The Case for a Long-Run Inflation Target of
Four Percent
Laurence Ball
© 2014 International Monetary Fund
IMF Working Paper
Research Department
The Case for a Long-Run Inflation Target of Four Percent
Prepared by Laurence Ball
Authorized for distribution by Prakash Loungani
June 2014
Many central banks target an inflation rate near two percent. This essay argues that
policymakers would do better to target four percent inflation. A four percent target would
ease the constraints on monetary policy arising from the zero bound on interest rates, with
the result that economic downturns would be less severe. This benefit would come at
minimal cost, because four percent inflation does not harm an economy significantly.
JEL Classification Numbers:E52, E58, E31
Keywords: Inflation, Monetary Policy, Inflation Target
Author’s E-Mail Address:[email protected]
I am grateful for suggestions from Olivier Blanchard, Benjamin Friedman, Daniel Leigh, N. Gregory Mankiw,
and Richard Miller. This paper is prepared for the Central Bank Review, published by the Central Bank of the
Republic of Turkey. All opinions are strictly my own.
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the
author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate.
A central bank does not perfectly control the short-run behavior of inflation, but it does control
inflation in the long run, or steady state. Policymakers can choose a target for the inflation rate and
keep inflation close to this level on average. What is the optimal inflation target? This is a classic
question in monetary economics.
No economic research has convincingly determined the optimal inflation rate. Yet many central
banks have chosen a common policy: an inflation target near two percent. These central banks
include the Federal Reserve (which calls two-percent inflation a “longer-run goal”), the European
Central Bank (which aims for inflation rates “below, but close to, 2%”), and most other central
banks in advanced economies.
This essay argues that a two percent inflation target is too low. It is not clear what target is ideal,
but four percent is a reasonable guess, in part because the United States has lived comfortably with
that inflation rate in the past. If central banks raised their long-run inflation targets from two to four
percent, the economic benefits would exceed the costs.
The primary reason to raise inflation targets is to ease the zero-bound problem, the constraint on
monetary policy arising from the fact that nominal interest rates cannot be negative. A higher
inflation target raises the long-run levels of nominal rates, allowing larger decreases in rates before
the zero bound becomes binding. This flexibility makes it easier for a central bank to restore full
employment when an economic slump occurs.
In the United States, a four percent inflation target would have dampened the Great Recession
of 2008-09, when interest rates hit the zero bound. Looking ahead, four percent inflation would keep
interest rates away from zero during future recessions. I argue that the benefits to the economy
would be substantial, based partly on the behavior of interest rates during past recessions.
In contrast, the costs of four percent inflation are small. Neither history nor evidence from
research suggests that an economy’s efficiency is significantly lower with four percent inflation than
with two percent.
A number of economists have suggested a four percent inflation target, notably Blanchard et al
(2010). Yet the idea is widely unpopular among monetary economists, and it is anathema to central
bankers. According to Bernanke (2010a), the Federal Open Market Committee unanimously opposes
an increase in its inflation goal, which “would likely entail much greater costs than benefits.”
If one believes that four percent inflation is desirable, the strong opposition to this policy is a
puzzle. In addition to advocating the policy, this essay explores the sources of opposition. In my
view, theoretical research has underestimated the danger of low inflation arising from the zero-
bound problem. In addition, policymakers have an excessive aversion to inflation, a result of both
economic theory and the experience of double-digit inflation in the 1970s.
To be clear, this essay discusses the choice of a long-run target for the inflation rate. Currently,
some economists advocate immediate but temporary increases in inflation to help end economic
slumps in various countries or to reduce national debt burdens. These proposals raise a different set
of issues from those analyzed here. I review these issues briefly in the conclusion of this paper, but
I do not take a side in debates about short run policy.
Economists have made several arguments for raising inflation targets above two percent. Yet
one argument stands out as compelling: a higher target would reduce the risk that interest rates hit
The Zero-Bound Problem
Many central banks pursue countercylical monetary policy. Typically, their instrument is a short-
term interest rate: when a recession occurs and unemployment rises, policymakers cut the interest
rate to boost aggregate demand. In the United States, the Federal Reserve has cut the federal funds
rate substantially in every recession since World War II (Romer and Romer, 1994). These actions
spurred economic recoveries that usually reversed the increases in unemployment during recessions.
When a central bank seeks to increase aggregate demand, it faces a constraint: it cannot reduce
nominal interest rates below zero. This constraint arises from the existence of an asset, cash, with
a guaranteed return of zero. A negative interest rate would mean that someone lends $100 and
receives less than $100 in the future. Such a loan would never occur, because the lender could do
better by putting cash in a safe deposit box.
