AC-5 or similar sealcoat surface treatment; or,
3. A combination of these.
b. Asphalt roads must have one prime coat and one course penetration asphalt surface
treatment or tack coat and hot mix, in accordance with the following:
1. The paving material must have a thickness of not less than two (2) inches
of hot mix asphaltic compacted, or one (1) course of sealcoat surface
2. A prime coat of asphalt must be applied to the base, the road blocked or
barricaded, and allowed to set for an adequate period of time (a minimum
of 24 hours). One course penetration asphalt surface treatment must then be
applied by use of clean, tough and durable aggregate of type 4 maximum
sized aggregate. Aggregates must be applied in quantities necessary to
thoroughly and properly cover the improved road surface with asphalt.
3. After aggregates have been applied, a pneumatic roller is to be used on the
entire surface until the aggregates are worked into the asphalt property to
the satisfaction of the Precinct Commissioner.
c. All roads and streets constructed with concrete must consist of concrete being at
least six inches (6") thick with one half inch (1/2") diameter rebar on centers no
wider than eighteen inches (18").
3.7. Road crown
The center line of the improved surface of each road and street must have a minimum
elevation of 2% minimum cross slope from the elevation of the edge of said road or street,
unless otherwise designed by an engineer when necessitated by terrain.
3.8. Seep areas
a. Seep areas must be marked by visual inspection made by the Precinct
Commissioner and the developer during the pre-application meeting.
b. Seep areas must be drained to a depth of a least eighteen (18") inches below
subgrade elevation by use of subsurface drainage.
c. After seep areas are drained, the subgrade is to be compacted as described in these
3.9. Street numbers, signage, and dedication
a. All roads and streets must be numbered and marked by the developer in compliance
with these regulations, the Leon County addressing protocols, and the regulations
of the regional 9-1-1 network managed by the Brazos Valley Council of
Governments ("BVCOG").
b. The application must include a letter of approval from Leon County 911 Addressing
and Mapping, confirming the private road numbers reserved for roads laid out in
the subdivision.
c. All road signs must be designed in conformity with the Texas Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices, and approved by the Precinct Commissioner.
d. A developer must dedicate any new roads, streets, rights-of-way, alleys, or
easements, in the manner required by law to set aside such roads, streets, rights-of-
way, alleys, or easements to public use, or for the private use of owners of lots in
the subdivision.
e. All private roads shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with county
road regulations.
3.10. Setbacks
a. The Commissioners Court finds that the establishment of set-back lines from all
public roads in the County will promote the general welfare, pursuant to Section
233.032, Texas Local Government Code.
b. The Commissioners Court prohibits the construction or location of a new building
any closer than 25 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of any public road in the
County other than major highways and roads; and no closer than 50 feet from the
edge of the right-of-way of any major highways and roads in the County.
c. The Commissioners Court reserves the right to designate public roads that presently
have, or are anticipated to have, higher densities of traffic as a result of development
or other changes in the normal traffic burden previously experienced on any
particular roadway as a major highway. The commissioners Court shall give public
notice of any such designation prior to such designation. The following roads are,
on the date of adoption of this regulation, deemed to be major highways
1. Any state or federal highway.
2. __________________________.
3. __________________________.
d. The Commissioners Court may designate as major highways and roads additional
public roads that abut a subdivision at the time of the approval of an application for
the subdivision.
Chapter 4
Minimum Standards for Drainage
4.1. General requirements
a. Lots in a subdivision must be graded so that surface drainage from the lots will flow
to drainage courses as directly as possible.
b. Drainage water from roads and streets must flow to defined drainage courses as
directly as possible.
c. Roads and streets may not be used as drainage courses.
d. Blocking the natural flow of water, constructing improvements in the area of a
drainage easement, or filling in floodways within a subdivision are all prohibited.
e. The location, dimension, description, and flow lines of existing drainage structures
and drainage structures proposed to be installed within a subdivision must be shown
on the survey, including existing topography of the subdivision by use of contour
f. If the contour lines on the survey indicate that a lot or lots within a subdivision may
not drain, the Commissioners Court may not approve the application without
establishing the conditions that must be corrected to address the potential failure of
g. A subdivision must not alter the flow of surface water to the detriment of any
adjacent landowner, and must, to the extent necessary by prudent engineering
design, provide for the diversion of surface water into natural drainage courses or
holding ponds constructed within the subdivision for the purpose of diffusing
4.2. Drainage ditches and structures
a. All roads and streets without curbs and gutters must have drainage ditches adjacent
to and running parallel to said roads and streets. Said drainage ditches must have a
minimum depth of eighteen inches (18") below the level of the edge of the adjacent
road or street.
b. Permanent drainage structures including, but not limited to, culverts, pipes,
drainage boxes, and bridges, must be installed at all crossings or drainage courses,
including drainage ditches with driveways, roads, and streets.
c. Each tract or lot within a subdivision must have at least one permanent entrance
entry from a road or street within the subdivision for a private drive, including
sufficient drainage structures where necessary in conformity with the requirement
of this regulation.
d. Permanent water velocity dissipaters must be installed on the sloping sides of
drainage ditches and drainage courses to prevent erosion for any road or street
constructed as a water crossing, and where specifically designated by the
Commissioners Court.
e. Open drainage channels and ditches must be constructed with a proper cross slope
grade and alignment which will facilitate proper functioning without destruction
velocities of drainage waters.
f. Any construction within the right-of-way of a road maintained by the County must
be conducted pursuant to a permit for construction within the right-of-way.
4.3. Drainage easements
a. A developer must dedicate drainage easements of adequate size to permit drainage
and flood control for all lands whose natural drainage runs through the subdivision,
to allow for future maintenance of such drainage easements within the subdivision
Leon County is not responsible for maintenance of drainage easements within the
b. Reference to drainage easements must be included in each instrument of
conveyance from a developer to a purchaser.
Chapter 5
Minimum Standards Applicable to Recreational Vehicle Parks
5.1. Definitions
a. The following words and terms, when used in these regulations, have the following
meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
1. Operator--The person in charge of operating any recreational vehicle park,
whether they are the owner of the recreational vehicle park or the occupant
under a written or oral lease, or by any other arrangement whereby they
exercise control over the recreational vehicle park.
2. Recreational vehicle--Includes any of the following:
A. Camping trailer--A folding structure for temporary shelter mounted
on wheels and designed for travel, recreation, and vacation use.
B. Motor home--A portable, temporary dwelling to be used for travel,
recreation and vacation, constructed as an integral part of a self-
propelled vehicle.
C. Pickup coach--A structure designed to be mounted on a truck chassis
for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation, and vacation.
D. Travel trailer--A vehicular structure built on a chassis with body
width not to exceed eight feet and body length less than 46 feet, that
structure designed to be transported and intended for human
occupancy as a dwelling for short periods of time and containing
limited or no kitchen or bathroom facilities.
3. Recreational vehicle park--Any land designed to accommodate four or more
recreational vehicles, and which exists as a privately owned and operated
enterprise with or without charges for the parking of recreational vehicles
occupied or intended to be occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes for
any length of time. Hunting camps that are temporary are also excluded
from this definition.
4. Recreational vehicle space--A plot of land within a recreational vehicle park
designed for the accommodation of one recreational vehicle.
b. Use of either the singular or the plural form of a word will be interpreted, when
necessary, to include the other form.
