Q&As for the Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles
Q1. What is a multiple sale of certain rifles?
A1. A multiple sale occurs when a licensed Type 01 dealer, Type 02 pawnbroker, Type 07
manufacturer, or Type 08 importer located in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas sells
or otherwise disposes of, at one time or during any five consecutive business days, more than one
semiautomatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine and with a caliber greater than
.22 (including .223/5.56 caliber) to an unlicensed person.
Example 1. A licensee sells two qualifying rifles (as described above) in a single transaction to
an unlicensed person. This is a multiple sale and must be reported not later than the close of
business on the date of the transaction.
Example 2. A licensee sells a qualifying rifle (as described above) on Monday and sells another
qualifying rifle (as described above) on the following Friday to the same unlicensed person. This
is a qualifying multiple sale and must be reported no later than the close of business on Friday. If
the licensee sells another qualifying rifle (as described above) to the same unlicensed person on
the following Monday, this will constitute an additional multiple sale and must also be reported
not later than the close of business on Monday. In addition, the licensee would check ‘Yes’ in
Item 2c and place Friday’s date in Item 2c on the ATF Form 3310.12.
Example 3. A licensee maintaining business hours Monday through Saturday sells a qualifying
rifle (as describe above) to an unlicensed person on Monday and sells another qualifying rifle (as
described above) to the same person on the following Saturday. This does not constitute a
multiple sale and need not be reported because the sales did not occur during five consecutive
business days.
NOTE: Some possible ways to detect qualifying multiple sales include, but are not limited to:
(a) daily review of ATF Form 4473 spanning the past five days; (b) daily review of disposition
records spanning the past five days; (c) maintaining a calendar of daily sales to unlicensed
persons (ideally with each purchaser listed alphabetically); and (d) maintaining a record of daily
sales to unlicensed persons (ideally with each purchaser listed alphabetically).
Q2. What types of rifles are required to be reported?
A2. The rifle transactions that must be reported are dispositions of semiautomatic rifles capable
of accepting a detachable magazine and with a caliber greater than .22 (including .223/5.56
caliber) to an unlicensed person. However, the reporting requirement does not apply to receivers
for such rifles.
You may contact the Firearms and Ammunition Technology Division at [email protected]
or (304) 616-4300 if you are unable to determine if the rifles are subject to the reporting
Q&As for the Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles
Q3. Are rifles equipped with parts/accessories that encase/enclose the magazine release
button (i.e. “bullet button”) required to be reported?
A3. The criteria for rifles that are subject to the multiple sales reports are (1) semiautomatic
rifle; (2) capable of accepting a detachable magazine; and (3) caliber greater than .22 (including
.223/5.56 caliber). Rifles with receivers that will accept a detachable magazine meet criterion
(2). Such rifles include those weapons that have parts and/or accessories that allow the exchange
of detachable (including clip or drum-type) magazines, such as the “bullet button.” Contact the
Firearms Technology Branch at (304) 616-4300 for determinations as to whether particular rifles
are subject to the reporting requirements.
Q4. Who is required to report the multiple sales of rifles?
A4. The reporting of multiple sales for rifles requirement is applicable to licensed Type 01
dealers, Type 02 pawnbrokers, Type 07 manufacturers, and Type 08 importers located in
Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas.
However, all federal firearms licensees remain obligated to submit reports of multiple sales or
other dispositions of handguns when the licensee sells or otherwise disposes of two or more
pistols or revolvers or any combination of pistols or revolvers totaling two or more, to an
unlicensed person at one time or during any five consecutive business days. The reporting of
multiple sales for pistols and revolvers is a separate requirement from the reporting of multiple
sales of certain rifles.
Q5. Can other federal firearms licensees voluntarily report the multiple sales of rifles?
A5. The reporting multiple firearms sales requirement is only applicable to Type 01, 02, 07 and
08 licensees located in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas. However, any suspicious
sales of firearms can be reported at 1-800-ATF-GUNS (1-800-283-4867) or to your local ATF
Q6. When does the reporting of ATF Form 3310.12 (Form), Report of Multiple Sales or
Other Disposition of Certain Rifles begin?
