Dear Glenn,
We hope you are doing well this year and enjoying the New Year with your
children. All is well up here in Cincinnati. It is hard to believe that we have a son in
school now, but he loves it and has just learned to read. What a blessing to own the Bible
In Stories and have him reading to us too.
It was one year ago that I met with you and Haro Setian in the Bob Jones
University snack shop. We were just excited to be able to see you guys. Who knew that
we would talk shop, and that I would walk away with the Bible In Stories. I was
convinced as soon as you walked me through the books, and for once in my life, there
was no buyer’s remorse.
How could my family not love the books? With two children almost 4 and 6 years
old, devotions are an important part of each night. For years we read from different
“Bible story books,” but I wanted to be reading the Bible to the kids and have them
understanding what we were reading. As an English teacher and Reading specialist, I
am a tough critic of any reading materials that come into our house. I have not been
My children love sitting down for devotions, and I feel they are being challenged
to listen and learn. They argue over who gets to answer the questions at the end of each
story, and I know that they are listening so they can answer correctly. We love that songs
are interspersed throughout the volumes, and we have used those songs to finish our
reading each night. And the pictures they are so realistic. Even before my son could
read, we knew that what he didn’t understand through words would be made up for in
I am excited to use these volumes for many years to come. There will come a day
when my daughter wants to accept the Lord as her brother has already done. And I know
that I can show her clearly through God’s Word, but also through the first story in each
volume that shares how one can know for sure that he is going to Heaven. And as my
children grow, they will be able to grasp deeper concepts as detailed in the “themes” at
the start of each story.
Thank you for making the Bible In Stories, and getting the word out that the Bible
is available for children without all the fluff. We have had numerous family members
and friends to our home for overnight visits, and they sit through devotions impressed
with what our children are learning, not to mention how beautifully the books are
Megan and Jason Fuller