5.2. Regulation of recreational vehicle parks
a. A recreational vehicle park existing in the County prior to the adoption of these
regulations is exempt, unless expanded or altered in operations or intended
purpose. Any recreational park developed after the effective date of this
regulation is a subdivision subject to these regulations.
b. A developer of a recreational vehicle park must have a plat prepared that
complies with these regulations. See section 2.7 acreage allowances.
c. These regulations do not apply to a property owner accommodating no more
than three recreational vehicles on their property at any one time.
d. Prior to commencement of any construction, the owner/developer must consult
with the County Commissioner having jurisdiction over the site for review.
5.3. Infrastructure Requirements for Recreational vehicle parks s
The subdivision application for a Recreational Vehicle Park must include each of the
a. A survey identifying the proposed community's boundaries and any significant
feature of the community, including the proposed location of lots or spaces,
utility easements and dedication of rights-of-way. The survey may also contain
features to help provide the additional information required by this order.
b. Reasonable specified description of means and methods to provide adequate
drainage in accordance with standard engineering practices, including
specifying necessary drainage culverts and identifying areas included in the
100-year flood plain. The placement of any structure within the regulatory
floodplain shall be in accordance with the Leon County Floodplain regulations.
c. Reasonable specified description of means and methods to provide an adequate
public or community water supply, including specifying the location of supply
lines, in accordance with Subchapter C, Chapter 341, Health and Safety Code.
If water is to be provided by a utility, a certification by the utility that water is
available for each of the planned spaces or lots must be attached to the plan.
d. Certification that adequate groundwater is available for the development. If
groundwater is the source of water supply for the development, the developer
is required to obtain certification, by a licensed professional engineer (or other
professionals designated by State law) registered to practice in Texas, that
adequate groundwater is available for the development, according to the
certificate form and content as promulgated by the Texas Commission On
Environmental Quality (Lack of certification that suitable and adequate
groundwater is available is grounds for denial of plat approval, if groundwater
is the proposed source of water). The certification document shall be recorded
as part of the dedication instrument and a note shall be placed on the plat that
groundwater is to be the source of water.
e. Certification of adequate sewerage:
i. Reasonably specified description of means and methods to provide
access to sanitary sewer lines, including specifying the location of
sanitary sewer lines. If sewage treatment is to be provided by a utility, a
certification by the utility that service for each of the planned spaces or
lots is available must be attached to the plan. If the sewage is to be
treated in some other way, approval by the relevant government agency
that is to license or inspect the treatment facilities must be attached; or
ii. Reasonably specified description of means and methods for providing
on-site sewage facilities in accordance with Chapter 366, Texas Health
and Safety Code if estimated sewage flow does not exceed 5,000 gallons
per day (gpd). These description of means and methods must meet
minimum standards established under Chapter 285.4 of the OSSF rules
and Leon County local order. Approval by the Leon County On Site
OSSF Inspector’s certificate must be attached to the plat. See Appendix
iii. Reasonably specified description of means and methods for providing
sewage treatment and disposal under Chapter 26 of the Texas Water
Code if estimated flow exceeds 5,000 gpd. approval by Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality must be attached to the plan
f. Reasonably specified description of means and methods for streets or roads in
the Recreational Vehicle Park to provide ingress and egress for fire and
emergency vehicles. Therefore, the Commissioners Court finds that it is
reasonably necessary that streets in these communities should be built to a
standard no more stringent than the requirements adopted by the
Commissioners Court for subdivisions, as approved by the precinct
commissioner. The road design and construction standards contained in the
Leon County Subdivision Regulations, as amended from time to time, are
therefore incorporated by reference into this order as fully and completely as if
set out verbatim herein. The street or road specifications in the infrastructure
development plan must comply with those standards to the maximum degree
practicable. Building Set Backs shall be as specified in this Leon County
Subdivision Regulations. Drainage design for the development shall comply
with this Leon County Subdivision Regulations.
g. Only the Commissioners’ Court may grant a variance when strict application of
these standards would work an unusual hardship. Variances for OSSF can only
be granted by Leon County OSSF Designated Representative.
h. Each recreational vehicle park must provide recreational vehicle spaces, and
each such space must be clearly defined.
i. Recreational vehicle parks must be designed so as not to exceed a maximum of
20 recreational vehicle spaces per acre.
j. Each recreational vehicle space must afford parking and maneuvering space
sufficient so that the parking, loading, and movement of recreational vehicles
will not necessitate the use of any public right-of-way or privately owned
property which may abut the recreational vehicle park.
k. Each recreational vehicle space that is provided with electrical service must be
so served through an underground distribution system. Other buildings within
a recreational vehicle park may receive electrical service through overhead
l. Twenty percent (20%) of the recreational vehicle spaces within a recreational
vehicle park must be not less than eighteen feet (18') by fifty feet (50').
m. There must be at least ten feet (10') of open space between parallel rows of
recreational vehicle spaces.
n. Recreational vehicle spaces must be improved with either:
1. Compacted crushed road base material and asphalt; or,
2. Concrete adequate to support the weight of a recreational vehicle.
o. Recreational vehicle spaces must not heave, shift, or settle unevenly under the
weight of a recreational vehicle due to frost action, inadequate drainage,
vibration or other forces acting on the structure.
5.4. Recreational vehicle park roads
a. All weather private roads adequate to provide access to each recreational vehicle
space must be laid out, constructed, and maintained in good condition by the owner
or operator of a recreational vehicle park.
b. All roads within a recreational vehicle park must be at least twenty-four (24) feet
c. An entrance to a recreational vehicle park must be designed to minimize congestion
and hazards and allow free movement of traffic on adjacent streets.
5.5. Recreational vehicle park service building requirements
a. A plat application for a recreational vehicle park subdivision must address the
minimal standards established in this subchapter.
b. Each recreational vehicle park must provide and maintain one or more service
buildings for the use of park patrons. The service buildings must include:
1. One lavatory for women;
2. One lavatory for men;
3. One shower and dressing accommodation for each sex, provided in an
individual compartment or stall;
4. One washing machine; and
5. One slop sink, measuring not less than 14 by 14 inches square and 14 inches
c. The aforementioned service buildings will accommodate not more than 50
recreational vehicle spaces.
1. For each additional 1 to 30 recreational vehicle spaces after the first 50, the
operator must provide and maintain one flush toilet, one shower with
individual dressing accommodations, and one lavatory.
2. For each additional 1 to 50 recreational vehicle spaces after the first 50, the
operator must provide and maintain one additional washing machine and
one additional slop sink.
d. All lavatories must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
e. Service buildings housing sanitation or laundry facilities must be permanent
structures which comply with all applicable laws and ordinances regulating
buildings, electrical installation, plumbing and sanitation systems, and confirm to
the following minimum standards:
1. Service buildings must afford appropriate illumination, be well ventilated
with screened openings, and be constructed of moisture-proof materials so
as to permit frequent cleaning and washing.
2. Floors must be constructed of concrete or other equally impervious
material, so as to permit frequent cleaning and washing, and include floor
drains which are connected to the sanitary sewer.
3. Chemical cleaners used in a recreational vehicle park must be used only in
accordance with TECQ rules.
4. The lavatory and other sanitation facilities for males and females either must
be in separate buildings or separated, if in the same building, by soundproof
5. All service buildings must be maintained in a clean, slightly condition and
kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any person or
constitute a nuisance.
f. An operator must provide and maintain garbage receptacles as follows:
1. A minimum of one (1) fly tight, water tight, rodent proof dumpster for the
first fifty (50) recreational vehicle spaces, with one (1) additional dumpster
for each additional fifty (50) recreational vehicle spaces or fraction thereof.
2. Refuse container stands must be provided for all refuse containers. Such
container stands must be designed so as to prevent their containers from
being tipped, to minimize spillage and container deterioration.
3. The storage, collection, and disposal of refuse in a recreational vehicle park
must be conducted as to create no health hazards.