The zero bound on interest rates can bind if an adverse event pushes the economy into a
recession. The central bank can respond by lowering interest rates, but rates may fall all the way to
zero before the economy has received sufficient stimulus. In this situation, an economic slump and
high unemployment can drag on indefinitely, with the central bank unable to end it through further
interest-rate cuts.
Keynes warned of this situation, which he called the “liquidity trap,” in his General Theory
(1936). Yet for decades after Keynes wrote, economists considered the liquidity trap a theoretical
idea that didn’t matter for practical monetary policy. The reason was that nominal interest rates were
usually well above zero, even during recessions. When recessions occurred, central banks were able
to cut rates by enough to restore full employment without hitting the zero bound.
This situation changed in the 1990s, starting in Japan. A collapse of bubbles in Japanese stock
and housing prices produced a deep economic slump. In response, the Bank of Japan reduced its
policy interest rate from 6% in 1992 to 0.1% in 1999--yet output remained depressed. At that point,
Japan was in a liquidity trap. Interest rates stayed near zero until 2006, when a brief recovery began.
Then the financial crisis of 2007-2008 struck the United States. The Federal Reserve reduced its
target for the federal funds rate from 5.25% in August 2007 to a range of 0 to 0.25% in December
2008, and the target remains in that range in mid-2014. Meanwhile, employment has slumped: the
employment-population ratio fell from 63% in 2006 to 59% in 2009 and it is 59% today. The
United States has been stuck in a liquidity trap for five years and counting.
As the U.S. recession spread around the world, many other central banks reduced interest rates
to 1% or less, including the European Central Bank. With policymakers unable to cut rates much
farther, unemployment rose in much of the world and stayed high. Some central banks, including
the Fed and ECB, sought to stimulate their economies through “quantitative easing”: they expanded
the monetary base through large purchases of securities. Generally, economists think these actions
have nudged the American and European economies in the right direction. But the effects of
quantitative easing have been far too weak to restore full employment.
In economies with near-zero interest rates, bad situations could easily turn worse. Another
adverse shock might occur, arising, for example, from a new financial crisis in the U.S. or Europe.
If this happens, the zero bound will prevent central banks from offsetting the shock, and
unemployment will rise from its already high levels.
The Role of Inflation
The danger of hitting the zero interest-rate bound depends on the central bank’s choice of an
inflation target. To see this point, suppose the economy starts in long run equilibrium. Let r* be the
long run level of the real interest rate, which is independent of monetary policy, and let π* be the
inflation target. The long run level of the nominal interest rate is r*+π*.
Now suppose an adverse shock pushes the economy into recession, and the central bank wants
to respond by lowering interest rates. Since the nominal rate starts at r*+π*, the central bank can
reduce this rate by r*+π* before it hits zero. If r*=2% and π*=2%, policymakers can reduce the
nominal rate by up to four percentage points. If r* is again 2% but π* is 4%, the nominal rate can
fall by six points. A higher inflation target implies that rates can fall by more, making it more likely
that policymakers can restore full employment.
To see the same point in a slightly different way, consider the feasible levels of the real interest
rate. Since the nominal rate, i, cannot fall below zero, the real interest rate, r=i-π, cannot fall below
-π. A higher inflation rate reduces this lower bound on the real interest rate, allowing greater
monetary stimulus.
The history of inflation helps explain why the zero bound on interest rates did not constrain
policy in the past. In many countries, the deepest recessions between 1945 and 2008 occurred
during the 1970s and early 1980s. Inflation and nominal interest rates were high during that period,
so central banks could cut rates drastically without approaching the zero bound. For example, during
the U.S. recession of 1981-82, the Federal Reserve cut the nominal federal funds rate by 10
percentage points, from 19% to 9%.
In contrast, the Japanese slump of the 1990s and the Great Recession of 2008-2009 occurred
during an era when central banks were targeting low inflation rates. Nominal interest rates were
much lower when these recessions struck than they were in the 70s and 80s, so rates quickly hit zero
as policymakers responded to the recessions.
How different would recent history have been with higher inflation targets? Suppose that the
Federal Reserve’s target during the 2000s was 4%, not 2%. Assume neutrality of the target away
from the zero bound, meaning the state of the economy in 2008 would have been the same except
that inflation and nominal interest rates were two percentage points higher. When the financial crisis
exploded at the end of 2008, the Fed could have reduced interest rates by two points more than it
actually did.