A6. The reporting multiple firearms sales requirement for licensed Type 01 dealers and Type 02
pawnbrokers located in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas became effective for all
such sales that occurred on or after August 14, 2011.
The reporting multiple firearms sales requirement for Type 07 manufacturers and Type 08
importers located in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas is encouraged immediately,
but effective and required for all such sales that occur on or after October 1, 2024.
Please note that reporting multiple sales for the specified rifles must continue until ATF provides
written notice to stop.
Q&As for the Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles
Q7. Is Form 3310.12 required for pawn redemptions, return of repaired rifles or the return
of consignment rifles?
A7. No, the Form 3310.12 is not required for the return of multiple rifles to the same person
from whom they were received—such as the return of multiple consigned, pawned, or repaired
Q8. Is the reporting of multiple sales applicable to sales of firearms to law enforcement
A8. No. Sales of firearms to law enforcement officers pursuant to 27 CFR 478.134 for official
use are not subject to reporting on the Form 3310.12.
Q9. When do you submit the ATF Form 3310.12 (Form), Report of Multiple Sales or Other
Disposition of Certain Rifles?
A9. The ATF Form 3310.12 must be submitted whenever a licensed Type 01 dealer, Type 02
pawnbroker, Type 07 manufacturer, or Type 08 importer located in Arizona, California, New
Mexico, or Texas sells or otherwise disposes of, at one time or during any five consecutive
business days, two or more semiautomatic rifles capable of accepting a detachable magazine, and
with a caliber greater than .22 (including .223/5.56 caliber) to an unlicensed person. The form
must be filed with ATF no later than the close of business on the day the multiple sale or
other disposition took place.
Q10. Where do you submit the ATF Form 3310.12?
A10. The ATF Form 3310.12 must be submitted to the National Tracing Center no later than the
close of business on the day a qualifying multiple sale or other disposition took place. The form
may be emailed to [email protected](link sends e-mail), faxed to (877) 283-
0288, or mailed to the U.S. Department of Justice, NTC, 244 Needy Road, Martinsburg, WV
Q11. Do licensed dealers, pawnbrokers, manufacturers, and importers need to provide a
copy of the ATF Form 3310.12 to their designated state or local law enforcement agencies?
A11. No, no federal firearms licensee is required to submit the ATF Form 3310.12 to their
designated state or local law enforcement agencies.
However, note that all federal firearms licensees must submit Copy 2 of the ATF Form 3310.4,
Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers, to the Chief Local Law
Enforcement Official (CLEO).
Q&As for the Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles
Q12. How should I retain the ATF Form 3310.12 as part of my ATF records?
A12. ATF requires licensed Type 01 dealers, Type 02 pawnbrokers, Type 07 manufacturers, and
Type 08 importers to retain one copy of the ATF Form 3310.12 and attach it to the Firearms
Transaction Record, ATF Form 4473, executed upon delivery of the specified rifles.
Q13. Where can I obtain the ATF Form 3310.12, Report of Multiple Sale or Other
Disposition of Certain Rifles?
A13. Licensed Type 01 dealers, Type 02 pawnbrokers, Type 07 manufacturers, and Type 08
importers located in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas may download the ATF Form
3310.12 from the ATF website and print for qualifying transactions.
ATF encourages licensees to access the fillable form through our website: the fillable form
allows licensees to enter the information, print the completed form and report the multiple sales
via email to [email protected](link sends e-mail).
In addition, hard copies of the ATF Form 3310.12 may also be obtained through the ATF
Distribution Center at (240) 828-5316. Type 07 manufacturers and Type 08 importers located in
Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas are encouraged to order forms at their earliest
convenience by contacting the ATF Distribution Center at (204) 828-5316 or submitting a fillable
online Order Form at ATF’s public website.