4. All dumpsters must be screened from public view.
g. Fuel containers in a recreational vehicle park must comply with the following
1. Bottled gas must not be used at individual recreational vehicle spaces unless
the containers are properly connected by copper or other suitable tubing.
2. Bottled gas cylinders must be securely fastened in place.
3. No cylinders containing bottled gas may be located in a recreational vehicle
or within five (5) feet of a door thereof.
h. An operator must provide and maintain fire protection equipment as follows:
1. A recreational vehicle park must be equipped at all times with fire
extinguishing equipment in good working order of such type, size, and
number and so located within the recreational vehicle park as to satisfy the
applicable regulations of the County.
2. No open fires will be permitted within a recreational vehicle park, except
that this will not be construed to prevent barbecuing in a secure pit or grill.
i. An operator must maintain the entire area of a recreational vehicle park free of dry
brush, leaves, and weeds.
5.6. Further recreational vehicle park regulations
a. Persons developing recreational vehicle parks should be aware that this order is not
the exclusive law or regulation controlling development in the County. The
following is only a partial list of regulations that may apply:
1. All subdivisions within the extra territorial jurisdiction of a municipality
may also be subject to city subdivision regulations, or as per any interlocal
cooperation agreements.
2. All recreational vehicle parks are subject to regulations of general
applicability, including public health nuisances under Chapter 341 and 343,
Texas Health and Safety Code. The developer must address solid waste
disposal, rodent and insect harboring, fly breeding, and improper water
disposal in accordance with these Chapters.
3. Other agencies with regulatory authority that may apply to a recreational
vehicle park include, but are not limited to, Emergency Services Districts,
TCEQ, the Public Utilities Commission, the United States Parks and
Wildlife Service, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers.
Chapter 6
Applications for Subdivision Approval
6.1. Pre-application meeting
The Developer shall request in writing a meeting with the Precinct Commissioner in
sufficient time to allow a meeting with a developer at least fifteen (15) days prior to
submission of an application to the Commissioners Court, to visually inspect the property,
review the developer's intentions, establish any special requirements for the plat
application, and to discuss the application process.
6.2. Applications for subdivision approval
a. Before a subdivision is approved under these regulations, the developer must file
an application with the Commissioners Court, including a plat, a survey, and all
other documentation or other information listed in Appendix A, or as may be
amended and republished from time to time.
b. Each plat required by this subdivision regulation shall identify and detail
compliance with required drainage to address a 100-year flood, provide a statement
of compliance with street construction standards, and state the dimensions of the
subdivision and of each lot, street, alley, square, park, or other part of the tract
intended to be dedicated to public use or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots
fronting on or adjacent to the street, alley, square, park, or other part.
c. If a developer submits an application to the Commissioners Court that does not
include all of the documentation or other information required by these regulations,
the Commissioners Court must notify the developer of the missing documents or
other information, not later than the 10th business day after the date the
Commissioners Court receives the incomplete application. The Commissioners
Court must allow a developer reasonable time to submit the missing documents or
other information.
d. An application is considered complete when all documentation or other information
listed in Appendix A is received.
e. Acceptance by the Commissioners Court of a completed application will not be
construed as approval of the documentation or other information.
6.3. Plat application
a. A developer must submit a plat application including detailed documentation of all
infrastructure to be constructed in a subdivision, including plans, drawings, and
statements of the estimated costs to make each category of proposed improvements
(i.e. water, wastewater, drainage, roads, etc.).
b. All engineering plans submitted as part of a plat application must bear the signed
and dated seal of a professional engineer registered in the State of Texas, and a
certificate in substantially the form as Appendix G.
c. A plat application must discuss the availability and methodology of providing
drinking water, sewerage, and electrical service to each individual lot within a
d. A plat application must include a construction schedule for each significant element
of construction, including the start dates and completion dates.
e. Where water, sewerage, and electricity are to be provided by an existing public
utility, the developer must submit an executed public utility certificate in
substantially the form as Appendix E.
6.4. Oversight
a. A developer, by submitting an application, acknowledges the authority of the
County and state agencies to lawfully enter and inspect the subdivision property for
purposes of execution of their statutory duties and the enforcement of these
b. Any inspection of a subdivision will not release the developer from any obligation
to comply with these regulations.
c. The Commissioners Court may refuse to approve or authorize any application,
unless such application meets the full requirements as set forth in these regulations.
6.5. Application fees
a. All fees due to the County for the filing of an application must be paid to the Leon
County Tax Assessor Collector contemporaneously with the submission of the
b. All fees due to the County after the approval of an application must be paid to the
Leon County Tax Assessor Collector within ten (10) days of approval of the
c. Fees are published in these regulations under Appendix Q, which may be amended
and republished from time to time by the Commissioners Court.
d. All fees are non-refundable unless otherwise exempted by these regulations.
Chapter 7
Plat and Survey Requirements
7.1. Subdivision plat and survey requirements
a. A plat and a survey depicting the subdivision must be submitted with each
b. A plat must contain, at a minimum, the following information on the face of the
plat, or attached to the plat by referenced addendum:
1. Name and mailing address of the developer.
2. Name of the subdivision.
3. North directional indication arrow.
4. Location map showing the subdivision in relation to major roads, towns,
cities, and topographic features.
5. A description of the exterior boundary of the subdivision by metes and
bounds, which locates the subdivision with respect to a corner of the original
survey of which it is a part ("corner of the original survey" refers to a
properly monumented survey point as determined by the surveyor suitable
to recognition as the original corner of the tract being subdivided by
commonly accepted surveying practice).
6. Total area/acreage within the subdivision.
7. Total number of lots within the subdivision.
8. Area/acreage of roads, including:
A. Length of roads.
B. Street right-of-way widths.
9. The area/acreage of each lot.
10. The bearing and distance for each lot boundary line.
11. Areas dedicated for public use.
12. Rights-of-way or easements, including all alleys, drainage easements, and
utility easements.
13. Proposed land use of all lots being subdivided, as follows:
A. Single family residential.
B. Multi-family residential.
C. Agricultural.
D. Commercial.
E. Dedicated for public use.
14. All 100-year floodplains.
15. Private road numbers for all roads or streets.
16. Lot and block numbers, arranged in a systematic order and shown on the
plat in a distinct and legible manner.
c. The survey must contain, at a minimum, the following information on the face of
the survey or attached to the survey by referenced addendum:
1. The real property records index information (instrument number or volume
and page) and names of all current owners of property contiguous to the
2. The location of all existing permanent, man-made structures within the
subdivision, including houses, barns, shacks, other buildings and structures,
fences, walls, ponds and stock tanks.
3. All major topographic features on or adjacent to the property as well as
elevation contours at no greater than five-foot (5') intervals if in a
floodplain, and no greater than twenty-foot (20') intervals if not in a
4. The approximate location of all wells, water, oil, and natural gas, when such
wells are either visible and apparent or reflected in the applicable public
records (whether maintained by the Texas Railroad Commission, TCEQ, or
in the Official Public Records of Leon County). If public records reflect that
a well is capped or plugged, that information must be included as well.
7.2. Registered professional land surveyor
a. The plat and survey must be prepared from an actual survey made on the ground
by, or under the direct supervision of, a registered professional land surveyor, and
their certificate to that effect must appear on said plat and survey.
b. An application must include a certificate from the surveyor who prepared the plat
and survey in substantially the form as Appendix F.
c. The land surveying firm's name and license number, address, and telephone number
must be listed on the plat and the survey.