How would a larger interest-rate cut have affected the economy? Let us do a back-of-the-
envelope calculation using a dynamic IS curve, as calibrated by Ball (1999):
= -(1.0)r
+ (0.8)y
where y is the log of output, r is the real interest rate, and a time period is a year. Based on this
equation, if interest rates had been two points lower during 2009, output in 2010 would have been
2% higher. If rates stayed constant after that, the effect would have grown because of the lagged
output term. The output gain for 2013 would be 5.9%, and the cumulative gain over 2010-2013
would be 16.4% of annual output. Assuming an Okun’s Law coefficient of one half, the cumulative
reduction in unemployment would be 8.2 percentage points.
Recent history illustrates the costs of hitting the zero bound on interest rates, but this experience
does not determine optimal policy going forward. The benefits of a higher inflation target depend
on the likelihood of future zero-bound episodes. To gauge this risk, I first examine the historical
behavior of U.S. interest rates, which suggests that the risk is substantial if central banks target two
percent inflation. I then review theoretical research on the zero bound, which suggests smaller risks
but is less credible than the historical evidence.
Historical Evidence on Interest Rates
The financial crisis of 2007-2009 was an unusual event, and it produced an unusually deep
recession. As a result, many economists believe that this experience does not justify a higher
inflation target. Mishkin (2011), for example, argues:
Although this [the zero bound] has surely been a major problem in this recent episode, it must be
remembered that episodes like this do not come very often. Indeed, we have not experienced a
negative shock to the economy of this magnitude for over seventy years. If shocks of this magnitude
are rare, then the benefits to a higher inflation target will not be very large because the benefits will
only be available infrequently.
In my view, Mishkin understates the risk of the zero bound. An economy with 2% inflation is
likely to hit the bound far more often than once per seventy years. Several aspects of history support
this prediction.
First, if we look beyond the United States, the crisis of 2007-09 is not unique in recent history.
A completely separate financial crisis pushed Japan to the zero bound in 1997. It was only around
1990 that central banks began to target inflation rates of 2% or less. The two largest economies that
adopted this policy both hit the zero bound within twenty years.
Second, in these two episodes, the distortions of monetary policy were severe. The shocks to the
economy were more than large enough to push interest rates to zero. Smaller shocks would have
been sufficient for the zero bound to bind.
Rudebusch (2009) illustrates the severity of the zero-bound constraint in the United States. He
finds that the Taylor rule that fits monetary policy before 2008 implies a federal funds rate of -5%
in 2009. This suggests that interest rates were 500 basis points above the level needed to restore full
employment. A smaller shock might have pushed the Taylor-rule interest rate to -2% or -3%,
negative enough to imply substantial costs from the zero bound.
More generally, U.S. history suggests that the zero bound is dangerous. Interest rates would
likely have hit zero during previous recessions if the Fed were targeting 2% inflation. We can see
this point with the help of Table 1, which presents key statistics for each of the eight recessions since
1960. The Table lists the core inflation rate at the start of each recession (defined as the percentage
change in the CPI less food and energy from twelve months before); the highest level of
unemployment reached during the recession and the following recovery; and the lowest levels
reached by the nominal and real federal funds rates.
We can divide the recessions in Table 1 into two groups:
Recessions with Low Initial Inflation Three recessions began with the inflation rate between
two and three percent. These episodes provide the most direct evidence on the zero-bound problem
at low inflation rates. One of the three is the Great Recession of 2008-09, when the federal funds
rate hit the zero bound. The other two are the first recession in the Table, which occurred in 1960-
61, and the last one before the Great Recession, in 2001.
In addition to low inflation, the recessions of 1960-61 and 2001 have two noteworthy features.
First, they were mild recessions: their unemployment peaks of 7.1% and 6.3% are two of the three
lowest in the Table. Second, the federal funds rate did not hit the zero bound, but it came close. The
nominal funds rate fell to 1.2% following the 1960-61 recession, and 1.0% following the 2001
recession. In the latter case, when the funds rate reached 1.0% in 2003, many economists thought
it might fall farther if the economy remained weak.
Let us compare the severe recession of 2008-09 to the mild recessions of 1960-61 and 2001.
Rudebusch argues that the optimal federal funds rate, ignoring the zero bound, fell to -5% during
the severe recession. The mild recessions reduced the federal funds rate to about +1%. Comparing
these cases, it seems likely that a recession of average severity would push the optimal rate below
zero--that the zero bound would bind in a typical recession starting at 2% inflation.