7.3. Plat scale and filing
a. Plats must be based on a scale of not more than one inch (1") equals two hundred
feet (200'). A plat must be drawn on paper measuring no less than eleven inches
(11") by seventeen inches (17") and no longer than twenty-four inches (24") by
thirty-six inches (36").
b. If two or more pages are needed to depict a plat, a key (may be drawn to larger
scale) showing the entire area must be drawn on the first page, and each page must
be numbered in a way as to note its location within the set.
c. A developer must submit the following copies of the plat:
1. Two full size copies for filing, one on mylar or vellum paper in black ink
for filing within the County Clerk's records, and the other on bond paper in
black ink for use by the Leon County Appraisal District's mapping
department. Copies may be provided electronically as a shapefile to Jeff
Beshears (903-536-2252).
2. Eight (8) reduced size (not to scale) copies of the plat submitted with the
application to be used by the Commissioners Court.
7.4. Digital map
a. An application must include a digital map that is compatible with mapping systems that
geo-references the subdivision plat and related public infrastructure using the Texas
Coordinate Systems adopted under Section 21.071 , Texas Natural Resources Code.
b. A digital map required under this subchapter may be required only in a format widely
used by common geographic information system software. A digital map in a format
that is accepted by the Leon County Appraisal District at the time of the application
will be suitable for compliance with this subchapter.
c. A developer is exempt from the requirements of this subchapter if they submit with the
application an acknowledged statement indicating that the digital mapping technology
necessary to submit a map that complies with this subchapter was not reasonably
Chapter 8
Application Approval Procedure
8.1. Approval procedure
a. The Commissioners Court must approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove
an application not later than the 30th day after the date the completed application
is received by the Commissioners Court.
b. An application is deemed approved by the Commissioners Court without conditions
unless the application is disapproved within 30 days. This 30-day period may be
extended for a period not to exceed 30 days, if, not later than the 20th day after the
date a completed application is received:
1. Such extension is requested in writing by the developer and approved by
the Commissioners Court; or Chapter 2007, Government Code, requires the
County to perform a takings impact assessment in connection with the
application; and
2. The extension applies only to a decision wholly within the control of the
Commissioners Court.
c. If the Commissioners Court fails to timely approve, approve with conditions, or
disapprove an application as required by these regulations:
1. The Commissioners Court must refund the greater of the unexpended
portion of any application fee or deposit, or 50 percent of an application fee
or deposit that has been paid;
2. The application is granted by operation of law; and
3. The developer may apply to the 87
, 278
or 369
District Court for a writ
of mandamus to compel the Commissioners Court to issue documents
recognizing the application's approval.
d. The Commissioners Court may not require a developer to waive the time limits or
approval procedures contained in this chapter.
8.2. Conditional approval or disapproval
a. If the Commissioners Court conditionally approves or disapproves an application, it
must provide the developer a written statement of the conditions for the conditional
approval or the reasons for disapproval that clearly articulates each specific condition
for the conditional approval or reason for disapproval.
b. Each condition or reason specified in the written statement may not be arbitrary, and
must include a citation to the provision of these regulations, or another statute or order,
that is the basis for the conditional approval or disapproval.
8.3. Response to conditional approval or disapproval
a. After the conditional approval or disapproval of an application, the developer may
submit to the Commissioners Court a written response that satisfies each condition for
the conditional approval or remedies each reason for disapproval provided.
b. The Commissioners Court may not establish a deadline for a developer to submit their
8.4. Approval or disapproval after response
a. If the Commissioners Court receives a response to a conditional approval or
disapproval pursuant to 232.0027 Texas Local Government Code, it must determine
whether to approve or disapprove the developer's previously conditionally approved or
disapproved application not later than the 15th day after the date the response was
b. If the Commissioners Court receives a response to a conditional approval or
disapproval, it the application will be approved if:
1. The response adequately addresses each condition for the conditional approval or
each reason for the disapproval; and,
2. The Commissioners Court does not disapprove the application on or before the
15th day after the date the response was submitted and in accordance with Section
232.0026, Texas Local Government Code.
c. If the Commissioners Court conditionally approves or disapproves an application
following the submission of a response by a developer, the Commissioners Court:
1. Must comply with Section 232.0026 Texas Local Government Code; and
2. May disapprove the application only for a specific condition or reason
provided to the developer for the original application under Section
232.0026, Texas Local Government Code.
8.5. Deadlines for completion of construction
a. The Commissioners Court may specify that construction of infrastructure must be
started and completed within a reasonable time after the approval of an application.
b. A deadline for completion may not exceed twenty-four (24) months and must be
specified by the Commissioners Court in its order granting or denying an
Chapter 9
Financial Guarantees
9.1. Financial guarantees for the construction of improvements
a. In its order granting approval of a subdivision, the Commissioners Court may
require a developer to provide a financial guarantee sufficient to cover the cost of
construction of all of the improvements to be constructed per the plat application.
A required financial guarantee may be by bond, letter of credit, or deposit of cash
for 100% of the estimated cost of construction estimated by the engineer.
b. A bond that is submitted for a financial guarantee must meet the following
1. The bond must be payable to the County Judge of the County, or the Judge's
successor in office, in their official capacity.
2. The bond must be executed with sureties as may be approved by the
Commissioners Court. The County will establish criteria for acceptability
of the surety companies issuing bonds, including but not limited to:
A. Registration with the Secretary of State and be authorization to do
business in Texas;
B. Authorization to issue bonds in the amount required by the
Commissioners Court; and,
C. Being listed as a surety company in the most current United States
Department of Treasury Circular 570.
3. The bond must be conditioned upon construction or installation of the
improvements established in an approved plat application, and upon
construction of facilities within the time stated in the plat application, or
within any extension of time granted by the Commissioners Court.
c. A letter of credit that is submitted for a financial guarantee must meet the following
1. A letter of credit submitted as a financial guarantee for combined amounts
less than $250,000 must be from a bank or savings and loan which meets
the following qualifications:
A. Bank qualifications:
i. Must be federally insured; and
ii. Total assets of at least $25 million.
B. Savings and loan association qualifications:
i. Must be federally insured; and,
ii. Tangible capital must be at least 1.5% of total assets if total
assets are greater than $25 million; or tangible capital must
be at least 3.0% of total assets if total assets are less than $25
2. Any letter of credit submitted as a financial guarantee for combined
amounts greater than $250,000 must be from a bank or savings and loan
which meets the following qualifications.
A. Bank qualifications:
i. Must be federally insured;
ii. Total assets must be at least $75 million and primary capital
must be at least 7.0% of total assets.
B. Savings and loan association qualifications:
i. Must be federally insured;
ii. Tangible capital must be at least 3.0% of total assets if total assets
are greater than $75 million; or tangible capital must be at least 5.0%
of total assets if total assets are less than $75 million.
d. In the event any or all of the streets, roads, drainage and drainage structures, or
other infrastructure within a subdivision as constructed by the developer should fail
to meet the requirements of the plat application, the unfinished improvements may
be completed at the cost and expense of obligees on the financial guarantee as
e. Should there be any deficiency or failure to comply with these regulations, or
should any guaranteed construction not be completed prior to the construction
deadline, if any, the Commissioners Court will notify the developer of such
deficiency or failure by certified mail. Should the condition not be corrected within
thirty (30) days following receipt of notice, the Commissioners Court may declare
the bond or surety forfeited and order any active construction operations suspended.
The Commissioners Court reserves the right to complete the work by means most
advantageous to the citizens of the County and the ultimate owners of the
subdivision, utilizing any or all of the financial guarantee as may be necessary to
accomplish such completion.
f. A financial guarantee for construction of improvements will remain in full force
and in effect until all the roads, streets, street signs, underground utilities, required
drainage structures and all other construction in the subdivision established in the
plat application has been completed to the satisfaction of the Precinct
1. In the event progress and final inspections indicate no departure from these
regulations, the Precinct Commissioner will certify completion to the
Commissioners Court, and the Commissioners Court will release the
financial guarantee.
2. It is the responsibility of a developer to advise the Precinct Commissioner
of the status of construction prior to expiration of any construction deadline.
9.2. Financial guarantees for maintenance
a. In its order granting approval of a subdivision, the Commissioners Court may
require a developer to provide a financial guarantee sufficient to cover the cost of
maintenance of some or all of the improvements to be constructed per the plat
application. A required financial guarantee may be by bond, letter of credit, or
deposit of cash.
b. The conditions of a financial security for maintenance will be that the developer
guarantees to maintain, to the satisfaction of the Precinct Commissioner, all of the
streets, roads, drainage structures and drainage ditches and channels as described
in the plat application, in a good state of repair for a period of two (2) years from
the date of official release of construction security.
1. The responsibility for maintenance of roads includes the repair of such items
as drainage, spilled concrete, mud and debris on roads, damage from
unknown springs, pumping, unraveling, etc.
2. The responsibility for maintenance of the drainage improvements includes
removing debris, resodding eroded areas, and the installation of additional
concrete riprap where designated by the Precinct Commissioner.
c. The Precinct Commissioner will make periodic inspections of infrastructure
construction for which maintenance security is held during the period of liability
covered by the security. In the event any or all of the infrastructure construction are
not being maintained in a good state of repair, the Precinct Commissioner will
notify the developer in writing and, if after a reasonable time, the developer should
fail or refuse to repair said items, such improvements will be maintained at the cost
and expense of obligees on the financial guarantee for maintenance.
d. In the event progress and final inspections indicate no departure from these
regulations, the Precinct Commissioner will certify completion of the term of
maintenance by the developer to the Commissioners Court, and the Commissioners
Court will release the financial guarantee.
9.3. Bond Extensions
a. Where good cause exists, the Commissioners Court may extend the deadline for
completion of construction for additional periods of time not to exceed six (6)
b. The Commissioners Court may grant an extension to the deadline for completion
of construction if the Commissioners Court finds the extension is reasonable and
not contrary to the public interest.
c. No extension may be granted for construction secured pursuant to these regulations
unless the developer provides additional security to cover the extended period of
Chapter 10
Revision and Cancellation of Plats
10.1. Petition for plat revision
a. A developer or an owner of property within a platted subdivision (referred to in this
Chapter as "petitioner"), may submit an application to revise all or a portion of the
existing plat, unless prohibited by restrictive covenants or plat notes filed pursuant
to these regulations.
1. A developer may apply for a revision to any part of their subdivision.
2. An owner of property within a platted subdivision may apply for a revision
affecting their portion of the subdivision.
b. Petitioners must submit the following to the Commissioners Court:
1. Copies of the proposed revised plat, conforming in all respects to the
requirements of these regulations; or, if submitted by a private homeowner
who is not the developer of the subdivision, other materials acceptable to
the Commissioners Court clearly setting forth the desired amendment.
2. A statement explaining why the proposed revision is being sought.
3. A certificate that the petitioner has complied with the requirements of
Section 232.009, Texas Local Government Code.
4. A filing fee, as specified in Appendix Q, which may be amended and
republished from time to time by the Commissioners Court. The amount of
the fee must be based on the cost of processing the application, including
publishing notices by the County as required under this chapter.
c. After a petition for revision or cancellation of a plat is filed with the Commissioners
Court, the Commissioners Court must publish a notice of the application in a
newspaper of general circulation in the County.
1. The notice must include a statement of the time and place at which the
Commissioners Court will meet to consider the application for revision or
cancellation and to hear protests of same.
2. The notice must be published at least three times during the period that
begins on the 30th day and ends on the seventh day before the date of the
d. If all or part of a subdivision is owned by persons other than a developer, the
Commissioners Court must also give notice to each of those owners by certified or
registered mail, return receipt requested, at their address within the subdivision.
1. The Commissioners Court is not required to give notice by mail if the plat
revision only combines existing tracts.
e. If the Commissioners Court determines that a requested revision to a plat does not
affect a public interest or public property of any type, including, but not limited to,
a park, school, or road, the above notice requirements will not apply to the petition
and the applicant will:
1. Provide written notice of the petition to the owners of the lots that are within
200 feet of the subdivision plat to be revised, at the mailing addresses for
those owners as maintained by the Leon County Appraisal District; and,
2. The applicant will provide appropriate notice of the petition to the County,
who will post notice of the petition continuously on the County website for
at least 30 days preceding the date of the meeting to consider the petition
for revision or cancellation until the day after the meeting.
h. During a regular term of the Commissioners Court, the Commissioners Court must
permit the revision of a subdivision plat if it is shown to the Commissioners Court
1. The revision will not interfere with the established rights of any owner of a
part of the subdivided land; or,
2. Each owner whose rights may be interfered with has agreed to the revision.
i. If a petitioner obtains unanimous written consent from all owners of the property
within a subdivision agreeing to the proposed amendment, the necessity for notice
under this subchapter are waived.
10.2. Petition for cancellation of subdivision
a. A developer or an owner of a portion of a subdivision may petition the Commissioners
Court for permission to cancel all or part of a subdivision.
b. A petition for cancellation must show that the cancellation of all or part of the
subdivision will not interfere with the established rights of any person who owns any
part of the subdivision or that the other owners agree to the cancellation.
c. A filing fee, as specified in Appendix Q, which may be amended and republished from
time to time by the Commissioners Court. The amount of the fee must be based on the
cost of processing the application, including publishing notices by the County as
required under this chapter.
d. Notice of an application for cancellation must be published by the County in a
newspaper of general circulation within the County one day each week for at least three
(3) consecutive weeks. The published notice must direct any person who is interested
in the property and who wishes to protest the proposed cancellation to appear at the
time specified in the notice.
e. The review and authorization of a petition for the cancellation of a plat by the
Commissioners Court will be conducted as specified in Section 232.008, Texas Local
Government Code.
10.3. Approval of petition
a. The Commissioners Court may approve a petition to revise or cancel a subdivision
upon finding that the revision or cancellation will not interfere with the established
rights of any owner of any part of the subdivision, or that each owner whose rights
may be interfered has agreed to the revision; and that the plat as revised conforms
to the requirements of these regulations.
b. Following the approval of the Commissioners Court, the petitioner may file with
the County Clerk a revised plat, or part of plat, or another instrument that indicates
the changes made to the original plat.
10.4. Vacating plat
a. A developer may vacate a plat at any time before any lot in the subdivision is sold
to a purchaser. The plat is vacated when a signed, acknowledged instrument
declaring the plat vacated is recorded in the manner prescribed for the original plat.
1. If any lots or tracts in the subdivision have been sold, the plat, or any part
of the plat, may be vacated on the application of all the owners of all parts
of the subdivision.
2. The County Clerk will write legibly on a vacated plat the word "Vacated"
and enter on the plat a reference to the volume and page at which the
vacating instrument is recorded.
b. On the execution and recording of a vacating instrument, the vacated plat has no
10.5. Amending plat by owners
a. The Commissioners Court may approve an amended subdivision plat, which may
be recorded and is controlling over the preceding plat without vacation of that plat,
if the amended plat is signed by the developer or owner of the subject property, and
is solely for one or more of the following purposes:
1. To correct an error in a course or distance shown on the preceding plat.
2. To add a course or distance that was omitted on the preceding plat.
3. To correct an error in a real property description shown on the preceding
4. To indicate monuments set after the death, disability, or retirement from
practice of the engineer or surveyor responsible for setting monuments.