Recessions with High Initial Inflation
In five of the eight recessions since 1960, inflation began
above 4%. With high initial inflation, nominal interest rates never approached the zero bound. For
these cases, we would like to know what would have happened if inflation had been 2% when the
recessions began. We can get an idea by examining real interest rates during the five episodes.
As discussed above, we can interpret the lower bound on interest rates as a bound of -π on the
real rate. If π is 2% at the start of a recession, the bound on the real rate is -2% at that point.
However, the recession is likely to push inflation down somewhat. In the three recessions that
actually started with 2-3% inflation, the inflation rate fell to about 1% before the economy
recovered. History suggests, therefore, that initial inflation of 2% will produce a bound of -1% on
the real interest rate.
For the five recessions that started with inflation above 4%, we can gauge the relevance of a real-
interest-rate bound by examining the lowest value reached by the real rate during the recession and
subsequent recovery. These minimum values are shown in the final column of Table 1. In two cases-
-the recessions of 1973-75 and 1980--the real rate fell below -4%. A lower bound of -1% would
have severely distorted monetary policy in these episodes. For the recession of 1969-70, the
minimum real rate was -2.3%, so again a lower bound of -1% would have been problematic. For the
recession of 1990-91, the minimum real rate was -0.6%; this episode would have been a near-miss
with a lower bound of -1%. Only in one case, the recession of 1981-82, was the minimum real rate
above zero.
To summarize, the past behavior of interest rates suggests that, with a two percent inflation
target, the lower bound on interest rates is likely to constrain monetary policy in a large fraction of
recessions. Sometimes the bound will keep interest rates several points above the optimal level.
Given the frequency of recessions--eight in a period of 50 years--it appears that a two percent
inflation target has large costs.
Theoretical Research
A growing literature seeks to quantify the risks of hitting the zero bound. Many authors analyze
this issue in small “New Keynesian” models of the economy, or simulate larger versions of the
models. Generally, this work concludes that the zero-bound problem is not serious enough to justify
four percent inflation. Some papers, such as Schmidt-Grohe and Uribe (2011), find that interest rates
will rarely hit zero if the inflation target is two percent. Others, such as Reifschneider and Williams
(2000) and Coibion et al (2012), find that zero-bound episodes occur with some frequency, but the
welfare costs are small.
I am dubious of these results because they conflict with the historical evidence on the zero bound.
In addition, the results depend on the forward-looking IS and Phillips curves of New Keynesian
models. Many economists doubt that these equations are reliable tools for policy analysis, because
they do not capture the inertia in real-world inflation and output (e.g. Mankiw, 2001; Rudd and
Whelan, 2006; Barnes et al., 2011).
More specifically, one can solve forward the New Keynesian model to determine output as a
function all future interest rates, and inflation as a function of future output levels. Typically, even
if the current interest rate is zero, firms expect that the zero bound will cease to bind at some point
in the future, and policy will ease to bring the economy back to long run equilibrium. In the model,
this expectation raises output and inflation immediately, reducing the impact of the zero bound. In
reality, it is questionable that expected future policies have such strong effects.
Williams (2009) finds that the costs of zero-bound episodes can be substantial with a
two percent inflation target. In his model, however, this result is not robust: it depends on
assumptions of a high level of macroeconomic volatility and a low value of the neutral real
interest rate (see Woodford, 2009).
Some analyses of the zero bound use inflation specifications with greater inertia than
the New Keynesian Phillips curve, yet these specifications still do not fit the data. Reifschneider
and Williams, for example, describe their inflation equation as a mix of the New Keynesian
model and the Fuhrer-Moore (1995) model. As discussed by Mankiw (2000), neither of these
models captures the degree of inertia in real-world inflation.
Some economists acknowledge that the zero bound is a significant problem with a two percent
inflation target, but still reject the solution of four percent inflation. Instead, they advocate a
different policy: a target for the price level (Eggertsson and Woodford, 2003; Coiboin et al., 2012).
This policy produces low inflation on average, but inflation rises temporarily if a zero-bound
episode has pushed the price level below its long run path. In this regime, if the nominal interest rate
hits zero, then expected inflation rises, which reduces the real interest rate and boosts the economy
out of a slump.
As Woodford (2009) emphasizes, the success of this policy depends on whether it “can actually
be made credible to the public, so that inflation expectations are affected in the desired way.” During
a period of lower-than-average inflation, the central bank must convince people that higher inflation
is coming. Will that work?