5. To show the location or character of a monument that has been changed in
location or character or that is shown incorrectly as to location or character
on the preceding plat.
6. To correct any other type of scrivener or clerical error or omission in the
plat previously approved pursuant to these regulations, including lot
numbers, acreage, street numbers, and identification of adjacent recorded
7. To correct an error in courses and distances of lot lines between two
adjacent lots if:
A. Both lot owners join in the petition for amending the plat;
B. Neither lot is abolished;
C. The amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or
restrictions; and,
D. The amendment does not have a material adverse effect on the
property rights of the other owners in the plat.
8. To relocate a lot line to eliminate an inadvertent encroachment of a building
or other improvement on a lot line or easement.
9. To relocate one or more lot lines between one or more adjacent lots if:
A. The owners of all those lots join in the petition for amending the
B. The amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or
restrictions; and,
C. The amendment does not increase the number of lots.
10. To replat one or more lots adjacent to an existing road or street if:
A. The owners of all those lots join in the petition for amending the
B. The amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or
C. The amendment does not increase the number of lots; and,
D. The amendment does not create or require the creation of a new road
or street, or make necessary the extension of utility facilities.
b. Notice, a hearing, and the approval of other owners of property within a subdivision
are not required for the approval and issuance of an amended plat under this
subchapter 10.5.
c. Corrections under this subchapter may be made by a surveyor by filing a certificate
of correction in the plat records.
Chapter 11
11.1. Conditions of Variance
a. The Commissioners Court may authorize a variance from these regulations when,
in its opinion, undue hardship will result from requiring strict compliance.
1. Any person who wishes to receive a variance may apply to the
Commissioners Court with a list of, and a detailed justification for, each
variance requested.
2. The decision of the Commissioners Court whether to grant or deny a
variance is at its complete discretion and will be final.
b. In approving a variance, the Commissioners Court may prescribe conditions that it
deems necessary or desirable to protect the public interest. In making their findings,
the Commissioners Court will take into account the nature of the proposed use of
the land involved and the probable effect of such variances upon traffic conditions
and upon the public health, safety, convenience, and welfare in the vicinity.
c. No variance will be granted unless the Commissioners Court finds:
1. That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land
involved such that the strict application of these regulations would deprive
the applicant of the reasonable use of their land; and,
2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,
safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area; and,
3. That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the
orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the
provisions of these regulations.
d. Variances may be granted only when in harmony with the general purposes of intent
of these regulations so that the public health, safety, and welfare may be secured
and substantial justice done. Pecuniary hardship to the developer, standing alone,
will not be deemed to constitute hardship.
Chapter 12
12.1. Terms of enforcement
a. No part of any subdivision may be sold or transferred until the plat is approved and
recorded, and all these regulations have been complied with in full.
b. A utility may not provide utility services, including water, sewer, gas, and electric
services, to any structure located within a subdivision unless the owner or developer
provides the utility with a copy of a certificate of county approval of subdivision to
demonstrate compliance with these regulations.
c. The Commissioners Court may institute appropriate action in a court of competent
jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of these regulations, or the other standards
referred to herein. The County reserves the right to seek all remedies, including
injunction, prohibition, damages, and criminal penalties in the enforcement of these
rules and regulations.
d. If deeds, contracts of sale, transfers of title, or other transactions dealing with real
property in the County do not comply with these regulations, the Commissioners Court
may notify the transacting parties to comply with these regulations. In the event the notified
party refuses to comply with the requirements of these regulations, the Commissioners
Court may take appropriate action to obtain compliance.
f. Any person violating any provisions of these regulations will be guilty of a Class
B misdemeanor, and each act of the violation will constitute a separate offense.
12.2. Required disclosures
a. The following notations, to be printed in a bold font, in not less than 14-point type,
is shall be noted on the plat, and included within all instruments of conveyance
from a developer to a purchaser for any part of a subdivision:
Approval of the subdivision plat for filing does not indicate any agreement or
understanding that Leon County will assume responsibility for maintenance
of roads, streets, alleys or other areas dedicated to public use on the plat.
b. Where a lot or tract in a subdivision is to be served by a private OSSF, an instrument
of conveyance for that lot or tract from a developer must bear the following
notations in bold, 14-point type:
"Leon County makes no representation that adequate sewerage facilities will
be legally feasible within this subdivision."
"All OSSF systems must comply with regulations published by TCEQ."
c. Where a lot in a subdivision is to be served by a private water supply, an instrument
of conveyance or that lot or tract from a developer must bear the following notation
in bold, 14-point type:
"Leon County makes no representation that adequate sewerage facilities will
be legally feasible within this subdivision."
"All OSSF systems must comply with regulations published by TCEQ."
d. Where a lot in a subdivision is to be served by a private water supply, an instrument
of conveyance or that lot or tract from a developer must bear the following notation
in bold, 14-point type:
"Leon County makes no representation that adequate water suitable for
human consumption will be available within this subdivision."
Passed and approved by Leon County Commissioners Court this 28th day of July, 2021.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Joey Sullivan, Pct. 1 David Ferguson., Pct. 2
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Kyle Workman, Pct. 3 David Grimes, Pct. 4
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Byron Ryder County Judge Christie Wakefield, County Clerk
Appendix A
The following tasks must be completed by the developer prior to filing any application for
subdivision approval:
______ Meet with the Precinct Commissioner at least 15 days prior to the date of filing the
application at the subdivision property, to visually inspect the property, review the
developer's intentions, establish any special requirements for the plat application,
and to discuss the application process.
______ Confirm whether the planned subdivision will be classified as Tier 1 or Tier 2.
______ Check the proposed subdivision name for conflicts.
______ An application for subdivision must first be submitted for subdivision Application
/ Plan Review. This is required for all subdivisions whether or not over 10 acres or
not and whether commissioners court must approve or not.
All required documents as outlined in Chapter 6 Applications for Subdivisions
Approval, Chapter 7 Plat and Survey requirements and Appendix A Subdivisions
Applications Checklist must be submitted to:
W.R. “Robbie” Robinson
TCEQ Designated Representative
2212 CR 282
Buffalo, Tx 75831
Fee of $250.00 must be submitted to Leon County Tax Assessor/Collector office
before (903-536-2543) review can start. A copy of the receipt must be submitted
with the application.
The following items must be included in any application for approval of a Tier 1 subdivision:
______ A plat of the proposed subdivision in compliance with these regulations.
______ Plat sizes required.
18” X 24” Mylar- 2 copies Bond paper copy-2
8.5” X 14” bond paper 2 copies
8.5” X 11” bond paper – 8 copies to be used by commissioner’s court
and Application/Plan Review.
8.5” X 11” bond paper – 8 copies to be used by commissioner’s court
and Application/Plan Review.
______ A digital map (Shape File) or a certificate regarding the availability of a digital
______ A survey of the proposed subdivision in compliance with these regulations.
______ A certificate from the surveyor who prepared the plat and survey in substantially
the form as Appendix F.
______ A description by the developer of the manner and means of providing drinking
water, sewerage, roads, electricity, and drainage structures.
______ All engineering specifications, drawings, and plans for infrastructure to be
constructed comprising a plat application in compliance with these regulations.
Provide in written and PDF format.
______ A certificate from each engineer confirming compliance of their specifications,
plans, and drawings, in substantially the form as Appendix G.
______ Proof of all financial obligations under chapter 9 of these regulations.
______ A letter of approval from Leon County 911 Addressing and Mapping confirming
the private road numbers reserved for roads laid out in the subdivision. Phone #903-
536-3158 for more information.
______ School and county tax certificates confirming that no property taxes are due and
unpaid for the subdivision.
______ Apply for a “Flood Plain Permit” (pursuant to Sec. 16.315 of Texas Water Code).
Contact Leon County 911 addressing office at 903-536-3158. A “Flood Plain
Permit” Fee as determined by 911 Addressing and Mapping will apply.
This also includes FEMA 100-year flood plain map with the proposed development
indicated clearly on the map. This is usually provided by OSSF Site Evaluator.
______ A certificate from the developer confirming that approval of the application and
filing of the plat does not mean that the County will be responsible for maintenance
of subdivision roads and streets.
______ If water, sewerage, and electricity are to be provided by a public utility, the
developer must submit an executed public utility certificate in substantially the
form as Appendix E.
______ If OSSF is included in the plat application, a certificate from the Leon County
Designated Representative stating that the subdivision plans comply with all
applicable TCEQ rules, including housing density requirements.
______ If fire hydrants or filler plugs are included in a plat application, a certificate from
the public utility serving the subdivision to confirm sufficient water capacity is
available to operate the fire hydrants or filler plugs.
______ All fees due to the County for the filing of an application must be paid to the Leon
County Tax Assessor/Collector (903-536-2543) contemporaneously with the
submission of the application.
The following items must be included in any application for approval of a Tier 2 subdivision:
______ Meet with the Precinct Commissioner to review all materials used in constructing
roads in the subdivision.
______ A plat of the proposed subdivision in compliance with these regulations.
See Chapter 7.
Plat sizes required.
18” X 24” Mylar - 2 copies bond paper – 2 copies
8.5” X 14” bond paper – 2 copies
8.5” X 11” bond paper – 8 copies to be used by commissioner’s court
and Application/Plan Review.
______ Certificates from the developer confirming the following:
______ Availability of water and sewage service.
______ Compliance with set-back lines.
______ Dedication of all necessary utility easements.
______ Confirm the installation of culverts is in compliance with the
Precinct Commissioner.
______ If OSSF is proposed for the Tier 2 subdivision, a certificate from the Leon County
Designated Representative stating that the subdivision plans comply with all
applicable TCEQ rules, including housing density requirements.
______ A survey that shows sufficient topographic information adequate to demonstrate
that the proposed subdivision will adequately drain and that any proposed
development will not alter the natural flow of water to adjoining properties.
______ Ensure that the work described in the application is completed in a good and
workmanlike manner, in accordance with these regulations, the plat application,
and any conditions of the order approving the application.
______ Advise the Precinct Commissioner of the status of construction prior to expiration
of any construction deadline.
______ Apply for a “Flood Plain Permit” (pursuant to Sec. 16.315 of Texas Water Code).
Contact Leon County 911 addressing office at 903-536-3158.
This also includes FEMA 100-year flood plain map with the proposed development
indicated clearly on the map. This is usually provided by OSSF Site Evaluator.
______ Submit proof of any required financial security to the Precinct Commissioner with
the application.
______ All fees due to the County for the filing of an application must be paid to the Leon
County Tax Assessor/Collector (903-536-2543) contemporaneously with the
submission of the application.
After an application is approved, the developer must:
______ File a plat of the proposed subdivision in compliance with these regulations.
Deliver to the County Clerk:
18” X 24” Mylar copy - 1
8.5” X 14” bond copy - 1
Deliver to the County Judge
8.5” X 14” bond copy - 1
18” X 24” bond copy - 1
Deliver to the Leon County Appraisal District. (Can be provided electronically as
a shapefile to Jeff Beshears (903-536-2252).
18” X 24” Mylar copy – 1
Deliver to the County Commissioner of the subdivision.
18” X 24” bond copy - 1
______ Leon County 911 Addressing and mapping will be provided a Shape file or a PDF
copy by the Designated Representative
Appendix B
Appendix C (1)
(When the developer is an individual)
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, that I, _______________________, ("Developer")
am the developer of certain real property ("the Property"), being ________ acres of land out of the
____________________________ Survey, Leon County, Texas, as conveyed by deed dated
____________________, and recorded as Instrument No.:_______________________, in the
Real Property Records of Leon County, Texas.
(Note: if the subdivision lies in more than one survey, determine an acreage in each survey and
submit a unique certificate for each portion of the subdivision in each original survey.)
I DO HEREBY SUBDIVIDE THE PROPERTY, and henceforth it shall be known as the
____________________________ Subdivision, in accordance with the plat shown hereon, subject
to any and all easements or restrictions heretofore granted and do hereby dedicate to the public (or
"owners of the property shown hereon" for private streets) the use of the streets and easements
shown hereon.
WITNESS MY HAND, this the ____ day of _________________, A.D., 20___.
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
_________________________________, known by me to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for
the purposes and consideration of therein stated.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _______ day of
___________________, 20___.
Notary Public, State of Texas
Appendix C (2)
(When developer is a corporation or other legal entity)
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, that ________________________, ("Developer")
is an entity organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, with its registered office
located at _____________________________________________________, and is the developer
of certain real property ("the Property"), being _________ acres of land out of the
_____________________________ Survey, in Leon County, Texas, as conveyed by deed dated
________________ and recorded as Instrument No.:_______________________, in the Real
Property Records of Leon County.
(Note: if the subdivision lies in more than one survey, determine an acreage in each survey and
submit a unique certificate for each portion of the subdivision in each original survey.)
known as the ___________________________ Subdivision, in accordance with the plat shown
hereon, subject to any and all easements or restrictions heretofore granted and does hereby dedicate
to the public (or "developer of the property shown hereon" for private streets) the use of the streets
and easements shown hereon.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF Developer has caused this certificate to be executed by
_____________________________, duly authorized to act on behalf of Developer, this the
_______ day of _______________, 20_____.
Signatory for Developer
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
____________________________ known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the
foregoing instrument as an officer of ______________________ ("Developer") and acknowledged
to me that the foregoing was executed in such capacity as the act of said corporation for the
purposes and considerations therein stated.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _______ day of
___________________, 20_____.
Notary Public, State of Texas
Appendix D
Appendix E
Public Utility: _________________________
Public Utility Address: _________________________
Subdivision Name: _________________________
"No structure in the subdivision may be occupied until it is connected to facilities maintained by
the public utility, subject to approval by the Leon County Commissioners Court."
"The plans for construction of improvements to access service from the public utility comply with
all applicable laws and rules, including the Leon County subdivision regulations."
"All fees to be paid by the developer and by the purchasers of parts of the subdivision are detailed
in materials attached to this certificate."
"The public utility has or will have the capacity to meet the anticipated needs of the ultimate
development and occupancy of the subdivision for a minimum of 30 years."
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Agent for the Public Utility Date
Appendix F
Subdivision Name: _________________________
Surveyor's Name: _________________________
Surveyor's License No.: _________________________
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, that I, the undersigned, a Registered Professional
Land Surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that the plat and survey of the subdivision
comply with the plat and survey related requirements of the Leon County Subdivision Regulations,
and I further certify that the plat is true and correctly made and is prepared from an actual survey
of the property made under my supervision on the ground and that the corner monuments were
properly placed under my supervision.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Registered Professional Land Surveyor Date
Appendix G
Subdivision Name: _________________________
Engineer's Name: _________________________
Engineer's License No.: _________________________
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, the undersigned, a Registered Professional
Engineer in the State of Texas, hereby certify that the plans I have created for the above-named
Subdivision comply with the engineering related requirements of the Leon County Subdivision
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Registered Professional Engineer Date
Appendix H
Subdivision Name: _________________________
OSSF Installer's Name: _________________________
OSSF Installer's License No.: _________________________
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, the undersigned, a licensed On-Site Sewage
Facility installer in the State of Texas, hereby certify that I have reviewed the On-Site Sewage
Facilities in the plat application for the Subdivision, and the same complies with the related
requirements of the Leon County Subdivision Regulations and rules published by TCEQ.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
OSSF Installer Date
Appendix I
(When roads are to be maintained as Private Roads)
Subdivision Name: _________________________
"Upon approval of the plat of the subdivision by the Commissioners Court of Leon County, Texas,
it is understood that all roads shown thereon are private roads and shall remain the property of the
developer and the subsequent owners of the property. All road signs must be designed in
conformity with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and approved by the
Precinct Commissioner. The construction, repair, and maintenance of private roads must conform
to county road regulations. The construction, repair, and maintenance of these roads and any
associated drainage improvements will be the responsibility of the developer, then of subsequent
owners of the subdivision, and will not be the responsibility of Leon County."