It is difficult to predict the effects of price-level targeting, because central banks have not tried
this policy. We have not seen what happens if policymakers promise to raise inflation significantly.
We have, however, seen promises of lower inflation. Policymakers in many countries announced
disinflations during the 1980s and 1990s, often seeking credibility by adopting explicit inflation
targets or strengthening central bank independence. The goal was to reduce expected inflation,
which would allow actual inflation to fall without large costs in output and employment.
Generally, these efforts to shift expectations did not succeed. Inflation fell, but only because
monetary contractions caused deep recessions. Expected inflation only fell after actual inflation fell,
not when policymakers made announcements. Countries with explicit inflation targets did not
achieve lower sacrifice ratios--output losses per unit of inflation reduction--than other countries
(Bernanke et al., 1999). Countries with highly independent central banks had higher sacrifice ratios
(Debelle and Fischer, 1994).
In these episodes, it was generally clear that central banks had the ability to reduce inflation if
they were determined to do so, by raising interest rates. Yet disinflation announcements had little
effect on expectations. The promises of higher inflation that Woodford envisions might be even less
effective, because policymakers may not have the tools to raise inflation at zero interest rates.
To justify a four percent inflation target, we must weigh the benefits of this policy against the
costs. Many central bankers believe that inflation, even at modest levels, is highly undesirable.
Ottmar Issing, the first Chief Economist at the ECB, called inflation “a betrayal of the people”
(Issing, 2000). Yet policymakers’ aversion to moderate inflation is unwarranted.
Are There Costs?
Economists have pointed out many adverse effects of inflation. Mishkin (2011) gives a typical
list: distortions in cash holdings; overinvestment in the financial sector; greater uncertainty about
relative prices and the aggregate price level; distortions of the tax system; redistributions of wealth;
and difficulties in financial planning.
But how large are these effects? An empirical literature, motivated largely by the experience of
the 1970s, has tried to measure some of the costs of inflation. Papers such as Fischer (1981), for
example, examine inefficiencies arising from relative-price variability. This research has not
produced a compelling case that inflation is harmful. As Krugman (1997) remarks, “one of the dirty
little secrets of economic analysis is that even though inflation is universally regarded as a terrible
scourge, efforts to measure its costs come up with embarrassingly small numbers.”
Krugman is talking about research on the double-digit inflation of the 1970s. Since it is difficult
to identify costs of inflation at that level, few empirical studies have even tried to find costs of
single-digit inflation.
A number of cross-country studies ask whether inflation affects economic growth. A common
finding is that inflation rates above some threshold reduce growth, but lower levels of inflation are
neutral. Estimates of the threshold vary considerably, from 8% (Sarel, 1995) to 40% (Bruno and
Easterly, 1996), but 4% is clearly below the threshold.
Is 4% Inflation Destabilizing?
Some central bankers acknowledge that 4% inflation does not greatly harm the economy. Why
then do they oppose an increase from 2% to 4%? Some argue that a decision to accept 4% inflation
may actually cause inflation to rise above 4%, or at least create expectations of that outcome.
In rejecting a 4% inflation target, Bernanke (2010a) asserts that “inflation would be higher and
probably more volatile under such a policy” and “inflation expectations would also likely become
significantly less stable.” According to Bernanke (2010b):
The Federal Reserve, over a long period of time, has established a great deal of credibility in terms
of keeping inflation low, around 2%... If we were to go to 4% and say we’re going to 4%, we would
risk a lot of that hard-won credibility, because folks would say, well, if we go to 4%, why not go to
6%? It’d be very difficult to tie down expectations at 4%.
Similar arguments appear in Woodford (2010) and Mishkin (2011). Mishkin says:
If it were no more difficult to stabilize inflation at a 4% level than at a 2% level, then the case for
raising the inflation target to 4% would be much stronger. However, the history of the inflation
process suggests that this is not the case.
If inflation rises to 4%, Mishkin contends,
the public is likely to believe that price stability is no longer a credible goal of the central bank and
then the question arises, “if a 4% level of inflation is OK, then why not 6%, or 8%, and so on.” We
have seen that when inflation rises above the 3% level, it tends to keep on rising.
We might call this view the addictive theory of inflation. Like an alcoholic’s first drink, 4%
inflation may not do great harm by itself, but it is the first step in a dangerous and uncontrollable
The rationale for this view is not clear. In other contexts, Bernanke and Mishkin argue that a
cental bank should determine its optimal policy, explain this policy to the public, and carry it out.
We have learned from recent experience that 4% inflation is better than 2%, because of the zero-
bound problem. Why can’t policymakers explain this, raise inflation to 4%, and keep it there?
Mishkin points to the 1960s, when inflation rose to 4% and the Fed let it keep rising, but why must
policymakers repeat that mistake?
An increase in a central bank’s inflation target might involve a transitional period of learning,
during which inflation uncertainty is greater than usual. But nobody has demonstrated that this
transition would harm the economy significantly. Indeed, opponents of 4% inflation have not tried
very hard to make that case; they simply dismiss the idea with the casual arguments that I have
History does not suggest that it would be “difficult to tie down expectations” if inflation rises
modestly. Inflation expectations, as measured by surveys, have generally followed actual inflation
with a lag. They followed inflation up during the 1960s and 70s, and after that they followed
inflation down. If inflation rises to 4%, it seems unlikely that expectations will overshoot this level,
as suggested by Bernanke and Mishkin
Understanding the Attitudes of Policymakers
Central bankers have not always found 4% inflation unacceptable. Under Chairman Paul Volcker,
the Federal Reserve ended the double-digit inflation of the 1970s, but it allowed the inflation rate
to settle at about 4% from 1985 through 1988. This experience is often called the “conquest” of
inflation (e.g. Sargent, 1999). Once inflation reached 4%, Volcker and his colleagues did not try to
reduce it further. The Fed only tightened policy at the end of 1988, when inflation started rising
again (Romer and Romer, 1994).
Support for 2% inflation started to grow during the 1990s. Starting with Canada and New
Zealand, many central banks adopted targets near 2% and pushed inflation to that level. In other
countries, declines in inflation were partly accidental. In the United States, for example, inflation
drifted down as a side-effect of recessions in 1990-91 and 2001. Once inflation reached 2%,
however, policymakers decided to lock in that rate for the long run.
Why do today’s central bankers oppose 4% inflation when Paul Volcker did not? The answer is
not that research has identified new costs of inflation. Instead, policymakers have developed an
aversion to inflation that is out of proportion to its true costs. There are two reasons.
One is the tendency for policymakers to fight the last war. The high inflation of the 1970s was
a scarring experience that has dominated the thinking of central bankers since then. Before the crisis
of 2008, the 1970s were considered the worst monetary-policy disaster since World War II.
Policymakers believed that their most important job was to prevent another inflationary episode:
nobody wanted to be remembered for reversing Volcker’s conquest. This mind-set has led
policymakers to exaggerate the dangers of inflation.
It is instructive to compare the monetary policy of recent decades to the 1960s and 70s. DeLong
(1997) describes how “the shadow cast by the Great Depression” influenced the Federal Reserve in
the earlier period. The memory of high unemployment made policymakers fearful of any action that
might slow the economy, with the result that they let inflation accelerate. Since then the pendulum
has swung the other way, with double-digit inflation replacing the Depression as the nightmare that
central banks are determined not to repeat.
The second factor that has influenced central bankers is theoretical research by academics.
Kydland and Prescott (1977) convinced economists that central banks face a dynamic consistency
problem that produces excessive inflation. Rogoff (1985) convinced economists that this problem
is mitigated if policymakers are highly inflation-averse--more averse, even, than is justified by the
true costs of inflation. As Bernanke (2004) has described, the Kydland-Prescott and Rogoff papers
provide an intellectual justification for hawkish monetary policy.
A worldwide consensus holds that the optimal long-run inflation rate is about 2%. The central
banks of most advanced economies target inflation near that level. Some emerging economies have
higher targets, but typically their central banks have a long-term goal of reducing the targets.
This essay argues that central banks would do better to target 4% inflation. Raising the inflation
target from 2% would ease the constraints on monetary policy arising from the zero bound on
interest rates, with the result that economic downturns would be less severe. This important benefit
would come at minimal cost, because 4% inflation does not harm an economy significantly.
Recently, economists have made a number of other proposals for higher inflation. Some advocate
an immediate but temporary burst of inflation to stimulate slumping economies, such as Japan.
Some advocate higher inflation in Germany as a means of restoring competitiveness in the Euro
area’s periphery. Rogoff (2008) has advocated a temporary rise in U.S. inflation to 6% to reduce the
real value of government debt.
Future research should consider these proposals. The analysis in this paper does not speak to their
desirability, because the potential costs and benefits differ from those of raising the long-run
inflation target.
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