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Developer Date
Appendix J
(When roads may, in the future, be accepted by Leon County for maintenance)
Subdivision Name: _________________________
"Upon approval of the plat of the subdivision by the Commissioners Court of Leon County, Texas,
it is understood that all roads shown thereon are private roads and shall remain the property of the
developer and the subsequent owners of the property until such time as the Commissioners Court
approves the dedication of the roads to the County for maintenance. All road signs must be
designed in conformity with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and approved
by the Precinct Commissioner. The construction, repair, and maintenance of private roads must
conform to county road regulations. Acceptance of the plat of the subdivision does not constitute
acceptance of the roads shown hereon by Leon County."
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Developer Date
Appendix K
I, _____________________, County Clerk of Leon County, Texas, do hereby certify that on the
_______ day of _______________, 2______, the Commissioners Court of Leon County, Texas,
passed an Order authorizing the filing for record of the plat of _____________________, a
subdivision of Leon County, Texas, that said Order has been duly entered in the minutes of the
said Court in _____________________, and that the plat of the subdivision has been recorded at
Glide _____________, in the Plat Records of Leon County, Texas.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _______ day of _______________,
County Clerk, Leon County, Texas
Appendix L
Subdivision Name: _________________________
Developer: _________________________
County Road: _________________________
I, Commissioner _____________________ of Precinct No. _____ Leon County, Texas, ("the
Precinct Commissioner") authorize ____________________________________, hereinafter
called the Developer, to construct an access driveway within the County road right of way abutting
the County Road; subject to the following terms:
A. The Developer is responsible for the culvert costs and installation.
B. All construction and materials shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Precinct
C. The County reserves the right to require any changes, maintenance, or repairs as may be
necessary to provide protection of life or property on or adjacent to the County Road.
Changes in design will be made only with approval of the Precinct Commissioner.
D. Developer shall hold harmless the County and its duly appointed agents and employees
against any action for personal injury or property damage sustained by reason of the
exercise of this permit.
E. Developer shall not erect any sign on, or extending over, any portion of the County Road
right of way.
F. Entrances must be constructed in such a way as to keep obstructions from being present in
the right of way.
G. Mail boxes must be mounted on break away stands and be located so that boxes may be
serviced and used from off the pavement.
H. This permit will become null and void if the above referenced driveway facilities are not
constructed within six (6) months from the issuance date of this permit.
I. Developer will contact the Precinct Commissioner at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to
beginning construction which is authorized by this permit.
J. All roads must be maintained to the standards defined in chapter 3.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Precinct Commissioner Date
The undersigned hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this permit for
construction of an access driveway on the County Road right of way.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Developer Date
Appendix M
Average Daily Traffic (one-way trips)
Functional Classification
Design Speed
25 mph
35 mph
45 mph
Number of Lanes
ROW Width
Width of Traveled Way
Width of Shoulders
Minimum Centerline Radius
Minimum Tangent Length between
Reverse Curves
Or Compound Curves
Minimum Radius for Edge of
At intersections
Intersecting Street Angle
Maximum Grade *
Minimum Street Centerline Offset at
Adjacent Intersections
Minimum Stopping Sight Distance
Minimum Intersection Sight Distance
Steepest Ditch Fore Slope Grade
Flood Design (year event)
Any deviation from these standards must be the subject of an approved variance. *
Lots that are restricted by plat note to one single-family residence shall be presumed to generate
10 one-way trips per day. Average daily traffic for all other lots shall be determined by the precinct
commissioner of their designee. Factors to consider are lot size, other plat restrictions and the
potential for future development. **
The entire side ditch shall be totally contained within the road right-of-way or a dedicated drainage
easement. Guardrails shall be required wherever the ditch depth exceeds 8' from the edge of the
shoulder to the bottom of the ditch on local streets, 6' form the edge of the shoulder to bottom of
the ditch on minor collectors and 4' from the edge of the shoulder to the bottom of the ditch on all
others larger than a minor collector.
Any development generating more than 15000 average daily traffic counts will be designed
according to TxDot standards.
Appendix N
Subdivision Name: _________________________
Lots or Tracts to be revised: _________________________
Petitioner: _________________________
Petitioner's Mailing Address: _________________________
Petitioner's Phone Number: _________________________
Lienholder (if any): _________________________
(If there is a Lienholder, attach an executed Lienholder's Acknowledgement, Appendix O)
The signature affixed below will certify that the owner of the described property does hereby
request to revise the plat of the property. The owner certifies that any and all lienholders have
acknowledged this revision as per the attached Lienholder's Acknowledgement, if applicable.
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
_________________________________, known by me to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for
the purposes and consideration of therein stated.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _______ day of
___________________, 20___.
Notary Public, State of Texas
_____________, 20____.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
County Judge County Clerk
Appendix O
Lienholder: _____________________________________________
Lienholder is the holder of a lien against the property described within the Revision to Plat, said
lien being evidenced by instrument of record at Instrument No.: __________________________,
of the Real Property Records of Leon County, Texas, do hereby in all things subordinate to said
Revision of Plat said lien. Lienholder hereby confirms that it is the present owner of said lien and
have not assigned the same nor any part thereof.
Signatory on behalf of Lienholder
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
_________________________________, known by me to be the person with authority to execute
this instrument on behalf of _________________________________ ("Lienholder") whose name
is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for
the purposes and consideration of therein stated.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _______ day of
___________________, 20___.
Notary Public, State of Texas
Appendix P
Subdivision Name: _________________________
Lots or Tracts to be revised: _________________________
Applicant: _________________________
Applicant's Mailing Address: _________________________
Applicant's Phone Number: _________________________
Lienholder (if any): _________________________
(If there is a Lienholder, attach an executed Lienholder's Acknowledgement)
The signature affixed below will certify that the owner of the described property does hereby
request to revise the plat of the property. The owner certifies that any and all lienholders have
acknowledged this revision as per the attached Lienholder's Acknowledgement, if applicable.
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
_________________________________, known by me to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for
the purposes and consideration of therein stated.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the _______ day of
___________________, 20___.
Notary Public, State of Texas
Appendix Q
The following are a list of development fees for Leon County. These fees are subject to change.
All fees are non-refundable. Exception is outlined in 8.1.
Initial Application Fees:
New First Tier Subdivision: $750.00
New Second Tier Subdivision $500.00
Replat of Existing Subdivision $250.00
Approved Subdivision Fees:
First Tier Subdivision: $750.00
Second Tier Subdivision $500.00
Subdivision Application / Plan Review $250.00
Replat of Existing Subdivision $61.00
Recording of Approved Plat: $61.00
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ______ DAY OF ____________________________, 20____.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
County Judge County Clerk
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Commissioner, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Precinct 2
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Commissioner, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Precinct 4